lumiereswig · 1 month
literally how do i figure out what i want. how do i figure it. i write out what i yearn for what i find myself itching for and i find the same things over and over again: sushi. a person by my side. youth, before it leaves. my own voice, somewhere. my own space. a lover. but what does that mean, in practical terms, in booking plane tickets and setting up shop. how do i get what i long for that isn't running straight toward a cartoon? how do i embrace being alive in a way that's as itchy and real and mistaken and dirty and pure and biting-down-on-peach flesh as real living is?
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batbobsession · 6 months
I will never not compliment the intricacies of the 2017 Beauty and the Beast remake
...because six years later, I still discover things like THIS
They didn't have to make the halls of the castle paradolic, but they did, and now the castle has a face that fades into darkness after the staff dies.
Guys, the castle dies too.
@naturepointstheway @lumiereandcogsworth @lumiereswig @tinydooms
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ticenchantedtoc · 7 months
BatB fic prompt: I remember tumblr user lumiereswig discussing the staff going to IKEA because the castle has no furniture post-curse (all the furniture was people, or destroyed in a Beast tantrum). The Gang Tries to Assemble a Table
[The IKEA trip is already funny, but we've all done it. The Gang realizing that none of them know what they're doing is even funnier.]
"For God's sake, how many times do I have to tell you it's the B piece not the E piece!"
They had been at this for about an hour and had only managed to put the screws in the table legs, never mind attaching them to the table itself. Belle and Adam had already finished two; She had the experience from helping her father after all. Chapeau had walked out on them in the first five minutes, and Cogsworth was starting to regret not following him.
Lumiere groaned. "Well excuse me, but I don't know what else you expect from me with that horrible accent of yours!"
"My accent is not the bloody problem, and you know it!"
Mrs. Potts glared at them both. "Language."
"With all due respect, madame, there are much more vulgar things I would rather call this imbecile—"
Babette snatched the instructions out of his hands. "Give me that. We're going to be here all day at this rate."
"Like you'll do any better," Cogsworth hissed. She flipped him off over her shoulder.
"Alright, new plan. Cogsworth, focus on organizing the pieces by what they're for; It's a mess in here. Mrs. Potts will read the instructions while Lumiere and I put everything together. Are we all in agreement?"
Nods passed around the circle, but when they were finally ready to get back to work, they found Sultan curled up asleep on the table surface. Lumiere groaned. Babette threw the pamphlet onto the floor in frustration. Cogsworth swore, and even Mrs. Potts didn't have enough patience left to scold him for it.
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makeshiftraven · 1 year
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@lumiereswig no.
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tinydooms · 10 months
I was tagged by @lumiereswig; it's been a while since I've done one of these, so for the new and not-so-new followers:
dawn or dusk // prose and poetry (but i agree that this is a false dichotomy) // weekdays or weekends // coffee or tea // umbrella or raincoat // neon or pastel (jewel tones!!!!) // lake or river // ferris wheel or carousel // whipped cream or without // reading or writing // song or dance // cruise or road trip // newspapers or magazines // rainbows or auroras // trees or shrubs // salt or pepper // red beans or green beans // fruit juice or fruit // leaves or flowers
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BATB 12 Days of Christmas Challenge -Boxes
@lumiereswig kindly provided The BATB 12 Days of Christmas challenge with 12 separate writing prompts for us Beauty and the Beast lovers to participate with! ^_^
So here's my third one-shot :) Again I'm picturing 1991 cast/characters coz I know them best but not to say it can't be read with 2017 in mind I suppose... ^_^
3. Boxes
There were certainly a lot of boxes strewn around the ballroom. Cogsworth tried to relax with his cup of hot tea spiked with “holiday” brandy but the sight of so many boxes and ribbons and various papiers strewn about was a bit anxiety inducing.
Granted, this was the Christmas party for the household; there were no guests within the castle only the staff and his master and mistress themselves who had organized and thrown this fete to celebrate with their nearest and dearest friends who worked hard every day and night of the year to ensure the smooth running of the castle and keeping them happy. Cogsworth could find some comfort in that, at least: no high ranking individuals to be appalled at the semi chaos strewn about.
“Mon ami, please do come sit down and stop fretting ton tête at this,” Lumiere exhaled in his smooth, charismatic tone. One long hand was on Cogsworth’s shoulder and the other was gesturing at a comfortable crushed velvet armchair that was not normally present in the ballroom. Cogsworth reminded himself to breathe as he saw the chair out of place. Surely, it had been carried carefully through the castle to this new spot. Surely, it was not scratching the floor.
He allowed himself somewhat reluctantly to sit down. This wasn’t his first request to do so; Belle and The Prince had already encouraged thrice, Lumiere at least once and Mrs. Potts had chastised him for his inability to let go of his regular duties for even just five minutes of the night on no less than four occasions tonight.
