#melvin feller discusses being right
melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller Discusses Being Right
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Melvin Feller Discusses Being Right
Melvin Feller Business Group in Burkburnett Ministries and Dallas Texas and Lawton Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful business ministry earning a profit and being of service to the community and their customers.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree in business organizations.
 You are a human and so am I. There is no argument there. The sky is blue and the grass is green. There is no argument there either. After all, they are FACTS, and we are all in agreement with them. However, why do so many of us have a need to ‘right’ regarding OPINIONS? Another driver cutting him off outrages a man driving in LA. In his opinion, the driver who cut him off is unbearably rude. “I’ll show him,” he thinks, as he now tries to cut off the ‘rude’ driver. This incident explodes into a full-blown case of road rage, which leads to an accident and the death of the outraged driver. He might have been ‘right,’ but now he is dead right. Does it make any sense to fight to the death over an opinion? Besides, how could the dead driver be ‘right’ when his behavior was wrong?
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 An obsessive need to be ‘right’ is irrational, but, sadly, very common. For instance, what makes one believe that our neighbors are incompetent to think for themselves and need to be ‘saved’ by our own brand of religion? In addition, if they refuse to recognize our merciful God, we can always kill them! It is like an anti-abortionist who preaches about the sanctity of life and then murders a doctor who performs abortions. Why do we kill one another for having different opinions?
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Some of us get easily upset in the workplace. We insist that others do things the ‘right’ (our) way. Yet, isn’t it more important to do the right thing than do things right? The high divorce rate suggests that married life is another arena for the clash of opinion. Something as trivial as how one’s spouse
s squeezes the tube of toothpaste is enough to cause anger in some people. Quick, answer this question. What is the ‘right’ way to squeeze a tube of toothpaste? From the middle or from the end of the tube? Well, half of those who were surveyed in a university study answered, “From the middle,” and the other half said, “From the end of the tube.” Therefore, no matter which opinion you hold, you were not ‘right’ in the mind of half of those surveyed. Can you see how ludicrous, how irrational, it is to demand that others share our opinions?
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 There are many reasons to give up our addiction to being ‘right.’ First, consider what we are doing when we make pronouncements that you are either for me or against me, or that it’s my way or the highway, or that I’m ‘right ’ and you’re ‘wrong.’ Aren’t we being arrogant, combative, self-righteous, presumptuous, judgmental, narrow-minded, and alienating? Aren’t such attitudes divisive and dysfunctional? Don’t they disrupt harmony and peace and lead to conflict and suffering?
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 When I insist that I am ‘right,’ I slam the door of my mind. I remain locked in past beliefs. I stop growing. I have a shallow understanding of the world and limited choice. However, if I change my focus from what IS ‘RIGHT’ to what IS something magical happens. The moment I accept the fact that others have different views and willingly consider them, rather than fight them, I am transformed. Transformed from a prisoner to an adventurer and explorer. By opening myself to all ideas, I open my life to infinite possibilities. In addition, on that day, I discover what it is to be rich.
 To be dead right is to be dead. To be cut off from the limitless wealth of life. It is also to be unhappy. For it is impossible to control the thoughts and opinions in the minds of others. So, when they fail to live up to our demand for agreement, we feel frustrated and disappointed. Does it make any sense to follow the road to unhappiness?
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 If the demand to be ‘right’ is self-defeating, why do we engage in it? One reason is the discomfort of uncertainty. Living in a world of uncertainty makes some feel like the earth is crumbling beneath their feet. There is no stability, nothing to hang on to (except their opinions and beliefs). Yet, when we change our perspective and think of uncertainty as surprise, wonder, awe, growth, opportunity, and delight, we can embrace it. Another reason for tenaciously clinging to our opinions is the fear that changing them would lead to the loss of our identity.
  However, we are not our opinions. We are people who hold opinions and can let them go if we choose to. When we learn from others, we do not lose our identity; we expand, enhance, and enrich it. A third reason for wanting to be ‘right’ is low self-esteem. Some need to show off their ‘superiority’ to compensate for their feelings of inferiority. They are afraid of appearing stupid and need the approval of others. Nevertheless, the way to grow superior is by opening one’s mind, not by closing it.
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 To awaken from the delusion that our opinion is the only ‘right’ one, all one has to do is study history and the evolution of science. For when we do, we will quickly learn that we are fallible creatures. Even the brightest minds changed their opinions on innumerable occasions. In fact, that is how they grew so bright, by integrating opinions that at first appeared diametrically opposed. In addition, by willingly adding the opinions of others to their own. They were not afraid of accepting new ideas and making mistakes.
 Here is how Lewis Thomas (1913 ~ 1993) explains it in his book THE MEDUSA AND THE SNAIL, “Mistakes are at the very base of human thought, embedded there, feeding the structure like root nodules. If we were not provided with the knack for being wrong, we could never get anything useful done. We think our way along by choosing between right and wrong alternatives, and the wrong choices have to be made as often as the right ones. We get along in life this way.”
 When the populace of a certain village were evenly divided on the ‘right’ way to punish a disobedient child, they decided to seek council with the village elder. The representative for Opinion A gave his view to the elder. As the others listened in silence, the elder spoke, “You are right.”
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 While maintaining his decorum, but visibly upset, the representative for Opinion B said, “But Wise One, you have given your counsel before hearing from me!” He then shared his opinion with the elder. After listening to it, the Wise One said, “You are right.”
 “But, Honorable One,” protested another villager, “you have just agreed with two opposing viewpoints!”
 The Wise One turned his way and said, “You are right.”
 We can never be right until we realize everyone is right. The truth is owned by none and shared by all. Whether you agree with this or not, “You are right.”
 That is the great thing about business.  We canal agree and if we do not we start a way to create something for people that require something different!
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Melvin Feller Business Consultants and Burkburnett Ministries Group in Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group and Burkburnett Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Life is Hard-But Christian Marriage is Even Harder According to Melvin Feller MA.
According to Melvin Feller. MA who is a business owner and Educator, Christian, life is hard for most people. Having served in the United States Navy Reserve, he knows that is not just for a moment, or in moments—an illness, a lost job, a death of someone we love and just plain separation. Rather, life is hard in a continuous way, as a kind of passage over time. To get from birth to death is very difficult! 
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However, on top of that our western culture offers distorted and unrealistic views of marriage. More recently, we have seen the very definition of marriage come under attack. Young people watch hundreds of programs on TV and movies showing distorted Hollywood views about marriage. Couples in love who get married or worse, just move in together and cohabitate, are rarely portrayed resolving conflicts.  Everything is wonderful for these fictional couples. Young people raised on a diet of media entertainment expect to live happily ever after, because that is what they regularly see in media depictions of marriage.
 Real marriages have conflict.  The idealized images of marriage portrayed in the media leave many Christians mentally unprepared for the reality of marriage.  Few young people understand God’s higher purposes for marriage. Marriage is a transformative relationship God uses to build our character and finish what our parents left incomplete. Godly marriage is not just to make us happy; it is a process to blend our personality with our spouse and transform husband and wife. Living happily ever after marriage is distinctly possible, but unlikely, unless couples first learn to communicate and resolve conflicts responsibly. Many married couples never learn to resolve their conflicts Bionically.  They start handicapped because they do not understand God’s transformative purpose for their marriage.
 A proper understanding of marriage prepares a couple for the inevitable conflict and helps them to deal with it responsibly. Unfortunately, well-meaning Christian couples often misrepresent what normal marriages look like. We carefully hide our own perfectly normal conflicts from the view of others. This leaves many young couples woefully unprepared for the normal give and take of marriage.  They frequently become discouraged and embarrassed by the reality of their marriage.
 For those outside the support of the church community, it can be even worse.  Many of today’s young “millennial” newly-weds encounter conflict, and promptly file for divorce.  Our friend’s son-in-law is a professional photographer and shoots many weddings.  Some married couples do not even last the two or three weeks until he delivers the final prints from the wedding ceremony.  He knows of several who did not make it through the honeymoon before calling it quits on their marriage.  Not surprisingly, he collects full payment for his photography in advance of the wedding.
It is not surprising young people fed a diet of Hollywood distortions of marriage in movies and TV form unreasonable expectations for their own marriages. In the church, mature couples can counteract these distorted views of marriage by being transparent about their own experiences with conflict. 
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 I have since learned that not every person who claims to love God is willing to approach marriage from His perspective. However, for those who choose to embrace the principles of Christianity that are important to a true “Christian” marriage, the following tips should be useful.
 Love the way God loves us should be an easy concept to grasp for Christians. 1st Corinthians:13 pretty much lays out the kind of love that God desires for our relationships. Marriage is no exception.
 Remember that Christ is the head of your relationship. By keeping this in mind, you won’t be so quick to push for what YOU want but rather what GOD wants in and from your marriage.
 Submitting to one another is not as tough as it sounds.  At times, putting your partner’s wants and needs above yours is more than just a good idea. It’s Biblical, and straight out of Ephesians 5:21.
