#lyris lavellan
nightingaletrash · 11 months
Okie, so her name is Tala. She was conceived on the trip to the Arbor Wilds, but was only 'discovered' after Lyris returned from the Frostback Basin. So there was the fun realisation that she'd been pregnant while venturing through the Deep Roads and fighting a possessed dragon lmao
She was born in Wycome and was delivered by Keeper Deshanna, who performed the typical rites and rituals to induct the newborn into the clan as one of the Dalish. Lyris also made a point to bring her to the Vhenadahl in the Alienage and receive blessings from the Hahren because if there was one thing Lyris learned, it was that too many elves - Dalish and City - felt like they were entirely different peoples, and she wanted to try to promote some kind of unity, to remind them all that they are of the same people regardless of circumstance. There ended up being a celebration amongst the elves over the new arrival, and the party lasted for hours before mother and baby were exhausted and needed to retire.
During the time before Trespasser, Tala grew up primarily in Skyhold. As she became more mobile, she made a habit of hiding and jumping out at staff, soldiers and visiting dignitaries before running away laughing and she loves to spend time in the garden hunting for bugs and worms, and eating dirt as tiny children often do.
Krem stitches her new toys from time to time. So far she has a nug with wings, a golden halla, a griffon with a crooked tail, and a dragon that breathes fire (aka Dagna figured out a way to make the dragon spit out illusionary sparkles when it's squeezed and Tala still isn't sick of it).
She learns to speak Elvhen, Qunlat, Antivan, and a little Orlesian, and everyone anticipates that she's definitely going to be a mage, given that her mother and father are both mages and powerful ones at that, so there's plenty of discussion about her training. Lyris intends to stick to Dalish tradition on that front. Once the basics are covered, the others can give their own input, but Tala needs a solid base without any mixed messages.
And when it comes to Solas, no one is allowed to openly detract him in front of Tala. They don't need to sing his praises, but Tala deserves to form her own opinion of her father and not be spoonfed criticism. And if anyone's ever asked about where he went and why he never came back, the official answer is 'I don't know, but we assume it's very important'.
After Trespasser plays out and Skyhold is carefully defanged, Lyris takes Tala to live in Kirkwall where she takes up her role as Comtesse, though they make plenty of trips to Wycome over the years. Lyris tells Tala the truth about Solas being Fen'Harel and that he left for an important mission, but certain details are withheld on account of her age and Lyris' hope that Solas' mind can be changed and he can still come back to be Tala's father. She'll be told more as she gets older, but it's very piecemeal.
By the time Dreadwolf comes around, she'll be nearly eight years old and probably have just come into her magic within the last year or so with Lyris and Merrill as her primary teachers. When she tells her mother about the strange wolf watching her in her dreams, she learns that her mother has the same dreams, and that its Solas watching over them from the Fade, never drawing close because they could tempt him to abandon his path.
Solas has known about Tala the whole time, having learned about Lyris' pregnancy from dreams and his spies, and he tries his best to maintain an emotional distance from the child. He doesn't always succeed though, and he watches over her, protecting her in her dreams. On one occasion, he might let her reach him so that he might get the chance to speak to her just once, to let her know him because this is his daughter and he wants to love her even though he can't and if he just allows this one meeting, maybe it will satisfy this terrible yearning in him so that he can focus solely on his path. But he knows that if he meets her once, it might be unbearable to return to that path and he might fail to let go.
Essentially he's torturing himself even more because he loves Lyris so much and he wants to love their child so much, but he loves his people and can he really put his love and their child over the countless souls that he betrayed?
Smash cut to Tala eating dirt and trying to climb into the stable with a drasolisk, which definitely gave poor Master Dennet a heart attack.
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inquisitor-julia · 14 days
Hi!! OC ask for any or all of your OCs :)
What demon would your OC be the most susceptible to and how would the demon best tempt/manipulate them?
Hi! Thank you for the ask! I think tumblr maybe showed this to me a little late but I'm going to answer this for my most developed Inquisitor: Wren Lavellan and also add to it with a few things I've written in this vein before!
