#mask de smith
mvfm-25 · 4 months
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" It is my belief that video games are the most challenging form of artistic media we know. "
Nintendo Power Magazine n190 - April, 2005.
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metaldragoon · 11 months
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Killer7 (2005)
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surrender-art · 2 months
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please send help i have a disease
id in alt
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saytons-ghost-room · 1 year
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some Kill The Past (really just Killer7 and Flower, Sun, and Rain) stuff ive drawn in the past year
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glstnbrry · 1 year
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I’m not a monster, it’s only a mask.
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kindofblue28 · 2 years
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smiths in alter ego
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jason-gold-falcon · 11 months
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After Playing a bit of the game Killer 7, Which I was already familiar with the Music of, I drew Mask De Smith, who is my Favorite Character from the game.
The Painting in particular I'm still quite proud of.
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Friends, enemies, comrades, Jacobins, Monarchist, Bonapartists, gather round. We have an important announcement:
The continent is beset with war. A tenacious general from Corsica has ignited conflict from Madrid to Moscow and made ancient dynasties tremble. Depending on your particular political leanings, this is either the triumph of a great man out of the chaos of The Terror, a betrayal of the values of the French Revolution, or the rule of the greatest upstart tyrant since Caesar.
But, our grand tournament is here to ask the most important question: Now that the flower of European nobility is arrayed on the battlefield in the sexiest uniforms that European history has yet produced (or indeed, may ever produce), who is the most fuckable?
The bracket is here: full bracket and just quadrant I
Want to nominate someone from the Western Hemisphere who was involved in the ever so sexy dismantling of the Spanish empire? (or the Portuguese or French American colonies as well) You can do it here
The People have created this list of nominees:
Jean Lannes
Josephine de Beauharnais
Thérésa Tallien
Jean-Andoche Junot
Joseph Fouché
Charles Maurice de Talleyrand
Joachim Murat
Michel Ney
Jean-Baptiste Bernadotte (Charles XIV of Sweden)
Louis-Francois Lejeune
Pierre Jacques Étienne Cambrinne
Napoleon I
Marshal Louis-Gabriel Suchet
Jacques de Trobriand
Jean de dieu soult.
François-Étienne-Christophe Kellermann
17.Louis Davout
Pauline Bonaparte, Duchess of Guastalla
Eugène de Beauharnais
Jean-Baptiste Bessières
Antoine-Jean Gros
Jérôme Bonaparte
Andrea Masséna
Antoine Charles Louis de Lasalle
Germaine de Staël
Thomas-Alexandre Dumas
René de Traviere (The Purple Mask)
Claude Victor Perrin
Laurent de Gouvion Saint-Cyr
François Joseph Lefebvre
Major Andre Cotard (Hornblower Series)
Edouard Mortier
Hippolyte Charles
Nicolas Charles Oudinot
Emmanuel de Grouchy
Pierre-Charles Villeneuve
Géraud Duroc
Georges Pontmercy (Les Mis)
Auguste Frédéric Louis Viesse de Marmont
Juliette Récamier
Bon-Adrien Jeannot de Moncey
Louis-Alexandre Berthier
Étienne Jacques-Joseph-Alexandre Macdonald
Jean-Mathieu-Philibert Sérurier
Catherine Dominique de Pérignon
Guillaume Marie-Anne Brune
Jean-Baptiste Jourdan
Charles-Pierre Augereau
Auguste François-Marie de Colbert-Chabanais
Richard Sharpe (The Sharpe Series)
Tom Pullings (Master and Commander)
Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington
Jonathan Strange (Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell)
Captain Jack Aubrey (Aubrey/Maturin books)
Horatio Hornblower (the Hornblower Books)
William Laurence (The Temeraire Series)
Henry Paget, 1st Marquess of Anglesey
Beau Brummell
Emma, Lady Hamilton
Benjamin Bathurst
Horatio Nelson
Admiral Edward Pellew
Sir Philip Bowes Vere Broke
Sidney Smith
Percy Smythe, 6th Viscount Strangford
George IV
Capt. Anthony Trumbull (The Pride and the Passion)
Barbara Childe (An Infamous Army)
Doctor Maturin (Aubrey/Maturin books)
William Pitt the Younger
Robert Stewart, 2nd Marquess of Londonderry (Lord Castlereagh)
George Canning
Thomas Cochrane
Colquhoun Grant
Arthur O'Connor
Thomas Russell
Robert Emmet
Klemens von Metternich
Friedrich Bianchi, Duke of Casalanza
Franz I/II
Archduke Karl
Marie Louise
Franz Grillparzer
Wilhelmine von Biron
Wincenty Krasiński
Józef Antoni Poniatowski
Józef Zajączek
Maria Walewska
Władysław Franciszek Jabłonowski
Adam Jerzy Czartoryski
Antoni Amilkar Kosiński
Zofia Czartoryska-Zamoyska
Stanislaw Kurcyusz
Alexander I Pavlovich
Alexander Andreevich Durov
Prince Andrei (War and Peace)
Pyotr Bagration
Mikhail Miloradovich
Levin August von Bennigsen
Pavel Stroganov
Empress Elizabeth Alexeievna
Karl Wilhelm von Toll
Dmitri Kuruta
Alexander Alexeevich Tuchkov
Barclay de Tolly
Fyodor Grigorevich Gogel
Ekaterina Pavlovna Bagration
Ippolit Kuragin (War and Peace)
Louise von Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Gebard von Blücher
Carl von Clausewitz
Frederick William III
Gerhard von Scharnhorst
Louis Ferdinand of Prussia
Friederike of Mecklenburg-Strelitz
Alexander von Humboldt
Dorothea von Biron
The Netherlands:
Ida St Elme
Wiliam, Prince of Orange
The Papal States:
Pius VII
João Severiano Maciel da Costa
Juan Martín Díez
José de Palafox
Inês Bilbatua (Goya's Ghosts)
Alexandre Pétion
Vittorio Emanuele I
Alessandro Manzoni
Frederik VI
Gustav IV Adolph
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sugarsnappeases · 12 days
kara i need to know more about rodolhov plsss
fae my darling this is my favourite can of worms in my collection thank you so much for asking me to open it <33
okay so a bit of antonin backstory… for me he’s like ten/fifteen years older than rodolphus (who’s around bella’s age imo. born early 1950s) and he comes from a long line of russian pureblood aristocracy so his family lives in russia and he went to durmstrang. so when tom was on his little world tour, post borgin and burke’s hepzibah smith debacle, he meets antonin, like circa 1965.
