#literally play the game omori and you will see
the-worm-machine · 23 days
I really hate the way mobile games are just filled with ads, I hate the fact that kids growing up today will never know what it’s like not to have ads shoved down their throats every two minutes. Not to mention the unnecessarily sexual content of said ads.
Like, this is literally an ad i have gotten. I’m gonna put it under a cut because i think you should have a choice on whether you see this or not. It should not be fucking forced upon anyone and everyone who sees this post.
Edit: I just realized that any notifications I get for this post will have that image in the preview, so I’m just gonna add another image so i don’t have to see that.
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vilelittlecritter · 9 months
"YoU cAnT liKe ThAt ChArAcTeR tHeY [bad action which is integral to the story and why the story is so good in the first place]"
My brother in Christ,
They are not real.
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dykeinthedark · 5 months
being a pretentious fuck is embarassing sometimes. bc if someone asks me what video games i play im like "yeah i only play story based indie games about depression and guilt" like omfg shut UP
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astrxealis · 5 months
fun story i got the dlc of 'a date with death' at school LMFAO ..... i have cash but not gcash (it's a filipino thing) so i was talking w my friend in class who also played the game (and she calls me a nerd /pos a lot lol) and i was like i want the dlc but i have no gcash... and she was like ok i'll give you gcash..... enabler ....... but also she wants me to tell her abt it so. ^_^ ecks dee
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astranauticus · 2 months
aaaauuuugh. just played through the real world segment of 3 days left and going fucking insane thinking about the fact that you're literally not allowed to stay with basil in the bathroom scene like why! cant! i! just! be there! for him!! until i realised like yeah sure i wouldve stayed there with him but sunny is also just a scared, broken kid who cant even save himself, of course theres nothing he could do in that situation except leave. aaaauuuugh. honestly realising that just made me feel worse not better
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gizmocreates · 1 month
something I love about Limbus Company’s Dante is that they used a character who was effectively a self insert of the author in the original fiction to parody the ‘gacha game self insert’ trope.
Dante is very clearly their own character, but they paradoxically hit a lot of boxes that define the ‘self insert protagonist’ character, which honestly probably contributes to a lot of people still attempting to self-project onto Dante. And honestly, I feel like that itself is commentary.
I’d like to liken it to Omori’s Sunny, who’s another character who plays with this idea. Sunny is a silent protagonist who is set up to be your view into this world, to the point where you can even name him. But as you progress, you find out that Sunny *isn’t* you. And that’s kind of the whole point- you’re delving through an established character’s fantasy world, seeing things they idealize, and even though it’s never spoken directly to you what they think, the game shows you through their dreams how they really feel about their life.
Dante differs in many ways, but I think the fundamental truth is the same: Dante is not just a vehicle for the plot, they’re a person, but the narrative sets you up to believe You are Dante.
and this contributes nicely into the theme of dehumanization within the work itself- Dante is very vocal and opinionated, but because their words are only heard by a few, they end up disregarded- treated as a literal silent protagonist to anyone who isn’t a sinner. Dante narrates subjectively and should not be fully trusted as a narrator- and yet, because they’re the narrator of a gacha game in a genre defined by know-all protagonists who can do nothing but good and have no personality to speak of, their word is treated as gospel.
in truth, we ourselves dehumanize Dante as much as the narrative does. So many people just see them as the ‘audience insert’ that they forget that Dante was never them. Dante’s dehumanization isn’t just an issue in universe- it spreads and consumes even the meta narrative.
