#meen's reactions are. interesting
magicaldreamfox1 · 2 years
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#girls i don't think it's subtext anymore
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satirates · 1 year
Now that the French cc are mostly offline (it's 2:30 am in France), here's what I gathered from their reactions:
Antoine Daniel: Seems lost. To be fair, it's only is second experience playing minecraft, so he don't know how to do anything X). It looks like he had fun at least. But he's going to sleep early, like the old man he is (33). He also shows no interest on the egg :(
Kameto: He looked lost too. I didn't watch is stream so much, but is chat seems to hate the experience. So I'm not sure if he's going to be there so much. Also, try to rob Pomme the first time he interacted with her
Aypierre: Doing his things as usual. He likes the server and will be back to do more stuff. I'm not gonna lie to you guys, he is probably going to be the main builder for the French. He already started to ask him for everything. He says he's going to take care of Pomme when the others are not there. He is also very skilled in building, I can't wait to see what he's gonna do!
Étoile: He REALLY likes the server. The mod and the new people are interesting to him. He's already running around trying to slaughter mobs X). Every French CC think he is going to accidentally kill Pomme. And, you know what? It's a very strong possibility. He said he will try to take great care of her. He mean well, but we all know he's going to be an absent parent that only return from war to tell their child of the horror they witness. I'ts going to be really interesting on is side
Baghera: She is IN LOVE with Pomme! She's calling her "My little jewels " and everything!!! She started to panic every time she's not around, so cute. She's also already complaining about being a single parent. Furthermore, she intends to come often to the server to build and take care of Pomme. She also has a lot of positives interactions with everybody on the server and look very excited to be par of it!
Pomme: She is so cute OMG! Fun fact, she's called Pomme because the French thought it was funny how the others cc keep saying " Je suis un garçon et je mange des pommes". Other names ideas were... interesting... Her name meen Apple! She's very clumsy so far, I don't think her admin is accustomise to the server yet. She also gets lost a lot XD
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letmereadinpeace4 · 5 months
My Dear Gangster Oppa Commentary Ep 4
Here is the review for episode 4. Last time, Wahl was a jerk, the guild members were amazing, Tew and Guy got closer, Tew bought a restaurant to maintain his lie and Guy found out the truth about Tew and confronted him about it.
Guy is terrified at Tew’s aggressive approach, which must be heartbreaking for Tew, since one of the thing he loved about Guy was the fact that he was not afraid of him. Both reactions are understandable, but it is heartbreaking to see after seeing them get along so well.
There is something really poetic about Guy asking Tew who he was, and Tew showing him his scars in response. I am a firm believer that knowing someone involves knowing about what has hurt them. After the last episode where Guy has opened about his feelings for Wahl and how it has hurt him, it is now Tew’s turn to open about his involvement in the mafia.
I really appreciate how Meen makes his voice much harsher now that he is explaining things to Guy. It is a tone that we have never heard him use with Guy and it reveals how much this moment is a point of crisis. Yes Tew is opening up about his life, but the truth is such that its revelation must be a turning point in the relationship no matter what Guy’s reaction is.
I do not understand the “I did not tell you because I wanted to protect you” thing. In some contexts it can make sense, but in this one whether Guy knows the truth or not is irrelevant, since whether he is attacked or not is not dependent on his actions but on those of Tew’s enemies. In reality, in this context, Guy knowing the truth would actually make him safer, as it would make him more careful. I am choosing to make this a character issue and not a writing issue, because it is more interesting that way. Tew making it all about how he wanted to keep Guy safe actually masks the reality that he did not tell Guy because he liked having a relationship with someone who treated him normally and not like a mafia boss. Tew probably knows that but admitting it at a point when Guy is emotionally closed off from him would make him vulnerable in a situation where he does not feel safe.
We have a new reason for playing video games that is introduced: escapism, which is pretty valid. I wonder if the different reasons for playing video games will remain a running theme in the drama or if it will stop once we get to the “darker” part.
Tew’s relationship with his dad is pretty cute. I like how close they are. It makes it all the more heartbreaking when his dad dies.
The bullies are so ridiculous to me. We don’t know where they come from or even what age they are. They are dressed like engineering students with the red jackets but some look way older than their twenties. That having been said they are assholes so I certainly hope Tew messes them up in the future.
Tew is immediately on the path to vengeance on stereotypical bullies™ for preventing him from being with his dad in his last moments, which is fair and also the backstory of one of my favorite magical girl’s character. Tew is also probably externalizing some pain from his dad’s death, in a “I don’t want to cry I want to break something” kind of way.
In terms of fight choreography this is not the worst fight I have seen in a BL. You can actually believe that the characters are getting punched.
This escalated super quickly with the gun and Tew actually killing someone. Also I am not sure that you can actually go on this long with a bullet in your chest. Let’s put this on adrenaline.
I am confused on how Tew ended on mafia guy’s doorstep and why. Actually I am also confused on how it is night and no one has heard the gun shots and called the police and/or an ambulance. Or even how no one saw four guy beaten to death on the pavement. I know people like to mind their own business but still.
This definitely reframes Tew’s decision to spend as much time as possible with Guy. Also Guy going from “OMG dangerous mafia guy what is he going to do with me?” to “Oh you poor thing you suffered so much” as soon as he hears Tew’s tragic backstory is on brand for both him and the fandom.
So Koon Paiboon is the mafia boss and works in real estate. Considering the prices in real estate I can absolutely believe it.
I am confused on why Koon Paiboon would ever bother with Tew. Like yes he is a good fighter but still….I guess we can put it on “Better recruit them than kill them”, although it has not been made clear whether stereotypical bullies™ belong to the mafia.
Koon Paiboon gives Tew a purpose in life and a way to get his vengeance. I can understand why Tew would jump on the occasion and allow himself to fall in this world. Still, the list of stuff he has done and his career makes me confused as to how old Tew is supposed to be. He does not look that much older than Guy, but he was in university when his dad died. Either he climbed the ranks extremely fast or he looks much younger than he actually is.
I do like that Tew gives Guy the choice as to whether their relationship will continue or not. It is really sweet of him.
Guy focusing on the shabu restaurant makes me laugh so hard. Like yes your brain focuses on the most random of stuff in times of crisis and he probably does not grasp the reality of “My love interest killed people” yet, but it is such a bizarre thing to actually get angry about. Although I guess that the shabu restaurant was the only actual lie Tew said, the rest were mostly omissions. My problem is just that the way the scene was structured, it looks like it is the reason Guy left, when in reality Guy leaving because the dangers and responsibilities of dating a high rank mafia mobster is not what he signed was a perfectly fine reason on its own.
So Guy chooses to leave Tew. Heartbreaking for both of them honestly. Tew calling for Guy was just pure sad. Their relationship was really important for both of them so losing it is extremely painful. Both of them are very depressed about it. Furthermore this is probably the closest they have gone to anyone in their lives so this makes the break up doubly painful.
Tew’s lie about the restaurant is firing back on him in so many ways. He is way better at managing the mafia side of things than the romantic side of things though, which is pretty on brand for him.
Wait I just noticed Boss was here. If he is not a spy this is probably not how he expected to handle on his job.
Koon Paiboon demands that Tew executes Kenji for lying to him. I do not get his logic though. If anything, a subordinate bringing up that another subordinate might be betraying you is a good thing. Kenji was, as hilarious and wrong as he was, actually thinking that Tew was betraying Koon Paiboon. Therefore, Koon Paiboon is actually punishing his subordinate for being loyal, which is not a good thing because other subordinates will see that and decide that they will not make the same mistake, so other potential betrayals might not be brought up because people are afraid of being punished if they are wrong.
Wow Guy this is such a shitty thing to do to your guild. I get that you are depressed and hurt but this not does actually solve anything.
