#master of souls
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This is gonna be my first book since last October! And I have been waiting, so I'm excited. Can't do it today though. Gotta sleep.
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Title: Kingdom of Souls
Author: Rena Barron
Series or standalone: series
Publication year: 2019
Genres: fiction, fantasy, mythology, paranormal
Blurb: Heir to two lines of powerful witchdoctors, Arrah yearns for magic of her own...yet she fails at bone magic, fails to call upon her ancestors, and fails to live up to her family's legacy. Under the disapproving eye of her mother, the kingdom's most powerful priestess and seer, she fears she may never be good enough...but when the kingdom's children begin to disappear, Arrah is desperate enough to turn to a forbidden, dangerous ritual. If she has no magic of her own, she'll have to buy it...by trading away years of her own life. Arrah's borrowed power reveals a nightmarish betrayal, and on its heels, a rising tide of darkness that threatens to consume her and all those she loves. She must race to unravel a twisted and deadly scheme, before the fight costs more than she can afford.
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cosmicssubway · 6 months
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they should hang out
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bookcoversonly · 1 year
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Title: Master of Souls | Author: Rena Barron | Publisher: HarperTeen (2023)
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malerek · 1 year
12 Brand New YA Books [Released April 8th to 14th 2023]
✨ 12 Brand New YA Books [Released April 8th to 14th 2023] ✨ Interested in all the new Young Adult books coming out this month? Check here all the new ones this week! #BookBlogger #Booktwt #BookTwitter #YoungAdult #BrandNewYA
Brand New YA Books is a Saturday feature showcasing all the Young Adult books released in the last week. If you are an author and want to see your book featured on this list, send me an email to [email protected] will all the details. PUBLISHED APRIL 8th TO 14th 2023 Bianca Torre Is Afraid of Everythingby Justine Pucella WinansGenre: Mystery | Thriller | LGBTPublisher: Clarion Release…
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cupcakeshakesnake · 11 days
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I wanna squeeze him like a stress toy. Perhaps even pick him up like the bug he is. Laugh at his distress
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onejellyfishplease · 18 days
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I wanted to do something for mermay, so here are my designs for some merturtles!
Leo is a Leafy seadragon,
Donnie is a Vampire squid
Mikey is a Epaulette shark
And Raph is a Scorpionfish!
Also heres a bonus drawing of a young April holding her little aquatic friends (dont worry they can breathe air just fine)
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azherwind-art · 2 months
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Don't tell me it didn't happen
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clown-creep · 8 days
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I went down a very interesting rabbit hole because of @bestosunglass lol! But big props to them, it’s basically their version of the character just with a few personal tweaks. So credit to them!
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chemical-heaven · 6 months
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umhhh well....
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nethnad · 7 months
thinking about time lords and their fucked up little society again and i just realized how devastating the revelation of the drums in the end of time is in relation to the master's character.
because of all the renegade time lords in the universe, i think it's the master who most exemplifies the philosophical outlook that the time lords have towards the rest of the universe. they're stuffy observers, administrators, yes - but this position is one they've decided for themselves because of this concept of supremacy over other life forms. imposed and upheld this idea that other species that lack a time sense are less-than, primitive. and the master buys into this hard.
and i mean... compared to the doctor, the master is good at being a time lord. he buys into these supremacist concepts, this idea that every other species (and especially humans) is practically a meaningless ant in the grand scheme of the universe. takes it to the extreme, yes, but its the same underlying principle. he's a good student (despite whatever chibnall might think) - that one time lord from terror of the autons (identity forever a mystery) (its brax) even says "he did receive a higher degree of cosmic science than you." the master could play their game if he wanted to. he's remarkably comfortable with being on gallifrey/the idea of gallifrey(in eot/tlotl) than the doctor ever is. where the doctor avoids the subject of the lord presidency like the plague, the master is like "well if you kill the president you ARE the president! and then you have all of gallifrey!" and when the doctor destroys gallifrey (nominally), the master tries to rebuild it in the sound of drums/last of the time lords. tries to emulate their society. honor them in his little fucked up way. he brings them back from the time war!
and what does he get for it? how did the time lords treat him in response?
they decide to implant the sound of drums in his head, stretching back until he's a child. puts this insufferable noise, this splitting headache, in his head for his entire life. all so that they may live while he dies. because he is diseased, because of them. he has swallowed the pill, bought their propaganda, he has followed the rules, he tried to rebuild them he tried. and in response he is chewed up and spit out like trash so that rassilon's god complex can survive while the universe crumbles.
how crushing must that be to someone? to have your whole worldview - that you are better, you are chosen, you are special - come crumbling down in a few short moments? to see the revered founder-god of the civilization you have so desperately tried to revive look at you and say "you are diseased," even though he was the one to poison you in the first place?
and as his heart is torn to pieces... when rassilon says "no more," and charges his gauntlet, the master - who has spent countless lives fighting death with his bare hands - does not move.
part of me thinks he does not want to.
