#looked up his Wikipedia page
difeisheng · 4 months
the unfortunate reality of being a fang duobing stan is that i know i would find him cute but otherwise incurably and utterly insufferable at best if i saw him on campus irl. modern fang duobing was driving at the very least a bmw on his learners' license. he has a designer sneaker collection with a special shelf for it in his walk-in closet. he's the mf dropping $1200 or more on a single item of clothing as an impulse buy. his family owns a house in at least 5 major cities and he's never known anything less than business class to travel to any one of them. i love him i really do but i'm glad i'll never need to meet him in this universe
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ryuki-draws · 7 months
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Woe, brave boy be upon ye
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dailydemonspotlight · 19 days
Yoshitsune - Day 40
Race: Wargod
Alignment: Light-Neutral
May 16th, 2024
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Can you believe it guys? Twinks! Just a week away! Everyone knows Yoshitsune, everyone loves Yoshitsune- he's one of the most popular demons in the series for good reason, and in celebration of reaching 40 days of this series, I've decided to give him today's spotlight. Our resident prettyboy has a boatload of lore to get into, so without any further ado, let's get to the spotlight! Today's demon of the day is likely in everyone's top 10 list of demons, that being the ancient Japanese general of the Heian era, Minamoto no Yoshitsune!
During the late Heian era, a certain clan was incredibly prominent, one with a lot of political backing as being parts of the imperial family who weren't parts of the line of succession, instead being nobles. This clan, the Minamoto clan, commonly competed in the realm of politics with their contemporaries in the three other 'Great Clans,' those being the Fujiwara, Taira, and Tachibana (no relation to Yakuza 0) clans. Even now, the clan still persists in Japanese politics, albeit less prominent. In that clan, though, was a commander whose skill rose him to the level of a living legend- Yoshitsune no Minamoto, a man known as the epitome of the Samurai.
Yoshitsune no Minamoto, also simply known as Yoshitsune, was an incredibly powerful figure feared and respected by people all around. He was vital during the Genpei War as one of the most important figures leading the battles involved, helping his half-brother Yoritomo rise to power, though that isn't even close to the extent of the things that Yoshitsune got up to. According to legend, he managed to defeat the legendary monk-warrior Benkei, a man of equal prowess to him, whereafter Benkei offered to become his retainer. After this, he served his clan with utmost loyalty, being a leading commander throughout a power struggle with the Taira clan, who had usurped the supreme title of the emperor.
Yoshitsune's accomplishments during this war are stories and incredible, and, if anything, there are likely several anime about every little thing he achieved. Eventually, after he led the Minamoto clan to crush the Taira in the war with several historic victories, he was granted the Ōmi province to govern. Since then, he spent his days as a respected warrior-leader, though came into conflict with that same brother he helped earlier, Yoritomo. His half-brother suspected that something was up with Yoshitsune's rise, revoking all of his power in the army- however, in revenge, Yoshitsune declared war on the other Minamoto with allyship with his uncle, Yukiie no Minamoto. It didn't end that well.
Yoshitsune was forced on the run alongside his wife carrying an unborn child, but as she was captured, he couldn't make much of a move anymore as to not incur the wrath of his half-brother. He took to living a solitary life under disguise with the assistance of the son of a man leading the village, Hidehira no Fujiwara, but put under pressure by Yoritomo, he was eventually found and put to death. Yoshitsune's retainers were slaughtered in the night, including Benkei, and the samurai was put to death- wherein he took his own life via Seppuku.
I'm sure I don't need to explain why Yoshitsune is such a popular figure- his tale follows a format almost storybook-like, a man so unstoppable yet killed at last via a betrayal by his brother. It's a tale that has been retold time and time again, and for good reason, as it feels like one straight from a manga. There is a lot to his story that I couldn't cover in a short DDS, unfortunately, but overall he's a legendary figure for a reason. Some theories even purport that he faked his death and ended up becoming Genghis goddamn Khan, but these are more just people trying to come up with ways that Yoshitsune could have escaped his imminent death. His tale alone, however, is more than enough imo. Regardless, how is he portrayed in SMT?
Really well! While he's portrayed as rather skinny, his garb and face paint are very samurai adjacent, and his design is iconic for a reason. His usefulness in gameplay, too, also cannot go understated- he's one of the most powerful personas in Persona 4, per instance, as his signature move can completely obliterate almost anything. Yoshitsune is beloved, and we love Yoshitsune. It's almost impossible to point out any flaws with his design, as he would be a downright perfect main character to an SMT manga focused around demons. Shit, he already kinda is, appearing prominently in the Raidou Kuzunoha manga!
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Overall, with his strong story, design brimming with that 'it' factor, prowess in gameplay, and everything inbetween, it's no wonder that Yoshitsune is one of the most popular and prominent demons in the series, and one of my favorites as well. I mean, who doesn't love this guy? The sheer flair of his design alone is enough to make him cool, even outside of the insane amounts of lore behind him. Yoshitsune is something of a creature to me, and I'm sure you can see why.
