#mikus photo album
hatsunemiku-official · 2 months
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i don’t! this is lovely, thank you !
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piece based on the idea that Dakota might've started learning guitar to play along with Ashe's drums ^_^ Ambigiously timed but was originally gonna be post s2 (tho their designs here look more s1)
Extras under the cut, as usual :3 AND a VERY detailed ID since this piece is a big one
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Detailed ID: a drawing of Dakota Cole and Ashe Winters from Just Roll With It: Prime Defenders, sitting in Ashe’s dorm room.
Ashe is sitting on the bed, with one arm behind her head and the other rested on her stomach, while Dakota is lying on his back on the floor holding an electric guitar, legs kicked up on the bed next to Ashe.
Ashe has white skin, long curly white hair, a few freckles, and is looking down at Dakota with an open mouthed smile. She is wearing a dark purple beanie with pins of Madeline from Celeste, the Welcome to Nightvale logo, and the knight from Hollow Knight partially covered by her hair.
She is also wearing a shirt with the album cover of I'm Wide Awake, It's Morning by Bright Eyes. Over the shirt is Dakota's red flannel. She's wearing black jeans, one black and green sock, and one purple and black sock with cat ears at the top and cat paws at the toes.
Dakota has mid-brown skin with a few moles, and medium lengthed, curly, bright red hair thats splayed out across the floor. his eyes are shut tight and his eyebrows are furrowed, whilst hes smiling widely.
He has a black bandana around his forehead. On his neck is a chain, and attached to that is a purple heart with the letter 'A' on it. He's wearing a white tank top, that exposes his shoulder which features a temporary Ms G tattoo of her face accompanied with the words 'Ms G' in a galaxy pattern.
Dakota's wearing beige shorts, and has another temporary tattoo on his thigh which reads 'Teaching Moment' in galaxy text. his socks are white.
The blue and white electric guitar he's holding has a sticker that says 'Prime defenders' in black and white, and another sticker that says 'Just Roll With It' in gold and purple. At the top of the guitar near the tuning pegs, it reads 'Prime'.
They are in Ashe's dorm room. Her bed has a blue mattress and a green blanket that's pushed against the pillow away from Ashe, and draping off the side of the bed onto the floor. On the part of the blanket that's on the bed, there is a plush of Morgana from Persona 5, and another plush of Bacon Man. On the part of the blanket that's on the floor, there is a Nintendo DS, except with the word 'Primtendo' written on it. On the side of the bed there are 3 stickers; one of Hatsune Miku, one of Mae Borowski from Night In The Woods, and one of Tony's Pizza.
On the purple carpeted floor underneath the bed, theres a cardboard box labelled 'Secrets'. There is also an oval rug that Dakota is lying on that has a green, yellow, blue, and red circular design. ontop of this is a pair of headphones with the wire spiralling across the floor, and an amp that Dakota's guitar is plugged into. the front of the amp has the word Prime where the brand name of an amp would be usually
Next to Ashe's bed is a set of shelves. On the flat side facing the bed, there is a My Chemical Romance poster of the album cover of Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge. Under this poster are 3 photos, of Ashe and Dakota ice skating, Ashe and William walking on traintracks, and Ashe and William taking a selfie in bed. Next to these three photos are two school schedules, labelled 'Ashe Winters' Schedule' and 'Vyncent Sol's Schedule'.
On the shelves, the top shelf has a lit candle next to a box of matches. Next to these are 4 books titled 'The Carnival Of Souls', 'Planetary Problems', 'The Purps' and 'Overlord'. The shelf below this has a plant with small white flowers, in a ceramic pot with a blue heart, a red heart, and a purple heart on it. Next to this is a bottle of ibuprofen, and a turned on purple lava lamp. Behind these are more books titled 'The New Generation', 'Island Of Amal- [cut off]', 'Ultraviolent Light', '[cut off] -Don't R- [cut off],' and 'Good Cop, Ghos- [cut off]'
Underneath that shelf is an open drawer with two fairylight chains trailing out. One is in RGB colours and the other is golden. On the closed drawer below that, there is a Welcome to Nightvale sticker.
