sonbat · 1 year
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adamsmoments · 2 years
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hatiragulzaman · 1 year
Senden vazgeçene rağbet etme.
Hz Ali kerremallahu veche.
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Sauron and Mauglie are Crusher's older brothers in this AU btw
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thisisnotthenerd · 5 months
Curriculum at the Aguefort Adventuring Academy
Now that the Night Yorb adventure has concluded and the Bad Kids are headed back to school I have thoughts about the structure of the Aguefort Adventuring Academy.
The Solisian School District in Elmville, as far as we know, consists of Skullcleaver Elementary School, Oakshield Middle School, Mumple School, Hudol College, and the Aguefort Adventuring Academy. While Skullcleaver and Oakshield serve the population as a whole, Mumple focuses on NPC trades, while Hudol is a private school that focuses on theoretical magic for the ‘upper class’ of Elmville, and the Aguefort Adventuring Academy focuses on training adventurers from within their specific classes while also providing general education.
Obviously, the differing structures of each of these institutions brings up some questions. Since the Solisian School District presumably has a school board and a superintendent, are there any enforceable curriculum standards that the high schools have to abide by? What common classes do Mumple, Hudol, and Aguefort have? What does a high school diploma from each of these mean? 
Given the endless questions brought up by the organization of this school district, I’m going to try and make logical sense of it by tackling them as they come to me.
First, I’m going to focus on the Aguefort Adventuring Academy, since that’s what we have information on. I can speculate on the nature of Mumple and Hudol, but we have actual info about the AAA.
What has to be in the base curriculum for each school?
For the AAA:
I’m basing this on a combination of what we know from the Bad Kids’ classes and their investigation during Family in Flames.
Here’s what we know of the AAA faculty:
Administrative Staff:
Principal: Arthur Aguefort
Vice Principal: Goldenhoard/Kalvaxus, Gilear Faeth
Lunch Lad(y): Doreen, Gilear Faeth
Guidance Counselor: Mr. GIbbons, Jawbone O’Shaughnessy
Librarian: Maugly Dimweather
Nurse: Fatima al-Aydaa
Receptionist: Chart Bomsk
Custodian: Kasavian the Wise
Bloodrush Coach: Coach Daybreak, Gorthalax the Insatiable
Gen Ed/Elective Teachers:
History: Kurby Rockstone
Linguistics: Efevrian Stuttle
Home Ec: Pilby Hatchet
Driver’s Ed: Alphonse Doublefist
Health: Spunge Dirtfoot
Theater: Ebria Dwimmerwaithe, Mr. Pepper
Music: Lucilla Lullaby
Arcana: Joria Casterwall
Class-Specific Teachers:
Artificer: Grunding Tomblast
Barbarian: Porter Cliffbreaker
Bard: none listed
Cleric/Religious Studies: Yolanda Badgood
Druid: Ellarian Fallowglade
Fighter: Corsica Jones
Monk: River Moondaughter
Paladin: Halo St. Croix
Ranger: Ellen Fleetfoot
Rogue: Eugenia Shadow
Sorcerer: Jace Stardiamond
Warlock: Evan Freem
Wizard: Tiberia Runestaff
So we know there is at least history and linguistics, as well as many elective options. Math and science likely run differently when Arthur ‘Chronomancer’ Aguefort is around, so I can understand them not being present on this list, though I would say that math is probably present in the elementary/middle schools, just because having a basic understanding of how arithmetic and geometry work forms a lot of what goes into basic life skills and also things like material components and ritual circles for casters. Adaine has made reference to math classes before, so the existence of them is kind of up in the air–we don’t have direct confirmation, but they’re likely present.
I took the liberty of moving arcana to the elective category because while it is a specific specialization, it doesn’t fit with the rest of the class model, and it fits more as a class that would be shared between the casters that have to learn things. Understanding the foundations of each type of magic, learning the bases of material, verbal, and somatic components bc even if you use an arcane focus, it’s important to understand where the idea is coming from. 
Based on my own American high school experience, I would have expected a few more core classes. There really are a lot of electives. There don’t seem to be specific curriculum standards that would transfer well from school to school. Thus, I would expect that earning a diploma and/or a GED would have significantly different requirements.
Class-specific curricula:
They likely have some sort of shop class/STEM course to learn how to build things and repair them–easy way to get tool proficiencies. Also a class on the different infusions and how to use them? 