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liquidstar · 3 months
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and now for something stupid
#but really i also just wanted to play around w this sort of coloring style bc its been FOREVER since ive used it#and i think i can make it look better now#AND i think i can make more sillay stuff like this and not have it take as long w cleaning up lines#anyway now you all understand the terrible dynamic between these three#phobo's infodump text is just copypasted from the wikipedia page for knives.#julliet ALSO uses knives is the thing so hes actually mansplaining < JOKE#he just wants to share. even if it gives her a headache. but he wouldnt mansplain he doesnt have it in him. hes ok with felonies tho#but julis life hasnt known peace since she was told to take care of the newbies#and shes ALSO a newbie (just slightly less so) so really this is probably just tartarus hazing her#theyd take one look at the two disorganized unserious overeager newbies and think ''you know what would be fucking hilarious''#and pass them onto the neurotic slightly-less-newbie who takes everything as seriously as possible. disaster combination.#i cannot stress enough that this is a group of bandits and murderers theyre NOT above hazing.#deimos actually is doing the best job at it since he is stealing as we speak#i mean hes not supposed to do it to his teammates but still. on the right track#as for the dynamic between deimos and phobos themselves its like. theyre just bros. theyre both pretty similar in personality#except deimos is kinda more mean and cynical while phobos can be kinda. dense and naive despite literally where hes at in life#but most of the time theyre basically beavis and butthead#i would also like to stress that juli is not being homophobic she just already cannot stand these guys and cant believe the audacity#but. complete misunderstanding. karma for stealing wallets ig#this will never be cleared up by anyone ever#but again thats not their dynamic they are just beavis and butthead. and i guess that makes juli daria LOL#finn's ocs#finn's art
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yasmeensh · 1 year
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Old gorilla sketches I forgot to share
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
Aight I can’t decide what I’m in the mood to write, so
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fakemagicjaye · 6 months
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magentagalaxies · 3 months
one of the absolute funniest moments on scott's tour that i wasn't able to capture on camera (for obvious reasons) was at the meet and greet after the nashville show these two older gay guys mentioned they were reading scott's wikipedia page before the show to find out more to chat about at the meet and greet and like. idk if this is just because i am very familiar with scott's wikipedia page but you could tell that was the extent of their scott knowledge (which is valid not everyone is researching a documentary on the guy)
but then they asked about the poster for the lowest show, which they'd never heard of before their wikipedia reading, specifically this quote:
"The posters—featuring Thompson lying supine on the ground with a big wad of semen dripping down the side of his face—went up around the city on September 10, 2001"
and they were like "wow we'd love to see those posters hahaha" and i immediately jump in like "oh i have that photo on my phone give me like 2 seconds"
to be clear: these guys had not interacted with me or acknowledged my existence the entire conversation. they had their backs to me when they were talking to scott, i did not introduce myself as directing the documentary since i wasn't filming and they didn't ask who i am, etc. but my brain was like "oh someone wants to learn more about scott? my time to shine, let me pull up that folder in my camera roll". even scott was like jfc here they go again.
anyway i barely had to scroll back in my doc research folder so i immediately held out my phone to the guys and showed them this
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it's a photo taken days after 9/11 of scott in front of the posters for his show which was supposed to open the following week
so i hold out my phone and explain this thinking like hey i'm being so helpful these guys wanted to see this aspect of scott lore and i gave it to them!! meanwhile these two old guys are like i can't even focus on the poster anymore i am standing next to scott thompson and also WHO THE FUCK IS THIS CHILD AND WHY DID THEY JUST HAVE THIS ON THEIR PHONE?
another one of the funniest tour moments was after meeting up with some gay guys in their 70s who were friends-of-a-friend-of-scott and immediately befriending both of them we were about to leave and i asked for their phone number and scott just rolled his eyes and was like i'll give you his phone number in the car as though he was saying "jfc jessamine this is ridiculous even for you". he never ended up giving me the old guy's number
#i just love old gay men so much lmao#and they seem to love me (or at least the ones in the second example did lmao)#also one of the other indicators that the first guys only knew about scott's personal life from his wikipedia page#is that they assumed the last boyfriend mentioned on there was someone scott was still dating to this day#and they were like ''oh i'm so happy to hear you have (boyfriend's name)'' meanwhile scott is like ''uh sorry we broke up 21 years ago''#meanwhile i'm like SAME NUMBER OF YEARS THAT I'VE BEEN ALIVE SCOTT!!#to be fair scott hasn't had a serious long-term relationship since then so we have joked about my birth somehow being the antichrist#but just for scott thompson's romantic life. like there's some curse that scott can't be in a serious relationship until i am#which is very funny bc both of us did in fact have a date we were looking forward to when we got back from the tour#in my case mine is with a hot nonbinary person who works at the venue where scott did his boston show and that's how we met lmao#this is also why i was pissed off that my instagram locked me out bc i have hot nonbinary person's instagram but not their phone number#and i said i'd message them when i got back from the tour. which i cannot do#tempted to just message them as mouth congress (the one account i can still get into) and send them my phone number#maybe i'll do that if i don't get my instagram back by buddy's birthday#anyway maybe this is oversharing about both my love life and scott's love life but i just find it very funny#like i was never someone in high school who went on dates and gossiped about it with my friends#and now i get to have some bizarre version of that where my peer group is goddamn scott thompson????#between this and me pulling up the lowest show pic in like 2 seconds yeah maybe we are weirdly close lmao#but i wouldn't have it any other way
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solradguy · 7 months
hai grandpa :3 how's it going these days?
