#luna draper
nia1sworld · 1 year
Limitless Mishap!
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zaffiri-saffici · 1 year
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Can we just….talk about this scene for a second please because I am having a right freak out. Before Chrisjen enters the UN SG office where this scene takes place, Arjun told her he will stay on Earth rather than join her on Luna and walks away. The whole convo with Arjun is so cold (I don’t know if it was just the actor’s choice but there was no love there after the damage was done from her campaign. He also decided to be involved so buddy, you kind of have to accept the consequence of that choice for your wife) and Chrisjen is rightly hurt by it. She feels their marriage is strained. Actually, she knows it is. And who knows how long she’ll be on Luna separated from him. I think she questions at this point when the next time will be that she sees him. Simultaneously, she just lost to Gao and though defeated, sends her off with a message of advice (the “I believe it’s you but I hope it’s me” thing needs a whole separate post, it’s so good). So we find Chrisjen, post-Arjun convo, post advice send-off, at a low point in her life personally and professionally in the same office, and all of a sudden the tone of this scene shifts. And I really have to thank the costume department for putting her in this elaborate, silk gold nighty and furry robe (and barefoot???) for this whole sequence because in spite of all this and the vulnerability we see on screen, the woman is a fucking rock. She is a rock that weathers any and all storms, and she is layered — and she is a lion, and a lion that endures even the harshest of droughts. And there’s hope because then here comes Bobbie Draper. Bobbie who at this point is so lost (bby girl I’m so sorry about your dreams of water on Mars please accept this hug from all of us). Her whole identity, everything she believed in for Mars, is shattered. Like someone took a piece of her and ripped it away and she has no idea what to do, or how to cope. She’s learned how corrupt Mars is and it has put her on a path of destruction, tested her moral code, and taken her to some pretty dark places. And at her lowest, instinctually, when there might be some inkling of hope, she reaches out to Chrisjen to share it with. And of course it’s Chrisjen, when she’s also at an emotional low in her life. And of course it’s Bobbie; it can only ever be Bobbie coming to her rescue. That’s just what they do for each other. They save each other. And excuse me, I know I’m gay as shit but….LOOK at the way Chrisjen walks towards the screen as she listens to Bobbie’s video message. This is a recorded message, we know it’s not live, so Chrisjen knows Bobbie can’t see what she’s doing BUT - the woman stalks towards Bobbie like the fucking lioness she is on a prowl. Why do that? What is the purpose of this walk if not to demonstrate her intrigue and interest in Bobbie in a deepe way than we’ve already seen on screen? Chrisjen never walks without a purpose. The woman is intentionality in human form. And here her steps are calculated, slow, evaluating — her arms are open at her side gripping the edges of her robe… fuck, they’re longing as she listens to her message. And of all things and in all the ways Bobbie can lay up the information she’s gathered, Bobbie tells her she needs her. Bobbie tells her as much as she tries to convince herself, that they need each other. And Bobbie’s voice is timid and unsure, but as much as there is loss on her face - a loss of Mars and home - you see her pondering something like maybe home is with you too. Maybe home is Chrisjen and the hope she has for them to succeed together, and what they can maybe build though they’re worlds apart. And Chrisjen responds to an empty room, “Bobbie, your timing sucks.” Like Bobbie, I need you too, I think I need you more than you know in a way I am having difficulty coming to terms with. And I just can’t stop thinking about this whole thing and Bobbie’s small but mighty words, and Chrisjen’s purposeful, barefoot strides, and “I think we need each other.” And I’m sorry, but this is queer as shit and I’m here for it.
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winged-mammal · 7 months
Chapters: 1/1
Word Count: 12049
Fandom: The Expanse
Rating: T
Relationships: Chrisjen Avasarala/Bobbie Draper
Characters: Chrisjen Avasarala, Bobbie Draper, Arjun
Additional Tags: Canon Compliant, Missing Scenes, Angst with a happy ending, some supporting Chrisjen/Arjun
Bobbie and Chrisjen go through a lot of shit between the end of the Io Campaign and their reunion on Luna after the Bombardment. So does their relationship. Or: twelve thousand words of an excuse to work the "I love and adore you" scene from the books into show canon.
New fic alert! Yes, this is also set in the same universe as the accidental marriage fic, because that's basically my canon for these two now, whoops. This one fills in the gaps between episode 306 and 510, angst and all.
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Photography Essay - Sunday 2nd April 2023
How have firsts in photography progressed? And how does photography show proof?
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Throughout this photo essay I hope to explore one first within photography, Then going deeper into the topic to see how it has developed since, Potentially why it has developed, And finally what peoples opinions were about this. The running order for the chosen five photographs can be seen above. They have each been paired with a quote from the Susan Sontag, On photography text from 1977. These quotes have helped with applying a narrative to each of these photographs.
First Moon Photograph
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Figure 1: John W.Draper, History Colored, First time the Moon was Photographed, Pictures March 26, 1840
In figure 1 it shows the first photograph of the moon ever taken. This was in March 26th 1840, This was taken by John W. Draper from the rooftop of an observatory at New York University. (History Colored, Scott Walker, July 2020) This same person then went on to take the world’s first portrait of a woman and the first photograph of the solar spectrum.(History Colored, Scott Walker, July 2020)
A quote I believe fits with this photograph “To collect photographs is to collect the world” (On photography, 1977, pg 10). At a time where photographs didn’t exist I think this quote fits well as it would have been the first time larger numbers of people would have been able to see the moon, something not on earth, but rather in space.
