#listen i just love women who can kick my ass
hunn1e-bunn1e · 9 months
Sano Shinichiro - "I Just Love Pathetic Guys"
In which I've made an imagine about how pathetic Sano Shinichiro is and how I think pathetic guys are actually really freaking hot adorable. I just so happen to have a thing for losers and Shinichiro is probably the hottest loser in both the Tokyo Revengers manga and anime.
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Imagine; he's talking to his friends about how he was yet again rejected for the nth the time now. You just so happen to be nearby and overhear his sad announcement; listening to his friends tease him about how he scares women away.
Imagine; you approach them after a few moments, when they've switched topics to something unrelated. You take his hand and write your number on it; only saying "call me sometime" as you wave goodbye and walk away. He'd be too stuck in the shock he felt to stop you and ask your name.
Imagine; you receive a call from an unknown number as soon as you step foot in your house. And when you pick up the phone you're met with his timid voice, asking if you're the person who gave him their number twenty minutes ago.
Imagine; instead of directly answering him, you somehow rope him into describing you and your first interaction. Hearing him trip over his words as he tries to keep his composure over the phone and seem proud an manly.
Imagine; you get him to practically beg you to allow him to take you on a date. You can't help but laugh how pathetic he is and you tell him so, but you 'agree' to go out with him anyway.
Imagine; he tales you out to eat and keeps reassuring you that he'll pay for everything but in the end, he doesn't have enough money, so you end up paying it in full instead. You can see how embarrassed he is and as bad as it makes you seem, damn do you relish in it.
Imagine; that during the rest of the date he somehow embarrasses himself in some way, shape or form. He can't even look you in the eye at this point and he walks at least two feet behind you, unwilling to try and lead you anymore lest he make even more of a fool out of himself.
Imagine; he drives you back to your place on his bike in silence, too scared to say anything just in case he has a slim chance of seeing you again. He stops in front of your place and you get off his bike, immediately turning to your front door. But, instead of going inside, you set the things he bought you down at your doorstep and walk back to him.
Imagine; that instead of letting him get the first word in, you tell him how much of a loser he is. You can see how deeply it affects him by how sad he looks, but you're not done talking.
Imagine; you take a fist full of his hair and yank him down for a kiss, smashing your lips together. You tell him how he's your exact type and how hot he was today. That he had better take you on another date or you'd kick his ass.
Imagine; you go into your home and you can still hear the hum of his bike's engine from outside. He's still sitting in fron of your house in complete shock. That is... until you hear a loud but muffled "Yes!" from outside.
Fuck. How can someone so pathetic be so damn hot at the same time? You couldn't wait until the second date.
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tgcg · 5 months
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ill break your shit adam
warning for adult lang
fuck you adam sandler
youre lucky karkat likes you
stupid fuck sees an amnesiac girl
and asks her can i marry you
that lady got issues mentally
you still down to do shit anally
deplorable zit on the ass of romanza
karkat told me to put that shit in this stanza
do raps even count as having stanzas
slam poetry tyke at preschool im no manza
youd probably jack it to a log with holes if they were wet ones
sitting on that stupid dock with her papa cracking cold ones
piece of shit id push you off that dock and watch you bubbling
kick your ass like her shitty bro failed when you were troubling
penguins dont quack like fucking ducks you dumbass
thats not part of the rap i just think that youre a dumbass
back to the rap sandler i bet you couldnt drop a single bar
too busy picking up stupid women at the stupid women bar
who even let you into hawaii
also did i say karkat liked you i was kidding he wants to kick your heinie
seriously watching that shit again made him start slamming his head into the cushions and screaming i had to pry them out his hands and he almost bit me
sorry i forgot i was rapping again
piece of shit forgot that you can like women while dating other men
still not over that chuck and larry shit adam
if you just said to the gov you were bi you coulda had em
firefighter of the year? well try putting out this heat
karkats gonna beat your ass like you do every night to your meat
gotta ask is this shit wish fulfilment for you
gotta say larry deserved better than you
i could treat him way better than you not in a gay way though
i just mean youre a massive sleaze basically the worlds shittiest bro
back to 50 first dates man sandler your shit is a bore
the stupid bits with schneider got my ass addicted to snore
if i was that stupid walrus id tear your ass to shreds
if i was that penguin i would also tear your ass to shreds
itd be harder but id still do it
bro fuck adam sandler im through it
TT: Wow. Bravo, Dave. You've outdone yourself.
TG: i wrote this one exceptionally fucking terrible to represent my inner darkness
TG: i can never unwatch those cinematic fossilized turds theyre like time capsules devoted to everything wrong with america
TG: you dont even understand how egregious that was
TT: I can sense the utter malaise and contempt in every word. It's beautiful.
TT: One particularly interesting point I'd like to make is the fact that you managed to refer to butts in a song about a male target, 10 times in the span of 37 lines. It's not an exorbitant amount, but it appears to be a running theme in your works. Very interesting, if you ask me --
TG: nooooo
TG: nope no
TG: not this shit again
TG: listen one of them is karkats fault
TT: No? Please, enlighten me Karkat.
TG: … yeah
TT: Okay, I'm willing to concede to that. On this subject matter, as an avid terrible movie enjoyer, you admittedly know better than myself.
TT: And you love them anyways.
TG: hes right
TG: you hear that shit hes right
TG: fuck death of the author im verifying that interpretation
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ponderingmoonlight · 10 months
Touch her and you'll burn
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Pairing: boyfriend!Gojo x fem!reader; Toji x reader (kinda?)
Word Count: 2,8k
Synopsis: When it comes to Satoru Gojo, you are his true weakness - after all, you've been his girlfriend for years. Toji doesn't miss that either and takes you prisoner without further ado in order to get at the white-haired man.
Warnings: violence, death, tortue, mentions of sa, hurt, language
„What a cute little thing you are. Too bad you chose the wrong guy as your fuck buddy. How did you two end up anyway? I bet it’s because he’s tall and his special appearance, you women all tick the same way. Whatever, let’s see how I will kill you today, sweetie. And maybe we can have some fun before, what do you think, huh?”
“Rot in hell, fucking asshole.”
You spit directly into the way too close face of none other than Toji Fushiguro. The man that broke into your apartment, drugged and hauled you into this dark and dirty room that is only lit by one small lightbulb. Your hands are chained to the ceiling, you’ve been kneeling on the floor for what feels like an eternity now. Not the best starting point to be honest.
“I love my women feisty, little bitch. Listen up.”
His rough hand yanks on your chin so harshly that you can’t help but stare straight into his cold eyes which are only inches away from yours. Sweat drips from your forehead against your already bleeding nose, your body slowly but surely begins to tremble from the cold and exhaustion.
“There are exactly two options for you. One: That fucker appears and you both die while trying to save your cute ass. Two: He’ll let you rot in here and I’ll kill you all alone. If I were you, I’d be nicer to the man who’s been taking such good care of me for the last hours and who’s responsible for my death.”
“My parents taught me not to talk to strangers, especially the stinky and homeless ones. Save your breath”, you hiss back.
His palm crushes against your soft cheek without any mercy. Dizziness consumes you instantly, your lifeless head falls to the side while blood squirts out of your nose again. Fuck, that hurt pretty bad. But still a quiet laughter escapes your lips. Does he really think he can crush your will with a few punches? Pathetic. You may not be a jujutsu sorcerer, but you’re damn though. It’s not the first time that you have to deal with assholes like him because of your precious boyfriend Satoru Gojo. He definitely owns you a shopping tour after that.
“What are you laughing about, brat?”
“Just thinking about how Satoru will kick your ass later”, you bark through gritted teeth.
“First he has to find me. I’m a non-jujutsu sorcerer, just like you. So he can’t detect me by my curse power either. Your mobile phone and your pathetic GPS necklace are in your apartment, Gojo didn’t protect you with his powers. Hurts huh? Apparently the other girl's more important to him. Treats you pretty badly, don’t you think?”
You don’t like to admit it, but his words make your heart ache for a brief moment. Deep down, you know that it was his job to protect her, that he cares about you the most even though you haven’t seen him in days now. Would he even risk her life to save yours? He told you over and over that you are his priority, his everything. But…you don’t know.
Will Satoru come at all?
You sink into your chains and stare at the man and his mischievous grin in front of you. It doesn’t matter if Satoru searches for you or finds you. But you won’t let Toji bring you to your knees so easily.
His gaze wanders through the room while he casually strides around. He needs to stay focused. Gojo is probably the strongest jujutsu sorcerer of his lifetime. Kidnapping his girlfriend to weaken him and divert his attention from Riko is a smart move, but risky if Toji isn’t careful. And then there’s the fact that (y/n) is a pain in the ass herself.
“Where ya lookin’? I’m the view, asshole.”
“No wonder a slut like you is the girlfriend of someone like that Gojo guy. I’ll shut up your pretty little mouth soon enough.”
“Did you just say I’m pretty?”
Your maniac grin and disrespect catches Toji off guard. Of course he knew you would be a handful, but he’s a well-known assassin. Damn, he could kill you in a heartbeat if he wanted to, are you too dumb to see that? Is your trust in your stupid boyfriend really this big? Maybe he should in fact kill you instantly.
“I’d love to wring your throat right away, but before that I’ll show you where your place is.”
All color drains from your face in an instant, cheeky grin gone in the wind. Fuck, this asshole is about to unbuckle his belt. Your throat is tight, it’s like you’ve forgotten how to breathe…Will he really? You shake your head in disbelief, limbs fighting desperately against the merciless force of the chains around your bloody wrists. No, you can’t let this happen. You would rather die than allow this man to touch you with his disgusting hands.
“Cat got your tongue, huh? What’s up, (y/n)? Don’t worry, I’ll show you what you’ve missed before you die.”
Toji wraps his arm around your waist and presses his muscular body against yours. The urge to puke into his face becomes unbearable as well as your impatience. Where the fuck is Satoru? You close your eyes in a desperate attempt to calm your thoughts and breathing. Even a man like him wouldn’t dare to assault you, not the girlfriend of Gojo Satoru. But since he’s not here at the moment, you’ll just have to take care of that situation yourself.
When you open your eyes again, there’s not a spark of humor left in them – pure determination and rage draw your face. With all the strength you are able to gather in your poor condition you put your head in your neck and yank it forward as hard as possible against his nose. You ignore the throbbing pain that seems to radiate from your forehead all over your body and the nausea that suddenly overcomes you. This is not over. Bracing your body against the chains, you push yourself off the ground and kick his chest hard with both legs. His huge frame stumbles backwards while his loud groan fills the room.
You breathe heavy, sight almost completely obscure by the waterfall of blood that streams down your head. With a satisfaction – filled grin you notice his bleeding nose. Serves him right, stupid asshole. He just shouldn’t have messed with you. After all, just because you are a non-jujutsu sorcerer doesn’t mean you’re not good at defending yourself. Who does this guy think he even is anyway?
Fuck, Toji rushes towards you with quick steps, the muscles under his tight shirt are dangerously tense. Not good. But even worse is that all you can do is stare at him through your tired lids and let him approach you. Damn, he is fucking furious.
“That blood really suits you, brings out your icy-murderer eyes, y’know. Man, you’d be so fucking hot if you weren’t a stone cold asshole. Could get yourself a nice girl.”
At this point, your words aren’t more than an uncovered fading whisper anymore. You are just so fucking tired of hanging in this room and fighting a hopeless battle. At least you die in style.
“Nice show, slut. But that’s it for you now. I hope you realize that I could have just dodged your pathetic punches. Just like that”, he hisses through gritted teeth.
With a swift motion of his arm, he grips your wrist and twists it. You see stars, bones audible shattering in your body. All color that is left in your face drains instantly, a cry filled with ache reverberates around the room and rings back in your ears. You feel like you’re going to lose consciousness at any moment. No, stay awake, bark back, show him that you don’t care.
But you can’t.
His right hand clenches into a fist. As if in slow motion, you watch it move towards your face. This is gonna hurt like hell, maybe you should close your eyes and pretend none of this is happening. You at the beach with Satoru, his delicious body exposed to the sun and your merciless eyes, dipping his face into the water over and over again until he begs you to stop. Yeah, that would be nice. Satoru…You love him so much that it hurts sometimes, some say you two are obsessed with each other. He wears you on his hands, you’re the only one who can match his sense of humor and has the ability to put up with his lifestyle. He would never allow that any harm touches your delicate skin, that you get involved into his work as a jujutsu sorcerer. But today it seems like he can’t save you. At least you can say you fought back as much as you could.
“Touch her and you’ll burn.”
Your eyes snap open immediately. There he stands, your boyfriend, your knight in shining armor with his sunglasses casually covering his bright blue orbs.
“What are you doing, (y/n)?”, he questions ironically while slowly approaching the both of you.
“I’m just out here being cute, y’know”, you mumble with a small smirk.
Satoru gives you a loving smile. At that moment you just know that everything is going to be okay, that he will kill Toji for tormenting you and that you’ll meet again in the sheets this evening.
“Took you quite a while to get here”, Toji comments dryly and turns away from you.
The moment his big frame moves away a wave of relief washes over you. If Satoru had come just a second later Toji might have filleted you and you are very aware of that. You are no longer interesting for Toji, after all you served your purpose as decoy.
With a swift motion, your boyfriend frees your hands from the chains that have already cut deep into your tender flesh. Your knees meet the hard concrete floor in an instant, your body is too weak to stand up on its own.
“Come on (y/n), get yourself together and walk out of that room. Suguru will meet up with you. This is about to get pretty ugly.”
The air is filled with thick tension as both men stand still and just look at each other. He’s right. You have to get up, get out of this fucking room, find Suguru. If you stay here you are only an obstacle to Satoru.
“Your girlfriend is quite a pain in the ass. Well, at least she’s hot, I see where you’re coming from.”
“Beat his ass a few times more for me”, you breathe out.
You can do this. With all the strength you have left in your body, you lift your aching limbs off the ground and stumble to the door. Satoru positions himself in front of you, alert in chase Toji wants to attack you.
“Hit me up later, sweetheart.”
“Thank you for saving me. Even if it’s technically your fault I was trapped here.”
“How rude!”
With one last glance at you, he closes the door by one rapid motion of his arm.
You can’t help but let out a sign of relief. Fuck, this was a very close call – too close for your liking. Again your body lets you down and sinks onto the dirty ground in an instant. Your limbs are trembling, your mind goes numb. If you stay awake a little longer, you are able to find Suguru and get out of here…
You would recognize his voice everywhere. How much you’d like to call out his name now so that he can find you and get you away from here, but the corners of your saggy mouth don’t move an inch. The ability to speak seems to be failing you completely at this point.
Are you dying? You’re not sure. But your thoughts completely drift away until they’re utterly still. Finally rest, finally no more pain, finally-
“There you are (y/n). Stay awake okay? Let’s meet up with Shoko.”
The fear in Sugurus voice is unmistakable. His arms gently wrap themselves around your knees and back before lifting you up with ease.
“I hope you drove him insane with your talking”, Suguru gently whispers while sprinting down dark hallways.
“You bet I did.” ______________________________________________________________
God, you feel terrible. The second your thoughts begin to race again your whole body seems to be on fire. Your opened eyes get greeted by harsh lights.
“Can someone turn this the fuck off”, you mumble.
“Oh, there you are (y/n). Took you quite a while to get back to us.”
You recognize this voice. It’s Shoko, you’re with Shoko. That can only mean that Suguru brought you here. You must have passed out shortly after he found you. Your mind is clouded by faded memories and pain. What happened last? You were kidnapped and tortured by Toji Fushiguro, Satoru…Satoru was there, he saved you. After that, Suguru got you to safety.
“Where are they?”
Shoko sits next to you, a cigarette hanging from her mouth.
“This thing has gotten pretty ugly, (y/n)…But you’d better rest a little. Your boyfriend should explain this to you himself.”
“Are they fine?”
Your eyes are widened in horror. That look of worry on Shoko’s face is so unfamiliar to you that it makes your guts twist in thick fear. If something happened to Suguru because of you…Could Satoru defeat Toji all by himself? He is the strongest, right? Surely he had no problem with killing a basic non jujutsu sorcerer.
“Look who’s awake.”
Suguru’s figure is so tall that he dims the lights that irritated you before. He looks like he’s wearing a halo – how suiting.
“Suguru, you’re alright. Please tell me you’re okay”, you mumble, mouth still not able to process your battling thoughts. 
“I’m fine again. Don’t worry.” There it is, his usual bright smile. But something’s different. You can tell that the corners of his mouth don’t pull up as far as usual, that he looks overall…defeated.
“What…What happened? Where is Satoru?”
You can hear your own voice trembling in anticipation. Fuck, he would have been by your side the whole time if everything was alright. Your last encounter plays like a movie in your head. Did Toji?...This can’t be. It’s simply not possible.
“Sorry for keeping you waiting!”
The sight next to Suguru makes you nauseous. Satoru’s uniform is completely torn and blood soaked, you can detect a small wound on his forehead, his white hair discolored in crimson. And god his eyes…He looks possessed. No, that can’t be your boyfriend. You hardly recognize him.
“Satoru, is that you?”
“The one and only! I did it (y/n). I killed that man!”
He roughly grabs your upper arms and leans over you. The weight of his huge frame against your throbbing skin takes your breath away. A whimper of agony escapes your lips while you squint and screw up your face.
“Back off, Satoru, you’re hurting her!”, Shoko yelps in an desperate attempt to free you from his grip.
“Look at me, (y/n)! I finally mastered reverse cursed technique and killed Toji for what he did to you. Anami was murdered as well as basically everyone else, but I did this for you! We both survived!”
The maniac look in his eyes sends shivers down your spine. What has gotten into him?
“Satoru, are you on drugs? Let go off me!”, you cry out.
“I think we should get going now. See you, (y/n)”, Suguru interrupts and yanks Satoru away from you.
“B-But…I need answers! Get your ass back here! What’s the matter with you two!?”
“Don’t ask questions I don’t have the answer to (y/n).”
With one last look both men leave you alone with Shoko. What just happened? The girl…she’s dead? So Toji killed her after all. And the bruises on Satoru…Fuck, maybe that man was stronger than you thought. But he’s also dead, right? Your head begins to spin with all the scenarios that cloud your mind. You need answers, you need to talk to Satoru, you need to-
“You need to rest, (y/n). This one will blow you away.”
Her fingers snap against the syringe in her hand. Your eyes widen in shock, heartbeat picking up in an instant. No, you can’t sleep now, you need to talk to Satoru, he needs to explain what happened to him, why he looks so torn, why Suguru’s eyes were so empty.
“Wait Shoko, I-I need to t-talk t-to…”
A sharp stab in your upper arm. Then darkness. Nothing but darkness.
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restinslices · 4 months
I love your stuff so much, could you write something with the reader getting jealous about Smoke? Someone getting a bit too close to him and the reader feels bad about it. And Tomas finds out and comforts her, finding it endearing.
And I love you💕 Idk why this was kicking my ass so bad. I did two drafts and idk if I like this but this is all I got😔
Word count: 1476
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Tomas was not entirely stupid. 
Sure he had moments where he'd made something that should've been simple,  incredibly complicated but he wasn't stupid. He didn't think so at least. 
Anyone who's been around him for the past week might disagree though. 
Tomas had just returned from a mission along with his brothers, and naturally he was telling you all about it. If you were being honest with yourself, you weren't really listening. Tomas tended to ramble and his missions were usually the same as the last, so it was best to let him go on and on but still add commentary here and there. “Wow”, “Really?”, “No you didn't”, and other side comments would hold him. 
Your ears perked up and you started to listen more when he started mentioning women.
It's not that he couldn't speak to other women or he couldn't have female friends, you weren't that crazy. It was just the way he was describing them. Great fighters, moving with the wind, long flowy hair that danced in the sun. It was compliment after compliment, and as much as you hated to admit it, it made your heart squeeze. 
“Wanna tell me how they all looked in detail?” You said sarcastically. You expected Tomas to hear your sarcasm, realize what was wrong, apologize and keep telling his story. Instead he just chuckled and said 
“Then we'd be here all day”. 
Unfortunately for you, the day got worse. 
Another woman whose name you hadn't memorized was all over him. Giggling at jokes that weren't nearly as funny as she pretended they are and finding any reason to touch him. 
You should've said something. You should've communicated your feelings. That's how relationships are supposed to work. 
But you didn't. 
On one hand, you thought you had every reason to be jealous and if Tomas actually cared for your feelings, then he would've picked up on this and apologized. On the other hand you thought you were being unreasonable. Tomas couldn't help if some ditzy bitch liked him. Plus, you never told him how you felt, so you couldn't be mad at him for not understanding. In the same breath though, why didn't he tell her to get off of him and why did he feel it was necessary to describe how great these other women he met were? 
You were arguing with yourself for a solid week, and each day that devil on your shoulder got louder. After all, if Tomas did care about how you felt, he'd stop entertaining that girl. Everytime she was near, you left. Didn't you absence bother him?
But once again, that damn angel got in the way telling you to just be honest with him. He'd understand. How can you be mad at something you hadn't communicated upsets you?
But communication came with shame. How would you look telling Tomas that you got a little butt hurt about him talking about other girls and a girl that kept flirting with him? He'd either understand, or he'd be upset. That's how relationships fell apart, right?
No. It was the lack of communication. 
“I'm gonna throw myself down the stairs” you mumbled. 
“Why?” he asked. 
You somehow forgot he was there. You and him were in charge of washing dishes for the week, but neither of you had been talking. 
“I just hate washing dishes” you said, not completely lying. 
It went silent again, the only thing filling the air being the sounds of you washing and him rinsing. 
Then that silence was broken. 
“Are you ignoring me?” he asked. You didn't know how to answer. You didn't mean to ignore him. You were just in your head a lot. 
You didn't answer and he sighed. “Did I do something?”
“No” you answered without thinking. It was a reflex at this point. Tomas over thought things a lot and you'd have to remind him not everything was on him. Telling him he wasn't at fault was natural, but you weren't sure who was at fault now. 
“I mean… I don't know. It doesn't matter”
“It does to me”
“Does it?”. 
You closed your eyes and breathed slowly. You were being way too harsh and you knew it. Tomas was asking you to share what was going on in your head, and you were saying no?
You opened your eyes again. Your mouth opened a few times, trying to figure out how to put what you were feeling but it never felt right. 
“I don't know how to get this out. It doesn't even make sense in my head. It won't make sense out loud”
“Just say it anyway and I'll ask you questions if I'm confused”. You wondered how Tomas was so good and patient and wondered if he learned that from one of his parents. Or maybe his sister. Either way, you mentally thanked whoever he learned from. 
“Ok so, I just feel- no. No, I should explain first in chronological order. You came back and then… actually that sounds really accusatory”. You groaned and looked over at him “can you just tell me to shut the fuck up”. 
He smiled a little and shook his head. “I wanna hear it. We have all day”. 
“It's late at night. That is not true”. He didn't respond and he wouldn't until you confessed whatever you were thinking. 