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Rena, Robin... Take me on home...
I actually have started borrowing both the audiobook and ebook for my reading journeys, because I tend to receive more from the story when I can access both, but even though I remember a lot about the first two books, I borrowed them again and might reread before I get started on live blogging this one. This year, I decided to try to post lb chapter by chapter and only reblog for arcs and responses, to see if that makes it more cohesive when I revisit those posts. And I'll be making masterposts for series. That did me well with her previous trilogy, Maya and the Rising Dark (which should have continued beyond a trilogy to me), so... we shall see how this journey goes. I still have book reviews in my drafts for stuff I read months ago, so I prefer to liveblog instead of doing a review at the end (because it'll sit there for who knows how long)...
I am mentally preparing myself for emotional distress with this book, and as always, all my thinking out loud moments will be tagged "Nesha Reads"
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s0ull3ss-p3rs0n · 4 months
Yeah idk how Ninjago timeline works but wouldn't that be fucked up if like, Garmadon getting banished happened a few days after Morro left, and Wu had barely processed the loss, then Misako proceeds to disappear with Lloyd and then Ray and Maya's kidnapping happened. Like, that would be kinda fucked up if Wu just had to watch himself lose everyone in the span of a fucking week.
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nekioka · 1 year
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Started to think about what Soul Master's walk cycle would look like.
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tonythr · 27 days
The Watcher's telescope view is a social commentary and here's why
Ok so let's set some things right first. City of Tears is amazing.
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(Yes, Pale Court is also an amazing mod)
I've played Hollow Knight many times, and City of Tears is probably the one location I never get tired of. The scenery, the lore, the room layout, the music, the atmosphere - it's all perfect. It's the culmination of Halllownest's beauty, the peak of the game's art style, and the narrative's most essential location. City of Tears is the heart of Hollow Knight.
This game is a story about a Kingdom and its death, a tragedy of a society that was built on dreams of light but ultimately was consumed by the light so much that darkness became its only hope. And City of Tears stands at the center of this story. So it's fitting that the themes of corrupted dreams, society flaws, and dark hopes are what shape the lore and atmosphere of this beautiful, gorgeous location.
Did you ever notice that the tears of this Kingdom are dark despite them originating in a glowing blue lake, and the waters that flood the streets are almost as dark as the void in the Abyss? Do you ever think about how the vibrant blue color of the City is basically a culmination of how the color blue is presented in other locations (Howling Cliffs, Forgotten Crossroads, and later Royal Waterways being more of a remix of it), and how it's tied to the very essence of Hallownest (and how Resting Grounds, the location that contains Blue Lake and also uses a bright blue color, represent the very foundation of Hallownest's history, that being Seer's story about the Moth Tribe's betrayal that started the war between Pale King and the Radiance)? Do you feel like Soul Master basically represents the thunder and the lightning in this never-ending rain? Do you get it????
Anyway yeah, there are many things that can be said about City of Tears, and this is hopefully not the last time I make a post about it. What I want to talk about here is the City's society.
Basically, Monomon said it better than anyone could:
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It's a very complicated topic. The narrative basically explores the inner mechanisms of a free mind, how its primary need is finding a purpose, and how its purpose turns out to be a constant need of... something. Anything. As long as there is something to want, a free mind will want it. As long as there is something to yearn for, something to enjoy, something to dream about, our minds are going to move in its direction, never wanting to stop. Because a stasis is worse than death. Because a world without dreams is an empty world.
But then again, isn't constant yearning another instance of, well, constance? If dreams never end but also never evolve, doesn't that create another kind of stasis?
Like I said, it's very complicated. Let's go back to what I was getting at in the first place. What I actually wanted to say is this:
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Theese guys fucking fucked up as a society.
It's classic dystopian shit (or maybe I'm using the wrong word, but you get the point). Rich people are living in luxury while the rest are suffering. They're making gold a fucking religion and are seeing it as the only beauty in the world. The corrupt upper class are using heavy gatekeeping on the lower class.
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What's interesting is that, at first, we barely see any lower class bugs in the City. There's suspiciously few regular husks in this location, compared to how many rich guys are on the eastern side. But then we get to Soul Sanctum and it all starts to make sense.
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There are no red cloaks in those corpse piles. Only the poor were killed for those experiments. It can't be a coincidence. It's straight-up elitism-based genocide (again, I don't know if I'm using the right terms, correct me if there's a better way to say that, but the point is clear).
Also, see how many streets are flooded on the western side in comparison to the eastern side.
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Point is, the bugs that ruined the kingdom by always wanting more (what Monomon wrote about) are most likely theese rich ones. It's a very fitting thing for this dystopian narrative: neverending greed that leads to the downfall of a civilization.