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woodchipp · 4 months
Currently replaying OMORI because I'm a masochist with my best friends @beevean and @the-crow-binary providing emotional support lmfao. Even despite how soul-crushingly boring it is, I think we're still having some sort of fun with this clusterfuck of a game
Highlights (and the misc. problems we've managed to spot) so far include:
I already knew that this game's length was detrimental to it during my first solo playthrough, but this playthrough is helping me put into perspective just how bloated OMORI is, even when it comes to an aspect like dialogue. For example, a single conversation between Space Boyfriend and the main cast took us approximately 5 minutes to get through, and it's not like the writing is gripping enough to make us give a shit about the characters or anything they're saying
Speaking of the dialogue, you can just see how hard it tries to be witty and Quirky™ the way Earthbound and indie RPGs like Undertale were. Needless to say, it fails horribly, and the end result of that was me having to fast-track some conversations because they were unfunny and weren't relevant at all
I got unintentionally (!) stuck in White Space for 15-20 minutes because I couldn't find the map the game needed me to find to let me open the door. Beev came to hate the repetitive 8-bit BGM the area had by the time I finally found the map lol. game_design.exe
Headspace's music is so ear-gratingly abysmal oh my god. I can only call it "dollar-store Kirby music" because that's the most appropriate description that comes to mind and I'm pretty sure Lost at a Sleepover gave Beev severe PTSD. Of course, the music of Faraway Town isn't any better: the "track" that plays in the first fight with Aubrey is less music than it is the result of an .exe file being put through an audio player. Sonic Chronicles might have some serious competition in the "worst video game soundtrack" category asdfghjkl
The plot of the Faraway Town segments is so cookie-cutter that it genuinely hurts to sit through. Character writing (or the lack thereof) aside, Sunny and Kel spend half a day loitering around the town and asking Aubrey's cronies where she is even though Kel could've easily gotten that information from Mikhael had he just indulged the latter's delusions of grandeur a little bit
Faraway Town's daytime sky is literally a scrolling JPEG of a cloudy sky. The battle backgrounds of the real world segments are edited JPEGs as well. Everyone's houses look exactly the same on the outside save for some of them being a different color. The developers spent six years and more than $200,000 on this game.
Sunny's fights against his fears are boring. You just need to wait until a particular turn when the game grants you a special skill you use to end the fight immediately. What was the point of designing these hallucinatory monsters if the player doesn't get to fight them at any point during the main route?
Aubrey (ostensibly) swinging a nail bat at Sunny is not treated with the same degree of realism as Sunny slashing her with a knife. Additionally, Aubrey rides away on her scooter just fine even though she's supposed to be bleeding
Mari's picnic baskets are inexplicably scattered all across the town and fulfill the exact same function as they do in Headspace. So much for realism!
I won two of the fights against Aubrey's goons even though I was trying to lose. gameplay.exe
Sunny is even more unpleasant than I remember. He doesn't respond to Basil - who is supposedly his best friend - when the latter talks to him, stays silent while (and after) Kel vents to him about Hero yelling at him and barges into the church despite Kel advising him to wait until the sermon ends. Why should I feel bad for him again?
Kel generally seems to treat Sunny like an actual baby, spelling out incredibly obvious things to the latter (e.g. that Sunny shouldn't be carrying a knife or walking in the road because it's dangerous) and making all of Sunny's decisions for him, to the point of not allowing Sunny to return into his own house until nighttime under the pretense of "there's so much to do! it's a brand new day!"
Finally, the "fight" against Sunny's fear of spiders comes completely out of nowhere since nothing triggered said fear during Sunny's adventures outside
Peak game, everyone.
And it's going to get way worse down the line!
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gamequoteshowdown · 5 months
Quote 1: "I fucking love air-conditioning." - Humphrey, Omori
Quote 2: "Technology is incredible!" - A Technology- Enthusiast NPC, Pokemon
Quote 1: He fucking loves air-conditioning - Mod Chaos, WHO IS THAT GUY I RECONGIZE HIM WHERE IS HE FROM (screaming at tv)
Quote 2: Literally every Pokemon game has one: A middle-aged man talking about the wonders of whatever the latest connection technology allows the game to have. You can store Pokemon as data and put them in PCs! You can trade them wirelessly! You can interact with other people using Streetpass, or even play with players across the world! You can even play with other trainers at once now! Isn't the power of science staggering? Yeah I know there's not a single constant quote from Tech Enthusiast Guy but whatever, we all know this guy, we all like this guy, we all look forward to seeing this guy. - Submitter
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somekindofsentience · 2 months
why secret anger is a better tool than secret sadness, or hiding rage under a persona of nurture.