 It’s good to speak the truth; just don’t forget the love.  As a Christian, it’s important to tell the truth in your relationship. But to do so without tact or compassion is not a good look if you claim to follow Jesus. Check out Ephesians 4:15
 Being a peacemaker goes a long way towards a healthy marriage. Matthew 5:9 tells us that peacemakers are called “children of God.” As a child of God, always seek out ways to establish peace rather than havoc in your marriage.
 Practice self-denial even though it’s hard. When you deny yourself for your spouse, you gain a greater gift in your marriage. Matthew 16:25 promises life to those who deny themselves for Christ’s sake. So, watching the chick flick with your wife when you don’t feel like it can actually strengthen your marriage.
 Pray together as much as possible. While one of the most challenging things for Christian couples to do, this is one of the most effective. Matthew 18:19-20 reminds us of the importance of two people agreeing in prayer.
 Learn to forgive – It’s not easy to let stuff go when you have been hurt. But, Colossians 3:13 encourages us to forgive as we’ve been forgiven.
 Do not keep a record of wrongs – This is not only harmful, but it is a waste of time. Take heed to 1 Corinthians 13:5 and give your energy to uplifting your marriage.
 Spiritual intimacy is about more than just praying together. Discuss the things you pray about with your spouse and worship God together. In Proverbs 31 we see a couple equally matched in their walk with God and it increased their level of spiritual intimacy. It can do the same for you.
 Being faithful to your spouse should be par for the course. It should go without saying to stay true to your spouse and your marriage vows. But in case there’s some doubt, read, study, understand and implement Hebrews 13:4.
 Enjoy sexual intimacy as God intended. Sex and the Christian couple can be a beautiful thing when you are emotionally and spiritually connected. Enjoy Song of Solomon 4:10 and Matthew 19:5.
 Deal with your finances from a Godly perspective. Christian marriages are just as susceptible to financial strife as any other. Tackle the issue of money God’s way. Matthew 6:24-33 can clue you in.
 Don’t go to bed angry. This is easier said than done, even for Christians. But, it’s not impossible. Let Ephesians 4:26 be your guide to rid yourself of anger even if its cause lingers.
 Pursue righteousness in your relationship. You have a choice in your relationship of whether to pursue things that build it up or those that tear it down. When God comes first, Proverbs 15:9 tells why righteousness is the way to go.
 Be humble towards your mate and apologize quickly.  The Christian heart should be sensitive to hurting others, much less your life partner. Own up to your mistakes as in Psalm 51:3.
 Sin shouldn’t get a pass in your relationship. Christian couples can form unspoken truces…” you leave me alone with my sin, and I’ll leave you alone with yours.” To help each other grow, and without being judgmental, call sin out when you see it.
 Allow God’s Spirit to work in your marriage. When Christian couples allow God’s Spirit to work, there’s an emotional connection they experience that helps to lead to the success of their union. See Ephesians 5:17-18
 Lead by example just as Jesus did. This one can be a little tricky for some couples.  Suffice it to say that doing the right thing doesn’t give you bragging rights. It just means you’ve taken 1 Corinthians 11:1 to heart.
 Work daily towards unity in your marriage. Colossians 3:13-14 should be the go-to scripture for Christian marriages. It just about covers it all but wraps it up nicely with the importance of unity.
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There are so many other scriptures and principles that can be used as a blueprint for a healthy Christian marriage. But this is a good place to start. Just remember God intends us to be happy and together!  I know that my wife is not only my best friend but a GIFT from God!
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Defines the Reasons for Personal Development
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The Melvin Feller Group is a leadership consulting and business training company serving the United States, Canada and Australia since 1998. CEO Melvin Feller offers expertise in a variety of areas that include business sales and profitability, result oriented leadership, goal setting, productivity, and communication. Melvin Feller targets solutions to strive for result in higher profits, engaged and committed employees, and improved client relationships.
 Many years ago, I had a conversation with someone that I respected at that time when he burst out the term ‘Quality of Life’. In fact, he asked me this: ‘What is your definition when it comes to your own Life Quality and most importantly… What are you going to do about it?’
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I have to admit that back then that was a waving flag for me as my discussion partner already had the ideal quality life that I had in mind as my desired one. I wanted to learn more about this and go deeper. Furthermore, I wanted to find a surefire way to obtain this quality of life for myself.
People use the general term “quality of life” aiming to measure somehow the level of well-being not only individually but for societies also. The term covers a broad range of topics, such as the healthcare system, and political affairs and international development.
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Quality of life is a phrase term that is frequently misinterpreted as the representation of the “standard of living”. The ‘Living Standards depend on the level of income a person is making. On the other hand, the main indicating factors that can define the quality of life incorporate not only the financial situation and the status or state of employment a person enjoys, but also the overall and wider environment they live in.
 An environment that consists of the following:
 Mental and Physical Health
  Time for Recreation and Leisure
 The Sense of Social Belonging
 In addition
 The sense of Freedom
 Human rights
 The feeling of Happiness
Now, Happiness is very hard to measure as each one has their own individualized perception of what being happy means. It’s a personal thing. Personally, I strongly support and believe that quality life definitely includes the feeling of personal happiness and self-recognition.
 And how can a person get the reward of having a quality life?
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 Melvin Feller MA firmly believes that personal development is actually a process of individual self-growth as well as development of other people. At the level of the particular person, personal development comes with ambitions, strategies or steps oriented towards a number of the following goals:
  1) Improving self-awareness.
 2) Enhancing self-knowledge.
 3) Building or renewing id.
 4) Developing advantages or talents.
 5) Distinguishing and improving potential.
 6) Building employee’s abilities and people – human capital.
 7) Enhancing each one’s chosen lifestyle.
 8) Gratifying individual aspirations.
 9) Defining and carrying out self-improvement projects.
 The concept contains a broader field compared to self-improvement or self-help: personal development furthermore includes improving many others. This may happen by means of roles for example those of a teacher or advisor, most likely through a particular skill including the expertise of specified managers in increasing the potential of employees) or any skilled company like providing training, appraisal as well as mentoring.
 Further than enhancing yourself and also improving others, personal development is often a region of training as well as research. Being a field of exercise, it provides personal development procedures, studying plans, evaluation systems, resources and strategies. Being a field of study, self-development topics progressively can be found in scientific publications, advanced degree reviews, management magazines and books.
 Any sort of progress — whether or not commercial, political, biological, business or personal — needs a framework if an individual wants to find out whether or not transformation has definitely happened. Regarding personal development, a person often operates as the main judge of improvement, but validation regarding objective improvement usually requires assessment making use of regular key elements.
 Personal development frameworks can sometimes include targets or even benchmarks which determine the end-points, practices or plans for accomplishing goals, measurement and review of progress, levels or periods that will identify goals along an improvement avenue, and a feed-back system to deliver information on improvements.
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 Developing Yourself
 At the actual level involving personal development someone can possibly elaborate individual growth to incorporate this type of aspects as:
 1. Transforming into the individual one aspires to be.
  2. Establishing social character via self-identification.
 3. Maximizing common internal understanding or identifying of one’s main concerns.
 4. Increasing awareness or defining associated with someone’s beliefs.
 5. Increasing awareness as well as understanding an individual’s selected chosen lifestyle.
 6. Increasing awareness or understanding of a person’s ethics.
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7. Strategizing as well as acknowledging hopes and dreams, aspirations, professional and life-style priorities.
 8. Generating professional ability.
 9. Developing skillsets.
 10. Developing personal expertise.
 11. Mastering upon the actual given task each and every time.
 12. Developing the quality of chosen lifestyle within such aspects as wellness, prosperity, traditions, family, friends in addition to communities.
 13. Grasping strategies or approaches in order to increase awareness.
  14. Mastering skills and strategies to gain control of your existence.
 15. Discovering new techniques or methods to accomplish intelligence.
 Personal Development is a single way street regarding just about every individual in order to inspire themselves and in the long run manage their own lives path.
 To ensure that people to take accountability for all the successes and downfalls, grow to be content individuals and arm themselves with limitless and continuous internal strength and power to overcome problems, Personal development training without a single doubt is the next best thing.
 The Melvin Feller Group is a leadership consulting and business training company serving the United States, Canada and Australia since 1998. CEO Melvin Feller offers expertise in a variety of areas that include business sales and profitability, result oriented leadership, goal setting, productivity, and communication. Melvin Feller's targeted solutions strive to result in higher profits, engaged and committed employees, and improved client relationships.
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melvinfeller · 4 years
Melvin Feller MA Illustrates How You Can Buy Any Business During Any Economic Cycle!
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According to Melvin Feller Business Group, if you’re thinking about running your own business, especially in buying a company that’s already established may be a lot less work than starting from scratch. Melvin Feller has over 30 years in the commercial real estate field and the buying and selling of businesses. Why not buy a business from someone that does it and teaches it both in person and as an online adjunct professor? However, you will still need to put time and effort into finding the business that’s right for you. This article was written by Founder and CEO Melvin Feller in order to take you through the steps of buying an existing business, including how to assess and value a business, your obligations to any existing staff and where you can get professional help.
