#mme. de latour
digitalfashionmuseum · 7 months
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Brown silk dress, ca. 1892, American.
By Mme. De Latour.
Indianapolis Museum of Art at Newfields.
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korbeedon · 10 months
flower symbolism makes me very very happy. i have no idea why but it makes something in my brain work.
Started in Europe
Conflicting accounts for who was first to write
1. Catherine H. in 1839 “The Language of Flowers” found in her book on the language of flowers, Flora’s Lexicon
Based on the LOF in Victorian England, France, and America
2. Mme. Louise Cortambert (pseudonym “Charlotte de Latour”) in her book “Le 8Langage des fleurs” which translates to The Language of flowers. 
LOF is based on folklore, literature, mythology, religion, and the plant's physical characteristics. 
Symbolic association from Chinese, Japanese, Middle Eastern, Greek, and Roman cultures/mythology/religion
Literature from Shakespear
Turkish language of flowers and objects (Selam)
Taking Turkish words for different flowers and finding which other words they can rhyme with and making a sentence out of it. (Armonde (Pear) rhymes with omonde (hope) so a rhyme for these two words can be Armonde - Wer banna bir omonde (Pear - Let me not despair)
The Turkish language came to Europe through two people, Seigneur Aubry de la Mattraye and Lady Mary Wortley Montagu. Husband and wife. They were Turkish embassies that went before the court of Charles XII of Sweden and shared the language of objects and in this case flowers. 
Physical characteristics (root, stem, leaf, bloom?, and seed
Chrysanthemum/mums: A symbol of death and mourning, but also support and encouragement
Found in east Asia in grasslands, mountain slopes, riversides, fields, and seashores
In Europe, it means death because it was a commonly used flower to decorate graves in the 1700s. Asian Countries have a more positive meaning, used for family seals and pottery. (represents the turning of the seasons) November birth flower
Forget-me-nots: It can be used to symbolize remembrance – both during a parting or after death (bright blue flowers)
Europe, Asia, and Australia in wood/boggy areas
German folktale, where a dying knight threw flowers at his lady and said forget-me-not, the lady wore the flowers forever. 
Hyacinth: Sorrow, I am sorry. Please forgive me.
The Mediterranean and tropical Africa and woodlands
From greek mythology, where apollo and zephyrs killed Hyacinth and his remains were turned into purple hyacinth in the sorrow of his death. (slightly toxic)
Yellow Roses: Said to symbolize friendship
Mostly in Asia but in other places to
Yellow is a very positive and happy color, In Korean and Japanese culture, it was used as a symbol of jealousy. 
Daffodils: Symbols of rebirth and hope
Europe, Asia, Mediterranean meadows/woodland edges
The first flowers bloom in the spring, so it represents the new life after the winter months. March birth flower cause it usually blooms in march
Foxglove: Symbols of insecurity + many other things
Europe, the Mediterranean, and in woodlands
From Folk’s gloves (the fae folk), cautious tale to scare children from picking them. (Poisonous) also grown for the Virgin Mary (our lady’s gloves/gloves of the virgin)
Lily of the valley: Means the return of happiness
Eurasia, eastern North America, and in mountain forests
Used in religious ceremonies, it Represents Eve’s tears after she left the garden, the national flower of Finland, the May birth flower, is associated with Ostara, known for her humility (germanic mythology)
Baptisia (False/Wild Indigo): Symbolizes protection
Central and eastern north America near wood, meadows, stream
Associated with Venus (the Roman version of Aphrodite), (toxic but can be used as a noninflammatory, indigenous people use it for blue dye)
White orchids: symbolizes apology
Asia and in tropical forests
over 35,000 different varieties, based on the word orchis (which means testicles in greek because a writer said orchids looked like them) sign of wealth in the victorian era and in japan
Yarrow: symbolizes a wish for better health
Grasslands and forests, Eurasia
comes from the greek word here which means holy herb, neanderthals though they were a holy flower, druids used them in ceremonies, medieval Europe used them to exercise ghosts, dreaming means you'll receive good news, good for clotting blood
iris, arborvitae, and bluebell- are supposed to convey trust, friendship, and gratitude.