We've all seen the character who has secretly been very sad their entire lives. Fuck, some of us are that character, and maybe have been for a while.
It's relatively easy to hide a sad backstory for a character, and it opens room to give them depth later on. And, unique to side or background characters, it allows the protagonist (and by extension, the reader) to connect further with them, giving the façade of plot and sub-plot depth. Of course, it's perfectly possible to do this well - it's possible to do every trope well - but it's also very possible to do this poorly.
And... it's so boring.
Like come on. Sad woman sad. Very sad. We're all sad, because we've been told to feel sad by the author. How sad.
I believe that there are far more fascinating tropes to explore, with much more depth - and I'd like to talk about one of my favourite forms of this. Hiding inner anger is infinitely more interesting, especially if the character can hide it well.
I've chosen three characters to discuss for this - Mari from OMORI, Ai Hoshino from Oshi No Ko, and Shinobu Kochou from Demon Slayer. I think all three of them perfectly capture the "hidden anger" trope very well, and I'll connect all of them, which allows us to understand the purpose of this character archetype overall.
Mari is an incredibly complex character, one whose complexity is actually very easy to miss. Due to Sunny's unreliable narration, we perceive Mari as perfect, since he blocks out any of her personality which mimics the truth. In Headspace, she's an incredibly default NPC, acting as a pillar for quest clues, healing and saving the game. As a player, you come to see her as some sort of comfort, a recurring symbol in irregular places. This evidently changes when Sunny discovers the truth, and we come to accept what he has done. However, Mari is never properly portrayed in the game - we only see her through the lens of the others - which means a lot of the fandom doesn't quite understand her character, let alone understand the selfish nature of perfectionism. There is nothing in the game that suggests she had external pressure causing her perfectionism (although I personally headcanon this), so we must go off it being internally driven.
Mari is not a tragically sad, or gorgeously happy character. She has been punishing herself with pent-up anger. Imagine you've been practicing something for months, over and over, only to find out your duet partner doesn't care anywhere near as much as you do. No-one cares as much as you do. All those months of practice ultimately mean nothing. Every time you pushed yourself to play the same song on repeat until it drove you insane mean nothing, because of this one moment, one stupid angry moment from your brother.
Despite all this, Mari isn't allowed to be angry, which is why the Truth segments still show her acting in an adult fashion (taking the unused Truth descriptions as canon).
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In the photos of the truth, Mari looks like a disappointed mother, telling off Sunny. She says she "isn't finished talking...", like a parent. Mari was fifteen when she died. She had no outlet for this rage at all, no time to be a teenager, when she was the mother figure of the group. Her character trope as the "nurturer" trapped her in a hellish cycle of perfectionism, hiding everything until her absolute breaking point - which lead to her death.
In Oshi no Ko, Ai Hoshino is a perfect mother, perfect idol, perfect person. This seems widely agreed by literally everyone, and the manga follows her son's attempts to avenge her murder, and her daughter's attempts to follow in her footsteps. Although the goals of the children change partway through, when Ruby learns the truth of Ai's death and Aqua loses faith in his scheme... Ai remains a pillar of gold. And yet, we find out during the creation of the movie on Ai's life that people around her suspect she was hiding anger.
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While I have perhaps... fallen behind... in my reading of Oshi No Ko, I'm just going to go purely off this panel and the previous chapters to analyse. Forgive me, I completely forgot which character says this, everyone's hair looks the same and I can't tell if it's Akane or the lady that adopted Aqua and Ruby. It's been a while.
Ultimately, Ai Hoshino is confused, and this makes her angry. We know she's never felt love before in her life - not until she had her children - which would be incredibly frustrating. You see everyone around you experience happiness and joy, and yet life keeps reminding you that your childhood was shitty, you work in the most insane industry of all time and you're exhausted. There's some implication that Ai's relationship with Aqua and Ruby's father was complicated, so perhaps that's the reason she's furious.
