#mars orbiter
2t2r · 4 years
Un dragon sur Mars
Nouvel article publié sur https://www.2tout2rien.fr/un-dragon-sur-mars/
Un dragon sur Mars
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technologistsinsync · 2 years
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The Hope mission of the @uaspaceagency snapped a stunning new image of Mars.
In February 2022, the spacecraft sent the raw data, which amateur image processor @jpmajor utilized to produce this picture. 
Near the middle of this image is the massive Valles Marineris canyon system, and the ice fields at either pole truly stand out against the rest of the red planet.
Hope, the Mars mission of the United Arab Emirates.
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United Arab Emirates orbiter Hope arrives on Mars in February 2021. To better grasp what Mars was like when its atmosphere may have supported life, Hope is researching the planet's environment.
The Arab world's first space mission is called Hope. Greater nations researching our solar system will lead to more discoveries and chances for international cooperation.
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Why did Mars' atmosphere change?
Mars is a frigid, arid desert with an atmosphere 100 times thinner than Earth's that is packed with carbon dioxide. But things weren't always that way. We are aware that liquid water originally flowed across its surface, supported by a possible life-supporting atmosphere.
Then, though, something occurred. Mars' magnetic field vanished around 3 billion years ago, just as life first emerged on Earth. 
The solar wind, a continuous stream of charged particles emanating from the Sun, cannot reach Earth because of our planet's magnetic field. 
Without a magnetic field to shield it, the solar wind took most of Mars' atmosphere away, causing the planet to gradually change into what it is today. 
These discoveries were produced by NASA's MAVEN mission, which is still on Mars.
How is Hope researching the atmosphere of Mars?
The goal is to get a thorough understanding of the Martian atmosphere and track the evolution of Mars' climate. This will help researchers understand the history of Mars and whether or not life may have ever been there. Additionally, it will clarify the causes and effects of the climatic changes that are taking place on our own planet.
Hope also highlights the significance and potential of global space exploration. 
The United Arab Emirates is in charge of the expedition, and scientists and engineers from American colleges are taking part. The spacecraft was launched by Japan. Space exploration unites us all, and everyone benefits when additional countries take part and work together.
What time did Hope launch, and what time did it land on Mars?
Amidst the additional burden of the worldwide COVID-19 epidemic, Hope was introduced on July 19, 2020. In February 2021, it came.
How Hope researches the ambiance of Mars
By investigating Mars from a considerably higher orbit (22,000 by 44,000 kilometers as opposed to 4,500 by 150 kilometers), Hope will expand on MAVEN's research. 
Several Mars missions, including MAVEN, have orbits that are ideal for transmitting communications between rovers on Mars' surface and Earth.
Hope will observe Mars' upper atmosphere from its vantage point in orbit, tracking the escape of hydrogen and oxygen, vestiges of Mars' wetter past. 
The spacecraft will also investigate the interactions between the planet's top and lower atmospheres. Beautiful images of the earth may be captured with a high-resolution digital camera.
The main scientific mission of Hope is expected to run for two years. After then, the mission can be prolonged.
~ Jai Krishna Ponnappan
Find Jai on Twitter | LinkedIn | Instagram
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nemfrog · 8 months
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Mars and its moons. Populare Astronomie. 1922.
Internet Archive
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verdemoth · 9 months
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Maven! Small guy KEENLY aware of the crushing weight of responsibility. Director of Mission Control after Odyssey’s ‘retirement’. Doing their best.
-> Following after their mentor, Maven is the current head of Mission Control, a small team tasked with monitoring the status of expeditions, keeping the portal stable, and maintaining the technological systems that assist in these efforts. Maven’s the one calling the shots. In the case of a hazardous situation, Maven has to make an assessment with what information they have access to and decide what to prioritize. They’re inclined to recall the field team when faced with any untested issue, but the current owners/investors of the whole project aren’t too happy when supplies get wasted ‘for nothing’.
-> In practice they usually just go along with whatever Odyssey advises to the absolute best of their ability. And they Will Not complain.
-> They’re kind of usually too worried about have a personality for the entire duration of a mission. They fixate on the job and fret over it 24/7 until everyone makes it back in one piece.
-> When they can relax, Maven’s got some hobbies. They’re into embroidery, playing niche card and board games, and enjoys science fiction and mystery stories.
-> Their cousin, Perseverance, bullies them relentlessly for being a nerd </3. Even though Perse is the one who writes essays on oscillating genes, or the influences that parasites exert throughout an ecosystem, just for fun, so. >:(
-> Maven and Perse didn’t grow up very close in both a physical, spacial sense as well as an emotional one. Their teens is when they started to connect, when their families moved closer again. Maven babysat fairly often and helped her out with schoolwork, leading to Perse taking an interest in Maven’s aspirations and making them her own.