Carnations- innocence, remembrance
Hyacinths- deep sorrow, forgiveness, regret
White lilac- youthful innocence, new beginnings
Peonies- Family
Red roses- love, respect
Yellow rose- friendship
Blue tulip- peace and tranquility
Blue gladiolus- loyalty
Iris- hope
White tulip- I’m sorry
Lily- sympathy, innocence
Purple hyacinth- deep sorrow
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toutmontbeliard-com · 10 months
Conseil municipal de Montbéliard
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Conseil municipal de Montbéliard ce lundi 10 juillet 2023 à 18h00, salle du Conseil de Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération, avenue des Alliés à Montbéliard. L’ordre du jour est : Information : Projet Château – Présentation de l’état d’avancement du parcours immersif Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 1- Approbation de la procédure de déclassement du domaine public communal d’une partie de la parcelle sise au 1, avenue Chabaud Latour – Cession aux Consorts KAHRAMAN Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 2- Approbation de la procédure de déclassement du domaine public communal des parcelles sises rue Maurice Ravel et Claude Debussy – Déclassement anticipé – Cession à Néolia Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 3- Cession appartement 17 rue Hélène Boucher – Monsieur FATIEVI Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 4- Servitude au profit d’ENEDIS pour passage d’une ligne électrique sur des parcelles communales – 18 rue de Velotte - Constitution Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 5- Servitude au profit d’ENEDIS pour passage d’une ligne électrique sur des parcelles communales – Lieudit Vavoillères à Bethoncourt - Constitution M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 6- Séjours d’été au Centre Nature et Plein-Air de Charquemont – Colonies Apprenantes 2023 – Signature d’une convention entre l’Etat et la Ville de Montbéliard M. Alexandre GAUTHIER 7- Traitement des biodéchets – Groupement de commandes avec le CCAS Mme Christine SCHMITT, M. Philippe DUVERNOY, Mme Marie-Noëlle BIGUINET 8- Subventions aux associations – Année 2023 Association CHEER DANCE, SPA Allondans, Association Passeport Tibétain M. Philippe TISSOT 9- Atelier des Môles – Renouvellement du matériel son et lumières – Demande de subvention auprès du Centre National de la Musique M. Philippe TISSOT 10- 15ème Nocturne Etudiante – Convention de partenariat entre Pays de Montbéliard Agglomération, la Ville de Montbéliard, le « 19, Centre Régional d’Art Contemporain », le Pavillon des Sciences, l’Université de Franche-Comté et les associations étudiantes « AE UTBM » et « BDE MOSEL » M. Philippe TISSOT 11- Convention de partenariat entre la Ville de Montbéliard et Pays de Montbéliard Tourisme – Réseau Ambassadeurs Mme Léopoldine ROUDET 12- Prestations offertes aux bénéficiaires de la Carte Avantages Jeunes 2023 / 2024 M. Christophe FROPPIER 13- Garantie d’emprunts à l’Office Public de l’Habitat du Département du Doubs – Habitat 25 – Amélioration de 24 logements sis 1 rue Oehmichen M. Christophe FROPPIER 14- Garantie d’emprunts à l’Office Public de l’Habitat du Département du Doubs – Habitat 25 – Amélioration de 24 logements sis 2 rue du Petit-Chênois M. Christophe FROPPIER 15- Ravalements de façades d’immeubles – Versement des subventions M. Eddie STAMPONE 16- Décision Modificative n°1 – Budget Principal M. Eddie STAMPONE 17- Protection fonctionnelle – Indemnisation des agents M. Eddie STAMPONE 18- Personnel communal – Avenant à la délibération n°2021-22.03-17 du 22 mars 2021 portant dispositions relatives à la durée et à l’aménagement du temps de travail – Mise en conformité avec la Loi du 6 août 2019 de transformation de la Fonction Publique – Modification ATT fixes M. Eddie STAMPONE 19- Personnel communal – Mise en œuvre du télétravail à l’issue de la phase expérimentale M. Eddie STAMPONE 20- Personnel communal – Secrétariat du Conseil Médical – Adhésion au Centre de Gestion du Doubs M. Eddie STAMPONE 21- Personnel