Regardless, Ai is far more complicated than every character portrays her as, which makes her interesting. As a reader, you smell a rat instantly. Something is off about the way she is glamourised, and you know you're missing a piece of this puzzle.
Shinobu outright states that she's been angry her entire life, at least since Kanae's death. She's been mimicking Kanae's sweet smile as an act of remembrance, but Shinobu is not happy, not calm, not sweet like Kanae was. Now, Shinobu isn't the most nurturing figure - at least not to Tanjirou, and not much to Kanao either - but she still acts in that calm, motherly demeanor, mimicking her older sister. In that way, Shinobu is also a perfectionist - she's just got a standard to match up to.
Shinobu is often mocked in the fandom for being "weak", but I think that's not the right way to understand her character. The fact that she doesn't fight off raw strength alone is symbolic, because it tricks the reader into thinking she's sweet and calm. No-one who is that weak can be full of such rage... right?
Mari and Ai Hoshino have further links due to the way they are portrayed after their death - as perfect. Sunny heavily misconstrues his sister, acting as an unreliable narrator for her personality, and it seems as though no-one will ever know what Ai was truly like inside. Instead, characters remark on their outward traits, which fandoms then fall into... guys. you're literally being trapped by the same trap their families and friends fell into. you're being gaslit by two dead women. please try to look past the silly little mirror they tried to reflect themselves in.
Now, what is the purpose of this archetype? They aren't main characters, and they aren't there as a fake display of depth, so what are they there for? All three of these characters die to further the plot - but more importantly, they act as a catalyst for character change in their sibling or children. Mari's death single-handedly destroys an entire friendship group, but it is also the reason they are brought back together. She alone allows Sunny to forgive himself, and within that, he must accept that she wasn't perfect, just as he isn't. Ai's death ruins Aqua and Ruby, but it gives them goals, something to work toward (symbolised with stars in their eyes). Shinobu's death allows Kanao to step forward and confront Akaza, which changes Kanao as a character, but it also ties up Kanae's subplot neatly.
To the player/reader, their deaths are far more important than their lives, but there is much more to explore in their lives than people understand. This is true complexity, and it's frustrating when it's brushed over in aus or fanfics.
Please, dig deeper. Look harder. Turn these dolls into humans, because they are corpses for a reason.
can you tell i find scary women pretty aggagagahgagsa
song i listened to while writing this: テレパス by Yorushika
The song is very good at capturing loneliness, and rage is quite an isolating emotion. Mari, Ai and Shinobu are all hiding an inner version of themselves, and they took that form to their graves.
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averagekanadekinnie · 2 years
HI HI can i request sunny with a s/o that has like a big family cause i have like 36 cousins
Type: fluff
Warnings: slight omori spoilers
Note: 36???? THATS A LOT???? thats kinda cool actually :00 hope you enjoy!
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First of all, woah.
When SUNNY finds out about how many cousins you’ll have, he’ll be in disbelief at first,
..Unless he sees it himself
Like, imagine you brought SUNNY to family-invitation to a relatives house
Sunny’s eyes would slightly widen at all of your family members
He had never met someone who has a lot of family members
He literally only had one sister, and his next door neighbors KEL and HERO have a baby sister
Oh gosh if most family members were kids then he’s done.
Imagine he gets roped into babysitting them and its like.. a whole mess.
Oh god, where is SUNNY? You thought, looking around while the adults were talking.
"Y/N.." You slightly hear SUNNY. You turned around to find his voice, and you eventually found it and him.
The only problem is.. the kids who were making a mess. Some kids roped in SUNNY to play a game where everyone tries to get the one person (any game you can think of.), and guess who was the one person they chose.
His hair was a mess and so were his clothes. Thankfully, you got him out, apologizing about your (siblings/cousins).
Is he judging you for having a lot of family members? Absolutely not, he doesn’t mind.
Sure, the younger ones can be a handful, but SUNNY was thankfully super patient.