Subclasses: Once you get past 3rd level and choose a subclass I'd assume they would have optional electives for each subclass (alchemist, armorer, artillerist, battlesmith). Ultimately it just comes down to different skills, but artificers do a lot of the same things from subclass to subclass.
We have insight into these classes because Fig and Gorgug attended them; they are learning about  the sources of rage, and how to control the rage state while in combat. 
Subclasses: electives likely split into controlling magical elements of rage for wild magic, zealot, totem, storm herald, and ancestral guardian barbarians, and martial elements of rage for battleragers, berserkers, beasts, giants, and juggernauts.
Bards are one of the classes that often have a strong theoretical basis, so I would assume they have a relatively heavy curriculum. We know there’s bardic history, because Aguefort talks about it in Sophomore Year, but bards would likely have some required music classes as well. 
Subclasses: Lore bards would definitely have some history crossover and maybe arcana crossover with the wizards once they started taking electives for their subclasses, while swords and valor bards would share classes with the fighters, creation bards with the artificers, glamour bards with the charisma rogues, and eloquence, spirits, tragedy, and whispers would likely have similar electives.
Healing/medicine is likely one of their core classes, but generally clerics are probably going to be learning rituals and the histories of deities, along with other wisdom based skills. 
Subclasses: like the bards, there’s a ton of variance with clerics. A knowledge cleric is not going to have the same classes as a trickster cleric, or a grave cleric, etc.. Now that I think about it, it makes sense for forge clerics to be taking shop classes with the artificers.
Ecology, druidic magic, survival classes? They’re probably paired with the rangers often. I think I recall Aabria and Erika talking about Danielle helping Antiope with more traditional ranger skills, so it makes sense that they share some classes. Wildshape training and summoning practice probably factor in when they can perform the skills more than once a day.
Subclasses: the things that druids can do can vary significantly, but if i had to guess: moon & shepherd druids would get paired because they’re working with creatures, spores & blighted druids would work with more necrotic spells, dreams & stars druids would get paired because they’re associated with night in differing ways, land druids have their own classes, and wildfire druids would be arsonists. Just kidding.
Fighters are explicitly trained warriors, so learning strategy, different fighting styles and martial skills depending on what fits their needs best. Learning to use action surge and attacking quickly would be a big one.
Subclasses: Each subclass would get slightly different training, but ultimately they’re all learning to fight, so it would be more like groups within a larger class. Fighter is also a solid multiclass, so I’d expect a bunch of multiclassed kids to join in with training.
Monks are also  explicitly trained warriors, though the focus is ki and finding enlightenment at a base level. We haven’t had a monk PC in the world of Spyre, but there is a monastic studies chair, so there presumably are monks at the AAA
Subclasses: some monks learn more ki-based techniques while others learn more arcana, so there’s probably some really split classes there.
Paired with the clerics for deific history, though they have electives on the different forms of oaths as well as fighting classes/training. Ultimately paladins are a partial caster combination of a fighter and a cleric, so I would expect them to share classes with both of those
Subclasses: as stated, it would mostly be based on the differing oaths and the magics they get from each.
They’d share ecology/survival classes with the druids, though the rangers are given more specific combat training and ways of tracking favored enemies and such. There’s probably a class that helps you decide your favored terrain.
Subclasses: all of the animal companion subclasses would get paired, while the hunter/assassin types would probably have some kind of stealth and tracking classes.
Rogues would get skills training for expertise but also stealth training. Basically assassin training but also charisma classes for charisma rogues and elective magic for the arcane tricksters
Subclasses: not huge differences here except for the arcane tricksters because they’re partial casters. they're learning to sneak around and kill people by surprise.
Sorcerers would get basic magic training, with a focus on controlling sorcery points/fonts of magic, and understanding where sorcerers come from. Sorcerers don’t technically have to do work to get their magic, rather, it’s a matter of precise control of what they have i.e. metamagic.
Subclasses: There’s a wide variety of sorcerous origins, so each would have pretty different classes associated. Divine soul sorcerers would probably get paired with the clerics, but everyone else would have their own options.
