#maybe tonight but I have to tape a scene and I'm not sure how long that's gonna last
neverevan · 2 months
Fuck It Friday 🧇
Aaaalrighty. I am actively trying to get back to working on my wips but ngl until we know where the show will take the characters, I probably won't be working on anything non-established relationshipy.
This also means that I might have to scrap some (or most) of my wips by the time the season ends, starting with the jealous eddie fic. So I thought I might as well share some stuff from it before that'd happen.
He hooked the chart back to the end of the bed and walked over to the bedside table. “Thirsty?”
“I- yeah, thanks.”
Jason filled up a glass and passed it to Buck, sitting down on the edge of the bed.
“Not to sound like I’m glad you’ve been crushed by a collapsing floor — because believe me, I’m not.” He leveled Buck with a look that reminded him of Maddie before he continued. “But I am glad I finally got to see you. I was beginning to think that you’ve been ignoring my texts on purpose.”
Buck held his glass over his stomach and stared at it for a moment.
“I uh I kinda was.” He admitted quietly.
“Oh?” Jason asked in surprise and even though he didn’t seem upset, Buck still couldn’t help but flinch. “Did I- did I do something wrong?” He frowned, almost as if he was asking himself instead of Buck.
“N-no, no, not at all it’s just… did I? Do something wrong, I mean.”
“Y-you uh you bolted pretty quickly after our date so I thought—”
Jason put a hand onto Buck’s thigh, just above his knee, and he snapped his mouth shut.
“It’s… nothing,” he shook his head, “I think it just seemed like you had your hands full with work and family and I didn’t want to make it worse. You know, before we could see where things were going with us.”
Maybe Eddie was right and he didn’t mess this up that badly, maybe it really was salvageable.
“Yeah?” He tipped his head up hopefully.
“Yeah.” Jason shifted his hand onto the top of Buck’s, bringing immediate warmth to his skin and he couldn’t help but lace their fingers together on top of the bedsheet.
He also couldn’t help but to instantly think about Eddie holding his hand through two layers of gloves while they both thought Buck was about to die. The way he desperately wished to feel Eddie’s touch one more time as he caressed Buck’s cheek and made him talk through bloodloss.
“So, are we on for another date?” Jason’s quiet voice teleported Buck right back to reality where Buck wasn’t dying and Eddie was no longer holding Buck’s hand.
“Yeah, s-sure I’d love that.”
✨I was tagged by and am tagging the wonderful @sunshinediaz @spagheddiediaz @jeeyuns @excuseme-greentea @exhuastedpigeon @nmcggg @disasterbuckdiaz @daffi-990 @diazsdimples @honestlydarkprincess @watchyourbuck @actualalligator MWUAH MWUAH 💛
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angelsanarchy · 8 months
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Alkaline: Euronymous x Y/N Series CH 6
Tagging: @ophelialaufey @madamemaximoff06 @forever-not-gonna-sink @ajmiila02 @liquidsmoothdomme @shady-the-simp @that-one-persons-posts
TW: Self Harm, Blood
Y/n knew that tonight was Mayhem's first show and as much as she wanted to be there for support, she knew she had to work. She had tried to call and wish him good luck but she got the voicemail. Since he lived with the band, she decided against leaving a message and just hoped he would come by and tell her how it went.
When they all piled into the restaurant, face paint half smudged off and louder than normal, Hammed started taking orders as quickly as he could. Y/n couldn't really interact at the moment as she was working the line instead of tables. The amount of drinks she had to uncap hurt her hands but she made sure to stack them all on a tray to be dropped off to them. Once Hammed got tired of taking orders, he switched onto grill and Y/n was able to greet Oystein.
"How did it go?" She asked brightly seeing little bits of his makeup still on the corners of his eyes and mouth.
"It went really well. Wish you could have seen it." He smiled back taking his food.
"Maybe someday." She knew it wasn't her scene but she would tough it out to see Oystein play.
"You didn't stick around for the party. I looked for you but they said you took off pretty early." He looked disappointed.
"I was still on the clock so I couldn't really stick around. I figured you wouldn't even have noticed surrounded by groupies." Y/n tried to keep it light but Oystein screwed up his face.
"Hardly. I don't give a shit about groupies." Y/n felt a slight uptick in her heart but she didn't want him to know it. She took a napkin and leaned over the counter to rub some of the smeared makeup away from his eye.
"I'm definitely going to need a shower at some point." Oystein laughed.
"I'd say so. I can't believe you brought your stench in here with that crew of misfits." Y/n finally noticed Pelle sitting in a chair with his head down.
"Ey he might need some more tape." One of the guys shouted to Oystein.
"Hey do you have any duct tape?" Y/n cocked an eyebrow.
"Um we should. Let me check the back." Oystein nodded and went to sit his food down on the table. When Y/n found the tape, she walked of the door and immediately say Oystein trying to help Pelle pull tape from his bloody wrists.
"Fuck!" Y/n's eyes went wide pushing the swinging bathroom door and seeing what they were doing.
"What the fuck happened and why are you putting fucking duct tape on it?!" Y/n looked at Pelle who was paler than normal.
"It's not as bad as it looks." Oystein said stupidly. Pelle made eye contact with Y/n and she walked back out of the bathroom towards the office. She grabbed the first aid kit and her purse from her locker. When she returned they had gotten all the tape off and she was staring at how scarred his arms were.
"Grab me a chair from the table please." Oystein ran out to grab the chair and Pelle was shaking.
"You don't have to-" Pelle started.
"Listen, I'm not here to judge you. If you want to die or feel or whatever, its your life to have or end but you can't come here and expect me to serve meat sandwiches when you're bleeding out in a booth." Y/n wasn't trying to scold him. She had a brother who battled terrible mental illness so she knew the anguish someone must feel to do this to themselves but she knew Hammed would lose his shit.
Oystein sat the chair down and she pushed Pelle into it. She knelt in front of him and Oystein watched her clean his wounds up, disinfect them and attempt to put bandages on them.
"These are only butterfly band aids but you need fucking stitches, Pelle." Y/n was about to open her second box of band aids.
"Dead....my name is Dead." She clicked her tongue against her teeth annoyed.
"You know, these stage names are starting to piss me off." Y/n looked at Oystein in the mirror. She put a long gauze pad on his wounds before getting up from the floor.
"Take him to get stitches as soon as you can." Y/n said as Pelle walked past her as if she didn't just stitch up his gapping wounds.
"He'll be okay. I'll make sure to get him stitched up." Oystein assure Y/n as she cleaned up the bloody gauze and bandage wrappers. She felt a hand on her back and she tensed.
"Hey...it's fine. He's done much worse than that." Oystein's words made her turn around.
"I can see that but that doesn't mean he's fine. If anything he's furthest from fine Oystein." She felt a weight on her chest like she wanted to cry and he could tell she was upset. He pulled her to his chest and she dodged it as the door swung open again.
It was the guy who was lurking around at the party the other night.
"Hey I wanted to say you guys were very good tonight...at your gig. My name is Christian-"
"Do you see I'm a little busy here?" Oystein snapped. The way he spoke to Oystein gave off much different vibes than she would have thought. She assumed it was a friend but he came off more as a fanboy. He backed out of the bathroom leaving them both standing alone. Y/n quickly scrubbed her hands in the sink wanting to be out of that confined space.
"Y/n.." Oystein reached out again.
"I've got to get back to work." Y/n wiped her face and pushing past him. They continued to cut up and eat for another 20 minutes before they finally left. Y/n felt so tense and uneasy, all she wanted to do was scream.
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sydsaint · 1 year
Happy 2023 everyone! 🎉🎉
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Summary: The reader confronts Eddie about his strange behavior at an NYE party.
The taping for Rampage is just about to finish up and you are backstage chatting with Daniel Garcia. Garcia is talking about his plans for New Year's Eve tomorrow night when you spot Mox and Eddie walking into the room.
"Yeah, great. I'll catch up with you later, Danny." You pat Daniel's shoulder before you walk away from him.
"Alright." Daniel nods, a bit confused. "Catch you later, Y/N." He watches you walk off.