He was having lots of fun with them, and you especially!
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hyeongjunbae · 2 years
gaming with xdinary heroes !!
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pairing: ot6!xh x gn!reader word count: 0.7k warnings: cursing a/n: it's painfully obvious that i play genshin <//3
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― gunil :
• he has no idea what game you're talking about, non-stop • you literally begged him for three days to play it with you, and he finally agreed to give it a shot because you asked <3 • but you have to explain everything to him. • EVERYTHING. • he’d pretend to understand everything you said • he's like "just smile and nod y'all, just smile and nod" • and eventually, even he would believe he did • “oh, that’s actually easier than it looks!” (sure grandpa, let’s get you to bed) •  “hold up. y/n, how am i supposed to use my elemental skill?” • he’s a little confused, but he’s got the spirit <3
(rest of the members under the cut! <3)⠀
― jungsu :
• you two would sit side by side and play animal crossing in silence • the type of animal crossing player who loves all of his villagers, regardless of how ugly or irritating they are <3 • on the other you who would hit npcs with your net until they get mad lmao • he’s like, “what are you doing???” • he would love to look for new fossils • “yay, i found another one!” • has an aesthetically pleasing island • i think he would spend a significant amount of time designing a single house because he wants it to be perfect • his house is so chill and cozy • i can see him adding a music room to his house • pleased with the end result and brags a lot • “look y/n! i made our practice room. that’s my keyboard and that’s gunil hyung’s drums. i added guitars for our juljaengiez too.” (i’m crying bye)
― gaon :
• he’s the one who offered gaming night • regrets his life choices when you picked a horror game to play • he would fall off of his chair every time huggy wuggy appears <//3 • “SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! Y/N, WHAT WAS THAT?” • “I DON’T KNOW!” • screaming and shouting every 3 seconds <3 • he'd hold your hand, so you wouldn't be scared, • but in reality, he's the one who is scared lmao • he won’t admit it ofc • “meh, it wasn’t that bad” • “agreed.” • spoiler alert: you two slept with the lights on that night
― o.de :
• doesn’t understand why you’re simping over 2D dudes when he’s right beside you like ??? • “kaeya this, ayato that. what about me, y/n? :(” • “i can't believe you're actually jealous of a game character” • shuts up when you brought him to the heart island (this made me realize that i've never been to there <//3) • probably has the worst luck when it comes to farming and ascending artifacts • but his luck on banners >>> • has all the 5 stars you want • but doesn’t know how to build them • he just pulls for them because they pretty <3 (he' just like me fr) • “babe, why did you pull for yoimiya? you can’t play bow characters.” • “she’s pretty <3"
― junhan :
• i think, rather than mmorpg games, he prefers to play story-rich games like omori, oxenfree and undertale <//3 • but since you insisted, he started to play genshin with you • doesn’t give a damn about the enemies and spends 2 hours roaming around the map looking at pretty scenery • “oh my god! don’t you think timmie is adorable? like, he feeds these pigeons and-” • that’s when he heard diluc, your character, screaming “BURN!!!” • “y/n! why did you grill his pigeons? i’m-” • you made him sad :< • the game gradually grows on him, and he may become addicted to it to the point of staying up all night playing it • and he just wants to be as good as you <//3
― jooyeon:
• shows off his gaming skills all night • would ask you if you could try rolling for him because you are his lucky charm <3 • his level is probably higher than yours, so he would gladly help you with anything you need <3 • you need to pick flowers? he knows exactly where you'll find them. • you want to ascend your characters? he will fight with the bosses for you. • would steal stuff from your world lmao • since his characters are more powerful than yours, he will protect you from the enemies • “y/n, get behind me. i got this.” • “jooyeon, that’s literally a level 32 hilichurl ???” • “i said get behind me, i’ll handle this.” • he’s so dramatic lmao
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— taglist !! : @dazzlingligth, @jisungie-han, @takilovesruru, @hwiluvbot <3
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pineappleciders · 1 year
me when i actually have autism.