Warlocks are the weirdest type of full caster, so they probably don’t combine with other classes very much. I imagine that not many high schoolers are making these kinds of deals early on, so it probably involves learning about patrons, and maybe negotiation with your patron? There’s also probably classes on invocations and the different benefits of each. To be completely honest, I wouldn’t expect them to offer much in the way of warlock classes anyway. The only warlocks we’ve run into have been Johnny Spells and the greasers, Fig, Bill Seacaster’s cult, and Sam’s eldritch adept feat. Most of these are outside organizations, and if they aren’t it’s been based on in-game deals and negotiation.
Subclasses: very split. Different patrons have very different demands.
They’re already nerds that learn magic from books. Arcana and history classes, split courses to work in different schools of magic. Aguefort is a wizard–you think he wouldn’t have a robust wizard’s education at his academy?
Subclasses: one for every school of magic and also chronomancy. 
Next Question:
How does leveling work at the AAA?
Everyone presumably starts around level one in freshman year, probably with some variance based on family background and previous experience. The seven are level 10 when they get their GED, and all of them lost at least part of a school year. According to the RTX college visit oneshot, college students are ~level 15. I would say they probably don’t enter at level 15–somewhere around level 12-13 maybe?
This is not canon, but I think what’s maybe intended is annual progression requirements. You start at level 1 and get to 5ish freshman year, start at 5 and get to 8 sophomore year, start at 8 and get to 10 junior year, and start at 10 get to 12 in time for graduation. While they’re forming adventuring parties on the first day, most groups are not going to be going out and finding encounters immediately in Solace. They’re going to school. They’re learning how to work together as a party. They’re participating in extracurriculars. The lower levels are easier to get through–that’s why the progression slows down at the higher levels, because you get diminishing returns on leveling the higher level you are.
This seems to fit–the 7 are evenly leveled, but fit into the junior-senior model that would allow them to get their GEDs while being a little underleveled for graduation. The assumption is that they’re immediately going to go and be an adventuring party–they’ll make up any difference very quickly. By contrast, the bad kids had progressive leveling during freshman year that left them at level 8 during the Prompocalypse fight. I’m fairly sure that Penelope and Dayne were level 10 at least, and during sophomore year she can cast 6th level spells and has 3d10 fire bolt damage, so she’s at least 11th level if not higher. So being at level 12 in senior year tracks.
Thus the bad kids over-level during freshman year, even going by milestone leveling. if you go on an xp model you’d have to get around 10000 throughout the year to hit level 5–they’re running into so many encounters that they overshoot. And thus they’re still over-leveled in sophomore year, but if they had a relatively quiet year up to spring break, then not leveling up significantly makes sense.
Numerically, if a student is assessed on xp basis for what they have to earn in that year to level up appropriately, if they go back to zero at the start of each level.
Freshman year: 10,400
Sophomore year: 71,000
Junior Year: 112,000
Senior Year: 185,000
That tracks for high school–you can do very well in freshman year classes and then all of a sudden start struggling, and it’s more work every year. you’re capable of more, sure, but you also have way more responsibility. 
How does the quest assignment system work?
What we know: they have adventures during the year as a party that serve as a sort of capstone project–60% of their grade. My hypothesis: Knowing how high school classes work in a non-fantasy public school, I’d posit that the adventures are considered a form of independent study; every student is required to do a certain amount every year, in order to move to the next grade as an adventuring party. If they don’t complete a quest of a high enough level, or enough lower-level quests, the party can be disbanded, and they may need to repeat grades in order to move to the next grade.
In order to support the infrastructure of a modern school system, and modern technology, Solace can’t be unstable enough to require adventurers. That’s the crux of what Charity Blythe was advocating for with Project Reset–using a catastrophe to drive the market of adventure. Since this was a distinct event that the Ministry of Adventure was planning for, one can conclude that these Class A, B, and C quests are not happening all that often. What are those you ask?
The Ministry of Adventure classifies quests in a six-tiered system, from class A to class F, in order of decreasing severity. Class A quests threaten the existence of the Universe and planes beyond the prime material; class B quests threaten the prime material/the world of Spyre; class C quests threaten nations; classes D-F are for localized threats, the ‘bread-and-butter’ quests, though an adventurer that can handle a class F quest may not be able to handle a class D quest. There is likely some further calculus when it comes to these classifications–the classes simply refer to the scope of the threat with regard to what it threatens, not specifically how difficult it is to complete the quest.
