swynlake-rp · 7 months
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"You'll regret what you did to my cloak!"
FULL NAME: Darius Daemonne BASED ON: Darius (The Owl House) FACE CLAIM: Brian Michael Smith PRONOUNS: He/Him BIRTHDAY:  August 21, 1983 CURRENT STATUS: Taken
Character Information || CW: Transphobia ||
Darius was born on the Boiling Isles in a town called Palm’s Sting, located on the hand of the Titan. His parents owned a small general store that serviced residents with reagents and other magical ingredients. Sorcerers by trade, the Deammon family did not participate in the traditional paths of a Boiling Isles family, homeschooling their children in the ways of magic and staying uninvolved in their covens, though they did join to avoid a fuss. More than anything, they wanted to keep to themselves and continue the family business, which is what was expected of Darius and his siblings. However, the young sorcerer had other dreams. He wanted to learn about magic in its fullness, go to school like the other children, and become something great, rather than withering away in obscurity on the furthest reaches of the Titan. This caused a lot of tension with his family, particularly his parents, who did not accept his wishes, nor his blossoming gender identity. Eventually, Darius took life into his own hands, enrolling himself in Hexside Academy and moving to Bonesborough with nothing more than the clothes on his back. While Darius did struggle for some time, it wasn’t long before he caught the attention of a sorcerer who would change his life forever. Caleb Belos, the Golden Guard of the emperor himself, found young Darius doing his Hexside homework on the streets, and decided to take him under his wing. He not only saw great magical potential, but also a kid in need of support, which he was more than happy to provide. He gave the boy a place to stay and helped him find his footing in magic–as it turned out, he was particularly gifted in Animation and Abomination magic. Due to his connections, it was easy for Caleb to help Darius join the Animation and Abomination coven after his Hexside graduation and quickly, he climbed his way up the ranks to eventually become the coven head. For a time, Darius was a dedicated coven head, loyal to the emperor and doing his bidding without question. Then, one day, Caleb disappeared without a word. According to the emperor, his Golden Guard had filed for retirement, and left the Isles to live the rest of his life in secluded peace. It would have been a heartbreaking revelation for Darius, had he believed it. But he knew Caleb better than anyone, better than the emperor himself, and he knew this story had to be a fabrication. While he spent years trying to figure out what actually happened to his beloved mentor, the mystery eluded him and he was forced to carry on business as usual.  Eventually, the Golden Guard was replaced by a new relative of Belos–Hunter, a young boy eager to please. Darius watched on with distaste, but soon began to notice patterns similar to Caleb, particularly in how the emperor treated him. So when Hunter disappeared to Swynlake, he began to fear that history was about to repeat itself. Under the guise of researching abomination magic for the emperor, Darius now finds himself traveling to the small English town to keep an eye on his mentor’s successor. He’s enrolled himself as a professor at the local university, again, to further his “research” and keep up his ruse. But what might he discover in this new, strange world?
✓ Perceptive, cunning, caring
✖ Posh, arrogant, uptight
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Sorcery - Abomination Specialty
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lunchboxpoems · 2 years
If by truth you mean hand then yes I hold to be self-evident and hold you in the highest— KO to my OT and bait to my switch, I crown you one-trick pony to my one-horse town, dub you my one-stop shopping, my space heater, juke joint, tourist trap, my peep show, my meter reader, you best batteries-not-included baring all or nothing. Let me begin by saying if he hollers, end with goes the weasel. In between, cream filling. Get over it, meaning, the moon. Tell me you’ll dismember this night forever, you my punch-drunking bag, tar to my feather. More than the sum of our private parts, we are some peekaboo, some peak and valley, some bright equation (if and then but, if er then uh). My fruit bat, my gewgaw. You had me at no duh.
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pwpoetry · 1 year
Q&A with Dora Malech and Laura T. Smith
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M: Can you talk a bit about what inspired your close look at the American sonnet? What, as you see it, are the strengths of this prescribed form?