(not that bad really)
maybe hero and snuuy with a autistic reader?
Fellow autistics Unite. they can't stop us all..
HERO and SUNNY with an autistic reader
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if you're non-verbal/selectively mute, he brings up the concept of communication cards and helps you make them, and he puts little doodles of you and him and other things on them
he pays attention to how comfortable you look to see if you want to leave or say something but can't
he just kinda sits there like :) if you're getting giddy about seeing something you like
if u see something in the store that's a safe food or something related to one of your interests he's buying it all for u. (personal example: spider man spaghetti-os)
if you have the urge to move around or are feeling energized, he'll offer to take you out on one of his runs to get it all out
gets u fidget toys in your favorite color and leaves them on ur doorstep along with your favorite flowers and a note
if something big is happening and you don't like it, he holds ur hand every step of the way (metaphorically and literally)
honestly i wouldn't be surprised if HERO was autistic
he tries to help you out with stuff like impulse control if you struggle with it. he doesn't dislike it or anything he just wants to make sure you're safe and happy
always notices the red flags if you're having trouble in a social situation; he'll make an excuse to pull you away and helps you calm down (or just leave if you'd prefer that)
he is great at multitasking so if u suck at it then leave it to him
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so me personally i think SUNNY is the most autistic omori character ever literally just look at him
i feel like he wears headphones since he's sensitive to loud noises and he'll let you borrow them if you need
he wants to talk about his hyperfixations but he had a hard time finding words so a lot of the time he'll just make little pages full of doodles and words to vent his excitement
he also listens very intently if you're rambling or talking about something, esp if it's one of your interests
SUNNY is selectively mute so a lot of the time u two communicate in other ways; body language, writing, art, etc. it might take a while to realize what the other is trying to say but as you two get closer you two are practically on the same wave length
sometimes u two will just sit in ur bed in a dark room and play games or watch something or draw,,, sometimes it's nice to just sit in each other's presence without exchanging words or being forced to act polite
he has a hard time speaking up, so he appreciates it if you do (he does the same for you sometimes; an eye for an eye!)
if you have any repetitive behaviors or stims he accidentally picks them up
opposite to HERO; SUNNY sucks at multitasking and switching what he's doing so he could use some help with chores and work
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fluffiwrites · 2 years
If you’re taking requests, you should totally write an Omori fic 😭 There’s literally NO tk fics anywhere for the game and it hurts 😤
Request: Literally any character you want. It would be sun to see something with Kel, though (favorite character 💀)
omigosh ilysm for requesting this 😭 i daydream ALOT & I get most fic ideas from daydreaming, & I thought of a lee!kel idea because my boy doesn't get enough tiggles HE NEEDS THEM 💔 so this request is a true serendepity ^^ (btw he's also my fave hehehe)
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"Admit it!"
Lee!Kel Ler!Basil, Ler!Aubrey. Warnings: Tickling
This is RW Pre-Death ^^
"Um- Hero? Do you know where Kel is? I need to ask him if he broke my camera..." Basil inquired.
"Oh your cameras broken? Don't worry! I'm sure Mari could fix it for you, right?" She nodded.
"Anyway, I think he's under the tree with the others!" Hero had a warm smile, as he turned back to Mari to finish baking their cookies.
Basil walked over to the tree Hero mentioned, & there he was with Aubrey & Sunny.
"Kel? Did you break my camera?" He asked.
"No.." (Lies)
"But why did i find a photo of you swinging around with it?" Basil interrogated.
"What...there's no photo.." The brunette had a very guilty look on his face.
"Then, what's this?" Basil pulled out the photo!
"That's-uh! Fabricated! Yeah! AUBREY DID IT!!!" He pointed to the young girl.
"WHAT?! I DID NOT, JERK!" she shouted, "Come on Basil let's get him!"
"Yeah!" The blonde laughed.
"AAAAAA SUNNY HELP ME!!!" Kel started to run as fast as he could as the others chased him.
Sunny ignored, claiming it was too "immature for him & carried on silently reading his book.
