#lily orchard is ableist
opinated-user · 4 months
thanks to someone for sending me this:
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LO, you didn't learn anything from when you used the n-word twice in a single video and people called it out as still racist. moreover... it's amusing you think you were ever graceful about anything.
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britts-galaxy-brain · 2 months
Is it just me, or are Lily’s attacks on her victims/critics often deeply ableist in nature? Even if I believed her claim that her post using the r-slur before she took it down was “edited”, she still constantly attacks and insults people by claiming they are intellectually disabled in some way. Such as when she claims “your mother drank when you were pregnant”, calls her critics “addicts” and “crackheads”, claims they “drank lead paint” as children, among many, many other extraordinarily ableist insults. It’s a very consistent pattern with her, and yet another one that exposes how fucking fake her “progressive politics” truly fucking are. When it truly matters, Lily will use and/or say ALL fucking types of bigotry to abuse and harass her victims/critics further.
All that matters is her being right, so any and all use of bigotry by her is totally justified, at least that’s the way SHE thinks about this shit. Lily never bothers trying to explain herself or debunk what everybody else is saying about her, it’s just terrible, ableism, antisemitism, racism, misgendering, and any other type of bigoted bullshit that happens to be feeling that. It’s no wonder that (despite her claims to the contrary) the far right and Nazis absolutely LOVE LO’s fucking content, and are some of her most vocal defenders online.
She used to make fun of me and downplay my anxiety disorder. She is an ableist asshole unless it's something she claims to struggle with. She can say all sorts of disgusting shit to people, but if you point out that ADHD doesn't cause you to impulsively say a slur just because you heard someone else say it, suddenly you're being ableist against her.
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oblivionbladetd · 8 days
So fun fact: The Dungeon Meshi video no longer has the likes number available, along with the dislikes, thus not allowing somehow to see either of them on the Dislikes Viewer site. Homewer, I was able to check them up just yesterday, when they were still up and.
It was 900 something likes
against 1500 something dislikes
Pretty sure I don't have to explain why that's hilarious. What's wrong Lily, removing the dislikes wasn't coddling enough for your ego?
That sounds about right. Though I will waffle a moment on why I think that is.
I would factor it down mostly to that dungeon meshi is a heck of an exception in many regards, namely not being as prone to the trappings other fantasy fall into. Plus, being short and not for children helps.
Lily's greatest weapon is misinformation, for stuff like amphibia, owl house, and especially Steven universe, This was viable. The shortest of these is 43 episodes, the longest being 160 before the movie and sequel season. If she lied, you'd be pressed to really dig for where. With Dungeon meshi being only 22 episodes at the time of writing, you can absolutely slam down the whole shebang in a day, two if you're only a little busy. More people are A. Willing to just sit down and watch it, for it's far more palatable than it's contemporaries.
B. The target audience is teens and adults, which gives way to write more flawed characters and by extension leads more people to finding the nuances in them.
C. Its stellar pacing means people don't forget a lot.
So it really isn't a wonder people slammed her bulshit right back in the second she rolled it out.
Also she made an autism spectrum in the first version that was literally good to bad where laios was seated next to fuck mothering ULTRON. Mostly from what I can tell was just to stomp the toes of the neurodivergent and be ablist, but I'll leave that to other posts.
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glyphosatesolarize · 11 months
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god talk about ableism. I don't have to say much about this one, Lilz is just a tool who thinks she dictates how other people's neurodivergence works.
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troythecatfish · 19 days
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asunnycoffee · 6 months
Even if we are to ignore your repeating history of being a complete nutcase, there’s no doubt about it that you perpetuate many of the same beliefs you seem against. “Oh, Lilys against Asian people.” ..how? Because she dislikes anime? Your own Trans Girl Bad nonsense is absurd, especially for someone who’s apparently trans (which I honestly have a feeling is just being used to make yourself look better but I digress.)
Like, truly, what do you gain from continuously targeting indigenous trans women like this? What, do you get your rocks off to harassing a literal cancer patient? Surprise, cunt: You’re failing miserably.
Go get therapy and learn what words mean. Or just grab the nearest bottle of bleach when you’re thirsty. Either one works.
You’re an insane freak who clearly needs to be put in some form of (or really just) an asylum.
There is a fine line between having your own distaste for the majority of anime considering overused tropes and issues with sexism and flat out disregarding an entire culture. Let’s say she hasn’t implied our country’s bombing was a good thing, that doesn’t erase the fact how claiming “Japan has more billboards than people” and “the jelly donuts controversy is the same as the censored gun episode” are the most ridiculous statements I’ve heard.