You walk over to your older brother and Eddie with a smile. It's been a few weeks since you've seen them talking with one another. "Well, aren't you two a sight for sore eyes." You joke.
"Y/N, what's going on, shortie?" Eddie is the first to greet you. "You weren't talking to that dork, Daniel Garcia, were you?" He asks you.
"Danny and I were just having a friendly chat." You shrug. "You two look like you're up to something. Which is never good." You add with a joking smile. "So, what's up?"
Mox rolls his eyes at your teasing, just being his usual grumbly self. "There ain't nothing going on." He insists. "I was just talking to Eddie about coming to the NYE party tomorrow night. Renee and I finally managed to find a sitter and are going." He explains.
"You guys finally managed to find Nora a sitter? That's great, Jon." You congratulate him, knowing that it's been a while since Mox and Renee got out. "So, that does mean you're coming to the party, Eddie?" You turn to Kingston.
"Yeah, I guess." Eddie shrugs. "Ain't really my scene, but if Mox is going then I mind as well put up with it."
"Hey!" You laugh. "I'll be there too, Kingston." You remind him. "So you won't have to be so alone and miserable the whole night. And who knows, you might even be able to rope some poor girl into a midnight kiss." You joke and poke his arm in a teasing manner.
Your joke makes Jon chuckle and you turn to him. "That's why you were chatting up Garia?" He asks you. "Trying to secure a midnight kiss for yourself?"
"Maybe." You shrug nonchalantly. "I've got options. It's just a matter of which one seems the best at the time." You joke. "Anyway, I'll let you two get back to whatever mischief you were about to get into. I'll catch you at the party, Eddie." You nod to Kingston before you walk off.
"See you later, shortie." Eddie chuckles and watches you walk off.
The next night you throw on a cute dress and head for the NYE party that everyone is attending. You aren't there for long when Daniel spots you and heads over.
"Damn, Y/N," Daniel comments when he sees you. "Who you trying to impress tonight?" He asks you with a chuckle.
You giggle at Garcia so obviously eyeing you up. "I'm not really sure yet." You admit. "But keep yourself available tonight, yeah, Garcia?" You tease him.
You walk further into the party and look around for Mox and Renee. You finally find them mingling in a quieter corner of the room with Eddie and a couple of other people.
"Renee! You look stunning tonight!" You approach your sister-in-law first.
"Y/N!" Renee greets you with a wide smile. "And wow, I could say the same about you."
You giggle and hug her. "Thanks. Jon, you've been treating my favorite in-law well, right?" You glance at Jon who rolls his eyes at you. "And, Eddie! Glad that you could make it."
You let go of Renee and step over to Eddie who looks a bit uncomfortable. He cracks a small smile when you come over to him, but you can tell that something is bothering him.
"So, how's the party been so far, Eddie?" You ask him casually. "Not too rowdy and loud, I hope?"
Eddie shakes his head, eyes fixed on the crowd behind you. "Eh, it's been alright." He shrugs.
You furrow your brows at Eddie's odd behavior. But choc it up to him simply not being a big party guy. "Nice! Well, I'm gonna go grab a drink. I'll catch you later tonight, Eddie." You dismiss yourself with a small smile.
Eddie watches you walk off until you disappear into the crowd. Once you are gone he finally relaxes. 'Fuck me' He thinks to himself. 'God she looks so fucking good in that damn dress' He mumbles to himself.
Truth be told, Eddie has had a thing for you for years now. But he's never acted on it. Instead choosing to keep his attraction to his best friend's baby sister locked away. But lately, Eddie has been finding it harder and harder to keep his feelings for you a secret.
On the other side of the room, you grab a drink and find Daniel at your side once again. "Well, looks who's back." Garcia chuckles when you walk over to him. "Just couldn't resist me, could you, Y/N." He grins at you.
"Whatever." You roll your eyes playfully. "Just hand me a drink, Garcia."
You and Daniel chat and flirt back and forth for a while. But the whole time you can't help but feel like someone's got their eyes on you. After a while, you scan the room and lock eyes with Eddie still standing in the same spot that he was before.
The clock is winding down to kick off the new year. But you abandon Garia at the bar and head over to Eddie.
"Eddie, what's up?" You walk over to Kingston and startle him out of his thoughts.
"Hmm? Y/N? What are you doing over here?" He asks you. "Ain't the timer about to start counting down?" He glances at the clock on the wall with less than 5 minutes to go.
You shrug. "Yeah, but something was bothering me." You admit. "What's up with you tonight, Kingston? You seem off."
Eddie bites his lip like he's thinking about what he should say. "Do I?" He asks you. "Sorry, Y/N. It's just....I...God, that damn dress is driving me up the wall." He grits his teeth.
"My dress?" You glance down at yourself in confusion. "What's wrong with it?"
"I...It's....fuck!" Eddie curses. "It's not just the dress, okay?" He admits. "It's you! I mean...you...I..." Eddie stumbles over his words. "Y/N, I have had this ungodly thing for you for years now."
Your eyes widen at Eddie's confession. You've known him forever, and you've never seen him stumble over his words like this. "You have? Really?" You ask him with a laugh.
"Yeah..." Eddie nods. "Wait! What are you laughing for?" He asks you.
You giggle and shake your head. "Awe, Eddie, why didn't you say something sooner?" You ask him.
"I don't know." Eddie scratches the back of his neck. "It's just, you're Moxley's baby sister. I couldn't do that to him, man."
You nod in understanding and the clock begins counting down. "Well, I'm a big girl now, Eddie." You laugh. "And as cute as Danny is, he's not really my type anyway." You add. "So,"
You look up at Eddie with doe eyes and he seems to get the hint. A mischievous smile plays on his lips and suddenly you are being dipped down as the clock strikes midnight.
"Happy New Year, darling." Eddie grins and kisses you gently.
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A writing request: Protective Clyde rescues reader from a guy being a little too handsy at the bar. Makes sure reader gets home safely. Super fluff/protective Clyde. Maybe ends with a 'thank you' kiss on the cheek. Annnddd I'm already crying thinking about you writing this
Safe & Sound (Reader x Clyde Logan) 
Note: For you @ladyinwriting18? Anything! 🥰
Part 1 of the Safe & Sound Series. Here is Part 2 & 3
Warnings: Creepy misogynistic bullshit. But also the fluffiest of fluff!  
Words: 2,407 
Smutty Part 2 - HERE
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The smell of whiskey breath ghosting over your face made your stomach turn. You were just trying to have a quiet drink at the ‘Duck Tape’ after a long day at work and all of a sudden you were having your evening ruined by some overbearing guy with half a bottle of dutch courage behind him. “Seriously, I’m okay thank you” you said politely, trying to catch the eye of anyone who could get this guy off you. You were not one to be polite to guys that harass you usually but something about this guy’s overly aggressive lean towards you had put you on edge. All sorts of images and scenarios were flashing through your mind and your heart was starting to hammer in your chest. But just like always, just like you were taught from the time you can walk, you played it off by smiling sweetly and being as polite as possible. Annoyingly you’d chosen to sit in the back corner of the bar tonight so you had nowhere to go but past him. Your dress was high up on your thigh and you tried, subtly, to pull it down.   “Nah, come on sweetheart” he said with a smirk, flicking your long hair off your shoulder dragging his fingers purposely along your skin as he does it “Let me buy you a drink” You went to speak again, hoping to brush him off but the panic in you was rising. The feeling of his skin on yours had triggered something within you, you fidgeted your hands over each other on the bar top to stop them trembling. You looked up at him, mustering up that fake sweet smile again, turning to grab your jacket to leave – figuring this was the only way to get him to leave you alone – before you heard someone else speak.
