#mario hermoso imagine
footballffbarbiex · 2 months
The Single Parent Series.
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Me? In love with the concept of a baby daddy? Always.
Mixed players rather than one series about one player. Enjoy. If this goes well, I'll be happy to take more of these requests.
Darwin Nunez: his little girl loved Darwin's braids and wants her own but he can't do them. A trip to the hairdressers results in a hair style class.
Leon Goretzka: his best friend is the only one who can calm down his toddler and Leon has to admit his feelings when it becomes too much.
Leon Goretzka: Leon finds himself falling for a woman who is part of his daughter's life, but the age gap between them proves to be an issue.
Marco Rose: Marco is stressing over his daughter's ballet recital and so in comes the bestie to help him stop stressing.
Marco Rose: Moving back to Leipzig, Marco finds out that his child's favourite teacher just so happens to be an old flame.
Marco Rose: they become friends at the school gates and their children begin to have play dates at one another's house.
Marco Rose: very guarded following a messy divorce and she shows him that he's also very much a man and needs to think of himself too.
Mario Hermoso: best friends and she's there when he needs her the most
Mario Hermoso: Meeting at parent and toddler group.
Mason Mount: after becoming a single dad following a one night stand, Mason's best friend takes part of the hardship and helps to raise the little one.
Mason Mount: your child calls Mason daddy for the first time and even though you're not together, it makes Mason burst with pride.
Mats Hummels: his child comes home from school with news of a school bake sale but Mats cannot bake. Thankfully for him, his best friend is a pastry chef and she can bake.
Oscar Mingueza: he's on a first date when he gets a call to say his babysitter is having to leave due to a family emergency. His date doesn't want to cut it short and is happy to go babysitting.
Ruben Dias: Ruben likes his daughter's ballet teacher but the feelings aren't reciprocated…or are they?
Sergio Ramos: she's Sergio's coach's daughter and when he has childcare issues and has to bring his child to training, she steps up to help with homework.
Trent Alexander-Arnold: she doesn't follow football and has no idea how who he is, and has no idea that he has a child until she hears the little one calling Trent daddy.
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(dunno if you’re still taking blurbs but) Mario Hermoso and you spending a day off cuddling in bed after he brought you your hot drink of choice
You and Mario were spending the day in bed, you were feeling like you were in desperate need for one. "I got you the best hot chocolate I could make" you smiled as he passed you the mug. "Thank you angel" you whispered as you took one of the marshmallows off of the top. "I hope it cheers you up, you seem so sad today" Mario sighed as you snuggled up closer towards him. "I am okay, just tired" you yawned right on cue as you cuddled to him as he got in bed.
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goalkepa · 4 years
for the anon who asked me to write a Mario Hermoso blurb
Sorry I’ve never written any imagine before. I’d love to give it a try but right now I’m a bit busy so if you want it immediately I highly suggest you to submit the request to the most amazing writer on tumblr @footballffbarbiex 💙
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horrorsinnoche · 3 years
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Nunca me imagine este hermoso regalo de parte de un gran amigo, gracias nuevamente a @planetadelibrosco por traernos al maestro Mario Mendoza con bitácora de un naufragio, que comenzaré hoy mismo para poderlo reseñar lo más pronto posible lo prometo https://www.instagram.com/p/COQr5erlVTJ/?igshid=uu0wgz83njnb
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hyung-line-wife · 6 years
Jin Imagine: Recomfortandolo
Esto es un imagine que escribí cuando me enteré de la partida de Jjangu hace unas semanas. Realmente amaba a Jjangu, y deseé poder haber estado ahí confortando a Jin después de su pérdida, sé que perder a tu compañero después de tenerlo durante años puede ser bastante difícil. Este es un tributo para uno de los ángeles más hermosos, Jjangu.
Acabas de escuchar sobre ello por la madre de Jin.
No era algo que podría haber pasado por tu sano juicio, cuando lo viste por primera vez en los programas musicales, mirando extremadamente decaído.
Pensaste que tal vez tuvo una pelea con uno de los miembros o con su familia. Podría haber perdido una audición para un papel de actuación, algo que realmente le gustaba.
Pero no la muerte de su amado perro.
Tomaste aliento temblorosamente, abrazándote a tu gran y acogedor suéter. Estabas sentada en el café al lado de la casa de los padres de Jin, incapaz de decidir si era una buena idea visitarlo, o dejarlo para tener su propio espacio. Pero, por mucho que le doliera el corazón, primero tenías que terminar tu taza de té que habías pedido, como una excusa para calmar tus sentimientos, y no romperte frente a él, quien ya se hallaba muy roto.
Jjanggu ..
Habias sido la admiradora número uno desde el primer día que lo conociste, dándole golosinas cada vez que lo veias, paseándolo por las calles y siendo su propio fotógrafo personal para las fotos que Jin publicaba en su cuenta de Twitter. Era el perro más dulce que jamás hayas conocido, un perro que se parecía mucho a su dueño, lo que significa que también tenía una obsesión con la comida. Él era el tipo de perro perfecto.
Todavía podrías recordar el sonido de sus garras tocando el piso de madera cuando se acercó a ti el día que le conociste. Jin te trajo a la casa de sus padres para cenar y cocinar, además de usarlo como una oportunidad para conocer a sus padres, que querían conocer a la chica con la que estaba saliendo.
Tu novio te había abierto la puerta y te había dado la bienvenida a la casa en la que creció. El primer olor que entró en tu nariz fue de manzana y canela, lo que realmente te hizo sentir el cuidado que su madre puso en mantener la casa limpia.
Habías entrado a la casa después de recibir un suave beso en labios de Jin, un beso que expresaba nerviosismo y gratitud por haber atendido su invitación. Al entrar en la cálida atmósfera, oíste el golpeteo de las uñas en la madera, acercándose a ti.
Clic, clic, clic.
Lo siguiente que sabías era que un perro blanco te saltaba y exigía que te acariciaran. Era el perro más suave y hermoso que jamás hayas visto. No le importa el hecho de que el perro no podría tener un pedigrí exacto, ya que todo fue compensado por esta personalidad increíble.
Más tarde la noche en te enteraste de que se llamaba Jjangu, y que había acompañado a tu novio durante más de diez años, desde que tenía casi quince años, que tenía una adicción a la comida, al igual que su dueño, y que de hecho era , demasiado lindo para manejar.
La forma en que Jin hablaba de él ... con ese brillo en sus ojos ... ese día no lo habías notado, el amor inmenso y genuino que Jin tenía por su perro.
Ahora, al recibir esa noticia, no podías imaginar cómo podría soportar las noticias. Tuviste que estar ahí para él, tenías que ser su apoyo, en silencio le prometiste el día que aceptaste ser su novia, estarías de su lado siempre, en los malos y buenos días, siempre.
Tu taza ahora estaba vacía, y sabías qué hacer.
Tocaste el timbre de la casa de sus padres por segunda vez. No esperabas que fuera él quien te abriera la puerta, ya que probablemente estaba espaciado del mundo, sufriendo.
Oíste pasos que se acercaban a la puerta, y luego se encontraron con la cara afligida de su madre. Ella era realmente hermosa, y ahora sabías dónde había heredado toda esta belleza.
"T / N ah, ha estado en su habitación desde que sucedió". Te confesó con un suspiro de preocupación. "Hemos intentado todo, pero él no nos contestará. Tienes que hacer algo"
Ojalá pudieras hacer algo, pero tú estabas roto como él, lo único era que lo estabas ocultando, para poder curarlo.
