#might also send some asks to people uwu
pyreshe · 1 year
also if i go missing within the next week its my sister bc i have been calling her a crossing guard nepo baby for the past several days <3
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Living with the Haters
Hey folks - we had made a post not long after the influx of TikTokers came over with our thoughts on the situation and some advice and encouragement. In that post, we mentioned that they would probably get bored and leave. We still think this could happen, but as time goes on and they dig their claws in, it seems more and more likely that they might be here to stay. So here’s our thoughts on things as they are now and how we can work together to keep our community safe.
1. Do Not engage with them!
We’ve seen that a lot of these users are gaining traction and having a hearty laugh due to others sending them asks inciting violence, calling them out, or begging them to change.
Let us say right now that sending someone threats or suicide bait is NEVER okay, no matter how bad of a person you think they are. No exceptions. It’s not good to try and build ourselves up by tearing others down. Not only will this tactic just not work, it will only inspire these folks to be bolder, brasher, and more unkind. Hate from others does not inspire change - it only strengthens resolve.
So please, refrain from sending hate to any anti-endo posting in the #pluralgang tag! Give these people the attention they deserve - absolutely none at all!
2. Keep yourself safe and BLOCK!
Someone posting in the tags wishing violence on endos? Block!
Someone making cutesy “endos you’re not real and will never be valid uwu” posts? Block!
Someone posting in our tags “Why I think endos aren’t real/Why endos are harmful”? Block!
Someone making fun of endos, plurals, our community, and the labels we’ve coined to describe our experiences? Block!
Someone angrily slinging slurs in our tags? Block!
Someone crossposting their posts with plural inclusive tags (#pluralgang, #actually plural, etc) and also endo hate tags (#endos fuck off, #anti endo, #kys endos, etc)? Block!
Block anyone who makes you uncomfortable! Block anyone who denies you the right to define your own experiences in language that works best for you and your system! Block anyone who uses our inclusive tags to spread hateful ideas! Block liberally, block without remorse!
If you have any sideblogs, make sure to block these users from those blogs so that they cannot access any of your posts! Blocking a user from your main will not keep that user from viewing your other blogs. You can block on a sideblog through your Account Settings on Tumblr desktop version - reach out if you need any help with this!
3. Stay positive and active in our tags!
Don’t stop using #pluralgang and other inclusive tags because they’re getting overrun with TikTokers. Keep using them! In fact, use them even more! Post positivity, gush about your system, have discussions and conversations about plurality, post art, post poetry and personal experiences, just keep posting! We can reclaim our tags if we work together to fill them with posts that spread warmth, kindness, and earnest experiences. Make plural prompts! Ask questions! Post doodles! Take part in ask games! Make shoutouts for your headmates! Be your most authentic self, and don’t be ashamed for loudly and boldly being who you are!
In conclusion:
As more and more users block those who are spreading hate, they’ll find they have less and less content to hate on and interact with. They’ll be posting only for each other, and it won’t be as fun for them because there won’t be anyone to offend and trigger. This is what we’re aiming for!
And in the mean time, we can celebrate plurality how we choose! We can boost each other and lift each other up while simultaneously ignoring and avoiding those who seek to drag us down. Let’s work together to keep the plural community on Tumblr a beautiful, vibrant, and uplifting space!
Thank you so much for reading this! Stay safe out there, and take care!
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paper-gold-theories · 6 months
Villainous Observations: Miss Heed giving Anana the Middle Finger And Her Habit of Taking Credit for Other People's Work
Miss Heed tends to make holiday themed posts on popular holidays such as Valentines Day and Halloween, so it's a little out of character for her to make a post for an obscure holiday like Community Manager Day unless it's for a "good reason."
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[Translation of White Board]
[Translation of Sticky Notes]
Call my BFF Ω
I can still dance
And I theorised that the reason that Miss Heed just had to find the most obscure holiday involving community managers*,
(*Community Manager: The person responsible for building and maintaining a brand's community, both online and offline and it's public perception)
(Note: Also, I love the subtle future foreshadowing with the pineapple pen, on the bottom right, hinting that Anana is her actual community manager)
Then probably made her two assistants write down the most brag worthy things on her white board and sticky notes,
(like saying she contacts the mayor, might get a reality show, and is besties with the popular hero Omega)
And overcompensating lies to make herself look like a good person,
(like saying she feeds stray cats, consistently sends love to her followers that she had to write it down twice, and and actually cares about world peace 😂)
Then afterwards, she probably just opened up her laptop to her Instagram account to pose for a photo, faking it to make it look like she was typing and thinking "that's what my annoying community manager does right?"
All this just to rub salt in Anana's face, not giving her credit, by saying she is her own manager and independently does all of the work managing her brand on her own without anyone's help, all by herself.
And Anana, seeing this post will be like "This ungrateful spoiled bitch that I have to work for..."
But she is probably not surprised that she does this..., as she worked for her for many years since the early days of her heroine career.
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I theorised that Miss Heed and Anana have an "I hate you, but I have to work with you, relationship" 😂
For Miss Heed, despite what Anana has done to build Miss Heed's brand to make her a popular heroine and help clear her name, she probably still hates Anana due to her still not meeting all of her demanding and spoilt requests, probably because it can do more harm to her brand reputation in the long run.
(For example, not allowing her to use social media until her reputation is cleared, as it might raise some questions.)
Leading to both of them having a heated argument and a yelling match as shown below.
(I wonder if Miss Heed posted that Community Manager post after an argument with Anana out of spite and petiness 😂)
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For Anana, because of this she sees Miss Heed as a "spoilt, demanding and ungrateful brat" but tolerates it because it is her job and since Miss Heed's dad signs her cheques, she would listen to her father over Miss Heed any day.
And also I theorised she knows that having to deal with spoilt heroes is the price to pay for being on the "winning side" and profiting out of it which is why she formed "The Sisterhood of The UwU" Superhero fanclub when she met other women in the hero industry who share the same experience and goals, benefitting from having heroes having a good reputation, despite knowing that they are not actually good people.
Hence creating this "sisterhood" which allowed her connections to help each other by making the heroes, beneficial to each member, look good by any means possible.
Aside from this, looking back at Miss Heed's Instagram again, after Chapter 10 of The Risky Heist, now knowing she didn't do anything herself is hilarious 🤣
And seeing as how Miss Heed tends to take credit for other people's work as her own, like claiming be to her own manager and claiming Flug's formula to be her own.
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I wonder if all the other stuff on her Instagram she claimed that "she's done" was also a lie. For example:
Miss Heed Claiming That She Designed The Billboards Herself
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Miss Heed Claiming That Her Shirt is Her Own Design
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Miss Heed Claiming That She Retouched Her Skates Herself
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Miss Heed Claiming She Designed Her Own Halloween Costume Herself
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snickerdoodlles · 2 months
emberfaye replied to your post "choose violence ask game except its just me complaining about fic tropes..."
am going to do my absolute BEST not to ramble too much here, but okay so!! 4 Chay things that will have me back-flipping out of a fic at the speed of light:
babyfication of Chay
i just. ugh. ugh. he is not a baby. he's a 17-18yo guy who half-raised himself due to some shit circumstances and took care of himself entirely by himself for minimum several months. the only difference between him and an adult is that he's not making his own income. Porsche and Arthee doing their best to give Chay as much of a childhood as they can afford him still doesn't change the fact that Chay grew up young and fast just like the rest of this cast. if he acts uwu innocent baby i'm gone. if the author calls him an uwu baby in their notes i'm gone. ugh.
being weird about Chay's or Barcode's age, specifically in regards to sex
as above, i'm pretty shirty about people babying him in general, but fandom is plain weird about Chay having sex. esp him and Kim having sex. 1. their age gap is not that big, and their circumstances have left them on pretty equal footing re the growing up too fast thing. 2. please assess why you think 18 fixes whatever your concerns are with 17yos having sex. 3. teens have sex. dunno what tf was happening with the rest of you but i knew kids even young as junior high who were already fucking. sure, i thought they were fucking idiots for it, but my concerns about people having sex young are rooted in the fact that sex is an inherently very vulnerable act and that's a lot to put yourself thru emotionally during the age range when everything's a wild emotional cocktail. but like. teens still do it. teens are gonna experiment with adult things and sometimes that means experimenting with sex. i personally might not think it's a good idea, but something not being a good idea doesn't inherently make it a bad one either. please stop being weird about it thanks.
calling Chay "bambi"
i just really don't like it. part of it's related to the babyfication thing, but mostly it's just one of those silly things my brain went nOPE on and oh well. back click. 😂
mischaracterizing Chay's anger
so like. this one is tricky because a lot of it comes down to personal interpretation of canon, but also like. a lot of my mischaracterization gripes involves people writing tropes or drama anger instead of Chay's anger, so. yeah. 😂 a lot of people default to writing explosive anger because it's easier to write, but in canon Chay is just. so completely not explosive. and it's not because he's bottling up anger (which!! even if he was, suddenly exploding due to pressure isn't a good thing, gah).
a lot of Chay's personality stems from Needing To Be Okay. a lot of Chay's personal motivations are trying to help Porsche with his burdens and when Porsche won't let him take on extra responsibilities, Chay does what he can to not add to Porsche's plate. and part of not being a burden is quietly dealing with his anger and resentments on his own time. (another factor playing into that is Porsche and Chay really only have each other-- Porsche deals with his anger very quietly too, and it's very characteristic of how they really don't want to hurt each other because they don't have many other people they care about, so they remove themselves from tense/bad situations best they can to reflect on their anger and return to talk about it after they've calmed down.)
