#lu my beloved <3
houseofborgia · 5 months
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LUCREZIA BORGIA + golden sleeping coat ❃°•°❀
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waroferas · 3 months
If you're still taking requests, may I ask for Warriors keeping Wind and Tiny Time on kiddie leashes?
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they bite btw
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imgaydontshoot · 2 months
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lovereadandwrite · 5 months
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here’s to 2024 - a future we’re shaping right now!💛✨
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wayfayrr · 3 months
My love mine all mine
Continuation of I bet on losing dogs
It's my birthday so that means I get to treat myself by writing a continuation of my Roman Empire fic <3
It's a reverse Isekai but this time it's post the event that caused him to isekai, and he's got a bit more to deal with now - but he'll be fine because he's by your side, and he won't let anything change that there is so much lore going into this fic, so there might be more to come in this saga yet :3c
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I’m still here? 
No - no I’m not in Hyrule now, something feels different enough that I know that. If I was still in Hyrule then that ‘sky’ would be here if I wasn’t hallucinating him. Besides that though, something feels different, I’m not in as much pain although everything feels heavier. Almost - no don’t get your hopes up yet link.
Moving still takes a painful amount of effort, like my wounds are still there but now everything suddenly weighs triple on top of those. It was the shift from feeling floaty and detached to suddenly being forced back into a body, one that doesn’t feel like my own, that makes everything feel so undeniably real. Now it’s just a matter of opening my eyes to see what’s actually happened to me. 
The room I’m in looks so similar to [name’s] when we ended up here one time chasing the shadow, from what I can see lying down like this anyway. Don’t get your hopes up until you see them link. There’s a blanket over me too, the very same that they lent to me the first time I was here; the feeling of it over me makes it the fact that I can’t barely move somewhat more bearable as I let out a low groan. Which seemed to almost summon the person who’s probably responsible for taking me in. 
“link what the FUCK did you do?”
Wait, what do they me-
“how the HELL do I have memories of you being my best friend growing up now - I know I met you for the first time in hyrule. you aren't supposed to exist as a person here and yet.”
“[name] I don't -”
“I have the most vivid memory of everything. including having to pick you and sky up passed out on the street because apparently the two of you decided to go out on a bender or something - I don't know but I can remember it somehow.”
That rant seems to have cooled them off for now, not that they're mad just concerned… not that I'm not also. Those memories they mentioned too, I know what they're talking about; it's trippy. I have two sets of my life, one that I know is true and this other one that feels like a learned lie. A cover up. It feels similar to a backstory I learned to lie during espionage, but it's information about [name’s] world. Memories of a whole life lived here, like it's preparing me… or trying to adjust something new being forced into it that shouldn't be here.
“I don't - I think it's cause… I. You said sky is here too?” 
“Yeah, he's the reason I'm so certain these memories aren't real, he only got included when I found him when I went out to buy supplies for you. Something feels off about all of this, and I think you two have the answers I need.”
Did sky..? No he wouldn't have. Would he? 
“I think so too.”
“Can you tell me what you think it was?”
My voice is dead in my throat, I can't tell them what I did. They'll lose any respect they had for me won't they? I don't even know for certain if sky did the same… but I could have sworn he was there when I - I…He wouldn't have done that to himself, surely not. Even though I could've said the same for myself before everything.
“I… would prefer not to, if that's alright.”
“Okay link, I won't push you. Either way, it's nice to be back at your side even if it's slightly different than what I'm used to.”
That's all it takes to finally break my guard and for the tears to start flowing. I can finally rest, there isn’t any expectation of me here, no pressure to be the picture-perfect hero, no nothing. I can just exist here with my lover for the rest of our lives. 
“Can you tell me why everything feels so different now though?”
“Link, haven’t you been able to tell? You aren’t a Hylian anymore. Whatever you did, you’re a human now and you've got a whole recorded history here on earth. You and sky both. Speaking of him, he’s downstairs helping himself to stuff; been awake a lot longer than you have, should probably go check on him really. You feeling alright enough to come with me?”
Moving my limbs still feels different but now it isn’t impossible to move them and seeing the smile on [name’s] face from me just sitting up to move is more than worth the slight discomfort. Falling into their open arms is just another perk of it, being helped to my feet whilst being allowed to cling to them? It’s a dream come true. But despite this there’s something that doesn’t feel right, why is sky here… I’ll have to ask him myself. 
“S- why are you drinking all of my milk straight from the bottle sky?”
“...Wanna get drunk.”
“It's milk. You’re never going to get drunk off of drinking milk.”