“I’m goin’ to have to ask you to leave” you heard the deep drawl before you looked up. Clyde Logan was sidling his way across to where you were sat in the corner, the light of the bar was behind him like an aura. Your lumbering guardian angel. Honestly you’d never paid too much attention to him, he was just… Clyde. He’d been around forever except for when you’d returned from college and found out he was off in Iraq. Clyde was just the big grumpy bartender who made a mean vodka cranberry for you every Friday night; the same grumpy bartender who always slipped in an extra lime because he knew you liked it. You gave him a relieved smile as you caught his eye; he instantly turned his attention back to the guy leaning against you as he piped up once more. “Oh come on Clyde, I was only havin’ a bit of fun” he slurred, giving him a hacking laugh before slipping his hand up your arm and onto your shoulder. You instantly tensed up, skin crawling as you could feel the sweat drip from his forehead on your bare shoulder as he propped himself against you. “Oh I’m sure ya are. But see, I don’t think she finds it very fun do you darlin’?” Clyde said looking at you out the corner of his eye and you shook your head. “Now I’m asking ya to leave cause you’re making my customers uncomfortable. I’m damn sure this woman, nice as she is, doesn’t want your hands all over her now does she?” You shook your head again and the guy looked at you, having the audacity to scoff in offense at your response before turning back to Clyde with a grin. But Clyde kept talking “Her shakin’ her head there? That’s her sayin’ no. Got that? So I’m goin’ to ask you one more time to get off her. Look at her… sweet like a little bird she is, she don’t need your big greasy paws all over her like that” The drunk guy sneered and jostled your shoulders in a jovial way, trying to show Clyde how you were at ease you supposed, and you felt his metal watch strap nick your skin at the back of your neck and you hissed softly at the pain. There was a sudden thud and you looked down; Clyde had grabbed the guy’s free arm that was resting on the bar with his flesh hand. He gave it a sudden tug and the guy gave a high-pitched yelp as he was pulled closer to Clyde and off you. “I said… I’m goin’ to have to ask you to leave” Clyde repeated. You knew sweet, quiet Clyde could have a temper when he needed one; you’d seen him strong-arm a few guys out on their asses a few times over the years. You’d always quietly admired how sturdy and wide his body looked, comfortable and yet solid. So when he did things like that you’d silently sip your drink, pretending you weren’t watching his bicep bulge under his long-sleeved shirt as he grabbed the guy by the scruff of the neck or twist their arm behind their back and haul them out the bar. Another bar patron, an older guy, was walking past this little scene and shot the drunk guy a knowing look before giving his input “Now Billy! Logan here’s got two tours under his belt. Show the guy some respect. Make yourself scarce, come on” Clyde shoo’d this new guy off with a tilt of his head and the guy threw his hands up in surrender before walking away. Billy let out another hacking laugh that made you flinch slightly in your seat, it was full of contempt and far too much confidence for a man in his position “What do you think ya goin’ to do Logan? One arm freak ain’t gunna do nothin’ to me!” “I think you’ll find that I still have my arm, just my forearm and hand that’s missin’. I still got enough to break this arm of yours in three places if you don’t leave this beautiful young lady alone” “Oh I see, Little Logan got a crush” Billy grinned cockily at him, spittle was flying out of his mouth as he slurred and it made you cringe as you saw it landing on Clyde’s dark blue shirt. You started to panic again, you didn’t know what Clyde was going to do next and you shot him a look. You didn’t want him to get himself in trouble for you and after everything that had had happened at the speedway you worried that one little thing would get the cops on
his ass again. He caught your panicked expression and gave you a contemplative pout before turning his head back to Billy. He dragged Billy a little closer so he was bent uncomfortably; you could see his belt cutting deep into his side, pressed into him by the wood of the bar. He was flinching and groaning in Clydes strong grasp, when Clyde spoke he was close to his face and his voice was a low, slow and dangerously calm growl “Now somethin’ tell me this precious, good woman here wants me to spare you the pain I was plannin’ on givin’ ya, kind as she is. So I’m goin’ to let you go but if I ever see you so much as look at her again I’ll show you what two tours in Iraq teaches ya. Got it?” You watched as Billy quickly gathered up his jacket that was hanging haphazardly from the chair he had been sitting on and skitter out the bar like a dog with its tail between its legs. Clyde gave you a pouty but satisfied nod before calmly going back to washing glasses.
The bar was closing in around an hour so Clyde made you another drink, extra lime as always, to steel your nerves. As he walked around, picking up after people and saying goodnight to the stragglers he kept a close eye on you. Always looking back over his shoulder to where you were sat. You smiled every time he looked at you, several times you thought about getting up to leave for the night but he always caught your eye and something in his look made you sip your drink a little slower. Maybe you should stick around.
“He didn’t hurt you or nothing did he?” Clyde said in a low voice so the last people that were leaving couldn’t hear him. Part of you wondered if he was embarrassed to be helping you but then you realised, as he turned his body to literally shield you from the gaze of the rest of the patrons in the bar, he was protecting your privacy. “No Clyde, I’m fine thank you” you smiled, brushing your dress down awkwardly trying to ease the tension. Clyde was a man of few words usually but he made up for it in the intensity of his stare and right now that stare was focussed purely on you. His eyes roamed over you and it made a heat rise up on the back of your neck. He made a grunting noise, almost to himself, and he leaned over the bar to fetch a napkin. He turned the tap on that was over the small bar sink and dipped the napkin under the running water. You gave him a look, raising your eyebrow in question and he nodded to you shoulder. You looked down and noticed a small trail of dried blood running down your shoulder from where the guy had cut you with his watch. “Can I touch ya? Is that okay?” he asked, eyes soft and concerned as he studied you. You nodded shyly and he leant forward and wiped the napkin over your skin gently. You watched his hand carefully, the huge size of it compared to your arm making you bite back a giggle. The cold of his horseshoe ring brushing lightly against your skin made you break into goosebumps. He dabbed and patted to make sure he got it all wiped away “There ya go, all cleaned up” He gave your arm a stroke with his thick knuckles, like he was doubly making sure you were all squared away. Clyde Logan didn’t smile very much, you always thought his signature grumpy pout was actually quite endearing, but in this moment as you gazed up at him he gave you the smallest, most tender smile and you couldn’t help but grin back at him. “You don’t have to take care of me you know?” you whispered, he shook his head as he hopped up on the bar and swung himself back over. “Well of course I do, pretty little thing like you shouldn’t have to deal with assholes like that!” You gave him a small push to his chest that barely moved him “You stop that!” you laughed, he chuckled as you dipped your head down, letting your hair hide the growing blush on your cheeks. “I only speak the truth darlin’” he said turning to wander over to the cash register “Give me 2 minutes to check todays takins’ and I’ll drive ya home” You scoffed and dropped off your high bar stool onto your feet “You really don’t need to do that, I’m sure that guy is long gone” “Well I can’t just let ya go home on your on now can I? What kind of gentleman would I be if I did that?” he said, you swear you saw him smirk to himself and he pushed his hip into the cash register to close it. He turned to you, swinging his jacket off the hook on the wall and around his shoulders. “Oh Clyde, you’re sweet but I’ll be okay” You stepped forward as you spoke and helped him pull his jacket over his prosthetic arm “Really! I don’t live too far, you know that! It’s only a mile round the corner I can walk it” You flushed at his forwardness and unexpected level of care he was showing you. The heat was rising up on the fact of your neck again and you couldn’t quite decide if it was embarrassment or something a little more intimate. “Nonsense, I won’t hear another word on the matter” he shot you another smile; you quite liked this more relaxed Clyde. There was something about that shy smile that made you accept his offer with a small nod. “Perfect. Let me grab my keys and I’ll drive ya”
You hopped down out of his truck as he opened the passenger door for you, which he had insisted on doing; he’d even held out his prosthetic arm for you to use to steady yourself as you dropped unsteadily onto your driveway. You’d thanked him quietly and he’d responded “Nothing but the best for the princess” making you giggle and elbow his side jokingly. You both wandered down the driveway in comfortable silence, nothing but crickets and the crunch of gravel beneath both your shoes.
