alexxx-malev · 22 days
Valaam 40
Russia. Lake Ladoga. Valaam. Meteor hydrofoil Ладожское озеро. Валаам. Метеор-191 "Преподобный Серафим"
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fallenwingzero · 1 year
New Mobile Report Gundam Wing Timeline
I redid the timeline again but this time with pictures! This is my take on what order all the anime/manga/novels/radio dramas take place in the Gundam Wing universe. For a quick recap, this is the order and dates:
Episode Zero (sans Preventor epilogue) - AC 187 to AC 195
Anime (sans epilogue) - AC 195 April 06 to AC 195 December 24
Chronicle of the After Colony Era - AC 195
Odds and Evens - AC 195 December 24
Anime Epilogue - AC 196 April 06
Battlefield of Pacifists - AC 196
Blind Target - AC 196
Ground Zero (sans epilogue) - AC 196
Endless Waltz - AC 196 December 24 to AC 196 December 27, Epilogue - AC 197 January 01
Ground Zero Epilogue - AC 197
Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 1 - AC 197 March to AC 197 April 07
Episode Zero Preventor 5 epilogue - AC 197 April 07
Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 2 - AC 197 April 09
Frozen Teardrop - MC 22 Next Winter
Frozen Teardrop Epilogue - MC 23 Summer
The full explanations for the order of the timeline as well as pictures are under the read more:
Episode Zero: AC 187 to AC 195.
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Obviously places first, being a prequel. For the specific dates mentioned we have -
Duo’s Backstory:
AC 187 - Duo is taken in by the Maxwell Church.
AC 188 - Father Maxwell and Sister Helen are killed in an attack.
AC 192 - Duo meets Professor G.
Heero’s Backstory:
AC 175- Odin assassinates Heero Yuy
AC 188- Heero travels as a hitman with Odin. Odin is killed by Dekim Barton. Heero meets Doctor J.
Trowa’s Backstory:
AC 190 - No Name (Trowa) meets Middie Une. Heads for outer space looking for a “home”
Relena’s Backstory:
AC 191 - Alpha Yuy enrolls at her school. Zechs saves Relena and realizes that she is his long-lost sister.
Quatre’s Backstory:
AC 193 - Quatre meets the Maganacs
Wufei’s Backstory:
AC 194 - Wufei marries Meilan
AC 194 - Meilan dies.
Episode Zero Operation Meteor: AC 195 April 06
2. Anime Series and Light Novel Series (sans epilogue): AC 195 April 06 to AC 195 December 24
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Anime series begins on Relena’s Birthday, April 06 and ends Christmas Eve. The final battle later becomes known as “The Eve Wars”. The novelisation I believe is similar to the anime so for now I'm listing it as concurrent instead of an alternate interpretation.
3. Chronicle of the After Colony Era: AC 195
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Takes place during the anime series, after Heero wakes up from his coma and is travelling with Trowa. Duo is still travelling with Quatre, and Relena has just revived the Sanc Kingdom.
4. Odds and Evens: AC 195 December 24.
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Takes place immediately after the final battle of the anime series.
5. Anime Epilogue: AC 196 April 06.
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Takes place on Relena’s Birthday the following year with her being too busy as Vice Foreign Minister to attend her birthday party. She also receives the bear and card gifts from Heero.
6. Battlefield of Pacifists: AC 196
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For the three midquels, I put this one first. My reasoning is that Quatre first comes up with the idea to send the Gundams into the sun, to the surprise of Duo. Wufei realizes that he still has to fight for justice despite the war ending.
7. Blind Target Manga and Radio Drama: AC 196
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This is the second on the timeline for the three midquels. The need to destroy the Gundams becomes more apparent for the boys as the remnants of White Fang use the Gundams protecting peace as a point for why the UESN cannot be trusted with total disarmament. Wufei meets up with Mariamaia and Dekim Barton.
8. Ground Zero (sans epilogue): AC 196
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The final of the three midquels. After agreeing to destroy the Gundams, Duo, Quatre and Trowa suspect that Heero is secretly planning to continue to use Wing Zero and devise a way to learn his intentions. Wufei is already wearing the Mariamaia Doll uniform showing it takes place after Blind Target.
9. Endless Waltz Movie and Novelization: AC 196 December 24 to December 27 /Epilogue: AC 197 January 01
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The Mariamaia Incident starts on Christmas Eve, exactly one year after the Eve Wars, and ends on December 27. The Epilogue takes place on New Year’s Day.
The Endless Waltz novelisation is concurrent with the movie. I also listed it in the same timeline due to not contradicting canon. It follows the same story with added extra backstory for characters.
10. Ground Zero Epilogue: AC 197
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The epilogue for Ground Zero states that it took place in AC 197 making it take place after Endless Waltz. Heero also promises to stay by Relena’s side.
11. Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 1: AC 197 March to AC 197 April 07
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March- Heero is staying at the Darlian Estate by this point with Relena tending to his wounds that had accumulated over the series. Relena is planning to run for president of the UESN.
April 07- Relena throws a campaign party on the day after her birthday. Sanc Kingdom is under attack by a terrorist organization. Wufei and Sally gather the Gundam Pilots to carry out a rescue mission.
12. Episode Zero Epilogue: AC 197 April 07
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Concurrent with Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 1. Relena throws a campaign party on the day after her birthday. Sanc Kingdom is under attack by a terrorist organization. Wufei and Sally gather the Gundam Pilots to carry out a rescue mission. Quatre devises a plan for them to rescue the hostages without anyone dying, enemies included.
13. Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 2: AC 197 April 09
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The new Preventor 5 team carry out the rescue mission. The mission doesn’t go as planned and fails. Relena sacrifices herself to save the Sanc Kingdom and is cryogenically frozen. Heero is also frozen sometime later.
14. Frozen Teardrop Light Novel series and Picture Drama: MC 22 Next Winter to MC 23 First Spring
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25 years later Heero Yuy awakens to fight a new war on Mars along with the old and new Gundam Pilots.
There’s a full timeline for the events leading up to current day Frozen Teardrop that I will translate as a later edit for this post. It covers all the backstories as well as important historical events of the Mars Colony Era. I will also add the extra dates mentioned in Frozen Teardrop as I translate the series.
15. Frozen Teardrop Epilogue: MC 23 First Summer.
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Heero and Relena have been married for 5 months and peace is slowly coming to Mars.
I looked over all my manga and light novels to check dates so hopefully this is all accurate. It all surprisingly fits in nicely too, so I guess the writers were careful not to contradict each other’s extra stories.
Content that doesn’t fit on the timeline or is contradictory to canon:
Glory of the Losers - This is a reboot, so it has its own timeline and canon with different versions of events from the GW series.
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A Scythe in my Right Hand, You in my Left - This story is… odd, to put it nicely 😂. It’s a good story but it doesn’t make sense in canon at all, so it goes under the “Duo’s weird catholic fever dream” category of the timeline. It also didn’t have anyone from the show work on it, unlike the rest of the media, so it’s not considered canon in that regard and that’s also probably why it doesn’t fit in with the rest of the canon.
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Operation Preventor Radio Drama Cassette - It’s a crack scenario revolving around the boys hosting a radio show that takes place sometime after Endless Waltz. Although the boys hosting a radio show is an unlikely scenario 😂, it does have good characterisations and hilarious interactions between the G-pilots.
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Manga by Koichi Tokita - This is a retelling of GW and contains vastly different scenarios so it’s its own canon. The writers of GW also didn’t work on it so it’s not part of the main canon in that way too.
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Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Manga by Koichi Tokita - The sequel to the Mobile Suit Gundam Manga and the same deal as before where it didn’t have any of the original writers work on it. Although it really doesn't differ from the movie at all so it could also work as concurrent to Endless Waltz movie and novels.
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gundamgirlvioletta · 2 years
Zechs Merquise
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Real Name: Milliardo Peacecraft
Origin: Mobile Suit Gundam Wing
Timeline: After Colony (A.C.)
Role: Secondary Antagonist
Affiliations: OZ, Sanc Kingdom, White Fang, Preventer
Pilot Of: Tallgeese, Tallgeese III, Tallgeese Flugel, Gundam Epyon
Age: 19 (Wing), 20 (Endless Waltz)
Born Milliardo Peacecraft and heir to the Sanc Kingdom throne, Milliardo took on the name Zechs Merquise and joined the OZ army after the destruction of his homeland.
A conflicted character at his core, Zechs is full of guilt, pride and self-loathing; despite having a reputation for being an amazing mobile suit pilot, he feels he's betrayed himself, his father and his homeland by going against their ideals of total pacifism. As such, the name Milliardo Peacecraft comes with great shame for him.
Another internal conflict is between chivalry and the professionalism expected from a soldier of his caliber. This drove his motives as he struggled to find the balance between his former identity, and the uncompromised warrior he felt he needed to become.
Zechs has his beginnings in A.C. 186, where has chosen from Treize Khushrenada's class of soldiers at the Victoria Academy to take part in a test run of the feasibility of mobile suit corps. He earned a flawless victory at the Battle of Mogadishu, which lead the Alliance to use the Specials (AKA OZ) more often.
In A.C. 191, Zechs was sent on a mission to repress a terrorist organization's attack on the Earth Alliance base. Piloting the then-brand-new Aries mobile suit, Zechs fought back the terrorists in record time, and Treize, who witnessed the battle, commented that he "fights like lightning", giving an origin to the "Lightning Count" nickname Zechs would later be known for.
On April 7, A.C. 195, Zechs encountered Heero Yuy and the Wing Gundam for the very first time during the latter's descent to Earth to commence Operation Meteor. Zechs managed to hold the Wing back and plunge it into the Pacific Ocean by latching his own suit on it. The lack of a mobile suit that could stand on par with the Gundams led to him being introduced to the Tallgeese.
Zechs took part in Operation Daybreak, where OZ overthrew the Alliance. Amidst the coup, Zechs would get his revenge by killing the commanding officer who led the fatal attack on the Sanc Kingdom.
Later, Zechs used the Tallgeese for a rematch against the Wing Gundam in Siberia. Their duel was cut short when Lady Une threatened to shoot down the colonies unless the Gundam pilots surrendered, and so Doctor J did. Heero emerged from his cockpit and self-detonated the Wing Gundam in response to the surrender, and Zechs allowed Trowa to recover Heero's body and escape. Afterwards, Zechs took the Wing Gundam's remains and began to secretly rebuild it under OZ's nose.
A couple months later, Zechs offered Heero yet another rematch in Antartica. It was interrupted once again, this time by Zechs' sister Relena, who had found out Zechs' true identity. OZ's search party descended on them and Zechs fought to allow Relena and the Gundam pilots to escape.
The battle marked the end of Zechs' friendship with Treize and his relationship with OZ. He flew away and met Mike Howard, the designer of the Tallgeese. He then went to space and introduced himself as Milliardo Peacecraft, goodwill ambassador to the Sanc Kingdom.
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Zechs soon discovered that OZ was planning to destroy the confiscated Wing Gundam Zero, and self-detonated his critically injured Tallgeese to jump into the Wing Zero instead. He then found out that his sister Relena was dissolving the newly resurrected Sanc Kingdom and surrendering herself to the Romefeller Foundation. Zechs immediately rushed back in the Wing Zero and met Heero, piloting the Gundam Epyon. The two fought a fierce battle to a standstill before giving up under the mental strain of their ZERO Systems and then trading Gundams.
He was then approached by a man named Quinze Quarante who offered him to be the new leader of the colonial rebel group White Fang, which Zechs accepted, and he ironically decided to go by Milliardo Peacecraft as White Fang's leader.
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Under Zechs' leadership, the White Fang fought OZ back and eventually fired on Earth as a declaration of war to the recently installed World Nation, led by his former friend Treize. He fought the Gundam pilots in battle, but the ship Peacemillion was rammed into White Fang's battleship. Undaunted, Zechs tried to drop the heavily damaged battleships on Earth to cause an endless winter.
He engaged in a final duel with Heero, in which Heero was victorious. In the aftermath of the battle, Zechs was presumed dead.
On December 24, A.C. 196, Zechs returned to earth as a mobile suit pilot for the Preventers, an elite intelligence agency designed to stop aggressive conflicts before they're executed. He was given the codename Wind, and was there during the attempt to overthrow Earth's government by Mariemaia Khushrenada, Treize's pre-adolescent daughter. He fought Mariemaia's army alongside the Gundam pilots, and disappeared at the end of the conflict for Mars, where his sister had begun a terraformation project.
