#mike's a bit of a different story bc he knows what romantic relationships are. obviously he has terrible examples: his parents. steve and
mlchaelwheeler · 2 years
el isnt ready for a relationship despite what most people say. id say the same about mike except the issues he has in mlvn dont apply to his relationship with will
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writerrobinarnett · 10 months
hii it's always me! (this will be very long i'm so, so sorry 😭)
recently i was thinking a lot about the love square and how much dysfunctional it is in mlb (in my opinion at least) bc they put everything in the "last" season and they don't know how to write and i was wondering how you would evolve it to make those two (mike and will, obv) work without creating an unhealthy and unbalanced relationship. bc.
following the mlb's story we see that marinette likes adrien and chat noir likes ladybug. but for making their relationship balanced after a identity reveal they firstly make ladybug appreciate (in a almost romantic subtext) chat noir and make adrien appreciate marinette in the same way. bc in the numerous fanservice eps where they do a identity reveal and then they forget everything (not chat blanc) we see that marinette (as it should be) firstly is insecure and dosen't accept immediately that adrien is chatnoir. after some time she finally accepts it. then we have adrien- now. adrien always says he would've loved ladybug, whoever she really was. he dosen't care who she really is. so when he found out that ladybug is marinette... "well?? ok! nice! she's one of my bestfriends so that's nice!" no way dude. he IMMEDIATELY accepted that but he didn't love marinette for her qualities. he started dating her just bc she's ladybug and this is NOT OKAY. this is totally unbalanced and disrespectful to marinette. and the writers knew this. so, trying to "fix" everything (as usual...) they put in the basically last season that one day adrien woke up and said "ohh ig i'm in love with marinette now". and marinette woke up one day saying "wait... i like chatnoir now! and he also loves ladybug so i'm lucky this time!" and marinette's crush survived about two days. than marinette and adrien started dating (tbh... i liked how they worked as a couple but idk??? since the first season "ladybug, my love" and now???)
now. the whole point is. there will be moments where will and mike will start to "like like" their counterparts or you will build them in another way?
another question is: what do you think about the love square's building in mlb?
this came out very long, forgive me 😭
Great analysis of MLB! I love reading detailed and in-depth opinions like this one so no worries, it’s so cool to hear your perspective! I’ll share my incredibly long reply lol
The short answer is, yes, I am planning to show Mike and Will starting to “like like”their counterparts before the reveal. Now here’s the much, much longer answer lol.
First a WARNING: Some parts of the following explanation are a little bit SPOILERY, but not too much. Only if you are obsessive about having no spoilers. I’ll try to keep it pretty vague
Okay with that out of the way, I’m gonna share a lengthier explanation of my thought process for writing Strange and Miraculous Tales. It’s long so bear with me lol
So, obviously, Mike’s long-time crush on Will is gonna make the transition post-ID reveal relatively easy for him. After the shock wears off, Mike can transition pretty well into being comfortable with and/or progressing from platonic to romantic. (In my opinion anyway) Although, Mike is gonna have a lot to process before he gets to that point
Will is the difficult one. Obviously, there’s a lot of problems with falling in love as superheroes, since they can’t get to know each other properly. To combat this, when I drafted my initial outline, I decided that Will was going to start to see Mike in a different light (a more romantic one) before the ID reveal.
I’ve only showed this a little bit of this theme so far. I started off in the beginning (ch. 3) hinting that Will was demi and that he already thought Mike was kinda cute, but that he only likes people he’s known for a while/is comfortable with. I hoped to build on this over the course of the story, showing Will growing close with Mike (again lol) and giving him an opportunity to start falling in love with Mike, as they become close friends (even though Will doesn’t realize this is happening ‘cause he’s a little dumb sometimes). As the story progresses, Mike has also started lowering his guard and becoming a little less flustered, which also helps Will to get to know (and love) Mike more.