On the white wall behind Ashe, there is a window to her left. outside the light is golden, and there is a street. Behind Ashe's head is a Thank You Scientist poster of the album Maps Of Non-Existent Places, a Car Seat Headrest poster of the album Twin Fantasy, and a trans flag. There are also messages in smudged ink reading: '[cut off] -ncent was here !!!', 'Ashe. W [cut off] -s here :3', 'DC wus here <3', 'wiwi waz here [ghost doodle]' and 'love u man'
End ID.
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I love having to explain to people exactly how obsessed with SIX I was
like my friends will point out when it’s coming to my city and I’m like “yes honey I’ve known, I’ve known since 8 months ago and I have tickets don’t worry” and then when I mentioned six fanfiction and my friend was like “wait people write fanfiction about it?” “Yes and I’ve read so so many that I had to read wattpads fics FUCKING WATTPAD, if you read the six the musical fics on there you would know….I also know like every ship of the six and probably have read a diff of it” “PEOPLE SHIP THEM?!?!? Aren’t they like cousins?” “Yes but luckily the fandom is small enough no one ships the incest ✌️😜”
then he went on to tell me I was the person that drew Miku binder Tomas Jefferson 😭😭😭
and then when someone sends u a six meme and u have to pretend you’ve seen it for the first time (so that they keep talking abt ur intrest)
one time I was in a little six the musical thingy and the director was asking everyone abt a “little” background about the queens and one person from each group would answer, (I was in the Boylens, but like ofc bc I literally am Anne Boylen and the main character soooo) AND A KID FROM MY GROUP SHOT UP HER HAND AND THE TEACHER CALLED ON HER AND THE SHIT SHE SAID WAS “she uh grew up in France and then married the king and then flirted with 3 guys and then got beheaded” LIKE NO BITCH SHE DID NOT DONT RAISE UR HAND IF UR GUNNA LIE TO US DHFHJFJDIDISKSJSJWHUEUEUE SO THEN I RAISED MY HAND TO HELP HER PUT THERE 😭😭😭✌️😭
another time I was doing Karoke and me & my friend wanted to sing SIX and she’s like “so which song” and I’m like “I know the lines to like all of them so we can do any one”
one time my friends said “her forehead is so big it could be Library full of SIX facts” 💪
also I had(ve) no friends that were this intensely or at all obsessed with it so I would literally be fucking texting myself links to videos and stuff
Also like one time I got jumpscared bc out of the corner of my eye I saw Santa Claus and thought it was H*nry VIII
Also I have seen almost every single one of Art E’s (person who made six the kids) tumblr posts + may or may not have also gotten a virus (no fr I’m not sure) from tumblr when scrolling through six posts
whenever I couldn’t sleep or was home alone yes I would perform six and yes I would know most of the lines
the biggest album on my phone is six photos + I have separate albums for every queen and their kids
also I have seen pretty much every incorrect SIX quote and they are pretty much inside jokes with myself
when I would get really anxious I would imagine my life if I was an actor on tour playing Boylen and my friendship which each of the other random actors and also I would imagine my favorite six six (the last song) animatic
there were times where I could hardly do anything without thinking “OMG THIS IS SO JANE SEYMOUR LIKE I,AGINE IF THE QUEENS WERE HERE AND JEHFJDJWKWKWMMA” (to myself in my head I’m not annoying like that….well to anyone but G)
I wanted to make a Anne Boylen cosplay SOOOO BAD despite having no cosplay skills one time I tried to make one for a belle doll I bought at goodwill speicifically for that purpose and also one out of cardboard
I have an album with all of the bootlegs I could find that aren’t just a black screen and can send it to u
and yet although I’ve been obsessed for 2-3 years I have hardly made any art for it and just have like 50 million unfinished sketches and may or may not have unfinished fanfics and so so many mental ideas of animatics (idk how to animate) that I abandoned after a day and I own 4 pieces of merch that I didn’t make myself (7 if u include the stuff I made) ✌️😭 ✌️😖
when I was bored instead of watching a Netiflix show or listening to music like a normal person, oh no, I would rewatch H*nry VIII oversimplified I’ve seen it like 10 times honestly a banger
Also if you know these 3 songs you are SUCH a real one and I love you;
-divorced behead and died 🗣️🔥💯‼️ divorced beheaded survived 🗣️🔥💯‼️ IM H*NRY VIII IVE HAD 6 SORRY WIVES YOU COULD SAY I RUINEDTHEIR LIVES 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥💯💯💯💯‼️‼️‼️