Guy hoping that Tew was at the door when it was actually Wahl is heartbreaking. Guy is, as usual, caught up in Wahl’s pace and cannot refuse him.
And after an intermission where we see Kenji having sex in a bathtub with two guys (...why?) we go back to Wahl and Guy having another episode of their toxic relationship. Wahl is digging the knife in the wound, not even asking how it actually went or how Guy feels. Just immediately goes on to sugarcoat the whole thing and make declarations of friendship. Guy getting caught up in this sudden love bombing is just really sad.
It speaks to a very dark part of my mind that I find Tew really sexy when he is in dangerous mode.
The back and forth and constant tone shifting between Guy and Wahl’s toxic relationship and Tew having a mafia issue with Kenji makes my head hurt.
For the love of everything that is good in the world! Tew, sparing him is bad idea! He hates you! He will not be grateful to you!
Guy and Wahl have a fall cute, which is significantly less cute than when it happens with Guy and Tew. This really plays with Guy’s feelings though. The problem is that moments and actions that would be perfectly fine in a normal friendship are made painful because Guy’s unrequited feelings for Wahl transform them into constant attacks on his heart.
Wahl and Guy have an almost kiss, that Wahl immediately backs from with no explanation. On the one hand, it could be that he has feelings for Guy and is having trouble handling them, which is understandable but still a douchy thing to do to him. On the other hand, Wahl expressing attraction to Guy just after his break up with “competition” and once he has Guy to himself is suspicious. So far, Wahl’s “crimes” have mostly been limited to him being thoughtless, selfish and possessive, which is not great but still in the range of “idiotic young adult who has a lot of room to grow”. If we add being manipulative and exploiting Guy’s feelings for him it makes Wahl a much darker character.
Guy has been talking about getting over Wahl since the first episode, but understandably he is not making a lot of progress. The issue is that Guy will only be able to get over his feelings for Wahl in two ways: finding another love interest or distancing himself from him. As sad as it is Guy cannot keep his friendship with Wahl the same as it is and get over his feelings.
And Guy decided to run away...So far in this episode, Guy has ran away from any confrontation or difficult decisions. It is understandable but still...It shows that he has a lot of growing up to do.
And Tew and Wahl meet each other as Guy has went missing. The confrontation goes wrong as Wahl goes into overprotective mode as usual. One of the massive differences between them is that Wahl constantly makes choices for Guy, while Tew lets Guy makes his own choices. This really undermines Wahl’s point of “you are dangerous stay away from my friend”. Wahl may have punched Tew, but Tew quickly takes control of the situation in an awesome way. Wahl may bark loud but he cannot take it if someone actually stands up to him. I do love that rather than getting caught up in Wahl’s nonsense, Tew puts the priority on Guy and where he is. He is acting like a much caring friend than Wahl does.
Guy apparently decided that he was going to pursue his dramatic brooding in his hometown. His mother seems like a really caring mom and she has a very knowing look. I bet she knows more than Guy thinks she does. I love the family meal scene. It is cute and such a moment of relief for Guy, who has been on edge since the beginning of the episode.
Wait, so Wahl called Guy once and then….gave up? Yeah I can feel the deep friendship and concern between them /s. Also Guy is not doing a good job at getting over his feelings for Wahl by constantly waiting for Wahl to pay any attention to him. Predictably, only Tew actually bothered to call Guy several times.
The confrontation between Guy and Tew and Tew’s confession to Guy is really, really good. It is easily the best scene of the episode and perfectly in character for both of them. I absolutely love it!
Final Thoughts:
As is probably very clear from this review, I think this episode is the weakest so far. It is not bad and I enjoyed it, but the best scenes of the episode are the ones involving Guy, Tew, and to some extent Wahl. The mafia parts just leave me very confused. In theory, I have no issue with mixing slice of life with mafia drama, my problem is about the execution. The characters involved in the mafia parts are, beside Tew and Tul, not well established and their goals and personalities are limited to what is strictly necessary. Why did Koon Paiboon mentor Tew and how did he actually came to be “interested” in him? What is Kenji’s deal/backstory and why does he hate Tew so much? In the same way, what is Tew’s relationship with Kenji and why does he leave him alive? At this point where Tew’s involvement with the mafia is in crisis, we should have at least some answers to these questions, but because the characters seem to be strictly limited to their function, we are mostly left with characters who act certain ways because the plot demands they do rather than because it feels like a natural progression of their characters. I hope that things get better in future episodes but so far I have been disappointed by this part.
In contrast, I absolutely love the way the drama depicts the toxic relationship between Wahl and Guy. It would have been easy to write a succession of scenes where Wahl acts like a douche and leave it there, but the writers also show us scenes where they get along, where they make plans together, where they tease each other. This makes their friendship much more real and explains why Guy is having so much trouble letting go of Wahl. It is easy to say that Guy should slam the door in Wahl’s face and tell him to go fuck himself, but Guy is caught between moments where Wahl acts like a decent, if pushy, friend, and moments where Wahl acts like a possessive jerk. Of course he is having trouble establishing boundaries. He just doesn’t know how to feel about Wahl’s actions.
Tew and Guy’s relationship remains the highlight of this drama. Even during painful scenes, they are a delight to watch.
I am looking forward to episode 5 and I hope I will manage to write down my reaction sooner than I did this week.
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konaizumi · 3 years
Fish Upon the Sky episode 6 thoughts/reaction
duen i would die for you
i love that meen is actually more assertive than his first impression, and he’s not as naive as i thought he would be
meen demanding headrubs and using duen’s head as a lap pillow
i love morkpi but duenmeen is the superior couple, i’ve been completely taken by them
i hope they never have any major angst plot, they can just be cute side fluff
i also love that duen fell in love so fast, i thought it would take him a lot longer
pi having that photo of nan above his bed is actually pretty cute
also it’s just a very cute photo of mix
lol pi realizing that duen took his coat and that conversation between them on the phone
i’m upset that the perfume gag never came back up again that day
i wish mork would respect pi wanting privacy a bit more, regardless of whether they’re together or not, pi not wanting the entire campus to ship him with someone he doesn’t like is perfectly reasonable
duen being the worst dentist student ever 
i’m just loving the way meen does little things and duen just freezes up in absolute adoration, his lovesick puppy eyes are the best
the serene music for meen vs the action music for duen’s boner lol
gee, wonder who the four volunteers will be
lol the kitty gang coming out like the ghostbusters then choking on the dust
duen breaking the fourth wall to ask the writers why the kitty gang showed up
“you know what these five fingers mean? someone here is a fifth year”
just the pure chaotic energy of the kitty gang and duen
mork pretending he can’t see to try to get to hold pi’s hand
The whole interaction between pi and mork at the table was pretty funny, but i also felt a little bad for pi bc it’s very frustrating when you feel like someone else is misunderstanding or misinterpreting you and you aren’t able to fully express yourself
lol at AJ wearing the shitty mosquito costume
i kept waiting for nan to walk in on pi’s bathroom fit again
duen totally cares about meen’s feelings
i ship nanmorkpi so much and it’s the writers fault for giving nan such good chemistry with pi
nan is really out here just trying to be a good wingman for mork
i’m glad pi at least got the chance to tell nan about his feelings and get that out there before he moves on
does you rheart always beat faster around someone you like? or when they touch you? asking as an aromantic
but damn nan really out here psychoanalyzing pi
even though we know pi’s feelings for nan probably weren’t too deep, it’s nice to see that the rejection really was painful bc it shows that pi’s feelings were real (even if th writers try to downplay it later)
at least meen is going to find out next ep so they lie doesn’t stretch too long
i also feel like part of pi confessing to nan is a kind of self-test, like if nan--handsome, kind, popular--likes pi back then it means he’s worth something, but if nan can’t like him back then it would mean he’s worthless, which is very sad pls have more confidence pi!
