#lord berners
mrmousetolliver · 3 months
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From left: Lord Berners, Bridget Parsons, Lady Diane Abdy, Sir Robert Abdy, Robert Heber-Percy, Alice B Toklas, and Gertrude Stein. Lord Berners was a true English eccentric. He was known for hosting lavish parties and keeping pastel-colored pigeons at Faringdon House, his country home in Oxfordshire. When he died in 1950, he left his entire estate to his lover Robert Heber-Percy who lived there until his death in 1987.
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rafiknyclassical · 1 year
A brilliant film score from the 1944 movie, The Halfway House.
Lord Berners (1883-1950): Suite orchestrale dalla colonna sonora del film 'The Halfway House' (1944). Arrangiamento di Philip Lane. I. Main Titles II. The Concert [01:46] III. Bicycle Ride [04:41] IV. 'Drowning' Scene [05:16] V. Séance Waltz (orchestrazione di Philip Lane) [07:55] VI. Resolutions & Finale [12:10]
Joyful Company of Singers BBC Concert Orchestra diretta da Rumon Gamba.
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thefollyflaneuse · 2 years
Faringdon Tower, Faringdon, Oxfordshire (and a novel idea)
Faringdon Tower, Faringdon, Oxfordshire (and a novel idea)
On a prominent hill above the town of Faringdon in Oxfordshire (formerly Berkshire) the ornate top of a tower peeps out above the trees. Faringdon Tower, often known as Lord Berner’s Folly, was built in 1935, but its site had been known as Faringdon Folly for generations. (more…)
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thunderstruck9 · 2 years
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Andy Dixon (Canadian, 1979), Christie's (Lord Berners Faringdon House), 2019. Acrylic and oil pastel on canvas, 49 x 49 in.
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Tavern: The Long Walk off the Short Pier
“ ‘onestly tried a bunch of names ‘afore this one stuck, The Pelican,  Drowned Admiral, but the Long Walk was great for two reasons. First is makes directions simple, Every sailor, roustabout, merchant and doxie knows where the Short Pier is, right next to the Long Pier. Second is clientele, when we started out I didn’t want anyone in my establishment who can’t take an insult when asking where they should eat, first on account of my face, and second because of my cooking.
Which reminds me, what’ll yall be havin?”
Situated in the heart of a thriving trade port, The Long Walk is exactly the sort of tavern that becomes a mainstay of adventurers: Rough enough that they don’t mind cursing, brawling, or an errant cantrip going off, but not so rough that the party needs to check their beds for lice or worry about getting knifed when they visit the privy. This precarious balance of chaos is the lifelong achievement of one Berner Bask, who operates the tavern in memory of his departed mother, herself a tavernkeep, who was left destitute after her establishment burned down. 
Adventure Hooks:
Berner is the person to know if you need to find work, as after the fire he grew up hauling cargo and rubbing elbows with the high and low of the harbour's trader and labour classes. If a merchant’s hiring on guards for her wagons, Berner can make introductions. If there’s strange happenings up the coast, Berner knows about it and has an opinion. If there’s a shipment late that needs checking on, Berner knows who’ll pay to find out why. Having lost nearly everything early on, Bask knows how a steady job can change a life, and how coin in hand translates to drink in the other and food in the belly.
By the grace of gods of land and tide, the Long Walk finally has a good cook, sparing regulars and newcomers alike from the travesties that Bask routinely creates in the kitchen. A timid halfelven woman by the name of Prim, the party are likely to enjoy quite a few of her delicious meals before she disappears, leaving them and the other patrons of the tavern with many questions and greyish mush on their plate. As it turns out, Prim was working under an alias, having fled her previous job as a lord’s personal chef when that lord dropped dead from poison. Wanted by the authorities, Prim had fled to the port hoping to hide among the hustle and bustle and hop a ship if she was ever discovered. Depending on how fast the party solve the mystery, the party can either give up Prim to the authorities (she did totally slip that guy poison, she was paid poorly and rival nobles pay well), help her cover her trail and return to her life, or lose her completely and end up running into her in some other port in their far later adventures.
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homomenhommes · 5 months
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … January 17
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1558 – French Cardinal Charles de Lorraine requests that the French Ambassador to Rome report scandals involving Cardinal Carlo Carafa and Giovanni Carafa, Duke of Paliano to Pope Paul VI. They had engaged in "that sin so loathsome in which there is no longer a distinction between the male and female sex." They are first exiled then sentenced to death.