In case the theme is too subtle, here’s another example of one of the ways I showed Will starting to develop a minor crush (that he himself doesn’t realize yet): when Will thinks that Mike’s getting flustered is cute and enjoys teasing him in ch. 6. Will’s feelings towards Mike have been very, very subtle so far, but I intend to make a few, more overt references (of both of them falling for their counterparts) as we near the ID reveal. There might be other small references already in the story, but I can’t remember them atm. (Also, if you haven’t read ch. 20 yet, there’s a much more blatant reference to Will starting to develop feelings for Mike hehe)
As a side note: I’ve also tried to pepper in some of Chat thinking that Z is kind of cute, but dismissing the thoughts, because he knows he likes Will. For instance, Mike had a mini freak out about thinking Z was handsome/cute in ch. 5. And he also wanted to remember Z kissing him in ch. 7. What’s more, I will say… the time Z kissed him in Oblivio might be affecting Mike more than he’s let on so far 😉
To summarize – I’m trying to address the love square by having Mike having invasive, romantic thoughts about Zombie Boy, and Will developing some subtle feelings for Mike, before the identity reveal, just like you said.
Most importantly though, I hope you keep in mind that my version of an MLB ID reveal and byler getting together won’t be perfect. I’ve already tried to show them liking each other, but it might have been a little too subtle. I did my best to lay the groundwork for a healthy relationship, and I think I did pretty well… but I may have fallen short. (I try my best but I’m still regrettably, a human who does make mistakes 😅). What I’m trying to say is: I hope you can still enjoy the story, even if I don’t execute this section perfectly
Now! To address my thoughts on the love square in the show… I hope it’s not disappointing, but I don’t have a lot of thoughts lol. I am the kind of person who overanalyzes a lot (and often times I enjoy analyzing things), but when I’m watching TV, a lot of times I try to turn off my brain and tend to be forgiving, even when the writing is iffy.
The exceptions to this in MLB: (1) the reversal of the love square was so freaking disappointing to me. I had always loved MariChat before those episodes, because I believed that they could build a really strong relationship, if they just focused on getting to know each other as friends first (and that was the only part of the love square where they weren’t flustered fools). But the way the two of them completely fell apart in the show was such BS! Ladybug not being able to focus on her job as a hero, had me like, wtf guys! Bc Chat was totally fine when he liked LB, so why is it so different the other way around. And I don’t care if you promised yourself you’d stop liking Adrien for some (very BS) reason Marinette – if your crush suddenly likes you back and you still like him, why on earth wouldn’t you start dating him!?!?! (2) The second thing I hate in the writing is Lila, and the idiotic storylines where no one believed Marinette, and they all believed this random person, who just showed up, over their longtime friend. Stupid. And not fun stupid. Sorry for the rant lol.
Hope all of that answers your question! 😊 And I really hope that you aren’t thinking, “omg tmi” right now haha
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s-oulpunk · 4 years
Alright I don’t have the time or brain capacity to write out an entire fic, but I’ve been thinking about Disney channel movie AUs and I need to write them out somehow.
First of all, Descendants.  A Descendants AU is NEEDED.
I know the obvious is to make Bill the prince/king.  To make Richie one of the Isle of the Lost kids.  But is that what we’re gonna do?  No.  Here’s what we’re gonna do instead:
Stan is the prince/king, and Richie is his best friend/right hand man.  Ben and Mike are also their friends, maybe Ben is the son of that one Dwarf (I can’t remember the character’s name sorryy).
Bill, Eddie, and Bev are the kids from Isle of the Lost.  It doesn’t particularly matter who their parents are, but Bill is the Mal character, Bev is Evie, and Eddie is a mix of Carlos and Jay.  Not literally bc they have different personalities, but, like, their places in the story.  Alright.  Hell yeah.  Now onto the actual story.
Stan spends a lot of time thinking about what he wants his first proclamation as king to be.  He talks to Richie, Ben, and Mike about his idea and, with a little bit of a push, he tells his parents he wants to invite some of the kids from Isle of the Lost to go to their school. (Which btw confused me abt the original movie.  Why is Ben king? He’s still in school. His dad isn’t sick. Who decided it was time for a 16 year old to be in charge of an entire kingdom?  Also where is the rest of the kingdom?  We only see the school.  Is the school the entire kingdom?  It doesn’t matter but those are my thoughts on the matter.)
Bill gets the invitation and, initially, wants to throw it away.  He doesn’t care, he likes his home.  It’s what he’s always known.  But Georgie practically begs him to go.  He’s more wide-eyed and naive than Bill is, so the idea of the great big world outside the island is so magical to Georgie.  Bill agrees to go, agreeing to write to Georgie everyday and promising to try and find a way to get him over too.