"¿SeokJin? ..." Llamaste mientras entrabas lentamente a su habitación, y te asomaba por el pequeño pico de la puerta. Él estaba acurrucado en su cama.
No como solía hacerlo, normalmente, cuando comía mucho. . Ni siquiera se volvió hacia ti, cuando te escuchó entrar a su habitación. Simplemente siguió acostado allí, su respiración era el único sonido en la habitación.
"Jin". Te acercaste a su cama, que todavía estaba cubierta con sus viejas fundas de cuentas de Mario Bros de su infancia. Eran realmente suaves al tacto, la suavidad que te recordaba desde su corazón.
Te sientas junto a él, con cuidado para hacer cualquier sonido, o movimiento brusco, y colocaste tu mano sobre su hombro. Fue entonces cuando finalmente te respondió.
Sus ojos estaban hinchados, y parecía que estaban mirando a la nada, sin importarle que estuvieran mirándote directamente. Al ver esta imagen de él, te dolió terriblemente el corazón, como si lo estuvieran apretando sin piedad. Sin pensarlo, lo trajiste a tu pecho, de forma protectora.
"Está bien, está bien" le susurraste, acariciando su cabello amorosamente, mientras él comenzaba a sollozar en tus brazos, en silencio. "Ya no estás solo, estoy aquí"
Por lo general, no mostraba su lado emocional, la mayoría de las veces actuaba de manera infantil, combinado con los modales de un abuelo. Pero ahora, cuando miraste su cabeza enterrada en tus brazos, entendiste su corazón.
Acababa de perder a su amigo más querido, su compañero de aventuras, el que había estado a su lado en los momentos más difíciles de su vida, pasando por todas sus luchas de adolescente. Acababa de perder una parte de su vida, y un espacio en su corazón había sido abierto.
Te quedaste así por lo que parecieron horas, prestaste tus brazos para su apoyo, mientras lloraba a llanto. Finalmente,  permaneció estático en la misma posición, respirando en silencio.
"Bebé,". Lentamente levantó su cabeza hacia ti, mostrando sus ojos después de todo el tiempo. Sus ojos estaban vidriosos e hinchados, demostrando todo el tiempo que había llorado. Lo miraste, sin saber qué decirle.
"Yo ... bebé ..." Estúpida, estúpida. No sabías qué decirle. ¿Todo va a estar bien ?, o ¿entiendo tu dolor ?. Ahora mismo tienes toda tu atención puesta en ti, y cualquier cosa que le puedas decir en este momento podría romper la pequeña cuerda que él había construido gritando su corazón, la pequeña cuerda que lo estaba alejando de ...
"T/ N". Su voz era ronca, trayéndote de vuelta a la realidad, de vuelta a sus ojos mirándote. "No tienes que decir nada, solo tenerte a mi lado es suficiente para mí".
"Jjangu ..." Soltó un suspiro tembloroso, y viste como sus ojos se llenaban de lágrimas otra vez, e inmediatamente le pusiste una mano en la mejilla, para tranquilizarlo. Dio una sonrisa a medias, y se reacomodo con la espalda contra la pared, ahora cara a cara, con las piernas tocándose.
"Jjangu era ... el mejor amigo que podría tener. Él siempre estuvo a mi lado cuando tuve problemas para sentirme sin valor. "Él habló con una mirada perdida, mirando la pared que lo rodeaba. "Cuando me gradué, y fui elegido por Big Hit". Agarraste su mano derecha, descansando en su regazo, era tan grande, que cubrió completamente la tuya. "Cuando me enfrenté a las primeras dificultades de ser un aprendiz, cuando debuté." Ahora una teta se deslizó por su mejilla, y le apretó la mano con la suya, viéndolo de esa manera le dolió.
"Él siempre estaba ahí para mí cuando llegué a casa por la noche, esperándome con su cola moviéndose con entusiasmo". Su voz tenía tonos extraños cuando te dijo esto, pasando de tonos altos a graves. Sabías que estaba tratando de no llorar, ya que lo habías visto hacer lo mismo en el concierto de Bangtan On Stage. "Él nunca se molestó conmigo, ¿sabes ?, a veces me enojé con mi casa y lo despedí sin razón alguna ... hmm" Dejó de hablar y tarareó tratando de reprimir las lágrimas, mirando cómo se calmaba "
"Era el mejor perro que podía desear realmente, y ahora se ha ido". Terminó con una voz estrangulada. Sentiste la soledad en su voz, lo que te entristeció terriblemente. Ya no podías escucharlo.
"Jin." Te cuenta lentamente, mientras pasa una mano por sus húmedos ojos. "Lo que estás pasando es horrible, y cualquier cosa que pueda decirte en este momento te va a quitar el dolor, lo único que puede quitártela es el tiempo. Solo ... solo quiero que sepas eso, estoy aquí ".
Jin te miró con una expresión dolorida, mezclada con amor. Él apretó el abrazo que tenía en tu mano.
"Siempre quise decirte esto," comenzó, dándote una pequeña sonrisa. "Cuando te conocí por primera vez, me recordabas a Jjangu. No sé por qué, tal vez, la forma en que los dos fueron extremadamente amables", o la forma en que me miraban, con apreciación y como si yo fuera lo único que importaba en el momento en que tenía tu atención ".
Nunca supiste que lo mirabas de esa manera, pero entendiste por qué era tan importante que lo vieran de esa manera. Tenía una autoestima muy baja, al contrario de lo que usualmente retrataba, era inseguro ya que no tenía tantos admiradores, y comúnmente se sentía sin talento. Jjangu lo había hecho sentir como si fuera lo único que importaba, siendo su dueño el centro de su mundo, y había cumplido las necesidades de su dueño.
"Amor", esta vez, te acercaste a él, levantando una mano para limpiar un camino mojado que una lágrima había dejado en la mejilla de Jin. "Sé que nunca llegaría al nivel de cercanía que tenías con Jjangu, pero desearía que pudieras verme como un compañero, diciéndome todas tus preocupaciones, tu felicidad, y también dejándome consolarte, tal vez no en un Hablador, pero con solo estar allí y abrazarlo. Nunca llenaría el agujero que dejó en ti, pero podría intentarlo ".
Ante esto, él inmediatamente te abrazó cerca de su cuerpo, sentiste las vibraciones de su pecho debido a sus sollozos. No podrías evitar que llore, pero podrías estar allí para él cuando lo hiciera. El tiempo tendría que tomar su parte, ya que era lo único que podría tomar su dolor de nuevo, para ser reemplazado por el recuerdo de su amigo más querido.
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rammdilsplays · 5 years
Spending hits on news for isl
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France had hit the billion-Euro mark before the madness possessed even really begun as per news for isl. Typically the transfer window had merely been open for two months and La Liga paying had already gone above ever. By Monday day, July 15, it was prior €1, 000million and climbing. And while clubs were undertaking their business surprisingly beginning - whatever happened for you to manana, manana? - the idea wasn’t over yet. There are still sixand- a-half months left, and some of the most significant, most complex deals nonetheless awaited. Everywhere, everyone was planning wild. Well, almost everyone; as always, Athletic Bilbao were in a situation apart. At the very start of summer, one La Confederación coach confided that this could possibly be the busiest summer any individual could remember. In all probability there is more arrivals and more departures than there had many people. He was talking about his own organization, but he could just as well are actually talking about them all. Joao Felix €126million, Antoine Griezmann €120m, Eden Hazard €100m: that they led the way, the stars that shot the early imagination, but there are others. Many others. Even the Highest regarded League trailed behind.