2. I came out as trans when I was still a fan of Lily, so do not try to claim and I’m “faking it” as a means of clout. My identity is none of your business, bitch.
3. Lily isn’t indigenous in any way shape or form. Looking at a few of her posts regarding native issues is key evidence.
4. I have not harassed Lily. Like at all. I had my issues with Ginger and responded, but I’ve never done that with Lily on the basis of how I’m literally unable to considering she blocked me.
5. I’m already trying to get into therapy. English also is not my first language, but I doubt that’s what you meant. And no, I will not be drinking bleach for you.
6. I’d prefer it if you didn’t refer to me as insane, freak, or say I belong in an asylum. I’m going to assume you aren’t aware of the ableism in these statements, so I forgive you for these insults if that’s the case.
7. Addressing your first argument: Where have I shown a pattern of being racist? Provide any form of proof or just shut the fuck up.
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I'd trust a woman who played Disco Elysium to portray an autistic man waaaayyyyy more than some rando on the internet
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tooningin · 7 months
Intro to me
Here is my little corner where I reblog and when I feel like it, post about about hyperfixations and just things I really like
As spelt out in my bio I am a MINOR (~16 yo)
Anyway here’s part of my Fandom list or whatever it’s called
SPOP 2018 (the critical side of the community, mostly of season 5)
HH/HB (Also critical)
CEC and Rockafire Explosion
Pokémon, Kirby, Mario, and other Nintendo franchises
Mid 90s-Early 2010s Nostalgia
Disney Parks (Especially DLP, Eisner Era related stuff, and Classic Epcot)
Smiling Friends
Shaun the Sheep
TTS (Same as SPOP, just replace 5 with 3)
Bone comics
DNI If you/you’re
-Against Trans people and/or LGBT rights
-A creep or P-file
-Pro Autism Speaks
-Pro Israel
-Support Lily Orchard
-Support JK Rowling
-Support Vivziepop
-Unwilling to accept other peoples’ opinions
-An asshole
-A Valentino (Hazbin Hotel) stan
Oh and no NSFW please
Thank you!
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(Studio C Blinkie made by @lagworks)
(Toontown Blinkie made by @anxious-rainbow-creature)
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(Palestine Flag Blinkie made by @ice-cappuchino)
YT Channel
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faggot-billcipher · 3 days
btw i don't plan to do a super in depth dni unless i sudden really feel like it. but i think i should express that i absolyutely do not want lily orchard stans anywhere near me. the sexual buse allegations are real no matter if her stans can handle that or not. lily is 100% a pedo using the anti label to get hardheaded antis like the ones whiteknighting her. i will firmly believe that's the only reason nshe became an anti after everything i've learned. the only goiod thing about that fact is at least shes not in the proshipper corner we don't want her ass either. she's also incredibly and repeatedly unapologetically ableist which is another reason i personally can't stand her. learning about her predatory nature just amped up my hate.
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fujoshawty · 10 days
You're a hero for making those Lily Orchard Dungeon Meshi videos. I won't watch your second one yet because I heard she spoils the manga and I'm only at chapter 53, but I'll keep it in a playlist to watch later :D
it definitely felt like being put into a saw trap watching it, and she basically doubled down on her original takes and cut the more flagrant, ableist, and generally insulting stuff while spoiling the series 💀 you arent missing much by sitting this one out loll tysm for your support though RAAAH!!!!!
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opinated-user · 1 year
LO, the nazi sympathizer, admiting that she sympathized with a nazi that she knew for a fact was a nazi
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this is what "giving the benefit of the doubt" was for LO. talk to this person with care and concern, try to change their ways with kindnes...
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wasn't this exactly what she has complained for five years Rebecca Sugar does with her show? didn't she said and repeated so many times before that the only way to treat with nazi figures is to throw them away? didn't she said that conservative should be shot immediately? that white supremacist should be killed? isn't exactly this a big part of her complain against debate bros, that they're never harsh enough with nazis and they try to debate them out of their ideology? unless they speak positively about LO and defend her against the leftist trans femme calling out her creepy, inappropiate behaviour. then they deserve the "benefit of the doubt". the benefit of the doubt that she has never given any other trans woman, trans man, non binary person, Jewish, black, asian or whatever else kind of marginalized person that dared to give her anything else but absolute praise.
at least a debate bro attempts to argue with a nazi's ideas. here LO's not doing not even that. this was a very conscious decision from her part, not a mistake she couldn't have avoided. she saw someone that was actively a nazi and still choose to treat them with kid gloves. LO has always been a hypocrite, but her hypocresy gave a level of visibility to a nazi they wouldn't had otherwise. right now their numbers have doubled in followers and they keep adding more, thanks in part to LO giving them any attention at all. if she haven't laughed and promoted their content, maybe that wouldn't be like that right now.