“Chronological order then…”, after some more stumbling and backtracking you managed to get it all out. Why you were jealous, when it started, how conflicted you felt and how ashamed you felt for being jealous in the first place. The whole time he just listened, nodded, and furrowed his brows at some parts. You couldn't tell if it was confusion or anger. 
“I didn't mean it that way” he said when you were done. “When I said 'then we’d be here all day’. I just meant there was a lot of them, which I realize now still sounds bad but I didn't mean it in some 'they were just too beautiful’ way. I didn't hear your sarcasm”
“And I just kept conversation with her to be nice. I don't know. I didn't wanna seem rude”
“Being rude can go a long way”
“I guess. And I noticed your absence, I just didn't know why. I figured you needed space for whatever reason, so I didn't bother you”
“I think it's impossible for you to bother me”. 
Once again, he smiled and let out a small laugh. You looked back down at the soapy water and that's when you felt like a complete idiot. You were worrying him when you could've been had this conversation. 
“I'm an idiot”
“I don’t think so” and you could tell by his voice that he was smirking. “I think you're just really in love with me”
“Ok buddy”. You rolled your eyes, even if he was right. 
“It's cute”
“It's embarrassing”
“Loving me or-”
“Being jealous. I haven't been that jealous before with anyone else”
“I'm not like anyone else”
“You're white. You're quite literally like everyone else-” Tomas flicked water your way, some of it getting in your eye. 
“I'm gonna kill you”
“You wouldn't. You'd get jealous over the Grim Reaper”. You frowned but he kept smiling that stupid smile that was both loving and antagonistic. Then he laughed. A nice heartfelt laugh that ended up making you crack a smile. 
“Are you smiling because I'm laughing?”
“Absolutely not”,  you lied. 
“You really got a thing for me”
“I've never met you a day in my life”
“That's even more embarrassing then if you're that in love with me”. You went to make another smart comment, but he bumped his shoulder against yours “hey”, he said softly. So soft it threw you off guard. “I think it's cute. You're like a little guard dog”. 
“Were you dropped on your head as a baby and now your social cues are scrambled? A guard dog? I'd prefer if you stabbed me. Here-”, you went to grab a knife but he caught your hand. Any other time you would've hated this. Both your hands were soaking and something about the feel of that made you skin crawl, but you guessed you could deal with that. 
“I think it's cute that you love me so much. I just wish you'd be more honest about what you feel. I was worried”. 
You cringed. You supposed that was your fault. You and your dumb brain making shit complicated, which is something you swore was more of a Tomas thing. 
“I'll be better. I promise. I'll start now”
“Now. The texture of you wet hand makes me wanna die. Please unhand me”. He couldn't help but laugh as he let you go, and you couldn't help but laugh as well. 
You didn't know what you were laughing at. 
You were just happy to be laughing together. 
Finally getting back to requests. The crowd goes wild. Tumblr has this big space between lines so I cannot tell if the format is weird and I should add more space or if I’m tweaking. Oh well.
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jackchampiongf13 · 7 months
“One hell of a Women.”
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Word Count: 1.0k
Pairing: Neteyam Sully x fem!reader
Summary: Y/n has gone through lots of trauma in one lifetime. She gets mad at her one and only true love for risking his life in battle even though they aren’t even together yet.
A/n: I am seriously sorry for not posting anything for like weeks but school has been kicking my ass. Thank you so much for the support on my last post I love you all sm!! Also ik I said I would only ever write for Jack but I feel back into my obsession rabbit hole with Neteyam so I thought why not write a series(maybe depending how I feel) on it. Love you all❤️❤️😝🦃
————————————————————————— From a young age you were very mature. You were always silly, but oh so wise. When you were 4 your mother was killed by your father. You had witnessed this gruesome attack but still held deep love for your father. This made you stronger and a mighty warrior. In the village many people knew this, including Jake Sully.
Your mother came from the same background as Jake Sully. Making you very close to his children. Your mother had come with Jake and Norm and ended up falling in love with a Navi. This man turned against you and your own mother after being bribed by Miles Quaritch to have everything he has ever wanted. But he had to kill his mate. And you, but you survived which he did not know of. Thinking he erased his entire past he moved on and helped Miles with his plan to kill Jake Sully.
Since you had no one anymore Jake gladly stood up to care for you and convinced his mate Neytiri, who also was happy to be there for you because of how close the two were.
“You fucking dumbass!” You shouted. No shouted is not good enough to describe how loud you were being. “What you thought that was ok to do? Lo’ak you are a stupid moron who does not take orders!” You flick his head making him jump back out from being surprised in pain.
“I- look I’m sorry I jus-“ he starts to get out but you flick his head again. “Listen to me. You don’t get to say sorry or say anything!” You start to go off on him but then his brother jumps in “Look Y/n this is my fault it’s ok let’s just go back ok?” Neteyam says in a tempting voice making you want to listen. “You too! You say no you don’t egg him on you idiot. I mean god I know he doesn’t listen but jesus drag him by his ear!” Lo’aks ears go down as he can’t even look you in the eyes, but Neteyam can. And he is. Making you almost stop. But you can’t.
“I’m older than the both of you! I get to yell at the both of you for being idiots. 1, Lo’ak are you kidding me? You get to have a role in the battle but you always need more! Fucking more? 2, your father, YOUR CLAN LEADER gave you a role to follow but what do you do instead? You don’t listen! I don’t care if he’s your father and you don’t care if you get in trouble by him but I do! I’m in charge of your asses out there and if either of you get hurt I get shit for months.” Neteyam starts to smirk while looking at the both of you. He’s thinking Lo’ak deserves this big ass lecture.
“AND YOU! Don’t even start to smirk. Say no! No Lo’ak! I will not let you mess up everything and HARM so many other people because you are selfish!” You yell pushing your finger into his beautifully chiseled chest. He stands there listening respectfully like the gentleman he is. “Guys I’m sorry but what were you thinking?! You could have hurt yourself Lo’ak! You could have killed your brother too! And I know I’m this moment it may not seem like it but I love you both so deeply and don’t want to see you get hurt.”
They both smile at you and you roll your eyes and walk off pissed. But god so heavily in love with Neteyam.
“I don’t understand what you see in that women Neteyam.” Lo’ak says while looking at his brother watch you walk away.
“She’s one hell of a women and it does stuff to me” Lo’ak frowns.
“Get a room freak.” Neteyam frowns at this comment but can’t help just rethink everything thay just happened and smile the slightest bit.
Hours later you are in your tent just laying on your cot. You start to feel sorry and want to go apologize realizing you were way to harsh. Especially on Neteyam. It’s not like he can control his crazy brother.
Before you even know it your legs are taking you to your crushes tent. You begin to walk slowly but your heart begins to beat faster so you pick up your pace just to get this over with.
“Nete are you here?” You know hoping he’s not. “Yes come in!” He shouts back. Oh shit.
Walk in and smile and he smiles back. He looks into your gorgeous eyes but you quickly look away to much of a coward to look at him.
“What’s up? You’re not one to apologize you are way to stubborn.” You giggle knowing this is very true. “I know but I can’t help but not say sorry. I was being very selfish back there. I know Lo’ak never listens you couldn’t do anything about him.” You start to fiddle with your fingers but he stops you and makes you look him in the eyes. “Look love it’s ok I thought it was funny you going off on him. He totally deserved that and now he’s scared of you.” you laugh again.
“I am sorry Nete it was so rude of me.” He takes your hand in his “Love stop apologizing.” Your cheeks betray you and start to blush hard for the second time at the nickname.
“Nete, I-“ suddenly a scream is heard and next thing you know your running towards the mysterious noise.
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houseofhyde · 1 year
aemond doesn't know...
pairing. modern!aegon targaryen x fem!reader
synopsis. ...that aegon and you do it in his van every sunday.
warnings. modern au, fuckbuddy!aegon, best friend!aemond, artist!aemond, drummer!aegon, light angst, smut (p in v, creampie, hair pulling, light anal play (?), use of slut.)
word count. 1.5k
hyde’s input. happy valentines, guys, gals and whores! <3 i was supposed to be posting a daemon smut but i got sidetracked bc scotty doesn't know by lustra came on shuffle and, well, my mind is hyperactive. my attraction to aegon is purely fueled by the fact i've been attracted to tom glynn carney since dunkirk. not completely comfortable writing for him yet though, so i may end up restricting myself to only writing modern aus when it comes to aegon. fic has not been edited!!
taglist. i've chosen not to tag anyone as this is the first time i'm posting for this character and am unsure who on my taglist is comfortable reading aegon fics.
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let’s get one thing clear: you are not dating aemond targaryen.
sure, he walks you to class every morning despite his own being on the other end of campus; and drags himself out of bed at one, two, three in the morning to pick you up on the nights you work the closing shift. and, ok, he brings you out for lunch, and dinner, and home for the holidays. sure, he’s filled sketchbooks with drawings of you, he’s skipped out on lectures just to clean vomit out of your hair and last-nights make-up off your face, he’s almost stolen a handful of picture-perfect kisses beneath mistletoes and sunsets.
but, he’s never made his move.
so aegon feels no remorse for his love-struck brother as he rips off the red lace panties that conceal his latest best friend.
she’s always there for him, waiting with open arms- between open legs- and offering the warmest of hugs for his cock. she’s pretty and clean and tastes like a tangy peach, just a little too ripe but perfect for his liking.
“hey there sweetheart,” his voice, bouncing off the walls of the overheating vehicle, coos over his own excitement. she’s hard to resist, dribbling with sticky sweetness, and aegon swears- he swears!- that she winks at him, taunting him to slip inside to the promised land. “hmm, what’s that, darling? i missed you too.”
“would you stop talking to my pussy like it’s a person and hurry up!” and there you are to burst his bubble, on all fours with your skirt flipped up over your (in aegon’s opinion) perfectly shaped ass and trying oh so hard to not comment on the mess of empty beer cans and fast food wrappers and miscellaneous parts of a drum-set that occupy the unholy grounds of the back of aegon’s van.
“don’t listen to her, sugarplum,” you’d cringe at his choice of pet-name, were it not for the fact the insufferable bastard’s leaning down to press a kiss on your rear-cheeks, peaceful pecks concluded with the lewd- and unexpectedly intriguing- drag of his tongue over your asshole. you lurch forward, stopped only by the grasp of his hands on your hips. “she’s just jealous of what we have, always trying to get between us.”
he’s a cruel torturer, a sadist who gets a kick out of making you squirm and cry and ache for his touch. maybe it’s about the power it gives him, to see you so pliant and needy for naught but him. or perhaps it’s a point he’s needing to prove, to curse that stuck up little brother of his who’s always making comments on the women he choses to indulge himself him.
oh, what he’d give to have aemond stumble upon this scene of him, the puppet master, and you, the poor thing on a string, mouth dropping open in a quiet plea as aegon toys his thumb over your puckered hole, an unspoken threat to fill it before he so much as touches your soaked cunt.
“aegon, please!”
“hmm, i seriously need to get a recording of you saying that,” you don’t need to look over your shoulder to know he’s grinning like the cat that got the cream. nevertheless, you look, and what a sight he is: eyes more black than blue, hair a messed crown upon his head, hardened nipples the prettiest shade of blush pink. unlike you, he’s shamelessly nude for anyone to see, dare they stumble too close to the rocking van. “make it my ringtone, or put you on our debut record.”
you’ve no real clue who our encompasses, though you guess it’s whatever recent mediocre band the targaryen boy’s landed himself in.
the same band aemond keeps saying he needs to take you to see, a so called night-of-laughter you need away from all those assignments and exams that keep getting in the way of your designated best friend dates.
“you’re so gross,” your words clash with your actions, arching your back and further presenting him with where you need him most.
“oh, but you love it.”
and you do, you really do.
you love how aegon fills you, slow at first to “get your pretty kitty stretched”, and all at once after he’s got the first few inches in, no warning before the head of him brutishly knocks against your cervix. you love the groaning and moaning and utter bullshit that finds it’s way out of his cushioned lips, whines of so tight and praises of you take me so fucking well, baby. you love how he talks you through it, voice a gentle whisper of encouragement from the moment the took your virginity till even now, months and several more encounters later. you love that he plays you like an instrument, skillful with the move of his fingers and careful with the pressing of your buttons.
“yeah, like it from this angle, don’t you? like to take me nice and deep,” he’s spewing out behind you, fucking into you at a speed that’s got not only you whining but the van too. “what a pretty little slut i’ve made out of you.”
you hate that he’s aegon. dirty, slimy, enemy/big brother to your best friend, aegon. you hate that it would crush aemond to know this is how you’re spending your sunday, cramped in the back of his brother’s van as he defiles you from behind. you hate that you keep coming back.
“what’d you tell him this time, huh?” like he’s reading your mind, aegon questions you, words slurring together in the haze of lust, no need to name the man you both know unites you as much as he divides you. “where’ds he think you are?”
“ch-aah,” the word is lost among the slapping of skin and the cry of sheer terrified pleasure you feel as he reaches so deep you’re almost sure you feel him in your guts, arms giving out beneath you and leaving you pressed face first into the floor. “church! he, he thinks i’m in church.”
“if he’s thinking you’re on your knees,” aegon’s words fall upon deaf ears as the cord begins to tighten in your lower stomach, threatening to snap any second and leave you to fall into the pits of pleasure. “he’s not entirely wrong.”
he doesn’t need to be told when or how to touch you, he just knows, and so it’s no surprise when the rough pads of aegon’s fingers rub over your aching clit. the euphoric feeling of the tough skin dancing over your buzzing bundle of nerves and his cock, pulsating and raw, fucking into you over and over and over, molding a home for itself within your tight cunt, it’s all too much.
“c’mon, pretty girl, you can do it.” he’s so encouraging, so supportive as his free hand tangles itself in your hair, swift with the way it’s pulling you up till your back hits his chest. “give me what i want, go on. cum on my cock, pretty please baby.”
you do as he commands, mouth dropping open in a cry of ecstasy heard only by you, aegon and the walls that make up his beaten van. he’s not far behind, thrusts turning sloppy in the final moments as he fights through the squeeze of your orgasm before he’s spilling inside of you, head burrowed in the crook of your neck to stiffle the pathetic whimpers born from the feeling of stuffing you full of his cum till it’s dripping out of you and onto the floor, joining the rest of the mess.
“shh, shh, atta girl.” the press of his lips against your forehead is grounding, soothing you just as much as the stroke of his hands over your thighs as you crash back against him, energy drained and muscles aching. aegon’s no better, heart running at the speed of a stallion and skin burning hot red from the unbearable heat. “that’s it, you’re good. i’ve got you.”
as it always goes, you pull away first.
you fight back a discomforted frown as the emptiness hits you, what remains of his spend inside of you now dripping out to the surface of your slit. neither of you talk as you clean yourselves up, him tugging his clothes back on and you checking just how badly your makeup has smudged.
it's worse than any walk of shame, really, this stifling silence that fills the space between you as he sparks up the engine and begins the drive back.
“this can’t happen again.” it’s only once you’ve stepped out the door that you speak, hand resting on the handle and eyes focusing anywhere than his hands on the stearing wheel, the same hands he’d had burried between your thighs less than an hour before.
“you said that the last time.”
“i mean it!” you don’t. “this is the last time, aegon.” it’s not.
you only make it halfway up the path to the door of your house till he’s honking his horn and rolling his window down.
“i’ll see you same time next week, yeah?”
“fuck you!” and, yet, you smile.
“can’t wait, sweetheart!”
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banamine-bananime · 6 months
one thing that always perplexes me is how often i see takes on tucker where the work positions him as a great dad*, fluent in sangheili language and culture, and most of all, a great diplomat.
i'm not here to yuck anyone's yum and i, too, am absolutely transfixed and enraptured by this man's oscillation between "my one purpose in life is to constantly test the human limits of Annoyingness" and "sudden, shocking extreme competence with no warning" like a little Newton's cradle. like, i just spent 7000 words indulging myself in thinking about a version of tucker that listens a lot more to the "do whatever you gotta to protect the people you love and do what you think is right regardless of what people think" cartoon angel on his shoulder and less to the "that sounds hard i just wanna mouth off, jerk off, fuck off, and negg church" devil. i cannot throw stones and clearly i think that's a fun and valid interpretation of how his character could evolve. but evolve is the keyword there and it baffles me when this gets treated as the fact of how he immediately snapped into being as soon as he had junior, you know?
like. obviously tucker ended up doing some massively impressive shit as an ambassador in sandtrap. but that's because he wasn't being an ambassador, he was being The Final Girl in il/ct's slasher flick. getting trapped in a beseiged temple is, traghilariously, the best thing that could have happened for him in terms of being good at that job. if tucker were a pathfinder character he would have 18s in "dealing with your life suddenly being taken over by ancient alien religion bullshit", "surviving crazy shit through sheer spite and the adrenaline rush of pissing off whatever asshole has made it their life's mission to kill you this time", and "being the only person who knows what fucked up shit is going on while the rest of the bgc ignore you". he would have a 2 in "saying things that make people want to kill you LESS". de-escalation is not in this man's skillset. he cannot even handle being normal about human women. appreciating the intricacies of sangheili culture and politics, human culture and politics, and sangheili-human relations?
Tucker: People learn English all the time, it aren't that hard.
Church: Maybe you should try learning his language.
Tucker: Fuck that, we got here first, and that makes this a colony. Those're the rules, dude. Earth colony, Earth language.
Church: Tucker there's thousands of languages spoken on Earth.
Tucker: Hyeah, but only one that kicks ass. And that's the one we're teaching. English 101, remedial kick-ass.
i know this is pre-junior and doubtlessly, he is more interested in this stuff after junior (because junior's life does depend on sangheili politics and human-alien relations) and MUST be less dense about it after HAVING to do it as a job. like by osmosis at the very least something must have permeated his brain. but the gap between this^ and "knowledgeable enough to be an asset in this career, one people need at least one relevant degree for" is, uh, bigger than a few months between leaving blood gulch and being sent out to the field
sometimes i think about what a fucking trip it would be to be on the UNSC diplomatic team with tucker LMAO can you imagine how unpopular he must have been. a bunch of polisci and IR nerds like fists clenched shaking like leaves trying to restrain the urge to give this guy a swirlie because he cannot stop sounding like a fucking family guy episode while you're trying to, like, convince the warrior queen of some isolated Sangheili heretical sect to ally with the Swords of Sangheilios and the species they've been dead set on annihlating for decades. and also you know he's only an ambassador as like the weirdest most fucked up variation of a nepo baby. nepo forced interspecies religious incubator. the token chestburster virgin mary hire. the simultaneous Hatred for this guy making your job hell, the impotent rage of knowing that it is, actually, important that he be there for Symbolic reasons, and feeling sympathetic to him. you know part of why he's Like This is literally just because he's 20 and should be at the club but has had the year from hell and didn't ask for this. it's easy to forget that because he doesn't complain about any of the actually bad things that happened and just rolls with whatever crazy shit comes his way. complaining is reserved for being an annoying little bitch about petty shit.
ANYWAYS i'm not saying stop having fun with very competent versions of tucker. we're all just here to have fun. i just like what a weird combo of competent and disaster he is, as i interpret him, and i, personally, am incapable of interpreting him as being actually very good at his job as ambassador
*the only two options are not "bad dad" and "great dad". having an alien parasite non-consensually implanted in you by a manipulative fraudster to force his own involvement in a prophecy - oh and also their species is trying to exterminate yours - and going, "well, this baby didn't choose this, they're just a baby, and you know what? my baby. i love this baby unreservedly and unconditionally, fuck you." shows a capacity for love and forgiveness that's frankly fucking insane, both in the good-impressive way and the what-is-going-on-in-your-brain-and-how-did-this-kind-of-decision-making-not-get-you-killed-yet way. and tucker very clearly loves junior a lot and does his best - which, i want to reiterate, is absolutely wild considering the circumstances - but he wasn't ready for a kid, is bad at accepting responsibility especially for others, and the way that Things Never Stop Happening in his life mean he is really not very present. and it's not JUST because of things happening outside of his control - there were periods after season 8 and after season 13 he probably could have permanently reunited with junior and didn't.
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dawnagustd · 2 years
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❃ Festivaled Away: Burned Memories hosted by @bangtanbathhouse​  
⤞ Ticket: Playlist ⤞ Main Event: Based on a Playlist ⤞ Games: fucking playlist | sensory deprivation | breath play | phone sex | oral fixation
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⤞ title: mu$ic fairy  ⤞ pairing: rapper!yoongi x podcaster!female oc/reader ⤞ genre: smut   ⤞ summary: When Yoongi’s career started to kick off, he never imagined he’d have a secret admirer this early in the game. Sure, random women throw themselves at him all the time, but this one has a different approach when it comes to getting his attention.  ⤞ word count: 11k ⤞ warnings: strong language | sexual tension | pet names | dirty talk | guided masturbation | ball fondling | dom/sub dynamics | sensory deprivation | breath play | phone sex | oral fixation | mutual masturbation | protected sex | ruined orgasms | orgasm denial | hard dom!yoongi | sub!reader | blindfolding kinda? | rough sex | choking | degradation | face down doggy/ass shots | hair pulling | squirting | ass slapping | nipple sucking | multiple orgasms | blowjob | face/throat fucking | yoongi moaning(yes that’s a warning) | oral (male and female receiving) | face slapping | finger sucking | clit biting | gagging | bdsm themes | orgasm control | cum swallowing | praising | cum swapping | forced orgasms | kissing but not the cute kind | aftercare | yoongi’s harsh(no other way to put it) | crying(the good kind) | sex & music | manhandling | sex with no feelings | marking/biting/scratching | possessive!yoongi(like he’s obsessed with marking her up) | pain kink | you’re either going to love me or hate me for the ending | pov switches | lying ass heauxs | toxic behavior because they are wild lol | alcohol consumption | the oc is slightly curvy and brown like me😜 ⤞ rating: 18+  ⤞ a/n: This got way out of hand lol. I tried to write a drabble but it just didn’t work out. I need to first and foremost give a special thanks to my beta readers Bambi @agustdealer & Ryen @kithtaehyung​ for not only looking over this for me but listening to me cry and rip this story apart over and over lol(there may still be some mistakes because I’m a clown and added stuff they didn’t read). I really appreciate your dedication and faith in me. Also, praise needs to be given to the ever so talented Ryen @/kithtaehyung for this amazing banner. She slayed as always. Lastly, thank you Madame Amai @kkulmoon​ for hosting this event. I hope you all enjoy it. Don’t forget to comment, reblog, and leave feedback to let me know what you think.💖
Playlist: Vulture Island V2 by ROB49 ft Lil Baby | It’s Givin’ by Latto | Whole Lotta Money by BIA ft. Nicki Minaj | Thick by O.T. Genasis ft. 2Chainz | MMM MMM by Kali ft. ATL Jacob | Have Mercy by Chlöe Bailey
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Thank you for completing our questionnaire. Please stay on the line and allow us to find you the perfect match…
With a few basic questions and a two minute wait, he was paired with a woman that sounds rather beautiful. He imagines that she is, at least. Well, he hopes. 
He’s been chatting with her for about an half of a minute, and he’s feeling her. So he doesn’t hang up when the official timer begins.
