#like i never hear about 'oh i don't want some bi man bringing his STRAIGHT girlfriend to pride'
chilewithcarnage · 1 year
why whenever the topic of bisexuality comes up on this site, y'all don't ever mention bisexual men. like y'all always got some shit to say about bi women but not bi men. why is that?
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viridwns · 3 years
Can't help but fall in love with you.
Time: present
Paring: Chuuya x f!reader
Characters: Chuuya nakahara, Dazai osamu, Mori ōgai, Fukuzawa yukichi from BSD
Warnings: none ig.
Request from: @trixiegalaxy . I hope you are happy with this!
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You were just looking for a job. A simple job.
You really went from being a secretary with mountains of paperwork your boss left you to being in the middle of a truce meeting.
"No illusions this time fukuzawa?"
"It's a truce meeting right? I don't see the use of using my members ability."
You really didn't want to be here. What were you even thinking! The job that you were offered after just moving into this city was to perfect to be true. You knew something was up, but you still accepted it anyway.
When you were asked to come to an important meeting by Dazai, you didn't think any of it. I mean maybe you had to take notes or something. So ofcourse being the good subordinate you were, you said yes.
Curse this handsome looking man. If only you had listened to your guts when he asked you to join him for a double suicide.
You tugged at Dazai's arm wanting to know why in the hell he brought you here. "What the actual fuck Dazai" you whispered at him a frown setteling upon your face. He looked at you with a grin and winked. Wanting nothing more to bash his head in a voice interrupted your thoughts.
"I can see you brought someone new. I've never seen her face here before."
You looked at the mafia boss. He was smiling at you.
Gulping down the lump in your throat you tried to look as brave as possible. Standing up straight with your chin up.
"She's our new secretary. Thought i'd bring her with us for some experience." You heard Dazai say.
Only Dazai, fukuzawa and you were here. On the other side you could see the mafia boss, a man with no eyebrows? And a short, but intimidating man with a fedora.
Yeah you didn't want to get caught up into this.
"I'm gonna quit the next opportunity i get" you muttered. Regretting not listening to your mother to stay in the little village and not moving to the city.
"Knowing you Dazai, she isn't just a secretary. Just tell us what her ability is."
Wait what?
"Hah?" You said without realizing.
First of all how did Dazai know about your ability. Second of all how could it be of any use here?
"Ah you caught me. She indeed has an ability. Up to you to figure it out."
Dazai said, his famous grin plastered on his face.
"Cut the crap mackerel. This is a truce meeting. Stop this shitty act and just tell us why she's here." The man with the fedora stept forward. His gloved hand pointing at you.
Honestly you don't even know anymore why you were here.
"Can we just set our agreement. My schedule is busy and the only way we can stop (bad guy name) is if we work together."
Your boss spoke up. Looking tired as usual.
"Sorry, but it seems like your hiding something from us. Are you going to attack us when we turn around hm?"
The mafia boss looked at him with an amusing smile.
"Stop this nonsense Mori. Just agree to the plan. You know it's the best thing to do."
"Fine. Tomorrow at midnight i'll send Chuuya and you'll send Dazai. Deal?"
Why the fuck.
That chuuya guy and Dazai were supposed to be going on a mission together.
so why in the hell were you here waiting infront of a shed at 12 AM with Dazai at your side.
Simple answer: you fell for his tricks again.
"Isn't the sky pretty y/n."
"Say one more word and i'll make you regret using me for my ability."
An angry scowl was placed on your features as Dazai pouted.
"Ah come one y/n-kun don't be so mean."
You snapped your head to the right to face him.
"Oh i'm mean? You literally send me here to join you for a suicide mission. I'm only going to be dead weight anyway!"
He chuckled
"Oh don't worry, you're going to be a great help for this mission."
Giving him a confused look, you were about to say something when a voice interrupted you.
"And can i ask why she is here?"
You looked to the left to see Chuuya standing there with a hand on his hip.
"Why is everyone so irritated this night. Well i wouldn't expect less from Chuuya, but you are never irritated y/n."
"For everything there's a first time." You said with a sigh.
This was going to be a long night.
"Just shut up you mackerel. I'm not in the mood for your shit."
Chuuya walked closer to the two of you. He was intimidating as ever, but gosh did he have anger issues.
Dazai tried to open his mouth, but knowing him and his passion for annoying people you interrupted him.
"If we go left from here, we'll eventually see the base of the enemy. There's a way in from the left side of the building without being seen. It's our best shot to sneak in."
You finished looking at the two men.
You could see Chuuya staring at you with a certain look in his eyes.
"Is there something on my face?" You asked, your hands wiping your face.
It looked like you suprised him by the sudden startled look on his face.
"N-no Let's just go. The sooner we start, the faster we finish."
Chuuya walked past the two of you. Cursing something under his breath. You could swear you saw a light pink covering his cheeks.