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1886 – On this date the British novelist Ronald Firbank was born in London (d.1926). Firbank was a prototype for Evelyn Waugh. His best novels are Caprice (1917) and Concerning the Eccentricities of Cardinal Pirelli (1926). The latter book begins with the cardinal baptizing a police puppy named Crack, and ends when the naked cardinal ("elementary now as Adam himself") drops dead while pursuing a choirboy named Chicklet around his church. Firbank was not without his own eccentricities. He as known to wear two dressing gowns at once, painted his nails, lived in an apartment painted black, and owned only books bound in blue leather. He dined only on champagne and flower petals and died malnourished.
At one time, Firbank visited Rome with the intention of taking holy orders; however, as he later revealed in a letter to Lord Berners, "The Church of Rome wouldn't have me, and so I mock her." Accordingly, his mature fiction is populated with a ribald gallery of homosexual choirboys, lesbian nuns, cross-dressing priests, salacious bishops, flagellants, and self-canonized saints.
His work was championed by a large number of English novelists including E. M. Forster, Evelyn Waugh, Simon Raven and the poet W. H. Auden . Susan Sontag named his novels as constituting part of "the canon of camp" in her 1964 essay "Notes on 'Camp."
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1927 – Eartha Kitt (d.2008) was an American singer, actress, and cabaret star. She was perhaps best known for her highly distinctive singing style and her 1953 hit recordings of "C'est Si Bon" and the enduring Christmas novelty smash "Santa Baby". Orson Welles once called her the "most exciting woman in the world." She took over the role of Catwoman for the third and final season of the 1960s Batman television series, replacing Julie Newmar, who was unavailable due to other commitments. She also voiced Yzma on Disney's The Emperor's New Groove and its television spinoff, The Emperor's New School, earning five Emmy Awards in the process, the last shortly before her death.
Kitt became a vocal advocate for homosexual rights and publicly supported same-sex marriage, which she considered a civil right. She had been quoted as saying: "I support it [gay marriage] because we're asking for the same thing. If I have a partner and something happens to me, I want that partner to enjoy the benefits of what we have reaped together. It's a civil-rights thing, isn't it?" Kitt famously appeared at many LGBT fundraisers, including a mega event in Baltimore, Maryland, with George Burns and Jimmy James. Scott Sherman, an agent at Atlantic Entertainment Group, stated: "Eartha Kitt is fantastic... appears at so many LGBT events in support of civil rights."
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1956 – The poet Allen Ginsberg wrote his intensely personal anti-war, love-hate poem "America" on this date. He later published it in his collection "Howl." It is one of the first poems to deal openly and honestly with homosexuality. "America "is a largely political work, with much of the poem consisting of various accusations against the United States, its government, and its citizens.
Ginsberg uses sarcasm to accuse America of a ttempting to divert responsibility for the Cold War ("America you don't want to go to war/ it's them bad Russians / Them Russians them Russians and them Chinamen. / And them Russians"), and makes numerous references to both leftist and anarchist political movements and figures (including Sacco and Vanzetti , the Scottsboro Boys and the Wobblies). Ginsberg's dissatisfaction, however, is tinged with optimism and hope, as exemplified by phrases like "When will you end the human war?" (as opposed to "why don't you...?"). The poem's ending is also highly optimistic, a promise to put his "queer shoulder to the wheel," although the original draft ended on a bleaker note: "Dark America! toward whom I close my eyes for prophecy, / and bend my speaking heart! / Betrayed! Betrayed!"
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1975 – Tom Dolby is an American novelist, essayist, journalist, and editor. He is the author of the best-selling novel The Trouble Boy (2004), The Sixth Form (2008), and the Secret Society books, including Secret Society (2009) and The Trust: A Secret Society Novel (2011). He was also the co-editor of Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys (2007).
Tom Dolby's debut novel, The Trouble Boy, concerns a young gay freelance writer in Manhattan. It was followed by the boarding school novel The Sixth Form (2008), set in an elite Massachusetts prep school. Dolby's first young adult novel, Secret Society, was published in October 2009. Its followup, The Trust: A Secret Society Novel, was released in February 2011.
He was also the co-editor, with the novelist Melissa de la Cruz, of the personal essay anthology Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys: True Tales of Love, Lust, and Friendship Between Straight Women and Gay Men (2007), featuring works by various gay writers. A reality television show inspired by the anthology, entitled Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys aired on the Sundance Channel in Winter 2010.
He currently lives in Manhattan and Wainscott, New York. In June 2008, his engagement to Andrew Frist was announced. Dolby and Frist were legally married in Connecticut in April 2009, and celebrated their union with a wedding ceremony and reception for family and friends in Sonoma, California in September 2009. Dolby and Frist were involved in an appeal that raised over $150,000 towards efforts to promote the legalisation of same-sex marriage in California.
