chrysanthemumgames · 1 year
A friend recently got me absolutely hooked on FoA and I had to drop by to say I absolutely love the Underworld crew. They are so well written and just lovely. ♥️ (also, I can’t get the idea of the MC and Makaria making jam from berries and tea from things grown in the garden together to surprise Hades with a tea party out of my head).
That's such a cute headcanon, and I love it.
Hades is of course a very pleased tea party participant. :)
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
🖊 (for anyone you’d like to talk about)!
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Thank you so much for the ask, Mima! <3 Kinda in the mood to gush about a less main character today so have some random stuff about Paa! -Kissai's half-sister, she was the product of their father re-marrying after Kissai's mother died in the war. He fell for & married a Dathomirian Zabrak. Unfortunately (I hc that the reason we don't "see" hybrids in game, for a less stupid reason than "the devs couldn't be bothered so they made it not possible" /lh, is not necessarily because they don't exist but rather because (particularly when the mother is the non-Pureblood of the couple) they're prone to a LOT of complications during pregnancy and/or birth) her birth killed her mom so she was raised by her dad and older half-brother. -She ended up with a few (relatively minor) complications as a pre-teen/early teen which led to her father and Kissai seeking out Vastas (D'leah's father & the current Emperor at the time) on Korriban and asking if the Empress consort might be able to help her. Tangentially this is how Kissai ends up becoming D'leah's Wai Tarar bodyguard, as a sort of "paying the royals back for saving my sister's life and also I Have A Big Crush On The Heiress And Maybe Then She'll Notice Me" XD -Paa gets better pretty quickly with Saa'thri's more experienced healing techniques and the Empress consort ends up forming something of a (mentor/apprentice, to be clear for the weirdos I know are lurking around here smh) soft spot for Paa so she ends up apprenticed to her. And therefore ends up hanging around D'leah a lot and becoming friends with her.
-Poor Paa then ends up being the person stuck in the middle of all the UST between D'leah and her brother and she was The Most Exasperated about it even if she'd outright deny helping Vowrawn play cupid if asked. 😂
-She looks like a Pureblood outwardly but does have some cool Zabrak anatomy. She has the two hearts for example (as she likes to call it, "doesn't matter if I get stabbed in the heart, I have a spare" XD), and her browstalks and jaw spurs are very much "static", they can't flex or move/rattle like a regular Pureblood's can because her Sith jaw spur/browstalk genes and Zabrak horn genes got a little scrambled so she ended up with spurs made entirely of bone instead of "bone supported by cartilage but still fairly mobile". This makes non-verbal communication with the other Purebloods very tricky since she can just about raise the browstalks like regular eyebrows but that's about as much as she can make them "move", and the ones on her jaw can't move at all.
-Eventually she and her family find a way to work around it. When D'leah loses the spurs/browstalk on the left side of her face to a concussion grenade injury, Paa helps Kissai to help D'leah adjust to a "new" non-verbal communication technique as it was a big change for D'leah to suddenly NOT be able to use all her spurs the way she was used to. (and thinking about it this prob solidified their friendship bc hey, Paa got it, she understood why D'leah was frustrated ;-; )
-Learnt everything there is to know about Force healing and a great many other ancient Sith techniques from D'leah's mother. She is fully and entirely capable of tearing someone in two with the Force if she wanted to. She just prefers not to and would rather use her talents to heal. Make no mistake tho if things get desperate she can and will wreck your shit to protect her family.
-Paa and D'leah are/were pretty good friends since they both trained with Saa'thri, often together as it gave them someone to "practise" with and this led to them becoming quite close despite the fact that Paa's a hybrid and that would otherwise be a "no no" to D'leah (yes, D'leah is a hypocrite, this is in character for her do not @ me /hj 😜). Paa is probably one of the few "commoners" who can sass D'leah and get away with it because they're just that good of friends, even before Paa became her sister-in-law.