D/L: From the start of this project, we were both struck by the current explosion in the contemporary sonnet—in variety, form, and sheer number—and wanted to place this proliferation in some historical context. Poetic influence is hardly a straight line; we wanted to gather threads and weave the plurality of American sonnet writers like Gwendolyn Brooks, Wanda Coleman, Adrienne Rich, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Emma Lazarus and so many others into conversation with each other and with our moment.  
As this book first started to take shape, we were both teaching sonnet courses and we knew that we were equally interested in the political and aesthetic potentials of very traditional and very experimental approaches to the sonnet. We also wanted to complicate perceived boundaries and delineations between those approaches. Part of the strength of this prescribed form is its own deep history, that sonnets are always layered over other sonnets, so each sonnet gestures toward this history. In some sense, all sonnets become metasonnets. The tradition is on one hand a lot of metatextual clutter, but it's also a lot to draw upon, pieces you can use.  
We created the kind of book we were hungry for as teachers, but also as readers, writers, and scholars. The familiarity and identifiability of the sonnet also makes it a great form for subverting expectations; we hope a collection like ours similarly offers the opportunity for both recognition and provocation.
M: What trends or patterns (or lack thereof) did you notice as you curated your selection of sonnets?
D/L: We always knew that we were interested in telling a story about the way the sonnet form appealed to and was an important tool for marginalized writers: women writers and Black writers and immigrant writers and queer writers of sonnet, for example. We also knew early on that the container of the “American” was problematic but also useful, and I think you see that sense of “but also” all over the book. There's an American story here to be told, but it constantly stretches toward the international—connecting to colonial histories, migration, diaspora—and so the American sonnet is a rubric we chose to retain, with the reservations, complications, and nuance that we hope come through in the book.
In terms of patterns that emerged as we were building the collection, one of things we see clearly in this collection is the distinct lineages—we anticipated a lesbian sonnet, an African American sonnet, a women's sonnet, a jazz sonnet, but there are also lineages of the immigrant sonnet, the diasporic sonnet, the labor sonnet, the minimalist and maximalist sonnets, the narrative sonnet, the prose sonnet. Essayists and poets in this collection center disability and neurodiversity; they celebrate—and, perhaps more notably, question and renounce—Americanness; they translate into and write outside of English. And we hope our collection underscores the fact that these are not innovations and conversations new to the 21st century. The subtraditions and their lineages became an important story here, as did these traditions of troubling and experimentation in form.
M: What most surprised you as you worked on this project? (Any new discoveries about the form?)
D/L: We knew we had a lot to work with going into the project, but as we began to compile lists, the number and range of sonnets was truly staggering. The final book was able to contain just a tiny fraction of what we had compiled. And then we each had individual finds: new sonnets, new sonnet scholars who we weren't familiar with before the project. We hope the book contains surprises for the reader as well: for example, Emma Lazarus’s iconic sonnet “The New Colossus” alongside her sonnet “Assurance,” which remained unpublished until 1980.  
The community that gathered in and around this volume was also a wonderful surprise.
And about the form—we knew this form was capacious, but it is even more capacious than we thought it was. That's a simple thing to say, but it's true. The essays’ various methodologies also yield surprises about the sonnet, so readers should come away with a wealth of approaches not only to how one might write a sonnet, but how one might read a sonnet.
M: What do you hope general readers will gain from this anthology?
D/L: We think that poetry lovers already know that the sonnet is in an exciting time, and we hope that the book adds to that excitement and the sense of the possibility there. But general readers, or student readers, don’t necessarily know this. So, for general readers and students, we hope they get pleasure and surprise from the poems, and that the essays help readers access even more pleasure. And we believe that the sheer aesthetic and historical range of the collection will yield new discoveries and connections for even the most avid reader of sonnets.
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style-chic · 2 years
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hugo sauzay
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berryteatime · 1 month
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Silly mashup adopts I’m doing!!! Started with the angel dust row! I’m not done with angel dust yet but I’m getting there
Angel dust and alastor creates: Venison!
A podcast owner and former actor
Angel dust and husk creates: Mittens!
