#max's pet hotel
macfrog · 6 months
alright so this is oliver (black) and kai <333 the cat is my neighbors who i sometimes hang out with when i see her walkin around. i Think her name is heather
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is everybody still breathing? cause i'm NOT 🗣️
oliver!!!!!! looks like the most proper little gentleman please i feel like he knows how to do my taxes and would offer without hesitation. kai is just GORGEOUS those markings!!!! i just KNOW he's a load of fun and HEATHER!!! what a fucking supermodel of a cat
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viennakarma · 4 months
Everything I Wanted III.
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Summary: Your journey to become a Motorsport legend wasn't easy, especially when your path clashed with your greatest rivals, Max Verstappen and Charles Leclerc.
Word count: 10k
Tags: Driver reader, mentions of crash, angst, abusive parent, daddy issues, trust issues, character death (not reader), cursing, strong rivalry, misogyny in motorsport, invasive media, aggressive fans, reader suffers with cyberbullying and hate, smut, female reader, +18, unprotected sex, voyeurism, exhibtionism, edging, filthy, porn with plot, queer! everyone, polyamory lestappen, bit of dirty talking, pet names, open ending, HEA, not beta read
Relationships: Lestappen x Reader
Mentor!Kimi Raikkonen x Reader
Sebastian Vettel, Fernando Alonso, Lewis Hamilton x Platonic!Reader
Notes: this is full of motorsport inaccuracies, just go with the vibes please. There are also a few inaccuracies regarding other drivers' lives, but they are just to fit the story. This chapter is a tiny bit angsty. Maybe I should've mentioned it before, but both Max and Charles are single in this story. I'm sorry if it feels rushed or if it has any mistakes, I just let my heart go with the flow!
Find me on Twitter!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
You spend a few days in some happy daze, just shamelessly bashing in your Championship. Everyone knew because you were positively giddy during the last race week in Abu Dhabi, you were seen smiling more during that one week than you had been seen smiling in your three years of Formula 1. 
Some of the drivers were even more amicable towards you and your closest friends were even teasing you all the time, calling you Champion so they could see you blush and giggle.
“Hey there, Champ,” Lewis would greet you.
“Buenos días, campeona,” Fernando would say and laugh at your reaction.
Lando even joked to some reporter that you were in love with the championship.
There was a dinner organized by the drivers to say farewell to Sebastian. Despite knowing most drivers confirmed their presence there, you planned to go and leave early because you always felt left out whenever most drivers got together.
That’s why you texted Lewis to ask what he was wearing that night, and you ended up wearing high waisted suede pants, and a white T-shirt, finishing with a classic black scarpin in your feet and a purse. 
Since you and Nando were in the same hotel, you decided to go together with his driver. Only when you got to the car, Charles was also inside the car, and you had to sit quietly by his side, his thigh brushing yours. Nando was in the passenger seat, and you started small talk with him to diffuse the tension he was unaware was happening in the backseat. You were engaged in conversation with Nando when you felt Charles fingers touching your knee. Jolting, you immediately slapped his hand away.
“You ok there?” Nando asked from the front of the car.
“Uh, yes! Just an- annoying mosquito!” You said, faking a smile.
Charles pouted, crossing his arms and pointedly looking to the window of his side.
As the three of you arrived there, half of the grid was already there, seated and chatting. Lewis welcomed you first, warning that he purposefully invited Sebastian to arrive thirty minutes later, so he was the last to arrive. As you sat beside Nando, you noticed how Charles sat beside you again, facing Pierre across the table, and you ended up facing Max. Your eyes met, but you looked away, deciding to focus on conversation with Nando and Lando, who was in front of him.
When Seb arrived, he was welcomed with a round of applause, which made his cheeks redden a little as he laughed. The dinner went well, and you shared red wine with a few of the others, some of them preferred other drinks. It was nice chatting with everyone, and it was the first time you really felt part of the group, everyone together laughing and eating.
“Y/N, who’s your idol from this table?” Carlos asked with a smirk.
“You wanna put me in trouble,” you eyed around. Everyone knew that the people you were closest with, Lewis, Seb and Nando were your racing idols.
“Come on, your favorite, Lewis, Seb or Fernando?” Lando joined in, and the others joined too, egging you on.
“Kimi is my favorite,” you muttered before taking a sip of your wine. Everyone started shouting and calling you a liar, “fine, fine, it doesn’t mean I’m not a big fan of the other two, but growing up, I’ve always wanted to race like Fernando.”
“And now you do,” Fernando said, raising his glass in a toast, which honestly made you blush. Everyone started making fun of you because you were shy and giggly.
You ended up staying until the end, when everyone had to leave to get a good night of sleep for the free practices the next day.
Race day there was a small ceremony to say goodbye to Sebastian, and it was the only part of the week that made you a little sad, even though part of you were really happy knowing he would get to spend time with his family and dedicate himself to his projects of sustainability. When the drivers made a little corridor to applaud him, Sebastian hugged you and you felt a little teary eyed.
The race was great, and you put some effort into winning that one, because you wanted to finish the season with a bang. And a bang it was, holding the P1 trophy again, kissing it and then raising it high as homage to mom.
After the season ended officially, you went straight to Woking to visit the factory and thank everyone personally for making you a car fast enough to make you the champion. Then you had a few media commitments, had to go over some marketing and legal meetings about brands deals and whatnot interested in your image.
Finally, by the beginning of December, you went back to Monaco and slept in for a few days, relaxing body and mind.
When Lando found out you were living in Monaco, he invited you to a padel match, and despite not knowing the game very well, you never said no to any form of competitive sport that could take your mind off things.
“I’ll let you know, I’m a fast learner, Landito.” You pointed when he gave you a padel racket.
“Come on, you have 20 minutes to learn the basics before our competition is here,” he said.
“Oh, we’ll be playing as duos?” You smiled, letting him lead you to the court.
Lando taught you the basics for a while, and you were getting the hang of it when you heard voices behind you. You stopped short as you noticed your competition were Charles and Max, and as they saw you, they too seemed surprised.
“Hello,” you greeted them with a nod.
Luckily Lando didn’t waste any time with pleasantries and went straight to the game. Which was great, since that was a language you could speak. You soon noticed Charles and Max had a bit more experience than you, so you had to up your game a bit, using strategy to outsmart them.
You and Lando won three games and Charles and Max won four.
As you finished, you went to the net and shook their hands. Max stared at you intensely, but you ignored him and went grab your bag.
“You’re leaving?” Lando asked, “we were going to grab a snack after.”
“Oh, um, yeah- I gotta go, I still have a lot to do around the apartment and I’m waiting for some furniture to arrive,” you gave an excuse.
“You’re living in Monaco?” Charles asked, visibly surprised at the info.
“Yeah. So, bye. Thanks for the game.” You started walking away, but Lando jogged to catch up to you.
“Hey, uh- text me when you’re free this weekend. I wanted to talk to you privately about… McLaren” he whispered your team’s name and you raised an eyebrow, you had no idea what he wanted to talk about, but you nodded.
Lando ended up coming over to your apartment Saturday afternoon, he helped you paint your living room walls a soft green, and after you finished, you were eating a few snacks when he finally said what he wanted to talk about.
“So, I know that legally we shouldn’t be talking about it, but- for how long is your new contract with McLaren?” He breached the subject. You paused.
“What? You know my contract ends by the end of next season.”
“Yeah but- the new one-”
He silenced himself abruptly, probably realizing you didn’t get a new one. You pressed your lips in a thin line. You had a contract similar to Lando’s, that would end by the end of next year. But now- now Lando had been offered a renovation, and you weren’t.
“They offered you an extension already?” You asked, shocked.
“No- I mean- It’s just-” Lando realized by your face that he had fucked up.
“Yes, from 2024 on, with possible extensions,” He said, apologetically.
“Oh” you whispered.
“I’m so sorry, I’m sure they are just taking their time putting your contract together since you’re, you know, the world champion,” Lando startled rambling, until his phone started ringing, “I’m sorry, I gotta go, I’m streaming tonight and I need to set up. I’m sorry, Y/N. I’m sure they’ll offer your renewal soon.”
You bid him goodbye, still processing his words. You tried to be reasonable and not be upset, but the prospect of not receiving a proposal being the world champion didn’t sit right with you. You meditated, thinking to not let that get to you, but a few days before the FIA Gala, you received a proposal from Mercedes, and another from Aston Martin. Both were great, great contracts. They offered a lot of money, security and great publicity.
The night of the Gala, you went all out. Amanda helped you hire a glam team, so you had make up, hair and stylists helping you dress. You wore a silver dress, long with a high slit on the leg, black heels, and your hair was short now, shoulder length and dyed black. You wanted a femme fatale look, and that’s what you got.
Unfortunately, Kimi and Minttu couldn’t go with you, and you didn’t bother to find a date, opting to go by yourself. When you arrived at the ceremony, all eyes were on you. You posed a little by the red carpet and answered a few questions about the championship.
During the ceremony you sat with Lewis, chatting up until the main awards were called. You watched as Charles went up the stage for the third place trophy, he was handsome wearing some designer suit and tie, and glasses that made him even more attractive. He said a couple of words, before making his way down. Then was Max, wearing a gorgeous tux, perfectly tailored to his shoulders and waist. While he was talking, you fixed the bust of your dress and waited for your name to be called alongside the words world champion.
When you got to the stairs, Max was down there, and he offered you a gentlemanly arm to help you up, you hesitated for a brief second but then accepted, letting him guide you up the steps.
Your eyes were on the beautiful trophy. The smile on your face was big, almost giddy, as you went on the stage. You kissed your trophy, leaving a red lipstick stain on the side of it, and you stopped by the mic. After a brief second to recollect your thoughts, you sighed.
“Wow! It’s such an honor to receive this as a token of my hard work and all my years facing pushback for this dream,” you smiled down at the trophy, “I’ll try and keep it brief. I know I have already said some of this, but I’d like to thank my team, not only for making this amazing car that became part of me during this season, but also for giving me a chance three years ago. Thanks to Jace and Amanda, who were such great help this year. I’d like to thank Kimi for seeing me when I was on the brink of giving up and when no scouts looked in my direction, and Minttu for taking me in as one of her own,” you put a hand on your chest, above your heart as your voice choked a little, heavy with emotion, “Thank you, Sebastian and Fernando for accepting my friendship when everyone else turned their backs on me,” you found them both around the crowd, Nando sending you a wink, and Sebastian smiling wildly, “and last but not least, I’d like to thank my mum for working hard to put a roof over my head and food on the table while I was out there hustling for my dream.”
Everyone clapped and you waited for the applause to die down. You could end your speech there, but you wouldn’t be the Lioness if you did.
“Oh, and for those who said I wasn’t gonna go far… You can suck my-” you interrupted yourself, showing your tongue cheekily, making almost everyone in the room laugh.
That night you drank, danced and sang like never before. You woke up hungover and a little blacked out, not remembering the whole night, only some glimpses of it.
You stayed the Holidays with Kimi and his family, and despite being invited by Lando to a big New Year’s Eve party, you opted for a chill celebration. You still found time to send Sebastian and his family some Christmas presents and you managed to go karting with Fernando on his track in Asturias. 
After meeting with Fernando, you went on a solo trip around Spain, visiting cities and learning a little bit about history while practicing your spanish. You also tried a few hobbies, out of curiosity. You tried playing tennis, skydiving and surfing.
Soon, you were back in Monaco to resume your training for next season and traveling to Woking to see your new car. You also sat with Amanda and your lawyer, and accepted a few brand deals, one for makeup and another for a big fashion brand. You were genuinely happy with both, you always wanted to get into fashion but never had the time or knack for it, but now with your deal, they would link you to a stylist and give you outfit options.
You entered the new season fresh, feeling good not only about your talent as a racing driver, but about your looks and new style, feeling that your championship could finally back you up.
Only if the media got the memo.
“Y/N do you believe when people attribute your championship win to Verstappen’s mistake?”
You felt fire in your throat, anger bubbling up.
“No, I believe I won the championship because I drove well the whole season. I attribute my championship to myself, my talent and my hard work,” your tone was harsh, and you didn’t even bother to sound pleasant, “I wonder if this was asked to every other Formula 1 champion of the world or just me?”
You huffed, putting your mic down, and you saw Fernando leaning towards you to whisper, “it’s good to have the Lioness back.”
It was different seeing Nando wearing green now and Sebastian’s absence was noticed from day one. He had sent you a text wishing good luck in the season.
There was also a weird shift that you noticed soon, right in the first few races. The rivalry between Max and Charles had been placated a little. They were still rivals on the track, but out of it, they were seen chatting and discussing, all in good spirits and friendly. Whatever rift had caused the tension all these years was apparently mended. So now, they were only your rivals, together against the greater evil. You.
Without a win in the first three races that season, you were sure something was wrong. Could it be your car, but it could also be you.
You came out of debriefing feeling a stress induced headache starting. You walked around the paddock aimlessly, just trying to clear your head and not face any photographer or reporter. That’s why you were around the moving boxes and trucks, trying to find a secluded spot to breathe and meditate.
Unfortunately, you ended up facing two people pressed against a wall. Frowning, you tried to understand what was going on, when you realized it was Max and Charles. Their sides were pressed on each other, but what caught your attention was that they were holding hands, whispering to each other.
You paused, trying to make sense of it. And then Max caressed Charles’ jaw. Then you decided, it was none of your business whatever they did.
Turning around, you were leaving when you stepped on something and it broke loudly. You just kept walking away, not looking back, you were almost leaving the lot when someone held your wrist, making you turn back around.
“Wait, Y/N, we- we can-” Charles’ voice failed him, visibly nervous.
“We can buy your silence,” Max added, suddenly. You frowned, shaking your head.
“I didn’t see anything,” you muttered trying to walk away, but now Max also held your other wrist.
“Say your price,” Max pressed further, making you angry.
“I don’t know what kind of psycho you take me for, but I didn’t see anything,” you say, suggestively, “I wouldn’t want someone to out me, and I wouldn’t do that to anyone else either. Your secret is safe with me.”
“Fuck,” Max whispered, letting go of your hand.
“You- you promise?” Charles asked, still not letting go of you.
“I swear on my mom’s grave.” You said softly just because you could understand their fear, you knew first hand how cruel the motorsport world could be. Whatever was going on between them was none of your business.
You left without another word, hoping they believed you. 
The season kept going, and your car wasn’t as good as the year before which was really upsetting you and forcing you to work even harder to match your quality the previous year.
But also both Max and Charles stopped publicly taunting you, making people wonder if your rivalry had ended. It was annoying because that dynamic was all that you’ve known from them, and the fact that they stopped shading you because they were scared to anger you and you eventually exposed them to the world was even more annoying. You wondered if you should talk to them, to let them know it was never coming out of your mouth.
You decided silence was the best course of action. You had enough problems with your car as it was.
Before the fifth race of the season, all the drivers were called for a meeting, to talk about a few safety measures that were being put in place for paddock safety. You sat through it quietly, only listening to the FIA representative. You knew that meeting was because of what had happened to you in Zandvoort the year before, you had taken your complaints to the FIA and miraculously, they had abided by it.
You left the meeting as soon as it was over, walking away. But then, you touched your wrist as a nervous tic.
No. No.
You noticed you didn’t have your watch with you the moment you left the building, patting your pockets to make sure it wasn’t there as you ran right back to the meeting room where the drivers debrief had been.
As soon as you entered, you saw both Max and Charles checking the watch, the monegasque was the one holding it.
“Hey, uh-” you paused, trying to not sound rude, “that’s mine, can I have it back?”
Charles looked at you with that smirk as Max moved away a few steps. Charles opened his hand in your direction, handing you the watch. But as you were to grab it, he pulled back and threw it. You froze, seeing the watching flying directly into Max’s awaiting hands behind you.
“Please, don't-” you gasped as Max pretended to throw it back to Charles. But he didn’t, he just extended his open hand to you, probably noticing the worry in your face.
Skittishly, you got closer to him and grabbed the watch from his hand. He didn’t pull away like Charles had done.
But as you pulled it back, your own hand slipped the watch, and you eyed it with horror as it hit the ground immediately breaking the crystal. You felt like your heart was breaking along with your mom’s watch.
“No, no,” you whispered, kneeling down to take it back.
“Hey, what is happ-” you heard Lewis’ voice entering the room but he stopped short as he saw you almost crying on the floor. He immediately helped you get up.
Both Max and Charles were shocked, still rooted to the spot as it was the first time they ever saw you show any kind of extreme emotion, and the pain in your eyes made both of them get filled with guilt.
You stood up still holding the watch in your hand as a fragile thing, pretty much like your heart.
“Hey, kiddo. Come on,” Lewis put an arm around your shoulders, pushing you away softly after giving the other two drivers a nasty glare.
You didn’t try to get it fixed, and you still wore it even with the crystal shattered. You knew it was a relic, vintage and probably handmade since it was generations in your family. But also you were too emotionally attached to it to get rid of the watch.
After the race, once you got a P2, finally, you went to the hotel, skipping the celebration the team wanted to throw for you but still picking the bill for their night out. 
It was late at night when you were rewatching the race, trying to see whatever mistake caused you to miss that P1 that was just within reach but you didn’t manage to take it. You were taking notes, typing in your laptop, when a knock on your door interrupted. You had already ordered room service, but sometimes Amanda did it for you if she thought you weren’t eating enough.
You opened the door to be faced with Max and Charles.
“Can we come in?” Charles asked, and confused, you opened the door wider to let them in.
“We came to apologize about the watch, we’re sorry.” Max started, looking at Charles for his cue.
“That was really immature of us, sorry,” Charles added.
“It’s alright,” you sighed, a little tired, “it’s not your fault, really. I dropped it, not you.”
“But it wouldn’t have happened if we just didn’t mess around with you.”
You sighed again, despite being sad about the watch, you didn’t really blame them for it. Charles took your hand suddenly, making you stare up at them, both of them looking at the broken watch you were still wearing. Max opened the bag and handed you a small box. It was a Rolex.
“We’re really sorry, Y/N,” he handed you the watch. You stared at the box, taking it as a sign of good faith from them.
“Thanks,” you whispered, “I was just eating, you wanna join me?”
They nodded, uncertain. They followed you to the en-suite, the most recent race paused on the TV. You closed your laptop.
“I appreciate the gesture, but-” you unclasped the watch in your wrist, handing it to Charles who was sitting closer to you, “it has emotional value, it was mum’s.”
You waited as they read the inscription, Charles gasping when he realized it had way more value to you than the stupidly expensive Rolex they managed to buy you. Running his thumb on the inscription, Max looked at you.
“I know a guy back home, he- he can fix the crystal,” Max told you, “would you trust me to take it to get fixed? It’s the least I could do.”
“You don’t have to,” you shook your head, “I don’t blame you for breaking it.”
“Please?” Max asked, and something inside you spread warmth in your chest.
“Fine,” you sighed, seeing Max pocket your watch in his bag, “please, help yourselves.”
They went to the table of room service and grabbed a bit of food. They sat around.
“You were rewatching the race?”
“Yeah, I like taking notes, seeing what I can improve…”
You closed your laptop and the TV, not wanting them to check your confidential information.
“How are you feeling this year?” Max asked, awkwardly trying to start a conversation.
“I’m alright, I guess. I mean, the car could be better,” you shrugged.
“And about your mom?” Charles looked at you intently.
“It’s grief, right?” You blinked slowly, “it comes and goes in waves. Sometimes they’re tiny waves breaking on your ankles, and sometimes it feels like you’re going to drown in them.”
There’s a brief silence, but when you meet his eyes, Charles’ eyes shine in understanding.
“I know.”
Max managed to change topics, talking about the track, the race and his impressions. Was a safe topic, lighter. You didn’t notice how, but you three ended up sitting in a small circle on the floor. Max was passionately talking about track adherence, and he was so focused on his explanation that it was actually funny. You eyed Charles, and you two bursted out laughing, which made Max stop, looking at you confused.
When you stopped laughing, sitting straight, Charles was suddenly very close. Way closer than before. His face was just a few centimeters away from yours, and it made you dizzy.
You snapped your head to Max, who was looking at you with just as much desire as Charles. He nodded to you, giving you permission.
Charles held your face and kissed you, softly and tentatively. You broke the kiss, looking from Charles’ beautiful eyes to Max’s. You watched as Max shifted closer to you, holding your jaw as he kissed you too.
You couldn’t wrap your head around what was happening, but you were very shocked and equally turned on.
Max’s hand slid from your jaw, down to your neck, and you were still wide eyed, your breathing progressively more shallow. You felt Charles behind you, his hand on your waist, pressing softly. You closed your eyes as Max slowly closed the distance between you again, and you felt his lips pressing against yours. With shaky fingers, your hands trailed beneath his shirt, up his back, nails grazing his skin. While you opened your mouth to deepen the kiss, you moaned, feeling Charles leaving open mouthed kisses to  your neck and shoulder, goosebumps rising in your skin. It was overwhelming, because they were everywhere, hands, lips and bodies stealing your breath. Everything was so hot, you felt like removing your clothes and the pulsing in your shamelessly wet panties.
“Take it off,” Max breathed after breaking the kiss, he helped the monegasque, who quickly tore your clothes leaving you only in panties. Max pushed you until your back was on the floor, and he and Charles were kneeling on each side of your body. “Charlie, come kiss her.”