“It’s just…” he tried to explain to Lumiere who sat comfortably and quite languidly on the padded seat of a ballroom chair across from him, “there is quite the mess. Things are strewn here and there. No order to it. Just parcels dropped where they stood in order to enjoy the goods inside of the gifts. I… I cannot condone it and—”
“Of course, of course! But I cannot condone a party guest who is not having fun,” Lumiere pointed out with an amused grin, “so either you are disappointed in your regular duties or I am. And, I am afraid mon ami that I will not let your stubbornness win out!” He held his glass up in salute and drank to his declaration.
Cogsworth tried not to bristle.
“Everything you see here is merriment. By the end of the night, you will see the responsibility come back into everyone’s eyes and this floor will be spotless. Just you wait and see!” Lumiere exclaimed with gusto as he tapped Cogsworth’s knee a few times and saluted another toast to him.
“Well, I—”
“Sorry to interrupt,” came a kind, familiar voice. Belle. “But we would like to contribute one more box to the bunch, with your permission, Cogsworth,” she spoke as The Prince and her both held out a parcel to him with smiling expressions of warmth.
Cogsworth was taken aback a little but bowed his head slightly to them and accepted the gift with his name scrawled neatly on paper that had been tied to the wonderful, evergreen ribbon that was on this gift. This gift for him.
“I… I should not accept this.”
The Prince smiled a little and moved forward to clasp his hand on the man’s shoulder. “Cogsworth, throw your duties aside and please accept and open this gift. That is an order. Don’t make me say please,” the royal teased with mirth in his eyes. He knew they both remembered when the former clock had tried to teach his master, formerly a beastly creature, some manners.
At that, Cogsworth gave in and set aside his teacup properly to open the gift. Inside the box he found a thick, warm scarf and a new travelling cloak in addition to a wonderful, new golden pocket watch. “Your Highnesses, I-”
“You’re welcome, Cogsworth,” Belle interrupted him before he could speak to protest the fine gifts, “We do hope you greatly enjoy them and get good use.”
“Th-Thank you,” he stammered. “Begging your pardon, have you planned a last minute trip someplace? Where will we be going so that I may—”
“We are not going anywhere, old friend,” The Prince replied calmly though his blue eyes were sparkling, “You are taking a well-deserved holiday away from the castle.”
“I’m… I’m what?” Cogsworth could barely believe his own ears. “But I—”
“Have definitely earned the time away,” his master replied smoothly to finish the sentence, “I hope you’ll truly enjoy taking some well deserved time to yourself wherever you wish to go in the new year.”
“B-But…” the self proclaimed “head of the household��� was visibly shaken by this turn of events.
“Don’t worry, you will still be here to ring in the new year with us and help manage the party,” Belle assured quickly and easily, “You can start your holiday in January and come back in February.”
“No. No, no, no. I must simply draw the line!” The round man stood up in protest and his box slid to the floor and he fumbled to pick it up though Lumiere was swifter to do so giving Cogsworth the excuse to address Master and Mistress once more, “January to February! That is preposterous! I simply cannot take that much time away. There is so much to do. The mews need— And I must oversee the landscaping of the gardens so as you do not have slippery paths or too much snow on the roofs of the sheds that could and will cave in if they aren’t—”
“Cogsworth,” The Prince interrupted, “You have maintained this castle for so many years practically flawlessly. So much so, that everyone here knows what is expected of them and performs it to specifications. Your standards are above and beyond anything that I personally could ever ask and I thank you for it. Now allow me to thank you by reassuring you that your absence will not be a void; not in protocols only in missing our dear friend who will be away enjoying himself and a bit of the world. Please,” The Prince concluded with a wry smile, “would you please accept this holiday as a token of my gratitude— all of our gratitude,” The Prince proclaimed as a broad arm swept to include the entire ballroom and not just the two who had given the gift. “Go and make use of your new cloak and scarf and consult your watch which tells the date upon the face as well. We know you will make it back on time without fail.”
Cogsworth looked between their smiling faces; Belle, The Prince, Lumiere and now even Mrs. Potts who had wandered over. They all looked so genuinely happy and eager that he should accept the offer.
After raising a hand quickly, feeling emotional and wanting to brush aside the watery upheaval that was stinging the corners of his eyes, he played off the gesture as more casual by pinching and rolling the edge of his moustache.
“Well then… of course I shall,” he replied shortly, clearing his throat before he was thrown into a tight embrace by his master followed by the rest of the small group assembled there.
Come January the only boxes he would need worry about were his own, packed for a long and long-earned journey away.