“Safe and sound now aren’t ya” he said, tapping your front door absentmindedly with his knuckle, watching you wrestle your keys out of your bag. You chuckled and nodded, before you could give yourself a second to overthink it you pitched up on your tip toes, pulling him down slightly with your a small hand on his wide shoulder, and placed a timid kiss to his cheek. “Thank you Clyde” you whispered. You giggled slightly as a noticeable pink blush bloomed across his cheeks and he shook his head and stuttered “N-no thanks necessary sweetheart”
You put your key in the lock and he turned to leave with a courteous nod goodnight. As you pushed open the door breathing out a tightly held in sigh, suddenly thankful to be in the comfort of your own home, you heard him say your name. You spun to see him a few feet away from you, rocking on his heels slightly “Come by the bar tomorrow night? I’ll make you another one of those cranberry drinks you like and…I’d errr… I’d love to see ya”
Now it was your turn to blush, you hoped he couldn’t see it in the shadow of your doorway
“I’d love too. See you then” you replied, giving him a small wave before going inside.
Maybe you should have paid more attention to the big grumpy bear behind the bar because it turns out, he’s rather sweet.
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kisekinodrabbles · 3 years
Can we get detective Aomine, who gets assigned a female partner but from the start they're always at each other's throats. During an undercover case, reader has to be super flirty and Aomine gets all jealous and mutual confessions ensues. Maybe some sexy times at the end? :') Sorry if this is too specific, feel free to come up with your own interpretation! I'm such a huge fan of your work Sam and I'm so excited that you're opening your askbox even just for a little while!
ngl idk what im doing here but this is the last request in my inbox so i wanted to finish it haha pls enjoy (not proofread so excuse mistakes) - also my first time writing smut in like years so forgive me!!
Sometimes, Aomine thinks that if he isn’t a law and order professional, he thinks he might actually commit murder and hide your body away in some undisclosed, obscure location. Most of the time, you feel the same way about him. 
The two work in different divisions—Aomine in homicide and you in robbery. The two divisions have always been highly competitive especially given how much overlap you both encounter. Things can get territorial, but their teams are used to your snide remarks and Aomine’s verbal assault. It’s just the way the world works. 
After all, the two of you were in the same graduating class. You, a valedictorian by books. Aomine, top of the class by combat. It’s natural that the two of you are so competitive with your conflicting personalities.
The two of you may have also fucked at some point. 
“I’m not fucking working with her, are you kidding me?” Aomine spits out at his boss. Any other person would’ve been kicked out of the room or probably fired, but Aomine is the best detective in his division so Akashi would never do such a thing. For now. Aomine’s been wearing his patience thin. 
The red-haired man sighs, folding his hands together atop his desk. “Aomine, I understand you both have had your immaturity in the past. This, however, isn’t the time for such trivial matters. There’s a double homicide downtown during a robbery. She’s the lead for the case on the robbery end because they’ve been tracking a series of these.” Aomine opens his mouth to argue again. “No more buts. She’s already down there getting witness statements. Unless you want to be behind again, I suggest you get in your car and start driving.” 
He grits his teeth. Breathe. Don’t strangle your boss, he’ll probably kill you first. “I’ll take Wakamatsu.”
By the time he arrives on the scene, a crowd has gathered behind the police line, snapping pictures in the hopes of getting something Twitter worthy. He growls past all of them and ducks underneath the tape. “Where’s the officer that called it in?”
“Inside talking to the detective.”
“I’m the detective,” he snaps right back, knowing full well you’re already three steps ahead of him. And you definitely won’t let him forget that.
He marches past the thick front doors, Wakamatsu in tow. From a distance, he spots you talking to another officer. When he finally approaches you, he realizes that you’re in a skin tight dress covered by an oversized police jacket.
Your name slips past his lips. “Did we interrupt a hot date?” He smirks.
You whirl around, knowing full well the irritating voice that grates on your nerves. Aomine Daiki. “Unlike you, I have actual friends and actual plans on a Friday night. Did you decide to give your wrist a break for the night?” 
Aomine bites back, “Well, it’s not getting much rest either when I had my fingers knuckle deep in something tight and wet tonight.” Complete lie but he’s not about to lose this battle. “Not sure you know how that feels though.”
“If you’re talking about the pudding in your fridge, you might want to ease up on that. Doesn’t look like it’s doing you any favors,” you smile right back at him, knowing full well you’ve won this argument.
Aomine growls low under his breath, jabbing Wakamatsu hard with his elbow when he hears the snort escape him. “Brief me on the situation,” he tells the police officer.
“Well, uh, I already told this detective here—”
“I’m the other detective in charge for homicide. Now, you better fucking brief me before I tell your captain.”
The guy glances at you warily and you just laugh. “Told you he hasn’t gotten any in a long time. Come on, sugar, I’ll brief you on the way down to the vault.” You curl your finger in a gesture to get him to follow you and he sucks up his pride for the first time and do as he’s told. If he solves this case, he still gets the credit and you can go back to that sewer where you came from.
There are two bodies at the vault and forensics are already working to collect evidence when they arrive. “Your area of expertise, double homicide. Both are surprisingly the robbers. Four of them broke in, only two were seen exiting with money bags. No other casualties.”
“Fucking weird,” Aomine mutters. It’s not new for robberies to go wrong, but for two of them to die with no civilian casualty? That’s fucking weird.  
“Interesting, isn’t it?” You grin, seeming way too pleased considering there are two dead people in front them. “The ammo is the same as the previous bank robberies in the area. We’re going to assume they’re linked to the Red Dragon clan.”
“Fuck,” he groans, “I fucking hate those guys. Bitches to deal with. Hard to infiltrate.”
You flick your hair over your shoulder, grinning at him. He can’t help but draw his gaze to your neck, a very attractive neck. Now that he notices how tight that dress is, he can’t help but admit that it has been a while since he’s gotten any action. The curves of your breast defined so clearly by the fabric that stretches across the mounds, the flow of your hips, every dip and rise. Your exposed legs further emphasized by your heels. God fucking damn. He feels his pants tighten as he licks his teeth. Get it together, Aomine. 
Of course, the clothes do nothing to remove the memory of your nude body from his mind. He’s seen all parts of you some time ago. A drunken mistake that ended in a brief, but extremely satisfying night of passion. Your tight pussy wrapped around his cock, your nails digging into his biceps. He can still picture the sheen layer of sweat on your skin as he rams into you, your broken moans falling from your lips. 
“Well, lucky for you,” you start again, pulling him out of the hazy cloud of lust. “I already have someone on the inside. They’ve set up a meeting for me tomorrow night meet with the head’s son. I’ll try to get some information done.” 
“Lucky for you, I’m free tomorrow to be your backup. You’re welcome,” Aomine smiles, “Don’t fuck this up. I don’t feel like cleaning up after your ass.”
“I should say that about you, asshole.”
Aomine is sat in a dingy van just across the street from the bar you’re having your meeting. You’ve hidden your mic in the perfect spot, a location which you do not disclose to Aomine. However, he has a feeling it’s somewhere promiscuous that he wants to be aware of. They can see the restaurant clearly, their brat hacker Sakurai having plugged into the restaurant’s security cameras. 
“Shut the fuck up, Aomine. I can hear you munching on your stupid sour cream and onion chips.” You mutter into your mic before the guy arrives. You sip your wine and take a deep breath. This isn’t the first time you’ve gone undercover but it is the first time to have Aomine behind you while you do so. 
The detective looks down at the can in his hands. Sour cream and onion. How did you know? He sets it aside, bringing the mic up to his lips. “Maybe you should do your job better and focus on your meeting instead of listening to me. Why are you so obsessed with me, hm?” 
However, a man’s voice on the other side of the headphones has him straightening. “Good evening, I didn’t expect to be meeting a lovely lady like you tonight,” the sleaze says and Aomine can just imagine him kissing your hand. “When Tanaka said I’d be meeting with the right hand of White Claw, I didn’t expect it to be a woman.”
“Well, we are moving up in life, Mr. Ito.”
“Your good looks are certainly quite persuasive. I’m sure there are ways you can convince me to strike a deal.”
Fucking. Sleaze.
“Oh,” you laugh lightly, “what a flatterer. You’re not so bad yourself. I can imagine people fall at their feet for you.”
“Well, I am quite knowledgeable in more ways than one. Perhaps I can show you tonight after dinner.”