-I've mostly used Paa in the Zephyrverse AU RPs, but I love her so much that actually I do really want to try and shoehorn her into Subterfugeverse as well, I just...do not know how to yet 😔🤘 so that may or may not happen at all in the future, we'll see. Extremely Tired Healer Lady Wishes Her Stupid Family Would Stop Picking Fights That Result In Their Actual And/Or Near-Deaths, please and thank
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commander-krios · 1 year
💌 : How would they plan a romantic evening for a significant other? - for Charley? c:
Thanks for the ask <3
Charley isn't entirely devoid of romantic intentions, but she's never had much opportunity to do things for the people she truly cares about. For her, romantic evening isn't so much about what you do, it's who you're with.
Thane: Most times, these two are content to sit in her cabin, or in their shared apartment on the Citadel, and just be wrapped up in each other. Whether that means ordering in, watching a film, or just spending time in bed together, it doesn't matter what they do, as long as they have time to be together. They don't get that often enough.
Kasumi: With Kasumi, a lot changes for Charley. She knows that Kasumi likes to go out, get into trouble, have a wild time when appropriate. While it isn't her normal scene, she will go out of her way to make sure Kasumi has fun because she loves her. Most times, they end up stealing something, but that's the fun of it for Charley. Kasumi is unpredictable and it makes for an interesting night.
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abbee-normal · 1 year
tagged by @mimabeann
1. Are you named after anyone?
No, my parents just liked the name. I've always regretted my name meant nothing special
2. When was the last time you cried?
Two days ago. It's been a really bad couple of months.
3. Do you have kids?
One fully grown adult I'm very proud of
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot?
No, I gave up on that. Decided I needed more kindness in my life starting with me. I used to be very sarcastic.
(what universe did 5 get dropped off in?)
6. What’s your eye color?
Hazel/half of my pupil is jade green
7. Scary movies or happy endings?
Happy endings
8. Any special talents?
An odd talent, more than half the time I can find exactly the right object needed just by walking around and looking, no matter where I am.
9. Where were you born?
Western USA
10. What are your hobbies?
Making up stories/ocs with my sister, occasionally drawing
11. Have you any pets?
Catsand dogs!
12. What sports do you play/have played?
Ha! No
13. How tall are you?
5′, 152 cm
14. Favorite subject in school?
English, art
15. Dream job?
I've had many ideas over the years, basically it would involve animals but more than that, I can't tell you.
Did I forget to tag 15 people? Yes, yes I did.
whoever is reading this (and I mean it!) please please consider yourself tagged!
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kyber-heart · 1 year
What is the character’s go-to drink order? for Adrien and Tai? c:
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1 . What is the character’s go-to drink order?
I figure Aidrien as someone that doesn't really drink, though he wouldn't be opposed. Still I think he would default to ordering caf or tea, and failing that then water. Maybe with some fruit juice to mix it up if he's feeling particularly festive. If it is an occasion where he feels he will have something alcoholic, I would say maybe a lager or a cider.
For Matai, I don't know what the Star Wars equivalent of a Cape Codder is, but definitely a cocktail like that. If Matai existed on earth, he would absolutely be a vodka person and would love vodka based cocktails and would probably have more than one on a night out. Other than that, it would be a red wine for the Dark Lord of The Sith.
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theoasiswinds · 2 months
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Commission for the lovely @mimabeann
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catbatart · 6 months
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Commission for @mimabeann of some BG3 cuddling! (The "B" stands for "Boyfriends.")
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dingoat · 1 month
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King of the World, for @mimabeann, featuring Tarrent and the oh so beautiful Vair. No surprises how much I love it every time I get to draw a bothan <3
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vihola · 2 months
Get to Know Your Tav
Tagged by @starknstarwars, thanks! 💜
Tagging anyone who wants to do it, and specifically @mimabeann, @ladyorin, @dameaylin, @keldae, @greyias
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What is your tav’s favorite weapon?
She becomes very fond of the Pale Oak staff she receives in the Emerald Grove. She carries it everywhere not because it's the best option but because it reminds her what it feels like to finally be accepted. That feeling alone is enough to give her extra confidence against all odds. 
style of combat?
Every step is calculated. Verbena doesn't rush into the fray but steps back and takes a good look at her opponents. She seeks any weak spot to exploit, any tactical advantage. And then she's ready to kick ass.
most prized possession?
