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sicutpuella · 1 year
Desiderium [Tom Riddle x Original Character]
Chapter 1: nuit de février
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In the outskirts of Provence, France, on a February evening in the year 1951, an air of enchantment permeated the countryside. Nestled amidst the rolling hills, a grand chateau stood as a beacon of refinement and grandeur. Adorned in exquisite finery, every detail meticulously attended to, the sprawling estate emanated an aura of timeless elegance. As dusk descended upon the land, casting a golden hue upon the snow-covered landscape, the chateau's lights shimmered with a radiance that rivaled the celestial stars above. Their warm glow cascaded through the windows, casting a spell of enchantment upon all who beheld the spectacle.
The atmosphere was filled with anticipation as carriages, resplendent in their regal splendor, made their stately procession towards the chateau's entrance. Each arrival added to the symphony of murmured conversations and tinkling laughter that echoed through the frosty air. The gardens, too, had not been spared from the touch of whimsical enchantment. The carefully manicured flora, bedecked with delicate frost and a dusting of snow, created a magical tableau. Twinkling lights were carefully woven amidst the branches of ancient trees, casting a soft, ethereal glow that danced in harmony with the falling snowflakes.
Within the chateau's walls, guests mingled amidst opulent salons adorned with gilded tapestries and magnificent chandeliers. Laughter, tinged with the echoes of clinking glasses, filled the air as conversations flowed like a melodic symphony of shared stories and whispered secrets.
In this grand setting, the evening unfolded with a grace befitting the majesty of the surroundings. The guests, their attire a tapestry of refined elegance, moved through the chateau's halls with an air of sophistication and charm. The soft notes of a grand piano accompanied their every step, lending an ethereal soundtrack to the festivities.
As the night wore on, the allure of the chateau's splendor captivated all who beheld it. The snowflakes continued their gentle descent, weaving a veil of enchantment over the landscape. The grandeur of the scene, the delicate interplay of light and snow, whispered of timeless beauty and the promise of unforgettable memories.
And so, in this idyllic setting on that fateful February evening, the grand chateau stood as a testament to the power of elegance and refinement. Its magnificence, embellished by the softly falling snow and the twinkle of a thousand lights, created an ethereal world where dreams and reality intertwined, casting a spell upon all who had the privilege to partake in its grandeur.
From the depths of a carriage emerged a vision of elegance and poise. As the door swung open, a woman alighted with grace, her every movement imbued with an innate sense of refinement. Cascading down her back, her crimson tresses were styled with meticulous care, their lustrous waves framing a countenance of ethereal beauty.
Clad in a gown of regal allure, she wore a shade of dark royal blue that enveloped her form with a beguiling charm. The neckline of her evening attire ascended gracefully, drawing attention to her slender, swan-like neck that held an air of elegance and grace. The absence of sleeves allowed her long and graceful arms to be exposed, captivating the onlookers with their sheer loveliness. A white-fur cover-up adorned her shoulders, adding a touch of luxurious warmth to the ensemble. Her attire, though modest, possessed a subtle sensuality that hinted at the allure lying just beneath the surface. The back of her gown, tastefully revealed, offered a glimpse of her radiant skin, evoking a sense of both mystery and desire. The delicate balance struck between modesty and allure painted her as a woman of refined taste and captivating beauty.
The woman's features were a testament to her natural loveliness. Her makeup, light and delicately applied, enhanced rather than masked her inherent grace. Her electric blue eyes, the very windows to her soul, shimmered with a blend of nervousness and charm, captivating all who had the privilege of meeting her gaze. Her every expression, every flutter of her lashes, conveyed a delicate vulnerability that only served to enhance her appeal.
Amidst the grandeur and opulence that surrounded her, she stood, radiating a captivating aura that drew admiring glances from all who beheld her presence. Though there lingered a hint of nervousness, a touch of awkwardness in her demeanor, it only served to accentuate her natural beauty, making her all the more endearing.
As the noble and revered Domitius Rosier caught sight of his daughter entering the grand halls, his eyes alight with unmistakable delight. His commanding presence, tall and dignified, matched her own in stature, for she stood only a few inches shorter than her esteemed father. A man of striking countenance, his features exuded an undeniable allure. His light-blonde hair, touched with traces of silver, framed a visage that had weathered the passing years with grace, further enhancing his handsomeness and charm. With an ethereal bone structure and an air of regality, he stood as a testament to the timeless appeal of his lineage.
"Ah, Claudia, my beloved daughter!" Domitius voice carried a note of sheer elation as he greeted her. His eyes, mirroring the mesmerizing electric blue hue of her own, twinkled with paternal pride and unbridled joy. Eagerly, he closed the distance between them, his arms outstretched in anticipation of their long-awaited reunion.
"Father! How I've longed for this moment!" Claudia's voice, filled with warmth and affection, rang out as she embraced him tenderly. The bond between them was undeniable, a testament to the profound love they shared as father and daughter. In that embrace, time seemed to stand still, and the grand chateau faded into the background, leaving only the cherished connection between them.
Their reunion was a symphony of love and joy, their voices intertwining in laughter and heartfelt conversation. As they moved gracefully through the opulent halls of the chateau, their shared happiness permeated the air, casting a radiant glow upon all who witnessed their familial bond. The grand chateau, with its resplendent décor and majestic ambiance, became the backdrop to a cherished moment between a father and his daughter. Amidst the flickering candlelight and the whispers of enchantment, their love and connection shone brightly, a beacon of warmth and tenderness in a world filled with fleeting moments.
“At least, you weren’t late!” Domitius gently teases his daughter.
"I am honored to be present for this joyous occasion, Father," Claudia replied, her voice filled with a mixture of excitement and anticipation. She glanced around the room, taking in the sight of the esteemed guests and the palpable aura of importance that surrounded them. Tonight was not just any ordinary wedding; it was a gathering of influential figures, where political allegiances were forged and strengthened.
Domitius chuckled softly, his voice tinged with amusement. "Ah, my dear Claudia, punctuality is indeed a virtue that runs deep in our bloodline. I am glad you have inherited that trait from me." His eyes sparkled with affection as he placed a hand on her arm, guiding her through the bustling crowd. "But it is not just punctuality that makes this evening special. It is the union of two great families, the intertwining of destinies, and the forging of alliances that will shape the course of our future."
As they strolled along the gilded corridors, their steps echoing softly against the marbled floor, Claudia listened intently to her father's words. His wisdom and guidance had always been a beacon in her life, grounding her amidst the tumultuous storms that came with their esteemed name.
"Father, I cannot help but feel a mixture of excitement and… dread," Claudia confessed, her voice tinged with vulnerability.
Domitius’ gaze softened, and he placed a hand on her cheek, a gesture filled with paternal reassurance. "My dear Claudia, you have always been a source of pride for me. Your strength and intelligence shine brightly, and I have no doubt that you will carry our family's legacy with honor. But remember, my child, that even in the face of great responsibilities, you must never lose sight of your own happiness and fulfillment. Your heart should guide you as much as your intellect."
Claudia nodded, absorbing her father's words of wisdom. She understood the delicate balance between duty and personal desires, and she vowed to find harmony within herself. The burden of their name may be weighty, but she refused to let it overshadow her own dreams and aspirations.
"Thank you, Father," she whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "Your guidance and unwavering support mean the world to me."
Domitius smiled warmly, his eyes shimmering with love. "You are my greatest joy, Claudia. Remember that, always."
Among the sea of esteemed guests, Claudia Rosier stood tall and regal, her crimson gown accentuating her elegant stature. Her eyes shimmered with a mixture of excitement and curiosity as she observed the gathering. This was not merely a social affair; it was a convergence of power and influence, where alliances were forged and secrets exchanged beneath the guise of polite conversation.
As she made her way through the grand hall, Claudia's gaze alighted upon the familiar faces of Ministry members, seasoned politicians, and influential figures of pureblood society. The room seemed to come alive with the whispered conversations and laughter of those who held the keys to power. It was a world she had been born into, a world where connections and lineage held great sway.
Her eyes briefly met those of Armand Malfoy, a figure of great importance within the pureblood circles. The intensity in his gaze spoke volumes, a silent acknowledgment of their shared heritage and the intricate web of blood ties that bound their families together. Claudia couldn't help but wonder about the complexities that lay beneath the surface, the unspoken alliances and unbreakable loyalties that governed their world.
Amidst the sea of influential guests, Claudia's attention was caught by the presence of rich old purebloods. They exude an air of privilege and entitlement, their names etched into the annals of pureblood history. Their wrinkled faces and weathered hands spoke of a lifetime spent in pursuit of power and wealth, their very presence a testament to the enduring legacy of their bloodlines.
As she gracefully moved through the crowd, Claudia engaged in polite conversation with acquaintances and family friends. She spoke with eloquence and confidence, her intelligence and charm evident in every word she uttered. Yet, beneath her composed facade, there was a flicker of restlessness, a longing to make her mark on a world that often felt suffocating in its traditions and expectations.