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justdalek · 3 years
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@lumiereswig​ I saw your post about all cursed residents being able to change into their cursed form at will and I couldn’t stop laughing at this XD
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wait is the french actually good in my fics??? holy shit what a relief ~lumiereswig (ie a bastard who can't speak french)
@lumiereswig it most certainly is!! i was 99% sure you’d studied french or something because yeah it’s actually really good!!!
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theteaisaddictive · 4 years
tagged by @lumiereswig, their mind
moose or mongoose?
jumping off a cliff like a lemming or eating your spouse like a praying mantiss?
The Canadian Mounties or five children in a trench coat?
a squid falling on your house at incredibly high speeds or waking up surrounded by ever-increasing quantities of hall carpet?
the ocean turning into coffee or the sky turning into lemonade?
my particularly favourite brand of ice cream or that distinctively not great brand of ice cream?
“sploink” or “twingle”?
fidgeting so much your hands fall off or standing so still you start to grow moss?
good guys or bad guys?
idiots or nitwits?
banging your head against a wall or flinging a table out the window?
setting to sea in a beautiful pea-green boat, or eating a quince with a runcible spoon?
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funnygirltthatbelle · 6 years
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The Infamous Chapeau gifset - for @lumiereswig
Merry Christmas! I saw the post floating around requesting gifs of Chapeau and figured this would make a good gift :)  
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lumiereswig · 1 year
✨ because u deserve iiiiit.
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
i so deserve it. you are right.
the reason my writing fucks is not only because I am attractive and gorgeous and witty and have big doe eyes that make all the boys go wild. my writing also fucks because I channel homesickness, memory, melancholy, and humor into NONSENSE. none of my stories make sense. they are also all true. you are welcome and I am a king.
did i do that right?
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batbobsession · 11 months
The meanest left hook in BatB stage history
Me: I've seen almost every rendition of Beauty and the Beast on stage. Everything amazes me, but in terms of plot, nothing surprises me. BatB Ballet (2022): Lumiere throws hands with the Enchantress and wins. Me: ...wut
@lumiereswig @disneyfan50 @tinydooms @forr-everrmorre @im-too-obssesed @lumiereandcogsworth
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ticenchantedtoc · 1 year
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I posted 400 times in 2022
17 posts created (4%)
383 posts reblogged (96%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 365 of my posts in 2022
Only 9% of my posts had no tags
#beauty and the beast - 35 posts
#pokemon - 32 posts
#cogsworth posting - 20 posts
#hollow knight - 17 posts
#batb 1991 - 11 posts
#cogsworth - 9 posts
#a mood - 9 posts
#it is the time for loving men - 9 posts
#my art - 8 posts
#me - 7 posts
Longest Tag: 135 characters
#but sylveon has really won me over due to being a staple of my most recent x team as well as a reliable asset against saphria in reborn
My Top Posts in 2022:
"Oh Angelique, you don't understand! He's just so cute and he writes poetry- POETRY! I so badly want to ask him on a date, but I just can't and-"
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This is the true definition of mlm wlw solidarity
7 notes - Posted May 28, 2022
tic my dear friend tic tell me about your favorite batb headcanons :3
Omgomg how can I pick favorites? Ok I'll try to limit myself to a few
Chapeau experiences phantom limb after the curse, feeling like he should have four arms rather than two. Belle and Maurice try to make him a set of fake wooden arms to curb the discomfort.
Despite being so dedicated to his job (too much really), Cogsworth does have his hobbies. Specifically, art! He keeps a little journal of charcoal sketches, mainly of his coworkers or the castle's cat, and on rare occasions, he'll put the time and effort into painting as well.
Lumiere tends to be quite forgetful, perhaps even flighty, but he puts a lot of effort into remembering things about people: birthdays, favorite foods, music taste, etc. As far as practical stuff though, Babette is around to keep his head on straight at least.
Speaking of Babette, she also gets some... Changes, after the curse. Patches of white feathers have sprouted on her wrists and ankles. They're a bit awkward, but Lumiere insists they're beautifully unique and angelic.
Adam hates summer. Even now that he's human again, he gets unbearably hot in the summer weather. The nights aren't so bad though, when a breeze has started and the fireflies dance and Belle lays across his lap to read.
8 notes - Posted September 12, 2022
"Your chamberlain is gnc af-"
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"You're insane."
17 notes - Posted August 8, 2022
Just finished Drawtectives Season 2 and oh boy am I having crazy person thoughts. Headcanons you wouldn't even believe.
20 notes - Posted August 3, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Men with fat tits
Like to charge reblog to cast
28 notes - Posted November 23, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Maurice: Needs. More. Fics.
Pere Robert: Most Underappreciated
And that’s where I come in!
Oh the feels fics I have planned with these two (just ask @parisofmychildhood and @bookwormmade) but in the meantime feel free to send (short) fic asks/prompts!
