#librarians sarina
queenofglassbeliever · 4 months
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overcome by romantic feelings; smitten
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samnotsammy12 · 6 months
kill me that’s adorable HER REACTION
noooo Jake don’t cut yourself off from relationships HE’S SO DEAN WINCHESTER CODED
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So I love this show, and I love Jacob, but didn't anyone over there get the memo that it's kind of... creepy... to follow a woman into the woods and spy on her if she told you she's going to her cabin to take a nap? Like, in a not-cute way?
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hamelott · 6 years
Love your writing! If you're open to requests right now, I was wondering if you could write some jazekiel where Ezekiel is jealous of Sarina because she's a conspiracy theorist and Jake likes her romantically? If you're into that sorta thing, I don't know, just a thought
ok wow this feels really weird, but I’m back! there are a variety of reasons why I haven’t been around very much, but I’ll basically just sum it up as Life. 
anyways, if you’re still around anon, here it is! I hope you all enjoy!
It started with a knock.
Jake and Ezekiel glanced up, confused, asa short flurry of three knocks resounded throughout the Library.
Ezekiel glanced at Jake with a frown. “Youthink Flynn forgot his keys?”
With a small smirk and a roll of his eyes,Jake said, “Yeah, probably. Let’s go check I guess.”
“But our game!” Ezekiel all but whined,flailing a disappointed hand at the TV screen in front of them. On the screen,a man in a triceratops onesie was paused mid-jump out of a bus that flew aroundthe sky; also, did Ezekiel mention that he loved video games?
Jake gave him another eyeroll. “C’mon,Jones, it’ll just be real quick. Let’s go.”
With a huff, Ezekiel slowly got to hisfeet and dragged himself out of the room like a petulant five-year-old. Hecould hear Jake holding back a little bit of laughter behind him and couldn’thelp but smirk to himself. Making Jake laugh always felt like a bit of an accomplishmenteven when they were alone. And it was a lot more rewarding than a roll of hiseyes or a “Shut up, Jones.”
They finally managed to reach the frontdoors of the Library…well, Annex…well area that was still connected to the Library,resembled the Annex, and was still connected to Portland…that…area.
Ezekiel had to stand up on his tippy toesto peek out of the peephole and nearly reared back in surprise at what he saw.
Instead of a moping Flynn, Ezekiel found animpatient-looking woman. She had her arms crossed tightly over her chest. In onhand she held a leather-bound notebook and in the other she held a pen. Ezekielcouldn’t see past her waist, but he was pretty sure one of her feet would betapping in wait.
“What is it?” Jake asked. He forcefully (butwithout causing any bodily harm) grabbed Ezekiel by the shoulders and pushed himaway, leaning forward to look out as well. Ezekiel raised his hand and started nervouslychewing at his thumb.
“Recognize her?” he eventually asked when Jakedidn’t step back.
Jake slowly shook his head. “Can’t say I do.You?”
“Nope,” Ezekiel said.
“This could be bad,” Jake said, but hestill had yet to pull away from the peephole.
“She could be dangerous,” Ezekielreasoned.
“She could be a goddess that Flynn pissedoff,” Jake said rationally.
“She could be one of Jenkins’s long, lostlovers,” Ezekiel said, biting down a smile at the thought.
“We should open the door,” Jake saidsuddenly.
“Wait, what-?!” Ezekiel protested, but itwas already too late. Jake opened the door, and Ezekiel’s stomach sunk when he caughtthe charming cowboy-grin on his face.
“Howdy. How can we help you?” Jake said,trying to act all nonchalant as he leant against the doorframe. Acting like hewasn’t some weirdo who apparently lived under a bridge with his smaller Asianfriend. Ezekiel rolled his eyes.
The woman’s eyes were wide, and she wasstanding on her toes, trying to peek past Jake into the Library. “Oh, uh, I didn’tactually expect anyone to answer.”
“We have weekly poker nights down here,”Jake said, shooting a not-so-subtle wink at Ezekiel.