The two banter back and forth, trading flirty comments that puts Aomine on edge. You’re supposed to be doing your job and he knows that. He knows this is all an act but you’re a damn good actress. 
“Aomine, where are you going?” Wakamatsu’s concerned voice carries through the speaker.
You freeze. This fucker better not screw this whole operation up. “Well,” you say, “this has been a lovely dinner. I’m sure we both can come to an agreement without doing anything reckless.” 
The double meaning, a sentence meant for the man across from you and the man listening to you rings clear. Aomine growls, sitting back down petulantly in his seat. He was about to rage in there and start a war, but holds himself back. Be professional, Aomine. Job first, dick needs later. 
“The same to you. It’s been a pleasure meeting you,” the man smiles. “Are you sure you won’t join me for the night?”
Aomine snarls low into his mic. Wakamatsu shoots him a weird look. You let out a little giggle and he knows it’s meant for him. “No, thank you, Mr. Ito. I’m afraid I have other commitments to tend to.” 
When he knows it’s safe, he storms into the restaurant where you still sit, sipping your drink. Sliding into the seat across from you, he rolls his eyes. “Enjoy yourself?” 
He didn’t see when you were set up with the mic earlier so he also hadn’t seen what you were wearing. He’s almost grateful because he knows he might’ve lost it if he did. Tight ass dress, deep neckline that shows ample cleavage (he’s always a sucker for this), sultry eyes, red lips. God, all his favorite things packaged into one. 
Your lips quirk up. “The breadsticks here are quite nice.”
“Fucking hilarious. Let’s go.”
“Why the hurry?”
“Unless you want Wakamatsu to hear me fuck you, you better dump that mic and get your ass up.”
You lean back, narrowing your eyes at him. “I’m not sure I like your tone.”
“Trust me, you don’t have to like my tone to enjoy what I’m going to do to you.”
Licking your lips, you consider your options as you bring the wine back to your lips. “Fine,” you mutter, unclipping the mic from the strap of your dress. Aomine moves faster though, snatching it from your hands and dumping it into the wine. Before you can protest, he already has a hand wrapped around yours, tugging you up from your seat and into the back room. 
You’re stumbling in his manic rush, heels barely keeping up with your movements. “Aomine!” You chide as he pushes all the way to the employee break room. The space is fortunately empty and Aomine locks it to make sure it stays that way. “Can you please stop?! You’re such a caveman, I—”
He’s quick to shut you up, swallowing your words with his lips as they slot over yours. He doesn’t waste time, shrugging off his leather jacket as he licks your bottom lip for permission. You gasp a complaint, but he takes advantage of the situation to stick his tongue in, pressing it up against yours. 
All your worries fall away into a moan as he separates from you only to gasp for breath and pull his t-shirt over his head. With nimble fingers, he’s unzipping the back of your dress and yanking it down, leaving your top half exposed. Shivering, you’re about to voice your disapproval but your brain seems to stop functioning the second your gaze lands on his tanned body.
Aomine’s always been attractive. No one can deny. There’s a reason why he’s simultaneously the precinct’s most eligible bachelorette and most insufferable jackass. His confidence matches his skills. His looks live up to his brags. Hard lines and shadows are painted on him like a masterpiece in a museum. His broad shoulders make him look even bigger with his height. His jeans that hang just low enough to be tantalizing with the hint of a v that leads to the space between his legs. 
Your mouth dries up at the sight and Aomine smirks knowingly. You’ve fallen into his bed before, he can make it happen again. “Take a picture, it’ll last longer.”
“Fifth grade humor doesn’t become you, Aomine.” You scowl as he backs you up against the table in the middle of the room. He effortlessly grabs you by the ass to lift you up and onto the surface, the metal cool against your exposed thighs. 
“Did you dress up for me, doll? Knowing full well that this was going to happen,” he grins devilishly, bringing his hands up to shamelessly cup your breasts. 
It’s not as if you’re embarrassed for being so bare before him. You’re proud of your body and he damn well knows that. You let him fondle you through your bra for a little bit. “No, you animal. I dress for the job.”
“You tell me you wear this flimsy thing—” he teases the light coverage of your lingerie. The lace is sheer and barely covers your nipples, the material holding onto your breasts for dear life. “—for the job?”
“I do my job right, asshole,” you spat right back. “So are you just going to stand there or are you going to fuck me?”
A wide grin stretches across his face. The heat in his eyes carry to his hands as he works to unclasp your bra and let it fall to the ground. Aomine doesn’t waste time as you lean back on your palms, granting him full access to fondle and suckle on your tits. His tongue swirls around the sensitive nubs that have grown stiff in the contrast between the cold air and his warm breath. His teeth graze the sensitive skin hard enough to have you groaning in pleasure. His lips close in around them and suck. He uses his hand to tease and tug your other breast, pinching it to elicit that delicious whimper out of you. Aomine alternates between the two, making sure you stay warm. 
Meanwhile, you let your hand fall to the bulge between his legs. He lets out a small grunt at the initial touch but seems to respond favorably to the way you stroke the tent, nudging his hips forward for more friction. “Is that a gun in your pants or are you just excited to see me?”
“You’re so fucking ridiculous,” Aomine mutters, both humored and unamused by your comment. 
“Fuck,” you let slip as your fingers struggle to unbutton his jeans. “Your fucking pants. Don’t you live in sweats? You choose today of all days to wear your stupid tight jeans?”
Aomine chuckles, “Patience, baby. You know you like my ass in these.”
You do, but you’re not about to admit that. He quickly works off his pants, letting them drop to his ankles as he moves towards you again. While he continues to stimulate your tits, your hand begins groping his cock which is rock hard and peeking from the top of his boxers.
“God, I miss having this inside me,” you whine, pulling the flimsy fabric off and letting it pool on top of his jeans. “Condom?”
“You don’t want me raw? You know you want to feel all of my cock,” he grins. You throw him a glare and he just chuckles as he reaches for his wallet on the floor, pulling out a packet and tossing it onto the table. “But first,” he pauses, letting his hands slide down to cup your pussy, which is admittedly already drenched at that point. 
He hisses when he feels your juices drip and coat his fingers. “You’re so fucking wet, goddamn. How long have you been waiting for this?”
“When that robbery happened, I was about to get laid for the first time in months. So fucking sue me,” you snarl at him. 
“Well, I am here to please,” he wets his lips. He slips one finger in, sliding in all too easily. So he adds another finger and feels your walls pulse around him. He begins pulling it out before shoving it back in, repeating the measure to stroke your walls. He curls his fingers inside as he watches your face closely.
Your expression morphs from irritation to blinding pleasure in an instant. Your eyes slide shut, your lips part to exhale shaky breaths. Aomine seems to know exactly how to angle and twist his fingers to induce a heart attack. The sounds falling from your mouth are ephemeral, Aomine wishes he can film this moment so he can replay it over and over again. 
He pumps his fingers into you and ducks his head to take your nipple into his mouth again, tongue circling the tip. “God, you taste so fucking good. I forgot how wet you can get. Don’t even need lube to slide into you, huh? You’re already dripping for me.” 
“Asshole,” you murmur weakly, clearly in no place to retort. 
“Remember the first time I fucked you? God, you were so easy,” he grins, “you were so wet, so turned on already. Remember when I stuck my tongue in your pussy? Licking up your juices. You tasted so sweet.” 
Your breath stutters in your chest, hitching in your throat. “Fuck you, let’s not forget how quickly you came when I sucked you off.”
“I mean, the sight of you on your knees is enough to get anyone off, sweetheart.” 
“Fuck me,” you groan. Any rational thought has fizzled from your brain. The feeling of his fingers inside you is enough to consume you whole, overwhelming you in waves of rapture. 
“What was that?”
He chuckles darkly, licking his lips again. “Beg me.”
“I’m not going to—”
Aomine yanks his fingers out, looking down at you, taunting you. He waits as you internally struggle with your moral convictions. Are you willing to give up your pride for one night just to get fucked out of your mind?
“Please,” you huff, “please fuck me.” 
“Please fuck me who?”
