imagine-khr-reborn · 7 years
Introduction and Rules of Blog
A few years ago MafiaBossTsuna had shut its doors. At that time of its last steam roll I had been a mod with others and I had been known as Admin Nana on the channel. My works written are still there to view and I’m always happy to see that people had enjoyed it as much as I had enjoyed my time on the channel.
When the doors closed I was sad, and it had taken me time to wonder if I should even try my hand at a similar channel like MafiaBossTsuna. Eventually, I missed writing too much for this particular fandom and missed even more the uniqueness of MafiaBossTsuna never turning away from the dark.
So I opened this channel!
Although I’ve never been rather creative at title names so the name currently will just be a place holder until I get an idea, or others have suggestions. ☺️
Now that introductions are out of the way thank you for taking the time to look at the channel, and those from MafiaBossTsuna who have been wandering around, Admin Nana would like to welcome you, all of you both new and old. I hope we all fun with this channel! 🎉
Rules of Blog
Rule One: Because this is influenced by MafiaBossTsuna I’ll be leaning as much as I can towards a darker KHR imagines.
Rule Two: when you make a request all I ask is that you please be specific about your request. And I do mean specific or at least don’t be vague. This is mostly so I can give as much quality and accuracy on whatever you request.
Rule Three: Sometimes I will post imagines a bit late, either because I’ve been set back; I am still writing the Imagine; General Life outside of the blog — any of these things! Please bare with me. I’m doing my best and will come back to you in due time.
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captainxsassafras · 7 years
The people asked and so they shall receive! I had quite a few requests for a sequel. But seriously, I would like to apologize that this took so long to get out. Aside from the usual excuses, I was finishing my final project for my Bachelor’s Degree and getting ready for my internship (Yay!). So here it is! The sequel to A Beautiful Almost! To be completely honest, there’s a whole heck of a lot less angst (I don’t know if you could call it angst) because I’m a smooshy, mushy sap at heart and have a weakness for happy endings. It’s also quite long, so I apologize for that as well. Hope you like it! ❤
She locked the doorknob.
And the deadbolt.
And the slidelock.
And the other deadbolt.
She kicked her shoes off and dropped her purse by the door.
Then she dropped onto a couch with a muffled thud, determined to sleep for the next twelve hours.
Bless Sundays.
Bless her day off.
Bless the sweet bliss of darkness that awaited her.
‘It’s funny,’ she thought, ‘how darkness can be so wonderfully comforting and so utterly terrifying depending on context.’
She began to cry.
Thick tears ran down her cheeks and her back shook with the almost silent sobs that tore through her already drained body. It felt like each tear was emptying her, drawing on a reserve that wasn’t there.
It wasn’t because she missed her soulmate.
That wasn’t it.
Not this time.
This time her heart was breaking for someone else.
“I didn’t want this for you.”
With a scream of terror and surprise, she whipped her hand gun out of the holster on her thigh while flipping off the safety, rolling off the couch, and pointing it at the unknown intruder.
She’d be damned if she was going to be murdered in her own damn apartment.
“Well, this is new.”
The voice hung in the dark, smooth and amused.
She could barely hear it over the beating of her heart.
“Ts-tsuna?” she asked, breathless with fear and disbelief.
A rustle sounded.
“Don’t move!” she yelped.
The rustling stopped.
She moved to the light switch, flicking the lamp on and returning her hand immediately to the gun.
Her hard, blue eyes met Tsuna’s amber, narrowed and watching her attentively.
“You know how to use that,” he observed, nodding toward the firearm.
“Yet, you’re not scared.” She glared at Tsuna, speaking slowly.
Tsuna sauntered forward, steps smooth and lithe. His eyes flared in color, but the lids dropped; his handsome features reflected the change in attitude. The smallest smile dancing viciously across his lips, a cruel cast to the shadows on his face, oozing lethal confidence, a bit of contempt, and a certain surety of his own safety.
He stopped directly in front of her shaking form and leaned in and over her—placing his neck directly in line with the barrel of the gun—smirking haughtily at his soulmate.
“Do you really think you have the guts to shoot me?” he taunted.
Tsuna froze.
The barrel of the gun was shoved up into his neck, cold and perfectly nestled into the junction of his jaw and jugular.
Sudden, icy anger fueling her actions, she cocked the gun, taking her sweet time to let the click resound in Tsuna’s ears. “That depends,” she whispered from behind clenched teeth. “On what you’re here for.”
Tsuna blinked, surprise bleeding into his posture, deadly aura falling away.
“What do you think I’m here for?” was his careful query.
Her nostrils flared, jaw set in determination. “I won’t die.”
Tsuna’s brow furrowed, just slightly, as the words fell before him. The full meaning hit him like a sledge hammer to the gut. A string of guilt tugged on his heart and pulled, dragging it down to sit heavy on his stomach. “Is that- Is that what you think I’m here for?” he asked incredulously. He stepped back, away from the cocked gun and the defensive woman behind it.