Ezekiel, again, rolled his eyes andmouthed, Nice one.
The woman frowned. “That’s weird. You’reaware that’s weird, right? And also suspicious.”
“We like livin’ life the way we want it,”Jake said with a shrug.
“Well, then can I play a round?” the womanasked, clearly trying to call his bluff.
“Nah, sorry,” Ezekiel piped up. “Membersonly.”
“How do you get membership?” the woman interrogated.Ezekiel’s fists clenched at his side; what did this woman want?
“You can’t, sorry,” Ezekiel said. He frownedat her. “Are you some kind of reporter or something?”
The woman glanced down to where she stillheld her notebook and pen. “Or something. And that ‘something’ makes me thinkthat you two are lying to me. I have it under good authority that this bridgehouses a magical portal into a pocket dimension.”
Jake and Ezekiel shared a wide-eye glancewith each other.
“Just so you know, your silence onlyproves that I’m correct,” the woman said, crossing her arms over her chest. “It’sclear that you two aren’t going to let me in, so I’m going to leave. But I’llbe back tomorrow, make no doubts about that.”
With that she turned on her heel andmarched away from the entrance to the Library.
“Wait!” Jake called after her. “What’syour name?”
The girl glanced over her shoulder, and Ezekielnoticed the slight little smile playing at her lips. “Sarina.”
Jake slowly closed the door. He glanced atEzekiel. “That was weird.”
Ezekiel shrugged. “Not harmful though. Let’sget back to our game.”
“Yeah, sure, Jones,” Jake said. Ezekieltried to ignore the small smile on his face, and the intrigued glances he kept shootingback at the door as they made their way into the Library.
She kept her word and showed up the nextday. And the next and the next and the next. Jake greeted her every time with asmile and an arm blocking her from coming inside. Ezekiel had stopped going withhim a while ago.
Somehow, Jake had managed to keep it fromEve. Cassandra, however, was a whole other story.
“What do they even do out there?”Cassandra asked with a small frown.
Ezekiel, head slumped on the table, muttered,“Who knows? He probably just flirts with her until she goes home.
“Wow, Ezekiel, you don’t sound bitter atall,” Cassandra said with a teasing lilt to her voice.
“I’m not bitter,” Ezekiel weaklyprotested.
“Mm-hm,” Cassandra hummed. She was sortingthrough some books; Ezekiel had started by helping her but eventually his work dwindledinto the sad position in which he was now laying. “Sure you’re not.”
“What are you trying to say, Cass?” Ezekielasked, glancing up at her with an eyebrow raised.
“Oh, nothing,” Cassandra said with a smallshake of her head.
“Good,” Ezekiel mumbled.
“Except that you’re extremely jealous ofthis Sarina girl,” Cassandra added, hiding a laugh behind her hand.
“Am not!” Ezekiel practically shouted, snappinghis head up off the table. Despite his claim, he could feel his cheeks burning.
Cassandra nodded. “Oh, you’re right, mybad. Clearly you’re not jealous.”
“Yeah, right…exactly,” Ezekiel saidtartly, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Just keep telling yourself that, sweetie,”Cassandra said with a cheeky grin. She gathered up her books and walked away,leaving Ezekiel to think about what she had said.
“What does she even want?” Ezekiel askedone afternoon. Jake was sitting at his desk while Ezekiel was just being ageneral nuisance, messing with Jake’s desk things and, apparently, asking questionsabout Sarina.
“Who?” Jake asked, slowly looking up fromhis laptop. He had bags under his eyes, and Ezekiel knew it was because thisspecific paper had been giving him a hard time.
Ezekiel shrugged, taking apart one of Jake’spens. “Your reporter girlfriend.”
Jake frowned and slowly shook his head. “Sarina?Okay, first off, she’s not a reporter anymore. She’s a conspiracy theoristwhose life was basically ruined because of us.”
“It was?” Ezekiel asked.