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Figure 2: John W.Draper, The Met, Moon, Created 1840
Also by John W.Draper is this version of the moon, as seen in figure 2. He said  On March 16, 1840, he wrote in his laboratory notebook, "This evening I exposed a prepared plate to the moonbeams which had been conveyed by a double convex lens."(The Met, Moon)
Although this has no specific date it was made during the same year as the first moon photograph as seen in figure 1. This was the first successful daguerreotype ever created of the moon and it allowed for many more advances in photography in the years following. (Library of congress)
“It was only with its industrialised that photography came into an art of its own” (On photography, 1977, pg 14)
Moon Landing 
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Figure 3 : Moon Landing, 1969, Nasa.gov 
Figure 3 shows The First Moon Landing, This first took place on 16 July 1969 – 20 July 1969. (Nasa, 2019) 
As well as there being photographic evidence  This there was also an Apollo Lunar Surface Journal which took place between 1969-1972 the duration of which 6 astronauts landed on the moon,this journal was so that anyone and everyone could understand how and why this was happening.(Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, 2018) .
 However many people were still sceptical
  as to if the moon landing was actually real, Because of this speculation I thought the quote “Photographs furnish evidence” (On photography, 1977, pg 12) fitted well with the topic. The reason for choosing this quote is because of the irony. Photographs show proof however there was large speculation as to whether the moon landing actually occurred. If it was genuine?
Lunokhod 1 - First Lunar Rover 
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Figure 4: Lunokhod 1 - First Lunar Rover, Nov. 17. 1970
Linking back to figure 3, not long after the first moon landing the first successful Lunar Rover happened. Figure 4 shows the Lunokhod 1. (Space.com, Dec 2016)
“Lunokhod 1, also known as Аппарат 8ЕЛ № 203 was the first of two robotic lunar rovers landed on the Moon by the Soviet Union as part of its Lunokhod program. The Luna 17 spacecraft carried Lunokhod 1 to the Moon in 1970.”
Some of the speculation as to if the photo shown in figure 3 was real could be due to the fact “In the 1960s, the United States and the Soviet Union were involved in a “space race”(the first successful lunar rover (December 24 2016). Figure 4 and 5 go nicely as a pair, as photography has captured two firsts both in the form of the space race.
A fitting quote for figure 4 is, “This gives shape to experience: stop, take a photograph, and move on.”(On photography, 1977, pg 16)There was no one physically there to experience what the rover was photographing.
Super Blue Blood Moon
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Figure 5: Lunar Showstopper: 1st super blue blood moon in 35 years, January 2018
“A "blood moon" as seen in figure 5, Happens when Earth's moon is in a total lunar eclipse. While it has no special astronomical significance, the view in the sky is striking.”(Space.com, Jan 2023)
Photography now has the ability to capture moments in history that are on the rarer side, The difference in quality can be seen between figures 1 and figures 5. A quote I find fitting for this picture is “Photographs, which fiddle with the scale of the world” (On photography, 1977, pg 11) as well as “Photography has become one of the principle devices for experiencing something, for giving an experience of participation” (On photography, 1977, pg 16) 
The reason for choosing the photograph in  figure 5 is because after researching, a Guardian article said “The super moon is notoriously hard to photograph but that doesn’t stop everyone trying.”(The Guardian, 2021) This works in carrying out the idea that a photograph, no matter how bad still shows you were there, and that is often the only reason people take photographs.
Photo Reference List - 
Figure 1: John W.Draper, History Colored, First time the Moon was Photographed, Pictures March 26, 1840
Figure 2: John W.Draper, The Met, Moon, Created 1840
Figure 3 : Moon Landing, 1969, Nasa.gov 
Figure 4: Lunokhod 1 - First Lunar Rover, Nov. 17. 1970
Figure 5: Lunar Showstopper: 1st super blue blood moon in 35 years, January 2018
Reference List - 
History Colored, Scott Walker (July 2020) The first time the Moon was Photographed, John W. Draper 1840, https://historycolored.com/photos/5110/the-first-time-the-moon-was-photographed-march-26-1840/ 
Top war, Lunokhod-1 - the first successful lunar rover (December 24 2016), https://en.topwar.ru/106039-lunohod-1-pervyy-uspeshnyy-lunnyy-planetohod.html 
Library Of Congress, The Daguerreotype Medium, Articles and Essays, https://www.loc.gov/collections/daguerreotypes/articles-and-essays/the-daguerreotype-medium/  
Mail Online (Dec 2012) One small (practice) step for man:The ridiculous ways astronauts prepared for historic moon landing in 1969, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2252168/Preparing-moon-walk-The-ridiculous-ways-astronauts-prepared-significant-moment-history.html 
Nasa.gov, June 2018, Apollo Lunar Surface Journal, Editor Eric M, Jones, https://www.hq.nasa.gov/alsj 
Nasa (July, 2019), Moon Landing, July 20, 1969: One Giant Leap For Mankind, https://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/apollo/apollo11.html 
Phys.org, Marcia Dunn (Jan 2018), Lunar Showstopper: 1st super blue blood moon in 35 years (Jan. 31. 2018) https://phys.org/news/2018-01-lunar-showstopper-1st-super-blue.html 
Susan Sontag, On Photography, 1973 to 1977, Genre Essay
Space.com, Elizabeth Howell (Dec 2016), Lunokhod 1 - First Lunar Rover (Nov 1970), https://www.space.com/35090-lunokhod-1.html 
Space.com, Scott Dutfield & Elizabeth Howell (Jan, 2023), What is a Blood Moon, https://www.space.com/39471-what-is-a-blood-moon.html 
The Guardian, ‘If you zoom in it’s not too bad’: our underwhelming super blood moon pictures ,(May 2021), https://www.theguardian.com/science/gallery/2021/may/27/if-you-zoom-in-its-not-too-bad-our-underwhelming-super-blood-moon-pictures 
The Met, John W.Draper, Moon, Art Created 1840, https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/789162#:~:text=Draper%2C%20a%20physician%20and%20professor,successful%20daguerreotype%20of%20the%20moon 
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A brief history of the early photos of the Moon
The Moon is the brightest object in the night sky, so when photography was invented, photographers were determined to get the first image of it.