She observed her father, conversing effortlessly with influential figures. His commanding presence and charisma commanded respect, his words holding weight and authority. Claudia couldn't help but feel a swell of pride, knowing that she was his daughter, a reflection of his legacy and the aspirations he had instilled within
As they moved through the grand hall, the whispered conversations and admiring glances followed in their wake. Claudia's crimson tresses, her regal bearing, and the air of sophistication that enveloped her drew the attention of many. Yet, beneath the surface, she was aware of the expectations placed upon her, the burden of her family's legacy. It was a world where appearances were everything, and Claudia knew she had to navigate the treacherous waters with finesse and tact.
As Domitius led her further into the heart of the festivities, Claudia steeled herself for the challenges that lay ahead. She knew that within this grand gathering, there were alliances to be forged, secrets to be discovered, and ambitions to be pursued. The evening promised more than just a celebration of love; it was an arena where power, influence, and destiny converged.
As they approached the heart of the gathering, Claudia's eyes alighted upon the bride and groom.
In the grand ballroom of the opulent estate, the wedding of Allectus Rosier and Lucretia Black was a spectacle that had been meticulously orchestrated. It was a union not solely born out of love, but a strategic alliance between two prominent pureblood families. The Rosiers and the Blacks, both esteemed and powerful, sought to strengthen their ties and preserve their ancient lineage.
In the opulent ballroom, Allectus Rosier stood amidst the gathering, his presence commanding attention. The flickering candlelight accentuated the chiseled features of his face, casting shadows that only heightened the allure of his masculine beauty. His deep-set, electric blue eyes sparkled with a mischievous glint, inviting those who dared to meet his gaze into a world of mystery and intrigue.
As he moved with a grace and confidence that bespoke his noble lineage, Allectus drew the attention of all in his path. His impeccable sense of style, showcased through his tailored attire, bespoke a man who understood the power of appearance and how it could captivate the minds and hearts of those around him. With every step he took, the whispers of admiration followed, like the gentle rustle of silk against marble.
Beside him, Lucretia, resplendent in her wedding gown, exuded an ethereal grace that complemented Allectus's commanding presence. Her long black hair cascaded down her back, cascading like a waterfall of obsidian, and her dark eyes held a hint of mystery. While her beauty was undeniable, it was the underlying knowledge that this union was forged for the preservation of bloodlines that cast a veil of complexity over her delicate features.
The guests marveled at the sight before them, marveling at the union of two individuals whose physical beauty seemed divinely ordained. But hidden beneath the façade of this arranged marriage, were the intricacies of their familial obligations and societal expectations. It was a delicate dance, where duty and desire intertwined, and the future of two great houses hung in the balance.
As the ceremony progressed, the solemn vows were exchanged, sealing the union of Allectus Rosier and Lucretia Black.
The grandeur of the reception hall was ablaze with the glittering chandeliers and the lively chatter of the esteemed guests. Claudia, beaming with pride for her brother's successful nuptials, made her way through the crowd to congratulate him. Her eyes sparkled mischievously as she playfully teased Allectus, her beloved sibling.
"Congratulations, dear brother! You managed to look decent tonight, finally," Claudia jested, her voice laced with affectionate banter. She held her brother's arm and leaned in closer, a conspiratorial glint in her eyes. "And Lucretia, my dear sister-in-law, you look absolutely splendid. I hope you have a stash of potions to counteract any potential headaches from dealing with him," she teased, a playful smile adorning her lips.
As Claudia exchanged pleasantries with her family, a familiar voice cut through the air. Turning her head swiftly, she beheld her cousin, Abraxas Malfoy, his presence commanded attention, his poise and demeanor oozing with aristocratic elegance.
The soft glow of the chandeliers played upon Abraxas' bright white-blond hair, each strand meticulously arranged to perfection. Not a strand dared to be out of place, for it knew its role in accentuating his otherworldly features. His sharp, piercing gaze, like the blade of a silver rapier, met Claudia's eyes with an unwavering intensity.
With a smile that danced upon her lips, Claudia stepped forward to greet her cousin. The warmth in her eyes was mirrored in her voice as she extended her hand in greeting. "Ah, Abraxas, it is a pleasure to see you again," she said, her words carrying a genuine warmth and affection.
Abraxas, ever the epitome of refinement, reciprocated her greeting with a nod, acknowledging her presence. His pale, icy-blue eyes met hers.
She extended her hand towards Abraxas, a gesture of kinship and shared heritage. The group of pureblood friends surrounding him, including Mulciber, Nott, Lestrange, and others, exuded an air of sophistication and privilege, much like Claudia and her brother.
However, as her gaze swept the room, Claudia's eyes locked onto a figure that sent a chill down her spine. Tom Riddle, a man of enigmatic allure, stood apart from the revelry, his presence both captivating and unnerving. The room seemed to darken ever so slightly as Claudia's gaze met his piercing eyes.
Claudia's eyes couldn't help but be drawn to him, as if he possessed an invisible pull that captivated her gaze. It wasn't just his striking appearance that caught her attention, but the way he carried himself with an air of confidence and intelligence. Tom Riddle seemed to possess an otherworldly charm, his features perfectly chiseled and his movements graceful.
His dark, curly hair framed his face in a way that accentuated his piercing, intelligent eyes. The slight curl at the ends of his locks added a touch of effortless elegance. His cheekbones were sculpted, giving his face a refined and aristocratic look. There was an enigmatic quality about him that left Claudia intrigued, as if there were depths of complexity hidden beneath his attractive exterior.
As Tom Riddle moved through the crowd, conversing with various guests, Claudia couldn't help but notice how effortlessly he commanded attention and respect. His words were articulate and thoughtful, drawing people in with his wit and charm. It seemed that even her brother, Allectus, and her cousin, Abraxas Malfoy, both known for their own good looks, paled in comparison to Tom Riddle's magnetic presence.
Claudia's curiosity grew, and she found herself longing to engage in conversation with this enigmatic figure. She observed the way he carried himself, the way he made others feel important and valued. It was as if he possessed a charisma that extended beyond mere physical appearance, captivating the hearts and minds of those around him.
“Cat got your tongue?” Abraxas noticed how his cousin Claudia seemed to stiffen up a bit upon seeing Tom.
“Ah! Lest we not forget your little show back when you were what… 11?” Allectus chimed in, a mischievous glint in his eyes. The mention of that particular memory elicited a brief flashback in Claudia's mind, transporting her back to her first year at Hogwarts.
She could vividly recall the scene in the Slytherin common room, bathed in the dim glow of the firelight, where Tom Marvolo Riddle, then a sixth-year prefect, had been surrounded by a crowd of admirers. The Slytherin Quidditch team, basking in the glory of their recent victory, had flocked around him like moths to a flame. Claudia, a wide-eyed first-year filled with youthful infatuation, had watched from a distance, her heart aflutter with anticipation.
Summoning her courage, she approached him, her delicate footsteps echoing softly against the stone floor. In her hand, she clutched a folded piece of parchment, its edges slightly creased from her anxious grip. In that moment, the world seemed to fade away, leaving only her and the enigmatic figure of Tom Riddle before her. Her heart raced, her palms grew clammy, but her determination propelled her forward.
"Hello, Tom Riddle!" she had exclaimed, her voice quivering yet filled with a resolute innocence that belied her tender age. The room fell silent, every eye fixed upon the brave young girl who dared to express her affections so openly.
"I am Claudia," she continued, her words tumbling out in a rush, like a cascade of pearls from a broken necklace. "I know that you and my brother, Allectus, are good friends, but I... I cannot help myself, Tom Riddle. My heart beats faster whenever you are near. I like you, Tom Riddle. I like you more than treacle tart, more than sugar, more than the finest chocolates from Honeydukes! I like you with every fiber of my being!"
The common room held its breath, the air pregnant with anticipation. Claudia's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, her doe-like eyes shining with a mixture of vulnerability and hope. Her innocent declaration of love hung in the air, as fragile and delicate as a butterfly's wings.
Tom Riddle, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of his lips, regarded her with a mixture of surprise and gentleness. He placed a hand on her shoulder, his touch sending a jolt of electricity through her body, as if she had been touched by magic itself. His voice, like the soft whisper of the wind through the trees, was warm and reassuring. "Claudia, I must commend you for your sheer courage and honesty. Your feelings are not unappreciated, but I fear I cannot return them in the same manner. Please do not take this the wrong way. You possess incredible qualities that will undoubtedly captivate someone worthy of your love."
Though Claudia's heart sank at his words, she admired his response, understanding the truth in his gentle rejection. Tom had handled her confession with grace and compassion, preserving her dignity and shielding her from the potential ridicule of their peers.
"Thank you, Tom Riddle," she whispered, her voice filled with a bittersweet acceptance. "I appreciate your honesty and value our friendship above all else. Let us continue to support one another, as fellow Slytherins and as friends."
Tom's gaze softened, his eyes reflecting a fleeting glimpse of regret. "Claudia, you are a remarkable young witch. Never doubt your worth or the impact you can make in this world. Your bravery and resilience will take you far. Remember, love comes in many forms and at different times. The right person will appreciate the extraordinary person you are."
With those words, he gently released his hold on her shoulder, allowing her to retreat from the center of attention.