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Personal Opinion: He was a very confusing character on my first watch of Wing, especially when he became leader of White Fang. That being said, Wing as a whole was very confusing so its whatever lol. I think he's one of my favorite Char clones despite it all, his design is really cool (and handsome tbh), and his character really raises Wing's melodrama to a new level and moves the story forward.
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berenices-commas · 30 days
Hoping for an Angel of Vengeance: the tuFatingau Mission to the Court of Stars Uncounted (209–16/123-9) - 3.9
This normalisation of tuFaruao-Umliwe relations would be followed by another apparent overture from Rampas-Ketawan, when the world-queen permitted the coming-to-Obedience of her nieces, the three daughters of Princess Puangayin – Kentelmusang, Wosahayabus, and Piapileh. The three princesses were under the tutelage of Tuito’on Tumetiai and Fu’ura’a Rout. For the missionaries, the conversion of three members of the Umliwe royal family represented a coup that put their mission in Asiga on a par with the more successful tuFatingau exploits in Tahana, Hamanta, and Imayenisi. Rampas-Ketawan’s decision reanimated hopes for the world-queen’s own conversion and the formation of a tuFaruao-Umliwe entente. In a letter of 179/105, Deputy Ma Tuipe tuHu reported the declarations of the three Umliwe princesses to Queen Ne'ato'aha III (r.191–168/112-99), mentioning that they would assume the names Mamara, Umaraa, and Nekatongaha – the names of the previous and current monarchs of Faruao and Ito’o. The connection with the tuIlakso thrones was made even more explicit by Rampas-Ketawan’s order to court diviners to determine an auspicious numero-oracular link between Ne'ato'aha III and Nekatongaha.[1] For the tuFatingau, the coming-to-Obedience of the princesses had the potential to enhance the status of the Obedient in Umliwe Ikam.
A somewhat more anecdotal example of the lobbying undertaken by the missionaries to improve the prestige of the Obedient community is Rampas-Ketawan’s decision in 180/106 to allow the tuFatingau to celebrate comings-to-Obedience in public with the same honorary privileges granted to those who converted to Anticipation. The story behind this privilege, however, exposes the tuFatingau missionaries’ subaltern position at the Umliwe court. In 180/106, Rampas-Ketawan allowed a formerly Obedient Imetya who had converted to Anticipation to parade the halls of Asiga mounted on a god-machine with great pomp. Aware of the implications of the symbolic dimension of the public honours granted to someone who had abandoned Obedience for Anticipation for the local Obedient communities, Rout asked the world-queen for a similar privilege for those who came to Obedience (despite reservations over connecting false gods to a public display of Obedience). Rampas-Ketawan agreed, upon the condition that the convert should ride only a small hauler in imitation of the Child’s humility. Rout noted that in Si this might be considered degrading. Rampas-Ketawan reconsidered and allowed Obedient converts to be mounted on god-machines, but only if the tuFatingau rode in the same procession on haulers, a condition they accepted. By forcing the tuFatingau to participate in a ceremony involving elements with negative connotations in the tuSi symbolic imagination, the world-queen exposed the fragile position of the missionaries as utterly dependent on the benevolence of the Umliwe authorities.
The conversion of Rampas-Ketawan’s nieces ended in probably one of the greatest fiascos of the tuFatingau exploits at the Court of Stars Uncounted. After a few years, the three Umliwe princesses reverted to Anticipation. The tuFatingau explained this setback as another case of Listener untrustworthiness, but the meteoric conversion and apostasy of the princesses seems to have been influenced by complex and subtle political manoeuvres that Tumetiai and Rout were unable to grasp. Rampas-Ketawan’s surprising decision to allow her nieces to come to Obedience in the first place should be understood as a move which would neutralise three potential rivals for the Throne-that-is-the-World by altering their religious affiliation while making a friendly overture to the tuFaruao Enclosure of Ikam, the patron of the tuFatingau mission. The conversions, and specifically the declarations, were also conceived as a public event that exposed the subordination of the tutu and the Obedient communities to the Umliwe polity.
While revisiting the apostasy of the three princesses, Rout concluded that their conversion was a stunt that demonstrated Rampas-Ketawan’s ability to manipulate the tuFaruao authorities and the tuFatingau. Besides revealing Rampas-Ketawan’s dissimulative approach, the failed conversions reinforced Rout’s doubts about the true intentions of converts from Anticipation. Evoking the edicts that had ordered the expulsion of the tuToma, the tuRa’ma missionary stressed that the comings of Listeners to Obedience were often dissimulative acts motivated by personal gain. Despite this problem and the discouragingly low number of conversions, the tuFatingau mission in Umriwe was necessary to support the local Imetya, Loyalist, and Legitimist Obedient communities. According to Rout, the functions of spiritual supervision and political representation performed by the missionaries were not necessarily a guarantee that even they themselves would not convert to Anticipation.
[1] This represents the adoption of a traditionally Obedient practice.
0 notes
bikeshubb · 1 year
New Best bikes in India
Check out the latest and Best bikes in India along with detailed prices and offers only on bikershub. You can search New best bikes by brand like TVS, Honda, Royal Enfield, Hero, Yamaha, Ktm and many more. Or you may search New bikes based on price or budget. Have a particular body type in mind like a commuter, sport bike.
List of Best bikes in India
MODELSHOWROOM PRICEYamaha MT 15 V2Rs. 1.68 Lakh*Yamaha R15 V4Rs. 1.81 – 1.94 Lakh*Royal Enfield Classic 350Rs. 1.90 – 2.21 Lakh*Hero Splendor PlusRs. 72,076 – 76,346*TVS Apache RTR 160Rs. 1.18 – 1.25 Lakh*Royal Enfield Hunter 350Rs. 1.50 – 1.72 Lakh*TVS RaiderRs. 85,973 – 99,990*Yamaha R15SRs. 1.63 Lakh*Kawasaki Ninja H2Rs. 79.90 Lakh*Royal Enfield Bullet 350Rs. 1.51 – 1.66 Lakh*KTM 390 DukeRs.2.96 Lakh*
List of 10 Best bikes in India
Below is the list of top 10 bikes to buy in India along with the ex-showroom prices in Delhi and features.
1. Royal Enfield Meteor 350 | Price starts at:Rs. 2,01,600
The Royal Enfield Meteor 350 is available in three variants and seven colour options. It is powered by a BS6 engine that produces 20.2 HP at 6,100 rpm and 27 Nm at 4,000 rpm. Furthermore, its advanced semi-digital instrument cluster, navigation system, and LED DRLs make it a popular choice among drivers. Features 1. Single-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine 2. 334 cc displacement 3. 35 kmpl mileage 4. 15-litre fuel capacity 5. Maximum Speed: 120 km/h 6. 191 kg kerb weight
2. Yezdi Roadster | Price starts at: ₹ 1,98,100
Seven different colour combinations and three variations are offered for the Royal Enfield Meteor 350. It has a BS6 engine that cranks at 6,100 rpm and produces 20.2 HP and 27 Nm. Also, it is a well-liked option among drivers due to its modern semi-digital instrument cluster, navigation system, and LED DRLs. Features 1. liquid-cooled, single-cylinder engine 2. 334 cc engine size 3. 35 km per litre 4. fuel capacity of 15 litres 5. 120 km/h is the top speed 6. kerb weight of 191 kg
3. Royal Enfield Classic 350 | Price starts at: ₹ 1,87,200
One of Royal Enfield’s top-selling models in India is the Classic 350, which comes with 5 versions and 12 colour variations. Its engine produces 20.2 HP at 6,100 rpm and 27 Nm of maximum torque at 4,000 rpm when connected to a 5-speed gearbox. Moreover, it has a semi-digital instrument cluster with an analogue speedometer, LCD display, clock, etc. Features 1. Air-oil-cooled, single-cylinder, four-stroke 2. the 349 cc displacement 3. 35 kilometres per hour 4. 12.5 litres of fuel capacity 5. 120 kph, maximum 6. Kerb 195 kilogrammes
4. KTM Duke 200 | Price starts at: ₹ 1,85,600
One of KTM’s best-selling street bikes is the Duke 200. The engine has been modified by the manufacturer to meet BS6 regulations, and it now produces 25 HP at 10,000 rpm and a maximum torque of 19.2 Nm at 8,000 rpm. Its aesthetic features include a split-seat, a sleek tail section, and an angular LED headlamp, among others. Features 1. Single-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine 2. 199.5 cc of displacement 3. 35 miles per gallon 4. 13.5 litres of fuel capacity 5. Maximum Speed: 142 kph 6. Weight at Kerb: 159 kg
5. Yamaha YZF R15 V4 | Price starts at: ₹ 1,77,800
The YZF V4 from Yamaha’s R15 series is the following model on this list. It has a variety of features on its display, including a lap timer, a mobile battery condition indication, and a gear position indicator. Furthermore, the engine has a maximum output of 14.2 Nm at 7,500 rpm and 18.4 HP at 10,000 rpm. Features 1. Engine Type: 4-Stroke, SOHC, 4-Valve, single-cylinder, liquid-cooled, engine 2. 155 cc of displacement 3. Distance: 40 km/l 4. Contains 12.5 litres of fuel 5. Maximum Speed: 142 kph 6. Weight at Kerb: 184 kg
6. Bajaj Pulsar NS200 | Price starts at: ₹ 1,34,100
The Bajaj Pulsar NS200 is India’s second-best model. Its under-the-hood BS6 engine produces 18.5 Nm of peak torque at 8,000 rpm and 24.5 HP of power at 9,750 rpm. DRLs, AHO, a digital speedometer, a multi-reflector headlamp, split grab rails, and other features are just a few of its extra features. Features 1. Single-cylinder, liquid-cooled engine type 2. 199.5 cc of displacement 3. 35 miles per gallon 4. 12 litres of fuel capacity 5. Maximum Speed: 136 kph 6. Kerb Size: 156 kilogramme
7. TVS Apache RTR 160 4V | Price starts at: 1,15,200
The TVS Apache RTR 160 4V is the next bike on the list of the best models to buy in India. The two-wheeler offers this unit in 6 variations and 4 colour choices together with DRLs TVS SmartXonnect Bluetooth communication technology and other distinctive enhancements. It is propelled by a BS6 engine that produces 14.73 Nm of maximum torque at 7,250 rpm and 17.63 HP of maximum power at 9,250 rpm. Features 1. Engine Type: Oil-cooled, single-cylinder, four-stroke,SI 2. displacement: 159.7 cc 3. 45 miles per gallon 4. 12 litres of fuel capacity 5. Maximum Speed: 114 kph 6. Kerb Size: 145 kilogramme
8. Honda SP 125 | Price starts at: ₹ 80,000
Honda released SP 125, its first BS6 compliant motorcycle, in response to the CB Shine SP. The engine produces 10.72 HP at 7,500 rpm and 10.9 Nm of maximum torque at 6,000 rpm when mated to a 5-speed manual gearbox. The SP 125 variations also feature a digital instrument panel with real-time mileage, an Eco indication, a gear position indicator, and other features. Features 1. Single-cylinder, air-oil-cooled, three-valve engine 2. 124 cc of displacement 3. Distance: 60 km/l 4. 11 litres of fuel capacity 5. 100 km/hr maximum speed 6. Kerb Size: 118 kg
9. TVS Raider 125 | Price starts at: ₹ 77,500
The Raider 125 is a top bike model from domestic two-wheeler maker TVS, which is excellent for commuting and city tours. The engine generates 11.2bhp of power at 7,500 rpm and 11.2Nm of maximum torque at 6,000 rpm when paired with a 5-speed manual gearbox. Also, this stylish commuter model features stylistic elements including an aluminium grab rail, engine cowl, body-colored front fender, and LED headlights. Features 1. Single-cylinder, air-oil-cooled, three-valve engine 2. 124.8 cc of displacement 3. miles per gallon: 67 4. 12 litres of fuel capacity 5. Maximum Speed: 99 kph 6. Kerb Size: 123 kilogramme
10. Hero Splendor Plus | Price starts at: ₹ 49,500
In order to appeal to drivers looking for commuter solutions, Hero has introduced the Splendor Plus, another bike that complies with BS6. It has an engine that produces 8.05 Nm of maximum torque at 6,000 rpm and 7.91 HP of power at 8,000 rpm. Hero has introduced the Black, Accent, and 100 Million edition to compete with its rivals even if the BS6 models have not received any cosmetic upgrades. Features 1. Engine Type: Air-cooled, 4-Stroke, Single Cylinder, OHC 2. 97.2 cc of displacement 3. 65 kilometres per hour 4. 9.8 litres of fuel capacity 5. Maximum Speed: 87 km/h 6. 110 kg Kerb Weight
The Best Sports bikes in India
The top 10 sport bikes in India are fully described in the list below, along with an estimate of their on-road costs in Chandigarh and their features.