"Where the fuck did that maniac go?!"
You sat on the ground covering your ears with your hands. Not wanting to listen to Chuuya's whines anymore.
It all happenend so fast. The three of you broke into the enemy's base and found a good hiding spot, but somehow the three of you got caught. Chuuya and you ran, thinking Dazai was right behind you two, but when you locked yourselves into a lab, he was gone.
Looking at the furious ginger you tried to calm him down.
"It's Dazai we're talking about. C'mon have some faith in your partner."
You smiled lightly, but it soon faded as you were met with an angry scowl.
"He was my partner. I can't even believe he brought you."
He pinched the bridge of his nose.
You didn't know either why he brought you, but he could be atleast a bit nicer about it.
"Well i'm sorry for being here, but thanks to me we could break into this place. Also can you just calm your tits. Your behavior isn't helping the situation."
You stood up to look him in his eyes. Your smile being replaced with a more serious look.
"I-." He tried to say something, but instead moved to the other side of the room.
"You're such a nausionce."
Knowing if you would pick a fight with him now nothing good would come out of it.
"I know, now let's find a way out."
Looking around the room, you could only find some medical suplies and some samples of God knows what.
Chuuya began helping you after sulking for a bit in the corner. He checked all the cabinets and only found food and more medical supplies.
"I found nothing, you?"
You asked the man while sitting down on the large dental like chair in the middle of the room.
"Nothing useful no."
Chuuya leaned at the wall infront of you.
"Going outside is also not an option. There are cameras outside the door. So they'll know our location immediately."
You let out a frustrated sigh. Massaging your temples.
"God i'm so stupid. I should've paid more attention to our location."
The man infront of you scoffed.
"Not going to disagree with you on the first thing, but you couldn't have known where we were and we were all in a state of panic. It makes you forget things."
Being a little shocked that he also could be nice, i mean he did call you stupid indirectly, but the words he said did make you feel better.
"Thanks Chuuya. That means allot to me." You said to him smiling.
"Yeah yeah whatever." The pink hue could be seen again on his cheeks as he looked away.
Giggling softly at his flustered state.
"What are you laughing at brat?!"
Ah there was the angry chihuahua again.
"Nothing, just you."
"You bi-."
Chuuya was cut off by voices on the other side of the door. You jumped of your chair looking at Chuuya with a panicked expression.
He motioned to the closet and you nodded your head. Quickly moving over to the closet, you and Chuuya squeezed yourselves in.
The space was cramped, but it was the only solution for now. Knowing that Chuuya's ability would make to much of a commotion.
Feeling Chuuya's warm breath on your lips, you now noticed how short he actually was. His head not coming above your nose. It was adorable really.
He also smelled like wine, but it wasn't smelly or something. It was quite a pleasant smell and not to mention very attractive.
Blushing at your thoughts you looked up.
'Omg why am i thinking this now. He's so attractive- NO Y/N FOCUSE.' you internally screamed.
"This door is locked kiri, maybe the intruders are in here."
A soft rattling noise was heard and the door knob moved a little.
"Damn i don't got the keys. Let me go get them."
You heart footsteps leave the door, but you knew someone else was waiting infront of it.
Suddenly you could feel a light bulb just pop above your head. You had a plan, but you didn't know if it would work.
"Shit what do we do." You could hear Chuuya mutter.
"I might have an idea." You whispered.
"Are you crazy?! You can't just do that y/n!" Chuuya whisper yelled.
You were putting on one of the labcoats hanging in the closet. Your other clothes were in Chuuya's hands.
You were wearing your hair loose with a skintight labcoat flaunting every curve of your body.
"It's the only plan right now. And with my ability it is almost guaranteed it will work." You whispered back. You hated this plan as much as he did, but it was your only chance. And you felt sexy as fuck right now.
"I got them!." You heard a man's voice say. Footsteps getting closer. "Took you long enough, now open the door."
"Jeez okay fine."
"There is no time Chuuya." You said closing the closet doors. You could see Chuuya trying to protest, but he gave up.
Scurrying over to one of the counters pretending you were organizing something the door opened.
You heart starting to beat faster and your hands shaking. 'Calm down y/n. You got this you sexy motherfucker'. Your breathing slowed a little and a voice was heard from the doorway.
"Hey you! Put your hands up!"
You looked up to see two men in trenchcoats with guns pointing at you.
"What's this commotion all about gentleman? I'm just trying to do my job here."
You raised your hands and slowly walked over to the men.
"Stay still! Tell me your name."
Stopping your movements you bit your lip.
"My name is..." should you tell them you're real name? Or just make one up.
"Go on woman, we don't have all night."
Slightly annoyed by his tone, you decided to use your own name.
"L/n, y/n l/n." You said
"Never heard of you. Have you?" The man turned to his colleague.
"No, take her in custody."