Claudia, now standing amidst the glamorous wedding celebration, smiled softly at the memory. How young and innocent she had been, captivated by Tom Riddle's allure even then. But time had passed, and Claudia understood that. She shook off the reverie, returning her attention to her teasing cousin and brother. "Oh, hush, you two!" Claudia replied with a playful pout. "That was ages ago, and we were but children. Let us focus on celebrating Allectus and Lucretia's joyous union tonight."
“Ah, Claudia, dear cousin, you never fail to provide us with delightful memories!” Abraxas chuckled, his bright blonde hair cascading around his face like a halo. He exchanged a knowing glance with Allectus, their eyes gleaming with mischief.
Allectus, a mischievous smile playing on his lips, added, "Indeed, Claudia, we must commend your courage. Confessing your undying affection for Tom Riddle in front of the entire Slytherin house! A moment that shall forever be etched in our memories."
Nott and Lestrange, who had been standing nearby, couldn't resist joining in on the teasing. Nott, his voice dripping with sarcasm, remarked, "Oh, Claudia, how fortunate we were to witness such a heartfelt declaration of love! I dare say it rivaled the most dramatic scenes in plays."
Lestrange, his eyes twinkling with amusement, interjected, "Indeed! I shall never forget the stunned silence that followed your confession. It was as if the very air held its breath in anticipation of Tom Riddle's response." Claudia, though initially taken aback by their teasing, soon found herself joining in the mirth. "Oh, do cease your mockery, my dear companions!" she playfully retorted.
As the bustling crowd began to simmer down, Claudia found herself seated beside her cousin, Abraxas. They exchanged warm smiles, their conversation a testament to the enduring bond shared between them.
"I've heard you're working with the Ministry of Wizarding Law Enforcement now!" Abraxas exclaimed, genuine pride gleaming in his eyes. He was delighted to see Claudia flourishing in her professional life, ascending the ranks of the magical world. Claudia's cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, her modesty shining through despite her accomplishments.
"And I've heard you and your wife have been blessed with a pregnancy!" Claudia's voice rang out, her eyes sparkling with genuine joy. The news of their impending parenthood had reached her ears through the whispered gossip of high society, and she could not contain her excitement.
Abraxas, ever the astute conversationalist, skillfully redirected the topic, a playful glint in his eyes. "Ah, don't change the subject, dear cousin," he quipped, a sly smile playing upon his lips. "But yes, we have indeed been blessed with the gift of a child.”
Claudia's attention returned to the matter at hand, a graceful smile gracing her features. "Oh, it's nothing extraordinary," she replied, her voice a melodious blend of humility and pride. "Recently, I have been entrusted with a significant role in the Ministry, tasked with the creation and refinement of laws concerning magical artifacts.”
Abraxas nodded approvingly, acknowledging her accomplishments. "Ah, the intricate world of legislation and governance," he remarked, his voice laced with admiration. "I have always known that your intellect and tenacity would lead you to great heights.”
Before she could delve deeper into her recent ventures, she was interrupted by the familiar voice that had once stirred her soul. It was Tom Riddle, the enigmatic figure whose presence had ignited a flame within her young heart. His entrance, marked by an aura of charm and confidence, drew the attention of all who were fortunate enough to witness it.
"My, my, my... Claudia Rosier," he spoke, his voice laced with a hint of amusement and genuine admiration. "It has been far too long since our paths last crossed, and yet, in that time, you have accomplished so much. I must offer my sincerest congratulations."
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randomwriteronline · 4 months
The Lords could not be harmed, shifting mounds of nature that they were, shapes unclear and indestructible as they reached out to their traitorous subjects to submit them once more; above them they stood, colossal and sublime, casting long shadows upon them as they towered like pillars holding sky and ground apart, and on them were fixed six brilliant gazes of crystal and metal and flesh.
How those hands reached out for them! With such a longing awe, like children begging to be held, the living wide-eyed killing machines strained to join them, turning their backs to those who had believed to find in them friends and allies and soldiers against those who had torn their home apart so thoughtlessly to give themselves to the Lords wholly, completely, utterly, enamored and entranced by their elemental infinity, so ethereally solid that they could feel it in their palms already; and the Lords, magnanimous as they were (as they fancied themselves to be in their cruelty), reached out to them in turn, welcoming them as their impenetrable army of one, beckoning them closer, closer.
And with that closeness they saw, perhaps too late, the gleam in the glowing eyes; and with that closeness they realized, perhaps too late, that there was nothing childish within them if not for a turbulent hunger, vast and all-consuming, and something else so darkly bright, so blindingly obscure, that they could not put a word to it.
And those hands reached, and sank into them.
And the Lords screamed in anguish.
In a sudden focused frenzy the beasts curled their claws of protodermis and climbed the infinite bodies. They left marks of their passage - deep wounds bleeding copiously, reaching down to bones that long had been stripped away by divinity, tearing apart non-existent flesh with the ease of paper, their skeletal frames ravenous as they dug holes in the godly forms to take their essence for themseves, coating shining metal in fire, stone, earth, water, ice, air, like disgusting bugs carving their way through luxurious fabrics and woods and painting and statues, hungry, hungry, hungry, starving and yearning and needing - and the Lords shouted, the Lords wailed, the Lords cried, the Lords howled in unison with the mechanical men eating them alive, ascending higher, higher, not demanding audience anymore, only digging into their nerves with a staggering familiarity, a bloodied fondness.
Artificial faces at last before the divinely natural eyes, frightened gods cradled with such murderous tenderness in hand-crafted palms, an unnatural light sparked within crystalline matter: perhaps what they forced upon the Lords was a sarcastic pantomime, perhaps it was a genuine gesture carried on in the only violent manner a living weapon could muster, perhaps it was as new and frightening for them as it was so painfully horrifying for their destined misshapen mirrors; but their mechanical bodies strained with their thin muscles as air poured through vents so scalding and freezing and humid and dry and dusty and clear, as they crowed out for all the universe to hear the love bursting in fulminating sparks and horrid shrieks of cogs clashing in ways they were not built to do, and with something that could be considered akin only to a terrible kiss they sank into the sublime endlessness of the Elemental Lords, and tore them to shreds in an indescribably gruesome amorous spectacle.
Nothing was left of them - nothing but men, frightened mortal shells of flesh and bone, clawed free from their ineffability as their former people approached them cautiously, circled around them to bear witness to their descent from their gilded thrones.
Hunched over them stood still the living beings of metal and muscle, immoble, eyes aglow with energy, encased in their element as though it were their skin - fitting them so naturally, like it had never fit upon the Lords. Then something zapped, creaked, exhaled harshly: their irises flickered, sparks of color pulsing before giving in, and they collapsed upon the exhausted remains of their domains, as still as corpses yet with hearts still beating gently, calmly, sweetly, radiating spots of light upon but a spec of their slowly reawakening world like fireflies unaware of their own mortality.
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tadvideoproduction · 7 months
Capturing Elegance: A Spotlight on Video Production Dubai
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Embark on a visual odyssey with TAD Video Production as we cast a luminous spotlight on the enchanting world of Video Production Dubai. Our lenses capture the very essence of Dubai's elegance, creating cinematic wonders that redefine luxury.
TAD Video Production stands at the forefront of excellence in Video Production Dubai, seamlessly blending innovation and sophistication. Each frame is a masterpiece, intricately weaving together the vibrant tapestry of this extraordinary city.
From the iconic skyscrapers that pierce the sky to the tranquil desert landscapes, TAD Video Production transforms every scene into a breathtaking visual spectacle. Immerse yourself in the allure of Dubai as our team skillfully navigates the art of storytelling through video.
Elevate your brand narrative with the magic of TAD Video Production – where expertise meets elegance, and every shot is a testament to the grandeur of Dubai.
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cryopathiic-a · 9 months
[dance] + [zip]
The fan's tassels orchestrate a rhythmic chime, in tandem with swift motions as it swims around the room and spreads the pungent blend of incense and lilly blossom. It lingers heavy in the air of this stuffy backroom, where Yoshiwara's lights are drowned out by opaque shogi and sealed doors. Apart from the endless pile of luxurious silk-linen pillows upon which she has claimed her seat, the room is frugal and spacious, making room for the performances within.
Ever so often, there would be a sharper motion; and a glimpse of ice that falls softly to the floor, a dash of sparkle to the offered spectacle. The room's ambient light paints a halo around his crown. There's something inviting nestling in prismatic hues as their soft glow lands in her own. A demure smile. The tips of wavy locks frame his waist as it snaps, from side to side, flexing taut muscle. It rattles the coins tethered to his golden belt, adorning a slender waist just in the slight chance that she may overlook some of his more striking features. It matches the jewel around his neck, and on his collar, and the anklets that chime with each move.
That's all very much not a part of the traditional jiuta mai most would expect to find in these backrooms. But they had not asked for a traditional performer, had they? Tonight, they wished for something special to take the edge off.
And it would come, in the shift of iridescent fabrics as they embraced his moving form, like a frilly koi tail comes to complement the fish's dance in the water.