A bartender for clubs
angeldust and lucifer creates: Malech!
A fallen angel and overlord
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crazy-so-na-sega · 5 months
Norman Mailer accoltella la moglie che lo accusava di non saper scrivere come Dostoevskij al grido di “Lasciatela morire, quella puttana!”, ed altre imprese del grande scrittore
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Il 19 novembre 1960 Norman Mailer (nato Nachem Malech Mailer), all’epoca lanciatissima “giovane promessa” dell’intellighenzia americana, in particolare per il suo saggio di pochi anni prima The White Negro, con il quale trasformava il teppismo bohémien dei giovani bianchi annoiati in una sottocultura rivoluzionaria, decise di dare un ricevimento per lanciare la sua candidatura a sindaco di New York, nell’appartamento dell’Upper West Side che condivideva con la moglie Adele Morales (artista e critica letteraria di origine peruviana) e le due figlie.
Fresco di arresto per oltraggio a pubblico ufficiale (aveva cercato di fermare un’auto della polizia come se fosse un taxi) Mailer aveva fatto di tutto per assicurare il sostegno dell’establishment progressista della città a una “struttura di potere” che avrebbe portato avanti le battaglie delle minoranze (tra le quali, per l’appunto, i “negri bianchi” che tanto gli stavano a cuore): una commistione, quella tra élite e rivoluzionari, che rappresenta alla perfezione l’anima della sinistra occidentale sin dagli esordi.
Nonostante la defezione di qualche “filantropo” come David Rockefeller, al party di Mailer convogliarono circa 200 ospiti, tra i quali Allen Ginsberg, Norman Podhoretz (in seguitò uno dei principali rappresentanti del neoconservatorismo bushiano) e una masnada di “derelitti, tagliagole e bohémien” che lo scrittore aveva raccattato letteralmente dalla strada.
Dopo aver bevuto tutto il bevibile, l’enfant prodige della controcultura americana cominciò a litigare con gli ospiti, obbligandoli a mettersi ai lati opposti della stanza a seconda se fossero a favore o contro la sua candidatura, per poi scendere direttamente in strada a prendere a pugni i passanti.
Alle quattro di notte passate, una volta tornato nel suo appartamento con la camicia strappata e un occhio nero, e constatato che tutti gli invitati se ne fossero andati (ad eccezione di 5-6 persone), Mailer se la prese con la moglie, probabilmente anche lei alticcia, la quale lo aveva apostrofato con un Aja toro, aja! per poi chiamarlo “frocetto” [little faggot] e insinuare che la “lurida puttana della sua amante” gli avesse tagliato i cojones (sic).
Secondo altri testimoni, la goccia che avrebbe fatto traboccare il vaso sarebbe stata l’affermazione da parte della Morales che il marito non fosse bravo a scrivere come Dostoesvkij. Fatto sta che a un certo punto Mailer estrasse un temperino arrugginito dalla tasca e colpì la consorte alla schiena e al seno, perforandole il pericardio e mancando di pochissimo il cuore.
Ai presenti, scioccati per l’accaduto, Mailer intimò di “lasciar morire quella cagna” (o “quella puttana”, Let the bitch die). La donna venne prima condotta nell’appartamento al piano inferiore e poi all’ospedale universitario per un intervento d’urgenza.
Seppur in gravi condizioni, la Morales inizialmente disse ai medici di essere caduta su dei pezzi di vetro, ma due giorni dopo confessò alla polizia che era stato Mailer ad aggredirla; nel frattempo lo scrittore aveva fatto in tempo a rilasciare un’intervista televisiva al giornalista Mike Wallace, già programmata per promuovere la sua candidatura a sindaco, nella quale aveva sostenuto un’idea a lui particolarmente cara, cioè che il coltello rappresentasse per un criminale “la sua parola d’onore, la sua mascolinità”.