Doubt flew through her eyes. “I… did?”
“Damnit! What kind of man do you think I am?” he growled.
She glared, heartrate jumping at his rough tone. Her fingers tightened on the gun. “A Don.”
“Ok, that’s fair.”
She raised an eyebrow at the uncontested acquiescence.
“But listen to me, sweetheart. Please. I’m not here to kill you. C’mon, you know me-”
“No. I don’t Tsuna.” She frowned. Her voice was forceful and agitated, frustration flying through her eyes and settling in the furrow of her brow. “Maybe you’ve forgotten, but we only knew each other for three weeks before you decided I was moving in with you.”
Tsuna’s hands came up in a shrug. “Well, yeah, but we’re soulmates. We’re made for each other and I-” He cut off abruptly.
Eyes narrowed in suspicion. “You what?”
“I, um, may have known about you before you knew me,” Tsuna admitted, for once looking a bit sheepish.
“You what?” she spat, all but hissing.
“It wasn’t on purpose! We were just—will you put the gun away? The last time I had a gun pointed at me this long Don DiMarco was threatening to decapitate me in his parlor!” He saw the resolute set of her face and the stubbornness in her eyes.
And the fear. She was still afraid.
Of him.
She was afraid of him.
His own damn soulmate was afraid of him.
Suddenly, it was too much. The world resting on his shoulders was too heavy and he couldn’t take the weight anymore because his soulmate—the one who should trust him the most—was afraid of him.
And it really was his fault for being such an enormous douche.
He looked at her, truly observing her for the first time since he broke into her apartment. She was tired. The entire situation had been weighing on her back and turning in her stomach for months upon months and she was bone-tired. Tsuna could see it. Dark circles announced the months of fearful half-sleep and her jacket hung a bit too loosely on her frame in a subtle show of anxiety-fueled weight loss. Despite the firmness in her eyes and the hard cords of muscle that peeked from beneath her clothes, he could see the gauntness that hadn’t been there before.
He swallowed dryly.
His fault.
Tsuna backed away. He sat on the couch, shoulders drooping, back slouched, head hanging.
“Please,” he pleaded.
She stood there, teetering on the precipice of distrust and concern. This was something she hadn’t seen from Tsuna before. In the three weeks of knowing him she had seen angry, charming, happy, smug, deadly, seductive, ruthless, motivated, domineering…
She had never seen vulnerable.
Tsuna looked up as he heard a noise.
She had put the safety back on and was setting the gun on the table.
Her beautiful face was frowning, just a bit, but she was walking over to him and sitting next to him, not quite touching him and her hands and arms curled in tight to her body like a shield.
“If you’re not here to kill me, what are you here for?” she asked quietly, eyes on her shoes.
Tsuna didn’t answer.
“Why are you wearing so much black?” he asked instead.
She swallowed. “I was at a funeral.”
“A boy in town. From the youth shelter. I work there now.”
Both of their voices were subdued, careful; both afraid of driving the other away, both scared of closing the gap too quickly.
“You work at a youth shelter?”
“I, um, run it.”
Tsuna blinked. “That’s amazing.”
She shrunk further into the shelter of her hunched shoulders.
“No. I meant it.” Tsuna shifted, turning his body to her. His hands found her face, cupping her cheeks and gently lifting her eyes to his. “That’s wonderful. I didn’t…” he trailed off. “I’m sorry. That’s what I came here for. I came to say that I’m sorry for the way I treated you, for how much I took you for granted, for ever hurting you.” He kissed her, tender and soft, yet needy and desperate. Trying to convey feelings he didn’t have words for. He pulled back—far too quickly for his taste. “I never wanted to hurt you. Never want to hurt you. I-” He licked his lips, searching for words. “I didn’t think of you. I only thought of myself and there’s no excuse for it.”
Tsuna’s hands slid from her face, across her neck, skimming her shoulders, caressing her arms. They settled on cradling her hands, still lying in her lap. His head fell forward into the crook of her neck. His heart leapt and he let out a sigh of utter relief and happiness when he finally felt her relax against him.
They stayed still like that for a while.
“How did you know about me before we met, Tsuna?” she asked into the quiet.
Tsuna spoke into her neck, too comfortable to move. “It really was an accident. It was your roommate. She worked for a sex trafficking ring we were trying to crack.”
“What the he—”
“Shh. I know. She doesn’t seem like she could hurt anyone. But we had been tracking her for months, lost too many informants to her. Each time we got close, she would disappear. We knew we couldn’t attack her directly. Otherwise she’d run. And you were there. An innocent civilian. We try to avoid civilian casualties. So we sent in a Vongola man.”
“I knew I had seen Dante somewhere before!” she cried.
Tsuna chuckled. “Sometimes you’re too observant for you own good. Yes, Dante was the one we sent. He started dating her and got to know about you. Angelica talked about you a lot. Specifically, she mentioned your soulmark.”