Also yes I censor H*nry and not fuck bc it’s funny and I like that it’s like a little with us six fans 💪 as well as Henrat
also I did a history project on Elizabeth I
also at another preppy little thing I did was think which of my friends are each of the queens bc I’m Boylen therefore we all have to be besties
And I could write something probably longer than this post abt my head canons of what I think their personality would be like au’s how I think their friendships are to each other what they would like and dislike, basically a really advanced sim and yes I have made them in the sims but sims 3 won’t let me have more than 8 so Edward had to go also Eddy is an iPad kid bc I deicided like come on Jane would so give him and iPad and be like “oh yes ofc I will pay 20 dollars so u can have new robux 😇”
also I have every single one of the queens and their kids deathdays on my calendar (Mae is not included) as well as their birthdays
also it has been 2 years and I still remeber the time and date I saw six for the first time (cried 6 times 3 when it started 3 when it ended) 💪💪💪
being a SIX fan is having no clue what to say when someone asks how many wars H*nry fought but knowing the amount of miscarriages Lina had
fun fact: Henry killed thousands more ppl than Mary ✌️😜
One time I got in like a 30 minute argument with my friends Snapchat ai about whether or not H*nry deserves decent human respect BITCH JUST BCZ IT WAS A “DIFFRENT TIME” DOESNT KAKE IT OKAY” 😤😤😤
Also fun fact Elizabeth signed everything Elizabeth R because R means Regina which means queen in Latin or something and Elisabeth could speak SOOO MANY diffrent Languages.
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yupuffin · 1 month
In summer 2016, I got one of the Japanese bookstore's last copies of the KAITO 10th anniversary album Glorious Blue. The whole album is full of BOPS, but I got particularly hooked on Doctor=Funk Beat by nyanyannya. I was super excited to see it slated to be performed at Magical Mirai later that year. I learned the choreography as fast as I could and became, to my knowledge, the first person to publicly upload a dance cover of Doctor=Funk Beat using the Magical Mirai choreography.
Sometime in the next few months, I got hooked on the rest of nyanyannya's discography and decided to subscribe to his Patreon. We got monthly updates and the early release versions of some songs, which was cool! I believe it was in the announcement post for the song Justin⇒Jive⇒Justify in which he included the song lyrics, footnoted with "It'd be cool if I had an English translation!"
So, like the bilingual student I was, I went 🤔🤔🤔, assembled my best attempt at a translation, and stuck it in the comments with "Hey, I wasn't sure if you were serious about wanting an English translation for this, but in case you were and wanted to use one, I gave it a shot!"
I thought this would be a singular instance, but I was wrong! Unexpectedly, this led to us collaborating on quite a bit of translation work for him over the years, including captions for his music videos back when community captions on YouTube were a thing. It was a really cool experience. I remember consulting one of my housemates, an exchange student from Japan, to help me proofread my responses to the messages we exchanged. Once nyanyannya started to get into Vtubing, I learned how to make subtitle files from scratch to match the skit videos he'd send me so he could upload them with the final product. Most of those videos have sadly been unlisted now, but I have fond memories of his avatar's antics, and many of the one-liners still live in my head rent-free despite the defunct source material.
The cozy fandom for his body of musical work "the Namari Hime series" was led by a dedicated user who'd host regular drawing chats -- the kind where everyone doodles on the same canvas while voice chatting. Every few weeks or months I'd get to wake up ridiculously early to discuss new song releases and favorite characters with a bunch fellow fans from the other side of the Pacific Ocean, and nyanyannya even joined in himself on a couple of occasions. He laughed at the cleverness of me posting a photo in cosplay of one of his characters "Cash" gesturing dramatically at an ATM. He rightly proclaimed our little corner of the Internet a "super cool fandom."
For a while, we had an unofficial Discord server for the worldwide English-speaking sector of the fandom as well. It's probably still out there, actually! It was really cool to see how the fandom grew over the years from just a couple of people to at least several dozen, if not more.