Her old lyre. It was the only possession she took when she ran away from the childhood home. It has become the only friend that stayed by her side for years. She cares for it reverently, fussing over every speck of dirt and every little scratch.
deepest desire?
Her every granted wish turned out to be a double-edged sword, so she's afraid to truly want something. She desperately wanted a family and got adopted by abusive narcissists. She wanted to make the world better and ended up hurting people. She wanted the freedom to choose her own path and got it at the cost of being completely alone. Maybe it's safer not to want anything at all.
guilty pleasure?
She's addicted to shiny things. You can't convince her to sell all the jewelry she looted in exchange for something more practical like camp supplies. No, she will wear rings on every finger instead.
best-kept secret
Her entire past. She shares bits and pieces when she must, like when she encounters shadow druids who recognize her. But she puts these pieces into a whole picture only after reaching Baldur's Gate.
greatest strength?
Perceptiveness. She's very good at reading people and picking up on little cues after years of hypervigilance.
fatal flaw?
Secrecy. She seems so open, surely you can trust her to tell you everything? Wrong. You can bare your soul to her without learning anything in return. She won't talk about the enemies that may come back to haunt her or about the fact that she might unexpectedly die at any moment. Not until you press her or until it's too late. And when you demand to know why she withheld this important information, she just shrugs. "You didn't ask," she says.
favorite smell?
The way the air smells after a thunderstorm. It makes her feel like the world has been renewed, washed clean of all cruelty and injustice. If only this feeling could last. 
favorite spell or cantrip?
She has a favorite spell for every situation. Combat? Thorn whip or Ice knife. Too many enemies? Invisibility. Trying to talk it out instead of fighting? Detect thoughts.
pet peeve?
She can't stand bullies and gladly uses every opportunity to put them in their place.
bad habit?
She can't walk past an animal without attempting to talk to it. And every dead body has a story, let's summon the spirit of that decomposing guy! It's time-consuming for her and exasperating for others, but she just can't help herself.
hidden talent?
Can sneak like a pro. She's been doing it all her life – staying out of trouble in the orphanage, hiding from her parents when they were in one of their volatile moods, evading suspicious people in her travels.
leisure activity?
She loves calm evenings when she can just sit back, play her lyre, and finally finish the lyrics that have been stuck in her head for days.
favorite drink?
She likes to come up with her own tea blends. Not all or her attempts are successful, but she will drink them anyway and then share the good blends with others. She also loves mulled wine, but only if she gets to be in charge of spices. She always complains that taverns make the blandest mulled wine and whoever is responsible for it should be in jail.
comfort food?
Freshly baked bread. She can't make it and rarely visits cities, so it feels like such a luxurious treat.
favorite person(s)?
The friends she meets while trying to get rid of the damn parasite, she has no one else. She burned all the bridges to her past and resigned herself to being alone because she was denied love and control everywhere she went. And it's so strange and wonderful to bond with someone after all that loneliness. Maybe she's terrified of Lae'zel and tempted to kick Astarion's ass. Maybe at first she doesn't trust anyone in her party and expects betrayal. But these weird traumatized people find their way into her heart and stay there forever.
favored display of affection (platonic and/or romantic)?
It's easier for her to be physically affectionate in her wild shape. Verbena as a cat shamelessly bonks her friends and purrs in their laps. Verbena as a tiefling is a little awkward and touch-starved, but she learns to enjoy hugs very much.
fondest childhood memory?
Childhood memories are tricky. She fondly remembers her best friend from the orphanage, but thinking of the orphanage itself makes her blood run cold. She remembers when her parents were affectionate and generous, but then she recalls how they used her for their entertainment. Every memory is tainted, every bright moment leaves a bitter aftertaste.
free-response! Is there anything else about your Tav you’d like to share?
The party has no idea that a friendly cat who often shows up in their camp is actually Verbena. And then she uses her wild shape in front of them to investigate without alerting nearby enemies. The party is shook. Gale apologizes for petting her.
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dottiechan · 14 days
tag game - five things that make you happy!
rules: list five things that make you happy and tag the last ten people in your notes!
Tagged by the wonderful @ejunkiet :3 🩵
1) There will be a Wardruna concert next year in my city and I'm lucky enough to be able to attend - this has been a constant happiness buff on me since we got tix!!!