Charles laid down, kissing you gently first, then deepening the kiss until you were pawing his waist and torso under his shirt. Seeing your struggle, he removed the shirt himself, while Max watched, running both hands up and down your thighs. Max suddenly pulled Charles closer, kissing him, their kiss was just as hard and messy as the kisses they had given you. Seeing the way their lips explored each other made you even wetter, and you couldn’t help but run your finger above your slit, your pussy still clothed. They removed each other’s clothes very fast.
They stopped, and Max soon removed your panties, laying between your legs. You moaned as his tongue lapped at your pussy, tentatively and Charles leaned down to kiss you again. Your heart was running insane, so fast you thought it would stop. Charles went lower and mouthed at your nipples, and you reached for his cock.
“Spit,” you ordered Charles, offering the palm of your hand. A little hesitantly, he did, a glob of spit on the palm of your hand and you grabbed his cock again, and he moaned out loud feeling the glide of your hand.
You felt one of Max’s fingers inside you, twisting so good that you had to hold his head, grinding your hips into him. The pleasure of Max working your cunt was so blinding that you lost focus on the handjob, but it didn’t deter Charles, who just decided to fuck into your hand.
You looked down, just to see Max looking straight at you through his lashes. He sucked at your clit, watching you writhe and come undone, grinding your hips on his face, wetting half of his face as he devoured you.
“Charlie will fuck you now, yeah?” Max asked as you recovered, and he carried you to the couch, positioned you on his lap, facing Charles, who just knelt between your legs.
Charles filled you up in one swift movement, and you moaned at the tight fit, melting into Max just behind you, holding you firmly, one hand on your neck, the other across your abdomen. The dutch kissed your neck, biting and sucking your skin, but his eyes trained on the way Charles’ hips started moving into you, you pulled Max’s hand that was on your neck and put it over your mouth, to muffle your moans, he pushed two fingers in your mouth and you sucked. The pressure was deliriously good, and Charles kept blabbering about how good you felt, and how warm was your cunt, and you were making him feel so good, mixed with lots of french expletives. Charles pressed further, his chest against yours as he found Max over your shoulder and kissed him. You felt Max’s hand that was between your bodies, find its way to your clit, rubbing in circles and pushing you even faster to your second orgasm, drooling over the fingers he still had in your mouth, you hips shaking so much you were rubbing Max’s cock with your ass, at the same time that Charles came crashing down, filling you up as he moaned out loud.
“My turn now, yes?” Max said, repositioning you like a ragdoll, while Charles laid down, pulling you on all fours on top of him, as Max took his turn behind you.
Charles pulled your face closer, kissing you all sloppy and open mouthed as Max filled you up to the hilt, making your knees shake. As if he knew, and he probably did, Charles held your hips up when Max started pistoning into you, fucking you so good you could only hold onto Charles and bite into his shoulders to keep yourself from being too loud.
You did not sleep that night. Max and Charles’ stamina wa otherworldly, and you three kept fucking until morning came. Sometimes you just watched them, sometimes you took one while the other rested, sometimes you took them at the same time. With them, you tried more adventurous positions than you had tried your entire life. They had a different way of finding out the workings of your body, of discovering the rhythm you liked and the sound of your moaning echoing on the walls.
The second time they slipped into your room was almost three weeks later, under the guise that they wanted to give your watch back now fixed. 
After a little chit chat Max pulled you into his lap and Charles pressed his chest to your back and in minutes you three were naked, touching and kissing and moaning into each other's mouth.
It became some sort of routine, every few weeks, they would sneak into your room, and you’d bang them any way you wanted.
Then they would stay more, bring dinner or put on a movie. They would snuggle with you in bed while the movie played, Max holding your thigh softly and you playing with Charles’ hair. It was good to unwind and forget about Formula 1.
Every day, after they left, you’d whisper to yourself.
“Don’t get too attached, Y/N. They’re your rivals.”
You didn’t want to poison all the sexy moments and all the tranquility they made you feel, but at the same time, you didn’t want to get too caught up in this. It should be fun, but it couldn’t be more than that.
Racing was never a topic of conversation between you, not only because those few hours together were sacred but also because all three of you were rivals and were in different teams, which could get very messy, very quickly.
Eventually, after Barcelona, McLaren brought a new upgrade. Which for you, it was a godsend. Finally, you could get back on your feet again. The car felt lighter and you had much more control. And in Montreal, you finally got the first win of the season. A huge weight was lifted from your shoulders and you even cried a couple of tears finishing the race first for the first time that year. And it was also the first 1-2 you and Lando had ever, which was even more reason for celebration.
You and Lando ended up closing a club for your celebration, inviting the whole team.
Max and Charles were there too, and they spent most of the night in a booth, chatting among other drivers. You knew they were watching you even pretending not to, and it was a matter of time until they had drunk enough to approach you. So you decided to not stay late and just leave.
You bid Lando goodbye quickly, telling him you were tired even if it was relatively early for a clubbing night. As you made your way to the most discreet exit, you felt a hand on your forearm, pulling you to a corner, and you were faced with both Charles and Max.
“Leaving so soon, chéri?” Charles asked, eyes glossy and probably a little tipsy.
“We came here to celebrate you,” Max said, one hand going around your waist. Wide eyed, you immediately pushed his hand away, taking a step back. They were confused.
“Not here. Too public, someone might see us, or even take pictures.”
“Don’t be like that, there is no one around now,” Charles pointed around, and granted, it was really empty on that side of the club, but anyone could walk in any moment.
“I can’t,” you shook your head, “not in public.”
“You’re ashamed of us?” Max squinted, looking into your eyes.
“I never said that. I can’t risk anything happening to my image just because I wanted to screw someone.”
“So that’s how you see us? A good fuck and nothing else?” Max pressed you further.
“Again,” you repeated slowly, your patience running thin, “that’s not what I said,” there was a tense pause and you pinched the bridge of your nose, “look, we all had more than enough to drink, and this is not the moment or the place for this conversation.”
“No, no,” Charles shook his head, “I believe you made yourself clear enough.”
With that, they walked away clearly pissed with you. Going back to the hotel, you knew there was nothing you could do at that moment to change their minds. They wouldn’t understand your point of view that easily, not only because they were drunk, but also because they weren’t a woman in Formula 1. Everyone fed off your failures like vultures, and if it leaked that you were going out not only with one, but with two other drivers, you knew you could kiss your career goodbye.
The media was never the kindest to you, and the majority of the fans weren’t either, so you knew how it would look if anyone found out about you three. They already call you slut without any knowledge of your romantic history, they would ruin your life if they were to know. And most certainly question not only your seat in Formula 1 but also your World Championship.
You just hoped you could explain that to Charles and Max when they were with clear heads.
Only you didn’t.
They never came back to your room, nor did they answer your texts.
Two entire weeks passed with only anguish gnawing at your insides, trying to reach them privately, but failing miserably. They were not only ignoring you, but also avoiding you. You couldn’t take it anymore, so in Austria, you decided to take matters into your own hands. You’d corner the first one you saw.
And that was Charles right before the drivers parade. You were the first ones to get there, which gave you some sense of privacy, well, as much as you could.
“You need to listen to me, this is a misunderstanding, Charles.”
But he straight up ignored you, not even bothering to look in your direction. With a heavy heart, you nodded, moving away from him. Making peace with the fact that maybe this was the end of your little affair. They had not understood you, and had ignored all your efforts to explain, closing the door of whatever was going on.
Resolute, you decided that maybe it was for the best. If they couldn’t understand where you were coming from, then better say farewell already. But you couldn’t help that anguishing feeling in your stomach.
It showed to be true during the race, when you were P4 fighting to get into the podium at least. Max was P3, and he fought tooth and nail to not allow you to pass, even if you had the pace to overtake him. You tried a risky move, one you had learned from Fernando Alonso. Pretend you’re going to overtake on one side, let him defend that side, then push your car to the other side and dive for the position.
You almost did the full move, but when you were going for the position, Max just pushed his car into your side, which caused you to lose control and you spun to the gravel. You just decelerated as much as you could. You left the car and went back to the pits with the help of marshals. You didn’t bother to even look into Max’s direction, feeling your eyes getting teary. You weighted with your helmet on, and only took it off inside the garage, because you didn’t want people to see you cry.
It was relatively normal to DFN because of a crash, and given the history of rivalry between you and Max, it was also very common to collide with him. What made you upset wasn’t him protecting his position, but him purposefully taking you out, like he was just getting back at you because he was angry. You had left enough space for him. Despite the overtaking maneuver being a little risky, you never once got close enough to him that you could cause an accident. He had not slipped and lost control. He had not tried to avoid you. He just ran straight into your sidepod.
“What happened today?” A reporter asked you when you went to the post race interviews.
“What is there to say? I think the images speak for themselves.” You shrugged, feeling tired but not wanting to give the media too much as to not cause a PR nightmare to Amanda.
“Seems like the FIA will investigate Max Verstappen because of today’s incident.” Someone else mentioned, and you couldn’t help but scoff.
“I’m sure they will,” you muttered, voice laced with sarcasm.
The debriefing was just as bad with your Team Principal calling you out in front of the whole team not only for damaging your car but also for putting yourself at risk like that.
“I don’t know what you want me to say, I did what any other driver would do in my position!” You sighed trying to calm down, “don’t make me quote Ayrton Senna to you. If you no longer go for a gap that exists, then you’re no longer a racing driver. You and everyone saw that Verstappen didn’t have the pace to match me, so he just plunged into me to take me out!”
God, you needed an ice bath. And maybe a new punchbag.
You were getting ready to leave when Max came up to you. You didn’t say anything to him, you honestly didn’t even want to talk to him anymore. You just wanted to go home and cry under the shower.
He was red in the face and looked distressed. You couldn’t help but feel defensive, holding your bag to your chest.
“I really don’t want to talk to you right now,” you said, trying to walk away but he blocked your path.
“Listen,” he started and the moment he raised his hand to remove his cap, it triggered you, and you flinched as if he was gonna hit you.
He stopped immediately, because he knew that was a trauma response. He knew that him being angry must have reminded you of your father growing up. He knew all that because he too, sometimes, had this kind of knee jerk reaction.
But you felt sick to your stomach. It wasn’t intentional, but it made you look like you believed he would’ve hit you, and rationally you knew he wouldn’t do that. But your stupid body did.
You avoided Max and walked away as fast as you could.
Back in the hotel you just packed your bags and left, going straight to the airport to fly back to Monaco. You were exhausted by the time you made it home, but you still took a shower and cried a couple of tears under the streaming water.
In bed, you tried to convince yourself this ending for your fling with them was for the best. It was too complicated anyway.
And you tried to convince yourself that you didn’t miss the feel of Max’s lips against your neck, or the feel of your hands pulling Charles’ hair softly. Or the way Charles used to mumble French mindlessly whenever he was concentrating on something. Or how often Max would do his maxplaining with his vast knowledge of the most random topics.
Your body was so tired but your mind just did not shut off.
You were a couple of hours into staring at the ceiling when the doorbell rang. Carefully, you went there, it was the middle of the night, so you checked the door camera to see both Max and Charles by the door.
Slowly, you opened to them. You swallowed, waiting for them to say something. You felt so vulnerable, this knot in your stomach had been tormenting you since the day they walked away.
“I’m- we’re really sorry,” Max started.
“For ignoring you and mistreating you and never once giving you the chance to explain your side,” Charles took a small step inside.
It was like a dam broke, and you ran into their embrace, sobbing. All three of you hugged, Charles with a comforting hand on your back and Max kissing the side of your head. They patiently waited for you to calm down, and then closed the door and walked you to the sofa.
“I missed you,” you murmured, holding Max’s jaw to peck his lips, doing the same to Charles, “I’m so sorry about everything.”
“Can we talk?” Charles asked, “you said it was a misunderstanding.”
You nodded, taking your phone from your room. You sat on the coffee table as you gave them your phone with your instagram profile opened.
“Check the comments on my last post,” you pointed and they sat side by side scrolling through it, the horror on their faces getting worse every second they kept going.
You knew the kind of comments you had on your profile. Hateful, hurtful comments. It had been that way since you made it into Formula 1.
“What a slut” “I bet there’s a reason why Charles hates her” “She never deserved that championship! #Retire” “Ugly bitch” “Whose dick she had to blow to get a seat?” “Overrated dumb whore” “I bet she tried to fuck her way through the grid, that’s why most of them hate her” “Max should’ve crashed into her harder”
It was nothing new to you, Kimi and your PR team had prepared you for years for this type of treatment. And you honestly had grown used to it, learning to ignore.
“This is disgusting, Y/N!” Charles exclaimed, trying to put the phone away, but Max snatched it back, still reading the comments.
“That’s just a regular Monday for me,” you shrugged, “I’m not trying to victimize myself or anything, but-”
“You are a victim, this is not okay!” Charles said.
“What I wanted to say is, I can’t risk us going public. This is what I face just for doing my job, and it would get so much worse if people ever found out. They already believe I fucked my way to the top, to them, we would just confirm their suspicions,” you felt Charles holding your hand for comfort, “it is very different for a woman. And I adore what we have, but I can't put you above my career and my dreams.”
Max extended his hand to you, and you grasped it, letting him pull you to sit between them. Charles kissed your cheek.
“We would never ask you to do such a thing,” Max said.
“I’m sorry we didn’t see what you are going through with the media and our fans.” Charles muttered, pulling your hair back with a hand, and holding your waist with the other.
“We missed you,” Max whispered against the other side of your neck.
In a couple of minutes they had you spread open on the sofa, Charles’ head between your legs and Max’s lips latched on to your nipples. They made sure to apologize orgasm after orgasm, cooing your moaning mess and kissing you stupid.
Routine went back to normal after that. You still didn’t name your affair and decided that for now, it was better this way.
With the upgraded car, you actually managed to pick up the pace and find yourself rising up the standings.
Silverstone was promising, being one of your favorite tracks, and one you knew you could win again this year. You did great both of the free practices, trying to keep your focus now more than ever, to get a chance at the championship again. There were specific races that you’d amp up your security team for safety, but Silverstone wasn’t one of them.
Qualifying day, you went to the track early morning, to meet with your team, talk about the results of free practices and your input. As you walked to your garage quietly chatting on the phone, you felt a hand on your arm, pulling you aside. You yelped, jerking around and you ended up facing the person. A man, and it took you a couple of seconds to recognize all the gray hair, but the evil eyes were still very much the same.
It had been more than a decade since you saw your father for the last time. Gasping, you took a step back to walk away, but he gripped your forearm, forcing you back.
Funny how fear worked, you hadn’t seen him for years, and you always imagined that now that you were all grown up, you’d be fearless, a big girl, brave and face your father head on. But it wasn’t how things happened. Immediately your fight or fight kicked in. Your eyes darted around, trying to catch someone you knew or someone from security.
“Let. Go.” You said, with gritted teeth.
“Is that how you greet your father?” He said, and you pulled your hand from his grasp.
“I don’t have one,” you spat, anger rising in your chest, hand in hand with fear. You wanted to bolt, to ban him from your life forever, to cry and shout all at once.
“I made you. I spent thousands investing in your career so you could be here, a little gratitude would be good,” he said with a fake smile, and it disgusted you.
“I’ll never attribute my success to you, you disgusting piece of-”
He held your face with a hand, pressing your jaw with such force that it made you stumble a step back. You gripped his wrist, trying to pull away but he pressed your face harder, pressing your head against the wall.
“Very careful how you speak to me!” He rasped, gritted teeth and all, “you little shit, you think you are better than me? I turned you into who you are! The least you own me-”
“I owe you shit!” You said, and spat on his face.
“I gave money and a house to that whore you called a mother-”
You snapped, getting a hold of the fear, and you punched him in the face, hard enough for him to get away and you get space to run. You took one single step when you stumbled into someone, and your eyes found Max.
It was a brief second between looking at you, looking behind you and recognising your father. Recovering from your punch, your father tried to get to you again, but Max stood between the two of you, pushing your father’s chest so he stumbled back. Charles arrived soon after with security, as Max explained that this man was to be escorted out and never allowed to come back.
“Chéri, are you ok?” Charles asked, seeing you taking a step back and leaning against the wall.
You nodded, trying to talk but your voice caught on your throat, trying to make sense of what was happening. Your legs gave in and you slid down until you were sitting on the floor.
“Amour, talk to me, hey-” Charles was worried, you were pale and shaking. Max also knelt down beside you, holding your face to try and see if your father had hurt you.
“Get him out,” you said, and Max nodded, going to talk with security.
“Guys, there’s cameras around the corner!” Lewis showed up out of nowhere.
“I’m fine,” you managed to blurt, holding on the wall to stand up.
“Hey, hey-” Charles tried to hold your arm but you took a step back.
“I’m fine,” you repeated, walking away back into the garage.
Your mind was spinning, all over the place, and through text you told Charles and Max that you were fine and wanted to be alone. The qualifying was a shitshow. Your mind was completely all over the place, and even making it to Q2, you couldn’t go farther than P14, it felt like the car wasn’t responding to your commands.
You came out of qualy completely pissed. At your father, for showing up and ruining your good streak of races. At yourself, for letting him get to your head, for still giving him so much power over you. You walked away without a second thought, went to your room and kicked your boots off.
Press talk was another shit. You couldn’t pay attention to most questions, gave monosyllabic answers, and couldn’t explain why your qualifying performance was so bad compared to the rest of the year.
You just apologized to your team during debriefing, and silently acquiesced to whatever the strategy for the race was. Kimi had texted you asking about what happened, you didn’t want to talk to him just yet.
You were getting ready to leave for the day, when Fernando came into your room.
“I don’t want to talk, Nando,” you held your bag, not even bothering to look at him.
“Good, because I do the talking then. Go, sit down.” He pretty much ordered, his face stony and serious in a way you hadn't seen before. “What happened today?”
“I’ve got a lot going on,” it was all you said.
“Your father showed up, messed with your head and with your confidence,” Fernando said, with the certainty of someone who knew you really well. You wondered if the whole grid knew about your father’s presence today. You gulped. “Look, this is something you will master with time, but I’m going to tell you now. When you put your helmet on and get in the car, you’re a racer, nothing more. Your problems, your worries, they stay back and they never cross your mind for the entirety of the race. Out on the track, you’re one with the car, doing your best is the only thing that matters.” Fernando pressed his index finger softly to your forehead, as if he was quite literally putting it in your head, “Clear. Your. Mind.”
You sniffled, wiping the one tear that came down. Fernando’s face softened, but you knew he wanted only the best for you. And he was right. You kept giving your father this power. You handed him the power. You couldn’t keep letting him get away with it. This was the one thing you knew you were good at, your calling, your destiny and all your hard work. And you’d be damned if your father would keep a hold over your life.
“Clear my mind,” you inhaled, nodding.
You did your best to study your strategy for the day, to focus on what you could do to achieve the best result. 
Early the next morning, you went to the FIA, to request access to the camera footage to find images of the altercation between you and your father the day before. The representative you talked to was initially reluctant but once you told him what had happened, he was quick to help you. You explained that it was for the better that none of that came to light, and hopefully you could get your father to be completely banned from Formula One. The representative prepared a report and assured you that your complaint would be taken seriously and they’d work on the matter as fast and as discreetly as possible.
You went to meet your team and go over and over plan A, B and C. When you got in the car, ready to race, you still hadn’t talked with Max or Charles, and you were hopeful to catch them after. Attaching the helmet, you breathed in, slowly, remembering Fernando’s words.
Clear your mind.
You raced like there was no tomorrow, only thinking of the next turn and the next car you had to overtake, you didn’t think of who it was or when, you just did it. In the future, that race was going down in history as a masterclass in overtaking and taking every little opportunity thrown your way. The time passed really fast, and when you came to be, you heard Jace screaming in your ears that you had made it. You had made it to P1 and taken the checkered flag.
Your voice was shaky as you thanked the team and Jace on the radio.
When you left, running towards your team, they congratulated you and despite the great desire to run towards Max and Charles, who were on the podium with you, you somehow managed to find Fernando. You ran towards him, jumping in his arms, not even minding the way your helmets hit with a loud thud. He hugged you, removing your feet from the ground.
“Thank you! Gracias, muchas gracias, Fernando!” You shouted hoping he could hear you with both visors up.
He patted your shoulder as you had to run back to get weighted and to post-race interview. 
“Wow, I’m at a loss for words right now! You were a true Lioness during this race! Can you tell us what happened after the difficult Qualy yesterday?” Jenson Button was the one to ask.
“I was in a difficult place yesterday, and I’m very thankful for a pep talk Fernando Alonso gave me, that helped me get back into my jam!” You said, breathless, wiping sweat from your forehead, “I’m also grateful to my team for making the car that matched my energy and focus today!”
“And what did Fernando tell you?” Jenson asked, probably out of curiosity.
“Well, I can’t go out telling my secrets, can I? My rivals are all around!” You winked, and left a laughing Jenson behind.
In the cooldown room, where Max and Charles were already watching a montage with all your overtakes on a screen, you walked up to Charles, taking his hand. He looked a little concerned as you had agreed to keep your relationship private. Max joined, patting a hand on your back, and the three of you made a little triangle.
You looked at them with so much adoration, that it hit Max right in the chest and he wanted nothing more than to hold your face and kiss you silly. Charles held his breath for a brief second, being in the moment with the two of you.