i love that we’re finally getting the explanation of fish upon the sky
can someone please tell the writers that it’s okay for one of the main characters to have genuine feelings for someone who isn’t the other lead and for those feelings to have a significant impact on them and their growth even if those feelings aren’t endgame and that they don’t need to be reduced to “he’s hot and nice”?
pi chugging a whole can of beer in order to pass out and avoid talking about his feelings is such a mood
pls give us more soft dorky mork who gazes dreamily at his sleeping crush then panics when said crush starts to wake up, he’s so much cuter than smooth-talking mork (thought he’s good too)
i need everybody in this show to pls back off pi for a bit and give him time to think through his feelings and stop pressuring him pls
hey i really need the mom to not be mad that pi understandly keep his sexuality a secret, that’s not info you’re entitled to just because you have a close relationship
also wish we had had a bit more build to pi “changing”
i need the mom to back off, confronting someone like that is not how you start a healthy conversation
this scene of pi in the rain is just so heartbreaking, i’m glad someone is there to give him a hug
that feeling of never being quiet the right thing or quite enough even when you try your best is so painful
next ep: i’m glad mork and pi have agreed to be friends bc what pi really needs right now is a friends rather than a lover until he can learn to love himself and know that there isn’t anything wrong with him, also finally the confrontation btw duen and meen, i hope duen tells the whole truth and doesn’t just make up more lies, also we finally get to meet mystery brother (who i assume is probably a source of a lot of pi’s self-worth issues)
very good episode, some quality characters development, i wish we had seen a bit more build up to the thing with the mom but i’m interested in how they’ll work that out (seeing as they seemed to have resolved it in the preview), looking forward to next week
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life-rewritten · 3 years
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It's been an interesting experience this past few months. BL came back in full force, took mostly all days in the week and you know what? It surprised the hell out of me. Mostly because I was moving back and forth from the decision of whether to stop watching or to wait and trust something extraordinary would happen like last year. And then October/November happened before I knew it I was falling again for some storylines, I was excited again to analyse and talk about these shows, and also I was incredibly grateful for some of the messages I received from these shows, they educated me, humbled me and even pushed me to my own version of self-acceptance, learning and love. So there are some disappointments with some of the shows mentioned here, but overall I'm grateful we got to see these shows and wait for them every week to air. This is the first part of this list because in another two weeks I have more shows ending. December is shaking!
Ratings: From 1 to 5 (1 being least excited to watch, 5 being most,) how excited am I to delve into these shows?
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Genre/Themes: Romance, Melodrama, Angst, Drama, Friendship, Unrequited Love, Family
Country: Thailand
 Um, this show. I've been through a lot with this show, I've been angry, frustrated, tired, annoyed but weirdly I love this show, by the end of the finale, this show left me with warmth and this energy of bliss and joy. I realised that the reason why I was so harsh to this show was because of the potential I saw when I first saw the first episode. I fell in love because I could tell it was symbolic, it was deep, and it also had interesting devices used to tell the plot. Who knew that the pacing and directing of this show would nearly leave me mad and furious because it could have been better. This is all on the director, and sometimes the actors, they weren't expressive enough, they weren't emotional enough, and they didn't entirely sell me on what they were meant to be feeling. Sometimes it felt awkward and stiff and unbelievable, and at those times, I felt disappointed and bored. But the characters of this show and especially some actors (FIAT and JJ) really stole my heart without me wanting them to. I fell in love with the couples, I loved analysing them and feeling their angst and understanding their character dynamics. I lived for their friendship and enjoyed watching how it all came together. Even some of the romantic scenes made me swoon and excited, and I was just so happy to watch these couples choose each other.
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I also think the relationship dynamics, whilst sometimes annoying, was actually sweet and wholesome. Itt and Pai's love is so cute and memorable, and I understood why they wanted each other, they both helped each other so much, and I thought it was beautiful. Pure and Folk; everything, no words, they were incredible despite rushed and late, I enjoyed watching their love on my screen, and it left me so disappointed that we could have had more if the pacing was done right. Either way, despite the rants and criticisms this show was a gem to me, one of my favourites just because of the couple dynamics. I will miss it, and I will miss analysing it. But please NEW sort your self out, and stop with the slow pace directing; you're killing your shows, (just my opinion) but you're making me dread the shows I've been so excited for in 2021, and I really pray you won't ruin them. Nough said. 
Ratings:3.8/5 I can't rate it higher, but I do think it deserves credit, this show is very underrated as much as it annoyed me it's actually a decent show, it's very educational sometimes. It also has character development and growth. The romances are sweet and definitely should be paid attention to.
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Genre/Themes: Comedy, Romance,  Drama, Friendship, Rich, poor dynamic, 
Country: Thailand
MGAYG was not the only show that New produced/ directed. There was this atrocity. No offence to everyone who loved this show, I love TinCan, I like most of the couples of the show, I didn't even complain when the show was rebooted, I didn't complain when there was not enough plot for the side couples for the first 8 episodes. But what annoys the hell out of me with this show is the lazy writing. I am so disappointed with this show, I realised that by the finale I was just tired and I was only watching it for some actors not even characters ( I was watching it to see a glimpse of Meen and Est), and it really made me sad. Because I started off with this show a bundle of joy, to see Tin and Can fall in love with each other again, I ignored when the haters said it was boring, awkward or stiff. I even accepted the massive amounts of product placement that was placed lazily and annoyingly. I was ready to forgive everything with this show. But I ended up feeling slighted, not me the actors should feel slighted, Cooheart, Mark Siwat, Gun, Title, Meen, Est should feel slighted by this show because this show wasted their potentials and only showed them for minutes in the whole 12 hours that this show aired for. I am so angry at the writer because she was lazy. She had clocked out when it came to this script (Though I don't blame her when everyone kept on sending her threats to how she told the previous story, she silenced her own creative ideas and muted everything, hence why Kengla and Techno's story was destroyed and became lazy and not needed and confusing, and Tum and Tar and Keen made no sense). Mame had given up on this show long before it aired. 
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But as much as I am disappointed at her for doing so, I also have to take this back to New, he's the person again who ruined this show with his pacing and directing. I love New, but this year it wasn't it, he is the main flaw in both his shows, he doesn't know when to pace things properly, he rushes plots at the end, and he doesn't give enough time to side couples for them to make sense. He did well in season 1 I think, but this season was atrocious. I am heavily disappointed, and I want to forget this show exists. I do have to give credit to Mean because I think he carried the show, I think Plan was cute but he was uncomfortable, and he ruined a lot of moments for me despite how much I love his chemistry with Mean. So yeh LBC was a disappointment, but it still holds a special place in my heart because I did care about the cast (maybe not as much anymore because of their homophobia) but LBC was one of my first loved BLs to see such a disappointing follow up is just heartbreaking. 
Ratings:2.9/5 I couldn't bring my self to rate it even a three because I genuinely don't want to rewatch or think about this show again that's a pity because I genuinely love TinCan and MeenEst. But hey ho, c'est la vie. 
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Gaya Sa Pelikula
Genre/Themes: Romance, Drama, Comedy, Angst, LGBTQ+ Education, Contract relationship, Haters to lovers
Country: Philippines 
Verdict:  We finally reached the end. And the way I didn't want this show to end, is just too much. I completed this show on the floor sobbing, clenching my heart and just reflecting and thinking about everything. One I was in shock, wasn't expecting something like this when I first watched this show. I had a lot of doubts despite the sneaky light in my heart from the comedy and energy and charisma from the show. I fell. Hard. For everything. Before I knew it, Fridays meant everything to me, if I could get to keep watching this show, it made laugh, smile, cry, weep, and it made me think and learn. It's weird how a show can mean so much to people, this show wasn't for me, it was a love letter to the LGBTQ+ community, a beautiful one, and with everybody's reaction, I think I can say for all of us, that this show was a masterpiece. It had everything, a plot that was so deep, interesting and unique, characters that felt real, understandable and relatable, lessons that made everyone think and question how they acted, how they viewed things, what we say, how we consider our selves, what is our story that we want to tell to the world?