I don’t think either of Bill’s parents would care much about Fairy God Mother’s wand though, so either Eddie’s mom or Bev’s dad is the one to demand they steal it.  Eddie already has a different plot, so we’re going to say it’s Bev’s dad who wants the wand.  Sonia is lazy.  Alvin is power hungry.
Anyway, when they get there, Stan is there to greet them.  Bill and Stan see each other and are kinda like 👀 but then they just ignore that because feelings?? Who wants to think about that??  Stan’s still kind of wary of them, and Bill still thinks they’re all stuck up pricks.  So neither of them want to admit the other is cute.
Ben takes them to their rooms, and him and Bev are much more relaxed about realizing their feelings for each other.  They don’t act on it right away, but it doesn’t freak them out as much.  Bev makes Ben blush with her easy going nature, Ben makes Bev giddy with his natural kindness.  They can’t help but fall head over heels for each other.
But it’s Eddie who really lectures them on this.  His mom had instilled this fear inside him that these new people were going to hurt him. He desperately believes that a relationship with any of these people, that getting too settled, is going to hurt them. All he wants to do is help his friends get the wand and get out.
That is until he meets Richie.  They’re in PE when Mike’s dog manages to get away from his leash and, of course, chases after the one person TERRIFIED of dogs (AKA Eddie).  And Eddie, whose mother filled his head with stories about rabies and being torn limb from limb, fucking bolts.  Mike and Richie (who was in class with him) both try to find him.  Richie manages to find him first, hiding half up a tree as Mr Chips (that’s Mike’s dog’s name, right?) barks like a madman.  Richie manages to coax him down with the promise that Mr Chips won’t actually hurt him.  He does sniff him, but he quickly decides he’s not a threat and demands pets instead.  From then on, Richie and Eddie are inseparable.
Bev and Eddie are both making friends, so they’re starting to care less and less about stealing Fairy God Mother’s wand.  But Bill’s only worry is still finding a way to get Georgie off the island.  And as far as he knows, getting the wand will achieve that.  So he manages to convince Bev and Eddie to still go along with the plan, promising that if the villains do take over again, Ben and Richie won’t be in the line of fire.
Unfortunately, the only way they know to get the wand is to seduce Stan (because the wand will crown him king or something during coronation.  I forget why the wand is there.  But it is.  And if someone’s dating Stan, they get to stand right next to the wand.  Idk man.) Bev and Eddie beg Bill to do it, not wanting to risk their new romantic interests, and Bill pretends to throw a fit but he’s actually really glad it’s him.  He would definitely be low-key jealous if one of his friends got to date the unfairly pretty prince.
So they sneak Stan a love potion and everything’s going great except UH OH Stan’s actually really sweet?? And cute??  And he cares about what Bill has to say??  He spends hours reading Bill’s stories, doesn’t mind posing whenever Bill wants to sketch him (which is OBVIOUSLY just for show, he doesn’t actually wanna draw Stan hahaha😳), and never makes fun of Bill’s stutter.  He never even rolls his eyes or tells him to, “spit it out,” he just waits patiently with a soft smile on his face and a sparkle in his eyes.
So Bill’s starting to feel more and more guilty, but he can’t look back now.  He PROMISED Georgie, and his brother’s more important than a cute boy.  Even if he is the cutest boy he has ever seen.
The day of the coronation, Bill slips Stan the cure to the love potion.  He isn’t truly cruel, he doesn’t want Stan to still be in love with him when the villains take over.  Because he is the prince and there’s no way Bill could protect him from their wrath.  He can deal with Stan hating him, even if it’ll shatter his heart into a million tiny pieces.
Except Stan doesn’t act any different.  At first Bill thinks that maybe it’s just because he doesn’t want to cause a scene in front of the crowd, but when they’re alone Stan kisses him softly and tells him how glad he is they met.
A part of Bill is ecstatic that Stan still likes him.  But another part of him can only feel crushing guilt.  Now Stan’s going to be heartbroken and there’s nothing Bill can do to stop it.
But he still grabs the wand, he still makes a show of breaking down the barrier.  He can see the light in Stan’s eyes crumble, and Bill wants to cry his, admittedly, too big heart out.  Bev and Eddie rush to help him, even though they’re facing their own moral dilemmas.
