#lugh lamhfada
reejindeed · 4 months
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Trying to keep things a little looser
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birdsofrhiannon · 1 year
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Lugh Lamhfada by IreEthereal 
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themori-witch · 2 years
For the ask game, 18, 19, and 21 perhaps? :)
Thank you for sending this in
18. Do you venerate or work with any entities or spirits?
I don't work with specific spirits, no. I contemplated foraying into working with the sidhe - the aes sidhe, specifically - but I've not gotten to it yet, and may never. It takes a lot to work successfully with them, and I don't always have the mental, physical, emotional or spiritual energy to do so.
19. What kind of offerings or acts of devotion do you give those deities, entities or spirits?
I leave offerings to the deities I work with, The Morrigan for example. Lugh Lamhfada, a few others. I leave things that they'd like, for example with Lugh, I prefer to craft small items. I've painted stones, done small embroideries and more. For The Morrigan, I've used things like red wine and honey, but I've also painted a small crow token, and left it for her. Sometimes offerings for both of these, and others are as simple as a bowl of water.
21. Who are some of your favorite practitioners on Tumblr? Tag them.
Yay! I love sharing the love.
@breelandwalker, @will-o-the-witch, @traegorn, @unseelie-witch, @unseelie-witch, @darkfyretheumbrawitchreturns, @grey-sorcery, @bareboneswitch, @lazywitchling, @upthewitchypunx, @stormwaterwitch, @crazycatsiren, @witches-ofcolor.
Magic, Spirituality & Religious Ask Game | ASK BOX
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Lugh Lamhfada by Ire
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hochgouez-nerzhus · 2 years
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Lugh Lamhfada- Lugh au long bras - lugh of the long arm - on the shore of Lough Dunlewy lake at the foot of mount Errigal - Ireland
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airemed · 4 years
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[Vindictus KR] New Crystals • Airtight Special Casual Mesh Top Set • Airtight Special White Elf Set • Airtight Special Oriental Rose Set   • Airtight Special Lugh Lamfhada Set • Airtight Nine Tails
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ire-ethereal · 3 years
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Lugh Lamhfada
Lugh is a god of every skill and many domains, I was determined to make this the most accurate depiction of Lugh possible, based on Celtic mythology, history, and archaeology, with the generous help of Kevin MacLean, a master of mythology and Lugh in particular.
Every detail has symbolism, and his weapons and attire are historically inspired.
Lughnasa Blessings!
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damhsagreine · 4 years
Blessed Lughnasadh
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reejindeed · 3 months
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I tried to be semi-serious about it, I really did… but the only thing I could think the entire time was “he looks like he gets good reception”
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sabrinasgrimoire · 4 years
God Studies: Lugh
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Also known as Lug Lámfhota (Irish) and Leu Llaw Gyffes (Welsh), Lugh is one of the Celtic High Gods. The name “Lugh” may be derived from a few different etymological sources. It could come from “lug-” which roughly translates to “oath” or “pledge”. The second is more likely, and comes from “leuk” meaning “light”. He is similar to the Roman deities Mercury and Mars in that he was a God of great skill in general, and great skill on the battlefield. He was even nicknamed Sam Ildanach in Ireland, which translated roughly to “the many skilled”. One such legend that gives him his name sake is of his entry to Tara. When Lugh approached the great gates of the city, he was stopped by the guardsman at the gate. When Lugh asked the man why he was being denied entry, he was told that they were only accepting one person of each craft, i.e. blacksmith, cook, tailor, etc. So Lugh began to go down the list of professions, asking the guard in turn if they already had someone of each practice in the city. Each time, the guardsman said they already had one such person. Finally, Lugh asked him if they had anyone who could do all those things. When the guardsman said no, Lugh was admitted into the city.
Another equally important aspect of Lugh is that of the sovereign and war. We see his warrior aspect in a few myths, specifically in the Second Battle of Mag Turedh. Many Celtic warriors also bore his name as a form of devotion, and as noted in the Leinster poems. His sovereign aspect is explored in a few myths as well, the most notable in the tale “Baile in Scale”. In this story, Conn Ceadcathach goes on a hunting trip with a band of men. In the middle of the woods, they come across a thick and mysterious fog. Seeing no other way out, the men travel into the fog and end up in the Otherworld at the House of Lugh. Here, the God offers Conn Ceadcathach a golden cup from which to drink. Lugh tells the man of the future High Kings of Ireland, the drink from the golden cup sealing the future.
Lugh carried with him many mythical weapons and had many animal companions. I will go over a few of the most important and notable of these items. The first is the Spear of Assal, which was said to be unbreakable and unbeatable in battle. It was also said to have transformed into a lightening bolt when Lugh threw it, and came back to his hand at his call. The second weapon was a sword named Fragarach, “The Answerer”, which forced the truth from any man who touched it. Both these weapons were gifted to Lugh by his foster father Mannanan Mac Lir, a Sea God. Another gift from Mannanan was the horse Enbarr, who could travel over land and sea. His final animal companion was an Irish Greyhound named Failinis, who accompanied Lugh into battle and turned his water to wine.