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 It's just incredible, not only that this show had terrific production, directing, acting and music that will stick with me for a long time. The music was perfectly used, perfectly mixed in, and it touched everyone's heart. This show left me feeling healed, it was weird, I don't know how to relate to the struggles of Internalised homophobia, but I get anxiety, I get feeling like you're not the main character in your story, I get feeling like your life was already planned out and your dreams don't matter, I get hiding and running away from the world and finding a place to stay in your head and find peace and I get feeling overlooked and misunderstood. Overall I get the fight for self healing, acceptance and love. And Vlad and Karl went through that, and it was so beautiful to see them grow and become what they wanted to be, even if they couldn't be together because of that. Everything including the side characters in this show meant something, each had their own story, flaws and importance for why they were there, and I loved it. Words can't explain how good this show is, and the fact that no one came into it,  knowing anything is just such inspirational and hopeful thing, out there, there are content and stories to consume that can teach and affect you and make you want to do something with your own. And Gaya Sa pelikula was one of those for me. I don't wanna say Goodbye, and hopefully, we get to see them again soon. 
Ratings: 5/5 I would give this more than 5 if I could. That's how much this show means to me. 
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Genre/Themes: Romance, Melodrama, Coming of Age, Angst, Drama, Childhood friendship
Country: Thailand
Verdict: Wow. All I can say is wow. I find my self not able to talk about this show, because like what else can I say that everyone hasn't said. It's outstanding. No words. I think this show was just out of nowhere, I mean probably not; because it was a Nadao production but still, for a BL? Out of nowhere. The effort, the acting, the music, the production, the themes and the way it was all so perfectly told? It was a journey, I ended up at times also on the floor sobbing, shouting and just like feeling so single. Haha. But really this show is ridiculously good, it's like something that can't be fully explained, it's still a shock to me (and I really need to start believing in potentials of BLs more), it is, I'm just thankful I guess, for the 5 hours spent with this show, the number of essays derived from this show, the way Teh and Oh snuck in my heart and refused to leave. I think we all want a love like Teh and Oh, someone who completely takes your breath away, is selfless for you and is your number one supporter and fan. Someone who the room spins around for and your world only focuses on, someone who makes you brave.
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And I think Teh and Oh found that with each other, and it was beautiful to witness, it was heartbreaking as well to see them struggle with it, it was also peaceful to reach the end and see them safe and secure with each other. ITSAY was everything, it also means a lot to me because the writing and directing are effortless, it's inspiring and beautiful to see how it came about, its so fulfilling to see how much effort went into this production. And I can't wait to see how Part 2 unfolds next year. I will say that with all the angst and longing, the ending did feel unsatisfactory because I just felt that all the tension and emotion invested just became really tame at the end, all the angst just fell apart so rapidly, and it felt weird that it ended in a hug? But with all the theories about sad endings and the other directions the writer could have gone with I'm happy it was a happy ending, and I'm delighted our boys reunited and became each other's most immense success/happiness. 
Ratings: 4.5/5  Yeh I want to give it a 5/5 but the ending like I said felt a little bit empty for me, I didn't feel satisfied or like complete but that's because there's a part 2 coming. Still is the best Thai BL ever created. And it deserves all the praise.
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November was a ride, I think I've cried so much during these past weeks, but honestly, I'm so glad BLs are just improving and putting more effort in, BLs are no longer just for fujoshis to consume. Still, now they represent and educate about LGBTQ+ experiences, they feel relatable and understandable. They're not as toxic as before. We're getting healthier relationships, we're getting depth and unique plots, we're getting happy endings as well. It's very lovely to see the growth, and I can't wait to see what December brings or next year. I'm just so proud of these actors, I'm proud of actors who actually respect this genre and understands why people like it, for me I really enjoy learning about things I never thought or experienced, it humbles me, and it inspires me so much. I'm grateful for these shows. Hopefully, there's many more like ITSAY and GSP to come. Please. 
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sluttyten · 4 years
Ummmm still not over ten suggesting "mommies" as a name for superm fans in the tiger festival inside vlive??? Did anyone else catch that? First hinting at it around 29:30min then full out attacking baekhyun with aegyo puppy eyes and confidently saying "mommies" at 29:39? And the other members' reactions lmao, he looks so proud of himself as welllll. Anyway excuse me while I go punch a pillow if u kno wut i meen
😂😂 I think that would definitely be an interesting name for fans lol, but personally I really loved the suggestion for Mpires to be the name
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anewfreind · 5 years
Hey so, you played DeltaRune right? What was your first impression on the main cast? i.e. raslei, lancer, Susie, Kris.
Oh fucketh yes thou kindeth basterd, let thine doith this.
Alright, so imma talk about the game and new characters, and if you would like, send asks on the undertale cast, and how they changed, because i would love to talk about that! I would also love to talk about theories for both Deltarune and Undertale! Do send asks! Now lets begin:
I was NOT expecting it to be this long for what I thought was a free demo
I loved ALL the characters this time. I didn't think I'd like Susie and Lancer much, but they grew to be my favourite characters of the story this time.
Also, I knew Deltarune was an anagram of Undertale, but I went through the entire goddamn game without realizing that Ralsei was an anagram for Asriel. Yes, I'm stupid.
I really like the new party battle mechanics! I didn't use the fight option, but still.
I wasn't able to find part B of the key that would unlock that mysterious cell in the prison. Did anyone else find it?
This was a very easy game to get a Pacifist run in, and I got the good ending straightaway! Seemingly.
Still here? Cool lets go
So, some interesting points and thoughts I had about the game and characters, and other things and tropes I noticed:
Ascended Meme: Toriel mentions that Kris and Asriel enjoy playing Super Smashing Fighters, a clear Shout-Out to the Super Smash Bros. franchise. At the time of the release of Deltarune Chapter 1, a popular meme was that Sans would be confirmed as a character for the then-upcoming Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
Anti-Frustration Features: Should you make at least three unsuccessful attempts to clear either timed-tile puzzle, Ralsei will offer a hint on how to solve them
Attack! Attack! Attack!: Susie's main method of fighting: She'll keep attacking enemies and won't listen to Kris. Fortunately, she gets better during the final dungeon. Perhaps this is how she was raised?
Awesome, but Impractical: The Top Cake heals your entire party for 160 HP, but your entire party only has 90, 110 and 70 HP anyway and can't be increased at all. Furthermore, giving the Top Cake back to the Top Chef makes him give you the Spin Cake, which, while only restoring 80 HP, is unlimited and any encounter that isn't a Boss fight will probably not shave off your entire HP.
One thing that annoys me with the game is that Lv can’t increase, but we will get back to that later
Bait-and-Switch: A lot of the plot details are set up in a similar fashion to the previous game, only to subvert expectations.
Susie threatens Kris early on and is a berserker who attacks monsters on sight and doesn't care about the quest she's nominally on, much like a No Mercy run from the previous game, but she refrains from killing anyone and ultimately makes a Heel–Face Turn.
Lancer is similar in both a recurring antagonist role and has a skeletal appearance with a blue color scheme, which might lead players to believe he has a connection with Sans and Papyrus from the previous game; he and his father turn out to just be Darkners who resemble skeletons and have no apparent connection with Sans and Papyrus at all.