Chay is fierce in his anger, but he withdraws when he's pissed and he always tries to talk it out with the intention of achieving clarity. and if i don't feel like a story's going to handle Chay's resentment/anger in a way that feels true to how it was shown in canon (there's a few litmus tests but mostly i'm going by vibes), i just click out because i already know any plot conflict won't feel fully or properly resolved to me in the end :/
[ send a ☕, get a bitchy* fic opinion ]
*personal opinion, I'm not going to be mean
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bratshaws · 6 months
through the hourglass 319. brb x oc
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a/n: we are funneling down folks, i promise (comments and reblogs are super welcome and encouraged!)
pairing: plus size!oc x rooster
warnings: none uwu
goodness gracious (pls read this one to know more what this fic is about!!)
(pls let me know if you want to be added to the taglist! )
taglist: @mirandastuckinthe80s @roosterschanelslut @wiipes @lcahwriter @novastories @gretagerwigsmuse @frenchtoastix @lizzie-rdj @fanboyluvr @atarmychick007 @comebacktoearthpls
@peachiicherries @mak-32 @lizziespidiepridie @roosterswifey @ollyoxenfrees @piceous21 @sqrlgrl22 @hofficoffi @lexhalstead3 @lorilane33 @legendarydreamersharkparty @luckyladycreator2
@emilybradshaw @louisahale @leobabbyyy @booklover2sblog @winter-run @ktjmac @graciereads @bigpoppajes @taytaylala12
@caitsymichelle13 @becks-things @caatheeriinee07 @fanboyswhore9 @jesfreedark @katiemcrae @lilmonstrjedi @hobiismyhopeu @teacupsandtopgun @insominac23 @gh0stsgoodgirl @mygyn @chavivaelisheva @kmc1989 @enchantingharmonyalpaca @callsign-magnolia
“Marcus you really didn’t have to.” she tells him once she is done sending Rooster the message, frowning a bit because he hasn’t replied - anxiety goes brr immediately - but hides it as she grins at Marcus, “I love it,truly.”
Marcus grinned, his eyes lighting up with satisfaction. "Anything for you, darling. It suits you perfectly, and it's not just about the blazer; it's about reminding you to embrace a bit of color."
Beatrice smiled appreciatively at Marcus's thoughtful gesture. "I needed this, Marcus. Sometimes we get so caught up in the,well,mess that we forget to find joy in the little things. Thanks for reminding me."
As she spoke, her phone buzzed, and Beatrice's heart skipped a beat. She quickly checked it, relieved to see a message from Rooster.
Roos (15:15)
Gorgeous, meeting with Cyclone went as expected. Will update you soon. Love you.
A sigh of relief escaped Beatrice's lips as she read Rooster's message. She replied quickly.
Bea (15:16)
Take your time, Rooster. We'll be here when you're ready. Love you too.
Marcus watched her with a knowing smile. "Everything okay?"
Beatrice nodded, slipping her phone back into her pocket. "Yeah, just Rooster messaging me, he’s in the middle of something trying to unravel some mystery. He uh,he also liked the blazer."
“Well, I'm glad he approves. And, you know, if he's caught up in a mystery, maybe the lavender will bring a bit of serenity to his day."
"You might be onto something there, Marcus. I hope so." she looks down at her kids who were now napping in the baby room, and she sighed, “...can I ask you something?”
“Have you ever had to deal with…weird…people? You know,nosy people.”
Marcus's expression turned thoughtful as he considered Beatrice's question. He leaned back in his chair, crossing his arms. "Well, darling, the world is full of all sorts of characters. In my line of work, I've encountered my fair share of nosy individuals. It comes with the territory, you know?"
Beatrice nodded,chewing the inside of her cheek "Yeah, I can imagine. But how do you deal with it? Especially when it gets too intrusive?"
Marcus chuckled, propping his hand against his cheek. "It requires finesse, my dear. First and foremost, maintain your composure. Don't let them see they've struck a nerve. People like that thrive on reactions."
"Right," Beatrice agreed, grimacing a bit. "What else?"
"Choose your battles wisely. Not every nosy person deserves a confrontation. Sometimes, it's better to let them have their curiosity and watch them tire themselves out," Marcus advised.
"That makes sense," Beatrice mused. "But what if it's someone who's not just curious but seems to have an agenda? Like, they're prying into things that shouldn't concern them."
"In that case, my dear, it's time to set boundaries. Politely but firmly let them know that certain matters are private and not up for discussion. Be assertive without being aggressive. It's about making them understand that they've crossed a line."
Beatrice took mental notes, grateful for Marcus's guidance. "And what if they persist? What if they don't take the hint?"
"Ah, persistence. A tricky one," Marcus mused, holding his index finger up. "In such cases, escalate the response gradually. Increase the assertiveness of your boundaries. If they still don't get the message, then you might need to be more direct. Address the issue head-on, but always maintain a level of civility. Remember, you're in control of the narrative."
She nodded, absorbing the advice while tapping her phone against her palm. "Thanks, Marcus. I just... I've been dealing with someone like that lately. Rooster warned me about her, and now it seems she's trying to dig into things she shouldn't."
Marcus's gaze turned sympathetic. "Oh, the persistent one. Well, my dear, trust your instincts.”
“Yeah,I’ve been hearing that…a lot.”
He just smiled,holding his hand up Well,darling,you've got to protect what matters to you, whether it's your personal life or the people you care about. And if this nosy individual is causing you distress, it's time to take a stand."
“But I did.Several times.”
Marcus leaned forward, his expression more serious. "If you've already set boundaries and the person persists, it might be time for a direct conversation. Let them know, without ambiguity, that their actions are unwelcome and causing you distress. Sometimes, clarity is the key."
Beatrice frowns, rubbing her knuckles nervously. "You think so?"
“Well.” Marcus patted her hand reassuringly. "Conflict is inevitable, my dear, especially when you're defending what matters. But it doesn't mean you have to go looking for it. Handle it with grace, and if the person still doesn't relent, well, then you've done what you can."
Beatrice sighed, feeling a weight lift off her shoulders for a second, smiling down at his hand on hers. "Thanks, Marcus.I just want to protect my family from unnecessary drama."
"You're a strong woman, Beatrice. You'll handle this with grace, I'm sure. And remember, you've got friends who'll stand by you. Like Shells."
‘Well,Shells wants to beat this woman up, not talk,hah.” she rubs her neck “Shells is more of a 'knock some sense into them' type. But yeah..."
Marcus nodded, a twinkle in his eye. "Sometimes, a good friend who's ready to throw a punch can be quite reassuring."
The laughter eased the tension in the room, and Beatrice felt a renewed sense of determination. She glanced at her phone, realizing she needed to get back to her responsibilities.
"Thanks again, Marcus. Your advice is always valuable."
"Anytime, my dear. Now, do you need to go? There’s so much I’d like to talk about and the kids are sleeping so nice in here."
Beatrice smiled, appreciating the warmth of Marcus's company. "I'll be back, promise. The kids adored their time but I have work tonight, and I need to call my parents."
The fashion designer chuckled,tilting his head in agreement. "Well,very well, let me help you out then."Marcus gracefully stood up, extending a hand to Beatrice. "I'll walk you all out, my dear. And don't forget, fashion advice is just a call away. We've got a wardrobe to update for the Lavender Blazer Committee."
Beatrice chuckled,picking Nicole up while Marcus pushed the twins’ strollers forward. 
As they reached the entrance, Marcus paused, his eyes twinkled once more. "And when the drama gets too overwhelming, remember, a fabulous outfit can be a powerful shield. Strut in confidence, my dear. Strut." he snaps his fingers, “And make them wish they were you.”
“Ha,I’ll try Marcus.” Once outside, the vibrant cityscape greeted them. The hustle and bustle of the streets contrasted with the tranquility of Marcus's studio,well,partially since there was enough hustle and bustle there too. She smiles when he helps her putting the kids inside, “Thank you,Marcus.”
Marcus grinned, a theatrical flair in his gestures as he bows down to the waist. "Anytime, my dear. Now, remember the power of a well-strutted exit. Drama may try to follow you, but it'll have a hard time catching up with fabulousness."
Beatrice laughed, cheeks burning a bit, feeling a genuine sense of upliftment from Marcus' words. "I'll keep that in mind, Marcus. Thanks for the advice, the blazer, and just being the fabulous person you are."
"Flattery will get you everywhere, darling," Marcus replied with a playful wink. "Now, off you go. Conquer the world."
Beatrice waved goodbye to Marcus, she drove back home. She shouldn’t be surprised at all to who was sitting outside.She found Shells waiting by the front steps,she immediately noticed the lavender blazer and raised an eyebrow.
"What's with the fancy get-up?" Shells asked, a playful smirk on her face.
Beatrice blinked,she barely parked the car,Jesus. "A gift from Marcus. You noticed it from afar??”