“So umm…how confidential is this?” He can never be too careful. This could ruin his reputation if someone found out.  “You said you’ve done this before, right?”
“Yeah, it’s safe, love. Trust me.” 
He hopes you’re right. 
“After you complete the questionnaire, they pair you with a random person who has similar preferences.”
He pushes the worrisome thoughts to the back of his mind and proceeds to pleasure himself before time is up. He’s currently living paycheck to paycheck, so fifteen minutes was all he could afford.
“Should I lead or…?”
He scoffs out a laugh. “I got it, babe. Just vibe with me.”
“Okay.” Your response is through small labored breaths. You must be broke as shit too because you aren’t wasting any time. “C-Can you put on some music or something?...I umm, can’t do it  when it’s this quiet.”
He grabs his laptop and allows whatever track is next to travel through the speakers.
Fuck. He forgot about the beats he was playing for someone earlier. Hopefully, it doesn’t ruin your mood before he can change it. “Sorry,” he mutters a bit embarrassed.
“No, this is fine.”
“Yeah, it’s sensual,” you pant. His brows knit together in curiosity and he momentarily ceases his movements. “The bass complements your voice well, actually. Did you umm…?”
“Yeah, that’s me.”
“I like it.” The little moan behind those words has him standing at attention. In any second, he could blow his load.
“Yeah? What else do you like?...Tell me what gets your attention.”
There’s a pause. “Or would you rather me shut up?”
“The opposite. I wanna hear you…your voice. You sound hot,” you giggle and it’s one of the most soothing things he’s ever heard. “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be sorry, sweetheart. You don’t sound bad either…Just hearing you laugh is making me hard.”
He hears a whimper; one of the sexiest, neediest whines to ever grace his ears. “Tell me what you just did. Don’t be shy.”
You hesitate, so he steps in.
“Touching your pussy, huh?”
He senses through the phone how worked up he’s getting you. You’ve started panting and moaning out your words shamelessly.
“Mmhm, my clit.”
He chuckles and whispers of curses come through the phone.
“Do me a favor?” you agree and he continues. “Move a little lower and dip your fingers in your pussy. Tell me how wet it is.”
He uses his spit for lubrication and tightens his fist around his cock. He imagines it was your walls snuggled around him, pumping his length as you bounce up and down. Something inside of him believes that you’re pretty, with a nice ass too. A really nice ass, that’s what his fantasies project at least.
“Fuck. How many?” you ask him.
Damn. You’re obedient as well. That’s hot, really hot. 
“As many as your pretty cunt can take.”
When he hears a muffled cry, his bottom lips tucks between his teeth while he concentrates on the squelching sounds coming through the phone. You both move in sync with the music and allow it to take away the nervous jitters the both of you had previously. His cock starts twitching in his palm when your sweet little moans move through his ears.
“How many did you use, sweetheart?”
You answer him in a high-pitched voice. You’re close too, he can hear it. Your eyes are probably screwed shut, trying to keep it together to prolong the call, but he has to go before his bill skyrockets. He needs to get you off—quickly.
“Two. Three, now. I needed more.”
“Greedy, aren’t we?”
“No…I’m just really horny.”
He has to smile at that. “Yeah? Me too. This is good, but I'd rather be balls deep in you.”
“Fuck, I’d like it.”
Sweat beads on his forehead, but he just wipes it away with the back of his hand and keeps going. The music has changed to something more upbeat and he knows this is his shot for home plate.
“Really? Is that why you’re making a mess? I can hear it, you know...you’re so fucking wet.”
“Shit, I wanna come,” your words are barely recognizable and you just keep begging him for more, “please help me.”
“Fuck, sweetheart. Take your fingers out and rub your clit. Spread that sticky shit all over it and get yourself off.”
He throws his head back and curls his toes, bracing himself for the impact of his orgasm. This has to top he sexual encounters and he’s not even touching you. It’s just something about you that’s driving him insane. He doesn’t even know your name, but he doesn’t need to, not when all that matters now is the pleasure of this experience. 
“I’d lick it all up too, eat you out until you cry and forget your own fucking name. You want that, sweetheart?”
“Yeah, I wanna feel you so bad.”
“I know, baby. You’d let me take you anyway I’d like, wouldn’t you?...I could bend you over? Dick you down with your legs pinned by your head. I fuck you up, princess and you’d never want another.”
“Fuck, I’m gonna—”
Dead silence. 
“Are you kidding me? Fuck!”
The phone hangs up just as you both reach your climaxes. Disappointment is thick in the air as his quick strokes gradually begin to slow. He groans and curses angrily at the loss, and grips fistfuls of his hair in frustration. Out of all the people for this to happen to; it had to be him. Just when he thought his luck couldn’t get any worse, this happens and proves that life is just out to get him.
“Something’s gotta give, man. I can’t keep living like this.”
So, he shrugs off his needs and does what he does best—work. He puts on his headphones and hopes that one of these tracks will be the one that opens the door to all of his dreams.
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Two years later…
“This is your boy Jay Millz, and you're listening to Q107.9. We got my man Suga in the motherfuckin’ building. This guy has the hottest track on the radio right now, bro. He’s gonna be chilling with us for a minute while we dip into the Rush Hour Mix with DJ Reign. Suga! How you doin’, man?...”
He nods and greets the guy behind the mic. They extend their arms for a brief handshake before he continues. “What’s good? Glad to be here, man.” 
Yoongi looks around the table and sighs. He’s tired of the same fucking questions. 
What’s next for you? How does it feel to be the hottest rapper out right now? Will you sign with SlaughterHouse Records?
As if he’d leave a crumb behind for the tabloids to fight over. Yoongi’s been careful; really careful. He’s worked hard to maintain a decent reputation; besides a few run-ins with the law. But overall, he’s avoided anything that could damage the image he’s created for his pseudo. 
Many have tried to tear him down, or trip him up. However, he knows how to handle those people, and that’s what he’s about to do when the woman across from him asks the question lingering on the tip of her tongue. He knows it’s coming; he can tell by the way her nails tap on the table. She waits for silence and then she goes for the kill.
“So…Suga, you know I have to ask.”
The other co host sighs with an exhausted eyeroll. “Bee, please don’t start.”
“I have to. The people wanna know,” she argues and Yoongi can feel his head starting to throb. 
It’s bad enough that he hates these things and they cannot stop themselves from trying to dabble in his personal life.
“Anyway, are you currently dating anyone, Suga? A fan? A girlfriend?...etc?”
Yoongi looks to his left and gives her a lazy smirk, just fucking with her mind a bit before he responds.
“Nahh, I’m good. Gotta stay focused, you feel me?”
He takes a sip from his cup and savors the cold liquor before he gulps it down, watching the poor girl slump her shoulders in defeat. However, he was a fool to think this was over.
“And what about Mu$ic Fairy?” the interviewer to his right asks.
“What about her?”
He sets down his cup and turns in the man’s direction.
“She dropped a new playlist last night. I know a lot of us would have gone to see about that by now.”
Yoongi scoffs out a laugh. “Well, I’m not a lot of us, am I?”
“Damn right,” Jay chimes in from across the table. He notices Bee shaking her head in the corner and he couldn’t agree with her more. This is ridiculous. 
This girl, “Mu$ic Fairy” or whatever she calls herself is nothing but a fucking distraction. No one can resist bringing her up when he’s in the room. There’s no fucking escape.
At first, it was cute. A few Spotify playlists dropped every once in a while with a rather risqué cover just to tease, but now it’s an entire movement. Some fans are even calling themselves fairies, and wearing themed attire to his performances. 
He fucking hates it. The wings, the glitter, the overly sweet tones in which they speak. Of course, he appreciates his fans and they’re fun to look at, but Yoongi’s a picky guy. And if that’s the kind of girl you are, then you aren’t his type.
“I would’ve probably hit her up after she dropped the Fre@kii Ho @nthem! playlist.” 
Jay bumps fists with the other guy host after he says that and they have a “same” moment.
Bee adds her input after it quiets down.
“Well, I’m going to have to agree with—”
“Do not…say her name around me,” Yoongi intervenes.
He can’t; not when he has a show tonight. Just hearing her name pisses him off. 
Another reason he hates doing interviews is because someone always has to mention…
“Oh, are you talking about that podcaster?...Damn, what’s her name…”
Jay struggles to remember while snapping his fingers, so Bee attempts to help him out. However, Yoongi cuts her off before she can speak of the devil.
“Don’t you dare.”
The woman once again backs down and carries on.
“Well anyway, I agree with you know who. She makes valid points about how none of these people were after him before he started making industry music. They don’t really fuck with the real Suga.”
Yoongi only nods his head because the annoying bitch behind that podcast is right. This Mu$ic Fairy chick started showing up when he became popular and so did her followers. But that’s about one of the only things he agrees with. Everything else is out of line. This woman doesn’t know anything about him, but yet always has an input to give when it comes to his music.
One of the interviewers notices his change in demeanor and senses the hatred he has for this chick. He steps in and changes the subject quickly.
“Shit, we’re almost out of time. That’s what happens when you’re chillin’ with one of the greatest to ever do it.”
Yoongi shakes his head. “Nahh, man. Don’t put that on me yet. Give me some time.”
“Many would have to disagree with you there, bro. Matter of fact, you should ask them. Why don’t you tell the listeners where you’re gonna be tonight?”
“Yuh, tonight you can catch me at the Varsity. Tickets sold out, but yeah…fuck with me.”
The interviewers briefly share a round of applause before Jay concludes.
“Alright. You heard him. Tickets sold out, but who knows ladies…he might just take you home for the after party, right bro?”
Yoongi can only press his lips in a straight line because anyone that knows him, knows that a piece of ass is the last thing on his mind right now, but for the sake of some poor girl’s imagination…
“Yeah, we’ll see.”
And because of this, he’s probably going to have to fight his way out of the club.
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The rush Yoongi gets from being on stage always lingers in his veins even after the music stops. The crowd keeps the energy going and going. They scream his name, applaud his techniques, and praise his stage presence like he’s a king. He is, in a way. Suga is the king of this city; there isn’t a guy who doesn’t want to be him or a woman who doesn’t want to fuck him.
Typically, temptation is easy to resist since his career leaves him little time for extracurricular activities. However, sometimes he just can’t allow something to slip away. Not again.
“You killed it tonight, man.” 
Yoongi doesn’t even spare his manager a glance as he brushes past him. His train of vision is focused on that little black dress swaying through the crowd. If he takes his eyes off of you for a second, he knows he’ll lose you in the mass of people.
“Thanks, dude. I’ll talk to you in a bit.”
He doesn’t know what was said in response because he’s out of range within seconds. He’s a man on a mission, and he’s not even sure of why. 
You’re beautiful, there’s no denying that—and sexy. But something else about you is just luring him in, and he thinks he knows why. At least, that’s his excuse for following you outside of the club. 
It’s dangerous, of course, since anyone could be waiting to get him alone. But tonight he can’t let you just leave without a word. He’s done that too many times. You show up to show after show, stare him down as if he’s your last meal, then leave without even a wave or goodbye.
Yoongi’s had enough; this ends now.
You immediately stop in your tracks at the sound of his voice. He wastes no time trying to eliminate the distance between you, but you dash down an adjacent alley before he can get close enough to talk to you. 
He follows you, and calls out to you one more time before you halt and finally respond to him.
“Hey there.” 
Your voice is so dulcet, but edgy…and familiar. Where has he heard it before? 
“Looking for me?” The closer he gets the more clearer the sound becomes and eventually it clicks. He knows exactly why he knows your voice.
But you aren’t the person he thought you were, and you’re the last person he wants to see.
“You’re that podcaster, aren’t you?” Yoongi questions, approaching you carefully. At least his mind still holds the common sense to be cautious. 
When you look over shoulder, it’s like his breath leaves his body. He’s seen his share of gorgeous women, but you are out of this world. There’s no way you could be her. But everything is telling him that you are.
“Depends…who wants to know?” 
Yoongi doesn’t know where to look first. Your face or the body that comes along with it. “You or the bitches who want to be like me?”
The moment he’s close enough to hear the cockiness oozing from your voice, he knows it’s you without a doubt. He can feel the same aura radiating from you now that he does whenever he listens to those podcasts. You’re her; he’s a hundred percent sure of it.
“So you’re bold behind the mic, but now you’re too pussy to look at me?”
You turn around on queue, adorning a wide smirk that he’d give anything to wipe off your gorgeous face. “Better?”
Yoongi nods slowly and takes a few steps towards you. With every step he takes you move backwards, allowing him to corner you and in the dimly lit alley. 
“It’s funny because with all the shit you talk on air, I didn’t take you to be a runner,” he points out.
“I don’t think you know me well enough to assume that, love.”
“But you know me well enough to critique my music?”
You hum. “I do, actually.”
“Really?” When your back nearly touches the brick wall, he leans in a little closer. You show no signs of uneasiness so he plants his palm on brick structure and hovers over your shorter frame. “What makes you believe that?”
“Because I’ve been a fan for a very long time. Ever since your underground days. You’ve never noticed me…but I was there.”
When he gives you a look, you roll your eyes. Of course, he doesn’t believe a word that pretty mouth of yours spits out.
“Your first real gig was on your birthday. You were a senior in high school and you invited your parents to the show. You looked around and when you finally saw them you smiled like a fucking dork.”
Damn. You read him like a book, but that doesn’t make up for the negativity spilled on your behalf.
“So you’ve been following me to shows so you can build up the repertoire for your little podcast? For how long?”
You shake your head in denial. 
“I followed you because you’ve always been my favorite artist. I admire you, and I’ve been around since the beginning. Even when nobody was fucking with your music…your real music. The kind you’re passionate about.”
Yoongi scoffs. “Like you would know anything about that.”
“But, I do. That’s why I’m so pissed at you. All you make is industry music now, and I’m just…bored, I guess.”
You’re cute when you shrug your shoulders, but your eyes are lethal. He feels like he’s being stripped bare under your gaze. If he didn’t know any better, he’d say you were silently flirting with him, but they’d be a reach.
“So find a hobby,” he suggests.
“I did find hobbies. The podcast, the playlists, the—”
“Wait,” Yoongi’s face contorts with confusion at those words, believing that he’s misheard you, “...you said playlists. What playlists?”
Your smirk returns and Yoongi suddenly feels his cock slowly rising in his underwear. Why do the heavens place the demons in the most beautiful women; he’ll never understand.
“You know which playlists I’m talking about, love…” your hand makes a move to touch his shoulder but he grabs your arm to prevent contact, “they were made for you.”
“Made for me? What does…”
Oh, damn.
“Are you…?”
“Well, it sure isn’t the whore in there dressed like Tinkerbell. You think I’d wear that shit?” Your laugh is so intoxicating; he almost cracks a smile just standing there watching you. “I don’t need all of that to grasp your attention. I never have.”
Yoongi shakes his head. All this time you were right under his nose. Two women he could never stand to mention are placed right in front of him, hiding behind a goddess. It’s pure comedy; his reaction to the news should have him pulling away from you and heading in the opposite direction.
But can admit that he judges a book by its cover; you aren’t what he thought you were. You’re different, interesting…someone he’d actually like to have underneath him in the opportunity ever presents itself. But he’s confused…why him? Why go through all the trouble if the music is all you care about? That whole Mu$ic Fairy concept has completely fucked with his mind. 
How does he go from having no interest to wanting to see what it’s all about? There has to be more to it; otherwise, it makes no sense. You two are strangers. 
He shouldn’t crave the warmth beneath his palm while his hand grips your forearm, but he does. The skin to skin contact should not arouse him so easily, but there’s no denying the bulge forming in his pants. Despite all of this, Yoongi keeps his composure the best he can; you’re too cocky for him to just slip up and expose himself.
“Out of all the times to fuck with me…” he pauses when your beautiful glossed lips part to blow the strawberry bubblegum you’ve been chewing. Your tongue darts out to pop and collect the medium-sized pink bubble, and he can feel his knees buckle when you suck it back in. 
He’s usually not this fond of people and gum, but the way you handle it, the way you slowly rolled it over your tongue in preparation was a fucking sinful, and he can’t get enough of watching you do it. 
“Why tonight?” he asks you.
You bat your thick lashes, probably knowing good and well what you’re doing to him. He knows you’re taunting him, silently asking for him to make a move, but he won’t. You’ll have to beg him for it.
“Because…I’m horny, and I’m tired of waiting for your clueless ass to figure this out.”
Yoongi scoffs. “Bullshit.” 
He looks down as your finger loops underneath one of his chains and tugs him closer, something he wouldn’t allow anyone to do, but somehow you already earned privileges. You don’t know how dangerous of a game you’re playing with him, but he silently prays you’ll get to find out. He’d give anything to bend over the hood of his car and—
“And, I think you owe me something,” you inform, placing your other hand on his shoulder once he slides his to your waist.
“What might that be, love?”
Your smirk widens as you hypnotize him with your brown orbs. He can smell your perfume and flavored gum even better from this proximity, and your scent makes him feel like he’s in some sort of blissful haze—intoxicated by the smell of you. It’s no secret that he wants you bad; he just can’t let you know that. Not until you tell him why you’re doing all of this.
“An orgasm.”
Everything grows quiet after you articulate those words. It only takes him a couple of seconds to remember, and when his mind processes it all, his brain nearly malfunctions as he tries to speak.
“You’re fucking with me,” he insists.
“You should know by now that I’m tired of the games, Yoongi.” His body shutters when you use his real name. Something he’d normally go off about, but he never wants you to stop saying it. He needs to hear you say it again; for an entirely different reason. “You can tell me to fuck off, if you want.”
He blinks a few times, not realizing he was just standing there and not saying anything.
“No, no. I’m just–wow…I never expected you to remember me.”
“Why wouldn’t I? It’s not everyday you’re matched with your favorite rapper on a sex hotline,” you wink and Yoongi’s mouth falls open.
“You knew it was me the whole time?...and you didn’t say anything?”
You nod. “Yeah, I did. Your voice, your demeanor; I knew from the start, but I played along because you obviously weren’t on the call to talk about mixtapes. I just wanted you to enjoy yourself, I guess.”
“This is fucking crazy.”
Yoongi’s speechless. That was kind, and you kept it a secret all this time. Suddenly, all of this seems kind of sexy. It’s a secret he could have been in on if only he had read between the lines. However, he knows now, and it’s still technically still a secret…if it stays between you and him.
Your lips are once again his main focus; he’s so close to living the fantasies he had of you all those nights he wondered about how you handled yourself after the phone call ended. Did you come? Or was your mood ruined like his? He sure hopes not, because you were incredible and if anyone deserved to finish, it should have been you. 
He was right about you too. You are sexy, and the longer he stands here with you, the harder it is for him to hold back on his urges. But hearing your needy voice breaks him entirely.
“How much longer am I going to have to wait for it, Yoongi?”
All regards for his reputation goes out the window. He looks towards both ends of the alley before he makes his move. Anyone could be watching, but once he feels your hands sliding up his body, he decides that that is no longer his concern.
“Come here.”
Yoongi grabs you by your throat, but doesn’t squeeze or choke you. He just wants you closer, and your eyes tell him you understand where he’s going from.
“I live 20 minutes away from here, think you can wait that long?”
“Do I have a choice?” you reply and that sass is what gets him riled up.
He doesn’t think twice about kissing your pillow soft lips. He’s been staring at them, wishing he could feel them, taste them, and now he is and he already can’t get enough. The level of sweetness on his taste buds is sinful, but it’s one addiction he’d never give up. 
His tongue enters your mouth without any resistance from you, and he eagerly explores its depths, getting familiar with the woman wrapped in his arms as if he has all the time in the world with you. Your moans sends vibrations through his throat when he lifts your leg, nuzzling his crotch against your heat. 
Yoongi would fuck you right now while he has you pinned against this wall but that just wouldn’t satisfy his thirst for you. You’ve been teasing him for too long for him to just rush this. It took two years to lead up to this moment, a quickie would never do it any justice.
“I need you to be on your best behavior until we get to my place,” he tells you through his slightly labored breaths.
“And if I don’t?”
His features harden. 
“Then you won’t get anything, now come on. Let’s dip before one of your friends sees me without security.” 
Or…before he changes his mind. He’s had plenty of bad ideas, but this tops the list.
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It’s the only thing you can think about as your eyes scan over the sleek hood of the Lamborghini Gallardo. The man’s got some taste, you have to admit. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be taking you to his place. You like the fact that he’s picky, but always chooses correctly.
You drink in the sight before—Yoongi standing there in his stage outfit, complimenting his car. The vehicle’s custom, all white except for the tires and the heavily tinted windows. You could only quiver at the image of him driving it, and when it actually happens, your mind and your mouth start to go in different directions.
He asks you basic questions like your name and where you’re from; you can only hope you’ve given him the correct answers because you cannot break away from the visual of him gripping the wheel with one hand while he’s laid back in his seat. His jewelry glistens and shines even in the darkness of his car, but your eyes still fight through the nearly blinding twinkle so you can watch the man behind it all.
You’ve wanted him since you first saw him. He came to a pep rally at your high school and you fell in love with his music and his sound—his voice especially. Sure he was a cutie, still is. But he had so much hunger, so much passion for music that you felt him on a spiritual level. 
He did so well on his first performance, and you remember telling your friends how much you wanted to listen to his Soundcloud when the event was over. Of course, they laughed and thought he sucked because he didn’t fit their visual standards, but now…they probably wish they’d been a little more invested in him.
“Can you stop doing that and answer my question?” 
There it is again. That voice. It drives you crazy; when he said hello to you on that hotline, you knew without a doubt you were talking to your favorite rapper.
“Wha–Doing what?”
“Eye fucking me and biting your lip like that. Do you want me to pull over?” 
You open your mouth to speak but he interjects.
“Actually, never mind. Don’t even answer that. Certain things I don’t need in my head while I’m operating a vehicle.”
Your neck and face heat up. If only he knew that you aren’t as confident as you appear. He’s hot, but the fact that he doesn’t know it makes him hotter.
“Sorry,” you turn towards the window so you can smile. You don’t want to feed his ego. No matter how much he denies it, he’s cocky as hell. If he knows you’re gawking over him simply driving, he’ll run with it. “...What did you ask me?”
A slow exhale leaves his lips, like he’s slightly annoyed and you should be offended, but damn—it was kind of sexy.
“I just wanted to know what you do for a living. How can you afford to travel and come to shows all the time? ...I’m just curious.”
“Why? You think I’m selling my—”
“I wasn’t going to say that.”
“You were thinking it, and the answer is ‘no’. And no, I don’t have an OnlyFans either…probably should, though. I’d make bank,” you shrug.
“Look, I know you aren’t doing any of that. Honestly, you seem kind of selfish with the goods anyway, but…tell me how you keep up. That’s all I’m saying. Podcasts bring in that much money?”
“No they don’t, especially when you do them for free. I’m a writer. I write songs and I sell them to some of your favorite artists.”
Yoongi whistles. “You’ve got to be kidding me. Name a few.”
“This isn’t roll call, babe. If you wanna look up my credentials, you know my name now…Google me.”
“Oh, I will.”