Quando la Morales ammise di esser stata colpita da Mailer, lo scrittore che in quel momento si trovava in ospedale venne subito arrestato. In seguito venne ricoverato per un paio di settimane in un istituto psichiatrico per una valutazione della sua sanità mentale, nonostante lo scrittore avesse implorato di non essere mandato con i pazzi poiché altrimenti “per il resto della mia vita le mie opere saranno considerate come frutto di una mente malata”.
A salvare la sua carriera, oltre che la clemenza dei giudici e la connivenza del milieu culturale newyorchese, fu probabilmente decisiva la scelta di Adele Morales di non sporgere denuncia in cambio del divorzio (ottenuto nel 1962). Mailer ne uscì praticamente indenne, e non solo dalla prospettiva penale, dal momento che i suoi amici “serrarono i ranghi” in sua difesa: il collega scrittore James Baldwin descrisse la sua “impresa” come un tentativo di liberarsi dalla “prigione spirituale che aveva creato con le sue fantasie politiche”, mentre il critico Lionel Trilling derubricò l’accaduto a “stratagemma dostoevskiano” messo in scena dallo stimato scrittore per “testare i limiti del male in se stesso”.
Qualche voce critica si sollevò dal fronte femminista: per esempio la scrittrice Kate Millett, proprio alla luce della violenza sulla moglie, tacciò l’intera opera di Mailer di legittimare il “sistema patriarcale”; tuttavia, quando Mailer si ricandidò a sindaco di New York nel 1969, le ideologhe Bella Abzug e Gloria Steinem lo sostennero con convinzione.
Le prime accuse di un certo rilievo sono giunte in tempi recenti, sia sulla scia delle memorie di Adele Morales (The Last Party, pubblicato nel 1997), sia con l’ascesa della cancel culture. Persino il “manifesto” di Mailer, The White Negro, è stato ridotto a espressione di esistenzialismo macho, ispirato a una concezione del maschile (anche in termini di aggressività e violenza) intrinsecamente positiva in quanto legato alla realtà e all’azione, e di conseguenza superiore al femminile, di contro schierato con l’artificiosità e il vaniloquio.
D’altro canto, per corroborare la sua candidatura a sindaco, Mailer abbozzò una lettera aperta a Fidel Castro nel quale biasimava che, a differenza di Cuba, negli Stati Uniti “troppi pochi colpi vengono sferrati alla carne. Qui siamo esperti nell’uccidere lo spirito, usiamo proiettili psichici e ci uccidiamo vicendevolmente cellula per cellula”. Se è probabile che annoverasse se stesso, in quanto intellettuale, tra i “carnefici dell’anima”, di certo ne includeva la compagna, le cui frecciate aveva definito come “una sequela di pugnalate psichiche” [psychic stabbings].
La mania per un certo tipo di mascolinità, declinata sempre in chiave progressista, emerge anche da uno dei punti più importanti del suo programma, con cui lo scrittore annunciava l’organizzazione di tornei cavallereschi in stile medievale a Central Park e corse di cavalli a Little Italy per contrastare la delinquenza giovanile.
Ad ogni modo, un parallelo più interessante è con il romanzo scritto dopo l’accoltellamento, Un sogno americano (1965) che racconta di uno stimato intellettuale e politico, Stephen Rojack, il quale in preda ai fumi dell’alcol uccide la moglie e poi si rifugia nei bassifondi di Manhattan dove, tra jazz club e puttane, scopre il valore liberatorio della violenza. Va osservato che al processo per l’accoltellamento della Morales l’avvocato di Mailer sostenne che il suo assistito avrebbe potuto “dare un contributo alla società” con il suo nuovo libro, che era appunto l’elogio letterario del suo gesto An American Dream…
storia di fama, compagne, paraocchi e opportunismo...:-)
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enyzay · 9 months
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Art of my baldurs gate Tav, Malech, and his boyfriend Astarion.