The first time in 11 years, France was outspending England rapid for a while, at least. By mid-July, five of the eight costliest signings in Europe were found to be made by Spanish clubs. A pair of the other three - Rodri to Manchester City along with Lucas Hernandez to Bayern Munich - had result from Spanish clubs, which helps explain things. And while a lot of the headlines, as usual, were intended for Real Madrid and Barcelona, it was Atletico who are the genuine outliers, with their vast spending driven by sales.
Using Real Madrid’s season around by mid-March, the remaining several weeks acted as a trial, supplying Zinedine Zidane a chance to view which players he wished and which he did not want. After a year involving failure, things had to transform and Madrid were fleet to move.
Rodrygo’s €45m transfer from Santos was done. Eden Hazard arrived via Chelsea, Eintracht Frankfurt’s Luka Jovic cost €60m, Porto’s Eder Militao €50m along with Monaco’s Ferland Mendy €48m. Zidane still wants some sort of midfielder, with Paul Pogba favourite, but that means promoting first. The “to go” list is long: Theo Hernandez has joined Hong kong, Dani Ceballos moved on mortgage to Arsenal, Sergio Reguilon is at Sevilla on mortgage, Mateo Kovacic’s move to Kennsignton and chelsea was made permanent, Raul Fuente Tomas went to Benfica along with Luca Zidane will your time season with Racing Santander. The futures of John Rodriguez, Isco, Keylor Navas and, in particular, Gareth Bale remain uncertain. Zidane could not have been clearer about Bale: he wants the Welshman out. But the message via Bale’s camp, determined that he or she will not take a pay trim to go anywhere and identified that he will not be forced out and about, is that he’s not planning anywhere.
Barcelona signed Frenkie De Jong for €75m from Ajax, but not the team-mate Matthijs De Ligt, who is better paid with Juventus and was unlikely to go where he was not necessarily guaranteed to be a starter. Perfilado and Jasper Cillissen altered places, with Valencia along with Barcelona swapping goalkeepers, plus the deal to sign Atletico’s Griezmann was re-activated while his buyout clause came up down to €120m on August 1 . Last year Barca were found to be all set to sign Griezmann for €100m - the buyout clause came along invitingly on July one particular then, too - limited to him to decide to stay, which often he announced on a smooth documentary called The Decision, which often had been produced by a company partowned by Gerard Pique. They renewed his contract along with remained at the Metropolitano however 12 months later, after a discouraging season at Atletico, they decided that he did go after all. Amid reports in which Lionel Messi and Luis Suarez were not too satisfied, Griezmann said: “They could possibly be annoyed, but I can form that out with facilitates. ”
Atletico were agitated too, accusing Barcelona along with Griezmann of showing less respect and insisting in which his price was €200m, not the value of his acquistion clause before July one particular, and that’s when the bargain had been done. Yet Aitante had effectively set this kind of deal up when theyagain allowed for a July one particular drop in the clause, placing a price and a target date. And so they had been the ones that insisted about Griezmann publicly announcing the departure - but not who have to - in May well. Atletico had been relying on typically the €120m, too, because they possessed spent it the full week before. At €126m, 19-year-old Joao Felix was exhibited Griezmann’s number seven top before the Frenchman had possibly left and becomes Atletico’s most expensive signing of all time. They also have also completed deals intended for Chelsea’s Alvaro Morata, Marcos Llorente fromReal Madrid, Mario Hermoso from Espanyol, Porto’s Felipe and Kieran Trippier of Tottenham Hotspur. That is certainly almost €250m worth involving signings, propelled by the departures of Rodri, Diego Godin, Filipe Luis, Juanfran, Griezmann and Lucas Hernandez.
They also have also pursued Real Madrid’s Rodriguez and by the start of season Atletico’s first XI can look very different, and not just in terms of labels as this appears to usher in the total change of information for the team. Diego Simeone is the longest-serving coach vacation and his new signings propose a radical new look to the man who until now often dresses in black. Anywhere else, by mid-July there were actually 10 new players with Sevilla, seven at Alaves, Mallorca, and Osasuna, a few at Real Sociedad, Indoeuropeo and Getafe. Valencia ended up being calmer than most, nevertheless even they have a brand new €40m striker in Maxi Gomez.
And with the transfer window not necessarily closing in Spain until October 2, there is plenty of time intended for even more player movement throughout La Liga. And all this kind of before anyone’s even stated Neymar...
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
European transfer review: Where did your club fail?
The transfer window for Europe’s major leagues is closed again for the rest of the year, but how did your team do? Did they leave any gaps?
Our correspondents assess how the top clubs failed to address their weaknesses this summer.
Jump to: Real Madrid | Atletico Madrid | Juventus | Inter | PSG | Bayern | Dortmund
BARCELONA: Too few attackers, too many midfielders
Barcelona did a lot of good business this summer. Much of it was done early, too. Frenkie de Jong helps rejuvenate an aging midfield and Antoine Griezmann brings quality in attack. The arrival of goalkeeper Neto cancels out the departure of Jasper Cillessen and Junior Firpo provides competition at left-back for Jordi Alba.
They managed to shift a number of players, too, with Malcom bringing in a good sum of cash and Philippe Coutinho‘s loan to Bayern Munich shifting a big earner from the wage bill. However, those two left with the idea another attacker would join — namely Neymar. That didn’t happen and they’re left with just four (admittedly very good) forwards for three positions: Griezmann, Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Ousmane Dembele. The problem is, Messi and Suarez are both now 32 and Dembele is injury prone. Youngsters Carles Perez and Ansu Fati could have a bigger role to play than they expected.
The opposite is true in midfield, where seven players will compete for three places. It may be a long season for one of Ivan Rakitic, Carles Alena or Arturo Vidal.
At the back, they stick with what they’ve got having missed out on Matthijs de Ligt to Juventus. An injury to Gerard Pique — who’s also the wrong side of 30 now — would leave them at the mercy of Samuel Umtiti‘s knee. Umtiti is the only real backup to Pique and Clement Lenglet, with young Jean Clair Todibo still untested. — Sam Marsden.
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REAL MADRID: A weaker midfield and no leader in attack
Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane did not add Paul Pogba from Manchester United as he wanted, nor were the club successful in acquiring Sporting Lisbon’s Bruno Fernandes or Tottenham’s Christian Eriksen.
Madrid, in fact, weakened a midfield line they meant to strengthen. Los Blancos sold Marco Llorente, Casemiro’s natural replacement, to Atletico while Dani Ceballos, the alternative to Toni Kroos and Luka Modric, was loaned to Arsenal. Much is expected from Federico Valverde but he has clocked just eight minutes in Madrid’s opening three league games. After being widely expected to leave, Gareth Bale and James Rodriguez stayed with Madrid not receiving suitable offers.
Madrid spent over €300m in the transfer market but only one of their six-summer signings, Eden Hazard, is expected to start. Newcomers Ferland Mendy, Luka Jovic and Eder Militao are set to be back-ups to Marcelo, Karim Benzema and Raphael Varane, respectively, while Rodrygo will play for Madrid’s reserves until he gains some experience.
The loss of Marco Asensio to an ACL injury, a lack of spark from Vinicius Jr. and the absence of an injured Hazard in the opening three games, has highlighted another weakness in Madrid’s team: there is no leader in attack. Hazard will provide quality but is far from reaching the goal-scoring numbers that Cristiano Ronaldo once did. Neymar could have filled that void. — Adriana Garcia.
