#like I love that he got to know Eileen Rowena Cass and Jack but it’s the principle of the matter
sbd-laytall · 3 years
For real, Chuck sucks for doing this to Sam.
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cassfcky · 4 years
So, I'll finally open up about the finale, it took me a while to understand what I felt. I loved it and hated, I think it's beautiful and a hate crime, but I'll explain it as I try to cope with this feeling.
Things that I loved about it:
Dean(in the beginning) being able to move on with all the lost and sorrow he had just experienced, to see him going on was nice, I mean we know he was sad, but he wasn't giving up on it, he was living for those wo died for him and I don't mean just Cass, a lot of others have died in the past for the brothers and to see Dean living for them was good, he finally made peace with himself and I loved it.
Sam(also in the beginning) also living his life, hunting, but we can tell(maybe I'm just hallucinating) they weren't so deep on the hunt thing and for me this was good, cuz Sam was also going to get what he wants a normal life with his brother you know?
Kripke and Singer being their agents aliases
Heaven rebuild in a fantastic way and I did liked to see Bobby at the roadhouse, this makes me wonder and dream about Bobby, Ellen, Jo, Pam and Ash altogether in it, joking around and having fun.
Cass being alive.
The case
The fact that they were helping brothers, that reminded us of them.
The parallels with season 1 such as
"I can't do this without you"
Dean's death being almost like Sam's first death (both "stabbed/impaled in the back and dying in his brother's arms.
Things I hated:
Dean's death: There's no reason for it, I know the show is about Sam's journey and his life, but Dean being alive it's not exactly a set back in his development. So you can say they have a strong co-dependency, but isn't clear that their story was written by Chuck? Their choices? So now without the a**hole they not necessarily need to go on with it, they can be loving brothers with their separated lives, they can hunt together without dragging the other down, they can live a "happy" life without the other dead, they can be free without the death of the other. The show has always showed us how they're "happy" living their lives when the other is dead, like Dean with Lisa while Sam was in hell, Sam and Amelia when Dean is in purgatory. But it also shows how they let go of all of that when they comeback and this is Chuck's co-dependency writing. But now that they ARE free, they don't need to do it anymore, they can live, they can grow even more, they can get to know themselves again as individuals and not as puppets fighting apocalypse after apocalypse.
They ruined their own ideal. The show is now, not only about the brothers, but how you can make family out of friendship(personal note: this is my fav thing about the show, cuz I don't have a good blood family and I made my own with my friends, so this one hits hard on me). The whole "family don't end in blood" situation was totally forgotten when Sam, alone with a dog, made Dean's funeral. And do I need to remind you all that Dean wanted it big?? With music, lot of people? No?? Ok. But let's say make it half big, where's Jody? Donna? Claire? Alex? Where's all of them?? I mean just the close one's you know? The one's who was there for them when they needed the most?
Where the fuck was Eileen? They killed her and got her back, they created a lovely arc for her and Sam, a healthy relationship, something good for Sam. And when Jack uses the gauntlet to bring everyone back she's not back? Like where is she? Still in the gem?? And okay, that blurred woman could have been her, but they didn't even mentioned her name once? Wedding picture?? What is that?? They could've done it, I know, it's a fucking 15 year old running show, one wedding picture so we could dream would be enough(I guess)
Castiel being mentioned twice vaguely. So, your best friend confess to you that he made a deal that in the moment he experienced TRUE HAPPINESS he would be DRAGGED to NOTHING and then turns out HIS happiness consist in him telling(not even having it back, just telling) you that he loves you and that he is changed because of you and uses this to SAVE YOU and you don't tell you brother(his best friend too) what happend? When you get to Heaven and you hear the news that his actually alive and helping you don't get to want to see him??? Like not even asks or say anything?? Or like when Jack became God why didn't he asked for Cass back? He asked Chuck for it, Chuck, but didn't asked Jack?? Like wtf?? Kid would've snapped his finger so quickly that Cas would show up in Dean's lap like wtf?? That doesn't make any sense.
The 15 years of character growth thrown away.
Other topics related to this event.
Dean's deaths that were more painful, sad looking and more meaningful than 15x20
Metatron killing him (9x23)
His deal (3x16)
Dean's death reminds me of pointless deaths and how they were unnecessary in the show.
Charlie: she wasn't that stupid to leave with a book that can be traced by a deadly family just because Rowena was annoying, that still makes no fucking sense to me. I cry every time I watch it cuz she deserved better, way better.
Crowley: like they literally killed him for nothing, he sacrificed himself for nothing, there was no reason other than hold back a little bit Lucifer and he could've done it without killing himself.