“Her real name. Anyway, Dante didn’t know it matched mine, but he had to report everything and my guardians do know my soulmark. Gokudera put two and two together.”
“How long before we met?”
Tsuna paused. “Um, two months.”
“Two months? You were stalking me for two months before you introduced yourself!” She moved back dislodging Tsuna, her hands going to her hips in mock anger. “You are my soulmate, mister. You stalked me for two months! What do you have to say for yourself?”
She expected him to follow her playful attitude, but instead his eyes dropped to stare intently at their hands.
Tsuna couldn’t bring himself to look at her. “I didn’t know if I wanted a soulmate,” he admitted.
“I understand.”
Tsuna’s eyes whipped to hers.
She laughed softly. “Do you know how terrified I was when my soulmark started to burn? I almost passed out.” She frowned. “What changed?”
“The situation.” Tsuna moved closer. “May I?” he inquired, gesturing toward her with open arms.
She nodded, trusting her instincts that told her he truly didn’t want to harm her. If he did, he would have done so already.
Tsuna gathered her close, pulling her into his body. He nestled her between his legs and curled around her. carefully wrapped his arms to encompass her—warm, but not tight. He didn’t want her feeling trapped at the moment. After all, she had held a loaded gun to his neck not too far in the past. Finally, he laid his head against her, encouraging her to relax back into him.
As he cradled her, Tsuna spoke. “Your roommate was planning on selling you to the sex trafficking ring. She just had to make sure no one would come looking for you.”
“Me? Why? I’m sure there are easier targets.”
“She thought you were a virgin. Virgins go hundreds of thousands of dollars in this particular circle.” Tsuna spoke quietly, anger at what could have happened to the woman in his arms seeping through the softness of his voice.
They lapsed into contemplative silence.
“How can I trust you?” she whispered. “How do I truly know you’re not here to kill me? I don’t feel like you’re here to hurt me, but…” Her voice was conflicted, tired, and confused.
Tsuna’s response this time was slower, more thoughtful. “Is that why you learned to use a gun?” he asked, yet again answering with a question.
She nodded hesitantly.
Tsuna sighed. “You spent all that time, nearly an entire year, thinking I wanted you dead?”
Another nod, smaller.
Tsuna’s hold on her tightened and he buried his face more deeply in her neck. She could feel him shaking just the slightest bit. “I’m so sorry,” he murmured. “You shouldn’t have had to live like that. I shouldn’t have made you feel like that.”
This was not what she had expected, obviously. She had expected hostility and ego and was instead met with penitence and tenderness; a sincerity she had yet to witness in her mafioso.
“I want to believe, but it’s still hard. I had convinced myself you would hate me,” she admitted.
“I was angry at first, don’t get me wrong. I-” his voice faltered. “I went a bit insane with anger. Do you know what it’s like to have your other half ripped away from you?”
“Tsuna, I am your other half.”
“It was terrible,” she conceded. “I felt like someone had ripped a piece of my chest out.”
“Yes.” His voice softened again, shame creeping into the corners. “I was hurt and I showed it through anger. I was bent on finding you, but not for the right reasons.” He stopped. That was a bit of an understatement. His anger had taken over like a tsunami, rolling across the ground and threatening to devastate everything he held dear. Looking back on it, he couldn’t help but be impressed that it had taken so long to find his beloved despite the burning motivation of his fury.
Tsuna chuckled wryly. “Yamamoto and Reborn knocked some sense into me. Literally. Separately. Brutally.”
She laughed along with him. “I’m sorry. I’ve heard horror stories about those two.”
“You could always kiss it better,” Tsuna purred in her ear.
“Tsuna!” she protested with a wiggle, but Tsuna held on tight, smiling mischievously.
He continued to hold her, letting her sink back into his embrace.
“Do you know how much I love you?” Tsuna exhaled.
She froze. He had never directly stated his love.
“I thought I knew how it would feel; seeing you for the first time. I’d seen your picture. I read every bit of information we had on you. I sent Gokudera to watch you for a bit.”
“See, I told you you were a stalker,” she sassed.
“Shush. I’m being mushy. Besides, I’m a Don. What was I supposed to do?” He swallowed thickly. “Then I saw you. I met you. And I couldn’t think. I couldn’t breathe. I couldn’t do anything. I felt like I was a kid again, No-good Tsuna, all helpless and weak. It-it didn’t rearrange my life. It just… gave it sense. Changed my perspective. I finally saw how everything in my life had been preparing me for you, had been directing me and giving me the tools to succeed, for us to succeed. When I saw you, I knew that I could love you.” He turned his head to her neck and began kissing. It was soft. It was sensual. His kisses were so tantalizingly slow she wanted to cry out. As it were, she bit her lip and listened to the words he pressed into her skin.
“I forgot. Too quickly. I forgot how much I need you. I forgot that not everything is dark and heavy and callous. And I forgot that you’re my light. I tried to drag you down into the darkness with me. But that’s not right. I need you. I need you to help me stay afloat in the dark. I need your warmth and your love. You happiness and your laughter--”
“My boobs.”