There's a note in the Hunter's Journal that describes it in the best way possible:
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For every location in the game, there is a place that functions as the center of its essence, its narrative heart, the culmination of its themes. For Queen's Gardens it's the White Lady's cocoon, for Greenpath it's the Lake of Unn, and for City of Tears (or at least its eastern part, the one with the upper class) it's the Watcher's Spire. The tallest building of the great capital. The home of (evidently) the most rich and influential bug of the City's high society. Literally the top of this social hierarchy.
He is also arguably the most mysterious dreamer out of all three. I mean, why does he have only one eye? What type of bug is he? How did he get this much power? Does he really have some kind of connection with the Collector? Is he a motherfucking fluke? Why does he seem to have an obsession with serving the King?
That last question is kinda answered by the cut content though.
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That last sentence is kinda confusing. Is it regret? Is it humility? Is it pride in his sacrifice? In any case, here we see that Lurien actually knew that the Pale King was literally a god, and desired to worship him, like any other bug yearns to worship some kind of deity. So while other bugs of Hallownest worshiped PK because he was a monarch, albeit a godlike one (for all they knew he could be just an extraordinary bug, but a bug nonetheless), Lurien worshiped him as an actual god. And the intricacies of worshiping a god are one of the central themes of the game. From the moth tribe's betrayal of Radiance leading to the birth of the Infection to the Godseeker's shenanigans leading to the birth of the Shade Lord - the game makes multiple statements about gods, religious devotion and the semantics of divine power. Just that one idea that a god takes its power from the ones that worship it deserves its own post - heck, it deserves its own book.
So yeah, Lurien's devotion to the King is an important part of the story. He sure is an important character in this narrative. He also got a cool house. Being able to observe the entirety of the Hallownest's capital is badass.
But there's one thing I find odd about all that, and it's the moment we get to actually look through his legendary telescope.
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Is it just me, or does this feel kinda... Underwhelming? Almost disappointing? I mean, don't get me wrong, I love this view, it's beautiful, and I would certainly love to be able to see something like this with my own eyes irl, but, looking at this picture, I can't help but wonder...
Did he actually see anything from up there?
In cut dialogue, Lurien talks about how he loves the City's streets, and his hidden lore tablet contains words about his love for bugkind, but... I see neither any streets on this image, nor any bugs (that are not vengeflies). Only spiked rooftops and rainy fog, clouding the view of the actual City.
And sure, the Spire has many windows and even had multiple watchers who were helping Lurien with overseeing the capital...
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But his own spot was always this one.
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His telescope was sealed in one place, letting him see only a small portion of the City and its life. Almost like his own worldview was stuck in one perspective.
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Notice the wording here. It's not "The Seals must remain". It's "Bonds must remain". He's not thinking just about the Seals containing the Infection. He's thinking about the whole Kingdom needing to stay unchanged. His dream is the stasis that the Knight (and also Monomon, Hornet and, in a sense, even Radiance) want to end. The stasis that the Pale King wanted to create in order for his Kingdom (and therefore himself) to be eternal. The stasis that would allow for both Pale King and Lurien's worship of him to remain forever.
But there is always a cost to ascending higher than others, and it's that you can no longer see what's going on below or who's suffering down there. I think Lurien, sitting atop the tallest tower, was actually detached from the struggles of regular bugs. He and his Spire are the culmination of the City's upper class' ignorance towards the ones who were below them on the social hierarchy. A dreamer who dreamt of watching over the very heart of the holy civilization lived so high up he could no longer see his beloved world in its complicated, detailed entirety – and the tears of the stasis created by those like him only blinded him more.
All those flooded streets, those broken buildings, those empty halls, those starving bugs, those sealed doors - even though he watched over them, he couldn't see them.
I'm pretty sure Lurien didn't even know about the Soul Master's experiments, despite the fact that the Soul Sanctum was located right next to his Spire.
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Or maybe he knew but chose to turn a blind eye to it (pun intended).
But it's kind of poetic, isn't it? It's the beauty of the tragedy of this game's characters. A Beast who had to surrender everything to the opposing civilization. A Teacher who could no longer teach. A Watcher who couldn't see the truth.
And all that makes me wonder... How much suffering could the Pale King see, standing on that platform at the top of the Abyss, facing away from the pit where his children died?
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TL;DR: Lurien's point of view was too high up to actually see what was truly going on down there, both literally and metaphorically. His desire to worship the Pale King made him ignorant of the struggles of regular bugs. Similarly, the extreme elitism of the high society of Hallownest lead to ignorance, discrimination and greed, which ultimately caused the sprawl of the Infection. This side of Lurien's story might also parallel the Pale King's with his ignorance towards the discarded vessels.
TL;DR²: Eat the rich
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lizbot · 2 months
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"Like Nya or something" - The solemaster.
Everytime I see the Soulmaster I can't stop thinking about his cat ears. Canonical cat man he is.
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