A GED from the Larger Solisian School District requires the sign-off of the Superintendent of Schools as well as the completion of a Class A, B, or C quest. By classification: the Bad Kids’ defeat of Kalvaxus was a class C quest, their defeat of the Nightmare King was class B, and the Seven’s quest to release Talura to infinity was a Class A quest. Sidenote: if a GED requires quest completion, how does anyone not from the AAA get a GED? Do they still have exams for non-adventurers? What subjects are required in the world of Spyre? Is it even needed?
So, Solace isn’t unstable enough to induce quests beyond class D on a regular basis; where, then, do these teen adventurers get high level quests? We first need to talk about how the rest of the world and their capacity for teen adventurers.
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Highcourt: Nation ruled by monarchy that reigns over most of the rest of Spyre, the have an ongoing treaty with spyre–they were the source of the original Sol worshippers that became the harvestmen. Thus, the mentions of perditional contradoxy in their treaty with Solace make sense. Not suitable for adventures beyond D class as it would likely violate treaties, unless the adventurers are specifically hired.
Fallinel: high elven nation ruled by the court of stars, or Seven Immortal Dancers on a Spindle, who Sing to the Various Phases of the Moon, with lower courts for bureaucracy. No lawyers. Not suitable for adventures beyond D class as it would likely violate treaties, unless the adventurers are specifically hired.
Sylvaire: aka the forest of the nightmare king. south of Highcourt, home of cassandra’s original worshippers, the town of arborly, and a bunch of captured gnomes who were sustaining magic for the druids of the storm king. The forest itself was walled off for ~850 years. Quests are feasible along the coast and around the borders of the forest, but quests to enter the forest would not succeed without infernal permission.
Red Waste: Kalvaxus’s initial territory but his lair was in the mountains of chaos? Desert-like, full of Kalvaxus worshippers and Yorbies. The Seven went there for their sophomore year quest. Developed enough to have a tattoo parlor where Antiope could get her leader tattoo. Suitable for higher level adventures.
The Baronies: collection of small city states/nations that are constantly at war, where the richest of the rich have access to technology while others are still operating in a medieval society. Suitable for higher level adventures.
Mountains of Chaos: where Kalvaxus’s lair is located, but also home to the Temple of the Earth Defiant. Sklonda Gukgak has family from there, though she is from Bastion City in Solace. Suitable for higher level adventures.
Swamps of Ruin: Not much that we know currently; Kristen was building swamp Venice there while on a humanitarian/missionary trip. Suitable for higher level adventures.
Nekronomicron: subterranean city of necromancy and the undead, the location of Talura’s final stand. Kalvaxus was allied with the necromancers–which extended his control beyond the Red Waste. Suitable for higher level adventures.
Leviathan: the pirate city made of ships cobbled together into a functional city. if you can find it. They have their own adventurers though. they’re more likely to kill you. Technically suitable for higher level adventures.
Throshk: North of the Mountains of Chaos and Solace, home to Kalebrimbor, not much known in canon. clear for adventure. Suitable for higher level adventures.
Frostheim: North of Throshk, snow-covered according to maps of Spyre.  Suitable for higher level adventures.
And that’s just the continent we’ve been shown; there’s probably more to Spyre that we have yet to explore. Sidenote: the map poster from the seven has been taken off the dropout store and i’m sad about it. I know this means they’re probably doing a poster for this season but still.
So what does this all mean? Well, all students of the aguefort adventuring academy must engage in a quest of an appropriate level with their adventuring party in order to jointly pass the year and move to the next grade. They are allowed to travel to achieve their objective, and can enlist paid assistance from non-students known as hirelings. They must go on at least one higher level quest, or multiple D-F quests, presumably starting in sophomore year, since parties are generally formed on the first day of freshman year, and the expectation is that the students are not of a high enough level to engage with threats of class C and above. 
This contextualizes Antiope failing a year for non-palimpsest reasons–her party would have failed their yearly quest and been disbanded. It also gives context to the rest of the Seven losing their adventuring parties; if one of your members is not participating in the completion of the quest, they can be removed from the party and left as a solo adventurer.
That’s all I have for now on this because I don't have the energy to keep digging at the moment. We’ll see about more as this season progresses.