Panicking internally, you needed to come up with a lie right now! Your ability won't work unless the men touch you.
"I uhmm. I was waiting for one of the men. He hired me for some private time. If you know what i mean." You winked at the two men. Hoping they would buy your lie.
You could see them blushing slightly.
"Who hired you?"
"Dunno. We do these things anonymous."
You walked over to the chair and slowly crawled on it. Trying to nonegelantly show your ass.
"Hey i said don't move!"
The second man said. Coming closer to you.
"Okay, okay calm down." You sat down and put your hands infront of you.
"I'm just here, because he still got 30 minutes left. Rules from my boss. Can't go away till the time is up." You shrugged and flipped your hair. Leaning on your knee with the other hand.
You really had to stop yourself from cringing.
"Well i got to ask you to leave ma'am." The first guys said, putting his gun down and walking over to you.
"Fine, but if you get a call from my boss, don't blame me."
"Ofcourse. You are just doing you're job." The second guy said with a blush on his face.
'Ugh men.'
"You have to lead me the way tho. The other guy insisted on blind folding me." You seductively bite your lip and winked again.
"Of- ofcourse come with us please."
The second guy cleared his throat and offered his hand. Smiling you took his hand and hopped of the chair.
'Now the other guy.'
'Accidentally' stumbling you fell into the first dudes arms, causing him to catch you.
"Oh shit. Clumsy me. Can't even walk properly."
You gave out a short laugh and the guy brushed his jacket.
"It's okay. Now come o-."
Not being able to finish his sentence, he fell to the ground. His partner following him.
"Yeah that's right you two go to sleep. I'll find my way out from here."
Chuckling at your own humor you snatched their guns.
"Wait how-."
Chuuya stepped out of the closet a blush on his cheeks and a confused expression.
Standing up straight you walked over to him and picked up your clothes from his hands.
"It's my ability  'sweet dreams'. If i touch the person and whisper 'sweet dreams' in the next 5 minutes. The person or persons will fall into a coma. They'll wake up when i fall asleep or when i forget i put them to sleep. So i have to keep thinking about them."
You finished off with a smile. Putting your own shirt on again.
"I can see now why Dazai brought you." He said with a slight smirk on his face.
"It isn't all that fancy and i never really used it before."
"Why come you never joined the port mafia or hell even the ADA."
You sighed a little.
"Well it could be a useful ability, but i don't want to be a hero or villian or other shit. I'm happy as i am now."
Chuuya looks at you with a soft expression.
"That's a shame. Would've loved to see you in action more. Or hell even fight against you."
He looked away from you. His hand behind his head. You laughed a little.
"I would absolutely demolish your ass." You said, crossing your arms with a triumph look on your face.
"Hah you wish princess. You won't be able to even come near me!"
You blushed at the sudden nickname. Your hands falling to your side.
"W-we'll see." You cursed yourself for stuttering.
He walked passed you to the door. Whispering something in you ear.
"I wouldn't mind seeing you try to seduce me like the two men you seduced just now."
Your ears felt hot and you were sure you looked like a tomato right now. Chuuya walked out the door and you just stood there. Coming out of your shocked state you ran out the door to slap him. "Come here you asshole." You whisper yelled. Chuuya almost dying from laughter shushed you. "We don't want the enemy to find us now. Do we. Otherwise you have to put on that outfit again."
Smacking him on the back of his head. You couldn't wait to get this mission done.
"Ah what a night. Good thing you guys saved me back there. They were cruel!"
The brunette man was stretching his limbs.
It was 5 in the morning and Chuuya and you were finally able to take the boss out (well Chuuya did that part while you freed Dazai.)
"Oh shut up you damn piece of shit. Thanks to you it took us the whole night to finish this job and most of all you brought y/n in unnecessary danger."
"Hey it's okay. I'm fine. Luckily we all are. Let's just head home go to sleep and go back to enemies in the morning." You quickly said walking inbetween the two men.
Dazai yawned.
"Sounds like a great plan y/n! Altough i thought you were gonna quit the job."
You put your hands around Dazais arm.
"Nah can't do that after such an adventure now can i?"
You and Dazai chuckled while Chuuya just sighed.
"Get a room jeez." He said annoyed.
"Ah c'mon Chuuya. We make a great team! I can't wait for the next truce." You said rather excited for this hour.
Coming at the end of the forest you knew you had to say your goodbye's to the men.
"Well y/n i wish you a pleasant night and i'll see you at work again. Chuuya i hope you get hit by a car."
Dazai smiled and turned around to walk away.
You laughed and waved him goodbye.
"That fucker." Chuuya muttered holding up his middle finger.
"Ah come on Chuuya. He may not show it, but i know he sees you as a friend."
"Pff sure in your dreams."
Sighing you face palmed yourself.
"Well i guess this is it then. Goodnight Chuuya."