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1977 – The Arkansas Supreme Court rules that the drunk tank of the local jail is a public place for sexual purposes.
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Ryan Russell (L) with Corey O'Brien
1992 – Ryan Russell is an American former professional football player who was a defensive end in the National Football League (NFL) for the Dallas Cowboys and Tampa Bay Buccaneers. He played college football at Purdue University.
Following the death of close friend and former teammate Joseph Gilliam in 2018, Russell suffered from a severe bout of depression. He moved to Los Angeles and began writing.
In August 2019, he came out publicly as bisexual in an essay for ESPN. He did so to live honestly and without fear of being outed; he also cited the fear of not being able to support his mother and grandfather if he lost his career. At the same time he introduced his boyfriend Corey O'Brien, a dancer; they opened Corey & Russ, a YouTube channel; as of June 2020, they have over 15,600 followers.
A former NFL offensive lineman Ryan O'Callaghan, who came out as gay after he left the league, said that as of August 2019 every NFL team had at least one closeted gay or bisexual player. Sarah McBride, national Press Secretary for Human Rights Campaign, praised Russell for "creating more space and opportunity for young LGBTQ people to dream big and to pursue their goals".
In April 2021, Russell penned an article in The Guardian against the anti-trans laws being proposed in multiple American states, stating that "sport is one of the strongest conduits to help show society what it is capable of when we come together, but it has to be used for the better of all of us."
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2009 – In a New York Times op-ed column on this date, Mary Frances Berry, the chair of the Commission On Civil Rights from 1993-2004, called for the "abolishing" of the commission she headed for 11 years and its replacement with one that will fully address LGBT rights. She wrote:
"The Commission on Civil Rights has been crippled since the Reagan years by the appointments of commissioners who see themselves as agents of the presidential administration rather than as independent watchdogs. The creation of a new, independent human and civil rights commission could help us determine our next steps in the pursuit of freedom and justice in our society. A number of explosive issues like immigration reform await such a commission, but recommendations for resolving the controversies over the rights of Gays, Lesbians and Transgendered people should be its first order of business."
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uwmspeccoll · 11 months
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Staff Pick of the Week
The Hundred Year’s War is a slight misnomer; it was actually a series of multiple wars occurring between the years 1138 and 1450 with an occasional peace treaty in between periods of intense battles. Contemporary accounts of the events happening during these years are essential for historians to gain a better understanding of the time period, even if they are exaggerated or clearly biased recordings of the events at hand. One of the many historical accounts from this time is that of Frenchman Sir John Froissart. While not born into nobility, Froissart spent much time surrounded by nobles as he chronicled the happenings of the first half of the War, and his Chronicles are a vital resource for historians about that time. He also wrote a variety of poetry and even an Arthurian Romance, along with his historical accounts.
Today’s Staff Pick of the Week is an edited version of the English translation of The Chronicles of Froissart by John Bourchier, Lord Berners (1467-1533), edited by the English classical scholar G. C. Macaulay (1852-1915). John Bourchier was an English translator, as well as a soldier and statesman. His translation of the book was said to have made a significant advancement in English historical accounts and made the book accessible to a much wider audience than simply those educated to read and understand French.
The edition shown here is the 1959 Limited Editions Club (LEC) production of Froissart's Chronicles, printed by Peter Beilenson (1905-1962) of the Peter Pauper Press, with illustrations by American artist Henry C. Pitz (1895-1976), in an edition of 1500 copies signed by the illustrator. Pitz's marginalia illustrations appear to emulate those of medieval illuminated manuscripts. There are a wide variety of people depicted in clothing of the time of the Hundred Year’s War, as well as shields, weapons, animals, and buildings which are most likely meant to add a visual link to the time in which this account was originally recorded and published. Besides these marginalia, there are 16 full page-spread illustrations reproduced from Pitz's line-and-wash paintings, hand-colored through stencils at the Walter Fischer Studio.
– Sarah S., Special Collections Graduate Intern.