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zoeeozzoeeoz · 24 days
Rendeléseket névre veszek fel. Vannak magukat viccesnek tartó egyedek, akik nem a saját nevüket adják meg ilyenkor, hanem egy kitalált valamit. Pl. volt már SpongyaBob, Csigusz, megylekvár, kakóscsiga, Tarzan, Maugli is. Most csak ami hirtelen eszembe jutott. Engem egészen addig nem érdekel, amíg meg is jegyzi hogy milyen néven adta le nekem a rendelést. Ellenkező esetben, nem tudom neki kiadni az elkészült rendelését.
Én: Kérnék szépen egy nevet.
Vevő: Ribizli. Közben vigyorog.
Én: Beírom h Ribizli, tovább lépek.
Eltelik egy hét, jön a megbeszélt időpontban a .........felesége.
VF: Jó napot. A Férjem adott le rendelést, azért jöttem.
Én: Milyen néven volt?
VF: Mondja a férje nevét.
Én: Sajnos nincs ezen a néven rendelés. Biztos hogy ezen a néven volt? Nem más nevet mondott?
VF: Mondja a saját nevét, a lánykorit is.
Én: Semmi.
VF: ertzuiolkjhgfdcvbnm hogy megint vicceskedő kedvében volt a férjem!! Nem tudom! Felhívja telefonon a férjét, de az nem veszi fel. Jóóóóóóóóóóóóóó, akkor majd érte jön Ő. És mérgesen elrohan.
Két nap múlva jön a Vevő (férj) : Jó napot. Adtam le rendelést, de nem tudom milyen néven.
Én: Az baj! (Ekkor már beugrik, sejtem, hogy valszeg a Ribizli név lesz a megoldás. )Elvileg adtam egy kis papírkát a megrendelésnél, arra rászoktam írni a megadott nevet.
Vevő: Igeeeeeen, de azt sem tudom hol van.
Én: Na ez még nagyobb baj! Abszolút nem emlékszik milyen néven adta le? Saját név, felesége neve, gyereke neve, esetleg valamilyen növény, állat, gyümölcs, mesehős, étel, akármi.?
Vevő: Saját és felesége nevét is mondja, de nincs. Igen, rémlik hogy megint valami hülyeséget mondtam. Szoktam ilyet, de eddig mindig eszembe jutott, mit mondtam, de most teljesen törlődött.
Én: Van olyan név, amit rendszeresen mond? Ami sűrűn előfordul? Sűrűn mond?
Vevő: Mindig mást mondok.
Én: Remek! Ekkor már dolgozik bennem a kisördög, de hát ha papírt is elvesztette, a névre sem emlékszik, akkor én biztosra megyek, nem adhatom oda másét. Szóval amire gyanakszok, arra megpróbálok segíteni. Esetleg valami gyümölcsnév?
Vevő: alma, banán,narancs,szőlő,málna,dinnye,cseresznye?
Én: Nem nyert.
Vevő: Jaj ne csinálja már velem! Biztos emlékszik rám!
Én: Igen, emlékszem magára, de híresen rossz a névmemóriám! Esetleg ha elmondaná, mit rendelt.
Vevő: Elmondja.
Én: Beazonosítom, és beigazolódik, hogy jól sejtettem , Ribizli a nyerő. Kezemben a csomaggal, kérdezem: Esetleg valami bogyós gyümölcs?
Vevő: RIBIZLI!!!! Basszamegdeutálom!!!! Ki nem állhatom azt a gyümölcsöt! aaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Én: Én imádom! De örülök, hogy eszébe jutott. Tessék.
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Preliminaries Round B
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Propaganda Under the Cut (May contain major spoilers for one or more of the campaigns listed above)
Marina Astrovsky - I've heard of a cat scan
Ronald Manticaster - Peppermint with a face that was apparently so substantial they made art for him
John Feathers - Hot bird who wants to wear people clothes
Captain Galatia 9 - A protagonist of the starstruck comics who shows up to help the wurst during the final battle. She's got a Krystal the size of the Ritz and family drama out the wazoo. Too bad in d20 she only has a few lines.
Mrs. Maugly Dimweather - librarian at fantasy high that i forgot about until 10 seconds ago
Baba Yaga - She is cunning, clever, hilarious and the most powerful magic user in this story. She also loves a little kitty.