Actually, there are advantages and disadvantages of buying an existing business and If you get it right, there can be many good reasons why buying an existing business could be the right move for you. Remember though, that you will be taking on the legacy of the business’ previous owner, and need to be aware of every aspect of the business you’re about to buy.
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Melvin Feller Talks Buying a Business.
According to Melvin Feller, it may be easier for you to get finance as the business will have a proven track record. A market for the product or service will have already been demonstrated.
There may be established customers, a reliable income, a reputation to capitalize and build on, and a useful network of contacts.
A business plan and marketing method should already be in place.
Existing employees should have experience you can draw on.
Many of the problems will have been discovered and solved already.
You can always re-sell the business.
You often need to invest a large amount up front, and will also have to budget for professional fees for solicitors, surveyors, accountants, etc.
If the business has been neglected you may need to invest quite a bit more on top of the purchase price to give it the best chance of success.
You will need to honor or renegotiate any outstanding contracts the previous owner has in place.
Deciding on the right type of business to buy:
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Melvin Feller Recommends Being Your Own Boss.
Ideally your business needs to fit your own skills, lifestyle and aspirations. Before you start looking, think about what you can bring to a business and what you’d like to get back. List what is important to you. It is useful to consider:
Your expectations in terms of earning — what level of profit do you need to be looking for to accommodate your needs?
Your commitment — are you prepared for all the hard work and money that you will need to put into the business to get it to succeed?
Your strengths — what kind of business opportunity will give you the chance to put your skills and experience to good use?
The type of business — limited company, partnership etc. — that you’re interested in buying.
The business sector you’re interested in — learn as much as you can about your chosen industry so you can compare different businesses. It’s important to take the time to talk to people already in similar businesses.
Location — but don’t restrict your search to your local area. Some businesses can be easily relocated.
Where to look for a business to buy:
Many national and local newspapers carry advertisements for businesses and business locations or lots.
Depending on what sector you’re interested in, you could look in trade journals. Or put in your own advertisement, saying what you are looking for. You can get contact details for most newspapers, magazines and trade journals from press directories available on the internet.
Some magazines, many of them with their own websites, specialize in buying and selling property and businesses. Of course, do not forget Realtors who use their publications and websites like loopnet.com, Crexi.com, Showcase.com, as well as Marcusmillichap.com and get familiar with their websites, including Craigslist and eBay.
How to value a business:
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Melvin Feller Talks Valuing Your Business.
Understandably, how to value a business is often the most worrying part of buying a new business. Remember, though, that what a business is worth to you will not be the same as it is to someone else with a different set of priorities and objectives.
To get a general idea of how healthy the business is, look at:
the history of the business
its current performance (sales, turnover, profit)
its financial situation (cash flow, debts, expenses, assets)
and why the business is being sold
The following list of questions will help you discover possible areas where you could financially get hurt.
How healthy is the business?
How much is there?
What condition is it in?
Does the asking price take into account depreciation?
Is anything leased or currently being purchased?
Intangible assets:
How much goodwill comes with the business?
Are any trademarks registered?
What are the profit margins on each product or service?
Which products or services account for the majority of sales?
Which ones are required to conduct business?
Are there any outstanding issues with the licenses?
How old are the debts?
Which debtors owe the most?
What does the business owe?
What is the credit history like?
What are their prices?
What’s their credit policy?
Is the business adequately staffed?
Is it over-staffed?
Do all employees have the necessary skills?
Do all of the employees have the necessary equipment to do their job safely?
Do they need refurbishing?
Are they leased or company owned?
What percentage of the market do the competitors have?
Valuation methods:
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses Valuation Methods.
Your accountant can advise on how to put a specific value on the business and do the actual calculations. You can then decide how much you want to offer, or if you want to buy it at all. If you do decide to make an offer, the research you do now will be completely verifiable once you’ve agreed a purchase price and terms with the seller.
Make sure the business is worth buying by doing your due diligence:
Having done your research, it is important to verify the information you now have. A period of time is allowed for you to access the business’ books and records in order to verify that all of the information that you have discovered up to now is accurate, and this is known as due diligence period. It should give you a realistic picture of how the business is performing now and how it is likely to perform in the future.
When to begin due diligence.
Don’t start due diligence until you’ve agreed to a price and terms with the seller. For a down payment they may agree to take the business off the market during your investigation.
The investigation period is negotiable — but most small businesses need at least three to six weeks.
Where to get help
You should get accountants and attorneys to help you identify various risk areas but you can also get information about companies directly from the internet. Remember, due diligence is much more than the finances of a business. You need to come out of this period knowing exactly what you are getting yourself into, what needs to be fixed, what the costs are to fix them and if you are the right person to take over this business.
Key areas to cover are:
employment terms and conditions
outstanding litigation
major contracts and orders
IT systems and other technology
environmental issues
commercial management including customer service, research and development, and marketing
Information sources
Dig as deeply as you can and use whatever documents are available. For instance, if you’re looking at employee records, you could check out:
payroll records
staff files
copy of retirement and profit-sharing plans plus financial statements, if relevant
employment contracts
the staff manual
union contracts, if relevant
you may also need information from external sources such as the landlord, tax office or bank.
A step-by-step process on how to buy a business
Get professional advice
Professional help is invaluable as you go through the negotiation, valuation and purchase process. You may find it useful to contact the professional organizations to get advice and help on finding a lawyer or an accountant.
Research the business sector you’re interested in, including the best time to buy. Shortlist two or three businesses.
Make sure a business is worth buying: conduct due diligence and verify any information you have been given. As well as checks on the business, your attorney will conduct searches in order to verify relevant licenses etc.
If you’re planning to arrange a loan, the lender will insist on carrying out their own survey and valuation at your expense, but you may want to pay for an additional independent survey and valuation.
Initial viewing and valuation
Be discreet — the owner may not want staff to know they are selling, but be thorough and record key findings.
Arrange finance
Lenders generally require:
details of the business/sales particulars
accounts for the last three years
financial projections even if no accounts are available
details of your personal assets and liabilities
Make a formal offer
If you make your initial offer by phone, follow this up in writing. Head your letter subject to contract and include this phrase in all written communication.
Before completing the sale, try to negotiate an overlap period so you have time to become familiar with the business before taking over. Record all the main point agreed.
Even after you reach an agreement on the price and terms of sale, the deal could still fall through. You have to meet certain conditions of sale to complete, including:
verification of financial statements
transfer of leases
transfer of contracts/licenses
transfer of finance
Looking after existing employees:
There are regulations that govern what happens to employees when someone new takes over a business. These apply to all employees when a business is transferred as a going concern, meaning employees automatically start working for the new owner under the same terms and conditions. For more information, check on your responsibilities to employees if you buy or sell a business.
Inform and consult employees
If you do want to discuss reducing numbers of employees or reorganizing the staff it’s a good idea to do this once you’ve completed the due diligence period, but before you take over the business. As the new employer you should inform and consult all employees — including employee representatives — who may be affected.
Employee Retirement Plans
 Melvin Feller Believes that Employees add to the Bottom Line.
As their new employer, you do not have to take over rights and obligations relating to employees’ retirement plans put in place by the previous employer. However, if you don’t provide comparable retirement plan arrangements, you could theoretically face a claim for unfair dismissal.
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Small Business Administration
The SBA connects entrepreneurs with lenders and funding to help them plan, start and grow their business. We support America’s small businesses. The …
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Starting a Business Checklist | California Secretary of State
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discuss Success Being a Thought Process
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Melvin Feller MA Discuss Success Being a Thought Process
 Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller maintains an office in Texas.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
 Negative press, positive press. Motivational books, lectures and conferences. Coaches, consultants and mentors. There just is not any shortages of resources to push you forward. Many of my colleagues and peers absolutely believe in the law of the universe. Each of them have a vision board. Parts of all this are the basis for the book – The Secret. Attitude can make you or break you. It puts you in a position to move forward or fall back. I have experienced it and I am sure many of you have also bore witness to what happens when you bury yourself in the negative.
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All it takes is a small seed. Let us say the global economic crisis. If you let it, the media will depress the life out of your business and attitude. They tingle at the suggestion of “double dipping” or getting countless experts who predict the “worst is yet to come.” As a pundit, the negative news is good business. They get more press if they predict gloom. Nobody remembers the positive outcome they just coast with it. HOWEVER, the negative outlook is the catalyst for failure. It causes unstable businesses to draw their wagons in a circle and “ride this one out.” I hope that. Let us face it Nostradamus wouldn’t be half as much fun if his predictions were positive things.
 All that is, is authoring your own demise. Odd thing is some take great delight in claiming that they were correct in their forecast. Do they not understand that they are its creator not its victim. They embraced failure and married it.
  Some of the most successful people I know are also very positive. They see the glass hall full. That glass sample goes back decades. It speaks to attitude. If you are negative, it is strange, but you start to recognize all the other negative things that are happening to you. Everything around you is breaking. When you are looking, it becomes amplified. It takes on a life of its own. You stub your toe, your shoelace breaks and your dog dies. If it was not for bad luck – you know the rest. Oh, woe is me!