You knew it was wrong. He was your enemy and you had to put your feelings aside, but you couldn't stop yourself. You never had so much fun in your whole life and to be frank, you didn't want the night to end here yet.
You kissed him on the cheek and turned around.
"Thank you for this wonderful, but crazy ass night." You gave a sad smile. Although he couldn't see it.
Suddenly you felt someone grab you wrist. Spinning you around. You were met with a flustered Chuuya his eyes fixated on the ground.
Standing there in an awkward silence for a few seconds, he finally spoke up.
"Look. I worked with many people before, but i never had so much fun with someone. And-" he became quiet for a bit. Taking a deep breath he continued: " and i never felt like this before. You give me this warm feeling and i hate it, but i can't get enought of it. When i first saw you at the meeting i just knew you were different. So please let's not end this night just yet."
He tilted his head to look at you a serious expression on his face.
Your voice was cut of when a pair of warm lips crashed your own. They were rough, but soft at the same time. Being a little stunned you forgot to kiss back. Chuuya pulled away again taking a step back.
"I'm sorry. I didn't know what came over me."
This time you shushed him and kissed him back. His arms finding a way on your hips and your arms grabbing his hair to deepen the kiss.
After a few seconds you both pulled away, out of breath. Your fourheads touching eachother and your noses brushing eachother.
"That was- wow."
You said with a small smile.
Chuuya chuckled lightly.
"I won't go easy on you now if we meet again y/n."
"Oh i'm counting on it."
You grinned. Wanting to make this night last longer. He pulled you in for a kiss again and you let him. Nothing making you happier as you are right now.
Little did you two forbidden lovers know that a brunette man was staring contently as his assumptions were right.
Sorry it took so long :,)
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ds0408 · 3 years
We meet again-3
last:-"Wo so original" she said sarcastically while slow clapping and I soon joined her "You just beat Bob-Roth" I bursted Laughing at that I could see Julika trying to contain her laughter, Even Rose and Nathaniel.
Chloe Pov
I then I thought of a way to get at least few of those mindless sheep to our side. I whispered something in Mari-bugs ears making her nod in agreement. Then she says
"Hey Rossi, Cesare!" She calls out. the whole class turns to her. "What do you think of Bi and gay people?"
"They are straight out disgusting!" says Cesare
"They are so weird. who would want to kiss the same gender" said Rossi and continued talking about her and 'Dami-boo' Then Rose, Julika, Nino, Kim and Nathaniel come to us. I raise an eyebrow at them.
Then Nino clears his throat and said "We are sorry. We figured out she was lying."
"Yes I understand why Julika, rose and Nathaniel are here but why you two?" I ask
Nino was really uncomfortable with that so he looked at Mari-bug and asked her to tell me "Bee Nino and Kim used to date." She says
"How did you figure out the bitch was lying?" Mari-bug says, to which they all let out a gasp.
"Di-did you just cu-cuss?" asked Nino
"Oh she was never sweet with any body in the class except six particular people, She was never a klutz nor was she a sniveling child, She has had a bad past" I say
Then Nathaniel askes "were we part of the nice people?"
"Yes you apparently happen to be the 5 people who I was genuinely nice to" She answers
They let out a deep breath Then Nino says "I know about your past"
Mari bugs eyes widen and she drags us to a secluded area. and unleashes her Katana and brings it to his neck "How?"
He looked scared and says "you were ranting it to me when we were young."
She curses then says "explain it to the others and don't tell anyone" She warns and pushes the Katana to his neck.
Marinette's Pov
I let go of the Katana and go out in time to hear that the tour is over and we are going to the Wayne Manor for our stay. They were the ones doing our tour.
We were in the bus when Nino finished the story of my past then Rose chimed in "I am really sorry you had go through that"
"Ya I don't think I would be able to stay away from my true love for so long" said Julika said glancing at Rose who blushed. I chuckled inwardly on how cute they are.
"I doesn't really matter I met him today after all" I said. And that caught their attention and they whisper- yelled "What!?"
"We saw him and I gave him the rings and left. It is just to much hurt"
Nino comes behind and comforts me and soon we reached the Wayne Manor.
We got off the bus and held our bags. Then a man came and said "My name is Alfred Pennyworth, I am here to escort you to your rooms" He went in and we soon followed. He sent me an aura of a miraculous holder, oh and I forgot we defeated Hawkmoth and I found out he used to abuse poor Nooro. I fixed the peacock miraculous and took away Chat's Miraculous Turns it was that spineless idiot.