and antonin obvs is big on the dark arts (which is cultivated at durmstrang) and i personally think he’s super into like spell-crafting and digging into Magic itself and the way it works (source: the unidentified purple spell he uses on hermione in the battle of the dept. of mysteries. i think he made it himself) and that would’ve appealed to tom who wants to know Everything Ever so they like keep in touch. and when tom is back in england and putting pieces into place for his war, i reckon he gives antonin the pitch and it works, so antonin is also one of the earlier death eaters, roughly around the same time as rodolphus…
now getting properly into it!! i think by dint of them both joining around the same time there’s just this immediate tension between them, immediate visceral hatred. like antonin thinks that rodolphus is an entitled, talentless wanker who’s only been allowed into the death eaters bc of his surname and his money. rodolphus thinks antonin is a stuck-up, pretentious arsehole who’s sticking his nose in places where they don’t belong (namely wizarding britain’s politics).
so everything they do starts just being in order to one up the other. they’re making snide comments about each other in all the death eater meetings. they’re fantasising about killing each other whenever they’re out on raids etc etc (and we’re gonna ignore the like. secrecy vibes of the first war and the fact that most of the death eaters wouldn’t have known who else was a de. to me ant and rodo both climb the ranks fairly quickly and in the inner circle there would’ve been less emphasis on the masked vibe bc basically everyone would know each other anyway)
in my little canon one-shot that i’ve been very slowly writing since like. october. the catalyst that turns their enemies into enemies who fuck is voldemort sending them on like an extended mission just the two of them. and they’re trying to make each other look bad the entire time, maybe trying to kill each other a little (‘i can say you just died on the mission, you’re replaceable sweetheart, the dark lord won’t mind’) and eventually, inevitably, the tension reaches a boiling point and they just have to fuck it out
it’s very violent, and bloody and obvs a complete secret, and in many ways for rodo it serves as another little outlet for his anger, and all his suppressed desire yk the vibe, and it’s about the power dynamics and who’s winning their game, and antonin has this whole thing about bella (‘does your crazy wife fuck you like this, roddy?’ <- calling him roddy bc that’s what bella calls him, always mocking) and rodolphus always punches him when he insults her, and it’s all very sadomasochistic and it drives me insane they’re my boyysss. my actual boys. they’re like my main mlm ship i think and i’ve been keeping them in my heart for so long, it feels so good to let them be free
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metaldragoon · 1 year
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Killer7 (2005)
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aguacerotropical · 1 year
i really love how many references there are in Vanitas no Carte to different events and literature. The manga is pulpy and camp (as is all vampire media) but it’s also very carefully written. I’m going to list out the ones I have identified:
Averoigne is a region invented by writer Clark Ashton Smith
The real Beast of Gévaudan was killed by Jean Castel, who is Jean-Jacques Castel in the manga, in a party organized by the also real Marquis d'Apchier..
Astolfo is directly taken from Life is a Dream by Calderón de la Barca, and the storyline of Teacher putting Noé, Louis and Dominique in strange invented experiments to test human nature goes along the lines of the play.
Doctor Moreau comes from The Island of Doctor Moreau by HG Wells. His character is also a mad scientist obsessed with creating human hybrids.
The Comte de Saint Germain existed and was as eccentric as Teacher. Lord Ruthven is a literal copy-paste from The Vampyre, since, in that novel, the protagonist is doomed due to an oath he swore to the vampire.
Sir Francis Varney, the Marquis Machina, is named after Varney the Vampire, a pulp serial that popularized vampires and set a lot of their characteristics.
There’s De Sades, of course, and Faustina which references the various Faust storylines in which the character makes a deal with the Devil that completely backfires. That seems to be the deal with her becoming Naenia. A naenia is also a lamentation.
Charlatan’s parade is a nod to the Mask of the Red Death by Poe and the Danses Macabres that became popular, with vanitas paintings, after the Black Plague.
The civil war between vampires and humans is inspired by the Hundred Year’s War, due to Jeanne being, of course, Jeanne d’Arc.
Similarly, the setting is most definitely La Belle Époque and the World’s Fairs. Like the Belle Époque, a period of peace between 19th century wars and WWI, I expect that the events will soon devolve to another war.
Count Orlok is from Nosferatu. The Mina girl who becomes a curse-bearer is from Dracula.
Early 19th century vampires were obsessed with the moon and, I’m probably wrong on this one, but Luna reminds me so much of the García Lorca poem Ballad for the Moon Moon. Lorca always associates the moon with death throughout Romancero Gitano and, since she already sampled Spanish literature, it could be a possibility.
There’s Parcelsus and all the character’s coloring seem to hold some sort of relation to the steps needed to create a philosopher’s stone. Dante, as Vanita’s guide to the underworld.
I’m sure there are more, but these are the ones I already know. I expect there to be a reference to Carmilla eventually, and perhaps a more direct one to the Harkers. And Noé’s biblical background to play more into his character, as a savior of what is left after the flood. Interestingly though, Vanitas refers to him as “child of the ark”, which might signal that he is what is left of something else (the Archivistés?) (Also, who named him? His human adoptive grandparents?)
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chevvy-yates · 7 months
You bring up the fact that I ALWAYS neglect Hizumi a whole damn lot. So thanks for wanting to know more about them in the first place. <3
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Where do I start?