Cas's death remind me of how only the brothers matter and in the end only Sam was important, don't get me wrong I love Sam, but the show praised hope, faith in one another and in the end it was just one of them going, not truly happy as he could be and to me that's too sad, cuz not only Dean didn't got to live what he deserved, but Sam also had a half empty life, the person who raised him, that was with him through all the bad moments, wasn't there for the good one. The idea of Sam having survivor guilt because Dean lived to take care of him and as soon as he could finally live for himself he dies will forever hunt me, it's just too much, he did not deserved it.
I guess that what the show did with the end was destroy all of my hope, they destroyed everything they created, the love, the foundation of a family and having faith and hope. This show literally gave me all of this, the idea of "it's bad now, but if I don't give up, it will get better", but they took it all. No friends at your funeral, no brother on your side at your wedding day, no hope. Like Dean only had peace when he died, do you know how serious this is? How depressing is this? Sam lived in grief(and yeah grief doesn't stop you from feeling happiness, but what was the reason for him to live with grief?)
I mean why did they make us dream and believe in life if they were just going to say "well you can live hell on earth and get your win, but you're not gonna live enough to fully enjoy it."
The resume is that this ending was cruel, not good or bad just cruel. Cuz they won, but they didn't get to experience it. You know what would be heartbreaking, but good and coherent with their story?? If they had died defeating Chuck, their ultimate fight, they get to save everyone, but unfortunately not themselves. It would be great, sad, it would make sense. This one gave Dean the taste of a good life, a normal life, the glimpse of it and took it away from him, killing him in a barn, scared. But hey, at least he got to tell his brother that he loved him right?? That's a win!!
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So, I guess this is it then.
(spoilers below)
I just watched the series finale of Supernatural. To some people (especially those who know me in real life) this doesn't seem like a big deal - but it is. It is to me.
I laughed for the first half of this episode. I laughed a lot. All these callbacks, pie, dad's journal, classic "monster of the week" hunt. It made me smile.
Then I cried. Hard and ugly. I cried long after the episode ended and I'm still crying as I'm writing this, in my SPN t-shirt with a SPN mug full of tea and a SPN poster right in front of me (yes, I dressed for the occasion, don't judge me).
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I've seen people weren't happy with that finale, and I recognize why. But for me - it was perfect. Yes, I would've loved to see more familiar faces one last time - not just Cass or Jack but Charlie, Kevin, Ellen and Jo and many many others. But even without them this finale felt fulfilling to me. Honestly, what happened was exactly what I expected to happen, with one difference - I thought they are gonna die together. Did it hurt me that Dean died first? Yes, like hell. Did he deserve it? OF COURSE HE DIDN'T.
But they were ready - they were ready because they were free. Dean died happy. Sam fulfilled his brother's dying wish and lived a long, happy life. Yes, of course I have questions - it wouldn't make sense if we didn't have questions after that. But there's some kind of beauty in not knowing, you know? Just because Sam put the lights out in the bunker doesn't mean he never came back. Just because Baby was standing in a garage covered up when he was an old man doesn't mean that he never got to drive in it again.
What matters the most is that they both won in the end. They were happy. They did their thing. They died how they wanted to die. And now they not only share a Heaven with each other like it was said they would long ago, but thanks to Jack they share it with everyone they ever loved. The entire family is together. They can grab a beer with Bobby and Ellen, have dinner with mom and dad. They can visit Charlie and her parents.
It's more than I ever wished for them.
I could barely see the last shot through the tears in my eyes and I could barely hear the music through my own sobbing but I was smiling. And even though my heart is now heavy, I'm happy. I could never be happier.
All that's left to say is thank you. I wasn't with the show from the beginning - I was 8 years old in 2005. But I joined in 2013 when the show was on season 8 (coincidence? I don't think so) thanks to a dear friend who brought it from another friend. So I've had 7 amazing years with this show that I am insanely grateful for. And there's gonna be more, because I won't stop watching. Ever.
Thank you to the cast and crew and everyone who ever worked on it. Thank you to Jared and Jensen for bringing these two brothers to life. Thank you to Sam and Dean for teaching me to always keep fighting and that Family doesn't end with blood. Thank you to Charlie Bradbury for helping me embrace who I really am (a weird, nerdy fangirl) and never be ashamed of it. Thank you to Castiel for becoming the only angel I ever wanted to pray to and for being so human. And thank you to Jack, to Jody, to Eileen, to Donna, Kevin, Benny, Ellen, Jo, Crowley, Rowena and so many many other characters that shaped this universe.
For some people it's just a show. Some people I know will scroll past this post on social media not even reading a word, some will probably roll their eyes at it.