Monsieur Alfred reached Chloe's room. Next was Mine as we reached my room Monsieur Alfred said something that shocked me " Ho is Nooro doing Great guardian?" I blinked once then twice then said
"I knew you gave some sort of miraculous vibe. but... something bad happened to Nooro" I said
"Is Nooro Harmed?" He asked Worry evident in his voice
"we need to go in" I said motioning towards the room He nods and we enter the room thank god it is not pink and instead black. Then I let Nooro out "Nooro do you want to meet someone?" I asked quietly
she nodded so I asked her to turn around. She turned and saw Monsieur Alfred. She got excited and literally screamed In her soft voice "Master Alfred!" And nuzzled his cheek. I smile softly and say "This is the most she has spoken. She as abused by the last holder" "You can keep her for the time being." He nods and leaves with her hidden in his pocket. He peaked in and says "you can change into your Night wear and Thank you" I just nodded.
I changed into my night wear:
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This hoodie was Damien's It still is big for me, I keep it to remember him.
I got out of the room and went down to see Alya and Lila in the most babyish night wear. I looked at Chloe and we both shared the same thought. We went to the dinner table and found seats.
(This is how they sat
Richard Timothy
Damien Marinette
Jason Chloe
Julika Nino
Rose Kim
Nathaniel Ivan
Sabrina Alix
Adrien Max
Mylene Alya
That is how they sit on the dinning table)
I sat next to Chloe. In front of me was an empty spot. Then an elderly man in his 40-50 came in and sat at one end of the table. He then said
"My name is Bruce Wayne, and these are my sons, Richard Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake and my youngest son is yet to come. You are welcomed to stay."
Then Alfred comes and sets the food and everyone digs in. I was eating when a familiar voice "Father I am Home."
And then those toxic green eyes. I gasped and dropped my fork. Everyone was looking at me. I looked at Chloe in horror Then back to Damien. and Mind Linked him. Yes Mind linked because of the Lazarus pit I have a connection with him. I look him dead in the eye and start with the mind talk.
'What the hell are you doing here?!' we both ask at the same time
'I am here for my class tour' I reply
'I live here' he replies
'Y-you- what?' I say
'Yes, and who is that sausage hair girl that is glaring daggers at you? If you want I can kill her'
'Oh she is Lila Rossi, biggest Liar alive. turns out the class I was in was the one with people without braincells. Pretended to be their friend. Now Rossi thinks I am their friends and decided to destroy me.'
'Does the bitch know who she is messing with'
'No. and do you have a gym'
Jason's Pov
So the French class is here and I hope that girl from WE listens to what Damien has to say. So now we were all sitting on the Dinning table. Then she walks in wearing an overly sized hoodie with a Katana and I think she is wearing shorts underneath. She sat down next to her friend Chloe I think as her name. Luckily it was in front of Damien's seat.
Bruce comes in starts his speech then allows us to eat. While we were eating, Damien comes in and says "I am home father" and the girl dropped her fork. we all saw how she looked horrified. Then Damien sat down and looked directly in her eyes while she did the same. It looked like they were having a conversation with their minds. Their facial expression turned from confusion and shock to anger to almost smiling. Suddenly the sausage hair girl said
"It is horrible. She is checking him out!' She shouted it to get our attention, and that is what it took to get those two out of their trance. and Damien did not look happy.
"What did you just say?" he asked in a deadly voice
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byler-n-harringrove · 4 years
Let’s Be Alone Together || Chap 1
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Hey guys! I decided to that I was going to write the first chapter on this story to see how it goes! I just wanted to fill you guys in on some of the context of this Au.
So this Au is Set in 2019- so robin is openly in the LGBTQ community, and Steve is honestly noticing his feelings for boys (not calling him bi yet), and I have aged up Billy and Robin so they are all the same age.
Thank you guys, and please leave a comment if you want to be tagged in this fanfic or you think I should continue writing it !
Love chey xx
“So much for a fresh new start, who the fuck knew he was coming here too?” Steve scoffed for the millionth time, stacks of marked cardboard boxes in hand as he continued to trek between his shiny car and the girls' dorms.
They had been at this for 20 minutes now, the girl's dorms the furthest away from the student car park and even if Robin had not brought many boxes it was still a process for the two teens. Robin’s room was on the second floor, tucked away in the west side of the building in a room that hadn't seen her roommate just yet.
Steve didn't want to think that he would have to continue the process with his stuff.
“Oh, shut up, will you? Can't you just like, put in for a new partner?” Robin grunted with a small amount of aggression. The stairs were getting to her, and all she wanted was to have a shower and get to bed.
Grunting was his only response returned as he all but threw her stuff, only blankets and clothes, onto the floor of the dorm room. A small noise signalled that Rodin did the same, sighing in relief as she leaned against the labelled door. One room down, Steve’s was left.
They soon found themselves trekking down the concrete stairs again, their footsteps reverberating softly against the cream walls of the stairway.
“I can't, put in for that thing I mean unless its dyer straights or somethin’ stupid like that. I guess ill just spend most of my time in the library anyway. I’ve heard they have some of the biggest collections of classic writings on Victorian literature.” Steve may be an airhead most of the time, but he honestly could just geek out around Robin. After all, despite all the odds, Steve was aiming to become an English Teacher.