The very first person to take a photo of the moon was known as Louis Daguerre, the man who invented the daguerreotype process, one of the earliest forms of photography. It was so popular that renowned U.S president Abraham Lincoln and poet Emily Dickenson had their photos taken in daguerreotypes.
He took the photo in 1839- however- a fire broke out in his laboratory and burned all of his work to the ground. This meant that the first known photo of the moon, was burned up, and destroyed forever. However, not too long after, in 1840, John William Draper took a photo using the daguerreotype process from a observatory, this photo of the oldest surviving photo of the Moon is shown below.
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The following are photos taken around the same time, with their creators listed with them.
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(John Adams Whipple and James Wallace Black)
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(John Adams Whipple)
When Draper had a son (Henry Draper), he inherited his father's passion for astrophotography. Even with it being not too long after photography was first invented (1822), he took some remarkable photos of the Moon, and is well-known for taking some of the clearest and best photos of the moon for the 19th century, the detail on these images were (and still very much are) incredible for the time!
Shown below is Henry Draper and his most famous photos of the Moon.
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Henry Draper's Observatory ^
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As the years went on the quality of these photos got clearer and more consistent, since there were different ways to take photographs as the years went on. When a new century arrived, new photos were being taken of several planets in our solar system, such as Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Neptune, etc. An example of the new photos include the following image
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(Weltall und Menschheit) Taken on a lithograph
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(Soviet Spacecraft) 07 October 1959, Luna 3 captured the dark side of the moon on film, then developed it robotically and faxed photos to Earth.
Over one hundred years after the first photo of the moon was taken by Louis Daguerre in 1939, the United States landed on the moon. When they landed, they took this iconic photo, which was labelled as the "Greatest picture ever" in 1969. It was the first time a man had stepped on the moon, and it illustrates how monumental this image was to the American people.
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Buzz Aldrin on the Lunar surface
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Jim Irwin next to the lunar module that allowed them to get safely to the surface.
Even in 2024, we are still taking incredible photos of the different planets in our solar system (and beyond), they are much higher quality than those taken over one-hundred years ago. But that doesn't mean that those photos should be forgotten about- because without them, we wouldn't be where we are today. We wouldn't be taking photos of the moon like this incredible, jaw-dropping photo of it taken in 2024 by Astro-photographers Andrew McCarthy and Connor Matherne.
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teragames · 1 year
NASA selecciona a Blue Origin para la próxima misión tripulada a la Luna
La NASA acaba de anunciar que eligió a @blueorigin para el segundo contrato para desarrollar el Human Landing System, el módulo lunar que transportará astronautas desde el Gateway a la superficie lunar.
La NASA adjudicó a Blue Origin un contrato de desarrollo lunar sostenido (SLD) para el programa NextSTEP-2 (Next Space Technologies for Exploration Partnerships), anexo P. Blue Origin, en colaboración con Lockheed Martin, Draper, Boeing, Astrobotic y Honeybee Robotics, forman el equipo nacional encargado de este proyecto. En el marco de este contrato, Blue Origin y su equipo trabajarán en el…
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Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: 60s Vintage Sharkskin Wide Necktie Lot of 2 LOUD Colorful Ties Geeky Funky VFG.
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CONGRATULATIONS EMILY and DREA your applications have been accepted ! You can NOW check out the instructions on this page.  
Make sure to REACH OUT  from your character blog so we can post the follow notice. We’re thrilled to have you!
⟨ diane guerrero. demi-femme. she/they. 37. ⟩ We just saw luna cassidy entering the camden market. I heard through the grapevine that they are head coach at arsenal wfc. Although they are [ a civilian ], they can sometimes be aggressive, competitive, or even hedonistic but I’ve also heard some people say that they were athletic, independent and quite protean.— drea.