Shortly after protests broke out across the United States in 2020, I woke up to a message from nyanyannya saying he'd seen the news about what was happening on my side of the pond and wanted to ask if I was okay. It was really touching.
I followed his work less closely after he officially started Vtubing, just because, as a college student, I didn't have the spare time to watch a large quantity of ~3-hour-long videos. And a couple of years ago, I stopped financially supporting him after he started experimenting with generative AI to make YouTube thumbnail images and singing samples.
But we still follow each other on Twitter--even though he posts mostly about Vtubing now, and I mostly post about Hoyoverse games and not Namari Hime. I still see the selfies he posts on Instagram from time to time. And I'm still mutuals with a lot of the previous fandom members, too, even though a lot of them are less active and we don't speak directly basically at all anymore.
nyanyannya's song Fräulein=Biblioteka is featured in the ongoing MIKU EXPO North America tour. nyanyannya is not a mainstream musician. In fact, he deliberately quit mainstream music production before he wrote Namari Hime because of the toll it was taking on his mental and physical health, and turned instead to Vocaloid as tool to help him express his individuality, instead of whatever would be the most commercially successful.
Well, that's just one example. There's plenty more.
KIRA, the producer who wrote the featured song "Highlight," is younger than I am by several years. He wrote the lyrics to another one of his hit songs, "MONSTER," when he was sixteen, and almost scrapped it because he thought nobody would like it. Now a song he wrote played at COACHELLA and he's over the moon.
Utsu-P, behind "Hyper Reality Show," is experiencing similar feelings, as he never would have dreamed of one of his songs featuring at Coachella back when his parents bought him Hatsune Miku with graduation money.
yukkedoluce is another of my favorite Vocaloid producers. He grew up wanting to be an astronaut, but didn't qualify because his eyesight was too poor -- so now he lives his dream in a different form by writing Miku songs about space.
At one of the side events at MIKU EXPO 2018, my siblings and I happened to sit next to a Vocaloid producer named Lystrialle who specializes in making contemporary folk music featuring MEIKO and KAITO. I looked up her music after the expo; her album "You, in the Endless Starlight" almost literally defined my sexuality (or lack thereof), and my Genshin Impact AU is named after some of her lyrics. She runs a Mastodon instance for Vocaloid fans.
What I'm trying to say is... there are Vocaloid producers who might be more comparable to mainstream producers, and there are musicians who started with Vocaloid work and eventually transitioned to more mainstream work. But there's also an endless list of Vocaloid producers who make little to no money off their work and hence are far from major corporate entities.
Individuality and collaboration is at the heart of Vocaloids like Hatsune Miku. Miku is primarily a tool to give musicians the power to create the music they want, not to make a highly successful commercial product. I've given an entire hour-long panel on this that convention attendees still remember ten years later, but that's a lot to put into a post that's already long enough, so I'll spare you the details for now.
Vocaloid was one of my first fandoms back in 2011. I got into cosplay and dance because of Vocaloid. Now I'm heavily involved in my local cosplay performance scene, both in terms of participating in events and helping organize them.
How does that phrase go? Do not recite the magic to me; I was there when it was written.
Don't spread misinformation that Vocaloid producers don't care about people's feelings because all they care about is making a commercial Product(tm).
Instead, please fuck all the way off.
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minimiku039 · 11 months
last night, i had a dream hatsune miku and ado collaborated and made an album
anyways here is a photo of miku and ado just being besties
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cookiewoli · 9 months
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❉ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ~ ╤╤╤╤ ✿ ╤╤╤╤ ❉
"One more time, one more time, just let me roll for another day"
I started the sketch of this drawing when I learned that my dad has a cancer. Because, yeah, obviously, when you're sad you're listening sad song. 👍
That's why I wanted to draw Hatsune Miku from "Rolling girl" music.
I was shocked when I learn this, despite the fact he was laughing ans saying "don't worry, don't worry !"
On the phone, I was feeling like it was a dream. That it was not real. I could only understand half of what he said. He will starts chemotherapy soon, and shave his head. He says "at least I wouldn't have to worry about my haircut every months"
I felt guilty when I heard the news. I thought it was my fault because I "abandoned him" and that my departure was the trigger of his illness, like with my mother. My grandma said at my psychiatrist : "my granddaughter abandoned her mother. All the shit happening to her is karma, she deserves it." I was in mental hospital at the period, and my mother just had her cancer. How can you heal from your mental illness when you're accused of the cancer of your parents ? I thought she was right, and I can't stop thinking that it's my fault, even though everyone tells me it's impossible. Yeah gaslighting hits me.