“Fine,” you scoff.
When you look forward, you notice that you’re entering a gated community. Yoongi lets down his window and waves at the on-duty guard before the older man opens the automatic gate. 
After driving past many luxurious homes, Yoongi pulls into a driveway and uses a clicker to open the garage door. 
“We’re here,” he announces.
His home is lovely, and you’re in awe by the set up and interior design once you enter. You’re impressed, most guys don’t spend much thought on this level of organization. 
Yoongi leads you up the stairs and into his bedroom. You can feel the butterflies in your stomach fluttering more and more as you get closer to the top of the stairs. Your knees buckle slightly when he opens the door, but your eyes still look in every direction once you’ve made it inside.
It’s dark, but you can still make out the colors that fill the room. Blacks and grays with white walls. His bed is draped with a dark set; you can’t help but find it inviting. And it’s huge; you imagine he must be a wild sleeper because you couldn’t imagine sleeping in a bed that large alone.
“I love your home, Suga.”
He waves his hand. “Thanks, but you don’t have to call me that. You didn’t call me that earlier.”
“I didn’t?”
“Nope.” He shakes his head and tells you that you can make yourself comfortable while he disappears into his closet. When he returns with clothes, you tilt your head with curiosity. “I’m gonna go shower, don’t get too nosey while you’re in here by yourself.”
“You’re leaving me? Why can’t I join you?”
Yoongi’s eyes widen for a second and a hand runs through his hair while he ponders over his answer. “Because umm…”
You crane your neck trying to coax an answer but he still stammers.
“It’s…you know.”
You smile. He’s kind of adorable, in a way.
“Too intimate?”
Your head lolls back while you laugh and Yoongi huffs in annoyance as he makes his way to the bathroom. 
“What am I supposed to do while you’re in there?” you call out and he stops to turn around.
You watch him get ready to produce a smart remark. However, he pauses before he can get it out. He puts his clothes on the bed and walks over to the nightstand, turning on his laptop and grabbing some Bluetooth headphones from the drawer.
“Here,” he says, pairing them to his computer and then handing them to you. You take them before you look up at him, wondering where he’s going with this, but he’s quick to fill you in. “Listen to this, I won’t be long.”
Yoongi puts on some music and gives you a wink that makes your pussy clench. He leaves you sitting on his bed, headphones in hand without another word. 
For the first minute you stare at the object wondering what’s being played, but your curiosity takes over quickly and before you know it, they’re coming over your ears. You don’t regret it the second you hear his voice. 
The music begins to travel through the speakers, you become obsessed with it from the very first track. You love that it’s similar to his original sound, but it isn’t the same track over and over again. They’re all so different yet so him. You can hear and feel the amount of dedication and effort he put into it. Like it wasn’t done out of obligation, but because he wanted to do it for himself. You can’t help but get up and sway your hips to the music. 
You feel so connected to him through his work, and that’s why you go on and on about how you wish he’d make another mixtape because this shit is fire. You wonder how long he’s been hiding it from the world.
You aren’t expecting him to be sitting on the bed when you turn around. Your hand finds your chest and you lower the volume on the headset.
“How long have you been sitting there? You fucking scared me.”
He shrugs. “Long enough to know that I want that dress off of you.”
Your startled expression turns smug. “Oh, really?”
“Hell, yeah.”
“So…you want me to take it off?” You raise an eyebrow.
“What do you think?”
“I think you’re going to have to use your words with me if you want something.”
Yoongi’s arms fold at his chest; his white tee strains against his beefiness. You remember how his clothes used to swallow him, but now he’s filling them up quite nicely, if you may. Either way, he looks good. It’s just a natural trait he possesses.
“I mean either you can take it off or you can leave. Doesn’t matter to me,” he shrugs his shoulders.
If you weren’t horny just looking at him sitting there in his boxers, you’d call his bluff. But you’ve already picked up on his stubbornness and you know better than to try him. “Fine.”
You sigh as you drag down the straps of your dress, rolling your eyes when he tells you to slow down. You flip your hair and twirl your body as you wiggle the fabric down your hips, turning around in the opposite direction to give him a peek at your derriere. 
Looking over your shoulder, you notice how his face becomes etched with approval. You give yourself a silent applaud for selecting this piece. You’re sure your thong leaves nothing for his imagination. It also doesn’t help that you’re topless.
You stop torturing him and turn around so he can see the front.
“Damn,” is all he can say.
You take off your heels before walking towards him and his eyes never leave your breasts the entire journey, even once you’re standing between his legs, preparing to straddle his lap.
“I want you.” You tell him as if he doesn’t already know. 
Yoongi’s hands find your waist while you place your knees on the bed. As soon as you’re on his lap, you can feel his bulge threatening to burst out of his underwear. It’d be so simple to pull your panties aside and milk him for everything he has, but not tonight. He’s the one who owes you a good fucking.
“How badly?”
His lips find your skin and make their way to your tits, making you clutch onto his damp curly strands while he sucks and tugs on your sensitive nipples. Your hands tug his hair, and you force him to look at your face.
“Yoongi. You’re either going to fuck me or I’m going to fuck you. What’s it going to be—”
He scoops you up and drops you on the mattress, making you squeak in surprise. The dark gleam in his orbs has your thighs rubbing and your fists clinging onto the comforter. He's finally had enough, and hopefully he doesn’t hold back anymore.
“You asked for this,” he warns you and you almost giggle with glee. He pulls his shirt over his head and is about to toss it somewhere, but then he changes his mind. Yoongi looks at you for a moment, contemplating before he speaks. “You trust me, right?”
“Well, I came home with you even though you hate me, didn’t I?...Why do you ask?”
“So a lot or a little?”
You groan. 
He chuckles and you feel the butterflies once again. Yoongi turns the volume up on his laptop before holding up a thumb to ask if it is too loud. Honestly, you’re glad it tuned him out because though you understand that safety is first, there’s little you wouldn’t try when it comes to this man. You’ve been waiting as patiently as you could to experience this and you’re ready to get started.
You nod and his devilish smirk is the last thing you see before he throws his shirt over your head. Darkness fills your vision but it doesn’t bother you as long as his voice is filling your ears. His cold hands slide up your thighs and spread them, wasting no time in touching your slightly sodden underwear.
Gasps escape your lips when his finger presses gently on your clit, and you can only hope the sound isn’t too awkward since you cannot hear yourself. 
The bed dips so you assume he’s climbing on and you release a breath when you feel his lips hovering over your body. He leaves kisses between your breasts and he doesn’t stop until your lace panties prevent him from accessing any more skin.
Yoongi quickly slides them off, leaving lying on his bed completely naked. Everything from the moment when his tongue dips into your center is one feverish bliss. Your back arches, your toes curl, and your fingers entangle in his hair. The sounds you’re making are probably feral and of an obnoxious volume but Yoongi doesn’t bother to shush you or stop his sinful movements. 
He draws circles over your throbbing clit with his tongue, moving in the same motion as you do as you swivel your hips. This song has you in the mood to grind your pussy on his face, and that’s entirely his fault for coming up with such vulgar lyrics. It’s filthy and you feel the muscles in your stomach tightening by the seconds. You scream his name over and over but he just keeps going until you release the pressure built up inside of you.
The shirt is snatched off your face as you’re at your peak and what you see between your thighs only intensifies your orgasm. His face is buried in your heat, sucking your bundle of nerves into his mouth and nibbling gently while you squirm in his iron grip.
Yoongi kisses your inner thighs once you begin to calm down to help you relax. When you back slowly droop onto the bed is when he carefully removes the headphones, turning them off and then setting them on the nightstand next to his laptop.
“I would go back for seconds, but that would only make me want more,” he tells you. He opens the bottom drawer and pulls out some condoms then throws them on the bed.
“I don’t know if I’d survive that.”
“Well, you better say a prayer because we aren’t done,” he laughs and excitement bubbles inside of you.
Yoongi switches the music to something else and you can’t help but pout. 
You sigh. “I pray you aren’t all talk.”
He glares at you for your comment and steps closer to the bed. 
“You’re a sweet girl, but…” he flips you on your stomach and pulls you up by the waist, positioning you so that your ass and pussy are directly in his line of sight, “you need to watch how you fucking speak to me.”
A shriek leaves your lips when he slaps your ass. “Yoongi…please.”
“Please? You want me to stop?”
“No!” Your voice is high pitched and shaky, almost unrecognizable to your ears. “Don’t stop, please.”
Yoongi finds humor in your desperation. “Ask me nicely.”
“Fuck,” you whine but it’s the wrong answer. “Yoongi, please do it again.”
Your breath hitches. “What?”
“I said no.”.
“Such a fucking asshole,” you mumble insults, thinking they’re too low for him to hear.
“What was that?”
You look behind you and notice Yoongi rolling a condom over his dick. You can’t tear your eyes away from the sight of those veiny hands stroking his cock slowly, preparing himself to dive into your wetness. You’ve always wondered what he looked like doing that, ever since that time on the phone.
“Nothing,” you lie.
He puts his knee on the bed and inches closer to you. You tease him by wiggling your ass a little but he places a hand on your hip to still you. “You know…”
You can feel his cock against your entrance and your body pushes back on him to try and get it inside of you yourself. However, your impatience makes you forget how petty the man behind you really is.
The tip slips past your folds and with the amount of arousal seeping from your opening, he’s able to slide in with ease. But it’s only a taste; the majority of his cock still remains outside of you, and quickly your frustration takes control of you.
“If you wanna meet an asshole…” he makes a loud gasp leave your lips when he, without warning, slams into your pussy in one smooth motion. You whimper; a harsh snatch of your hair makes you wince and grip the sheets. Your head is turned in an uncomfortable position, but the only thing you can focus on is the intensity of the stretch and the way his dick doesn’t leave any room to spare, “I could introduce you to one.”
Yoongi pushes your head forward and pins you to the mattress. Your teeth grit together because of your sensitivity. You could come just like this without him even moving. That’s how worked up you still are. You just need a moment to pull yourself together, but Yoongi doesn’t have the patience for that.
“Arch your fucking back.”
He pulls out but swiftly snaps back into you, causing you to let out a squeak. You try to cover your mouth but his large hand comes down on your ass before you can do so. Your moans turn into screams within minutes, increasing in volume each time Yoongi slaps your rear.
“I know you can do better than that. Straighten up before I do it for you,” he grunts through the lewd skin-slapping noises that fill the room.
You squeeze your eyes shut and arch your back like he demands. The position is only uncomfortable for a few seconds, but eventually it becomes familiar and the sensitivity ebbs away.
Yoongi lets go of your hair and starts rubbing his hands all over your ass, kneading the reddened flesh and giving it words of appreciation.
When you start to fuck him back he holds your waist and pulls you back on his cock. Your body begins to move naturally with the rhythm of the background music and he allows you to set the pace while he whispers obscene remarks.
“Look at you taking it just like a whore.” 
You can feel the arousal between your thighs, dripping and making a mess of the sheets. The squelching sounds are disgusting but don’t phase you in this heated moment. You have more important things to worry about. Like how long you’ll be able to keep this up. You weren’t expecting him to have this much stamina, but you’ve learned to never judge a book by the cover.
He’s strong, the grip he has on you is evidence to that. The way he’s handling you like you’re nothing but a fuck toy he can use at his discretion has you clenching around his dick. His deep chuckle fills the room when he feels your walls tighten.
“On your next podcast, you should tell them how I fucked your brains out to your own playlist,” he comments.
Yoongi’s thrusts have your knees trembling and nearly giving out, but he’s quick to assure that you keep up. “No fucking slacking, whore. Do better or I’ll pull out and use your throat instead.”
You’re sure your ass will be sore in the morning because Yoongi cannot keep his hands off of it. He strikes you every chance he gets and the stinging sensation from his blows push you closer and closer to your peak.
“Fuck. Yoongi…please.”
Tears roll down your cheek when his cock travels deeper, touching the spot that makes you unravel at the seams. It’s all too much and you beg him to allow you to surrender to the pleasure.
“Not yet. Shit, do you have any idea how juicy your ass looks like this?”
“But I can’t,” you sob into the comforter.
A slap to your left cheek leaves you a shaky mess. However, he shows you no mercy and does the same thing to the other side.
“That’s not an option. If you come, I swear—”
“Sorry…” Your muffled cries are the last thing you can recall before your body accidentally gives in.
Your juices leak onto the bed while you hold on for dear life, afraid you’ll float away if you let go of the fabric. But just as your orgasm reaches its peak, it’s ripped away from you  by one of the foulest humans on this planet.
“What the fuck did I tell you?” he growls as he drags you off the bed. Yoongi forces you to your knees, ignoring your pleas to regain what was stolen from you. He slaps your cheek a few times, snapping you back into reality and demanding your attention. “Answer me!”
“You…You told me not to come,” you hiccup.
His expression tells you how displeased he is, but it’s too bad that you don’t care. Something comes over you that has you sucking it up and wiping your tears. If he wants to play dirty, you can do it too.
“So why did you?...I never said that you could.”
You look up at him with innocent eyes. However, you have no intentions on being good anymore.
“Because it felt good and I wanted to,” you tell him and he grabs your face.
“You don’t get to decide what you want to do or what feels good. If you had the answers you wouldn’t have been begging for my dick for two years.”
Yoongi pulls off the condom and brings his cock to your mouth. You clench your fist to hold back the excitement when he tells you to open. You’ve craved the taste of him even though you’ve never had him. Your mouth waters as you wait for him to enter, and when he does, he doesn’t stop until reaches the back of your throat.
“Tap my thigh if you need air, and do not suck until I tell you to, understand?”
You mumble around him as best as you can. “Mmhm.”
Before you can prepare yourself for a pace you know will be relentless, Yoongi withdraws and slowly re-enters your crevice. Your eyes roll back from the fullness and addicting taste of him. You want more—need more to fulfill your desire.
Ignoring his instructions, you enclose your lips around him and begin to suck him in each time he tries to pull out. “Easy,” he warns but you keep going.
One of your hands comes up to fondle his balls and Yoongi’s deep moans begin to fill your ears. He throws his head back in pleasure while you give him, what you would consider, the best blowjob of his life. The sound he produces is the only music you want to hear. His voice holds so much lust and bass, arousal gushes from your cunt as a result.
“Fuck, I told you not to do that.”
You hum around him, sending vibrations up his shaft. The feeling brings him to his senses and he places both his hands on your head. You have to grab onto his thighs to keep yourself steady since he’s starting to take control. You try to maintain the suction but his wild movements make it impossible.
“You wanted to suck me off so badly. Keep it up,” he grunts, increasing his speed.
You choke on his dick and the sounds make him twitch in your mouth. Yoongi starts to intentionally go deeper, but he’s unsatisfied by the lack of space there is for him.
He pulls out of you, leaving you coughing and gasping at the sudden intake of air.
“Well, damn. Do I have to teach you how to suck dick too?”
Yoongi shakes his head as he looks down on you then uses his index and middle finger to open your mouth. He pushes the digits in and finds the back of your mouth with ease, pressing on the back of your tongue to make you open wider. “Stop being shy and open this pretty fucking mouth,” he demands, making you gag on his fingers.
Your eyes water and spit drips down your chin. You must look like a complete mess, but Yoongi cannot take his eyes off of you. 
“Now show me, and I’ll give you some more.”
You’re scolded before you can even wrap your lips around his fingers. 
“Stop being fucking lazy.” He gives your cheek a few more slaps before shoving his fingers deeper into your mouth. 
This time you slurp and allow your saliva to coat his digits. ”Fucking, right. Now open up and milk this dick.”
Yoongi removes his fingers and replaces them with his cock. This time you just open your mouth and let him in. He uses your head like a fleshlight and drills into you at a rapid speed. You try your best to keep eye contact and breath through your nose, but then out of nowhere he buries his cock down your throat.
There’s an intense burning in your airways due to lack of oxygen but it’s nothing you can’t handle. The rush takes you so high you become slightly lightheaded, sending a tingling sensation straight to your center. Nothing but music, the sound of you choking on his dick, and his sound of pleasure can be heard and the way he calls your name sends your ego through the roof.
“Shit, I’m gonna come. Stay just like this, sweetheart.”
Within five long thrusts, his warm seed deposits on your tastebuds. You try to swallow everything but he pulls out quickly and empties the rest on your lips and chin. Your tongue tries to gather as much as you can, but some places are impossible to reach. 
“Come here.” Yoongi pulls you from the floor and brings you closer, greeting you with a sloppy kiss once you’re on your feet. He laps up all the cum on your face and gathers it all on his tongue before he feeds it to you. You savor the taste of both of you as the kiss prolongs, and even after he pulls away you can’t help but remember how good he tasted.
If you had to guess which body part Yoongi favors the most, you’d say it was your lips. He can’t tear his eyes away from them. You bite them, he shudders. You lick them, his cock twitches. So you can’t control yourself when it comes to teasing him and pressing them against his soft skin.
“You must want another round if you keep that up,” he mentions as you make your way to his earlobe. You nibble on it gently before you whisper in his ear.
“I just wanna come one more time before you kick me out.”
“Who said I was kicking you out?”
“You aren’t?”
Yoongi ushers you to his bed and helps you lie down before he joins you. He hovers over you once again and his hand snakes between your thighs.
“I definitely am, but not right now. I’m not done with you,” he informs, fingers entering your heat while his thumb caresses your clit.
“Well, hurry up then.”
He frowns. “Do you ever shut up?”
“Yeah, whenever someone has the balls to make me shut up—”
“Interesting,” he states after his hand pins your neck to the mattress. “Let’s test that theory.”
Yoongi’s digits begin to move in and out of your wetness, producing more lewd noises and causing your body to shake with sensitivity.
His name flows past your lips like water. It’s the only word you can think of at the moment. Having been worked up all this time with no relief makes you desperate to satisfy the lingering desire that’s settled in the pit of your stomach.
“Feels good, huh?”
It feels damn good. Your hips buck off the bed to match his movements so you can chase your high. “Yes…more.”
His hand tightens its grip and restricts your air supply. He knows how close to the edge it takes you by now and he doesn’t hesitate to use it against you.
“Say please and I’ll make you come all over my fingers,” he chuckles, knowing you can’t respond like this.
You try to speak, but everything gets trapped in your throat. You can only claw at his chest, begging him to guide you to your release. He loosens his grip and through your coughs you manage to give him the answer he wants.
“Please. I can’t take it.”
Yoongi gives you a fake pout, squeezing your face between his fingers. “But you can…watch this.”
His fingers curl inside of you and you’re seeing stars. Your nails dig into his arm, body arching off the bed due to the intense wave of pleasure that hits you. You try to run, but he pins you down and forces you to accept the mind-blowing orgasm you were begging for.
“You talked a bunch of shit, now back it up, love,” Yoongi tells you while your walls clench around him. His hand covers your mouth, preventing your screams from waking up the neighbors as if it isn’t already too late for that. “Let’s see if this cunt’s worth the headache.”
The coil snaps and your body stiffens. Yoongi’s deep voice continues to degrade you as your juices squirt all over his bed. Even though you cry out from the sensitivity he fucks you until the last drop. Your body just falls on the bed once he’s done with you, and you move into a fetal position when he carefully slides out his fingers.
The aftershock of your release has you twitching, but the bliss you feel is superior. This is what it feels like to get fucked out, and you knew he would be the person to deliver. Satisfied would be an understatement because you weren’t expecting to be stuck like this after you were done. Usually, you’re able to get up and go before they can return from the bathroom, but tonight you can only lay there in silence while Yoongi cleans you up with a warm cloth.
“I didn’t break you, huh?”
“The opposite, actually,” you laugh weakly.
“Good.” He lays his body beside you and wraps his arm around your waist, enjoying the familiar beat that plays into the dark room. It’s your phone sex song; the beat he played to help you relax. “Remember this?”
“Yeah, how can I forget?”
“You keep saying that like I’m always on your mind.”
“Maybe you are,” you reply.
A soft scoff comes from behind you. “I hope you’re joking.”
“I’m not.”
There’s silence, then eventually a long sigh. 
“I want you gone before I wake up, okay?”
You shake your head. Not in disbelief because it’s what you expected, but because he can’t read between the lines. But you aren’t naïve and you know when someone wants you just as bad as you want them. So for now, you’ll be patient.
“Fair enough,” you answer.
Satisfied, he rolls over and drifts off into sleep, leaving you awake to wallow in your thoughts. It seemed best to just get up and leave then, but it takes nearly an hour to regain your strength. And just when you think it’s safe for you to slip away and consider this night one of the good memories, the warmth you felt before returns and pulls you closer—it is then that your eyes become heavy and you submit to the comfort you know you aren’t supposed to have.
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When Yoongi wakes up and finds a cold empty bed, he can only throw his head back in frustration. He hopes…no, he prays he didn’t say anything to make you feel like he wasn’t interested. He knows he can be a dick, but he was just pissed and horny last night. You’re not easy to handle, but he likes that about you. You aren’t afraid to put him in his place.
He rolls out of bed and the first thing he notices is that his laptop is still playing music, so he makes turning it off his first task. However, once he enters the password, he finds an opened document with a typed note in the center of the page.
If you ever think of me, just call...If you want?
Yoongi’s speechless, and out of his damn mind. That’s the only excuse he has for picking up his phone and calling the number you left at 9 am in the damn morning. The longer the phone rings, the more regret fills him. He can’t help but think you left that there to tease him for calling you so quickly. He tries to hang up but before he can remove the phone from his ear the ringing stops and your beautiful voice blesses him once again.
He panics, and doesn’t respond. He searches the room frantically and finds his excuse lying on the floor right in front of him.
“Yeah, you left your earring. Looks expensive,” he murmurs before he clears his throat.
“Oh, I’m wearing both of mine now. Must be for someone else.”
Embarrassment washes over him as he stands there naked in his bedroom. How could he be so stupid? That thing’s probably months old, if not longer. He wonders if you saw it. Maybe that’s why you left.
“I’m kidding, Yoongi. If it’s a gold hoop, it’s mine,” you laugh and he feels a weight left from his shoulders. 
The idea of you finding stuff that belongs to other women in his home doesn’t put a good feeling in his chest. He also doesn’t want you to think of him as someone who lets anyone in his home because he’s not that kind of guy. 
“Haha, you’re so funny,” he says once your giggles cease. 
“And you’re sarcastic.”
Still sharp as hell. He thinks to himself.
“Whatever.” He takes a seat on his bed and rests his back against the headboard while he checks emails on his laptop and uses small talk to melt away the awkwardness. “So…you left in a hurry, huh?”
“You told me you wanted me gone before you woke up, remember?”
Of course, he did. Because he’s an idiot.
“Yeah, I was just fucking with you, though. I would have given you a ride or something, you know.”
“No worries. I made it to my hotel room safely,” you assure and he releases a sigh of relief. 
“Well, that’s good. Glad to hear that.”
“Mmhm, miss me already, huh?...too bad you kicked me out.”
“Honestly, I thought I was gonna wake up to some tits in my face, but that’s fair.”
There’s some shuffling in the background like you’re moving something, but he doesn’t ask any questions about it.
“Can you remember anything from last night?” you ask him after a beat of silence.