“You were brilliant, today,” Charles muttered, low and hoping no mic would catch the sound.
“Unbelievable, Lioness.” Max also said with a discreet wink, then taking a step back and interrupting the moment.
That wasn’t your first podium, nor your first win, but something was different when you kissed the trophy and raised it to the sky. You felt like you’d taken back control of your life and your career. There was nothing that could actually stop you if you put your mind to it, and you knew now. You shitty father couldn’t squander your dreams when you were fourteen, and he couldn’t do it now either. You were so much bigger than him, greater than that pathetic man could ever be.
And you didn’t need him.
You had a mother that, despite not being there anymore, but she’d always be in your heart, a constant source of strength and faith. You had Kimi, who believed you when no one else did, who put his own hand over fire for you. You had Fernando, Seb and Lewis, your idols in this sport, and such good friends. You had Charles and Max, your lovers, and hopefully your future.
That night, as you were laying down in your suite, sandwiched between the two men that stole your heart, came the email with your renewal contract proposition. A five year offer, possible extensions, to make you the face of your McLaren.
You made love with Charles and Max with renewed energy, enjoying yourself and the feel of their love for you. It was just the assurance you needed to say the words.
“I love you. I love you two very much,” you whispered, running your hand through both their hairs, “I can’t promise much right at this moment, like a normal, public, relationship yet, but I do love you.”
“We know. We love you too.” Max whispered and Charles took your hand and kissed your knuckles.
“We love you too much to risk you facing awful dangerous things just so we could call you ours publicly,” Charles agreed.
That year, you didn’t get a second championship as you had dreamed, but you proudly stood with your P2 trophy during the FIA’s Prize Giving Ceremony, your chest swelling with pride as you watched Charles’ beaming face with the P1 trophy.
There was some renewed sense of purpose in yourself as you held the trophy, and in your heart, this one meant just as much as the champion trophy you had gotten the year before. This year you had overcome all the demons that had controlled you for a long time, this year you had not only learned to live with the undying love for your mom, but you had also learned about new forms of love. You had somehow rekindled that love for racing, for believing you were the best and could prove it amidst adversity.
And of course, many adversities were still to come, but now you were sure you had in yourself the power to face them.
When the next season started, you had your eyes on the prize.
Even spending a great amount of winter break with your boyfriends, they were still your rivals on track.
You were fixing your suit on the pitlane when they walked up to you.
“I hope you know this championship is mine,” Max said with a smirk. You caught his playful tone fairly quickly.
“Well, I am the current champion of the world, so we’ll see about that,” Charles crossed his arms.
“Boys, no crying when I leave the both of you eating dust, yeah?” You added, biting back a giggle.
“Baby, go easy on us,” Max joked, and you shook your head.
“Never going easy on my rivals,” You added with a whisper, “not even when they’re my handsome boyfriends.”
“See you after the finish line,” Charles winked, and they both walked away.
“Hope you enjoy the view of my rear!” You said, and they left, laughing.
Always rivals, but much more than that.
NOTE: If you want to know why I chose to end the story this way, or have any questions about the characters future, or any random headcanons, drop by my inbox and I'll try to answer most! Thank you so much for the support in this little adventure! Thank you to everyone who dropped a little ask/message asking for more, I'll try and answer you if I haven't yet! (also, sorry if i missed any tag)
TAG LIST: @be-your-coffee-pot @supremebaddietrash @mellowarcadefun @cmleitora @kyuupidwrites @80sloverry @newlifeforus @soulaires @hrrorflm @redwolfxx @icarus-nex @jenniferrvsesi @bborra @leilanixx @hc-dutch @withyoutilltheendodthismess @is-just-a @freetimemachinequeen @saturnchase @butterfly-lover @eddiesbitch83 @elliott-calls @nb26fort @wcnorris @vellicora @mac-daddy-210 @hiraethrhapsody @losore-prone @gills-lounge @enrapturedbythemoon @formula1mount @mightiestheroes @cherry-piee @chezmardybum @whodis-26 @mortallyblueninja @f1mockingjay @dance-the-painting @chanshintien @magical-spit @splaterparty0-0 @maxv33rtappen @heyheyheyggg @mindflay3r @janeholt3 @lightdragonrayne @always-spaced-out @papayatifosi @formulas-bitch @ruleroftheuniverse @raizelchrysanderoctavius @scott-mccall-could-lift-mjolnir @alishamai @lanando4 @dark-night-sky-99 @comfortzonequeen @honethatty12 @urfavnoirette
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adriennebarnes · 16 days
Hey love your writing could you maybe write Hispanic reader x Alex and Charles like maybe a 3 way relationship and the reader is pregnant if your comfortable
Hello! I could totally write a polyamorous relationship/throuple with Alex, Charles, and Hispanic reader! So I don’t know if you meant they’re together and she ends up pregnant and if she’s already pregnant so I’ll write about Y/N ending up pregnant and Alexandra and Charles being there for her. Sorry it took me so long, I don’t know if this is what you wanted but I hope you like it regardless!
The Happy Throuple
Paring: Charles Leclerc x Hispanic/Latina! Reader x Alexandra Saint Mleux
Summary: After a night of celebrating Charles’s Grand Prix win, Y/N ends up pregnant
Warning: spelling and grammatical errors
A/N: i have researched things about pregnancy and GUESS WHO’S GRADUATING TOMORROW! Maybe I’ll post pictures at the end of a fanfic, who knows.
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Everyone knows that Charles and Alexandra are dating, there are so many photos of them together at events. However, no one knows there’s a third person in their relationship and that person is Y/N L/N. People know that Y/N and Alexandra are best friends and roommates because they met at a party so no one finds it strange when Y/N is also at the paddock with Alexandra.
Y/N and Alexandra were wearing something red while observing the race from the hospitality with Leo on Alexandra's lap.
“Do you think Charles is gonna get P1?” Y/N asked Alexandra.
“I hope so, he gained 4 spots, he looks like he is doing pretty well." Alexandra commented, petting Leo who was wagging his tail all happily.
They were watching the TV closely, Alexandra put Leo on the ground so he could run around, Charles and Max were very close but towards the end, Charles did an overtake and ended up getting P1, Max gets P2, Lewis get P3. Y/N and Alexandra were cheering and they hugged.
"Yay, our muñeco won." Y/N said.
"Yeah, come, lets meet him out in the garage." Alexandra said, picking up Leo before taking Y/N's hand to lead her to the Ferrari garage. They spotted Charles's car so when Charles got out of his car, he went to Alexandra to hug and kiss her, he hugged Y/N and was about to lean in for a kiss when Y/N moved her head so he just kissed her cheek, immediately remembering no one knows about their true relationship. Charles got Leo out of Alexandra's hands and let Leo give him little dachshund kisses.
Charles said goodbye to the girls and Leo before he went off to do the post race interview. After that, Charles went to get Alexandra and Y/N so they could go to their hotel. They walked to Charles's car, Alexandra walking Leo on his little leash, and they got in. Charles drove to the hotel and once they made it to the room, Charles kissed Y/N.
"Finally! I have been wanting to do that since I got out of the car." Charles admitted.
"Yeah, well this relationship has to be under wraps sadly." Y/N said, sitting on the bed. Alexandra sits next to her, placing her hand on Y/N's thigh.
"But it's 2024, mon papillon, I'm sure people will understand." Alexandra says, placing a kiss on Y/N's neck.
"Fans, yes, but what about press? Charles, you are signed until 2028, i don't want to jeopardize that." Y/N said. Now Charles sat on Y/N's other side.
"You won't, mon ange. But let's go out to eat." Charles suggested.
"Its Las Vegas, wouldn't you rather party with the rest of the grid?" Y/N asked.
"We could always celebrate a different way." Charles said, his eyes darken with lust.
"It is Vegas after all, mon papillon. And we have to give the Grand Prix winner his reward after all." Alexandra said, turning Y/N's head so she was facing her before leaning in for a kiss, her tongue tracing Y/N's bottom lip so she would open up, and she did. While they made out, Charles began planting kisses on Alexandra's neck while Alexandra started to undress Y/N and well, what happend in Vegas stays in Vegas.
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The next day, Y/N was still in bed, cuddling with Alexandra while Charles took the liberty to order room service and take Leo out on his morning walk. Y/N woke up because Charles put Leo on the bed.
"Ay Leo, Charles, why did you put him on the bed?" Y/N asked, getting up and putting on a hotel robe.
"Because i wanted you to eat breakfast before we go to the airport and I know if i woke you up, you would’ve probably stab me." Charles, said, before Y/N kissed him.
"With what knife, baby?" Y/N asked, taking a strawberry from the breakfast spread, biting into it.
"Trust me, mon ange, you would have found something to stab me, never said it had to be a knife." Charles said and Alexandra woke up, she put on her pajamas, and put Leo on the ground before giving Y/N and Charles a morning kiss.
"What time do we have to go back to Monaco?" Alexandra asked, sitting down to eat the pancakes Charles's ordered.
“Plane leaves in a few hours so you have time to eat and get dressed.” Charles said.
“Great, I’m gonna take a shower, Y/N, come join me.” Alexandra said.
“Mm, i want to eat first.” Y/N said.
“Okay, we’ll eat then shower.” Alexandra said, patting the seat next to her so Y/N could sit down.
They ate, showered, and changed.
“Okay I think I have everything but I’m not sure.” Y/N said, looking over her luggage.
“If you end up missing anything, I’ll replace it.” Charles said, kissing her temple.
“In that case, I’m missing a Dior bag, a Dyson air wrap, a Tiffany bracelet.” Y/N joked and Charles was laughing.
“Yeah, okay.” Charles said, Alexandra entered the hotel room with grocery bags and Leo on a leash.
“I bought some chips for Y/N since he gets snacky on the plane, I have some treats for Leo, I got candy for me, and I got you some snacks too.” Alexandra said,
“Perfect, looks like we are ready to go.” Charles said.
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Two weeks have passed since Las Vegas and Y/N was currently in the hotel room in Abu Dhabi, puking her guts out in the bathroom, Alexandra right behind her soothing her back and holding her hair back.
“You’re okay, Mon papillon. Charles, could it be something she ate?”Alexandra asked
“I’m looking at the food, I don’t think anything should have affected her last night.” Charles said, entering the bathroom. “Mon ange, are you sure you don’t have the flu?” Charles asked.
“Mon beau, she doesn’t have a fever.” Alexandra said.
“Stop talking about me like I’m a child.” Y/N groaned with her head still hovering the toilet bowl.
“Oh, but you are our baby, Mon ange, we will treat as such.” Charles said and Y/N puked more. “Yeah, we can’t get on the flight today, I’ll just tell Fred we need an extra day, you can’t fly when you’re sick.” Charles left the bathroom to make a phone call.
“Mi reina, i gotta tell you something.” Y/N said, wiping her mouth and resting her back against the wall.
“What happened?” Alexandra asked,
“I think I’m late.” Y/N said.
“Wait, how do you know you’re late? Isn’t your period irregular like all the time?” Alexandra asked.
“Yes but my breasts feel sore too, I am so tired, it can’t be a coincidence that I’m puking right now, right?” Y/N said.
“You’re right. It’s only been two weeks though, if we want to be sure, it needs to be 3 weeks after you’ve had sex so next week. Think you can wait until next week to take the pregnancy test?” Alexandra asked,
“Yeah, of course I can wait.” Y/N said.
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It’s next week, the season was over, they’re all in Monaco, Y/N is in Alexandra’s apartment.
“Okay so how are we going to get the pregnancy test?” Alexandra asked.
“Well i can’t go, people link you to me, I can’t be seen buying the test or they will think it’s for you and I rather not have Charles find out one of us might be pregnant through some WAG account.” Y/N said,
“Okay, fine, call someone.” Alexandra said, Y/N nodded and called her friend Cordelia. An hour later, Cordelia knocked on the apartment door and Y/N answered it.
“thanks again, Cordelia.” Y/N said,
“Yeah no problem, are we hoping it’s positive or negative?” Cordelia asked.
“Well he always wanted a family…we’ll see.” Y/N said, saying goodbye to Cordelia, closing the door. “Okay, I’m ready.” Y/N entered Alexandra’s bathroom and Alexandra just stood outside the door. “Like am I ready to be a mom? I don’t fucking know, I’m barely 22, does Charles want to be a father now? Like I know he wants to be one someday but now?”
“Papillon, relax, you are stressing out and that can’t be healthy.” Alexandra.
“Reina, please.” Y/N said. A few minutes later, she opened the bathroom door and Alexandra came in.
“What does it say?” Alexandra asked.
“I have to wait 10 minutes.” Y/N said. “What am I going to do? I’m not even working!”
“With Charles as the father, you’ll be taken care of.” Alexandra said,
“This is not helping, I don’t want to be a kept woman.” Y/N said. Her and Alexandra kept talking until her timer went off. Both checked the test.
“I guess you’re pregnant.” Alexandra said and Y/N began crying so Alexandra hugged her
“What am I going to tell my parents?” Y/N sobbed in Alexandra’s arms,
“Well first things first, we HAVE to tell Charles.” Alexandra told her.
“I know, I know. But he’s with Pascale now, I don’t want to interrupt.” Y/N said.
“Fine, when he gets back from his mom’s, we will tell him. I thought you took birth control?” Alexandra asked.
“I don’t take my prescription pills as often as I should be (guilty 🤪) you should know that by now.” Y/N said and Alexandra rolled her eyes.
“And you tell us that you don’t want to be treated like a child, let’s go to Charles’s apartment and wait for him there, being the test.” Alexandra said, opening the door to leave.
“Yes ma’am.” Y/N said following behind.
The women entered Charles’s apartment and noticed Leo wasn’t here.
“He must have Leo with him.” Alexandra commented, closing the apartment door and Y/N started arising the fridge. “Can you not?”
“I’m eating for 2, querida, I think I’m allowed to raid his fridge,” Y/N said but… “There’s a lot of healthy shit in here.” Alexandra rolled her eyes.
“Just wait until…” Alexandra started but was interrupted by Charles entering the apartment, Leo running to say hello to the two women.
“Mon ange, ma Belle, what are you guys doing here?” Cablees asked, kissing both women.
“Um, I have something to tell you. You might need to sit down for this.” Y/N said and Charles nodded, sitting on the couch. “So remember that night in Las Vegas and how I was sick in Abu Dhabi?” Charles nodded, holding Y/N’s hands in his. “I’m pregnant.”
“Are you sure? Aren’t you on birth control?” Charles asked.
“You know I don’t take them as often as I should and you could have used a condom, by the way.” Y/N said.
“Are you sure you’re pregnant? Those tests are prone to false positives.” Charles said.
“Well it’s been said that for the most accurate results, the test must be taken 3 weeks after sex, which I did. But I’ll go to my doctor to check too.” Y/N said fiddling with her hands. “I’m gonna go to the bakery, I’ll be back.” Y/N left the apartment.
“If she is pregnant, what’s going to happen?” Alexandra asked Charles.
“Then I’ll be a father and I’ll raise the baby with you two,” Charles replied as if it’s the easiest thing in the world.
“But are we going public or what? If you say you’re going to be a dad and they don’t see me showing but see Y/N, what do you think is going to happen?” Alexandra asked.
“We will figure it out. If Y/N is truly pregnant, I’ll announce on Instagram that we’re together.” Charles said.
“Talk to Ferrari before you make that decision.” Alexandra said.
“Yeah of course I will.” Charles said and Y/N came back with the cookie croissant.
“I made an appointment for 2 weeks.” Y/N said.
“I’ll go with you.” Charles said.
“Mm, you Can’t, no one knows about us, it’ll be weird if you are seen going with me to a medical practice.” Y/N said.
“But I want to be there for you.” Charles said.
“Would it be less weird if I came too?” Alexandra asked.
“This is ridiculous, we’ll just go in separate cars. I’m going to my apartment because I really want bistec empanado and some sopita and you’re lacking groceries.” Y/N said before leaving.
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It was the day of the OBGYN visit, Y/N was with Charles and Alexandra in the waiting room.
“You think we can go out to eat after this?” Y/N asked Charles and Alexandra.
“Yeah sure, where do you want to go?” Alexandra asked.
“Wait, we need to make your diet pregnancy friendly.” Charles said,
“Muñeco.” Y/N whined, Charles was going to say something when.
“Y/N L/N.” The medical assistant called, Y/N stood up along with Charles and Alexandra. “You can’t really bring anyone in.”
“We’ll stay here.” Alexandra said, sitting back down with Charles while Y/N went into the exam room.
“Alright Y/N, you think you might be pregnant, yes?” She asked.
“Yes, it’s been 5 weeks since ‘conception’ i guess, I haven’t had my period at all in these 5 weeks.” Y/N said.
“But you are consistently irregular too, right?” The assistant asked
“Yes, which is why I’m here for the blood test to confirm I’m pregnant.” Y/N said.
“Okay then, we’ll do your physical exam and then the blood test.” The assistant said and after it was said and done, the assistant who took her blood said she would call Y/N with the results.
“Alright, let’s go, I want Italian.” Y/N said and as they were leaving the obgyn, Y/N had the urge to throw up so she ran into the hallway bathroom, got into a stall, and puked. Alexandra walked in to check on Y/N while Charles made a phone call to schedule a meeting with Ferrari’s media team.
“Hey, you’re okay. If we get Italian food, you’re getting stracciatella or whatever soup is on the menu.” Alexandra said.
“Why is it called morning sickness?” Y/N said, before puking again.
“I Don’t know, Mon papillon.” Alexandra said, trying to comfort her. “You okay? I’ll wait for you outside.” Y/N nodded and Alexandra left to wait in the hallway with Charles.
“I’m talking to the Ferrari media team.” Charles said,
“You sure?” Alexandra asked.
“Of course I am. I’ll video chat with them later today and let the whole world know I’m dating 2 beautiful women and that I’m going to be a father.” Charles said, kissing Alexandra. Y/N walked out of the bathroom.
“How about you order in, I need to lie down.” Y/N said, holding her stomach.
“Whatever you want, Mon ange.” Charles said. They left the practice, Alexandra took Y/N’s car and Y/N rode with Charles, both drove to his apartment. In the apartment, Y/N was taking a nap with Leo while Charles set up his laptop to talk to the media manager of Ferrari.
“Hello Charles, what did you want to talk about?” The manager asked.
“I need to tell you something. As you know, I am in a relationship with Alexandra, BUT it’s not only her, it’s her friend Y/N as well, all 3 of us are together.” Charles said.
“Okay, okay, okay, it’s 2024, it’s almost 2025, surely the public will be okay with a…it’s called a throuple, right?” He asked,
“Yes, yes, it’s a throuple. But that’s not the only thing I wanted to tell you about. Y/N is also pregnant.” Charles said.
“Let me get this straight; you want to post on your Instagram that you are in a polyamorous relationship and that you’re going to be a father?” He asked,
“Yes.” Charles said.
“You do understand the scrutiny that not only you will put yourself under, but your girlfriends as well?” The manager asked.
“I do, sir.” Charles responded.
“Very well then, post if you must.” The manager said before saying goodbye.
The next day, Y/N woke up to her phone ringing, turning over to see Alexandra is still sleeping, she answered the call.
“Good morning, am I speaking to Y/N L/N?”
“Yeah, this is she.” Y/N replied.
“Congratulations, you are 4 weeks pregnant, the first trimester is crucial so a healthy diet is recommended, have a great day.” The phone call ended. Y/N woke up Alexandra.
“Ma papillon, it’s a little early, don’t you think?” Alexandra asked.
Mi reina, the doctor’s office called, I am 4 weeks pregnant.” Y/N said and Alexandra kissed her before she pulled her in for a hug.
“Oh my god, we have to tell Charles, I mean it was obvious you’re pregnant but now it’s doctor official.” Alexandra was over the moon by the news. “Okay Um let’s get dressed and head to Charles’s apartment.” They got dressed and Alexandra drove to Charles’s apartment.
Alexandra opened the door and Leo scrambled to say hello. Walking in further, they heard the shower running and stopping. Charles walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.
“Mon ange, ma Belle, what are you doing here?” Charles asked.
“I’m 4 weeks pregnant.” Y/N said and Charles hugged her, twirling her around and putting her down.
“That’s amazing, I’m going to be a dad, oh my gosh, we need to make a diet plan for you, I’ll call Andrea and ask what should we buy.” Charles said pacing around the room. “Should you be taking prenatal vitamins?”
“I have to ask my doctor after the first ultrasound in a few weeks. But yeah, call Andrea for a meal plan.” Y/N said, “I’m gonna use your bathroom.” While Y/N went to the bathroom, Charles took to Instagram.
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charlesleclerc many of you know my beautiful girlfriend, Alexandra. Most of you also know her best friend Y/N, who is also my beautiful girlfriend. The three of us are in a throuple or polyamorous relationship, however you want to call it. They are the loves of my life and if I am going to be a father, I thought it was time for the mother of my child, my other girlfriend, to be known.
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“Wow, can’t believe you did it.” Alexandra said when she saw his Instagram. “Oh I love that photo of Y/N, she’s so beautiful.” Alexandra said.
“Yeah, I am all in, I am not hiding Y/N anymore.” Charles said and his phone started ringing. “It’s my mom.”
“You didn’t think of telling her she’s a grandma before Instagram?” Alexandra asked.