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A golden gilded swirl brings them closer to the patron sat comfortably atop the offered pillows. His kimono floats with the turn and some of the fabric lands over a nearby pot, as a lid, or a soft blanket, that would trap the overbearing fragrance inside it. And they crouch down slowly beside her, allowing some of the fabric to slip off of their shoulder. A meaningful look travels to the knot holding their sash in place — and when she obliges them and sticks a claw under the ribbon, the young oni stands to proceed with his mesmerizing dance- the threads are cut, and fabric slips off to expose a form adorned only by golden ornaments and jewels.
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typically-untypical · 2 years
Crow horrible challange:
Start writing a story using the prompt: "We have al eveing and a bottle of [alcohol]. Want to find out what secrets are at its bottom?" with any character you'd like and the tag 3 people who you want to continue it. You can give them their own prompts to include :D!
Maybe, For Crow's Birthday, I should finally do this!
Answers at the Bottom
"We have all evening and a bottle of crown. Want to find out what secrets are at its bottom?"
Janus was leaning against the door frame of Logan's room, holding out a bottle of dark brown liquid. It was tempting, after the day he had had, it was very tempting. His eyes were bloodshot and the mess around him only served as fuel to his fire, the burning desire in him to say fuck it all. "Why not," Logan muttered, pushing back his unkempt hair and walking towards the other man. His tie was askew, his glasses were slanted causing his vision to be blurry, and at some point he had lost his watch. Logan was a mess, he knew he was a mess, but Janus didn't comment on that. His best friend never would, at least, not while Logan was already down.
They made it to the kitchen, Janus gathering cups from the cabinet with practiced ease, and pouring them both a shot. He set both cups on the table and Logan had downed his before Janus had taken his seat. The calmer of the two men poured Logan another shot and was silent, waiting for his friend to explain, but Logan wasn't even sure where to start.
He took this shot more slowly, allowing the burn to really sit in his mouth, watching as Janus again refilled his glass. He didn't immediately drink this one.
"I'm tired Janus," that was all Logan said at first, his voice unnaturally calm and even. "I'm tired of fighting and clawing and it still not seeming to get me anywhere."
Janus just listened, not saying a word, not interjecting his thoughts or feelings into the conversation. Logan appreciated it. 
"I went to school for five years to get a double major, to have the skills to do the jobs I wanted to do, but no one wanted to hire me. They told me I was too young, that I was too inexperienced, so I found a job outside of my field, and I was good a it, but day after day I fought against people and policies that didn't make sense, that didn't actually want the best for the company or the people we worked with, so I changed jobs again. You would think with experience, I could get a different job with a higher salary, but no, I didn't have the right type of experience. All the while I get to hear stories from the people around me about how they lucked into the jobs they wanted, stumbling feet first into comfortable lives. So I keep my head up, keep working." He swirled the liquid in his glass, watching as it turned around the cup. "Because that's the key to success right? Hard work. I'll tell you something, it's not. That is a complete lie. The key to success is luck, and anyone who says it is hard work is lying to not only themselves to feel better, but to the people around them so they don't have to be responsible to help others. After all, why help anyone else when they could also be where you are at if they just worked harder?"
Logan downed another shot and Janus once again filled his glass, though this time a little less.
"I'm so tired of trying to hard and not being enough, Jay. I don't think I'm asking for that much. I just want to live my life without having to worry if the little luxuries I buy myself will push me over budget. I want to be able to buy books without a second thought." Logan sighed, resting his head on the table. "I just want to stop struggling to live."
Logan fell silent, and there were a few minutes where the only sound in the room was the tick of the clock, but then Janus finally spoke, finally taking his own first shot.
"It sucks, we live in a capitalistic hellscape where we are mocked by others in other countries for things we no longer have control of. We are a spectacle, so what are you going to do about it?"
Logan looked at him curiously, obviously not knowing what answer Janus wanted.
"You can continue to complain, and we can continue to drink, and that will be just fine, or... we can work on something bigger, change the system."
Logan was unimpressed. Janus always had grand ideas of how to solve a problem. He was dramatic like that, always wanting to start a revolution. "How would you even do that in a tangible way? What could you do that would help things change?"
"Not me, you."
Now he was even more confused. What did Janus expect him to be able to do?
"No more attempting to fix the government from the inside. It doesn't work," Janus said, raising his glass to the sky, looking through it as he observed the liquid. "I'm talking about a full over hall. I'm talking about a coup."
Logan looked up at Janus, surprise in his eyes as he gently shook his head. He was not the type to start a coup and he certainly wasn't the type to lead one. He pour himself another shot after snatching the bottle from Janus.
"And what exactly do you think I can achieve. I have been told many times that I am the least interesting in our friend group, that I am no fun, and I am consistently ignored. What makes you think I could be the face of somethings so volatile?"
"Plain and simple," Janus stated, a smirk carving it's way along his lips. "You will have me by your side and there is nothing that the two of us can't do together." 
Logan's face blushed, if asked later he would blame it on the alcohol but he was well aware of the real reason behind his rosy complexion. Janus wanted him, no, needed him, and it was so very good to be needed.
Happy Birthday Crow!
@edupunkn00b @treeni @naminethewriter Would any of you like to continue the story?
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livingstyleup · 5 months
Curryandpaxton's Men's Designer Rectangular Glasses Collection
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Elevate your style with Curryandpaxton's exceptional range of men's designer rectangular glasses. Discover the epitome of sophistication and modernity in eyewear as you explore our curated collection of sleek and stylish rectangular frames crafted for the contemporary man.
Our selection showcases an array of top-tier brands, offering you a spectrum of materials, colors, and designs to perfectly complement your individuality and preferences. From bold and edgy to understated elegance, these frames effortlessly blend fashion-forward aesthetics with timeless appeal.
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lillylunettes · 2 years
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ohyangchon · 2 years
So @theaggresivepacifist​ sent me all the questions for Changjae and thus I will be answering them
Original post here.
What is the character’s go-to drink order?
Changjoon drinks a dark Americano brewed from the tears of his enemies. Yeonjae likes hers with a small cup of milk and 2 teaspoons of sugar. They usually make each other’s orders if the other happens to be at home, and Managing Director Park reluctantly admits too that he has the chairwoman’s order memorised.
What is their grooming routine?
With his severe depression, Changjoon often has difficulty taking care of himself, but he functions off a “fake it till you make it” policy. He usually does the standard shave-wash up procedure in a sloppy and fast manner (from years of working in a very fast-paced and unforgiving environment), toweling his face off and then gelling his hair up into a standard middle parting per the smart casual request of the prosecution. Yeonjae ties his tie for him and brings him his blazer, and then Changjoon sets off for the day.
Yeonjae dresses to the nines, and takes meticulous care of her appearance on the other hand. Her outward presentation is not only her armor but also a weapon, which means that she’s often picking out specific “messages” from her apparel choices as well as her makeup options of the day, depending on what she might be up to (dinner party, work meeting, or spending time with Changjoon, they all were fights to her). Most of the time, she settles for doing her own makeup, curling her long hair slightly to shroud her age-related flaws and then allows the helpers to bring her her jacket and shoes for the day.
What was their most expensive purchase/where does their disposable income go?
Unlike Yeonjae, who was born into a life of luxury, Changjoon is aggressively frugal and thinks very little about spending for himself. For most of his daily expenses, Yeonjae holds the pursestrings, and for good reason - Changjoon saves far too much for his well-being, and she wants her husband to treat himself as much as possible.
Even then, Changjoon’s most expensive purchase for himself would be his prescription glasses: it was something he needed, and Yeonjae ensured to accompany him to the optometrist to buy him a suitable set of low-light sensitive spectacles fitting the degree of his myopia and a frame that “made him look even more handsome than he does”. He doesn’t seem to want to replace it, even when hairline cracks formed across its surface after his fall from grace: it doesn’t bother him. He needed the clarity.
Yeonjae, on the other hand, spends mostly on Changjoon. As a caged bird with everything she could possibly need, she thinks little on material pleasure and would rather give the money to her husband instead, stubborn as he is. She’d argue, almost jokingly that her most expensive purchase was her beloved husband, for he was something money could never quantify or begin to understand the value of, and she, one who was made of money and understood it to a dangerously intimate degree, could not put a price tag on love.
Do they have any scars or tattoos? 
Multiple surgeries were performed to repair and adjust Changjoon’s shattered body, and it manifests in a branching series that trails down his spinal column, fanning out from his withered frame as if mocking his hubris in attempting to escape his sins - ironically, it almost seems like roots of a tree, running deep into his skin (he is the forest, the soil that fed its corruption, and the claws of these roots sinking into his frame reminds him of the evil he’d committed, wrapping vines around him so he cannot escape). After his ascension, he gained several pale, grey “rings” - two on his neck, two each on either wrist and two each on his ankles that intensify when he uses his powers and fade upon his skin otherwise.
Yeonjae’s body is otherwise pristine, pockmarked with small scars from rough grips of various bodyguards and occasionally herself. The abuse she endures with her father is never physical, for he would never lay hands on his trophies, but leaves her unravelling and caged anyway, like an elephant tethered to a post much smaller than it in learned haplessness. Her ascension is different from her husband’s however, small clumps of dark scales on her neck and arms that seem to grow more and more upon her and whispering words of idealism and hope as she invokes them. Hers are irregular, messy, the draconic scales ebbing and flowing painfully from her, but it is unique, one she wears with pride.