His fingers run through his hair as he thinks about all the filthy images replaying in his mind.
“Well yeah, I remember you, of course. You were fucking incredible. But everything after that moment was a blur. Please don’t tell me I did something stupid.”
“No, you’re good. I had fun.”
So did he. He wishes it’d happen again, and again. “And you’re okay too, right?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. My ass is sore and I can barely sit down, but I feel good. Thanks for that.”
Thank heavens you are. He knows how rough he was and most women aren’t into that but you took it and enjoyed it. You were fun to play with, and now his cock twitches at the thought of what your ass must look like now, covered in his marks.
“What about you?”
“I’m fine, love. Bummed about having to work, but I’m good,” he responds.
“Well, I’m glad you’re okay. And I’m sorry I kept you up when you have to work this morning.”
“Don’t apologize for that. I enjoyed your company, and…”
He almost told you that he missed you, but caught himself at the last minute.
“And what?”
“Uhh, nothing,” he gulps. “I was reading something…Forgot what I was going to say.”
Yoongi can tell by the sound of your voice that you don’t buy it.
“Yup,” is all he can say in response.
After a minute or two of both of you just holding the phone, you finally say something to keep the conversation going. “Yoongi?”
“Are you busy right now or…?”
He places his laptop beside him because he can assure that whatever he has to do isn’t as important as this.
“No, what’s up?”
“Well, it’s about last night,” you admit.
Now, he’s kind of nervous. What else happened while he was in his post orgasmic bliss.
“Yeah, what about it?”
Yoongi stays on the line waiting patiently for your answer, and it’s one he doesn’t expect.
“Well, you still owe me, you know?”
“And what do you mean by that?” he questions.
Yoongi already knows where this is going and luckily he knows exactly how to handle this situation. “Not satisfied, are you, baby?”
“No, I am. But…”
He chuckles. “You want some more?”
“If it isn't too much trouble. And if you have time, of course.”
You’re as sly as a fox and you know how to get what you want. It’s hot, but he’s going to have to humble you before he does anything else.
“No trouble at all, baby. Do me a favor, and spread your legs for me.”
He hears some more movement and then you return, prepared to do anything he tells you in the hopes of pleasuring yourself. You tell him once you’re ready and he provides you with more instructions, in which you follow without question.
“Now, facetime me and place the phone between your thighs so I can see your pretty pussy.”
Within a second, his phone notifies him of an incoming facetime call. He answers it and finds you sitting in your hotel room. You’re wearing a large shirt but he can still see the fresh blooms from where he took your skin between his teeth the night before creeping up your neck. He can’t stop the smirk from spreading across his face.
He curses when he sees your cunt, all glistening and wet with your juices. His mouth waters but he pushes his filthy thoughts in the back of his mind.
“This is what you’re going to do,” he starts, watching in awe as strings of arousal snap while you’re scissoring yourself in his presence, “...you’re going to imagine me fucking your brains out and you’re gonna use that image to get yourself off…without me.”
He tsks. “I’m not your man, and making you come is not my job, baby.”
If he gave a fuck, he’d break hearing how desperate and needy your voice sounds, but you need to understand that he isn’t going to come every time you call for him. He’s a busy man and he doesn’t need distractions.
“But nothing…Now, bye. Have fun.”
He hangs up just as you start to curse at him and yell into the phone. But he knows this isn’t over; you’re probably getting a ride over to his place right now, and that’s exactly what he wanted. 
You were able to just walk out of here this morning without even waking him. That doesn’t sit right with him, and there’s only one solution for it really—
He’s just going to have to fuck you harder during round two…
And maybe, just maybe…get to know you a little bit after.
We’ll see.
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meowingalong · 4 months
Well, time for What Remains of Edith Finch headcanons !!
When Calvin and Sam would get into fights and arguments Calvin would go into Barabras room while Sam would go someplace alone.
Calvin knew how to express his emotions, he'd cry, and talk to people about them, he was good with his emotions and would always express them a lot.
Sam didn't, he'd hide them, cover them up until he'd cry his eyes out and pull at his hair when he's alone. He always thought that he couldn't show them, that he had to be strong.
Sam would sometimes get into fights with his mom, they all ended badly.
Walter loves to hear stories about Molly, he'd ask Sven about what she was like, he always wanted to meet her.
Calvin once bit into a pumpkin while carving it, he lost a tooth, Sam thought it was a coolest thing ever, Walter was just concerned along with Sven, Edie didn't have much of a reaction, while Barabra was disgusted.
Gus would always make Dawn help him dye his hair, the first time they did they got red hair dye like everywhere, it looked like someone was murdered. All over the bathtub, Dawn's hands, some on her face, Gus had some on his head, face, and neck. Sam was flabbergasted.
Milton would draw the past family members a lot, he'd usually show his mom, whenever he'd draw Sam his mom would hold back tears.
Lewis is bi, he was afraid of coming out to anyone, but one day he came out to Edith and she was like " that's cool, are you trying to change the subject because I kicked your butt 5 times in this game?"
Gus knew he was different from others, after he (Dawn) dyed his hair, he'd paint his nails, Dawn would paint the left side. He'd dress differently and so on. Now that doesn't mean anything but he thought it did, he thought it meant something. Like he was trying to show himself. Sam would try not to flip out, he knew why Gus was doing all that, but he TRIED to ignore it and tell himself it was just a phase.
Sam is definitely FAR FAR FARRRR in the closet, he hated feeling like he wasn't normal, sometimes guys who were in the military with him would catch his eyes, and he'd immediately tell himself it wasn't right. There would be times when he was younger and would talk about girls to his brother and then it would lead into talking about guys, Calvin would be like in his mind ' damn my twin like men and women. Good for him. '
Barabra was almost like Sam, she of course liked guys, she was dating Rick, even if it was kinda just like him fanboying 24/7 and always being like 'child star blah blah'. She did love him, but, she always knew she was a bit different. Girls would catch her eye, she'd sometimes stare at a pretty girl for too long. She never told anyone at all.
Lewis is a sweetheart, a lovely guy, he always wanted a partner, to feel that kind of love, except he'd never know how to talk to anyone. He tried to talk to a girl once when he took Milton and Edith to the park, it was so bad they just left, Milton was laughing his ass off while Edith was confused.
When Barabra was born Molly was so excited, she helped her mom with everything, she'd play dress up, and much more. Molly was an amazing older sister.
Sometimes Barbara would help her brothers with school work, Sam with math and Calvin with English, a lot of the time Walter didn't need help. Sometimes Walter would say he needed up just so he could hang out with Barabra.
Sam and Calvin are so so so nosy, they hear drama, fighting, or anything they'd listen to. Walter tells them they need to stay out of stuff but they never listened to him.
When Gregory was born, a few hours later Gus looked at his tired mother and father and asked " Can we dye his hair blue?" they didn't respond, Dawn just looked at Gregory and shook her head like a disappointed mom.
Dawn and Gus would sometimes look at Gregory play or something and be like "yooo.. We used to be just like him."
Sam would look at Gregory and sometimes he'd see Calvin, one time he started crying, Gregory was just a baby so he didn't know what to do, he put his little hands on Sam's face which made him cry some more. It ended up in him hugging Gregory and a few hours later they both fell asleep. Dawn took his camera and took a picture of it.
When Odin wanted to move his house across his sea Sven and Edie were like “ haha ur funny” but when they were actually doing it they were like “damn…"
Sam LOVED LOVED taking pictures, a lot of them were just stupid memories, he has a picture of Calvin moments before Calvin broke his leg, the hair dye incident, Barabra coming home from work looking tired, and much more
Barabra hated how her mother would always remind her that she could become a star again, it got tiring.
When Sanjay died Dawn felt lost, she thought maybe this was how Edie felt when Sven died.
Kay and Sam used to have a loving relationship, but after a while it went down hill, fast.
Sam had anger issues, PTSD, trauma, and stuff like that, especially after being in the military.
Edith always looked up to Lewis, she was his biggest fan, she once drew a really bad picture of him and her together when she was little that said "bset freinds!" misspelled and everything. Lewis kept it.
Sven surprisingly knew how to do and cut hair, he'd cut his kids hair from time to time or when they wanted it cut. Saved money.
When Walter lived underground Sam would visit him from time to time, try to make him come back up, he never would. Sam would say "now you're acting just like Calvin and I when you'd tell us to not me so nosy." Walter would just roll his eyes.
I'd like to think Christopher sees ghosts, just for the fun of it. Even though his mother is dead she's always with him, he gets to talk to his family members who died, it's scary yet nice.
Milton would sometimes annoy Lewis just because he could, there was one time Lewis kicked him out of his room but let him back in minutes later because he felt bad.
That's all I have for now!!
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ninadove · 9 months
fav french media? (films, books, shows, games etc)
I’m sure I’ll forget a lot of things and smack my own forehead in shame afterwards, but this is what comes to mind right away:
Anything ever written by Victor Hugo is a masterpiece. This dude was a terrible human being, but he sure knew how to write, and he contributed to major changes in the social conscience of his contemporaries on many important topics (including but not limited to the death penalty and child labour). To give you a taste, here is my favourite poem ever, which he wrote, because of course he did.
My favourite piece of literature across all categories, though, is and forever will be Cyrano de Bergerac by Edmond Rostand — the story of a man who convinced himself his unusually long nose makes him monstruous. The concept sounds so silly, I know, but this play is a masterpiece and a wonderful love letter to the French language.
Which brings me to my favourite comic series: De Cape et de Crocs by Alain Ayroles and Jean-Luc Masbou! Basically a twelve-volume-long fix-it fic, disguised as a tribute to French literature. Also, a beautiful bromance.
Visual arts:
Basically everyone in France can quote at least one line from Kaamelott, a comedic (?) series derived from the Arthurian legend. It is so well researched and hilarious — until it isn’t.
I’m sure there’s like, a very obvious movie choice that will come back to me in a minute, but I was raised on Disney and Scooby-Doo, so these are clogging my brain at the moment. Just give it time.
When I was very young, I would watch TV at my grandparents’ and enjoy Les Hydronautes, an animated series about an extraterrestrial explorer documenting the Earth’s marine wildlife in an effort to learn how to better protect her own planet (Aka There Are Many Benefits To Being A Marine Biologist: The Series), as well as C’est pas sorcier, a series of very fun documentaries on a plethora of subjects, from lavender farming to volcanic eruptions.
Obviously, Miraculous gets a place on the list too! 🐞🐈‍⬛
EDIT BECAUSE I FORGOT: Fantomette the animated series! This show is single-handedly responsible for my taste for smart women with amazing hair who ride motorbikes and kick ass. It even had Egytpology as a key part of the plot.
For me Formidable by Charles Aznavour is a classic, a very cute song, and a great place to start if you want to learn French!
A few other favourites include Fanny Ardant et moi by Vincent Delerm, Le Dîner by Bénabar (extremely funny to listen to while thinking about the Diamonds’ Dance) and J’ai cherché by Amir (This one is… Borderline when it comes to grammar, but cute enough that I grin and bear it. Also, it got us an honourable ranking at the Eurovision a while back, which is rare enough to be celebrated).
ALSO. I complain too much about bad translations and poor writing (see previous bullet point) not to show you kids how it’s done with Je vole from Aladdin (a genius play on words which delves into the two significations of the verb “voler”: to fly or to steal).
Video games:
Long ago, before I discovered the wonderful world of Nintendo, I would wait patiently every month for the new issue of Toboclic. This game had everything: cute animal mascots, stories, mini-games, arts-and-crafts suggestions, catchy songs, interactive documentaries… I’m sure my parents still have the CDs somewhere, but they probably don’t run anymore, which is a shame. I miss my friends.
Thank you so much for the ask, this was so fun to write!
@dragongutsixofficial please do this too so we can compare notes! 👀💖
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billthedrake · 2 years
It was just porn, I rationalized, and I'm a man with a more than healthy libido. Married with three kids, I have a decent sex life with my wife, especially considering that we've been married for 25 years now.
But I like to jerk off, too, and since I turned 50, my bi side had been rearing itself more. A while back I went through a phase of lining up no-strings BJs from guys on the side. I'd put that behind me, but I still got off on the fantasy of fucking a guy or having him suck me. 8 times out of 10, when I was looking for stroke fodder, I'd pull up a gay porn video.
Then came the fateful day. I didn't even know what I was looking at first. I was just browsing one of those free video sites and saw a thumbnail of two hot bodies with a tag like "Hot Jocks Fuck After Practice." Unlike with women, I don't even know that I have a type when it comes to guys, but these dudes looked hot... muscular and young 20s, smooth bodied. They're probably everyone's type.
I clicked, and my heart sank.
It started out PG-rated, with two jockish guys sitting on a couch, one with his arm draped over the other's shoulder as the cameraman asked them questions and the guys talking about being excited for the scene that was about to happen.
One of the young men, the blond hunk with his arm draped over the beefier dark-haired guy, was my son Travis.
Holy fuck. I got a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. I couldn't believe it at first. My oldest kid - and only son - was doing gay porn. I listened to another half minute of the pre-sex interview and watched as Travis turned to the dark-haired dude, with a playful lust in his blue eyes and said, "Yeah, Sam has an amazing ass." He turned back to the camera with a grin and added, "Like, big fucking meaty cakes..."
"Ha," the cameraman laughed. "You ready to do this then?"
"Hell yeah," the dark haired guy replied.
I closed the browser, hyperventilating.
My Trav. Good kid, great student, played football at the expensive college we sent him to. I didn't know how long he'd been doing porn, or if this was a one-off. I wondered if he had any troubles, financial difficulties, drugs, gambling, whatever, that led him to do this. I wondered if I should tell his mother.
But I paused, staring at now blank screen. Maybe Travis was doing this for money, but he seemed to be enjoying himself. Sure there was playing along, but you can only fake so much.
And I knew Kate would freak out. She wasn't judgmental, but this was something else. Besides, she was the worrying sort of mother. That's why I loved her, that's why she was such a wonderful parent. But this would break her heart. I'd be keeping this to myself.
It was mid-afternoon in the office when Kate called. "Brad, you still able to make Caitlin's game today?" Our middle daughter Courtney was in college now, and Caitlin was now a senior in high school, which meant these soccer games would soon be a thing of the past.
I didn't mind, really. I had a sales job that could be crazy busy and required a lot of travel but days like that day I had some flexibility. And I loved my girls and enjoyed being the supportive dad. There were a few soccer parents who regularly showed up and we all kind of bonded. And the girls' team was really good that year. It was fun.
"Yeah, I'll be there."
"Great," my wife said. "I should be able to catch the last half, and maybe we can get dinner out. I have book club tonight," she reminded me.
We wrapped our conversation and I checked the clock. 2:30. I put in another hour of work, then cut out early.
I knew I'd be on my own for taking care of my orgasm that evening, so I went home first. I had enough time for a nice, leisurely stroke and looked forward to enjoying it.
As I got to my bedroom and kicked off my shoes, though, a thought hit me. A curiosity, sure, but also a horniness.
I wanted to watch my son Travis fuck a guy.
I was shaking a little as I searched again for that video. But I wasn't as hesitant as I should have been. It took me a few seconds to find it. That familiar thumbnail. My heart beat. I pressed play.
I listened to the introductory banter. The flirtiness between the two guys, putting on their dumb-jock act. Then the cameraman prodding, "You ready to do this then?"
I was rock hard. My son kissed dark haired guy. Trav looked like a smooth operator, snaking his tongue between the other guy's lips and making out, softly at first, then with more lust.
Their hands now removed their tank tops. Dark haired guy was real muscular, like a total gym body. Still had his baby fat, which made his bulk hotter somehow. I watched Trav feel him up, and I had to unzip.
Travis was the real star, though. Ripped, waxed smooth, tanned muscle contrasting with his adorable boy next door looks. My eyes were riveted to him, drawn as much as the dark haired guy's hands, which were now pawing at Travis's bare chest and abs, and then moving down...
I let out a groan when that hand cupped Travis's crotch. This was the moment of truth. Was I going to watch more?
I couldn't stop it, or take my eyes away. Trav got a playful look on his face and undid his shorts, making his abs crunch as he lifted his hips to slide them off.
There it was. My son's cock. His erection, long and thick, very much like my own. I never thought of myself as having a porn star cock, but I knew I was hung, and now I had a son who literally had a porn star dick.
I felt the excitement over take me as I stroked my own prick and jets of semen shot out. Uncontrollably. A crazy orgasm that had my head flushed and pounding from the taboo excitement.
I shut the video and the computer. And I quickly cleaned my mess.
Yeah, I felt like a heel. But I'd gotten off big time, and I knew I would again.
By now I had a good lead. Trav went by the name of "Brent" and was a Sean Cody model. Turns out this wasn't his only, or even his first video.
I found the others. Each one was better than the last. Travis was the jock-next-door type who played it up for the camera. His MO seemed to be to start off slow and romantic with a guy and work up to really pounding the bottom's ass with long, hard strokes. More than one came hands free from it. I just about did, even watching.
I watched them all, savoring them one by one until I was able to make it to the end of each. Then I watched them repeatedly, too much. I thought the guilt would kick in and I'd come to my senses, but I never did. I thought the novelty of the forbidden fruit would wear off, but I came buckets watching Travis fuck guys. Every single time.
I dug around more. From the comments on blogs, it seemed that "Brent" was a fan favorite. There was some bitching from guys that Sean Cody didn't have stars like Travis any more, that they'd gone downhill over the last year.
That hit me for some reason. I mean, I was glad that porn was just a temporary thing for my son. Logically, I would have been happier if it hadn't been a thing at all for him. But fuck, I wanted to see more. I loved watching my son. It was like spying on him, letting me be a voyeur into his sex life. And, hands down, Travis was just a stud.
I initially felt a burst of shame when I saw my wife or daughters after I stroked off. But they didn't know. I was still a good father, though if Travis knew I wouldn't blame him for having another opinion of me.
When Travis came home for Christmas, it hit me. The awkwardness, the weight of the secret. He thought I was just stressed from work or something, I guess. We ended up having a good visit with him. But he seemed like he had something on his mind.
The last day, he gathered us around the table. He was nervous as hell, but he came right out with. "I've got something to tell you guys... I'm gay."
Caitlin and Courtney immediately got out of their chairs and went to hug their big brother. I never was prouder of them.
I wondered if Kate had any inclination, but I could tell then that she was surprised. She was supporting as always though. Not touchy feely like our daughter, but more communicative.
It was my turn. "We love you son. And I'm proud as hell of ya." I was getting a little teary but tried to be the stoic Dad. I think Travis appreciated both.
Life moved forward. Caitlin graduated from high school and was getting ready to head out East for college. Courtney was applying to med schools. Kate and I were starting to talk seriously about retirement and making plans for a future now that the kids were flying the coop.
Travis was now 25, out of college and living in Chicago. He worked as a personal trainer and just enjoyed being a young guy in the big city. He was probably enjoying dating and the gay scene, but I didn't know the details. But I had a sales visit in Chicago pretty often and I'd always book an extra night to have some quality time with my son.
It was nice to have a break from the "Brent" videos. Maybe it was the increased sex with Kate, a kind of second honeymoon, but I was watching way less porn. And while I visited Travis's videos from time to time, I wasn't as obsessed with them.
Until I saw a new one. An OnlyFans one shot in a hotel room. Only he was no longer "Brent" but "JakeTheJock." But it was the same hunky Travis, he'd even put on a little more muscle. And the same fuck technique... romantic making out, some swapped BJs or 69 for foreplay. Rimming his bottom, then going to pound town on him bareback.
It was like a junkie mainlining after getting out of rehab. I knew I shouldn't be watching, but there was just an incredible rush, a high even. I had gotten to where I regularly busted twice in a session watching Travis fuck, but this had me getting off three times.
It took some creativity but I found a way to subscribe to Trav's OnlyFans without any telltale signs on my credit card statement. With regularity, I found time to get off to watching my very hunky son have sex. The guilt hadn't gone completely away, but I'd gotten real good and compartmentalizing it. The weird thing is for as much as I watched my son's porn videos, I didn't have any specific fantasies involving me and him. It was just an immediate lust, combined with the thrill of taboo and the voyeurism of almost spying on him. Seeing his secret life.
At first I missed the relative professionalism of the Sean Cody vids, but Travis's OnlyFans offered the advantage of quantity. Every week, I got to watch Travis with another guy. Or a repeat session with one of the other OF "stars." He was branching out beyond jock types like him and doing other men. Some older, some beefier, some hairy. I loved watching it all. A couch BJ in a New York apartment, or shower sex in some London hotel. I was following up on my son's travel through his porn page.
It was hard to look at my son the same way again. I loved him and respected him as a normal proud parent, but when I visited him, in the back of my head all I could think of was Travis's toned muscle, his big thick dick and the size of his cum loads oozing out of some muscle dude's ass.
For what it was worth, my son SEEMED happier now, enjoying his life and his day job and filling me in a little on his dating life when I came to visit.
"Maybe I'm not ready to settle down," he admitted with a grin as we had dinner in some downtown restaurant that Travis had picked a change of pace from the expense account steakhouses I took prospects on my sales call.
God help me I found my son so attractive at that moment. The dim light of the restaurant bringing out his blond hair and blue eyes and his dimples and perfect teeth. I actually threw hard in my suit trousers under the tablecloth.
I was fucked up, I knew, but the next day I requested to be put more regularly on the Midwest territory at work. I passed it off as seniority and wanting some closer travel, but really I just wanted to be in Chicago more.
The next video my life changed. It was a Tuesday after my Chicago visit and I'd cut out of work a little early to have some time with a new video that was planned to drop. I still had no idea how far in advance Travis shot these. Maybe it was made right after my visit or weeks before.
I just knew something was different about this one. Travis had been paired with some older men before, mostly fitness buff types and muscle guys. But this one with by the handle "CornfedDaddy" and he looked a little like Travis - blond and blue eyed, that Scandinavian-German stock giving him some real height and bulk. He looked even more like me. Middle aged, fit but more normal looking than a normal porn star. I wondered how Travis's fan subscribers would react but seeing Travis making out with this dude got me hard as fuck.
I knew it was because I imagined myself in CornfedDaddy's place, and Travis actively attracted to me.
And that attraction was real. Travis wasn't faking the intensity of that kiss or the excitement in feeling up that 40-something bulk. My hunky son seemed almost dreamy voice as he growled, "Ready to show the guys something new, Daddy?"
That very word almost had me coming.
The man was like one of my goddamn work colleagues, or the married men you'd see around Kansas City. And he talked like a suburban guy, too. "Fuck yes," he answered with a happy laugh.
Travis's strong hand massaged the man's boner through his shorts, then pushed the hem down. CornfedDaddy might not have had a porn star body, but that dick was big, bigger than Travis's.
I watched as my son leaned over and started sucking on that giant hog.
I came, my first cum, shooting hard into my fist. I had to let go to cool off and stop the video a second. I wiped off the excess cum and tossed the kleenex in the trash. This was gonna be an epic stroke session.
I took a look around and checked my phone. Coast was going to be clear for a while. I resumed watching.