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this is why LO is not a safe person for marginalized people. it's all about her ego and nothing else. the safety and wellbeing of her followers who nazis would like to exterminate it wasn't even a factor on her mind, not as important as being openly friendly with a nazi.
never forget that this was the first response of LO to the thread of this nazi attempting to defend her. according to LO's own words, she already knew this was a nazi and still celebrated their words.
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promoting their account and work.
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laughing along them against a leftist trans femme.
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Yeah, so...Steven Universe Culture still attracts the most abrasive shithead tenderqueers from all sides, I see:
And saiscribbles is a goddamn idiot 40 year old turbovirgin and is probably a vaush enjoyer ...
Put her channel on my "do not recommend" like a week ago after this post happened , saw that Lily Orchard made another video about Hazbin, my eyes rolled into the back of my head when I realized I would probably have to keep lurking around Sais channel for a while anyway if I wanted to see sai covering that because "enemy of my enemy" is still my friend" kinda, got curious, opened a private window to see if she had reacted to Orchard's other Hazbin video yet, she did, chose to view that shit in a private window in case The Bad Baby Meteora Redesign V-Tuber decided to say anything especially heinous in her edging contest with Orchard, and I had to turn that shit off within the hour.. Because surprise surprise, saiscribbles is:
Which yeah, I just found out because she went on like a major kinkphobic tangent about it an hour into her reaction to Lily, which doesn't help since you can tell that Lily is definitely kinkphobic too, which I'm so glad I just have both channels on my "do not recommend" and now I definitely know that I won't be watching Sai again because at that specific point with Lily's covert anti kink at pride shit and queerphobia and Sai's outright anti kink at pride shit and queerphobia it really does feel like you're watching ...
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Which really doesn't help when one of the abrasive lesbian muppets fighting with the other abrasive Indiana Grande lesbian muppet is already baby coded ...
2 Abrasive As Shit Abled-Bodied Butch Lesbian Muppets Who Refuse To Work On Themselves 1 Glass of Water... I wonder who will melt like Paper Jam Dipper first ...
I can't believe I had to use an Alex Hirsch gif again ...
Remember kids...
Daron Nefcy Says Kink at Pride:
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Alex Hirsch says Cops at Pride:
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Steven Universe cried out "Both Sides! UWU" and then Angel Dust sat down beside him during the parade in full Drag and Kinky boots and said: "STOP CRYING STEVEN UNIVERSE!!!! ;)" *STEALS YOUR VOICE IN ITALIAN* and then Star Butterfly asked Angel how to steal other peoples voices for chaos purposes and then they both started a riot...
Can y'all imagine being an adult and watching Hazbin Hotel while being anti kink at pride though? Or anti kink in general?
Because yeah, anti kink discourse of any kind? Also...
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And the fact that I can even make jokes like this with the source materiel just proves how Star vs. The Forces of Evil is still THE GOAT, or maybe even the Rainbow Baphomet in the Gimp Mask that bridges between the dimensions that allow Star and Hazbin to fuck so much. No exceptions.
I wasted time watching a Steven Stans ableist, kinkphobic shit stream when I could've been finishing watching Sailor Moon...
And yes: Finally watching an anime in full for the first time ever, that you've been trying to access since your teen years, which just so happens to be one of the biggest inspirations for your all time favorite cartoon that only came out in your early 20s, in your early 30s, is still a better, healthier, use of time than being an abrasive bitch about Steven Universe in your 40s, no matter what side of that stupid discourse you're on...
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dudes107-the-ijw · 4 years
To celebrate 107 posts, becaus...it’s my signature number, I’ll be leaving a series of pictures on how much Lily has been shooting herself in the foot with trying not to prove Bonnie’s Autistic
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Good: Hyperfixations(love and stubbornness of singing), stimming(chittering happy noises), imitation, inconsistent knowledge
I don’t know if these are common, but they‘re in my case
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Bad: Eats bugs, No friends outside of her family and the weird kids, Stereotyped(It’s a stereotype for them to be practically perfect, which The Godfather comic suggests, and it’s a stereotype for Autistic kids to be pure geniuses, and Bonnie’s inconsistent knowledge isn because of hyperfixations or special interests, it’s stereotypical genius. The scanning pic doesn’t do much help because someone could think this robot act is legit, and she‘s scanning Shiny Gardevoir, and then pulling data out of her memory banks to come up with a conclusion)
When Lily caught onto this little connectio, she was desperate to prove she’s not Autistic coded, which resulted in her shooting herself in the foot
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A, It’s specifically your I don’t code stance that made me draw the conclusion that That’s how you think Autistic people are irl, B, Sensory Overload isn’t panic at “Bright” lights, it’s panic at “Flashing” light, and multiple senses going off at the same time It’s called Sensory “Overload“ for a reason. C, If she’s not Autistic, then why is she giving Bonnie medicine in this quick one off?(by the way, thanks for revealing she’s naked.)