What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances?
Changjoon rarely cries. It solves nothing, and he no longer weeps, not because there is no reason to but there is no salvation for someone so twisted like he is. He doesn’t grieve what he’d lost, instead taking all that he has left with stoic resolve. There is little room for tears, regret or rage - only a quiet understanding, however difficult it might be, to do what he perceives needs to be done.
Yeonjae only cries behind closed doors, her own crushing anxieties only alleviated by her husband anchoring her. When that too was taken, she found herself falling apart like a house of cards, suddenly adrift from the one thing that had kept her going. The amount of people that came to mourn him only served to expand that void of his absence, and she knew, deep down, that they all had a hand in his death, each and every one of them.
Are they an oldest, middle, youngest or only child?
Changjoon is an only child, and his mother passed away when he was just beginning to make it in the world. It’s a shame that he would never be able to share his power with her, to let her know that he’d finally gotten to a point where he would make her proud, but a small part of him is relieved that she would never see her beloved son morph into a monster, and perhaps it was for the best that matters were kept that way.
Yeonjae is the younger of 2 siblings, but her stepbrother Sungjae is as good as nonexistent. She resents him - incompetent, impetuous, a mirror of their father except inheriting all his worst aspects, and she couldn’t put into words how happy she was that Sungjae had put himself in self-imposed exile in the Swiss Alps after his unfortunate incident that netted her Changjoon (wow! A win-win situation, trading a shitty and terrible man for a sexy one that she would eventually make her whole universe!) so that she would never need to deal with him ever again.
Describe the shoes they’re wearing.
Changjoon wears a set of comfortable medically prescribed sneakers these days, with easy-to-attach straps to accommodate his otherwise shaky and unstable frame. It has a strong grip that allows him to stumble without losing his balance, and keeps his lower body centered in a comfortable way. Sure, it’s not his usual set of platform shoes, but he accepts them. Often, he pretends to stumble even with these unique, Hangjo Medical-crafted products, just so that Yeonjae can chide him before grabbing onto his arm just a tiny bit harder than she usually does.
Yeonjae, while not dressed in heels tall enough to kiss her 20cm-taller husband on the top of his fluffy grey head, usually wears a set of loafers in situations she’s dressed down. They don’t pinch her toes the way her heels do, and she reserves them exclusively for long walks with her husband - the heart of the matter had been that Changjoon had picked them out for her during one of their trips, having expressed his discomfort about how Yeonjae always picked the least comfortable and torturous shoes to wear, and it remains one of her most prized possessions despite her wealth.
Describe the place where they sleep.
In each other’s arms, inside a lavish bed they share together. It’s a shared bedroom of many, many years, with hardly any decorations changed - a large wardrobe for them both, two pairs of slippers at the foot of their bed, and a dresser each for both their personal effects. After Changjoon’s fall from grace, there were some minor tweaks made to the place, with steady grips installed near the bathroom and a beautiful furred carpet allowing him to shuffle across without much pressure or fear of falling.
There is a large window wherever they move, usually covered by a curtain for privacy but a reminder of themselves now: they are free, away from their abusers and the grief that had brought them to this point, and they are allowed to do whatever they wish with themselves. That inevitably involves plenty of snuggling, possessive kisses and sleeping in.
What is their favorite holiday?
Changjoon is not one to celebrate, but his wife and child’s birthdays are holidays in his mind. Yeonjae would declare her husband’s birthday as a holiday for Hangjo (or even a national holiday) in a heartbeat.
What objects do they always carry around with them?
Each other’s wedding bands ;)
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ambranein · 1 year
Go Dapper With All New Ambrane Glares
The world is getting smarter and more technologically advanced with the passage of time. We want our things done and we want everything now. When it comes to sound, we have seen a great shift in the sound market. Starting from the days of wired earphones to neckbands and TWS, and from normal sound to noise cancellation, we have surely come a long way. What takes this sound league to the next level is the newly launched Ambrane Glares smart glasses.
Let's have a look at why Ambrane Glares are the future of sound and sight and explore all the innovative features it is packed with.
Open Ear Sound Experience
It's an incredible experience that lets you engage with the world around you while listening to music discreetly. That is the distinction, a revolutionary design that sets you free for good. An exclusive acoustic package concealed in the temples generates lifelike sound, while an innovative design slightly reduces sound spread beyond you.
Luxurious Look Meets Modern Concept
Ambrane Glares are a refined stylish frame for those who prefer style over fashion. After all, we all know, style is timeless. Plus, these come with a rechargeable battery offering up to 7 hours of playtime in just 2 hours of charge. Whether you wanna don the shades or the clear spectacles, you're gonna rock both looks. Plus, these smart glasses are designed to fit both men and women in size and style. Ambrane Glares come with speakers with classy black rims and a clean, modern smart design. Choose between lenses to match your comfort and fashion needs.
Two Lens Options
Wanna enjoy music while being out in the sun or while you’re at your workplace? Ambrane Glares has got you covered in both situations. It comes with two detachable lens options- UV400 Certified for the sun and Blue Light filtering for comfortable screen time. So, you can easily swap on to change your look in a jiffy.
Super Duper Handy
Thanks to its seamless and quick Bluetooth V5.1 connection, you don't have to wait for them to connect with your smartphone. Just open the temples and voila! They switch on and connect instantly, making Ambrane Glares highly useful. Plus, you can also get your tasks done on your command as these audio sunglasses are compatible with voice assistance. Not just this, you can also exercise while wearing these audio sunglasses for an extra boost as these are IPX4 sweat and splashproof
Calls Too? Yes! And Music.
Not just limited to speakers on the temples, these smart audio glasses are enabled with inbuilt mic to help you converse without lifting up your phone. So, you can enjoy your conversations with a modern open ear design totally hassle-free. Say goodbye to in-ear discomfort or phone lifting during prolonged talking.
Multi-functional Touch Sensors
With seamless capacitive touch sensors, these Bluetooth sunglasses’ controls are just as modern as their concept. Tap your finger on the temples and access the functions with ease. And when you’re done, just close the temples and they will turn off automatically. Not just this, you can also manage music, calls, volume, voice assistance and more through these multi-functional smart sensors.
To sum up, Ambrane Glares are a classy pair of open-ear audio glasses that protect your eyes while also immersing your ears melodiously. Taking in the sights and sounds has taken on a whole new meaning, thanks to the built-in speakers hidden in its frame. Stay protected against harmful UV rays with its special UV400 UV certification. Amp up your style quotient with these super classy glares. It’s your time to switch to glasses with a stereo touch!
To know more, please visit www.ambraneindia.com or for any queries or issues, please contact us (Phone: +911145911111, Email: [email protected])
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facadelight · 17 days
Role of LED Lighting in Dubai Architecture
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The architecture of Dubai is a symbol of luxury, inventiveness, and modernism. LED lighting in Dubai is one of the unsung heroes responsible for creating the city's famous skyline. Here, we examine the crucial part played by our LED lights in Dubai's magnificent structures. The LED lighting in Dubai not only improves the architectural beauty of the city but also helps with environmental initiatives. Dubai demonstrates its dedication to lowering carbon emissions and fostering a more environmentally friendly metropolitan environment by using energy-efficient LED lights. These lights not only brighten the skyline but also demonstrate Dubai's forward-thinking attitude toward embracing cutting-edge technologies.
Shaping Iconic Structures:
LED lighting, provided by our leading LED lighting company in Dubai, gives Dubai's famous structures new life, transforming them into breathtaking nocturnal spectacles. LEDs highlight architectural elements, ensuring that these buildings are instantly recognizable as being in Dubai, from the Burj Khalifa's glittering exterior to the Dubai frame's brilliant contour. Dubai's LED lighting not only improves the architectural beauty of the city but also helps with environmental initiatives. Dubai demonstrates its dedication to lowering carbon emissions and fostering a more environmentally friendly metropolitan environment by using energy-efficient LED lights. These lights not only brighten the skyline but also demonstrate Dubai's forward-thinking attitude toward embracing cutting-edge technologies.
Energy Efficiency:
Dubai's vision is built on sustainability. This philosophy is perfectly supported by LED lights. It uses a lot less energy than conventional lighting, which lessens the impact on the environment and the ongoing operating costs for both residential and commercial structures. Compared to traditional lighting, LED lights also last longer, which lessens the need for regular replacements and advances sustainability initiatives. The usage of LED lighting in Dubai also improves the aesthetic appeal of the city, fostering a lively and contemporary atmosphere that is consistent with its mission to be a global leader in innovation and sustainability.
Colorful Cityscape:
The adaptability of LED lighting, offered by a leading company for facade lighting in Dubai, enables designers to paint the cityscape with a colorful palette. A variety of moods and themes are communicated through color on Dubai's numerous bridges, fountains, and public areas. Because LED lighting technology allows for dynamic color changes and effects, it has completely changed how cities display their architectural wonders. This not only improves the aesthetic appeal of Dubai's monuments but also fosters an alluring atmosphere that mesmerizes both locals and visitors.