Shells shrugged nonchalantly. "Yeah, the blazer practically screams 'look at me.' Figured you were getting all dolled up for a special occasion. What's the occasion?"
"No special occasion, just Marcus being Marcus. Help me get the kids out,please.” she walks out, fixing the blazer with care and smiling at herself, “They are still asleep Shells,so. I’ll get the twins and you get Nikki?”
“Sure, hey, gimme a ride to work?”
“Oh?” she asks while grabbing the babies, “..why?”
Shells shrugs, picking Nicole and closing the door for her friend, “My car broke down,so.”
Beatrice chuckled, shaking her head as she grabs her house keys from her back pocket. "Honestly, Shells, I think your car has finally decided to stop you from drifting around the streets."
Shells laughed, adjusting Nicole in her arms. "Yeah, seems that way. But hey, a ride to work means I owe you one. Maybe you can cash in the favor when I'm dealing with the aftermath of this car disaster."
 "Deal. Let's just hope your car doesn't turn into a recurring character in our lives."
As they settled walked inside, greeting the three dogs along the way, Shells couldn't help but notice the lavender blazer. "So, the blazer isn't for a special occasion? You're just casually strolling around in it?"
Beatrice shrugged, waiting until Shells and Nikki were inside to close the door. "Marcus being Marcus, you know. You don’t like it?"
Shells chuckled, glancing down at her own casual attire. "Well, I didn't get the 'dress up for no reason' memo. But hey, you look good in lavender. Very...grown-up."
Beatrice shot her a teasing smile. "Grown-up? “
“Yeah…uh..momwear you know.”Beatrice settled the twins into their playpen, ensuring they continued their peaceful slumber, while Shells released Nicole to nap alongside her siblings
"Seriously, though," Shells continued, plopping down on the couch, "Marcus gives you a lavender blazer out of the blue, and there's no special occasion? That guy works in mysterious ways."
Beatrice joined her on the couch, trying to stifle a yawn. "Yeah, he's something else. Probably just his way of saying, 'Hey, you can be fabulous without a reason.' You know how he is."
Shells grinned  "True that…also I lied."
“I’m not only here because of a ride…I have steaming hot gossip.” she smirks, “From Mirandaaa…”
"Miranda gossip? "
Shells leaned in, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Okay, so apparently, Miranda has been snooping around, asking questions about you and Rooster."
Beatrice's fatigue transformed into a surge of alertness. "What? Why? “
Shells shrugged, a sly grin on her face both hands up. "Well, I think she's on a mission to uncover the great mystery of your relationship. Maybe she's writing a novel or starting a detective agency. Who knows?"
Beatrice rolled her eyes. "Come on, Shells. This is serious. What did Miranda say?"
Shells smirked. "Relax, Bea. I'm just messing with you. She didn't say much, just asked about your connection with Rooster. I gave her the classic 'none of your business' response, of course." she pauses, “Then she went to my aunt who also basically told her to fuck off.”
Beatrice sighed, rubbing her temples. "...makes sense.”
“...well…Mark might be…uh…involved in things.”
Shells mouth dropped “What?!”
Beatrice leaned back on the couch, running a hand through her hair. "Yeah, I don't have all the details, but apparently, there were some …stuff? Rooster's investigating, and Miranda seems to be poking around, trying to piece things together what we know."
Shells whistled, her eyes widening. "...holy shit.”
"That's what Rooster is trying to find out. It's all hush-hush, classified stuff. But Miranda being Miranda,i just think she's digging around, asking questions. Rooster warned me to be cautious around her."
"So, Miranda is basically trying to know..what you know about it?”Bea nodded “Great."
Beatrice sighed. "Yeah, we need to be careful about what we say and who we share information with. If Mark is involved in something sensitive, the last thing we want is for Miranda to use what we know against us….if it’s true.”
Shells leaned back, crossing her arms. "This is getting messier by the minute. And here I thought our biggest concern was your mom giving Vice-Admiral Simpson a piece of her mind."
Beatrice chuckled, the tension momentarily easing. "Well, that's still a concern, but with Miranda snooping around and Mark's mysterious…mystery, it feels like we have to be extra alert.”
“Hm…well then maybe I uh…shouldn’t share the other part of Miranda’s questions.”
"Other part? What else did Miranda ask?"
"Okay, promise not to get mad."
Beatrice sighed, "Just spill it, Shells."
"Alright, alright. So, besides asking about your connection with Rooster, she also inquired if uh…well…the kids…." she licked her lips, clearly not wanting to continue, “Were…you know…”
Beatrice's eyes narrowed, "If the kids were what, Shells?"
Shells winced, realizing the sensitivity of the topic. "She asked if the kids were Rooster's."
A long and heavy pause.
Shells raised her hands in a placating gesture. "I know, I know! I told her it was ridiculous, and to fuck off and considering how much you and Rooster fuck–I mean uh–shit you are mad as fuck."
Beatrice's gaze was icy,  and Shells recognized the signs – the calm before the storm, the quiet anger that was often more dangerous than an explosive rage. Beatrice's voice, when it finally cut through the silence, was deceptively composed.
"You...told her what?"
Shells winced again at the controlled fury in Beatrice's tone. "I…I told her to fuck off Bea. She didn’t ask outright and–where are you going?!” she saw Bea pace around the room while dialing her phone.
“I need Michael to come over.”
“I can’t leave my kids alone as I beat a bitch up.”
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zerobaseonefics · 11 months
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blooming day . . . day seven
note . . . nothing to say kiss <3
taglist open <3 (if you want me to add you, send an ask so i can make sure i saw it!!) . . . @cherriegyu @kpoprhia @vhshyk @hikyeom @mins-fins @juyomiao @dwcljh @invuwrld @beomibeom @sulkygyu @lycheae @huipinkhair @luvseok1e @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @harus-simp @zhounauts @jiaant11 @articxari @jebiwon @mashihope @taerrrrrae @ilovechanhee @ahnneyong @seok02 @honghongbri @justemalove @mposkyje @zhanghaoed @ihrtgw @partiallyderived @hanbinzfile
previous day | masterlist | next day
. . . ᥫ᭡ . . .
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was mashiro trying to trap him? was she running a human trafficking business? hanbin doubts were eating him up as he made his way to the spot lee jeonghyeon told him to meet him at. the unknown boy seemed a bit too defensive for hanbin, and he was also asking himself who could be the 'pair' he mentionned.
finally, hanbin arrived around the area given by jeonghyeon, and he noticed him pretty quickly, sitting on a bench with a boy that seemed familiar. seeing jeonghyeon waving to him, hanbin got closer to them, squinting his eyes trying to see better who was the boy with him.
"kim taerae??"
"yeah...that's my name..."
hanbin and taerae used to be very close friends when they were in high school. after graduating, they fell apart like most people do. unconfortable, taerae scratched the back of his neck, while jeonghyeon looked at the two boys in confusion.
"well, i guess you guys know each other." getting no response from the two guys with him, jeonghyeon sighed. "this is awkward, get it together, we have business to talk about."
jeonghyeon tapped on the bench to incite hanbin to sit down with them, and he does.
"so... what did you mean by 'working in pair', jeonghyeon?" hanbin started.
"basically, i'm not y/n's ex. taerae is."
"what? but mashiho told me it was you... what were you if it was taerae dating her?"
"okay, this is gonna be humiliating" said taerae, hiding his face in his hands.
"i'm his ghostwriter." jeonghyeon deadpanned.
a silence fell on the trio. forget about the humain trafficking business, mashiro might be running one, but it was definitly not what was happening right now. hanbin felt like taerae and jeonghyeon were pulling some pranks on him, but the way jeonghyeon seemed serious about it and the way taerae was as red as a tomato was concerning. hanbin coughed to clear his voice.
"what do you mean?"
"have you ever heard of edmond rostand's play called cyrano de bergerac?" jeonghyeon asked.
"hum... yeah, i think matthew mentionned it once."
"you see, in this play, christian is too much of a loser to court the girl he likes. so, he asks his friend cyrano to write love letters in his place."
"are you telling me..."
"i was taerae's cyrano de bergerac back when he tried to get with y/n."
this is when hanbin understood why mashiro told him to talk with this guy. she was advicing him to do the same as taerae, in other words, to ask jeonghyeon to be his cyrano de bergerac. "what happened to you, hanbin? you used to be a perfectly capable man and now look where you at for some girl.." he thought. was it better to just drop the project? were you even worthy of all of this? just when hanbin was thinking of just not courting you anymore, his eyes met your figure that was going out of the college hall, walking slowly with your earphones on, heading somewhere alone. at this time of the day, you were probably going to work. looking at you from afar, hanbin couldn't help but think of the things that attracted him to you. sure, he didn't know you that much now, but he had the feeling that you might be the someone he could at least be very good friends with. it was not just about his ego being hurt by the rejection, he genuinely wanted to know you more. in eyes, you definitly worth it.
seeing hanbin lost in his thoughts, not even looking at them, jeonghyeon and taerae exchanged a confused look before looking in the direction hanbin's was staring. taerae was the one to notice you first, looking back to hanbin. he gently hit jeonghyeon with his elbow to tell him to follow their plan, unknown to hanbin. his partner in crime jumped, before understanding what taerae meant.