It's a bit weird gushing about this 'oc' that only exists as a cosplay still and that I see kind of as a self insert since Hizumi actually has my face and came to life through me as I wanted to do a Cyberpunk themed outfit over a year ago.
I can say, they will look probably a bit different than me in the game, when I create them; because they are half Japanese, half American (I am German) and I doubt this game has my face either. I have only a few facts I can share about them – not sure anymore if they already got posted here on tblr (in their about tag) or not, so gomen nasai if you came across them already! ———–—
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Hizumi's oni mask is a keepsake from their little brother who's been too dumb (sadly) by joining the Tyger Claws and got murdered when he decided it was wrong and wanted to leave. Hizumi doesn't like Tyger Claws but thought it's best to dress like them as well so they are harder to be seen. Their style also leans heavily on the Night City urban legend of "The Demon of Kabuki". Everyone fears this oni and many dress up like him and you never kown who is the real one, so Hizumi too, uses it for their advantages.
Hizumi likes to roam the realm of the supernatural and believes the spirits are talking to them. Chigasaki got interested in it very early when they were diving into the world of Japanese folklore full of gods and creatures such as oni and yokai. They believe to have had an encounter with the Kami Inari at their home shrine* in Kamakura that lies deep in the woods behind the hidden village. *Sasuke Inari Jinja — my favorite place, a shrine in/near Kamakura near Tokyo — deep in the woods behind the city (its more like a big town for me). It's so beautiful and feels mystic to me, however I assume most Japanese people think it might be rather scary as I remember having shown my pics to a group (who thankfully spoke German) and they were scared of how it looked there with all the fox statues because theres tones of them placed everywhere within and around the shrine in the forest.
They have trained with a sword ever since Hizumi was 4 years old because their father used to be a skilled sword master and smith. Hizumi comes from a historic city named Kamakura* — a city that used to be the de facto capital of Japan from 1185 to 1333 and the seat of the Kamakura shogunate. Many warriors found their rest in and around Kamakura. *I've been in Kamakura 4x, full of historic stuff and too many shrines to take a look at. I can imagine very well that Hizumi grew up there in their childhood.
Hizumi is a lazy bitch. Only talks when necessary or needed, doesn't interfere much either. It's likely that Vijay or Ryder have to give them an exact order to do something — it's like when you enter a taxi in Tokyo and can't tell the driver the exact location, he won't start driving. You'll spot Hizumi mostly sitting or lying around being lazy but still observing. In battle however Hizumi is fast (makes use of sandevistan) and very skilled in using their katana.
They also like to be up on high buildings. It's where they feel safest and inapproachable in the city. Down in the streets there is only danger around you all the time called daily life. Up high on a skyscraper, they've got peace.* So, Hizumi likes to travel mostly over rooftops and is a huge fan of chilling on fire escape stairs, likely to observe enemies from above and also enter jobs this way if it's not in open space. *My inspiration for that comes from Shiey – a pretty well known urbexer who does youtube series exploring mostly lost places and climbing up high building without any secure ropes but also does journeys from there to there and even produces his own music videos. Shiey does that what I'd love to do most. be free from all this daily shit. I love his mindset and thought it fits perfectly for Hizumi.
I definitely want to bring Hizumi into the game but I've been mostly waiting for one sided cyberware to be made as I gave Hizumi only a one sided eye cyberware (which is available now since a few months), but I'm also struggling with what body to give them as Hizumi is nonbinary — I don't see her as female, neither as male and neither of the bodies currently available does really fit (I'll likey have to use vanilla female with flat chest) and then the next problem awaits me; their hairstyle … and the clothings at last. it's a pain.
But Hizumi is part of the big CP story, they do not appear all the time as they are not a full team member and travel a lot between Night City and Toyko but I want them to be a pixel char as well. And the same amount I'd love to take more "real" pics as well because I have a bunch of clothes that fit to them and I have my copycat demon of kabuki outfit as well (but currently none to take pics of me and I'm too lazy to do it myself).
So I think that was gushin or "information" enough for a certain while?
Also, since I didn't want to distrupt the numbering above I'll attach some pics of the Sasuke Inari Jinja shrine I talked about here the end of this post. Since they are also my own pics, my usual disclaimer attached as well: —
Please do not repost any of my art.
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icewazowski · 2 years
REQUIEM [Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley]
01| Bolivia
18+ MDNI!!!!!
cw: canon typical violence, smut, no protection used, semi-public sex, dominant simon riley, degrading, power play, size kink.
an: tall man in a skull mask goes crazy after he sees you for the first time in two years
Crowds gathered in the streets of La Paz for the annual Día de los Muertos parades. They wore skull masks, some were caricatures of what a skull was supposed to anatomically appear to be, whereas others adorned sugar skull murals painted across their faces as they paid respects. It was, definitely, one of the most beautiful celebrations I had ever witnessed internationally. I admired how they took the time to remember and respect their dead in a manner that wasn't depressing and as solemn as other countries did.
A float with a giant skeleton sat atop it appeared on the brow of the hill, and I noticed the little shack at the back of it. That's where I needed to be. I observed the crowds for a few more minutes, and then looked down at my outfit.
While it wasn't wholly practical, it helped me fit in. The plum dress reached just above my knees as I walked down the steps, the material was cinched at my waist by a black, leather corset, and the dress exposed my shoulders as the neckline was straight across my shoulders. My hair was half-up and half down as it flowed across my back, hiding the tattoo which traipsed down my spine, and I wore a half skull mask over my eyes. The sugar skull design was one I'd bought from a stall I'd passed a few hours ago, the enchanting woman had offered it across to me, referring to me as Gringa, the last thing Alejandro had once called me two years prior.