1. Suzuki Hayabusa GSX1300R | Price starts at: ₹ 16,40,000
Suzuki Hayabusa leads the list of the best sports bikes in India. It gets its power from a robust engine that dishes out a maximum power of 190 HP at 9,700 rpm and a peak torque of 150 Nm at 7,000 rpm.Coming to its aesthetics, Hayabusa has undergone prominent modifications compared to its previous version. Though Suzuki continued the design silhouette of the older model, the latest version highlights a sportier appeal. Its cosmetic list features full LED headlamp and tail lamp, turn signals and more. Features 1. Engine Type: Liquid-cooled, single cylinder 2. Displacement: 1,340 cc 3. Mileage: 18 kmpl (approx.) 4. Fuel Capacity: 20 litres 5. Brakes: Brembo Stylema, 4-piston, 320mm twin disc, ABS-equipped at front and Nissin, 1-piston, 260mm single disc ABS-equipped at rear 6. Suspension: Inverted telescopic, coil spring, oil damped at front and linked-type, coil spring, oil damped at rear 7. Kerb Weight: 266 kg
2. Honda CBR650R | Price starts at: ₹ 9,35,400
Available in 1 variant and 2 colour options, CBR650R is among the most selling sports bikes in India. The engine produces a maximum power of 85.82 HP at 12,000 rpm and a peak torque of 57.5 Nm at 8,500 rpm.Coming to the cosmetics, CBR650R highlights full-fairing aesthetics, fairing-mounted rear-view mirrors, split style seats, twin-pod headlamp and more. Features 1. Engine Type: Liquid-cooled, single cylinder 2. Displacement: 648.72 cc 3. Mileage: 20 kmpl 4. Fuel Capacity: 15.4 litres 5. Brakes: 310 mm front and 240 mm rear discs 6. Suspension: Telescopic at front and mono shock at rear 7. Kerb Weight: 211 kg
3. KTM 390 Adventure | Price starts at: ₹ 3,28,200
The Austrian two-wheeler expert KTM offers one of the top racing bikes in India named 390 Adventures in 1 variant and 2 colour options. It comes with a robust motor generating a maximum power of 42.3 bHP at 9,000 rpm and a peak torque of 37 Nm at 7,000 rpm.This sport bike is inspired from its naked sibling the Duke 390 and exhibits an upright seating position, ensuring optimal comfort for longer distances. Features 1. Engine Type: Liquid-cooled, single cylinder 2. Displacement: 373 cc 3. Mileage: 25.7 kmpl 4. Fuel Capacity: 14.5 litres 5. Brakes: 320mm 4-piston radial fixed calliper at front and 230mm, 1-piston floating calliper at rear 6. Suspension: WP APEX 43mm USD forks at front and WP APEX adjustable mono shock at rear 7. Kerb Weight: 177 kg
4. KTM 390 Duke | Price starts at: ₹ 2,87,500
Powered by a beefy motor, KTM 390 Duke can generate a power of 44 HP at 9,000 rpm and a peak torque of 37 Nm at 7,000 rpm.Furthermore, 390 Duke comes with all-LED headlamp and tail lamp, fully-digital instrument cluster, pillion grabrail and footrest and other refinements. Features 1.Engine Type: Liquid-cooled, single cylinder 2. Displacement: 373.2 cc 3. Mileage: 25 kmpl 4. Fuel Capacity: 13.5 litres 5. Brakes: 320 mm front and 230 mm rear discs 6. Suspension: WP APEX 43 at front and WP APEX mono shock at rear 7. Kerb Weight: 167 kg
5. TVS Apache RR 310 | Price starts at: ₹ 2,59,900
Given the success of its 2020 sibling, TVS launched an iterated version of Apache RR 310 in 2 variants and 3 colour options. The mechanical specifications of this top racing bike in India comprises a powerful engine that produces a maximum power of 34 HP at 9,700rpm and a peak torque 27.3Nm at 7,700rpm.A few of the updates include Dynamic and Race Kits, ew race muffler, an engine rev limit indicator, a day trip metre, an over-speed indicator, and more. Features 1. Engine Type: Liquid-cooled, single cylinder 2. Displacement: 373.2 cc 3. Mileage: 30 kmpl 4. Fuel Capacity: 11 litres 5. Brakes: 300mm petal single disc at front and 240mm petal single disc at rear 6. Suspension: 41mm Kayaba USD forks at front and 2-arm aluminium die-cast swing-arm, mono tube floating piston gas assisted shock absorber at rear 7. Kerb Weight: 174 kg
6. Bajaj Dominar 400 | Price starts at: ₹ 2,17,400
Bajaj Dominar 400 features muscular proportion and powerful silhouette, wide and well-padded seat, tall visor, handguard, engine bash plate, leg guard, carrier, plus back stopper. Its aggressive exhaust note with heavy bass undoubtedly dominates the road.Coming to power, this sports bike has a liquid-cooled, fuel-injected engine that offers a maximum power of 40 HP at 8800 RPM and a maximum torque of 35 Nm at 6500 RPM, making it one of the best sports tourer bikes in India. Features 1. Engine Type: Liquid-cooled, 4 stroke, DOHC, triple spark, FI, single cylinder 2. Displacement: 373.27 cc 3. Mileage: 32 kmpl 4. Fuel Capacity: 13 litres 5. Brakes: 320 mm front and 230 mm rear discs 6. Suspension: Telescopic, 43 mm USD fork at front and multi-step adjustable mono shock with Nitrox at rear 7. Kerb Weight: 193 kg
7. Suzuki Gixxer SF 250 |Price starts at : ₹ 1,87,500
Suzuki Gixxer SF is a lightweight sports bike in India that comes with an ultra-lightweight fairing which only 4 kg. With a BS6 engine, Suzuki Gixxer SF generates a maximum power of 26.5 HP at 9,300 rpm and a peak torque of 22.2 Nm at 7,300 rpm.Young bike enthusiasts who want stylish, feature-rich budget bikes can give Suzuki Gixxer SF a try. Currently, this bike is available in 2 variants and 2 colour options, which perfectly matches the sleek design of this bike without exaggerating it. Features 1. Engine Type: Oil-cooled, single cylinder 2. Displacement: 249 cc 3. Mileage: 36 kmpl 4. Fuel Capacity: 12 litres 5. Brakes: 300 mm front and 220 mm rear discs 6. Suspension: 41mm telescopic forks at front and mono shock 7. Kerb Weight: 161 kg
8. Yamaha R15 V4 | Price starts at: ₹ 1,77,800
The next model in the top 10 racing bikes in India list is Yamaha R15 V4, a 4th generation unit from the prestigious R15 series. Its BS6 robust engine generates a maximum power of 18.1 bHP at 10,000 rpm and peak torque of 14.2 Nm at 7,500 RPM.To make this sports bike enter the list of the best racing bikes in India, Yamaha has packed R15 V4 with advanced features, including Traction Control System, Quick Shifter, Assist and Slipper Clutch, Variable Valve Actuation (VVA), dual channel-ABS and more. Features 1. Engine Type: Liquid-cooled, single cylinder 2. Displacement: 155 cc 3. Mileage: 40 kmpl 4. Fuel Capacity: 11 litres 5. Brakes: 282 mm front and 220 mm rear discs 6. Suspension: Telescopic USD fork at front and linked-type monocross at rear 7. Kerb Weight: 142 kg
9. Yamaha FZ 25 | Price starts at: ₹ 1,38,800
Motorists looking for a sports bike with good mileage can opt for FZ 25 from the stable of Yamaha. The Japanese motorcycle specialist has installed an engine that is capable of generating 20.51 bHP at 8,000 rpm and 20.1 Nm at 6,000 rpm.Furthermore, its feature list comprises a bi-functional LED headlamp, LED DRLs, negative LCD instrument cluster, side stand with engine cut-off switch and more. Currently, it is available in 3 variants and 8 colour options in India. Features 1. Engine Type: Single-cylinder, air-cooled, SOHC 2. Displacement: 249 cc 3. Mileage: 38 kmpl 4. Fuel Capacity: 14 litres 5. Brakes: 282 mm front and 220 mm rear discs 6. Suspension: 41mm telescopic fork at front and 7-Step adjustable monocross at rear 7. Kerb Weight: 153 kg
10. Hero Xtreme 200S | Price starts at: ₹ 1,28,600
Xtreme 200S from the house of a home-grown motorcycle manufacturer, Hero MotoCorp is the lowest priced sports bike in India in this list. The BS6 engine churns out a maximum power of 17.8 HP at 8,500 rpm and a peak torque of 16.45 Nm at 6,500 rpm.Additionally, Xtreme 200S comes with the latest aerodynamic fairing along with twin LED headlamp, LED tail lamp, Split-type grab rail, fully-digital instrument console supporting Bluetooth Connectivity. Features 1. Engine Type: Air-cooled, 3-cylinder 2. Displacement: 199.6 cc 3. Mileage: 40 kmpl 4. Fuel Capacity: 12.8 litres 5. Brakes: 276 mm front and 220 mm rear discs 6. Suspension: Telescopic forks with anti friction bush at front and rectangular swingarm with mono shock at rear 7. Kerb Weight: 154.5 kg
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phillipmedhurst · 1 year
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OSIFU 191. Have you ever seen the most beautiful of meteors?
(Have you ever seen the most beautiful shooting star?)
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why is intimacy a bad word? Why are we so afraid of sexuality that we are censoring the word intimacy? How could intimate knowledge be something that inspires fear?An astronomer was locked out of her Twitter account for months after posting a video of a meteor that was flagged as 'intimate content', report says [email protected] (Ryan Hogg) - Yesterday 3:17 AM 191 #stronomy #censorship #publichealth sexplorationwithMonilka | (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/ClHPT60vyYw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cardest · 3 years
Solar System playlist
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Look up!  It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s....the Solar System playlist.  Click play here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18LD_V5saMr7QzWS1Q3VAU6 
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What’s out there beyond our own planet? A mystery at every turn. Mercury to Pluto. The Sun and the Moon, even Phobos gets a mention here. So come by the Neptune Towers and enjoy this Solar System playlist.
