#looking for advice ig
hwsforeignrelations · 10 months
As a hobby sketchbooker, its a favorite pasttime to go chronologically through old sketchbooks and note improvement. Im gonna supplement the rant below with old art, cuz its relevant and i think they're neat
I accidentally deleted my old tumblr like five months ago which held a similar sentiment (*SOB* but no use crying over split milk)
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I see a lot of fan artists getting burnt out. I see a lot of Hetalia artists stay for a bit, then leave for other fandoms (higher pastures, if u will). I use to not understand. How did people become bored so fast?!?!
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Ive never been one to switch interests quickly. I was solidly leg deep in my superhero phase 5-8th grade. I started reading exclusively usuk fanfics in 8th grade, and have hardly ventured beyond usuk.
I'm trying to branch out more.
Hetalia is unique in its ability to teach crash course history and have enemy soldiers devouring each others cocks in the same paragraph. Double win!! The concept of international relations translated to human ones, of a nations pain having physical embodiment, of fantastically diverse headcanons dissecting the intrigues of Nation biology... Its all very yummy thinking food
Ive never read the manga, ive hardly watched the show. Im fandom built thru and thru!
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Like the pic above, I use usuk as experiments to run all my ideas thru. Mix media,
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World building, swatching, expressions and unfamiliar subjects. Theyre my go-to! since I started taking art seriously in 2021 and those events were mainly usuk themed
my styles always changing, and I'm usually using America and England to do it
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Combined with writing and a poor conceptual understanding of base material (aka CANON) i have trouble knowing WHO alfred and england are, in my style. They're constantly changing designs make it hard for my writing to capture their characters consistently.
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I get so fixated on solving my own inconsistent characterization writing. Its stupid! Im going to college across the country in ten days, for Christ's sake!
Its no use getting worked up over an inconsistent style- this IS the period of constant change, of constant growth and its great fun processing new interests through art, through two characters i am familiar with (even if i somehow don't know them at all)
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Ive been reading stories about the royal navy: so i practice some made up naval uniform on england! That's just an example - i really do process new information through them, finding fun in research
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Once i couldn't stop thinking about the scene below, about the intrigue of gore (a genre id never taken an interest to). And i was cringing about doing it to myself (about how ouchi it would be), but like all my creative ideas j filter them through characters - it feels safer that way. Then drawing myself in there. Yuck.
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So i practice the idea in Alfred. "Oh ouch yup- looks just as gross and painful and I'd imagined. Perfect!!" Now ive got an Alfred doing this gross thing, now i have a headcanon about nations cleaning their tongues witn razors.
Now i wanna write about it. Haha its all a very self-feeding pattern.
Not sure if this rant makes much sense, but basically i STRUGGLE to establish characters. Partially because i play so much with them in my doodles with anything and everything i find interesting - perhaps it makes too many factors for one character.
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bowenoke · 3 months
i'm sure i am not the only one who is very concerned about the ~4 hours between when the midjourney change was made, and I knew to go opt out of it, so; glaze does not need to be on all your works to be effective. in the same way that one artist glazing all their works will ruin a broad, multi-artist dataset, glazing your works moving forward will ruin any dataset trained on you. if out of 100 comics I've posted, 10 are glazed, a dataset trained on all of my comics will not be able to make anything similar to my style. anyways. go download glaze.
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bandtrees · 1 year
my opinion on the manga-to-anime mogami arc adaptation changes depending on who im talking to. when it’s people who lament them getting rid of the more brutal parts i have my whole speech about how mogami shouldn’t be this cartoonishly violent strawman who just wants to play dirty and an important part of his character is that, while he’s wrong, he has genuine points that mob needs to hear that help further his development through the season and that’s better expressed when mogamiland is more down to earth and realistic and not just senselessly brutal and knife twisting
however when it’s people who discredit the arc just because of its darker tone and because bad things happen to mob i just go like “YOU KNOW WHAT? THEY SHOULDV KILLED TWO CATS”
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hayaku14 · 2 years
kaishin au where kaito unwillingly received immortality from pandora. kaito is torn and broken upon the burden of eternal life. shinichi promises to stay with him forever. to do so, he drinks aptx 4869 every 10 years.