Since then, I had been working for the Americans, specifically, the Marines on a top-secret reconnaissance mission, one which only people with the highest level of clearance were privy to. I, along with two other Marines, had been tasked with intelligence gathering regarding a female SAS operator who was rumoured to be in the country. Her name was Sarah Smith, a boring name if you ask me, and she looked as boring as her name. Nothing about her profile screamed killer, and part of me wondered as I read over the file, if she was my fucking replacement. But, as I checked her skills, it just confirmed it. They wasted no time whatsoever in replacing me, and I hoped that I'd be able to return back. Though, as the months turned into years, I didn't really want to go back.
I'd settled into the 'States nicely, made some good friends, made some even better friends with benefits, and my previous life did not exist, as far as I was concerned. No one asked me about it, because none of them cared. Don't dwell on the past, sort of thing. I also had a dog now, one that I'd named Simpson, after Alex, and I wondered how his dog was doing, if he'd renamed it after finding out about what happened. Or what Ghost thought had happened.
Speaking of Ghost, he didn't exist, either. Our intelligence on him was non-existent, and we had intelligence on everyone and everything that breathed. But Ghost's file was blank, as though it never existed. I wondered if my SAS file was empty now, or if I was on some briefing item to gain intel on so that they could organise a plan to have me executed. Either way, I didn't care. Working alone was great, I liked the freedom it gave me. The only real downside was not being able to have someone watch your back, but that was something that I remedied by being on alert at all times, sure it was fucking exhausting, but I made it work.
The crowd of people walked towards me, as I trudged through them. My hand clasped my purse tight to my side, the firearm and mobile inside were heavy, but they were my only insurance here. I didn't know where the other two Marines were, and I only had a photo of either of them. If it went tits up, badly, then I had a mobile number I could text, and they'd descend on my position as though I'd just offered them oil or something.
I wrapped my hands around the railing at the rear of the float, and clambered onto the slowly moving vehicle. Día de los Muertos was the perfect place for a ghost to hide, and I fit right in. My body moved to the shack, where I was supposed to be meeting the contact at... well, right now. I shoved the door open, and was met with a man in a suit, his back was to me as he looked out the window to the people who followed the float.
"Scarecrow?" I asked him the code-word, for some reason, someone decided to make it Batman villain themed, and so the answer I was expecting was another character.
He turned to face me, "Bane." he responded, and gestured across to one of the two chairs in the room. I took the one closest to the door, and slumped down into it. When he sat in the chair I took in his appearance. A burnt orange dress shirt, one that had been rolled up at the arms to reveal two heavily tattooed arms, sat across his broad chest, and I tried not to stare at the scar on the left-hand side of his jaw which peeped from beneath the skull mask he wore. It was one of those masks you'd see airsoft players wearing, a tactical, angry looking skull mask. He wore jeans, the well fitting pair of denim clung to his muscular thighs, and he looked like the sort of person you wouldn't want to mess with, not in a million years.
He pulled his chair before me, and his hazel eyes looked oddly familiar. Or maybe he just had those sorts of eyes people recognised. "Do you have what I want?" he asked me, and the moment he spoke more than one word, was the moment my eyes subtly widened and my heart-rate sped up. He didn't realise it was me, as far as he knew, I was dead, and I'd died with him hating me.
I rifled through my bag until I found the thumb-drive, and I placed it in my open palm across for him, my bag returned to my lap, and hitched my skirt up. "Here it is, now, you hold up your end of the bargain." I responded, and disbelief crossed his face. One that said, it can't be her, she's deadbut didn't quite believe it. He pulled the side of his blazer open, and his hand dipped into the silk material. He pulled free another thumb-drive and handed it across to me. "I best get going,"
The necklace around my neck burned as I stood up, and I couldn't believe that I was stood in front of Ghost, and that I still had my necklace on, the one thing most people could identify me by. As I moved to the door, his hand encased my wrist, "What, and I don't get to see your face first?" he asked threateningly. He knew, he definitely knew. I felt the bruise appear in my wrist, and I managed to yank it free before I set off in a sprint out of the shack.
My feet hit unsteady ground when I launched myself into the crowd, and I set off into a side-street with him following me further into the alleyway. I couldn't let him know it was me, I just couldn't let him confirm it, because God knows what sort of target I'd be putting on myself if he relayed the message to other soldiers, to Laswell, I'd be done for. The bounty on my head would be exponential as I knew the ins and outs of how the SAS worked. I knew more than what they wanted me to know, and if the information got into the wrong hands, there'd be a war.
I vaulted through an open window, and trod on floral displays from within the interior of the family home, luckily no one was in, and I ran through the front door into the street filled with people. The growing crowd was good, it would provide me camouflage to escape from the man who'd want me dead or arrested. My pace slowed to a brisk walk, and my collar bones heaved with every shallow, exerted breath I took. I noticed a lone child, and held her hand as I walked alongside her in the street parade.
From the corner of my eyes, I saw him burst through the door, the mask scanned everywhere, and I knew he'd seen me. He set off into a sprint, his legs moved quicker than I think I'd ever seen the gangly fucker move, and he shoved people to the side to get to me. Sweat coated his neck and prickled at his armpits as he forced his way through the crowd, and I wasted no time in shoving the small child out of the way of the bulldozer that was Simon Riley.
No one seemed to care that he was chasing me, and I knew better than anyone how to cause a panic. My hand wrapped around my pistol in my purse, and I aimed it upwards to the sky before I pulled the trigger three times. And, it fucking worked. The crowd dispersed in a flurry of fear as they star busted in different directions into the night, their eyes were cast to the sky as fireworks exploded, and I pushed my way through to a nearby back alley.
This mission, was supposed to be simple. A matter of getting in, trade the device, and then fucking leave. It was not supposed to end up with me being chased through a Capital City during one of the busiest and most populated days of the year. But, like always, things never went to plan for me, and I had to think of an exit strategy. The roofs.
My legs pushed onwards, now completely healed from the trauma I had endured, and I approached the darkened alley. No light shone from inside it, and it got me wondering if it was a dead end, yet another place for me to be trapped as Simon Riley got what he wanted once a-fucking-gain. I couldn't let that happen. He wouldn't take my pride, not this time.