001 Amorphis - Far From The Sun 002 The Beatles - here comes the sun   003 Swans - Song For The Sun 004 Mastodon - Once More 'Round The SunStiff Little Fingers 005 Soundgarden - Black Hole Sun 006 Isaac Hayes - Driving In The Sun 007 Tom Petty - dark of the sun 008 DREAMTIME - Sun 009 Circus Diablo - Red Sun Rising 010 Tiamat - The Sun Also Rises 011 Covenant - Bringer of the sixth sun 012 Agoraphobic Nosebleed - hung from the rising sun 013 Alice in Chains - When the Sun Rose Again 014 Lindemann - Children Of The Sun 015 Paradise Lost - Return to the Sun 016 Popol Vuh - Morning Sun 017 Spiritual Beggars - Blood Of The Sun 018 Queens Of The Stone Age - My God Is The Sun 019 TREMENTINA - Kisses in your eyes (Almost Reach The Sun ) 020 Voivod - Divine Sun 021 Blues Pills - Little Sun 022 Neurosis - Enemy of the Sun 023 Extol - Behold The Sun 024 Septic Flesh - Infernal Sun 025 Lamb of God - Straight For The Sun 026 Ensemble Economique - Red For The Sun 027 Black Sabbath - Under The Sun 028 Jesu - Opiate Sun 029 Orchid - Into the Sun 030 The Young Gods - Kissing The Sun 031 Iron Maiden - brighter than a thousand suns 032 Swans - I Am the Sun 033 Therion - Son Of The Sun 034 Sun Ra - Sun song 035 Pink Floyd - eclipse 036 Mike Patton - Eclipse Of The Sun 037 Bonnie Tyler - Total eclipse of the heart 038 God Is An Astronaut - First Day Of Sun 039 Elton John - Don’t let the sun go down on me 040 Eddie Fisher - Sunrise, Sunset 041 Hopscotch Songs - The Planets of our Solar System Song 042 Michael Schenker Group - Blood Of The Sun 043 Iron Maiden - total eclipse 044 Solefald - Sun I Call 045 Man or Astro-Man? - Antimatter Man 046 Kreator - when the sun burns 047 Creedence Clearwater Revival - bad moon rising 048 George Harrison - beware the darkness 049 Heretoir - To Follow The Sun 050 Cat Stevens - Moonshadow 051 Hypocrisy - Adjusting the Sun 052 Rush - Between Sun & Moon 053 Manfred Mann - blinded by the light 054 Sevendust - Black Out The Sun 055 Sunbeam Sound Machine - Real Life 056 Bill Withers - Ain’t no sunshine 057  Gwar - They Swallowed the Sun 058 Katatonia - Ghost Of The Sun 059 The Beatles - I’ll follow the sun 060 Sammy Hagar - little eclipse/sunshine 061 Stevie Wonder - you are the sunshine of my life 062 Pink Floyd - fat old sun 063 Sun Ra - Sunology 064 Mystic Sunship - out there 065 Cream - sunshine of my love 066 Diesto - High As The Sun 067 Sunwølf -  SOlar 068 Kyuss - Molten Universe 069 Moonspell - Shadow sun 070 Neurosis - A Sun That Never Sets 071 Therion - An Arrow From The Sun 072 Candlemass - The Killing Of The Sun 073 Xandria - Kill The Sun 074 Morgoth - Drowning Sun 075 Primordial - Wield Lightning to Split the Sun 076 Lake of Tears -When My Sun Comes Down 077 Jackie DeShannon - Where Does The Sun Go 078 Peter Criss - Down With The Sun 079 Walker Brothers - The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore 080 Devin Townsend - Midnight Sun 081 Sigh - Midnight Sun 082 Black Label Society -  Dark Side of the Sun 083 AMORPHIS - Moon and sun 084 Cynic - Moon Heart Sun Head 085 Sun Ra - Planet Earth 086 David Lynch - Sun Can't Be Seen No More Sarah No More 087 Opeth - Moon Above, Sun Below 088 The Eternal - A Quiet Death of The Sun 089 High On Fire - The Sunless Years 090 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - Third Stone From The Sun 091 Bruce Dickinson - Navigate The Seas of The Sun 092 Voivod - Mercury 093 Melechesh - Of Mercury And Mercury 094 Gustav Holst - Mercury, the Winged Messenger 095 Clutch - Mercury 096 Soilwork - Mercury shadow 097 Satyricon - Mental Mercury 098 Moonspell - Moon in mercury 099 Poisonblack - Mercury Falling 100 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Venus (Vond) 101 Boney M - Nightflight to Venus 102 Red Hot Chili Peppers - Subway To Venus Nihal Chahdi 103 The Nefilim - Venus Decomposing 104 Electric Wizard -Venus In Furs 105 Popol Vuh -  Venus Principle 106 Bananarama - Venus Venus Mosquera 107  Apocalyptica -  The Shadow of Venus 108 Archgoat - Sodomator Of The Doomed Venus 109 Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio - Phosphorus Ascending Anthem of Venus 110 Gustav Holst - Venus, the Bringer of Peace 111 Billy Idol - Venus 112 Boyd Rice - Between Venus and Mars 113  Dee D. Jackson - Venus, the goddess of love 114 Therion - Dark Venus Persephone 115 T-Rex - Venus loons 116 Television - Venus 117 Paul McCartney and Wings - Venus and Mars & Rock Show - 118  Theatre of Tragedy - Venus 119 David Bowie - Space oddity 120 The Byrds - Spaceman 121 To-Mera - Earthbound 122 Borknagar -  Inherit the Earth 123 Devin Townsend - Earth 124 William Shatner - Planet Earth 125 Clutch -  Earth Rocker  Jen Rocker 126 DEVO - Planet Earth 127 Misfits - Earth AD 128 Les Baxter - Earth light 129 Louis and Bebe Barron - Come Back to Earth with Me 130 Tristania - Tender Trip on Earth 131  Joseph Arthur & The Lonely Astronauts -  Lonely Astronaut 132 Voivod - Target Earth 133 Samael -  Son of Earth 134 Billy Preston - Space race 135 Alice Cooper - Last Man On Earth 136 Agalloch -  ...and the Great Cold Death of the Earth 137 Deep Purple - space truckin 138 Steve Miller Band  - space cowboy 139 Crowbar -  Liquid Sky And Cold Black Earth 140 Jesu - Mother Earth 141 Devin Townsend - Earth Day 142 Animals as Leaders -  Earth Departure 143 Amorphis -  Enchanted by the Moon 144 Goatsnake -  House of the Moon 145 Elton John - Rocket man 146 Cramps -  Rock On The Moon 147 The Stranglers - Rok It To The Moon (Bonus Track) 148 Frank Sinitra - fly me to the moon 149 Blood Ceremony - Drawing Down the Moon 150 Elvis Presley - flaming star 151 Les Baxter - The other side of the moon 152 In Flames -  Moonshield 153 Ozzy Ozbourne - bark at the moon 154 Fields Of The Nephilim - Moonchild 155 Iron Maiden - Moonchild 156 Blue Oyster Cult - stairway to the stars 157 Voivod -Moonbeam Rider 158 The Black Crowes -Black Moon Creeping 159 Grand Magus - Silver Moon 160 AC DC - next to the moon Craig Norman 161 Manilla Road - fires on Mars James Daniel danke 162 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Marz (Esla) 163 Entombed A.D. - Down To Mars To Ride 164 Grateful Daed - dark star 165 Orange Goblin -  Return To Mars 166 Ascension of the Watchers - Mars becoming 167 Styx - come sail away 168 Faith No More - Woodpecker From Mars 169 Kreator -  Mars Mantra 170 The Misfits -  Mars Attacks 171 Gustav Holst - Mars, the Bringer of War 172 Judas Priest - invader 173 Electric Wizard - Priestess Of Mars 174 Queen - Flash Gordon 175 Stone Temple Pilots - First Kiss On Mars 176 Hoodoo Gurus - mars needs guitars 177 War Of The Worlds ~  The Eve of the War 179 Noble Jackals, Penny Dreadfuls and the Systematic Dehumanization of Cool -  Mars Needs Women 180 Alice Cooper - Might As Well Be On Mars 181 Total Recall Jerry Goldsmith - First Dream (Total Recall) 182 Laibach -Mars On River Drina 183 Lantlôs - Neige de Mars 184 The Misfits -  Teenagers From Mars 185 Voivod -  Phobos 186  2001_ A Space Odyssey Theme Song (Also sprach Zarathustra) 187 Covenant -  Planetary black elements 188 Killing Joke -  Asteroid 189 Kyuss - Asteroid 190 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Jupiter (Clen) 191 Blues Pills -  Jupiter 192 Samael -  Jupiterian Vibe 193 Earth Wind & Fire - Jupiter 194 Tumbleweed - Jupiter  Aje Morris 195  The Cure - Jupiter Crash 196 Devin Townsend -  Jupiter 197 Gustav Holst - Jupiter, the Bringer of Jollity 198  Celestial Season - Jupiter 199 KATAKLYSM - EMBRACING EUROPA 200 David Bowie - I Took A Trip On a Gemini Spaceship 201 Isao Tomita - Space Fantasy 202 The Misfits -  Lost in Space 203 Gwar - Lust In Space 204 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Saturn (Sal) 205 Älgarnas Trädgård - Rings Of Saturn 206 Electric Wizard - Saturn Dethroned 207 Les Baxter - [ Saturday night on saturn 208 While Heaven Wept -  Saturn And Sacrifice 209 Ash Pool -  On The Rings Of Saturn Adam And Eve Conceive Cain 210 Scott Kelly -  Saturn's Eye 211 Gustav Holst - Saturn, the Bringer of Old Age Ximenenes Y. Zeroth 212 Samael -  Born Under Saturn 213 The Devil's Blood -Everlasting Saturnalia 214 Stevie Wonder - Saturn 215 Circle - Saturnus Reality 216  R.E.M. -  Saturn Return 217  The B-52's - There's A Moon In The Sky (Called The Moon) 218  Fu Manchu - Saturn III 219 National Geographic Space Kit - The Eerie Sounds Of Saturn 220  AYREON - To the Solar System 221 Voivod -  Meteor 222 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Uranus (Berg) 223  Klaatu- Anus Of Uranus 224 Arcturus -  Kinetic 225 Gustav Holst -  Uranus, the Magician 226  Cathedral - Suicide Asteroid 227  Movie Moment - Contact (First Contact) OST 228 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Neptune (Axon) 229 Lisa Gerrard - Neptune 230 Neptune Towers - To Cold Void Desolation 231 Fu Manchu - Neptune's Convoy 232 Altar of Plagues -  Neptune Is Dead 233 Lenny Breau -  Neptune 234 Gustav Holst - Neptune, the Mystic 235  Darkthrone - Neptune Towers. 236 Neptune Sounds - Celestial Love Songs (NASA Voyager Recordings) 237  Jimi Hendrix - Valleys Of Neptune 238 Vista Chino -  Planets 1 & 2 239  DEATH - Vacant Planets 240 Black Sabbath - Planet Caravan 241 ZZ Top -  Planet of Women 242 Alejandro Jodorowsky, Ronald Frangipane & Don Cherry - Pluto (Lute) 243 Alchemist - Brumal - A View From Pluto 244 B 52s - Hallucinating Pluto 245 Charlie Hunter - Astronaut Love Triangle 246 YES - Arriving by UFO 247 Ramones - Zero Zero UFO 248  Jefferson Airplane - Have you seen the saucers 249 saxon - watching the sky 250 Devin Townsend -  Planet smasher 666 Voivod - Moonbeam Rider Hit play: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-iHPcxymC18LD_V5saMr7QzWS1Q3VAU6
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night-and-dreams · 2 years
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I posted 191 times in 2021
103 posts created (54%)
88 posts reblogged (46%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.9 posts.