Your eyes find the ceiling, wondering what in the hell you did in your lifetime to have met the devil that is Aomine. Biting your lip, you lean closer to whisper, “Please fuck me, Da-i-ki.” 
The man is a sucker for you calling him by his first name. And to get what you want, you’re willing to play into his hands. Aomine lets out a low growl before ripping open the condom packet and rolling the thin rubber along his length. Your pussy squeezes at the sight. Just imagining what it’s like to have that thickness inside of you, fucking you full, has you on edge. 
He doesn’t waste a single second, pulling you forward and slowly positioning himself in front of you. He holds onto his cock, letting the tip trace your pussy lips, circling it and letting your juices drip onto his cock. Stroking the wetness along his dick, he uses it as a lubricant before he slides himself inside you.
When he’s buried to the hilt, Aomine leans forward and lets his forehead rest on your shoulder. Your pussy is so fucking tight. It’s squeezing and throbbing around him with the engulfing heat. He feels as if he’s going to explode right then. 
“Fuck, you really haven’t been screwed in a while,” Aomine rasps. 
“Told you.”
Aomine starts off slow, pulling out and pushing back in. With how thin the condom is, he can feel every ridge, every bump in your heat rub up against his cock. The sensations is enough to have his thighs quivering, but he’s not one to back down. He begins to pick up the pace, thrusting deep inside of you repeatedly. HIs mouth latches onto your neck, tongue lapping and teeth nipping to paint purple blooms upon your skin. 
His movements are building a bubbling pressure in the pit of your stomach. You feel your heart tightening with every move, your insides squeezing. The absolute pleasure that crashes over you has you breathless, your hands finding purchase on his arms. 
He mutters filthy words in your ear, one of his hands reaching up to tangle in your hair. He yanks back lightly, just enough to have you moaning. You like it rough, he’s well aware of that. He pounds into you relentlessly, hands keeping you in place as whimpers tumble from your mouth. 
“Fuck, right there, oh god,” you gasp, “fuck me harder. God, your dick feels so good. Filling me up so full with your thick cock.” 
“Keep talking like that and I’ll be tempted to come in you, baby,” Aomine grazes his teeth along your ear, hot breath kissing your skin. “God, I want to just fucking cream inside you.” 
“Better watch yourself, Daiki.”
Aomine grins lasciviously, sweat beginning to bead his forehead as he attempts to keep himself in check. He feels you tighten your pussy, walls closing in around him. “Bitch,” he growls. You know what you’re doing but he’s not about to let you gain dominance of the situation.
So his hands dig deeper into your hips as he fucks you harder and deeper, his cock pulsating inside of you on the brink of his self-control. “I’m about to come,” he says with eyes squeezed shut. If he sees your tits bouncing as he fucks you again, he might actually combust in that second. 
“Me too,” you panted, fingers scraping down his arms. 
With a few more pumps, Aomine spills into the rubber with a grunt. He feels you convulse around him, your entire body trembling in the aftermath of your orgasm. He can feel his come continue to leak from his cock. God, he hasn’t come this hard in a fucking long time. 
His heart is thundering in his chest from the impact of his climax. He slumped forward, leaning against you for support—also partially to feel your tits press up against his chest. “Fuck,” he huffs.
“That was good,” you admit to yourself, still breathing heavily as you begin fixing your hair. “We should do that again sometime.”
Aomine just laughs, huffing against your skin. “You’re the fucking she-devil.”
“Says the guy who’s fucking me in the back room in the middle of an undercover operation.”
“Dick first, job second.”
Wakamatsu looks at him when he walks into the precinct that morning. “You do realize the captain is going to kill you for fucking up that expensive mic, right?”
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astras-world · 5 years
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Warnings:Swearing, small fight scene
Thanks for everyone who sent in suggestions from the prompt list!
You weren't sure how you were going to do this. How you were going to avoid having these secret moments with Tom so abruptly but you knew it had to happen.
This was getting you nowhere, your feelings would eventually get in the way of work and truth be told you still needed this job.
So you started small, like pulling your hand away when he grabs it or sitting next to anyone else except for him. You started to ask Harrison to wake Tom up early in the morning to get him to taping and he reluctantly obliged telling you that confronting Tom about your feelings would be more helpful and solve all your problems.
But it wasn't that easy, nothing with Tom was even as kids he would disagree with you and do the exact opposite of what you wanted to do, he was a pain in the ass.
Now is a whole other world of problems starting with how to detach yourself from him in any form possible, the first step to erasing your feelings for him.... Maybe.
Truth be told you had no idea how to do it or if it will even work cause you knew you were already in too deep, getting rid of your feelings for him seemed impossible.
You've been successful so far and so far meaning a couple of days and you weren't sure how much longer you can keep it up.
You missed him, everything about him. The way his hands felt against your skin, his soft lips pressing small kisses on random parts of your body, his body enveloping yours in his completely. You missed the comfort, you missed his laugh to the point that every chuckle physically pained you.
It hurted more everyday that passed, it made you want to run into his arms and stay there forever. But that wasn't possible you kept telling yourself everytime the thought came into your mind which happened way too often
You weren't sure if he noticed, if he did it didn't matter, he wasn't making much of an effort anyway.
But Tom did notice. He noticed the way your hand would slip away from his evertime he tried. He noticed how you didn't sat next to him anymore. How you made excuses to not join him for his naps, how you made Harrison wake him up Every morning instead of going yourself. He noticed how you would pull away from him when he started to get close
He figured that maybe you were mad at him or something so he gave you space thinking that in a couple of days everything would go back to normal. He hoped it will.
He missed you, more than he'd ever admit to himself. He missed running his fingers through your hair everytime you got a headache, he missed holding your hand and the comfort you provided, he missed the way you would fit into him so perfectly when he'd hold you as the both of you were sleeping, he missed your voice telling him off, your laugh, everything. It was almost painful.
But days turned to weeks and those weeks turned into a month, it was taking a toll on the both of you it was evident on the bags unde. your eyes and your forced smiles.
Tom didn't understand why you were acting the way that you were, it was starting to not matter at all. He just wanted his best girl back.
Tonight you were out clubbing with the rest of the gang, you needed to get drunk and Tom had a plan to talk to you.
So after entering the club you immediately went to the bar and ordered your favorite drink hoping to get drunk by the end of the night.
Your wishes came true cause nearing the end of the night you were drunk and dancing with strangers.
One particular stranger caught your eye, he was tall and had charming brown eyes and in your drunken state it was enough to get you giggling like a school girl.
Tom however wasnt in the mood for a drink and he kept an eye on you all night long, keeping an eye on the man that spoke to you at the bar.
Noticing his hand on your waist and the way you smiled up at him, he could almost hear your laugh if it weren't for the music blasting through the speakers surrounding the area.
He let you do your thing, let you get drunk, let you hang around this guy but that didn't stop the sinking feeling in his chest. It didn't stop him from clenching his jaw and his hand curl up into a fist.
Harrison noticed of course. Tom was never one to turn down a drink or a good time and so he followed his line of sight and there you were, flirting with a handsome stranger.
He had to laugh, you were both idiots who kept denying the way you felt about one another.
'She seems to be having a good time" Haz says nudging tom a little
"Mmm" Tom hummed in agreement.
"why aren't you?" Haz says turning to Tom
"What are you talking about? I am having a good time" Tom denies.
"uh huh, that shit doesn't work on me." Haz gives him a look.
"nothing, I just- I want my girl back." Tom says sighing
"She's not yours though, is she?" Haz says cautiously
"No she's- not in that way. You know what I mean" Tom stutters out.
"Yeah I know exactly what you mean. Why don't you make her yours?" Haz asks.
"We're not like that, man. Besides she deserves someone better" Tom says shaking his head.
"Someone better? What kind of better?" Haz asks outraged
"you know, someone stable. Someone who's not everywhere every time." Tom says.
"Mate she travels with you everywhere" Haz says flatly.
"yeah but that isn't what she wants now is it? She likes to settle down. She likes to stay at home, she's adventurous sure, but my kind of adventures aren't for her." Tom says.
"That doesn't even make any sense" Haz says and Tom sighs.