“I didn’t think, okay.” Charles said before answering his phone. “Bonjour, maman.”
Over the past few weeks leading up to the ultrasound, Charles and Alexandra have been googling what pregnant women should be eating, have been calling their mothers to ask how their pregnancies were, Charles even bought parenting books.
“You think it’s too soon for the baby to be hearing music?” Charles asked.
“I don’t think the baby has ears yet.” Alexandra said. “You’re like 9 weeks pregnant, it’ll take another 7 weeks for the baby’s ears to actually work, it says it all here.” Alexandra said pointing to her laptop screen.
“You two are fussing and I’m not even showing.” Y/N said.
“Well we want the baby to be healthy. Would you be Leclerc Saint Mleux L/N or Leclerc L/N Saint Mleux?” Charles asked,
“We’re not even married!” Y/N exclaimed laughing.
“Oh he is just excited. Your appointment is in an hour, we should get going.” Alexandra said.
To the OBGYN! Y/N was allowed to bring Charles and Alexandra since the doctor knows they’re situation. She lifted up Y/N’s shirt and placed gel on Y/N’s stomach, she shuddered from how cold it was. She got the “wand” and rubbed it over the gel.
“And here’s your baby.” The doctor said, Charles and Alexandra started tearing up, as was Y/N.
“It’s so small.” Charles giggled,
“I can’t believe it.” Y/N said.
“I am so happy.” Alexandra said.
“Well congratulations on becoming parents to a healthy baby.” The doctor said.
The End
Hope y’all liked it! I know it was a little long but hopefully it’s a good read
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hellvcifer · 2 months
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CARING FOR YOU WHEN YOU'RE SICK— ଘ drabbles┆part 2
ft. pairings :: charlie, lucifer, adam, angel dust, vox // gn!reader wc :: 3k note :: i am sick (◞‸◟;) so i wanted to bring a little comfort to others in the meantime. enjoy !! warnings :: canon typical language, pet names used instead of y/n (darling, sweetie, love, babe, sweetheart)
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The door to your bedroom slammed open, “Okay!” hurried shuffling and fumbled footsteps accompanied a strained voice. “Oh, no! Wait, wait, wait! Ugh.” Charlie was able to grab the glass of water before it fell off her tray. “Got it!” Her arms were filled with extra blankets, a thermometer, a tray topped with a bowl of hot soup and water, about three bottles of pills, and one with liquid medicine. “Phew! Okay!” She scrambled over to the bed you laid in.
You groaned, the throbbing in your head getting worse every time there was a loud noise. The bed dipped with new weight. You slowly turned over, shifting the blankets around you to do so, feeling them drenched in sweat. “Charlie?” You rasped, seeing her blonde hair swish as she turned to look at you. Her eyes creased in a nervous worry.
“Hi! Okay, look.” She turned back to her things. “I cooked up some soup, I read that the clear broth is supposed to be really good for you! Oh! Also.” She grabbed a few of the pill bottles, held them up. “One of these helps with headaches and muscles aches! And the other will help with your stomach… I think.” She pouted while reading. “Or! I can give you this,” She held up the liquid medicine. “And it should help with… Everything?”
“Charlie…” You tried sitting up, feeling the aching throughout your muscles. You groaned but fully sat up. 
“Oh! And we can take your temperature. I’m not sure how that will work though… Hellborne temps are way higher than Sinners but Sinners temps change when they get here and run higher. Do you think there’s a conversion?” 
“Charlie!” You sputtered, sending yourself into a long coughing fit feeling a sharp pain throughout your head with each one. 
Her brows furrowed, “Here, drink!” She held up the glass of water to your lips, her hand rubbing your back as you did. A few drops of water leaked past the brim before she pulled it away. She moved her palm up your shoulder, then your neck, before coming to your chin. Her thumb brushed away the trail of water that was left.
You looked up at her, bleary-eyed and clammy. Her features brought a weak smile to your face. “Don’t worry, this happened to us before we got here. We get through it… Eventually.” You explained through your raspy voice. 
“I just wish I could make you feel better.” Charlie spoke, head tilting to look at you softly. 
“Having you here is enough.” You giggled. “You’re lucky you can’t get sick or I’d be kicking your worried butt out.” She laughed in response. You turned to look at the liquid medicine and pointed. “That one will work.” 
“Hey.” Charlie spoke, both her hands squishing your cheeks. “Anything you need, and I am right here. Okay?” Her glistening eyes were accompanied with a caring smile. 
You melted. “Thanks Char.”
It may not have been the best idea to try and hide the fact that you were sick from everyone at the hotel. After the battle with Heaven, and rebuilding the hotel, you really didn’t want to be the one caught slacking off. The grand re-opening was soon and everything needed to be perfect.
Which brought you to the present, standing atop of a ladder as you helped hang the very sign that stated what you were prepping for. Lucifer stood at the base to make sure it didn’t tip in the process.
“Okay, a little to the left!” Vaggie called out, standing some feet away and eyeing the placement. “Up a little!” You stood on your toes to make the adjustment, legs straightened to their max as you did so. You began feeling your head fill with pressure, vision slowly overcoming with weird splotches of black and purples. “A little higher on the right.” Vaggie was addressing you, but it seemed muffled the more you tried to shake the increasing feeling of dizziness. 
“Hey, you alright, darling?” Lucifer called up to you, seeing you sway ever so slightly, hand dropping the banner before your body completely leaned backwards and fell off the ladder. He was quick to catch you, calling out your name as you landed in his arms. He cradled your figure, worried eyes staring down at you before being directed to take you to a room by Charlie.
“Dad, don’t worry!” She tried to reason with him, seeing how he watched you with concern. “Angel Dust said that Sinners get sick like this all the time! Some rest and things will be back to normal!” Her dad didn’t budge, brows still creased with worry as he held your hand, seeing your chest rise and sink with raspy breaths. His daughter sighed, “I’ll go get some water.” She took her leave.
Lucifer had no idea Sinners dealt with things like this, even after their deaths. He wished he could take away any discomfort you were feeling. If only he had the power to do so, he would in a heartbeat. 
A groan from your lips brought his focus back to you, he watched your chapped lips become slick with your saliva as you licked them. “Luci?” You felt his hand squeeze, your eyes sliding to see your partner. His hat was missing, hair tousled and wrung as if he couldn’t keep himself from threading his fingers through it, troubled at the thought of somehow losing you. 
“Hey, Sweetie.” He did his best to smile but nothing could prevent the worry from leaking through. “You uh, you gave me quite a scare! Ha-Ha!” He tried to push a smile though it was obviously strained. “H-How are you feeling?”
You glanced around, seeing that you were in one of the newly refurbished hotel rooms. Your eyes squinted, trying to recall the events that led you to waking up here. You had been feeling all but ill for the past few days and did nothing but try and push through it. “I, uh… I’m fine.” You tried to sit up but Lucifer pushed you to lay back down gently. 
“You’re anything but fine.” You met eyes with him once more. “If I hadn’t been there to catch you, it could have been worse.” His voice was shaky as he spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me that you weren’t feeling well?”
“Wouldn’t be the first time I fell.” You tried to scoff out a laugh but seeing his expression you quickly stopped. You sighed, reaching for his hand again, searching for any comfort. He met you with his own, fingers intertwining tightly. “I just… Wanted to help out as much as possible.” You felt his thumb begin to rub along the edge of yours. “I wasn’t feeling well but… I didn’t want to let anyone down.” You saw him melt, now understanding. He felt his heart swell with even more adoration for you.
“Oh, my love.” His other hand caressed your cheek. “There is no way you’d ever let anyone down. Especially with me.” You leaned into his hand a bit more at his words. “If anything is wrong, please promise you’ll come talk with me?” 
You smiled softly before nodding your head. “I guess I should thank you for being there to catch me.” You yanked him towards you, arms wrapping around him tightly into your chest. “My gaurdian angel.” That nearly made his wings pop.
꒰ ADAM ꒱
“Hey Babe!” The door to your bedroom opened, a familiar voice announcing his entrance. “Saw you weren’t at the high council meeting and Danger Tits said you’d be here.” He strutted closer, seeing that the only thing on your bed was a weird lump of blankets. “Uh…” He poked it, “The fuck is this?” He did it a few more times. 
“Sto~op.” You groaned out, muffled through the layers of fabric.
“Uh, ew.” He took a step back, the disgust was ever present in his response. “Sounding a little gross there, babes.”
“Oh screw you.” You threw the blankets off you, narrowed eyes squinting at the intruder. “Why am I sick in Heaven! I thought Angels couldn’t get sick.”
Adam stared for a moment before he bursted into an obnoxious laughter, “Ain’t no way you caught the Angel Allergies!” His cackle continued, clutching his stomach.
“The what?” You spoke flatley, watching him walk around the bedroom and into the on-suite bathroom.
“Every Angel gets them after being in Heaven for a while. It's a side-effect for human angels.” He explained shuffling in the cabinet. “Can’t believe you actually caught them, that’s so lame!”
“Oh, like you’ve never been sick before!” You tried to challenge but your stuffed sinuses made you sound like a little kid throwing a tantrum. 
It only caused Adam to laugh even more. “Fuck no. The first man doesn’t get sick.” The water ran for a second before he walked back out, throwing a white bottle that rattled familiar to pills. “You’re welcome.”
You caught them, all but ungraciously. “What are these?” You glanced at them before having a glass of water shoved into your other hand.
“I can’t have my arm candy looking like a wreck, okay?” He sat down next to you on his side of the bed. Arms crossed behind his head. “Take two of those and you’ll be fine.” Your tired gaze slid over to see him resting, his mask now gone and eyes closed. “You’re stuck in bed until they go away.”
You huffed before quickly taking the pills with a few gulps of water. You drank the liquid entirely and set the empty glass on the bedside table. You immediately turned towards your man and tackled him. Your body cushioned by his and the impact was followed by a breathless grunt from him. “What the–”
“Thanks, babe.” You hummed, and squished your face into his chest. His hand hovered your form before settling around you, pulling you closer into him. 
“Yeah, yeah, whatever.” He glanced down at you, seeing your eyes close with a peaceful sigh. “Just get better, okay?” 
“See ya whores later!” Angel threw his right hands into the air as he walked through the lobby. “This body doesn't get paid the big bucks for nothing.” He pushed his fluff up, eyes catching a peek at your hunched over form at the bar. He immediately stopped walking. 
“What’s the matter with you?” He took a few steps closer. “Hey,” He poked your arm, causing you to finally sit up straight and wearily turn your head towards him. “Oh, you look like shit.” His lip curled at the sight. Dark eye bags, bleary eyes, dull complexion.
“Thanks, Ange.” Your tone had no inflection of appreciation as you rolled your eyes. “You’re a real confidence booster, you know that?”
“No seriously, what’s going on?” His voice deepened, brows creasing as he sat down on the bar stool next to you, scooting closer. 
You waved a hand in the air, shooing him away. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
“More like anything but fine.” Husk spoke as he walked behind the bar. “Spends most nights sitting here rather than sleeping.”
“Shut. up. Husk.” You snapped at the bartender. 
“Insomnia, huh?” Angel sighed, hand hovering your shoulder. He hesitated. “Listen, I gotta go but… Take care of yourself, okay?” You glanced at him before holding your hand out. He grabbed yours and felt you squeeze.
“Don’t worry about me.” You tilted your head and smiled, though unconvincingly. “I’m okay… You should go before you’re late.” Your brows creased knowingly. 
“Right…” He stood,  nervously looking over your figure before letting go and turning to leave. As much as he wanted to stay, to take care of you, he couldn’t do anything to upset Val when he was needed at the studio. 
The next time he saw you was when he had finished shooting. Finally making his way back to the hotel and seeing you in the same spot where he had left you. Except now, you were passed out.
“The fuck, Husk?” He stomped over, “You can’t just pour out the drinks without regard to someone’s health!” He angrily glared at the bartender. 
“I didn’t pour anything.” He huffed, tone blunt as ever. “Started snoozing the minute you left. Figured I’d let them catch some sleep for once.” He shrugged. 
“You– but– Ugh! Nevermind!” Angel came closer, arms wrapping around you softly before lifting you up. He made his way to your hotel room, kicking the door shut with his foot and walking in to lay you on your bed. The jumble finally brought you out of your sleep with a hummed groan. 
“Ange?” You asked, eyes squinting to see his dual colored eyes, a sense of relief flooding your body. You sighed. “You’re back.” You reached out for his hand, searching for his. He returned quickly, though confused. “I’m glad.” The comfy bed now felt like a warm cloud, pulling you back to your slumber once more.
“Wait a minute,” His eyes widened, falling to his knees next to your bed. “Is that why you’ve been staying up?” He whispered in shock.
“Well someone’s gotta make sure you get back safely.” You mumbled into your pillow, feeling your eyelids becoming heavy. He let out a long sigh, overwhelmingly filled with a sense of warmth, hand coming to your head and resting there. 
“Thank you.” He laid his head in his other set of arms next to you. “For everything.”
꒰ VOX ꒱
The man released an exasperated sigh after reading his most recent text from Val. He had to do everything around here, didn’t he? All to keep up appearances with the public and uphold their reputation. Because if it wasn’t his dear Val running up a storm, then it was Velvette. 
Vel’s on a rampage~ ♡
He pushed open the doors to said woman’s studio, seeing her shouting at her workers and her assistant cowering behind one of the trash cans. Taking cover from the throne spools of fabric and occasional scissors. 
“Velvette.” Vox cascaded in a calming tone, walking closer to her and dodging an incoming hairbrush. 
“The fuck do you want, flat face?” She snarled through heavy breaths, “Can’t you see, I’m busy!”
“Yes, of course, so busy.” He rolled his eyes. “And why are you destroying your department this time?” He leaned forward, eyes intent for an answer.
“My star pupil decided to show up late today!” She shouted, “Do you know how much money was spent for this show! And out of nowhere, cough cough, the bitch is sick!” She swiped at her phone, dialing a number. “If that dumbshit doesn’t show, I will kill every last one of you!”
Vox’s brow raised instantly, knowing exactly who she was talking about. “I’m sure someone as smart as you will figure things out.”
“You don’t think I know that!?” She turned towards him. “Go get me my lead!” He huffed and with a zap, he disappeared through one of the many security cameras and into your apartment within the building.
He took a few steps, searching for any sign of you. It was eerily quiet until a symphony of coughs could be heard from the kitchen. They became louder the closer he got, seeing you hunched over the sink. “Oh, No…” He walked over, placing a hand on your back and rubbing to ease your discomfort.
You finished out your fit, “Don’t mind me.” You sniffled, grabbing a tissue and wiping your mouth clean. “Just hacking up a lung.” You stood up, turning to fully see Vox. “Let me guess… Vel told you.” You spoke flatly, knowing his appearance wasn’t a coincidence.
“You should have called me.” He frowned.
You rolled your eyes, walking over to the hot tea you were brewing until you were rudely interrupted by your weak immune system. “I knew your schedule was busy…” You poured in some more honey. “Not to mention, Vel went off before I could even finish telling her I couldn’t make it today.” You raised the mug to your lips, letting the warm liquid relieve your scratchy throat.
“Velvette’s show is the least of your problems.” He spoke and watched your turn to him. “She can find a new lead. You need to rest.” 
“Yeah, but you’re all about saving face.” You poked the corner of his screen, flashing a small smile before walking past him. “Faking it on that runway for an hour won’t be hard.” His steel claws grabbed your wrist and stopped you. 
“You’re not doing her show.” His eyes glared down at you. Screen flashing a few times before revealing his face once more. “I’ve canceled my appointments for the day.”
“What?” your eyes widened. He grabbed your mug, hand falling to your back and guiding you towards your bedroom. “And you expect Vel to just be okay with that?” 
“Let me handle it.” He brought you to your bed, setting your tea on your bedside table before pulling back your blankets. “You’re on bedrest until this thing has flushed itself out of your system.” 
You propped your hand on your hip, “If I didn’t know any better, Vox. I'd think you cared about me.” You watched his face glitch, blue-screening for a moment. 
“sħᵾⱦ ᵾp ⱥnđ lie down!” His filtered static appeared for a moment with his flustered order.
“Oh, kinky! I love when you get all dominant on me.” You smirked, seeing his face continue to malfunction. “Cool your hard drives.” A soft giggle escaped your lungs before you started coughing again. You slid under the comforter, getting situated as he flicked the blankets over. He passed you your tea and watched you take a sip to relieve your coughing. 
“Stay.” He pointed and glared down at you before turning away. Your fingers swiftly caught the tail of his suit, stopping him. He swiveled his head, brows raised.
You turned away, “Thank you.”
A gentle smile graced his mouth. He stepped closer, hand on your head to lean you towards him ever so slightly. His warm screen grazed your forehead as he softly kissed it. “Anything for you, my love.”
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likes and reblogs appreciated ༊*·˚
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starkwlkr · 1 year
Can you do a part 2 of daddy max with how the rest of the paddock reacts when max brings his son with him to his interview
family | max verstappen
“When do I get to meet mini Verstappen?” The whole Red Bull Racing garage heard the voice of Charles Leclerc.
Max chuckled as he held Noah in his arms. The interviews were over and now all Max wanted to do was relax with his partner and son back in the hotel. Noah shyly hid his face in Max’s neck as Charles approached them.
“It’s okay, Noah. This is my friend, Charles. Say hello.” Max encouraged his son to greet the Monegasque man. Noah built up the courage and waved hello to Charles. He already loved being in the paddock.
“What’s your name?” Charles asked.
Noah looked at his father as if to ask if it was okay to answer. Max nodded. “Noah. But I have two.” The little boy said while looking at his father.
“Yeah, tell him your other name. Come on, like we practiced.” Max said.
“Hello, my name is Noah Joseph Verstappen.” The boy recited.
“That’s a really beautiful name. I have another name too, I have three other names.” Charles said. Once Noah heard that, he gasped.
“Why do you have a long name?” He asked curiously. “My papa has another name too.”
“I’m not sure why.”
All afternoon, Noah kept meeting new people from the drivers to team principals and he even got to pet Roscoe. If someone were to ask him what his favorite part of the day was, he would immediately answer with him sitting in his father’s Red Bull, or petting Roscoe, either one was his highlight of the day.
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Liked by schecoperez, patriciooward and 469,270 others
maxverstappen1 when my family officially met the red bull family ❤️
danielricciardo mini verstappennnnnnnn!!!
charles_leclerc i hope he thinks I’m cool because of all my names
redbullracing the family is welcome back anytime!
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verstappen-cult · 5 months
ouuu, imagine getting a new pet with the f1 grid! like, whether it be just recently moving in together and wanting a new addition or whether it be just a small present, your choice ofc! 💖
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one day you came home only to find lando laying on the floor with a tiny cat sitting on his chest, talking so soft as if he was speaking to a child, hands caressing behind his little ears. “hey, i got you a present!” he was lot more excited than you, and you were the one that actually wanted to adopt a cat. you named her with a little bit of help from lando, and soon became a crucial part in both your lives. every time lando is away, which is most of the time, he’s always asking for pics of his two girls. you’re pretty sure he loves the cat more than he loves you. and vice–versa.
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it was always a plan. even when you had been dating for just a couple of weeks, you two always wanted to have a dog together. and that’s why the moment you move in together, you go to one of the shelters in the city to adopt one. it’s hard. there are so many dogs waiting for someone to take them home that it is impossible for you to not cry. eventually you take home a little one that kept following charles everywhere he went, and the moment the dog starts running and sniffing everything, making you both laugh, you know he’s the perfect addition to your life.
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oscar knows you grew up with a lot of dogs and cats, and that you miss them every day. he also knows you are pretty happy living with him and traveling when you can, but living away from family is hard. it’s no secret that you are the most important person in his life and he will always want you to be happy; that is why one day you wake up with a slight pressure on your chest and two big brown eyes looking at you. you’re very sure everyone in the building heard your scream when you realized it was a rabbit. oscar had the biggest smile on his face, and felt like a very proud boyfriend, as he saw you play with him.
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you and max weren’t looking to adopt a new cat, you really were more than happy and done with jimmy and sassy. but then one day you’re walking back to your hotel after lunch and next thing you know, you are inside a pet shop. you were just thinking about getting the cats new toys and maybe a cat tree when you saw her sitting at the counter, looking so soft and tiny. when max went to pay, the owner told you she was a stray cat and the rest was history. there was a lot of paperwork to be able to get her out of the city and back to your home, but it was all worth it.
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★ — ALEX ALBON (23)
you’re always looking to adopt new pets. or members of the family as alex likes to call them. you know who you’re dating, so it’s all part of the relationship. not that it bothers you; you’re really happy with the zoo you have at home. the newest addition is a little more big than the rest of the pets, and it doesn’t surprise you, nothing does with alex anymore. and you always wanted a horse growing up, it’s a win for everyone. every time alex has free time you’re traveling to visit alex’s parents where the horse lives and it’s hard when you have to say goodbye but you know alex is already looking to adopt a new cat, or a dog, or another horse, and that makes it a little easier.
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daniel just comes home holding a guinea pig one day and you don’t even question him. he said he found it near the park where he went to run and couldn’t leave it there. just like that you got a new pet. neither of you had a guinea pig before so you don’t really know how to take care of him. or her? so the next morning you take the little one to the vet and then to a pet shop where you buy everything you’re going to need. and some other things that aren’t necessary but daniel saw and fell in love. if you had to drag him out of there before he brought a fish, well, that’s no one’s business.
