litkpopscenarios · 7 years
Just Maybe
Admin Cactus Eomma
A/N: I’m sorry it’s kind of tardy and not awesome, I tried T T
Word Count: 1458
Genre: Fluff, High school life
Member: I.M from Monsta X
Requested: Anon requested: “can I please request an i.m from monsta x scenario where he has a massive crush on you, but one of his friends accidentally reveals it to you”. So here you go enjoy c; 
You look at the droplets rolling down the slightly fogged up window, your classmates are all sitting with their respective friends and chatting around you. You lean your head on your folded hands, closing your eyes, concentrating on the sound of the raindrops crashing against the roof as the rain intensifies. You sigh and turn your head, now facing the side wall of the class. You laugh to yourself when you see Kihyun nagging Jooheon, you’ve never really talked to them since you don’t really socialise with the kids in your class. All of your friends are in another class together and you don’t really see the need to make new ones, more time to take notes and do actual work. More time to do work doesn’t mean you actually do more, you just draw in your notebooks. Drawing is one of your passion, it feels so natural to you, when you take your pencil and glide it against the paper you feel all the pressure lift away. They don’t have to be pretty, sometimes just doodling keeps you from falling asleep in class. You pull your notebook from under your pencil case and  start drawing a cartoonish version of Kihyun scolding Jooheon. You steal some glances at the group of seven boys, making sure to get their features right. You try to be as subtle as possible, once you’re done you smirk at your drawing, looking at the boys one last time to compare them to it. You giggle softly and Hyungwon’s head snaps in your direction, you’re too shocked to look away so you just freeze, feeling the blood rushing to your face. A big grin makes its way on his face as he nudges Changkyun and you look away, regaining your composure. You try to act as if nothing happened and go back to doodling, but your hands shake and you’re still red.  You focus on your breathing, thinking about random things to distract you. A few minutes pass by and you look their way, thinking it’s safe, you’re surprised to find Changkyun staring at you. It’s his turn to look away blushing. You go back to your drawing, making a mental note to never draw anyone from your class ever again. You start dozing off in the middle of the lecture when you hear your teacher call your name.
“Y/N, I suppose you know the answer to this question since you gave yourself the permission to sleep during my lecture?” He snaps at you, sarcasm coating his words,  making the guilt and shame sting all the more.
As you go to apologise for not paying attention you hear someone speak up.
“Sir, is that why you give yourself the permission to doze off when the principal speaks during the morning assembly? Is it that burdensome to be filled with so much knowledge?”You gasp as Changkyun talks back to the teacher so defiantly.
You hear the students laughing and cheering I.M on and you notice the way  the teacher slowly loses his cool, he’s smiling as if he was holding back from burning us all. The bell rings, signalling the end of the day and you carefully put away your things, not minding the chaos around you. Students storm out and run in the halls, colliding with you, they apologise and you smile to show them it’s okay. You still curse at them in your head, you get outside and the rain hasn’t stopped.  You smile, you like the rain, it’s shows us how powerful nature really is, you can do whatever you want, but nothing will make the rain stop, it will stop on its own. You take out your umbrella, struggling with it for a while. It’s stuck and won’t open, you fiddle with it for a while, hoping it will open magically. You’re starting to get frustrated, you turn around to go throw this useless umbrella away, but run into someone and that’s when your umbrella decides to open. Violently pushing Changkyun away from you while doing so, you drop the umbrella and walk up to I.M, who’s leaning down clutching his stomach. You can’t help but feel guilty even though he’s laughing.
“Wow, remind me to never piss you off okay? Who knew an umbrella could cause that much damage…” (That one girl in Another, sorry I’ll shut up now) He says teasingly as he looks up at me from his kneeling position.
You offer him a hand and help him get up, you’re pretty sure you didn’t help much, but you offered your help and that has got to count…somehow. He dusts himself off and eye your umbrella with resentment and you chuckle at the sight.
“I’m really sorry my umbrella propulsed you to the ground, I guess that was its protest to me throwing it away. I’m seriously sorry though.” You apologise awkwardly, fidgeting with your hands, not knowing what to do.
He laughs and you see his cute smile, he pushes your shoulder in a friendly way.
“No worries, see you around…” And with that he leaves, leaving you smiling like a kid.
When you get to class the morning after the umbrella incident, you don’t miss the stares Changkyun’s friends give you and the disinterested look I.M gives them. They whisper something to him and his face gets flushed as he insults them. You shake your head, these boys seem like a bunch of dorks, they’re all very handsome and some of them are really smart, but they don’t hide their personalities, guess that’s why they’re not as popular as some of the jerks out there, you think to yourself. You pay close attention to the lesson, aware of the teacher glaring at you and wondering why you have to suffer his wrath when it’s Changkyun who  insulted him. When lunch break finally arrives, you’re starving from all that note-taking and rush to the dining hall, meeting your friends at your usual table. You listen to all the silly things they have to say and laugh with them, you start to tell them about the accident with your teacher and you notice their eyes shifting to an empty spot next to you.  You follow their stares and see Hyungwon peacefully eating his sandwich, he waves at you, even though you’re literally right next to him. One of your friends laughs and he winks at her, you look at him, still puzzled by his behaviour.