"well, hanbin. if you want it, we can help you with that. hire me freely as your cyrano de bergerac and i'll get you to talk with y/n in a way that she will like. even though i don't really understand what you see in her, and i would recommand you to find any other girl-"
"i don't need you to understand what i see in her, this isn't about your feelings for her but mines." hanbin said, cutting him off.
"i was just advicing you, man. you don't have to react like that."
"keep them to yourself if you're gonna speak ill to people i like in front of my face."
jeonghyeon restrained a smile as he gave a quick look to taerae, before focusing back on hanbin. he raised his hands to tell the boy he was giving up on debating this topic, and hanbin sighed.
"look, i really appreciate you guys taking your time to meet me for this, but i don't think this is gonna work." hanbin got up, giving them a polite and awkward smile before leaving with quick steps. the duo still on the bench looked at him from afar, waiting for him to be far enough.
"it seems like he passed the test, right?" taerae said.
"and i'm glad he did that fast, it was hard talking bad about y/n. let's dm mashiho and hao."
. . . ᥫ᭡ . . .
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Controversial Character Tournament Round 2: Jaiden from The DSCP, A 17776 Roleplay vs Rose Quartz from Steven Universe
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(remember that these characters are fictional and your fellow tumblr users are real. i will block you if you harass others in the notes, please consider sending your unhinged harassment to my inbox instead)
Propaganda under the cut, may contain spoilers:
HATE: - "OKAY SO. This is Jaiden. In a world thousands of years in the future where humans are immortal and spacecraft are beginning to wake up and become people on their own, Jaiden decides *she* wants to be the catalyst to wake one of them up. For years and years she tries and fails, until she finds CHIPsat, quietly shut down a while ago rather than decommissioned and.. well. taken out of the sky. CHIPsat isn't her first attempt at this, but they're her first *successful* one. She asks the newly-awakened satellite one thing: "Hey little buddy. How are you holding up?" The two are close friends for awhile, and I'm not about to spill ALL the details about EVERYTHING she did but let's just say: in a world where machines are literally people, hacking is NOT the most ethical skill ever. Jaiden's a BITCH nobody likes you jaiden (rusty if youre seeing this dont worry shes a VERY cool character. i just also want to crush her like a bug. hope this helps) also here's the image rusty used for the dani profile: https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/783126743191519252/785258702188970014/unknown.png or the image rusty used for the jaiden profile: https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/783126743191519252/914301198994116619/1306309_f0CiRxGx-1.png"
Rose Quartz:
LOVE: - "She was the example in the intro post I'm so proud of her. <3 I saw this bracket and I was immediately like "rose quartz my favorite character rose quartz" and lo and behold I was Correct. "UwU space mom victim" is a little simplistic, she has the range. She haunts the narrative. She taught me how hiding yourself because you're afraid that people won't like who you really are leads to continued self-resentment and avoidance. Loving her teaches me that even if you did do something completely irredeemable, even if you did do something worthy of all that hate you hold for yourself, people can still see the entire you and decide to love you anyway. I think even the other diamonds are better-regarded than her, which... incredible pr stunt from them tbh. I don't dislike the other diamonds but come on they made no independent effort to change w/o Steven—there's literally no question in the "who's the better person" department. Of course the "who's the better character" department will always be incredibly subjective but she is so complex, and multi-facteted, she screws up so so much and yet somehow her biggest mistake of all might be her own self-degrading. "What an incredible power... the ability to grow up," said with such longing. Girl look at Jungle Moon, you really think you're still the same gem? You grew so much and you never saw it. She's so selfish and selfless and self-destructive all at the same time and it's captivating. I want to put her in a jar and study her like a bug." - "did she do a lot wrong? yes. do i think she had good intentions at heart but just majorly fucked it up? also yes" - "she has so much depth oh my god" - "look idk I just want to make sure she gets submitted to the bracket because you’re so right that she belongs here" - "Rose gets a lot of shit because we saw her character arc in reverse. The situation is very messy but it’s also very nuanced, and regardless on how the discourse hammer judges her, I will always love her." HATE: - "Yeah" - "Anti : I'm not one her biggest hater but I can't forgive her for what she did to Pearl, and the other crystal gems. I've read some interesting defenses of the character but I can't get past all the lying, leaving and (accidental) abusing." BOTH: - "Is there a proper way to say that I loved her for a while in the show, but the showrunners kept piling blame onto her with less and less justifiable and more and more abuse of power things (without including counterbalancing reminders of how much she loved the planet and helping people) and so I kind of. Love early Rose Quartz, the complicated war leader with a messy past that she's escaping from, but hate Pink Diamond?"
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polyamorouspunk · 3 months
Fully agree with you on the trans thing. It’s something I struggled with for a LONG time that I didnt *want* to be fully 100% trans. Like I fit in with trans people, I was transmasc, but I never felt *trans*. If that makes any sense??
People used to tell me all the time that I had to be trans if I checked xyz boxes. And I hated it. Now, years later, I’ve made it to a point that I just *am*. And it took me SO LONG to realize that was even an option. To just be myself without putting a label on it. I dont need to be fully cis or fully trans. Im just a little bit of everything and fully me.
It still confuses my queer friends. That I just *do not* care and dont put any importance on it. So its nice to see someone else with that opinion. Thank you
Listen like I do not care if people reblog my posts and disagree with me. Like that’s you’re right as an individual. But what I don’t like is when I make a post talking about my identity and someone “corrects” me on it.
The problem with the push to be super inclusive, sometimes, is that people stop making it about who *wants* to be a part and who doesn’t.
I know people who are gay men who have 0 interest in being part of the LGBTQ+ community. Gay men who are like I’m not queer I’m not part of the community I’m just gay but I’m not identifying with the community in any way.
I know people who have described their “gender” to me almost verbatim the way that trans people have described to me their gender and have told me they do not consider themselves trans in any way, and it kind of sucks because I’m like… I know that if I were someone else they might put that label on that person even if that person doesn’t want it?
I’ve had people ON THIS BLOG send me asks telling me I am not trans and other people send me asks saying I’m not cis. Like lmao it’s so fucking funny pick one you guys. I gotta be one or the other- SIKE no I don’t. I’ve had people dump me over saying “I’m both cis and trans” which in hindsight seems kinda ableist because that was actually when I started IDing as plural so like. The idea you can’t be both is like. You know there are people with different experiences than you right. Like some common enough to be in textbooks. Not like some “out there” concepts like if you can grasp the concept of DID you can understand how perhaps to some degree a person can be different than their literal AGAB without being trans. Just for one example.
Sometimes I also fail to realize this but. When you reblog someone’s post, or comment on it, or send them an ask, etc… you are coming into THEIR space. I mean it very much went through my mind to be like “just ignore it” but I was like someone is coming onto MY post where I try and validate MY gender experiences and telling me people like ME are quite literally exactly what I’m talking about where I’m like actually I’m valid if I’m a little trans and outright saying “YOU AREN’T A LITTLE TRANS UWU” like. Hi it’s you you’re the problem you’re the people I’m validating myself to. Like I don’t care how politely and nicely you try and dress it up with inclusive language do not put me into a box I do not want to be put in because you think “that I have to be trans because I check xyz boxes” yeah literally. I know fully cis people who check “xyz boxes” and I ain’t out here telling them that actually they’re trans and valid for it. Like bro if you tell me you’re cis who am I to disagree.
In the near future you’ll never hear the words “I’m transgender” come out of my mouth directly. I might post it on here or say irl that I “dabble in transgenderism” but I do not outright say irl in person that I am transgender not because I’m “dealing with internalized transphobia” and “not ready to fully accept myself to be transgender in the real world instead of just offline” like no I just don’t ID as “transgender” period. Or you know what maybe I am but also who are you to say that’s what I am? How are you helping exactly? How is acting like I can’t “really accept myself for who I truly am” helping me any? Idk. Just because you have good intentions doesn’t make it better than the people who have bad intentions. Both are issues. Both are problematic.
Learn to go “actually it’s not my fucking business if someone is trans or cis or neither” and “they can call themselves whatever they want” and that includes NOT wanting to be included.
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greythroat · 5 months
May I ask you to share any Mephisto-related thoughts you have?
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Bold of you to assume I have thoughts that aren’t related to him
I not only don’t care about his evil actions and vile personality, they are why I like him. I don’t care if people hate him, it pisses me off when people LIE about him. Now you all know my feelings about this already 💀 so I’ll stay quiet… mostly
So we all agree his voice actor did an amazing job right?? But I can’t find the CN voiced version of the anime so I can’t listen to that one 😔 I need a link
LOOK AT HIM‼️ I laugh at his face in every anime scene he’s in they are prime reaction image material
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I didn’t put a cut on purpose so you have to see him and scroll through all this
Okay anime thoughts over the exclusion of him calling Talulah his sister in EN was a microaggression 💔 My feelings about this duo are also known so I’ll reveal that I am working on an analysis of their relationship covering the whole story
I am for hcing characters without shark teeth as having shark teeth (Mephisto and Furina). Not the little side fang the entire mouth
Another silly headcanon he would turn red so fast in hot sun and the Reunion randoms peanut gallery would laugh at him behind his back
His beta design clearly has some relationship to FrostNova’s design and I’ll die on this conspiracy theory
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Random Mephisto moments not related to the story that haunt me: the UwU cat, this cat plushie photo, this AS moment, Liduke saying “gay is on my side” about him and Faust, Lowlight buying a print of that Liduke fanart
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He’s fucking ugly 💀 Not a hc, just a fact and if you disagree you should be ashamed 💀
Fun fact: Mephisto and Faust’s birthdays are 2 days apart and their heights (at least the original ones, it might have changed) are 2 cm apart
And no for once I didn’t send this ask to myself 😌 all the ones where I don’t confess to it are organic asks
Obligatory fanfic plug:
^ I got fanart for this one 🥰
Future Mephisto fanfics:
Working on a fanfic that I consider the ultimate betrayal because Amiya and Mephisto aren’t completely awful to each other in it. If you don’t know, I derive great amusement from their dynamic as enemies. Normal people AU but I can’t ever stop myself from writing Mephisto as annoying and mean because he is too emotionally immature and lacking in morals to just play nice. At this point every character I write acting rude and self centered to each other just happens on its own.