A laugh escaped Tsuna. “Maybe your boobs.” He paused before shifting his hands around to cup her breasts. “Definitely you boobs.” He bucked his hips, undulating as slow as possible to grind into her backside. Her face flamed. “Your butt, too. That’s pretty nice.” His lips were scalding on her skin, nipping and nuzzling.
“Tsuna,” she called urgently, all breathe and blush and gasping lungs. “Stop. I can’t do this.”
Tsuna stilled immediately.
She untangled herself from Tsuna’s arms and stood up on shaky legs.
Tsuna almost made a deeply embarrassing sound at the loss of her warmth, but he let her go. He needed to do this her way, as much as it killed him. He wanted to whisk her away now. To take her back to the Vongola mansion and take her in every sensual, erotic way humanly possible. He wanted to lock her up for a week straight and worship her body and soul. Watching her standing there, chest heaving and skin flushed, trying to deny the magnetism of their touch, he wanted her more intensely than anything he had ever desired.
He had considered doing it.
Taking her.
Especially back when he was angry.
He had dreamed of finding her and taking her in the middle of the night, locking her away, punishing her, and never letting her see the light of day again. It had taken Reborn beating him within an inch of his life and Yamamoto roughing him up to get it through his head that it was his fault. That she left for a reason and he would only cause them both misery if he pursued those awful thoughts. That if he ever wanted a true shot at her love, he needed to take her into account.
And as much as he wanted her to be his, he couldn’t own her. He didn’t want to cause her pain due to his selfishness. He had already done enough of that.
So he could be patient; for her.
She leveled her gaze toward Tsuna, sorrow lacing her eyes. “I can’t go back with you.”
Tsuna stood. He walked over to her and grabbed the hand that was clutched to her chest. “I’m not asking you to. Not yet. Eventually. Maybe. When you want.” He brought her hands to his lips. “What I’m asking for is a second chance. A chance to get to know you properly. To date you, to court you. I want a second chance to love you fully, to give you a chance to know me.”
She stared down at her own hand, still held tenderly in his. “I can’t leave, Tsuna.”
He could hear the tears trembling in the timbre of her voice.
Tsuna brought her hand to his chest, cradling it with both of his own hands. “We’ll cross that bridge when it comes. I mean to take the time we need this time around.” His voice was the most painful mix of careful soothing and quiet desperation. “You’ll stay here. I’ll visit on the weekends. You’ll remain independent until you decide otherwise. We can look for someone to run the Youth Center here so you don’t have to worry. And everything will be your choice. Please.”
She looked up at him. “And we’ll take things slow?”
“As slow as you want.”
She bit her bottom lip for a brief moment, mulling things over. “What if I decide it won’t work?”
“Honestly?” Tsuna asked. “I’ll probably be back the next day with every rose in a fifty mile radius and your great-aunt Bertha yelling at you to marry me.”
She smiled, a soft laugh pealed from uncertain lips, and Tsuna felt his heart leap.
There was a pause, a consideration.
Tsuna let out a relieved sigh. A load of tension eased from his shoulders, bleeding away with the warmth in her smile.
Seeing the stress he’d been carrying, trusting his word, she took Tsuna’s hand with the hand still held in both of his. Together they walked to the couch and she made him sit in front of her so she could rub his back and shoulders.
As she kneaded his muscles in the most wonderful of ways, Tsuna inquired of his love in a soft voice, “Would you really have shot me.”
Her motions continued without change, tender and capable. “I won’t die, Tsuna. Not like that.”
There was a strength in her words, a passion and conviction Tsuna had never previously realized.
His soulmate was strong.
“Good,” he stated with a firm nod. “You’ll need that resolve. I live a dangerous life. If you decide to live yours with me, you’ll need to be prepared. You’ll need to take that strength and hold tight. Focus it and let it become your will and your tool.” He grabbed her hand from his shoulder and brought it to his mouth, not kissing it. He leaned into the hand, speaking into the smooth skin. “As soon as you make the decision to be mine, as soon as you make the choice to stand beside me, you become my Donna; my Queen.”
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khrshoutouts · 7 years
God I love the way mafiabosstsuna write scenarios and headcanons. I was sold the moment I read Fon's headcanons and ho boy am I loving every single post 😄😆
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crazyforanimeboyz · 6 years
Tagged by: @detoxtretox
Rules: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to know better.
1.) Name: Dana
2.) Nickname: Cookie, Brownie
3.) Height: I think around 1, 70 m
4.) Orientation: I guess straight
5.) Nationality: German
6.) Favorite Fruit: nectarines
7.) Favorite season: spring
8.) Favorite flower: gladioli
9.) Favorite scent: I guess I like the scent of paper (like books or something) and the way the art rooms in my school smell
10.) Favorite color: green and red
11.) Favorite animal: cats
12.) Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
13.) Average sleep hours: during the week 4-5 hours and on the weekend 8 hours
14.) Dog or cat person: catperson
15.) Favorite fictional character: right now Okumura Yukio and Fuegoreon Vermillion
16.) Numbers of blankets you sleep with: 2
17.) Dream trip: to Japan or Iceland
18.) Blog created: Uh... I don't remember
19.) Number of followers: 9
20.) Random fact: Gabriel Iglesias is fluffy.