 Now turn that attitude around. Bad things still happen, BUT the big difference is that they just do not resonate as much. You are not looking for the bad anymore; you are now seeking out the positive. You smile more. You bring out the best in people. They want to be around you. Your positive attitude is contagious. Success breeds success. I think your dog just came back to life.
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Some would say that you could not think good things to happen. Realistically it may seem a bit out there. However, when I find myself getting a little gloomy, I look for ways to re-adjust my attitude. Perhaps you love to jog or meditate. The plan is to purposely make yourself more positive. Refuse to bend to the dark side. As quickly as it came, the dark cloud passes and you begin to recognize opportunities. Take a lunch with a peer and discuss that crazy idea you had. You are ready to take on the world. There is no stopping you. A positive attitude can have that empowering effect.
  If you are reading this and say, “no way” you are pretending to be positive, and that will not solve anything! Well, I say step back and take a hard look at yourself and all the negatives you are casting on me. You are throwing up barriers outlining how that will never work for you. You know what – you are right!
 It will not work for you because you have that negative attitude. You will tell me a thousand reasons why it will not work for you. Bad for you.
 What is the worst thing that adopting a positive attitude will have on you? Maybe you only cheer up someone else up. That will come back to you one day. There is no downside to positive.
 Positive does not cost you a cent while negative costs you everything – think about that.
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Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discussed the Divide and Conquer Aspect of Real Estate Investing
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Melvin Feller MA Discussed the Divide and Conquer Aspect of Real Estate Investing
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller maintains an office in Texas.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
 Are you in different to the different sectors within your real estate market? New real estate investors often start without a plan or system. They are simply looking to buy real estate from a motivated seller. You should be concerned about the market demand for that particular type property (sector). Each sector has its own unique qualities and the demand varies for each one. While your overall real estate market could be hot, a particular sector of your market could suffer from a diminishing demand for several reasons. Get to know each sector within your market.
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The better understanding you have of each sector will better prepare you for seizing the right opportunity. Even experienced investors will often lump their market into two categories - residential and commercial. In order to understand each sector you should break it down further. Individual sectors can often soften because of government regulations, new construction, economic downturn and job loss in the area, and even rumors while others remain strong.
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Let me show you how to break down a market into several different sectors. Remember, each market may have sectors that do not exist in other areas. For example, a coastal city will have resort or tourist properties and even those can be broken down further. 
Fee-simple multifamily
Mobile homes with land
Mobile Homes in campgrounds
Modular Homes
Water view
  Do not evaluate and determine the status of the resort market as a whole. Evaluate each sector separately from the other in order to determine the current and future demand. See the following example
EXAMPLE: Imagine a condominium  market becomes saturated and the demand drops. Does this result in the other  sectors softening in the same market. Not necessarily. The other sectors of  that market could maintain momentum even though the condo market has stalled.
 Let us continue with the same city. Now you want to determine the demand of the long-term rental market for locals. Is that alone one sector? It would seem that the rental market is just one sector of the residential sector... right.
 Your residential rental market could be composed of
Single-Family Homes
Townhomes/Garden Homes
Large Middle-class Multifamily
Large Lower-income Multifamily
Mobile Home Parks
Mobile Homes with Land
Small Apartments 2 to 8 units
  Plenty of mistakes can be made when investors or developers ignore the above and evaluate a sector along with the whole market. One market that I am in has a soft townhome market and another is saturated with apartments, which drives the rents down. Some apartment buildings were foreclosed on in that market as a result. Is it time to buy you ask? I might agree except new apartment buildings are still being built! That is why they only get $1250 a month for a three-bedroom apartment! With that said, the single-family home rental market is strong, low-income and middle-class. So trying to judge this rental market by the apartment sector alone would be a mistake.
 Therefore, the lesson is, do not judge an entire market or sector by comparing it to another sector. Study each sector and evaluate each one on its own merit.
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 Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Looks at Leaders that can Get Things Done
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Melvin Feller MA Looks at Leaders that can Get Things Done
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller maintains an office in Texas.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
  When you look at your company, you see leaders that can get things done and really motivate the people around them.  Supervisors, forepersons, managers, and executives all have a major impact on your company.  But what if those leaders suddenly left?  What happens when those stars go out?  Do you have qualified employees that could fill the gap?  Is your bench deep enough to play on and win the game?  Have you prepared your top performers to be the leaders of tomorrow?  One of the measures of healthy organizations is how comfortable they feel replacing key leadership positions with their own employees.
 Unfortunately, most of us only look at the people standing right in front of us, and when something happens we make a mad scramble to survive.  Leadership development shouldn’t be restricted to existing leaders.  Having a healthy population of future leaders in the organization can be the biggest insurance for success.  You need to ask, “What about tomorrow?”
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You could fill the spot with a new hire, but the difference in cost between promoting leaders from within and trying to find an external candidate can be amazingly high and comes with a lot of hidden problems, especially in these tough economic times.  At the same time, hiring someone from outside of the organization does have benefits.  It can offer new ideas and new perspectives on old issues, and it creates a healthy influx of productive energy, but should that be your first option?  Here are some drawbacks to making outside hiring your number one option:
Recruiting     Cost – Finding a qualified, knowledgeable leader takes time and     money.  Recruiting, interviewing, and testing, even if done in house,     comes at a high price.  The cost of recruiting a new hire and     training them can reach multiples of the employee’s annual salary.      Recruiting internally cuts down on the cost and shows your employees     that you value their skills at least as well as those of outsiders.
Lapse     in Performance – A new candidate takes a number of weeks to learn     the culture and work flow of a new organization.  During that time,     the individual is in a period of negative production.  If the person     doesn’t work out in the position, the cost of training and replacement can     be as much as 3 times the annual salary of the position.  By the time     employers learn that the employee might not work out, it’s past the     probation period and damage is already done.
Cultural     Adjustment – All companies have a unique set of values,     character, and culture.  A new candidate comes from a completely     different culture and may or may not fit into yours.  Interviews and     resumes will not show the adaptability of leaders, even if they come from     the same line of business.  A conflict of values can quickly become a     drain on company resources and takes a long time to remedy.  The end     result is most often a demoralized work group.
So if hiring leaders externally is cost prohibitive, how do you get out of that cycle?  What can you do to develop your most promising performers?  You need to ask yourself, “Are there individuals internally that could do the same thing by being moved or promoted?”  If the answer is no, then you need to start developing.  Now!
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The most effective way to create your leaders of the future is a professionally developed training plan; but if you aren’t ready for that step and you need to make some moves quickly. Here are a few tips to start the process:
Start     a Mentoring Program – Identify your top performers, identify your     top leaders, and get them together.  A once-a-week meeting to discuss     what the leader does and how he or she is dealing with issues that arise     can expose your employees to what being a leader means - and give them an     incentive to apply it to their own positions.  It will also encourage     them to take the initiative for self-development.
Project     Share – Let your top leaders identify some projects or portions     of projects that they can delegate to your potential leaders.  The     idea is not only to develop the skills needed to complete the tasks, but     it also gives them exposure to greater levels of responsibility and lets     you evaluate their talents and skills.
Keep     People Moving – If it’s possible for you to shuffle people     between departments, offer it.  Give people the option to try a new     area of the company.  Not only will they be learning a new skill set,     but their understanding of the entire business will expand, which is a     critical aspect of leadership.  In the long run, this will reduce     your training cost for new leaders.
Get     to Know Your Employees – Do you know what your employees’     professional aspirations are?  Do you know what they really want to     do for the company?  Do you even know their capabilities?  A     simple questionnaire can offer you incredibly valuable information on     their past experience, skills, and performance desires.  Aside from     helping you to identify who might be a future leader, it can also help     remedy the problem of the right person in the wrong position.
Build     Your Own Library – Invest in some personal development audio or     video tapes, DVDs, books, or computer-based training tools.  There     are lots of titles and topics available.  Offer these to your     employees for check out.  The real performers will take advantage of     it.  This is a cost effective way to train employees with minimal     start up cost and no labor, as the training will take place on their own     time.  You can also offer “Lunch Box Learning” and show one of the     short programs during the lunch hour.
 These are just a few of the ways to motivate your top performers into becoming tomorrow’s leaders.  The benefit of having well-developed leadership skills in your employees will far outweigh the cost of putting these programs in place.
  If you don’t develop your top performers, they won’t be your top performers for long.  Soon you will be stuck with a bench full of liabilities.  The question you need to ask yourself isn’t, “What happens if I develop them and they leave?”  The question you need to ask is, “What happens if I don’t develop them and they stay?”
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  Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Word Anger and How it Relates to Danger
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Word Anger and How it Relates to Danger
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller maintains an office in Texas.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
 We all know what anger is, and we have all felt it.  Anger is a natural response to threats.  It can inspire powerful, aggressive feelings and behaviors, which allow us to fight and to defend ourselves when we are attacked.  A certain amount of anger, therefore, is necessary to our survival.  Anger can be caused by both external and internal events.  You could be angry with a specific person, event, or personal problem.