But some will shed a tear, nod in agreement and smile because they feel the same way.
Because it wasn't just a tv show. It will never be just a tv show.
It's a family.
And I am so happy to be a small part of it.
So Always Keep Fighting.
and Carry On (My Wayward Son).
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ain-t-bovvered · 4 years
15x08 Commentary
Bunch of tired and caffeinated Europeans ( plus a sleepy American) scream together, and then die and try to get on with their day ( lol AS IF)
@smol-and-grumpy​ (Nat)
@dean-winchesters-bacon​  (Kat)  
@waywardbaby​  (Zee)
@ain-t-bovvered  (Giulia)
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Nat : 3
Nat : 2
Nat : 1
Nat : go
Giulia: Ugh so young Kat: Adam was our brother Nat : Sobs  Zee: Babies Kat: The babes Zee: Assbutt Giulia: Assbutt Kat: Hey assbutt lol Giulia: And then he was forgotten forever Kat: Hey my demon Giulia: Fuck off chuck Zee: Future corpses? Giulia: Let’s play are they dead or tired Nat : She definitely is Nat : ah Zee: Strike out future Kat: Omg did he kill all these people? Giulia: Wow Kat: Ffs Chuck Giulia: Wow Giulia: Is that tequila sunrise Nat : Easy on the rum Giulia: Yuck Nat : pf Zee: You don’t want me cranky Nat : WEAK Kat: He is the WORST Zee: What a dick Kat: EILEEN Zee: GO GIIIIIRRRLLL Nat : Still got it, girl Giulia: I fucking swear if they kill her off again Zee: RIGHT IN THE NUTS Nat : Ah Kat: Hell ya Nat : "HEY" Zee: CONFUSED MOOSE Kat: Push him away
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Kat: THEY ARE SO CUTE Giulia: Yeah u are Giulia: Snort  Nat : You are Nat : Snorts
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Nat : Sam with his salads man Zee: And Eileen with junk food
Giulia: Well Dean looks happy
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Kat: BOOM Nat : Boom Zee: Boom Giulia: Boom Nat : Is there an echo in this chat?
Kat: I love when we speak at the same time 
Giulia: Dickdemons Nat : DICKtated Zee: What’s with his enunciation ?? And with his face Giulia: Lot’s of dicks in his mouth Giulia: Wait
S: So, he has an Achilles heel. D: Well, I'm saying he has a weak spot.
Kat: I hate it when they dumb down Dean Giulia: Yeah, not that funny sometimes Zee: That close up!!!! Giulia: MY BABY Zee: And enter cas
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Giulia: snort Zee: In all his fed up glory Giulia: DONNY Kat: Aw Donnie
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Kat: JEAN SHIRT Zee: JUST TWO LAYERS?? Nat : Ah I feel like Donatello is me Zee: NAKED Giulia: True Giulia: Me Nat : lol
Donny: Oh And, guys, when I go crazy again,
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Kat: Just shoot me Kat: Mood Zee: ALLLL THE CHICKEN Giulia: AH
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Zee: Stop it Nat : Yeah, definitely me Nat : Only with his favorite
D: Oh, yeah, a real daddy's boy.
Giulia: daddy’s boi Nat : Ah that's the part where they bring in Michael Kat: Ya Giulia: AH Zee: Hi Donnie
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Nat : Ah, yeah he cray Zee: Oh fuck Giulia: Cass is me when i explain spn to my friends
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Giulia: CHUCK
Giulia: asshole Nat : Fuck u
G: But this -- Let this one go.
Kat: Hate him so much Giulia: HE BLUFFING Nat : I gO aLL pOwERfUL Kat: Powerful, my ass Zee: God is an asshole
Donny: Really? I have to leave? Oh, that's too bad. I'll, uh -- I'll just get my stuff.