With the two of them distracted by each other, [name] still letting me cling to their arm thankfully, I get a proper look at him. It’s sky, it’s really sky, but he’s human. All of his scars are the same asides from a new one on his neck and a few burns on his hands ones that look like they come from holding a sword. Fi must have tried to stop him. The strangest thing is seeing him with short rounded ears though - I can’t imagine what I look like to him. This has to be the first time I’ve seen him trying so desperately to get drunk though, he saw you do it. He’s drinking to forget, like you have so many times in the past. 
“What do you mean of course I will. Why do you think milk bars were so popular in hyrule?”
“But you aren’t hylian now sky. You’re a human now, and we don’t get drunk from milk.”
“You - we… don’t? Ah. Well. That explains a lot of things then.”
“Did everyone think that I was an addict? Oh my, that explains the ‘interventions’ each of you had with me. Even my boyfriends thought I was an alcoholic.”
The sigh they let out before resting their head against me could make me an addict, as ironic as that is. Although that does bring up the question of how everything is going to be so different now, we’re going to have to relearn a lot of what we’ve always known as fact. But it’ll be by [name’s] side. And I’ll do anything to keep it this way.
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kaite--s · 4 months
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thepinklink · 11 months
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He just. Stands there as if he isn’t the most beautiful man to ever walk the kingdoms
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skyloftian-nutcase · 5 months
The snow drifts gently, blanketing the world in soft silence as the wind blows. Hyrule Castle is dimly lit as Castle Town sleeps soundly. Fires crackle in every fireplace, casting a soft glow in the room.
I glance over from the window. Time watches me in return.
"Elastic Heart?" I ask.
Time smiles, and the other members of his group slowly exchange looks before settling into a content kind of resolve.
"Let's do it."
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the-moon-files · 2 months
Hi!! I'm the anon who submitted the request, and might I say? You did a fantastic job with it! I loved the ciphers you wrote for the chain. I'm not mad at all about the length cause I love longer form fics so :3 I'll probably be requesting more when my brain starts working so to let you know it's me I'll be signing off with this emoji ✒️, cause I'm a bit of an artist. Ok bye!!
AH thats good to hear, also fellow artist!! :D youll have to post some of ur stuff in an ask next time ✒️ anon bc ur on anon lmao
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Happy langa gif for you bc this is how i felt reading this 🤲💌
Tysm for the cool idea!! Pls do send more whenever ur brain is charged lol
Peace out,
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wilds-ponytail · 10 months
Legend: I’m bi, paypal me 200 rupees
Marin: I promise we’re not all like this
Ravio: Some of us want 350 rupees
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skyward-floored · 1 year
@telemna-hyelle :3
“Okay look Mask, I know I promised to come take a look at whatever it was you found, but we’ve been out here for ages. Do you even know where we are?” Link asked a bit sourly, squinting through the darkening woods.
“Just a bit further, quit complaining,” Mask replied with an eye roll, and Link sighed.
Mask had dragged him into the woods nearly an hour ago, claiming there was something he wanted to show him, but hadn’t said where, or what they were going to see, and Link was already tired from a small battle that morning.
Mask had looked at him so hopefully when he’d asked though, Link hadn’t had the heart to say no. So now he was being pulled through the woods they’d made camp by, all sense of direction lost quite a long time ago.
He just hoped Mask knew where he was going.
Something flickered in the trees ahead of them, and Mask made a small triumphant sound, changing his course slightly to head for it.
“Almost there,” he said in a satisfied voice, and Link followed him towards the light.
He stepped between two trees and looked around in sudden wonder at the sight before him. Mask had led him to a small clearing, lit by nothing but the darkening purple of the sky and the gentle sparkle of a dozen or so fairies. A quiet pool of water laid in the middle of the space, so still Link could see the stars reflected in it, and flowers lined its edges, spreading outwards through the small area.
“A fairy fountain?” Link said in quiet awe, and Mask nodded, face soft as a fairy came up and chimed a greeting.
“Yeah. Proxi said she could sense one pretty close by, so I searched it out,” he said quietly, letting the fairy who’d greeted him settle on his shoulder. “What do you think?”
“It’s amazing Mask,” Link replied with a smile, looking across the tranquil scene.
He couldn’t remember the last time he’d set eye on something so peaceful, left untouched by the ravages of war. This place felt pure, and safe, and he felt the tension that he always held in his shoulders begin to ease.
“Thank you for bringing me here,” Link said in a soft voice, and Mask merely nodded, looking a bit bashful.
“Yeah well it was Wind’s idea, thank him,” he mumbled, but looked pleased.