Jake shrugged. “Well, I mean, yeah. Whatnewspaper or news station is going to listen to some lady blabbering on about howthere’s a magical place called the Library that protects the universe frommagic? Honestly, she doesn’t even ask about us anymore. She knows I’m nevergonna tell her anything.”
“You don’t tell her the truth?” Ezekielasked, a little surprised.
Jake snorted. “Of course not, man.”
Ezekiel went quiet as Jake went back to hiscomputer. He’d just put the pen back together when Jake added, “And, secondly,she’s not my type.”
“Oh,” Ezekiel murmured with a small rollof his eyes, “then what is the greatJacob Stone’s type if not beautiful women?”
Jake just shrugged. “Annoying thieves whocan’t keep their damn hands to themselves.”
He had a smile on his face as he stood up andswiped his pen back from Ezekiel. Through a yawn, he said, “I’m gonna go get apizza. You in?”
“Uh, sure!” Ezekiel squeaked, a flush onhis face.
Jake laughed a big, deep kind of laugh asEzekiel followed him, and Ezekiel couldn’t help the wide, dopey grin that madehis cheeks kind of ache.
(Later Cassie would rub it in his facethat he was totally jealous.
And, okay, maybe he was kind of jealous.)
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jacobstone · 6 years
So I watched last nights episode just now... and I'll get past my dislike of unnecessary rushed romance once again but like ugh
So here's some highlights (in no particular order):
-Jenkins being sick was hilarious, poor thing is experiencing life to its foulest
-Jacob was a deer in headlights when he saw Sarina (which I think I could like the ship given time and unrushed plot)
-Cassandra pranking Ezekiel was hilarious, until it wasn't. (Even I know drugging him was too far)
-this weird grumpy hate Ezekiel has for camp? What happened to you, Jones?
-it's ok Cassandra. Ezekiel just has camp ptsd or something. Go prank Jacob.
-Ezekiel and Cassandra's 'talent show'
-I'm pretty sure that if you want someone to speak for you, you don't put them in immense pain with a splinter as you whisper them into disorientation!
-Eve and Jacob talking about Flynn
-also did Jacob get that splinter out of his hand? And can he still communicate with the trees every now and then?
-those vines grabbing him like oops gotta go the trees need me
-the dosa guy like "why don't you tell us what you know" all trying to be nonchalant
-Rockwell brags about Baird (its canon)
-Jacob literally falling in love (how can you make that adorable?)
-Eve is like channeling the romantic love she had for Flynn into sisterly love for Stone (like dang somebody is getting her love!)
-Ezekiel taught Jacob how to pick locks, and fast too. I wonder how long that took him?
-well according to Cassandra we now know Jacob knows 64 dialects (holy cow man)
-all those people in the trees...were they taken because the trees thought they could help? And what now for the ones who obviously had been there for a looooong time?
-Jacob looking like grandma willow in Pocahontas
-Sarina wrote about a secret magical society and didn't expect to get fired? Like bro, even I know if you want to keep your job you talk about stuff like that on the internet where people don't know you.
-he showed her the Library? You've known her for a day, Jacob! Stop falling head over heels for women you don't know that well! SHES A REPORTER BRO maybe she might keep your secret maybe she won't I mean YOU BARELY KNOW HER (well at least no one would believe her or dosa would shut it down if she did write about it)
-yeah they could've not had Sarina in that episode and made it more about the lits bonding and realizing that the one librarian thing is crap but oh my bad im projecting my feelings again don't mind me
-Jacob Stone: art historian, cowboy, lover of poems, hopeless romantic, speaker for the trees.
-also I never want to go to camp again because the head guy just covered up those disappearances and what's to say he won't do it again?
Okay that's all I got for now. Thoughts? Got something you like? Something you didn't like? Theories?