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travsd · 2 months
The Norman Mailer Centennial
100 years ago today saw the birth of Norman Mailer (Nachem Malech Mailer, 1923-2007). I was rash enough to seem dismissive of Mailer in my recent Gore Vidal post, including both authors among a small set of so-called public intellectuals of the television age who failed to impress me. In Mailer’s case, his public image tended to overshadow his literary one, but honestly my main point was more…
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matzobs · 1 year
[cw: I am a parent processing my emotions about my kid behaving inconsiderately and this post touches on intergenerational trauma, religious trauma, & transphobia, so that I don't direct it at my kid.]
My kid was inconsiderate at the Purim Spiel last night and I, being new at parenting, didn't realize making him sit in the lobby or the car while the rest of us had fun was an option, so I decided we should come home early.
We got home and his mom showed me that he wasn't sad, he was acting badly, and this morning I'm accepting that I got manipulated. He's 12, that'll happen.
My brain thinks that being manipulated is a problem, so it's trying to solve it. Here are some terrible ideas it's come up with:
* Control every minute of his life until he can "show me he is a considerate person" or some other nebulous achievement or I get tired of doing that
* He's grounded! Remove all opportunities for him to do the things that help him regulate himself, and just really make sure he knows for like six months that he was bad in every minute of every day.
* Spend this time before school really digging into how bad he made me feel. Make sure he really feels how shitty I feel, even though he can't comprehend it, and then tell him his mother is going to talk to him about it after school, and kick him out of the car.
* Just really be physically withholding for as long as I feel bad. No hugs. No I love yous. Just cold. So he knows I think he's an asshole in his bones.
*Don't ever take him to anything at the Temple ever again. Cancel his Bar Mitzvah. Tell him he doesn't appreciate the opportunity so he doesn't get to be Jewish.
* I could maliciously make him late for school today. I could just make him do all his chores and then drive him to school in my own time.
* I could make an "infographic" (like we have for his routines) listing the things he should be embarassed about.
Just out here rawdogging BPD and raising a child. I will not be doing any of that, thanks brain, you're so good at coming up with revenge plots and we should like write some fiction or channel it into art. None of those options are going to achieve the desired results, and all of them are pretty destructive, so let's just not.
I did wake him up a little early this morning to eat breakfast. It feels like I'm getting my little revenge because he doesn't get to lay in bed until the second alarm, but he does need to eat some breakfast because his tantrum last night was about how he didn't like dinner and he didn't end up eating it, so that's actually good parenting and I'm fine with that decision.
Baruch Hashem Adonei Eloheinu Malech Ha'olam thank you for giving me anger so that I could use it's fire change the world for the better and the ability to manage the emotion and direct it appropriately, and not at my child. And if you could possibly help my kid be like Ephraim and/or Rebekah that would be tops.
And his mom is going to talk to him about it after school, so all I have to do is manage the trauma response rising within me until I drop him off at school.
That's something parents never seem to talk about. I suppose my dad sort of was talking about it when he shouted "at least I don't hit you" at me while his hand was in the air. I don't think that's a constructive jumping off point for a conversation for a child tho. Here are some sources of pain that are informing this moment:
*I do not have good parenting models and this is a lot of work, and I am trying to get a promotion at work and finish a painting and otherwise live an adult life, and this is bullshit.
* When he behaves badly, the way he behaves badly is the way cis het adult men behave badly on dates. This is because cis het adult men never have to do better than a 12 year old, and then they went on to model this behavior to him.
*He's up now and he's love bombing me. Which I fucking loathe. It makes my skin crawl so bad. I know I have to teach him that this doesn't work, when you harm someone, you make amends, you don't love bomb, but I barely know the difference myself.
* As his father, it's my job to model different behavior, but I'm a butch lesbian and not a cis het man so maybe he won't see me as the role model he needs and he'll continue to follow the example of the cis het dudes.
* This is my first Temple, and it was my first Purim Spiel and I wanted to see it and shout at Haman and cheer on Esther, and I didn't get to, and there's 40 years of religious trauma behind this bullet point.
* Parenting in community is challenging in ways I don't yet fully understand and can't yet anticipate and I can feel the other parents being embarassed about things and I don't know if I'm supposed to be embarassed (I refuse to be? but maybe I am?). Before this guy moved in with me, I was cautiouly participating in the t4t kink mutual aid community, and the mores about judging one another and ourselves are just different.