Link then settled himself on the grass, Mask plopping down next to him, and several of the fairies made their way over to them, jingling warmly and playing with their hair. Link closed his eyes and let out a quiet sigh as they messed with him, feeling more at peace than he had in a long time.
He’d needed this.
He wasn’t sure how long it had been when a sudden rustling from the woods caught his attention, and he pricked his ears, sitting up and accidentally knocking a couple fairies off of his head where they’d been settled.
Mask didn’t seem worried though. In fact, he had an almost sly look on his lips when the rustling continued, and Link suddenly felt rather suspicious.
“Mask, what was—“
Before he could finish, Wind popped out of the bushes, a pleased look on his face.
“Mask! Captain! What a surprise to see you two out here!” he grinned, and right as Link was about to ask what they were up to, Princess Zelda walked out of the bushes behind him.
Link jerked the rest of the way upright, throwing a fairy up into the air with a squeal as he fumbled to salute her.
“Link?” Zelda said in a surprised voice, a smile pulling at her cheeks. “Well, what a surprise. I see this is a popular spot.”
She waved off his weak salute and he sheepishly lowered his hand, unable to stop himself from staring at her. Zelda looked almost ethereal in the fading dusk, the glow from the fairies making the gold on her dress shine. The light made her eyes sparkle, and the blue was clear and bright.
He snapped out of it with a blink, then shot Mask and Wind a look, the two heroes standing innocently beside each other.
They’d set this whole thing up.
“Yeah, quite the coincidence,” he said flatly, and Zelda’s mouth twitched.
“Indeed. How interesting that you two decided to bring us here on the same evening, at the same time even,” she said in mock surprise. “What a fortunate coincidence.”
“Yep, how about that?” Mask said with a completely straight face, mischief in his eyes.
“Yeah. Well if you need us, we’ll be way over there, on the other side of the clearing, totally out of earshot,” Wind said brightly, then pulled Mask away with him, a couple fairies following them.
Link and Zelda watched them go, then exchanged looks, Zelda’s amused, while Link’s was more exasperated.
“This was awfully sweet of them,” she commented with a smile, and Link shook his head despairingly, ignoring the blush that had suddenly decided to attack him.
“Yeah,” he admitted, looking over at where the two where running around with the fairies. “And sneaky.”
He’d get them for this.
“Well I guess if they were kind enough to grant us some peace and quiet, we may as well enjoy it,” Zelda said with a laugh, then settled herself down in the grass next to him, close enough that Link could easily stretch out his arm and touch her if he wanted to.
He swallowed, and steeling himself, stretched out his hand towards hers, feeling a thrill when she twined their fingers.
“I suppose so,” he said more softly, looking up at the stars.
Zelda joined him in stargazing, and the two of them watched more of the distant lights scatter across the sky, Wind and Mask’s distant laughter mixing with the chimes of the fairies.
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houseofborgia · 5 months
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sf-akahana · 1 year
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So... I’ve been playing a new game
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oneweirdbookaddict · 8 months
Wumptober day three!
I torture Four thats it thats the fic
996 words
Warnings for depersonalization? But not really? If anyone wants any just let me know. Same for tags!
He- they? He- wakes up alone. In silence. 
Absolute silence. He hears… nothing. Not the ever present voices in his head, no people outside… wherever he is, a damp, cold, dark room… nothing. 
He stands, eyes wide, unable to see anything. 
“He- hello?” 
What… what happened to me? Where am I? Why is it… quiet? 
He swallows. Ignores the shakiness he feels, the anxiousness he can’t shake. 
One hand in front of him, the other on the wall next to him, he takes a slow lap around the room. Feels nothing but a jagged, rough wall. 
He scuffs his foot on the floor- it makes no noise. 
His eyes widen, doing it again, again, again- 
No sound. 
Breaths stuttering, he slowly finds a corner and sinks down against it. “H- h- hey. Ok. This… it’s ok. It’s ok. It’s just… quiet. Yeah. You’re not injured, nothing’s wrong… it’s just… quiet.” 
The silence is deafening. 
“Hello?” He whispers, desperate for something from his head. The voices. 
Something’s wrong. 
His chest tightens, throat closing, eyes widening. He reaches a hand back and grabs his hair, his hand shaking. 
It’s too quiet. 
It’s way, way too quiet. 
He can’t take it. 
“Stop. Stop that. I don’t… what’s happening? What’s going on? What’s happening to me?!” 
No response. Nothing. It’s… silent. 
Deafeningly silent. 
Two years. Two years since the adventure that split him, two years his head has been loud and he hasn’t been alone in two years and now, inexplicably, it was silent. 