Wren is probably most susceptible to a fear demon which makes Adamant just oodles of fun for her. Because she actually encounters one in game and it attempts to manipulate her and her party I have a pretty good idea of what it might say to her or how it might try to get in her head so here are some things I've written on the topic on discord:
In the Fade at Adamant, what does her gravestone say?
Abandonment; Wren has always felt like a burden to her clan because of her physical frailty and when she was a child she was almost sent away to another clan because she was a mage, if not for the intervention of her older sister Lyris (who is also a mage and was previously first to the keeper before Wren) she would not have been able to stay with clan Lavellan. She's been afraid of people deserting her because she's not strong ever since. 
How do the fearlings appear to her in the fade? 
hmmm her deepest fear is abandonment or that she's a burden so her fears would probably be faceless elves with the voices of her loved ones calling her useless or telling her that if she didn't have her sister to hide behind she'd be nothing.
"Your family tried to get rid of you, they knew you were weak." "Scared little girl, what makes you think someone so frail can change anything." "Kindness to cover weakness, you are nothing but a facade to hide your fear." "He will abandon you, little bird, a burden discarded, unneeded, unwanted."
And these two are kind of related to the prompt so adding them as well!
If your OC was a spirit, what kind of spirit would they be? 
Wren would be some kind of spirit akin to "the matchmaker" that Solas talks about. A subtle and shy spirit that would steer people gently toward things that would bring them happiness, but not necessarily compassion like Cole. something closer to contentment than compassion.
What kind of (spirit)/demon would they turn into? 
hmm ok well I still think something like a spirit of contentment would be Wren but as for demon....if her spirit form is her guiding people to happiness i think her demon form would be something like...obsession with the happiness of others? like care-taking but smothering, don't leave me behind, clinging, cloying, suffocating. I think that's a kind of fear demon. It reflects her fear of abandonment and twists her good heart into something that could bring harm. Or at least that's my current thought. 
I definitely want to think about this prompt for some of my other OCs now though so I may post something about that soon
Thank you so much again for the ask!!! <3
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oopsallmabari · 2 years
i always wished we got to see a little of the conclave before it ended so horrifically, since it's such a huge event but it feels diminished... what kinds of origins specific stuff are you thinking of? 👀
YEAH like the game focuses hard on the conclave issue being the death of the divine which like. fine, it's because of corypheus, but like. that's not what I care about nearly as much.
GRANTED I have mostly thought about this in the context of my own inquisitors (adaar, mage trevelyan, cadash) but like. the stakes are different!!! to me, narratively, there's a huge difference between the conclave as a business venture vs as a diplomatic mission vs as a above-average merc job.
a mage trevelyan enters the conclave and it is perhaps the most important experience of their lives. this could determine the fate if mages in thedas. you should get some actual context for the mage templar war, sew the seeds of different viewpoints of circle mages!! we know from origins there are different schools of mage political thought-you can't tell me the conclave for mages isn't filled with RICH political discourse. give Fiona a chance to seem like a figure with real power! hell, you can foreshadow vivienne's appearance in game, give us some idea of what it means to be a loyal circle post-rebellion. GIVE US TENSE INTERACTIONS BETWEEN MAGES AND TEMPLARS. THEY ARE TRYING TO BROKER A PEACE WITH A GROUP THAT IS CAPABLE OF USING DEADLY FORCE TOWARDS THEM (it's CUSTOMARY, even). a mage trevelyan enters the conclave presumably with some of the only friends they have in their life, and then everyone but them dies. how does that feel? how does that color the inquisition's response to their survival, this apostate who is the prime suspect for the divine's murder, the murder of hundreds of others?
even a non-mage trevelyan is on an important mission. give us the outsider perspective on the mage-templar conflict. give us more insight into the chantry's role and power since the trevelyan family is so devout. how are the free marches faring, since all of inquisition takes place in southern thedas? it's still a critical experience for a non mage trevelyan, but maybe this isn't so life and death for them. maybe their family members joined them to help negotiate. are the trevelyans trying to steer the proceedings any particular way? do some disagree on what should be done?