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indiesole · 7 months
Rajesh Khanna
Lionel Messi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Muhammad Ali
Joan of Arc
William Shakespeare
Vincent Van Gogh
Online Indie
J. K. Rowling
David Lean
Nadia Comaneci
Diego Maradona
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Meena Kumari
Julius Caesar
Harrison Ford
Ludwig Van Beethoven
William W. Cargill
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Roy Thomson
Tim Berners-Lee
Marie Curie
James J. Hill
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Roman Polanski
Samuel Slater
J. P. Morgan
Cary Grant
Dmitri Mendeleev
John Harvard
Alain Delon
Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Official God)
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste & Louis
Carl Friedrich Benz
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ramana Maharishi
Mark Twain
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Bruce Lee
Bhagwan Krishna (Official God)
Rene Descartes
John F. Kennedy
Bhagwan Ganesha (Official God)
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
Alfred Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Cosimo de’ Medici
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alec Guinness
Christopher Plummer
Jackie Chan
Guru Dutt
Amma Karunamayi/ Mata Parvati (Official God)
Peter Sellers
Gerard Depardieu
Joseph Safra
Robert Morris
Sean Connery
Petr Kellner
Aristotle Onassis
Usain Bolt
Jack Welch
Alfredo di Stefano
Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jordan
Paul Muni
Steven Spielberg
Louis Pasteur
Ingrid Bergman
Norma Shearer
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Ayn Rand
Jesus Christ (Official God)
Luciano Pavarotti
Alain Resnais
Frank Sinatra
Allah (Official God)
Richard Nixon
Charlie Chaplin
Thomas Alva Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Wright Brothers
Arjun (of Bhagwan Krishna’s Gita)
Jim Simons
George Lucas
Swami Sri Lahiri Mahasaya
Carl Lewis
Brett Favre
Helen Keller
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Buddha (Official God)
Hugh Grant
K. L. Saigal
Roger Federer
Rash Behari Bose
Tiger Woods
William Blake
Jesse Owens
Claude Miller
Bernardo Bertolucci
Subhash Chandra Bose
Satyajit Ray
Chiang Kai-Shek
John Logie Baird
Geeta Dutt
Raphael (painter)
Bhagwan Shiva (Official God)
Radha (Ancient Krishna devotee)
George Orwell
Jorge Paulo Lemann
Catherine Deneuve
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bill Gates
Bhagwan Ram (Official God)
Michael Phelps
Michael Faraday
Audrey Hepburn
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Grace Kelly
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Galileo Galilei
Gary Cooper
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John Huston
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Rudyard Kipling
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Major Dhyan Chand
Swami Vivekananda
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Anand Bakshi
Victor Hugo
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Official God)
Steve Jobs
Srinivasa Ramanujam
Lord Hanuman
Stanley Kubrick
Diego Velazquez
Ernest Hemingway
Francis Ford Coppola
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Mario Lemieux
Kishore Kumar
James Stewart
Douglas Fairbanks
Babe Ruth
Raj Kapoor
Titian aka Tiziano Vecelli
El Greco
Francisco de Goya
Jim Carrey
Mohammad Rafi
Steffi Graf
Gustave Courbet
Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
Milos Forman
Steve Wozniak
Georgia O’ Keeffe
Mala Sinha
Magic Johnson
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Fonda
Albrecht Durer
Benazir Bhutto
Cal Ripken Jr
Samuel Goldwyn
Mumtaz (actress)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pablo Picasso
George Clooney
Olivia de Havilland
Prem Chand
Imran Khan
Pete Sampras
Ratan Tata
Meerabai (16th c. Krishna devotee)
Queen Elizabeth II
Pope John Paul II
James Cameron
Jack Ma
Warren Buffett
Romy Schneider
C. V. Raman
Aung San Suu Kyi
Benjamin Netanyahu
Frank Capra
Michael Schumacher
Steve Forbes
Paramhansa Yogananda
Tom Hanks
Kamal Amrohi
Hans Holbein
Shammi Kapoor
Gerardus Mercator
Edith Piaf
Bhagwan Shirdi Sai Baba (Official God)
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fideidefenswhore · 2 years
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“Of course, Anne Boleyn needed her supporting players, including the Howards and her step-son Richmond. In the last months of his life, her own uncle Lord Berners as Deputy of Calais welcomed the king and his ‘sweetheart’ to France, but this translator of Froissart had already given his niece [...] the language for personal honour [...] 
Small-boned and dark like her Howard kin (if her one surviving portrait is accurate), with the falcon as her totem, this great-granddaughter of John Howard would have found in her uncle’s recently translated Huon of Bordeaux, one of the most chivalric of medieval romances, a definition of honour no daring knight, male or female, and particularly this translator’s niece, could fail to absorb:
‘The foundation of all true fame and repute...consisteth in bold, honourable and heroycall resolution which enflames the soule with a continuall thirsting desire.’”
Henry Howard, the Poet Earl of Surrey (Sessions, Williams)
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What is CERN?
Large Hadron Collider (LHC)
CERN is the European Organization for Nuclear Research, and they operate the largest particle physics laboratory in the world, where the renowned Large Hadron Collider (LHC) resides. The Hadron Collider (also referred to as CERN) is the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator and the largest machine man has ever made; it’s a whopping seventeen miles long and buried 574 feet beneath the earth’s surface. Many eminent physicists believe it has the potential to destroy not just the world, but the universe itself. (Excerpt from link at the end of post).