communal – Référent déontologue des élus locaux – Adhésion au Centre de Gestion du Doubs M. Eddie STAMPONE 22- Personnel communal – Convention de mise à disposition de Monsieur Vincent LEBEGUE de la commune d’Arcey auprès de la Ville de Montbéliard M. Eddie STAMPONE 23- Personnel communal – Actualisation du tableau des emplois M. Gilles MAILLARD 24- Projet d’évolution du site du Château – Aménagement de la traversée de l’avenue Wilson – Convention avec le Département du Doubs M. Gilles MAILLARD 25- Requalification de la RD 432 et création de voirie nouvelle pour le futur collège de Bethoncourt – Signature d’une convention entre le Département et les communes de Bethoncourt et Montbéliard M. Gilles MAILLARD 26- Convention d’indemnisation de l’imprévision avec l’entreprise EUROVIA portant sur l’accord-cadre 2019- 012 ayant pour objet « Travaux d’entretien de la voirie et des espaces publics – Années 2019 à 2022 » et sur le marché n°2020-011 ayant pour objet « Cœur de quartier Debussy / Massenet – Requalification des espaces publics – Lot n°1 : VRD » M. Gilles MAILLARD 27- Programme d’éclairage public 2023 – Subvention SYDED M. Rémi PLUCHE 28- Propriétés communales – Habilitation du Maire à déposer les demandes d’autorisation de travaux sur les monuments classés et dans les Etablissements Recevant du Public : Châtel-Derrière / Château des Ducs de Würtemberg Questions diverses. Read the full article
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madamemorisot · 11 months
'On August 20 she wrote:
“My dear Tiburce, I hope that you have been satisfied with your conversation with Proust's secretary, although it would have been preferable to see Proust himself. I had taken it into my head that you two would surely like each other and that this interview might result in some good opportunity for you.
“I stayed only a little while in Paris, Bibi's whooping-cough was becoming wicked there; here she is visibly improving, and I hope that she will be soon rid of it, Yves did not want to come fearing that Paule would catch it. She is at Limoges, with her friend Louise Haviland, and she likes being there.
“As for me, I am more or less alone; Eugéne sleeps in Paris and spends part of the day there. Mme Manet is extremely ill, she had a stroke of paralysis and can no longer speak. She stays in bed, her face is frightening; her sons maintain that she is quite rational, but she does not seem so to me. Gustave was called back from his tour. The sight of this poor woman able to utter only little plaintive ah-ah's! is terribly distressing. The doctors cannot make head or tail of it, and do not know whether she will live or die. It would be horrible if she were to remain in this condition for years.
“As for your undertaking, I always meant to tell you that you should pay a visit to Fantin-Latour, Rue des Beaux-Arts; he had great success abroad; he is a very delightful man —if he wants to be. There is also Cazin, and Lerolle whom I have mentioned to you, and who has been successful. And then I should like you to send letters to Monet and to Renoir. Monet is at Poissy, Villa Saint-Louis. Both sent paintings to the last exhibition, and your exclusion of them seems to me rather ungracious; they are men of immense talent. There are Sisley and Degas who are fully recognized but who will refuse to send anything; it would therefore be only a polite gesture on your part. If you talk with Mile Cassatt, she might be helpful to you; her address is 13 Avenue Trudaine; she is intelligent. Yours, Berthe M.
“Have you sent anything to Sargent, the American? We were at Nice together; he left suddenly for Paris when we were about to be introduced to each other. He is supposed to have spoken of me in the most flattering way. He is very successful and a pupil of Carolus Duran.”
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• Dress (bodice, skirt). Designer: Mme. De Latour (American, born French, 1841-after 1901) Date: ca. 1892 Medium: silk taffeta, silk velvet, chenille silk, pearl, metal sequins, glass beads.