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you were cuddling on the couch, mick with the most awful cold ever known to men when you got a call from her mom, and before she even got to say hi your boyfriend was already asking for the family dog. it was so cute seeing him say how much he missed him and how he wished he could be there to cuddle and feel better (rude!); that was the exact moment you knew what to do. it was a little hard trying to find a shelter, and then complete the form and interview they asked for, but in just a couple of days you were standing in front of a blanket-covered and almost crying mick cuddling with his new dog.
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© VERSTAPPEN-CULT ⎯ do not repost, translate, plagiarise or claim any of my works as your own.
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thatsdemko · 1 year
just an incident - m.verstappen
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requested: n
pairings: max verstappen x leclerc!fem!reader
warnings: hints of some friends to lovers trope + google translated French and Dutch + wrote this BEFORE the Monaco 2023 gp!
a/n: I cannot remember who it was that said most Dutch don’t use nicknames like “angel” or “baby” but I didn’t feel like changing the pet names so my apologies 😬 had a lil dream about this so enjoy xx
it really wasn’t supposed to happen. at least you didn’t want it to happen, but he most certainly did.
growing up he was your brothers biggest competitor and challenge. race tracks weren’t the same when max verstappen was on the circuit, and that was still true to this day. max became a menace and impossible to beat in that Red Bull, it made loving him in secret and supporting your brother in public harder.
because every race meant listening to that Dutch national anthem while your brother told off his team for the shit race. it meant spending long nights in the Ferrari garage rather than the ones in his hotel room celebrating his victory. loving max verstappen was not easy.
“mijn engel wat zit je dwars?” he asks, fingers gently brushing down the skin of your back. you’re sitting upright in his bed, pillow covering your chest as you scroll through the chain of text messages from your brothers. you could never have a peaceful evening alone without one of them calling or texting. my angel what's bothering you?
“mes frères.” you grumble tossing your phone into the pile of clothes on the ground before relaxing against his chest, “but I’m all yours now.” you press a kiss to his jawline, watching those beautiful green eyes close in contentment.
“why don’t you tell them about us? are you that worried?” his arm wraps around your shoulders allowing you to sink further against him. he knows Charles would have heart failure hearing his baby sister was more than just a friend with max, and it would give him all more of a reason to push him off the track or do risky overtakes. racing wouldn’t be the same for Charles or max, and maybe he hadn’t thought of that, but you certainly did.
“I’m more worried that I’d be stealing his boyfriend from him.” you joke watching the lines around his eyes crinkle, smile forming on his lips. you loved that smile dearly.
“we broke up a long time ago.”
“you go missing? been trying to call you for hours.” Lorenzo doesn’t even need to look up from his computer to know it’s you entering the house. just by the sound of your silent footsteps and nails tapping against your phone, he knew it couldn’t be anybody else.
especially since he began to pick up you were beginning to be late or no shows recently. you would push off family dinner for said alone time or show up to family game night a half an hour late. he wasn’t one to budge into your life and ask the questions, but seeing as things were drastically shifting he felt he needed in.
“what? no, just needed some extra sleep.” your lies weren’t getting any better, he knew the high pitch tone and small stutters were nothing but false words.
“you think to run a brush through your hair?” he scoffs seeing the snarls and tiny mats that you didn’t notice. you’re lucky your mother wasn’t home or else she’d have fainted at the sight.
“why are you in my business?” you ask making him finally look up from his laptop to see the purple faint bruises against your collarbone. there was no sleeping in for you, and he couldn’t help not fighting the smirk against his lips as he pulls the cup of coffee up to try and mask it.
“just go take a shower before Charles and Arthur come home, please?”
you listen to his request and find the warm water against your aching body and sensitive skin comforting. his nail marks at your hips were fresh, the pull in your groins were painful in the steam, and the purple bruises at your collarbone weren’t going to be easy to cover up. it was evident max wanted your family to know about him, whether you would actually drop his name was up to you.
the thick sweatshirt of Arthur’s that you stole covers what you wanted, and the baggy sweatpants you borrowed from max masked your shaking quads with each step. maybe you did miss being home, but you were missing that Dutch accent and being under the gaze is his big green eyes.
“when did you get back?” Arthur asks, head peaking into your room where he sees you tapping away on your phone, a little smile evident against your lips.
“this morning. how was work with Charles?” you turn around to see him moving in your room. Arthur was like your best friend, growing up one year apart, he was the closest thing you had sometimes, and lying to him about your relationship wasn’t easy.
“good, we ran into max.” even his name made your heart skip beats, you shifted uncomfortably against your bed trying to not make it obvious you were eager to hear how he was— despite having seen him only hours ago— or if he mentioned you.
“and?” you ask swallowing nervously, Arthur shifts against the doorframe with a shrug, “he’s alright, just prepping for Monaco.”
you let out a tiny sigh of relief nodding, “good for him I guess, I kind of hope he loses.” you lie biting your tongue and hear a laugh from Charles across the hall, “me too!” he calls out.
“you hope I lose? I heard that rumor by the way.” his voice startled you making you turn around to face him. he’s in his suit and tie, dressed his finest just like yourself. the expensive gala you were in was packed to the brim and you had lost all of your family members minutes ago when you spotted the Red Bull drivers appearance.
“you know I want you to win.” you move a little closer to him, his hand discreetly rests against your hip and he presses a friendly kiss to your cheek that you wish could be a little more than that in public.
“hoe gaat het met mijn meisje?” he leans into your ear, the soft whisper leaves a tingling sensation down your spine making your body curl closer to him. how’s my girl?
“il manque juste ta touche.” you reply, hand resting against his chest, nervously adjusting his crooked tie. you know people are staring and cameras are recording, but under his gaze you feel protected. those big hands and aggressive demeanor would go to war for you against anyone here. just missing your touch
he chuckles under his breath, “you have all of me, my love.” his lips press your temple quickly, before excusing himself to shake hands with Sergio Perez, his teammate.
you move out of the way when the cameras begin to flash and interviewers move in to ask questions to the Red Bull drivers. you find yourself watching from the sidelines beside Daniel, but his eyes always find you. a wink in your direction let’s you know he hasn’t lost sight.
“flirty with my man?” Daniel nudges your elbow gently, making you break your stare at the lady who’s getting to close to max for a picture.
“flirty? no, he was winking at you.” you laugh watching max pull Charles in for a photo with the two drivers. three of them smiling proudly for the cameras before Charles pulls away, a little dizzy from all the flashing.
“hm, I don’t recall him making sexy eyes at me in our contract.” daniel pushes you in the direction of max. now that the photos were done, you could tell he was looking for you, but of course Charles whisks him away before you both can close the gaps between each other.
“you think you’ll win in my circuit?” charles jokingly asks. pulling max out from the mass crowds of people, you were trailing behind the two of them pushing through bodies to join them.
max scoffs, “I can’t predict the outcome of this race, mate. we’ll just have to wait and see.” the Dutchman sees you push through a few people and he extends his hand to help you before you stumble into Carlos.
“yeah, well with my luck I’ll be last.”
“no Oscar and lando will make sure you aren’t.” max chuckles, the two make faces at each other before the tipsy giggles escape their lips. you wish all nights were like this, the two of them happy and not pinning each others successes for their failures.
“what will you do if you win?” you ask Charles stepping a little closer to their conversation watching him think. you look up at max who’s thinking through if he should put his hand against your back, maybe pull you closer to him.
“I don’t know yet. maybe take maman out to dinner? this is all hypothetical.”
max nods, hand finally resting against your lower back, “well if I win I think I’ll take a special someone out for dinner.” he pulls you closer to his chest, your arms unconsciously wrapping around his torso.
“oh? who is that?” charles asks, and it has yet to hit him. he’s clueless to Max’s hand resting on your ass, your arms around his torso, and his lips pressing into your hair. charles was clearly oblivious.
“me, idiot.” you scoff finally getting his attention, his eyes scan each part of your bodies and how close you were together. he looks lost, like a puppy trying to find home as the dogs finally connect with what’s in front of him.
“no! when did this happen?!”
“it was just an incident.” max shrugs, there was no other way to describe it. the pieces just fell into place and max verstappen somehow became the man you loved more than just in the dark, he was someone you were beginning to love in public.
“don’t use my words against me.”
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awritessomething · 6 months
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬 | charles leclerc x fem!reader
𝘀𝘂𝗺𝗺𝗮𝗿𝘆 | After getting P2 in Vegas, Charles is absolutely ecstatic. He needs to get out some of this energy and his girlfriend is happy to help.
𝘄𝗮𝗿𝗻𝗶𝗻𝗴𝘀 | smut, pre-established relationship, dom!charles, sub!reader, missionary, unprotected sex, biting, praise, pet names (baby, handsome, honey), oral f!receiving, google translated French, fluff at beginning and end, no use of Y/N.
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The moment that Charles pushed past Checo on the very last real turn on the Las Vegas track, the crowd went wild. Screams, cheers, and all other sounds of excitement filled the air. He got into 2nd place by just .171 seconds. There were few people out there who were more proud of him than his girlfriend of many years. They were the tracks ‘it’ couple. Everyone adored their relationship.
Charles got out of the car as soon as he could, seeing that she was standing there as well as his team, all just waiting for him. He nearly jumped over the fence and into her arms as he hugged her over the barrier. She squeezed him so tight that he nearly fell over the fence. At first, he couldnt even hear what she was saying, it was all jumbled together into a string of French and English gibberish.
“Good job, Charles!” She said his full name which just showed how happy she was. He pulled from the hug and kissed her instead. The cameras were on them as the crowd screamed. She smiled into the kiss and pushed her hands into his sweaty hair. They pulled away from each other and he mouthed a quick ‘I love you’ before moving onto his team.
Her eyes were glued to Charles for the rest of the night. He searched the crowds for her, like a kid at their school play. His smile grew impossibly wider every time he saw her. The second that all of the post-face interviews were done and he finished everything with Ferrari, he was on his way to find her again.
“Charl?” She called out for him, seeing him looking a bit lost. Charles turned around immediately and jogged over to her. His arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her off of the ground and into his arms. “Hey!” She gasped and giggled as he hugged her. Charles kissed all over her face and all over her neck.
“Good race?” Charles mumbled against her skin. She ran her hands down his back and sighed, glad to have him back in her arms.
“Amazing.” She smiled as he set her back down onto the ground. Charles sighed and looked down at her, seeing the little creases in her makeup from how she had been smiling for almost the whole race. Early in their relationship, she would spend the races worrying about her appearance, worrying that once he finished, he would see her and be disappointed. That was never once the case. Makeup, no makeup, bad makeup, good makeup, anything, he was just glad that she was there.
“Back to the hotel?” Charles proposed, cupping her cheeks with his hands. He looked down at her, just taking a moment to admire her.
“Yes.” She sighed in relief and felt his arm wrap around her waist, pulling her into his side. He was a bit damp and still smelled of the champagne that Max and Checo had sprayed on him. “Mm.. you need a shower.” Her face scrunched up when she decided to sniff him.
“Join me?” Charles asked between laughter. She shook her head and leaned back into his side, eyes closed as she trusted him to guide her without running her into a pole.
“Not tonight, baby. I’ll wait for you though.” She whispered as they reached the car. Charles opened the passenger door for her and guided her inside, blocking the top of the door with his hand just in case. Her eyes opened to watch him rush around the front of the car and right into the drivers seat.
“So much for congratulating me, hm?” Charles had one hand on her thigh, rubbing comforting circles on the inner bit as he started to drive them back to the hotel. It felt like an unbearably long drive, his hand staying on her thigh while they talked about the race. Her eyes were closed for most of the time, just listening to him ramble.
Charles got into the shower, taking a while to try and get all of the sweat off of himself. She was laid on the bed, her makeup already off, pajamas replacing the clothes from earlier. Minutes later, he came out of the washroom, toweling off his wet hair as another towel was tied loosely around his waist. He glanced at his girlfriend who was just relaxing, waiting patiently for him.
“Ah, you did wait for me.” Charles hummed softly as he went to her. Her arms opened for him.
“Of course I did, handsome.” She smiled as he dropped onto her, knocking the air from her lungs. She wheezed for a moment which got a laugh from both of them.
“You looked so perfect in red, mon cher.” Charles mumbled against her skin as he began to kiss down her neck. She smiled softly.
“Oh, stop it.” She giggled as she let him kiss down her neck and slip his hands under her shirt. She let out a sigh of approval. He used this to pull off her pajama shirt.
“Je t'aime tellement.” He whispered as he felt her tug him back up to her lips. Her fingers hooked around his towel before unwrapping it and throwing it away. Charles slid her pajama shorts off and dipped his hand between her thighs.
“No, Cha. Not tonight.” She shook her head. He was confused. “Lets just go straight to it.”
“Are you sure?” He asked, seeing as they never really just cut to the chase like that.
“I’m sure, honey.” She reassured him. Charles nodded, reached between them, and pushed inside of her. Her eyes rolled into the back of her head as his hips snapped forwards.
After giving her just a moment to adjust, he started moving quicker. Her eyes widened as her mouth dropped into an “O”. Charles groaned out her name and dropped his head into the crook of her neck. His lips met her sensitive skin. She writhed beneath him as he was muttering praises in her ear, one’s that she could hardly even understand from how fucked out she was.
Charles’ thrusts got rougher, deeper, and quicker. His hips snapped into hers and the sound of their skin slapping together filled the room. His lips met her neck once again but then his teeth brushed against the skin. She shuddered and her walls clamped down tighter around his cock. Charles let out an animalistic grunt and his teeth started to nibble at her neck. He was leaving red bite marks that were sure to bruise. His hands gripped onto her hips with such force that it would leave a mark.
The way that she squeezed around his cock made his eyes roll to the back of his head. He was unbelievably pussydrunk on her. There was almost nothing in the world that could make him leave her right then. Charles groaned out words in French right into her ears. She still couldn’t grab onto a single word. Everything was far too much.
His cock pulsed inside of her, seeming to grow thicker. Charles could hardly even breathe. The sheer pleasure had him lightheaded and a little bit loopy.
“I’m gonna cum..” She warned him with a moan. Charles couldn’t even think of a way to respond. His mind was completely gone. Each thrust knocked the wind out of her lungs. Each thrust made Charles wish he could spend the rest of his life fucking into her. His abs rolled, muscles flexing. It was moments like these that made him look even more like he was molded into the most perfect man to walk Earth.
She came around his cock, senseless babbles that were unable to be filtered streamed from her lips. Charles snapped his eyes open and watched as her eyes rolled back and any remaining thoughts that she could have possibly had left her mind. That and the fact that each drag of his cock inside of her had her walls tightening impossible around him, made him cum nearly immediately.
“Fuckfuckfuck-” Charles choked out as he spilled his seed into her, shuddering with each white spurt that came from his cock. Her back arched and she felt like she was being exorcised. A moan was ripped from her throat as his cum shot into her womb.
Charles pulled out a few moments later so that he could recover. He watched with his head tilted slightly as with almost every breath, her legs would twitch. Curiously, he reached out. His thumb pressed against her clit. A scream of utter pleasure entered the room. His eyes widened. She looked as if she was about to apologize. Charles dove down, lips immediately connecting with the bundle of nerves.
She could hardly even moan anymore, throat feeling so torn up from all of the sounds that she had let out earlier. Her thighs caged Charles’ head. She watched as he was humping their bed to get himself off at the same time. It seemed to motivate him a bit more. His tongue swirled around her clit, begging for some more sounds from het. Her hands flew to his head, gently tugging at his hair. Two of his fingers shoved their way inside of her, fucking his cum deeper into her.
Charles hummed in satisfaction against her folds, sending vibrations through her whole body. The pleasure was far too much. Her back was arching, hips thrusting as his nose bumped against her clit. A choked sob left her lips at that. It only took a few moments longer of his tongue swirling around her clit and his fingers ramming inside of her before she came again.
Giving a final experimental swipe of his tongue over the nub, he watched as she writhed, and then pulled away. Charles moved to lay beside her. She moved right into his arms, searching for his comfort.
“You’re amazing. I don’t think there’s anything that you can’t do.” She whispered to her boyfriend as he held her tight. Charles kissed the top of her head sweetly.
“Go to sleep.” He ordered, voice barely above a whisper. She couldnt argue with that. She drifted off in his arms just a little bit later.
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fangirl-dot-com · 7 months
Head cannons/Quick facts about You! :) 
(most of these are going to be for the future, but a few are generalizations) 
You are 20 years old – making you the youngest on the grid 
Like almost ALL characters, you do not have a good relationship with your parents 
Christian and Gerri will step in :) 
Only child, but it doesn’t show much 
Fairly quiet
Especially in the first few weeks of being on the grid 
Everyone thinks that you might not like them, while you think that they might not like you 
Out of everyone, Logan is the first to get you to crack 
Then comes Oscar, because you know, codependency of Loscar is real 
And then Lando, because if someone can befriend Oscar, he can befriend you (you accidentally ran him over one time trying to get on an elevator before you actually met him for real)
And then Alex because of Logan (also you adored his animals) 
Max has surprisingly always liked you – being teammates and all 
It really started after the Christmas video posted by Red Bull that helped you two become friends 
He felt like he needed to look after you 
Charles always watched you from a distance 
You were his brother’s best friend…he felt a need to make sure you were ok 
Not a surprise, you and Fernando bonded over plants – you accidentally interrupted his quiet time on a roof before media day because you wanted to water the flowers (after that, you started calling him grandpa Nando – you’re the only one allowed to do that) 
Lewis’s and George’s friendship came at a weird time 
You had accidentally gotten locked out of your car one time late after the race had ended 
Coincidentally, you three were staying at the same hotel and they offered you a ride 
Let’s just say, mischief happened and you had a whining Lando the next day (since he missed out on the fun with his fellow Brits) 
The rest of the grid are just all really soft for you 
You claim to be Daniel’s favorite (which you are) 
He promises to take you to his farm the next time he goes 
You’ve always wanted to pet a kangaroo 
Yuki always brings you whatever food he’s recently cooked up 
But, You definitely laugh the most around Lando 
Because of his childlike nature and your more stone faced, shy personality, you took the role of the “older sibling” 
But, Lando puts on the big brother approach whenever someone bothers you (PSA – all of the drivers do) 
They get really jealous when Ollie or Arthur come to visit because suddenly all of your attention is on them and not the grid 
Now, the WAGS absolutely adore you 
They treat you like a little sister 
You need advice? They will help 
Need a dress for whatever reason? They will all pull up 
You really bond with Lily 
Lando likes to drag you to play gold with Carlos and Alex 
And most of the time, Alex will bring Lily 
So you definitely see her more than the rest 
Life is a Highway is your walkup song – there is none other
You and Lando start to take naps everywhere 
Christian often has to ask Max to go find you – since you seem to disappear when you go take a nap 
In true chaotic gen-z fashion, your first dnf was pretty bad 
Your left back wheel had gotten clipped on a curb and you went sliding, ultimately rolling over a couple of times 
You were fine, but the guys panicked 
All they knew was that a Red Bull had flipped, and Max was standing with them in the pit lane 
So using their amazing deductive skills, they knew it was you 
The next race, you showed up with them around you in a protective circle 
The boys joked in interviews that you’d have shown up in bubble wrap if you had let them
The first inkling they had that your relationship with your parents wasn’t the best was at the newly instituted Parent’s Day Dinner that the teams had set up 
Everyone was surrounded by their parents 
But, there were two empty seats around you 
You wanted to leave, but Max secretly had texted Christian and Geri 
You BEST know they showed up in best dress 
Tears might have been shed 
Tag List : @awekbachira @lightdragonrayne @itsjustkhaos
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cheriladycl01 · 17 days
My choice - Liam Lawson x BrazilianOlympicSkateBoarding! Reader
Plot: While Liam’s fixing his cars you are always found at the skatepark with your best friend Keegan, people online start to assume there’s a little more to that friendship than friends …
Credit to princemick for the GIF
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It was a normal Friday, and you were in Australia with Keegan. Liam was at the track for the Australian Grand Prix watching FP1 and you and Keegan had been invited by Quadrant.
You’d met through both winning Gold in 2021 at the Tokyo Olympics and had been friends ever since. When Keegan got the offer of Quadrant he said he’d only accept if they made you part of it too.
Lando and Max had in fact met you before Keegan asked for you to be part of the Quadrant Athletes having been to many F1 races with your boyfriend Liam since 2022.
You weren’t at the GP yet because you and Keegan were shooting stuff for Quadrant with Max and Ria. You and Keegan were always goofing around trying to be better than the other one or just making fun of one another.
Your relationship with Keegan was so pure. He was one of those people that you only met once in that lifeline and you hoped to meet again in another.
You knew Keegan before Liam, so naturally you guys had more inside jokes, more banter. Whereas your relationship with Liam was everything you looked for in a partner.
He took care of you, always made sure to know your worth, and eventually (when you agreed to come to races with him) showed you the world.
But some people saw you and Keegs and thought there was more to it than just friends. And it annoyed Liam more than anything.
Of course Liam didn’t care that you were friends with Keegan and he’d never ever try to come between that friendship because he wasn’t the first one there, Keegan was. But it irked him just how hard the media shipped you too.
