#likenesses are my Achilles heel
why-the-heck-not · 6 months
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20.12.23, wednesday
My main hobby is just procrastinating in any way I can. The plan was to make a cup of coffee and then start working. What actually happened is that I watched a 3 part video series (by james hoffmann ofc) on Aeropress coffee and made a few cups with different variables. Still not sure if I found The Recipe for me, but it’s getting better (tho I don’t love the coffee beans I have)
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tlatollotl · 2 months
I'm so sick and tired of West Mexico and Mesoamerican archaeology. I'm quitting to become a baker.
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liyazaki · 1 year
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boyfriends 💙💛
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dadbastiandisaster · 1 year
Oh shit it’s finally done
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This is fanart for the incredible, amazing, heart-warming-and-wrenching (it has range) Coattails by @pain-in-the-butler which you can read here. It’s one of the best fanfics I’ve read ever, every chapter is an absolute delight, all the characters are so in-character and also so well and interestingly utilised, and if you haven’t read it you absolutely should. It will recover the years of your life that the season 2 rewatch everyone was doing at one point took off you.
So, I am a horse girl, I love horses, and I actually don’t mind drawing them, so obviously I had to do fanart of Ciel with the Irish and Avalon in chapter 23. The horses are truly one of the highlights of this fic: Ciel’s interactions with them are so sweet, and Sebastian’s are usually quite amusing.
Also this did take me literally forever because I took up cross-stitch and then life kept happening and also I struggled with horse shading for some reason
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muriers · 2 months
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@mcyt-femslash - Week 3: Mist/Roots
Puffychu are so "we could've been happy together if we met at a different time and place but we didn't and we aren't" and it makes me want to bite through concrete
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trustymikh · 1 year
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something something cramps and kissing it better
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i know im down bad because all those times will cried and acted sad as a manipulation tactic i really thought he was being genuine until i was explicitely told otherwise. and i felt BAD for him too like i was in my feels so hard, mans had me fooled he coulda killed me so easily
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devsgames · 2 months
Anyone have any good low-poly character modelling tutorial recommendations? I've tried many times to do characters but something about the process continues to elude me, so anything from start to finish for complete beginners would be extra appreciated.
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bodycountgame · 1 year
This is an odd kind of question but I’ve been seeing a bunch of ifs originally written in CS move over to twine (even this game made this change!!) and, as someone who isn’t on the dev-side of if games and has only been reading ifs for a little while, I was wondering if you could speak to why you chose to make this switch? Was it just personal preference? Could twine do things CS couldn’t? Was there something wrong with CS and COG that pushed people away? Obviously you can only speak to your own experience (and only if you’re comfortable answering!) but getting some perspective could help explain this larger trend I’ve been noticing
i feel like in general this has been hashed out a few times within the community so i can't speak for everyone but i had a few reasons for moving away from choicescript.
to be absolutely clear, these are just reasons for Me Personally and there are obviously plenty of reasons that someone might want to use choicescript that are all perfectly valid and choice of games as a platform still hosts some of my faaaaavourite IF games and writers, so absolutely 0 shade to those lovely people!
in terms of things that you can do in twine that you can't do in choicescript, there's more freedom with UI/design in twine, which is nice! i feel like the new UI (designed & built by @nyehilismwriting mwah mwah) really adds to the ~vibe~ of body count as a story.
in general, though, my concerns were more practical.
the main thing is that choicescript isn't an open source language, which has some implications for ~ownership~. it means that authors get a cut of the earnings of games published through hosted games (that i understand to be pretty decent based on industry standard but correct me if i'm wrong?) but it's a cut nonetheless. it also makes things like having a patreon a bit less secure - i think CoG have said that things like early access are fine on patreon as long as they'll eventually be released through hosted games, but i wanted to be able to write side stories etc that would (and have) stay/ed patreon exclusive and that wouldn't really have technically been allowed. i think most authors using patreon have done so without incident, but just that legality aspect made me nervous! since it's my aim for body count to be a free game in the end, i really rely/ied on the income that comes from patreon during the creation process.
i also had some issues personally with some of the messaging coming from CoG and the idea of my work being associated with another brand first and foremost rather than just with me as an independent author, i guess? there was talk about NFTs which i'm not into and i think that was the final straw that made me decide to take the plunge and move to twine, but actually looking back it was really a culmination of things. had a few bad experiences with the forums, generally just didn't ~feel right~.
ultimately for this project in particular i was like. well if i'm gonna write like a million words and invest years of my life into this thing i want to be able to do what i want with it, release it on my own terms, actually own it etc etc.
anyway, i hope that all makes sense! as i said up top, i can't speak for other authors and there are probably a lot of pros to using choicescript compared to twine as well, it's a perfectly valid choice, just not the right one for me :)
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medilies · 5 days
When Spotify bring back all their playlists for the characters, and there's a new playlist for Henry Creel, forcing people to accept he's not just a black and white villain with no depth... What then?
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hobbithoes · 2 months
Just saw I have 480 hours in bg3… still haven’t beat the game I fear …
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Listening to Neverafter episode 9 chunks while multitasking in prep for todays ep, only to get well and thoroughly derailed by Pinnochio's scene with Geppetto because. god. god. shit. the entire thing is heartbreaking on so many levels, its unfair and upsetting for Pinnochio and the question of why he gets punished so harshly for these things other kids get to do- (aaaaAAAAAHHH)
and in addition to. fucking everything else about it. it really captures beautifully, the specific rage and hurt and helplessness of being a child, when people won't listen to you. the people who should, who need to, who are supposed to care about you, not listening, and the ways kids get hurt and lost and minimized as a result. Getting the lecture and the reprimand when you need someone to listen, to understand. When Pinnochio says "Sometimes you need to lie", and all Geppetto hears is the moral and not the desperation, not the child, terrified. fucking devastating.
"he didn't understand. if he'd been there- if he'd seen-".
(although. at least. we get the small, small comfort of him coming back and the entire party, tentatively asking him: hey. we saw that. hey, are you good? im so sorry. he loves you but he shouldn't have said that. you were right. im sorry. are you okay? you didnt deserve that. you didnt. you were right. you deserved better. you didn't deserve that.)
(and, of course, the righteous anger at the turquose fairy when she tries to shame Pinnochio- the wall of noise of everyone yelling "Its NORMAL." "Withholding information is JUST AS BAD AS LYING-". A wall of noise, crowded around Pinnochio, trying to keep him safe).
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ranticore · 4 months
the struggle of wanting to post my behind the scenes said the black horse art (outfit lookbooks, character height charts, the memes) vs not wanting to show too much of it because i want people to have their own mental image of the characters...
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uselssdishwasher · 2 years
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I’d let him use his karate moves on me
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fleshdyke · 2 years
i want to kill nandor with my bare hands but also unfortunately i am weak to his smile. like i fully understand why guillermo devoted 13 years of his life for this man when i see him smile like that. i still want to kill him but by god i am not immune to nandor
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remholder · 1 year
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for the j7 prompt "animal transformation" (that im a complete slut for)
mostly inspired by "Puss in Boots" by PLG (aka DAXilla)
im most likely going to do more of this prompt, featuring Lizard!Kathryn (inspired by "Adventures of a Lizard Captain" on FF.net i cant find the author because ffnet wont load:////)
underneath the cut is a sketch page i did to get used to drawing Lioness!Seven because i cant draw animals HOWEVER!!!!
there is also a finished piece that contains blood, view at your own discretion
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