Tagging: @cawcawpeasants @wtf-khr @katekyo-bitch-reborn @random-fandom-scenarios @mafiabosstsuna @noovvvaaa @chuuyabelongswithhappiness @incorrectbungoustraydogs @fy-soukoku @callmehhrainbow and that's it.
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
The inbox is now open! We’re capping at 16 requests this time, but in the future we will be accepting many more asks at a time.
But...   This blog now has new admins! Introducing Admin Giotto, Admin Ryohei and Admin Nana! The three of us are now writing together for MafiaBossTsuna, so we’d like to say hello! You may not see our writing for awhile, since the queue is quite long, but we will be continuing this blog for the foreseeable future!
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cheerful-khr-art · 7 years
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Something else I drew for squalo’s Bithday~! A little bit of a darker vibe inspired by the folks over at @mafiabosstsuna
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Can i make a nsfw request
Unfortunately, I don’t take nsfw.  I don’t like posting things that I’m not 100% sure about how they came out, and unfortunately nsfw never quite makes that for me.  However, a couple of blogs that I know do nsfw so you should keep an eye for when their ask box opens are: @mafiabosstsuna and @nsfwreborn.  
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khrshoutouts · 7 years
@quietsilencus for being the only other blog that writes mafia!KHR scenarios and doing it so spectacularly always looking forward to ur works -- mafiabosstsuna
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
Apply For Admin
Admin Tsuna here! I originally founded mafiabosstsuna around January 2016 with the aim to focus on the darker, grittier sexier side of the Mafia through khr! characters. It has grown a lot since then. We have had over fifteen admins, more than 1.7k+ followers and over 1.7k+ posts. I have retired from this blog since September 2017 (more information here) but I am always looking for admins/writers who would be interested in continuing the legacy. Currently I am looking for two positions: chief admin and admin(s).
How the process works:
You will need to reach out to me in my personal blog and let me know you are interested in being admin or chief admin. You also need to affirm that you have completely read the entire post and are aware of deadlines and the requirements.
You will need to show me some previous writings (can be from a different fandom or an academic essay) to check that you have a decent grasp of grammar. Don’t worry I am not expecting some professor level grammar knowledge. If you can at least write as well as an average high schooler, we can move onto the next step.
I will give you 4 prompts. They will be due a week from then 11:59PM. It’s a way to test your ability to follow deadlines and see if your writing is a good fit for the blog. We are specifically looking for your darker, grittier, adult take on KHR. For example, if you enjoy writing fluff or the KHR characters in middle school, this might not be the blog for you.
IMPORTANT: You do not have to know the entire KHR manga/anime to write for this blog. As long as you have a decent grasp of the characters and know a little about the Arcobaleno curse, the Ring conflict and the Future arc, you are good. This blog is an AU (alternate universe) take on KHR so you don’t need to know canon to write for it. You just need to know how to write dark and sexy stories.
If you are interested in taking over the role of Chief Admin:
If you want to be Chief Admin, you need to keep a few things in mind:
It’s basically starting from scratch, like I did, but, unlike me, you’ll have 1600+ followers and 1500+ posts to use as a reference for your works.
You’ll need to find new admins and you’ll need to be a good judge of quality. For a while, you might be the only admin who is writing until you find other admins.
You’ll need to be self-disciplined. You need to make deadlines and follow them through and you need to make sure your other admins do it as well.
Self-discipline is key.
If you are interested in being an admin:
Things you will have to keep in mind:
You will need to turn in a minimum of 4 prompts/asks per week by 11:59PM of Sunday for as many weeks as you wish. We have a holiday sheet so you can mark in your holiday weeks.
I will not remind you of the deadlines but if you miss it even once you will have to step down as admin.
You can choose your own prompts or you can open the ask box to get prompts.
I encourage anyone interested in being a writer to use this opportunity because this blog is an excellent way to practice self-discipline while still having an audience to share with it.
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randomdraws · 7 years
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Another fanart for mafiabosstsuna ~
I might not be doing more of these till late January >.
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
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So… I wasn’t ready for this. As Admin Tsuna said I have some pressing personal matters irl and so I was unable to keep on writing for that wonderful blog. Seeing my name mentioned in the mafiabosstsuna blog specifically was seriously surprising. I’m sorry that I’m ill prepared for this ask but to try and show my gratitude I’ll do my best so I hope you enjoy it somehow, Anonymous person who specifically asked for me. XD I only wish I could have submitted it to the blog in time and join the other talented writers that have gained my respect and admiration.