A mysterious doorframe appears early on and savvy players (or fandom nerds) might expect them to tie into Gaster as they did in the previous game. They end up being a fast travel system (which is lame).
Lastly, there's Lancer's dad, the King, who might look like a Suspiciously Similar Substitute for Asgore, right down to one of the people close to him trying to persuade both you and him not to fight (Undyne for Asgore, Lancer for the King). However, when you actually encounter the King, not only does he threaten to throw Lancer off a roof if the Lighteners don't kneel before him, he also tricks Ralsei into bringing him to full health so he has them at their mercy again. He ends up being defeated by Ralsei putting him to sleep while Kris and Susie escape, or captured by Lancer when he turns his own troops on him.
Big Door: There's a large bunker-style door built into the landscape in the forest to the south of town. Locked, unfortunately.
One of the encounters can be resolved peacefully by getting Ralsei to sing a lullaby, which also puts Susie to sleep. This later turns out to be the key to peacefully resolving the fight with Susie and Lancer. It comes up again in the "bad" ending to the King fight, where Susie notes that while she can't take the King down, Ralsei can. Susie: “I'd never forget something I made fun of you for.”
Similarly, Susie attacks automatically during the first battle with Lancer (who can't be killed), which is an early hint to the player that Susie attacks on her own and you'll have to prevent her from doing damage if you want a pacifist run.
Cliffhanger: The chapter ends with Kris (most likely being controlled) pulling out their/the player's SOUL, shoving it in a cage, and drawing a knife, at which point Kris's eyes glow red like Frisk's do if Chara's permanently corrupted your save after a genocide playthrough back in Undertale. This ending felt like a punch to the gut, and gave me so many questions to ask. Also, in the final scene, you can control the SOUL while it's in the birdcage. It won't change the outcome.
Lancer appears to be this for most of the initially-bad guy cast of Undertale, possessing a Sans-like color scheme, Papyrus's kid-brother nature and general enthusiasm for "evil," and Alphys's emotional attachment to the Big Bad.
Kris seems to be a hybridization of Frisk and Chara: their face, skin color and silent nature lean more towards the former, while their clothes and relation to the Dreemurr family (especially Asriel) scream of the later. Of course, after what happens in the ending, who knows how the three are connected? But here is something people have forgotten about, since I haven’t seen anything on it, but Kris looks exactly like the unused Frisk sprite, besides the sweater
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Even if you go out of your way to beat encounters by force, enemies just get knocked off-screen. Contrast with Undertale and its infamous Genocide/No Mercy route.
After you beat the game and it closes itself, restarting shows Ralsei's legend as the intro and provides a new background for the file select screen.
Susie's hair is wild and covers her eyes, symbolizing her wild and violent outcast vibe. After the fight with the King, it's cut to reveal her eyes, and she becomes a lot more expressive and open with her emotions from them on.
All main characters are this, or have a Face Framed in Shadow. Them revealing their faces is usually a big deal.
Kris and Susie's outfits change when they fall into the dark world. Kris also becomes more blue in appearance, while Susie becomes more pink.
On the walk home, talking to numerous characters heavily hints that something is up with Kris. Numerous people refer to them as "creepy", or "quiet", and Noelle notes that they're usually quite distant from others. The game implies that Kris was being possessed by the player ala the first game
Ralsei makes direct reference to interface elements and controls as part of his tutorial-giver role. This leads to an amusing moment in the first block puzzle, as this trope doesn't apply to Susie.
Susie: (Who the hell is "[Z]"?)
Susie's solo fight against Lancer parallels the first game's fight against Toriel in a number of ways. In both cases, the foe is a family member of the king that guards the protagonist's way back home, and they're trying to prevent the protagonist from meeting the king in order to avoid bloodshed. Once the fight goes on for long enough, the foe starts attacking exclusively by dropping projectiles from above that are guaranteed to miss, showing their reluctance to fight someone they'd started growing close to.
This chapter has a lighter tone than all of Undertale. The game mechanics are more focused on solving puzzles and befriending enemies than fighting, and no one can die, even if you DO decide to attack all your enemies.
After returning from the World of Darkness, talking to several of the NPCs imply that Kris isn't acting like themselves. Noelle comments on how Kris is really talkative compared to normal, Noelle's dad implies Kris has forgotten things that they should know, the hospital clerk comments on how Kris isn't normally so bad at playing piano, and Kris in general seems a lot less "creepy" to the townspeople.
After arriving at the fountain, Kris and Susie find themselves back at the school, in a room with a chess board, playing cards, and some toys that look like the characters they encountered. But both of them remember what happened, and it's left ambiguous as to whether it really was just a dream or not.
If you have the Spooky Sword equipped, your "weapon" upon leaving the dark world will be the Halloween Pencil, leading to more questions.
If you follow the Jevil sidequest plot to its conclusion, mentions of The Queen are made, as well as Seam describing the event that drove Jevil insane as "Dark yet Darker" adding even heavier implications to Gaster's presence in the future story.
If one talks to Rouxls Kaard after starting his first puzzle, he will verbatim quote I. M. Meen. (Also Rouxls Kaard, thou art must marrith me)
When Burgerpants talks about his fellow pizzeria employees, he mentions a "Purple Guy" and wonders if he even works there.
Ralsei removing his hat and hood at the end, revealing that he looks exactly like Asriel. Judging by Susie's reaction, this is one both in and out of universe.
Right at the end of Chapter 1. Kris is tossing and turning in the middle of the night, when they jump out of bed and start walking around very slowly. They then stop in the middle of the room and pull their own soul out of their body, before throwing it into the birdcage from earlier. They then turn their head around slowly, revealing Chara's trademark smile and glowing red eye, before materializing a knife out of nowhere. Anyone who's played Undertale (so most of people playing this game, as it was recommended to those who already played Undertale) should have some very horrific guesses about what this mean
The King grabs Lancer's throat when he finds out that they let the heroes get away
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yanderel0v3r · 4 years
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LIKE—Ok... what about a BillyxSteve but Parenthood? YES, PLEASE!
-Where Billy is Bi and Steve gay only for him
-Billy, who IMMEDIATELY fell IN LOVE with Steve since the first time they met, keeps acting like a 5th grader with a crush
-Steve being confused by WHY does he feel WEIRD when he’s around Billy since he the first day they met
- Billy wishes to tell Steve what he feels but he doesn’t want his father to know he likes boys, otherwise Neil (homophobic) would beat him really badly or WORST
-The two of them being ENEMIES and acting like they hate each other but they actually want to be friends but they don’t know how
- Billy calling Steve “Princess” and LOVING the fact he gets nervous for that
- Steve acting like he hates it when Billy calls him like a girl (won’t admit he KINDA likes it)
-Billy sometimes visiting AHOY JUST to tease Steve and embarrass him
-Steve feeling SUPER angry/cringy/happy to see Billy and turning red when he calls him “Princess”
-Robin KNOWS what going on and this is why she ships them and teases/ tries to convince Steve that Billy likes him and also asks him if he does too (even if she knows the answer)
- Steve PANICKING and acting like he doesn’t understand what she’s talking about and running away to avoid the topic
-Steve never visiting the pool where Billy works because he would COMPLETLY stare at him
-The two of them getting invited to a party and at first IGNORING each other and FAKING to be interested to some random girl but actually wondering what the other is doing and getting kinda JELOUS
- Billy getting SO drunk that he KISSES Steve (who doesn’t refuse or kiss back) and when he realizes what he has done they start arguing and in the end they fight (and they actually missed that) but Steve get messed up
- Steve is shocked and tells everything to Robin who just fangirls over them
- The kids wanting to revenge for Steve and Max hating Billy for being such an asshole
- Billy felling guilty so he goes to say sorry to Steve how doesn’t believe what he’s earring, then they pretend it was all because of alcohol and say they’re cool
- Billy visits Steve more often and not only they unexpectedly become FRIENDS but also Billy decides to trust Steve and tell him about his father’s abuse while Steve revels he always feels alone since his parents are NEVER home
-Steve calling Billy “Pretty Boy”
-Steve introduces Billy to his “children” who are so scared of him but then they start liking him and Max is happy to spend nice time with her step-brother (who start to be nice with everyone)
-Billy driving to Steve to be comforted by him when his father beats him, Steve appreciating company and letting him stay the night when Billy doesn’t want to go back home
-Billy eventually confessing his feelings for Steve BUT OH NO Steve rejects him because his not sure of what he feels BUT OOOH NOOO Billy takes it wrong and feels like Steve is making fun on him for liking him so he warns him he would be dead if he told anyone
-Billy feeling patetic/heartbroken and being a piece of sh*t again with Max or anyone and scaring the kids that are Just like WTF
- Steve realizing he’s an idiot and asking Robin for help and she’s like I KNEW IT so after she facepalms she tells him to tell Billy the truth
-OH WELL Billy was so fucking pissed that he decided to move on (to try at least) so when he meets The Reader and make up
-Steve seeing them together at the pool so he feels like he’s a TOTAL IDIOT again then Billy’s eyes met his and Steve feels so intimidated by him that he runs away realizing he has ruined everything
-Times pass, Billy and Reader are dating, being an actual couple while Steve has been trough depression, smoking marijuana again. A LOT.