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egoschwank · 3 years
al things considered — when i post my masterpiece #952
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first posted in facebook march 15, 2021
henri fantin-latour -- "white roses" (1871)
"to make a painting representing things as they are found in nature ... (i) put a great deal of thought into the arrangement, but with the idea of making it look like a natural arrangement of random objects. this is an idea that i have been mulling over a great deal: giving the appearance of a total lack of artistry" ... henri fantin-latour
"'many young women's hands would be incapable of doing what i see there,' said the prince, pointing to mme de villeparisis's unfinished watercolours. and he asked her whether she had seen the flower painting by fantin-latour which had recently been exhibited" ... marcel proust
"never have i had more ideas about 'art' in my head, and yet i am forced to do flowers. while painting them—standing before the peonies and roses—i think of michelangelo. this cannot go on" ... henri fantin-latour
"and you can send me dead flowers every morning send me dead flowers by the u.s. mail say it with dead flowers at my wedding and i won't forget to put roses on your grave" ... mick jagger & keith richards
"there are times i remember things that have past ... the mornings ... the flowers ... the weddings ... yet i never forget the funerals ... they always manage to get in the way" ... al janik
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tabellae-rex-in-sui · 4 years
did Sade have any habitual male lovers? spill that tea 💅
Well there's Latour for sure: his valet at Lacoste who was his accomplice at the Marseille orgy. Sade had Latour sodomize him and the women present told the police that the way they behaved together suggested this wasn't the first time this has happened. Latour and Sade were charged with sodomy and poisoning and sentenced to death in effigy. They escaped the sentence by booking it to Italy along with Sade's sister-in-law, but were eventually caught and imprisoned at Miolans. They then escaped four months later and some point after that Latour left for the Caribbean (according to Mme de Montreuil).
There's also an abbé who Sade never referred to by name. I posted the letter he sent him here.
That's all I can think of really. I mean people have speculated about the other male workers at Lacoste or anything that may have gone on in his youth or in Italy. But there's nothing solid there.
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windingriverherbals · 5 years
Eleven Old-Fashioned Potpourri Mixes You Can Make {Lavender Potpouriis}
Eleven Old-Fashioned Potpourri Mixes You Can Make {Lavender Potpouriis}
Cottage Garden Potpourri1 cup dried lavender flowers 2 cups dried pink rose petals {preferably from extremely fragrant old Damask, Alba, Centifolia and Moss roses like ‘Gloire de Guilan’, ‘Ispahan’,’Marie Louise’, ‘Petite Lisette’, ‘Quatre Saisons’, ‘The Rose of Kazanlik’, ‘Felicite Parmentier’, ‘Belle Amour’, ‘Fantin Latour’, ‘Old Cabbage Rose’, ‘Mme Louis Leveque’ and ‘Gloire des Mousseaux’} 2…
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r-boudoir · 5 years
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A little bouquet is for you, to wish your a lovely week 💓 Roses; Pierre de Ronsard, Mme Pierre de Oger, Fantin Latour I love the vintage perfume bottles...💕 ドレッサーに小さなバラのブーケを飾るのが ローズシーズンの楽しみです✨ #vintageperfumebottles #vintageperfume #englishcottage #countrycottage #countryside #homedeco #roses #イギリス生活 #香水瓶 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLJdjSnUo0/?igshid=7znusapc4lvc
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Der Liegende Akt (auch Nu couché (frz.) oder Reclining Nude (engl.)) ist ein Gemälde von Amedeo Modiglianiaus dem Jahre 1917.
Das Gemälde zeigt eine in einem Innenraum auf einem dunkelroten Sofa und türkisblauem Kissen liegende unbekleidete Frau in der Tradition von Tizians Venus von Urbino. Es wurde 1917 in Öl auf Leinwand gemalt und ist 92 Zentimeter breit und 60 Zentimeter hoch. Das Gesicht der lang ausgestreckt liegenden jungen Frau mit ihren mandelförmigen Augen, entblößten Brüsten und Scham ist direkt dem Betrachter zugewandt. Ihre Augen sind jedoch geschlossen. Der Liegende Akt wurde 1917 in der Pariser Galerie von Berthe Weill zusammen mit anderen Aktdarstellungen gezeigt. Es kam zu einem Menschenauflauf bei der Ausstellung, vermutlich wirkte das Bild damals skandalös auf die Galeriebesucher. Die Polizei verfügte noch am gleichen Tag die Entfernung der Aktdarstellung zusammen mit weiteren anderen Akten. Von dem Künstler, der schon im Alter von 35 Jahren verstarb, gibt es etwa 420 Gemälde.