I added 217 tags in 2021
#night - 55 posts
#painting - 29 posts
#stars - 25 posts
#moon - 19 posts
#trees - 19 posts
#sky - 17 posts
#sea - 14 posts
#crescent - 14 posts
#clouds - 13 posts
#fullmoon - 12 posts
Longest Tag: 16 characters
#digital painting
My Top Posts in 2021
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Toni Demuro-The Little Owl
22 notes • Posted 2021-02-28 00:21:18 GMT
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Quint Buchholz (German author and illustrator, 1957)
27 notes • Posted 2021-08-25 21:09:03 GMT
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Toshio Ebine (1978, Japanese)
Meteor Shower Watcher
28 notes • Posted 2021-12-02 16:09:09 GMT
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Stephanie Cost, Night Storm
47 notes • Posted 2021-08-03 22:15:43 GMT
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92 notes • Posted 2021-08-09 18:15:08 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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lorenzomazzamagic · 4 years
1. Ho offerto da bere a tutti in un bar 2. Ho nuotato insieme ai delfini 3. Ho scalato una montagna 4. Ho guidato una Ferrari 5. Sono stato all'interno della Grande Piramide 6. Ho tenuto in mano una tarantola 7. Ho fatto il bagno nudo nel mare 8. Ho detto "ti amo" credendoci 9. Ho abbracciato un albero 10. Ho fatto uno strip tease 11. Ho fatto bungee jumping 12. Sono stato a Parigi 13. Ho visto una tempesta marina 14. Ho passato la notte sveglio fino a vedere l'alba 15. Ho visto l'aurora boreale 16. Ho cambiato pannolini a un bambino 17. Sono salito a piedi sulla cima della Torre di Pisa 18. Ho coltivato e mangiato verdure del mio orto 19. Ho toccato un iceberg 20. Ho dormito sotto le stelle 21. Sono stato su una mongolfiera 22. Ho visto una pioggia di meteoriti 23. Mi sono ubriacato 24. Ho fumato erba 25. Ho guardato le stelle con un telescopio 26. Mi è venuta la ridarella in un momento inopportuno 27. Ho fatto sesso orale (subendolo) 28. Ho scommesso e vinto ai cavalli 29. Mi sono finto malato pur non essendolo 30. Ho invitato uno sconosciuto a casa mia 31. Ho fatto battaglie con palle di neve 32. Mi sono fotocopiato il culo in ufficio 33. Ho gridato con tutta la mia forza solo per il gusto di farlo 34. Ho tenuto in braccio un agnellino 35. Ho messo in atto una fantasia erotica pensata a lungo 36. Ho fatto un bagno romantico a lume di candela 37. Ho fatto una doccia con acqua gelata 38. Mi sono messa a parlare con un mendicante 39. Ho visto un'eclisse totale 40. (solo per ragazze) Ho preso il sole in topless 41. Sona stato su un roller coaster 42. Ho compiuto una home run 43. Ho ballato come un matto fregandomene degli altri 44. Ho parlato con accento straniero per un giorno intero 45. Ho visitato il luogo d'origine dei miei antenati 46. Almeno una volta mi sono sentito felice della mia vita 47. Ho visitato tutti gli Stati dell'America 48. Amo il mio lavoro in ogni suo aspetto 49. Ho confortato qualcuno che è stato smerdato di brutto 50. Ho vinto a qualche lotteria 51. Ho ballato con estranei in paesi stranieri 52. Ho visto le balene 53. Ho masturbato altre persone 54. Ho rubato o danneggiato cartelli stradali 55. Sono stato rispedito in Europa all'arrivo in USA 56. Ho fatto un viaggio on the road 57. Ho fatto alpinismo 58. Ho mentito alla dogana 59. Ho fatto una passeggiata notturna sulla spiaggia 60. Ho fatto parapendio 61. Sono stato in Irlanda 62. Ho avuto il cuore spezzato più a lungo di quanto sia stato innamorato 63. Al ristorante mi sono seduto a mangiare con estranei 64. Sono stato in Giappone 65. Scrivo il mio peso 66. Ho munto una mucca 67. Sistemo i CD in ordine alfabetico 68. Ho sognato di essere un supereroe da fumetto 69. Ho cantato in un karaoke bar 70. Sono stato a letto un giorno intero 71. Ho fatto immersioni subacquee 72. Ho sognato di essere invisibile 73. Ho fatto l'amore con qualcuno senza desiderarlo 74. Ho baciato sotto la pioggia 75. Ho giocato nel fango 76. Ho giocato sotto la pioggia 77. Sono stato in un drive-in 78. Ho fatto qualcosa di cui pentirmi senza però pentirmi d'averlo fatto 79. Ho visto la Muraglia Cinese 80. Ho scoperto che qualcuno ha scoperto il mio blog 81. Ho rotto una finestra o un vetro 82. Ho iniziato un business 83. Mi sono sempre innamorato ricambiato 84. Ho visitato siti antichi 85. Ho fatto un corso di arti marziali 86. Ho ascoltato la stessa canzone per più di 6 ore 87. Sono stato sposato 88. Sono stato in un film 89. Ho rovinato una festa 90. Ho pianto vedendo un film 91. Ho amato qualcuno che non meritava 92. Sono stato baciata appassionatamente da provare le vertigini 93. Ho divorziato 94. Ho fatto sesso in ufficio 95. Ho fatto sesso in ascensore 96. Mi sono astenuto dal sesso per oltre 10 giorni 97. Ho cucinato biscotti 98. Ho vinto un concorso di bellezza 99. Sono stato in gondola a Venezia 100. Mi è venuta la pelle d'oca sentendo la lingua di un'altra persona 101. Ho almeno un tattoo 102. Ho almeno un piercing 103. Sono sceso in canoa sullo Snake River 104. Sono stato in uno studio tv come pubblico 105. Ho ricevuto fiori 106. Mi sono masturbato in un luogo pubblico 107. Mi sono ubriacato da non ricordare più niente 108. Ho avuto dipendenze da droghe 109. Ho suonato in pubblico 110. Sono andato a giocare a Las Vegas 111. Ho mangiato pescecane 112. Ho inciso musica 113. Sono stato in Thailandia 114. Ho comprato una casa 115. Sono stato in zona di guerra 116. Sono stato in crociera 117. Ho picchiato mio fratello 118. Parlo più di una lingua 119. Mi sono fatta bendare 120. Sono stato coinvoltao in una rissa 121. Ho emesso assegni a vuoto 122. Ho assistito al "Rocky Horror Picture Show" 123. Ho cresciuto bambini 124. Di recente ho comprato e ho giocato con qualcosa d'infantile 125. Ho seguito l'intero tour di un gruppo 126. Sono stato un groupie 127. Ho partecipato a uno Spring Break 128. Ho girato in bici in un paese straniero 129. Ho scoperto qualcosa d'importante sui miei antenati 130. Ho scritto al Governatore del mio Stato 131. Ho traslocato e iniziato una vita in un'altra città 132. Sono stato sul Golden Gate Bridge 133. Avrei voluto essere in un telefilm 134. Ho cantato in macchina per almeno 20 miglia 135. Ho abortito 136. Ho subito un intervento di chirurgia plastica 137. Sono sopravvissuto a un incidente stradale 138. Ho scritto articoli per giornali 139. Ho fatto diete 140. Ho pilotato aerei 141. Ho accarezzato animali di cui ho paura 142. Ho avuto rapporti omosessuali 143. Ho fatto innamorare ma senza poter ricambiare 144. Ho fatto nascere un animale 145. Sono stato licenziato 146. Ho vinto soldi a un tv show 147. Mi sono rotto qualche osso 148. Ho ucciso animali (insetti. Ptù.) 149. Ho ucciso esseri umani 150. Ho partecipato a un safari in Africa 151. Ho guidato una moto 152. Ho guidato un trattore 153. Ho dei piercing all'infuori delle orecchie 154. Ho sparato con armi da fuoco 155. Ho mangiato funghi trovati nel bosco 156. Ho fatto sesso anale 157. Ho subito operazioni chirurgiche 158. Ho fatto sesso su un treno 159. Ho fatto l'autostop 160. Ho avuto un serpente come animale domestico 161. Ho dormito per tutta la durata di un volo aereo 162. Ho visto più paesi stranieri che non stati americani 163. Sono stato in tutti i continenti 164. Ho viaggiato in canoa per più di due giorni 165. Ho fatto sci nautico 166. Ho mangiato carne di canguro 167. Ho mangiato sushi 168. Ho fatto sesso all'aperto 169. Ho preso a pugni qualcuno 170. Ho avuto relazioni della durata di oltre un anno 171. Ho fatto cambiare idea a qualcuno su qualcosa 172. Ho cambiato idea su qualcosa o su qualcuno 173. Ho fatto licenziare qualcuno 174. Ho avuto paura di morire 175. Mi sono lanciato col paracadute 176. Ho mangiato scarafaggi o insetti 177. Ho mangiato pomodori verdi fritti 178. Ho letto Omero 179. Ho rubato al ristorante 180. Ho rubato al supermarket 181. Ho chiesto scusa molto tempo dopo 182. Sono stato eletto capoclasse almeno una volta 183. Ho riparato da solo il mio computer 184. Sono stato DJ 185. Ho pianto per una giornata intera 186. Ho barato al gioco 187. Sono stato arrestato 188. Ho bigiato la scuola 189. Mi sono masturbato insieme ad un'altra persona 190. Ho comprato scarpe e vestiti ad un mercatino rionale 191. Ho vomitato in luogo pubblico 192. Ho venduto qualcosa ad un estraneo 193. Ho comunicato con qualcuno non conoscendo la sua lingua 194. Ho rubato la saponetta dall'albergo 195. Ho bucato le ruote di una macchina o strisciato la carrozzeria 196. Ho ruttato davanti ad altre persone 197. Ho copiato un compito in classe 198. Ho fatto sesso al primo appuntamento 199. Sono svenuto 200. Ho baciato qualcuno del mio stesso sesso 201. Ho fatto un tuffo da un'altezza di almeno di 10 m 202. Ho assaggiato un cibo coreano 203. Ho pensato seriamente al suicidio 204. Ho odiato 205. Ho avuto esperienze sado-maso 206. Ho lavorato in un bar 207. Sono stato in un sexy shop 208. Ho baciato un ragazzo straniero 209. Mi sono perso in una città sconosciuta 210. Ho tirato dei bidoni 211. Mi sono innamorato di un’amico 212. Ho fatto Yoga 213. Ho fatto esercizi tantrici 214. Ho assistito ad un incidente stradale 215. Sono stato legato 216. Ho giocato a squash 217. Ho avuto un colpo di fulmine 218. Ho fatto un video hard 219. Ho sentito la mancanza di un ex 220 ho giocato a briscola 221. Ho tenuto un diario segreto. 222. Ho fatto sci fuori pista 223. Ho fatto jungle trekking 224. Sono stato con uno più grande di me 225. Mi sono spacciato per qualcun'altro 226. Mi sono arrampicato su un albero 227. Ho desiderato che una notte non finisse mai 228. Ho fatto una pazzia per amore 229. Ho fatto il bagno di notte 230. Ho fumato il narghilè 231. Ho scritto una lettera d'amore 232. Sono stato sospeso da scuola 233. Ho fatto sesso in un cinema 234. Ho fatto sesso in macchina 235. Ho fatto sesso sulla spiaggia 236. Ho perdonato 237. Ho fatto un incidente in macchina 238. Sono stato vittima di uno scherzo 239. Sono stato alle terme 240. Sono stato a vedere un gran premio di formula uno 241. Sono stato in un night 242. Sono stato in un club privè 243. Ho fatto para-sailing 244. Ho mentito spudoratamente 245. Ho fatto un murales 246. Ho visto la barriera corallina 247. Ho fatto la stronza 248. Sono stato con più persone nello stesso giorno 249. Ho ricevuto i complimenti per qualcosa che so fare molto bene 250. Sono stato in un campo nudisti 251. Ho scoperto che qualcuno a cui tenevo mi sputtanava di nascosto 252. Per rabbia ho rotto degli oggetti 253. Sono stato al telefono più di 2 ore 254. Sono scappato di casa 255. Ho scritto una poesia 256. Ho fatto sesso per ore senza venire 257. Sono stato a casa di uno sconosciuto 258. Ho detto una cosa e subito dopo ho fatto il contrario 259. Faccio abitualmente spuntini di mezzanotte 260. Ho fatto sesso in chat 261. Ho spiato dal buco di una serratura 262. Ho origliato a una porta 263. Ho camminato su un tetto 264. Ho conosciuto un travestito o una trans 265. Ho letto più libri in un giorno 266. Ho fermato qualcuno per strada per conoscerlo 267. Sono stato in un tempio buddista 268. Ho fatto la sauna 269. Ho tradito 270. Ho preso una multa 271. Sono stato inseguito da cani inferociti 272. Ho ricevuto delle proposte oscene 273. Ho fatto un provino televisivo 274. Ho fatto di tutto per rendere felice una persona 275. Ho fatto break-dance in mezzo a una strada 276. Sono stato ai Caraibi 277. Ho fatto un 69 278. Ho incontrato qualcuno conosciuto in chat 279. Sono stato ad un concerto 280. Ho guidato senza essere in grado di farlo 281. Ho fatto giochi alcolici 282. Ho visitato più posti all'estero che in Italia 283. Non ho una sola nazionalità 284. Sono stato ad una festa della birra 285. Sono andato da qualche parte dicendo a tutti che andavo da un altra 286. Sono stato ricoverato 287. Ho suonato in un gruppo 288. Ho corrotto qualcuno 289. Sono stato raccomandato 290. Mi sono iscritto ad un partito 291. Sono stato tradito 292. Ho desiderato una persona per mesi senza riuscire a dichiararmi 293. Ho avuto una "storiella" in vacanza 294. Ho desiderato di andare a vivere all'estero 295. Ho viaggiato senza biglietto 296. Sono stato single per scelta 297. Sono stato con qualcuno per passatempo 298. Ho volato (in aereo ù.u) 299. Ho avuto incubi ricorrenti 300. Ho girato nudo per casa
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Child Soldiers in Gundam Wing
((I was just trying to edit this post and somehow deleted everything (insert internal screaming here) ANYWAY. Same thing, some minor changes, should look familiar if you got the zine... ;) ))
Child Soldiers and the AC Era
The young age of anime protagonists is something so common that fans no longer even pay it much notice, but in the context of Gundam Wing, the age of both the main and side characters can say a lot about the world itself.
It seems the age of some of the highest ranks (Treize, Une, Zechs, Noin) were incredibly young; Treize was only 24 and the others just 19. The young age of the soldiers seems to be consistent, because both Zechs and Noin were involved in combat operations from even before the start of the official series when they were only 13/14 years old. The Gundam Pilots were not considered traditional soldiers, so it is possible 15-year-olds were still considered too young for actual warfare - but then you have volunteer soldiers like Hilde, and she was only 15 too.  
I believe the prevalent use of child soldiers in the AC era shows just how awful things were in the series proper.