years go by and soon everyone in their life passes. kaito and shinichi learned how to create the poison from haibara before she left the world as well. but though it works in consistently turning back time for shinichi, it is still a deadly poison. accumulated, it slowly weakens him.
as shinichi's body slowly deteriorates, the poison chipping away at his life, kaito spirals. once again, torn and broken, kaito is desperate. feeling this to be their last years together, he decides to find a way to stay with shinichi forever.
a way to reverse his immortality.
a way to die together.
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gifti3 · 3 months
also! i hate how ppl will be like you cant tell if you'll have chemistry through texting you have to meet up right away!!! do yall have no online friends?? or at least attempt to know ppl past a surface level who arent in your immediate vicinity??
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leatherbookmark · 14 days
dear god that would be turbo cringe or whatever, but seeing all those annoying little things in fics over and over again really makes me want to write one in which they're not obligatory funnymoments but rather like, words that have meaning and weight and so on
#shrimp thoughts#like. 1. characters acting all cryptic and condescending when their friend who isn't aware they're queer and in love comes to them for#advice like 'oh figure it out yourself baby :)' that's so obnoxious. this is a romcom not a hero's journey you're TWENTY not a Wise Mentor#2. characters acting condescending and rolling their eyes soooo hard about how their friend hasn't figured/took them so long to figure out#they're queer because it was so obvious! how can you be so dense! or: how can you be IGNORANT of kink matters (that we never told you about#3. characters making retching noises and complaining how disgusting/gross their friends are once they get together. the friends aren't#like frenching or fucking on the dining table but just smiling at each other. free pass at homophobia nonetheless ig#4. characters reacting to any sort of doubts/internal conflict their friend has with 'omg who cares just do the thing! stop overthinking!'#ETC ETC#so many times i've started reading a good fic with an otherwise engaging characterization only for the writer to pull an Easy Fan Favourite#like one of the above and like ggggghhhhhhhhhh#if it was one (1) character in one (1) fandom or even just a type of characters i wouldn't mind AS MUCH but it's everyone whether it makes#sense for them or not. is this guy calm and sensitive? doesn't matter! he's going to do and say the same things a silly chatterbox type#of a character because telling your friends they're gross for being a couple is universal now#OH i almost forgot. everyone's having kinky sex of many different kinds but react like twitter teenagers to any mention of sex in general#'ew! TMI! i don't want to hear about all the insane shit you do in your bedroom! not in front of the children! not while i'm eating!'#'just read better fanfiction' look i'm TRYING i'm TRYING OKAY
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undefeatablesin · 10 months
girl has never been the same since she discovered ✨fangs✨ it's all she can think about now
(mind if i use aloysha's teeth as a reference for my own arts when trying to draw sharp teeth in humanoid mouths? just drawing piranha-like teeth doesn't sounds right😭😭)
Fangs have altered my brain chemistry and drawing them is all I think about 💙
But as for using my art for your own study, I am flattered you think my art is even usable for reference material frankly 🫢 However, if you haven't already, I would advise studying from photo references of both human and canid dental models first; especially if Aloysha's teeth are the sort of aesthetic you're going for! You really need to know what your subject matter actually looks like before you can translate it into artwork with confidence.
Studying from another artist is useful to a degree, as they have already gone through the work of simplifying and stylising the subject matter, and that can help a lot with figuring out your own style! But ultimately, nothing really compares to studying from the real thing. I mostly study wolf skulls and teeth as reference for Aloysha!
Making sharp teeth look belieavable in a human mouth relies on knowing what both animal teeth and human teeth look like, the different types and shapes of teeth, how they are spaced out in the jaw-what those teeth are actually for, even! Little details like that can influence and inform how you draw teeth and make them seem a lot more "correct" than they would otherwise ✨️
I am nowhere near a professional or an authority of course, but I feel imparting the advice and tips that have helped me might help you too! And I think that will help a lot more than looking at my art, as you will likely pick up mistakes I myself make by doing so 😂 but if you are still struggling after doing some photo study, then some light referencing won't hurt ✨️ obviously as long as my art isn't being directly copied or traced (for works that will be published especially), I don't have too many qualms.