-> She’s a grown woman now and can look after herself, but Maven’s still worried for her now that she’s joined the team officially. They don’t want to get her killed. But then she goes and pulls some shit to make them reconsider all the effort they’re putting into worrying. Like showing Maven a big fuckoff moth she found by releasing it into their room. Again. (..it was a cool moth though)
-> Maven has to babysit Perse’s terrariums once she starts joining expeditions. Maven does not like crawlies.. but they are committed to upholding the highest standard of care for these creatures. They were reaaaaaally anxious about it the first time, but Perse said they did a great job, and they kind of grew to enjoy it? The feeling of being able to do right by these little animals and keep them safe. They don’t mind it, actually.
-> Maven was just stepping into the leadership role on that fateful day they lost contact with the field team. It was supposed to be straightforward, one of the first missions they’d be commanding with little input from Odyssey, up until it all went very wrong. When the storm hit, they scrambled to manage the crisis. In the time it took to restore communication, Maven was certain they’d gotten three people killed. Instead, they just got one person killed. Like it really makes a difference. They are quite certain that Opportunity’s disappearance and presumed death are their fault and they’re not dealing with it very well.
-> They look up to and respect their mentor a lot and honestly it’s just.. easier to let em overstep and take some responsibility away from them. Maven feels Complicated about it. Relieved, sure. Patronized too. They feel crushed that Odyssey doesn’t seem to trust their ability.. but is e really wrong? They’ve already proven to be inadequate. They’re not sure they’ll ever move past this.
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therefugeofbooks · 1 year
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some queer adults books i enjoyed reading last year ✨️
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limerickshere · 2 months
can you write one about the mars reconnaissance orbiter
The MRO spacecraft’s designed To search and to try hard to find Some water on Mars And support from the stars The missions of NASA in kind.
‘Twas launched by US in ‘05, A year plus for it to arrive And do science orbits ‘Fore moving to core bits Of science phase data archive. 
Its mission objectives include: Observing the climate that’s viewed, Geology inspection, Some land site detection, And sending Earth data accrued.
To meet all those goals, it does use Three cameras through which it finds views, Spectrometers, and To see under sand, A subsurface radar can’t lose. At 18 years old, it exceeds Intended design life and speeds Through data relaying For ground missions staying - It’s long-lived and still it proceeds.
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lizardzap · 10 months
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NASA: “You wasted 200 million dollars because you used imperial instead of metric?!??!?!!!!”
MCO: “Ah… umm…. bleh….” *explodes*
Here’s the Wikipedia article I was laughing my ass off reading this the other night
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sitting-on-me-bum · 8 months
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An image from Nasa’s Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter shows circular sand dunes on the surface of the planet
Photograph: Nasa/JPL-CalTech/University of Arizona/Reuters
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pepperedart · 18 days
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Those three Mars probes.
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adastra-sf · 1 month
Happy Earth Day from Mars!
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NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter snapped this image of the Earth-Moon system as seen from Mars - 88 million miles away!
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shitpostingkats · 6 months
My fave Kite and Orbital moment is when they’re dueling Lazar (on the moon) and look up in the sky (standing. on the moon.) and see a big red planet (standing! on! moon!) and Orbital goes “Wow, Mercury looks so pretty!! :):):)” and Kite (slowly dying) is like. You know what. Sure.
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jadeseadragon · 2 months
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milehighflyguy · 10 months
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Martian surface viewed from Tianwen-1 spacecraft
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verdemoth · 9 months
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i cant post Tune without also posting Odyssey. do not separate.
Odyssey is an engineer, formerly the director of Mission Control, and before even that e did field work. Now, e’s supposedly retired from all duties, but Odyssey refuses to leave. E wont let the new owners run the team into the ground. (and e’s still holding onto some distant hope of finding es best friend alive, or at least closure)
-> Originally Odyssey was a field researcher alongside es queerplatonic partner Tune in their 20s, until the risks of such work became apparent. E then went on to develop systems to communicate with and coordinate the research team and monitor the Otherworld from safely on the ‘reality’ side of the portal. E established Mission Control, and led it for decades.
-> Tune and Odyssey were very close for a very long time, having met in their school years. They were best friends, partners for life, two halves of a whole. It’s been some years now since Tune’s disappearance, and Odyssey’s mostly come to terms with it, but still feels his absence keenly.
-> Odyssey’s a generally kind individual but not particularly nice. E’s gruff, immensely stubborn, with a mean sarcastic streak. Some coworkers might describe em as cantankerous. But at the end of the day e’s well-intentioned and altruistic.
-> Odyssey is very, VERY bitter about the investors who bought ownership of the team from the original founders a couple years back. E hates them. E’s just WAITING for the chance to prove there’s something unscrupulous happening, e can FEEL it. E hasn’t had results yet but the vibes are rancid.
-> Though formally retired, Odyssey continues to do much of the same work e’s been doing for decades, out of spite and because e trusts few people with the systems e built. E adamantly refuses to cooperate with anyone associated with the company, which is probably directly related to es early ‘retirement’. Odyssey’s not happy about it and won’t do them any favours.