Definition of Child Soldier
I think it’s safe to assume that the AC timeline follows some of the norms set by real life, so I’m going to use the UN’s definition of ‘child soldier’: they are children (defined by the “Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)”) as persons under the age of 18 who are associated with military organizations, such as state armed forces and non-state armed groups. These children “may be trained and used for combat, assigned to support roles such as porters or messengers, or used for tactical advantage as human shields or for political advantage in propaganda.” This can vary from nation to nation dependent on national laws regarding the age of majority, but those under 18 years of age is a safe default to assume regarding who is and is not considered a child soldier.
Why do people use child soldiers?
Child soldiers are used because they can be easily manipulated and will follow orders without question, either because they don’t know any better or because they’re being threatened/coerced into compliance. However, child soldiers are not the go-to resource for military power; they are a last resort used by desperate nations and/or factions. People aren’t using children in battle unless they’re out of other options, because not only is it morally bankrupt, it’s also bad for public image. Nationalism taken to its extreme proves to be a driving force for factions seeking political/militaristic power, but when all you have are mountains of dead children wearing your uniforms, you lose public support very quickly. It is also non-sustainable; leaders aren’t going to sacrifice their future workers by sending children out to die unless they absolutely must.
Now this isn’t necessarily true for recruitment; taking the United States as an example, the military recruits and recruits hard in high schools across the country, eager to pull in fresh graduates. However, the focus of this kind of recruitment is on graduates, who are typically 18 years old or will be 18 years old soon, and thus excluded from the protection of UNCRC.
There is also the possibility of military schools/academies, which is what Noin, Zechs, and Treize were enrolled in as children. However, graduation from such schools is not a direct route into military duty, it is a step: students still attend normal lessons (in addition to military lessons, such as history and fitness courses), but they certainly aren’t considered soldiers-in-training or the like. Just like their public school-counterparts, they’re expected to graduate from schooling at the age of 18 and then decide if they want to attend college/enter the armed forces/etc. But again, by graduation, they are 18 and considered legal adults. No military leader is going to traipse into a military academy and drag the top students of that school into an actual combat situation because they are actual children. This is true even for child prodigies; someone is still going to raise hell about a 13-year-old in a combat operation, even if that 13-year-old can pilot a mobile suit like a badass.
Alliance’s War Machine and the Use of Child Soldiers
The AC timeline is one that has seen decades of violent unrest and conflicts. Since the construction and mass emigration of people to the space colonies and the creation of the Alliance, conflicts have risen and been violently put down in a vicious cycle that eventually lead to the rise and fall of the politician Heero Yuy and the Sanc Kingdom, creation of mobile suits and OZ, and then Operation Meteor.
I’m going to focus on the Alliance, as they were an organized military force with a traditional set-up. I think through decades of on-and-off again warfare, population numbers may have seen a decline, leaving a growing vacuum of military manpower that the Alliance started getting desperate to fill. This would explain the simply absurd ages of their recruitment, exemplified by both Noin and Zechs as seen or otherwise referenced repeatedly in both Frozen Teardrop and Episode Zero.
Both Noin and Zechs are said to have graduated from the Lake Victoria Academy with the highest scores.  
At ten, they were handpicked by Treize to take part in a Specials military assignment to suppress a revolt in Mogadishu in AC 186.
At 13, Noin takes part in an operation to quell rebel forces, also led by Treize.
At 15, Zechs is running around with the Specials—already dubbed the so-called “LIGHTNING COUNT”—to repress a terrorist attack on the Alliance in AC 191.
Even as teenage prodigies in their field, that doesn’t excuse the fact that they are still children, and they—as children—are still being used in active combat. And no one even seems to bat an eye.
Then we have Treize, who is introduced in the series proper at age 24.  Wading through his history (again, through sources from both FT and EZ), we see he started as a piloting instructor for MS pilots in AC 188. Presumably he was 17 years old given that he was born in AC 171, but it could be close enough to 18 that it wouldn’t be an issue except he’s the INSTRUCTOR, which meant not only did he go through enough training and education to earn the credentials to be an instructor, but should have also gotten the field experience needed as well. Before the age of 17/18.
In AC 193, General Catalonia passes and Treize becomes the head of OZ and the Specials. 22-year-old Treize. He may be a charismatic genius, but were there really no alternatives that held more political power and military experience? Taking WW2 as an example, the leadership for both the Axis and Allied powers were between the ages of 50-70 years. The closest in age to Treize would be the leaders of the Hitler Youth, who were only pulled into active duty during the end of the war when Nazi Germany was running out of manpower. It was a move of desperation.
Through these three—and possibly Une but her history is not really explicated—we can see that the Alliance (and by extension, OZ) has a history of not just indoctrinating and training at disturbingly early ages, but also has no qualms about using child soldiers. Generally, people of high military ranks will have years upon years of service; recent graduates don’t just get to be base commanders or colonels. The fact that all of them rise in power at very young ages and seize high ranks shows a military that is either lacking in even the most basic of moral integrity (again, using child soldiers as active combatants is morally bankrupt) or revealing their desperation to fill the ranks.
This is not to say that they didn’t rightfully deserve their titles; these three are the elite of OZ, and they most certainly earned that recognition. But how would anyone know that they were such highly-skilled soldiers, unless they were actually put through combat? It’s not that their titles were earned at such an early age that’s baffling. The fact that they had the opportunity to earn them so young is the issue. Imagine learning that your neighbor’s 10-year-old is so good at piloting a fighter aircraft that they receive military honors; one of the first things I’d want to know was how did they learn to pilot an aircraft, swiftly followed by why were they even piloting an aircraft to begin with?  
Treize is even more egregious in this context. He is the best of the best, but the military hierarchy isn’t based solely on skill – it also includes experience. Experience only comes with time, and no matter how many battles Treize may have won, it doesn’t mean he would rank higher in the hierarchy than those with 20+ years of military experience.
The only logical reason I can think of that would allot Treize the power to become head of OZ and the Specials is that there wasn’t much in the way of competition: everyone else was dead. As noted with the Hitler Youth of Nazi Germany, leaders and soldiers as young as Treize, Zechs, and Noin could be explained by a lack of manpower. After years of mass emigrations to space and violent disputes, it’s reasonable to conclude that the Alliance was running out of soldiers and it’s likely entire generations were lost in conflicts prior to the start of the main series.
Gundam Pilots and OZ’s Reaction
The trend of young soldiers is continued into the main series, as shown with then 19-year-old Noin as base commander and instructor of the Lake Victoria Academy. She was responsible for training the Specials recruits, who were ready to graduate into active combat; all were considered young, though not as young as a Gundam Pilot – as shown when Noin is shocked and horrified to realize Wufei is just a “boy.”
While Noin is taken aback by Wufei’s age, she later joins Zechs in tracking down the Gundams and their pilots, and it certainly wasn’t to help them or free them from the influence/command of the resistance. Perhaps she is justified because she lost men to Wufei’s “underhanded” tactics, but she has no qualms helping Zechs find Heero later in order to engage in a duel. She aided a fellow adult (both she and Zechs are 19 at this time in the show) set up and carry out a duel to the death with a 15-year-old. The Gundam Pilots are considered enemy combatants, yes, but now there’s no hesitation when facing them on a battlefield, no second thoughts or remorse that they will have to kill literal children.
Because they aren’t children to Noin or Zechs, and are definitely not to OZ, at least not anymore. They’re enemy combatants. As seen with Soviet soldiers in WW2, anyone in a Nazi uniform is an enemy combatant afforded no mercy – even if the person in question is a 12-year-old with little to no training, pushed to the front lines by a desperate and dying command.
A good comparison for OZ would be to Imperial Japan in 1944: men under 20 were enlisted and at this time, kamikaze bombers were around 17 years old. In 1945, they used “volunteer soldiers” known as the Tekketsu Kinnotai in the Battle of Okinawa who were between 14-17 years of age; this parallels OZ’s reach into the space colonies exemplified with Hilde Schbeiker, a volunteer soldier who was only 15 years old. This would fit with the picture of OZ that the main series paints: extremely young leadership as exemplified by the main antagonists of the series, the young age of the Specials who are essentially the elite of OZ’s military power, and then the young age of the volunteer space army.
Then there is the extreme desensitization to the age of the Gundam Pilots. It’s initially met with surprise (ref: Noin vs. Wufei) or doubt (Duo’s publicized capture that is later handwaved as OZ propaganda by the general populace), and yet when met by soldiers face-to-face, there’s no pause to consider the moral consequences of imprisoning, fighting, or killing a teenager. Yes, the Gundam Pilots were trying to kill their enemies, but the age difference should give the OZ soldiers some pause to consider the implications…unless there was less of an age difference and/or a consistent desensitization and normalization of child soldiers.
This isn’t limited to just Alliance/OZ as well. Later in the series, we see members of White Fang trying to convince/coerce Duo into joining them. They know he’s young given that they know his identity and yet they still want him to join and become a figurehead for their organization, and to be active in their battle operations. When a group is using children to fight their battles and lead their forces, they’re not doing so because they’re well-supplied and powerful; they’re doing so because they need to and have no other options.
While it’s doubtful all factions were manned exclusively by child soldiers—we see quite a few military personnel who look older (but given that Treize looks like he’s in his 30s…)—there’s probably a fair amount of actual adult soldiers around. But not enough to keep a standing military force running, hence the use of the young.
Other Thoughts
Normalization of child soldiers would explain the makeup of Alliance/OZ, and it helps explain the extremely young ages of the highest-ranking members of OZ. It can also be naturally assumed that the colonial resistance was equal if not more desperate than the Earth factions (thus the whole ‘Gundams piloted by highly-trained and rather unstable teens’ thing). This desperation and unsustainable drive for soldiers helps to explain the whole OZ split with mobile dolls and then the ending with White Fang and Libra. OZ wanted to use mobile dolls to fight their battles because they were running out of kids to send into war. White Fang in contrast orchestrates and nearly succeeds in kick-starting Armageddon, barely stopped by the Gundam Pilots
But after everything is said and done, everyone across both the Earth Sphere and space colonies are just totally cool with peace now? After decades of violent hostilities, they’re going to listen to Relena’s pleas for peace? I would argue that of course they were: as a community, they had war fatigue and scores of dead.
Frozen Teardrop and the [Improbable Age] Retcon
Frozen Teardrop tries to explain the young age of the characters, which essentially boils down to this: world leaders live longer lives and so were reluctant to give any authority to their children so that they could keep their power. By the time they were ready to retire, the 1st generation believed the 2nd generation were “unused to having power” and so decided to pass on the torch to the “bright young minds of the 3rd generation.”
That is absolutely insane.
This would translate as: Baby Boomers are finally retiring, and decide to pass on the reign of power to Gen Z. While there’s nothing unusual about an older generation wanting to keep their power as long as possible, there is no way they’re going to hand that power over to “the bright young minds of the 3rd generation” because the 2nd generation was “unused to having power.” Because you know who else is unused to wielding power because of the 1st generation? The 3rd generation. The only time where ‘power’ (assumed to be political influence and/or military might) skipped a generation was when the middle generation was wiped out due to war (e.g. Russia post-WW2, who lost an entire generation to the devastation). Fascist Grandpa is not going to hand over power to the grandkids after years of hoarding it for himself. Instead, the younger generation either waits it out and lets the passage of time kill off the competition or takes the power forcibly (e.g. voting or violence).
In Conclusion
The general military workforce in the AC era is probably young as a whole, especially in comparison to real life standards. The fact that the Eve Wars were fought by a bunch of indoctrinated, hormonal youths would explain why character motivations are completely wild. These kids suddenly have a lot of power and a lot of sway, and they’re trying to figure out the meaning of the battles they’re fighting while they’re fighting them because the lies they’ve been fed since childhood aren’t holding up.
In short: the kids aren’t alright, and no one is helping them.
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fallenwingzero · 1 year
I want to redo my Gundam Wing timeline for the entire series but this time with more info on reasoning for the placements.
So, for a recap, this is what I believe the timeline to be:
Episode Zero (sans Preventor epilogue) AC 187 to AC 195
Anime (sans epilogue) AC 195 April 06 to AC 195 December 24
Chronicle of the After Colony Era - AC 195
Odds and Evens - AC 195 December 24
Anime Epilogue - AC 196 April 06
Battlefield of Pacifists - AC 196
Blind Target - AC 196
Ground Zero (sans epilogue) - AC 196
Endless Waltz - AC 196 December 24 to AC 196 December 27, Epilogue - AC 197 January 01
Ground Zero Epilogue AC 197
Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 1 - AC 197 March to AC 197 April 07
Episode Zero Preventor 5 epilogue - AC 197 April 07
Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 2 - AC 197 April 09
Frozen Teardrop - MC 22 Next Winter
Frozen Teardrop Epilogue - MC 23 Summer
The full explanations for the order of the timeline are under the read more:
Episode Zero: AC 187 to AC 195. Obviously places first, being a prequel. For the dates we have -
Duo's Backstory:
AC 187 - Duo is taken in by the Maxwell Church.