⟨ kylie bunbury. cisgender female. she/her. 33. ⟩  We just saw clara webster entering the Tate Britain. I heard through the grapevine that they are an artist / art gallery owner. Although they are a civilian, they can sometimes be aloof, vulnerable, or even critical but I’ve also heard some people say that they were empathetic, curious and quite strong-willed.— emily.
(filling the wc for caleb's ex-wife https://londonfalling-rpg.tumblr.com/post/709495755422023680/character-information-character-name-caleb-draper)
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kriptozz · 1 year
Profesyonellerden 2023 Yılı Bitcoin Fiyat Varsayımları
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Profesyonellerden 2023 Yılı Bitcoin Fiyat Varsayımları 2022 yılı büyük kripto şirketlerinin iflas ettiği, kripto paraların inanılmaz bir formda düştüğü, hasebiyle da yatırımcılar açısından sıkıntı bir yıl oldu. Piyasanın kıymetli aktörleri 2022 fiyat varsayımlarında çoğunlukla olumluydu ve kaos dolu geçen yıla hazırlıksız yakalanmıştı. Mayıs ayında UST- Luna çöküşü, maruz kalma tesiriyle kesimin en büyük kripto para şirketlerinden Three Arrows Capital’un iflas başvurusu ve dünyanın en büyük kripto para borsalarından biri olan FTX’in Kasım ayındaki çöküşünü yaşadık. Bitcoin, Kasım 2021′de tüm vakitlerin en yüksek düzeyi olan 69.000 dolara ulaştığından beri yaklaşık düştü ve tüm kripto para piyasasının kıymeti 850 milyar dolara geriledi. 2023 yılında yeni bir boğa dönemi gelecek mi yoksa ayı dönemiyle mı noktalayacağız? Bu sorunun karşılığını ararken finans dünyasın aktörlerinin geçtiğimiz yıla ve bu yıla dair varsayımlarına göz atmak istedim. Londra merkezli Standard Chartered Bankasının kripto para araştırma takımı 2022’nin başlarında Bitcoin’in 100.000 dolara ulaşacağını söylemişti lakin bu gerçekleşmedi. Banka 2023 yılında daha fazla kripto şirketinin iflas edebileceğini hasebiyle Bitcoin’e olan talebin azalacağını ve fiyatın 5.000 dolara kadar düşebileceğini söyledi. Mevcut fiyatlardan ’lik bir düşüşü temsil eden bu varsayımı en olumsuz senaryo olarak görebiliriz. Mobius Capital Partners‘ın kurucu ortağı Mark Mobius, 2022 Mayıs ayında, yani Bitcoin 28.000 doların üzerindeyken, 20.000 dolara düşeceğini akabinde kısa bir toparlanmanın akabinde yıl sonunda 10.000 dolara gerileyeceğini öngörmüştü. Mark’ın bu varsayımı geçtiğimiz yıla bakınca en dengeli tahlillerden birisi olduğunu görebiliyoruz. 2022 sonunda Mark tekrar bir iddiasında bulunarak, Fed’in sıkı para siyasetinin da tesiriyle Bitcoin’in 2023 yılında 10.000 dolara düşmesini beklediğini söyledi. BTC 250 Bin Dolara Yükselebilir mi? Yatırım şirketi VanEck‘in Dijital Varlık Araştırma Müdürü Matthew Sigel, madencilerin yaşadığı zorluklar ve düşük kar marjlarına dayanarak, 2023 yılı birinci çeyreğinde Bitcoin’in 10.000 ila 12.000 dolar ortasına düşeceğini fakat enflasyon azaldıkça, güç fiyatları istikrara kavuştukça Bitcoin fiyatının 2023’ün üçüncü ve dördüncü çeyreğinde 30.000 dolara yükselebileceğini belirtti. VanEck’in CEO’su Jan Van Eck ise Bitcoin fiyatının 250.000 dolara gelebileceğini lakin bunun on yıllar gerektiğini belirtti. JPMorgan stratejistleri, 2022 yılında yaptığı fiyat varsayımlarında, Bitcoin’in ‘gerçeğe uygun değerini’ 38.000 dolar olarak belirlemiş. 2022 yılı kısa vadeli fiyat amacı 73.000 dolar ve uzun vadeli fiyat varsayımı için 150.000 dolar öngörüsünde bulunmuştu. Analistler 2023 fiyat varsayımlarında FTX borsası çöküşüyle kripto para piyasalarında yaşanan teminat tamamlama sürecinin haftalar alabileceğini ve bu yüzden 2023 yılında Bitcoin fiyatının 13.000 dolara inebileceğini belirttiler. Geleneksel finans aktörlerinin bilakis, kripto piyasası analistlerinin 2023 yılı Bitcoin fiyat varsayımlarını daha olumlu seyirde görüyoruz. Trading Wisdom: 50 Lessons Should Know Every Trader kitabının muharriri, Cheds Bitcoin 2023 fiyatının 50.000 doları aşacağını belirtti. Silikon Vadisinin değerli isimlerinden, Tesla ve Theranos üzere şirketlerde ve kripto paralara yatırım yaparak bir servet kazanan Tim Draper, tıpkı vakitte risk sermayesi şirketi Draper Fisher Jurvetson‘un kurucu ortağı. Tim, 2018′de Amsterdam’daki bir teknoloji konferansında Bitcoin’in 2022′nin sonuna kadar 250.000 dolara ulaşacağını söyledi. Aradan geçen dört yıl sonra Tim, kestiriminin vakit aralığını altı ay daha uzatarak Bitcoin’in Haziran 2023’e kadar, 17.000 dolardan 250.000 dolara gideceğini belirtti. Bir başka ünlü analist Michael van de Poppe, Bitcoin’in gelecek yılki fiyatına ait bir tahlilini Twitter takipçileriyle paylaşarak, 2023 yılı ortalarına kadar Bitcoin’in 45.000 ile 50.000 dolar ortasında bir fiyat aralığına geleceğini belirtti. #kriptopara #haber #Sondakika #Bist100 #Bitst30 #Binance #DOGE #BONK #SHIBA #Paribu #Bitci #Bitcoin #Musk #BinanceTR #Haber #Finans #Dolar #Euro #İstanbulBorsası #Hissesenetleri Read the full article
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newsfreethinker · 2 years
La NASA selecciona a Draper para volar el trabajo de investigación al otro lado de la luna
La NASA selecciona a Draper para volar el trabajo de investigación al otro lado de la luna
La NASA ha encargado a Draper de Cambridge, Massachusetts, que entregue estudios científicos de Artemisa a la luna en 2025. La entrega comercial es parte de la iniciativa Commercial Lunar Payload Services (CLPS) de la NASA bajo Artemis. Draper recibirá $ 73 millones por el contrato, y es responsable de los servicios de entrega de extremo a extremo, incluida la integración de la carga útil, la…