She rolled her eyes, made a soft, half-hearted comment about him being some ‘egg-head’ and a doofus’ before they fell into the rhythm of small chit chat about their upcoming week of first classes. Robin herself was going into digital art and design, her passion for expressing herself shone through in all aspects, even in her sexuality.
Scooping up Steves boxes, they would only need two trips as he tried not to bring too much with him, they started off to find Steves room. On the opposite side of the dormitories, Steve’s room would be on the 4th floor towards the south side of the building.
Robin complained rather loudly the whole way up while Steve tried to block it out with small humming. Their synchronized steps soon came to his room 221B (yes haha, the references), the door slightly creaked open meaning that his rather annoying roommate would already be inside.
“Welp, am I good to leave your stuff here and go get the rest? I'm in too much of a good mood, sorry dingus” She gave him a sympathetic look as she put her boxes down in front of the door.
Steve simply nodded and handed her the keys, not pushing the conversation. Billy had been quite the arsehole in Hawkins, and in the narrowminded town Billy didn't hold back from the homophobic slurs against the people who owned their sexuality - like Robin and the small few other LGBTQ+ community that lived there. He hasn't let up on Robin at any time through their education.
She darted back off down the hallway, leaving Steve to face the beast.
Pushing the door open with his foot, Steve once again got that feeling of questioning his heterosexuality as Billy stood there in his half-naked glory with a cigarette hanging out of the corner of his mouth, standing hunched beside their shared window.
Hearing the door open the mullet-wearing teen turned, his signature cocky grin spreading across his lips as Steve felt like he was going to spontaneously combust on the spot. Billy's golden locks and rippling abs shone in the minimal amount of light coming through the window, jeans hanging low as he looked like he belonged in an art museum.
Yeah, okay, Robin may have been on the money about him being bi or whatever the hell they called it.
“Well well, Mr Steve fucking Harrington hey? I never thought I would be seeing that ugly mug again. But, you just had to stalk me to fucking California, didn't ya pretty boy?” That husky voice ridden with nicotine sent a shiver down his spine.
The shorter teen had to all but force his brain not to focus on Billy’s drop-dead looks, not like he hadn't noticed it when they were in Hawkins, as he didn't need the sexualised thoughts he experienced before when they shared showers. As much as he hated Billy, he couldn't deny there was some underlying sexual attraction, which had only added to more of a disliking for sharing a room for so long.
Steve grunted weakly, pushing the box of records in with his feet and dropping his box of clothes on the free side of the bedroom. He had to force his eyes away from Billy’s annoyingly perfect body and towards his boxes.
“I’m not here to fight Hargrove. I’ll be spending most of my time in the library and I’ll be here to probably sleep. I don’t want anything to do with fighting, or with you” Steve peeled open his box, keeping his back faced to Billy.
He heard Billy scoff behind him, and while he continued to unpack his stuff he heard what sounded like Billy all but diving onto his bed.
“Whatever Hargrove, you stay out of my way and I'll stay out of yours, right pretty boy?” Billy didn't seem as agitated, as ready to snap as he had been in Hawkins, but Steve wasn't going to take it all on face value and let down his guard.
Steve continued to unpack his stuff and the silence that laid over them heavily and was laced with awkwardness. Placing his vintage records on his small desk tucked in the corner of the bedroom, Steve found the time to steal a small glance over toward Billy’s side of the room.
Decorated in what Steve could only explain as a mix between Rock and Surfer scheike, a mix between what he had only seen of Billy in Hawkin’s sparingly and a side hidden, probably due to the lack of water to surf in. It was interesting, not as harsh, and when his eyes scanned over he was shocked and rather startled to make eye contact with the now cigarette-less blonde.
Another smirk arose on his face.
“Take a photo and it’ll last longer pretty boy” Steve had to stop himself from grinding his teeth too hard.
Rolling his eyes, he pulled away as Billy fished out a vibrating phone from his jean pocket. Silence fell again before Billy was springing up from his bed and rummaging through is designated closet and reemerging with a shirt.
“You don't touch my fucking shit and I won't touch yours, yes? I'm going out, don't fucking wait up or anything, Harrington.” Billy spat, pulling his tight white shirt over his head, before glancing in the mirror to fix his hair.
Steve couldn't help but roll his eyes “Whatever, seems fair.” He answered back with some sarcasm, but he honestly toned it back and down to make sure that Billy wasn't going to be slamming his slimmer body against walls by the collar anytime soon.
The other man scoffed but was soon enough placing another cigarette in his mouth and scampering out of the door “Good to see you too, Buckley” He had commented on his way out, bringing Steve’s attention to his freckled friend stacking boxes in the hallway who shrunk at the attention Billy offered her.