As for fanfics where they are just awful to each other, I feel kinda bad for abandoning my long fic and I will come back to it after finishing the above one. It was made when I was starting to write fanfics and I didn’t know how to tell the story I envisioned. So it became impossible to continue as it was. I have most of a new chapter hidden away, but I honestly want to restructure the whole thing and tell a tighter story.
I have a WIP sequel for Halo Effect linked above that is even more angsty and tragic.
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morimakesfanart · 5 months
Hey I was always wondering what made Magi to be one of your favourite anime’s and how did Sinbad become your comfort character so much so that you made a fic about it?
Love Sindria’s Prophet
I went into a bit of this here where I talked about my favorite arcs in the franchise.
Here's the full version:
How Magi came into my life UwU: Me and Lyly started watching Magi independently around the same time. Our mom had just died and I was having a ton of issues with theft in the Miraculous fandom, so we were both looking for something new. A friend recommended Magi to me saying that Morgiana had a similar name to me and acted like me. (She's very autistic with PTSD coded.) I found out about halfway through season 1 that Lyly was also watching it because they messaged me "Sorry about the purple guy." They took one look at Sinbad and knew I'd fall for him. I'd even say they were more into Magi than me at the start though since they had already been hyper fixating on different translations of 1000 Arabian Nights for several months.
We watched it separately, and together. We spent a ton of time analyzing the characters, world, and story. It's rare to see an anime centered on the middle east, and the magic systems worked with physics instead of against it so there was a lot to explore. We agreed that Sinbad and Ja'far's dynamic was a lot like ours; it was like looking at the two of us if we had managed to break out of the abusive situation we were stuck in much sooner. Our free time became us talking about what we might be like in that world, and what our adventures would be like. Then Lyly found The Adventures manga and it just gave us more to talk about and explore. Sadly, the differences between the Adventures manga and anime were to great for Lyly and it broke their hyperfixation on the franchise. They still like it, but their engagement ended there; they haven't finished either manga, but they do let me talk about it at nauseum.
Why Sinbad became my main comfort character: I know I mentioned in an ask before that Yunan is technically closer to my type than Sinbad, but Sinbad is the pattern I keep repeating -especially when it comes to anime crushes. I really like the Prince & Gentle types, but they have to have Main Character Competence TM. Gorgeous, confident, kickass, and kind when it matters. For some reason that means I keep ending up attracted to characters that are revealed to be flirts. I swear I thought Sinbad was just a competent moron teacher type when I fell for him. Even though he was a bit egotistical he was also very compassionate for the people around him, and -at least in the Balbadd arc- seemed willing to help the next generation instead of forcing his ways onto them. (He was impressed Alibaba's solutions even though they were different than his, and respected Alibaba for making them.)
Even after finding out that Sin was a womanizer, I saw that he was attentive to those he is using, and when he is done with them it's obvious, so his targets get a clean break. My Ex was a coward that refused to end things himself even when he was done with me. So while I was going through the breakup, I hyperfixated on Sinbad harder because he treats his partners better than I was. Even if I fell for Sinbad's manipulation, I knew that he'd treat me right while he needed me, and when he would be done with me he'd send me off and stop talking to me. I wouldn't be dragged around by my nose for months when I was going through one of the hardest times of my life. Sinbad is never shown flirting with someone in a bad mental place, anyone like that he would help heal (which could just be more manipulation, but he'd still be helping them get back on their feet).
And then I read Adventures. Sinbad's childhood put him through severe parentification like me. And in the the Slave Arc Sinbad went through more similar abuse to what I grew up in. There was no going back for me. I related to Sinbad so much at the start because how he responds to stressors is the same as me, so seeing him also have a past similar to mine made me feel seen in a way I hadn't felt before. It also explained why Sinbad seemed so trauma informed from the beginning.
Here's an exert from my current draft of Ch38 that explains how I felt:
When I had originally read this arc, it carved Sinbad into my heart. It made me think, 'This person would understand me.'
(Mori is working on Fate scrolls in the scene. Honestly, I'm happy I finally have a place to put this scene. I originally wrote it nearly a year ago.)
The biggest difference between me and Sinbad was that I grew out of my illusions of grandeur through middle and high school. It went hand and hand with realizing that what I was going through was abuse. I only had one person to protect, not a whole country's worth. Who knows, maybe if I was under that much pressure I would have slipped back into it like how Sinbad did after Zepar's dungeon arc. I know I some times get close when things get bad. The confidence it brings can be both addicting and reassuring when you need to be able to make quick or life changing decisions.
But yeah... I hope that answered your question in enough detail :3
Thank you for liking Sindria's Prophet so much! I'm finally working on the art for Ch37. It will probably only have maybe 3 art pieces, but 2 of them will be comics so I think that's okay.
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unhingedhearties · 2 months
Vast Amounts of Copium
I see Lucas fans are already getting triggered about this shirtless Kevin scene.
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Disturbed... FFS
Is there anyone on this show Erin isn't friends with? Also, maybe, JUST MAYBE, the reason Erin and Ben go on trips with Kevin and Kayla is because none of them have kids. Am I wrong, or are almost all the other cast members parents and have responsibilities to their kids and can't just hop a plane to Europe?
Is that too big brained of a take for some of you or do you just want to keep seething about dumb shit?
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"Emotional cheating doesn't fit Hallmark". You're either lying or you've never watch a Hallmark movie. Almost very Hallmark lady leaves her BIG CITY BUSINESS™ boyfriend for the rugged guy in flannel because he works to much and doesn't love Christmas or dogs.
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You know what, I agree with Sherisa. They need to make When Calls The Heart more period accurate. Let's start with more racism and wife beating. Rosemary has no place being that bossy and running a business. Kill off some of the kids to. That Spanish Flu never made it's way around, it might be time to rectify that. Hey, the Encephalitis Lethargica epidemic should be starting up to. Let's have a scene of Little Jack losing control of his hands before going into a blank faced coma for 60 years. Erin can really put her acting skills to use in a scene where they take her son away to live in an asylum for the rest of his life. World War 1 never really happened. Maybe they can retcon that and have it happen a few years later. All the men can be sent away for a few episodes before coming back with their limbs blown off and their faces half gone. Maybe while Fiona's gone she can send a letter to Faith telling her she got a job painting radium on watch dials. When she gets back she can have Faith check her oddly sore teeth right before her jaw detaches from her face.
Oh wait, you just want the cutesy, fluffy parts of history to be accurate, not the harsh reality. Not the actual history that shaped the modern day rights we take for granted. Ew, gross. Icky.
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Guys! One of the actors is going to sing. On When Calls The Heart. Literally never been done before. Disgusting nepotism is what it is.
I bet it's totally going to be a real show stopping scene. The whole town will stop what they're doing to stare at Kevin while he sings for 10 minutes Disney Princess style and makes it all about him. It's totally not going to be some minor, brief scene that's over in 20 seconds.
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So you just pulled that out of your ass? Hush child, the adults will do the talking now.
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"Different lifestyles"
And there's the dogwhistle. So was it the Gays, the interracial couples or the Hanukkah celebrating Jewish families that raised your blood pressure?
They really have a bug up their ass about Nathan singing. Almost everyone on that show sings. I really doubt they're going to make this a big deal like when Mei was self conscious about singing.
And I'm just going to say it. If Lucas was going to have a shirtless scene these same people wouldn't be shutting up about how excited they were. If Lucas spilled tea on his clothes and went to his office to clean it up and Elizabeth accidentally walked in on him topless scrubbing his clothes they'd be going ~*~UWU SOOOOOO CUTE ~*~ and making 20 different gifs of it.
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"Disturbed" again. They really do just latch on to one word and drive it into the ground.
Life Rivers asking the real questions. Of course no one responds because then they might have to walk it back and admit "mention in a few interviews" ≠ "promote".
What the hell does Lucas owning a saloon have to do with Nathan not wearing a shirt? These two things have nothing to do with each other.
They're acting like Nathan's going to rip his shirt off and sell himself or go skinny dipping in front of the tourists and not like it's going to be some mundane action.
Personally I'm hoping he wrestles a grizzly bear and uses his shirt as a tourniquet.
