#live church service
roshanzion2023 · 7 months
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aceofstars16 · 2 months
Prayers appreciated I guess. Mental health is still eh and spiritual health isn’t any better.
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the one thing i miss about going to church is dissociating during the sermons & thinking about bible yaoi au's
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moregraceful · 11 months
The people talking about Brandon Shanahan/Steve Yzerman in the notes of the @4thlinegrindfest post are the only people on this planet I respect
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To those who celebrate St Lucia's day: Red dressed up as one of the starchildren!
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rj-anderson · 1 year
Got all dressed up and ready for church this morning, and then my mom called me saying she was feeling a bit under the weather and worried about being home alone. So here’s the outfit I didn’t get to wear, because if I went to all that effort I think somebody should see it 😆
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wintersettled · 9 months
Does the fontaine prophecy remind anyone else of genesis? Like how in christianity we are all supposedly born with an "original sin" which is ALSO a consequence of the original humans (adam and eve) "betraying" God by not following his will, like how people from fontaines sin is (if i remember correctly) not siding with their archon.
In christian tradition people get baptized to enter the religion: being dipped in holy water by a religious authority to "wash away" the original sin. Fontainians who are dipped in holy water, or rather the primordial sea, instead disperse into it, their sin washes away but takes them with it.
Also, fontaine is obviously based on france, specifically taking a lot from eras in which faith was brought into the question (ie the enlightenment and pre revolutionary period based on some clothes being kinda baroque and the difference between the underground and the city) and the civilization before fontaine, remuria ruled by remus and based on rome.
In rome christianity was super not in fashion UNTIL a crazy plague hit and a religion that was mad into caring for the sick (Christianity) suddenly became popular as a result. Remuria fell because of Remus' attepmpts to prevent its fall and Rome fell because of political corruption (and a number of other things).
Oh just a btw dont take this as me talking about how god fearing fontaine is im just talking about what it reminded me of and why 🫶
TL;DR furina is jesus in a way.....
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logoswomen · 17 days
Your Best Life Now.
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If you're looking for a church, know there are good, biblically-based ones out there with like-minded souls. We need that reprieve from the world. It may take a little work and a drive to find one. But they do exist. Keep looking. It's worth it! It's here you'll find your best life now, despite her human foibles - which, in fact, is the best part. 2 Cor 12:9
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gutsfics · 3 months
I’m just curious, I’ve seen you mention Mormons a couple times (something about Nia too that I forgot) and I’m curious if you’re like, post/ex Mormon or Mormon-adjacent or something? Bc I am… idk it’s complicated lmao spiritually/mentally out, but physically halfway in, I guess? So I was just wondering, hope you don’t mind!
Feel free to ignore this if it makes you uncomfortable
ex mormon baybee!!!!!!!! baptised at eight & everything
long story somewhat short is that me & my immedeate family left the church when i was like 12 when my dad came out as gay, but i personally specifically didnt go to church much before that bc my Neurodivergencies made it hard so my parents basically gave up on trying to wrangle me every time id have a meltdown about it (long and boring + uncomfortable clothes i hate = disaster for the undiagnosed adhd trans egg and his parents) so its not like i was too indocternated in the church & all in all i came out surprisingly (but not completely) unscathed. i hear stuff from when my parents were younger and im like "fucking WHAT" like all of the time
but like it was still a big enough thing in my life for me to hc characters (modern!Nia) or see paralells in media (the church of Helios) or even write my own characters as ex-mormon (HWU!Avalon)
so me mentioning mormonism is kinda like 50/50 dunking on the old religion / feeling empathy for ppl that are stuck in a place that is not right for them. maybe more like 40/60, it really depends on what im talking about
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butchvoid · 5 months
it's taken me two hours to watch 40 minutes of lotr :( maybe I should switch to a different movie bc this is a struggle
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roshanzion2023 · 7 months
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bee2111 · 1 year
Sunday service
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goatsandgangsters · 1 year
my dad: I bought myself something today
me: ooh, whatdja get?
my dad: well I didn't get it yet. but I ordered a tie with a pride flag on it
me: oh! nice!
my dad, mischievously: I'm gonna wear it to church
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mielgf · 1 year
guys how do i come out to my two christian roommates as an atheist please help
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goodnightmoonvale · 9 months
The pastor from the nearest neighborhood congregation (I think they're Methodist maybe) posted on the neighborhood Facebook group that their musician/accompanist had to go to the hospital and did anyone know anybody who was willing to play for the service on Sunday?
And nobody had said anything so I messaged the pastor that if he hadn't found anybody, I could probably do it as long as they weren't expecting anything amazing. I played the piano in church a lot growing up but since Mormon congregations are all volunteer, I consider myself a "competent amateur" since I didn't even study music in college or anything
Anyhow, I met with him and he showed me the music and I think I picked it up enough to play tomorrow. And then he was like "oh by the way, we pay the church musicians $125 a week" and I was very much just like ? ??? ????
I mean. Like I said, I'm used to Mormon congratulations where literally everyone is a volunteer, including the pastor, so the concept of getting paid to play church music is so foreign to me. It makes total sense! But I can tell that my brain is like. You're going to pay me???? For church music???
Anyway we'll see how it goes tomorrow. He said he's also looking for a backup musician for another church he preaches at and might want me next week too. Which, I'm not opposed. It would get me actually practicing piano and organ again.
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fractallogic · 1 year
Unreasonably annoyed that somehow both target AND Office Depot are closed today and I wanted to get some page protectors and binder dividers to organize my mom’s random collection of recipes today during a crafternoon
SIGH being a godless heathen is so hard sometimes
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