#mindy kaling sucks
nobleclover · 1 year
How to do a Better Velma Show
No, I haven't watched HBO's Velma because it sucks ass based on the reviews, and I don't wanna boost its ratings by hate-watching. So, instead, I'm gonna provide a few ideas that I have to make a better show centred around Velma. These are only my ideas but feel free to give your opinions on them.
Make Velma flawed, but likeable and relatable. No character is perfect, but it's fine to include a few flaws in some characters. For her, maybe make her just a little bossy, regarding Shaggy, but not to the point of insufferable, in fact make her learn what being a good leader is, while keeping in touch with her famous characteristics. Make her a bit too quick thinking, but eventually have her learn better critical analysis when it comes to solving mysteries.
Race swaps are fine; include them if you want, but leave out the goddamn stereotypes, e.g. Velma being a pretentious, know-it-all southeast Asian girl. Like, not all Asians are like this!
Cut down on the gore and sex scenes. This is when they were set in HIGH SCHOOL, right??? So, why does it have a scene of some girls showering with their lady parts covered? I mean, come on, I know it's supposed to be for adults, but don't sexualise kids! Or keep bringing up peepee jokes in relation to some kid! (I'm talking about the one with Fred) Plus, as someone who draws gore, gore doesn't equal "mature show". Putting gore in a show for shock value just comes off as lazy. I also recommend either having the murder victims killed off in a "clean" way (no violence like removing their brains, maybe something mysterious) or maybe have them kidnapped or something. Yeah, Mystery Incorporated had a lot of death but didn't go over the top with its violent scenes.
Hire better voice actors. The voice acting in this show is terrible, particularly for those voicing the side characters and Mindy Kaling. :/ The other main characters, I feel they could be better, but the character with the most tolerable voice acting is Norville, voiced by Sam Richardson. He could sound a little goofy like Shaggy, but not too much. Speaking of...
Give my man Shaggy more respect. He doesn't have to get with Velma, but he also doesn't need to be treated this shitty. Like, maybe have her be touched by Shaggy's confession, but politely let him down and apologise for not being able to return those feelings. Also, make him a dog lover, a foodie, and take out the "junkie" jokes. Make him smart yet goofy as well!
Fred could've SERIOUSLY been done better. -_- I don't mind him being written as a rich kid, but maybe have him be a kind guy who's eager to be independent and start his own trap making business. An idea his own dad looks down upon. Have him be fed up hanging around with his douchebag jock friends and start hanging with the Mystery Gang slowly over time. Oh, and a personal choice, make him neurodivergent. :D
Make Velma neurodivergent as well. Just saying. UWU
Take out the godawful meta humour and pop culture references. I don't need to explain why, but I will say that Mindy Kaling should've actually put a lot more effort into her writing.
Have Daphne be only a slight snob, but not a bitch. In fact, have her eventually diss the status quo and go hang with the Mystery Gang and embrace her goofy self like in some other incarnations, e.g. Be Cool, Scooby Doo. Oh, and have her be part of the karate club.
Maybe have Velma's parents be more loving and perhaps diss the "missing mother" subplot. Maybe have them be divorced and Velma missing the time when they used to be together.
Somehow introduce Scooby Doo into this. The gang isn't the same without him.
More convincing platonic and romantic chemistry between characters. Doesn't matter if they're hetero or LGBT, MAKE THEM WORK.
Don't hire Mindy Kaling on the team. XD
OK, these are my thoughts on how to make a better Velma show! Feel free to add your own input as well!
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Velma (2023): is built on crass humor involving drugs, nudity, sexual references, gore, blood, on-screen violence, a general tone of cynicism and collective meanness that isn’t welcoming, isn’t soothing and doesn’t care for anyone’s triggers
Every single review of Velma (2023) ever: MOST POLITICALLY CORRECT SHOW EVER
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xgoddessoffandomsx · 1 year
Mindy Kaling literally assaulted Lee Pace by kissing him on her show without his consent
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theghostofashton · 1 year
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lancecharleson · 1 year
I should’ve known something was up when this wasn’t part of the mass purging of animated content that happened during the WB Discovery merger last year.
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But also we lost god knows how many infinitely better shows and movies, including the Looney Tunes shorts,
for anti-woke reactionary youtuber fuel???
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newx-menfan · 1 year
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Marvel Infinity Comics Love Unlimited #43
The issue starts with Gwenpool on Krakoa, instigating her own “meet-cute” with recently revived Wither, while talking about Romance Tropes. (Basically think about it like if every Mindy Kaling show was a comic book plotline…. 😂🤣)
They get to talking about plants (Gwen remembered he was into Gardening and Art from NXM!) and they plan to meet up for dinner so Kevin can help her with her garden!
(For people who don’t know- Gwenpool is a character used to parody and commentate on Comic book Tropes- she’s essentially a real person who has been sucked into the comic verse…)
We find out Gwen has “main character syndrome” and has decided what she really needs to up her recognition is a love interest…and apparently Gwen is also a hardcore NXM fan and LOVES Wither! (So do we Gwen…so do we!)