Entering with boxes Robin set out to help Steve unpack, waving off Steve and telling him she would unpack later and just wanted to hang out. Robin was a good friend after all and helped Steve to get his mind off of Billy through a lovely screening of The Breakfast Club as they unpacked and Robin scolded Steve on keeping his room clean.
The night came too fast, and with Robin ordering a large extra cheesy pizza - it was her turn to shout - they stayed cooped up in Steve’s dorm watching shitty 80’s movies until they were falling asleep atop of one another. Only just friends of course, but he was nothing but happy to share a friendly type of intimacy with her.
Though, in the firing of his last conscious neurons, he found the image of a shirtless and sexy Billy scolding him behind his eyelids. It caused his heart to ache, and with the buzzing of The Fly in the background he finally found a restless sleep revolving around his not-so-friendly roommate.
God, what was Steve in for?
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My MatchaBlossom playlist
Here's the link to the playlist on Spotify-
Song meanings and POVs elaborated on down under.
Call it what you want- Taylor Swift
(Let's start with a TS song cause why tf not. I am and always will be a total slut for her 💜)
Okay, just the general vibe of this song is that of a person who's been through a bit and has now found a love so beautiful it's helping them heal and I feel like that ties in so well with Cherry and Joe's entire arc. I hear this song in Cherry's POV when Joe's affection is starting to restore his faith in love and life after Adam's done fucked it all up. Or even when his anxiety gets really fucking bad or whatever. It's just got big comfort vibes and I am a total whore for Cherry acknowledging and appreciating everything that Joe does for him.
All my flowers grew back as thorns,
Windows boarded up after the storm,
He built a fire just to keep me warm.
Explosion- Zolita
*ahem* let me be more articulate.
Don't call me about him I don't wanna hear
Put him out of your mind just make him disappear
Stop pretending you got nothing left to hide
My memory is slipping and it's killing me alive
Reached the bitter end
Can't pretend I'm not in love with my best friend, my best friend
Hate that you know me- BLEACHERS
Okay I think this song fits Cherry very well, especially when he is still trying to understand his dynamic with Joe. My personal headcanon is that Cherry is prone to bouts of self-hatred because of his anxiety and consequently, doesn't always consider himself deserving of Joe's love, and so, he tends to dislike it at times when Joe seems to understand him better than others and anticipate his needs so well, and I feel like this song depicts that beautifully.
Sometimes I hate that you know me so well (so well)
Sometimes I, I hate that you know me so well (and I hate ya)
Some days I, I wish that I wasn't myself (No)
No luck! (No)
And I hate that you know me so well
Heart attack- Demi Lovato
Okay, I can not be the only person who thinks of teenaged Cherry every time this song comes on. Imagine a Cherry who's flabbergasted by the strength of his feelings for Joe, and can never figure out what to do with himself.
Never break a sweat for the other guys
When you come around, I get paralyzed
And every time I try to be myself
It comes out wrong like a cry for help
It's just not fair; pain's more trouble than love is worth
I gasp for air; it feels so good, but you know it hurts
Lover- Taylor Swift
I have a very specific scene in mind when it comes to this song and that is MatchaBlossom slow-dancing in the first house they get together.
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Make you mine- PUBLIC
You knew this song was going to end up on here lol.
Strangely enough, aware as I am of the fact that most of the fandom believes Joe was the one chasing Cherry (and I agree) this song just hits me as all Cherry's. It has all of his characteristic dogged determination and refusal to admit defeat lol
Well, I have called you darlin' and I'll say it again, again
So kiss me 'til I'm sorry, babe, that you are gone and I'm a mess
And I'll hurt you and you'll hurt me and we'll say things we can't repeat
Mess is Mine- Vance Joy
Slightly older, mellowed out MatchaBlossom, starting to realise they're in this together for the long run, that they always have been.
Further I feel like verse 1 and 2 respectively follow Joe and Cherry's POVs
First we have Joe, who is just brimming with the realisation that Cherry is his for good.
Talking like we used to do
It was always me and you
Shaken up and shipping out
Check me in and check me out
Hold on my darling
This mess was yours, now your mess is mine
Secondly, we have Cherry, who considers himself unbelievably lucky to have been considered worthy of Joe's love and keeps wondering if he is half as good a partner to the other man as he is to him.
See you in the market place
Walking around at 8 AM
Got two hours before my flight
Luck be on my side tonight
You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
You know you gave me all that time
Did I give enough of mine
More than Friends- BEKA HONNE
Baby MatchaBlossom pining. Really sweet, soft vibes. I keep thinking of shy, unsure junior high school Kaoru and Kojiro suddenly becoming blushing, stuttering messes around each other for a period of time as they both hit the realisation that they'd very much like to be kissing each other and it's very much not a Friend™ thing.
It happens after Joe has freshly realised that he is bi after all and Kaoru is exactly what he needs. Again, verse one reminds me of Joe, verse two of Cherry. They are down under respectively.