lavellans are LITERALLY SENT TO SPY ON THE PROCEEDINGS CAN YOU IMAGINE AN ORIGIN ESPIONAGE MISSION. we could have shown the dalish some fucking respect early on and displayed their cunning! their ability to seem unassuming and on the fringes while keeping the clan safe! is lavellan going to the conclave solo? how close were they hoping to get to the proceedings-how close to the divine? are there city elf servants, perhaps, that they intend to disguise themselves as? lavellans are one of the origins that explicitly aren't supposed to be there, so again, how does the Inquisition-the Chantry-respond to a dalish elf as their prime suspect for the divine's murder? tbh I feel like that is a hugely dangerous spot for a lavellan to be in.
an adaar was probably expecting some conflict as part of the conclave, but nothing so serious as what ended up happening. there's a huge opportunity here to delve into some of adaar's personal/family dynamics. are the valo-kas kindred to them,or just coworkers? who in the company stayed behind and out of the temple of sacred ashes? what's their take on the mage-templar war? THEYRE SECURITY, HOW DID CORYPHEUS EVADE THEIR DEFENSES? what did the valo-kas miss? were there other people up to mischief during the conclave that got ferreted out? were there other hired security groups that they worked together/clashed with???
cadashes are also spies, but with a much clearer bend to shape proceedings. what's been happening with lyrium as the circles disband? are there any signs of red lyrium at the conclave pre-breach? are the dwarves more inclined to see one group access lyrium over the other? how do they attempt to sway minds? the merchant's guild is probably also implicated in the conclave proceedings, how do they navigate?
idk ultimately, the way the conclave ends up for me in game is disappointing-we don't get to really feel how politically altering it is, we miss out on a chance to set up the big players in inquisition (rebel mages and the templar order, obviously, but arguably you miss out on a chance to distinguish orlais and ferelden even, especially for folks that are coming in to inquisition as their first DA game). you have no people connection to the conclave, no idea of the size of the event. everyone else at the conclave died but all anyone else cares about is divine Justinia. is there NOBODY the inquisitor loses at the conclave? no other important dignitaries whose absence could shake up thedas? when the inquisitor enters the Fade and the Nightmare dimension, you're supposed to be getting back memories of the conclave that were terrifying, but there's no real horror. no disgust at what's happened, no reminder besides corypheus, who at that point we have already seen, so there's not much new or poignant to emotionally tie me to.
idk, the conclave explosion is fucked up. and I want more of it.
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acealistair · 1 year
Can I interest you in some OCs?
For anyone interested, this is a list of my D&D and Dragon Age OCs with links to their tags, fics, playlists, etc. Hoping to become more proactive about posting/talking about them on here!
Anyone is always, always, always welcome to ask questions or simply talk about them! <3
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D&D Characters
she/they/he | high elven tiefling | arcane trickster rogue | active
general tag - art tag - ao3 works - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist
she/her | fallen aasimar | college of whispers bard | active
general tag - art tag - (more links coming soon)
Csilla Savik
she/her | orc | circle of stars druid | active
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board
Datura Nanthi
they/them | yuan-ti | order of the mutant blood hunter | dormant
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist
Lyrie Aldavir
she/her | half-elf | swashbuckler rogue | retired
general tag - art tag - ao3 works - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist - ship playlist
Ruya Karim
she/her | drow/wood elf | grave cleric of anubis/inquisitive rogue | retired
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist - ship playlist
Cosette DuPont
she/her | human | archfey pact of the tome warlock | BG3
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist
Gideon Caldwell
he/him | human | way of the kensei monk | oneshot
general tag - art tag - toyhouse page - pinterest board - playlist
Jubilee Myrefall
she/her | tiefling | monster slayer conclave ranger | oneshot
general tag - art tag - pinterest board - playlist
note: active = i am currently playing this character in a campaign | oneshot = this character is exclusively used for one-shots | dormant = i am waiting to use this character again in a campaign | retired = i will likely not play this character again but still like talking about them
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Dragon Age Characters
Jeirey Tabris
she/her | li: alistair | primary timeline
general tag - art tag - ao3 works
Khallia Hawke
she/her | li: fenris | purple hawke | primary timeline
general tag - ao3 works
Izelle Lavellan
she/her | li: cullen | diplomatic | primary timeline
general tag - ao3 works
Heva Aeducan
she/her | li: leliana | secondary timeline
general tag - ao3 works
Wren Hawke
she/her | li: anders | red hawke | secondary timeline
general tag - ao3 works
Aavir Adaar
she/her | li: josephine | secondary timeline
general tag
Nialiss Mahariel
she/her | li: @tiniestmagneto's leivi tabris | multi-warden au
general tag - ao3 works
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edmeedame · 4 years
I wasn't tagged but I was bored so I'm joining the band wagon with this picrew!