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Zee: Run Giulia: LOL Nat : snorts "too bad" Kat: Grabbed the chicken lol Giulia: awe cas is worried Nat : Cas has got no fucking patience left Zee: I get that Kat: None Giulia: UGH Kat: Oof Kat: That tone Giulia: that stare
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Giulia: AAAAAAAH Zee: Fandom going crazy Nat : Yeah
Kat: Aw
Nat : I see the fics Giulia: i’m going crazy Nat : that I won't read Kat: Rowena 😭 Giulia: They should stop zooming inf his hands because it does stuff Giulia: AWE Zee: On all their hands
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Giulia: They in hell
Zee: Welcome Giulia: Again Nat : Cas knows his way around  Nat : Ladies lol
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Zee: Yeah Giulia: Of course Zee: That didn’t go well
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Giulia: Wow
Nat : Aw come on
Zee: Are any of us winning? Kat: Nope Giulia: Well they seem more compatible Giulia: Sdbdksbdildbs Giulia: What Kat: ROWENA Kat: OMG Zee: Oh well
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Giulia: AAAAAH Nat : ROWENA Giulia: WHAT Nat : WHAT Nat : IS Nat : GOING Nat : ON Giulia: FUCK RIGHT OFF Kat: LOOK AT MY GIRL Nat : Of course she'd rule. WHAT ELSE DID WE EXPECT Zee: No one hands you anything darling Giulia: YAS GURL BAD ASS WITCH BITCH Nat : I AM SO HAPPY Giulia: YES, MAKE UP ON POINT Zee: Of course Kat: HAIR ON POINT Kat: DRESS ON POINT Nat : SHE'S QUEEN OF HELL, SHE'S ALLOWED Giulia: she deserve it
R: Did you not hear the man? [ Screaming ] Find him!
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Zee: YAS
Nat : AH Giulia: AHAHAHAH Nat : SNORTS Giulia: LOVE HER
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Kat: THAT WINK Giulia: LOVE Nat : AW So if the boys would go to hell, they'd have good company as Rowena Giulia: Shut up nat Nat : I know Zee: YOU SERIOUS? Nat : Eileen, NO Kat: NO EILEEN Giulia: BAD EILEEN Nat : Yeah, you stay girl Kat: She’s gonna get herself killed
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Giulia: LOOK AT HER Zee: That’s a fucking queen Nat : Samuel please
R: Samuel, be a dear.
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S: yeah
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Giulia: WHAT SHE DESERVE Nat : Sex lol Zee: Amazon doesn’t deliver here, YET Giulia: SHE QUEEN Nat : I'M QUEEN Nat : Yes you are
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Giulia: SO AWKWARD Nat : I'm also Queen Giulia: STOP THAT U TWO, I CNNOT
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Nat : What am I picking up of you two
Kat: Auntie Rowena
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Nat : She' the mom Giulia: THANK YOU MOM ROWEENA
R: Making Napoleon so short was just bitchy. Telling Mick Jagger he had no future when I dumped him.
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Kat: I love her infinitely Nat : Ah Giulia: ROWENA IS MY MOM
Nat : There he is
Zee: HE BE HUNGRY Giulia: i don t even remember this mich universe Kat: Wow Giulia: I don’t know much Giulia: Sure u don t Zee: Now I’m hungry Nat : Ok but I'm hungry Kat: He hungry Kat: Me too Giulia: WHAT HE DOING ON THAT PIZZA WTF *Eye twitching in italian* Nat : Maybe pepper Zee: Family sucks Kat: He’s been in hell, give him a break Nat : I hope it's peppers Nat : My god. Donatello is mood Giulia: IT S TIME Kat: For what Giulia: KITCHEN TALK
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Zee: That’s adorable Kat: That’s adorable Giulia: but first Eileen talks Giulia: Awe Stop it you two Zee: The way he says “thing” Fuck him
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Zee: She’s hot Giulia: SHE GETS IT Kat: My heart Giulia: OF COURSE SHE DOES. I COULD GET IT TOO
editing Giuls: ..... what she said Kat: Stop it
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Nat : You could do worse Giulia: AH so much better Zee: Brothers Giulia: STOP MY HEART Kat: 😭😭😭 Giulia: awe shucks Next time then Kat: I miss brother talks Zee: Yeah Kat: Ugh Zee: Oh no Giulia: AH HER AGAIN Nat : Ugh ee: Not her again Giulia: She’s snazzy tho, I kinda like her Zee: The ikea yellow again Giulia: Not her wardrobe tho. The berret can stay Nat : It's so weird. Michael was so fucking powerful when he possessed Dean and now he lets himself being commanded around Giulia: Well I guess being in the same body with that wuss does things to you Kat: Different Michael personalities I guess
*Lilith gets roasted* Nat : Ah Giulia: There. U happy? Zee: You were saying Giulia: Wow Giulia: Ok Giulia: Bye lillith Giulia: And again Nat : I miss the suits tho Giulia: Guess he’s just depressed Nat : They could have dressed up Adam Giulia: The peaky blinders feel Nat : Snorts Donnie Giulia: NOW IT S TIME Kat: Donnie is a mood again
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Giulia: ME Nat : Ah pour me some bourbon too Zee: I need burbon Giulia: not yet Zee: I wanna live in the bunker Giulia: Castiel bb Kat: Unpleasant lol
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ME :
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Giulia: Why i love when cas haS these scenes tho Nat : Your father is not who you knew. Kat: You love Cas? Giulia: * Will Smith pose * a babe Zee: He should stop with that face Giulia: I know Giulia: THAT TINY MICHEAL Zee: You called me assbutt and set me on fire
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Editing Giuls: .....I’M-
Zee: I didn’t come to beg Giulia: Oh I didn t come to beg Kat: I didn’t come to beg Giulia: BITCH I GREW Zee: You grew ?