AC 188 - Father Maxwell and Sister Helen are killed in an attack.
AC 192 - Duo meets Professor G.
Heero's Backstory:
AC 175- Odin assassinates Heero Yuy
AC 188- Heero travels as a hitman with Odin. Odin is killed by Dekim Barton. Heero meets Doctor J.
Trowa's Backstory:
AC 190 - No Name (Trowa) meets Middie Une. Heads for outer space looking for a "home"
Relena's Backstory:
AC 191 - Alpha Yuy enrolls at her school. Zechs saves Relena and realizes that she is his long-lost sister.
Quatre's Backstory:
AC 193 - Quatre meets the Maganacs
Wufei's Backstory:
AC 194 - Wufei marries Meilan
Ac 194 - Meilan dies.
Episode Zero Operation Meteor: AC 195 April 06
2. Anime Series and Light Novel Series (sans epilogue): AC 195 April 06 - AC 195 December 24
Anime series begins on Relena's Birthday, April 06 and ends Christmas Eve. The final battle later becomes known as "The Eve Wars".
3. Chronicle of the After Colony Era: AC 195
Takes place after Heero wakes up from his coma and is travelling with Trowa. Duo is still travelling with Quatre, and Relena has just revived the Sanc Kingdom.
4. Odds and Evens: AC December 24.
Takes place immediately after the final battle of the anime series.
5. Anime Epilogue: AC 196 April 06.
Takes place on Relena's Birthday the following year with her being too busy as Vice Foreign Minister to attend her birthday party. She also receives the bear and card gifts from Heero.
6. Battlefield of Pacifists: AC 196
Quatre first comes up with the idea to send the Gundams into the sun to the surprise of Duo. Wufei realizes that he still has to fight for justice despite the war ending.
7. Blind Target Manga and Radio Drama: AC 196
The need to destroy the Gundams becomes more obvious for the boys as the remnants of White Fang use the Gundams protecting peace as a point for why the UESN cannot be trusted with total disarmament. Wufei meets up with Mariamaia and Dekim Barton.
8. Ground Zero: AC 196
After agreeing to destroy the Gundams, Duo, Quatre and Trowa suspect that Heero is secretly planning to continue to use Wing Zero and devise a way to learn his intentions. Wufei is already wearing the Mariamaia Doll uniform showing it takes place after Blind Target.
9. Endless Waltz Movie and Novelization: AC 196 December 24- December 27 /Epilogue: AC 197 January 01
The Mariamaia Incident starts on Christmas Eve, exactly one year after the Eve Wars, and ends on December 27. The Epilogue takes place on New Year's Day.
10. Ground Zero Epilogue: AC 197
Turns out the epilogue states that it took place in AC 197 making it take place after Endless Waltz (which also means that Heero gives Relena multiple hand-stitched bears as presents which is where I previously got confused). Heero also promises to stay by Relena's side.
11. Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 1: AC 197 March - AC 197 April 07
March- Heero is staying at the Darlian Estate by this point with Relena tending to his wounds that had accumulated over the series. Relena is planning to run for president of the UESN.
April 07- Relena throws a campaign party on the day after her birthday. Sanc Kingdom is under attack by a terrorist organization. Wufei and Sally gather the Gundam Pilots to carry out a rescue mission.
12. Episode Zero Epilogue: AC 197 April 07
Concurrent with Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 1. Relena throws a campaign party on the day after her birthday. Sanc Kingdom is under attack by a terrorist organization. Wufei and Sally gather the Gundam Pilots to carry out a rescue mission. Quatre devises a plan for them to rescue the hostages without anyone dying, enemies included.
13. Frozen Teardrop Preventor 5 part 2: AC 197 April 09
The new Preventor 5 team carry out the rescue mission. The mission doesn't go as planned and fails. Relena sacrifices herself to save the Sanc Kingdom and is cryogenically frozen. Heero is also frozen sometime later.
14. Frozen Teardrop Light Novel series and Picture Drama: MC 22 Next Winter to MC 23 First Spring
20 years later Heero Yuy awakens to fight a new war on Mars along with the old and new Gundam Pilots.
There's a full timeline for the events leading up to current day Frozen Teardrop that I will translate as a part 2 for this post. It covers all the backstories as well as important historical events of Mars.
15. Frozen Teardrop Epilogue: MC 23 First Summer.
Heero and Relena have been married for 5 months and peace is slowly coming to Mars.
I looked over all my manga and light novels to check dates so hopefully this is all accurate. It all surprisingly fits in nicely too, so I guess the writers were careful not to contradict each other's extra stories.
Content that doesn't fit on the timeline or is contradictory to canon:
Glory of the Losers - This is a reboot, so it has its own timeline and canon with different versions of events from the GW series.
A Scythe in my Right Hand, You in my Left - This story is... odd, to put it nicely 😂. It's a good story but it doesn't make sense in canon at all, so it goes under the "Duo's weird catholic fever dream" category of the timeline. It also didn't have anyone from the show work on it, unlike the rest of the media, so it's not considered canon in that regard and that's also probably why it doesn't fit in with the rest of the canon.
Operation Preventor Radio Drama Cassete - It's a crack scenario revolving around the boys hosting a radio show that takes place some time after Endless Waltz. Although the boys hosting a radio show is an unlikely scenario 😂, it does have good characterisations and hilarious interactions between the G-pilots.
Edit because I forgot to add these:
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Manga by Koichi Tokita - This is a retelling of GW and contains vastly different scenarios so it's its own canon. The writers of GW also didn't work on it so it's not part of the main canon in that way too.
Mobile Suit Gundam Wing Endless Waltz Manga by Koichi Tokita - The sequel to the Mobile Suit Gundam Manga and the same deal as before where it didn't have any of the original writers work on it.
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pastelbatfandoms · 5 years
The things you have already done in bold, the things you would like to do in italics
What do you want to do/did already?
01. Bought everyone in the pub a drink
02. Swam with wild dolphins
03. Climbed a mountain
04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive
05. Been inside the Great Pyramid
06. Held a tarantula 
07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone
08. Said ‘I love you’ and meant it
09. Hugged a tree
10. Done a striptease
11. Bungee jumped
12. Visited Paris
13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
14. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise
15. Seen the Northern Lights
16. Gone to a huge sports game
17. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa
18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables
19. Touched an iceberg
20. Slept under the stars
21. Changed a baby’s diaper
22. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon
23. Watched a meteor shower
24. Gotten drunk on champagne
25. Given more than you can afford to charity
26. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope
27. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment
28. Had a food fight
29. Bet on a winning horse
30. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill
31. Asked out a stranger
32. Had a snowball fight
33. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier
34. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can
35. Held a lamb
36. Enacted a favorite fantasy
37. Taken a midnight skinny dip
38. Taken an ice cold bath
39. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar
40. Seen a total eclipse
41. Ridden a roller coaster
42. Hit a home run
43. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days
44. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking
45. Adopted an accent for an entire day
46. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors
47. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment
48. Had two hard drives for your computer
49. Visited all 50 states
50. Loved your job for all accounts
51. Taken care of someone who was shit faced
52. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
53. Had amazing friends
54. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country
55. Watched wild whales
56. Stolen a sign
57. Backpacked in Europe
58. Taken a road-trip
59. Rock climbing
60. Lied to foreign government’s official in that country to avoid notice
61. Midnight walk on the beach
62. Sky diving
63. Visited Ireland
64. Been heartbroken longer than you were actually in love
65. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them
66. Visited Japan
67. Benchpressed your own weight
68. Milked a cow
69. Alphabetized your records
70. Pretended to be a superhero
71. Sung karaoke
72. Lounged around in bed all day
73. Posed nude in front of strangers
74. Scuba diving
75. Got it on to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye
76. Kissed in the rain
77. Played in the mud
78. Played in the rain
79. Gone to a drive-in theater
80. Done something you should regret, but don’t regret it
81. Visited the Great Wall of China
82. Discovered that someone who’s not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog
83. Dropped Windows in favor of something better
84. Started a business
85. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken
86. Toured ancient sites
87. Taken a martial arts class
88. Swordfought for the honor of a woman
89. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight
90. Gotten married
91. Been in a movie
92. Crashed a party
93. Loved someone you shouldn’t have
94. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy
95. Gotten divorced
96. Had sex at the office
97. Gone without food for 5 days
98. Made cookies from scratch
99. Won first prize in a costume contest
100. Ridden a gondola in Venice
101. Gotten a tattoo
102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on
103. Rafted the Snake River
104. Been on television news programs as an “expert”
105. Got flowers for no reason
106. Masturbated in a public place
107. Got so drunk you don’t remember anything
108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug
109. Performed on stage
110. Been to Las Vegas
111. Recorded music
112. Eaten shark
113. Had a one-night stand
114. Gone to Thailand
115. Seen Siouxsie live
116. Bought a house
117. Been in a combat zone
118. Buried one/both of your parents
119. Shaved or waxed your pubic hair off
120. Been on a cruise ship
121. Spoken more than one language fluently
122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone (verbal, not physical)
123. Bounced a check
124. Performed in Rocky Horror
125. Read – and understood – your credit report
126. Raised children
127. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy
128. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour
129. Created and named your own constellation of stars
130. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country
131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did
132. Called or written your Congress person
133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over
134. …more than once?
135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge
136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking
137. Had an abortion or your female partner did
138. Had plastic surgery
139. Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived.
140. Wrote articles for a large publication
141. Lost over 100 pounds
142. Held someone while they were having a flashback
143. Piloted an airplane
144. Petted a stingray
145. Broken someone’s heart
146. Helped an animal give birth
147. Been fired or laid off from a job
148. Won money on a T.V. game show
149. Broken a bone
150. Killed a human being
151. Gone on an African photo safari
152. Ridden a motorcycle
153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph
154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced
155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol
156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild
157. Ridden a horse
158. Had major surgery
159. Had sex on a moving train
160. Had a snake as a pet
161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon
162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing
163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours
164. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states
165. Visited all 7 continents
166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days
167. Eaten kangaroo meat
168. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground (what?)
169. Been a sperm or egg donor
170. Eaten sushi
171. Had your picture in the newspaper
172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime (would prefer just one, but yeah would like one to last)
173. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about
174. Gotten someone fired for their actions
175. Gone back to school (to finish college, only made one semester)
176. Parasailed
177. Changed your name
178. Petted a cockroach
179. Eaten fried green tomatoes
180. Read The Iliad
181. Selected one “important” author who you missed in school, and read
182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them
183. …and gotten 86′ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you
184. Taught yourself an art from scratch
185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt
187. Skipped all your school reunions (honestly don’t plan on going)
188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language
189. Been elected to public office
190. Written your own computer language 
191. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream
192. Had to put someone you love into hospice care
193. Built your own PC from parts
194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you
195. Had a booth at a street fair
196: Dyed your hair
197: Been a DJ
198: Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal
199: Written your own role playing game
200: Been arrested
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sesquipunzel · 5 years
Act 1 (191-200)
“Nobody panics when things go 'according to plan'. Even if the plan is horrifying!”
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Page 191 - John: Put cruxite on weird pattern on alchemiter.
191.  The cruxite dowel is getting the Kreepysprite excited. Ew, and uh-oh. I hope I'm not supposed to be analyzing all these starry mandala patterns (in the SBURB loading icon, on the assorted Phernalia, in the Kernelsprite itself, et cetera), cos the only thing about them I'm noting at the moment is eight-fold symmetry, and even then I'm not going back to check the previous ones.
192.  Automated laser scanner cutter thing!!
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193.  John sets the Alchemiter to "cast" some objects. (Interesting verb — this certainly doesn’t look like using a mundane mold to create metal or plaster casts; it’s got frickin’ laser beams attached to its...arm!  So is casting a spell and creating an object the same thing with this technomagic?)  Why did John “cast” three Generic Objects? He doesn't know, and the Sprite is no longer excited about what he's doing. And he's using up his "build grist" — another big-machinery sorta word, reminding me of water-wheel-driven mills, grinding grist into flour (which is then made into other things). If only TT's words were here to guide him...