Smart City Integration:
The goal of Dubai to become a smart city mainly relies on LED technology, and this applies not only to Dubai but also to the innovative approaches of leading Facade Lighting Companies in India. These lights allow remote control, dynamic lighting settings, and responsive adjustments based on environmental parameters, making them simple to integrate into intelligent systems. The way cities control their energy use has been changed by LED technology. Dubai's carbon footprint may be greatly reduced and it can help create a more sustainable future by employing LED lights. Dubai can also produce visually dazzling shows because of the adaptability of LED lights, which raises the city's overall aesthetic appeal.
Security and Orientation:
Our LED lighting, including Static Lighting in Dubai, improves safety in addition to aesthetics by illuminating streets, walkways, and public areas. It guarantees secure city navigation for locals and guests, fostering a sense of security. Our LED lighting is also energy-efficient, which lowers electricity use and promotes a better environment. It offers affordable options for towns aiming to improve sustainability and safety thanks to its extended lifespan and minimal maintenance needs.
Landmark Celebrations:
Our LED lighting highlights the cultural diversity of Dubai. It commemorates significant events and festivals, bringing together locals and visitors in a vibrant and joyful display. The city's skyline is given a magical touch as a result of the hypnotic ambiance that the LED lighting produces while spotlighting famous landmarks. It demonstrates Dubai's dedication to embracing all cultures and providing exceptional experiences for all visitors.
Sustainable Future:
Our LED lighting serves as a symbol of environmental awareness as Dubai promotes sustainable building. It improves energy efficiency, lessens light pollution, and creates a more sustainable urban environment. Compared to conventional lighting solutions, LED lighting is not only more durable but also uses less energy. It also helps to promote sustainable practices and cost savings by lessening the need for regular replacements. Furthermore, the installation of LED lighting in Dubai's structures supports the city's aim to lower carbon emissions and foster a greener future.
LED lighting is the dynamic power that creates a city's identity, saves resources, and illuminates the future of sustainable urban design, provided by the expertise of our leading facade lighting company in Dubai, Facade Lighting Services LLC. That is why it is more than just an aspect of Dubai's architecture.
Our LED lighting in Dubai is bright and effective, elevating any room. At Facade Lighting Services we believe that lighting is an integral part of a building's architecture, and we strive to enhance the visual appeal and functionality of every project we undertake. We work closely with our clients to understand their unique lighting requirements and offer creative and innovative solutions that meet their specific needs. Whether you are looking to illuminate a commercial building or a residential property, our team of experts at Facade Lighting Services can help bring your vision to life. Contact us (https://facadelight.com)today to learn more about our Facade Lighting Services in Dubai and how we can help transform your building into a stunning work of art. Visit us today for more on our sustainable facade lighting services.
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eyemira · 23 days
Optical Perspectives: The Pathway for Clear Vision
The eyes are windows into the world and are essential for connection, perception, and communication. They provide us with the ability to communicate our feelings, appreciate beauty, and make sense of the complexities of the coming path of life. Although our eyes are the portal to the wonders of the world, they can also cause a variety of aches and pains, which emphasizes the significance of taking good care of your eyes. Vision disorders that range from inconvenient dryness to incapacitating loss of vision can have a profound effect on our lives.
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For people with refractive problems, optical lenses are necessary for vision correction and clarity.
Types of Lenses:
Single Vision Lenses
These lenses are used to treat near sightedness (myopia), farsightedness (hyperopia), or astigmatism. They have a single prescription power throughout the entire lens. When a person needs treatment for just one kind of refractive problem, single-vision lenses are usually given.
Bifocal Lenses
A single lens with two different optical powers is called a bifocal lens. The lens’s lower part has a different power for near vision correction, while the upper piece is made for correcting distance vision. Prescriptions for binoculars are frequently given to people who suffer from presbyopia, a disorder that usually develops with aging and makes it difficult to focus on close objects.
Trifocal Lenses
Similar to bifocals, trifocal lenses have three optical powers in one unit. Trifocals offer clear vision for intermediate distances, such as computer screens, in addition to close and distance vision correction. For those who need correction for several distances, trifocal lenses are appropriate.
Progressive Addition Lenses (PALs)
Progressive lenses, sometimes referred to as no-line bifocals or PALs, provide a seamless transition of prescription powers from the top to the bottom of the lens, enabling sharp vision at all distances. PALs lack visible lines that divide the various fields of vision, in contrast to bifocals and trifocals. Rather, a more organic and seamless visual experience is provided by the power shifting gradually.
Photochromic Lenses
Transition lenses, also referred to as photochromic lenses, turn clear indoors or at night and become darker when exposed to UV radiation. In addition to offering protection from damaging UV rays, these lenses are convenient as they do not require separate prescription sunglasses.
High-Index Lenses
For those with higher prescriptions, high-index lenses are the preferable choice because they are made to be lighter and thinner than regular lenses. By making the spectacles thinner and lighter, these lenses enhance both comfort and appearance.
Here are a few tips that will help people choose the Perfect Lenses
There are several things to take into account when choosing the ideal lenses to make sure you get the greatest solution for your requirements.
First and foremost, it’s critical to comprehend your unique visual requirements. No matter if you require lenses for astigmatism, presbyopia, nearsightedness, or farsightedness, it is imperative to understand your prescription.
Take your way of life and everyday activities into account as well. While some value scratch resistance or anti-reflective coatings for improved vision, others favor lightweight, strong materials like polycarbonate or high-index lenses.
Finally, don’t overlook fit and comfort. When selecting frames, make sure they both suit your face comfortably and adequately support your lenses for prolonged wear. You may choose the ideal lenses to fit your lifestyle and visual requirements by taking these things into account and making an educated choice.
Choosing the right optical is necessary likewise choosing the right optical store is also important, In Bhubaneswar, Eyemira Opticals is the best optical store for those who are looking for stylish yet best quality lenses and glasses for themselves. From luxury eyewear to reasonably priced glasses, Eyemira Opticals provides a broad selection of goods and services to meet the demands of every customer. The highly qualified eyewear professionals on staff at this establishment are dedicated to providing personalized care to each one of their clients. They will make sure their client feels comfortable, regardless of whether they need help choosing the perfect pair of glasses or a comprehensive eye exam.
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In conclusion, keeping your eyes healthy is one of the health care you can do for yourself. Eating the right amount of vegetables, reducing screen time, and giving breaks to the eyes will help you keep your eyes healthy. Eyemira Opticals is the leading and best optical store in Bhubaneswar for those who want to be fashionable yet safe.
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markdouglas1091 · 24 days
Spectacular Style: Embrace Luxury with Designer Women's Eyewear
Luxury and elegance are not just about clothing; they extend to accessories as well, and one of the most prominent accessories that can elevate a woman's style is designer eyewear. Designer women's eyewear goes beyond mere functionality; it's a statement of sophistication, a reflection of personal style, and an embodiment of luxury. From timeless classics to bold avant-garde designs, these spectacles not only enhance vision but also serve as a fashion statement. Let's delve into the world of designer women's eyewear and explore why it's worth embracing.
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Craftsmanship and Quality
One of the distinguishing features of designer women's eyewear is the impeccable craftsmanship and superior quality materials used in their construction. These eyewear pieces are not mass-produced; instead, they are meticulously crafted by skilled artisans who pay attention to every detail. High-quality materials such as premium acetate, lightweight metals, and crystal-clear lenses are employed to ensure both durability and comfort. Each pair undergoes rigorous quality control measures to meet the standards set by the brand, guaranteeing a product that not only looks luxurious but also performs exceptionally well.
Iconic Designs
Designer eyewear brands are often synonymous with iconic designs that have stood the test of time. From the timeless elegance of cat-eye frames to the bold statement of oversized square shapes, these designs have become emblematic of luxury and style. Drawing inspiration from art, architecture, and haute couture, designers infuse creativity and innovation into each frame, resulting in pieces that are not just eyewear but works of art. The distinctive logos and branding elements further add to the allure, making designer women's eyewear instantly recognizable and coveted by fashion enthusiasts worldwide.
Fashion Forward
In the world of fashion, trends come and go, but designer eyewear remains a constant symbol of style and sophistication. Leading fashion houses collaborate with renowned designers to create eyewear collections that reflect the latest trends while staying true to the brand's identity. Whether it's incorporating bold colors, avant-garde shapes, or intricate embellishments, designer women's eyewear sets the pace for what's in vogue. By donning these statement pieces, women can effortlessly elevate their outfits and express their individuality with flair.
Customization and Personalization
Another allure of designer women's eyewear lies in the ability to customize and personalize frames to suit individual preferences. Many luxury brands offer bespoke services where customers can choose from a variety of frame styles, colors, and embellishments to create a truly unique pair of spectacles. From monogrammed initials to custom-tinted lenses, these personalized touches add an extra layer of exclusivity and make the eyewear experience truly special. By allowing customers to participate in the design process, luxury brands forge a deeper connection with their clientele, turning eyewear into a personalized luxury accessory.
Celebrity Endorsements and Influence
The endorsement of celebrities and influencers further contributes to the allure of designer women's eyewear. A-list stars often sport the latest styles from top luxury brands, generating buzz and setting trends in the fashion industry. Their influence extends beyond the red carpet, as paparazzi shots and social media posts featuring designer eyewear inspire millions of followers worldwide. By associating with high-profile personalities, luxury brands elevate their status and appeal to a broader audience, reinforcing the notion that designer eyewear is a must-have accessory for the fashion-forward individual.