It got to the point where he was hard-launching your relationship once a week, again and again even though it was out there that you were a couple and had been since 2022.
“Are we finally done! I need a shower now!” You complain having built up a sweat from all the fun things you’d filmed.
“Yea, all wrapped up!” Max smiles and you pull Keegan into an exhausted hug thankful that this part of the day was over. You really just wanted to go to the track now and be with Liam.
Little did you all know but Ria filmed the hug, posting it on her story and Quadrants story to let people know that you were completely done filming with the day.
“Thank god!” You groan, trotting off to the rental car Max had and jumping in the back. Keegan in tow behind you taking the seat next to you.
“So who wants to put money in a Max Verstappen win?” You ask on the drive back.
“Nah im putting money on my boy Lando!” Keegan smiles.
“I’m being realistic and I’ll join in an say Max. But Lan to get a podium!” Max chuckles from the drivers seat.
“Mmm yeah I’m gonna also put money on Max, but Ferrari are looking good” Ria expresses and you nod, knowing people were in fact slowly but surely catching up with Red Bull.
“Oh Max! Is P gonna be there! I haven’t seen her for ages!” You complain wanting to see his girlfriend.
“Yeah she’s at the hotel now, she had a bit of a headache this morning so she didn’t come!” He says looking at you through the rear view mirror to see you pout!
You guys venture back to the hotel, getting ready before all walking to the race track having a close hotel.
“Baby!” You cry running away from the group seeing Liam say outside the RB hospitality with Daniel and Yuki.
“Hey Y/N” he says his tone a little off.
“What’s the matter?” You ask frowning and pouting at him. He never acted like this.
“Nothing” he smiles and you look at Yuki and Daniel who are doing everything to avoid eye contact with you.
“Liam…” you say and he squirms a little bit because you never used his name at all. Even if it was a silly stupid nickname like Li, or Iams (like the cat food brand) to the usual pet names.
Daniel and Yuki slowly left not wanting to be around for the growing tension they could sense.
“What is going on? I’m sorry I wasn’t here this morning if that’s why your pissy but you knew I was filming with Keegan and Max!” you exclaim thinking it must be that you hadn’t been there when he first woke up.
“Mmmm you and Keegan have fun?” He asks forcing your best friends name out with an almost grit.
“I mean - yeah? No more than we usually do…” you offer looking at him.
“Why do you care so much about Keegan today. You never normally have an issue!” You ask with all seriousness, normally you’d laugh.
Liam gets out his phone with a groan showing you the video circling of your and Keegan from Quadrants post on Twitter, so many of the comments were shipping you guys.
“Baby … you know Keegan is my best friend … and there always coming up with new weird shit! You know there’s even fanfics of us now?” You laugh but he doesn’t seem amused.
“Are you being for fucking real right now Liam! It’s the media … they spin anything they fucking can. Do you not feel secure in this relationship? Do you not trust me?” You ask a disappointed look on your face. You genuinely couldn’t believe him right now.
“Honey, what? Of course I trust you! But it just hurts seeing that people think you’d be better off with some other guy than me” he huffs out.
“Liam, look at me!” You say holding his face in both your hands forcing him to look at you.
“I chose you, all those years ago and I’m choosing you today and I’ll choose you tomorrow! You Liam Lawson are the love of my life! And I won’t have you being a mopey little baby over the media and Keegan!” You say before pulling him into a kiss, you can feel him smiling into it making you pull back and look at the new and dare you ay improved expression on his face.
“I love you” he admits holding you tightly in a hug.
“I love you too, my jealous driver” you grin teasingly making him shake his head.
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Liked by keeganpalmer and liamlawson30
y/user: Skateboarding with Bestie and Fast Cars with the LOML is my lifestyle 🇧🇷
Tagged 3 People
View all 567 comments
fan1: her and keegan are cuties … look at that date on their boards 😻
-> fan2: shes dating Liam not Keegan 😦
liamlawson30: baby why’d you put Kitty Purry on the board?
-> y/user: coz she’s a CaliforniaGurl 😝🌸
-> liamlawson30: of course she is … you’re weird!
-> y/user: but you love me! ❤️
fan3: Y/N living her best life fr. Imagine having all her friends.
keeganpalmer: it’s always fun hanging with you, my bestie 🏎️🛹
-> y/user: love you bestie 🧡🦖
quadrant:🔥 post Y/N!
landonorris: you best be in Australia little miss!
-> y/user: Keegs an i will be there! In merch DW!
-> liamlawson30: erm I didn’t agree to this … RB merch only …
-> y/user: I’ll sneak in with it Lando!
maxfewtrell: Quadrant Athletes have brought us the best duos!
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Instagram Story Caption
Keegs and I living it up at the Aussie Grand Prix 🏎️🦘🇦🇺 Thank you for the invite @ quadrant / @ landonorris
@littlesatanicassholebitch @hockey-racing-fubol @laura-naruto-fan1998 @22yuki @simxican @sinofwriting @lewisroscoelove @cmleitora @daemyratwst @lauralarsen @the-untamed-soul @thewulf @itsjustkhaos @purplephantomwolf @chasing-liberosis @summissss @gulphulp @starfusionsworld @jspitwall l @sierruhhhh @georgeparisole @youcannotcancelquidditch @tallbrownhairsarcastic @ourteenagetragedy @peachiicherries @formulas-bitch @cherry-piee @spilled-coffee-cup @mehrmonga @bigsimperika @blueberry64857959 @eiraethh @curseofhecate @alliwantisadonut @dark-night-sky-99 @i-wish-this-was-me @tallrock35 @butterfly-lover @barnestatic @landossainz @darleneslane @barcelonaloverf1life @r0nnsblog @ilove-tswizzle @laneyspaulding19 @malynn @viennakarma @landosgirlxoxo @marie0v @yourbane @teamnovalak @nikfigueiredo @fionaschicken @0picels0 @tinydeskwriter @ironmaiden1313 @splaterparty0-0 @formula1mount
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macfrog · 6 months
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This is Olive. She's 15, completely deaf and was born during the Bush administration. She's a queen and she demands to be treated as such.
queen olive!!!!! 🥺 she is just the most adorable little baby she's like a teddy bear 😭 my eldest dog (10) is going deaf and dude has some major anxiety issues so we gotta be extra sensitive w him. i think he and olive would get along perfectly.
she looks like the sweetest little madam i LOVE her !!!
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goldenfigtree · 9 months
The L Word
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Summary: yet another glimpse into you and Leon’s relationship where Leon realizes that his feelings for you are stronger than he thought.
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x FemReader
Warning: fluff, pet names (pretty girl, sweetheart, babe)
A/N: Yet another Drabble I wrote instead of sleeping enjoy merp
It was yet another day where you two decided to relax all day indoors. Something Leon insisted on doing so the morning after he came home. You couldn’t really blame him. After dealing with some disgustingly horrifying monsters, you would also like to escape reality through the static of the tv screen.
What you didn’t know was that he really just wanted an excuse to wrap you in his arms. After every mission he often found himself touch starved, craving it like a wild animal. With you now by his side, it was only through the touch of your hand on his face, your arms around him, that he knew he was home.
That he was no longer perceived as a weapon but as a person.
After this mission specifically, your absence really took a toll on him. Four long months without your presence or to even hear your voice felt like he was waning off an addiction he didn’t know he had. To stomach the distance meant staring at a Polaroid picture of you that he kept in his wallet. It didn’t seem to help, if anything it felt like it was making it even worse.
It was these, what he considered, strange behaviors that made him question how much he liked you. He would be shooting down deformed monstrosities and wondering what you were doing right at that moment. Every night, he found his hand outstretched on the other side of the hotel bed, wishing you were there.
Did this mean he didn’t just like you but felt something far stronger?
Maybe even the L word?
Leon far before Raccoon City could have easily answered this question. But as he went on living, the lines that were once so bold were now blurring and fading away.
“So, a movie night?” You slur out your words playfully as you open the pantry. You pursed your lips in disappointment as you scanned the shelves for something, anything for your movie night. But nothing was there, “Might need to make a quick trip to the grocery store” you mutter to yourself while clicking your tongue. You were clearly excited by the idea of spending a day watching movies and cuddling with your lover, so the fact that there was a lack of your typical movie night snacks was mildly disappointing. Leon let out an amused chuckle, leaning against the pantry doorframe, his frame close behind you, his shadow consuming you.
“It’s not the snacks that I’m craving, pretty girl” he flirts in his suddenly husky voice. Tapping your chin you turn to him and hum,
“Ah, the movie that’s right! What are you in the mood for?” you ask, blissfully unaware of his insinuation. He can’t help but smile as he shakes his head,
“I’m in a bit of a romantic mood” he slyly says pulling you close with his hand on your waist. Blushing slightly you affectionately pat his chest before moving over to slip on your shoes and grab your bag from the hall tree,
“I’m gonna run to the grocery store real quick, wanna come?”
Without hesitation, Leon walks out with you to the car. Always one to refuse you the liberty of running errands by yourself in fear of something happening to you. Opening the driver’s door for you first, he then slips into the passenger side. A liberty you gladly took from him a while back when you witnessed how he drove. As long as he was with you, he was strictly passenger princess.
After the drive, you parked the car and opened your door without thinking, which earned a stern look from Leon. You sigh and roll your eyes as you shut the door, watching him get out to walk to your side and open the door for you,
“Thanks babe” you say defeatedly, a smirk in your view as you walked in front of him towards the store,
“Any time” he warmly replies, subconsciously grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers with his.
Walking from aisle to aisle, the two of you discussed and debated which snacks to take home. At one point you and him had to suffice to not getting twizzlers or red vines because the both of you were unwavering on your opinions on which is better. Eventually, you and Leon make it to the ice cream section, where yet an argument sprouted, except this time it was purposely provoked,
“Should we get some ice cream?” You ask wiggling your eyebrows as you held up a pint of Talenti gelato. Leon, being Italian, scoffs at the pint,
“That’s gelato, babe” you chuckle and roll your eyes, putting the gelato pint back in its respective spot in the freezer,
“What’s the difference?” you ask sweetly, a smirk on your lips as you mentally prepared for what’s to come.
Leon turns to look at you incredulously, “What’s the difference? What’s the difference?”
You chuckle and roll your eyes, gripping the shopping cart as you cock your hip,
“Oh here we go”
“Gelato is denser, more rich than ice cream” Leon explains, listing the differences with his fingers,
“Uh huh” you deadpan
“Ice cream uses eggs, gelato doesn’t” he adds matter-of-factly
“Got it” you deadpan again, stifling a giggle at his passionate explanation. You couldn’t help but find it humorous and adorable that he fell for your schemes to get him like this every time. You loved to tease him and just couldn’t help it.
Once you two purchased your movie night snacks and Leon had finally got his point across, it was finally time for the movie night to begin. With all the snacks on the coffee table, and the both of you drowning in blankets it was already off to a good start. Leon, however, thought that he could make it better. Grabbing you by your side, he pulls you down with him as he lays on the couch.
Finally, the moment he was really waiting for. Without protest, you go along with him and rest your head on his chest, one of his hands caressing your hair as the two of you watched the movie. For the first time in a while, he felt safe. He didn’t know what he did to have you as his significant other. Someone so patient and understanding to his past and his present. Living a life filled with crime and suffering, at one point he didn’t believe people like you existed. And yet, there you were in his arms. His heart fluttered at the sight of you, smiling serenely to yourself while you watched the tv. His heart began beating faster,
“Babe?” He asks softly, making you look up at him.
“I love you” your eyes widened by his words. For it was the first time he had ever said those words to you. You’ve wanted to hear him utter those words for so long, almost finding the courage to say them first. But when you were on the verge of confession, you looked into his steel-like blue eyes and immediately stammered to change the subject. You even questioned if this relationship was more serious to you than it was to him.
But now here he was, telling you he loved you. You couldn’t help but beam at those three words, as you propped yourself up on his chest by your elbows,
“You love me?” A bubbly giggle escapes you as you ask this question. Leon sits himself up, his hands tugging you closer by your waist, seating you on his lap, as he looks at you sincerely. Leaning closer you whisper against his lips, “Say it again”
“I love you” the words vibrate against your lips as he captures them with his own. They brushed and pressed softly yet meaningfully. With your arms around his neck you pull away, resting your forehead against his,
“I love you too” you felt his chest fall as he let out a breath through his nose in relief before he leaned in once more, kissing you harder. Sucking the breath out of you, while your teeth clacked against his and his nose smushed against your own. Your arms around his neck pull him closer in the midst of the crashing of your lips and gasps for air in between. He had never felt more alive than he did at this moment. His hands trailed to your hips and gripped them tightly as he began nibbling at your wet bottom lip. Your hands reached his face, your thumbs caressing his cheekbones, once the kiss trailed to pecks that resorted to no end. It took everything within him to stop kissing you. Every single kiss made him feel as if he was brought back to life again. But for your sake, he pulled away so you could catch your breath, admiring the sight of your swollen lips and your dreamy gaze at him. The corners of your mouth lift as your breaths slow to their original pace,
“Why’d you stop?” You ask breathlessly. The sentence alone shot an arrow through his heart.
“Didn’t want to overwhelm you, sweetheart” he responds, letting his hands trail from your hair to your back. With an almost offended look you poke his chest with your index finger,
“Overwhelm me? No no, finish what you started” you lightly tease, a flustered giggle to follow when you noticed a certain glint in his eyes,
“Oh I will” in one swift movement he stands up and throws you over his shoulder, making you squeal with laughter as you squirmed,
“That’s not what I meant and you know it!”
“You’re going to eat your words, pretty girl” he retorts sarcastically, firmly holding you over his shoulder with a smug grin while walking to your bedroom.
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cacoetheswriting · 2 months
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celebrity skin. (part eight)
pairing: rockstar!eddie munson x popstar!fem!reader word count: 5.2k summary: a reconciliation in New York leads to a rediscovery of not-so-hidden feelings and answers to previously avoided questions — plus more.
content warnings: 18+, minors dni: suggestive & mature themes, adult language, post-breakup emotional hurt / comfort, use of pet names, mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of blackmail, & kinda rough smut (unprotected p in v sex) — if i missed anything in this chapter, pls let me know!
& psa: images used in the header don’t depict readers physical attributes! these are also described vaguely in the story, only that she’s a little shorter than eddie.
celebrity skin. masterlist
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One thing Eddie had been absolutely sure of: Stevie Nicks was right.
The trip to New York City was carried out solely on a whim. A gut feeling that the brunette rockstar could not quite shake. He had to see you, despite the possible consequences, and Eddie was smart enough to know there would be a lot. He acted like an ass and whether you would admit it or not, he knew he broke your heart.
Ever since his rise to fame, the Corroded Coffin frontman felt this bubble around him. A bubble created by his team, his band, his past, and his own disruptive behaviour — don’t do drugs was a warning he witnessed (and ignored) many times on posters too colourful for the subject matter, plastered on the walls of Hawkins High. Seemingly, the bubble protected Eddie from predators. Leeches that wanted to take advantage of his fame. Unfortunately, the bubble also shielded him from love.
If the rockstar wasn’t so afraid of the feeling as a result of that bubble, perhaps he would have made different choices in all of his past relationships. Most importantly, perhaps Eddie would have made different choices in the one relationship that’s meant more to him than any other. If he wasn’t so afraid of love, and being in love, perhaps he would’ve fought to be with you a little harder.
And love is definitely how Eddie would describe what he felt towards you. Correction. Feels towards you to this very day. Maybe more, if that was possible considering he hasn’t seen you in months. 
So yes, Stevie Nicks was right. The concept of Silver Springs was right.
Seeing you again only affirmed that belief. Talking to you again, witnessing your smile for the first time in months… Well, Eddie never wanted to be apart from you for longer than he already had been. Unfortunately, that wasn’t up to him. Not for as long as your grandmother had her claw all up in your business and stuck her nose where it did not belong.
“So, what happens now?” The rockstar asks, only slightly afraid of the answer.
You hum under your breath, taking a moment to think, gathering your own thoughts. The sun is slowly rising in the distance, so the first response that comes to mind is that you should go home, and Eddie should go back to his hotel, Max’s place, or wherever the hell he’s been staying, before this place starts crawling with people. That would mean saying goodbye for lord knows how long and you were just starting to get comfortable with being around the rockstar again, although, not like that was insanely hard. Whatever. Simply, you didn’t want to say goodbye.
“We could go get breakfast,” you finally say.
Eddie smirks. “As much as like that idea, sweetheart, I didn’t really mean now in the full sense of the word.”
You laugh softly.
“Okay, hotshot.” Turning your head back to look at Eddie, you raise a brow. “What do you think should happen?”
The rockstar smacks his lips together before resting his elbow on one of his knees and bringing his thumb to his mouth. A nervous tick.
“Putting whatever reason I came here for aside, starting over seems like a bad idea since we’ve done that once before and it didn’t really end the way either of us hoped,” he says after a beat of silence, avoiding your gaze.
“Yeah,” you exhale, “Bad idea. Plus you said so yourself, you’re not the relationship type. Getting back together would be redundant.”
“Right,” Eddie agrees quietly, although he really doesn’t want to.
There’s another moment of silence. Nothing but the sound of morning birds chirping melodically and wind gust hitting the water ahead. In the quiet, there is solace. In the quiet, Eddie doesn't have to answer difficult questions or have conversations neither of you really wants to have. A blissful ignorance of what’s really happening here.
He still loves you. You most likely still love him.
It’s all just terrible timing for two people who are — in his mind, at least — made for eachother, but for one reason or the other, can’t be together. Not in this lifetime. Not with people controlling what they can or cannot do. Not with the whole world watching their every move. It hurt. Hurt that a life you both chose was also the life that’s actively destroying something good.
“We could try being friends?” Eddie offers eventually, looking at you then.
You smile. “Friends. I think I like that.”
Holly is the only person you’re fully comfortable talking to about all of this. She listens, actively nodding along as you spew your thoughts and feelings out loud, until the rambles become too hard to follow. Holly, ever the best friend that she’s always been, places her perfectly manicured hands on your shoulders and gives your body one shake to get you back on track when the story becomes a little too convoluted. And this one is all over the place.
There’s the run in at Saks, the meeting with Max, the plan, the date with Steve, all that leads to Eddie Munson banging on your front door until you let him inside. There’s the emotionally heightened conversation that doesn’t really amount to much. The dinner with your family that opened things up to questions from your nosh sisters and scrutiny from your Nana. Then there was Coney Island.
You pause.
It’s messy, for sure, and your feelings are all over the place as you recount each and every minor detail, which leads you to why you invited her over in the first place: what the fuck do you do about Eddie Munson?
Holly usually gives you advice. Parts of which you want to hear and take on board, parts of which you both know will be ignored. This time however, as you do your best to explain what’s been on your mind — and heart — since the rockstar arrived in New York, this time Holly doesn’t know what to say.
“I don’t know if I should forgive him.”
“Jeff says he’s been, like, super sullen all summer long. Locked in that house of his, or at the studio, working on shit he won’t let the band see.”
“That’s supposed to make it easier for me to do what, exactly? He’s secretive, that’s for sure. Hiding stuff from his band, from his sister, from me…”
You reach for the packet of smokes that Holly brought with her and light one, hand shaking ever so slightly.
“I got virtually nothing from him that night in my apartment. Slightly more under the Wonder Wheel, but still not enough to understand why he did what he did,” you exhale a puff of smoke, “Yet I can’t help but think that despite everything, especially ignoring the weeks I spent in bed because of him, we’re like meant for each other, you know?” 
Holly too lights a cigarette. She also doesn’t answer you.
“That’s kinda pathetic, no?”
“I think until you get the entire truth, it won’t matter whether you get back with him or just be his friend, or whatever, ‘cause you’re not going to be fully happy. Not really,” she explains, avoiding your question because there’s close to nothing worse than admitting to your friend that they’ve lost it completely.
“So I should confront him?”
“Jeff says Eddie doesn’t do well with confrontations.”
You groan. Head falling back on the cushioned sofa.
“Maybe I should just fuck him,” you think out loud, “Get all this frustration out and then just move on with my life.”
Holly laughs. “Just don’t let him finish,” she says, “Karma’s a bitch, and whatnot.”
New York City is your favourite place on Earth.
Despite your years of extensive travel to tour your various albums or attend different global award shows, New York, your home, has always been top of the list. Elegant, albeit slightly messy. Organised, although a little rowdy. It’s colourful, but dull. Full of people from every corner of the world, which only added to its pre-existing charm. You didn’t really think it was possible to fall in love with it even more until you’ve started to explore it all over again with none other than Eddie Munson — under a new guise of something called friendship.
The rockstar decided to extend his trip. Currently, there is no return date. Exploring New York became the only thing on his agenda. 
The two of you did your best to stay under the radar, away from prying eyes. Although, not like it was necessarily needed as Eddie’s idea of sight seeing involved bar hopping. Old-ish, rather shitty places that have definitely seen better days, but Eddie, he was like a kid in a candy store. With every beer poured and every bowl of peanuts shared, he lit up more and more.
“They remind me of home,” he finally explains, two days into your NYC adventure. “Of Hawkins.” 
You smile at him, but don’t say anything.
“What?” Eddie asks when he notices the look, mouth now full after taking another handful of the perhaps hundredth packet of peanuts the two of you have shared over the last few days.
