#mick inkpen
plastic2000s · 1 year
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picturebookshelf · 1 year
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Kipper (1991)
Story and Art: Mick Inkpen
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smallbreakfast · 3 days
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pigs-in-art · 7 months
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Mick Inkpen, illustration from 'If I Had a Pig'
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tinyowlet · 2 years
"EVERYTHING MUST GO!" said the sign on the pet shop window.
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Kipper (1997)
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Propaganda Below
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Google: "Kipper is a British preschool animated children's television series based on the characters from Mick Inkpen's Kipper the Dog picture book series."
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assorted-bean · 2 years
12, 21, 41 :)
12- what kind of day is it?
It's an okay day. I did have that many lessons, and its the last day of term before the October Half term, which is nice
21- Something you've kept since childhood?
There are lots, including many teddies, my favourite being toby nothing, named after the cat in the Mick Inkpen story 'Nothing' 41- How do you take your coffee?
Depends whether im making it at home or getting it out. If im making it, then with lots of hot chocolate. If I'm out, then iced, with coconut milk
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ka1rosnan · 1 year
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-Descubrir mi verdadero yo- 9 de febrero de 2019 Lee por favor: 1 Juan 2:28–3:3 el evangelio en un año: Mateo 25:1-30 --… sabemos que cuando él se manifieste, seremos semejantes a él, porque le veremos tal como él es (3:2).-- ¿Quién soy? Esta es la pregunta que se hace un descolorido animal de peluche en el libro para niños titulado Nothing [Nada], de Mick Inkpen. Abandonado en un rincón polvoriento de un ático, el animal oye que los transportistas de mudanzas lo llaman «nada», y él piensa que ese es su nombre: Nada. Al encontrarse con otros animales, sus recuerdos se despiertan. Nada se da cuenta de que solía tener cola, bigotes y rayas. Pero recién cuando se encuentra con un gato atigrado que lo ayuda a encontrar su camino a casa, Nada recuerda quién es en verdad: un gato de peluche llamado Toby. Con amor, su dueño lo restaura, cosiéndole nuevas orejas, cola, bigotes y tiras. Cada vez que leo este libro, pienso en mi identidad. ¿Quién soy? Juan, escribiéndole a creyentes en Cristo, dice que Dios nos llama sus hijos (1 Juan 3:1). No entendemos por completo esta identidad, pero cuando veamos a Jesús, seremos como Él (v. 2). Tal como el gato Toby, un día, seremos restaurados a la identidad inicial que Dios planeó que tuviéramos y que el pecado distorsionó. Por ahora, podemos entender en parte esa identidad y reconocer la imagen de Dios en cada uno. Pero un día, cuando veamos a Jesús, la identidad que Dios tuvo en mente para nosotros será completamente restaurada. Seremos hechos nuevos. — alp "un día, seremos restaurados a la identidad inicial"...y como dijera el insigne vate Amado Nervo en su famosa poesía "Gratia Plena" "...y a la fuente de gracia de donde provino volvió como..." la fuente de gracia para toda la humanidad es el seno de Dios ya que él nos creó desde antes de la fundación del mundo y en sus planes ya estábamos aun sin haber nacido todavía, el pecado nos ensucio y es hora que dispongamos nuestro corazón para recibirlo y reconocerlo como nuestro único y suficiente salvador, doblar rodillas humildemente y pedirle que restaure cual teléfonos modernos nuestro software a su estado original, orar , bautizarse y predicar es la gran https://www.instagram.com/p/CocU7jPOwgu/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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lackadaisycal-art · 3 years
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This is really odd content and weirdly personal I guess? But basically here's the closest thing I've ever done to a proper self-portrait, it's me (drawing) with all my first artistic inspirations helping me. I love these illustrators so much
From left to right we have Quentin Blake, Lynley Dodd, Mick Inkpen, Tony Ross, Cressida Cowell, Axel Scheffler and Nick Sharratt
Illustrators like these are my artistic roots and I'm so grateful to have grown up with them
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📚 Kipper Collection 10 Books Set Children Gift Pack By Mick Inkpen 📚
🐾 Kipper's A to Z: An Alphabet Adventure By Mick Inkpen 🐾
🎈 The Blue Balloon By Mick Inkpen 🎈
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oddnamesinhistory · 3 years
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Mick Inkpen
1952- , British illustrator and creator of Kipper the Dog
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stcdata · 2 years
i remember the name of the book now it was Nothing by mick inkpen and it was so fucked up this little worn down toy called itself Nothing and looked at a reflection of itself and started crying because it didnt know who it was
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smallbreakfast · 12 days
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sylphidine · 4 years
[RotG] Tell Me Tales Of Heroes, Part 2: Memories
Written for Hope Week 2020, moderated by @jackrabbitweek
Part 1 here
See author’s notes at the end.