 Like other emotions, it is accompanied by physiological and biological changes.  Your heart rate and blood pressure go up, as do the levels of your energy.  Anger is a completely normal, usually a healthy, human emotion.  However, when it gets out of control and turns destructive is when it can lead to danger.
 People use a variety of both conscious and unconscious processes to deal with their angry feelings.  The three main approaches are expressing, suppressing, and calming.
Expressing     your angry feelings in an assertive manner is the healthiest way to     express anger.  Being assertive does not mean being pushy or     demanding.  It means being respectful of yourself and others.      You are able to make clear what your needs are without hurting others.
Suppressing     your anger is when you hold it, stop thinking about it, and focus on     something positive.  The aim is to convert it into a constructive     behavior.  The danger in this type of response is that if it isn’t     allowed outward expression, your anger can turn inward, on yourself.      Anger turned inward may cause hypertension, high blood pressure, or     depression.  Unexpressed anger can create other problems.  It     can lead to passive-aggressive behavior (getting back at people     indirectly, without telling them why), or a cynical and hostile     personality.  Individuals who are constantly putting others down,     criticizing everything, and making sarcastic remarks haven’t learned how     to express constructively their anger.  They are likely to have     trouble in their relationships.
With     calming, the third method of dealing with anger, you can calm down your     angry feelings.  This means not just controlling your outward     behavior, but also your internal responses.  Deep breathing and     relaxing imagery can lower your heart rate and allow you to calm yourself     until the feelings subside.
Unfortunately, when these three techniques do not work, someone or something is probably going to get hurt.  The goal of anger management is to reduce both your emotional feelings and the physiological arousal that anger causes.  You cannot get rid of or avoid, things or people that enrage you, nor can you change them.  You therefore must learn to control your reactions to avoid danger.
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Surely you have often heard someone say, “Well, I just say it like it is.  If you don’t want to hear it, you better not ask.”  In other words, they are saying I have a license to hurt others.  Telling it like it is with anger actually escalates anger and aggression and does nothing to help you or the person you are angry with to resolve the situation.  If you are in a heated discussion, slow down and think through your responses.  Don’t say the first thing that comes into your head.  Listen carefully to what the other person is saying and take your time before answering.  It is natural to get defensive when you are criticized, but don’t fight back.  It will require patience on your part, some breathing but don’t let your anger spin out of control.  Keeping your cool will keep danger away.
 It is best to find out what triggers your anger, and then to develop strategies to keep those triggers from shooting you over the edge.  Simply put, this means re-engineering the way you think.  Angry people tend to curse, swear, or speak in highly colorful terms that reflect their inner thoughts.  When you are angry, your thinking can get very exaggerated and overly dramatic.  Be careful of words like “never” or “always” when talking about yourself or someone else.  These words are not just inaccurate, they also serve to make you feel that your anger is justified and that there is no way to solve the problem.  “This %&!* @# computer.”  “You are always late.”  “You never keep your promises.”  These statements also alienate and humiliate people who might otherwise be willing to work with you on a solution.  Re-engineer your thought process.  Remind yourself getting angry is not going to fix anything.  Getting angry will not make you feel any better.  It may actually make you feel worse.
 Logic will defeat anger.  Anger, even when it is justified, can quickly become irrational.
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Remind yourself that the world is not out to get you, you are just experiencing some rough spots on your journey.  Do this each time you feel anger getting the best of you, and it will help you get a more balanced perspective.
 Sometimes, our anger and frustration are caused by very real and inescapable problems.  The belief that every problem has a solution can add to our frustration when we find out this is not always the case.  In this situation, do not focus on finding the solution but on how you handle and face the problem.  Resolve to give it your best.  Do not punish yourself if a solution does not come right away.  You will be less likely to lose patience and fall into all-or-nothing thinking, even if the problem does not get solved right away.
 Humor can help defuse anger.  It can help you get a more balanced perspective.  Humor can take the edge off your fury.  Humor can unknot a tense situation.  There are two cautions in using humor.  First, don’t try to “laugh off” your problems.  Use humor to help you face them more constructively.  Second, don’t give in to harsh, sarcastic humor.  Anger is a serious emotion, but it is often accompanied by ideas, if examined, can make you laugh.
 You can’t eliminate anger.  Life will be filled with frustration, pain, loss, and the unpredictable actions of others.  You can’t change that, but you can change the way you let such events affect you.  Controlling your angry responses can keep them from becoming a danger for you.
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Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Path of Resistance and Defines Why it is the Constant Companion to Change
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Path of Resistance and Defines Why it is the Constant Companion to Change
 Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller maintains an office in Texas.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
 There is always resistance to change.  This is not probably news to most managers.  Managers are continually asking people to change.  Whether it’s a new process, new policies, or asking a person to improve performance, as manager your job is about asking people to change.  What is news to most managers is that there are four basic ways in which people resist change.  The good news is there are basic approaches to deal each of these ways.
 The first method to resist change is withdrawal.  The individual appears to lose interest.  They take the “I don’t care” or “Whatever” approach.  Too often, managers let this person continue this approach for too long.  They allow the person to continue because the behavior is not openly destructive or confrontational.  The result is that the person lags behind to slow the change process and often fuels the resistance of others.  With this individual it is important to engage them.  Go to them one-on-one and draw them out.  Allow them to question the change.  Dispel any misconceptions.  Answer their concerns with openness and honesty.
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A second method of resistance to change is loss of identity.  This is a challenging area for both manager and employee because it is often the result of job loss.  The individual feels lost, sometimes betrayed, and often feels as if their skills are of no value.  Too often this person spins their wheels trying to find out the “why” of this happening rather than making plans to move forward.  They seek comfort by being consoled by others.  The manager can best help this individual by getting them to talk about the possibilities of the future.  To help them see the value of their skills in a new system, focus their efforts on how they can best transfer their skills.
  The third reaction is a feeling of disorientation.  The individual’s concern is about how they will fit into the new system.  Where is this taking them?  What is going to be expected of them now?  Too often they become fixated on the new process, how it is different and why it might not work for them.  To their detriment, they are not focusing on what they need to do now and the specific actions they need to be taking.  The manager can help this individual best by providing direction.  Talk to them in terms of the vision and goals, and what can be done right now to move in that direction.  Give them specific tasks.  Follow up.  Avoid letting them stew about the process; get them to start taking action.
 The fourth method of resisting change is negativity.  This person plays the role of the victim.  “Woe is me.”  They dump the negativity on anyone who will listen.  They love a pity party, are often angry, and not afraid to show it.  The manager will need to let this person vent.  As psychologists point out, the logical left brain cannot work while the emotional right brain is at work.  Let them know it’s alright to express their feelings as long as it is done appropriately.  Meet with them, get them to open up, listen and allow them to express their feelings.  The manager should be careful to help them discuss the issue rationally and direct the focus of the discussion to the reality of the situation.  The manager may not feel much was accomplished at the end of the meeting.  However, they may find the employee simply needed to have an opportunity to vent and is actually now accepting the realty of change.
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As a change agent, managers should recognize that people may slip back and forth between these four methods as they work through the change process.  The manager simply alters the approach accordingly.
 Managers should keep in mind these four methods to resist change are simply natural human reactions.  When these behaviors emerge, managers should not take it personally or look negatively at the person displaying the behavior.  These are simply coping methods.  Of course, if people do not accept the inevitable and do not display acceptable behavior relative to the change, disciplinary action may need to be taken.  Until then, the manager can use these proven solutions to help their employees through the process of change.
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  Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Trust Equation and Using it to Build Your Business
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses the Trust Equation and Using it to Build Your Business
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skill set for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller maintains an office in Texas.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
 Being small business owners, we have so many things on our plates. It can be easy to let something seemingly small, like following up, slip through the cracks. Here are five ways following up can build your business, along with tips to make it easy and more effective.
1.  Builds Trust
Following up with others goes a long way toward establishing trust. It does this by building your credibility and reliability, which according to the Trusted Advisor, are two key elements to the Trust Equation.  When people trust you, they’re more likely to buy your products or services.
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  2.  Leaves a Great Impression
When a friend was looking for a new job, she viewed my connections on LinkedIn, and asked me for an introduction to one of my contacts. I happily made the introduction, and after the two met for coffee, my friend reported back to me, “Tara was so impressed with you, and couldn’t believe how on the ball you are.”
Personalized and timely follow-ups always leave a great impression.
A.  Take notes (I like taking notes on the back of business cards) B.  Add notes to your contact system C.  Use notes to personalize follow up messages D.  Follow up within 24 hours after meeting someone E.  Follow up within an appropriate time-frame for all other communications F.  Set aside follow up time in your daily schedule
Additionally, personalizing your follow-ups builds intimacy, increasing your trustworthiness.