-Robin and the kids worried for Steve since he has isolated himself and stopped working but they don’t know why (but Robin does and keeps it secret)
-Steve finally deciding to go out bit meets Reader so he tells her to tell Billy he’s sorry since he’s too scared for he’s reaction but he doesn’t tell her anything else
-Reader asks Billy what happened between them but he stays quiet and becomes cold
- UM she can tell he doesn’t really love her but he can absolutely trust her so he confesses her that he loves Steve but at the same time he love you too but he can’t stop thinking about him
-SHE SUPPORTS HIM saying there’s nothing bad about being in love with him
-Billy visits Steve and he is schocked by how sick he looks, and Steve is so happy to see him that he hugs him tight surprising Billy.
-They talk, and talk and they are almost at the point to confess each other’s feelings but NOPE thing gets complicated because OoOPs Readers is pregnant and Billy and Steve are like OH SHIT
- BUT HEY Billy get super happy and promises Raeders that he won’t never leave them, he would love to be a dad even if he’s still young BUT THERE’S A PROBLEM in fact Reader doesn’t won’t to be mother instead she wants to be an indipendent woman with a great carrier and babies are just not in her to do list.
-ANYWAY Reader continues pregnancy (she lives alone because her parents are always at work too) so keeping the baby secret it’s not a problem, Billy is with her during her pregnancy issues and keeps wondering what the baby will look like and he’s always the one to talk about the baby not Reader because she actually things about collage stuff
-Reader tells Billy that she would probably leave Hawkins and Billy says he’s ok if he will have to keep the a baby on his own but that is not what she meens in fact Reader tells him that he doesn’t have to fake love for her when he clearly still loves Steve but he doesn’t want to be regected again (even if its clear to everyone but Billy that Steve’s likes him)
- Steve is kinda jelous and sad, but obviously happy for them ANYWAY Reader can tell how in love he is with Billy so she encourages him to tell Billy the fu**ing truth SO HE RUNS AND FINALLY THEY KISS AND EVERYTHING
- They become a couple and they tell Reader, Robin, Max, the kids (when Steve’s tells them what is up with him and Billy) and Susan too
-Unfortunately Neil becomes aware of what happened and before he can hurt Billy badly Steve fight with Neil who is arrested by Hopper
- Steve, Billy and Reader deciding names together, hearing baby’s heart beat during visit, toching Raeder’s belly when baby kids and preparing baby’s stuff at Steve’s house ( since he talked to his parentes about how he feels about being literally abandoned for so long and being in love with Steve and they are both really sorry and happy for him and promise him to change, so it is)
- When baby’s is born Billy get SUPER EMOTINAL and Readers asks Steve if he want to hold her and they look like a perfect married couple
- The three stay together at Steve and while he has become like a full mommy, Reader prepares her stuff to leave the town (she can’t tell her parents because they are not open minded like her) she will obviously visit the, and be part of their family but she need to go to college.
-Fluff moment whit Billy and Steve being in love, Susan giving advices to them about parenthood, Max with Robin and the kids having fun with their daughter, Billy and Steve always playing with her, Steve cleaning the kitchen after baby made a mess since she wouldn’t eat the food Billy was trying to feed her, Billy putting her to sleep and singing songs and Steve thinking is so cute to watch, being anxious about what would happen if they live her alone for 2 seconds, staying both up late because she won’t sleep and giving each other turns to go see what’s happening and why she’s crying in the middle of the night, both actually super tired but truly happy
(Sorry for bad grammar, English is not my first language)
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cartoonloverstuff · 7 years
Ash tries to set Meena up with an online dating account, much to the amusement of Eddie and Johnny (and Mr. Moon but he wouldn’t admit it)
“Would you say your an outdoors or indoors person?” “Er, I guess indoors?” Meena’s answer lack any confidence. She hadn’t been able to give a strong answer to any of the questions Ash had asked off the list on her phone. Ash repositioned herself against the wall she was leaning against and the crate she sat on. Her, Meena, and Eddie were suppose to be checking lights backstage, but Ash quickly became bored and pulled something up on her phone. She said she found a “personality quiz” and started shooting questions at Meena as the elephant continue to test all the switches to the stage lights. Eddie leaned against the wall on standby to change out any broken lights, but was more interested in the girls’ conversation. “Next question: On the first date, do you kiss or shake hands?” Meena flushed slight at this question, “Um, shake hands.” Ash paused to input her answer, then raised an eyebrow at the next question. “Hmm. Would you say you’re more… traditional or experimental?” The rocker asked carefully. The implication did not go over her friend’s head and Eddie chuckled a bit at both the question and Meena’s reaction. “Why is that question in there!?” She spun around to face Ash. Her blush turned even darker when she realized how loud she was being and quickly turned back to the control panel, hiding her face in her ears. Her reaction caught the attention of two by passers. Mr. Moon walked towards the group with concern and Johnny following him out of curiosity. “Is everything alright here?” Moon asked asked the group, but Eddie was the only one to respond. The girls were preoccupied with a debate about Meena’s answer. “Ash is giving Meena some online quiz thing. No biggie.” The sheep explained coolly. “I see. Odd how that seems so similar to you three slacking off.” Moon teased gently. “Buster, lighten up a bit would ya’?” The two friends quickly fell into their normal back and forth. And Ash was too busy bothering Meena for an answer to notice a suspicious Johnny sneaking up from the side and peering over at her screen. He smirked at what he saw. “Thought so. That’s a datin’ app.” Ash jumped when she heard Johnny speak and quickly tried to shush him. But it was too late. “What?!” Meena whirled around again with her eyes fixed on Ash. “Ash! You said this was a-” “A personality quiz! And it is!” Ash quickly reassured her friend. She was standing on the crate now with hands out in defense position, phone still in hand. She gave Johnny a quick glare over her shoulder which caused the gorilla to step back with his hands up in mock surrender. “It just happens to be part of a dating app… that I might have made-an-account-for-you-on” Ash rushed through the last part. She looked up sheepishly at Meena. Off to the side she heard Eddie call out “Ooh, busted!” “W-why would you- I don’t want- Please delete it!” Meena tripped over her own sentences as she fidgeted under the eyes of the others. Her gaze flickered nervously between Ash and the ground, avoiding the other three present. “Meena, come on, I already put the work into making it” Ash hoped off the crate was walking toward the elephant as she spoke. “And why I made it is ‘cause your cute, available girl. Finding guy might do ya some good.” She smiled encouragingly as she spoke. “How so? You had one and you didn’t make it sound so great.” Meena grumbled as she folded her arms and glared off to the side. Her gaze softened as she immediately felt bad for her comment and apologized. “She’s got a point, ya’ know.” Eddie chimed over Johnny’s chuckled and Moon’s stifled laughs. Ash rolled her eyes and paid them no mind. “Listen, this quiz’ll tell us what types of people you match well with. Maybe even give us some potential options.” Ash wiggled her eyebrows as she tried to reason her way out of deleting her hard work. “Aren’t ya even a little curious to see who you’d match with?” “Um, no. Not really.” Meena answered shyly with her eyes still on the ground. “Well I am.” Ash countered. “Me too.” Eddie chimed in, earning him an elbow in the legs from Moon. Ash beamed an her new support from the sheep and turned to look back a Johnny, cocking an eyebrow. The gorilla rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly under gaze before admitting, “yeah, a little.” Triumphantly, Ash faced Meena again. The larger of them was still hiding behind her ears and looking reluctant to partake. “Come on, Meens. It could