“I don’t know,” you shrug, swirling the gold-ish liquid inside your beer bottle, “I guess it’s just nice that some small part of my home reminds you of your home.”
Eddie returns the fond expression. Friends is good, he thinks at that moment while catching another peanut with his mouth, not ideal, but good.
“There was this bar,” he says, leaning across the table so that he could be a little closer to you, “The Hideout. Our first venue, outside of Gareth’s garage, and the only place in my crappy hometown where I didn’t feel like an outsider.”
“Places like the Hideout, places like this.” Eddie swirls his finger in the air to show he means your current location, “They’ll always have a special place in my heart, I guess. They’re a part of me. Part of Corroded Coffin history.”
He stares at you for a minute. He’d never share this much with a friend, so perhaps this new concept you’ve both found yourselves in is not as good as the rockstar would like to think. “We could try being friends?” — Eddie’s second guessing his suggestion just as fast as he came up with it.
“We should see more of your home,” he finally states, “As much as I love them, I think we’ve seen all the dingy bars New York has to offer, so I’m open to suggestions.”
You bring the beer bottle to your lips and take a slow sip of the now semi-warm liquid, pondering his request. 
Where could you take Eddie that would represent your love for New York. The Statue of Liberty seems a little basic, as does Times Square — especially since you’ve both performed there in the past. Rockefeller Centre to see the street performers? The Met, even though both of you will most likely be invited next year to the exhibit. In reality, all of the touristy spots like Central Park, for example, would be a little too crowded for either of you to feel safe and remain unseen. 
Then your eyes glisten with an idea.
What’s more homey than a home itself: Cove City Sound Studios.
To any average person, it was just another recording studio found in New York. One of hundreds. To you however, it was heaven on earth. 
Located in Glen Cove, New York, Cove City Sound Studios had been home to many artists before you came along. A lot of albums were recorded here. A lot of number one hits — the list of which you were lucky to join more than once.
You always thought the ambiance of this place fueled your creativity. Often said the reason behind your resounding success was because you got the opportunity to record here. Of course Holly, Val, and especially your Nana, corrected you every time those words had left your lips. “You’re the reason behind your success,” your Nana would affirm, “Not some recording studio.”.
But you knew. Felt it deep within your bones. Cove City Sound Studios was magic.
“Damn,” Eddie mutters under his breath, fingers gently running across the various buttons as his doe-eyes dart across the posters on the wall — one of which features your 1985 album cover (a record once hidden under Eddie’s bed back in Hawkins). 
“Here I thought the place we recorded Honesty in was impressive,” he admits, “This though, this is another level.”
A smile circles your lips.
“Welcome to my home, Eddie Munson.”
The rockstar dips his head, sort of in a way of a little bow, and smiles so wide it makes your insides flutter. Friends, friends, friends. You repeat inside your mind, same thing Eddie is doing, although neither of you are aware. Friends hiding their true feelings.
“I’m honoured, sweetheart.” Eddie adds, placing a ring-clad hand on his heart.
“As you should be,” you tease and walk past him, pushing open a door into the vocal booth. 
The Corroded Coffin frontman follows you with zero to no hesitation. He watches as you slowly circle the small room before standing in front of a microphone, adjusting it to your height.
“I recorded every single one of my songs here apart from Honesty,” you reveal without looking at him. Focusing instead on tightening the metal rod in place. “Hundreds of records that will probably never see the light of day because my label doesn’t think they are good enough.”
Eddie snorts. “As if you could make something that wasn’t deemed good. We wrote shit together, remember? I know how good you are.”
Your lips twist into a timid smile and glance up at him from your lashes. “I appreciate that Eds, but unfortunately the industry doesn’t work that way and you, of all people, should understand.”
“Well, yeah, but doesn’t your grandmother have some sort of special power to get you whatever the fuck you want.”
It’s your turn to snort. “She may be resourceful, but she’s got no control over my management team. Even if she likes to think she does, the only real ability my Nana possesses is tell me what to wear and how to act.”
Eddie nods, taking note of this information. Knowledge he can use to free himself from deceit, blackmail.
Valuable insight into the evil woman that ruined his life since, as you’ve now so beautifully explained, she’s not nearly as formidable as she presented herself to be. A light at the end of the tunnel.
“Perhaps that’s why I can’t bring myself to listen to it,” you say, breaking Eddie away from his thoughts.
“Perhaps that’s why I can’t bring myself to listen to Honesty. Because I didn’t record it here.” Nothing to do with the fact that it’s soiled by the memory of the last morning we saw each other, you think, clearly lying to yourself, and him.
Eddie swallows his breath. A twinge of guilt rushes through him. Actually, more than a twinge. A gush, like a waterfall out of control. He’s sure of it now. The two of you could never be just friends. Not until you knew the whole truth about why he did what he did and now that he knew your grandmother had a weakness in her armour, perhaps offering you the truth is something he could do sooner rather than later.
“Then maybe we should change that,” Eddie offers and proceeds to quickly shuffle out of the room, leaving you alone for a second.
You watch through the glass separating the two spaces as he scans the buttons, hands on his hips, tip of his tongue out to indicate he’s thinking. He looks cute and you fail to conceal a smile, so you opt to hang your head and stare at your shoes because you can’t afford to think he’s any sort of desirable. Just friends.
After taking a moment to familiarise himself with a new system, Eddie finds what he’s looking for and switches it on, before hurrying back to stand next to you.
“Ready,” you affirm while putting a pair of headphones on.
For the next four minutes and twenty-two seconds, you get lost in the chocolate of Eddie’s eyes as you once again sing the song he wrote about you.
“Honestly, you got me fallin’ to my knees
It’s like ecstasy, this feelin’ inside of me
Let’s call it honesty”
Cove City Sound Studios creates magic. You’ve always believed it and now it’s only been affirmed because the way your voice melts with his — no band, no distractions — is nothing short of perfection. 
“You’re a devil in disguise
No, that’s what I want you to be
‘Cause in reality, hon’, you’re a hypnotic dream
An angel for sure
To a non-believer like me
Oh honesty, what have you done to me, honestly”
That’s why the song was a hit in the first place. Now you understand why your management team pushed you to do this collaboration in the first place. Magic. And as Eddie draws the last syllable without breaking eye contact, you’re transported back to the night you met. The night that inspired this song. 
The night that started all of this.
His mind wanders to the same moment, same place, same spot. Friendship is a word that no longer makes sense, but the rockstar doesn’t want to ruin anything (again), so he drops the headphones and exits the booth without saying anything.
You follow him with your gaze. A feeling of longing spreads through you faster than you know what to do with it. It’s unfortunately accompanied by fear because you’re not stupid, far from it. Eddie’s hurt you twice before. Going back in only to get burned a third time would be a grave mistake and you know better than to go down that road again. ‘Cause you do know better, right?
Then this morning’s conversation with Holly enters your mind. Your best friend was right. You could never be happy around him if you didn’t know the truth.
“Eddie, can I ask you something?”
“Do you think if you didn’t end things when you did, we’d still be together? Or do you think we were doomed regardless?”
He takes a moment to answer. Avoiding looking up through the glass to meet your curious gaze, anxious for an answer.
“I already told you.” His deep voice eventually booms through the speakers. “I’m not the relationship type.”
“Bullshit,” you’re quick to state. It comes out harsher than intended.
“Sweetheart—” He’s shaking his head, still without looking at you.
“No, don’t you fucking dare,” you interrupt, suddenly feeling deflated by this whole situation, defeated in the fight against your feelings towards him. “Like I said before, you don’t get to sweetheart me and give me some bullshit vague answer.”
Eddie’s eyes are now closed. He’s hoping if he shows how he wants no part of this conversation — not right now, not before he gets to speak to your management and then offers you up the truth — that you will let it go. Like you did that night in Coney Island and those last few days too. You seemingly let it go and everything was okay. Fucking friends.
“I gave in too quickly. Into your presence. I missed you so much that when you showed up at my door, it didn’t matter how angry or heartbroken I was. All that mattered was seeing you again and being around you again. But I should’ve stood my ground.”
You’re now standing right in front of the glass window. Arms hanging by your side, nails digging into your palms to pump the adrenaline that’s fueling this fight.
“No matter how many times you tell me that you’re not the relationship type, I won’t believe you. I refuse to believe you because that guy I met in an empty kitchen of a Hidden Hills mansion was looking for something more than a random hook up. He may not have said it, but he proved it with his actions,” you continue your reasonings, “He craved something meaningful. I saw it in the way he smiled every time his eyes met mine, and sensed it in the way he held me close.”
Then you exhale.
“That guy, although hiding behind a mask of an arrogant  dickhead, he wanted to be loved and Jesus Christ did I—”
Eddie’s gaze snaps to you then, widening.
“But if I got it all wrong,” you continue after a few seconds, “If I misunderstood that guy and what he really wanted, then all I need is for him to be straight with me,” you conclude, “No bullshit excuses, Eddie. If you simply didn’t like me, if you simply didn’t care, just say that and we can both carry on with our lives as if nothing ever happened.”
The door slams. Eddie stands in front of you in a flash, brown eyes holding onto yours with force. He’s agitated. He runs a hand down his face before reaching for your shoulders, then dropping his arms back by his side just as fast.
“I cared, of course I cared!” He exhales to compose himself before continuing, “I still care.” It’s barely a whisper.
“Then why?”
“I-I… Well, I just…”
His mind is racing to find the right answer. The truth is what you’re after, unfortunately that’s the one thing he can’t give you yet. Not if he wants to continue witnessing your success. Because, at the end of the day, his own fame and fortune is no longer important. He could care less if it burned to the ground. Your fame however, your fortune, that’s not something Eddie’s willing to gamble. So again, until he can speak to your management, get ahead of your grandmother’s scheming, the truth will remain sealed.
At least some part of it.
“There was this girl. Back home.” Eddie begins, voice shaky, “Before you, she was the only girl that ever saw me for who I really was.”
“Chrissy Cunningham,” you say her name.
Eddie nods.
“Yeah, Chrissy,” he repeats the name. It tastes a little foreign on his tongue after all this time. “Seemingly the classic cheerleader type, you know? Blonde, preppy, always fucking smiling. But Chrissy, she uh… she was far from just a cheerleader. Like me, she was a little misunderstood and that’s what initially brought us together.”
“What happened to her?” You ask. “You keep saying ‘was’. Chrissy was, as if she’s no longer—”
“Look, sweetheart,” Eddie interrupts, “I-I don’t really talk about her. I don’t like to. Too many bad memories.”
“Right,” you murmur, nodding slowly.
“Long story short, I cared for her and it didn’t end well, so when my care for you started to surpass that feeling… I just got scared.”
“Then why not tell me about her in the first place?” You query, “We could’ve talked it out. Pumped the brakes on whatever our relationship was starting to become.”
Eddie doesn’t mean to, but he scoffs. “And then what, huh? Just tip-toe around how we’re actually feeling until that builds resentment? Then it just ends anyway, but it hurts a lot more, no?”
He’s running a hand through his wild locks. Frustrated wouldn’t be the right word. Annoyed feels borderline the same. Angry, yes, but not at you. Angry at the world for introducing such a perfect character into his otherwise shitty life because he’d be better off without you. No. You’d be better off without him? Also no. Jesus Christ, he’s fucking confused.
“That’s what you asked. If I didn’t end things, would we still be together. The truth is, sweetheart, I don’t know because I attract bad shit and people get hurt and… And I need you to be happy, with or without me.”
Silence falls upon the two of you. It’s heavy with the half-truths that were just revealed. Heavy with the underlying tones that are telling you Eddie still cares, and telling him that so do you — more than either of you were willing to admit back then, and even less now.
And there’s definitely feelings there. They bubbled up the second you laid your eyes on him again and as your few days together passed without a major blowout, they only grew stronger — something you explained to Holly, who said that Eddie was so unlike you, it only made sense to feel something towards him. Love him, even.
Perhaps the hurt was worth it.
“Oh, fuck.”
“What?” Eddie’s brows string together as you momentarily glance at your feet before settling your gaze back on the rockstar.
“Guess we were never supposed to do this right.”
“What?” Eddie asks again.
“You said that to me. Back in LA after that picture of us was leaked to the press, remember?”
“Vaguely,” he answers.
“What if you were right?” You ask, tone a little quieter than seconds prior.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart, but I’m not sure I’m following.”
Decided on your next move, in what you want to happen, you take a step towards the Corroded Coffin frontman so that the tips of your heels are touching his loosely tied Converse. You then place a hand on his chest, albeit hesitantly, and Eddie inhales a sharp breath (loud enough for you to hear).
“What if all of this, everything that happened between us, is because we were never meant to do this right in the first place, Eds?” 
A timid smile circles your lips as the question you asked settles in the air. Loaded full of uncertainty for the future and everything that time ahead holds for the two of you. Your Nana would say that a person of your stature shouldn’t give into uncertainty, something that in Eddie’s case was often repeated by Marianne. Everything is always meticulously planned. No room for error because uncertainty leads to mistakes and those are a nightmare for your respective PR teams. Unfortunately for those teams, uncertainty is what drew you to each other in the first place.
That, and insane fucking attraction.
“I did come here because I regret my decision,” he says while you say, “I miss you.” Both come out at the same time. Mumbled, jumbled together. It registers though.
Without giving it a second thought, Eddie dips his head lower while his hands reach for your face, ring-clad fingers now holding your cheeks. In that same breath, his lips crash against yours in a yearning kiss — one that is fuelled by months of pent up tension and a desire you both shared since your first meeting back in August of ‘92.
It's a dance of fire. One that is burning bigger and brighter with every second his mouth is attached to yours. Dangerous, would be a good word to describe this moment, but the line has been crossed yet again and since there’s definitely no going back now, your fingers tangle themselves in his brown locks as you push your body closer. Eddie also gets braver. He bites down on your bottom lip and when you gasp ever so softly, the rockstar slides his tongue in with ease.
You feel elated. This is exactly what you’ve been missing and by the way Eddie’s tongue twirls within your mouth, hands squishing your face, afraid to let go, you know it’s what he’s been missing too.
It’s destructive, for sure. But the hurt is worth it. You know that now. You feel it. Every single fibre of your being grows more and more alive as Eddie presses into you further, as he caresses your skin with so much tenderness. And you’re beyond cloud nine. Beyond touching heaven. It’s destructive, but it’s bliss.
“If we keep kissing like this,” he whispers against your lips, forehead pressing against yours, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to contain myself.”
“Who says you have to?”
Eddie groans against your jawline before continuing to trail soft pecks along your skin until he reaches your ear, biting it gently.
“We should probably talk about what this means,” he says, but you just shake your head. “‘Cause friends don’t kiss like that, sweetheart.”
“I don’t care about that now, Eds.” You affirm, sure of what you want. Sure that you don’t ever want to forget him or move on. He is a part of you, forever. “I just want you.”
And with that your lips finds his again.
The kiss is feverish, messy. You’re tugging at each other’s clothes, desperately trying to get them out of the way as fast as possible. In an attempt to be even closer, propelled by an indescribable urge, Eddie shifts your positions so that his back is the one to the room, you’re by the wall, and mere seconds later, your back is pressed firmly against his chest.
His strong hands send shivers through your body as they make their way down until they reach your panties, skirt long disregarded, a garment on the floor. He no longer hesitates about what this means, ripping the material down before his feet are kicking your legs apart. Ring-clad fingers slide along the curve of your ass, kneading the flesh, desperate to feel you. All of you. And as one hand works to unzip his pants, the other works its way to your wet entrance, feeling along your slit.
“Please, please…” The excitement causes you to grow warm and moist in his hand.
He can’t contain himself. Removing his hand in a rapid manner, he pushes his cock inside of your starved pussy. You close your eyes at the contact and Eddie begins to fuck you, hard. Rhythm picks up rapidly and you’re clenching around him in a matter of minutes, lower muscles seizing at the contact they’ve long forgotten, but were now more than pleasantly reminded of. 
“God,” he groans, “I fucking missed you.”
The moan that escapes your lips is nothing short of pornographic. It’s a direct response to his words, as well as his actions. He’s pounding into you relentlessly. There’s no time for pleasantries or any sort of softness. This is all about fulfilling a need-based desire and you’re more than willing to comply, high on his voice when he praises “Fuck, baby”, and “You’re doing so good for me, pretty girl.”
When you feel his hands grip your hips, you moan his name. Loud, pathetic. Undone. The rockstar begins to bounce you against him. Your knees weaken and you fall back onto him, head now resting on his shoulder, losing yourself completely in the moment and the pure ecstasy that you’re feeling. The pleasure is almost too much for you.
“Eddie, I’m so close,” you whisper, looking up at him through your lashes. 
The Corroded Coffin frontman captures your mouth with his. Short, but far from sweet is the kiss. Hungry and devilish. He bites your bottom lip as he pulls away, drawing just a prick of blood.
“Let go for me, baby.” 
When you do, obeying his request, your whole body shivers harshly in his embrace. Eddie keeps going, only his pace has slowed. He’s whispering sweet-nothings into your ear, continuously praising you for being his good girl, and you promise yourself that no matter what happens next, you’re going to be that forever. 
The high soon ends and Eddie pushes you forward gently. You then feel the rockstar’s cock leave you, warm cum spurting over your ass without warning. You’re delighting in the feeling of his juices on your skin. He delights in it too, trailing his fingers over your rear until you turn around to face him.
There’s a smile on your face. Devious, yet benevolent.
Yes, Eddie thinks, Stevie Nicks was definitely right. ‘You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loves you.’ Not like he’d ever want to anyway.
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thank you for reading! really appreciate the endless & continuous support!
celebrity skin. masterlist
& tagging some cool ppl that expressed interest: @eviethetheatrefreak , @thirddeadlysin , @haylaansmi , @nope-thanks , @tlclick73 , @vintagehellfire , @ashlynnkennedy , @avalon-wolf , @sidthedollface2 , @astheni-a , @bebe07011 , @aysheashea , @papillonoirsworld , @vol2eddie, @spideyanakin-interacts , @rogers-sweatbands , @mimsie95 , @mmunson86 , @eddiesguitarskills , @ohmeg - (if your user is crossed out, it means the tag isn’t working. pls check you’ve enabled tagging in your settings)
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sherlockig · 5 months
Hello my little grieving friends (aka my CREW!)
I just want to talk about how much our flag means death has given me. I have not had internet friends since i were a teenager. They all kind of disapeared over time in the same way as high school classmates went away. I have been on this blog on tumblr since 2010 and i have never experienced what ofmd has given me. Not even in my very derranged ca 5 year long sherlock-era did i get to befriend and know this many amazing people who live in my phone. Some of you have come and gone and that is life, but some of you are still here and I hope I get to keep you here for a very long time. Max can not stop us and I want to be here with you until tumblr is put down like the beloved rabid pet it is.
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I think we are all taking the news very hard and I think it's important to remember what it is all about really. It's about love and family and above all else the crew so i just want to show some love for my beloved mutuals. And i hope maybe some of you will be inspired to do the same because its what we need in these dark times. We need to be a lighthouse guiding each other to shore.
