lasseling · 2 days
“USA! USA! USA!” – AMAZING! President Trump Arrives at Formula One Miami Grand Prix to Thunderous Applause – Law Enforcement Line Up on Road to Wave at Trump (VIDEO)
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trump666traitor · 1 year
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jloisse · 10 months
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ccgpc-blog · 2 months
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critical-skeptic · 12 hours
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An Inexorable Descent: The Culpability of Systemic Enablers and the Erosion of Rational Discourse
In a societal theater where sensationalism often supplants substance, the Trump era, persisting with alarming resilience through his trials and investigations, stands as a testament to the profound dysfunction gripping American political and social discourse. The confluence of cult-like fanaticism, systemic leniency, capitalistic opportunism, and an increasingly polarized media landscape has not only fueled but also normalized the chaotic spectacle we witness daily.
The Cult of Personality and Its Blind Adherents
At the core of this turmoil is a cult-like allegiance to Trump, characterized by a fervent dismissal of facts and an unwavering defense against any criticism or legal scrutiny. This demographic, often engulfed in conspiracy theories and anti-intellectual rhetoric, remains not merely supportive of Trump but aggressively antagonistic toward any who oppose him. This group's blind loyalty is not a benign political anomaly but a potent force capable of influencing political processes and obstructing justice.
Systemic Leniency: A Breach of Justice
The systemic leniency shown towards Trump and his associates by various facets of the American legal and political system is perhaps as troubling as the transgressions themselves. This leniency, whether stemming from a fear of backlash from Trump’s base or a deeper institutional malfunction, highlights a disturbing reluctance to apply the law uniformly. The ongoing hesitation to decisively prosecute Trump, despite the laundry list of allegations and charges against him—including obstruction of justice, financial fraud, and more—emboldens his rhetoric about a "two-tier legal system," ironically a system from which he benefits.
Media Complicity and the Profit Motive
The media, a once-esteemed pillar of democracy tasked with holding the powerful to account, has often succumbed to the allure of sensationalism over substance. The incessant coverage of Trump's antics, devoid of sufficient critical analysis or context, not only misinforms the public but also desensitizes it to the gravity of his actions. This relentless media frenzy, driven by ratings and clicks, perpetuates a cycle where crucial issues are overshadowed by the latest scandal, thereby diminishing public discourse to mere entertainment.
International Actors and Domestic Traitors
Adding complexity to this already volatile mix are foreign adversaries like Russia and North Korea, whose leaders have exploited Trump’s presidency to weaken American influence and sow division. Domestically, wealthy individuals and corrupt actors who align with Trump’s agenda continue to thrive under his chaos, often at a significant cost to the socio-economic fabric of the nation. These actors, both foreign and domestic, leverage the instability Trump creates to further their agendas, undermining American democracy in the process.
The Anti-Science Stance and Its Deadly Consequences
Trump's anti-science and anti-intellectual stance, particularly evident during the COVID-19 pandemic, has not just been a policy failure; it has been a deadly one. His blatant disregard for scientific expertise and pandemic management protocols contributed to over a million American deaths. His rhetoric not only exacerbated the public health crisis but also entrenched a dangerous precedent for handling future crises.
Conclusion: The Imperative of Accountability
The saga of Donald Trump is not merely a story of one man’s hubris and criminality but a revealing exposé on the weaknesses within American systems—political, legal, and media—that have allowed such a figure to ascend and, more concerningly, to endure. As a nation, the path forward requires a resolute commitment to uphold the principles of justice equitably and without fear. Failure to rigorously prosecute and scrutinize Trump would not only embolden him and his followers but would also affirm his misguided assertions about American justice, further eroding trust in our institutions.
This moment in history demands more than passive observation; it calls for a concerted effort to reinforce the foundations of our democracy. That starts with the unyielding application of the law, a recommitment to factual discourse, and a collective stand against the forces that would see our societal norms upended for personal gain or political victory. In the end, dealing with Trump and his legacy is not about partisan politics but about safeguarding the integrity of our democratic institutions for the future.