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flynnscarnation · 6 years
New fan video! I got inspired by Christian Kane’s music
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Okay but let’s be honest
one thing that was spot on about the Jake/Sarina thing was how Jake immediately trusted her and even trusted her enough to show her the library
I mean think back to season 1
He immediately had a bond with Cassie and he immediately trusted her because he saw her as a kindred spirit with her being new to the library as well and knowing about it in the first place.
and then cassie betrayed his trust and it took years for her to regain it
so maybe he didn’t learn from two of the mistakes he likes to make
for someone who had to be so secretive all his life he is very, very trusting maybe a bit too much or at least to soon
and how it was written in one of the novels, he gets his head turned round by pretty girls.
so sarina is pretty and she seemed to like similar stuff and she knew about dosa and the library
that all together and the fact that he is a total sweetheart who wouldn’t want her to feel crazy lead to him showing her the library
so now I just hope she won’t write about the library and break this trust. Because I don’t know how well he could handle that.
but seriously pal you can’t just trust a girl because she’s pretty and you have the hots for her.
however he also talked how he always hoped to fall in love.
I think maybe this attributed also a lot to it. I mean he saw her, he really really liked what he saw, but he didn’t know her. (I mena they talke dlike 5 times in total?) but he was so in love with the idea of being in love that maybe he projected it onto her in a “i finally found someone i’m so ready for this” but it wasn’t really about her as a person. I think he simply loved the idea of her  being that someone.
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Seeing things.
The first time Zach sees a ghost is on the school bus during a school field trip. A girl sits beside him and calls herself, Melody. She was beautiful with long flowing black hair and violet eyes, She wore a uniform even though their school didn't have any. He'd actually never seen her before and simply presumed she was a new student.
Their conversation was about what games and things they liked. A game of eye-spy to pass the time.
A teacher paused in the aisle as Zach attentively replied to the ghost, a smile on his lips. "I spy with my little eye...Something red and square."    
"Zach? Who are you speaking with?" The teacher asked, Zach, staring at her as if she had two heads, pursing his lips. "Melody." He replied after a moment with confusion in his eyes.
The teacher tilted her head a little before writing something down and continuing her check-in of the kids. Dismissing it as a lonely child's imaginary friend. ---
The second time was when he realized what he was seeing. A group of friends dragging him into the 'haunted' house in the upper-class neighborhood.  Four stories, Victorian and uninhabited... It was in possession of the Constantine clan but had been forgotten about. Rotting away.
The teens were simply scared by one another's imagination but Zach was scared of what he saw, people standing in the halls that nobody else seemed to see... Was it a prank?  What was going on..?  He played along with the games with skepticism in his heart, Bloody mary, truth or dare, etc. It was the token 'goth' girl of the group who brought along the ouija board. Selena.
Nothing happened until Zach's fingers touched the glass, it turning red hot and blasting back and forth around the board; the other kids backing away as Zach listened; a voice echoing in the room and soon te single voice turned into a choir as he covered his ears; unable to drown it out as the spirits all responded at once. The glass glowing purple as a woman appeared above the board in a violet smoke; She was white... Not simply in her skin tone but everything from her hair and skin, lips. Her eyes were violet and she wore a black dress. Her fingers twisting and the glass shattering. The voices ceasing and time-freezing as the glass shattered; the small shards lingering in the air. "I was wondering what caused that spike - Are you insane? A psychic using an ouija board is - like a drug addict using a new drug! Ugh..." She landed on her feet, glancing at the other children who were frozen in fear and time as if it wasn't something she expected before turning her attention back to him.
"Are you...okay?" She asked softly as she looked down at him and he slowly nodded, taking in another deep breath as he stared at her. "Who are you..? W-where did you come from?"
"Sarina, I'm a witch... Uhm. It's probably better if you don't know where I came from." She coughed, smiling faintly. "I felt the surge of energy and followed it...Think of it like an electrical outlet. You turned on the switch and I followed the wires back here... Be glad it was me and not something worse..."
"...You said something about a psychic?"  He asked, nervously chewing on his nail as she nodded a little.  "A powerful one too. You called every ghost in this house to wake up... You can see them, correct? Some of them are thinner than others and some of them look as real as you and I. Right?"  