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scharoux · 4 years
Bless Me With Your OTP: Rhaelas Edition
Thank you for the tag @lyrium-lovesong 😊
Tagging anyone who would like to do this for their OTP!
OTP: Rhaella Lavellan + Solas
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Do they fight often? If so, what is their dynamic like?
They don't fight, but they have their disagreements. Usually it's friendly banter about their different opinions, but it rarely gets heated. They both respect each other's perspectives and are willing to listen with an open mind. However they are both very stubborn so those conversations can tend to be a bit long winded. Rhaella also doesn't have any issues with calling Solas out when he's being too narrow minded on a particular subject, and vice versa. All in all they mostly balance each other out and can resolve their disagreements without it devolving into a fight.
Who is the most skeptical of the two?
Oooh.... that's a bit of a toss up. Rhaella is skeptical of basically everyone and everything until she can put her trust in them. Solas obviously has his own underlining issues and is skeptical of a lot of things. I'd say they're pretty evenly matched.
Who would be most likely to suggest a night of dancing?
Solas, hands down. He might be uptight, but he also helps bring Rhaella out of her shell a lot in their time together. He helps her see the brighter side of things and enjoy the things she would normally overlook.
What would they do if the other was injured in battle?
They would both be very protective of the other and immediately start tending to the wounded party as long as they didn't need to deal with an immediate threat still. Obviously with them both being mages, and Rhaella having a lot of experience with healing in general I think they would be relatively quick and concise in tending to their significant other. Rhaella would probably a bit more anxious, but have that cool under pressure front. Rhaella is terrified of losing someone else she loves.
How do their fighting styles complement each other?
They're both pretty powerful mages, and are both fairly tactical when in battle, so they can coordinate with each other very effectively. Some of their abilities overlap, but they also have different talents that compliment the others.
Do they want children? Does it frighten them? How many do they want?
** You'll have to watch for the next parts of Rhaella & Solas's story from @buttsonthebeach **
What happened when they took them home to their families? If their families aren’t in the picture anymore, how do they feel about it?
Rhaella often wonders if her parents, her father in particular, would approve of her relationship with Solas. She especially struggles with this following the events of Trespasser. Rhaella has longed for a family since her father passed away, and she wanted desperately to believe she had fou d that again with Solas. Unfortunately we all know how that turned out....
How does each person show affection towards the other?
Solas is very good at making romantic gestures. Small surprises, romantic rendezvous, a new plant or book Rhaella would like. He knows what he's doing and he's good at it.
Rhaella is a little inexperienced with romantic gestures, but she shows her affection in more simple ways. A gentle touch or caress, a genuine smile, sharing in her interests or things that are important to her.
Who cries the most? Who is better at comforting?
Neither are big cryers, but if I had to pick one it would be Rhaella. It takes a lot to make her cry but every once in a while she lets her guard down and allows herself to be vulnerable and have a cry. Solas is definitely better at comforting of the two. He's a lot more mature and can be as compassionate as Rhaella at times.
