tentativellipses · 29 days
Well written Hannigram fanfic recs
Before we begin, you must all be warned, nothing here is under 80k words...
All are posted on ao3. Enjoy. <3
Every Hateful Instrument by wastrelwoods (80k) - This one has a great premise- Will is supposed to kill Hannibal, but they meet, and it doesn’t exactly quite go that way. The medieval setting only adds to its dramatic grandeur.
Blackbird by emungere (88k) - Hannibal and Will’s bdsm-esque relationship falls into step with Will’s discovery of well, you know. Intensely kinky, good banter, just enough plot to keep you going before dinner. Eat up!
Bark Like a God by scarletmothlet (98k) - A post-fall fic with a vulnerable Hannibal Lecter in more ways than one. Poetically dense, a little slow at the start, but nothing like I’ve read before.
Give it to the Dirt by littleneedles (100k, ongoing) - An utterly raw AU where Hannibal is late to Will’s becoming. This fic is the perfect comedy featuring: obsession, emotional isolation, and  flesh-eating beetles. 
A Mirror in the Dark by wormsin (160k) - In a masochistic twist, this fic takes a really intelligent spin on Will’s empathy. The writing does his original character perfect justice. 
As Soft, As Wide as Air by BlackKnightSatellite (190k) - Post fall fic where Will and Hannibal run away together. I read this one a little while ago, but the beautiful writing sticks- so too does the motifs and allusions.
Chimera of the Chapel by bleakmidwinter (200k) - Will wakes from a coma, and is told that Hannibal is dead. Will finds it hard to believe this and goes in search of him. This is the kind of book you miss reading before you're finished. The characters are written immaculately. It’s interoceptive, it’s witty, it’s unexpected. A stunning book to read.
Ok I lied. Here's a shorter one too:
Stay, If You Want To by farther_away (24k) - A story centred around Hannibal’s usual cocktail of caring for Will in his own unorthodox way. It’s got some good autistic rep and the dialogue is painted with a canonical-style brush.
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