Tired... But hanging in there. Tomorrow my 5th copy of Sir Gawain & The Green Knight (John Gardner translation) is supposed to deliver and, despite being 2 days behind on Soltober, there's only 7 days/drawings total left before I've completed it for the third year in a row. Chapter 1, part 2 of Lightning the Argent only has about 700 words left before the first draft is done, and I finally got my hands on some REALLY early Guilty Gear concept art scans (thanks Kat!!) that I'm going to translate here soon too.
I think my hormones are finally balancing back out again since getting the testosterone pellets put in, which is also nice. T's kind of a rowdy bastard at first not gonna lie haha
Thanks for asking!!
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slushi-chan · 1 year
So no one was gonna tell me that Bruce Abbott is an architect now?? This man has literally designed homes, no one was gonna mention that? Y’all sleeping on how talented he really is I guess
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proustianlesbian · 8 months
i wanted to post this for rosh hashanah but i forgot and i'm lazy. however, i hope that my favorite fictional "old jewish men" had a nice new year 🍯🍎🍏. (they are all canonically jewish, trust me this is 100% real haha don't look them up to verify, just believe me.)
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also i can only remember these ones... are they my six (seven if you count runge/lunge from monster but he's not celebrating rosh hashanah, or anything, so i don't put him on this post) OJMs characters i can think of ? probably not but i've really searched a lot inside my brain and i can't really think of others... maybe i'll do a second post because i know i forgot some..
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drumlincountry · 1 year
people underestimate the degree to which I do NOT know what is going on. E.g. I found out what the Unabomber was YESTERDAY.
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vraska-theunseen · 3 months
there's a name of an actor that i always misremember as another name which is of my friends stepmom because the first and last are both so similar but like one letter off and i was just reading an article that i guess somehow made a printing error where they meant to put the actors name and instead put my friends stepmoms name and im just so tickled. im not the only one to ever make this mistake. thedirect.com also did that
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aro-ortega · 10 months
villain names
vanya: heartbreak
milo: power
sasja: terror
chuck: the challenger
xander: force
teddy: dionysus
josef: arbiter
#not sure that i love chucks name but. shes not shy about Something Worse Is Coming And Yall Need To Be Ready. Training Time#um vanya is hb bc. of my steps hb is influencing him the most#but also ! he is Nothing. he is reflecting back at los diablos. and being named hb is part of that reflection#also. become the thing that killed you#milo is power bc she has to be stronger than everyone else she was too weak before she needs to be better. the best#sasja is terror bc. he is. thats his thing thats his aspiration thats his goal. finally he gets to terrify the world back#punish it for how it terrified him. break it for breaking him. kill it for killing him#xander is force bc theure going to do whatever is needed to achieve their goals - and they will use all physical#and mental forces available to them. but also ! its bc it feels forced into this position.#this is the last option available to them this is it their backed into the corner. but its going to do whatever it takes to get out#teddy is dionysus bc hes beautiful and hedonistic and genderweird and mad (like. divine madness. the maenads. you know)#oh also bc hes a dramatic bitch (theatre) (loves to monologue and to put on a show and to look good doing it)#also bc dionysus eleutherios - the liberator#look it up on the dionysus wikipedia page its just in the intro paragraph. also read about the thrysus while youre there#josef is arbiter bc he is judgment. he is judge jury executioner. he knows whos on his list and if he doesnt he will find out#they have to pay#anyway. good night !#vanya mikhailov#milo park#sasja jespersen#chuck kelley#xander wyatt#teddy harlan#josef richter#op#fh#sidestep
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cockyroaches · 2 years
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Imagine hating your fans this much
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navramanan · 2 years
bye i always wondered how “hals- und beinbruch” in german came to be used to wish someone good luck when it literally means breaking your neck and legs like i’d rather that doesn’t happen lol. i just found out it comes from hebrew but it means blessing and success (הצלחה וברכה - Hassloche u Wroche), german speakers just misunderstood it to sound like hals- und beinbruch 💀💀💀
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