“Hello..?” You say, not sure as to what you’re supposed to say in this situation.
“Hey!” He replies simply.
You continue on with your story and Hyungwon adds small details to it, making it more interesting. Lunch passes by quick, you, Hyungwon and your friends telling funny stories and laughing together. You’re surprised to see Hyungwon sit with you the next day, and the day after that, a week passes by until you finally decide to ask him why he suddenly decided to join your table. You’re walking to class with him and you grab his arm to  stop him from walking any further.
“Hey, Hyungwon, I was wondering…why did you decide to eat lunch with me? I mean I don’t mind, you’re really fun, but why?” You ask tripping on my words slightly.
He smiles at me.
“Ahh, that, well I was dared to piss off I.M, but I ended up really liking eating lunch- oh shit,” He seems to panic in the middle of his sentence and looks at you nervously.
It’s only then that you process his answer.
“Why would you eating with me make him mad?” You ask, now curious.
“I can’t tell you.” He answers while shaking his head frantically.
“Does he hate me? You can tell me-” Your reflection is cut off by him denying that possibility.
“No no, not at all, it’s quite the opposite actually, oh god he’s going to end me!” He says as he pulls at his hair.
You get all red, quite the opposite? ‘Does that mean…he likes me?’ you ask yourself. Changkyun passes by you to get to the class, he smiles at you before glaring at Hyungwon. You feel your heart beat incredibly fast as your hands gets slightly sweaty. You smile as he disappears into the class, maybe you like him as well. You get in the class followed by Hyungwon who keeps teasing you, you sit in at your desk and look at I.M smiling at him before pulling out your notebook, that’s when you notice a brand you umbrella in your desk. You look back at I.M and see his red cheeks. Maybe you already like him.
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neokollection · 7 years
Taeyong As An Older Brother
Taeil  -  Taeyong  -  Yuta ��-  Doyoung  -  Jaehyun
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Initially, it’d be difficult for him to adjust to being an older brother
He’d be a bit awkward for a while, not totally sure of himself
There’d be a point when he’d cast his affections onto you
Basically, there’s no going back from there
He’s super clingy to those he’s close with
He only has a few a trusts enough to be close with; you made the cut
He doesn’t have that many friends to be honest, so he clings to you
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I think he’d take you out on random excursions a lot; like he wants to buy a new umbrella, he drags you along, promising he’ll buy you ice cream on the way back
He can being annoying, hanging over your shoulders, but usually you appreciate his cute nature
You find issues when in public and he clams up, building back up his walls
He’s a bit awkward around those he doesn’t know well, although he usually tries to be decent
He’s very stoic and brusque to those he doesn’t quite like, usually resulting in you elbowing him
It’s such a weird switch only you, your parents, and his friends know-
He’s a very diligent brother tho, texting you reminders throughout the day, cleaning up after you, teaching you about calculus late at night, etc...
On the topic of cleaning, you love it! Most brothers are messy and their rooms are total shit stalls, but Taeyong’s very neat! 
It only pisses you off when he cleans your stuff without your permission...
You’ve got shit to hide-
He’s a bit of a whiner, so occasionally, you’d feel like the older one
When he’s upset he’s also childish, giving you the silent treatment
He’d absolutely refuse to let you date until you’re an adult and he has no reign over you
You’re his little sister, not some boy’s toy
Some people would ask if you were dating...
As adults, he’d be a much more mature older brother
He’d try not to be nosy, but he’d be really curious what you’re doing these days, who you’re seeing, etc...
I can see him meeting you frequently, stopping by your place bc he was in the area or calling you out to get coffee because he misses talking
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You’d be extremely curious about his life too and would inevitably grow closer to make up for the loss of seeing each other 24/7
Sibling Love - A Short Scenario By: @litkpopscenarios
Older Brother Taeyong Texts Texting Older Brother NCT To Kill A Spider Texting Older Brother NCT For Money Finding Out You’re Dating Donghyuk Texts By: @textingnct
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litkpopscenarios · 7 years
The First Steps
(We love you, so incredibly sorry for the wait!)
Admin Cactus Eomma
Word Count: 1070
Genre: Fluff, comedy
You can read the ship here and the fabulous anon requested: “I was wondering if I could request a scenario with J-Hope where he realizes for the first time that he loves the reader”(Amazing Anon).