I left everything behind me. All my mother family were abusing toward me. Keep saying that "you're not part of the family, and you'll never be." "Here or not, that's the same. No one's are looking at you" "Feels like you're an intruder. You have nothing to do with us" but the worse was with my mother and my grandmother. So I ran away to live with my father.
It was hard because I've been abused differently. Mental illness (schizoaffective disorder) came at this period. I was spending all my time at mental hospital. Even though my dad did monstruous things, when I think about of all my family, he's the least worst. It's thanks to him that I have photo album. That I have this passion for videogames. That I've been able to go to the park. To cinema. And he was the first one to say that my drawings are pretty while my mother and grandmother was saying that I should stop drawing because they're ugly.
Nowadays, cancer doesn't mean death, depending on where it is. I try my best to keep good mood. Drawing helps me to think about something else, even though nightmares are always here to reminds me my suffering. Thank you CPTSD.
I hope he will get better, and I'm sure about it, as long as he keeps his moral high.
Sorry to write all of this, but here, I'm sure that my family will never read this text. So I can speak without hearing them screaming "Liar !" And turning everyone against me.
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seahydra · 7 months
🔎 for something f/o-related in my room (or something that makes me think about them).
🎧 for a song that reminds me of us.
🎁 for a gift f/o has given s/i (or vice versa).
For Leviathan! :D
🔎 !
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Of course there's like my actual merch. Then there's my notebook I use to keep track of everything he infodumps about... my one and only Miku figure (of course) and one of those reversible octo plushies cos I think he'd also have one! Heehee. I debated on including my wowaka album too but I feel like he would prefer different producers...
MANY. I wanna get around to making a playlist... but for now the first song that really comes to mind is. Well.
I can't even copy paste specific lyrics because it's just the entire song ... listen...
For him... the gifts he'd give me would be stuff relevant to my interests probably. I want him to buy me love is war miku figure NOW
I'd have to get creative with it though because he's always buying merch the literal second it drops so there's probably no way I'd be able to get him something he wouldn't already have. I think I would just buy him cute sea creature plushies 🦐 ORWAIT FUCK. FRIENDSHIP BRACELET yeah that's more like it
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holdharmonysacred · 2 years
@parnasse​ : oh, what pretty covers.
this one gets a Post so I can show off Photos for you
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They’re extremely pretty covers for a manga that’s visually amazing in general. If you’re wondering, the manga is called Shinyaku Märchen, it’s an adaptation of the music albums Ido e Itaru Mori e Itaru Ido and Märchen by Sound Horizon, and you can find fan scanlations here and here (or on mangadex if you want the whole series in one place). Not depicted in these photos are the brown booklets of bonus chapters that are easy lost from both the story and IRL sets because they have to commit to the Themes at all costs.
If you get curious and want to listen to the albums or read the manga (or watch the beautiful live concert of the albums that I lost the link for), do be warned that it’s a dark fantasy story that has Literally All Of The Triggers, and also Miku is there for a handful of singing lines. The albums are by the people who went on to do the Bravely Default OSTs though if you want an idea of what they sound like. If you do take the plunge though, it’ll be super worth it!
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yuuki-mishima · 2 years
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New important photo albums
If you see this Gwen, ty for the miku edit, very important to me
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hatsunemiku-official · 2 months
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How do you feel about this drawing?
pipis is mine………
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yukarishoodie · 2 years
Went to a con and got some albums! They even gave me a free keychain as a bonus. Can't wait to start ripping and listening.
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[Picture ID: A photo of two albums arranged vertically and a Megurine Luka keychain, all by Vocapraya Music. The first album is Bhanupriya vol. 2, with the cover featuring Hatsune Miku and Vocapraya's mascot, a girl with short pink hair. The second album is Feeling Love Remixes, featuring Meiko holding a mic. End ID.]