Being who he is, it was guaranteed Kel would fall at some point, & so he did, right in the middle of the field.
"….. need a minute..." Kel gasped, "God, you run fast..."
"Well we wouldn't have to chase you if you just gave up!"
"NEVER! UAHAHAHA!!!" He leaped up, "YOU'LL NEVER CATCH ME-ACK!" Aubrey caught him just before he got away.
"Time for your punishment!!!" She said with determination.
"What do you- Wait...nonoNONONO-"The boy burst out laughing before he could even finish his sentence.
He folded up like a chair as 20 fingers wiggled & squeezed all over his sides, "Nahahat fahahahir!!!
Thahat's cheheating!" He giggled.
"You lied to us!!!" Basil said.
"Maybe we'll stop if you tell the truth!" Aubrey added.
"IHI DIDNT BREHEAK IT I SWEHEAR!!!" He cackled & flinched at every poke the two sent to his stomach, the tingly feelings shooting across his body.
"WRONG!!!" They said in unison, "Gosh if only I knew you were this ticklish then, I would've definitely have won that play fight." Aubrey teased.
"SHUHUT UHUP- NAHAT THEHERE" Kel's obnoxious laughter raised an octave when Basil's hand snuck under his arm, he quickly shot them down & squeezed tightly.
"Ooh, look Aubrey! I think I found it!" He said innocently as Kel practically died of laughter.
"Good job! Take. THIS!" Kel flailed his arms about in a weak attempt of escape, & once Aubrey started to dig into the ticklish hollows, it was over.
It wasn't long before the boy's giddy laughter had silenced, so the two mischievous kids let up, &
Kel lay there in a messy pool of giggles.
"I gihive uhup...I didn't mehean to break it I swear!" He blabbed out.
"Oh, we're not mad. We just wanted to mess with you." Aubrey admitted casually.
Kel's mouth gaped.
"MARIII AUBREY & BASIL ARE BULLIESSS!!!" He yelled as he, once again, ran away, all the way to the house.
Hehe I hope this was nice to read! ^^ But either way thanks for reading & have a lovely day, my loves! (@^v^@)/☆
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sunbunzie · 10 months
warning: major spoilers for omori’s bad ending/slight reference to the truth!
welcome to sunny’s infodumping session! Today i’ll be talking about what I just thought about the bad ending
Omori constantly tells Sunny bad things that he clearly doesn’t wanna hear during the final boss battle, but he has to hear them to beat Omori. Once sunny ‘reaches his limit’ or when Omori literally beats him into the floor, he’s met with a decision. He can either continue to fight Omori, or he can give up and succumb.
when I first watched a playthrough, I could see how difficult the fight was, even though I wasn’t experiencing it myself. It seemed impossible to win, there was no items, Omori bypassed most skills, and seems to have WAY too much health.  So, game wise, I would’ve given up and not continued.
if you choose not to continue, then you literally end up throwing yourself off the hospital building. While my time was playing in my head, I realized the game MADE it this way. They showed how difficult it would have been for sunny to continue, how impossible it seemed to win against his innermost terrible thoughts, how difficult it was to accept what he had done. The Omori Team made the fight LOOK and FEEL impossible, because it was how sunny felt. That this was impossible to overcome.
And if Sunny didn’t want to continue, that meant he couldn’t face his friends. Omori had beaten him down to the point where Sunny believes Omori’s words, and then.. there’s only one solution left. Sure, Omori is technically the one who made sunny k1// himself, but Sunny chose to gave up. He chose to end his life. He may or may not have been aware that offing himself meant that his friends would never know the truth, because we all know Basil (the only other living person who knows the truth) is sure as hell going with sunny. So the other 3 friends will forever think that 3 of their friends died, and they were too stupid to notice the signs. (Might make another post about the neutral ending actually..)
a lot of this is probably obvious, but my neurodivergency is going crazy! Two days ago, august first, was my one year anniversary for Omori being my special interest woohoo!
thanks if you read all this <3 I’m not sure if this came out how I imagined it
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the-mighty-mittens · 2 months
You know what time it is
Omori spoiler time while I cry about the game yahoo
I'm in a spooky tree hole
This is about Mari isn't it
We're gonna find out what happened to Mari maybe
Woops that person's dead
Long stairs again
Someone sitting at the bottom of the stairs?