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ATLETICO MADRID: Nothing. But another striker would have been nice
Atletico got pretty much everything they needed in the summer window, including beating off the whole of Europe to sign wonderkid Joao Felix from Benfica for a club record €126m — arguably the biggest scoop in La Liga, and that includes Eden Hazard’s €100m transfer to Real Madrid!
Atletico had plenty of work to do after losing defensive trio Diego Godin, Juanfran and Filipe Luis as free agents, while Lucas Hernandez, Rodri and Antoine Griezmann departed as Bayern Munich, Manchester City and Barcelona, respectively, activated their release clauses.
But the Rojiblancos delivered by signing eight players for €245m — spending less than what they pocketed from sales. Atletico bought defenders Mario Hermoso, Kieran Trippier, Renan Lodi and Felipe, then added Hector Herrera and Marcos Llorente in midfield. They strengthened the attack with Ivan Saponjic and secured Alvaro Morata‘s permanent transfer from Chelsea in July 2020.
The only negative was that Atletico were unable to offload Argentine forward Angel Correa despite weeks of negotiations with AC Milan, and that scuppered a move for Rodrigo. Atletico and Valencia had reached a verbal agreement on a €60m deal but Correa had to leave first. Atletico also were interested in adding James Rodriguez from Real Madrid but again needed Correa to depart. James or Rodrigo would have been the cherry on top on what was a great window. — Adriana Garcia.
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JUVENTUS: An aging front line and failure to sell well
The €75m signing of Matthijs de Ligt feels like an awful long time ago now but don’t lose sight of it. The Ajax centre-back had his pick of Europe’s elite and chose Juventus, while the acquisition of fellow centre-back Merih Demiral from Sassuolo for €18m should also go down as one of the bargains of the summer
Sporting director Fabio Paratici continued Juventus’ tradition of working the free transfer market with aplomb; Adrien Rabiot and Aaron Ramsey, in theory, skill-up a midfield that lacked angles and imagination last season. The team looks stronger and the squad deeper than ever. But therein lies a problem. 
Selling proved very difficult for Juventus this summer. Gonzalo Higuain dug his heels in, as did Paulo Dybala and Mario Mandzukic. Moving on Sami Khedira and Daniele Rugani also hit obstacles. A fortnight ago, Juve vice-president Pavel Nedved insisted the club were under no pressure to sell but their actions up until deadline day suggested otherwise.
Juve’s attack in particular looks old after the sale of Moise Kean to Everton and hard choices await the Old Lady when it comes to deciding who’s in and who’s out of the 23-man Champions League squad. New manager Maurizio Sarri has never been big on rotation and the risk of disgruntlement among a number of high profile players is high. — James Horncastle.
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INTER MILAN: Depth still not enough to challenge Juve
Inter Milan may have had strengthened in almost every area — including the manager — this summer, but that does not mean they are necessarily ready to challenge Juventus for the Serie A title.
Last season they were short in attack, after the exclusion of Mauro Icardi, leaving only Lautaro Martinez to play up front and the 22-year-old only managed six goals Serie A goals in 27 appearances. While Inter have brought in Romelu Lukaku from Manchester United for a club-record fee of €80 million, the Belgium international arrives simply as a replacement for Icardi, who left for Paris Saint-Germain on loan.
Lukaku’s ex-United teammate Alexis Sanchez has also joined on loan — and he can play in attack as well as on the wing, where Inter lost Ivan Perisic following the Croatia international’s loan move to Bayern Munich. Injuries could prove fatal to any title bid for the Nerazzurri. In central defence, they have superb options for Antonio Conte’s preferred back three in Stefan de Vrij, Milan Skriniar and Godin. However, injury to De Vrij meant Conte had to call upon ex-Hull City man Andrea Ranocchia. — Andrew Cesare Richardson.
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PSG: Both full-back positions needed upgrading
Understandably, PSG’s summer business is being interpreted as risky by some less familiar with the French champions’ peculiarities — mainly the loan addition of attacker Icardi to a troubled dressing room in recent years.
For those well-versed with the Ligue 1 giants’ recent issues, however, arguing that this summer has not been a success is hard. PSG added quality in depth in certain areas and regenerated others, with central midfield getting a long overdue boost through Ander Herrera and Idrissa Gueye‘s arrivals, while restructuring with Keylor Navas, Sergio Rico and Marcin Bulka ends years of farcical goalkeeper uncertainty.
Abdou Diallo brings depth and versatility in defence, while Pablo Sarabia and Icardi give coach Thomas Tuchel options in attack – particularly after Kylian Mbappe and Edinson Cavani‘s recent injuries and the ongoing Neymar saga.
One minor complaint is that both full-back positions have not received greater attention this summer, despite sporting director Leonardo’s efforts to restock, as well as an exodus of homegrown talent.
Overall, though, PSG finish the summer with a very strong squad on paper, particularly after keeping hold of Neymar, and authority over an unruly dressing room finally appears to have been restored through Leonardo’s return at the expense of the inept Antero Henrique. — Jonathan Johnson.
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BAYERN MUNICH: A lack of options up front
Bayern spent most of the summer chasing a big money move for Leroy Sane. But once the Manchester City winger sustained a long-term knee injury, the club turned to brilliant loan deals for Philippe Coutinho and Ivan Perisic, two experienced internationals to fill the gaps left by Arjen Robben and Franck Ribery.
There was a changing of the guard at the back as the arrival of France’s 2018 World Cup winners Lucas Hernandez and Benjamin Pavard replaced Mats Hummels, who returned to Dortmund, and Jerome Boateng, who has dropped down the pecking order. While Michael Cuisance came in to take the place of the ineffectual Renato Sanches, sold to Lille, in midfield.
Bayern have added some depth in the middle of the park, however they are still too reliant on Robert Lewandowski. The 31-year-old is Bayern’s most important player and is indispensable up top. He already has six goals in three league games and, with only 19-year-old Fiete Arp joining as his backup from Hamburg, he is still without any competition. They’ll probably have enough to claim another Bundesliga title but any long-term injury for the Pole could serve as a major blow to Bayern’s hopes of winning the Champions League.
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BORUSSIA DORTMUND: Also lack of options up front
Dortmund stormed out of the blocks and took an early lead in the transfer market to sign Germany internationals Nico Schulz and Julian Brandt, as well as Belgium international Thorgan Hazard, right after the end of the season.
They also re-signed Mats Hummels from Bayern Munich but, with focus shifting to offloading high-earning fringe players such as Andre Schurrle, Maximilian Philipp, Shinji Kagawa and Omer Toprak, Dortmund roughly invested some €130m (which included Paco Alcacer‘s permanent transfer from Barcelona) and just about broke even if you add Christian Pulisic‘s €64m move to Chelsea in January.
Yet despite adding quality and reducing squad numbers, Dortmund still have a few things to work on. In Alcacer and Mario Gotze, BVB have two attackers who aren’t a No. 9. Coach Lucien Favre has said he does not need a target man in the box but the lack of alternatives up front could become a major problem.
At right-back, Lukasz Piszczek remains Dortmund’s first-choice. But with age slowly taking its toll, the 34-year-old club legend could become a liability. Real Madrid loanee Achraf Hakimi has yet to show he is mature enough to both defend and attack, while 19-year-old Mateu Morey, who joined on a free from Barcelona, is the future but his start to life at the club has been delayed by a shoulder injury. — Stephan Uerseld.