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goldscans · 4 days
Girl's Friendship (long version) - MitchieM
(Translation under the cut)
Our story is just like Clean Bandit’s Symphony (Say what?) A scattering elegy, bursting with energy Friendship! Love? Super Sisters’ Soul
Don’t you say, “close friend” - that’s a taboo word for us You get shy, I know, so no, no, no It takes two to tango, and we hung onto each other Our initials, carved, are the proof of our relationship
Come around, come around, it comes around (our first-time) on a winter day I'll never forget (encounter) Destiny is like a Bach melody (entangled fugue) We were laughing together in our previous life I feel it, sweetheart, this quite mysterious feeling
If I'm with you like we are lovers I can look up, look up, look up at this never-seen sky If I sing with you like we are twins Can we break out, break out, break out of these fading ordinary days? Echoing, Girl × Girl, Girls’ Friendship
You pull on my sleeve and say, “I don’t want to be just friends” with that very same feeling —like I’m holding back tears—: “Yes, yes, yes” Waiting in line to decorate this selfie where our shoulders are pressed together, I want to always be the co-star of your [photo] albums.
It flows, it ebbs, it’s so fragrant (your scent), I realize I’m so happy (this moment) Every day is like Ravel's Boléro (a changing repetition) When we grow up, we’ll become estranged… We can’t believe that! It’s the pure will of us women!
When I’m with you like a lover I want to walk up, walk up, walk up that one single path If I sing with you like we are twins Can we come out, come out, come out of these values of freedom? Nothing more than a Girl × Girl, Girls’ Friendship
Those times when I was crying… (Miku, are you OK? I will rush to you!) You always cuddled up to me… (I wanna be by your side ‘til you smile again!) The treasure (every gracious day) of my life (the most precious thing, come on!) When it’s us two (uh-huh), together (oh, yeah), I know this quite mysterious feeling
If I'm with you like we are lovers (Right here) I can look up, look up, look up at this never-seen sky If I sing with you like we are twins (Right now) Can we break out, break out, break out of these fading ordinary days? Echoing beautifully like strings, Girl × Girl, Girls’ Friendship
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itsumiiiz · 5 months
Hai!! I’m doing character introductions and facts!! :3
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Say hai to Miku!!
Some things about her:
Miku is a singer who has been through many things. She gets sad and scared very easily and things are very hard for her. She lost all of her friends to the point she goes through sadness.
Some facts about Miku:
- Miku loves anything blueberry flavoured
- Miku has nightmares constantly so that’s why she doesn’t get enough sleep
- Miku has many photo albums from the concerts she has done
- Miku doesn’t like being alone
- Miku’s room is filled with posters of herself and Miku figurines she has been collecting
You can ask her some questions on the ask me anything! She would love to answer your questions!
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limbowzo · 10 months
hey tumblr welcome to my photo albums
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tag yourself im tartaglia selfcest miku gif
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aemoglobin · 1 year
my new photo albums arrived so i spent a few minutes organizing my postcard-sized prints and kpop goods. felt good. i put my gg items in the pink album and bg items in the blue one.....what can i say, i love the basics. so now i have plenty of room in my og pink album for art prints and postcards!! 
next thing i need to do is re-check the dimensions for my larger prints because i need to buy a couple different sizes and some photo frames, i think. i know they’re not all the same size. then i gotta decide which ones i want to hang and which ones are going in the album...
there are a lot more leftover small, oddly-shaped goods that i am not really sure what to do with. kpop groups be like ‘what if i made some really weird shaped merch that doesn’t seem to serve an actual purpose’ and make it your problem when you’re swamped in random scraps. i might have to actually start a scrapbook or two, like for real.....might be fun!!! 
honestly i really need to buy a desk and some organizers for it but i don’t.....have a good idea of which desk i want, and i don’t have time to go pick one up at staples (the ones my work sells are...not to my quality standards). once i get that, i can finally unpack my old boxes of stationary stuff and get those off my floor lmao. a file index cabinet thingy would also be super helpful for holding all of my ‘important papers’ that are just moldering in a bunder.....
