#made myself a lil smth for my bday hehe ^_^
spunkydash · 2 months
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me n grey me yay
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haknew · 3 years
ah, thank you for sharing them 🥺 yeah i agree with you, at first i was considering not getting it since i wasn’t really a huge stan at the time, like i liked hak from pd101, and i swore to support him after he didn’t make it to final lineup. then kevin was the most relatable guy ever and i loved seeing his vids too + his talent?? like bro can not only dance and sing and do stuff like other stars but is so good at art?? i love his style; for fonts i adore it! it’s not like i don’t have the money, not super rich or whatever but i have a good about of saving from allowances and those lovely envelopes when i met family at special occasions but i’d rather invest it somewhere much more useful to me (practically speaking!) as for cobie, at the time i pulled him i was neutral about every other tbz member so i was just happy getting anyone! but in reveal era i got invested into them a lot more, and since i bias him now too i’m satisfied i pulled him back then hehe the customised ones look so so pretty i can get why you’d love to have them somewhere you can see clearly! also that little letter for hak on his bday 💞 it’s so well done and even though i don’t vibe much with these kind of journals/edits i really, really love this one! i feel like you’ve got so much kevin lol it’s good to see you kept such good care of them all, and no problem if they’re not aesthetic photos, i asked and you delivered which is what matters! i loved reading your thoughts and thank you for reminding me that being a fan doesn’t = having countless albums and pcs! i myself am someone who can write a whole story’s length when talking to people about things i’m passionate for so you’re good haha thank you once again, it was really nice seeing what you have and what you have to say about it all! i hope you have more opportunities to collect some stuff in the future if you’d still be doing it, otherwise like you said, a hobby should remain a hobby and not transform into a chore! so if you’re going to stop then you’re still no less of a haknewkevtbz stan❣️hope you’re having/will have a splendid day!
my reply is so long again i’m so sorry lmao under the cut for everyone’s sake jkdhdkfj 
i get that ;;;; i think for the longest time i didn’t want to buy albums, and that’s perfectly fine ! it really depends on the person ! in a practical sense it might not be the best spending decision if you’re not going to use the album etc. ^^ i think i eventually ended up doing so bc for me ? at least i tie albums / songs to memories or feelings in my life so having a physical ? copy of it is kind of like a souvenir of that time ^^ a sort of memory keeper :p kinda cheesy of me but it’s also why i’m having issues when it comes to thinking about selling anything >.< but yea it was just to have smth and support my favs :] so i get it ! you’re super valid ! and yea >.< that’s fair too :o if you don’t have too many extra funds makes sense you’d want to spend it on stuff you reeeeeally really want / need ! (also special envelopes ? o.o like red envelopes ?) also yes yes hakkev deserve the world :’)) that worked out so nicely for you tho then :o ! very glad you got to pull your bias ^~^ deserve cobi best bb u.u he is very precious ! 
andddd yea :o i h8 the idea of my pcs just collecting dust in my binder hhh ;;; so i try my best to put some on display ! makes me happie to see ^^ and ahhhh ! that journal spread ! i have a lil aes ig account where i post pics and i made that spread for haknyeon day to post (and tbh ! i suck at journal spreads and that was my first legitimate one ? and i think it turned out okay so i was very happy with it) ! it’s just a short letter haha :p i have too many stationery things from impulse purchases so it’s good to use it for something fun like that ^u^ 
djfhskjfhg okay in my defense ... i think i’ve pulled ... 5 ?!? kevin pcs from my albums T^T WHICH IS CRAZY bc i bias the guy fgdskjfhg h8 it here (but not really i love him for that ...) yea in my no air albums i pulled his pc and film and in dreamlike i pulled his day pc and in my chase albums i pulled threeeee of his pcs </3 truly he is obsessed x.x jdkfdj no but ! i think it’s bc of that ;;;; and i actually believe i have one more hak pc than kev pcs ;;;; but idk haven’t counted them HAHA so yea ;;;; i got really lucky and kev l*ves me or smth ;;;;; they are v precious to me :D so yea i try my best to keep them safe ^^ there’s a lot of collectors on yt that make videos about the best way to keep pcs so i’ve seen a lot of those too :o !
but yea this turned out super long again i’m sorry T-T ! glad you enjoyed reading that mess tho ;-;/ thank you for doing so ! but yea my attitude towards stanning is just ;;;; everyone has their own styles if you don’t want to buy albums you don’t have to ! it doesn’t make you any less of a fan nor does it mean you love / support them any less ! it’s just you support them in your own way ! and so people who do spend a bunch of money to get everything ? they’re valid ! and people who don’t ? they’re also still valid ^~^ ! hobbies are just that so u.u and thenk you thenk you T-T ! i think i’m in essence done (minus one chanhee pc i want lol) so we’ll see what the future brings haha :p i hope you have a wonderful week too ! <3 
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