* There's an absolute MILF who was flirting with me and we were going to sit next to each other and I didn't get to do that.
All I have to do is get him to school untraumatized. There's less than 10 minutes before we leave. I can do this. I can do this.
it's already time to goooo! hooray I'm doing it!
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future-watcher · 2 years
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my human monk character ametrine malech :) she’s pretty nifty
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swynlake-rp · 10 months
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Fate, huh? You seem to know everything, don't you?
FULL NAME: Riku Doukas BASED ON: Riku (Kingdom Hearts) FACE CLAIM: Up-To-Player PRONOUNS: Up-To-Player BIRTHDAY: Up-To-Player CURRENT STATUS: Open
Character Information
Grew up with a friend learning about battle magic and dreaming of getting away from the island they lived on
From the beginning excelled at his lessons and quickly sped ahead of his friend, becoming an official battle mage and making him rather arrogant.
But one day his friend got into trouble, monsters appeared out of nowhere and his friend disappeared through a portal.
In order to find his friend, Riku found less than savory people to help him cross through his own portal by gaining more power.
Now in Swynlake, will he discover his friend? Or will his ambition get the best of him?
✓  protective, loyal, cool
✖  jealous, resentful, anxious
Character Suggestions
Current Relationships
Possible Relationships
click here!
Magical Abilities
Sorcery – Battle Magic Specialty
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hidden-in-965 · 2 months
malech 7s a7s
??? ma fhmt
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style-chic · 2 years
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guys should steal this look (anne-catherine frey)
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wikiuntamed · 3 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Wednesday, 31st January
Welcome, ongi etorri, mirë se vjen, nuqneH 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 31st January through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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31st January 2023 🗓️ : Event - Boeing 747 The last Boeing 747, the first wide-body airliner, is delivered. "The Boeing 747 is a large, long-range wide-body airliner designed and manufactured by Boeing Commercial Airplanes in the United States between 1968 and 2023. After introducing the 707 in October 1958, Pan Am wanted a jet 2+1⁄2 times its size, to reduce its seat cost by 30%. In 1965, Joe Sutter left..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 2.0? by Iberia Airlines
31st January 2019 🗓️ : Event - Abdullah of Pahang Abdullah of Pahang is sworn in as the 16th Yang di-Pertuan Agong of Malaysia. "Al-Sultan Abdullah Ri'ayatuddin Al-Mustafa Billah Shah ibni Almarhum Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah Al-Musta'in Billah (Jawi: السلطان عبدﷲ رعاية الدين المصطفى بالله شاه الحاج ابن المرحوم سلطان حاج أحمد شاه المستعين بالله; ; born 30 July 1959) is Sultan of Pahang since 2019. He was the sixteenth Yang..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 4.0? by 首相官邸ホームページ
31st January 2014 🗓️ : Death - Miklós Jancsó Miklós Jancsó, Hungarian director and screenwriter (b. 1921) "Miklós Jancsó (Hungarian: [ˈmikloːʃ ˈjɒnt͡ʃoː]; 27 September 1921 – 31 January 2014) was a Hungarian film director and screenwriter. Jancsó achieved international prominence starting in the mid-1960s with works including The Round-Up (Szegénylegények, 1965), The Red and the White (Csillagosok,..."
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Image licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5? by Rita Molnár
31st January 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Ariel Pestano Ariel Pestano, Cuban baseball player "Ariel Osvaldo Pestano Valdés (born January 31, 1974), better known as El Veterano ("The Veteran"), is a Cuban baseball catcher, and is known as one of the greatest catchers in Cuban history. He has won both silver and gold medals in the Olympic Games and also played catcher on Cuba's World Baseball..."
31st January 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Norman Mailer Norman Mailer, American journalist and author (d. 2007) "Nachem Malech Mailer (January 31, 1923 – November 10, 2007), known by his pen name Norman Kingsley Mailer, was an American novelist, journalist, playwright, and filmmaker. In a career spanning over six decades, Mailer had 11 best-selling books, at least one in each of the seven decades after World..."