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lanetasiempre · 4 years
Existen muchos tipos de influencers, están aquellos que están frente a la cámara divirtiendo y entreteniendo al público y están los que se encargan de hacer de las cuentas de esos influencers algo espectacular, entre este segundo grupo están Italia Padilla y Arturo Plata, dos jóvenes fotógrafos mexicanos que han llenado las cuentas de Instagram de muchos youtubers de imagines dignas de una postal.
Las fotografías de estos dos influencers son maravillosas, llenas de color, de magia y gente famosa y es que estos chicos son muy jóvenes y muy talentosos y se han convertido en los fotógrafos favoritos de exitosos influencers y la persona que cualquiera soñaría que inmortalice sus mejores momentos.
Y es que la fotografía es un arte y un talento que no todas las personas tienen, llegar a manejar una cámara lo hace cualquiera pero convertir un momento en algo único, hermoso y para ser expuesto es algo que amerita talento y dedicación cosas que estos dos influencers tienen de sobra.
Uno es un experto en paisajismos y en capturar imágenes en movimiento, la otra una joven capaz de conseguir las mejores imagines de un evento, pero ¿Quién es el fotógrafo favorito de los influencers?
El crack de la fotografía
Arturo Plata es un joven mexicano que se ha convertido en el fotógrafo y director creativo favorito de grandes influencers como: Juanpa Zurita y Luisito comunica y de artistas como JBalvin y Sebastián Yatra, y sus imágenes son mayormente panorámicas y capturan desde increíbles paisajes hasta momentos en movimientos dignos de cualquier revista internacional.
Este chico ya tienen un par de años compartiendo imágenes en su Instagram y en el de muchos influencers y es que no solo es un crack de la fotografía, también es un extraordinario traveler, su trabajo como fotógrafo lo ha mezclado con su pasión por los viajes y el resultado es inigualable, su cuenta @arturoplataa está llena de imágenes sorprendentes y hermosas que mueven sentimientos y generan miles de vistas y comentarios.
(Te puede interesar: Luisito y Juanpa Zurita vs Xime Ponch, ¿quién causa más terror en Halloween?)
En su cuenta con más de 150 mil seguidores encontrarás imágenes de México, Canadá, Usa, Cuba, Colombia, Paraguay, Islandia, Inglaterra, Francia, España, Italia, Vietnam, Tailandia, China, Indonesia, Filipinas y Japón, con paisajes increíbles y momentos legendarios.
Este chico ha incursionado en el mundo de las grandes marcas, tomando imágenes para campañas de casas de moda como Dior o Nike, formando parte de las colaboraciones de JuanPa Zurita y de las giras de Sebastián Yatra, convirtiéndolo en uno de los fotógrafos más buscados de la actualidad por la calidad de sus imágenes.
La encargada de la magia
Por su parte Italia Padilla es una de las retratistas mexicanas más buscada por los influencers de los últimos tiempos, sus imágenes son capaces de capturar sentimientos y momentos mágicos, entre sus fotografiados se encuentran importantes youtubers como: Natt Campos, Mario Bautista, Carolina Díaz, Juanpa Jaramillo, Gibby, Kimberly Loaiza, Juan De Dios Pantoja y su hija Kima, Yosseline Hoffman, JeanCarlo León, Sebastián Urdiales, La Bala y muchos más.
Esta joven mexicana cuenta con tres cuentas de Instagram distintas pero llenas de imágenes increíbles su cuenta principal es @nyusage donde tiene más de 200 mil seguidores y unas 2000 imágenes de youtubers, tiktokers, instagrammers, bailarinas y modelos latinos que la han convertido en la reina de los retratos de Instagram.
(Te puede interesar: Descubre a Jimena Valle “Gibby” la pequeinfluencer más grande de México)
Su cuenta secundaria @italiapadilla_photography contiene imágenes más anónimas, pero no menos hermosas, pues su trabajo como fotógrafa para quinceañeras es impecable, siendo la fotógrafa que cualquier chica desea tener el día más especial de su vida. Italia es una de las más talentosas y mágicas creadoras de contenido de las redes sociales su juventud la ha transformado en un gran prodigio de la fotografía.
Mientras su cuenta ´personal @ita_padilla75 contiene imágenes más personales e información de su vida, las fotografías de esta chica han conquistado a grandes influencers y a miles de chicas que han confiado sus eventos en ella, sus fotografías están llenas de momentos felices, colores, luces y momentos sacados de un cuento de hadas.  
Síguenos en nuestras redes sociales y déjanos tus comentarios
via La Neta – La comunidad más grande de influencers emergentes y creadores en español
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thisdaynews · 4 years
La Liga: Atletico Madrid v Barcelona
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/la-liga-atletico-madrid-v-barcelona/
La Liga: Atletico Madrid v Barcelona
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Live Reporting
By Harry Poole
All times stated are UK
our European football page.
Getty ImagesCopyright: Getty Images
Posted at 20:5020:50
The story of the first half
Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
Two excellent stops by Barcelona goalkeeper Marc-Andre ter Stegen have kept Atletico from breaking the deadlock.
45 mins
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Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
That’s that for the first half, with barely a minute of injury time played at the end of a breathless first 45 minutes.
Goalless at the interval, but a really tasty contest.
43 mins
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Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
The scoreline certainly does not do this first half justice, or certainly the last 20 minutes or so.
Barcelona appear to have shaken off their early cobwebs and are building play nicely as we approach the interval.
But Atletico, as we’ve come to expect under Diego Simeone, are standing firm.
41 mins
Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
Here we go, the chances are flying in now!
Barcelona earn themselves a corner and Gerard Pique rises highest, producing a powerful header that crashes off the crossbar.
39 mins
Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
That wonderful save by ter Stegen is all that has kept Atletico from a deserved lead so far.
And there’s another!!!
My word. This is arguably even better than the first.
Alvaro Morata meets Kieran Trippier’s cross with his head but ter Stegen produces a marvelous low save, scooping the ball away.
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Ideozu-Frank Sampson:Early senseless noises from Atleti. Once Barça find their way in front, fans and players will sink in agony!
TheRampantOtter:This is the worst Barca side since Pep’s 2nd Champs League win in 2011. Messi is as much of a hinderance as he is a help.
Garett T Switzer:Imagine making saves like ter stegen does, being the best gk in the world, then being told to sit down and shut up every time you put on the german kit. mind-boggling politics in football sometimes
34 mins
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Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
A first corner for Barcelona now.
What can they make of this?
Absolutely nothing. Lionel Messi’s cross from the right is far too high and goes straight out of play.
He’s not quite at it yet this evening, but how many times have we said that before.
31 mins
Post update
Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
A flurry of fouls sees Gerard Pique join Junior Firpo in the book for Barca. Pique resorts to a rugby-style tackle to stop Atletico advancing and the home support will not let him get away with that one.
29 mins
Post update
Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
Eight shots from Atletico so far.
Just the one for Barcelona.
But with just one of their shots landing on target, Atletico need to start making much more of their chances. Especially now Barca are beginning to warm up here…
26 mins
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Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
A first real opening for Barcelona arrives after great work from Lionel Messi.
The Argentine does really well to muscle his way through a couple of tackles, before finding Ivan Rakitic whose shot is smothered by Jan Oblak.
Better from Barca after weathering a difficult period.
23 mins
Post update
Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
Atletico look confident and much more threatening than Barcelona so far, while Ernesto Valverde’s side are struggling to contain the hosts and look unsure at the back.
The crowd are on their feet again as Hector Herrera curls a shot from the egde of the box, but his attempt falls narrowly wide.
19 mins
Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
Unbelievable stop by Marc-Andre ter Stegen! I have no idea how that has stayed out.
