#mithra ff
guttergoo · 1 year
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Commish: Bho Namoaa
Got to draw this Mithra lad again! Lemme draw your MMO nerds, folks, it's lots o' fun.
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c0rpseductor · 11 months
if im totally honest i would really like to play ff11 but two things hold me back
i am not paying a fucking subscription fee to two FF mmorpgs, especially bc ff11 is like ten million years old
there are no playable male mithra :(
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poison-maiden · 6 years
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Mithra The Fallens Coming. Oh my god she has headphones on. She can't hear us. Oh my god
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art-geekm · 4 years
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Day 9: Draw your Favourite NPC
I was feeling lazy today but ended up really liking this one--so that’s cool. Also, as much as I love the others, Mithra’s stubborness and lack of concern for her safety when it comes to knowledge amuses me to no end, hence why I drew her.
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Mithra: There is nothing wrong with my attire! I look like just your average girl next door!
Ichi: Hah! If you happen to live next door to an amusement park, yeah!
Olivia: Ohhh, he's dead.
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bee-calm · 5 years
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day 3: favourite npc
she’s got a cute design, a good taste in writing utensils and she likes science- what’s not to like?
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noodle8 · 5 years
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Mithra you beautiful ignorant child you
I should have let Spectra mangle her but I can't seem to let myself despite her being a literal escort mission
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soul-embers · 5 years
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Food Fantasy Girls Appreciation Month: April 4th ↳Day 4: Thing You Like Most About Favorite Girl
It wasn’t specified which girl I had to pick to chatter about my favorite thing so I made icons for this day for my favorite NPC and one of my favorite girls from post one!
Fondant Cake: She’s sweet, she’s cute and most of all she’s saved my butt plenty of times now since she’s become one of my main healers alongside Sweet Tofu. It’s so hard to sort out all of my thoughts as to what I like most about her, but her voice and design are what I like most about her.
Mithra: Mithra is great hands down love her to bits! I like her brains, her knowledge, interactions with the MC and how excited she is to try new foods! She’s a really great girl and my favorite female NPC in the game so far.
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elemom · 5 years
everybody always wonders “which food soul are you!” and all that but you know what? i’m mithra
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edgarvaltinas · 6 years
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zariong · 6 years
Headcanons for my food souls
Since I'm bored, might as well write something. 
MA gave a room for Black Tea, Brownie, B-52 to maintain their guns and mechanical stuff, the room is near the Fallen incubator room.
Crepe and Macaron does Rube huntings for other restaurants to earn some extra gold.
Mithra is the one who ordered an entire Fallen incubator and set it up all by herself. MA made sure to keep making extra meals and some mushroom Alfredo for her hardwork.
Ichi and Rice does morning training with Tempura, Black Tea and Bamboo Rice. Sushi, Sukiyaki and Zongzi often joined in.
MA tries to look for any deliveries near the ocean so they could send Orange Juice there.
Pudding noticed it and does the same whenever MA is away.
Ume Ochazuke is the mom friend who always offer to cook for MA and other food souls (especially the younger ones)
Despite being caring, Ochazuke teases a lot. She also enjoys harmless pranks.
Hawthorne Ball secretly snatches a few corn pies for Bamboo Rice, everyone in the kitchen turns a blind eye.
Yuxiang usually stays in the study room and it's always messy, with piles of books and scrolls everywhere.
She's also a night owl so everyone always see the study room's light on during night shifts.
After finished working in the restaurant and taking a hot bath, Ochazuke would brew up some tea for Yuxiang's night study. They usually talk for a while before heading to bed.
Sometimes, Yuxiang is found asleep at her desk but she always found a blanket draped over her in the morning/afternoon after.
Vodka is forbidden to go anywhere near the storage room because MA is afraid of her depleting the wine.
MA has a secret stash of juice boxes but shares them with the younger food souls.
Yellow Wine tends to worry whenever Jiuniang goes to do groceries or deliveries with other food souls. Sake is always there to calm him.
Every cold-based food soul has cool skin.
Drunk Vodka is often seen clinging to cold dessert food souls like Tiramisu or Double Scoop.
Tiramisu actually doesn't mind but she will scold Vodka if she's getting in the way while she's working in the infirmary.
Yellow Wine had a drinking contest with Vodka once and regretted it.
Ichi forgot his lunch while he was training in the middle of the ocean. MA asked Mithra to delivered it because girl needs to get out of her lab to get some sunlight so she hitched one of her Fallen friends, Queen Conch and surfed her way to deliver her friend's lunchbox.
Nobody knows that Olivia has a girlfriend (implying Patty from FF beta comic)
Everyone was surprised when Black Tea said she was courting (yes, she would use that word) Milk. They honestly thought the two were already married.
Tomatoes and cucumbers are always out of stock because Chocolate, Hotdog, Sukiyaki would used them for facial masking.
Foie Gras is one of Hotdog's favourite muse and she enjoys the painter's optimism quite a bit.
Hotdog once asked Brownie if he could take off the shackle around Foie's ankle but Escargot interjected that they shouldn't bother with it.
Sanma's cats are sometimes seen piling up against a sleeping Escargot.
Customers who won't pay their bills are actually just Fallen Angels with a fake mustache
Tiramisu is more stubborn than she looks. Even pleading eyes from the younger food souls wouldn't make her move an inch.
Plum Juice does accounting with Pudding and Yuxiang.