be good for you to step out of you comfort zone a bit. Try something new, ya’ know?” Ash was practically pleading at this point. Meena sighed and closed her eyes. She felt cornered. This didn’t feel like is was good for her so much as it felt like a cheap laugh for Ash and everyone else at whatever people she’d get matched with. Still, she didn’t want to make more of a scene in front of everyone there, so she caved. “Alright… But you have to delete the account when done seeing the results, okay?” “Deal!” Ash grinned, satisfied with the bargain, and return to her spot slouched on the crate. Meena turned back to the control panel to finish testing, already regretting her agreement. She couldn’t ignore the sinking feeling in her gut that this wouldn’t end well. In the time it took to finish the quiz questions, most of which Meena spend hiding behind her ears, Eddie had moved to leaning on the wall next to Ash to look over her shoulder and Johnny sat on the crate on Ash’s other side. Mr. Moon shook his head at how unprofessional the three of them were being. As soon as the quiz was complete, Ash hit enter and waited eagerly for the results. Meena had had enough and turned to leave. “Hey! Results are over here! Aren’t'cha gonna stick around?” Ash called after her. “No thanks, I have to… Uh…” The elephant mumbled some excuse and darted off. “Well at least someone here is working.” Mr. Moon gibed exasperatedly and walked off buried in his clipboard (as though he wasn’t going to text Eddie for details later). Eddie and Johnny shared a brief look of concern after Meena ran off. Johnny got up and made like his was going to follow her, but stopped when he heard Ash’s phone go off. “Al'right, let’s see what got-” Ash cut her self off and stared at her screen in shock. She quickly recovered and her demeanor changed to unimpressed. “Well that’s disappointing. First guy on her matches and he’s a total dork!” She shook her head a bit and turned her phone slightly for Eddie to see. Eddie’s eyes widen and he cracked-up, covering his mouth to try and control his laugher. “Oi, don’t'cha think yar bein’ a bit harsh?” Johnny said as he approached them, confused by how uncharacteristically cruel the other two were being. Ash gave Johnny a deadpan look over her phone. “Nope.” She stated before turning her phone around for Johnny to see. Before his mind could register what he was looking at, he heard Eddie chuckled out “No wonder he recognized it was a dating app.” Johnny’s face dropped when his eyes landed on a familiar selfie he had taken months ago. He stared wide-eyed at his account for a couple seconds before looking up at Ash. The porcupine’s straight face couldn’t hold and broke down into a shit eating grin. Before Johnny could think of anything to say, she turned her phone back around and took a screenshot. “'Ey! Delete that!” The gorilla made a grab for the phone. Ash clutched it to her chest and turned away from him, still smiling. “Relax. Everyone’s had an account on one dating site or another. It’s nothing to be embarrassed about.” Eddie had recovered from his giggle fit and spoke in casual tone. “I’ve had a few and I know Ash has like five currently.” He added with a shrug. “That’s not the problem.” Johnny started. Ash’s eyes flashed up at him and her smile disappeared. “Is it that you’re embarrassed by being matched up with Meena or something?” Her question was more of an accusation and the look she was giving Johnny made it clear there was a wrong answer. Johnny quickly straightened up in frantic denial. “Wot? Nah, nah, of course not!” He somehow felt small under the porcupine’s glare. Eddie placed a hand of Ash’s should as a silent means of calming her a little. Her glare lessened, but she expression made it clear she was still expecting and explanation from Johnny. The gorilla rubbed the back of his neck uneasily. “I just don’t want ‘er seein’ it and then actin’ weird 'round me ya know? 'Specially wit how easily she gets flustered.” Johnny felt his face heating up as he continued. “I just… I donno. I don’t want things t’ be awkward between us, alwright?” He chanced a look at Ash, whose face had soften quiet a bit. “He’s got a point.” Eddie added. Ash gave a small nod of approval. “Okay, I won’t show her. Or tell her. She probably won’t ask anyway.” Ash rolled her eyes as she said the last part. “This stays between us three. Cool?” Judging from the relieved, lopsided smile Johnny was giving her, he was happy with that set up. Satisfied with Ash’s promise, Johnny turned and went off to some other part of the theater to work on whatever Moon had next for him. After he left, Eddie spoke up. “Aren’t you suppose to delete her account now?” “When I’m done looking at the result. I’m not done looking!” Ash shot back quickly and went back to scrolling through her phone. “Riiiiight.” Eddie smile and pulled out his phone. “You’re sending me that screenshot though, right?”
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konaizumi · 3 years
Fish Upon the Sky ep 8 thoughts/reaction
lol the game host is like ‘what just happened?’
glad mork finally learns to back off in this ep bc public declarations of affections are clearly not the way to pi’s heart (don’t know how he hasn’t picked up on that to this point)
the episode is titled social distancing and that’s hilarious to me (and pretty fitting for the ep)
the shippers somehow got worse (but i guess that’s the point)
(and i’ll forgive prik bc at least she has a conscience later on)
i still don’t like him using the texting thing to try to influence pi--thought pi seems to be catching on to his weird behavior
but i like how we can see more of mork’s desperation this ep instead of just smugness like the balcony scene
now mork just needs to give him some fucking space already
i think i say it every week but i love duen, he’s ready to fight anyone who messes with his brother
also the scared look on mork’s face when duen threatened him
i love duen, but i must admit that if someone like him acted towards me the way he acted towards girls i’d prob react the same as those girls
at least he’s self-aware of his personality
aw poor baby meen tho, he’s so sad
i would like to see pi and meen interact more please
(also duen and mork better get some scenes together where duen gives mork the shovel talk)
narong is such a mood
but yeah that fanpage is really getting out of hand
mork’s interview really pisses me off with the way mork is so sure about pi being in love but just repressed (when pi really is just confused and i don’t think he’s fully in love yet like everyone thinks) and the only reason i can forgive him is bc he knows how badly he fucked up once pi tells him off
also the vaccine thing is still pissing me off, you don’t get a vaccine when you’re already sick, it’s a preventative thing
good for pi just throwing the phones
for all mork’s confidence, i think he is trying his best to woo pi and he just really doesn’t know how and maybe this is his first time actually going after someone, so i hope we see some actual growth in the next few eps where mork does things that would appeal to pi specifically
i’m so glad pi finally got to vent on mork a bit, it was a long time coming and honestly they both needed it
so prik is redeemed (somewhat) but kluea is now going down a weird evil route
so pi says he made the clips himself (and there are an unknown amount of clips but more than one) so i think it’s more likely that he gave one to duen (or duen stole one) and that’s how it got to meen (i don’t think meen having a secret connection to nan is likely but could be interesting)
pi don’t have so little faith in nan
also where is nan? i haven’t seen mix’s pretty face in far too long
also koh trying to make a cool exit and immediately falling
i adore meen, not being assertive enough and letting other people in front of him is so relatable
duen it wasn’t bullshit, you miss him~
pi, you were absolutely not being too harsh, it was necessary
they never came back around to the coffee scene, was it actually mork who cleaned it up? i thought that was the implication
is brushing your teeth at school a common thing? or are they just emphasizing it bc he’s a dentistry student
i appreciate mork doesn’t use the secret texting thing to try to get pi to forgive him like he’s done in the past, he really does know that he messed up and is trying to give pi space
also the reveal of mork as the texting friend was nicely done
it’s my sweetheart jan! i’ve missed her since tonhon
also what the fuck is with kluea tho
how did they do the library scene without laughing tho
mork looking back at pi like ‘is it working?’