The Guardians did not have to look far for a way to acquire superhero costumes.  It turned out that both Pippa Chandler and Monty Chandler were members of the local cosplay-for-charity group, which had been sidelined from doing appearances due to The Great Virus.  They were thrilled to have a way to do good, even in quarantine.
Jamie set up a “BurgessBelievers” e-mail account to use for Whoosh, and somehow the Chandler siblings convinced the founders of the cosplay group to let them borrow six costumes [that were due to be retired or refurbished anyway] from their storage unit. 
And so Tooth found herself garbed in a mask and armor and a cloak in various shades of purples and greys, as she tried to perch comfortably in front of a webcam in Pippa’s bedroom, reading a children’s picture book aloud. Monty had pulled it from his own collection, saying it was one his grandma had brought him and his sister from England, and one they had read over and over again.
It turned out to be a tale about memories; about a little stuffed toy who had been left behind in a family move; a creature who did not know what he was, and who thought his name was “Nothing”, but who gradually remembered important things about himself, such as having a tail and whiskers, but more importantly he remembered being loved, being wanted by someone.
Tooth had a flash of guilt when she read aloud the passage about Nothing sitting on the fence, sitting and looking up at the moon.
But she went on bravely, trusting that Monty and Pippa wouldn’t love this book so much of it had an unhappy ending. And she was not mistaken, 
“The cat jumped the fence at Number 97 and trotted in through the back door. He found an old man dozing in a chair surrounded by unpacked boxes.
“ ‘That’s Grandpa.’ whispered the cat to Nothing, and dropped him on the old man’s lap.
“Nothing looked up at Grandpa and saw a face he knew. The important thought inside his head popped open like a jack-in-the-box.
“At last Nothing remembered who he was.”
Tooth had only been half-looking at the screen, since she was concentrating on both reading aloud as well as holding the book at an angle so that her audience could see its illustrations. Thus she was taken aback, but not surprised, at all the faces in the screen who had been following along with the story, and that most of them had had both tears in their eyes and smiles on their faces.
Her eyes were wet and her lips were curved upwards as well. 
Author’s notes: 
[1] Tooth is dressed as Psylocke in her body armour costume, before the Siege Perilous storyline, which also plays with memories in its own odd fashion.
[2] The book she is reading is called NOTHING by Mick Inkpen. Have tissues handy.
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guillermoloren · 7 years
¿Qué te contaría si pudiera hablar?, de Mick Inkpen (Ilustraciones de Chloë Inkpen)
¿Qué te contaría si pudiera hablar?, de Mick Inkpen (Ilustraciones de Chloë Inkpen)
A partir de 3 años.
¿Has tenido alguna vez una mascota que te chupara la cara, destrozara los muebles o se comiera tus calcetines? ¿Aun así la querías? Si es así, NECESITAS leer este libro. .
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Cubierta de: ‘¿Qué te contaría si pudiera hablar?
La editorial Anaya Infantil nos trae un libro de los célebres creadores de Kipper, Wibbly Pig, y Zoe y Beans. Es un libro de muy ilustrado que desearás…
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mathamota · 7 years
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Kipper's Christmas Eve - Mick Inkpen *A winter break book.*
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