Moon Cake is the local prankster but Ochazuke is the only one who never fell for her (or anybody else's) pranks.
Sukiyaki casually slides in and said "You're still too naïve, Moon Cake."
Moon Cake played a trick on Gingerbread once and was yelled back. She was shook and almost in tears, Gingerbread sort of felt bad for it. They both apologized and somehow became friends.
Whenever Tangyuan has a nightmare, she'll go straight to Zongzi and Plum Juice's room.
Jiuniang is afraid of going to the bathroom at night so Ochazuke allows her to take one or two of her plums with her (y'know the orange ball thingy with green bandanas)
The plums are summoned familiars.
Orange Juice's hobby is poetry. Most of them are about flowers.
Yuxiang's smoke has fish-like scent so cats tend to follow her around.
Skewer is good at haggling prices
She wears a leather jacket whenever she’s on delivery. The amount of customers unexpectedly increased the day after.
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emmilla · 6 years
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Food fantasy characters!
(There is another one,but I have not unlocked it yet…)
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jankedartist · 5 years
31 days of Food Fantasy
Day 11- Favorite NPC
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I really love her design, personality and interactions in the game. Like she can be annoying at times because she won't leave an area until she collected the data from something even when she's in danger. But I love her nonetheless.
Day 12- Favorite Features
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Food Review
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These two features are really amazing to have in the game!
Before the new version of explorations came in, I would never do the original explorations because you constantly have to keep going to get more items and shards and it takes away freshness from my food souls. Now, I actually do explorations since I can see what basic rewards I get and filled in the requirements to get more. I mostly go after embers, small stamina bottles, Yogurt shards, and any other stuff that I want. Best of all, it doesn't take away my food soul's freshness which makes me happy!
Food review is actually my favorite feature of all (next to exploration) because you can actually get a lot of emebrs from it as well with other goodies. I'm always in need of embers so this is really helping me out a lot!
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fyrielle · 6 years
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Patreon rewards for May!
[Commissions] [Buy me a Coffee!] [Patreon] [Tapas]
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ff-matcha · 5 years
FF Girls Appreciation Part 1: Fave Girls and Why
This isn’t in any particular order jsyk
Black Tea: She’s so beautiful and her line for when you “come back” is so motherly and she just radiates cool mother/older sister figure to me
Tiramisu: She just wants peace and happiness for everyone, but she doesn’t seem like she’s afraid to fight if she needs to which I empathize with so much. And once again, she’s such a mother/older sister and I think I have a type for favorites lol
All of the npc girls tbh: Olivia? Love her. Mithra? Love her. Even Irena who p much is never shown in game; I love them all so much. I’ve yet to meet Patty but I can tell I’m gonna love her too. Olivia is such an older sister, Mithra is such a cute nerd and Irena seems so mysterious yet kind and Aaaahhhh I love them all so much!!!!
If I’m being honest, I love all the female food souls too, but that’d take a while so just know this: Tea is a ff female character stan and I will protect them all with my LIFE
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finalfantasyswap · 7 years
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Story - A young Mithra trained at the Fauregandi Garden to the north, Selphie had recently transferred to the Zulkheim Garden and graduated to become a member of SeeD. Though she appears to be whimsical and carefree, Selphie harbors a dark sense of humor that at times catches her teammates off guard. Her first official mission sees her as a member of the La Vaule liberation squad. Strangely, as the party travels to San d’Oria, they are struck with a strange sensation and fall asleep. Selphie witnesses the actions of a small unit of soldiers embroiled in the Crystal War that was waged twenty years ago and a bard whom one of the soldiers fell in love with. Upon awaking the squad would discover that they all had shared the same dream. They are given little time to ponder this as their mission soon begins only for disaster to hound their efforts at various turns. Just narrowly avoiding a diplomatic incident sees the squad taking shelter at the Aragoneu Garden. It is hear that they receive their next assignment. A powerful summoner has become the adviser of a corrupt San d’Orian noble who intends to use her power for his own gain. Fearing the summoners power, Aragoneu Garden assigns the squad with assassinating her...
Design - Here we have Selphie redesigned as a Mithra Black Mage/Dancer. Her dress and boots have been altered with inspirations from the Black Mage artifact armor set, and she wears a Dancer’s Bangle artifact piece on her arm. Her weapon is a combination of her nunchaku weapon and the Claustrum staff relic weapon with a Garden logo emblazoned on it.
Comments - Wow. I am really bad at keeping this stuff updated. Anyways, here’s Selphie accidentally looking like a pikachu. This picture, along with a whole slew of pictures I need to post, have is several months old at this point. I had a hard time picking which subjob combination I wanted to give Selphie, but black mage worked well since she has the Slots limit break that lets you cast random magic. And her obsession with the Garden Festival made me decide to make her subjob a dancer. I was tempted to make her subjob be summoner since she did acquire a summon at a young age, but it didn’t really fit into FF11′s lore. Though class changing is easy in FF11 so who knows? I decided to make Trabia Garden into Fauregandi Garden since they are both snowy regions that are well known for being remote. Though I’m not sure what kind of calamity will eventually befall Fauregandi Garden. Potentially the missiles could be replaced with a powerful summoning that damages the region? I also considered FF11′s Lightbringer, a sword that can cause mass destruction, to be the culprit. But that might not fight into FF11′s timeline. Maybe some new beastman weaponry or magic? But either way, I’m now four down out of six of the main FF8 cast for FF11. Hopefully I’ll get the last two posted soon!
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