It’s not until the villains have already arrived and have everyone held hostage, that Stan finally breaks and asks WHY.  Why did he do it?  Why did he betray him?  When Bill tells him why, Stan’s just like, “You idiot, I could’ve done that.”
Now Bill feels like a real idiot.  And when he looks around, all he can see is the anger and fear he saw on the Isle of the Lost.  It’s exactly what he was trying to get Georgie away from, but now he’s made it worse.
So in a split second decision, he gathers Eddie and Bev and asks them to help him fix this.  It doesn’t take much convincing, they didn’t want to do it in the first place, and they manage to defeat the villains with the power of idk love and friendship or whatever.  Maybe the other Losers help too.
When it’s finally all done and over, Bill can’t think of any reason he wouldn’t be sent back.  He hands the wand back to Stan with his head hung low and a question on his lips.  Can Georgie take his place here?
Stan sighs heavily and tells Bill, yes, of course Georgie can come, but he needs time to think about what to do with Bill.  So Bill’s on house (or dorm, I guess) arrest for the next few days.  He hangs out with Eddie and Bev, and occasionally Ben, Richie, and Mike, but he doesn’t see Stan for nearly a week.  When he finally does, Stan greets him hesitantly, but reassures him that he’s not going to send him back.  Bill needs to do community service or whatever, but because he righted his wrongs, he can stay.
Bill’s fucking ecstatic, he leaps forward and wraps Stan in a hug.  Stan goes rigid at first, but it isn’t long before he melts into the embrace because he can’t deny that he had missed Bill as well.
It takes some time, but eventually Stan and Bill get back together (Georgie tries to help Bill woo Stan again) and they all live happily ever after and all that.
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starkerdayss · 5 years
Pick your top 10 ships without reading the questions. [or if you’re a one ship dedicated blog, feel free to answer all of them for just that one, or do all the ships from one fandom, this is just for fun]
Guys, these are not in any specific way. 
1. Starker
2. Destiel (Dean and Castiel from Supernatural)
3. Malec (Magnus and Alec from Shadow Hunters)
4. Stucky 
5. Delena (Damon and Elena from Vampire Diaries)
6. Drarry (Harry and Draco from Harry Potter) 
7. Marvey (Mike and Harvey from Suits)
8. Deckerstar (Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker from Lucifer)
9. Coliver (Connor and Oliver from How to get away with murder)
10. Britin (Justin and Brian from Queer as Folk)
Now answer the questions fo your followers can learn a bit more about your ships
Do you remember the episode/chapter/scene where you first started shipping 6? - [Drarry] - I think it was actually because I ended up reading a fanfiction about them where they had very filthy sex and after that I just couldn’t unsee it. Either book or movie, they’re just... together in my head lol. 
What’s your favourite fanfiction for 4? - [Stucky] - I can’t remember the name but it was one where Steve was a prince and he had a harem of sexual partners and Bucky was one but he had been sent as a spy for the bad guy and his name was Winter but obviously they end up falling in love and Winter tells everything to Steve and they end up together and the harem I think is disolved because Bucky’s the main bitch now. 
What’s your favourite fan art/picture for 2? - [Destiel] - God, there are just too many. Destiel is an incredibly famous ship and it has been going around for ten years now. I just- everything made for Destiel is my fav. Specially one where they draw them as two women, so they’re a lesbian couple. 
What’s your favourite headcanon for 1? - [Starker] - High School AU’s will always be the reason of my sluttyness. 
What do you like most about the dynamic between the people of 7? - [Marvey] - They complete each other because they’re complete opposites. I also like the fact that they not only protect each other, but leave aside their differences and their fights to go save the other if needed. Always have the other’s back, and Mike’s just a child that Harvey needs. Am I right, @infinity-worried
When 9 have sex is it more giggly or more serious? - [Coliver] - I think it goes on both ways. Connor is very serious and sexy, and then Oliver is very shy and giggly and probably self-consious and ashamed so they go from being blushy and cute to Connor pushing Oliver against the wall and telling him the games are over. 
Out of all the ships who do you think have the best chemistry? - I think probably Britin or Deckerstar. They’re both cannon as fuck, so their chemistry is very shown on TV. I don’t know, Britin has to be the very first ship I started shipping, and Deckerstar is one of the few straight ships that I’ve managed to follow. they’re cute help. 