First of all @gentlebeard - Ella💕 my beloved honey 🍯 I can not explain properly or even believe how lucky I am that I found you and that I get a little good morning from you every day. We have been talking every single day since the first message over a year ago and I don't remember or want to remember how i survived before that. I will treasure the time i spent drinking pina coladas on your balcony in the sun forever and i hope i will get some more time on that balcony this summer. I have found a pirate bar in Sweden so we can continue our expensive pirate drinks theme that we started in Berlin. There is no one else i want to spend 6-8 hours talking to over the phone.💕My partner in crime, lasagna partner and floor person or whatever nicknames we have come up with during this time. You are not just the perfect friend to have, you are also funny, sweet, smart and a expert at making fanvideos that make me cry my heart out and laugh my lungs up - sometimes at the same time 💕💕
@blakbonnet - Meow my darling💕 you were the first one i really started to talk to in the fandom and i am so glad i did. You brighten my days and i love talking to you you brilliant humanbeing (i often find myself thinking i have listened to much to cabin pressure because i struggle to use any other word than brilliant to explain things.. the Arthur runs deep in me) also thank you for being my personal skincare guide in life!! Your fics, your art, your edits, your gifs, your meta the whole you make my dash a better place and we are all happy to have you! There is nothing you are not good at and i am both a bit jealus and impressed by you. Its Meows fandom we all just live in it 💕💕
@youshouldseemeinadeerstalker - Nes my dear💕 We may not be talking very often but I know I always have you there. I loved our vacation together and we had so much to talk about that we didn't even realize that the same song kept playing in my car so long that it messed up my spotify wrapped. It was amazing taking naps with you outside ruins of castles and in botanical gardens and living together in the worlds smallest hotel room. I hope we can get lost together in more cities than Hamburg and Copenhagen. (preferably without rain and sickness and maybe with a map) 💕💕
@darkinerry - Marlena 💕 its a pleasure getting weather and work updates from you and i am always interested in knowing what you have been up to and what you have to say. It brightens my day, please never stop!! Your videos and gifsets can make any day better and you are always kind and funny which are two things i appreciate hugely in my friends!! 💕💕 + You have the coolest haircut out of all my mutuals 😌
@aha-my-villainous-thoughts - Ash my wife💕 my love💕Nothing can make me scream, blush and giggle as much as your fanart. You have this style of everything you make from fanart to dolls to interior design that is so special and breathtaking. One day we will drink so many lattes in a cosy cafe and then sniff lush products for the rest of the day. 💕 You are always there for me - as a online shoulder to cry on or to motivate me with the smuttiest wips ever. I am happy to be mutual married to you 💕💕
@bizarrelittlemew - Ida 💕- my thirsting for rhys brother in arms. I can not imagine tumblr without your gifs or your posts. I love screaming with you over a picture of rhys darbys bicep. I am so happy i got to meet you this summer and i really hope it will happen again. We are not that far from each other, just some miles and a stupid bridge; we can make it. You are always a sweetheart and an incredible friend who write the hottest fanfiction ever💕💕
@dickfuckk - josh 💕 (who I also thought for a long time was called tyler) I dont know where the fandom would be without your bts blog! its a international treasure and a service to humanity. i don't know how you do it. 💕You always have everything i have ever been looking for and as a bonus you are witty and funny like no one else. I am so happy i got to meet you and spend a whole day in your company! 💕
@izzy-b-hands - Holden my absolute darling!💕 I am so glad I got the chance to get to know you! You are smart, funny and kind and my izzy mutual tm. You are always there for me with kind words and I am still forever shipping izzy and the third badminton brother which I think is the best headcanon I have ever helped coming up with. 💕
@funforahermit - Kristina 💕 Your love for Rhys and your gifs are a staple on tumblr and my dash. I know where to go when i need someone to understand how hot Steve is (even if we have agreed that he is yours and Murray is mine which i still think is a fine deal). I very often make or see a picture of Rhys and my first thought is "I NEED TO SHOW KRISTINA THIS" so you live rentfree in my brain 💕
@rainbowcrowley - Addi 💕If i ever start playing wow again you bet i am gonna be talking your ear off about my little frost mages progress but in the meantime i am happy to have you on my dash and even if we don't talk that much are you a beloved part of my dash and brighten it daily.💕💕
@fandomsmeantheworldtome - Maria💕 You were one of the very first people i found in this fandom and your gifs might have helped my rhys obession taking form. You might be into many things I have never heard of but its a pleasure seeing your excitement over everything. You are always a ray of sunshine and i love that so much💕💕
@tabbystardust - Tabby dear💕 You are the kindest person I know who I always get the strongest need to hug and hold close. Your fanart is beyond this world and i adore it like nothing else. Its always both hot and soft in the best way ever💕 I am always excited to get kitty updates and to hear about your ramen receipts. I hope we can still meet at the con next year! I am game if you are!! 💕💕
@hummingbee-o0o - Humming 💕 (i dont know your name sorry) I am always excited to hear your thoughts and metas about everything ofmd related as well as your beautiful art. 💕 it was a pleasure to scream about season 2 after every watched episode!💕
@xoxoemynn - Emy 💕💕 i am so happy to be mutual with you! 💕You always bring joy to the people who get to be around you and fill my dash with the same. We might not talk often but i know you got my back! That is the kind of person you are!💕
@saltpepperbeard - Jodi💕 No one write tags on tumblr dot com like you. There is nothing that can cheer me up more than see that one of my posts has gotten a whole ass novel written in the tags and then i instinctively know that its you who have left your wonderful mark. You are always excited and such a lovely human to be mutual with. 💕 And on top of that you make incredible gifs that make my heart stop!!! 💕💕
@autumnbois - Kai 💕💕 I hope you are doing okay. We might not talk much right now but you were there for me when i needed it most and you are a good friend to have living in my phone.💕💕 I will think of you whenever i see something related to scream and your love for piccrew always make me smile💕
@edsbacktattoo - Jams, jams jams! 💕 We are never online at the same time because of the damn time differences *shakes fist* but you are a staple in this fandom. Your art is incredible and you are the sweetest cookie in the jar. You are funny and always spread good energy to everyone around you and I love that with my whole heart💕💕
@kiwistede - Sam 💕 Your love for stede and rhys is unmet and i love you for that. You are always a good source for some rhys darby insanity and we all know that is what i treausure most here in life! 💕💕
@stedesearring - Kaitlin💕 You are the sweetest and kindest soul out here always spreading joy and love like the sun of my dash. 💕 I always love seeing you and i am happy to have the pleasure to have you as a friend in my phone! 💕💕
@stedebonnets - Ara 💕 Where would we be without your gifs?? without your joy?? without your blog?? without you?? No one knows! I am so happy to call you a mutual and friend and you always bring a smile to my face. Always!!💕💕
@appleteeth - Liz 💕 No one is quite as normal about rhys darby as you and it a pleasure to watch! Speaking of pleasure.. your fic the slightest touch is an all time favorite of mine and i would be embarrassed to tell you how many times i have read it... you are one of my mutuals that i am baffled that they want to follow me. Its a privilege! 💕
@as-a-creww - Caroline dear 💕 You are a beloved mutual and your blog are a permanent part of my dash and i want to keep it like that! you are the friendliest of the friendliest and what is more important than that?? 💕💕
@nandorisms - Ed dear💕 Your shameless reblogs makes the world go around. You are always sweet and a much needed wwdits addition to my life. I count you as a dear friend living in my heart!💕
@londonlock - Londie! 💕💕 The only sherlock mutual i have left and i am very happy to have kept you! 💕 I might have left those days behind me but you know as well as i that sherlock lives in my soul and seeing some sherlock and john love on a daily basis keep me grounded and on top of that are you such a romantic and beautiful human being! 💕💕
@follovver - Tanya 💕 My fellow Swedish ofmd fan! I am very happy to have found you! its nice to be able do discuss it in my mother tongue and i hope we one day can do it live! its to bad we never met when we went to the same uni (or maybe we did but didn't know) Du är fantastisk!! 💕
@wastingyourgum - Al💕(which i always read in my head as artificial intelligence and giggle because it make me feel like you are a robot) My fellow rhys friend. You bring me doses of darby when its most needed and your blog is always on fleek 💕💕
@xray-vex - Xray 💕 100 % one of my funniest mutuals!💕💕 You make hilarious posts that no one else could even dream of coming up with! Always top tier blog content and what more can a girl ask for??💕
@jellybeanium124 - Nina💕 I can not imagine my blog without you! Your posts are always a delight and you are so nice and sweet and funny and incredible (even when you make math mistakes kisses kisses) You bring a honest joy into the fandom that we could not live without! 💕💕
@thunderwingdoomslayer - Nellie 💕 My official rhys darby gif provider who I come to as if i needed a new hit of an illegal substance. I salute you and thank you for your service!💕💕
@forestofsprites - Green my dear 💕You might have gone from ofmd to be the supernatural provider of my dash but that does not stop you from being the kindest forest spirit i know. Your presence is calming in a way i can not explain and i am glad to have you and your love for meg here.💕💕
@cheersmequeers - Kate💕💕 A big puzzle piece to bring my dash together. Always filling it with my favorite gay pirates and i love having you here. Always friendly and full of love.💕💕
@sugashook - Sugaaa💕💕 You know i am in love with your art! Your art is always on top and it bring me back to life every time. I keep the dress i bought from you on the outside of my closet so every morning its the first thing i see and it sets the day right!💕💕 I wear your art on my tshirt to the gym as often as i can hoping to lure in a ofmd fan between the weights but that has not happened yet sadly!! Never stop making your art!! The world would be at loss if that happened 💕💕
@lacefuneral - Jay 💕(should be called YAY because that is what i say when i see a new selfie or fashion post from you) You are a fantastic friend and i love your love for stede and you are always kind and patient in a way that makes me comfortable to ask you questions about something i might not be familiar with. You are forever my moth mutual in my mind 💕💕
@meanmisscharles - Charles 💕 In my head i call you charles but i don't think that is your name but i hope its okay with you! Always friendly and sweet but ready to fight the bullshit the other spread! and such a source for good music recommendations!! 💕💕
@forpiratereasons - Darcy 💕literary no one does it like Darcy! Aways bringing the best ofmd posts to my dash and ensuring i don't miss anything! You are incredible! 💕💕
@blackbeardskneebrace - Miles my dear 💕 You make incredible art both the cute and amazing ofmd art but also the gorgeous historical art you post. Its a pleasure to see you talk about history but also about our beloved gay pirates. Your snoopy ofmd art will live in my heart forever and i think it might be healing me a bit. Maybe even watering my crops and clearing my skin! And those valentine ofmd arts from last year. I am 100 % gonna bring them back this February like beloved decorations you store in the attic. 💕💕💕
@awkward-fallen-angel - Heather 💕 You are one of the sweetest people i have had the pleasure to come across. You bring a big excitement and attention to the things you like and it moves along to everyone near. I mean i have watched long critical role videos just because you spoke so warmly about them and i wanted to know what it meant. I love having you here. 💕💕
@mxmollusca - Mx 💕 (dont know your name so i am just calling you that) I mean you are an incredible writer. I have only managed to read ifwts once because i cried so much that i am scared to open it again because i might just never stop crying. You are creative and funny and absolutely totally normal about rhys darby which in my book is a very good thing to be. And besides that you are a very friendly and nice mutual who is always a pleasure to interact with. 💕💕
@poisonintopositivity - Lilias💕 We have not talked much but we have been mutuals for a very long time and i hope you know that i appreciate you greatly as a mutual and you always but the best posts on my dash!💕💕
@glam-hutchence - Birb 💕💕my dear bird lover! You are a sweet potatoe and i love reading about your love for music and the concerts you go to.💕 Its so nice to take a little part of your life. You are always there for me and i always get happy when i talk to you. You are like a little happy pill! 💕💕
@turtles-on-turts - Turts 💕 Whenever i see a turtle i think about you. Its your brand! You make amazing art! and the ones on canvas always blow me away. 💕💕 Its incredible. You are also so very pretty and i have that picture of you in your depression robe with all the pigeons imprinted in my mind because it such a cute one. You are always very friendly and i love reading your personal posts as well. 💕💕
@vonlipwig - Franky 💕 You bring me lots of normality about rhys darby but these days also a huge bunch of normality about david tennant which i appreciate a lot. You are very nice and i stand by my assesment that you have a very cool aura!💕💕
@haeva - Mar my beloved💕 You bring me my wifes emily and valkyrie and a bunch of amazing posts about everything i can imagine. You are loving and sweet and good at maths which i am always very impressed by. I love being your mutual and doing ask games with you is a pleasure!💕💕
@mykonossalome - Myko💕 When i see moomin i think of you because i know how much you love it. We dont talk as much as i would like but the interactions we have had has meant a lot to me and i love seeing you posting about the things you love! 💕💕
@cottoncandiescupcakes - Cupcake 💕 I love that you are always so excited over our boy the swede and its a pleasure to compare language with you. We can continue fighting if the swede belong to the dutch or the swedes but that is a pleasure!💕💕
@mister-brightside - Andrea my dear💕. Your art is always perfect and whenever i see a picture of izzy giving the middle finger i think about you! Its your brand and its your picture now and no one can change that. You are sweet and caring and a lovely mutual to have. thank you!💕💕
@merryfinches - Kylie 💕 What can i say more than that i ADORE your fanart. The colours the style the softness of it all is exactly what we all need in these times. Every single time it shows up on my dash it makes my heart grows softer and my love grow stronger! I love it so so much. 💕
@ofmd-ann - Ann 💕 You glorious glorious gifmaker! Your gifs are always beautiful and these last days you have saved me with your wrecked edits. As a supplier of rhys darby gifs i love you forever. You are a hero love. 💕💕
@usersukuna - Bia 💕You are a gif magician. Your gifs are perfect and you are also very kind and sweet and i am so glad i can call you a mutual! You light up tumblr like no one else and i am always happy to see you on my dash.💕💕
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If you are not in this list it does not mean that i dont love you or have forgotten about you it means that tumblr has put a limit to how many people you can tag which sucks. But if i follow you then it means i love and appreciate you. 💕💕💕 And you know what? We will make it through this hard and trying times of greedy streaming services putting an end to our gay pirates show. I love you all and you know what??
We will make it through as A CREW!
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dreamauri · 6 months
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┇𝗠𝗬 𝗟𝗢𝗩𝗘 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 𝗔𝗟𝗟 𝗠𝗜𝗡𝗘 - part seven, finale <3 ┇ ︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶ ┇arranged marriage does not always hold ┇the outcome you expect !! ┇︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶︶꒷꒦˚₊   ┇ . 🌿 :: pairing — ( max vertsappen  x  wife! reader ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠genre — ( fluff )  ┇ . 🌿 :: ⁠song — ( link ) ┇ . 🫧 :: ⁠word count — ( 1, 074 ) ╰  🌿 :: ⁠ content warning — ( X )
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Max tapped his finger in the back of his other hand, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. The gentle breeze swept into the apartment, prompting the two bengal cats to jump up and cuddle into max’s body. The blond didn’t hesitate to pet the cats gently, scratching behind their ears and rubbing their belly.
It was too empty, He sighed. The whole place was too empty, the spot you’d occupy was now an empty piece of space. And Max couldn’t help but think, he’s his father’s son, isn’t he? Was your mother right? That he didn’t really like you and it was a stupid crush? 
No! It wasn’t a stupid crush. Max reminded himself. He loved you. He wanted to have kids with you and grow old with you. You were simply the smartest, most amazing, caring, kindest, and loveliest person he’s ever met. And he’d do anything to keep you happy. Even if it was letting you. He didn’t even have a say because he had brought you here without giving you a choice.
But what truly broke Max’s heart was, he truly thought you loved him as much as you do.
And he’ll hurt over it. 6 months until the divorce papers are fully processed and the rest of his life without you.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
It was all dull for sure. People were starting to get suspicious of your absence, starting to make rumours about you or just plain out ridiculing you for not supporting your husband. Max believed the peak of such media bitting was here at the finale. 5 months and he’s never had to laugh off ‘where’s y/n?’ as much. He gave them the same answer. ‘She’s babysitting the cats. I don't want them scratching into our couch’.
Only Daniel actually knew where you were, and now that they were at the season finale filming the secret santa videos. Max wasn’t really optimistic about the gift receiving because what he wanted surely wasn’t going to fit in this little envelope or this little hand sized box. 
“I have no idea what this is.” He blew out a breath, shaking the box. It was light and small, rattling easy. Max opted for the box first since the envelope said open in private. Opening it, max frowned upon seeing a box of deck cards. With the words ‘you didn’t teach me how to play solitaire like you promised, yet’. 
“Ita deck of cards. With the words . . .” He took them out reading, furrowing his eyebrows to see. 
“Who on the grid doesn’t know- holy shit.” As soon as Max saw Daniel watching him from afar, he knew right away. “It’s from daniel.” the dutch laughed, looking down at your handwriting. You were the only person in his orbit who didn’t know how to play any sort of card games.
 “Do you know?” Daniel asked once he approached his former teammate. “You see the envelope yet?” “It says open-” “just turn around, i’ll make sure no one sees it.” And the blond did just that, facing away from the camera and pulling the envelope open. His eyes meet shreds of paper. “You’re crazy!” Max looked back back at Daniel with his jaw on the floor.
“It’s a private matter.” Daniel explained to the interviewer whilst the camera looking at daniel shocked and taken aback, disbelief but a neutral face still. “It’s not ripped all the way so you can do the rest if you want.” the woman behind the mic chuckled. Max got shredded paper and a deck of cards? How funny.
But to Max, these meant the world. Because he was literally having the most fun in his entire life continuing to rip apart the divorce papers in his hotel room that night.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
The curtains were drawn and the windows were open. You’d been here. Max quickly entered the apartment looking around. Your canvases and painting equipment were out on the balcony and your clothes were back in the closet. Max had never been so happy to hug one of your hoodies. You weren’t here, the only thing reassuring max of your safety was the note you left on the fridge.
‘No eggs, brb’ He smiled to himself, taking it off the fridge. He can wait a few more minutes till you’re back– . . . or you could actually return right now, while he’s all sleep deprived in need of a shower and dishevelled . . . 
Max felt himself panic hearing the door click, a pang in his heart as he heard you push the door open and step in. With your carton of eggs, and a box on top. Once you caught his eye from across the room, you both froze. You stood in silence for a few moments before you finally cleared your throat and walked into the apartment.
You didn’t say a word. Setting the carton in the fridge and the box on the island. Max couldn’t help but look between you and the item curiously. “I—its an apology gift . . . It’s glass paint and brushes.” you pushed it towards him. “I’m . . . I’m For telling you through daniel . . . and for being so gullible.” Max welcomed you into his arms, hugging you back immediately. 
“I shouldn’t have let her get through my head like that. I should’ve listened to you.” Max didn’t want to say anything, he just wanted to listen to you. He owed you that. “I–i just want to be with you. Whether it's going to every race or staying here in Monaco. You really make me happy.”
Max felt his heart skip a beat at your words. He set his chin on top of your head, squeezing you in his arms. “Our story didn’t have a happy beginning, but I’d very much like for it to have a happy ending.” 
Max chuckled, smiling down at you. “You just quoted kung fu Panda?” You shrugged, giving him a tiny smile. “It's a good movie.” You said before cupping his cheeks, pulling him down for a kiss. A very long and much needed kiss because Max found his arms wrapped around you, unable to pull away. You guess your apology is accepted.
“You taste like car.” you giggled into the kiss. “You showered after the race?” Max shook his head. “I-i came to see you right away.” he said between kisses. “Let's go shower then.” You hummed as the two of you stumbled through the apartment, pulling each other's clothes off.
★ ☆ ━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━
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maxybabyy · 7 months
It’s barely noon.
Daniel has only been back in Monaco for a handful of hours, burnt out from flying commercial and dressed obnoxiously in bright orange, and still, he’s here.
He pulls up Max’s text one more time and stares sceptically at the building in front of him. But he’s in the right spot, the tiny guy on the map right on top of the address Max had sent.
The lady behind the reception desk looks up when he enters, a polite smile on her lips as she comes forward to greet him, “Bonjour monsieur, comment ca va?”
Daniel’s been here for too long for his French to be as bad as it is, stutters out a, “Ca va bien,” before he switches to English. “Uh, I’m here for my cats?”
“Certainly,” she says, her accent even less pronounced than Charles’. She goes back behind the desk, points out the small bevvy station on her way there. Daniel’s been in formula one for over ten years, has lived in Monaco for most of that, but this fucking cat hotel may still be the fanciest shit he’s been to. “May I ask what cats you are here for?”
Daniel jiggles the handle of the coffeemaker, watches what he hopes is coffee drip into the branded to-go cup. “Uh, Jimmy and Sassy? They’re like, Bengals, with the stripes and shit? If you have two cats that look the same, I reckon it’s probably them,” he says, searches and fails to locate a lid.
The lady coughs, and Daniel decisively doesn’t look at her, cannot – knows she has to be laughing at him. Fucking, disaster step-cat dad that he is; Max would already have them loaded up in the car and be on his way.
“The cats are registered with internal ID numbers, monsieur. I cannot tell you if we have your cats otherwise, my apologies,” she tells him, not unkind.
“Right, yeah. Let me get those for you then,” he says, chuckles. He scrolls back to the cursed message that had started it all, rattles off the IDs for both cats to the lady’s mild surprise.
‘you of course don’t have to, but always the cats like it better when they can be at home.’ He reads back now, wishes he had never ventured into the world of cat sitting and long-term pet boarding.
“I will have someone come out with your cats right away, monsieur Verstappen,” she says, taps away at the computer for a moment before the printer starts to spit out a stack of papers. “If I can just have you sign here, you will be all set.”
Daniel swallows down half of the coffee, scrapes his teeth over his tongue to mask the burn. “’course, I’m not Max, though. Just for filing purposes, I guess.” He says, scribbles his signature on the dotted line. It’s the same fucking signature that he would do on a hat or whatever the fans put in front of him, and it shouldn’t make him feel embarrassed, but it does. “My name’s Daniel. Ricciardo, I should be on the list though.”
The lady smiles, licks her finger to flick a page. “Certainly, monsieur Ricciardo.”
A man in his early twenties comes out, a cat carrier in each arm. He puts the cats on the desk and rattles off a report of their stay these past weeks, the meals they had, how they behaved, their moods.
Daniel tries to listen, makes himself remember enough that Max will be satisfied even if they didn’t also send out an update by mail every three days. The guy doesn’t stop talking, so Daniel nods along, pokes his finger through the grid and watches Sassy swat at it; Jimmy who gives him a polite lick.
Even if their names weren’t printed on the carrier, this would give them away. That at least he knows.
“Great, yeah. Thanks mate,” Daniel says and moves them down to rest by his feet. “Do I need to pay something, or will we get an invoice, or like?”
“Monsieur Verstappen has an account with us, so there is no need for that. He will be notified by mail. But I can offer you a receipt?” She says, and even she sounds unsure about the offer.
“Yeah, that would be good, cheers.”
The printer makes another noise, and one of the cats meows in response, the other quick to echo. She hands it over with a smile, and Daniel stuffs it into his pocket with a quick ‘thanks’ and picks up his cats to leave.
He’s lying on the couch later, Jimmy on his chest and Max’s latest voice message playing over the phone when he finally pulls out the receipt.
“You’re such a fucking spoilt cat, Jims.” He says, kisses his head.
Jimmy meows softly, bumps his chin with his head, so Daniel kisses him again, watches his tail flick in the air.
Yeah, alright, he thinks, maybe they do deserve it.  
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