Another foul by Junior Firpo on the edge of the area hands Atletico a great opportunity to send another dangerous ball into the box, which Koke does.
The cross is initially cleared but the ball comes back in for Mario Hermoso and the centre-back looks sure to score, but ter Stegen somehow gets enough on the shot to keep it out.
16 mins
Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
A brilliant delivery from Kieran Trippier, as the former Tottenham right-back whips his free-kick across the face of Marc-Andre ter Stegen’s goal.
Atletico appeal for a corner, adamant the ball was headed over the bar by a Barca defender, but the referee decides in favour of the visitors.
15 mins
Post update
Atletico 0-0 Barcelona
A good spell for Atletico now, with Diego Simeone urging his players forward from the touchline.
Hector Herrera is bundled over by Junior Firpo and the hosts have a free-kick out on the right.
Kieran Trippier to take.
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yosoylove · 7 years
De pronto imagine todo esto con la melodia de Beethoven y fue mi boda, como me gustaria que fuera, me imagine mesas cuadradas con manteles de cuadriculas, comida italiana como lasagna y un buen platillo fuerte, la música de beethoven, yo bailando con el, con mi hermoso vestido blanco, tan grande, tan blanco, tan esponjado, tan llamativo, ese dia quiero que todo mundo me mire y mas el, tenerlo embobado en mi y solo en mi como nunca para nunca olvidar ese dia, ese dia tendrá que ser perfecto, un dia perfecto por una vez en mi vida, el mi enamorado tiene que ser amable, caballeroso, lindo, agradable, no me importa si no es guapo lo que me importara es que me ame con cada parte de todo su ser, su alma, su corazón y su mente, yo me imagino muy guapa, mas de lo normal claro, con mis grandes amigas en compañía de Ericka, Guadalupe, Yamilex, Bibiana, Amaranta y Karen, ellas no deben de faltar y claro mis hermanas, mi Mamá, Mario y Miguel, todos son personas tan importantes en mi vida, que quiero y amo con todo mi corazón...
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footballffbarbiex · 4 years
Prompt one - 47: “ You’re cute when you’re angry.” Mario Hermoso
crossed out means that tumblr can’t link you or you’ve changed your blog name. let me know if you’d like to be added :)
Forever tags: @starkrogerspls | @neymarlionelmessi7 | @elle-aaron  | @kxndrixx |  @leduqdefoot | @fangirlinsince1998 | @fcbarcafics | @henrythickcavill | @msgem | @grizifc | @xxsophie-raabxx | @degea-drama-llama | @evie-pr | @meteora-fc  | @softstonsey |
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She’d agreed to play FIFA with Mario and so far, in every single game, she’s lost. Hardly scored and any that had gone her way had been own goals due to taunting him into slipping up.
“Aww babe, come on. Don’t be mad,” he reaches for her, but she shrugs out from under his touch as she shuffles away from him after another goal making it 5-0. Her eyes are glued firmly to the screen, the tip of her tongue poking out from her lips as she leans forward with her elbows on her thighs. He laughs as she performs a tackle on him, knocking him to the ground and is awarded a second yellow for the trouble.
“Now look what you made me do!” She groans in frustration as she watches her player get sent off.
“You’re cute when you’re angry.” He chuckles and catches the cushion she launches in his direction.
“I hate you. I suck at this.”
“Everyone sucks when they start. Plus, most people don’t start by going straight up an actual person.”
“Sounds like you’re doubting my abilities.” Her back straightens and a determined glint in her eyes appear.
“I’m not sayi-”
“Rematch.” She demands.
“Another rematch? It’s exhausting beating you though babe.”
“Rematch.” She repeats through gritted teeth.
“Are you-“
“Re. Match.” She pulls her hair from its ponytail and ties it back up in a messy bun before making herself a little more comfortable.
Mario shakes his head, clicking through the options as before hitting confirm and watches as she does the same.
“Loser makes dinner and washes up.”
“Done.” He nods, missing the way she smirks.
By 18 mins, he was losing 2-1. He flicks his attention between the screen and her, realising now in this moment that he’s been played in the worst way. She looks confident, relaxed even and he unhappy.
“You did this on purpose.”
“Did I? Did I really? You set the standards my friend. You made the deal. This was all you.”
“You held back.” He protests.
“And as a result, you’ll now be taking care of me tonight. I can’t wait. A lovely bubble bath’ll be waiting for me, a nice glass of wine and reading a book while you cook dinner. And for you to offer to wash up too?” She comments as she sends the ball to the back of his net, “beautiful.”
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elescribano · 7 years
Libros - "La locura de nuestro tiempo"
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Mario Mendoza es un escritor colombiano, el cual creo que es más conocido por la novela ‘Satanás’ del 2002. Confieso que me vi la película, pero no he leído el libro, yo lo vine a conocer como escritor por 'Buda Blues’ del 2009, una novela que me gustó por lo beligerante del contexto junto a un personaje principal tan inocente a pesar de lo que vivía conforme avanzaba la historia. Con ese precedente, pensé en que podría ser divertido leer algo más de él, de esa forma agresiva y tan untada de ciudad que tiene este escritor para contar las historias y en una liquidación de Editorial Planeta encontré este libro del 2010, el título y la portada del luchador llamaron mi atención y me lo llevé. 
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El libro se divide en cuatro partes. La primera parte, ‘Momentos’, recopila una serie de historias de lo que ha sido la vida del autor en sus mejores y peores días, en los que se sintió con la mayor y la peor de las suertes. Contadas de forma directa, cada historia no tiene más de tres páginas, algunas son tan sólo un par de párrafos, pero eso basta para llevar el mensaje que quiere llevar en cada uno, no se extiende innecesariamente, no adorna lo duro, ni endurece lo hermoso, como la vida es, a veces práctica, a veces cruel. 
La segunda parte, ‘Cuatro Historias’, son cuatro cuentos cortos muy urbanos, con un toque cotidiano que facilitan que uno se identifique en cierto punto. todos narrados en primera persona, como si el lector contara la historia. 
La tercer parte, ‘Retratos’, Mario Mendoza, construye a través de entrevistas o perfiles de personajes, que entendería yo, el autor necesita compartir. No gusté mucho de esta parte, algunas de las entrevistas realizadas, las sentí un poco forzadas en querer que se llegara a un punto específico, si bien respeto que no edite para hacerlo ver menos impuesto, creo que pierde esa fluidez que tanto me gusta del autor, ese dejar ir. Así mismo pasa un poco con aquellos perfiles que construye, giran más bruscamente hacia un destino puntual. 
La cuarta y última parte, ‘La locura de nuestro tiempo’, es una serie de relatos cortos, los cuales están entrelazados por una idea que el autor une en el último relato. De nuevo retoma la fórmula ágil de la primera parte, esta vez con relatos que considero, vienen de experiencias personales del autor. Desarrolla a fondo el concepto del_ Amok_, que es en el que se funda la idea de varios de sus textos y que impactó su vida debido a su momentánea cercanía a Campo Elías Delgado. 
Lo recomiendo como un libro para descansar de alguna lectura pesada y que te haya dejado exhausto. No lo recomiendo como un libro donde vayas a encontrar una maravillosa historia, algo envolvente. Tampoco lo recomiendo para los que busquen literatura rosa. 
Finalmente los dejo con unas ideas del libro que me gustaron mucho:
1. “Eso me enseñó que la terquedad es un defecto en casi todas las circunstancias imaginables, pero en la literatura y en el arte, es una gran virtud. Es más, es la virtud más importante”.