Driving home and those cats eyes got me seeing you
I'm always seeing you
I don't know how to tell you that I was wrong before
I thought I needed more
I was wondering if we could talk
I think about you every day
And the mixtape you made
Is all I ever to play
And every song reminds me that
You and I
Should be more than friends
I never thought I would see your face at my door again
Not at 3 AM
And I don't know just why I wasn't enough before
I thought you needed more
I know you came here to talk
Can't listen to the tape I made
It brings me too much pain
Cause every song reminds me that
You and I
Should be more than friends
This song can also work if you reverse the POV orders and then see it post Adam, but the vibe is a lil too soft for that.
Night go slow- Catey Shaw
MatchaBlossom but in a chill, lo-fi aesthetic.
The cars all stop where they are
When you take my hand, there is no time
Every moment that passes by with you
I wish I could rewind
Let go of your ways
And forget today
Just follow me tonight
Do you understand why I put all my plans on hold?
Not Afraid Anymore- Halsey
Okay, this one goes a lil heavy but imagine a traumatised Cherry, ya know after Ad*m, finally learning to let himself go and feel things again, emotionally and sexually, with Kojiro.
I also feel like they are two kinky bastards so really if you only wanna interpret it like that be my guest.
I am not ashamed anymore
I want something so impure
You better impress now, watching my dress now fall to the floor
Crawling underneath my skin, sweet talk with a hint of sin
Begging you to take me
Devil underneath your grin, sweet thing
But she play to win, heaven gonna hate me
People Crying Every Night- A R I Z O N A
I hear this song as Joe trying to get through to a hesitant Cherry, trying to make him see that while they don't get a say in so many other things, things that have happened and things that will happen, they get to choose the life they have together. They get to pick out their happy ending, build one out of scratch with each other and even if they have nothing else, at least they have this.
Oh and as the day
Turns into night
The things that we can't say
The things we try to hide
Like everyone else
We can't choose the way we die
Oh but we can choose
The way we live tonight
Oh I wish I had the answers
I wish I had the time
To give you all the reasons
Why it's worth it down the line
Ready to go- NEFFEX
This song is an ✨ aesthetic ✨
Okay but imagine, young, punk! MatchaBlossom, maybe around the time when they're travelling the world together?
It's all hot and heady, and Joe is thrilled by the wild, wild force of nature Kaoru is. He can't do anything but give in.
She said stay for a minute
Play with my limits
Drink till we're sinnin'
Baby I'm ready to go
She said she's finally alive
When she starts losing control
I said I know what to do
Just let our bodies go
Shine a Light- BANNERS
Another Kojiro song. This one reflects his inner struggle as he feels torn between wanting to comfort and protect Cherry after Adam, and the fact that he is hopelessly in love with Cherry who inadvertently keeps hurting him with how he is lost in the huge web of feelings he can't parse through, not completely blind to how much Kojiro loves him but not fully realising it either. This song reminds me of a confused and helpless Kojiro. Loving Kaoru is such an integral part of him that it makes him, him and it is his constant in the rapidly changing world around him as he stands on the brink of adulthood. He is very nearly ready to beg for mercy and yet knows he, himself is saved by the love he has for Kaoru.
And when the night falls, oh, call on me
Just don't forget to show me some mercy
Ooh, say you're mine
Ooh, take me higher
Sleepover- Hayley Kiyoko
You wanna be friends forever?
I can think of something better
I'm just feeling low, feeling low
Sleeping here right next to me
But will you ever mess with me?
Thank you, my twilight- the pillows
Listen, this has been my fav classic Japanese love anthem for so long and to think it is PERFECT for Matchablossom just makes my heart go 💞
The lyrics are heart-wrenchingly raw and real, which is great reflection of Joe and Cherry's relationship. I include a translation of a few verses below, the first one seems something snatched straight out of Joe's internal monologues and the second one depicts the breathless intensity and loyalty so typical of Kaoru:
If you think it looks like I'm waiting for someone
Then you're right
I've been waiting for you
Sometimes people will ask me
"How far will you go for her?"
BABY as far as it takes
Another song depicting Cherry healing from Adam and learning to accept Joe's love, but a fluffier and sweeter way to go about it.
In which, Cherry decides to separate all of the sweeter moments of his and Joe's days with Adam from all of the bitterness, and carry that in his heart after they part ways and he finally moves on.
I will never let you go
I know you want it, know you want it
Learning love means not to know
I'll learn to take it,
Would you mind- PRETTYMUCH
Ending this post with a fluffy, flirty rec that could be Joe's anthem. See for yourselves.
Say you don't catch feelings, you say you ain't the love type
I'ma have to work, then, uh the whole night
Nothing like your ex, no, this ain't what you used to
Just give me that chance, girl, uh, won't lose you
See it? ;) Also, I feel like Joe had typical frat boy taste in music at some point so
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