-> Odyssey is only middle aged but e feels so much older. E’s so tired. And so worried. E hopes for the best but is always prepared for the worst.
-> Odyssey’s role as director was succeeded by Maven, who e mentored. Odyssey treats them as a ward and as a friend. E respects and trusts them, but…… When the Storm hit, it was one of Maven’s first missions directing with little input from Odyssey. It was supposed to be that, anyway, before that disaster. Odyssey doesn’t blame them for what happened, but but can’t seem to talk them out of beating themself up over it. Directing the EEG is no longer Odyssey’s job so e tries to step back and let Maven make their own decisions, but they’ve obviously not dealt well with the pressure, and Odyssey can’t leave well enough alone. E has a tendency to step in and take over es old duties at the first sign of trouble in a misguided attempt to shield Maven from the trauma of handling another crisis. E doesn’t mean to imply that they’re not capable, but unfortunately they are not helping Maven’s shattered confidence and fear of making mistakes by taking control from them.
-> Odyssey is legally blind, and though es glasses can help em make out some shapes in the right conditions, in unfamiliar spaces and bad lighting e utilizes a cane to get a feel for es surroundings. While es poor eyesight is likely hereditary, e became an amputee following a severe injury on es last field mission. E opts not to use any prosthetics, finding them uncomfortable and unwieldy. E’s often accompanied by one or both of the spider shaped robots e designed and programmed to assist the exploration team, which have been retired from the field as well since suffering some damage in the Storm. Odyssey is very fond of them.
-> The larger robot, Marie, was named after Odyssey’s cousin Mariner, who also worked for the EEG for a time. The two used to be close, but have had a falling out coinciding with Tune’s presumed death and Mariner’s retirement. Xe pushed for Odyssey to quit as well, but despite xer desperation xe wouldn’t confess why xe was so adamant about it.
-> The loss of Tune hit Odyssey very hard, and e’s become quite reclusive. E tends to stick to es room when not doing other work, and would spend a lot of time alone if not sought out by the other people who are close with em.
-> Spirit, Tune’s sibling, can probably best understand what Odyssey’s going though. The two have always gotten along well, having met through Tune. When Odyssey was injured, they requested Spirit join the team in es place, providing a glowing recommendation to the then owners. E’s always thought highly of Spirit, as a skilled and reliable member of the team (and someone e could trust to keep an eye on Tune where e couldn’t).
-> Spirit’s been different, recently. Odyssey has slowly tried opening up to them to talk about their shared loss, after es initial attempts to distance emself from the team in es grief. But any attempt seems stilted and awkward, so usually Odyssey never gets around to that part, and sticks to shallow small talk and talking At them about other problems. Honestly e just wants their company, and e feels they could use it, too. Odyssey worries for Spirit’s physical wellbeing in the Otherworld, and their mental wellbeing in the wake of losing their sibling. But they’re still capable of looking after themself, so e doesn’t push too hard. E just figures… well. Spirit probably needs the same kind of help e does, and e’s trying to be that for them.
-> If there’s a coworker that Odyssey really Does Not get along with, it’s Curiosity. In the past they’ve had a standard and respectful relationship. But with Tune M.I.A. and the EEG’s new ownership, Odyssey’s being phased out of the team though circumstance and es own actions and e’s feeling quite frustrated. E projects a lot of those frustrations into Curiosity, the new de facto leader of the field team and symbolic of the changes Odyssey rejects. Curiosity, for her part, isn’t keen on sitting around and taking flak from Odyssey.
-> Mostly they try to avoid each other, and that turns out fine. But when they do interact, Odyssey is… difficult about it. E will nitpick any plan of hers to test how it holds up, always double-checks her work, tries to pull rank/seniority regardless of relevance.. all in all, nothing malicious, but instead unreasonably hypercritical. E claims e’s only making sure she’s up to handle whatever the Otherworld throws at them next.
-> Phoenix on the other hand is a long time friend of Odyssey and Tune, having also met them through school before he dropped out. They’ve been a sturdy pillar of support for Odyssey through es grief, and regularly checks up on em to make sure es looking after emself. Though Phoenix, like Curiosity, is ambivalent about the new ownership, he is unlike Curiosity in that he is in good standing with Odyssey and is privy to sooo many rants about it. They talk often. Phoenix is really the only other person Odyssey trusts with maintaining the systems e built.
-> Phoenix and Odyssey had a brief romantic fling as young adults, which Odyssey now finds very amusing. Even moreso because Phoenix is kind of embarrassed about being ‘something of a headstrong dumbass’ at that age, in their own words. It’s one of the few things Odyssey and Curiosity (who also once dated Phoenix) can agree upon. It’s all in good fun.
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spacecdt · 1 year
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Migrating sand dunes on Mars. Some of these dunes move at rates of several meters per year. Image captured by NASA Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter (MRO) in 2013.
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