2. “Desde entonces una idea me obsesiona: que la próxima vez que la muerte esté cerca yo tenga una obra literaria para oponerle. Toda mi vida no ha sido más que una prolongación de ese momento: darle sentido a una existencia que carece por completo de él”.
3. Un señor a una recepcionista de un hotel: “Ah, no, no exageres: tú no sabes todavía lo que es una situación desesperada. Una situación desesperada es la mía, que soy poeta, estoy solo y tengo miedo.”
4. “Uno se hace escritor cuando está lejos de la vida, contemplándola a través de un vidrio, y de alguna manera, para no morir, tiene que recobrarla y ahondar en ella por medio de lo único que tiene a su alcance: las palabras.”
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footballffbarbiex · 4 years
On Her Toes
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Full word count: 2,460 Excerpt: 755 Summary: She never expected to find herself in this situation. Fuck buddies with one and exchanging flirty banter with the other, but when the opportunity arises, how can she say no? Category: threesome. smut Pairings: Mario Hermoso / oc / Federico Bernardeschi Warnings: Oral (m + f), dirty talk, protected sex, p in v, DP.
The suit jacket that Mario had been wearing throughout the evening is laid over the back of the chair on which now Federico sits watching. Mario’s shirt sleeves have been folded to his elbows 
and three fingers are currently within her pussy as his tongue circles her sensitive clit. Her ass cheeks are soaked, splattered with her juices from the way the two of them have already made her orgasm more times than she can remember. Her clit is now oversensitive, swollen from the way Federico had held a vibrator to her as his tongue had lapped up the juices which had flowed with every new surge of vibrations.
It’s making it harder to reach an orgasm, but still, she manages one more. And one more. And one more. They make sure of it. Taking it in turns to bring her to another one. Needing her to. She’d talked a big talk and now she was paying for it.
With an event hosted in Italy, she’d accompanied Mario as his plus one. It hadn’t bothered her as much as she thought it would to be seen out together, given the fact that they’re only fuck buddies and not in a relationship. To the world, they were just friends and always had been, being seen together wasn’t a new thing and his fans liked that she gave more content that he would. She’d take photos during their lounging nights, as he got ready for big press events or during his downtime. Many fans wanted them together. Mario, deep down, wanted them together. If they did announce they were together, there would be no gasp of surprise.
She’d met Fede several times, their conversations had turned more and more flirtatious each time. Though he’d remained polite, never over stepping the line or any boundaries, she’d felt her pulse race and the smile on her face would not budge whilst in his presence.
“I have to ask you,” he’d said the morning of her leaving, “otherwise I’ll regret it and this is a perfect opportunity. Are we just talk or is there something here?”
And though they couldn’t act upon it, she confirmed what he’d thought all along. “There’s definitely something here.”
And their opportunity came tonight. She cannot remember how the conversation of them actually acting upon their thoughts had started, only that the three of them had been seated together with her in between them. And though she can’t remember how it started, she doesn’t regret that it has.
Federico had watched as Mario had shrugged out of his jacket, thrown it over the chair and stripped her down. He’d moved so quickly to cover her body, his lips on hers, his hands kneading her breasts as her legs had willingly opened. Mario had moved carefully, beckoning Fede towards the bed, shifting his body so that he was more at the side of her. He’d tongued her nipples into hard peaks as Federico had pressed his mouth to her folds and finally sampled what he’s thought of for so long. Between the two of them, they’d brought her to her first orgasm and the first of many.
Even though her pussy is swollen, her clit both begs to left alone and to be touched some more, all she can do is lay back and feel everything. Her orgasm comes within minutes, her walls tighten around his fingers, her clit throbs against his tongue and all she can do is pant through it.
“You’ve been good,” Mario says, stroking his fingers over her soaked core and smiling as she tries to pull her body away from him; her thighs tremble, a sign that she’s still sensitive. “I haven’t had to restrain your hands this time.”
“I’m trying.”
“It shows.” Federico comments.
“Disappointing. The restraints usually keeps her on her toes, not literally of course, but close enough.” Mario explains to a patient Federico. She’s able to look past Mario and take in the sight of him sitting with his cock between his fingers. They stroke up and down his shaft so lightly, she’s amazed he can keep his cock standing away from his body with them.
“They’d keep her mind working.” Federico replies and Mario nods.
“Exactly. The more she feels them, the more she thinks about them and the wetter she becomes.”
“I don’t think we have to worry about that right now.” Federico replies, his eyes dragging from her face to between her legs. “I would go as far to say both holes look ready.”
click here to continue reading. 
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
European transfer review: Where did your club fail to buy?
The transfer window for Europe’s major leagues is closed again for the rest of the year, but how did your team do? Did they leave any gaps?
Our correspondents assess how the top clubs failed to address their weaknesses this summer.
Jump to: Real Madrid | Atletico Madrid | Juventus | Inter | PSG | Bayern | Dortmund
BARCELONA: Too few attackers, too many midfielders
Barcelona did a lot of good business this summer. Much of it was done early, too. Frenkie de Jong helps rejuvenate an aging midfield and Antoine Griezmann brings quality in attack. The arrival of goalkeeper Neto cancels out the departure of Jasper Cillessen and Junior Firpo provides competition at left-back for Jordi Alba.
They managed to shift a number of players, too, with Malcom bringing in a good sum of cash and Philippe Coutinho‘s loan to Bayern Munich shifting a big earner from the wage bill. However, those two left with the idea another attacker would join — namely Neymar. That didn’t happen and they’re left with just four (admittedly very good) forwards for three positions: Griezmann, Lionel Messi, Luis Suarez and Ousmane Dembele. The problem is, Messi and Suarez are both now 32 and Dembele is injury prone. Youngsters Carles Perez and Ansu Fati could have a bigger role to play than they expected.
The opposite is true in midfield, where seven players will compete for three places. It may be a long season for one of Ivan Rakitic, Carles Alena or Arturo Vidal.
At the back, they stick with what they’ve got having missed out on Matthijs de Ligt to Juventus. An injury to Gerard Pique — who’s also the wrong side of 30 now — would leave them at the mercy of Samuel Umtiti‘s knee. Umtiti is the only real backup to Pique and Clement Lenglet, with young Jean Clair Todibo still untested. — Sam Marsden.
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REAL MADRID: A weaker midfield and no leader in attack
Real Madrid coach Zinedine Zidane did not add Paul Pogba from Manchester United as he wanted, nor were the club successful in acquiring Sporting Lisbon’s Bruno Fernandes or Tottenham’s Christian Eriksen.
Madrid, in fact, weakened a midfield line they meant to strengthen. Los Blancos sold Marco Llorente, Casemiro’s natural replacement, to Atletico while Dani Ceballos, the alternative to Toni Kroos and Luka Modric, was loaned to Arsenal. Much is expected from Federico Valverde but he has clocked just eight minutes in Madrid’s opening three league games. After being widely expected to leave, Gareth Bale and James Rodriguez stayed with Madrid not receiving suitable offers.
Madrid spent over €300m in the transfer market but only one of their six-summer signings, Eden Hazard, is expected to start. Newcomers Ferland Mendy, Luka Jovic and Eder Militao are set to be back-ups to Marcelo, Karim Benzema and Raphael Varane, respectively, while Rodrygo will play for Madrid’s reserves until he gains some experience.
The loss of Marco Asensio to an ACL injury, a lack of spark from Vinicius Jr. and the absence of an injured Hazard in the opening three games, has highlighted another weakness in Madrid’s team: there is no leader in attack. Hazard will provide quality but is far from reaching the goal-scoring numbers that Cristiano Ronaldo once did. Neymar could have filled that void. — Adriana Garcia.