I'd seen Travis suck a dick before, but this felt more purposeful and certainly more of a challenge than the other bottoms he'd been with. But like before, he pulled off and leaned back on the couch, ready for his turn at being serviced. He pulled down his shorts and I saw my son's beautiful dick. I was proud I'd created a man that amazing.
CornfedDaddy got a big grin and scooted down onto his knees, between Travis's legs. I loved watching guys suck my son. Occasionally Travis would post oral only videos of some guy blowing him and swallowing his load. I don't know that I preferred those to the fucking but they were amazing in their own different way.
But Cornfed Daddy had a different kind of swagger to his dad-next-door expression. "Lift em up, son," he urged. And Travis did, pulling those thick, knotted thighs up and back to his chest.
The Daddy dove in, starting to rim Travis with an excited urgency.
"That's it, Daddy, eat my hole!" my son cried.
I shot the second time.
I was hyperventilating now. It took me a second to get the energy to pause the video. Daddy was just pulling out.
I looked down at my load. Not as heavy as the first, but jesus it was heavier than it had a right to be. I was grateful now that I hadn't chickened out or let my guilt stop me from subscribing to Travis's videos.
I took more of a break this time. I got some water and checked some work emails. I knew I wanted another cum, but i was in my 50s. I'd need some recovery time.
Finally, I was ready. I already knew this would be a video I'd savor for many sessions. I resumed it and wondered it was going to go where I dreamed it might.
It did. Cornfed grabbed some lube and slicked up his cock before lining it up with my sons hole, teasing it some.
"First time on camera, right?" he asked Travis.
My son's adorable smile showed as he nodded. "Fuck yeah. Figure it was time for those guys to watch me get fucked."
Cornfed gave him a quick kiss then leaned up and hissed. "Let's show them, then."
And like that I was watching another man penetrate my stud son's hot ass.
I held off stroking and just let my cock ache in hardness as I watched. I knew instinctively this was not Travis's first cock. But the virginity idea hit me deep, and the men on screen were playing it up.
Travis leaned back and stroked his big dick and came hard, shooting ropes on his ripped torso.
Cornfed kept fucking, but within a minute he was getting close, too. I watched him approach his nut and started stroking myself, trying to time my third cum with the ejaculation inside my son. It was pretty close. Watching that Daddy orgasm and hearing his grunt sent me firing.
By now, I was feeling spent and overstimulated. I had to shut the video and focus on something besides what I saw.
I had a Chicago sales call the following week. I gave Travis some space, telling him I'd be in the city more now and if he had other plans, he shouldn't feel obligated to meet up this time.
"Nonsense, Dad," he said. "I have some evening clients that day but I could meet you after."
I had a business dinner anyway, so I told him I'd come to Boystown for a change, and meet him for a drink around 9:30.
God, he looked like a million bucks, his workout clothes fitting his form well. He had an amazing body on camera, but up close his muscle seemed firmer, bigger. I had a fleeting thought that I should hire him as my personal trainer.
I was tempted to have a normal evening, but it had been weighing on my mind. The need to come clean. Not all of it of course, but halfway through our first drink I dropped the bombshell.
"Trav... I know how to bring this up, but I know about your videos," I said quietly.
I expected a sense of shame or embarrassment, but Travis mostly just seemed surprised. "Did someone tell you?" he asked.
I shook my head, letting out more than maybe I should. "No, I just stumbled on one."
That made my son grin. "So you watched me?" he asked with a gentle laugh.
The fact that my son didn't seem put off by me watching him made my heart pound and my mind go where it shouldn't. But I lied. "No... when I saw it was you...." I didn't know how to explain, maybe because there was no good explanation.
Travis's laid back nature put me at ease some. "I didn't know you were into gay stuff, Dad," he said with an easy smile. I could tell he was happy with that knowledge. Maybe it made him feel less of an outcast in the family or something.
"I guess I have a bi streak when it comes to porn," I admitted. I figured it was the least I could own up to, since I'd practically admitted it already. "But you're not telling your mother," I added with a playful smile of your own.
"Don't worry, Dad," he assured me. "Um, does she know about my porn life."
"No," I said. "No guarantees someone won't tell her, though."
He nodded. "Yeah, I figure. I mean, I'm not ashamed of it, Dad. I enjoy it and it's good money coming in. I'll probably be able to buy a nice condo in a year or so."
I shook my head with a little wince. For as much as I'd perved to my son, a father doesn't like hearing this kid is doing something which may harm him. "I hope you don't mind that I brought it up."
Travis patted my leg. Not flirty, but affectionate. "Nah, it's good you did. I don't like keeping secrets." He took as sip of his drink then continued, "Can I ask you a personal question?"
"Depends," I said. Nervous for what he was going to ask.
"So, when you came across my vid, you must have been watching some other stuff, right?"
"Yes," I replied softy.
Travis's expression got a little naughty grin. "Like, what kind of stuff?"
"Travis!" I admonished him.
"Come on, Dad," he coaxed me, undaunted. "It's just porn. All guys watch it."
God, there was something so assured and open about my son's embrace of sexuality that had me opening up to him. "There are a couple of guys that I like," I said, naming two of the Only Fans models I'd seen Travis paired with: MusclePupXXX and MrCakes.
I could tell my son was glad I told him. A secret between us, and maybe a bond. "I know those guys," he smiled. "I can hook you up with one if you like."
"Jesus!" I swore. Then gaining my calm, I tried to respond with a quip, "In case you don't remember, I'm a married man."
He shrugged. "It's just sex. I mean, men are pigs right?"
I worried maybe my son was way too jaded and that doing porn hadn't helped him. A scary idea occured to me. "Trav... you're not hustling are you?" I'd been afraid to ask.
Travis sighed. "It's not like that, Dad," he said. I wish he'd come out and said "no." But I got some assurance out his reply. "I like doing porn and that's good enough for me. It helps me build my client base up, too."
"For real?" I asked. For some reason I hadn't thought there would be a benefit to doing those videos.
"Oh yeah," my son explained. "I get so much business from guys who want me as a trainer."
"What? Do you sleep with them?" Then I held my hands up. "You know what? That's none of my business."
"You really wanna know," Travis was challenging me. "I don't charge them for it, but yeah, if they're hot and there's chemistry, then I'll have sex with them. It's fun and I've met a lot of hot guys that way. They're happy, too." He paused and gauged my reaction. "You don't approve, do you?"
I sighed and shook my head. "It's me who's worried about you not approving," I said.
Travis seemed surprised. "For watching gay porn? Dad, that's like the most normal thing ever. Seriously."
Our conversation turned to more normal day-to-day stuff, but when I got back to my hotel, I was glad I'd cleared the air with Travis. I felt like he had a closer bond now.
My next trip was a few weeks later. I'd hoped to treat Travis to dinner, but I had a business engagement that kept me till late. I texted my son to see if he was up for meeting me for a drink somewhere. He said sure and I grabbed an Uber to meet him closer to his neighborhood.
He wasn't alone. As I walked into the place, I saw him sitting next to a guy. Shorter, compact muscle that showed through his tight T-shirt. Trimmed beard, cute as fuck. It was MusclePupXXX.
"Hey Dad, I brought my friend Mike along," he explained. I played it cool and shook the guy's hands. The dude's eyes were on me, lecherous but playful at the same time. I was annoyed at Travis but also feeling an ego boost that this stud friend of his would be into me.
The next fifteen minutes was excruciating though. Trying to have a conversation with my son and small talk with this stranger at the same time. Processing my conflicting emotions.
Finally, Mike excused himself to the restroom. Travis had a shit-eating grin.
"Trav, what the fuck?" I growled.
He seemed undaunted. "Come on, Dad. Mike thinks your hot. It's your fantasy on a silver plate. Bang a porn star. No strings, no worries."
"I can't," I complained.
"If you don't wanna, no skin off my back," he said. "Honest, Dad, I'm not trying to piss you off. Just thought you'd enjoy it."
Mike came back, interrupting our conversation. We'd finished the drink, when Travis said he had to go. "I have a 6AM client," he explained, getting up from the bar seat.
Mike looked over at me, trying to read what I was going to do.
"I think I may stay for another," I said, blushing the minute I said it.
Mike didn't miss a beat. "I will too. Later, bro?" he said to Travis, giving him a fist bump then getting up for a gay-dude hug and kiss.
The remainder of the evening went down pretty much as you'd expect. Heavy eye contact then me taking MusclePupXXX back to my hotel room, where I got a real porn star blow job before pulling him off and asking if I could fuck him.
This wasn't some DL Craigslist BJ. This was real, honest to god man-to-man sex, and it ws incredible. I pounded this muscle hunk in multiple positions and he was every bit the power bottom he was on screen. It occurred to me that he was getting the father of another guy who'd fucked him and that was a big part of the turn on for him. The idea got me off, too, and I nutted hard in his hole, collapsing onto his back as I caught my breath.
I thought I'd feel guilty after but that orgasm had put me in a good mood. We showered together, softly making out and exploring each other's soapy wet bodies.
"So, my son didn't pay you for that, did he?" I asked, not accusing in tone, more curious.
Mike grinned and reached down to cup my genitals. "Nah. You're hot, man. You're a good fuck too. You should hit me up next time you're in Chicago."
"So you live here," I said dumbly. For some reason I thought maybe Mike was just visiting from New York or LA.
"Best city on Earth," he nodded proudly. "And Midwestern guys are the hottest."
With that he turned around and backed his meaty ass against my now hard again dick. Yeah, round two sounded amazing.
The next time I visited, I fucked MusclePupXXX again. A quickie in the afternoon, before my work dinner. It felt naughty as hell.
He called me Daddy during sex, and I let a "son" or two slip out. That both worked us up big time, and it was clear my relation to Travis was in the back of our minds. It was still in the back of my mind when I met Travis later on for dinner. He didn't ask me about Mike and I wondered if he knew. But he had a knowing look about something.
Summer came, and the work travel slowed. I followed my son on OnlyFans as he went to Barcelona and Fire Island. He was bottoming more now, and he seemed to be with older men more. Daddy types. CornfedDaddy made a regular appearance when he was back in Chicago, and I half wondered if they were dating.
Travis was out of town the next time I went to Chicago for work, but MusclePup Mike was there. I had him over to my hotel after dinner and he stayed over the night. We went at it deep with the dad-son thing. I knew it was wrong, but I was SO turned on doing it. And it thrilled Mike, too. The more I was "Dad" for him the more eagerly he bounced on my cock.
"You're incredible," I said to him the next morning as I brought him a coffee from the hotel lobby. I'd gotten showered and dressed for my morning meeting.
Mike had buzzed-short hair and looked adorable first thing in the morning. "You're not getting feeling for me are you, Mr. Connors?" He'd taken to calling me by my last name. I let him.
I shook my head. "No. Just living out a midlife crisis, I suppose."
That made him break out in a goofy grin. Mike was short, 5'7" or so, and his compact build looked all bulked up with his brawn. "Well, lucky for you that midlife crises are my speciality," he grinned, leaning forward and unzipping my suit trousers.
I set down my coffee and felt the silky soft mouth go down on me. For all our time together, Mike had never sucked me to completion. He was going to now. I gently ran my fingers through his hair as he worked me more eagerly and got me to the finish line. I came hard down his throat and was grateful that that made bottoms as hot as MusclePup Mike.
"That gonna last you today, Daddy?" he asked with a lewd smile.
"It should," I replied, meeting him for a soft kiss and tasting my own cum on his lips.
Travis bought his condo. Lakeview, modern, amazing 1 bed room. He was proud and happy and clearly eager to show it off to me. The furnishing was still sparse and Travis talked a mile a minute about his plans for decorating the place and making it feel like home.
He walked me over to the window and described how his view was protected because of the park across the street. I patted his shoulder.
"It's an amazing place, son," I said. "You did well."
Travis kind of leaned into me some, and I saw a look in his eye. Gone was the confident assured porn star. There was my son, questioning me. I knew then that Mike had told him stuff. And I knew what was on Travis's mind.
"You know," I said. "I lied to you before. I've watched your videos. All of them."
That made my son smile. There was the confident sex machine coming to life. "Yeah, what did you think?" his voice had almost a gravely sound and I knew he was turned on.
"They were the hottest goddamn thing I've ever seen in my life," I hissed.
Our lips met. Soft at first, then hard charging. We'd built up too much lust to take it easy. Travis's hands were unbuttoning my dress shirt and I was tugging at the hem of hit T.
"Fuck... we gonna do this, Dad?" he growled with lust.
"If we don't I'll have the worst blue balls in the world," I replied.
This was so wrong, and that forbidden nature fueled our excitement. We stepped back and stripped for each other. Then Travis took my hand and led me to his bedroom.
"You're gonna be the first guy to fuck me here," he said naughtily. Our naked bodies clung to one another on the bed, father cock against son cock, as we made out. Travis scooted from my grip and fumbled for some lube. I equally fumbled prepping myself and getting in place. The fuck was rushed, too rushed. I came within a minute of entry and my son didn't seem to do better.
But we lay on the bed side by side, holding hands and grinning at each other. Cocks still hard. My first load inside my son, his streaming and liquefying on his chest.
"I can't believe I just fucked JakeTheJock," I joked, and Travis laughed.
"Would you ever consider doing that on camera?" he asked.
That shocked me, but Travis added, "You could wear a mask, no one would know it was you, Dad. Think about it. It would be hot as fuck."
I would think about it. That was the crazy thing. My son had a way of upending my world.
But for now, I didn't want any cameras or onlookers. I just wanted it to be me and Trav. He smiled at me and squeezed my hand. Then he climbed on top of my naked body and kissed me deeply as he bucked his slick ass against my boner. My hands possessively felt up his gym-perfected body and decided I was going to get in real shape myself.
For now, Travis seemed into me, into my dad bod, into fucking around with his actual father. I felt him shift angle and my rigid shaft entered a now more pliable, open hole as my son sank down on me.
I had an hour before I had to go get ready for my meeting, and I was going to make the most of it.
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bbygirlky18 · 10 months
Hey girlie, I have a request for you, Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa, and Sami Zayn all fall in love with the new diva but when she makes her debut is when they start to fall. Once they find out that she had a boyfriend they backed off but when she came to work she was a whole different person. She became a heel and they fall for her even more but they are furious when they find out that her ex-boyfriend Finn Balor who’s in the Judgement Day cheated on her with Rhea Ripley. Can you do this request pls?
Monster- Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa, Sami Zayn
Jey Uso, Jimmy Uso, Solo Sikoa, Sami Zayn x Y/N
Warnings: Swear words!
Word Count: 1128
A/N: Hi everybody this is my first request that I've ever done! This request was sent in by @bbygirlnessa18 I'm sorry if this is bad y'all I've never done this before!
Y/R/N is your ring name!!
Y/N's entrance song when she's a face
Y/N's entrance song when she's a heel
Y/N's hair and outfit when she's a face
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Y/N's hair and outfit when she's a heel
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Y/N's makeup as a face
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Y/N's makeup as a heel (Meganmeltdown is on tiktok so yea go follow her)
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“Michael the Bloodline is awaiting their partner. Who is this mysterious diva” Wade Barrett shouted into the mic an intrigued tone filling his voice. Just when Michael was going to speak music blasted through the arena. Who was partnering with the Bloodline?
“It’s the newbie making her debut tonight, it’s Y/R/N! Why would they put her with the Bloodline?” Michael Cole asked with a tone of confusion in his voice. Y/N did her entrance and ran down the ramp toward the ring. She got into the ring and she saw Judgement Day and she saw her boyfriend Finn Bálor. The bell rang and everyone started fighting. Rhea was about to hit Jey with the Riptide when Y/N tagged Jey in and started attacking Rhea. Y/N caught Rhea off guard by super-kicking her and hitting her with the Riptide.
“OMG! NO FUCKING WAY! Y/R/N JUST HIT RHEA RIPLEY WITH HER OWN DAMN MOVE! THE RIPTIDE!!” Michael and Wade shouted into their mics with excitement and joy. Y/N went for the pin. 1, 2, 3…. Y/N did it. Y/N won her debut match against the Women’s World Champion. Y/N crouched down to a hurt Rhea Ripley in the ring and she softly whispered “Sorry girl.” Then she hopped out of the ring with a smile on her face. The fans cheered her on her way back to Gorilla. 
“Hello everyone! I’m Kayla Braxton and right now I’m joined by the newbie who killed it in her debut match Y/R/N! Welcome, so we just watched you do an incredible job in your debut match and you pinned the Women’s World Champion Rhea Ripley! Tell us how you feel! How was it?” Kayla asked. “Well if I’m being honest Kayla, I feel amazing. I loved it. I love feeling the rush of being in the ring, especially with people like the Usos and Rhea Ripley. I’m glad my debut was successful. I love the energy of the fans.” Y/N spoke feeling every single emotion ooze throughout her body. “And cut! Great job Kayla and Y/N.” Kayla and Y/N waved bye and just as she was about to leave to go to her locker room she sees the Bloodline and Jey says “Heyyyy…” “Y/N. My name is Y/N” “Y/N, thanks for tagging me in and saving my ass from the eradicator Rhea ‘Bloody’ Ripley. You new here?” Y/N said “Yea. I used to be an independent wrestler but I’ve never wrestled for WWE so yea today was my debut match.” Y/N explained flashing a smile. They stopped listening cause they were looking at Y/N’s icy blue eyes as if they were getting lost in them instantly.
“We wanted to know if you wanted to come to dinner with us so we can celebrate our win and congratulate you on your debut match if that’s alright with you?” Sami asked flashing a smile. “To celebrate? No one naturally asks me to celebrate with them 'cause it’s more of a personal thing for them.” Y/N whispered softly. “Maybe we could even call our little get-together a date, 'cause you’re really pretty… well that’s if you’re not seeing anyone at the moment!” Jimmy said as panic rushed across his face like the blood rushes through his veins. Y/N lightly punched them all in their arms. “Sorry guys, I’m gonna have to take a rain check. I’m seeing someone but some other time works. I gotta go.” She left and the guys backed off.
~Time skip 3 weeks after her debut where she catches Finn cheating~
Y/N had woken up in the guest bedroom with all of her stuff packed but she didn’t know why. She got up and took a shower before going to her room to ask Finn why her stuff was in the guest bedroom when she walked in on Finn and Rhea making love. Angry she packed her clothes and everything she needed and stormed out of the house. She put her bags in the car and drove to the arena cause she needs to talk to Stephanie. Once at the arena she gets out and grabs her wrestling bag and goes into the arena pissed off.
She sees Sami and he says “Oh hey Y/N! How are you doing?” Y/N doesn’t answer and walks past Sami shoving him and goes to Stephanie’s office. Once out of Stephanie’s office, she goes to a vacant locker room, and when she sees Finn she attacks him backstage in Gorilla. She screams at him “You’re a piece of fucking shit. I hope you enjoy Rhea ‘Bloody’ Ripley. Give her this.” She takes off the promise ring and steps on it. Breaking it under her foot. Y/N gets pulled off of Finn by Rhea. Rhea wants to face her and Y/N accepts. Y/N goes to her locker room when she hears a knock on her door.
She opens it to see Jey, Jimmy, Sami, and Solo. She motions for them to come in and she gives Sami some ice and says “Sorry for the shove. Why are you here?” Y/N asked in a bitchy heel tone. Sami says “We came to check on you. Are you ok?” He asked concerned about her. Y/N says “I’ve never been better baby. Now if you guys don’t mind I have to get ready for a match you guys aren’t the only ones to witness the craziness that’s about to happen. You guys are staying with me at ringside. Now can you guys please leave I have to finish getting ready. Oh, you four are finally getting your date. I’m single now.” Smiles grew on their faces as they left. When Y/N was done she went to the ring and she unleashed the monster that Finn had just created.
Once she won the match. She did her interview and she explained that Finn cheated on her and created this monster that was waiting to be unleashed. The guys grew furious finding out the news but Y/N told them don’t worry about Judgement Day. The guys took Y/N on a date to celebrate and they got to know her a little bit better. She drove to their house in her car and they all relaxed watching TV. Y/N said “I haven’t had that much fun in a long time. I really enjoyed myself. I want a second date. We should do this all the time!!” Solo smirked and started grinning he said “Yea. Maybe we’ll get showered with kisses on the second date!” which made Y/N laugh and she punched him softly in his chest.
-I hope you guys enjoyed this. This is my first one ever. Feel free to send your request either in my ask me anything section or my request section. Love you guys <333. Also pls like it.
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kittyt-hexxed · 10 months
Hiiii! I’ve been hesitant to ask because I’m not sure if you’re in this fandom, but could you do a fic for Suki from ATLA? Definitely older cause she’s like sixteen in the series, but one where Reader is Katara/Sokka’s older sister and she instantly falls for Suki. (Reader has a thing for women who can knock her out) Have her be a secret water bender (ya know, cause Katara) and like Suki catches her bending. Reader begs her not to tell and Suki is like “only if you let me train you.”
Maybe a smut scene after practice, it’s totally up to you! But I would love it if you wrote this, I love your Arcane work! Oh! And Reader has loooong curly hair like past her butt! Thank you!
Can You Keep a Secret?
Suki x Fem!POC!Reader
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Author Note: You don’t understand the excitement I felt seeing an ATLA request! Writing this helped my writer’s block, too, so thank you for that! I am in both fandoms ATLA and TLOK! I have also read the Kyoshi novels for future reference ;)
Warnings: ATLA Spoilers (Season 1, Episode 4), Young & Dumb Sokka, Older Suki, Waterbender!Reader, Accidental flashing, Cute Flirting, Teasing, Playful Training, Suki kicks your ass and you’re into it, First Time, Hickeys, Fingering, Praise/Compliments
Summary: You tried your best to hide your bending, but Suki managed to find out within a few hours. You beg her to keep the secret and she agrees… only if you let her train you.
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Your head was spinning from the events that happened within the last few days. Not only did your little sister find the Avatar, but you nearly got a face full of fire! It didn’t help that you were hiding your bending ability. You wanted to drown that stupid kid for attacking your family. He was lucky that Aang came in when he did, or you would have sunk him under the ice. Then there was the heartbreaking revelation at the Air Temple… so, it’s actually relieving to you that Aang wanted to go on a little break. You were also really enjoying traveling by Bison. You really enjoyed feeling the wind in your hair. It also helped that if you found the right spot, you couldn’t hear them talking over the loudness of the wind. It was your favorite place to take a nap until you shifted over.
“Stop bugging her, airhead.” This is the first thing you hear as you tune back into the conversation, causing you to open your eyes, “You need to give girls space when they’re doing their sewing.” You raise an eyebrow at that. ‘Where did he get that from?’
“What does me being a girl have to do with sewing?” Katara asks.
“Yeah, little bro.” Sokka jolts as he realizes you’re awake and listening, “What does being a girl have to do with that?” He’s silent for a moment as he tries to figure out the words to say.
“Simple. Girls are better at fixing pants than guys, and guys are better at hunting and fighting and stuff like that.” He shrugs, “It’s just the natural order of things.” Your eyes feel like they’re going to pop out of their head as you look at your brother in disbelief.