i also think i want to buy a second, smaller bookcase and possibly use that for my kpop albums. they’re taking up more room than i want them to in my main bookcase, haha, since i do want to put all of my manga and books out on actual shelves (they’ve been mostly in boxes since 2013 *crying emojis*). i kind of super regret giving away half of my manga collection to my sister’s ex-bf’s little sisters but hey, they actually read them and i can always buy more now that i’m an employed adult. 
another thing i need to buy is a bunch of command hooks/strips for the stuff i want to put up, and an over-the-door hanger so i can hang up my work backpack and my bathrobe. i want to hang up a bunch of the ocean-themed prints i bought, and my loona poster......maybe my miku posters too for funsies. if there’s wall space left. 
lastly....i keep meaning to buy aoife a cat tree so she can be Tall again but every time i think i have money for one, something comes up or i’m not able to get a ride to the pet store etc etc....one day, aoife! i prommy~
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kxvbzs · 2 years
Polyamarous Vivid BAD SQUAD headcanons because I can:
- An is definitely the most open in the relationship, all the others are more chill but An? She’s gonna hype them up with embarassing pet names like “sweetie, sugar pie, sunshine, etc” and be so outwardly open about it and probably the first to slip out that their dating to one of her classmates or something.
- Kohane is first to confess! Which seems suprising (I have just been reading this fanfic and honestly it suits her so much and the fanfic is called ‘one step at a time (towards a happy ending)’ on ao3, super cute highly reccommend!) She confessed to one person at a time and then bring them all together and splutter all their feelings at each other which is indeed chaotic.
- Touya is definitely like the therapist friend of the group in a way. When one needs comfort, he’ll always be there to hit you up. He’ll pat you in the back, hugs them and kisses their forehead (he’s the tallest after all)
- Akito was the one in most denial, obiviously. It took him a while to understand these feelings after all he always thought romance as a distraction in his life so when he found out that he not only have one but THREE crushes, he was doomed.
- Meiko was the first one to found out because like she knows everything like the mom person she is.
- Ken sooner or later found out because An told him (the others agreed or else it will probably create more mess if they didn’t) but he did had his suspicions (because Akito and An is just so bad in hiding it, An is too open and Akito at some point just flushes so hard, its a sight to see)
- Miku was like the third person to notice after Kohane saying Akito and Touya’s first names in front of her when she came into the cafe.
- “Akito-kun and Touya-ku-“ *door opens* “Ah, a-am I interrupting something?” *the three blushes and An laughing the backgroud*
- Len and Rin were some of the last ones to notice while Kaito and Luka was told by Meiko. Len and Rin just thought its a friendly thing going around until they heard Luka, Kaito and Meiko talk about the squad dating together, both of them were like “THEIR DATING???”
- Not everyone in school knows about it because they decided to keep it low there but you know sometimes it slips.
- Tsukasa knew because Touya came in for advice to him since he was dating Rui.
- Rui is god, he knows everything.
- Mizuki helped out for An and when they found out they were dating, Mizuki is the first one to congratulate them.
- As for Kohane, Minori and Shiho helped her out and Minori was the one who suggested her to confess!
- Ena knew because her bro just asked her how do you delete these feelings and she was like you can’t. (based from experience *cough* Mizuki *cough*)
- “Well what the hell are you gonna do?” “Tell me how to delete these feelings.” “No.”
- An flirts the most in the relationship (and she flirts and teases Akito and Kohane the most cause Touya is never affected by her flirts except sometimes) but if one flirts back (mainly Akito because well he’s Akito and revenge) she’ll turn to a tomato ESPICIALLY if the one flirting back is the two quiet ones of the group. (Mainly Touya because he’s just that good at flirting back that nearly made everyone faint)
- Everyone has a soft side for Kohane espicially when her hair is down because they think she’s so cute with her hair down. (And their right)
- Everyone has pictures of everyone in their phones whether they admit it or not.
- Kohane has so much pictures of the three in her camera, its uncanny.
- She also have a picture of them together in a polaroid on her phone case.
- Touya has the whole squad as his backgroud wallpaper on his phone.
- While An has a photo of them together in her room.
- Akito doesn’t really show their photos together but he secretly has a whole album of it in his laptop (when he takes them with his phone and Kohane or An sending pics of them together in the group chat) and if anyone finds out, he will never be seen again for a while.