Gwen tries to look into the future via the web/breaking the fourth wall and sees various web info on COVID and on herself…mainly negative commentary on how she’s a derivative copy of Deadpool (we do LOVE you on TUMBLR Gwen!!); also we find out Gwen has been in the Marvel verse for 8 years now…and is kind of still bitter about her book getting cancelled (understandable!)!
We find out Gwen was also a huge Rogue/Gambit shipper growing up (honestly…same…just don’t read the most recent comic book Gwen! 😂🤣🤣)and wants to copy the will they/won’t they- “we can never touch” tension…
In between plant innuendos at dinner- Wither touches Gwens hand…and we discover Kevin now has full control of his powers, much to Gwen’s chagrin…
(Does this mean Wither and Selene aren’t “together” anymore??)
((As much as Gwen complains the relationship is super BORING now…STILL better than Kid Omega during WCA! 😂🤣🤣…))
Gwen decides what she needs to spice this up is a love triangle…and who BETTER than Wither’s PRIOR rival….Elixir?!!
This whole comic is just a KICK honestly! Jeremy Whitley did an AMAZING job!!
The jokes are great (LOVED the “One More Day” call out especially!), it’s well researched, and in the same vein as “Spider-Man and the X-Men”! 
It’s basically a NXM must read!!
Honestly…It was really hard choosing which panels to feature in the review… it’s THAT amazing!
The only downside is the art…which is pretty meh…but all things considered- it’s just a fun issue!
Super excited for the next one to come out- honestly this kind of content makes me want to get a Marvel Unlimited account! 
Gwen really SHOULD interact with the X-Men MORE!!
Gwen totally forgot the biggest hiccup to this plan…Wallflower! 😂🤣🤣
Really hope we get more NXM cameos…maybe Gwen will try to get in on the Surge/Prodigy/Speed drama next!! 😂🤣🤣
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nightspires · 1 year
I’m sooooo bummed out about what they did with Bela and Eric on TSLOCG 😭 The only thing that’s giving me any hope is that Mindy Kaling likes to write the messy journey to an endgame so… But it sucks we didn’t get to enjoy them being canon for even a second before it got all sad and betrayed and angsty
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notready4disjelly · 2 months
I’m gonna go on a rant here, I just finished ‘Quiet on Set’ the documentary about the dark side of nickelodeon. Everything they said about LA and Hollywood is so true it hurts.(ON TOP OF HOW THEY PUT KIDS IN DANGER AND DO NOT CARE!!) it reminded me of my time in La. I was an aspiring voice actor and my mentor at the time promised me gigs and work if I moved out to LA. That year was probably one of my darkest years living. I auditioned in Disney studios, I was casted in a video game, hell I even got signed to an agency who represented the voice actors I’ve idolized since a kid! Yet every time I heard the train outside my apartment I thought to myself this day is where I would step out on the tracks. I remember my agent calling me and saying I had the talent, acting chops, but that is it nothing else I’m an ‘empty file’. Then she proceeded to tell me to go to a bar and ‘listen’ to industry conversation then insert myself whenever I can. I always believed it was your talent and your chops got you the job, but it’s not it’s actually brushing the shit out of your teeth cause you’ve been sucking sooooo much ass. On top of this they will send you 4-9 auditions a day and they can send you an audition at any time. I had a project that my audition was assigned to me at 10pm and it had to be in by 7am the next morning. You could have three of those types on top of two more that are due at 8am. I was chained to my booth I felt like a cash cow so I started to focus on school more and told my agent I was shifting careers. At that time they were frothing at the mouth to hire anyone black when I signed. I received a copy that had on it: please sound like Awkwafina,Mindy Kaling,Lizzo, Janelle Monáe……If you notice the only thing similar about them is that they are people of color. The last auditioned I ever received from my agency was a KFC ad. The industry be it tv,movie,vo anything in regards to entertainment will forever be about a check never your happiness or your own time. I will never forget that lesson. Create your own shit, produce your own shit!, these huge companies want to take your creativity make money off it then jerk odd on it. Do. Things. For. You.
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moonystoast1971 · 1 year
watchin a show with mindy kaling must suck ur just tryna enjoy ben 10 nd shes pointin out how granpa is just a 60+ straight white man nd we shouldn't gas up his character and instead show how horrible he could be based on his stereotypes nd ud just have to nod
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inwhichifangirled · 1 year
Ok listen, everything I know about Velma is through what I've read. But the fact that Mindy Kaling is a TERF and that the show sucks doesn't surprise me. Are we really shocked? That the queen of insecurities and self hate and deeply rooted misogyny came up with a self hating self insert which ruined Scooby Doo?
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rainparadefromhell · 1 year
I think I'm madder at Mindy for this partly because it establishes a pattern with her. Like, obviously I'm mad because Bela deserved better and this was SUPER OOC, but it's clear at this point that Mindy has no idea how to write relationship drama and loves cheating plotlines. It's a pattern, and it sucks.
People that scream "People make mistakes!"
Like bae this is the 34th time you've said this about a DIFFERENT Mindy Kaling show, maybe just maybe the woman has some issues with her writing?