A/N: There is probably a lot of mistakes and I haven’t written in a WHILE, so be kind c; !
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The class finishes and you stretch your arms out, it was a good practice today,  you worked hard and you finally managed to do that step you’ve been struggling with. You look over your shoulder to Hoseok, who’s laughing with his friends, you smile to yourself as you go back to packing up your stuff. You jump when someone puts their hands on your shoulder, your turn around to glare at Minghao, your best friend, he’s basically rolling on the floor and crying from laughter.
“Oh god, that, was great, I’m sorry I scared you.” He apologizes as he gets up and hugs your shoulders with one of his arms.
“Get off of me, you’re all sweaty.” You tease, pushing him playfully. He pouts and you hug him, not being able to resist his pouty face.
“You’re so manipulative...” You mumble when he shows off his bright smile.
He starts laughing and as you pick up your sports bag, you catch J-Hope staring at you. Your cheeks flush and your turn away, so many thoughts are flying through your head; what if he caught you staring? what if he knows you have this huge crush on him?...what if he likes you- No! You brush off these embarrassing thoughts, not wanting to give yourself any false hopes (you want the real thing c; , sorry). Your mind wanders off to the choreography and you try to run through all the steps in your head, you can barely hear Minghao talk about that science test you both have tomorrow. You’re usually really attentive and listen when others speak, but you can’t focus today. It’s a miracle you were able to do that step properly in such a dazed state, it’s all thanks to J-hope. You came to the studio before everyone else, set on learning that move that has been slowing you down. You warmed up before getting to it, you tried to do it countless amount of times, but it still wasn’t perfect. You were starting to feel discouraged when you heard someone clearing their throat behind you, you were surprised to find a shy-looking Hoseok when you turned around.
“Hey, eum, do you need help with the dance?” He asked while scratching the back of his head, showing off a shy smile.
Your heart fluttered anxiously in your chest, this boy would give you a heart attack one day if he kept smiling like that. You nodded, not being able to deny the help from one of the best dancers in the whole studio. You were feeling awfully shy around him, not used to being someone’s center of attention. He showed you some tricks to help you with the steps, guiding you through them and you finally got the hang of it. You were so excited you started doing pirouettes even though you’re a hip hop dancer (first mistake right there), your towel that you left on the floor slipped under your foot and made your trip on top of Hoseok who was tying his shoe. You steadied yourself by grabbing his shoulders and your chin collided with his right one, in a way that you were breathing i his ear. Both of you froze for a long second, he titled his head and stared at you with shock, you got up and apologised. You left before he could say anything else. You groan playing back that frustrating scene in your head, still ashamed at the fact that you almost knocked him unconscious with your chin. Thank god you dodged to the side, but then again, you wouldn’t have had this awkward moment of silence if you knocked him out. You stand by Minghao in the queue for the bus, talking about the book he lent you.
“...THIS BOOK! The suspense will kill me one day, I mean how did he really die??” You ask, getting carried away by the topic.
“I’m not telling, but it surprised me.” He answers whilst laughing.
You turn my head towards his to complain and stop dead in your tracks. Hoseok is looking at Minghao with an annoyed face, his eyes meet yours and he looks surprised, he smiles at you friendly. Your stomach does flips and your heart races, but the protective friend in you is triggered. You turn your back to him and continue on with your previous conversation. Minghao gets a text from his mother asking him to buy some groceries. You would go with him, but you have so much homework waiting for you at home. You hug him goodbye and wave as he leaves. You plug your earphones in and as you’re about to press play someone softly nudges your arm. You twist your head to look at Hoseok, intrigued. He just stands by you, looking around with his hands in the front pocket of his black sweater.
“So, The8 left you?” He asks with an amused smile.
You stare at him in confusion, unsure of what he is trying to insinuate, why is he interested in him, is he jealous of his dancing? You didn’t think he was like that.
“Yeah, he had to go run some errands for his mother, why?” You reply, now staring him down.
You don’t know where all this confidence is coming from, but you don’t mind it. He smiles at you and laugh before throwing his head back and sighing.
“He doesn’t know how lucky he is…” He replies staring right into your eyes.
You look away, blushing like crazy. ‘He can’t possibly be...thinking that me and my best friend are going out?’ you wonder. You stare at the ground, looking  up to check the time on your watch, you still have to wait for four more minutes. You close your eyes before asking him…
“Why is he lucky?” It sounds kind of lame when you blurt it out, but it’s too late now.
Everything seems to grow silent, the wind seems to calm down, the chattering around you seems to cease as well, as if they were all waiting for his answer.
“Because..he gets to hang out with you all the time.” He whispers into your ear before hopping on the bus.
You stay frozen for an instant before climbing on the bus, the deafening silence from before now filled by the overwhelming sound of your own heartbeat. Maybe...he does like you back.
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