i love bam already
they are fucking with us with that balloon scene. the guy is ep 4 is not neo, and neo in this ep is wearing the proper uniform (which he wouldn’t do if he’s not a first year but it might be part of his thing with meen) and someone else said that it’s not actually duen it’s jus supposed to look like duen and i’m so confused
next ep: mork seems to be back on his bullshit next ep but let’s hope it’s dialed back a bit, finally nan is back, we are getting closer to pi learning mork is his texting friend (and i really hope it happens next week is isn’t prolonged anymore so we can get through that angst and move on), also sounds like maybe nan is going to talk some sense into mork
so good ep, we’ve covered some things that need to be covered like the shippers, set up some future plots, keep it up futs
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konaizumi · 3 years
Fish Upon the Sky ep 4 thoughts/reactions
oh poor pi, he was so happy about kissing nan
they went hard last ep to make the scene all romantic with the lighting and the camera work and the speech so seeing how the scene actually went was hilarious
poor mork tho, baby’s so confused
but what happened immediately after?
usually bl fangirls really annoy me but i think these ones don’t bc they’re so over top that they’re clearly poking fun at the shipper stereotype rather than acting as like a weird self-insert
adding brightwin, pluemchimon, and earthmix to the list of self-references
but they way they imagine all the scenerios vs how they actually happened lol
okay but poor phuwin who had to actually put that much toothpaste in his mouth, i couldn’t stop cringing
but how long was nan standing there, watching pi furiously brush his teeth with more and more toothpaste?
y’all, the extent to which i ship nanmorkpi is becoming a problem
i love pi and i need to protect him
i’ve talked about this before, but everyone keeps going on about pi being oblivious to mork’s blatant flirting, but i don’t really think it’s all that blatant? like the flirting itself isn’t really that over the top, and combined with pi’s distrust of people, his nan-vision, and him thinking mork likes nan, it’s really not that unreasonable that he wouldn’t quite pick up on mork’s flirting and only think of it as him acting weird
the shippers are actually pretty funny
we need more bl’s like this that truly don’t take themselves too seriously
“we’ll be back for you, mork” lol
pi, pls just fucking say that you’re in the box
aw, they usually eat lunch together
just how early did duen walk out of class to have missed so much?
duen is so in love with meen and i am here for it
that narrator really is us, huh?
the look of pain on duen’s face when he trashtalked himself
but what’s the harm in telling meen that he’s and engineering student? you’re way more likely to get caught lying about being a med student than being a first year engineer
he wouldn’t tease you tho
me and duen: you can’t just end it here!?
cannot express how much i love duen, ready to end his friends for accidentally beating up pi
jeans acting things out with the mix stix
poor meen, hahaha
duen comes up with the plan but pi goes along with it so i’m not sure who the real dumbass is here
another tally to mork’s gay panic moments (pretty much whenever pi’s face gets that close)
okay but did he have to eat the popcorn off his head? like was that really necessary? couldn’t they have just had mork run his fingers through pi’s hair to get the popcorn out and achieve the same effect?
so we know nan knows mork like pi, but does he know pi likes him? like they way he supports mork and how he acts around pi makes me feel like he doesn’t know
also that scene where nan tells mork to go easy on pi totally gave off the vibes that mork and nan are dating and are pursuing pi but maybe that’s just me
that cloud sweater meen is wearing is so cute
oof, were those costumes really necessary?
as soon as they crashed the car i was like ‘that’s gonna be nan’s car isn’t it?’
this scene was very funny, but the second hand embarrassment did kill me several times over
lol pi’s shrill screech about his plan
meen got himself stuck in tree trying to save a kitten (but did he get the kitten?)
but the back in forth between their zoomed in faces
okay but the person in the balloon scene is definitely not mork or nan, so is it just not supposed to be either of them and is some third character we haven’t scene yet, or did they just have a random person stand in during filming but it actually is mork or nan?
i was not expecting a confession this soon, but i think it’s a good thing because mork still has a ways to go to break down pi’s walls and having pi actually fall for him
i also think it’s a good thing for pi to know about mork’s feelings early on because now that he’s forced to see mork in a romantic context, i think he’ll realize his own feelings faster
good ep, not a ton happened, but i think it’ll be more interesting next week so can’t wait
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konaizumi · 3 years
Fish Upon the Sky ep 10 thoughts/reaction
i would like to punch each and every one of pi’s “””friends”””
also i like that mork’s thing wasn’t love at first sight, it was ‘this person interests me’ then slowly turned to romantic feelings
duenmeen being kings again this ep
not the kitty gang playing the pocky game using mix stix
okay but you know this means they’ve had this stirp number prepared in advance
meen just keeps getting cuter and cuter
duen out to murder someone bc meen pricked his finger
i love the dynamic of duen and the kitty gang
pi’s parents told him to fend for himself so he got a mug of mix stix for dinner and that’s honestly such a college mood
would still like mork to give pi time to come to him even if it did all work out
i need them to stop using science words bc they don’t sound as clever as the writers think they do
pi printed out a dating contract, i love him
surprised he didn’t have a place to sign it tho
i actually liked how the kiss was a bit underwhelming and they didn’t make a  big deal out of it, it was sweet
pi trying to figure out how to kiss mork
this whole sequence of hiding mork from duen is so chaotic and i love it
the water moniter joke from last ep
mork hiding in the kitchen
off topic by why are there so many goldfish in that tank, there’s like 10 giant goldfish in this little tank
lol why didn’t pi just say he was on the phone or smth
lol the fish graphic covering his butt
be prepared mork, that idiot is going to be your in law soon
just the daily life of pi and duen
he’s still on thee staple thing!!
lol i thought mork would also fall asleep
pi uses mork’s bag now
did they both go to each other’s faculties? cute
lol, pi, you can still be friends in public
god, evil shipper better not do anything to cause the ep 11
at least now mork is respecting pi’s rules
pi is so cute when he’s in love
“i’ve taken this class twice therefore i’ll do well on the exam” bold words for someone who’s failed the class twice
duenmeen is so cuuuute~~~~
duen will finally be able to graduate thanks to the power of love
morkpi are idiots, confirmed
(i still love them tho)
okay but the balloon scene has to be mork right? like there wouldn’t be this much build up for someone else right?
two questions: where is my precious nan? and where is my precious bam?
next ep: it looks so good tho, finally a show down btw mork and duen, however it is ep 11 which makes me concerned, based off the preview i’m worried pi will be influenced by duen not liking mork and break up with, but fingers crossed that doesn’t happen or it’s resolved within the episode
honestly, this was a good ep, it was really cute and funny and just the kind of crack i needed after ipytm and lovely writer
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