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Nat : Dean always holds the cuffs , they know Giulia: I can already see all the fics Zee: I’m gonna read Nat : Sames Kat: Right? He doesn’t need to run it in
M: Sam. You look well. Last time I saw you in the Cage... S: Yeah, it doesn't matter.
Sammy has no time for your bullshit Michael.
M: You're asking me to trust you -- you, who doomed me, you, who let Lucifer walk free while your own brother sat in hell.
Giulia: Lol micheal telling how it is Kat: Sames Giulia: SNORT Giulia: OH awkward Nat : I was right when I said Michael is in Adam and not the inside kinda way Zee: What Zee: The Zee: Fuck Nat : Michael lets you talk? lol Giulia: Dean and his Micheal ptsd Kat: 😭
Giulia: YEAH HOW ABOUT A SORRY Zee: He’s so hurt Giulia: well ....wow ok good acting Zee: Paradise is boring Kat: He really is a daddy’s boy Giulia: He looks a bit loony too Zee: A million years in hell do that to a person Giulia: Those books irk me Nat : Adam tries to talk sense into Michael Nat : I'm here for it Giulia: Mid eternity crisis Zee: Mid eternity crisis Giulia: Me Kat: Of course Nat : Parents keep secrets. Do we? Giulia: Ok but i love the different acting. He’s real good Zee: He is Giulia: U ALL DO Giulia: STOP EILEEN Nat : Eileen you stay put Kat: EILEEN NO Nat : She's gonna get killed Zee: Is that a trap ? Nat : I think it's a trap Nat : could be Giulia: AWE CUTE Nat : ah no Giulia: NOW IT S GONNA BE TIME SOON Kat: WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT
C: You know, Michael, I never really liked you. Even when I was just another angel, I thought you were too haughty, too...To paraphrase a friend, you had an entire oak tree shoved up your ass.
Nat : snorts Giulia: ENTIRE OAK TREE SHOVED UP YOUR ASS Zee: Shoved up your ass Nat : that would hurt
C: I'm looking at you, and I...I just pity you.  Because you were never God's favorite. You were just a little part of his story, a tiny part of his story.  You weren't even a star. You weren't even a star. At least Lucifer knew that God can't be trusted. But I guess he was always the smart one.
Nat : Cas, you should have seen that coming Nat : What he said Giulia: NICE CAS Zee: Jack Zee: He’s gonna pop Giulia: I DIDN T NEED THAT AGAIN Nat : so many dirty things in my head
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Giulia: FINALLY Nat : Ah this scene Zee: Yes Giulia: I WAS WAITING FOR THIS
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Zee: They’re not even looking at each other
Giulia: LEAVE Giulia: GET OUT Giulia: I WANT U DED Giulia: LOL IT S FINE  IT S FIIIIIIINE Zee: We didn’t bond Giulia: IM FINE Nat : Finally Giulia: how to call people in extra Zee: God lied to me Kat: NONONONONONONONONONONO Nat : Wouldn't u do that Kat: Wait am I ahead Nat : Yes Giulia: Of course I would are you even question that Zee: Don’t like this Kat: FUCKING HELL Nat : half the house is falling apart whenever you call someone in Nat : lol Giulia: I DON T LIKE THIS Giulia: THE FUCK Nat : Ah IT WAS A TRAP Giulia: STOP Zee: Knew it Nat : UGH Kat: DAMN IT CHUCK Giulia: AW COME ON Kat: I HATE HIM Giulia: IM FEAR Giulia: thank you micheal Nat : HE WILL HELP THEM Nat : Do we trust him Giulia: NO WE DON T
M: And, to bind the spell together, the nectar from a Leviathan blossom. Giulia: WHET Nat : A what Kat: ONG NOT THE DAMN LEVIATHANS Giulia: OH Nat : Purgatory? Giulia: PURGATORY OF COURSE Zee: Fuck no Kat: PURGATORY DEAN PLEASE YES PLEASE I NEED Nat : NO Nat : DO WE TRUST HIM Giulia: OH ARE WE GETTING PURGATORY BONDING TAKE 2?