P.S. As an extra, I made this extra smutty. XD
~ admin Adelheid
“Master Fon! Thank you for coming! Please come this way; the master is waiting.”
Fon smiled politely at the older man welcoming him in the luxurious mansion. He kept the smile on despite his personal opinion about the over decorated mansion.
He had a rough idea as to what the master of the house wanted from him and he was more than prepared to refuse it. The last thing he wanted was to get involved in an internal conflict concerning one of the most powerful clans in the Triad.
Fon made it a policy not to intervene or get involved with Triad politics.
It was filled with murderous, power hungry people mostly concerned with advancing financially in the Black Market. To him, getting involved in Triad politics was similar to diving head first in a muddy swamp only to find it was actually a former disposal ground for radioactive waste. Or― to quote Lal Mirch’s ever colorful words― “a shit storm waiting to happen”. Thankfully his position as one of the Il Prescelti Setti assured he enjoyed the luxury of neutrality in an otherwise toxic organization rife with blood and betrayal. That did not mean, however, that the more ambitious members held back from trying to gain his favors into siding with them. Fon knew that if he ever decided on a family to support, the balance of power will shift dramatically in both the Chinese underworld and overworld. It would make any family he favored nigh on untouchable in the Chinese Mafia. That also applies to the person whom he will allow to hold his reins. A power he had sworn never to give anyone.
Fon’s smile turned infinitesimally into a sneer as he passed a large portrait of the man he was being led to meet with.
He had no love for this fool who thought to seek his favor. He knew of the man’s reputation well but he was too far up the hierarchy of one of the Triad’s most powerful clans and brother to one of the Triad leaders. High enough that Fon cannot ignore an invitation from.
“The master’s room is at the end of this hallway. He should be waiting for you there, Master Fon.”
“Thank you very much.” Fon replied with another polite bow and smile before parting ways with the old servant.
Prepared for an evening of boredom and having to bear with the detestable fawning he was more than surprised when he opened the doors of the room to find the master of the house sitting in his chair limply. His neck was obviously broken. The man was already dead.
Fon stiffened when he felt the presence of another person in the room.
“Good evening, Master Fon,” the martial artist calmly looked towards the open balcony and saw you there. Seemingly as calm as he was. “Killing a man in cold blood? Just what did my dear uncle do to you?”
Fon frowned slightly in confusion. “What is the meaning of this?”
“What does it look like?” you casually entered the room and glanced dispassionately at your uncle’s corpse. “You just killed my uncle.”
“I did no such thing.” Fon replied with calm cordiality.
“Is that so?” you met his gaze and stared straight into his eyes. “But when I came in to bid my uncle good night you were here twisting his head around and would have killed me as well had I not screamed for help in time.”
A slight furrow flashed across Fon’s forehead before he could catch himself. “Are you blackmailing me?”
“Yes.” Fon had to blink at your boldness. “But I can make this all go away if you grant me a request.”
You kept your eyes straight and your stare unfaltering but all the while your heart was beating like crazy wondering if the man before you would call your bluff. He was a member of the Il Prescelti Sette, after all. If he wanted to he could brush off your threats without a care. Even if the other leaders of the Triad believed you making war with the Arcobaleno Fon would drain the Triad of more than half its manpower and resources. And if the other Arcobaleno joined in, they would all be annihilated.
But this was worth it. All of it. Now that you have him here and your hands were soaking in your uncle’s blood there was no turning back. This was win or lose. Live or die. You can’t afford second guessing your plans at this point.
Fon looked at you closely and finally recognized you as one of the children of the most influential and oldest Triad leader in the current order. One who he had heard quite a bit about. The real power behind that Triad leader’s household whose influence was so great you even organized his wives. A cold blooded tyrant who had no penchant in removing anyone who stood in your way whether or not they were family.
Judging from the corpse of your uncle cooling in his desk Fon guessed you had earned your reputation. “What do you want from me?”
You answered with no hesitation. “Protection.”
Fon’s brows shot to his forehead. That was the last thing he was expecting. He was expecting an assassination of some sort. “I will not be involved in the Triad’s activities.”
“You don’t have to be,” you replied. Heart almost exploding as hope started to surface in your mind. “I just want you as a bodyguard.”
Fon inclined his head towards you. “For yourself?”
“No.” your pursed your lips for a moment before answering. “For my nephew.”
Fon was perplexed, but intrigued.
You weren’t smirking or gloating despite your obvious triumph in successfully embroiling him in your dispute. You weren’t acting like you had just caught yourself an exotic pet the way others before you had tried to do to him. No, there was absolute resolution in your eyes. The kind he had only found in soldiers on a battlefield more than prepared to die for the sake of what they were fighting for.
And there was a deep hidden desperation in your eyes that he could not look away from.
Fon had never seen anyone like you in the clans involved in the Triad before. Sure he had seen fanatics and people determined to do anything to advance in their own respective clans but none of them could hold a candle to you. He was captivated.