"Out of the corner of your eye, you notice there's something in the sky."
194.  John looks through the telescope, and the Sprite is going bazonkers!
195.  What a pretty shade of blue. What pretty clouds. What a pretty streak of light, screaming down towards our pretty little Earth.  (doom-boom, doom-boom. drums in the dark.)
196.  And there it is, in all its fearsome glory. Welcome to the Rock.
197.  "This is a troubling development," John understates to the horrific thing he and his friends have made.
And….the reader(s)/player(s) do not know how to deal with this information. What can you do with a command line that will stop a meteor from falling on your head? (Besides, you know, try to shield yourself with a bathtub or something.) So instead we get:
198-199.  "John: High-five Kernelsprite," and "John: Attempt to ingest a unit of build grist."  And indeed, the author/text replies with "There is apparently no crisis so imminent that it will deter you from contemplating idiotic and frivolous actions."
Page 100 was John finally getting his hands on the SBURB game — I thought 200 might be a little bigger than DAD pulling into the driveway (whew, John's not an orphan [yet?]!), and Rose fretting about not having enough grist to fix the bathroom…
But dANG, big stuff is going dOWN!  
It doesn’t seem like all these things could be connected — after all, it’s just a game, right?  And that meteor has to have been on its way for thousands of years, it isn’t going to be affected by a bunch of barely-teenagers fucking around on their desktop computers, right? No matter how weird and level-bending this game seems to be. And yet it all feels like a game of consequences. 
They are already used to living in a semi-abstract universe, which is I’m guessing the real purpose of the SYLLADEX: to demonstrate to US that since they accept that level of abstraction, they won’t balk at the idea that Rose can move things in John’s house with a cursor, reshape rooms, or drag-and-drop real(-ish) things out of abstraction and into real-ish-ity.  So the fact that this meteor is discovered to be headed their way the same hour they begin playing with a reality-bending game....? 
Well. I won’t get too far ahead of myself in speculating, especially when I have no idea what’s an original thought and what’s a buried memory. I’ve dug deep, and I just do not remember how the next bit plays out. I remember scraps like Dave and puppets that I know have to come after this in some way, but we’ve got three minutes in the countdown and I don’t know how the pieces fit together!
Tomorrow, my schweet, schoft, Hungarian devils.... adieu for now!
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pokemongodreamworld · 3 years
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Only $175USD Images part 2 OF 2 + Next status HANDSOME VALOR KING - VALOR LEVEL 40 - SHINY MIME JR (2016) Special: - SHUNDO LUGIA (SHINY100) - Has 22 Shundo (shiny iv100) - Rarest Shiny Like: Mime Jr., Deino, Heatmor, Snivy, Gible, Roggenrola, Cofagrigus and more. - Shiny Pikachu Costume (Beanie, Summer, World Cap, Halloween). - Shiny Slowpoke 2020 Glasses(2) - Shiny Mewtwo & Shiny Metagross Meteor Mash -Total Shiny Pokemon: 315 - Total Legendary and Mythical Pokemon: 338 - Stardust: 5,048,298 - 2016 pokemon. Created: 7/9/2016 Gold Pokedex: Kanto(Platinum), Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova Legacy 40 Golden Badge Access: Full Gmail Nickname: ON Stardust: 5,048,298 Shiny&4* (Shundo - Shiny iv100): 22 pokemon (see complete pictures or DM me) Shiny Legendary/Mythical: Articuno, Zapdos, Mewtwo, Entei, Lugia, Ho-Oh(2), Celebi, Regice, Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza(2), Heatran(2), Giratina(3), Darkrai, Coballion, Terrakion, Virizion, Meltan. Rare Pokemon Shiny (these mentioned pokemon below are all shiny): Shiny Shadow Pineco, Nidorino Party Hat, Alolan Marowak, Goldeen, Lapras, Chinchou, Wooper, Teddiursa, Delibird, Nincada, Illumise, Spinda, Feebas(5), Milotic, Absol, Salamence, Cofagrigus and MANY OTHER MORE. 4* (Hundo/iv100) - non shiny pokemon: Greninja, Gharchomp, Tyranitar, Haxorus, Samurott, Bouffalant, Sigilyph, Klefki Other notable pokemon (Non shiny): Galarian Weezing, Shadow Mewtwo, Armored Mewtwo, Unown A,L,R, Uxie, Mesprit, Azelf,Rufflet, Noibat, Dialga, Palkia, Zekrom, Reshiram,Kyurem, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Victini and more. -- TOTAL : Pokemon: 1253/1350 @special move&legacy: 145 4* (iv100/Hundo) : 90 lucky: 52 Coin: 191 Items: 1053/1200 Follow Instagram @pokemongodreamworld #pokemongo #pokemongoaccount #pokemongoitalia #pokemongofriendcode #trainercode #pokemongoar #pokemongouk #pokemongojapan #shiny #pokemongousa #pokemongobrasil #shinypokemon #legendarypokemon #shinyhunter #pokemonshiny #pokemongoaustralia #gobattleleague #luckypokemon #pokemongotrainer #pokemongobuddy #pokemongofrance #pokemongosingapore #pokemongocanada #pokemongocommunityday #communityday #pokemon #pokemongofriends #pokemongogermany #pokemongoraid #pokemongotaiwan https://www.instagram.com/p/CKlxEvcFnon/?igshid=k2zbahm2m103
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survey1000 · 7 years
66. It hurt because it mattered - John Green
The things you have already done - bold, the things you would like to do - in italics, the rest well just leave.
01. Bought everyone in the pub a drink 02. Swam with wild dolphins 03. Climbed a mountain 04. Taken a Ferrari for a test drive 05. Been inside the Great Pyramid 06. Held a tarantula 07. Taken a candlelit bath with someone 08. Said ‘I love you’ and meant it 09. Hugged a tree 10. Done a striptease 11. Bungee jumped 12. Visited Paris 13. Watched a lightning storm at sea 14. Stayed up all night long, and watch the sun rise 15. Seen the Northern Lights 16. Gone to a huge sports game 17. Walked the stairs to the top of the leaning Tower of Pisa 18. Grown and eaten your own vegetables 19. Touched an iceberg 20. Slept under the stars 21. Changed a baby’s diaper 22. Taken a trip in a hot air balloon 23. Watched a meteor shower 24. Gotten drunk on champagne 25. Given more than you can afford to charity 26. Looked up at the night sky through a telescope 27. Had an uncontrollable giggling fit at the worst possible moment 28. Had a food fight 29. Bet on a winning horse 30. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill 31. Asked out a stranger 32. Had a snowball fight 33. Photocopied your bottom on the office photocopier 34. Screamed as loudly as you possibly can 35. Held a lamb 36. Enacted a favorite fantasy 37. Taken a midnight skinny dip 38. Taken an ice cold bath 39. Had a meaningful conversation with a beggar 40. Seen a total eclipse 41. Ridden a roller coaster 42. Hit a home run 43. Fit three weeks miraculously into three days 44. Danced like a fool and not cared who was looking 45. Adopted an accent for an entire day 46. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors 47. Actually felt happy about your life, even for just a moment 48. Had two hard drives for your computer 49. Visited all 50 states 50. Loved your job for all accounts 51. Taken care of someone who was shit faced 52. Had enough money to be truly satisfied 53. Had amazing friends 54. Danced with a stranger in a foreign country 55. Watched wild whales 56. Stolen a sign 57. Backpacked in Europe 58. Taken a road-trip 59. Rock climbing 60. Lied to foreign government’s official in that country to avoid notice 61. Midnight walk on the beach 62. Sky diving 63. Visited Ireland 64. Been heartbroken longer then you were actually in love 65. In a restaurant, sat at a stranger’s table and had a meal with them 66. Visited Japan 67. Bench pressed your own weight 68. Milked a cow 69. Alphabetized your records 70. Pretended to be a superhero 71. Sung karaoke 72. Lounged around in bed all day 73. Posed nude in front of strangers 74. Scuba diving 75. Got it on to “Let’s Get It On” by Marvin Gaye 76. Kissed in the rain 77. Played in the mud 78. Played in the rain 79. Gone to a drive-in theater 80. Done something you should regret, but don’t regret it 81. Visited the Great Wall of China 82. Discovered that someone who’s not supposed to have known about your blog has discovered your blog 83. Dropped Windows in favor of something better 84. Started a business 85. Fallen in love and not had your heart broken 86. Toured ancient sites 87. Taken a martial arts class 88. Sword fought for the honor of a woman 89. Played D&D for more than 6 hours straight 90. Gotten married 91. Been in a movie 92. Crashed a party 93. Loved someone you shouldn’t have 94. Kissed someone so passionately it made them dizzy 95. Gotten divorced 96. Had sex at the office 97. Gone without food for 5 days 98. Made cookies from scratch 99. Won first prize in a costume contest 100. Ridden a gondola in Venice 101. Gotten a tattoo 102. Found that the texture of some materials can turn you on 103. Rafted the Snake River 104. Been on television news programs as an “expert” 105. Got flowers for no reason 106. Masturbated in a public place 107. Got so drunk you don’t remember anything 108. Been addicted to some form of illegal drug 109. Performed on stage 110. Been to Las Vegas 111. Recorded music 112. Eaten shark 113. Had a one-night stand 114. Gone to Thailand 115. Seen Siouxsie live 116. Bought a house 117. Been in a combat zone 118. Buried one/both of your parents 119. Shaved or waxed your pubic hair off 120. Been on a cruise ship 121. Spoken more than one language fluently 122. Gotten into a fight while attempting to defend someone 123. Bounced a cheque 124. Performed in Rocky Horror 125. Read – and understood – your credit report 126. Raised children 127. Recently bought and played with a favorite childhood toy 128. Followed your favorite band/singer on tour 129. Created and named your own constellation of stars 130. Taken an exotic bicycle tour in a foreign country 131. Found out something significant that your ancestors did 132. Called or written your Congress person 133. Picked up and moved to another city to just start over 134. …more than once? – More than thrice? 135. Walked the Golden Gate Bridge 136. Sang loudly in the car, and didn’t stop when you knew someone was looking 137. Had an abortion or your female partner did 138. Had plastic surgery 139. Survived an accident that you shouldn’t have survived. 140. Wrote articles for a large publication 141. Lost over 100 pounds 142. Held someone while they were having a flashback 143. Piloted an airplane 144. Petted a stingray 145. Broken someone’s heart 146. Helped an animal give birth 147. Been fired or laid off from a job 148. Won money on a T.V. game show 149. Broken a bone 150. Killed a human being 151. Gone on an African photo safari 152. Ridden a motorcycle 153. Driven any land vehicle at a speed of greater than 100mph 154. Had a body part of yours below the neck pierced 155. Fired a rifle, shotgun, or pistol 156. Eaten mushrooms that were gathered in the wild 157. Ridden a horse 158. Had major surgery 159. Had sex on a moving train 160. Had a snake as a pet 161. Hiked to the bottom of the Grand Canyon 162. Slept through an entire flight: takeoff, flight, and landing 163. Slept for more than 30 hours over the course of 48 hours 164. Visited more foreign countries than U.S. states 165. Visited all 7 continents 166. Taken a canoe trip that lasted more than 2 days 167. Eaten kangaroo meat 168. Fallen in love at an ancient Mayan burial ground 169. Been a sperm or egg donor 170. Eaten sushi 171. Had your picture in the newspaper 172. Had 2 (or more) healthy romantic relationships for over a year in your lifetime 173. Changed someone’s mind about something you care deeply about 174. Gotten someone fired for their actions 175. Gone back to school 176. Para-sailed 177. Changed your name 178. Petted a cockroach 179. Eaten fried green tomatoes 180. Read The Iliad 181. Selected one “important” author who you missed in school, and read 182. Dined in a restaurant and stolen silverware, plates, cups because your apartment needed them 183. …and gotten 86′ed from the restaurant because you did it so many times, they figured out it was you 184. Taught yourself an art from scratch 185. Killed and prepared an animal for eating 186. Apologized to someone years after inflicting the hurt 187. Skipped all your school reunions 188. Communicated with someone without sharing a common spoken language 189. Been elected to public office 190. Written your own computer language 191. Thought to yourself that you’re living your dream 192. Had to put someone you love into hospice care 193. Built your own PC from parts 194. Sold your own artwork to someone who didn’t know you 195. Had a booth at a street fair 196: Dyed your hair 197: Been a DJ 198: Found out someone was going to dump you via LiveJournal 199: Written your own role playing game 200: Been arrested
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