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Remember your Mental Health Collaboration with KP? Well Bonnie ain’t depressed, so the medicine to make the sun “less rude” is probably Risperidone, Which you said was a medicine designed to control Autism! And the “finally something normal” part makes it so much worse, because even if Bonnie has powers, it implies that she’s hard to raise, which suggests All Autistic kids as hard to raise. D, Who cares if you’re 27, and not 5? If you‘re low functioning, you’re still gonna act out of the norm, and...Congratulation! You just generalized all low functioning Autistic people as kids acting too stupid to live! The point of today’s post is I’m a professional, and I’m right about Autism and you’re not because, forget you. Now gimme money
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As somebody who also has ADHD, I quite frankly find it completely offensive and despicable that Lily is using her own ADHD as an defense against people calling her out on her ableist bullcrap. It should be so obvious that being disabled doesn’t mean you can’t also be ableist (same as being black or being gay doesn’t mean that you can’t also being racist/homophobic). But apparently Lily “radically accepting” Orchard either doesn’t give a shit about, or know ANYTHING about, internalized bigotry.
She also doesn't seem to understand a lot about internalized misogyny, if her comments about woman are any indication.
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glyphosatesolarize · 1 year
If you disavow Keffals but still defend Lily Orchard,
❤︎ You're A Hypocrite! ❤︎
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If you are against Keffals, you are against Lily. Otherwise you're not REALLY against Keffals, you're just against anyone Lily says to be.
Lily has done pretty much everything Keffals has, just saying. All of it has been thoroughly documented, but much like with Keffals, y'all have refused to see it.
Maybe when Lily eventually calls someone the r-word on Twitter people will also realize she's a racist, transphobic, ableist narcissist.
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tallysgreatestfan · 3 years
List of ableists I encountered
Saw a bunch of warning posts about transphobes, racists etc going around, but never any about ableists, and by now I encoutered so many of them that it definitely makes sense warn other disabled people about them.
Most of them are fandom blogs because I just tend to mostly be in fandom spaces, but a lot are also, to no surprise, TERFs
Feel free to block them, report them if you have the spoons, but please do not harass. Harassing would mean going down on their level
7upofficial (TERF, literally claims that all trans people are mentally ill and that all mentally ill and otherwise disabled people should be institutionalized, repeatedly harassed not only trans people but also disabled people)
revelation1310 (TERF and ableist, weaponizes DID and other mental illnesses for their ideology)
safeshera (gatekeeps who disabled people are allowed to relate to, hate for characters who are not pure and innocent enough despite being good representation otherwise)
safentrapta (same as above, also forces morally grey and complex autistic character in their innocent, naive mold of how a autistic person should be acording to them)
amitylesbian (harasses disabled fans, forces autistic characters into their idea of purity and infantalizes them)
tscatradora (wrote a essay of why disabled fans are the ones to blame for the harassment they face and why they are evil for relating to morally grey disabled characters, erases disability of disabled characters, victim blamer)
furiousgoldfish (believes in eugenics against cluster-C personality disorders)
cats-and-moss-and-gays (TERF, claims autistic people are not capable of knowing their own gender and are mislead by the evil, evil queers)
bettercaIIrose (infantalizes autistic character, victim blames her for the abuse she faces)
ZearibIn (same as above)
hellhound_90 (victim blames autistic character for abuse, finds said abuse funny)
vidar-inn-draumspaki (TERF, weaponizes trauma and DID against trans people)
tockthewatchdog (TERF and eugenist)
autisticluz (odd with a name like that, but is known for hunting down autistic people who behave not pure enough for them, for example relating to the wrong characters, specifically autistic people of color. Claims to be better but better be wary about that)
erikkillmongerdontpullout (claims nds special interests aka fandom has to stop existing for a leftish, equal society) 
afriendlyirin (claims to be autistic but sounds exactly the same as ableist antis, known for harassing people)
iguanodone (claims disabled people relating to morally grey characters is ableist, uses the word ableism against us, harasses disabled fans)
rjalker (claims to be autistic but repeats the same ableist shit about autistic character a Autism Mum would do)
Many of them are also active on twitter, so make sure to go through the list there too if you use that page.
Damn, I hate how many these are...
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