So he played along. Making you think you won when in truth, as long as you kept him close he had a virtual hand on your neck that could cut your air off anytime.
The ease and perfunctory way you swept your uncle’s death under the rug and claimed it being an accident was shocking. The servants obeyed without even questioning one word. It impressed the martial artist.
Fon was also surprised to find that you were asking so very little of him. All you had required of him was to shadow your orphaned little nephew of seven years and make sure he was safe. Being next in line to become head of the clan you knew his life was in more danger while he was a child who cannot protect himself. You did not even require him to introduce himself to the household and Fon was impressed at your thoughtfulness and respect of the fact that he did not want to be so blatantly chained to the family. It was like playing hide and seek with the entire household. He felt like an imaginary house cat. Granted you were already doing well in your guardianship of the boy but Fon could see that aside from taking care of the child you were also taking care of everything else in the clan that your old father could not do anymore.
Every family’s budget and business went to you first before anything was done. Complaints, disputes and requests were settled swiftly under your cold words and eyes. You did all this while running the family’s many businesses locally and abroad all under the guise of your father’s name. Your clan members grumbled resentfully at your strictness but never openly aired their complaints to your face in fear of retaliation and obeyed you with no question never understanding how you hardly had time to sleep just to make sure they all lived comfortably under the clan name. And you bore it with a straight back and an uncaring façade. But behind closed doors it was different.
Fon watched as you smiled and made time to play with your little nephew even though you were practically tottering over in exhaustion. He stood by as you catered lovingly to your aging father, peppering him with reassurances and alleviating his worries. He stood by in the privacy of your bedroom, a silent witness to your tears when things became difficult and hopeless.
Fon was absolutely fascinated. It did not take long for you to become his obsession. He didn’t care that you thought you had the upper hand in this relationship as long as he got to play with you like this and be this close to you as much as he could. It became a game between a cat and an oblivious mouse.
After one particularly grueling flight after a week-long tour to four different countries he followed you to your room, worried for your health. He barely managed to catch you as you collapsed in the hallway and carried you to your bed.
“Master Fon…?” you called out to him dizzily.
He smiled down at you serenely in response. “I think we should be dispensing with formalities now, don’t you think? I am under your control, after all.”
You frowned, exhaustion making his words incomprehensive. “How is­­―?”
“Your nephew is fine.” Fon cut you off as he lay you on the bed carefully.
“I need to see hi―”
“It’s late, you can see him tomorrow.”
“He needs to know I’m here,” you whispered, your voice and mind drunk with weariness. “He needs to know I won’t disappear on him like his parents did…”
Fon had heard the story in passing from a servant. How your older brother and his wife died in a suspicious vehicular accident leaving your nephew behind while visiting relatives in Singapore. Fon could guess what happened after that.
“Did you kill the people who killed your brother?” he asked as he couldn’t help but tenderly stroke your cheek.
“No… not without reason…” you admitted sleepily. “I could only kill the ones I already have evidence on.”
“So that uncle of yours that night you propositioned me…?”
“Yes… He was one of them,” you whispered as you closed your eyes. “And when I found out you were going to be there I didn’t think twice about using you. I’m sorry.”
“It’s alright.” Fon replied with a little chuckle as he sat at your bedside watching you fight sleep with fond eyes. “You did what you had to do.”
Weariness and the trust you felt for this man made you careless. What would he gain from your secrets? If he had wanted to free himself from the bonds you had placed around him he would have been able to do so from the beginning. You had doubts about Fon’s integrity at the start but back then the only thing you wanted from him was his strength. But as you got to know him you realized this was a good man. A kind man. And had you not been part of your clan and all its obligations and he not averse to the Triad you might have been free to admit that…
No. Stop. Now was not the time to admit to falling in love with him. Especially now that you had found a permanent solution to your dilemma.
“Fon…” you whispered, opening your eyes and eyeing him drowsily. The sight of your eyes staring at him in a parody of needy lust made the smile on the man’s face falter and had him gulping hard. “Thank you. For everything.”
Fon suddenly realized his mistake. He should have left you here as soon as he lay you in bed. Now he was painfully aware that the both of you were alone and he was surrounded by your addicting scent and that he was a man who had had too many inappropriate dreams of you lately.
But honor made him fight his desires. His struggle rubbed his voice raw as he answered. “It was nothing.”
“Don’t worry, though,” you smiled up at him. A rare smile that you usually reserved for your nephew and your father. Loving and tender. Fon’s felt longing rise in his gut making him unable to stop suddenly stroking your hair away from your face with unconscious tenderness. “Soon you won’t have to worry about us. I’ll set you free.”
The Storm Arcobaleno blinked, dread mixing with the longing and making him still. “What?”
“I’m getting married. To a distant cousin from Singapore,” you explained even as darkness invaded your vision, calling you into the depths of sleep. “His family is as rich as ours is… If we married… no one would dare… lay a finger on… I don’t want to… keep on shackling… the Wind…”
You were already unconscious and was not able to see Fon’s face go still and cold. Any semblance of serenity had left it.