Correspondence Chart:
Other Names: Lug Lámfhota (Ireland), Leu Llaw Gyffes (Wales)
Solar System: Mercury, the Sun
Celebrations: Lith, Lughnasadh, Yule
Trees: Apple, Birch, Holly, Yew
Plants: Gorse, Grain
Stones: Obsidian, Sapphire, Topaz
Metals: Brass, Gold
Magickal Beings: Faeries
Animals: Rooster, Crane, Eagle, Raven, Boar, Dog, Horse, Lion, Lynx
Issues & Intentions: Agriculture (Harvest), Battle/War, Beginnings, Business, Communication, Confidence, Creativity, Decisions, Defense, Healing, Knowledge, Light, General Magick, Solar Magick, Solar Power, Prophecy, Protection of the Weak, Rebirth/Renewal, Revenge, Skills, Warmth
Works Cited:
Patti Wigington (April 26th, 2019), Lugh, Master of Skills, Learn Religions, https://www.learnreligions.com/lugh-mas ... ls-2561970
Sandra Kynes (2013), Complete Book of Correspondences, Llewellyn, Print, Page 336
Mary Jones (2007), Lugh Lamhfada, Jones’ Celtic Encyclopedia, https://www.ancienttexts.org/library/ce ... /lugh.html
Gregory Wright (Unknown), Lugh, Mythopedia, https://mythopedia.com/celtic-mythology/gods/lugh/
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eynsavalow · 3 years
More Notes on Celtic Mythology and the Various ‘Fairy Courts’
Celtic gods can die. They can however be reincarnated in a sense. They are heavily fractured and to a degree always have been however after Rome invaded and subjugated Britain/ Britannia and destroyed several cultic sites as well as a majority of their priesthood the Druids these are the major factions or Courts that developed in the aftermath:
The Tuatha de Danaan- Easily the most powerful of the factions. This group fled to Ireland where they soon disposed and intermarried with the previous pantheon. Lugh Lamhfada there sometimes leader was born from one of these intermarriages but was raised in the court of Avalon before being elected King of the Tuatha de Danaan in Ireland. Their relationship with the court at Avalon however has been tumultuous with it tending to depend on who is serving as their elected King and the relations of the people they watch over. 
The Court of Avalon- When the Romans took hold of Britain, the Druids who could- fled to the holy island of Avalon. Originally Avalon was home only to the Nine Daughters of Taranis who tended the golden apples of immortality. Tailtiu the middle sister of the nine has since then become de- facto Queen of this faction and has periodically attempted to meddle in Britain’s affairs both spiritual and political.
The Seelie/Unseelie/ Tylwyth Teg courts- Predominantly made up of minor deities and nature spirits. The Tylwyth Teg are led by Gwyn ap Nudd and are based in Wales. They are loyal to Avalon unlike the Seelie/Unseelie courts based largely in Scotland. The Seelie/ Unseelie courts are frequently at war with each other and rarely engage with the other factions nor are they taken particularly seriously by the two Courts mentioned above.
The Minor Courts- These Courts are largely relegated to the continent where minor nature deities have banded together to form loose bands intent on watching over Nature and the humans within their domains. 
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bruxurso · 4 years
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🌙 Lugh é um deus herói, brilhante e corajoso, simbolizado pelo sol. Em Gales,
seu símbolo era um veado branco, mas os corvos também são associados a ele.
O Lughnassadh ou Lammas como também é conhecido é um Sabbath ou festividade
em sua homenagem que é comemorado no Hemisfério Sul no dia 2 de fevereiro
e no hemisfério norte no dia 1º de agosto.
Lugh era um deus muito ocupado, era carpinteiro, pedreiro, ferreiro,
harpista, poeta, druída e médico. Exerce influência sobre a magia, as
viagens, as artes marciais, a reencarnação, a guerra, o relâmpago, a água,
as artes e ofício.
Ajuda poetas, ferreiros, músicos, históriadores, harpistas e feiticeiros.
Também influência na vingança, nas curas, na iniciação, na profecia e nas
artes manuais. Era também chamado de Luga, Lamhfada (o de braço comprido),
Lleu Ilaw Gyffes (o luminoso de mão hábil), Lug, Lugus, Lug Samildanah
(O dos muitos ofícios) e Lugos.
Lugh é um Deus do céu e está fortemente conectado com o fogo, com o Sol e com o tempo. Em inúmeras representações suas, ele aparece com um Torc e uma lança brilhante que às vezes é vista na forma de um raio. Ele é o Deus de todas as habilidades, artes e da excelência em todo empenho imaginável. Ele é visto como o protetor e guia de seu povo.