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Say the people who get in heat over their hoarded stash of photos of a grown man drinking from a china tea cup.
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crabbarts · 2 months
Ough Zeke if I could send you all these soft asks I would they're so adorable 🥺🥺🥺 but I'll settle for 5, 10, 12, 13, 18, 19, 20, 23 uwu have a lovely day <33
wahhh sara you're the sweetest 🥺 thank you for the asks and I hope YOU have a lovely day!
5. who do you feel most you around?
IRL I feel the most myself around my sister! We have some deep talks and she's very good at talking me through tough subjects. And in the online space, I feel like I can truly be myself with you! 💚💚
10. what’s something you’re excited for?
I'm going to see my best friend on Sunday! We're going to visit a Japanese bakery that we haven't been to before, but their bun and dessert selection looks impeccable,, I'm hoping to get one of everything on the menu 🤧
12. how are you?
I'm doing really well, thank you <33 I have a lot of ideas for art, my shoulder and neck have been feeling better these days, I've been reading some new books, I'm less stressed on the employment front, I'm having a great time rn!
13. what’s your comfort food?
Any creamy and/or cheesy pasta tbh... homemade mac & cheese, fettuccine alfredo, carbonara, mentaiko udon,, ough those creamy pastas are the way to my heart
18. do you still love stuffed animals?
Ooooo well, I do still love stuffed animals, I like admiring them in stores or in claw machines, but I don't really like buying them. I don't have much space in my room for plushies and I don't like sleeping with more than one or two of them. I have a stuffed horse named Cinnamon that my parents gifted me when I was three, and I still sleep with her next to my pillow (she's very threadbare)
19. most important thing in your life?
Hmm this is a hard one...currently I think connecting with other people is the most important thing in my life. I've been socially isolated for the past year or so, and I've been very lonely and depressed at times, so now when I do get out & about I really enjoy making small talk with strangers or complimenting people's outfits. Like I really do understand the importance of social interaction after being cut off from it for awhile 😅 even a few sentences exchanged with a stranger can make my day feel so much richer, if that makes sense.
20. what do you want most in the world right now?
I'm pretty satisfied with what I have atm! (aka nothing's coming to mind atm, sorry sara 😅)
23. favourite piece of clothing?
OOH this is tough,, I want to say my patch jacket, which I've had since 2018, it's covered in Amazingly Curated and Thoughtfully Placed patches and it's getting very heavy and stiff,, but I also recently thrifted a sherpa-lined acid-washed 80s style denim jacket that is so comfy and just warm enough for spring, I've been wearing it almost every day when I walk the dog and I feel so cool wearing it...ig I'll have to go with my patch jacket but the acid washed one might dethrone it someday soon
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ihatepeoplesomuchuwu · 10 months
Hi! Sorry if it reads weird, I'm using google translator :c. I'm a big fan of lurking for love but I noticed that the creator completely disappeared from the networks. I still don't really understand about the harassment he received and the comments he made, but I really want to support his work and I would like to know if you know if there is a way to support him. I have searched everywhere, but the only information I got was through your page, I hope you can read my message. With much love to you.
There is no need to apologize for that! I hope my answer helps the questions you have. ^^
For about what happened, I recommend reading my pinned post(I'll put the link to it here for you UwU)because that has both posts by the call-out and the response to it that Tom gave. I do recommend reading the warnings because their are some serious subjects that might be upsetting to you/others. As well for the hate, most of it was said in the comments of both posts, so do be careful. Some people took things way too far on both sides. (EDIT!! I have been informed that he also had an instagram account, but he has also deleted it. Thank you, my friend, for telling me. TwT)
For his social media, as far as I know, only the lurking for love Twitter(I guess it's X now??)page is up, and all his other ones have been completely removed. His Twitter is gone, but I know some people have reposted old asks from it if you are looking for that. ^^ The lurking for love Twitter is privated, and I'm not sure if he accepts requests or just didn't delete the account. The page for lurking for love is still available if you'd like to download it! That I am sure of. ÙwÚ
I hope this helps a lot, and if you have any other questions, feel free to send them here! I have anon off currently, so I apologize for that( I had to deal with very rude anons who can't say anything without anon on XD). I hope you have a lovely day or night!! ❤️
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14dayswithyou · 2 years
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✦゜ANSWERED: To avoid flooding the dash with all of these asks, I'm just gonna compile them into one big "masterpost" ^w^
also y'all have my entire heart!! ty for these cute messages ;v;
By pressing 'keep reading' you confirm that you are 18 or older.
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Anonymous asked: i’m like a rabid dog foaming at the mouth waiting for ur post notifications i mean this in the most complimentary way possible
Anonymous asked: OKAY i just found your game and was kinda sceptic but... It is so??? Good??? I can't i'm in love with ur work 😭😭😭😭 ur writing, art and whole atmosphere is impeccable. Waiting for day 2 with ma hart while sending my love and devotion to u🥺💞💞💞 And Ren- omg that scene made me- No thoughts, only desire to... Tease the hell out of him and play dumb after. Take the lead and make him shaky and needy. Just please him without taking anything in return. Boy deserves some love and pampering and spoiling 😔 I was never especially fond of yandere characters, but then found your game and fall in love with it (and with Ren, he's my comfort character now) I love your writing and art style so much! Thank you for this game! P. S. Please, hug Renren for me 💕
aaaaa thank you so much for sending such a cute ask!!!!! I'm so happy to hear that you enjoyed the demo (and Ren)! I'll be sure to pass all of your love, hugs, and pampering onto them <3
@kia97 asked: I would like to express all my love for you, because thanks to your inventiveness, you have been able to create a beautiful work!!  your art is so impressive it is beautiful that it was able to capture me from the first moment!!  thank you for sending me so many beautiful emotions and for passing them on in the future as well.  I hope you are Renren you will accept my words of love and I wish you the best💖.
Wahhh thank you for your kind words and support!! ;v; I always see you on twitter and I get so !!!^w^!!! whenever I see your name pop up in my notifications! <3
Anonymous asked: this is my ever first time on playing a visual novel with actions and choices i could relate so much! it's really refreshing and i found myself seriously immersed in it! thank you so much for making it!! giving you one tight online hug!!<33
I'm glad you enjoyed it! Thank youuuu ^^ <3
Anonymous asked: HEHSHFS just found your tumblr and game and playing the demo for the first time and GOD this is just reinforcing how much i love needy whiney men
In this household we stan submissive and breedable men uwu (who can also confidently rail you in the restricted area of the library)
Anonymous asked: how does it feel to have created the best yandere in the history of yanderes? 🤭 i wanna thank you for spending so much time with us, answering all of our silly questions, you're so sweet ❤ and sorry for adding another one oops you dont have to reply just wanted you to know you're an amazing dev ❤
JFDKFJKFAFK You're so kind nonnie!! ;o; I love talking and interacting with y'all too! <3 Thank you for sending this in ^^
Anonymous asked: Just wanted to say to you that you're an amazing person and Im so thankful that you gave us some people to simp over! Im so excited to see more of the game! Stay awesome and be proud! 
Wahh thank you for the support!! <3 I'm glad you enjoy all of the characters aaa
Anonymous asked: I adore this game 🥺 I’d love to throw some money at you through itchio, but haha… my president is a freaking maniac and is doing a pretty good job at isolating my country right now, so I might have to wait a couple of years. I guess you have readers in the unlikeliest of places. I just wanted to say that your writing is very nice AND accessible for people whose first language isn’t English. This account makes me feel all warm and fuzzy, you’re so welcoming. It must take a lot of work. Please take breaks and don’t strain yourself 🙏🏻 
It's okay!! Keep your money! I'm just happy (and very blessed) to know that people genuinely enjoy the game! ^^ But thank you so much for the support, and I'm very sorry to hear that you're stuck with such a terrible president right now >.< I hope things will get better for you soon nonnie! ;v;
@whispereons asked: Hey I found your game and I adore everything about it. I've been inhaling all your 14day content and from what I know this is basically you riding solo AND doing college. You are amazing, even if you don't feel like it all the time, and we are all proud of you. My next ask will be for simping cause you deserve one just for how incredible you are.
JKAFAFKASJK Thank you sm!! ;w; I'm just happy to see that people love the content that I put out, even if it's not much right now ^^; But thank you for your support!! <3
Anonymous asked: I absolutely love how you use different colored phrases in your text. It's like I can hear these responses - intonation and all. P.S. Love your game and all the characters (especially Ren <3).
Ty!! I'm glad you picked up on it ^^ It's also really fun to do lmao But thank you for your kind words! <3
Anonymous asked: i’d just like to let you know that i love you and ur work and ur very funny and talented mwah mwah bye
nonnie pls come back our marriage is in shambles.... the kids miss you.......... (but fr thank you so much!!)
Anonymous asked: (¡Hi!, I really enjoyed the demo. I tried all the routes and even took some time to make the translation of the binary code that appears at the end of it (Was a nice touch), and I'm excited to see what's next with other days! :D U are doing a great work with the game!
aaaa thank you!! I hope translating the binary code was worth it because I can only imagine how much time it'd take to do that ^^; so I'm very sorry for wasting your time afasfaksf But ty for your kind words!!