Lord Calroy Cruller - No npc leaves a lasting impression more than Calroy. From his physical design to his charming personality, wonderful inside jokes and intense plot twist he is an incredible, one of a kind character. No npc has such an epic backstabbing speech, nor such impressive pants. He charmed us all and his betrayal impacted not just King Amethar but the audience as well. His secret genius plan, his murder attempt against the king, his killer one liners. Nobody beats it. In the background from the very beginning, he is an essential part to a crown of candy and helped give us the most badass survival of any player. Amethar for sure should have died there, and yet he survived. Calroy MAKES a crown of candy. He elevates it to a truly glorious game-of-thrones-but-better story full of the perfect traitorous secrets and blindsides the show needed. Nobody can beat that.
The Unicorn of New York City - funny voice
Willy - the reason I say Kingston Brown form uptown. Who wouldnt love him!
The Cubbys - Anarcho socialists, say ACAB, broke the bad kids out of jail, physically cannot stop slaying
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psikonauti · 9 months
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Gregory Radionov (Ukrainian, b.1971)
Maugly, 1997
oil on canvas
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takemetochurch13 · 2 years
Amerre én járok, arra bámul a világ
Vakok között állok és elárul, aki lát
Irigylik a semmit meg a papír koronát
Maugli a nevem, Rátok küldöm Bagirát
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kathogelia · 1 year
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give me liberty
go west
good night nurse!
hard luck
high sign
his wedding night
ivan vasilievich changes occupation
jane eyre 1943
le roi des champs-élysées
look for a woman
love and doves
midshipmen onwards!
my wife's relations
musketeers twenty years after
oh doctor!
one week
only lovers left alive
operation y and shurik's other adventures
our hospitality
out west
parlor bedroom and bath
pokrov gates
prince of foxes
prisoner of the caucasus or shurik's new adventures
scarlet sails
seven chances
sherlock jr
sidewalks of new york
spartacus: blood and sand
spartacus: gods of the arena
speak easily
spite marriage
steamboat bill jr
sweet november
terminator 2: judgement day
the adventures of sherlock holmes and doctor watson
the balloonatic
the beginning
the bell boy
the blacksmith
the boat
the bodyguard
the butcher boy
the cameraman
the cook
the electric house
the fellowhip of the ring
the frozen north
the garage
the general
the girls
the goat
the haunted house
the hayseed
the holiday
the hound of the baskervilles
the incredible hulk
the irony of fate or enjoy your bath!
the kuban cossacks
the lord of the rings
the love nest
the navigator
the painted veil
the paleface
the passionate plumber
the rough house
the saphead
the scarecrow
the walking dead
the wild swans
the words
this is your life
three ages
van helsing
watch out for the automobile
what - no beer?
wings of desire
young russia
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444names · 2 years
hindu deities + tolkienesque forenames BUT excluding "y"
Aabhirë Adacil Adagald Adaiand Adaraswar Adorn Adrasina Aegornur Aelrodil Aergoldir Agróg Aladorgon Alaldacil Alamil Alanc Alanir Albarken Aleshuvar Algalasur Algrata Alini Alirë Alorn Amborl Amilda Amline Amrapala Ancaldan Andak Andion Andionur Andiri Andis Annarka Anshmor Antini Anáin Anámalas Arahi Aranaladi Aranardan Arasvathi Aratr Ardar Ardha Ardróf Arfinvata Arinnati Armen Arund Arvenwë Ashatan Astriel Atamaruf Athôr Atrimë Augani Auganukha Auglimha Auglúth Ausindil Avatta Azagalla Bagduga Baglir Balachat Balaxmir Balcwin Balianar Balion Baranu Barapal Bardhin Barethi Beldor Belen Belestr Bellorwen Belumene Belunest Beorlana Beregri Berenu Bhaene Bhaiwen Bhalantam Bhanar Bhartië Bharumaia Bhath Bhatári Bhuan Bhush Bikan Bikar Bikum Bodha Bofundra