#meet me in the alley.
cozylittleartblog · 21 days
they invented a new kind of tired you only feel after doing an artist alley
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bonetrix-arts · 7 months
Still at the con but I just handed off these lil fellas to the drawfee crew :3
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I considered doing all drawtectives but then I was like "but Luce though" so I pivoted. And you KNOW I had to include a rhino on Grendan's ;3
I also gave them this lil sketch
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I'll have to post the print I made for Karina when I get back to my tablet hehehe
I'm so glad I came!!!!!!!! The panel was an absolute delight, I WILL be doodling some of the freaks presented in it later for sure.
I also got a couple of the gacha pulls, no Luce tho.... I will try again 💪💪💪
I need to go back anyways cuz I was shaking so much I forgot to have them sign the thing I brought. But it's fine because I got one of the risos >:3
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naphyla · 20 days
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I'll be going to Anime North in Toronto next week and participating in a multi-fandom danmei stamp rally! My contribution to the prize pool is a 4x6 postcard of Ye Zun eating noodles (pun intended if you get my drift lol).
I've also included here my catalogue for the weekend - if you're planning to come to the event, drop by TABLE 412 and say hi!
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wekillitwithfire · 2 months
its a unique kind of pain when you get really into something with a small fanbase and not much recent fanart, and you find a really cool piece from a really good artist and you just love how they interpret and draw the characters and you're obsessed with it and you can't wait to see what else they have in store, but then you go to their blog and you realize that the drawing was just a one-off 'i watched this show (etc.) recently and thought it was kinda cool" and they're very unlikely to make anything else for it again
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ridgewriter · 10 months
I feel like every time I stop thinking about Good Omens i get sucked back in with something I didn’t previously notice.
For example:
Crowley always brings Aziraphale food. I don’t think I’ve ever seen an instance where Crowley brings Aziraphale a drink. He always shows up with food: chocolate and treats.
And whenever we do see Aziraphale drink it’s either alcohol, tea, or hot cocoa.
The one who we do see drinking coffee is Crowley.
Crowley has almost come to associate hot cocoa with Aziraphale. Which is why, after he had that Conversation with Gabriel, Crowley offers Gabriel hot cocoa.
Which makes Metatron’s decision to bring Aziraphale coffee so much worse. It’s another manipulation technique.
Because Aziraphale would associate coffee with Crowley. So to have Metabitch bringing him a cup of coffee would already get Aziraphale thinking about Crowley. Thereby making him more susceptible to Metabitch’s bullshit.
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princessmo · 10 months
ok. i wanna hear everyone's beavis and butthead/king of the hill crossover ideas. go
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preywhore · 2 months
t4t but only for parts who wants to switch with me
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ofyorkshire · 1 month
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I love BJ's easy, good-natured sassing.
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eye-of-yelough · 2 months
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inkblot-inc · 1 year
skitch and kate becoming friends and talking about swords so much that they decide to make one for them and... fight with kate with real swords that can cause real damage. poor wanda
Kate and Skitch get on super well sooo....Poor Wanda indeed 💀
Because you know a real sword fight is one of the first things Kate and Skitch get into together-
They both can be so dumb and so excitable I just- 😂
Kate is both the best and worst influence for Skitch to be around because Kate is all but ready to share her own outlandish ideas and Skitch is just curious enough to be like, "Nah, but I could actually do that if I just-"
Kate is hanging out in Skitch's home workshop while they're finishing up blueprints for another commision. "Y'know the other day I finished up Ragnarök, you've played Ragnarök, right?"
Skitch doesn't look up, but their lip quirks upward, "Yeah, What're you on about now, Bishop?"
"It'd be super cool if you could make the-"
Wanda doesn't even have to guess what Kate's talking about as she comes through with her coffee, "Skitch is NOT going to make you the LEVIATHAN AXE, KATE!" Wanda's shoulder brushes Skitch's arm as she sets down a water bottle for them on their desk, getting a quick "Thank you, doll" in return.
Kate sat up from the counter she was leaning against, "Well if they can't do the best weapon in the game~ can they at least-"
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kitsunami-yue · 1 year
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[ see you tomorrow 。]
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paper-cities · 1 year
hi idk if ur still taking requests but could i request otoya eita in the derby fit? Or just otoya in general tbh
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YEAH I love drawing derby au and I love others showing interest in it even more <3
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liltumgrum · 3 months
Rereading Words of Radiance and here are a few take aways so far
1) I forgot how much Shallan hated Kaladin. It’s easy to remember Kaladin not liking her bc he’s Kaladin and the whole boots situation, but I forgot how mutual the dislike was.
2) Adolin is the best boy and always will be.
3) Dalinar needs to appreciate how much Renarin is trying.
4) I’m rethinking how I view Moash. He’s just so excited in thinking his plan is actually gonna work? I’m like, boy? You thought you’d get away with that? How much he must have felt betrayed when it didn’t happen. I still don’t forgive him for some of his actions (I draw the line at kicking children and repeatedly telling people you love to kill themselves) but honestly I will be crushed now if he’s not given a good ending. I want him so bad to be free of Odium’s manipulation and *feel* again. I *need* him and Kaladin to have a resolution that does them both justice. So like I’m a “fuck Moash”person with both meanings now.
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crescentmp3 · 1 year
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kstarlitchaotics · 1 year
I take it one of Jason's favorite words is "whoops"
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spaceprincessleia · 1 year
My fics always escalate from “I’ll smash these two barbies together and let them have some fun” to “I want to write a full-fledged political/spy thriller” except the latter is above my current skill level. ;__; But I guess the problem is also that I’m not entirely sure of the outcome of the story. Gotta think some more
Think think think
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