Some interesting facts on CERN that caught my attention during the past couple years is the Temperature of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC): -271.3°C,
and that
Tim Berners-Lee invented the World Wide Web in 1989 at CERN, as a tool to allow scientists around the world to share data.
Also, in front of their headquarters in Switzerland, CERN has the Hindu god of Shiva, The Destroyer, in Hebrew known as Abaddon and in Greek Apollyon.
Interestingly enough, after a 3 year break, CERN announced that they would restart their large hadron collider (particle accelerator) this July 5, 2022. Their experiments have caused in the recent past numerous environmental disturbances, such as devastating earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. But because their experiments with the “God particle” are kept under the umbrella of “science,” they got the green light!
Please read REVELATION 9:11
“And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, but in Greek he has the name Apollyon.”
So you may ask yourself,
WHY am I sharing all of this NOW?
I feel strongly in my spirit that the shots will be tightly linked with the science of this CERN particle accelerator. Additionally, there are numerous reports from other people in the Body of Christ who have received similar messages from the Lord...
To watch CERN.
To keep our temple holy.
To be watchman on the wall.
To warn according to Ezekiel 33.
To bring forth the Word of God for such a time as this!
To prepare the Body of Christ, the Bride 🙏
We are living the book of Revelation
of JESUS CHRIST who will soon destroy the Destroyer with His very own breath.
A statue of Hindu god Shiva The Destroyer stands in front of the CERN headquarters building. Do we still think this is science? Or something much darker and sinister?
Why would they choose the ancient god of destruction, Shiva / Apollyon for display if it has nothing to do with “religion”? Because it’s probably satanic, from the abyss?!
For additional information on CERN, you can check out this article. https://www.christianevidence.net/2019/05/cern-and-bible-prophecy.html
I have verified the information presented and it is legitimate. However I do not know the author, nor the website, so I cannot endorse the anything other than the linked article .
If you have any additional information, feel free to sate with others in comments below.
God bless you all and remember Jesus’s promises!! Tie them around your neck like precious stones. We are living the book of Revelation, and soon every single knee shall bow before the King of all kings —Jesus Christ.
Matthew 28:20❤️
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gaiusozarkus · 2 months
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Lord Berners
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gonzalo-obes · 3 months
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Día Mundial del Glaucoma, Día Mundial contra la Censura en Internet, Día Internacional de los Tuiteros, Semana Mundial del Cerebro, Semana Mundial del Glaucoma, Año Internacional de los Camélidos.
Santa Fina y Santa Herlinda.
Tal día como hoy en el año 1989
En el edificio del Laboratorio Europeo de Física de Partículas (CERN), cercano a Ginebra (Suiza), el investigador británico Tim Berners Lee describe en un informe para el CERN cual debe ser el protocolo para la transferencia de hipertextos. Este protocolo permite establecer un sistema de archivos de documentación mediante el uso de conexiones entre documentos de una forma simple. Hasta ahora, para añadir un enlace hay que modificar la ficha del documento referenciado; el nuevo sistema permitirá acceder a él simplemente indicando su "dirección" en la red. Éste el origen de lo que un año después se convertirá en la World Wide Web. (Hace 35 años)
En España, el gobierno del PSOE, convoca un controvertido referéndum para decidir la permanencia en el seno de la OTAN, a la que pertenece desde 1982. El 52,5% de los votantes optará por dar el "sí" a la permanencia, el 39,8 % votará en contra. (Hace 38 años)