@niyalibata asked: Okay but RenRen you can have me anytime like-    💗💗  I’m just absolutely in love I honestly just found your game for the first time *very* early this morning & I can’t begin to tell you the hold Ren’s had on me since 😭. As you’re the person behind my new hyper-fixation I will now hold you accountable for my lack of sleep (Jkjk) In all seriousness though I’m really glad I found your game & I hope that it continues to grow! I can tell you put a lot of love in it. Also I can’t wait to see more but make sure not to overwork/push yourself too hard! ♡ I don’t have a question just wanted to be thristy for Ren & drop some kind words lol
LMAO ren's got everyone in a chokehold rn :') But thank you so so much for this lovely message!! aaaaa ;v; I'm very honoured to be the one behind your new hyper-fixation, but plEASE GET SOME SLEEP SFJAKFKA
Anonymous asked: I love you and this game sooo much 😭 You're seriously so talented and amazing! aaaaaaaAaaaAAA!!!!
wahhh nonnie thank yoooouuuuuuu!!!!!!!! ;o; <3
Anonymous asked: I finally played the game and I love it!! I'm excited for more!!
I'm glad to hear that you loved the demo!! Thank you for your support <3
Anonymous asked: Unrelated but ILYSM SAINT you’re telling me you like, writing, yandere boys, FFXIV, AND DND!!! Please be my friend You are so perfect shahhshsusvsgs (I don’t mean this in a weird way I hope you are by no means uncomfortable I’m sorry)
nonnie we are getting married in FFXIV and DnD fr I'm not joking (i'm joking) Lmao but in all seriousness, it's so relieving(?) to know that there are others out there that share the same interests as me!! Feel free to jump back into my inbox and talk to me about them!! Tell me what you love about writing, yandere characters, ffxiv, or even dnd!! <3
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zerobaseonefics · 1 year
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blooming day . . . day four
note . . . the chapter is pretty long (~2.4k words) cuz i couldn't update last week.... hope y'all will enjoy 🤭
taglist open <3 (if you want me to add you, send an ask so i can make sure i saw it!!) . . . @cherriegyu @kpoprhia @vhshyk @hikyeom @mins-fins @juyomiao @dwcljh @invuwrld @beomibeom @sulkygyu @lycheae @huipinkhair @luvseok1e @haesunflower @big-uwu-stan @harus-simp @zhounauts @jiaant11 @articxari @jebiwon @mashihope @taerrrrrae @ilovechanhee @ahnneyong @seok02 @honghongbri @justemalove @mposkyje @zhanghaoed @ihrtgw
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next profile unlocked : park hanbin
. . . ᥫ᭡ . . .
most of the time, you would consider yourself as pretty much smart. but now, oh, you felt really dumb. but how could you not think they were not dating? most of the time, boys aren't that into skinship with their friends... but hanbin literally just walked away with his arm around hao's waist.
"seems like you were a hanbin hater for no reasons... maybe you should try and give him a chance", mashiro tried to advice you.
"you know damn well she's into an another hanbin", yujin replied.
"the other hanbin", chaehyun sang with the melody of that one lana del rey song.
"and more importantly, i have other reasons to hate him", you said.
the girls all looked at you, waiting for you to explain yourself on what were the reasons. but, you know, it's only chapter four and i'm not willing to spill all the tea now. your eyes met the huge clock of the cafeteria, which was telling your class was starting in 10 minutes.
"well, i had enough of this bitch today, so we'll talk about this some other time. i gotta go."
mashiro heavily sighed, annoyed about the fact she could've note down the reasons you dislike hanbin so she could help him. but you were not willing to be late to class, so she was missing on that opportunity. a small voice in her head told her that maybe, maybe, she should also go to class, but she had no idea what class she was supposed to have now... so she might as well make sure she sees the chaos created by her own hands with her own eyes.
"wait, y/n!"
your eyes met your friend as she called you, and you simply hummed to let her know you were listening to her and pressuring her to talk quickly.
"you have photography class, right?"
"yeah! why?"
"i signed up for the new semester! let's go together!"
in fact, mashiro didn't sign up for shit, and you were kinda suspicious about the fact she did. but could you care less? you'd love to be with mashiro for that class!
i mean... with mashiro... a few seats further.
not that you had anything against your dear best friend, no, absolutly not. you signed up to the photography class once because you were interested in it. but it's also the place where you met the hanbin that made your heart beat because of something opposite to wrath. and as much as you like photography, remember you're a passive ass bitch who doesn't have much hobbies or passion for anything... except for flowers and now park hanbin. and photography class was great because your seat bestie was the said hanbin. you'd rather sit next to him whether or not mashi was there, and you'd rather be not too close to her because if you ever try to flirt... she won't let you live that down.
that's what you explained to her on the way, and she had no problem with that. the class officially starts at 2pm. however, since most people had their lunch break before this, even the teacher is usually around 10 minutes late. it's also park hanbin's case. he's the leader of the hip hop team and he usually uses the lunch break to practice by himself so he can teach his teammates easily later. since the room where he practices is a the complete opposite of the campus, he always arrive two minutes after the teacher. he never got reprimanded by the teacher for being literally twelve minutes late because there was two door to the classroom : one in the front, and one in the back. park hanbin would always enter through the back one and sit immediatly next to you since it was the closest to the back door. that's how destiny led you next to the boy that pleased your eyes whenever you saw him on the campus.
if the teacher and your crush, just like most of your classmates, were always late to this class, it was not your case. you're not a firm adherant to rules nor a very punctual person, but being late would mean someone could take your usual seat, and take away from you the opportunity to sit next to park hanbin.
that day was not any different than the others. the room was empty when you got in with mashiro. naturally, your feet led you to your cherished sit. you let your bag on the table as you peacefully sat and started to take out your material. mashiho went to sit at the row before the last one, but not in front of you. she wanted to see what was about to happen, so she took a seat a bit further.
as you were looking for the file that had all your previous lessons for this class on your laptop, you heard someone step into the class. you didn't pay much attention to it, uninterested in whoever just passed the door because there was no way it was the person you were waiting for. the footsteps started to be closer, and you finally heard the chair next to you be dragged backward a bit so the person could sit. it was not even 2pm yet...
"i didn't know you're taking this class."
i admit, you might be a little dramatic, because the horrified look you were wearing right now was absolutly unnecessary. from your face alone, people would think they were watching a horror movie (i mean not your face, you're super pretty, but your expression). you saw a ghost or something? nothing like that. it was just hanbin's voice that just talked to you right now.
but not the right hanbin.
slowly, you turned your head to face him. it was really him. sitting at the place park hanbin was supposed to take in order for him to not get noticed by the teacher. and in order for you to gush about him for a hour and half straight. you coughed to clear your voice and regain you composure.
"hum. excuse me, hanbin, but i have a friend who's gonna sit there so it would be great if you can get your ass up and change seats."
"i don't see your friend yet..."
ignoring your attempt at chasing him, hanbin started to put his things on the table as well, preparing himself for the class. you were already tired from the situation and you let your back rest on the wall next to you.
"well, he's coming. there's plenty of seats since we're only three in the classroom."
"i know, i have eyes. but i'm used to sit at this place in most of my class and it's gonna shock my brain if i ever take another seat.
"you're sure? i'm pretty sure if you gaslight yourself enough you'll be doing pretty fine on the opposite of the classroom."
"the opposite?"
"yeah, you see, i'm sitting at the last row, on the right and it would be better for both of us if you go and sit on the front row, on the left."
you were a laptop girlie, that's how you took your notes. but hanbin was more on the hand written side. when he finished setting up his pencils and notebook, he looked at you, squiting his eyes like he was analyzing you.
"i'm not planning on changing seats. if you hate it that much you can change yourself", he said innocently. with a passive agressive smile, you replied.
"the thing is i need to sit here because my friend can only sit in the back."
"too bad, seems like your friend is gonna have to find another place."
hanbin knew you couldn't seat anywhere else if you wanted to be with his arch-nemesis. you were just hoping he would get the hint and leave... but you felt like it was not gonna happen. and you started to see clear in hanbin's attitude. i mean, not clear to the point you know mashiro is helping him, but clear enough to see you bruised his ego by rejecting him and that's why he was not giving up on you. there were no other way. what would he like that much about you for him to go through the humiliation but still court you? he didn't know you that much. and you didn't feel like the most interesting person. compared to him, you were nothing, and it was never a problem to you. you never planned on living life fully. but you just couldn't get why he would be so hung up to you if it wasn't for his ego.
but people like him are easy to get rid off. if his ego is the problem, you just had to hurt it more so he would run away and eventually accept failure.
"tell me, hanbin, aren't you embarassed?"
"embarassed...?" he repeated, confused.
"yeah. normal people just avoid the person that rejected them. i thought i made it clear i have no romantic feelings to you, nor attraction. i don't even like you as a person."
"and so? i was not born with a crush on you, feelings change with time and maybe i can change how you feel."
you gave him a haughty look before sighing and letting your chin rest in the palm of your hand.
"that's why i gave you buttercups." offended, hanbin gasped, before putting his hand on his mouth to cover his shock. he couldn't let you see that got to him. a small smirk made its appearance on your face as you saw his reaction.
"well... the flowers were pretty." he tried to explain.