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paleode-ology · 3 months
spent the last solid couple of hours going through my old tumblr likes in order to have things better archived... unfortunately didn't make a note of how many I started at but it was probably in the mid 2000s and I've only cut it down to 2000 now. this is gonna take so long
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lux-scriptum · 8 months
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alloalouette · 2 years
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brw · 2 years
my most controversial avengers take is that i think hank pym is more of a dad than steve rogers is, as far as blonde haired blue eyed avengers go.
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oatbugs · 1 year
i feel rly irredeemably horrible rn...longing for emotional support....anyway vent in tags
#physically i feel so ill etc . and i have to catch up on so much#and i just got a grade back for an assignment and it wasnt a 1st and literally almost . cried bc#it rly was supposed 2 be. i dont have my housing sorted out for next yr and i am rly worried#i look hideous rn bc my face is rly swollen and it was a fat transfer so u dont get to see results for like#6 months but mostly the swelling should settle in like a month but that means i will just look#kind of monsterous for a while. i cant do archery anymore bc it involves heavy weights ig which im supposed to not do#and its like as soon as i find smth i like it is taken away...i feel . like shit. etc. and according to the clinic it is Not Normal to be#so weak. have to get lasik in a few days while still recovering from transfer + nose surgery so i literally#feel like my body is going to give out but also idk if i will find time to catch up on stuff etc i feel likr my brain is rotting#i basically have no support system rn except my gf bc my friends are all so busy w their own stuff#which is also v bad. like i cannot rely on her as my sole source of emotional support#feels like academics etc have taken a backseat this yr so far and that is Horrible like i need that to not be the case#but im too nauseous and weak etc to sit up for prolonged periods of time taking notes#taking 7 antibiotics a day etc..idk . i have to travel 6hrs#tmrw then have lasik on monday then travel back 6hrs the same afternoon or tuesday morning#like i legit already feel like my body is giving out idk how i will do this. and i feel so incredibly alone throughout#all of this . idk.#genuinely i am turning into a black hole and if things get bad again i will lose it . i hate this feeling i hate the#marked loneliness that comes b4 things spiral downwards and this feels like it#that was a lot ✌️ anyway if any1 has any advice or words to share or anytjing to say ever pls do#i need human interaction soooo badly#personal
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truthundressing · 1 year
ex-step sibling relationships are defo the weirdest to navigate :/
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hella1975 · 2 years
being a fearer of intimacy i have of course spent the past week compiling a mental 'pros and cons' list of dating my coworker, and of course one of the natural cons is the age gap. ill be 20 and he'll be 27 and it's just.... iffy, even if he's really nice. HOWEVER the immediate pro my brain met me with??? 'taylor swift was 20 when she dated jake gyllanhall and if he breaks your heart you'll be in your all too well era'
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daz4i · 1 year
more interested in killing myself than in recovery, but also I'm really fucking bored 🤨
kinda feeling like i owe it to the people in my life who love me for some unknown reason to get better but i also. still can't really think of any future i could have. or even one i want, for that matter. ig the only thing i do want is pretty much unachievable (like yeah some people do get it. but. never anyone like me. definitely no one in a state like mine. and it's still very rare anyway) so I'm mostly thinking what's the point. and anyone who ever tried to help me told me to give it up and settle but i really truly would just rather die than do that and i don't think they get that (like they think I'm being dramatic but no i genuinely do not see a point wasting my time being alive if I'm just settling for an existence i can't even enjoy. that sounds p understandable to me. i don't get how or why other people do it as well. it's not even my depression speaking here, i had these thoughts ever since i was a kid) so. what even is there to hope for. what is there to move forward to. what direction do you even go in, in that state
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yourbrainwillrot · 2 years
I tried water colors..
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