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nia1sworld · 1 year
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Wanted to do a base redraw before November ends. And I wanted to do Sia, Bessy, Luna, and Pop it's because I've searched up some Sans, Blueberry, Red, and Horror fnanrt and this what give me an Idea!
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king44savage · 2 years
Prada Belts Second Hand
For the occasion, the mother of three rocked a black and white patterned gown from Isabel Marant and a pair of white pumps. Prada's splendidly wicked coco-brown fringed buckle belt is detailed with multi gilded gold hardware studs throughout accented with black multi-beveled rectangular beadwork. wikipedia belt Black belt made in Italy from one hundred pc nylon and one hundred pc leather. Burberry has taken its signature TB Monogram print—a nod to the British house’s founder, Thomas Burberry—and remixed it in celebration of the upcoming Lunar New Year. The collection, inspired by the 12 months of the tiger, options all-over tiger prints combined with the interlocking T and B on sweater and skirt two-piece units, pussy-bow blouses, and even baseball caps. Just two days after the season premiere of Euphoria released on HBO, Hunter Schafer—who plays Jules within the acclaimed series—has made her latest look in Prada’s spring 2022 womenswear campaign. The retailer linked to the landing web page in a December sixteen e-mail. It had “the ultimate ski edit” as the topic line and featured types by Fusalp, Bogner and Moncler, amongst others. Most brands, like Draper James, are opting out of going it alone, selecting as a substitute to staff with a reputable skiwear company to make sure a clean transition into the class. Buttoned-up pieces are now not boring with this LIE gown. The mixture of houndstooth pattern and navy blue would elevate the on an everyday basis put on look. Affordability is a new skiwear idea that’s extending to the mall. Through its activewear-focused offshoot model Offline, Aerie introduced a 30-piece skiwear collection dubbed Chillside ahead of the vacations. The assortment will function apparel along with equipment, luggage and footwear. Items include luxurious tracksuits, sweaters and small bags, in addition to recent takes on the adidas Forum High and Low sneakers. If you are on the lookout for info on delivery options and shipping costs for a rustic that's not proven, please select your vacation spot country here. With a contribution of €0,25, you are serving to this Gold Standard-certified project whose work offsets the environmental impression of your order. Together we will actively contribute to attaining the UN's Sustainable Development Goals . Simply order as you all the time have, and, when selecting your most well-liked delivery method, you'll be able to choose the local weather neutral possibility to assist offset your carbon emissions. Please observe that your local weather neutral contribution helped offset the carbon emissions of your order . As a result, skiing has turn out to be an increasingly in style pastime — and sales of its unofficial uniform are booming. Fashion manufacturers are now rushing to answer the demand for sporty puffers, ski suits, ski pants and goggles. Prada and Adidas introduced their ongoing partnership in November 2019 when the brands posted on social media of a white Prada bag with two Adidas shoeboxes protruding from the highest. Since the announcement, the duo has released several sneaker collabs including premium takes on the enduring Superstar shell-toe shoe as well as the sailing-inspired Luna Rossa 21 shoe. The next step noticed the launch of the A+P Luna Rossa 21 footwear worn by the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli group. replica prada belt The largest spotlight of the report is to provide firms within the industry with a strategic evaluation of the influence of COVID-19. At the identical time, this report analysed the market of leading 20 nations and introduce the market potential of these international locations. According to Adidas, each bit has been made in Italy by Prada, composed of the Italian luxurious brand’s recyclable Re-Nylon cloth. To ring in the new 12 months, the two manufacturers are back and higher than ever, returning with a fresh chapter of their ongoing collaborative union, extending far beyond just sneakers. Celebrating the timeless adidas Originals Forum and Prada’s Re-Nylon material, this third assortment elevates both brands’ iconic silhouettes, blending them with forward-thinking innovation and meticulous experience. The Re-Nylon collection marks Adidas and Prada’s third project together. She took over the home of Prada from her mother Luisa, a enterprise that at the time was struggling to maintain maintain of their buyer base. Miuccia, alongside her associate Patrizio Bertelli, took on the problem of turning the corporate into a household name. Beginning with a line of impressed Prada luggage and purses Miuccia used her brilliant mind and exuberant character to reform Prada from the ground up. Under Miuccia the house of Prada has thrived, rising from a small-time household firm to the biggest corporation in high-fashion. And must you have the power to score a pair, you can do so with a comparatively clear conscience.