"Listen, Me and y/n, we're not like that. We can't" Tom says with finality
Harrison was about to respond when they heard a squeal very much like yours and they both turn their heads to where the sound came from
There they found you trying (and failing) to push the man away from you. Who was clearly trying to make a move
Tom's blood immediately boiled at the sight. Almost like blacking out he was suddenly punching the guy away from you.
"What the fuck, man?" the unknown guy said wiping blood off his face
"Thomas!" you shouted at the same time in shock immediately holding him back.
"She said no, man." Tom said menacingly.
"Why don't you mind your own fucking business?" The man said pushing tom provoking him further
"She is my business now back the fuck off will you?" Tom said lowly.
The man was about to throw another punch at Tom when Harrison interviened
"I wouldn't do that if I were you or would you rather face a billion dollar lawsuit for damaging Marvel's golden boy?" Haz said clicking his tounge tilting his head slightly.
The man left with an angry huff leaving you with Tom and Haz.
"Take her home, Tom" Haz then turned to you "And you little miss, are in a lot of trouble." pointing his finger at you a smirk playing on his lips.
Tom dragged you away after an exchange of goodbyes with your other friends keeping a tight arm on you as he goes along making sure you stayed by his side.
You on the other hand was still pretty out of it, just sober enough to understand what happened.
Tom led you to the car and you sat in silence for a while, you all too willing to keep ignoring him. If you break now you don't know what would happen.
"So that's it? You'll keep ignoring and avoiding me and think that I don't notice?" Tom said breaking his silence.
"I'm not avoiding you nor am I ignoring you." You said trying to keep your voice.
"I thought the saying went 'drunk people say sober thoughts" Tom said raising his eyebrow at you
"I'm sober" you said defensively
"You were drinking like a damn fish" Tom said flatly
"I may have had a couple shots." you say pouting
"Uh huh, that's what I thought." Tom says humorously.
"Why are you like this? What did I do?" Tom
"You didn't do anything."You shrugged
"Then why are you mad at me?" Tom said defeatedly.
"I'm not mad at anyone" you said blankly.
"Well why are you acting like this, then?" Tom asks
"Acting like what?" You ask brows furrowed.
"Acting like, like,, not like you!" Tom says.
"And when did you become an expert on who I am?" you ask incredulously
"You can't possibly think you're the only one who picks up on habits, who cares enough to notoce anything?" Tom ask rhetorically but you answer anyway.
"Yes. I do. And if anyone else were to, they wouldn't be you." You say.
"and why is that?" Tom asks
"The only person you care about is yourself." Ypu say, immediately wanting to take it all back.
"That's bullshit and you know it." Tom says hotly.
It was. You knew it was. You knew he cared more than he'd ever let on. You knew he cares too much sometimes. He always cared.
But you stayed silent anyways. You were persistent on staying like this. You didn't have it in you to find out what would happen if partially drunk you started talking about what's wrong.
So the drive continued silently. You didn't notice falling asleep but the next thing you knew you were being carried up.
You felt the familiar warmth wrapping around you and you immediately relax, you missed this, everything about it and now here you were back in his arms like and you didn't know how the hell you could ever pry yourself away from him ever again.
So you open your eyes slightly still half asleep.
I love you.
You wanted to say. You wanted him to know. You wanted to just tell him right there.
But you didn't..
"you have, the most beautiful eyes, Tommy." you muttered so quietly it was a miracle he heard you.
"Really, love? I thought they're quite boring?" Tom said humorously reminding you of a moment where you told him that his eyes were indeed boring
You and Tom were only starting to get along, today you had to help him with his lines, Tom always had a hard time reading his lines but he did great remembering it, his dyslexia has been getting difficult especially being mixed with stress and time zone changes, so he needed extra help studying his lines.
The scene you were reading was between him and Zendaya, a scene where they take off swinging in the city and the dialogue starts once they land
"Oh my god I am never doing that again" you said acting as though you were breathless
"It was fun! Sorry, did I freak you out?" he said acting happy then immediately switched to concernedYou lift your eyes from the script meeting his eyes feeling yourself slowly drifting deeper into his chocolate colored eyes.
"No, I just uhm.. I-" you stutter forgetting the lines immediately looking back down on your script and blushing
"Getting lost in my eyes, love?" He says teasingly a smirk dancing on his lips.
"Oh please Thomas, who would get lost in your eyes?" you scoff bot allowing yourself to get caught.
"You apparently." Tom chuckles and you scoff
"How could I? You have the most boring, standard eyes anyones ever had" You say rolling your eyes"
whatever you say, darlin'."
"Hmm, I lied" you hum.
"I know darling, I saw you blush." Tom says laughing "Nothing wrong in thinking I'm attractive, love" he shrugs a smile playing on his lips as he lays you down on the bed Taking off your shoes and crouched on the floor near you brushing hair away from your face.
"There is when you don't think the same." you mumbled.
"Now who said I don't find you attractive?" Tom chuckles
"I did." You sneered sleepily.
"Now that's just ridiculous, love. I think you're gorgeous." Tom said softly, seriously, admiration clear in his voice
You opened you eyes only to meet his and your gazes lock on each other.
"Can I tell you a secret, love?" Tom asks
"Anything." you answer right away.
"I really want to kiss you right now." Tom says brushing his thumb against your cheek.
"then kiss me." You said seriously your eyes still locked on each other.
"If I kiss you right now, I won't be able to stop." Tom said his lips inches away from you.
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xxkellsvixen19xx · 5 years
Forget Me Not Jim Mason x Reader 50 First Dates AU Pt 10 *Final Part*
AFTER THE CHAOS of the birth scene, quiet finally descended. Everywhere except in Jon's brain. Well, his heart-that too was going a million miles an hour, and the reason was right there in his hands.
The doctor had left after giving them a wink and placing his finger against his lips. Medina had left.
Y/N had stepped into the shower, and the nurse had pushed him back into the chair beside the bed. Without so much as a "here you go” she’d placed the baby in his arms. Then she'd left the room, giving Jim no opportunity to do anything but sit there and stare at the tiny person he held cradled in his hands.
Honest truth? He was fucking scared to death. By a bundle of humanity the size of a bread loaf. The baby boy wiggled, and Jim pulled him closer, soft flannel pressing the side of his arm as he cradled the bundle. "Oh, man. This is…”
The kid's face was all scrunched up-no way to tell family resemblance to anyone when he looked like that. Jim glanced around the room to double-check he was alone then carefully laid the baby in his lap and loosened off the blanket.
It might be stupid, but he had to see. He wasn't looking for a distinguishing mark or anything, but... Jim wanted to count toes. And fingers. And look again at how perfectly human, and yet perfectly tiny the baby was.
Baby James complained loudly about being poked and prodded. His arms flared out, fists waving in the air, and Jim did his best to rewrap him. The trick eluded him, and things were a bit of a mess, but James settled down, his bright purple eyes seeming to stare straight through Jim.
"So. You're here."
Another thing that might be stupid, but it felt right to talk to the kid. Tell him...
"You know, your mom is pretty incredible. You have no idea what she just went through for you. Frankly, you probably don't want to know, but right off the bat, you picked a good one, kid. She's loved you with everything in her since she knew you were coming, and she wants nothing but the best for you."
The words stuck in his throat for a minute as that really, truly registered. How much Y/N loved James. The fact she'd said she loved Jim as well?
It wasn't as if there was a limit to love. Only so much to be doled out a little at a time before you had to hold back and save some for another day.
The baby lying in his lap was proof that love wasn't about what you could do, or where you’d come from. Love was a gift, and damn if emotion wasn’t welling up in a way that made Jim gasp at the sharpness of it cutting away the bloody edges inside.
Did it really matter if James was the result of his genes and Y/N's mixing? Or did it matter more that Jon would be called daddy? That he could be a father James looked up to-he'd teach his son to do all the fun things in life, and to deal with all the responsibilities, but most of all he could teach his son how to love unconditionally.