Did. Did Mari fall down the stairs?
Is that blood on Sunny's face
The broken violin
They're at the top of the stairs together
he pushed her didn't he
Sunny killed Mari pushing her down the stairs (either accidentally or on purpose idk) and framed it as a su!c!de didn't he
Ok so:
He smashed his violin
Mari was upset bc they had the recital coming up
They got into a fight and Mari fell (I'm going to give Sunny the benefit of the doubt and say it was an accident)
We know she had a bad knee
She died or almost died and Sunny framed it as a sui
jesus christ dude
"Do you want to save Basil" YES I WANNA SAVE BASIL THAT POOR BOY
He's giving Spinel vibes
Do I have to attack Basil ;-;
I'm not Sunny but I don't hate you Basil dw 😭😭
Basil I want to stop it but I literally don't have any other options I'm SORRY The heart monitor is saying "everything is going to be okay"
"Stressed out" Mood tbh
Whoops there goes an eye
YES GOOD KITTY MEWO IS A VERY GOOD GIRL 😭 (As you can see I am still traumatized from the Punishment room, even though I didn't hurt her)
hgfhdgfdshgj they shared a room they were really close huh 😭😭😭
The broken violin?
It's. fixing itself?
Oh is this a pun on Memory Lane XD
Well, Aubrey did dye her hair pink
Sunny just wanted everyone to be happy hjdsjghjdfgh 😭😭
The recital venue?
Am I gonna unleash some kind of demon by playing this music or is it just gonna be sad
It's the opening theme again
is he ok
I gotta fight my inner self? He has a knife this is unfair
"Omori did not succumb" I never thought those words would be used against me
This poor boy has been through some stuff
Alright Omori death counter: 2
Wait I can't retry
Do i not have to beat him? is it impossible to beat him? Did I just have to get to the final phase?
Oh my god so this fight really did happen then. Is Basil okay ;-;
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kccubus · 11 months
Commission info HERE!!
t'm a 19 y/o girl (call me K!), a videogame design/developement college student and an artist! this blog is most definitely not about anything specific, i post mostly whatever i want but a lot of it will be related to degrees of lewdity (porn text-based game) or yanderes! i will also post stuff about myself, my outfits and whatever art i make and like enough!
the characters from dol i like most are the school LIs. sydney is my n°1 literally the love of my life, kylar is a VERY close second cause any pathetic and disgusting yandere is automatically a yes for me, third is robin cause literally what a cinnamon roll you cannot dislike them aaand lastly whitney cause i don't like bullies in general but ummmm female whitney can do whatever she wants to me ngl. i usually play with the other 3 as guys!
othe things i'm a big big fan of are omori, danganronpa, ddlc and in general horror games that have similar vibes to any of those! i also enjoy VERY fucked up visual novels, ngl i love seeing how bizarre they can get lmao. i recently played ai: the somnium files too and loved it! and i'm currently playing through zero escape :>
i'm super extroverted (enfp!) and even though i like knowing people in person better, i'm also always down to make some online friends! so if you're interested talk to me~ i promise i'm nice unless asked otherwise! hshs
my dm's and asks are always open if you wanna talk!! but please be respectful, you're allowed to thirst all you want in asks (preferably anonymous) even if we don't know each other, or ask about anything etc, but if you wanna dm me and talk to me directly let's at the very least start as friends!!
love ya~
here have a pretty gyaru!
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#kposting - random posts of me just talking or answering to stuff!! also includes pics which aren't my art
#ootd - outfits of the day!
#k art! - my art!! again, could be oc's, fanart for whatever etc
#reblog &lt;3 - reblogs of other people's posts!! a lot of it is art :>
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