“Stop.” He whispers. Pleads. He’s not sure what he’s doing. “Make it stop. I don’t want this. It’s too quiet. It’s too quiet. Stop. Make it stop. Please.” 
His breaths ache in his throat, chest heaving, gasping frantically. The silence… is too loud. 
That doesn’t even make sense. 
“Stop stop stop stop stop stop.” He whispers, hands moving over his ears. 
He gets no response, no answer, no relief. 
He moves to his knees, elbows on the ground in front of him, still covering his ears. And he screams. 
Screams until his throat aches and his chest hurts and he wants anything, anything, to relieve him from this awful silence but he doesn’t get anything. 
And he just keeps screaming.
Four sits with a blanket around his shoulders, shivering. 
It’d been a week since they’d found him. 
It’d been a week since Four’s said anything. 
A week since Four’s… done… anything. 
He sits. Stares of into space. Kind of reacts if someone tries to get his attention. 
“Four?” Wars says softly, now. 
A slow blink. 
“Hey… Four, can you… hear me?” 
Another blink. 
A shiver. 
Wars slowly puts another blanket around the smith. 
Solid black eyes flick to Wars. 
Four’s eyes had been a solid, daunting black. His irises, usually a light grey, had just… at some point during his captivity, shifted to a inky, soulless black.
He also absolutely despised the quiet. 
They’d learned that the hard way. 
When they’d found Four, they’d had to knock him out to get him out of that room. Four fought tooth and nail, screaming the entire time, nearly breaking Wild’s nose. 
He’d woken up a few hours later. Shifted, eyes snapping wide open, in the middle of the night. And screamed. And screamed. And screamed. 
Only calmed when Twi sat next to him, talking softly. 
Since then, someone was constantly talking to the smith. Even if he’d never respond, never really seemed to listen to the words. Just… couldn’t do the silence. 
Whoever was on watch was also tasked with talking. Four rarely slept anymore. 
Time’s taken to playing his ocarina, which actually seemed to help Four a lot. 
At least… Got Four’s attention. The smith had slowly turned to Time, eyes watching him while he played. Until he’d slowly drifted off to sleep. 
“Hey, bud… you doing ok?” Wars tries. 
No response 
Four’s eyes drift away, back to the fire. And just stares. 
He doesn’t look back at Wars. Not for the whole time Wars tries to talk to him. 
Camp is quiet tonight. They’re all restless- not moving for a week has gotten under their skin. But Time doesn’t have them continue. “Not with Four… like this,” he says whenever someone asks. 
Wars gives up, sighing and leaning back on his elbows. 
They all glance around at each other. Silence falls over them. 
Four’s breaths quicken. Panic fill those black eyes. A soft whimper, then another. 
“Shh… it’s ok. You’re ok. You’re not in danger.” Sky says softly, moving to the smith. 
“It’s alright.” Sky repeats, putting a cautious hand on Four’s shoulder. “You’re safe. Nothing will hurt you here.”
The skyloftian pulls out a harp, strumming it softly. 
The smith’s eyes slowly drift to Sky. Watching. 
Slowly relaxes, eyes fixed on the knight. 
Twi slowly sits on Four’s other side, getting the younger to lean on him. 
Shifts the blankets to keep them around the smithy, arm wrapping gently around him as Four watches Sky play. 
Until black eyes droop, slowly drifting shut, his breathing slowly evening out and slowing down. 
“Ok. Does anyone have any idea what’s going on with him?” Wars says quietly, standing and glancing around at them all. 
“Does it have something to do with his sword?” Wild asks, and gets a few looks. 
The champion hesitates, then- “He… can do something with the sword. It’s… I don’t really know how it works or how it affects him, but… we don’t have it. We couldn’t find it. And it does something to him- I think… well, maybe we need to find it.” 
“What does it do?” Twi asks, glancing over to the champion. 
Wild hesitates again. “It… well… splits him. Into different parts of himself. That sounds weird… but he’s… shown me. Four different parts, four different…” 
“So if these parts are… hmm.” Legend mumbles, trailing off. 
Then looks up at them, noticing them all coming to the same conclusion. 
“We need to find that sword.” 
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majorproblems77 · 7 months
The moment they knew they were in Skyloft was the moment Sky got knocked to the floor, a mass of pink laid atop him.
"Zelda, I missed you so much!"
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kaite--s · 5 months
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Tiene la cabeza chueca, no me gusta el pelo, odio la anatomía de la cabeza aAAAaa
Ya dije que no me gusta la cabeza?
En fin, la escuela ocupa el 60% de mi día a día, 5% es ver publicaciones o releer fics Ravioli y el 35% restante es dormir. 👻
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