3.  You’ll be known for being helpful
Whether you’re following up with a prospective client regarding your proposal, or you’re following up with a new connection, focus on being of service to them. In July, Natasha sent me a very simple follow-up email just asking me what I needed help with.
 Experiencing problems with my then-web developer, I asked if she could recommend anyone. She introduced me to someone and, in the process, helped two people. I quickly launched my new website, and the developer got a new loyal client.
But, to be of real service to others, you must be genuine in all of your follow-up outreach.
A.  Want to be of service B.  Take interest in what matters most to your contacts C.  Desire to have a mutually rewarding relationship with them
 Being genuine in your desire to help others is what makes all of this work. Genuinely focusing on serving others decreases your self-orientation, which increases your trustworthiness.
4.   Keeps You Top of Mind
When you follow up with someone, it keeps you at the top of their mind, so when they’re looking for the services you offer, or they meet someone who needs your services, you’ll be the first person they think of.
Use a contact system to help you keep everyone top of mind.
Using the right contact system will enhance your follow up efforts. While many have great features, for following up I usemine to schedule follow up actions for later dates, and then it sends me email reminders.
5.  Expands Your Network, Grows Your Business
Building trust, impressing others, serving people, and staying top of mind, all create the compound effect of expanding your network. You will become the person others go to for referrals and introductions, expanding your network.
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 Lastly, following up and using the Trust Equation gives you many ways to prove your trustworthiness, so when they’re in need of your services, you’ll be top of mind, they’ll appreciate all you’ve already done for them, and they’ll trust you. This is how following up builds your business by building trust.
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Melvin Feller MA is in Texas and in Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discusses Ways to Get More Done Daily
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses Ways to Get More Done Daily
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skillset for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
 As an entrepreneur you probably spend your workday pulled in 10 different directions:
 Should you work on your client report?
 Answer the 50 emails you received in the past hour?
 Try to cajole your webmaster into action?
 And there’s always social media updates. . .
 Then a friend calls with their frustrations and needs your sympathetic ear!
 Between urgent fire drills, email, and phone requests, it’s a wonder you get anything done!
 One problem is that our ability to quickly switch between computer, smartphone, and personal interactions gives us the false sense that this is the best way to stay productive and on top of everything.
 Unfortunately the efficient multi-tasker is a myth.  Research estimates that switching between tasks makes it take 25% longer to get the work done!
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Though we feel more in-control multi-tasking, our brain takes time to shift gears every time we begin a new task.  Total the times you look up from email to search the Internet, answer the phone, or check Facebook, and it’s easy to see how wasted hours multiply each week.
 Let’s cut to the chase – multitasking is the enemy of productivity in your life!
 Creating flow in your workday is the key to continual entrepreneurial progress.  Many people refer to the state of flow as “being in the zone.”
 You’re “in flow” when you function with more clarity, creativity and competence.  “In flow” you are more likely to come up with brilliant ideas and insights that enable you to move ahead more rapidly – and easily.
 If you want more of that effortless productive time flow brings to work, where you even finish faster, you’ve come to the right place.
Here are Melvin Feller’s Daily Success Strategies to bring flow into your work life.
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Step 1:
Sit down in a quiet place for 20 minutes and brainstorm your top work projects and goals for the next few months. Take the full 20 minutes otherwise you’ll only come up with you most urgent projects, not necessarily your most valuable.
   Step 2:
Now go down the list and circle the most important project that will both move your business forward and bring in the most revenue (either short- or long-term).  Picked one?  Now do this twice more.  You should now have your 3 most significant projects for the next few months.  Perfect!
  Step 3:
Now examine your next month’s schedule (yes, MONTH) and block off 30-60 minutes during your most productive time period where nothing else gets scheduled.  I recommend scheduling this 3-5 days per week but if you can only do one or two – that’s fine. Commit to it!
 Step 4:
When your “flow” work time arrives you must:
 ·         Turn off your Email
·         Turn off any Social Media Programs/Notifications
·         Turn off your phone ringer and let calls go to voicemail*
·         Don’t open the Internet unless it’s necessary for your project.
·         Keep a pen and paper near you to jot down all the important nagging to-dos that only pop into your head when you focus on important work.
*The bonus of this approach is that by the time you finish working, often these “emergency issues” will already have been solved.
 Step 5:
When your “flow time” ends, tack on 2 minutes to quickly jot down on a post-it or project log what your next step should be.  This allows you to jump right back in next time and use your time more efficiently since your next move is clearly delineated.
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Depending on your current work style, this can feel simple or almost impossible.
Turn off as many personal distractions as you can and work towards removing the others as your experience working in flow grows.  Once you get going and see the results of your new work habit, you’ll be more motivated to schedule this dedicated time regularly.
 While time blocking can seem like an overly simple strategy, don’t underestimate the power of implementing this in your life.
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Unless you have the time to delve deep into your projects, you won’t get that perfect blend of challenge and competence necessary to bring flow, and all the insights it provides, into your work.
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Melvin Feller MA Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Discusses Business Effectiveness Using the Three Cs
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Melvin Feller MA Discusses Business Effectiveness Using the Three Cs
Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skillset for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
  The 3-Cs, Credibility, Confidence and Courage, Courage are three interwoven factors that are essential to an individual’s success in developing business. These key elements make us efficient and effective in the role. Any one of these three attributes is powerful by itself.
 Acquired together, they provide a formidable advantage for the professional in Business Development and sets us apart from our competition.
 Too many Business Development people rely on their offering’s features and benefits, or their company’s name brand, history or expertise to establish what they perceive to be their own “credibility” in a business relationship. This can be a shaky foundation in the current business climate, when a firm’s perception by the general public can have more ups and downs than a roller coaster. These same folks are only psychologically comfortable calling on a prospect as long as their service or product has name recognition or their company is a known market leader. With this mindset, they leverage the offering or company name to gain “credibility” with their prospects. As a result, they tend to show, tell, push and sell, hoping that with their goal of giving more information or presentations, the more “credibility” they can establish. Instead, they exhibit immature, ineffective behavior which is stereotypical of the amateur salesperson.
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True credibility, on the other hand, is knowing the customer’s world with its attendant challenges and understanding the problems you are capable of solving.
  True, mature credibility lies within the individual and is personal. You know what pain looks and feels like from the other person’s point of view. Knowing you are able to help others solve their problems from their perspective is a profoundly powerful position. Credibility is that value we see in ourselves as being an integral part of helping the prospect or client, whether or not they actually buy from us. There is no higher degree of trust.
 It’s apparent that credibility is established in the mind of the customer by the level and type of questions you ask about them, their business and their problems. It’s not gained by the statements you make about your product, service, company or yourself.
 Insightful questions that relate to the customer and their world convey that you are a credible resource in the business relationship and reveal your value as a professional. Credibility establishes trust. Trust is the basis of why people do business with other people.
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  Confidence is a firm belief, an absolute trust in something, someone or oneself.  Confidence, in any Business Development situation, is the act of knowing precisely what to do, how to do it and why it works. Confidence in oneself and one’s Business Development process evolves as a result of study, practice and learning. To attain confidence, we must persevere under pressure.
 Most of us have learned that in any stressful situation, we will do exactly what we have been trained to do. Effective training in any role must teach us not only the knowledge of what to do in a particular situation, but also how to do it. Additionally, that training must provide us a true understanding of why a particular strategy, technique or approach works. From this basis of knowledge, each of us must apply it, practice it, struggle with it and refine it to make it our own.
 In “owning” a process, we understand what confidence is all about. We trust in ourselves to act according to our plan, and from this belief and conviction, we personify confidence.
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  Courage can be defined as “the attitude of facing and dealing with anything recognized as dangerous, difficult, or painful instead of withdrawing from it.” In small decisions or in big actions, all of us at some time in our lives are challenged to be courageous.
 In Business Development, courage grows out of confidence. Courage comes from having confidence in ourselves – knowing who we are and abiding by the principles that anchor us.
 Courage comes from having confidence in our role as a professional and accepting our strengths and limitations.  Courage comes from believing that our purpose in Business Development is helping customers figure out what their problems or issues are, and helping them find a way to a solution – whether or not they purchase from us. or not they purchase from us.
 Ultimately, courage is all about doing the right thing for our customer, which becomes easier when anchored in our principles and values. Courage is not without fear or uncertainty. It is being brave enough to conquer fear and uncertainty, and believing in ourselves and our Purpose.
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Case Study
  A few years back, a young MBA  from a small services company shared her experience on a call she made with a company president. She did her homework beforehand, and had reason to believe the company’s needs might make them a qualified prospect.
Although a bit nervous, she stuck to her process and entered into the call without preconceived notions concerning that company’s real problems. By asking business, people, financial and technical questions concerning the situation - making sure she understood all the challenges from the president’s perspective - it became apparent that none of her firm’s services were the best solution to his most pressing problem.
 Consequently, she shared her conclusion and referred her prospect to another
firm. A long term business partnership began that day, athough her company did not provide the services for that one project. However, she did gain the president’s trust integral to booking long term business with his company partnering on many other projects. The subsequent revenue far exceeded the fee from that first “lost” contract.