As I sprinted through the alley, my fears were confirmed, it was a dead end. Shit. I looked around so quick I nearly broke my neck, and his footsteps were fast approaching and I was running out of time. I need more time.
There was a fire escape above me, one that I could reach if I used the nearby windowsill to propel myself from, and I made the attempt. My body swung free, and my hands gripped the bottom of the fire escape, but I was too late. Simon's tattooed arms wrapped around my waist as he tackled me to the ground. Landing hard on the cobbles, I laid on my back as I watched the fireworks explode in the sky, which was quickly replaced by the mask he wore, until he pulled it from his face.
His knees were planted either side of my hips as he straddled my smaller frame with his excruciatingly large one, his entire weight was on my middle as I was left with no idea of how to get out from under him. Sure, I'd been trained in it, but the minute my eyes met his through my mask, I couldn't find it in myself to get free. Where would I even go? It's not like I could run around all night with a titan chasing me, I'd tire out before he did, and we both knew that. And, if I hid anywhere, he'd fucking find me. He's got a taste of me, and now he's practically a blood hound.
His hands were either side of my head, and he leant down to get a better look at me whilst my chest burned for air in the dress I wore. I hadn't even realised it had been dragged down to just above my bra until his eyes flitted to my cleavage, the sheen of sweat making them look more desirable than without the added moisture. "Take it off." he said, his voice commanding as he puffed for air.
My eyes stared back at him blankly. I slowly blinked, "The dress?" I replied cockily.
"The mask. Take it off, Spencer." He spat my name out like it had caused a bad taste to bloom across his tastebuds. He didn't wait for a reply, because he just removed it himself and threw it down onto the cobbled behind me. "You're supposed to be dead,"
I averted my eyes from his, "Don't call me that," I brushed off the use of my name, and I couldn't bring myself to look at him. As much as he hated me, I grew to dislike him. I thought I meant more to him than when he'd just left my body there as he perceived me to be dead. I thought he cared for me, and you don't walk away from people you care for unless they are literally six feet under the earth.
"You're supposed to be dead," he repeated.
Without thinking, I brought my legs up so they were bent at the knee and thrusted his weight upwards, which caused him to brace himself against me using his arms. My fist came down hard on the interior angle of his elbow, and folded his balance to one side before I rolled the other way and onto all fours. I started to run again, but he pounced on me, his arms wrapped around my ankles, and I landed hard on the ground. "Well," I started, out of breath as I was winded, "It is Día de los Muertos," I told him.
He tugged my body so that I was laid nearly completely under his, "Everyone thinks you died." Ghost said. His breath was hot on my ear, and I found that familiar feeling burrow into my abdomen as I wanted to give myself to him on a platter. But I still strongly disliked him. He must be at least 34 by now, depending on when his birthday was. I'd lost four months in that coma, and yet Ghost didn't give a shit to even bother make it up. And then we lost two years when he decided to leave me to die alone. "Kyle was inconsolable," he added, and I knew what he was trying to do.
The words pierced through the feeling of lust, and the blade of his words twisted in my stomach. I brought my elbow backwards into his ribs, "Don't you dare bring Kyle into this." I growled. His body shifted to the side as he now laid on his back, and I wasted no time in mounting him. He was built like a tree trunk, to the point where I couldn't properly straddle him because my knees wouldn't reach the ground on both sides. I felt something hard rub against my inner thigh, and I bit back the airy gasp that threatened to escape my lips, "You left me to die!" I accused.
"Because you fucking betrayed me." his brows were furrowed, and I could map out his entire face by memory at this point, not that I would though, because I didn't want to remember the moment when we'd been close enough to do this. "You don't get to twist this around and make me the bad guy,"
His arms were either side of him, and I grappled with him until they were above his head in my grip, "I did what I had to do so that you could all survive!" my voice was raised as my body was nearly flush with his. My breasts brushed against his tight chest, and I guarantee he could probably see them in full if he looked hard enough, "You don't understand what I did that day."
"Other than kill your fiancé in cold blood?" he asked, and bucked his hips beneath me.
I sighed at the feeling of his body on mine, his hard length pressed into the place I wanted him most, "Ex-Fiancé." I corrected him, and tried to readjust my position so as to not work myself up and fall into the clutches of fucking him. "Speaking of exes, I guess since you want to fuck Sarah, we're officially over."
His eyes hardened, and he moved his body so that his erection was pressed against my clothed cunt once again, "We're not over." he stated coldly. I let go of his wrists for a second, but a second was longer than what he needed, because he managed to roll over until his legs were between mine and I was pressed to the floor under him. His eyes were dark now, and he looked as though he was about to stab me right here and now, "You're mine." he growled.
I expected a knife to plunge into my ribs, but instead, Ghost rolled his hips into mine, the friction caused my eyes to roll backwards slightly at the thought of how turned on we both were from this whole arguing and mutual-hatred thing we had ongoing, "Sir," I whined, completely out of habit. My eyes checked the alley for any lingering people, but found the streets to be empty as the night crawled in and the midnight hour dawned on us.
"Louder," he commanded, and rolled his hips into mine again, "I want the locals to hear you,"
His hand wrapped gently around my throat as his other held his bodyweight from crushing me completely, his hips rolled into mine again, and the seam of his jeans hit the nervous bud of pleasure at the apex of my cunt in a way that made me feral, "Ghost!" I gasped loudly. Wetness pooled from between my legs and soaked my underwear at the friction he was causing the pair of us to endure. I just wanted him, and then I wanted him gone.
Ghost hitched my dress up until the hem of it sat across my stomach and my lower half was completely visible. I couldn't believe we were doing this in the middle of an alleyway, where anyone could walk up and see this explicit display of dominance from the man I once loved and now despised. He withdrew himself from me, his eyes trailed down my body until he stared right at the slick which coated my underwear, "You're so fucking wet, baby." the words he spoke ingrained on my brain, and only added to the wetness between my legs, "You have no idea how much I need you," he mumbled loud enough for me to hear, and I could see him as he ran his hand along the tent in his jeans.