- Matching couple things together! Like AnHane’s matching necklaces, AkiTouya’s matching phone cases, AkiKoha’s matching bracelets, TouyaAn’s matching keychains, TouKoha’s matching bottle drinks and AkiAn’s matching earrings, they all have matching rings together (kinda like their married hehe) and they wear it often.
- Kohane made everyone phone charms! And she’s good at it too.
- They wear it on their phone cases. It took a while for Akito because he was embarrassed but he did it anyways and now he’s used to it or even more so proud of it as he will tell others that Kohane made it while mostly An does the bragging.
- Touya has one with a dark blue charms with a cute little book charm in it while Akito has one with orange charms and a ginger cat because Akito reminds her of a cat while An’s charm has light blue charms with a yellow star pendant! Kohane herself has a charm with pink charms and a hamster.
- They have spotify playlists for each other and share a song that they think the others might like.
- AnHane cooks together often while AkiTouya are like their food testers.
- Cinema dates happen once in a while when one of them really wants to watch something. Like Avengers or something.
- They go shopping together a lot whether to buy clothes for the next show or for fun. Its just their little date together.
- Cafes and cafes and cafes— because Akito and his sweet tooth and seeing him happy makes everyone else in the group happy so they go there often.
- Cuddles are a thing here in the Crase Cafe so get used to it when you see TouyaAn in the couch together.
- Bets are common for AkiAn when they go on dates, they do it almost all the time. One time they had a bet on who can score the most in an arcade basketball game and Akito lost by one point so he had to eat a whole dish of carrots. Most of the time the two enjoy ice skating dates together. Both are so fluid in their movements but they know its dangerous to race so they do matches like who can spin the longest and etc. This time Akito won and An had to drench herself in cold water. Their date themes are so random, its always a suprise for the other but ice skating dates are the most common.
- TouKoha have study dates together like a lot. They would talk about school subjects or not even a school subject just something they like and almost everything else that comes to their minds, they will share their thoughts together. While Kohane is a lover for biology, Touya is a sucker for mathematics. If AkiAn join their study dates, you better be ready to know that two are long gone as the their partners try to explain it to them. And if the two end up sleeping, Touya and Kohane would talk in whispers about other topics to not wake the other two.
- AkiTouya arcade dates! Touya wins too much prizes that Akito has to carry three bags full of toys at one time while Touya had a huge teddy bear with him. They give the plushies to those who knows would like them like their girlfriends, Ena so she can take pics with it and Saki, she likes soft things to hug on, Touya knew this when they were growing up together. Though Touya and Akito keeps one for themselves, Touya has a blue dino plushy while Akito has an orange dragon plushy. While Kohane has the most plushies while An has at least three. Racing arcade games are always Akito’s favorite so he always ask Touya to match with him and obviously he wins. Touya just lets him win and he, himself isn’t used to games like these, he’s better in crane games.
- AnHane’s dates are suprisingly simple! They just go to one of their houses and do girly things together like make up, hair styling and etc. They also watch so much animes or other shows in netflix together and also play around with Kohane’s pet snake if their date is in her house and sometimes they just do cook offs for fun but Kohane always struggles making some dishes so An helps her out. Sometimes they would ask the guys if they wanna join, Touya joins more than Akito does because well I mean—
- AkiKoha’s dates are just them going to different shops, seeing the aesthetic, buying some little accessories and gifts for their partners and for each other and everything also testing different foods. Its very subtle and calming. Also walks in the park because its just calming and they enjoy each other’s presence and comfortable silence. Sometimes when Kohane brings out her camera (Akito always wonders why but he figured its for the scenary in the parks well he isn’t wrong but its mainly him) when they go on dates in the park, she secretly takes a picture of Akito under the sun, eating his pancakes and many more.
- TouyaAn’s dates are either very high class or like the most chaotic thing, depending who’s planning. Either they go to a fancy restaurant or somehow ended up in the parking lot in mcdonalds. Though neither of them mind where their going because they just like being around each other and lastly stargazing is always the ending for the dates and suprisingly An loves astrology when Touya found out he was suprised that An was into something like this. She herself always thought its cool and explains it to Touya who have very little knowledge about it and he listens to her like God is talking to him.
- They all love each other and thats all that matters. They will always support each other no matter what goes through!
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