zombb-8 · 2 years
Growing Scindapsus Lucens: How To Care For Lucens Scindapsus
Scindapsus lucens (skin-DAP-sus loo-senz) is a rare member of the Araceae family that you might have seen but not known its real name. The plant is commonly referred to as
The post Growing Scindapsus Lucens: How To Care For Lucens Scindapsus appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/scindapsus-lucens.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Overwatered Hydrangea: How To Save Overwatered Hydrangeas (if Possible)
Hydrangeas are a highly popular genus of flowering plants famous for large, fluffy blooms. Some species can be grown as far north as USDA hardiness zone 3. It’s also an
The post Overwatered Hydrangea: How To Save Overwatered Hydrangeas (if Possible) appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/overwatered-hydrangea.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Overwatered String Of Hearts: How To Save Overwatered Ceropegia (if Possible)
Plants often gain their nicknames based on their appearance, and one of the most appropriate of these is Ceropegia woodii, commonly known as the string of hearts plant. The plant
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source https://plantcaretoday.com/overwatered-string-of-hearts.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Overwatered Peperomia: How To Save Overwatered Peperomias (if Possible)
When buying houseplants, some people go for plants with huge leaves or a climbing habit, but others prefer plants with tiny leaves and growth habits. Peperomias are a great example
The post Overwatered Peperomia: How To Save Overwatered Peperomias (if Possible) appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/overwatered-peperomia.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Overwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig: How To Save Overwatered Fiddle Leaf Figs (if Possible)
Fiddle leaf figs (Ficus lyrata) are some of the more popular indoor fig plants due to their leaf shape. However, these relatively easy to care for plants have a few
The post Overwatered Fiddle Leaf Fig: How To Save Overwatered Fiddle Leaf Figs (if Possible) appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/overwatered-fiddle-leaf-fig.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Overwatered Monstera: How To Save Overwatered Monstera Plants (if Possible)
Monsteras are quite popular due to their fenestrations, which give the leaves an appearance, not unlike Swiss cheese. However, while the fenestrations are attractive, they make the foliage more fragile.
The post Overwatered Monstera: How To Save Overwatered Monstera Plants (if Possible) appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/overwatered-monstera.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Activated Charcoal: How To Use Activated Charcoal For Plants
Activated charcoal can be an excellent addition to your houseplant soil. If you put a layer of this inexpensive substance in the bottom of your planter or mix it into
The post Activated Charcoal: How To Use Activated Charcoal For Plants appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/activated-charcoal-plants.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Jeep chomps at chance to star in final ‘Jurassic' film
The Wrangler, the Gladiator and a vintage Grand Wagoneer appear in the film, which is accompanied by a broad Jeep ad campaign that launched last week.
source https://www.autonews.com/marketing/jeep-chomps-chance-star-final-jurassic-film
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Is Hard Water Bad For Plants – If So Why?
The traditional definition of hard water is water that contains a lot of minerals, such as: Calcium Manganese Magnesium carbonate salts Depending on the amount of these minerals and the
The post Is Hard Water Bad For Plants – If So Why? appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/hard-water-bad-for-plants.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Is Soft Water Bad For Plants – If So Why?
To answer this question, we must clarify the difference between soft water and softened water. Naturally soft water is water that contains few minerals and total dissolved solids. As a
The post Is Soft Water Bad For Plants – If So Why? appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/soft-water-bad-for-plants.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Do You Need To Put Rocks In The Bottom Of Plant Pots?
Putting rocks in the bottom of plant pots used to be commonplace. It was thought that a layer of rocks in the bottom of a pot would help with drainage.
The post Do You Need To Put Rocks In The Bottom Of Plant Pots? appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/rocks-bottom-planter.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
What Causes Brown Spots On Snake Plant
Snake plants are both attractive and low maintenance. Yet, more and more problems are occurring due to a major plant classification system merging sansevierias (AKA snake plants) into the Dracaena
The post What Causes Brown Spots On Snake Plant appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/brown-spots-snake-plant-2.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
How Often And How Much To Water Philodendrons
Philodendrons belong to a rather large genus and are among the most popular aroids. Excluding countless cultivars, there are over 480 accepted species (the exact number varies slightly between reputable
The post How Often And How Much To Water Philodendrons appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/philodendron-watering.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Are Monstera Plants Poisonous or Toxic To Dogs
The early 2020s have proven an absolute boon for the houseplant industry. Whether you agree with the global lockdowns, it has been influential in convincing people to bring the great
The post Are Monstera Plants Poisonous or Toxic To Dogs appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/monsteras-toxic-dogs.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Signs Of Underwatered Money Tree: How To Revive It
There are a lot of plants out there going by the nickname of the money plant, but one of the most famous is the money tree (Pachira Aquatica). These South
The post Signs Of Underwatered Money Tree: How To Revive It appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/underwatered-money-tree.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Why Is My Snake Plant Dying?
Snake plants have a reputation as great starter plants. Yet, more and more people are buying the popular snake plants in recent years only to have their new plant fall
The post Why Is My Snake Plant Dying? appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/snake-plant-dying.html
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zombb-8 · 2 years
Growing Philodendron Sodiroi: How To Care For Sodiroi Philodendrons
The many types of Philodendrons are among the most popular members of the Araceae family, but this doesn’t mean they aren’t without some controversy. A great example of a controversial
The post Growing Philodendron Sodiroi: How To Care For Sodiroi Philodendrons appeared first on Plant Care Today.
source https://plantcaretoday.com/philodendron-sodiroi.html
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