I pulled my dress back down and pulled my legs up in front of my chest, "You infuriate me." I said, exasperated. "You fucking left me to die alone, you abandoned me!" I yelled. Luckily, there was no one nearby, otherwise he'd end up spending a night in a cell whilst I answered questions from the Bolivian Police. "You let me bleed out, without giving a shit." I confronted, and went to slap him.
Instead, he caught my wrist with ease, "Only because you sided with Graves!" he argued back, "I sat there doused in petrol whilst you fucked him in front of me," he accused, and I had to laugh at the audacity of what he'd just said.
"Oh yeah? Did it get you all worked up watching someone else touch me?" I played along with the idea in his head, and I knew he would want to tear my throat out by the time this whole thing was over, there was no way he wouldn't, "Knowing you were all tied up whilst my ex-fiancé claimed what was his?
He shoved me backwards, and I landed on my back again. The cobbles were uncomfortable underneath my spine, and I noticed how many stars there were tonight in the sky. There must have been tonnes more that what I saw in Virginia. Ghost crawled atop of me, his body encased mine as he towered over me with his large stature. I couldn't decide if I wanted to let in to my deepest desires and fuck him right here, in the middle of an alleyway, or if I wanted to push him off me and carry on arguing.
His thumb pressed against my eyebrow, which had collided into the floor as I fell, and he brought it away, slick with crimson blood. He didn't bother to look at it as he brought it to his lips and sucked on the digit, tasting the liquid which flowed throughout me. I couldn't believe this, it felt so... bizarre. And, when he pulled his thumb away, he lowered his lips to the cut, the soft pillowy surface wrapped around the wound, and he sucked gently.
Whilst uncertain about what the fuck this was that was happening, and whether or not this was some weird hallucination, I moaned. Ghost's knee was pressed against my cunt, and I didn't even realise what I was doing until he pointed it out, "Such a pretty whore, look at you getting off on my thigh," he practically purred, and it was a sound I hadn't heard Ghost make, like ever. But I couldn't complain, because the way he did it made me rut my cunt into his jeans even more.
I whimpered as the friction built up, the wetness had saturated the material between my cunt and his thighs, which made the rubbing against him a whole lot easier, "Touch me, please," I whined at him.
A wicked smirk crossed his lips as he heard the start of my begs, oh how I'd played into his hand. In fact, I was practically eating whatever he fed me, I was blindly succumbing to his advances despite promising myself I would no longer approach him, no longer think of him, and move the fuck on. But I couldn't, and I hated myself for even wanting to fuck him, and to beg him to touch me? Jesus Christ, I wasn't fooling anyone. "Beg for me, baby," he groaned at the friction I caused between us.
Rather than give in so easily, I pulled my breasts free of the dress I wore, and pinched my already hardened nipples, the pink buds of nerves twinged something deep inside me, and ignited a dangerously hot lust inside my body, one that only Simon 'Ghost' Riley could put out. "Please, touch me sir, I need you so bad," I whined, my brain cringed in its lust-hazed state that I'd even dare to say something like that to a man who'd left me bleeding out.
"Good girl," he said, and I felt him remove himself from where I wanted to grind against. Instead, he pulled my underwear down, and pulled his own jeans down so that his hairy thigh was exposed into the night sky. He wore black boxers, as always, and they strained against his erection which looked painfully hard right now. He discarded my underwear to the side and looked at my glistening cunt, the glaze on it reflected in the light of the fireworks which still burst into the night, "I only want you, Fury," he said, and I thought back to this boring Sarah chick. The thought of someone else claiming him as theirs sickened me.
His thumb pressed into my clit, the feeling of added pressure made sounds of pleasure escape my lips, "You can only have me," I warned him. He drew sloppy, lazy circles into the bundle of nerves, and brought his meaty thigh back into contact with my cunt, "I'm the only one you need." I told him through half lidded eyes as I tried to maintain a rhythm against his
"When I'm fucking her, all I can think about is you," he grunted as I clenched my dripping hole on nothing. He sped up the movements of his thumb, the angles it cast across the bundle of nerves was more precise, more deadly as he worked in tight circles. If I wasn't so painfully enjoying this, I would be pissed off. Sure, I'd had my fair share of one night stands, but that's all they were. They didn't mean anything to me, they just satisfied a need, and after they'd given me that, they were gone. It never extended past one night.
I thought about my contact in the Metropolitan Police, if she knew about her. I wanted to ruin Sarah smith until she was dishonestly discharged for whatever the fuck I could find on her. Hell, if she had a parking offence she hadn't declared on her history checks, I would run her into the ground with it until she cried her eyes out and begged for a bullet.
My breath hitched in my throat as my orgasm built, "You are the bane of my existence," I told him.
Our bodies were dangerously close now. He towered over me, his face looked down at me whilst I laid looking up, his hands had encased my hips, and I could see the way his pupils dilated when he looked at me. My core begged for him in a way I hadn't desired someone in years. I wanted him inside me, I wanted to fuck him until my mind went blank, but at the same time he was so infuriating. And to think, after all this he'd return to Sarah as though nothing had happened.
He didn't say a word, instead his lips met mine in an angry, passionate kiss as he sought to reinstate the dominance he once felt. His hand was on the back of my neck and pulled me into his face, and I couldn't just stay on my back, so, instead, I sat up on my elbows, and allowed him to close the distance between us. Now, his length was pushed directly against my clothed entrance, and he ground down into me to work both of us up.
I moaned against him, my mind cast backwards to the last time we'd been intimate, how it was the same night I'd been awarded my Victoria Cross and my promotion, and now I was legally dead. "Sir," I moaned into his lips, the sound muted as he forced his tongue into my mouth. The muscle invaded my privacy, it forced its way into my mouth and fought my own tongue for dominance whilst he continued to roll his hips into mine.