“Really?” You say coldly, “I guess I should stop hunting then since I’m so horrible at it.”
“I’m all done with your pants and look what a great job I did!” Katara says too sweetly, tossing his pants at him. They hit him in the face and he panics, realizing that there’s still a hole in them. He looks to you for help, but you close your eyes and pretend to go back to sleep. What he said concerned you. Where did he get those ideas from when you were the main caretaker of the family? You hunted, gathered firewood, and took care of everyone. That’s why you were so reluctant to leave in the first place. Your people needed you, but Gran Gran was persuasive.
By the time you landed, you wanted nothing to do with the group. Sokka and Katara had been bickering nearly the whole time while Aang kept trying to get your sister’s attention. You found it funny at first, watching this kid try to impress your sister while not knowing how to interact with her. You were silently cheering him on but it was painful.
“I’m going to go over there. Spirits know I need a moment to myself.” You point off to the side where there is a bit more of a private area, “Don’t do anything stupid.” You pointedly look at Sokka.
“Why are you looking at me?!” Sokka protests, “You should be saying that to Katara! She’s already done stupid things!”
“Oh, really?” Katara scoffs, “Like what?” You watch them bicker for a moment before shaking your head. ‘They wonder why I’m always hunting.’
“Don’t you want to see the Elephant Koi?” Aang asks you.
“No, I’m good. I’ll check them out later since we’re camping here.” You give him a reassuring smile. You glance at the two behind him who are still arguing and roll your eyes. There wasn’t a moment where your siblings weren’t at each other’s throats. It got tiring trying to be the mediator so you stopped. You just let them hash it out. You walk away from the group, looking forward to getting a little bit of alone time.
Now in a private place, you pull off your coat and strip down to your undergarments. You would have invited Katara along but between Aang wanting to impress her and your social flame going low, you chose against it. ‘Some peace.’ You smile to yourself. You find a place to sit in the sand and get comfortable. The sand was warm, already heated up from the sun, and felt wonderful on your skin. You sigh in contentment, laying back to enjoy the area's warmth. If you were back home, you would’ve been bundled up to avoid the cold. It didn’t bother you much, but it got frustrating sometimes. Having a chance to show some skin and not have the possibility of freezing to death is wonderful. You were excited to travel the world, even if you’d miss Gran Gran back at home.
You were probably lying down for a total of five minutes before you heard screaming. Your eyes snap open and you jump up from the sand. You’re sprinting back to the group before your mind can even process it. You gasp in shock seeing a giant sea serpent chasing Aang across the water. Your fingers flex, itching to jump into the water and help him as you get to the bank with your siblings. It wasn’t necessary though as Aang comes flying out of the water and collides with Sokka. You flinch as they get thrown back into the trees.
“Sokka! Aang!” You shout, running to them with Katara. You give Sokka a concerned look seeing him slumped against a tree while Aang looked fine.
“What was that thing?” Katara questions.
“I don’t know.” Aang responds, putting his clothes on.
“It might have been a sea serpent of some kind.” You put a hand on your hip, “Dad used to warn me that some hung out in the water near the ice floes. That’s why we didn’t go there for my initiation.” They all look at you as if they just realized you were there before shouting and turning around. You blink in confusion.
“Y-Y-Y/N!” Katara shouts, her face an impressive shade of pink, “Where are your clothes?!”
“I heard screaming. There wasn’t time to put clothes on if something was wrong.” You deadpan, crossing your arms over your chest, “I’ll go get them now that I know you’re all okay.”
“Great! Then we can leave!” Sokka says, not turning back, “I am not sticking around to find out what that creature actually is.”
“Yeah, yeah.” You wave him off, turning around and heading back to where you left your clothes, “I’ll help you get ready to go once I’m dressed.” You leave them by the trees. ‘There is a lot Katara and Sokka haven’t been exposed to.’ You frown. ‘Our age differences have affected them a lot more than I would have liked. I was thirteen when we lost mom. I had more than enough time with her to learn about waterbending or go adventuring with Dad. They’ve been sheltered for far too long.’
You find the area where you left your clothes and pull your tights back on. You exhale, sad that your moment of peace has gone just as fast as it arrived. You bend down to put up your tunic, straightening up to dust the sand off and the next thing you know a figure drops down in front of you. Your feet are swept out from under you before you can react, and the person grabs you by your chest wrappings as you fall. You’re yanked forward by them, but you feel them come undone as they’re not as secure as they should have been. The gang's haste to get into the air the other day didn’t give you the time you needed to do a warrior wrap. The person in front of you gasps as the wraps fall away, suddenly spinning you around and blinding you. You let out a yelp as your chest is exposed to the air, but your tunic is on shortly after. Ropes are tied around your upper body, pinning your arms to your sides. They pick up your body, drape you over their shoulder, and start running. ‘That happened way too fast.’ You think, dazed. That couldn’t have been more than a minute. You don’t even have the words to say, honestly. You were surprised. Very surprised. Who could move like that?! The only time you moved that fast was while ice skating! Were there people who could move that fast normally? Aang didn’t count because he’s the Avatar. Who knows the extent of his abilities.
You weren’t sure how long it took, but your body was tied to something after a while. From the sounds of it, the others were right next to you so at least you don’t have to worry about that. You shift your body, trying to figure out how exactly you’re tied up. You practically jump out of your skin when you hear someone talking.
“You four have some explaining to do.” A man’s voice sounds.
“And if you don’t answer all of our questions, we’re throwing you back into the water with the Unagi.” A woman says after him.
“Show yourselves, cowards!” Comes from your idiot brother somewhere to your left.
“Oh sure, Sokka. Call the people who tied us up” the blindfold is removed from your eyes, “cowards.” You hiss, then go silent as you see a group of girls standing in front of you. The man you heard was with him, but he was the only one.
“Who are you? Where are the men who ambushed us?” Sokka demands.
“There were no men.” The woman in front scoffs, seemingly irritated by that question, “We ambushed you. Now tell us - who are you, and what are you doing here?”
“We-” You try to speak but Sokka speaks over you.
“Wait a second, there’s no way a bunch of girls took us down.” You can hear the amusement in his voice and it makes you want to smack him. How many times do you have to yell at him for him to understand that it’s not just the men in your tribe who do things? Besides, the woman was clearly agitated, and saying that would only make it worse.
“Sokka, you’ve got to be kidding me.” You sigh.
“Bunch of girls, huh?” The woman grabs Sokka by his coat and leans in threateningly, “The unagi is going to eat well tonight.”
“Please ignore my dumbass brother!” You shout, getting her attention, “He does NOT speak for the rest of us!” You glare at him.
“Then, I’m sure you can answer my questions. Since you seem to be the oldest here.” She stands in front of you and you meet her dark blue eyes, “Who are you? What are you doing here?” Her voice was lowered and it was spoken in more of a threatening manner than before.
“We’re from the Southern Water Tribe. We were just passing through and wanted to relax before continuing.” You swallow, feeling intimidated, “That’s all, I promise.”
“It’s my fault.” Aang speaks up, from somewhere past your brother, “I’m sorry we came here. I wanted to ride the Elephant Koi.”
“How do we know you’re not Fire Nation spies?” The man hisses accusingly, “Kiyoshi stayed out of the war so far and we intend to keep it that way.” That makes you scoff in anger. How dare he accuse you of being a spy for that wretched nation! As if you’d want anything to do with the people who destroyed your family!
“This island is named for Kiyoshi?” Aang sounds oddly happy about that, “I know Kiyoshi!”
“How could you possibly know her? Avatar Kiyoshi was born here four hundred years ago. She’s been dead for centuries!”
“I know her because I’m the Avatar.” Aang says making your jaw drop. ‘He did not just say that out loud! Why would he tell people that after I told him to keep it a secret?!’ You panic. ‘If these idiots would have let me handle this, I could have gotten us out by now! But, no, don’t let the adult handle this!’
“That’s impossible! The last Avatar was an airbender who disappeared one hundred years ago.” The woman shakes her head as you drop yours in exasperation.
“That’s me!” You can practically hear Aang’s grin. You were going to strangle this kid the moment your hands were free. Avatar or not!
“Throw the impostor to the unagi!” The man commands. ‘So, he’s likely the chief.’ The women snap out metal fans and move closer to surround your group. Your eyes widen and you internally curse that your hands are bound. There was nothing you could do to help your situation.
“Aang, if you’re going to claim that you’re the Avatar you need to prove it!” You tell him, not liking the sight of those fans, “Do some air bending!” There’s a gust of air and you hear the people gasping in awe. Whispers fill the air as Aang floats down and you feel relieved as you hear the Chief say that he believed him. They threw a feast in honor of Aang’s arrival and you were shocked to see so much food on the table. You were hesitant at first, but Aang insisted so you ate until you were satisfied. The Chief and the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors joined your group. Thankfully, Sokka was too engrossed in stuffing himself with food to notice the warrior sitting with you. If he had, you were sure dinner wouldn’t have been as pleasant as it was.
“Hello.” The woman greets you as she takes the seat to your left.
“Hello.” You greet her politely.
“I wanted to apologize and introduce myself to you.” She brushes her hair behind her ear, “I’m Suki, the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. I’m sorry we ambushed you like that. While we live away from the mainlands, people have been begging us to join the war. It’s been going on since before I was a little girl. We’ve been very careful with newcomers.”
“That’s alright. I understand that. My village was raided by the Fire Nation when I was a teenager. After that, the men in the village refused to let anyone who wasn’t from the neighboring villages in.” You reassure her, “You were only protecting your home. I can’t blame you for that when I would do the same. It’s admirable.”
“That’s a relief. Thank you… but um… that’s not all I wanted to apologize for.” Suki rubs the back of her neck, lowering her voice, “I was the one who jumped you on the shoreline. You looked to be around my age, so I wasn’t sure what training you might have had.” Her words sink in and you begin to feel mortified.
“I saw your chest and I wanted to let you know that wasn’t my intention.” She whispers, and you think you see her face turning pink, “I’m very sorry for that.”
“I-It’s okay.” You frantically wave your hands, “I’m not upset about it at all. At least you had the decency to cover me.”
“O-Of course! I wouldn’t do that to another woman!” Now she’s waving her hands frantically, “Not unless they wanted me to, but that’s not- I’m going to stop talking now.” She facepalms, making you laugh at the absurdity of the conversation.
The mess that was your first conversation didn’t do anything to ruin the rest of them. You found yourself talking to Suki the most as you were sitting next to each other. She listened intently as you talked about your life at home and what you did for fun. Unfortunately, you had to leave out anything that involved waterbending. Katara was the one who talked to Suki about that one. But, you learned about Suki’s life on the island and how it was her dream to become a Kyoshi Warrior. You congratulated her on becoming the leader and she made a soft comment that had you raising an eyebrow, “It’s rewarding to train pretty women like you.”
You weren’t new to flirting. You were lucky enough to interact with people outside of your tribe before your dad left. It’s just been a while since you’ve had a chance. So, you fell into it. You flirted with her, and she seemed to be into it. You couldn’t believe your luck. You’ve been gone from home for such a short time and here was an attractive woman hitting on you! The end of dinner made you a little sad, but you had the itch for some more alone time, so you asked one of the islanders where you could find a quiet cove or something close to it. They directed you to one on the other side of the island that’s past the training building for the Kyoshi Warriors.
It was a good distance to walk, but that meant you wouldn’t be bothered by anyone either. With your siblings and Aang preoccupied, you took the chance to sneak away. It felt like the perfect opportunity to get some waterbending practice in. You let out a slow breath, moving through the meditative poses your mother taught you as a child. It helped not only to relax your body but your mind when it got too unfocused. And, it was definitely too unfocused. There was something about Suki that got into your brain. You couldn’t stop thinking about her. Knowing that she was the one who took you down earlier made you flustered. You’ve never come into contact with anyone who can do something like that.
So, once your body is focused, you let your awareness spread to the rolling waves in front of you. You smile to yourself as you lift the water and bring it towards you. It whirls around your body, the soft whooshing sound of the water bringing you peace of mind.
“Okay, mom.” You exhale, widening your stance slightly, “Guide me through the exercise.” You move through the waterbending techniques your mother taught you, steadily going faster and getting harsher with each re-run of the sequence. Your muscles are used to the movement, due to training over and over again. At some point, you’d have to break the news to Katara. She’d be pissed with you for keeping this a secret, but she wasn’t ready. You couldn’t teach her something that could kill someone if she couldn’t control her anger. You will never forget the day you nearly speared your father with an icicle during an argument.
“You didn’t tell me you were a bender.” A voice comes from behind you, making you shriek. You whirl around, the water following as you whip it at whoever snuck up on you.
“Ouch!” The person yelps, clutching their side and you realize that it’s Suki.
“Oh, Spirits! I’m so sorry!” You gasp as she looks at you with an impressed look, “Are you okay?!”
“It’s okay!” Suki giggles, rubbing her side as she moves closer to you, “I guess we’re even after what happened earlier today.”
“I guess we are.” You chuckle, “Are you sure you don’t want me to check?”
“Well… I’d have to remove everything so…”
“Oh.” You blink, “Then, I’ll take your word for it.”
“Anyway, that was some impressive bending. How come you didn’t bring it up when Katara was talking about it?”
“My brother and sister don’t know. Our mom trained me in secret in case my siblings couldn’t bend. I haven’t told Katara for various reasons.” You sigh, running a hand over your hair. It was the one conversation you were dreading.
“Hmm, is the reason because you’re so good at it?” She says flirtatiously, “If you had fought me with it this morning, I might have been the one retrained.”
“I doubt it.” You flirt back, “I could just freeze you in place.” You demonstrate by sneakily freezing her feet to the ground. She gasps, tugging on her ankles to try and get them unstuck.
“Then you wouldn’t have been able to go anywhere.” You giggle, giving her a playful shove. Suki laughs as she pinwheels, unable to fall.
“You’re interesting, you know that?” She grins, watching as you melt the ice and pull the water back to you.
“Says the woman who took me down in seconds.” You chuckle, “I have never been so confused in my life.” She could take you down that fast and had the strength to lift your body. You found that kind of attractive.
“Will you show me your bending?” Suki questions, leaning forward on her tiptoes, “I haven’t seen waterbending like yours up close before.”
“Only if you keep it a secret.” You get a raised eyebrow in return, “Please, Suki. I can’t have them finding out right now.” You give her a pleading look. She makes a face like she’s contemplating what you said. You bite your lip, wondering if she’d tell them about your secret. She didn’t seem like that kind of person, but you only just met her. She tied you up and planned on murdering you without a second thought, too. It was to protect her people but…
“I’ll keep it a secret.” Suki agrees, a teasing smile on her lips, “But, you have to let me train you. You’ll need to know how to protect yourself.”
“Deal!” You hurriedly agree. That earns you a big grin from Suki and you spend the last of your daylight waterbending for her. She seemed dazzled by what you were doing. She asked you questions and even attempted to do the moves with you. For the first time in forever, you didn’t feel alone while practicing. She made you laugh and even tried to surprise attack you! You managed to hit her away, but you suspected she made it easy for you.
Once the final dredges of sunlight were about to disappear, Suki took your hand and guided you through the woods. She said you could use the actual training building because you’d be the only ones there. With the arrival of Aang, she had given the others the evening off. But, it will be right back to work tomorrow morning.
“This is where you practice?” You gasp. The building was very simple on the inside with a large open space. There were some weapons hanging on the wall and two doors at the back of the building.
“Yup. From sunrise to sunset.” Suki turns to you, putting her hands on her hips, “Now you’ll get the chance to see how we train.”
“So, why did you want to train me?” You question, letting her pull your hair out of its ponytail. You shake it out and blush at the awed look Suki gives you. Your hair was very long. You took great care of it since there wasn’t much to do in your free time.
“If you’re going to keep pretending you’re not a waterbender, you still need to be able to protect yourself.” She retrieves a box and has you kneel before her, “So, I’m going to walk you through our traditions.”
Suki takes the time to get you dressed into the robes the Kiyoshi Warriors wear. You’re almost surprised at how heavy the robes are on your body. If they wore this and managed to move that quickly, they must be inhuman or something! It interested you, and you found the way Suki talked so proudly about it to be cute. You listened to her closely, letting her put the makeup on you as she explained the history behind it. Once that was done, it was time for practice.
“We’re going to move through some motions, so spread your feet apart like this and bring your elbows into your body.” Suki demonstrates. You mimic her and she stares at you intensely as you do. A few seconds pass before she walks over to you.
“You want to come down a bit farther.” She puts her hands on your hips and pulls your body down some more. You feel your breath catch in your throat as she manipulates your body. Although you had no skin exposed, you could feel her touch lingering on your skin. It felt like the air was heating up between you two. She watched your body movements, using her own hands to support you or correct your form. You stopped breathing when her hands moved up your body, feeling dizzy in a different way. Your gazes lingered, and you watched her lips move as she talked.
“You’re doing a great job!” Suki compliments you, “You’re a natural at this!”
“Thank you.” You feel fluttery hearing her say that, “It might just be because I have a great teacher.”
“A great teacher is only made by a great student.” She winks at you, making you giggle.
“Can you show me your moves in action?” You tilt your head, “Slowly, at least. I’d like to be able to see it this time.”
“Okay, get in position across from me.” Suki motions with her hand, and you do as she says. You lock eyes, getting lost in her gaze. A moment passes and then Suki becomes a blur. You gasp in alarm, feeling her grab your arm out of nowhere. You’re yanked forward and you feel your body flip through the air. You let out a grunt of pain as your back hits the floor and Suki pins you to the ground. Your jaw drops as she smirks down at you.
“Was that slow enough?” She asks teasingly.
“Yeah…” You breathe out, feeling an unknown emotion settle in your chest.
“That’s it for tonight, then.” The smirk doesn’t leave her face as she helps you up, “Let’s get you out of that. We’ll take the makeup off first.” You nod wordlessly, still in awe. The two of you head into the changing room where the shelves are filled with extra uniforms. There’s a basin of water there that’s used to remove the makeup, but you feel a little spontaneous.
“Let me remove the makeup for you.” You pull water from the basin and let it stick to your palms, “It’ll be faster this way.”
“Okay.” Suki smiles and sits down, patting the spot on the bench next to her. You get close to her, Suki’s hand on your thigh to steady herself as she lets you carefully run your hands over her face. Little by little, the makeup comes off to reveal her features and you’re taken by her beauty.
“You’re staring.” She whispers.
“Sorry.” You go to back away, but she grabs your wrist.
“I’m okay with staring… but I’d prefer to kiss you instead.” You make a noise in the back of your throat, surprised by her statement.
“If I read this whole evening wrong, you’re more than welcome to tell me no.” She continues, “But if I haven’t… I’d like to kiss you.”
“You haven’t.” You whisper, closing your eyes to remove the makeup from your face. Once you do, you send the water down the little drain next to the basin, “I’d like to kiss you, too.”
Suki didn’t waste a second. Her lips were on yours, soft and sweet from the berry juice in the lip paint. Your heartbeat picks up as she guides you onto her lap, and you rest your hands on her chest. She wasn’t your first kiss, but she’s the first kiss where it was good. Suki knew how to kiss and it showed. The way her tongue found its way into your mouth, not too much to send you running or she’d take a moment to suck on your bottom lip and make you impatient.
“Can I touch you?” Suki asks sweetly, “Have you been touched before?”
“Ah, no, I-I haven’t.” That question wasn’t one you were expecting at all. That made you a little nervous. You haven’t even touched yourself before. How would you know what to do or-
“Hey, don’t worry. We don’t have to do anything.” She brushes your hair behind your ear, “I was just asking.”
“I’d like to… I’ve just- I don’t-”
“You don’t need to do anything.” She giggles, “Let me do it for you.”
“Okay.” You agree.
“Let’s get you undressed then.” Suki waits for you to stand before instructing you to turn around. Piece by piece, she helped you out of the warrior’s uniform while leaving kisses on your neck. Your body felt warm, your heart was racing, and you were slowly getting excited for what was to come. When your robes were off, you helped Suki even though she didn’t need it. Taking your cues from her, you did the same thing and kissed her neck, giving in to the urge to leave little bites as well. You were doing something right by the way you’d hear soft gasps leave her lips. The moment the last piece of her robes were off, she backed you into the wall and hicked your leg up to her hip.
“Kiss me.” You demand, making her chuckle.
“Eager.” She grins before kissing you again. This time you were more intense with this kiss. You weren’t sure why but only that it felt right to be. You could feel her fingers playing at the edge of your underwear and it sends shivers up your spine. Her fingers move across and down, over your covered clit to press against that spot between your legs. You gasp against her lips, wrapping your arms around her to bring her closer to you. She rubs her fingers down there for a bit, continuing to kiss you as you struggle to hold in your moans. Your body is trembling at this point, eager for more stimulation from the gorgeous warrior pinning you to the wall.
“Do you still want me to put my fingers in?” Suki asks after backing from the kiss.
“Yes…” You breathe out. You hold each other’s gaze as you feel her move the cloth aside. Her eyes sparkle in the light, such a deep blue you could always get lost in them. You gasp as one of her fingers slips into you, whimpering as she touches you in a way no one has. It’s all you can focus on. The feel of her touching you so deeply in a place that sent your body tingling with pleasure.
“Suki.” You moan out her name, tilting your head back.
“You’re so beautiful, you know.” She kisses your exposed neck, “It’s a shame you’ve never felt pleasure like this before.”
“You’re the first.” You mutter, not able to speak any louder.
“I’m honored.” She hums, putting another finger in and stretching you out, “You have such a cute pussy. I’m enjoying letting you experience this.” You groan, the soft burning from the stretching not doing anything to distract you from the pleasure. Only a few hours ago, she had tied you up and now she was in an intimate position with you. Who would have thought leaving home would end up with you like this?
“Thank you…” You say breathily, “It feels nice. Really nice.”
“Don’t thank me yet, cutie.” Suki giggles, “I haven’t made you cum, yet.” You weren’t sure what she meant by that, but you couldn’t ask. She had moved her thumb to a bundle of nerves further up and you were too enthralled to talk. The trembling in your body only got worse, except now something was tightening in your abdomen. It kept getting tighter the more she touched you and you didn’t want to tell Suki to stop. You were more aware of her fingers than you were earlier and the pressure in your abdomen had reached its peak. A loud moan left your lips as you felt it snap, your fingers digging into her shoulders in the process.
“Spirits!” You hear Suki exclaim in surprise and then giggle as you feel a liquid run down your legs. She didn’t stop until you could feel your body relax, but your mind was definitely in a different state. You felt a little foggy.
“I didn’t think I’d make you cum that hard.” Suki chuckles, slowly sliding her fingers out, “Are you feeling okay?” She asks.
“Yeah.” You nod, trying to catch your breath, “I am. I just- I’m not quite sure what I’m feeling but it feels good.”
“Don’t worry, it’ll go away soon.” She kisses your cheek, “You did great, cutie.”
“Thank you.” You blush, thinking about kissing her again, “Can I…?”
“Can you kiss me again?” She smirks, making you giggle and nod your head.
“I don’t mind that.” Suki lifts your chin and kisses you.