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As this story indicates, Credibility is Credibility gained by being an integral part of helping others with their challenges. Having Confidence in Confidence our process, we come prepared knowing what to do, how to do it and why it works. And, as a professional, we are anchored in the principles and values that give us Courage to do Courage what’s right for the client ... guaranteeing revenue results. guaranteeing revenue results.  That is what we all should be prepared for in business!
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 Melvin Feller MA Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller MA Looks at Various Ways to Market for Rental Properties
Melvin Feller MA Looks at Various Ways to Market for Rental Properties
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 Melvin Feller is known as “The Entrepreneur’s Mentor” because Melvin walks his talk. Melvin Feller has been there and done that and more importantly, Melvin Feller knows how to transfer the skillset for success.  This is main reason that he has been the sought after coach to hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, Realtors, Real estate investors and service professional internationally. Melvin Feller’s main talent is to show you how the step by step process to build and enjoy a successful 6-figure plus business while having a balanced life.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree as an MBA.
   In this discussion today, you will learn how to use inexpensive property search methods that do not require your physical presence in order to be effective, but which allow you to be at the right place at the right time by:
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   1. Using the Internet.
 2. Placing classified property wanted ads in daily newspapers.
 3. Mailing letters to owners of vacant properties.
 4. Obtaining insider information on properties that are not advertised from your own spy network of paid informants, commonly known as bird-dogs.
 5. Paying finder's fees to people who tell you about properties that you buy.
 Develop an Aggressive Five-Pronged Property Search Plan
  In order to beat your competitors to the most profitable properties in your local real estate market, you need to develop an aggressive property search plan that involves the following five property search methods:
 1. The Internet.
 2. Property Wanted ads.
 3. Bird-dogs.
  4. Finder's fees.
 5. Direct mail.
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 Use a Property Wanted Web Page to Find Properties Online
  First, use what I commonly refer to as the great equalizer--the Internet--to search online for small, mismanaged rental properties. The most efficient way I know to do this is by having a property wanted Web page on your Web site that uses URL forwarding for a property wanted domain name. If you already have an existing Web site online, for an annual fee of around $50, you can have your property wanted domain name forwarded to a specific Web page on your Web site.
  For example, when you use URL forwarding, or domain redirection, you can link your property wanted domain name, directly to a property wanted Web page on your existing Web site. This way, you avoid the cost and aggravation of building an entirely new Web site for your property wanted domain name.
 Link Your Property Wanted Web Page to Other Web Sites
 Also, link your property wanted Web page to other Web sites that you, or your friends and business associates own.
  Use Classified Property Wanted Ads to Find Properties
  I have been successful over the years using classified property wanted ads to find non-advertised properties to buy. Most people call me because they do not have the time, desire or money to market their properties themselves. Alternatively, they do not want the hassle of listing their property with a real estate broker. Sure, I have received more than my fair share of calls from flakes, loonies and other assorted crazies. Nevertheless, I have been willing to put up with the hassle and inconvenience because I have usually found the type of property that I was looking for.
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 How to Write a Classified Property Wanted Ad
  When writing your classified property wanted ad, use as few words as possible to get your message across. Nowadays, most papers have a four-line minimum with each line consisting of no more than twenty-six characters. To keep your ad right at three lines, write it out on graph paper that comes already divided into small squares. This way, you will not have to waste time dilly-dallying around trying to layout your ad.
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    The Best Place to List Your Property Wanted Ad
 To ensure you get the best possible response from your classified property wanted ad, place it in the classified real estate or in wwwcraigslist.org section under various headings such as:
 1. Rental property wanted.
 2. Income property wanted.
 3. Investment property wanted.
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  4. Property wanted.
 5. Real estate wanted.
  When to Run Your Property Wanted Ad
  When is the best time to run your classified property wanted ad? You will have to experiment by running your ad on various days in order to find out what works best in your area. For example, in Utah, when I run one of my property wanted ads, it is usually only in the Sunday edition of The Salt Lake Tribune. Why do I run my ad only on Sunday? Because I have found that, I get pretty much the same response whether I run the same ad for thirty consecutive days or just on Sundays. In addition, I save a small fortune in advertising costs. The kind of response that you will get from your classified property wanted ad depends upon four things:
 1. How well your ad is written.
 2. The classified heading under which it's placed.
 3. The size of the paper's circulation.
 4. What you say in your ad.
  Test Run Your Property Wanted Ad to See Which Ad Pulls the Best Response
  I highly recommend that you test run the same property wanted ad for four consecutive weeks, and then change or tweak the ad copy, and run it another four weeks to see what variation of the ad pulls the best response.
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  Use Bird-Dogs to Find Properties That Aren't Advertised
  What's a bird-dog? It is usually someone who comes into frequent contact with problem property owners within a specific neighborhood or area, and is in a position to learn about non-advertised rental properties that are for sale there. These types of hidden properties are never formally advertised as being for sale; their availability is only made known by word-of-mouth. A neighbor, a relative, or an acquaintance may be the only one who knows of a property owner's willingness or need to sell a small rental property.
  Once you recruit these type of people into your bird-dog spy network of paid informants, you'll be in a position to receive valuable insider information on non-advertised rental properties without the general public, your competitors, ever knowing of their availability.
  How to Recruit Bird-Dogs into Your Spy Network of Paid Informants
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 The best way to find bird-dogs to join your spy network of paid informants is to tell everyone that you come into frequent contact with, that you're looking to buy small, residential rental properties, and that you're willing to pay your bird-dogs a finder's fee when you buy a property that they've told you about. Here is a listing of the type of people you want to recruit into your network as bird-dogs:
 1. Mail carriers
2. Trash collectors
3. Doctors
4. Dentists
5. Employees
6. Fellow club members
7. Fellow church members
8. Door-to-door salespeople
9. Delivery truck drivers
10. Tradesmen
11. Repairmen
12. Business colleagues
13. Co-workers
14. Neighbors
15. Friends
16. Tenants
17. Taxicab drivers
18. Utility meter readers
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     Offer to Pay a Finder's Fee
  The best way I have found to motivate people to contact me with valuable information on non-advertised rental properties, is to offer to pay a finder's fee to anyone who tells me about a property that I buy. For example, my standard finder's fee is $500 cash, payable on the day that I buy the property. Why $500? That is because $500 seems to be the figure that gets the attention of most people.
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    I use to offer $300, but since I have upped the ante to $500, I have more than doubled the number of leads I get monthly from people calling to tell me about small rental properties. The thing I like best about using finder's fees is that I only have to pay them when I buy a rental property. In the meantime, I have the benefit of many people looking for small rental properties for me without the cost of a weekly payroll.
  Use the Internet to Advertise Your Finder Fee Online
  On my real estate investment company's Web site, there's a $500 Cash Reward button that visitors can click on to learn about how they can earn a finder's fee of $500 in cash by simply contacting me with information that results in the purchase of a dirty, neglected, run-down two to twelve-unit residential rental property in the Tampa Bay Area. I also have my $500 cash reward printed on the backside of my business cards.
  Four Reasons Why I Use Direct Mail to Contact Property Owners
 Here are four very good reasons why I use direct mail to contact property owners:
1. Direct mail is easy to use. All I have to do is sit at my computer, point and click, hit a couple of keys and it'll crank out one of my standard letters to property owners that just needs to be signed, folded and inserted into an envelope. I use Microsoft Office Word 2016 that can merge names and addresses with letters. In addition, I use window envelopes so I do not have to fiddle around addressing them.
  2. Direct mail is relatively cheap to use. I am a penny pincher. Direct mail gives me the most bang for my buck. For example, I can mail out one hundred letters first class mail for right around $90. This includes the cost of letterheads, envelopes and postage, the whole shebang.
   3. Direct mail is quick. I usually get responses from owners interested in selling within two weeks from the date I mailed the letters out.
  4. Direct mail is effective. It allows me to make direct contact with owners of small, mismanaged rental properties without having to go through third parties such as real estate agents.
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  Melvin Feller MA Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller Business Group Discusses Using Your Real Estate to Raise Cash
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Melvin Feller Business Group Discusses Using Your Real Estate to Raise Cash
Melvin Feller Business Group in Dallas Texas and Lawton Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way and provide a positive outreach as the director. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful business ministry earning a profit and being of service to the community and their customers. Melvin Feller also owns Melvin Feller Ministries.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree in business organizations.
 An increasing number of small businesses are turning to the real estate sale/leaseback as a creative source of new financing. With real estate prices pushing through the roof these days, most people — including businessmen — would rather own an appreciating asset than let some landlord reap the gains.
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 But for a growing business, ownership of real estate, a non-current asset, often obscures potentially current liquid assets that can be put to work more effectively. Many expanding business seeking to stabilize their balance sheets against the vagaries of loan rates, or entering the market for more money, might look first to their own fixed holdings.