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qvistwheeler9 · 2 years
Adidas X Prada Re
Each season continues to deliver new eye-catching improvements for the historic model, including enhanced consideration to sustainability with Prada Re-Nylon, a new line of bags created from recycled ocean plastic. As the home enters its second century in enterprise it exhibits no signs of slowing down. New collections make their debut each style season, gracing the catwalks of Milan Fashion Week and wowing the large crowds that gather. Real-time final sale knowledge for U.S. inventory quotes replicate trades reported by way of Nasdaq solely. Intraday knowledge delayed at least quarter-hour or per trade necessities. The report supplies a detailed evaluation of the market by highlighting data on completely different elements which embrace drivers, restraints, alternatives, and threats. This information might help stakeholders to make acceptable selections before investing. The shoe was impressed by the design ofthe new AC75 Luna Rossa boat, and iconic Prada andAdidassneakers from the previous. The higher was composed of Primegreen, a sequence of high-performance recycled supplies, and encased in a hydrophobic E-TPU outer shell, providing versatile, breathable help and preventing water from penetrating the shoe. wikipedia belt The first collaboration between the two brands bowed in December 2019, comprising the PradaSuperstar and the Prada Bowling bag forAdidas in a small run of seven-hundred unisex pieces. Please see the delivery technique in addition to shipping costs and supply times in your vacation spot here. Others that have just lately entered the house include 3-year-old direct-from-manufacturer brand Italic. In February 2021, it launched a ski and snowboard accessories category that features snow goggles and ski gloves. The company’s gross sales of Prada puffers are up 60% year-over-year, and its shoppers are exhibiting increasing interest in new manufacturers, including Khrisjoy and Shoreditch Ski Club, Hill stated. Schafer was named one of the Italian house’s faces in 2020—just a pair months after Raf Simons and Miuccia Prada introduced a model new collaborative method to designing for the label. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/replica-prada-belt.html For spring, the actress wears the ladylike silhouettes of the season alongside fashions Lina Zhang, Selena Forrest, and Julia Nobis. And MatchesFashion has been promoting its own “ski edit” on Instagram for the explanation that begin of vacation shopping season. Similarly, starting on November 8, Moncler ran a month-long, ski-themed pop-up in select Nordstrom stores. Aspen-inspired skiwear with AspenX, a new model by resort owner Aspen Ski Company. As the world heads into its third year under the darkish cloud of the pandemic, cabin fever has formally set in. Though many people are deeming indoor destinations off-the-table and winter weather has formally arrived, the will to exit stays robust. The biggest highlight of the report is to supply corporations in the industry with a strategic analysis of the influence of COVID-19. At the identical time, this report analysed the market of leading 20 countries and introduce the market potential of these nations. According to Adidas, each bit has been made in Italy by Prada, composed of the Italian luxurious brand’s recyclable Re-Nylon material. To ring in the new year, the two manufacturers are back and higher than ever, returning with a recent chapter of their ongoing collaborative union, extending far beyond simply sneakers. Celebrating the timeless adidas Originals Forum and Prada’s Re-Nylon material, this third collection elevates both brands’ iconic silhouettes, blending them with forward-thinking innovation and meticulous expertise. The Re-Nylon collection marks Adidas and Prada’s third project together. The retailer linked to the landing page in a December 16 e mail. It had “the ultimate ski edit” as the topic line and featured types by Fusalp, Bogner and Moncler, among others. Most brands, like Draper James, are opting out of going it alone, choosing as an alternative to group with a good skiwear company to ensure a clean transition into the category. Buttoned-up items are no longer boring with this LIE gown. The combination of houndstooth sample and navy blue would elevate the everyday wear look.