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Zee: This will rip my heart Giulia: This michael is so depressed Kat: So our Michael can just make doors out of thin air? Giulia: Apparently
D: Adam, I want you to know... we are sorry. What happened to you... You're a good man. You didn't deserve that.
Giulia: THANK YOU DEAN Nat : Michel can apparently do more than we thought Giulia: True
A: Since when do we get what we deserve?
Zee: ADAM SHUT UP Nat : No, Adam stay. I want him to stay Giulia: IM FEAR Nat : So Two guys in Purgatory will Cas want to come back tho Nat : Alright Promo Giulia: PROMO TIME Nat : Ugh I think they'll be trapped in Purgatory longer than the 12hours Kat: Oi hey Giulia: HOLD ON Zee: The fuck?
If you want to get tagged send an ask HERE or to @waywardbaby or a smoke signal, idk whatever I’m tired af.
TAGS: @wayward-angelgirl​  @destiel-honeypie​      @mariekoukie6661​      @dragontamerm​       @closetspngirl​    @rainflowermoon​     @mattiecat​       @bunnybaby121115​  @aliaitee2​    @jacks-word-of-the-day​     @4evamc​       @dammitsammy​     @legendary-destiel​   @winchesterprincessbride​    @destielhoneybee​​      @ravenhg​ @evvvissticante​ @emoryhemsworth​​ @markofdean79​​
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theravennest · 5 years
Ketch vs Rowena
I’m not a huge fan of Ketch, honestly.
No offense to the actor but I personally think he should’ve stayed dead at the end of S12. Mary shooting him in the face was a perfect ending for his character after he violated and tortured her mind and body, forced her to murder other people including her comrades and friends, and forcing her to almost murder her own children.
I also have never gotten over him murdering that sweet traumatized girl Magda in that truck stop bathroom. Plus all the other hunters he murdered like Eileen. Watching Eileen get rag-dolled by a hellhound while Ketch watched was so disrespectful. Like, omfg. I know the show writers have a short memory but I don’t.
But whatever...this show can’t let villains just fucking die, I guess. I can’t complain too much cuz Rowena was a villain sent on a redemption path and I adore her journey. She’s now my second favorite character after Sam.
I guess that’s why I can’t get behind Ketch. His redemption journey feels really hollow and un-earned. He literally just showed back up and was suddenly expecting everyone to forget all the shit he did. We saw zero self-reflection and improvement. He just suddenly was an ally to the Winchesters for no fucking reason like he got a personality transplant.
While we haven’t seen as much as I would want, we have seen a significant amount of Rowena’s journey. We have watched Rowena struggle and sometimes fail, sometimes succeed at bettering herself. We have watched her actively seek amends and redemption. We have been with her as she has painstakingly earned the trust of Sam, Dean, and Cas.
Ketch rolled in like, “My bad about all the murders and the torture but new me, so y’all can’t be mad...”
Sidenote: Not to get off topic but the fact that Dean has been more decent to Ketch so far this season than to Castiel is garbage. Ketch...the man who literally tortured, brainwashed, and violated his mother on an intimate level. Yet Dean’s being a piece of shit to Castiel for allegedly playing a minuscule part in his mother’s eventual death cuz he didn’t tell the boys the tiniest bit of info that would’ve done jack shit in the long run lbr??? After Dean literally held a gun to Castiel’s son’s head and was getting ready to shoot him point blank in the face like 3 days ago and Cass found it in him not to smite this SOB immediately?!?! That is some real trash.
Anyway, so Ketch and Rowena. :/
I wish it wasn’t happening at all but whatever. The writers don’t like quality. Fine.
Given the givens, we know that Rowena likes to fool around with powerful people or with dupes she can use, preferably if they’re both at the same time.
I’ll be surprised if it comes back up at all but even if it does, I don’t see it going anywhere long-term. All of Rowena’s love interests in the show so far have been for comedy. (Gabriel, the Crowley splatter boyfriend, etc.)
We’ll know they’re setting her up for something real when it becomes serious.
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runtosleepdreamer · 7 years
Supernatural Survey 😊
Got tagged by @cas-watches-over-you - dude thanks so much for tagging me this was pretty darn fun and awesome!! 😘 1. What season did you start watching Supernatural? 
I actually have no idea… I don’t even remember the proper story anymore cuz despite it not being several years it was still quite a few years ago when I was still in.. middle school perhaps? That my school mates were talking about it and I asked my elder sibling who showed me random episodes, going by the least violent ones so I wouldn’t get nightmares.. so yeah I have no idea what season I first saw or what season was out exactly when I began watching random episodes. I only stared watching properly since last year 2. Who was the first character you fell in love with? 