I think we can admire what she's achieved in her life and also agree on this. There is a point where you can no longer excuse some things no matter how hard you try and she crossed it with slocg, imo.
I want a Mindy Kaling that cares about her characters and storylines first and foremost above dramatic cliches. It makes her work look cheap to me, I'm sorry to say. I think she can really put her heart into a show (and honestly make me cry) when she wants to. Too bad, she doesn't want to that these days.
I can now easily be written off as a hater but whatever. I say all of this because I do care.
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s1mpl3sp0ng3 · 1 year
the thing about velma is that i feel like it'd hit better if it weren't a scooby doo spinoff, like if it was its own thing we might be eating it up bc the art is gorgeous and the characters might be enjoyable as assholes and not characters we know and love
but nah it's gotta be tied to an ip to be Marketable and the way to do that now is to shit all over the source material and pretend you're better than it
if you want a dark scooby doo just fuckin watch mystery incorporated, if you want a dark scooby doo parody with an overarching plot watch venture bros, and if you want a more adult take either watch the live action movies or read the scooby apocalypse comics. consume things made by people who actually give a damn about the fuckin franchise for god's sake
like velma isn't filling a niche that hasn't been filled in the franchise or taking it in a new direction, it's just a mindy kaling vehicle with vague ties to your nostalgia for scooby doo and velma becoming a fan favorite over the past 20 years
also i'm sick of my youtube recs being all video essays on why the show sucks you're fuckin GIVING them free publicity
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hellcab · 1 year
{{ In short, Velma was born out from cynical, corporate idiocy. The same irreverent drive to "adapt" old properties, ultimately desecrating whatever made them unique. It's created from the position that animation overall is worthless. That adult animation cannot be used for anything else but poop jokes and sex-obsessed comedy. }}
{{ Mindy Kaling is a washed up, narcissistic actor, who never even cared about Scooby Doo. She just wanted something, anything, to shove her self-insert into. She's just chasing after whatever relevancy she can latch onto. }}
{{ She's a horrible human being who joked about sexually assaulting her co-star. That's not even the tip of the ice berg. }}
{{ The show sucks. The people behind the show suck. The best thing to do is not hate the show. Not even the people behind the show. Be indifferent, because the opposite of love is not hatred, it's indifference. }}
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mariacallous · 1 year
I got sucked into that Roxane Gay nemesis twitter thread and I can't get out because everyone keeps it going and guessing.
She has said so far that it is neither Lena Dunham nor Mindy Kaling.
She has said that her nemesis is "an actress who has also written a memoir and is popular but not ultra famous" and someone whom she "grudgingly respects".
So far the guesses for who her nemesis is are:
Ali Wong Anna Kendrick Lauren Graham Tiffany Haddish Anne Hathaway Judy Greer Camryn Manheim (though the tweeter misspelled her name) Busy Phillipps Tiffany Amber Theissen Aisha Tyler Phoebe Robinson Amy Poehler Sally Field Betty White Olivia Munn Tina Fey "the actress from sisterhood of the traveling pants" Chelsea Handler Ellie Kemper Stacey Dash Shonda Rhimes Gabrielle Union Padma Lakshmi Leah Remini Tyler Perry (but he had previously been named an nemesis apparently, as has Rachel Maddow and CrossFit?) Candace Cameron Bure Selma Blair Betty Gilpin Rose McGowan Cicely Tyson Jennifer Lewis Taraji P. Henson Viola Davis Reese Witherspoon Mayim Bialik Quinta Brunson Zooey Deschanel Casey Wilson Kristin Chenoweth Margaret Cho Dita Von Teese Portia de Rossi Jenna Fischer Drew Barrymore Jennette McCurdy Carrie Brownstein
I feel like this says more about the people who follow and like Roxane Gay on twitter more than about her.
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femmesandhoney · 1 year
apparently the new Velma show on Hbomax is “a show made by conservatives for people who are left wing” because Mindy Kaling liked JKR’s tweet about still getting checks even though a bunch of people trash her work. i haven’t seen Velma but i have heard across the board it’s not good, but Mindy Kaling is getting dragged through the mud over it and yet she’s still getting paid (and people don’t have to watch it just like people don’t have to read JKR’s books). idk it just makes me sad that Mindy is being called a conservative terf just because of a twitter like, even though her shows on Hbo and Netflix and Mindy herself are anything but. i know libfems and tras accuse everyone of thought crimes if they don’t comply immediately but it still sucks.
I dont know much about mindy or the show but yeah thats definitely on brand for libfems to call everyone under the sun a "terf"
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gameguy20100 · 1 year
Since you've brought up Mindy Kaling's Velma before, the issue with that show is that it's essentially "zealotry". A zealot is a person who is desperate to Remake the World in Their Own Image. Kaling hated Scooby-Doo and liked Velma better so her show essentially "destroys the franchise and remakes it in her own image." That's why modern reboots/remakes always suck: because the rebooters/remakers aren't trying to make good stories, they're destroying stories and remaking them In Their Own Image.
I don't even think that's it.
The show seems to just want to piss people off because making others angry is funny apparently.
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