2) I found my scarf my mom had bought for me when we were in Scotland and it's cold enough outside for me to wear it still.
3) I work in a huge old Victorian house and it's been very quiet this week due to lack of events and... God it makes me so happy. The silence. The good vibes. The Inspiration™.
4) My orchid is still alive. I am able to keep it alive. We are good friends. His name is Thorbjørn.
5) I found a copy of Sophie's World by Jostein Gaarder in our office and it brought back some happy memories! I remember reading it as a teenager and being utterly enthralled by the cool ideas in that book.
Tagging: @twinflameawakening @evilbunnyking @jtsregretpalace @sparkedupsilver @starwers @wildestdreamcatcher @mimabeann @helestus-blog @justanothermainblog @greyias
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memaidraws · 1 year
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Commission for @mimabeann ♥
I get a little giddy every time someone requests for best friends being dumb. One of my favorite genres of relationship tbh uwu
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kartaylirsden · 3 months
9 People you'd like to know better
Thank you for the tag @skyrim-forever !
◇3 ships
Terrible at narrowing this one down, since I like a lot of ships.
Throwing all my OC ships with @methysis-art up here (should I make a pinned? probably)
Z'rell/F!Dark Urge (I like mess)
Maxten Favrete/Freiwen (see above)
◇first ship
Susan Ivanova/Talia Winters from Babylon 5. Which I really should go rewatch.
◇last song
Legend - The Score (was poking around for title ideas for fics)
◇currently reading
Just finished Stories of the Raksura: Volume 2 by Martha Wells. Been rereading the series. Again.
◇last film
Dungeons and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves
◇currently craving
A fruit danish. I went to grab one from a local bakery and they were already out, alas, and I couldn't get one all last week due to weather.
I'm tagging @mimabeann @space-unicorn-dot @shabre-legacy @blackfeathercourt @gay-of-waterdeep @nientedenada @tanzelwil @theguartist @swtorpadawan if you'd like to do this.
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chaoticspacefam · 1 year
😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?💘 : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming? - For Saarai? c:
from the [Piping Hot OC Asks]! In case anyone wants the list and/or wants to send more
Thank you for the ask, Mima! :D
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😍 : What does your OC find irresistible in others?
Looking at her current partners I'd have to say the list is as follows: -Shorter than her (this one isn't hard she's a damn building /lh) -She defo leans more towards femme partners than masc partners but that's partially a Trauma Response(tm) so y'know. Not a dealbreaker necessarily (proof: Koth XD) -Apparently she's an introvert magnet so ig Rai thinks the quiet, thoughtful/broody thing is cute? hahaha -She also has a soft spot for said "quiet" person getting a little rough around the edges/harsh. The amount of times Sash has stepped in before Rai could get a word in edgewise and either verbally or literally (situational, both Rai and Sash won't necessarily knock someone around if they don't deserve it but each of them have a line that if you cross it, you're gonna get your ass kicked XD) let someone have it and the logical, Empress part of Rai's brain took an immediate vacation while "Oh my god my wife is hot" took over are...well, numerous enough to be like "funny that has happened x times" kinda deal XD
💘 : Is your OC a very good flirt? Are they charming?
Oh yes, absolutely. Rai took after her daddy, she's a real charmer. :'D 10/10 pro flirt here, she'll have you swooning after one smile and one compliment half the time, even when she's ANNOYING she's charming, just ask Lana and Sash in particular. Even Koth fell for it, honestly, they didn't like eachother at first but then after they actually talked stuff out even he couldn't resist her charms ;3
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commander-krios · 2 years
Hope you have the happiest of birthdays! 🧁
Thank you ❤️ it’s been great so far!
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moonlitalien · 2 years
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Character and outfit design commish for the awesome @mimabeann!!
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theoasiswinds · 3 months
Commission list and Update
Hello my dears, commissions are officially closed.
Thank you so much for the work, I will not be opening commissions until after I heal from next months surgery for myself. Also my boy is back to himself so I can finally sit and work~!
Here is a list of my current clients in order.
All these illustartions will be done before the end of the month~!
As always thank you for the wrk my darlings!
Insta client
DA client
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