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suzakisbbygirl · 1 year
While fighting with my mom he called me a bitch in public and my mood is low so sword leaders what would their reaction be if their girlfriends had experienced something like this can you write something about it (:
Nooo I’m so sorry to hear this babes! I know this was requested a while ago, but i wish there was more that I could do to help.
Regardless, I hope this helps a little and I hope you enjoy!
Much love ~ ember
SWORD Leaders Reaction to Their GF Being Upset
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You just got into an argument with someone who you are close with, and it really upset you. Being that the argument was in public, there wasn’t much you could do about it, attempting to seem fine so that there is no more attention drawn to you. Later after leaving the person that you got into the argument with, you meet up with your boyfriend
As soon as you meet up with cobra, he can tell that something is off with you
He lets you get settled first before asking any questions
When he does ask, he makes sure to let you know that you don't have to say anything if you don't want to
But also, he wants to know if its a situation where you need comforting, or if he needs to kick someone’s ass
Cobra always creates a comfortable environment for you, so if anyone else is around, he will take you somewhere to talk just the two of you
He won't press too hard to get information, but you tell him anyways, knowing that he's deciding what his next move will be
When you tell him about the argument, he listens carefully, taking in everything that you say
When you finish talking, he throws his arm around your shoulders, and wipes away your tears of frustration so so so gently
He starts telling you all of the things that he loves about you, though he doesnt tell you what he's doing at first
When you finally ask why he's bringing up all of these different things about you, he calmly replies “I’m telling you all of the reasons I love you”
He says it so calmly, it catches you off guard, but still brings a smile to your lips, and a flutter to your heart
He pulls you in for a gentle, yet passionate kiss, taking your breath away, per usual
For the rest of the night, he is doing whatever you want
You want to walk around the city? Done. You want to get dinner? Yes. Take out and a movie? He’s already got your favorite ordered and on the way
Spends time playing with your hair, or doing whatever calms you down, because he knows it eases your mind
Continues to tell you things that he loves about you throughout the day, he just can’t help himself
Overall, he is your comfort person, and shows it most in times like this
The second that Rocky sees that you are upset, hes interrogating the other members of White Rascals trying to figure out who had the audacity to hurt you
Being the woman protector that he is, he doesn't even ask at first, he's just ready to fight anyone and everyone
He hates seeing you upset more than anything
Yes he protects all women, but you are HIS woman, and he takes that very seriously
You will probably have to step in to calm him down and tell him what happened
When he finds out it was someone that you are close with, he knows that there isn’t much that he can do
Shuts down the club for the night cause he doesn't want to risk anyone hurting you further
Treats you like royalty for the rest of the night, honestly for the rest of the week
Gets all of your favorite things without asking, plus some extra little presents to cheer you up
Let’s you talk his ear off and let out all of your frustrations
Even offers to let you punch him thinking that could possibly make you feel better
Poor baby just wants to help, but he doesn't always know how to
He’s used to taking care of women from trouble, not from someone close to you upsetting you
It’s a new situation for him, yet he does his best to make you happy again
Another guy who will do anything and everything that you want to do
There are no limits when it comes to you, and he will do everything in his power to bring the beautiful smile back to your face
Overall, he's the one who will go out of his way to make you happy again, no matter what it is, and will do everything he can to protect you from this in the future, knowing that things like this happen anyways
Murayama at first is a little nervous, when you walk in upset
He’s not the best at comforting, being that he would rather just fight the other person and let go of whatever it was
But when it comes to you, he's such a teddy bear
Immediately dismisses anyone that is around, he loves you, but he can’t let others see him being soft with you (something that you understand)
His soft side is for you and only you, and he told you early on in the relationship that he would show this, so of course you understood why he sent everyone else away
The second that the two of you are alone, he goes into a slight panic mode
“Who hurt you? Who am I fighting? Where are they?” Like Rocky, he does not ask what happened, just asks who he's fighting
When you tell him it was someone you are close with, he instantly pulls you into a hug, still not asking about the situation
He knows that you feel better simply from his hugs (i just know this man gives the best hugs), so before he asks he embraces you tightly
Freaks out again when he hears your sniffles, “no no baby I’m sorry I didn't mean to make you cry!” Hugs you tighter
His mind is so all over the place, you might have to comfort him a little too lol
The rest of the night he is spending quality time with you
Takes you for a stroll around town, cooks dinner for you, has your favorite movie ready to go, and a soft blanket for the two of you to share
Plays with your hair, draws little circles on your skin, tells you jokes, literally anything to comfort you
Probably sends someone to tell the person who hurt you that if they do it again, they’re gonna be dealing with him personally
He wants to go beat up the person right then and there, but he knows that he needs to stay with you, you are his top priority with everything he does
Overall, such a softie, and tries to keep calm, but he hates seeing you upset, and honestly it makes him upset too, but as much as he wants to go fight, he takes care of you first
When you meet up to see Smoky, he takes one look at you and knows that something is up
Before you even get to him, he is up moving to meet you
No words, he just instantly pulls you into a hug. (Best hugs pt.2)
As soon as the others see this, they leave, not wanting to provoke either of you
The two of you stand there for a while, just embracing each other, while the tears fall from your eyes
He doesn't care about the tears on his shirt, he is only concerned about you
After some time, he pulls away and looks you deep in the eyes, and again without words, you know that he's asking you what happened
After you tell him about the incident, he comforts you some more, telling you that whatever the other person said is wrong, and that you are the most amazing person he has ever met
Acts of service for the rest of the night, you won't even have to lift a finger
He’s making you tea, food, dessert, he's got all of the most comfortable blankets reserved for you, he would even give you a foot massage if you asked him to
He just wants to take care of his girl, you’re everything to him
Seeing you upset absolutely breaks his heart, there is nothing that hurts him more than this
He would take you to the top of one of the towers of Nameless City, just so the two of you could see the city lights and the stars
And he would continue to tell you how amazing you are and how in love he is with you
Comfort king 100%
He would refuse to stop pampering you, even if you tell him you’re feeling better, honestly will probably pamper you for weeks upon weeks
Overall, best boy Smoky is the acts of service kind of guy, he wouldn’t even think of leaving your side unless you asked him too, he knew that if he needed to take care of the other person he would have plenty of time to do it later, so you are his top priority
Honestly I don't think Hyuga will pick up on anything until he sees you actually crying
He doesn't notice until someone asks how your day was, and you’re on the verge of a breakdown right then and there
That’s when he kicks everyone out of the room, shuts the doors, and walks back over to you
He’s rather calm about the entire situation, and honestly seems uninterested, but since you know him, you know that he is listening to everything you are saying, even through the sobs
After he hears the whole story, he calmly gets up and walks out the door leaving you alone for a few minutes
When he returns, he has freshly made tea, snacks, and tissues for you
He takes one of the cars, and takes you for a long drive with no destination, blasting your favorite songs and just letting you take in everything as he simply admires you
He knows all of the things that calm you down, but he also knows the fastest way to cheer you up is a long drive with good music
When the two of you return, he takes you to the roof of the Daruma house and watches the stars with you (well, you’re watching the stars, he's watching you)
He knows that he isn’t the best with words, but he still gives you compliments here and there, he would just rather show his love for you, and doing all of your favorite things to cheer you up is one of those ways that he shows his love
Throughout the night he simply holds you, knowing you feel the most protected in his arms
He talks to you about simple things that are on his mind to distract you from thinking about earlier events
Things like the stars, to random conspiracy theories, anything to keep your mind away from being hurt
He will talk to the person the next day without a doubt, giving them a rather concerning yet brief warning not to hurt you again
But for now, he just wants to take your mind away from everything, and to make you feel safe and loved
Again, he might not be the best with words, and he might seem like he doesn't care a lot of the time, but his actions tell you everything you need to know
Overall, another comfort king, he struggles to tell you how me loves you with words, but will do anything he can to show it to you, and will always be there to protect you
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ladystardust-thinks · 11 months
soul of a woman was created below - w.r.
pairing: Warren Rojas x Fem!Reader
Summary: You're strong, seductive and intimidating and Warren finds that very, very, hot.
word count: 2.4k
Tags/Warnings: She/Her pronouns, use of Y/N, oc's (reader's bandmates), reader being an absolute badass tease, bassist reader, there is a mention of Eddie and Warren being -not- discreet and checking the reader out, spice no smut, Karen and Eddie teasing Warren, smoking, drinking, reader feels like a good lana del rey song but looks like a hot 'I am the woman' Led Zeppelin song (hence the tittle), a lot of swearing, deeply inspired by a you can be the boss lyric, mention of reader's outfit. I think that's about it
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Warren Rojas (Drummer, The Six):
That woman. [sighs] They say women 'play' hard to get, she didn't play anything. Can't do a lot when you can't manage to get a word out when you see her. [chuckles]
Eddie Roundtree (Bassist, The Six):
Of course I remember her, I heard so much about her in the time span of 2 months I think she still haunts my dreams sometimes. Warren was head over heels for sure, I think he still is. [grins] I was the reason they got together in the first place.
KINGS OF DUST, the next big rock 'n' roll stars?
Her fingers brushed over the fresh ink of the tabloid, as she grimaced. She felt her her ears buzz listening to James mocking the paper's columnist with a shrieking voice.
"Are those newcomers, with the big attitude and a whole lot of talent to give, going to kick The Six off their throne? Does the good old McNasties band we all know and love feel threatened? Well Billy Dunne sure doesn't as he claims that he 'isn't scared of glam posers and cheap Zeppelin copies' and the sarcastic remarks reffering to him on James Madden's Rolling Stone interview did not help his rage at all. What bullshit! Little Mr. Lover Boy thinks he can just insult us like that just because his mellow, mediocre songs, that all sound the fucking same, hit some of the charts!"
"They aren't even anything special! Their name isn't original it's like the sex or something, very shallow, and they definitely are the posers of the situation, they do it for the fame and the chicks, we do it for the music!" James whined, dragging the 'u' in 'music' and throwing the paper on the couch.
"The Six" Y/N corrected her friend and drummer. She walked over to the leather jacket she wore in last night's gig, reaching in it's pocket for her cigarettes. "And they're pretty good, well their lead is an ass, for sure, but still pretty damn good." She added, lighting one of her cigarettes with her heavy, carved, zippo.
"Whatever! I don't like them!" The drummer exclaimed like a child.
"What's with the yelling? It's 9 a.m., you fuckers." Matt came in the kitchen, his words slurred as he was still hang over from last night's events.
He grabbed a handfull of cereal and stuffed his mouth, munching noisily on it while motioning to James so he can give him the paper. "What does he mean posers, he is the poser! That motherfucker!" He yelled gulping down his cereal.
"Who does he think he is? I mean just because he's got a couple of good singles he thinks he can screw our reputation up because he is scared!?" He now screamed full of fury. "Apparently so." Y/N answers his rhetorical question, with a sarcastic smile. "Where is Dave?" he asked, she shrugged, frowning. "Oh so you can't answer that one!" He runs off to the guitarist's room and James looks at the bassist with a look that screams 'I told you so'. Y/N rolls her eyes and she can hear the tempered singer bang on Dave's door.
They come back to the kitchen together, Dave picks up a mug and fills it up with some coffee as he sits down, scratches and marks visible around his neck and back. "What?" he asks, his tone revealing his annoyance. "That." James is quick to say pushing the newspaper towards him. "Who the fuck is 'Billy Dunne'? What do you want me to do?" He exclaims with his grainy morning voice. "Y/N are not saying anything about this shit?" He turns to the girl, hoping she would help with his friend's delusions. "Sorry." She said not really feeling bad that she couldn't do anything.
"Look man. We got a gig tonight and all of us in here, except for Muffin who's got weirdly a lot of energy for 9 a.m., have a hangover so just tell me what the fuck do you want me to do?"
Muffin was what they called James, he was the youngest of the four, the softest of the four and the only one that, as you can understand, was really energetic. He also seemed like he never stopped smiling. So, Muffin.
"You know what? fuck it. I don't want you to do anything I just thought you guys would care about the dignity of our band!" Matt stormed in his room, his door made a loud bang as he kicked it closed.
They were just finished with the gig, the guys were partying inside the dirty bar as Y/N was outside, trying to smoke. She reached in her pocket, searching for her zippo. She exclaimed a curse, disappointed. She thought she must have forgotten it at the kitchen counter this morning. Her eyes scanned around the street for someone who she could ask for a lighter from. Her gaze paused, falling on a curly haired man not too far away from her, smoking.
"Y' think you got a light for me?" She asked looking at him, smirking. "Oh, yeah sure." The man reached for his lighter, it wasn't as perfect as her good old zippo but it would do. He leaned in to the cigarette in her mouth and covered the flame with his palm. She was looking at him straight in the eye, smiling throughout the whole process. She could feel him leaving a shaky breath as he moved away from her. "Thanks pretty boy..." She took the cigarette out of her mouth, allowing the smoke to be visible through her mouth and nose. "Anything for a pretty girl..." He complimented her back. She turned her back to him, walking back in the bar and winking at him over her shoulder. He shook his head with a chuckle "Oh c'mon man..." he said quietly, putting off his own ciggarete. He also ran back inside the bar.
"I'm telling you man, out of this fucking world! She's got those huge sudective eyes and she knows how to bat her eyelashes just the way to scratch my brain in all the right places for sure, because if she asked me to jump off a cliff, I'd do it. And I mean, I didn't wanna make it sexual but dude if she screams sex-appeal.
I wanna see her smirk like that on top of me the next time I see her."
Warren describes the woman to Eddie who thinks his friend is just overreacting. "Alright then where is she?" He asks the drummer. "Huh?" He says, distracted looking for her around the bar. "Where is she? You said she came back in here."
Warren grabbed Eddie's arm, when he finally spotted her, extending his pointer finger and lining it towards the young woman's position. "There..." Warren whispers, thrilled to see her dreamy face again. His eyes fall to her attire, which wasn't visible before, as it was hidden behind her large leather jacket. Her denim butterfly top, tied around her neck and revealed her bare back. Her low waist bell-bottom jeans were wide towards her knees and tighter higher, towards her waist, giving Warren a great view of her thighs and the red stars on the back of her pants.
"Boys!" Two fingers snapped right in front of their faces. Eddie woke up from his haze to see Karen, her arms crossed like a disappointed mother. "Would you like a tissue?" The woman asked the only person who had his interest on her as Warren was still concentrating on the beautiful mystery woman before him with his mouth agape.
"What?" Eddie asked Karen. His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion. "To wipe the drool of your faces...f' God's sake." She sighed leaving the two men alone again.
Eddie hit Warren in the back of his head. "C'mon wake up." he said. "Huh? I'm awake." Warren moaned, scratching the back of his head in pain. "No. No. You were basically sleeping with your eyes open."
"She hypnotized you. She is a witch." he says, with so much confidence, one would expect he doesn't hear his own words. "What? No she's not you idiot." Warren disagrees as he laughs at his friend's assumption.
"Matt, Y/N! Darlings! Come with me! I've got someone for you to meet."
Their friend Steve said dragging them to the booth where the one and only Billy Dunne sitted with his brother and his keyboardist.
Y/N wasn't very happy about the whole situation. She had two irritable singers that had a problem with each other on the same table. The guitarist and the keyboardist whose names she learned were Karen and Graham had snuck off to do god knows what and she was left bored out of her mind while Billy and Matt talked business.
Until sooner or later she saw her saviour on a white horse, he was gonna save her of absolute, boredom. He was with this other guy too, but that's besides point. The curly haired man from earlier. He was approaching the table. It was her chance to have some fun, all she did all night was hold Matt down so he wouldn't kill Billy.
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Y/N Y/L/N-Rojas (Bassist, 'Kings of Dust'):
I'm glad he made a move that day. It was a fun night... [laughs]
Yeah, right. [scoffs]
If it weren't for Eddie I'd still be in the bathroom of that bar having a full on panic attack.
But she doesn't need to know that.
Y/N Y/L/N-Rojas:
Of course I knew...but I had fun with it. You don't have such man on his knees for you, holding his broken ego, every day. Well I did but you get what I mean.
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And she just seated there. Her legs crossed, looking like a good action movie soundtrack. She made him go crazy and she knew it. She was enjoying it.
Eddie took the spot next to Matt on the booth before Warren could, leaving him sit on the other end, next to her. She let the smoke of her cigarette out, looking over at him with a smirk.
"Hey, lighter buddy." She said slowly, a smile growing on her face, he was staring at the way her lips moved softly the whole time, thinking how rough they could be on his, imagining the colour of her lipstick all over him.
"Hey...I see, you found a lighter though." He says, nervous, you'd think someone was pulling the words out of his throat forcefully. "Yeah.." She smiled.
"I was stupid, really, it was just on the table I was sitting before."
With four people on the small couch booth they were really physically close and that killed Warren. Smelling the smoke and liqour on her, he thought he'd die any second now. Somebody had to pinch him before he could get used to this dream.
Her heel stroked his leg under his wide pair of jeans and she really thought she heard him gulp. She suddenly got right off of him. Leaving him confused when she reached for her cigarettes on the table. "I think I'll get out of here." She said now grabbing a cigarette out of the mat, black, leather cigarette case. She extended it over to him and looked at him."I have cigs, thank you." he said looking between her and the item in her hand. She bends over to him. "Well you don't have this one. Do what you want with it, your choice." He could feel her breath on his neck as she spoke while she carefully placed the slim filter on his lips.
They where lightly parted as he admired her. She tapped on his cheek twice with the palm of her hand then grabbed her jacket and left as soon as the conversation between the two singers got heated.
Warren looked up, the cigarette still in his mouth as he whispered "Fuck." He took it in his hands, coming out of the daze she put him in, there was a number of it. He looked at the number on the white paper of the Malboro. He shook his head, putting the cig back on his lips and leaving the bar. He had to go home and call her.
Eddie watched him as he speeded out the door and chuckled.
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Eddie: Especially after the band, Warren was a ladies man. Always flirty, always witty, so much you'd think it was just his regular attitude. He was never nervous around women before so it was really amusing getting to see the situation.
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Warren sat on the balcony of the band's house in Canyon, rolling the cigarette around his hands, fidgeting.
Eventually he got inside the house getting the phone and balancing the receiver between his head and shoulder while he pressed the number in.
The buzzing sound of the phone filled his ears as he lighted the cigarette and took a puff of it. "Hello?" he heard her voice ring through the telephone. His eyes widened, not expecting her to pick up. He took the cigarette out his mouth as soon as he heard her.
"Uh, Hey! Hi. I'm Warren." He said squeezing his eyes shut once he realized she doesn't know his name because he never told her. "Oh, Warren. From the bar right? Dunne's drummer." She said and giggled.
He was shocked she knew his name. She managed to learn everything about him in a single night and they hardly even talked. "Yup, thats me. Uh, you gave me your number. So I just thought I'd-" He was interrupted by the woman. "You thought right...So, got any other plans for tonight?" She asked and he believed she was joking. She had to be. He thought. There is no way she fell for his stuttering and his anxious antics. "I... never got the chance to catch your name." He breathed out, waiting to hear it.
"Y/N. I play bass for Kings Of Dust."
Her outfit hadn't changed since the last time he saw her.
Her eyeliner smudged under her eyes and her vibrant lipstick was now slightly faded. It was admirable, how you could never catch her looking down, she'd walk in a place she hadn't ever been before like she owned it, her chin always high and she always looked around, not in amusement, more like she was taking the place in.
She saluted him and sitted in the barstool next to his.
The bar was quiet in comparison to the one they were before with all their friends.
His mind wandered having all the thoughts it shouldn't.
Billy would probably kill him but it's worth it.
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Any feedback, is good feedback!! I wanna read your thoughts. Have a gorgeous day. Mwah!
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dabislittlemouse · 10 months
Everytime I listen to "smack that" I get lost in this fantasy so like
Imagine an alternate Dabi, where he accepted the whole Shouto thing
But point is, Dabi is very much successful and basically a huge celebrity who still very much has attention issues and hates the flashes of paparazzi but loves the attention and humiliating these paparazzi as well (this is an au because if Dabi was that easy to spot then he would've been caught along time ago you know, but I know hes perfectly capable of doing it as himself anyway)
So imagine him, seeing how far these paparazzi are willing to go, getting curious and little by little becoming a tease
Offering interviews if people did this or that but like, within the bounds of legality
Small at first, grabbing those colored popsicles and out loud saying "whoever can get the furthest gets a close up picture" and such
He knows damn well he's ruining his pops career and that just moves him forward as he, on top of seeing several paparazzi (men and women) humiliating themselves trying to down this popsicles for him, reading up on people questioning his father's actions as to why his son is so sexually inappropriate and such
One by one escalating more and more on this thrill
Eventually Going into fucking sex shops Infront of everyone of these paparazzi
And picking out the loveliest of dildos coming out of this sex shop as he does kicking the door closed and calling out
"whoever steps up to shove this down their throat, gets a personal interview"
And there you are. Hungry for that fucking interview, this opportunity, this would be a banger especially now since people are so desperate for more info, why is he like this, what does he want? An interview on top of pictures as well? And your favorite celebrity of all people?
You had to take this, every choice in life has led to this moment this opportunity to get close to Dabi.
And so you stepped up knowing full well you'll be humiliated but a hefty yummy paycheck would be waiting for you as well as an amazing memory, who cares about morals?
So you go. And with the straightest of faces and a huge lump in your mouth and your belly filled with anticipation
You get closer to him and see his face as it moves in surprise and intrigue as well as superiority in his features looking at you as if you were the most pathetic creature on earth
But what you don't know is that, he's oddly intrigued by your boldness. You're willing to put everything on the lines just for this? An interview? A picture? Were you really that desperate? No that determination in your eyes spoke something much different. So he's really curious and putting his arm over your shoulder he gets close to your ear and asks in a whisper "are you really willing to do this?" with that fucking smirk of his as he holds the box close to your face rotating in front of you
You can feel as a flame lights up in your belly, how hot you feel and even in such a weather you find yourself sweating
And as you go to grab it he moves it away from you "ah ah ah, I need to hear it doll we wouldn't want a controversy of me forcing my power onto a pretty girl like you" he grabs a hold of your face and forces you to face the crowd who are taking pictures of your little ordeal
"gotta let the crowd hear, you'd be willing to fuck your throat Infront of all these people" he gets closer to the cruve of your ear "for a five minute interview"
And you, in the heat of a moment, sweating bullets, do as he said and his face lights up and with a clap and a throw of the brand new fucking box of the dildo (which people squirm for to try and probably auction it)
He laughs as he wraps his arm once again around your neck and tells you "guess you've earned yourself an interview"
Long story short
Our handsome celebrity fucks his cute little paparazzi's ass into the floor not sparing a single minute of your time together.
Oh and you got your interview. And a nice paycheck.
(⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠)
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Celebrity Dabi who is such a jerk, humiliating his dad at any chance given, playing around with his fans and paparazzi too is just UGHHAJDBSNDNDJFNSKFJSJDJDJD
Pleaseee he is such an asshole I want to fuck him in this au so bad now, thank you for blessing my night with your delicious ideas once again 🥵
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