She smiled as he nodded. "Thinner and more unstable means they're closer to either fading away or in some cases, regenerating. The stable ones are usually younger... Though they remain for the same reasons. They haven't been able to have their souls move on... As silly as it is. The movies are usually pretty accurate in claiming they have 'unfinished business'  as that's pretty much it." She pursed her lips before seeming to have and idea, snapping her fingers and a notebook appearing in front of her, writing down some information before tearing off the page, handing it to him. "Think of this as a golden ticket. Give it to the librarian at the address and she'll be able to help you learn how to hone this gift. At least enough to help you control it. Plus she has all the good books on these matters..."
Sarina glanced at the room and smirked, holding out her hands as she tightened her fists, energy surrounding her before leaving her suddenly, a purple tinge coating the room as a recorder appeared at his side, and a projector appeared behind some books, projecting more spirits and a few objects floating by strings that were ever so fine.  "Just play it off as the best prank ever... It makes it easier for mortals to comprehend what happened... I've got another date~ I'll check in on you sometime, ghost boy." She waved, vanishing as quickly as she appeared and slowly everything started moving again. Zach hesitated before doing as she suggested; his friends would probably all think he was insane except for Selene and even then the prank seemed to freak her out a little bit.     ---
" Uhm. I met a woman with white hair who said you'd be able to help me?" Zach felt like a crazy person again as he stared at the woman on the other side of the desk with pink hair and teal eyes that judged him quietly behind her glasses.  Her fingers taking the notebook paper and reading the note Sarina had left and her judgment turning to curiosity. "Psychic..?" The man slightly behind her and the desk with red hair and violet eyes glanced up. "Huh. Haven't had many of those in the last few centuries."   The woman pursed her lips as she stood, debating. "Not that I don't trust Sarina but I'd like to prove you are what she thinks you are..." She spoke aloud softly, debating how to 'prove' he was a psychic.
Zach's eyes glancing to her side as he placed his hands in his pockets, speaking softly. " The man beside you told me your name isn't Intella but Samantha...If that helps at all." He meekly mentioned, Intella's shoulders stiffening for a moment and letting out a sigh. "Come on."  
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Hey LITs! It’s that time of the year again! Since 2018 is our third year, this time I ran a survey for a few months about everyone’s ships, to help make sure the Shipathon calendar is as unbiased and true to the fandom’s current shipping preferences as possible! 
The first time I posted this schedule, I got a lot of new feedback, so I took it down and revised it with the help of @imagination-parade (who also helps me out a lot with this blog and should get a shout out!)
NOTE: Due to the large number of characters and new ships, to be as inclusive as possible I suggested an extra week to celebrate just the rarepairs - and everyone who replied to the survey loved the idea! And remember that in the middle of the Shipathon, there are now TWO WHOLE WEEKS set aside for one-episode love interests!
WEEK 0: JUNE 24TH- 29TH: RAREPAIR WEEK [some popular rarepairs I suggest]:
Emily Davenport x Nicole Noone
Charlene x Jenkins
Cynthia Rockwell x Eve 
Ezekiel x Frankenstein’s Monster
And whatever else you can think of!
For those of you who are unfamiliar with the rules of The Librarians Shipathon, it go as follows:
- The Librarians Shipathon is a fandom-wide celebration of the show, the characters, and especially the relationships between them! This year it will last from JUNE 24TH-SEPTEMBER 30TH.
- Each week has a relationship assigned to it, and you post things for that ship at any time during that week. DON”T BE INTIMIDATED BY THE LENGTH OF THE CALENDAR! You don’t have to do every week! (But pretty please, for the love of the gods, try to do more than one? As a personal favor to me, @jedijenkins?)
- You can make any kind of content you wish for that relationship, as long as it’s celebrating relationships and not bashing them! You can celebrate them platonically or romantically or otherwise!
