#men are evil
burningtheroots · 8 months
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IDK who made this but it couldn’t be more true.
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radykalny-feminizm · 2 months
I can't sleep because I'm thinking about Anna Garska again. I've been haunted by her case for some years now and I think I'll forever be. She was a young woman, a mother of a little girl. Her husband (a policeman) killed her because he got bored and wanted to "start a new life". They never found her body, but there was enough proof anyway and he went to jail for her murder. The worst thing? He never said what he did to her. Her grave is empty. Her mother is suffering beyond any measure, she was very close with her. Anna's daughter is growing up without her and will never know her. And this scumbag knows where Anna's body is. But he just won't tell. Just like that. Even though it shouldn't matter to him now when he's in jail anyway. It makes me so angry. That's a typical fucking man, not caring about anyone but himself. A master of life, death and truth. I'm telling y'all that the biggest dream I have is to get him in my hands and torture everything out of him in the most brutal way. He fucking killed her but that's not enough for him, he won't allow her body to rest in peace, he won't allow her mother to mourn her properly. Why? Just because he can. Can you imagine? That's a definition of evil if I ever saw one. Where does it end? Do men have any fucking limits of how far they'll go with their depravity? When I say that they hate us THIS is what I mean. We're nothing to them when we're alive and we're nothing to them when we die.
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This is Anna. I didn't know her, but I'll never forget her face.
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kiawritesstuff · 5 days
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Sick! I feel sick. Please, all the women out there, I am begging you to stop sleeping with XY Chromosomes. Males don't see us as humans; they are not making love to you; they just want to dominate you, force you, and brag about it to their male friends because they see us as a sex toy that needs to be broken and bragged about. Females, separate yourselves from these demons. How many examples are needed to see that males are not capable of love? They say we are submissive, but they have to continue demeaning us.If submission was our nature, they wouldn't need to always force it upon us. In reality, all males crave validation from other males; they don't love us or even like us because they are in love with their fellow males. That's why they protect the abusers, the rapists, and monsters like the man mentioned above. They like to hype those men because they crave to be like them. Like demons!
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blackpilljesus · 8 months
Saw a post on how younger generation adults tend to be more domestically reserve (closing blinds/curtains, kids not playing outside, not having strangers in for a meal etc) and the post was talking about how community spirit had been lost -and also how people are afraid about being recorded w/out consent- but once again nobody ever names the fucking problem when it comes to moids.
People -mainly women- are more guarded now because moids are evil opportunists. When you dont learn from history it's doomed to repeat itself. The same community people yearn for is the same space that was breeding grounds for abusers. There have been numerous cases of kids playing outdoors only for moids to abduct, rape, and kill them. There was a recent case of this where an autistic girl was playing outdoors & a moid chose to abduct and rape her -he impregnated her & she gave birth to a son-. There have been cases of kids playing outdoors only to be watched by a creep then he returns and kills the family & takes the child. Moids have gone to homes pretending to need help only to kill the family. Moids have seen women in homes through their windows & decided to attack them. So yeah people used to be more "open" in communities but these communities were also full of moids who'd molest kids.
I'm not saying it's right or the solution is to be boarded up but when people bother to be honest about moid violence & address it is when things will change however this will never be done on a social level because many people benefit from moids terrorism so they pretend it isn't happening all the while perpetuating & benefitting from it.
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tornapartbythorns · 5 months
Trad males will be like "women's depression skyrocketed as soon as they entered the workforce" and just completely ignore that a shit ton of housewives in the mid-20th century were hopped up on valium and became raging alcoholics to cope with their bleak domestic reality. And also, since when have these dumb trad fucks ever given a shit about women's mental health?? 🙄 These men can claim to care about women's depression, but they would have their wives lobotomized just as the same their grandfather's if they were able to.
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The single most infuriating thing about men is their goddamn sense of entitlement to women. To our bodies, to our time, to our money, to our labor, to our attention, to our affections, our spaces, our everything. They honestly think that everything we ever do or say should be done in service of them, and they lose their shit and throw ridiculous, toddler-esque tantrums (or, as I like to call them, mantrums) any time that turns out not to be the case. Because the very idea of women as full, complex human beings existing independently of men for our own purposes is dumbfounding to them, and they will come up with every excuse to argue the opposite at us, that we owe them somehow, even though they have never done anything but treat women like shit and there is no logical reason why that should be true. And they never do anything for women in return for all of that. Not housework, not finding the clit, not defending our basic rights, not anything. Instead, they have developed misogynistic multi billion dollar industries like makeup, the sex industry, plastic surgery, and the diet industry in order to make money while abusing women even further. They are so adamant about their entitlement to us that many of them even become violent to us whenever they don't get their way. Honestly, the entitlement of men is the single biggest reason why I wish there was some way to speed up the whole "Y chromosome is going extinct" thing. Because, honestly, dealing with men and their sickening entitlement complexes with regard to women makes them nothing but a headache to me, and I truly despise them and wish they were all just simply well and truly gone.