In conclusion, designer women's eyewear frames represents the epitome of luxury, style, and sophistication. Crafted with precision and attention to detail, these spectacles transcend mere functionality to become timeless fashion statements. From iconic designs to personalized creations, designer eyewear offers a wide range of options to suit every taste and preference. By embracing designer women's eyewear, individuals can elevate their style quotient, express their personality, and indulge in the luxury of fine craftsmanship. So why settle for ordinary when you can adorn your eyes with spectacular style?
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hiliasretreat · 28 days
Exclusive Escapes: The Finest Hotels in Canacona, Goa Revealed!
Introduction: Discovering the Jewel of Canacona, Goa
Welcome to Canacona, a hidden gem nestled in the heart of Goa's pristine coastline. Renowned for its untouched beaches, lush greenery, and vibrant culture, Canacona beckons travelers seeking an authentic and rejuvenating escape. In this guide, we invite you to uncover the treasures of Canacona, with a special focus on the crown jewel of the best hotels in Canacona Goa: Hilias Retreat Resort.
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Embracing Canacona's Natural Splendor
The Enchantment of Palolem Beach:
Canacona's allure is epitomized by Palolem Beach, a crescent-shaped haven framed by swaying palm trees and crystal-clear waters. Here, you can lounge on soft sands, take a dip in the azure sea, or embark on an adventure with thrilling water sports.
Exploring Canacona's Ecological Marvels:
Beyond its beaches, Canacona is home to an array of natural wonders, including Cotigao Wildlife Sanctuary and Dudhsagar Falls. Immerse yourself in the lush greenery of the Western Ghats, spot exotic wildlife, and marvel at the cascading beauty of Goa's tallest waterfall.
The Essence of Luxury: Hilias Retreat Resort
Elegance Redefined:
Step into a realm of the best hotels to stay in Goa at Hilias Retreat Resort, where every corner exudes sophistication and comfort. From stylishly appointed rooms to lavish villas overlooking the Arabian Sea, each accommodation is designed to cocoon you in opulence.
Culinary Delights:
Savor a culinary journey like no other at Hilias Retreat Resort's esteemed restaurants. Indulge in a symphony of flavors with locally sourced ingredients, fresh seafood delicacies, and international cuisines prepared by master chefs. Whether dining under the stars or in the elegant ambiance of the resort's dining venues, every meal is a celebration of gastronomic excellence.
Wellness Oasis:
Nurture your body, mind, and soul at Hilias Retreat Resort's luxurious spa and wellness center. From rejuvenating massages to bespoke wellness programs, immerse yourself in a sanctuary of relaxation and rejuvenation amidst the tranquil surroundings of Canacona.
Crafting Unforgettable Memories
Bespoke Experiences:
At Hilias Retreat Resort, every moment is tailored to exceed your expectations. Whether it's a romantic beachside dinner, a thrilling excursion into the heart of Goa, or a personalized yoga session at sunrise, the attentive staff of the beach view hotel near Palolem Beach ensures that your every desire is fulfilled with grace and warmth.
Sunset Soirees:
As the golden hues of dusk paint the sky, experience the magic of Canacona's sunsets from the vantage point of Hilias Retreat Resort. Sip on handcrafted cocktails at the beachfront bar, serenaded by the gentle lull of the waves, and witness nature's breathtaking spectacle unfold before your eyes.
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Conclusion: Your Gateway to Paradise Awaits
As we bid farewell to our journey through Canacona's finest offerings, one thing is certain: Hilias Retreat Resort is not just a destination; it's an experience of unparalleled luxury, tranquility, and romance. Whether you seek adventure, relaxation, or simply a moment of respite from the world, Canacona and Hilias Retreat Resort welcome you with open arms. Book your escape today and embark on a voyage to paradise.
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westrockpoolandspa · 1 month
Designing for Joy: Create a Custom Pool That Reflects Your Style
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Creating a custom pool is more than just a construction project; it’s an artistic endeavor that transforms your backyard into a paradise. It’s about crafting an environment that refreshes, resonates with your style, and enhances your outdoor space's overall joy and utility. Here's how to design a unique pool that mirrors your style and is a perfect backdrop for your best moments.
Understanding Your Style
The first step in designing your dream pool is understanding your style. Are you drawn to the sleek and modern or more enchanted by the classic and timeless? Perhaps a tropical oasis that makes every day feel like a vacation? Your pool should be a reflection of your personal aesthetic and lifestyle needs.
For the modern minimalist, geometric shapes with clean lines and a monochromatic color scheme might appeal. Those with a penchant for the traditional might opt for classic Roman or Grecian designs with elegant curves and ornamental features. Consider incorporating natural stone, waterfalls, and lush landscaping if you're after a resort-like feel.
Location and Layout
Your pool's location should complement your yard's layout and your home's architecture. Consider the sun's path, the prevailing winds, and how you plan to use the surrounding space. A pool for family activities might need a shallow end and a spacious deck for lounging and games, while a lap pool for fitness might be narrower and longer.
Think about the view from your home and from within the pool. Strategic placement can enhance privacy, capture stunning sunsets, or frame a charming landscape.
Material Matters
The materials you choose for your pool dictate its appearance, maintenance needs, and longevity. For a luxurious look, glass tiles offer shimmer and depth, reflecting the water's natural movement. Natural stone provides a rustic or tropical feel and blends seamlessly into natural surroundings.
For the pool deck, material options vary from classic wood to cool marble, practical concrete, or even rubber flooring that is safe and kid-friendly. Each material comes with its advantages, aesthetics, and upkeep considerations.
Innovative Features
To truly make your pool reflect your style, incorporate features that elevate the space from a swimming area to an entertainment or relaxation hub. Infinity edges create a visual spectacle, perfect for homes with a scenic backdrop. Swim-up bars, built-in seating, or an integrated hot tub can turn your pool into a social hotspot.
Innovative lighting and water features such as fountains or waterfalls can create ambiance and a sense of movement, for a touch of tech, automated cleaning, heating, and lighting systems enhance convenience and comfort.
Eco-Friendly and Sustainable Choices
As environmental concerns continue to grow, incorporating eco-friendly features into your pool design is both a responsible and rewarding choice. Solar heaters, variable speed pumps, and saltwater systems offer sustainability benefits such as reduced chemical use and energy efficiency.
Natural pools, which use plants instead of chemicals to keep the water clean, can also be an attractive option for creating a more organic and environmentally friendly backyard landscape.
Personal Touches
The final touches genuinely tailor the space to your style. Consider personalizing your pool area with décor elements that reflect your tastes. Outdoor sculptures, stylish pool furniture, and dramatic lighting can all contribute to the pool's character.
Don’t forget functionality with ample shade, comfortable lounging areas, and perhaps an outdoor kitchen or fire pit. These elements ensure your pool area is usable and enjoyable day and night.
Designing a custom pool is an exciting opportunity to express your style and create a functional space that brings joy to your daily life. By carefully considering each aspect of the design, from layout to personal touches, you can ensure that your pool is not just a body of water but a centerpiece of your home that brings relaxation, joy, and style to your outdoor living space. Remember, your pool should look like a dream and feel like one, too, where every splash and moment reflects your paradise.
Westrock Pool and Spa will transform your backyard into an oasis with our top-notch services. We provide hot tub, spa, sauna, and pool installation services. Don't settle for less. Choose us and experience the luxury and comfort you deserve. Visit us online or call 845-842-7392!
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besthouseturkey · 1 month
Penthouse istanbul for sale — Best House Turkey
Penthouse istanbul for sale — Best House Turkey
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Penthouse istanbul for sale Discover the ultimate in luxury living with this stunning penthouse located in the heart of Istanbul. Perched atop one of the city’s most prestigious residential towers, this exceptional property offers unparalleled views of the iconic Bosphorus Strait and the glittering skyline of Turkey’s capital. With its spacious, elegant interiors and an array of high-end amenities, this penthouse represents the epitome of refined urban living.
Luxury Living in the Heart of Istanbul
Indulge in a lifestyle of unparalleled elegance and sophistication with this exquisite penthouse nestled in the heart of Istanbul. Occupying the upper floors of a prestigious residential tower, this property offers a rare blend of grandeur and exclusivity, providing residents with a true oasis of tranquility amidst the vibrant energy of the city. From the moment you step inside, you’ll be captivated by the striking interiors, where high ceilings, expansive windows, and meticulously curated finishes create a seamless harmony between form and function.
Designed with the discerning buyer in mind, this penthouse boasts a spacious layout that effortlessly blends lavish living spaces with cozy private retreats. The open-plan living and dining areas are bathed in natural light, framing breathtaking vistas of the Bosphorus Strait and the historic landmarks that dot the cityscape. Plush furnishings, custom cabinetry, and state-of-the-art appliances elevate the culinary experience, while the elegant master suite provides a serene sanctuary for rest and relaxation.