A blinding daze crashed into my body as my orgasm hit, and my eyes rolled back into my head whilst he continued his circles. I couldn't think straight, and I didn't even attempt to silence my cries of pleasure, not even when Ghost said, "Such a pathetic whore," to me.
I whimpered into him, my arms held me up as I allowed him to touch me in ways I hadn't been touched in so long. He dipped his middle finger into my entrance, and plunged it deep inside of me. The lewd sounds of my juices coating his fingers was enough to cause a blush to creep up on my face as I breathlessly moaned.
He rocked his fingers into me, and it felt painfully claustrophobic, "You're so tight," he observed and continued to pump the digits in and out of my heat. I felt the muscles contract around him, clenching against his fingers as they built up to my premature second orgasm. And to think, I hadn't even seen his cock yet.
When I was close to my second orgasm, Ghost withdrew his fingers and watched as my hole clenched down around nothing, "So needy," he patronised, "You're clenching around nothing,"his voice was deviously low as he mocked me. I tilted my chin down, embarrassed that he'd even point that out, "Look at me when I talk to you," he said, his hands slicked with my pleasure tilted my chin upwards, and he popped his saturated thumb into my mouth, "Taste yourself," he instructed. And I did exactly that, my eyes constantly on him as I lapped every last bit of my taste from his digit.
He used his other hand to free his swelling cock from his boxers, the length sprung free and stood extended from him. I'd forgotten how big it actually was, how the girth had made my holes feel the morning after he'd fucked me for the first time, how I'd walked with a limp for a good day and a half.
My mouth watered, and he removed his thumb from my mouth, "Can I ride you?" I asked him as innocently as I possibly could. The moment I said it, he just pulled me onto him. He lowered himself to the ground so that his back was on the cobbles whilst he couldn't decide what the prettier sight of the night was, the fireworks, or me using him for my own pleasure.
His hands moved towards the base of his cock, the light springs of pubic hair tickled my legs as I tried to get comfortable under him, but I couldn't properly straddle him without losing my balance, we both knew that. He moved the tip of his cock to my entrance, the tip was already leaking that sweet sappy liquid I wanted to taste, and he held it in place whilst I lowered myself onto it.
My hand splayed across his abdomen, the muscles beneath the shirt rippled as he tensed them responding to my touch. I wanted nothing more than to be completely naked with him, for that skin-on-skin contact I'd never felt from him. One of us had always been in clothes, and when we were both fully naked, he never touched me.
Groans and gasps tumbled from my lips as I allowed his length to stretch my holes fully, the pain sprung tears into my eyes as I reacquainted myself with his cock, allowing it to fill me up as he once had years ago. "You're so, fucking, tight, Fury," he groaned, his head rolled backwards at the warmth which encased his pulsating cock.
"You're the biggest I've," I gasped as I prematurely slammed my hips into his, "had," I finished my sentence as I tried to recover from the feeling of pain which bled across me.
He brought his right hand so that it was beneath his skull, protecting him from the floor as his muscles rippled and constrained against the shirt they were prisoner to. I noticed the new sleeve in more detail now, the art was something he must have gotten when I'd been declared dead, and on it was a knife. My old Zombie Knife, my eyes were inside the blade, not my entire face, just my eyes and my eyebrows. The rest of the scene, I didn't care for. Because the thought he'd gotten that in tribute of me was enough to cause a primal, nurturing feeling to bleed through me.
He groaned in pleasure as I attempted to bounce on his cock. With every bounce, I felt our skin slap together, and the slickness to expand across his hips. My breasts heaved in the cool night air, and the scent of pyrotechnic smoke invaded my nostrils as I fucked myself using Ghost's thick cock. The sound of my pleasure crudely sloshing against his white-hot body was a sound I wanted to play over and over again.
My actions became sloppy as I struggled to maintain a pace he was satisfied with, and I got caught up with trying to satisfy myself at having something to clench down on, that Ghost propped himself up on his hands, his face reached mine from the angle he sat at, and he rolled his hips into me, his shoes slipped on the wet cobbles so that he could grind into me easier as he ravaged me. He carried on rolling his hips for what felt like a fucking eternity, "Touch yourself, show me how much you need me," he husked, his breaths plumed into speech bubbles in the frigid night air, and if his eyes were focused on my bouncing tits, I'd have pulled the dress up to preserve my body heat.
I wasted no time in bringing my middle finger to the sweet bud at the top of my dripping cunt, where I lazily traced circles on the swollen appendage. My head rolled backwards from the pleasure I gave myself as Ghost maintained his pace, his muscular arms controlled the rhythm as he bucked his hips into mine as he slid across the floor back and forth over and over until I felt my dripping hole momentarily clench around his pulsating cock. I was so close, and he knew it from the amount of appraisal which fumbled from his parted lips as he recklessly ploughed into me.
"Such a good girl," he cooed, his pace quickened as I rutted into him, my cunt had completely clenched around his mouth-watering length, and I couldn't hold back the sounds of pleasure which fell from my mouth, the crude sounds of approval as I allowed him to fuck into me, to use me until he hit his own peak. And, when he did, I felt his warm pleasure fill me up, the hot, ropes of cum dripped from my cunt onto his crotch whilst I remained on top of him, "I'm all yours," he promised.
I'm all yours I repeated the phrase in my mind. It was something primal, possessive, something that Ghost would abide blindly by, "You're mine," I replied, my voice airy as I gasped through my comedown from the waves of pleasure which had just wreaked havoc on me. The way I felt towards him now, was something dangerous, something that caused me have every waking thought filled with him, but we were on opposing sides, our causes worked against each-other. We were naturally sworn enemies.
I pulled myself off him, his cock lolloped onto his stomach as the cum smeared across the orange fabric of the shirt he wore, and I readjusted my dress. There was no point putting my underwear back on, he'd thrown it somewhere in the dark alley, and I wasn't exactly in the best of circumstances to be crawling around on my hands and knees whilst I looked for them, "If I see you again, Ghost," I said, and flattened the plum fabric down around my body in an attempt to hide the creases of where it had been hitched up, "I won't be so kind as to not kill you." I warned.