Sam… he’s such a goddamn puppy that it’s hard not to like him!!! 3. Who was a character that you hated at first but grew to love?: 
Omg so many. I remember making a post about how the writers kill iff characters that were initially annoying but right as they started growing on us - bam. Dead
But ok maybe the first example was Bela… she actually was of course starting to grow o me by the time she died.. but the character that comes most immediately to mind because of how strongly I hated them… was Rowena. God she had been simply infuriating - I hated her so much for manipulating Crowley and threatening whatever good relationship he had with the Winchesters, that I wished she would die… but then come season 11 I fell absolutely I love with the woman 4. Which character would you most want to be in a long-term relationship with? 
Eep I have no fucking idea… fuck idk.. mm I never during my daydreams imagine myself with my fictional characters but if I had to choose… ugh maybe. Ok Dean is loyal and Sam is a puppy but idk it feels weird coming in between them… Cass is pretty amazing but… ugh fuck it maybe oh ok why not.. Charlie? Yeah. Charlie for sure, she’s amazing, pretty damn amazing with technology, I sure as hell wouldn’t mind her teaching me how to hack or everything about Star Trek or whatnot, seeing as I’ve never watched them (le gasp, the outrage! I know I know) Or hell maybe even Sam cuz he’s pretty soft and everything (but also great in bed obviously) idk I can’t imagine myself with Dean cuz he would be more awesome with someone who can actually take care of themselves for real you know? Whereas Sam has always paired nicely with women in a domestic life - though they did end up dying… gah idk 🤷‍♀️ 5. If you could go on a date with just one character, which one would you choose?:
Dean. Easily Dean there, cuz even if it’s one date, I’m sure he’ll make it worth it, sexy or not because he’s a damn attentive guy.. 6. What would you do on that date? 
A first date or like after a few? Cuz if it’s after a few I wouldn’t mind a nature hike cuz goddamn do I love those… but for a first Idk I’d feel too self conscious. Maybe a good movie… maybe the beach… some cuddles and some good food and talking quietly to each other in the night under the moon and stars with a soft breeze 😊 7. Which character would you most want to be like?: 
Hm. Any strong female roles out there? Yeah that seriously narrows it down but real talk.. I’m torn between Charlie and Rowena.. ugh maybe Charlie. She’s pretty amazing and nice and fun… though I honest to god can’t imagine myself ever LARPing… 8. Which character would you most want to see brought back from the dead?: 
Right now, Castiel. But since (SPOILERS duh) we already know he’s coming back… Crowley!!!! 9. Which character would you most like to punch?: 
Oh that’s a long list there buddy. Uh. Lucifer? Yeah. As of the season 12 finale.. definitely Lucifer. 10. Who is your absolute favorite character?: 
Dean 😁😍😘 11. Which “Big Bad” do you think was the worst?: 
uh torn between Amara and Metatron. God I kinda hated season 11 because of her, it was a bit of a drag to get through but god Metatron was so. Damn. Annoying. 12. Which character are you most like?: 
Oh god I have no idea, they’re all way too amazing people for me to compare with them. Uhhh maybe… eep Idk Lisa? 😕 idk I’m not even sure if I’m brave much tbh but if not her then.. idk maybe Chuck before the end of season 5? 😐 idk 13. What death hit you the hardest? 
Honestly because I kinda already knew about everyone who was going to die until season 12, because like I had to catch up with the show and that meant big watching 11 seasons before the 12th came out. So that means 11 seasons f knowing who already dies for the most part… but I guess.. ok Charlie, idr if I knew she died but it hurt me a lot because I hated the fact that she died, and even more so what it did to the boys. And then every time Dean died, mainly seasons 3 and 9’s finale, and goddamn how broken up Sam got about it at those times… fuck those killed me but I guess they were more of the heart wrenching scenes then death specifically that hurt me. 
But of course. Cass. Cuz I had obviously. So. Not. Seen. It. Coming. I barely managed I avoid screaming and after… it took me a couple of hours to even remotely get to mouth shut 14. What season finale hit you the hardest?: 
Season 9 and 12, reasons stated above^^^ especially 12 cuz hiatus!!!!! 15. What are your ten all-time favorite episodes?: 
well fuck me cuz now I gotta most likely look up the names of the episodes
First one easily is season 9 episode 13 the purge (thanks google) because of how it ended. Ok Ima stop there cause season 9 was an emotional turmoil that I’d rank as love cuz of the angst. But the case itself was pretty neat. 