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BATB 12 Days of Christmas Challenge -Glimmer
@lumiereswig kindly provided The BATB 12 Days of Christmas challenge with 12 separate writing prompts for us Beauty and the Beast lovers to participate with! ^_^
So here's my next one-shot :) It's not exactly the glimmer one might expect and it's not quite a Christmas-themed one-shot either. But I hope you enjoy!
4. Glimmer
Even as a man, Lumiere had always been an optimist. There was always a “light at the end of the tunnel” for him and he always raised others’ spirits with his demeanor and charm making their day light up a bit.
It had certainly been no wonder to anyone why he’d been turned into a candelabra. Light was necessary in such a dark castle both literally and metaphorically.
For ten years he held out hope for himself and the others in the castle. “Zere is always ’ope!” he exclaimed on more than one occasion, “Nothing is impossible! N’est pas?!” After all, they had all been incredibly transformed into sentient objects around their former home and workplace: the castle of their master, The Prince. If he could be a candelabra with never ending wax who could speak and move as though he were not made of metal, then could they not have this curse broken by love even if no one had come along for their master to fall in love with and break this spell?
So, he felt vindicated when a young woman -who they found out was called Belle- entered the castle in search of her father (who had been locked away by their prince). “She has come to break the spell!” Lumiere cried out to his constant companion, Cogsworth, without a second thought.
This fortuitous event could be nothing else. He knew it, despite arguments to the contrary by many of his fellow enchanted objects.
Even when their master locked Belle away as a “prisoner”. Lumiere knew that could not and would not be it.
But then, the young woman (spirited as she was) stole away to The Master’s rooms in the West wing of the castle and fled in terror when the owner of those rooms threw a tantrum in anger.
“Zere is a glimmer of ’ope!” Lumiere exhaled feebly as the winter winds blew out his flames upon the girl departing their castle.
“Stop this now,” Cogsworth snapped at him, “Stop all this talk of hope and joy and hanging onto our humanity! We are bloody objects, Lumiere! Our master, much as we would wish to the contrary, will not change his ways in a matter of weeks and fall in love with some poor girl and break this curse! Get used to dripping wax for the rest of your days! I can see it has already plugged up your good sense and proper judgement and I have let it go on far too long!”
“That’s a bit much,” Mrs. Potts scolded, “Lumiere is just trying to lighten the mood a little.”
Cogsworth rolled his eyes. “I did not expect you, ma’am, to resort to God-awful puns in defense of this idiot!”
“Watch your tone,” Mrs. Potts snapped back at him as steam whistled slightly through her spout, “We are all of us in this together. We will do no good resorting to name-calling and the like. Besides, not all of us…” She was forced to trail off as they all heard growling and the padding of paws on the polished floors coming closer.
It was their master, heading out of the castle after Belle.
“Master-” she tried but he had already departed out of the door without so much as a word.
“Oh I hope he’s not gone to fetch her just because he thinks she ought to remain here as a prisoner-” Mrs. Potts lamented in a whisper.
Lumiere, lighting each of his candelabrum slowly feeling a bit downtrodden for once at the events of the last minutes, wrapped a comforting twist of metal around her. “Even if he does, we will keep trying to soften him. We all know he can be, don’t we?” All flames melted that around them, in time.
Lumiere swore silently in that moment that he would be such a fire. He would keep his glimmer of hope burning until the blaze slowly but surely warmed even the most solid of hearts.
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@UNIVERSITY LET SELMA LIVE AND WRITE FANFICS ABOUT PLUMETTE LOOKING V. FETCHING IN SILK WAISTCOATS AND LUMIERE BURSTING INTO ADAM'S STUDY SCREAMING BECAUSE 'MON PRINCE!!! MON PRINCE, PLUMETTE LOOKS LIKE A GODDESS' '...i mean yes lumiere but this is a top-secret council meeting' "S H E ' S W E A R I N G M Y S U S P EN D E R S ' "could someone please remove him??" "I LOVE HER SO MUCH!!!!!!' screams lumiere, hauled unceremoniously from the room by force ~~lumiereswig
i’m pretty sure lumiere is always running around the castle screaming about how flawless plumette is. and at first people find it cute and endearing but after a while it can get quite annoying. like when it happened for the first time since belle started living at the castle, adam just slapped his palm over his forehead and went “i’m sorry belle, i truly am” and belle’s like “what?? what are you talking about this is adorable! tell me all about how wonderful she is, lumiere!”
but when lumiere bursts into belle and adam’s bedroom at 2 in the morning screaming “SHE WILL BE THE DEATH OF ME” belle starts to reconsider 
(also yes uni should leave me alone! all i wanna do is write plumiere fanfic :’( but hey it’s almost the weekend I’ll have more free time!!)
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