"Ditto," he replied instantly, and a cool rush of blood swarmed from my heart to my brain at the weight that word held. "I won't be too kind on you next time." he promised, and I couldn't tell whether me meant in regards to fucking me, or in regards to sparing my life.
A wicked grin split across my face, "I look forward to it," my voice was a bit too husky for my liking, but I couldn't complain. I had just fucked him, and it felt good.
But for now, Sarah Smith, wherever you are in Bolivia, I will find you, and I will fucking ruin you.
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kindofblue28 · 1 year
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because of recent events i dug up something i did forever ago like. years ago . i don’t know what made me do this but its gender and i look like that actually /j
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fanaticsnail · 7 months
If you ever need visuals/inspiration for the dancing prompts I am HERE.
Mihawk (tango):
You obviously are familiar with Mr & Mrs Smith and the ICONIC Morticia and Gomez dances. However, may I suggest;
"Cell Block Tango" - you know I had to include it.
"Shall we dance?" (2004) - so sensual and intimate. Poetry in motionm
"Take the Lead" - there's a tango in a detention centre with two people (which is what I was thinking of), but there's also a lovely sandwich tango (iykwim)
And my personal fave: the introducing the tango scene from the story of Vernon and Irene castle - and old movie, black and white, but my GOD the CHEMISTRY. The CUNT. The FLUIDITY. The subtle but adoring smiles and glances.
Ok the Bachata for Luffy is perfect and I don't want to change it but I would like to offer up for your viewing/imagining pleasure: La Cucaracha. Simple, sweet. Folk dance. Gives young love. Lots of Luffy vibes. Just imagining them dancing in a town square.
Otherwise, no notes. The song is amazing I can't wait.
Buggy (swing):
Songs wise:
Tangled up - Caro Emerald (specifically the Lokee remix)
Dancing with the devil - Elle & the pocket Belle's
And idk how swing they are necessarily but; I don't have a name for it by Steam Powered Giraffes, Gentlemen by OR3O (or even All eyes on me by OR3O, but that's less of a love song and more angsty), vending machine of love by the stupendium
Zoro (Capoeira):
I love this. When I heard(read) "dance series" I immediately knew a dance fight style would KILL. I never knew Capoeira before this so I have to thank you for introducing me because *chefs kiss* muah.
I couldn't find many Capoeira scenes in movies or shows, but from what I did see there's a lot of break-dance-esque leg action. So I gotta suggest the Eggsy vs Gazelle fight from Kingsmen. (Side note: the kingsmen movies are actually so camp).
If you don't know, Gazelle is an antagonist with prosthetic legs that are basically spears and she fights with a lot of slashes. The scene is beautiful. Lots of legs swinging, lots of fists flying, very lethal. Lots of physics defying and frankly reality bending moments that fit into the drama of anime fighting, specifically one piece.
Now idk where it would fit but I would kill myself if I didn't mention the Naacho Naacho dance scene (essentially a dance battle) in the movie RRR (seriously good movie, it is v long tho). It's an Indian movie set during the war of the English colonisation. One of the main characters has a crush on a white girl who invites him to a party, and his friend tags along for moral support. They use the power of friendship and dance to defeat a racist white guy who thinks that they're not sophisticated bc they don't even know how to dance any of his fancy dances (which aren't even english dances, by the way) by dancing a dance that gets everyone to join bc it's so fun, and they manage to continue dancing as everyone falls around them bc of the pace and stamina needed. If you watch none of the scenes I've suggested, please watch this one.
Honourable mentions;
Zendayas dance off in dancing with the stars (https://youtu.be/2Iw951fviP4?si=_Bj4Wav5pcpYyLIZ)
And it's not necessarily a romance song and the context is icky but the tempo and the cunt in 'Papi' by Todrick Hall and Nicole Scherzinger from 'Straight Outta Oz' (musical) is unmatched, and there's a music video with some dancing.
Oh my gosh, yes 😫. I love all of these things.
For the Mihawk Tango/Pasadoble; immediately my mind went:
-Zorro & Elena from The Mask of Zorro: Soooo enemies to lovers
-Mr & Mrs Smith, the drama and disaster: I love it
-AND!!!!! El Tango de Roxanne from Moulin Rogue: Need I say more? The DRAMA, The EMOTION, AHH.
-TAKE THE LEAD is where my brain went YES!!!!!! The dominant gentleman lead, the DRAMA I LOVE.
For the Luffy Bachata its a bit more tricky for me to find an appropriate reference for it because he's so PLAYFUL and less sensual than the way it.
-Mr & Mrs Smith has the Mondo Bongo scene that I think about quite regularly for references.
-I also am on the dance side of TikTok currently, these vids keep popping up and I adore them.
Now, for the Buggy Solo I'm having some conflicting thoughts. He deserves a soft little dancey dance, but I could also see it getting VERY ANGSTY very quickly.
My song choices are as follows:
-Sway by Mr Bubes himself.
-Express Burlesque by Christina Aguilera just screams Buggy to me.
-The improv style that Emeline brings to this dance off is just MENTAL, I love it. Like, soooo playful my brain can't process it.
However, my inner teenager went immediately here, to Aang and Katara's dance in the caves.
I will need to check out RRR again, it has been a hot minute.
Shanks as a Jig is superb: @sordidmusings has me in a chokehold with this suggestion and as a former Irish Dancer myself, I simply can't imagine anything more FUN than THIS. Like, as a violinist, this is going to be so much fun to write.
Hobbits dancing on a table, The Jolly Roving Tar is just immediately speaking to me. I could also see the circular jig from Disney's Tangled being incorporated with the entire crew.
The Buggy x Mihawk Sandwich is just writing itself at this stage, my brain rot is simply drawn to the dynamic and I can't even process it.
Masterlist Link for when they drop!
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