Who is the bigger flirt?
Uh....ummm....maybe Solas? He's more of a flirt than Rhaella, and he is definitely a smooth talker 😏
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reliciron · 5 years
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Playing Dragon Age: Inquisition again, and I decided to redo a pair of my old Inquisitors: 
Archer Assassin Lyris Cadash
Two-Handed Warrior Arlan Lavellan
Of all the inquisitor’s I’ve made, these 2 have the most established backstory, so I always end up coming back to them. 
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feyrianedoesart · 6 years
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Lyris Lavellan for @nightingaletrash ! Thank you for your positivity! It’s indeed a side of him some people don’t get to see (for different reasons) - but it is there nonetheless! My askbox is still open if you want to spread some Solas positivity! Send me one thing you love about Solas and get a sketch of your Inquisitor! Don’t forget to tell me your Inquisitor’s name and the tags where I can find pic of them! Open for Solavellan & Inquisitor friends, of course!
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feyriane · 8 years
What I love about Solas and Lyris' relationship is that they have a lot of mutual respect for one another. Even on subjects they don't see eye to eye on, they listen to each other's arguments and will agree to disagree. Lyris values Solas' opinions, just as he values hers, and it makes a very strong foundation for their loyalty to one another.
i think that is something solas values immensely : when people listen to your arguments and respect and value your opinion even if they do not share it in the end. i think you can really see that in a lot of conversations. 
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thanks for sharing, @nightingaletrash! btw your lyris is one of the most amazing inquisitor i’ve seen, she is SO cute??
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nightingaletrash · 11 months
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He tries so hard to be indifferent but he crumbles all the same ;-;
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inquisitor-julia · 5 years
this is from forever ago and was a prompt to just write some random stuff about any of my OCs if i remember correctly?
So here’s a little about an OC that I love but who I don’t really talk much about.
Lyre (Lyris) Lavellan is Wren Lavellan’s older sister
Lyre did not receive her vallaslin because of actions of hers that were deemed childish. But she would do the same all over again because it was for her sister.
Lyre was first to the keeper before Wren began exhibiting magical talent. Wren was to be sent away to another clan (as merrill was) to serve as that clan’s first. Wren was so young and so scared when this happened, making herself physically sick with anxiety about it so Lyre took the matter into her own hands. She saw her sister’s discomfort and came up with a very simple solution, the reason she is no longer the first of clan Lavellan and the reason she never received her vallaslin. She stopped using magic completely. She refused her place as first and refused to use her magical gifts. If the clan only needed one mage then that’s exactly what they’d get. So Wren became the first of clan Lavellan and Lyre took up swordplay and has (up until the beginning of da:i) not used her magic since. Wren of course feels tremendously guilty about her sister having given up so much for her.
Lyre’s weapon of choice is a greatsword
muscle girl
joins the inquisition as soon as word reaches the clan that Wren is ok
very protective of her sister (clearly) which can be a point of contention between the two at times…
not a fan of Solas….and then the break up happens and she’s REALLY not a fan of Solas…and then trespasser happens and Lyre is ready to scramble that egg…she won’t…but only because her sister loves him much as Lyre doesn’t understand why at all.
it’s hard for her to see her sister becoming more and more of her own person but Lyre is also tremendously proud of Wren
wrestling is her game and she will win
exceptionally affectionate to those she cares about
hates the cold (having a sister who specializes in ice magic and always has cold hands but is also a healer is a struggle sometimes)
Thanks for asking! I might have more on her later but it’s been a while since I thought about Lyre tbh ^^”
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zoezenii · 9 years
Solas: I suppose you have questions...
My Inquisitor: 
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nightingaletrash · 11 months
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It has once again come to pass
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nightingaletrash · 1 year
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jumping on the band wagon with Absolution!style Lyris
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nightingaletrash · 11 months
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onto the Descent!!
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nightingaletrash · 11 months
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obligatory Lyris shots
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