When you woke up the next day you found Fon missing. He failed to answer to your call the day after that and the day after that. All you could do was sigh and try to comfort yourself. After you marry your nephew’s position will be secure. The combined power and assets would insure your claim as head of the clan and that would mean you would be able to keep your nephew safe. There was no point in keeping Fon there any longer. He had done more than you could ask of him.
You just wished you could have said goodbye…
Forced to stay near your nephew while you made new arrangements for his protection you managed to relax somehow. Tomorrow, you were supposed to meet your fiancé and introduce him to your father. Your mind whirling with a thousand and one things you needed to do to prepare for the wedding as you stepped out of the bathroom after a long shower you failed to notice another presence in your bedroom until a pair of arms circled around you from behind.
Your scream was muffled by a large, calloused hand.
“Shhh. It’s me.”
You stopped yourself from going on the defensive when you recognized Fon’s voice. You blinked and turned surprised eyes to look at him from over your shoulder. You were met by tired but satisfied eyes. And was he shirtless? And barefoot?
He smiled and began nibbling your nape and his hands suddenly slid under your bathrobe. His left closing on your chest and the other up your inner thigh to settle between your legs where his fingers teased in caress in a way that immediately had you reacting.
“Ah!” you bit your lower lip at the cry you couldn’t stop at his touch. Cries that only multiplied as his fingers stroked between your thighs with seductive aggressiveness.
Even as your hips tried to buck away your back was met by his hardness and he rubbed it against your bottom with shameless intent. The hand on your chest tweaked at your nipples with almost violent deliberation until they were hard. It didn’t take long before your bathrobe was practically half off your body and your knees were giving way to the unexpected assault on your senses. And it was only your iron self-control that made you attempt to reason your way out of the bittersweet situation.
“Fon! No! Please!” you pleaded as you panted. Struggling out of his arms and then backing away from him as soon as you were free. “We can’t! I’m meeting my fiancée today! I can’t!”
You were arrested by the need on the Storm Arcobaleno’s face even as he undid his pants and slowly made his way towards you. The fact that there was only raw need on his face and none of the gentleness you had come to associate with him was another attack on your already seduced senses.
“You mean the bastard I killed two days ago?”
You stilled. “What?”
He slipped his pants off and you were treated to the sight of him completely, proudly naked before you. “It was him. It was him all along. He ordered your brother’s death. You should hate him.”
You shook your head at him in confusion. “No. That can’t be true. What could he possibly gain from wanting to be at the head of the clan?”
Fon shrugged and pulled you by the arm, throwing you on the bed so smoothly you didn’t even have time to blink. Your mind awhirl in confusion as you stared up your ceiling while your legs hung over the edge of the bed. Legs that Fon was now hanging over his shoulders as he mounted you.
“Does it matter?” he asked and began an assault of violent, possessive kisses from your neck down to your chest. His fingers running down your thigh to teasingly dip into the wetness between your legs as he did so. “It doesn’t matter what the truth is. I can protect you and your better than anyone else can. The only man you will be marrying will be me.”
“What?” you asked in confusion even as your body writhed with wanting him. “What are you­­― Ah!“
You felt him push his hardness inside you and the room was filled with the sounds of your cry of mixed pain and pleasure followed by the lewd squelching of skin insistently entering wet flesh.
“I don’t care if you believe me or not.” He whispered against your lips in panting growls as his hips dug deeper against yours in a desperate bid for release. “As if I’m giving you over to anyone else.”
“You belong to me…”
And he was right, you thought as he pushed you towards climax. The truth didn’t matter. You had fooled yourself into thinking he was under your control but it was far from the truth.
All this time, you were no more than his prey…
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mafiabosstsuna · 7 years
If Vongola and Varia were separate bands instead of mafias, what would each members role be like drummer, guitarist and etc. (ILY all of @mafiabosstsuna so muchhhh
Lead singer: Tsuna, Chrome, Squalo, Lussuria
Backup singer: Yamamoto, Lambo, Mammon
Guitar: Gokudera, Xanxus
Bass guitar: Hibari, Belphegor
Drumms: Ryohei, Levi
Keyboard: Mukuro, Fran
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Unpopular opinion: Imma be honest... Tsuna was a lil shit in the beginning of series 😂😂
strongly agree | agree | neutral | disagree | strongly disagree
...I definitely didn’t last through those first couple arcs because of any great love of Tsuna.  ...even during the ring battle the only reason I wasn’t rooting for Xanxus was because I liked more of Tsuna’s guardians than I did the Varia guardians...  (Honestly, I didn’t really start actively liking Tsuna until @mafiabosstsuna got up and running and I got to see that side of him on a regular basis).  
However, looking back, I do appreciate that he didn’t immediately become better and that we got a chance to see a bit of improvement throughout the series with him.  (He’s still definitely got Mary sue elements tho, lol)
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randomdraws · 7 years
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Fanart of (this) :D
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