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brksnk · 1 year
the matrix is real and it made my cock fall off
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personal-blog243 · 2 years
A message for U.S. conservatives about Covid:
If you believed that the “Wuhan red death China virus” was manufactured as a bio weapon to commit genocide and take over the world (or at least the U.S.); why wouldn’t you protect yourself from it? I know you also believe the vaccines were manufactured by the communist authoritarian red Chinese as a bio weapon too, but do you know how frustrating it is to be surrounded by people who have the facts so twisted that they refuse to care about millions of people dying? Ask yourself which U.S. political party are the real authoritarians; the ones who want you to protect yourself and others from the pandemic, or the ones who want you to work for the “economy” that you know damn well will never trickle down. You can’t work when you are sick or taking care of sick family members, so who’s trying to protect the “economy” here?
actual leftists don’t like big pharma, stop fucking accusing whoever you think “the left” is of that. NOBODY ever fucking said there weren’t conflicts of interest involved in the handling of this pandemic, but that’s not a reason to stop trying to protect yourself and others. I will never forget how easily this got politicized. Please consider the possibility that it is you who have been brainwashed.
I know we are basically out of the pandemic stage where I live (cases, deaths, hospitalizations, are all WAY WAY DOWN in my state thank GOD), but I just had to get this out of my system because if we don’t have closure and fully process what happened then it will happen again.
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hellbeback2024 · 7 days
The days leading up to the election are always fun. Through the marketing we can tell his team is properly strategizing and preparing for the upcoming election. The dedication and hard work is shining through. LETS SEE THIS TURNOUT!!!!
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lasseling · 3 days
He’s coming home
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trump666traitor · 5 months
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jloisse · 11 months
Trump: «Nous chasserons les mondialistes, cette classe politique malade et les fake news médias» du pouvoir
«L’Ukraine est l'une des pires choses que l'on ait jamais vues», a dénoncé Trump.
«Notre monnaie s'effondre, nous sommes une nation défaillante, une nation en déclin», a-t-il déploré, appelant à chasser les «fauteurs de guerre» et «Biden le corrompu» du gouvernement.
«Biden, ce zombie ambulant, tente d’emprisonner son opposant politique numéro un, comme dans la Russie de Staline»
Poursuivi par l'Etat profond, victime d'une révolution colorée à domicile en 2020, l’ex-président fait face à 37 chefs d’accusation et risque 20 ans de prison.
«Je ne céderai jamais, je ne serai jamais vaincu. Je n'arrêterai jamais de me battre pour vous.»
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ccgpc-blog · 2 months
WHAT?! Red Flag Veterans & Make Them Prohibited Persons?!? 
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fabioiacobini-blog · 3 months
This is Why American People Loves Trump
I’m not sure if Biden or Someone else Have the Drive to Do This! MAGA 2024, is not a political movement but is a proper lifestyle
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The only things sacred to The Orange Shit Stain Scam is his ability to avoid all accountability for his actions and his net worth. While this POS has already betrayed his country, wait and see what happens to your freedoms if he is reelected . Just ask Putin’s critics in Russia about their freedom. Oh yeah, you can’t because he kills them!!!
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ellemmennohhpee · 8 months
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critical-skeptic · 8 months
Two-Tiered My Ass
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You've got to be kidding me! The orange blob of coagulated Cheeto paste and his cronies claim they're victims of a two-tiered system? The audacity is staggering. I've been through the meat grinder of this so-called justice system. I couldn't afford a lawyer, had to deal with a biased judge, lost years waiting for a sham trial, and my security clearance—gone. Meanwhile, Trump gets booked and turns it into a photo op. The guy's facing multiple indictments, and he's still free to campaign and tweet like nothing's wrong, parade around with secret service to protect his ass, owns his own social media network FFS! What, are we pretending he's some sort of martyr now? This is the ultimate display of hypocrisy. If there's a two-tiered system, I know which tier I'm on, and it's not the one with gold-plated toilets. So, don't talk to me about victimhood. I'm beyond sick of it.
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