If it turned out Rick had started this life, and the courts decreed he had to be involved, Jim would find a way to make sure even that was somehow a positive experience. He'd protect James, like he would protect Y/N going forward. Not with fists and violence, but in a way that would make a difference in the end.
God, somehow, he would find away.
"So, here’s the deal. I'm your daddy. Well, I need to do some convincing to get your mom to marry me before it will be official, but whatever else happens, or however long that takes, you and me? We're the real deal. We're going to be having a lot of talks over the years. About doing chores you hate, and girls you like. And maybe we'll talk about cars or computers or whatever else comes along. But I'm going to be there for you. For you and your momma. And it doesn’t matter to me one bit if you’re someone else’s son, because you're mine, and I'm so damn thankful for you."
He had to wipe away a tear. "Not at all what I expected, but it's exactly what I needed-you coming into my life. And maybe we'll fight at times, or you'll get grounded-hell, I kind of expect you will if you're  anything like me-but no matter what, I'm your daddy. And that’s never going to change."
He'd been so intent on the pain that was leaving him in a rush he hadn’t noticed the shower had turned off.
The first thing that registered was the soft touch of hands slipping over his shoulders as Y/N draped herself up against his back. She touched her cheek to his, moisture connecting-his tears or hers? She snuck a hand around his torso and laid her fingers over his where he gently held James. "I love you, Jim. we'll find a way."
"We’ll make memories, good ones, and we'll find a way," he agreed.
He opened his arms and pulled them in close. Opened his heart and did the same. This wasn’t about his past, it was about his future. A grown-up, straight-up heart-and-brain decision to be there for the two people who mattered the most.
His lover.
And his son.
Five days later
THE TEST RESULTS came sealed in an envelope. One page, with all kinds of numbers and details at the bottom, but all Jim could see through his tears was the beginning.
The results of the paternity test are consistent with the alleged father Jim Mason being the biological father of the child James Mason Jr. The probability of paternity is greater than 99.9%.
Y/N took another box off the shelf, peeking inside briefly before abandoning it with the others. In the background, she heard the sounds of water splashing, and a momentary protest rang out as James squawked. Jim's answer came immediately, soft and reassuring as he soothed the baby.
It was one of the wonderful parts of being a family. Jim had taken over the nighttime bath routine, leaving her a few moments to accomplish something without the little one around.
Tonight she'd grown serious enough to venture into the storage room. She'd created a one-of-a-kind scrapbook to record James's milestones-crafted together from a hardcover book Medina had gifted her and some of her new artistic talent. The details were caught up, but now she wanted to compare it to what was recorded in her own baby book.
Only where was it?
She pulled the lid off yet another box, surprised to find the decorative book that used to sit beside her computer.
She'd used it for taking notes and jotting down recipes, and as she flipped through the pages realized she had stashed a backup of all her passwords.
Driven by curiosity, she tucked the book under her arm and headed down the hall, pausing in the door of the bathroom to watch her guys. Jim carefully washed James's hair chatting all the time about engines and torque, and other things that made her smile. The baby did nothing more than gurgle in response, but Jim didn't seem to care.
He must've sensed she was there, and he glanced over his shoulder momentarily, his smile ratcheting up a notch as he looked her over.
"Well, whatever you're doing I look forward to joining you later." He leered at her, his hands carefully guarding James as their son wiggled his limbs happily.
Y/N stuck out her tongue and twirled away, the short shorts and tight tank top she was wearing to beat the August heat clinging to her body with a slick of sweat.
She sat at the computer and went to her long-since-abandoned email account. Stared at the password sign-in and wondered if it was even worthwhile. She loved Jim, trusted him. That wasn’t even a question anymore. The only reason to look would be to satisfy her curiosity.
She really should go wash up the dinner dishes instead. Or clean up the mess she'd made with the new set of paints Jim had bought her to explore another artsy area that had caught her interest.
Curiosity won.
She checked the information in the flowery notebook, inserted the proper password, then hit enter. The entire screen bloomed with unread emails. She rolled her eyes and scrolled back through months’ worth of spam. It wasn't until she reached the previous October that there were some real emails for her, most of them containing information she had received after her accident. Information that had been duplicated and sent to her new account.
She knew the date she was looking for. By this time it wasn't a case of need to see it, but it was strangely comforting all the same that the email Jim had told her he had sent was there. She clicked it open and smiled, her heart filling with even more love as she read it through.
There was no room for sadness. No room for regrets that her accident had taken some of this from her.  No room for anger at the lies Rick had told, first in insisting they'd gotten back together and then his manipulation toward the end.
As the sounds of her laughing husband and a contented baby carried into the main room, Y/N had nothing inside but happiness. Filled to the top with love for two people, one of whom hadn’t even existed this time last year.
She paused to print out the note, though. Not to show to Jim, but to slip into the other memory book she’d started. The one where she’d pinned the picture he had taken immediately after their first official kiss. The book she'd taped the ticket stubs from their first movie. Pasted the PG sketch she'd done of him-the dirty one she had tucked elsewhere to keep it from anyone else's eyes.
The printout was a new memory of the truth and commitment he’d offered her, even before she'd known how much she was going to need him.
Jim stepped back into the living room, James in his arms. "Someone is ready for a cuddle." He lowered their baby into her embrace then stepped back only far enough to drape his arm around her shoulders as he leaned against her, their bodies close and intimate.
Scrubbed and clean, eyes drooping with sleep, James stared up at them both, little mouth opening wide with a yawn.
"He's so gorgeous." Y/N slipped a finger over his tiny lips, and he puckered, looking for something more.
"Of course he is. He's our kid." Jim reached over and tucked his finger into James’s tiny fist. Baby fingers barely reached around, but the kid hung on tight.
The soft touch of lips against her temple as Jim kissed her was the final blessing on the moment. Y/N tucked herself and James tighter into the embrace then looked up into the sincere gaze of her lover. The father of her child, in not just blood but all the more important ways.
"I love you, Jim Mason. Heart and soul."
His grin widened. "I love you too, and you'd better never forget it."
She laughed as he turned her to face the backyard where he'd planted so many flowers. The brilliant blue flower petals had faded, but the message remained.
As his arms circled both of them, Y/N leaned back and soaked in the wonder that was her life. The one full of memories with even more to be made in the future.
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epitomees · 2 years
"Hey! There you are." It must be a lucky coincidence that Yosuke came across Naoto at Junes. He got this bit of info about today being her birthday from Rise. Since she was a detective, perhaps she'd like a camera to take with her to crime scenes instead of a normal phone camera. Thankfully, Junes had just the kind he was looking for and he paid for it, carefully placing in the bag and handing it to her with his usual smile. "Happy birthday, Naoto-kun. Thought you might like it for your job. Don't worry about the price, I've already got it covered."
A quick stop for groceries. That's all Naoto had in mind when entering the farther side of Junes. Grandpa needed a small list for tonight's 'special' dinner though Naoto already knew without much of a surprise. The same course served only on her birthday, every year, for as long as she can remember. Even when Mom and Dad had the time.
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After her final purchase and an appreciative tip of her hat towards the cashier, she paused her saunter upon hearing a familiar voice calling out. Blonde hair, eager smile, how couldn't one run into the manager's own son on duty? "Good afternoon, Hanamura-san." An eager smile, a bag in hand; he must have been notified by the others. Great. Naoto accepted the bag in silence with a raised brow, noticing its weight between clasped fingers.
Not a kitchen appliance, or anything found in the electrical department. A new camera, and by its sheen and appearance one of the newest models on this brand line. Something of this caliber must have burned his wallet dry. But...why?
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"...this is...quite unexpected." Didn't he have plans for saving up? This costed more than three of Yosuke's own paychecks. More than a whole month's worth. "I do have one at the manor, a rather old model still requiring film tape. A more...modern addition was something I have thought of purchasing at a later time..." No need now. "I'm...I'm not sure how to properly thank you for such a gift..." Maybe a smile for once?
Naoto cleared her throat, adjusting the brim section of her hat for a more open position. "...I will put this to good use, Hanamura-san. I believe a thank you is in order, but..." He didn't have to do this for her. "...but I do hope it didn't bleed you dry of your own funds."
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