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Image by Carl Van Vechten
31st January 1820 🗓️ : Birth - William B. Washburn William B. Washburn, American politician, 28th Governor of Massachusetts (d. 1887) "William Barrett Washburn (January 31, 1820 – October 5, 1887) was an American businessman and politician from Massachusetts. Washburn served several terms in the United States House of Representatives (1863–71) and as the 28th governor of Massachusetts from 1872 to 1874, when he won election to the..."
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Image by Mathew Benjamin Brady
31st January 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian feast day: Blessed Ludovica "Ludovica Albertoni (1473 - 31 January 1533) was an Italian Roman Catholic noblewoman from the Renaissance period and a professed member of the Third Order of Saint Francis. The death of her husband prompted her to dedicate her life to the service of the poor in Rome and she was also known for her..."
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Image by Giovanni Battista Gaulli
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nwbeerguide · 3 months
StormBreaker Brewing releases a Mexican Dark Lager for those non-Dry-January types. Get to know Permission To Land!
image courtesy StormBreaker Brewing Press Release PORTLAND, Ore … StormBreaker Brewing, the award-winning Portland, OR brewery, has announced a new Mexican Dark Lager called Permission To Land to kick off the new year.  Permission to Land builds off of the success the brewery has seen the past several years with releasing dark beers in the early part of the year. “It’s definitely the season for people to gravitate towards darker beers,” commented Rob Lutz, StormBreaker Brewing’s brewmaster and co-owner. “Like a lot of breweries, we see more demand for darker beers at this time every year, because the weather and general mood calls for them. But we wanted to give the option for those customers to get the dark beer experience with a lighter body - which for a lot of people is a big selling point after an indulgent holiday stretch.” Permission To Land carries a 4.8% ABV and 14 IBUs, making it light and easy to drink despite its darker appearance. StormBreaker utilized Czech Saaz, New Zealand Motueka, and Hallertau Mittelfruh hops in producing the beer. The mix of ingredients allows for the lower-ABV dark beer to carry the flavor and expectations of a rich ‘winter’ beer with the drinkability of something you may drink just as easily at the beach in July.  “We used Vienna and Munich malts to provide a really rich malt character,” explained Lutz. “The final product is a nicely balanced beer with a touch of roasty goodness that is incredibly easy to drink.” Permission To Land will be available on draft and in cans to-go at all StormBreaker locations: Mississippi Ave., St. John’s, and the Beer Cart at The Yard in Montavilla.  Find StormBreaker on social media: @stormbreakerbrewing and facebook.com/stormbreakerbrewing. About StormBreaker Brewing  StormBreaker Brewing is an award-winning craft brewery co-founded in Portland, Oregon by Dan Malech and Rob Lutz in 2014. The brewery focuses on a wide range of craft beer and specialty craft cocktails and mocktails in two distinct locations, and strives to constantly produce innovative and high quality offerings. And don’t forget about the StormerBreaker Beer Cart located inside The Yard at Montavilla at NE 82nd and Davis, serving up beer, wine, cider and cocktails available onsite or to go. Learn more about StormBreaker by visiting https://bit.ly/3HqpQZe.  from Northwest Beer Guide - News - The Northwest Beer Guide https://bit.ly/48WBBCm
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infosisraelnews · 4 months
Mères de soldats près de la Knesset : « La vie de nos soldats passe avant tout, nous ne nous arrêtons qu'à la victoire »
 Aujourd’hui (mercredi), le quartier général des Mères des combattants organise une manifestation devant la Knesset pour exiger la poursuite de la guerre à Gaza jusqu’à la destruction du Hamas. Entre autres, les ministres Yitzhak Wasserlauf, Idit Silman et May Golan et les membres de la Knesset Moshe Saada, Hanoch Milevetsky, Limor Son Har-Malech, Zvi Sukot, Ariel Kellner, Nissim Vatori et Ohad…
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