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linnet92holder · 2 years
Prada X Adidas Collaboration Release Date Information
Wide sufficient to be worn as a waist belt with a case just large enough for your card and id, this belt is all you need for an elegant and arms free night time out. Wear the Leather Belt with Case with the model's Fantasia Houndstooth Pleated Coat. wikipedia belt The company Printemps.com processes the info collected to inform you of the supply of the product you want to buy. The Adidas for Prada Re-Nylon collection, which shall be launched on Jan. thirteen, marks the shift of the entire Prada production from virgin nylon to Re-Nylon, achieved by the shut of 2021. Featuring the house’s signature Linea Rossa pink stripe logo. Delving into after which reimagining the adidas archive, the adidas for Prada Re-Nylon collection sees Prada rework the legendary adidas Originals Forum silhouette. To find out more about how we handle your private information for the above-mentioned functions and to exercise your rights, in particular to oppose such processing, please go to ourPrivacy Policy. I learn the Privacy Policy and I authorize Blondie to make use of my personal data for enterprise purposes together with marketing communication (by electronic knowledge transmission like for ex. business newsletters, e-mails, and common mail). We're pleased to assist with any questions you may have concerning our products, orders or company data. Each Forum, obtainable in each high and low top kinds, comes with embossed Prada Milano branding on its tongue. Adidas and Prada are dedicated to creating waves within the luxury streetwear market. After debuting their authentic A + P Luna Rossa sneaker final year, the duo has returned with a footwear collection centered round Prada Re-Nylon, challenging whether unique designer kinds can align with recycled materials. Nylon revolutionized the fashion house’s enterprise, with the first Prada nylon backpack launched to universal acclaim in 1984. Soon the sturdy, water resistant material was incorporated into Prada’s ready-to-wear collections for both men and women. Prada was founded in 1913 as a small leather-based goods store that shortly gained a reputation for its luxurious Made in Italy quality. Rugged woven leather, statement-making branded buckles and bold bursts of shade mix for this range of Prada belts. These outfit-defining items will add timeless gentlemanly fashion to any work or play ensemble. For ready-to-wear and accessories, Prada reworks some its own signature pieces in its Re-Nylon cloth with the addition of Adidas branding. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/replica-prada-belt.html The assortment features a tracksuit, sweater, hooded jacket, and bucket hat. The retailer linked to the touchdown page in a December sixteen e-mail. It had “the ultimate ski edit” as the subject line and featured styles by Fusalp, Bogner and Moncler, amongst others. Most brands, like Draper James, are opting out of going it alone, choosing as a substitute to team with a good skiwear firm to ensure a clean transition into the class. Buttoned-up pieces are not boring with this LIE gown. The mixture of houndstooth pattern and navy blue would elevate the on a regular basis wear look. The belt could be seen within the battle scene in the Perla de las Dunas lodge. The belt seen in the movie is made from Saffiano leather-based and the buckle is silver in colour with the Prada emblem engraved into the floor. On that note, multiple sources for this story credited 2021’s Gucci x North Face collaboration for driving the skiwear buzz. From high heels to boots to sneakers - uncover designer footwear from Louboutin to Jimmy Choo. You may help offset the carbon emissions of packaging, delivery, and potential returns out of your order with a contribution to Climate Partner. They are our chosen independent associate and recognized skilled in local weather safety. The contribution is in addition to Mytheresa’s dedication to function carbon neutrally. You can find extra information about Climate Partner and the project you assist right here. All orders are shipped worldwide by way of our affiliate couriers DHL or UPS. And after years of watching Kelly Ripa on Live with Kelly and Ryan, we realized that the 51-year-old has a handful of her own. One of which is a pink belt from the designer model, Prada. JustOneEye.com is pleased to supply free floor shipping throughout the United States on most purchases. Express transport and worldwide flat fee transport options are also obtainable for a fee. If your item does not qualify at no cost or flat price delivery, you'll be contacted directly by Just One Eye. Made from Prada's distinctive Saffiano leather-based, the Leather Belt with Case is a group staple.
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neville78kirkegaard · 2 years
Designer Leather-based And Fabric Belts For Males
Each season continues to bring new eye-catching innovations for the historic brand, together with enhanced consideration to sustainability with Prada Re-Nylon, a model new line of baggage created from recycled ocean plastic. As the home enters its second century in enterprise it shows no indicators of slowing down. New collections make their debut every fashion season, gracing the catwalks of Milan Fashion Week and wowing the massive crowds that collect. As a result, skiing has turn out to be an more and more popular pastime — and gross sales of its unofficial uniform are booming. Fashion manufacturers at the moment are rushing to answer the demand for sporty puffers, ski suits, ski pants and goggles. Prada and Adidas announced their ongoing partnership in November 2019 when the manufacturers posted on social media of a white Prada bag with two Adidas shoeboxes protruding from the highest. Since the announcement, the duo has launched several sneaker collabs together with premium takes on the enduring Superstar shell-toe shoe as well as the sailing-inspired Luna Rossa 21 shoe. The next step saw the launch of the A+P Luna Rossa 21 shoes worn by the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli group. Come 2022, there is not the slightest excuse for neutrals. Not when the colour combinations on the catwalks look this juicy. Take Valentino, where chocolate brown, raspberry and cerulean blue mingled to scrumptious impact. Or Halpern, the place tangerine tangoed (or pirouetted – the collection was modelled by members of the Royal Ballet company) with fuchsia. And if it feels too difficult to play Rothko with your wardrobe? Just take it