Am 9. November 2015 wurde das Bild bei Christie's in New York City für 170,4 Millionen Dollar an den Industriellen und Kunstsammler Liu Yiqian verkauft. Es war damit nach Picassos Les femmes d’Alger Version „O“ das zweitteuerste je bei einer Auktion verkaufte Bild. Es befindet sich seitdem im Long Museum in Chongqing, das von Liu Yiqian gegründet wurde.
Christie’s ist eines der traditionsreichsten Auktionshäuser mit Hauptsitz in London und ist weltweit führend auf dem Kunst- und Antiquitätenmarkt, vor allem was Auktionen betrifft, und erzielte im Jahr 2015 einen Umsatz von 4,8 Milliarden Pfund/7,4 Milliarden US-Dollar.
Eigentümer von Christie’s ist die Groupe Artémis, die dem französischen Milliardär François Pinault gehört und zu der zahlreiche Unternehmen und Marken aus dem Luxusgüterbereich gehören: Gucci, Puma, Ponant, Château Latour. 2008 wurde aufgrund von Wertverlusten von Pinaults Beteiligungen über einen Verkauf von Christie’s spekuliert, laut einem Artikel der „Times“ vom Ende Dezember 2008 waren mehrere Investorengruppen an einem Kauf interessiert. 2009 beschäftigte das Unternehmen 1900 Mitarbeiter weltweit.
Am 1. Januar 2017 wurde Guillaume Cerutti Chief Executive Officer von Christie’s, auf Empfehlung von Patricia Barbizet und der Familie Pinault. Herr Pinault übernahm die Rolle des Vorsitzenden des Vorstands und Mme. Barbizet wurde zum stellvertretenden Vorsitzenden bestellt. Die Französin Madame Patricia Barbizet wurde im Jahr 2014 zum CEO des Unternehmens ernannt, und wurde damit der erste weibliche Geschäftsleiter von Christie.
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Christie hat eine globale Präsenz mit 54 Büros in 32 Ländern und 12 Verkaufsräumen auf der ganzen Welt einschließlich in London, New York, Paris, Genf, Mailand, Amsterdam, Dubai, Zürich, Hong Kong, Shanghai und Mumbai. In letzter Zeit hat Christie den Markt Initiative in Wachstumsmärkten wie Russland, China, Indien und den Vereinigten Arabischen Emiraten geführt, mit erfolgreichen Vertrieb und Ausstellungen in Peking, Mumbai und Dubai.
Sotheby’s ist ein traditionsreiches Auktionshaus mit Zentren in New York, London, Paris, Genf und Hongkong. Es gehört zu den weltweit führenden Unternehmen auf dem Kunst- und Antiquitätenmarkt. Rund 300 Experten betreuen nach eigenen Angaben etwa 70 Sammelgebiete, unter anderem Gemälde, Möbel, Musikinstrumente, Manuskripte, Skulpturen, Teppiche, Wein, Uhren, Schmuck, Autos und Immobilien.
Das Unternehmen hat die Rechtsform einer Aktiengesellschaft. Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender ist William F. Ruprecht.
Gründung11. März 1744 SitzNew York City, New York, Vereinigte Staaten Leitung  William F. Ruprecht Mitarbeiterzahl  1577 Umsatz   853.678.000 US-Dollar Branche  Auktionshaus Website  www.sothebys.com
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r-boudoir · 5 years
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A little bouquet is for you, to wish you a lovely week💓 Roses;Pierre de Ronsard , Mme Pierre de Oger, Fantin Latour I love the vintage perfume bottles...💕 ドレッサーに小さなバラのブーケを飾るのが ローズシーズンの楽しみです✨ #vintageperfumebottls #englishcottage #countrycottage #countryside #homedecor #roses #香水瓶 https://www.instagram.com/p/BzLGmc4Hasf/?igshid=1h31pyeqm8sfh
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