En EE.UU el presidente de Harry S. Truman articula un discurso ante el Congreso en el que hace la siguiente afirmación: "Creo que la política de los EE.UU. debe de ser la de apoyar a los pueblos libres que están resistiendo intentos de agresión de minorías armadas o presión exterior". El objetivo final del discurso no es otro que conceder ayuda económica por importe de 400 millones de dólares a Grecia y Turquía, que se enfrentan a serias amenazas comunistas. Esta primera expresión importante de la política norteamericana de "contención" al comunismo durante la guerra fría, pasará a ser conocido como la "Doctrina Truman". (Hace 77 años)
En La India, Mahatma Gandhi inicia una larga marcha hacia el mar en protesta por los impuestos británicos sobre la sal. Liderando a miles de manifestantes, Gandhi y sus seguidores llegarán al Mar Arábigo. Allí secarán su propia sal evaporando agua de mar. Gandhi y 60.000 seguidores serán detenidos, pero este hecho proporcionará respeto, apoyo y reconocimiento al Mahatma y a su movimiento pacífico de desobediencia civil, por parte de la comunidad internacional. (Hace 94 años)
Se comienza a construir Canberra, capital de Australia, así llamada por la esposa del Gobernador general Lord Thomas Denman. En 1908 se eligió su capitalidad como un compromiso entre Sydney y Melbourne, las dos grandes ciudades que rivalizaban por dicho título. (Hace 111 años)
En la India, el ejército Sij se rinde a los británicos al final de la Segunda Guerra sij, logrando así los ingleses anexionarse la región del Punjab, en el noroeste de la India, que permanecerá bajo su control hasta 1947, fecha en que los británicos impondrán la partición del país. (Hace 175 años)
Es canonizada en Roma por el papa Gregorio XVI, Santa Teresa de Jesús, nacida en Ávila (España) en 1515, Doctora de la Iglesia y reformadora de la orden del Carmelo. (Hace 402 años)
En el actual Ecuador, el capitán Francisco Pacheco, perteneciente al ejército del conquistador español Francisco de Orellana y bajo las órdenes de Diego de Almagro, funda, con el objetivo de custodiar la frontera norte, abastecer de maíz, agua y alimento a los barcos españoles, una ciudad con el nombre de Muy Leal y Noble Villa Nueva de San Gregorio de Portoviejo, convirtiéndose en la primera ciudad ecuatoriana más antigua asentada en territorio costero. (Hace 489 años)
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clickvibes · 4 months
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chorusfm · 4 months
Oscars 2024 Nominations
The 2024 Oscar nominations have been announced. Best Picture American Fiction (Ben LeClair, Nikos Karamigios, Cord Jefferson and Jermaine Johnson, Producers) Anatomy of a Fall (Marie-Ange Luciani and David Thion, Producers Barbie (David Heyman, Margot Robbie, Tom Ackerley and Robbie Brenner, Producers) The Holdovers (Mark Johnson, Producer) Killers of the Flower Moon (Dan Friedkin, Bradley Thomas, Martin Scorsese and Daniel Lupi, Producers) Maestro (Bradley Cooper, Steven Spielberg, Fred Berner, Amy Durning and Kristie Macosko Krieger, Producers) Oppenheimer (Emma Thomas, Charles Roven and Christopher Nolan, Producers) Past Lives (David Hinojosa, Christine Vachon and Pamela Koffler, Producers) Poor Things (Ed Guiney, Andrew Lowe, Yorgos Lanthimos and Emma Stone, Producers) The Zone of Interest (James Wilson, Producer) Best Directing Justine Triet (Anatomy of a Fall) Martin Scorsese (Killers of the Flower Moon) Christopher Nolan (Oppenheimer) Yorgos Lanthimos (Poor Things) Jonathan Glazer (The Zone of Interest) Best Actor in a Leading Role Bradley Cooper (Maestro) Colman Domingo (Rustin) Paul Giamatti (The Holdovers) Cillian Murphy (Oppenheimer) Jeffrey Wright (American Fiction) Best Actress in a Leading Role Annette Bening (Nyad) Lily Gladstone (Killers of the Flower Moon) Sandra Hüller (Anatomy of a Fall) Carey Mulligan (Maestro) Emma Stone (Poor Things) Best Actor in a Supporting Role Sterling K. Brown (American Fiction) Robert