 By selling property for cash and simultaneously renting it back from the buyer through a long-term net lease, a business may be spared the perils of borrowing and the headaches of a stock flotation — and gain capital advantages, too.
 Indeed, through tax benefits to the buyer and cash flow improvement to the seller, a well-executed sale/leaseback deal can turn out to be one of those rate arrangements in commerce that result in measurable profits for both parties. Here’s how:
 Suppose a business has owned its factory or headquarters for 20 years. The depreciated property is carried on the books at a residual value of 20% of the purchase price, even though  its true market value may have risen dramatically. As such, it is clearly a wasted asset that does not even enhance the balance sheet.
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 If the building is sold outright, the company will have to pay capital gains taxes on the profit. If the original cost was, say, $120,000, the property would be carried at perhaps $20,000 for the land (which can’t be depreciated) and $20,000 residual value for the structure.
 The company will have written down $80,000 in depreciation. Let’s assume the property is sold for $400,000, generating a $360,000 capital gain. If the effective corporate tax rate is 30%, $108,000 is paid in taxes, leaving $292,000 to plow back into the business, in contrast with a bank refinancing that would generate $320,000.
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In terms of working capital, the business is initially $28,000 better off via the mortgage route.
 One of the cornerstones of the agreement is the fact that a buyer is often willing to accept an annual rent that will cost the company less than annual interest on a loan. The buyer can do so since total return — profit on the continuing appreciation of the property and tax advantages that accrue to new ownership, as well as rental income — will make the package attractive. As a result, the sale/leaseback can effectively provide capital at rates that are 1-1/2 to 2-1/2 points under conventional debt rates.
The buyer might accept a lease, therefore, at $40,000 a year for 10 years, where orthodox financing might cost $48,000. The lessee takes the rent off gross profit as a business expense.
 Experts agree that the sale/leaseback tactic, long popular in Europe where ownership is not the  sanctified institution it is here, is becoming part of real estate’s “new wave” of alternate financing.
Since the lessee of the leased-back premises enjoys the perquisites of ownership — he can add to or otherwise alter the property as needed, retaining total control — in a sense he still “owns” it. If you have the rights to use it, then it’s really yours. And to clients who stubbornly insist that their company facilities are profitable assets, they retort, “Then sell your business and go into real estate.
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Melvin Feller Business Group in Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Group and Melvin Feller Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller Business Group Discusses Non Resolved Conflicts
Melvin Feller Business Group Discusses Non Resolved Conflicts
Melvin Feller Business Group in Burkburnett Ministries and Dallas Texas and Lawton Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way and provide a positive outreach as the director. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful business ministry earning a profit and being of service to the community and their customers.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree in business organizations.
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 I n my business coaching practice, I see conflict among teams wreaking havoc on the productivity and efficiency of the company.
 Conflict occurs at work, and too often, we jump on the moral high road, avoiding the temptation to be petty or snap at our colleagues and sometimes we do not. It is not so simple, though, burying those feelings.
 The impulse to be snappy is a signal about conflict with another person. It is not right to react snarky or rude, but it is also not right to ignore by “taking the high road.”
 There is a time to take the high road: when someone’s behavior or actions cannot be changed and reacting in kind would cause you to veer from your own moral compass, then it is time to let them be and get on the high road. Stay true to yourself; it is beyond your control.
 However, things within your control do require action. It is complicated because we are trained from an early age to handle conflict by forgiving and forgetting as a way to cope, but really, do we ever forget someone who has harmed us?
 I know I do not!
  The good news: there is a path through the conflict, and it involves open, honest communication and the steps that follow from there.  The idea is not to forgive and forget, but to remember and work through the feelings to create long-term change.
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To truly and effectively handle conflict, we need to manage the emotions and make a call for change. To do this:
Get the problem into the open. This step requires a level of bravery and working through discomfort. It is not easy to be open about our feelings, particularly at work. Talking about our emotions at work leaves us vulnerable and removes some of the boundaries we typically preserve – but it is necessary for things to change.
Process the feelings. A process is a series of steps, and this is the stage where we reveal the problem and related emotions: Forgive to stop the conflict and release yourself from the angry emotions, Resolve to move on and go forward, Remember what happened so you can prevent the problem from recurring or recognize its return, Repair relationships by choosing behaviors that offer positive outcomes, and Resolve to behave differently and living in the consequences.
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Stay brave and talk about issues that create emotional responses – slights, behaviors, habits, actions of the team that affect you. Also, stay brave should someone consider your behaviors or actions as harmful. Continue to process the feelings and move on.
 The right response, then, to your instinct to be snappy toward your colleague is to call out the behavior eliciting your reaction and be honest. If you can do this in an open, heathy manner, you will be able to eliminate workplace conflict before it ever has a chance to get out of control!
  In business, teams that can work together and stand bravely through the conflict to process the emotions emerge stronger, more productive, and frankly, healthier.
If you find your team is struggling with conflict, – bringing in an outside party to mediate – can be life changing for the team and the business. This is where a business coach can really help. Not only open the lines of communication but also teach all members better, more effective ways of dealing with conflict.
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  Melvin Feller Business Consultants Ministries Group in Texas and Oklahoma. Melvin Feller founded Melvin Feller Business Consultants Group and Burkburnett Ministries in the 1970s to help individuals and organizations achieve their specific Victory. Victory as defined by the individual or organization are achieving strategic objectives, exceeding goals, getting results or desired outcomes and a positive outreach with grace and as a ministries. He has extensive experience assisting businesses achieve top and bottom line results. He has broad practical experience creating WINNERS in many organizations and industries. He has hands-on experience in executive leadership, operations, logistics, sales, program management, organizational development, training, and customer service. He has coached teams to achieve results in strategic planning, business development, organizational design, sales, and customer response and business process improvement. He has prepared and presented many workshops nationally and internationally.
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melvinfellerstuff · 5 years
Melvin Feller Business Group Discusses Getting Results in Your Business NOW!
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Melvin Feller Business Group Discusses Getting Results in Your Business NOW!
Melvin Feller Business Group in Burkburnett Ministries and Dallas Texas and Lawton Oklahoma. Our mission is to call and equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs to do business as ministry. We provide workshops and resources that help companies discover how to do business God’s way and provide a positive outreach as the director. When the heart of a business is service rather than self it can be transformed into a fruitful business ministry earning a profit and being of service to the community and their customers.  Melvin Feller is currently pursuing another graduate degree in business organizations.
 Let me ask are you driven?  – Data-driven? This techy buzzword has gained momentum because it essentially puts the proof in the pudding; data determines the level of success for your efforts. Data shows a clear, irrefutable pathway that lets me know when I am on the right path – or wrong path. Data allows me to shift and adjust if necessary.
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  At the end of the day, it is really all about the results.
 As a coach, I am passionate about results. The whole purpose of my work is to help clients achieve success, and I know it works. However, do you?
 Studies exist that point out the relationship between successful entrepreneurs who work with a small business coach. The data shows that business coaching mentoring is effective and worthwhile. “Statistics on business coaching have proved that using a business coach can increase your profit margin by an average of 46 percent”[1] .
 Implementing Change
 One of the biggest factors I see as a result of working with a profit coach is change. There is a transformation in progress that helps you get from point A to point B – and have success in areas where you previously struggled. Generating change to bring your business to a higher-achieving plateau is where a skilled coach excels. Without question there is a distinct difference before and after profit coaching.
  “Like a sports coach, a business coach’s job is to help you develop the skills and resources you need in order to be successful” [2]. My primary role is to create change so that you can manage your business better, smarter, stronger, or any descriptor that matches your unique need. A profit coach assesses your needs and develops targeted business mentoring to address them.
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  Further Develop Existing Management Skills
 Gone are the days when consulting a business or life coach carried the stigma of some character flaw that needed ‘fixing’. Coaching is not repair work! As a profit coach, I am available to bring out the best in you—you already possess greatness, but the demands of running a business can obscure or cloud your point of view.
 My vantage point allows distance and a new perspective to see the whole picture of your business and guide you within this vision – your vision. “By allowing an external perceptive in you gain the opportunity to receive guidance and advice you may not have conceived to look for”1.
 The result of our work gives you the skills and tools to access your own strengths. “Executive coaches . . . encourage the highest actions by communicating whether potential changes are low or high in leverage”[3]. It is already within you, and my business coaching mentoring reveals your ability and harnesses your full potential.
 Achieving Breakthroughs
  At the end of the day, your work should demonstrate progress—you should be getting somewhere. Feeling stuck or being stuck, lacking success or profits, is a sign of trouble. The results of working with a profit first coach are demonstrable because you will see breakthroughs. There are benchmarks that signify your progress – more clients, higher profits, and less stress.
 It is a numbers game, and the numbers point to the merits of working with a small business coach to get results:  for participants in business coaching mentoring, 62.4% experienced smarter goal-setting, 60.5% achieved a more balanced life, and 57.1% reported lower stress levels1.
 Therefore, while I believe in the important work of small business coaching, I am further driven by the data that proves it’s worthwhile and valid. Together, we can make a difference in your business and get results!
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