Os animais ligados a ele são as águias e os corvos que mantêm os olhos atentos sobre tudo aquilo que acontece na Terra. Sua árvore sagrada é o freixo.
Embora ele seja representando de formas variadas e com atributos diferentes, existem alguns pontos em comum encontrados nos mitos sobre Lugh em diferentes tribos célicas:
- é um Deus jovem com longos cabelos e com a face brilhante como o Sol
- é qualificado em inúmeras artes
- é o sobrevivente dos gêmeos no nascimento
- é adotado como uma criança (Na Irlanda por Tailtu e em Gales por Gwydion)
- a associação dele com pássaros e a capacidade de se transformar em uma ave. Ele, assim como Morrigú, está associado com corvos e gralhas, embora no conto galês, ele se transforme em uma águia.
Feitiço de Proteção do Lar de Lugh
1 vidro com tampa, pintado de preto
Vários objetos de ferro pontiagudos (que caibam dentro do vidro)
1 turmalina negra
1 pedra de obsidiana
1 pedra de onix
1 vela preta
Coloque todos os objetivos dentro do vidro, menos a vela. Feche-o.
Acenda a vela sobre a tampa e recite o seguinte encantamento:
"Eu peço aos Deuses da Proteção
para que estejam comigo,
que este feitiço seja atado,
para protejer minha casa e
todos que vivem comigo.
Pelo poder de três vezes três,
que assim seja, que assim se faça."
Coloque o vidro em cima da porta de entrada da sua casa e jamais revele
o que há dentro para outras pessoas, para não quebrar o feitiço. 🌙
ㅤ— [✿🖤Meus Estudos✿] - -❀ೃ .
○°•°♡Bom esse foi o meu blog espero que tenham gostando. Que os Deuses nos abençoe sempre!♡°•°○
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nagseolotl · 4 years
[KR] 12/12/2019 - KR Patch Notes Summary: Changes from TEST Server
Source:   http://heroes.nexon.com/News/update/View?page=1&postno=909
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[Known Issues]
 - Absorbable [Tathlum orbs] don't fall during Lugh Lamhfada's Tathlum attack in [Shining Lugh], [God of Light] and [Brilliant Lugh] battles;                            : We are aware of this issue and will try resolving this as soon as possible.  Update 12:03: KR issued a patchfix to fix the above issue.
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[Story and Battles] 
[Season 4 Episode 1: Opening of the Ceremony]
- Battle [Siege of Rocheste] will consume 24% of Fatigue; (Please Note: Asia Servers-exclusive feature) 
- Added story for [Season 4 Episode 1: Opening of the Ceremony] : Chit-chat lines of the following NPCs will change depending on the story: [Nel], [Brakis], [Arthyen], [Dianann], [Jarlath], [Dolores], [Caryl], [Shayla], [Clodagh], [Kirstie].
[Crimson Ship Graveyard]
- Battle [Crimson Ship Graveyard] will consume 28% of Fatigue; (Please Note: Asia Servers-exclusive feature) - When fighting with a certain [Comrade], the [Comrade] will receive additional +1000 ATT stat. - When entering the battle, [Battle Confirmation] UI window will appear.                    : Player character will automatically equip [Mining Bombs] as a secondary weapon if those are present in the inventory.                     : If player character has an [Adventure Friend] that benefits from [Daily Bonus], the [Adventure Friends List] UI will be shown.                      : If player character has a [Comrade] that benefits from [Daily Bonus], the [Comrades] UI will be shown.
Note: We've added the above features to make sure you won't miss out on benefits gained from new battles. - Adjusted the balance of battle [Siege of Rocheste] - Modified the story lines for [Hero's Powers and Counterforce] story: adjusted some lines that were interpreted as Counterforce being limited to Astera region.
- Fixed an issue when the [Fire Device] wouldn't work properly during the battle. - Fixed an issue when the [Fire Device] would be affected by some of player characters' skills. - Fixed an issue when [Adventure Friends] and [Comrades] would recognize the [Fire Device] as an enemy.
- Fixed an issue when player characters could move straight to the boss battle arena without killing [Heath Knights Golem]. - Fixed a bug where Vella was able to dodge several times with "Cross Strike" while in battle. - Fixed an issue when Delia couldn't use [Supernova] on [Heath Knight Caesar]  when he's knocked down from reduction of [Toughness] gauge. - Changed so when you click on [Reset Battle UI Position] in [Options] > [UI] -> [UI Position Settings], the [Toughness gauge] position would be reset as well. - Fixed an issue when the sound was played twice when the monster is hit. - Modified Karok's [Clash] sound to sound more "colorful". 
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rikumiho · 7 years
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finally solo’d lugh successfully even though i died twice by mistiming the grab dodge !! ~ 
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