Uh god I can only remember specific scenes. Ok uh
“A very supernatural Christmas”(?) “Plucky Pennywhistle’s Magical Menagerie” “Hell House” “Ghost Facers” “Fanfiction” “Jus in Bello” “Bad day at Black Rock” is that ten yet.. “Alex Annie Alexis Ann” idek I just really love some scenes specially “Free to be you and me” and of course “Changing Channels” god this was so damn hard 16. What’s been your favorite season?: 
9!!! Aaaangst! 17. Who is your favorite angel? 
Cass easily 18. Who is your favorite demon? Crowley :) 19. Who’s your favorite evil character? 
Favorite? Then Ima go with Crowley again 20. Do you have any Supernatural ships?: 
Mm this blog I try to keep ship free but if you wanna check out my side blog for the answers, I’ll be happy to message you on this one ;) 21. Who’s your favorite supporting actor?: 
Can’t remember any right now but they’re all amazing… oh how about Garth!!! God he’s such a sweetheart - and still alive! But oh Jody is amazing too…! 22. What’s your favorite quote from the show?:
“I’m proud of us” it’s the main one at the top of my head but there are so many other brilliant ones. I have a tendency to lean towards the emotional ones made to each other (Dean, Sam, Cass) such as above from Dean to Sam, his ending speech in season 8’s finale “There ain’t no me if there ain’t no you!” 😭😪 and Cass’s - what he thought was his - dying speech to Sam and Dean mostly as well as Mary to an extent in 12x12 23. If you could cast one famous actor in an episode of SPN, who would you choose? 
Katie McGrath? She was - and is - my woman crush 😉 lol she’d be an awesome witch or hell even huntress or screw it even another Bela 🤷‍♀️ 24. If you could write your own episode, what kind of creatures would you like to see included?: 
Unicorns. Interacting with Dean. Idk.. uh honestly what have we not seen? Cuz I wouldn’t mind just another case that stumps the boys because it’s an almost unheard f monster, those are fun and new 🤷‍♀️ but maybe… omg some version of the Loch Ness monster. Idk it’d be interesting to see to have to deal with that.. or maybe what was it.. tree nymph and… what are the creatures who reside in the water called? 25. Who’s your favorite girl that Dean’s hooked up with?: 
Omg um… ok that girl that he sorta shacked up with when he was a demon in season 10..? …Yeah probably her So I checked and her name is Anne Marie!… 26. Who’s your favorite girl that Sam’s hooked up with?: 
Eileen - she was a huntress, so could take of herself, and Dean as just an absolutely amazingly (supportive) teasing elder bro about it 27. What are some of your favorite convention moments?: 
Omg I don’t think I’ve seen enough to decide but… I think whenever J2M comfort each other. Those are just so soft and sweet and give us an insight to their friendship that just 🤤😍 28. If you were going to guest star (or be a recurring guest star) on SPN, how would you want your character to be described?: 
Well fuck me I’d love to be a badass huntress cuz it’s something I’m obviously not IRL… or maybe someone who isn’t aware of the Supernatural world until the boys come along and then I prove really useful for heir research because of something and then somehow I get dragged into the world and I’m actually pretty good? Yeah, there’s a pattern there isn’t it 29. What do you hope to see in the next season?: 
Apart from Castiel and Rowena and Crowley alive? Idk Jack not being the next big bad, hopefully a break from big bads for the boys and after they get Cass and Mary back and hopefully just leave Lucifer to rot in the alternate universe, just go on some cases and take some time to cool down you know? 30. - 40. If you had to choose… Bobby or John?: 
Bobby!!!!! I mean hell yeah I would seriously love to see how the boys would react if John came back, but that would probably ensure that a lot of drama and fights would be quick to ensue as well, so yeah. Bobby Bela or Ruby? 
Well ok I liked the first Ruby because as Katie Cassidy went, we didn’t know for sure Ruby was not to be trusted. But overall Ruby was pure evil.. and I actually felt bad when Bela died while I didn’t for Ruby - felt relieved when Ruby died actually -so yeah. Bela Jess or Madison?: 
erm… Madison, maybe? Jo or Lisa?: 
Jo… I actually shipped her with Dean more than I ever will with Lisa, truth be told Charlie or Kevin? 
Ergh both but.. Charlie first? Balthazar or Ash?: 
oooh they were both good.. but.. maybe Ash? Cas or Crowley? 
Ooh Cass but ugh Crowley is definitely a close second! Ben or Claire? 
Claire Jody or Donna? 
Jody :) Sam or Dean?: 
Mm Dean first, but of course Sam next immediately I'ma tag: @deanwinbean @thewincestfeels @atmaandauraofdean @doctor–idiot @deanandcastrash @all-i-need-is-destiel And y'all don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, it’s totally cool 🙂
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