Boldarin Boliant Bollar Brakshi Braneluil Brilmo Buddhil Budhir Bórië Calakil Caldoron Calfane Calothald Calth Caramir Carienduf Celego Celena Celend Celesalia Celfwin Celimo Cellobar Celsesa Chavarani Chaviel Chhir Cothorod Cottad Dacir Dambik Danna Delenda Dennar Denwë Deran Devia Devnamûl Dhalda Dhang Dharimlad Dhatuorti Dhauruta Dhelim Dhilútho Dorgimlin Drasomë Dreth Dusara Dáingi Déagal Déodh Díringald Eilzôn Eldachi Eldaikani Eldamji Eldaril Elebri Electha Elegortin Elena Elethir Elethodan Elfin Elinil Emnal Emnamaha Emnati Enelendir Eramûl Ergal Erindor Erugdurod Essur Estrethor Estrim Eswakhîm Eswin Eäregol Eäregolë Eärna Eärni Faron Felesta Fimil Finari Findë Finga Fingusion Forondë Fregolga Fregon Fréalagol Furat Fëant Fëanwë Fírdanth Fírië Gador Galamali Galau Ganari Ganimbel Garvisumo Gasfas Gassa Gassarais Gildomeri Gilgelros Gilzôn Gimbalmë Gimena Gimirali Glodhakar Glothas Glothis Glothor Goldowman Golor Goriel Goroder Gorta Grazog Grian Grían Gwati Hadoro Haerinel Halad Haphand Harasa Hared Havoros Hedur Helemen Heren Heswalm Hinji Hundis Húrion Húrith Ibada Ibaur Ibaurgil Imundi Ingana Inimhan Inzildbel Iramang Irindura Ishath Ishil Ishir Ishwaer Isitë Ivrin Jague Japho Jaulë Jhurgon Juníni Kalaswael Kamitar Karië Katiusir Kunditi Lacir Ladurin Laldili Lamuzga Lanor Laras Lasir Lessaur Litra Lodred Lorlia Lothenwë Luilmor Lumavi Lungolda Lurth Macir Magamdís Mahat Mahil Mahir Mahuor Mainbron Maldak Maldorth Manar Mandi Mandis Mandumant Manga Maradûn Marerionu Marion Maruf Maugdur Maugli Maupath Mavar Mavia Mehtri Mendh Mennar Menuil Merondil Mhanhír Mhavi Mielfin Milbar Milrod Miravaran Mookas Mornhen Mukhorod Mundin Munír Murvair Nahador Nakala Nalan Nalena Nambifuna Niamma Nilatius Nirith Náriel Náril Národ Nínia Nólin Nómerion Olacara Ollakalg Olórwen Orision Paladorne Palia Palir Panas Paraniel Paravion Parti Pashi Pasvarmto Peleb Pendil Peranhel Pramûl Pranor Prati Prienwë Prion Purandor Ragolcwin Rahman Ratar Raugalion Redui Rundirë Rómel Rórielen Rúthor Sadalas Sadir Sadras Saihar Saiwen Saiwenga Sakshadi Sakshir Samika Saracirma Sartha Satri Scalasir Sengeren Shatarion Shati Singrin Sivra Smaha Snornatr Someriën Svarma Swalegorn Tarahandë Taran Tarda Tarië Tatirring Thadog Thargoron Thati Thmin Thrombor Thvin Théomi Tuladita Tvane Tvangwë Tvattand Ufthos Uglajauri Ulaji Ulasfast Uldura Ulecth Ulelegue Ulfin Ulfwing Ulkalgant Umbur Umoron Undir Unduini Undur Uoldor Urund Urwendila Ushnur Vakshi Valthôn Vanarahu Vandil Vantaraji Vanárimir Vendor Venkamani Venuiner Viang Viden Videór Vinglóin Vishi Visuinar Vorgil Éothor Éowmalian Írion Óinan
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tierinserate · 2 years
MAUGLI - ist sehr zurückhaltend, ängstlich und sucht Menschen die sie verstehen
MAUGLI - ist sehr zurückhaltend, ängstlich und sucht Menschen die sie verstehen
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Maugli noch in der Slowakei (SA) Mischling Hündin, noch nicht kastriert geb. 10.06.2021 SH mittlere Größe geimpft, gechipt und mit einem EU-Ausweis ausgestattet Maugli wurde mit ihren Geschwistern auf einem Feld ausgesetzt und zum Glück von lieben Menschen gefunden und ins Tierheim gebracht. Sie ...
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leesangyeon · 3 years
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every thursday post kingdom mood
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kaelio · 5 years
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Маугли (1967)
(Where Kaa is a mentor and protagonist, as in the book. Sorry for the weird animation strobing effects from .gif optimization; blame Tumblr.)
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thes-hitoverlord · 5 years
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A appreciation post for the best Jungle Book adaptation 
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nobdyknowsme · 5 years
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