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ATLETICO MADRID: Nothing. But another striker would have been nice
Atletico got pretty much everything they needed in the summer window, including beating off the whole of Europe to sign wonderkid Joao Felix from Benfica for a club record €126m — arguably the biggest scoop in La Liga, and that includes Eden Hazard’s €100m transfer to Real Madrid!
Atletico had plenty of work to do after losing defensive trio Diego Godin, Juanfran and Filipe Luis as free agents, while Lucas Hernandez, Rodri and Antoine Griezmann departed as Bayern Munich, Manchester City and Barcelona, respectively, activated their release clauses.
But the Rojiblancos delivered by signing eight players for €245m — spending less than what they pocketed from sales. Atletico bought defenders Mario Hermoso, Kieran Trippier, Renan Lodi and Felipe, then added Hector Herrera and Marcos Llorente in midfield. They strengthened the attack with Ivan Saponjic and secured Alvaro Morata‘s permanent transfer from Chelsea in July 2020.
The only negative was that Atletico were unable to offload Argentine forward Angel Correa despite weeks of negotiations with AC Milan, and that scuppered a move for Rodrigo. Atletico and Valencia had reached a verbal agreement on a €60m deal but Correa had to leave first. Atletico also were interested in adding James Rodriguez from Real Madrid but again needed Correa to depart. James or Rodrigo would have been the cherry on top on what was a great window. — Adriana Garcia.
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JUVENTUS: An aging front line and failure to sell well
The €75m signing of Matthijs de Ligt feels like an awful long time ago now but don’t lose sight of it. The Ajax centre-back had his pick of Europe’s elite and chose Juventus, while the acquisition of fellow centre-back Merih Demiral from Sassuolo for €18m should also go down as one of the bargains of the summer
Sporting director Fabio Paratici continued Juventus’ tradition of working the free transfer market with aplomb; Adrien Rabiot and Aaron Ramsey, in theory, skill-up a midfield that lacked angles and imagination last season. The team looks stronger and the squad deeper than ever. But therein lies a problem. 
Selling proved very difficult for Juventus this summer. Gonzalo Higuain dug his heels in, as did Paulo Dybala and Mario Mandzukic. Moving on Sami Khedira and Daniele Rugani also hit obstacles. A fortnight ago, Juve vice-president Pavel Nedved insisted the club were under no pressure to sell but their actions up until deadline day suggested otherwise.
Juve’s attack in particular looks old after the sale of Moise Kean to Everton and hard choices await the Old Lady when it comes to deciding who’s in and who’s out of the 23-man Champions League squad. New manager Maurizio Sarri has never been big on rotation and the risk of disgruntlement among a number of high profile players is high. — James Horncastle.
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INTER MILAN: Depth still not enough to challenge Juve
Inter Milan may have had strengthened in almost every area — including the manager — this summer, but that does not mean they are necessarily ready to challenge Juventus for the Serie A title.
Last season they were short in attack, after the exclusion of Mauro Icardi, leaving only Lautaro Martinez to play up front and the 22-year-old only managed six goals Serie A goals in 27 appearances. While Inter have brought in Romelu Lukaku from Manchester United for a club-record fee of €80 million, the Belgium international arrives simply as a replacement for Icardi, who left for Paris Saint-Germain on loan.
Lukaku’s ex-United teammate Alexis Sanchez has also joined on loan — and he can play in attack as well as on the wing, where Inter lost Ivan Perisic following the Croatia international’s loan move to Bayern Munich. Injuries could prove fatal to any title bid for the Nerazzurri. In central defence, they have superb options for Antonio Conte’s preferred back three in Stefan de Vrij, Milan Skriniar and Godin. However, injury to De Vrij meant Conte had to call upon ex-Hull City man Andrea Ranocchia. — Andrew Cesare Richardson.
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PSG: Both full-back positions needed upgrading
Understandably, PSG’s summer business is being interpreted as risky by some less familiar with the French champions’ peculiarities — mainly the loan addition of attacker Icardi to a troubled dressing room in recent years.
For those well-versed with the Ligue 1 giants’ recent issues, however, arguing that this summer has not been a success is hard. PSG added quality in depth in certain areas and regenerated others, with central midfield getting a long overdue boost through Ander Herrera and Idrissa Gueye‘s arrivals, while restructuring with Keylor Navas, Sergio Rico and Marcin Bulka ends years of farcical goalkeeper uncertainty.
Abdou Diallo brings depth and versatility in defence, while Pablo Sarabia and Icardi give coach Thomas Tuchel options in attack – particularly after Kylian Mbappe and Edinson Cavani‘s recent injuries and the ongoing Neymar saga.
One minor complaint is that both full-back positions have not received greater attention this summer, despite sporting director Leonardo’s efforts to restock, as well as an exodus of homegrown talent.
Overall, though, PSG finish the summer with a very strong squad on paper, particularly after keeping hold of Neymar, and authority over an unruly dressing room finally appears to have been restored through Leonardo’s return at the expense of the inept Antero Henrique. — Jonathan Johnson.
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BAYERN MUNICH: A lack of options up front
Bayern spent most of the summer chasing a big money move for Leroy Sane. But once the Manchester City winger sustained a long-term knee injury, the club turned to brilliant loan deals for Philippe Coutinho and Ivan Perisic, two experienced internationals to fill the gaps left by Arjen Robben and Franck Ribery.
There was a changing of the guard at the back as the arrival of France’s 2018 World Cup winners Lucas Hernandez and Benjamin Pavard replaced Mats Hummels, who returned to Dortmund, and Jerome Boateng, who has dropped down the pecking order. While Michael Cuisance came in to take the place of the ineffectual Renato Sanches, sold to Lille, in midfield.
Bayern have added some depth in the middle of the park, however they are still too reliant on Robert Lewandowski. The 31-year-old is Bayern’s most important player and is indispensable up top. He already has six goals in three league games and, with only 19-year-old Fiete Arp joining as his backup from Hamburg, he is still without any competition. They’ll probably have enough to claim another Bundesliga title but any long-term injury for the Pole could serve as a major blow to Bayern’s hopes of winning the Champions League.
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BORUSSIA DORTMUND: Also lack of options up front
Dortmund stormed out of the blocks and took an early lead in the transfer market to sign Germany internationals Nico Schulz and Julian Brandt, as well as Belgium international Thorgan Hazard, right after the end of the season.
They also re-signed Mats Hummels from Bayern Munich but, with focus shifting to offloading high-earning fringe players such as Andre Schurrle, Maximilian Philipp, Shinji Kagawa and Omer Toprak, Dortmund roughly invested some €130m (which included Paco Alcacer‘s permanent transfer from Barcelona) and just about broke even if you add Christian Pulisic‘s €64m move to Chelsea in January.
Yet despite adding quality and reducing squad numbers, Dortmund still have a few things to work on. In Alcacer and Mario Gotze, BVB have two attackers who aren’t a No. 9. Coach Lucien Favre has said he does not need a target man in the box but the lack of alternatives up front could become a major problem.
At right-back, Lukasz Piszczek remains Dortmund’s first-choice. But with age slowly taking its toll, the 34-year-old club legend could become a liability. Real Madrid loanee Achraf Hakimi has yet to show he is mature enough to both defend and attack, while 19-year-old Mateu Morey, who joined on a free from Barcelona, is the future but his start to life at the club has been delayed by a shoulder injury. — Stephan Uerseld.
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