De Niro (Killers of the Flower Moon) Robert Downey Jr. (Oppenheimer) Ryan Gosling (Barbie) Mark Ruffalo (Poor Things) Best Actress in a Supporting Role Emily Blunt (Oppenheimer) Danielle Brooks (The Color Purple) America Ferrera (Barbie) Jodie Foster (Nyad) Da’Vine Joy Randolph (The Holdovers) Best Writing (Adapted Screenplay) American Fiction (Written for the screen by Cord Jefferson) Barbie (Written by Greta Gerwig & Noah Baumbach) Oppenheimer (Written for the screen by Christopher Nolan) Poor Things (Screenplay by Tony McNamara) The Zone of Interest (Written by Jonathan Glazer) Best Writing (Original Screenplay) Anatomy of a Fall (Screenplay by Justine Triet and Arthur Harari The Holdovers (Written by David Hemingson) Maestro (Written by Bradley Cooper & Josh Singer) May December (Screenplay by Samy Burch; Story by Samy Burch & Alex Mechanik) Past Lives (Written by Celine Song) Best Animated Feature The Boy and the Heron (Hayao Miyazaki and Toshio Suzuki) Elemental (Peter Sohn and Denise Ream) Nimona (Nick Bruno, Troy Quane, Karen Ryan and Julie Zackary) Robot Dreams (Pablo Berger, Ibon Cormenzana, Ignasi Estapé and Sandra Tapia Díaz) Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse (Kemp Powers, Justin K. Thompson, Phil Lord, Christopher Miller and Amy Pascal) Best Documentary Feature Film Bobi Wine: The People’s President (Moses Bwayo, Christopher Sharp and John Battsek) The Eternal Memory (Nominees to be determined) Four Daughters (Kaouther Ben Hania and Nadim Cheikhrouha) To Kill a Tiger (Nisha Pahuja, Cornelia Principe and David Oppenheim) 20 Days in Mariupol (Mstyslav Chernov, Michelle Mizner and Raney Aronson-Rath) Best International Feature Film Io Capitano (Italy) Perfect Days (Japan) Society of the Snow (Spain) The Teacher’s Lounge (Germany) The Zone of Interest (United Kingdom) Best Animated Short Film Letter to a Pig (Tal Kantor and Amit R. Gicelter) Ninety-Five Senses (Jerusha Hess and Jared Hess) Our Uniform (Yegane Moghaddam) Pachyderme (Stéphanie Clément and Marc Rius) War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John & Yoko (Dave Mullins and Brad Booker Best Live-Action Short Film The After (Misan Harriman and Nicky Bentham) Invincible (Vincent René-Lortie and Samuel Caron Knight of Fortune (Lasse Lyskjær Noer and Christian Norlyk) Red, White and Blue (Nazrin Choudhury and Sara McFarlane The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar (Wes Anderson and Steven Rales) Best Documentary Short Film The ABCs of Book Banning (Sheila Nevins and Trish… https://chorus.fm/news/oscars-2024-nominations/
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indiejones · 7 months
Rajesh Khanna
Lionel Messi
Leonardo Da Vinci
Online Indie
Muhammad Ali
Joan of Arc
William Shakespeare
Vincent Van Gogh
J. K. Rowling
David Lean
Nadia Comaneci
Diego Maradona
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart
Meena Kumari
Julius Caesar
Harrison Ford
Ludwig Van Beethoven
William W. Cargill
Fritz Hoffmann-La Roche
Samuel Curtis Johnson
Sam Walton
John D. Rockefeller
Andrew Carnegie
Roy Thomson
Tim Berners-Lee
Marie Curie
James J. Hill
Cornelius Vanderbilt
Roman Polanski
Samuel Slater
J. P. Morgan
Cary Grant
Dmitri Mendeleev
John Harvard
Alain Delon
Ramakrishna Paramhansa (Official God)
The Lumiere Brothers, Auguste & Louis
Carl Friedrich Benz
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi
Ramana Maharishi
Mark Twain
Swami Sri Yukteswar Giri
Bruce Lee
Bhagwan Krishna (Official God)
Rene Descartes
John F. Kennedy
Bhagwan Ganesha (Official God)
Walt Disney
Albert Einstein
Nikola Tesla
Alfred Hitchcock
William Randolph Hearst
Cosimo de’ Medici
Johann Sebastian Bach
Alec Guinness
Christopher Plummer
Jackie Chan
Guru Dutt
Amma Karunamayi/ Mata Parvati (Official God)
Peter Sellers
Gerard Depardieu
Joseph Safra
Robert Morris
Sean Connery
Petr Kellner
Aristotle Onassis
Usain Bolt
Jack Welch
Alfredo di Stefano
Elizabeth Taylor
Michael Jordan
Paul Muni
Steven Spielberg
Louis Pasteur
Ingrid Bergman
Norma Shearer