head-to-toe, impressed by Emilia Wickstead and Christian Siriano. Flowy from the waist down with an adjustable belt that could be worn to emphasize waistline and flatter your curves. BUYMA providers solely the sale of brand-new, genuine gadgets. We have had NO counterfeit objects since our service started in 2005. As our coverage, if Personal Shoppers cannot verify the authenticity of an merchandise, it can't be listed on BUYMA. The transport interval could range depending on the place the product is originating from. BUYMA allows customers to speak instantly with their private shoppers to negotiate delivery options. She took over the home of Prada from her mother Luisa, a enterprise that at the time was struggling to keep hold of their customer base. Miuccia, alongside her associate Patrizio Bertelli, took on the problem of turning the company right into a household name. Beginning with a line of inspired Prada luggage and purses Miuccia used her good mind and exuberant persona to reform Prada from the ground up. Under Miuccia the house of Prada has thrived, growing from a small-time family firm to the biggest corporation in high-fashion. And do you've got to be capable of rating a pair, you can do so with a comparatively clear conscience. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/replica-prada-belt.html The belt can be seen within the fight scene within the Perla de las Dunas resort. The belt seen within the film is made from Saffiano leather and the buckle is silver in colour with the Prada logo engraved into the surface. On that notice, multiple sources for this story credited 2021’s Gucci x North Face collaboration for driving the skiwear buzz. It must be famous that trend is finally wising as a lot as the reality that sexy comes in all shapes, pores and skin tones and sizes. Models Precious Lee, Alva Claire, Paloma Elsesser and Yumi Nu were among the many most in-demand fashions for spring, bringing some much-needed physique range to the runways. Meanwhile Indigenous model Quannah Chasinghorse made a splash in her debut season, walking for everybody from Chanel to Prabal Gurung and Gucci. The retailer linked to the landing web page in a December sixteen email. It had “the final ski edit” as the subject line and featured types by Fusalp, Bogner and Moncler, among others. Most manufacturers, like Draper James, are opting out of going it alone, choosing instead to group with a good skiwear company to ensure a clean transition into the category. Buttoned-up pieces are no longer boring with this LIE dress. wikipedia belt The combination of houndstooth pattern and navy blue would elevate the everyday wear look.
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flanagan73kilgore · 2 years
Buy Belts From Prada In Malaysia January 2022
These classes are in addition to new takes on the Adidas Forum High and Low sneaker silhouettes. For the first time, their offering includes accessories and bags with elevated takes on the Adidas Forum high and low silhouettes and ready-to-wear items all composed of Prada’s infinitely recyclable Re-Nylon Fabric. With a spring launch anticipated, you’ll have a bit of time to save up for the capsule, but be warned that the collection’s luggage and apparel aren’t any cheaper. Estimated prices vary from $995 to $2,480, so be prepared to place down a second mortgage, or more sensibly, sit this one out. Schafer was named one of many Italian house’s faces in 2020—just a couple months after Raf Simons and Miuccia Prada announced a new collaborative approach to designing for the label. For spring, the actress wears the ladylike silhouettes of the season alongside fashions Lina Zhang, Selena Forrest, and Julia Nobis. https://phoenet.tw/replica-designer-belts/replica-prada-belt.html And MatchesFashion has been selling its own “ski edit” on Instagram because the start of holiday buying season. Similarly, beginning on November eight, Moncler ran a month-long, ski-themed pop-up in select Nordstrom stores. Aspen-inspired skiwear with AspenX, a brand new model by resort owner Aspen Ski Company. As the world heads into its third yr under the dark cloud of the pandemic, cabin fever has formally set in. wikipedia belt Though many people are deeming indoor locations off-the-table and winter climate has formally arrived, the need to exit remains robust. As a result, snowboarding has turn out to be an more and more in style pastime — and gross sales of its unofficial uniform are booming. Fashion brands are now speeding to answer the demand for sporty puffers, ski suits, ski pants and goggles. Prada and Adidas introduced their ongoing partnership in November 2019 when the manufacturers posted on social media of a white Prada bag with two Adidas shoeboxes protruding from the highest. Since the announcement, the duo has launched a quantity of sneaker collabs together with premium takes on the enduring Superstar shell-toe shoe in addition to the sailing-inspired Luna Rossa 21 shoe. The next step noticed the launch of the A+P Luna Rossa 21 footwear worn by the Luna Rossa Prada Pirelli staff. The retailer linked to the landing page in a December 16 e mail. It had “the final ski edit” as the topic line and featured types by Fusalp, Bogner and Moncler, amongst others. Most brands, like Draper James, are opting out of going it alone, choosing instead to group with a reputable skiwear company to make sure a easy transition into the category. Buttoned-up pieces are now not boring with this LIE dress. The combination of houndstooth pattern and navy blue would elevate the everyday put on look. Each piece has been made in Italy by Prada, composed of the brand’s signature, infinitely recyclable Re-Nylon fabric. Partnership’s commitment to innovation, the adidas for Prada Re-Nylon assortment reimagines luxury sportswear by way of a extra sustainable lens. The House of Savoy coat of arms and knotted rope on Prada’s seal herald that the enduring Italian luxurious style home was named Official Supplier to the Italian Royal Household in 1919. Started in 1913 by Mario Prada, the brand’s authentic shop in Milan’s Galleria Vittorio Emanuele II nonetheless has the mahogany shelves that displayed its early wares corresponding to journey gadgets and handbags. Today, these nice leather goods are joined by the clothes, wallets and different varied equipment that maintain the brand on the chopping fringe of trend. As for the baggage, Prada and Adidas will release a range of six styles together with a travel bag, backpack, buying bag, bandoleer, BP Hoodie, and belt bag.
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