"yeah, but it doesn't change anything to their meaning. be honest with me, you don't like me that much, right? what is making you act like that?"
"i just think you got the wrong idea about me and i would love to get to know each other better. i wanna have a different bouquet next time."
"my friends suspect you of having a humiliation kink."
"i don't talk about my kinks on our first photography class..."
the conversation you were having and his playful remarks made you forget about what was around you : the class was filling up and your teacher hurriedly came in. losing track of the time as you were trying your best to make hanbin feel unconfortable so he could leave, you didn't see two more minutes have passed.
with little to no noise, the back door of the class room was pushed open. park hanbin only peaked his blueberry head in, a smile on his face as the idea of sitting next to you. the smile fell soon enough when he saw you with another guy... it would've been okay if at least you let him have the seat next to the door so the teacher wouldn't see him, but it was not the case. double treason.
park hanbin's eyes brushed the room to realize the only empty seat was the one on the front. he had no other choice than to accept his fate, and he made its way to it, getting yelled at by the old man in the front of the class.
if hanbin felt proud of the fact his plan to take the other hanbin's seat next to you worked, he didn't expect you to stop talking to him after that. you just decided to ignore him throughout the lesson, and you were too busy thinking about whether or not park hanbin was going to be mad at you.
as soon as the class was dismissed, park hanbin made its way to you. it cleared all your worries when he waited for the girl sitting in front of you to go so he could sit there. facing you with a teasing smile, park hanbin let his elbow rest on your table.
"what is that? you let me down for a new friend?" he said playfully.
"i literally got kidnapped by this man, i fought him to save your seat but he didn't listen to me...", you replied dramatically, making park hanbin's smile widen.
oh no, sung hanbin, alert! i think you might be thirdwheeling right now... the brunette coughed to catch your attention.
"hum. i'm sung hanbin, the new seat bestie." he had no idea what he was doing right now, but he gave his hand to park hanbin for him to shake it. the blueberry-haired guy took his hand to shake it politely.
"well, i already know your name. i'm park hanbin, the original seat bestie."
park hanbin didn't pay much more attention to the boy sitting next to you, his eyes were quickly back on you.
"so, y/n... you should make it up to me, right?"
sung hanbin couldn't stand the fact he was getting invisible to you as a coy smile created by park hanbin was evident on your face, and your eyes were on this other boy only. he silently listened to the two of you planning to go to a coffee shop after park hanbin's dance class as he put his pencilcase and notebook in his bag. he chewed the inside of his cheek, having no other choice but to accept a new failure today, and he got up to leave the class to you and your crush.
as soon as he got out of the class, he got pulled agressively by someone way smaller than him. mashiro. hanbin sighed.
"bro, i think i fucked up my soup" he said to the japanese.
"don't be defeatist! didn't you hear them? they're going to that cafe next to campus."
"so...? do you want me to crash their date or something? i don't think that's right."
"yeah, that wouldn't be right if you were going there on purpose to do that."
confused, the boy looked at mashiro, waiting for her to explain herself. mashiro pinched her nose in despair.
"what do i do with someone like you... y/n should have give you the flower of stupidity."
"does it exist?"
"that's not the subject, idiot! that's literally your mom's cafe! you're not crashing their date, you're just helping your mother as a barista!"
for the second time today, hanbin gasped. maybe god, the universe, hell, mother nature! whatever, was on his side... his two hands went to grab mashiro's shoulders.
"you're a genius, thank you!"
"i know, duh."
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angelizs · 2 years
Any thoughts on Floyd? I personally think he’s a lot more of a 3 dimensional character than the NRC students think he is! He’s ironically seen as the scariest out of the Octavinelle trio but in certain scenes like in Chapter 3 of the Anthology comic where he tries to reassure Riddle that he’s still a good person despite what he did while overblotted or in his dorm vignette where he makes trades with things clearly holding less value than what he currently has just because the other person seems to need it he seems much more thoughtful and kind. He can be a nice person but he always says he’s only doing it because he’s bored almost making it seem like he has a fear of showing kindness with others. Sorry for the ramble I just think he’s interesting personality wise
I agree anon, he definetly is! may I add to your examples: Floyd's labwear vignette, in which he helps Ace and Deuce to master the color changing spell! (it's very cute so if you haven't seen it yet, I suggest you take a look at it!)
NO NEED TO APOLOGIZE I LOVE TO HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS!!! feel free to send an ask anytime and ramble as much as you want!
since you asked for my thoughts, here they come:
same fair warning as the Idia post: this is my opinion and it might not be 100% right, anyone is allowed to disagree!
anon, you're so right, Floyd is such an interesting character! all of Octavinelle are, which is why I get the impression they have the most content in fandom, alongside other popular choices like Leona and Malleus. now get ready, because I have MANY thoughts on him and you just gave me the opportunity to ramble about them in a silver plater.
I think the thing with Octavinelle is that they are very complex, so naturally their interesting personalities and dynamics attract a lot of fandom attention, myself included! although this complexity also can lead to some misunderstandings and many different interpretations.
going along with your line of thought, I think he's the least scary of the trio, depending on how you view it. Azul seems to agree, as in Beans Day he comments how Jade is the scarier twin, since you never know what he's thinking, while Floyd makes his thoughts clear as day (or something along this lines). I personally agree with this, Floyd is very honest with his intentions, if he wants to hurt someone he'll just outright say it and threaten them, giving plenty of body signals. Jade and Azul are not like that at all, making them more dangerous due to never knowing what angle they are planning or what's going on in their minds.
I can see why the students think he's so scary tho! Floyd's squeezes can hurt quite a lot depending on how he does them, I think in chapter 3 a student even passes out because of it? not only that, but his constant mood swings and unpredictability are also very nerve racking and unsettling, as I think I'd have a hard time trying to deal with someone like this in real life, especially as I appreciate some predictability in order to know how to act around people without stepping over any boundaries, so I feel I'd be walking on eggshells around him lol
of course, he isn't all scary! he looks like it even when he's on his happier moods because of his pre-existing reputation and his loudness and lack of personal space, so people don't try to get close to him and actually see his other sides. I feel he'd be a fun friend to have around, because he's always up to something, and since I love physical affection I wouldn't mind much his hugs. (as long as they aren't his deathly squeezes. I like to keep my lungs intact thank you very much.)
another thing about him is that besides his more scary side, he can be quite cute! his laugh is seriously serotonin inducing, he likes to play around and to dance and to experiment new colorful clothes and to have a good time! he's not an "uwu innocent baby", but he's not a "crazy maniac bastard" either. Floyd can be scary when he wants to and he can be cute when he wants to.
I really like his dorm uniform vignette, I think it's a good example of his nature! he gets things because he wanted to at the time, and that's all there is to it. I don't think he had a personal kind motive behind his trades, just that he wasn't using one thing and if he could trade it for another, then why not? tho it's very interesting how at the end, he did it all to get what Azul wanted (at least inicially, he kinda forgot about it halfway through)
Floyd is, at my point of view, very free, as he doesn't care much about other people's opinions about him or about his grades or about his unique magic or anything really, as long as he's having a good time at the moment. The only thing he's tied to are his own whims, as only Floyd could ever stop himself. I feel like he does things sometimes because he's bored, yes, but sometimes simply because he felt like doing it at the time, so he did. (sometimes I wish I could think like him honestly, it would save me a lot of headache!)
he can definetely be a nice person! like all students at NRC, while they have a tendency to be assholes most of the time, every single one of them can be nice and good! I do like your interpretation of him being afraid of showing vulnerability, such as kindness, something others can easily exploit and he'd know very well about it, since both under the sea and at NRC people take advantage of each other at the drop of a hat. I've seen people think that this boredoom and extreme mood swings of his are masks so he doesn't have to do things he doesn't want. if he wants to escape a situation, he'll say he's bored and leave, simple like that. if he wants to help someone, he'll say he was bored and didn't have anything better to do. I can definetly see it!
in my point of view, I think he genuinely does have his mood swings, one time he'll be super excited about something and in the next he just... won't. I don't think they are without a motive tho, there's always something that triggers it, like if things get repetitive or don't go the way he wanted them to. a way to put him in a especially bad mood would be to try to control him, that's when he's definetly not going to do anything he's asked of. just leave him be and do things on his own way and he'll comply (if he feels like it).
he's most definetly capable of being thoughtful and kind, as Floyd is not dumb at all, he understands other people's emotions and how he affects them very well. hell, he even takes pleasure in scaring them sometimes, so obviously he's very aware. tho he won't just come and do something out of the kindness of his heart, he can do things because he wanted to help or to have something to do. he could just disobey Azul's every comand at any time, but he doesn't, and that shows how far his respect for him goes. he doesn't bend himself over every single wish of Azul's either, oftentimes just not showing up to work or doing his job in a lackluster manner. it all depends on how he's feeling really.
TL;DR: Floyd is such an interesting and multifaceted character! he's much more than the scary image the NRC students have of him and can show many different sides, depending on his mood! he's my little weirdo meow meow, thank you anon for sharing your thoughts with me!
Extra: here are some links for Floyd content you might like! his character fact sheet, that shows a lot of curiosities about him, this analysis Raven has made some time ago, that I agree a lot on (as you can see), and this youtube video that I LOVE it's my little serotonin machine!
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