Dr. B. R. Ambedkar
Ayn Rand
Jesus Christ (Official God)
Luciano Pavarotti
Alain Resnais
Frank Sinatra
Allah (Official God)
Richard Nixon
Charlie Chaplin
Thomas Alva Edison
Alexander Graham Bell
Wright Brothers
Arjun (of Bhagwan Krishna’s Gita)
Jim Simons
George Lucas
Swami Sri Lahiri Mahasaya
Carl Lewis
Brett Favre
Helen Keller
Bernard Mannes Baruch
Buddha (Official God)
Hugh Grant
K. L. Saigal
Roger Federer
Rash Behari Bose
Tiger Woods
William Blake
Jesse Owens
Claude Miller
Bernardo Bertolucci
Subhash Chandra Bose
Satyajit Ray
Chiang Kai-Shek
John Logie Baird
Geeta Dutt
Raphael (painter)
Bhagwan Shiva (Official God)
Radha (Ancient Krishna devotee)
George Orwell
Jorge Paulo Lemann
Catherine Deneuve
Pierre-Auguste Renoir
Bill Gates
Bhagwan Ram (Official God)
Michael Phelps
Michael Faraday
Audrey Hepburn
Dalai Lama
Grace Kelly
Mikhail Gorbachev
Vladimir Putin
Galileo Galilei
Gary Cooper
Roger Moore
John Huston
Blaise Pascal
Humphrey Bogart
Rudyard Kipling
Samuel Morse
Wayne Gretzky
Yogi Berra
Barry Levinson
Patrice Chereau (director)
Jerry Lewis
Louis Daguerre
James Watt
Henri Rousseau
Nikita Krushchev
Jack Dorsey
Dev Anand
Elia Kazan
Alexander Fleming
David Selznick
Frank Marshall
Viswanathan Anand
Major Dhyan Chand
Swami Vivekananda
Felix Rohatyn
Sam Spiegel
Anand Bakshi
Victor Hugo
Bhagwan Sri Sathya Sai Baba (Official God)
Steve Jobs
Srinivasa Ramanujam
Lord Hanuman
Stanley Kubrick
Diego Velazquez
Ernest Hemingway
Francis Ford Coppola
Michael Douglas
Kirk Douglas
Mario Lemieux
Kishore Kumar
James Stewart
Douglas Fairbanks
Babe Ruth
Raj Kapoor
Titian aka Tiziano Vecelli
El Greco
Francisco de Goya
Jim Carrey
Mohammad Rafi
Steffi Graf
Gustave Courbet
Rani Laxmibai of Jhansi
Milos Forman
Steve Wozniak
Georgia O’ Keeffe
Mala Sinha
Magic Johnson
Leo Tolstoy
Henry Fonda
Albrecht Durer
Benazir Bhutto
Cal Ripken Jr
Samuel Goldwyn
Mumtaz (actress)
Nicolaus Copernicus
Pablo Picasso
George Clooney
Olivia de Havilland
Prem Chand
Imran Khan
Pete Sampras
Ratan Tata
Meerabai (16th c. Krishna devotee)
Queen Elizabeth II
Pope John Paul II
James Cameron
Jack Ma
Warren Buffett
Romy Schneider
C. V. Raman
Aung San Suu Kyi
Benjamin Netanyahu
Frank Capra
Michael Schumacher
Steve Forbes
Paramhansa Yogananda
Tom Hanks
Kamal Amrohi
Hans Holbein
Shammi Kapoor
Gerardus Mercator
Edith Piaf
Bhagwan Shirdi Sai Baba (Official God) .
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brookstonalmanac · 9 months
Birthdays 9.18
Beer Birthdays
Louis X, Duke of Bavaria (1495)
Henry Stuart Rich (1841)
Elmer Hemrich (1890)
Don Barkley
Paddy Giffen (1950)
Jeff Lebusch (1957)
Five Favorite Birthdays
John Berger; art critic, writer, artist (1926)
June Foray; voice actor (1917)
Leon Foucault; French physicist (1819)
Tim McInnerny; English comedian, actor (1956)
Jonny Quest; cartoon character (1964)
Famous Birthdays
Eddie "Rochester" Anderson; actor (1905)
Lance Armstrong; cyclist (1971)
Frankie Avalon; pop singer (1939)
Lord Berners; English composer (1883)
Robert Blake; actor (1933)
Rossano Brazzi; actor (1916)
Jimmy Brogan; comedian (1948)
Joanne Catherall; pop singer (1962)
Kiki Daire; porn actor (1976)
Agnes de Mille; dancer, choreographer (1905)
Debbi Fields; cookie-maker (1956)
Tara Fitzgerald; English actor (1967)
Michael Franks; jazz musician (1944)
James Gandolfini; actor (1961)
Greta Garbo; Swedish actor (1905)
Bud Greenspan; sports journalist, filmmaker (1926)
Keeley Hazell; English model, actor (1986)
Samuel Johnson; English writer (1709)
Joe Kubert; comic book artist (1926)
Kerry Livgren; rock guitarist, keyboardist (1949)
James Marsden; actor (1973)
Elmer Henry Maytag; appliance manufacturer, cheesemaker (1883)
Jada Pinkett; actor (1971)
Dee Dee Ramone; rock bassist (1952)
Jimmie Rodgers; country singer (1933)
Ronaldo; Brazilian soccer player (1976)
Joseph Story; U.S. Supreme Court justice (1779)
Jason Sudeikis; comedian, actor (1975)
Aisha Tyler; actor, comedian (1970)
Jack Warden; actor (1920)
Fred Willard; comedian, actor (1939)
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