Which ship has the strongest bond? - I’m pretty sure the answer to that is Malec. But beyond the sex, they’re just really bonded through magic and the entirety of their world. 
Which ship to you spend the most time reading fanfiction for/talking/writing about? - Starker and Britin. 
Which one was your first ship? - Britin, definitely. Probably started it out when I was 13. The show was only on YouTube, I remember everything perfectly. 
If 6 were to break up, how would it happen? - [Drarry] - It would be in the most childish way. Probably Draco would say something horrible and Harry would be done with his shit once and for all and he’d break up with him and then Draco would be following him everywhere because that boy’s pride left his natural body the moment Harry took his hand for the first time. His boyfriend is just way too valuable to be a dick about it. 
Between 3 and 8, who would last the longest if they were in a zombie apocalypse? - [Malec, Deckerstar] - I would put my hands in the fire for Deckerstar. I mean, Malec has magic, and Alec is a nephilim and Magnus a warlock, but... Lucifer is the devil. 
Does 7 hide their relationship, and if so, why? - [Marvey] - At first, yes. It starts off as a sexual thing and you know that you can’t be sleeping around with your boss, so it’s necessarily a secret, but then, they start falling in love with each other and Mike starts to believe that Harvey will never love him and he becomes distant and feels disposable and Harvey knows he has to put an end to it so he just... announces it to literally everybody. 
What is 9′s favourite date to go on? - [Coliver] - Probably really nerdy stuff. Connor has gone through some shit and one of the things that makes him the happiest in this world is seeing Oliver happy, and sci-fi makes Oli happy and probably just science fairs, really geeky movies and all. 
What’s your favourite canon moment between 10? - [Britin] - I mean. Fuck. Probably the first I love you, or when after the prom situation, Brian takes Justin to the scene of the crime to make him try to remember something of his abuser and he whispers (because he’s telling the story): “and that’s when I understood why they called you sunshine”)
What do 5 argue most about? - [Delena] - Damon has a real trouble being a good person (vampire?) and Elena is just- she has a good heart (that’s how the tv show makes it look anyway) and she struggles to mantain Damon as a caring individual. 
If you had to pick an OTP which would you chose? - Britin. Fuck, I hate myself for that because Starker is now my main on everything, but Britin is really special to me, and it opened the doors to the gay world in my eyes. That’s the first representation I was ever familiar with. 
What’s the biggest kink that 1 shares? - [Starker] - Femenization. God, Peter in a skirt, lashes, lipstick, high-thighs and heels? Fuck me the fuck up. 
Do 8 want children? - [Deckerstar] - I don’t know. Chloe already has a kid and she could potentially want another one but then again, Lucifer is the devil and I don’t think he’s allowed to have children with humans, especially considering the fact that they haven’t discussed Chloe dying (she’s mortal)
Between 10 and 4, which would you rather became canon? - [Britin and Stucky] - Britin is cannon, so please just give Stucky a go. 
Does 2 do much PDA? And does it annoy their friends? - [Destiel] - Not really, mostly because they don’t have time. Sometimes Castiel kisses Dean’s cheek or something and every once in a while Dean says some corny shit that he didn’t want to say but usually, they keep to themselves (or under the table), and no, it doesn’t bother Sam. Sam’s the biggest Destiel shipper among us. 
Which of the ships would you say is the most romantic with each other? - Deckerstar. Lucifer probably would do some hell things that nobody considers romantic mostly because they’re satanic, but the gesture is what counts. Plus, imagine Lucifer just bringing a vase of human eyes bc that’s romantic in hell and he’s with his grin... I would take it honestly. 
How would the proposal between 5 go? - [Delena] - I don’t think marriage is an option. They’re both inmortal (towards the end of the show) and they have all their lives. They don’t need a piece of paper that tells them how much their relationship is worth, specially if they’re going to trascend that. 
Who cooks more often in 3? - [Malec] - Magnus. Without a shadow of a doubt. He makes potions all the time, and Alec is always working on the institute. I think Magnus would be more than happy to cook (or summon) a meal for his boyfriend. 
Now tag!!
@im-a-goner-foryou @insatiable-spider @starker1975 @starker-garbage @peterscherry @peterparkerisaslut-x
Consider yourself tagged if you want to do this! Also, sorry for the lenght of this. I got a bit carried away. 
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