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pinkxstar · 5 months
I hate men
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rayehehe · 3 months
Guess what omg he cheated on me…AGAIN!!
Im fine tho so Issokay 😔ྀིྀི(i wanna kms)
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I hear a lot of people say that "if sexuality was a choice then there would be no straight girls at all" and that's true and shit but let's be honest if sexuality was a choice then there wouldn't be any straight guys either.
Straight men don't actually like, love, or care about women, they just see us as convenient fuck holes to cum into, control, own as property, or show off as a trophy or plaything. Some of them are even actively repulsed by women and don't even find them attractive in the slightest, they resent the women they had sex with because she's now been "soiled" and made worthless and impure, they abuse and rape women with impunity, they are disgusted by cis women's periods and make fun of them/isolate them for it, they see trans women as a fetish or a fuckdoll to abuse and manipulate and sometimes will kill them even after having sex with them because they think it makes them gay, they regularly mock women who don't fit their photoshopped airbrushed pornified pinup doll fantasy of what the female body should look like: curves in the "wrong" places, body hair, love handles, stomachs that aren't perfectly flat, cellulite, pimples, etc., they find it all repulsive and want women to be perfectly slim, soft, and smooth-shaven, even though that's not possible in reality, and joke about us getting replaced by AI models and fembots.
And then when they realize that women have had enough of their shit and are no longer sexually available to them, they go on killing sprees and blame women for making them "lonely" and feeling "undesirable". The only reason straight men even choose to entertain relationships with women is if they can get something out of it. To them we are a means for control, reproduction, sexual release, and exercising their own masculinity. If they got none of that from women then they wouldn't even bother with us...and that's if they don't decide to kill us first.
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kaybiana · 9 months
I never grew up with a father’s figure but I sure damn ain’t that stupid when it comes to fixing my car and not getting fucked up just because I’m a female.
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madison-of-a-bitch · 9 months
every minuscule interaction i have with a man makes me want to bash my head into a wall for the rest of eternity
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radykalny-feminizm · 4 months
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This fucking scumbag called a 13 yo girl a bitch and has the audacity to ask if he's an asshole.
Misogyny is hurting literal children right now. There's no limits to men's depravity.
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tattooterf · 3 months
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Horrifying. Link
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blackpilljesus · 8 months
Everyone knows that maIes on average are dangerous predators and women are their prey so anybody telling you to trust them or that "it's not all men" wants you harmed by them. They want you dead, they want you raped, they want you sacrified to the beast to save their skin or their loved ones skin. Only to blame you for it after.
Look at all the precautions the average woman takes in every aspect of their lives to navigate maIe violence. I've seen women go as far as ordering food under a maIe name because the delivery drivers would prey on them otherwise. Even when a woman IS interested in a maIe she'd still take precautions dating him because -she knows- moid on average are dangerous. This is also why women settle in crappy relationships because they KNOW their chances of encountering worse is higher than their chances of encountering better so they stay because it's personally & socially better than being alone for them. "He's emotionally distant but at least he isnt cheating on me", "he's cheating on me but at least he's not raping me", "he keeps bothering me for sex every night but at least he hasn't killed me". Women know. This is why I no longer get into back and forth about moids with women either I aint wasting my fucking time arguing shit we both know is true. I wont be your goddamn sacrificial lamb.
Moids themselves know how dangerous moids are as they "shield" their female relatives/partners from other moids. Many moids are terrified of prisons or gay moids because they fear facing what they make women face.
People wouldn't typically advise women & girls that are close to them to trust maIes, heck teenage girls are often scared off moidlets with parents saying that "boys bring trouble"/"theres only one thing boys want" typa shit. Many parents worry about their daughters because they know the evil that moids are deep down and can only hope it doesn't affect their daughters badly.
So I dont fucking care what's said online, most of these women pandering to moids or moids pulling the "it's not all men!1! We get hurt tuh!1!" bullshit would not individually trust moids. Ladies dont ever feel bad for protecting yourself. Keep generalising & judging ALL xys. You aren't crazy for seeing their evil & having your guard up. Dont explain yourselves to moids, the world already explains. Womens lives > moid feelings. It's better to be safe than sorry.
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tornapartbythorns · 4 months
Feminism didn't turn me into a misandrist. Observing men's horrific behavior did.
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haleysapphicorner · 3 months
Seeing women make posts and videos defending men... even in women dominant spaces knowing full well 4chan and reddit contain 2 neutral and 0 positive mentions of women.
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