Unparalleled Views of the Bosphorus
Perched atop one of Istanbul’s most prestigious residential towers, this exquisite penthouse offers breathtaking, panoramic views of the iconic Bosphorus Strait. Framed by the property’s expansive windows, the shimmering waterway and its surrounding historic landmarks come into full focus, creating a captivating spectacle that unfolds before your eyes. From the glittering bridges that connect the European and Asian sides of the city to the magnificent Ottoman palaces and fortresses that dot the shoreline, every angle promises a mesmerizing vista worthy of a postcard.
As the sun rises and sets over the Bosphorus, the ever-changing light paints the landscape in a constantly evolving palette of colors, from the soft pinks and oranges of dawn to the rich, golden hues of dusk. Whether you’re sipping your morning coffee, hosting an intimate dinner party, or simply taking a moment to yourself, the unparalleled views from this penthouse will leave you in a constant state of awe and tranquility, transporting you to a world of unrivaled beauty and serenity.
Spacious and Elegant Interiors
Step inside this exquisite penthouse and experience the epitome of refined urban living. The interiors exude an unparalleled sense of grandeur, blending timeless sophistication with modern elegance. Soaring ceilings and expansive windows create a truly breathtaking ambiance, flooding the space with an abundance of natural light that accentuates the property’s meticulously curated finishes and bespoke furnishings.
The open-plan living and dining areas are a true masterpiece, seamlessly integrating lavish entertaining spaces with intimate, cozy retreats. Plush, hand-selected sofas and armchairs invite you to sink in and bask in the stunning panoramic views of the Bosphorus Strait, while the elegant dining table sets the stage for unforgettable culinary experiences. Custom cabinetry and state-of-the-art appliances elevate the culinary experience, making this penthouse a true gourmet’s delight.
High-End Amenities and Finishes
This exceptional penthouse in Istanbul is more than just a luxurious living space — it’s a carefully curated sanctuary that caters to the most discerning of tastes. From the moment you step through the door, you’ll be captivated by the meticulous attention to detail that permeates every inch of the property.
Boasting a wealth of high-end amenities, this penthouse is a true testament to the art of refined living. The gourmet kitchen is a culinary enthusiast’s dream, featuring top-of-the-line appliances, custom cabinetry, and a sleek, modern design that seamlessly integrates form and function. The bathrooms are equally impressive, with opulent finishes, spa-like fixtures, and a serene ambiance that transports you to a world of pure indulgence.
Fully-equipped gourmet kitchen with premium appliances and custom cabinetry
Luxurious master bathroom with indulgent soaking tub, rain shower, and premium fixtures
Elegant and spacious powder rooms with high-end finishes and vanities
Expansive walk-in closets and dressing rooms for the ultimate in personal organization
Smart home technology integrated throughout, allowing for effortless control and convenience
Meticulous attention to detail in every design element, from hardware to lighting
The attention to detail extends beyond the interiors, with the building itself offering a wealth of exclusive amenities. Residents can enjoy access to a world-class fitness center, a serene spa, and a stunning infinity pool that overlooks the majestic Bosphorus Strait. With 24-hour security and concierge services, this penthouse truly embodies the pinnacle of luxurious urban living in the heart of Istanbul.
Convenient Location near Key Landmarks
Strategically situated in the heart of Istanbul, this exquisite penthouse enjoys a prime location that puts the city’s most iconic landmarks and attractions within easy reach. Residents will delight in the unparalleled convenience of this address, with the historic Sultanahmet district and its world-renowned landmarks, such as the Hagia Sophia and the Blue Mosque, just a short stroll away. The vibrant Galata neighborhood, with its charming boutiques, art galleries, and lively dining scene, is also just moments from the property, offering a wealth of cultural and culinary experiences to explore.
Beyond the immediate vicinity, the penthouse’s central location provides seamless access to key transportation hubs, including the Sultanahmet tram station and the Galata Bridge, which connects the European and Asian sides of the city. This exceptional connectivity allows residents to effortlessly navigate the bustling streets of Istanbul, whether they’re commuting to the city’s central business district or venturing out to discover the hidden gems that make this city so captivating.
Secure and Exclusive Gated Community
Gated Luxury
This penthouse is nestled within a prestigious, gated residential community, offering unparalleled security and exclusivity for its discerning residents. The community features 24-hour surveillance, guarded entrances, and strictly controlled access, ensuring the utmost privacy and peace of mind. Residents can relax in the knowledge that their luxurious home is protected by the latest security technologies and a dedicated team of professionals, allowing them to truly embrace the tranquility of their surroundings.
Carefully Curated Amenities
The gated community boasts a wealth of exceptional amenities that cater to the refined tastes of its residents. From a state-of-the-art fitness center and spa to beautifully landscaped gardens and private walking paths, every aspect of the community has been meticulously designed to offer an unparalleled lifestyle. Residents can enjoy exclusive access to these world-class facilities, fostering a sense of community and camaraderie among their neighbors.
Prestigious Address
Owning a penthouse in this exclusive gated community is a symbol of status and prestige. The community’s prime location, nestled in the heart of Istanbul, further enhances the property’s value and appeal, offering residents a rare opportunity to live in one of the city’s most sought-after and secure neighborhoods. This prestigious address not only provides a haven of tranquility but also grants access to the best that Istanbul has to offer, from its renowned cultural attractions to its vibrant business districts.
Exceptional Investment Opportunity
Prime Location
Investing in this exquisite Istanbul penthouse represents a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to own a piece of prime real estate in one of the world’s most dynamic and vibrant cities. Strategically situated in the heart of Istanbul, mere steps away from iconic landmarks and cultural attractions, this property offers unparalleled capital appreciation potential as the city continues to evolve and grow.
Luxury Lifestyle
Beyond its exceptional location, this penthouse embodies the epitome of luxury living, featuring meticulously designed interiors, high-end finishes, and an array of exclusive amenities that cater to the discerning tastes of the most discerning investors. Owning this property grants access to a lifestyle of unparalleled sophistication, ensuring a steady stream of rental income from discerning tenants seeking the ultimate in urban living.
Secure Investment
Nestled within a prestigious, gated community, this penthouse offers investors the peace of mind of a secure and exclusive address. The property’s robust security features, including 24-hour surveillance and guarded entrances, combined with its position in one of Istanbul’s most desirable neighborhoods, make it a low-risk, high-reward investment opportunity that is sure to appreciate in value over time.
Flexible Ownership
Whether you’re looking to acquire a luxurious second home or a savvy investment property, this penthouse in Istanbul offers remarkable flexibility. The property can be utilized as a personal residence, rented out for a steady stream of income, or even held as a long-term investment, allowing you to capitalize on the city’s dynamic real estate market and its ever-growing potential.
Flexible Financing Options Available
Tailored Financing Solutions
Owning this exquisite Istanbul penthouse is more accessible than you might think. The developer has partnered with a network of reputable financial institutions to offer a range of flexible financing options, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of discerning buyers. Whether you’re seeking a traditional mortgage, a structured investment plan, or a custom financing solution, the team is dedicated to guiding you through the process and ensuring a seamless acquisition experience.
Low Down Payment Opportunities
For qualified buyers, this penthouse offers attractive low down payment options, allowing you to secure your dream property with a significantly reduced upfront investment. This provides an excellent opportunity for first-time buyers, investors, or those looking to diversify their real estate portfolio, without the need for a substantial lump-sum payment. By leveraging the flexible financing terms, you can unlock the door to luxury living in Istanbul’s most prestigious neighborhood.
Favorable Interest Rates
The developer has negotiated competitive interest rates with its financial partners, ensuring that the monthly carrying costs of this penthouse are well within reach for a wide range of buyers. These favorable terms make it possible to enjoy the unparalleled lifestyle and investment potential of this property without the burden of exorbitant financing charges. Whether you’re planning to use the penthouse as a primary residence or a lucrative rental investment, the attractive interest rates will contribute to a sound, long-term financial strategy.
Customized Payment Plans
In addition to the low down payment options and favorable interest rates, the developer also offers customized payment plans to suit your unique financial circumstances. From extended repayment schedules to tailored installment structures, the team works closely with you to design a financing solution that aligns with your budgetary requirements and investment objectives. This flexibility ensures that acquiring this exceptional Istanbul penthouse is a seamless and stress-free experience, allowing you to focus on enjoying your new luxury lifestyle.
Contact Us for More Information
Call Us
Speak directly with our experienced sales team to learn more about this exceptional penthouse opportunity. Our knowledgeable advisors are available to answer any questions you may have and guide you through the acquisition process.
Email Inquiry
For a more detailed information packet, including floor plans, pricing, and availability, please fill out our online inquiry form. One of our dedicated representatives will promptly respond to your request and provide all the necessary details.
Visit Our Showroom
We invite you to experience the grandeur of this penthouse firsthand by visiting our state-of-the-art showroom. Our team will be delighted to guide you through a private tour, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in the unparalleled luxury and breathtaking views that this property has to offer.
Schedule a Viewing
To arrange a personal viewing of this exquisite penthouse, simply contact us to schedule a convenient time. Our team will ensure a seamless and exclusive experience, tailored to your preferences, so you can fully appreciate the exceptional quality and attention to detail that defines this one-of-a-kind property.
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