- The weeks are a GUIDELINE, don’t feel stressed if you post stuff late! Better late than never, this is a celebration of the fandom as much as it is of the show.
- Even if you can’t make content, please like, reblog and comment on the content of others!
- And MOST IMPORTANTLY: ALWAYS TAG YOUR WORK WITH #LIBRARIANSSHIPATHON! You can post cross-platform, as i’ll be tracking the tag on every website relevant. If you post cross-platform, please remember to share posts between platforms!
*This is the official blog of the Shipathon. Please direct all questions here, and feel free to send your shipathon posts directly to us so we can reblog them here!
I also suggest tagging your work with #SaveTheLibrarians!
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the-book-queen · 2 years
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Hide your wallets, it’s that time again! #TBQsBookDeals
Your Saturday thread of #romancedeals is ready, FREE to $1.99. Happy shopping! 📚❤
    FREE ✦ To Seduce a Rogue by Tracy Sumner
Enemies to lovers. Set in 1850s South Carolina. She wants to rebuild her late father's newspaper and become its editor. Problem is the hero was already given the place.
Historical Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3xtFxer 
$0.99 ✦ From Now Until Forever by Alexa Rivers
Best friend's brother. After another failed relationship, she wants some no strings attached fun. He's a total playboy so it should work…oops nvm.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/37TVijP 
$0.99 ✦ Cougar Creek Mates by Felicity Heaton
4 books with fated mates and cougar shifters (looks like most of the heroines are human, but one is also a cougar).
Paranormal Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3JRmyNb 
$0.99 ✦ Stumbling Into Him by Molly O'Hare
Clumsy librarian + veterinarian.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3jKFTW2 
$1.99 ✦ Boyfriend by Sarina Bowen
1st POV. College. Hockey player offers up his service as a "rent a boyfriend" for the holiday, since he also needs a fake date.
Contemporary Romance (MF) | https://amzn.to/3ru2cnb 
 Putting these lists together takes time. If you appreciate this content, please consider buying me a Ko-Fi. http://ko-fi.com/danielletbq 
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excaliburfeels · 6 years
I just I don’t know how to explain my feelings it was a very needed episode on the team building side....it made sense that Eve was falling apart and was focusing on keeping the team together did you see her face when the librarians began arguing over who should be the one librarian? she looked fucking panicked everything about Eve in this episode was perfect that scene with her and Jake just yes
it’s just that I was so ready to be happy with Jake and Sarina I love the one episode romances (Cassie & Estrella, Ezekiel & Cindy, Jake & Mabel all of them) but this episode failed in comparison to the others idk (it doesn’t help they cut the kiss scene so the conversation at the end didn’t feel right) I feel like their romance just didn’t fit in with the theme of the episode Jake went off with Sarina anytime he wasn’t with Eve (all his scenes with Eve were everything tho ok) the three librarians didn’t have scenes together to actually work on their issues 
but then again this whole episode might have been a way too show that the team is falling apart the fact that Jake went off on his own might have been a part of this and everything with Cassie and Ezekiel which is just....yeah
Cassandra was adorable being excited about camp but the prank thing just went so awry (it didn’t help that Ezekiel was very focused on the mission and doesn’t like camps to begin with) but ok Cassie drugging him was just way too much it really upset me and Ezekiel 
we know next episode is Cassandra centric and I feel like Ezekiel’s words are going to affect her and she is going to go experience the real world and “normal” life that promo picture of her leaving out the back door comes to mind (I’m not sure if it’s from the next ep or not but I feel like it is)
idk if this made sense but yeah this episode was so weird and my feelings are hard to nail down 
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queenofglassbeliever · 4 months
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The Librarians (rare pair)
Jacob Stone x Sarina Bhonsle
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samnotsammy12 · 6 months
Once again, Jake has the Dean Winchester-style Love Interest of the Week
But he does have actual chemistry with Sarina just like he did with Mabel so that’s a plus
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bookgeekgrrl · 7 years
Sunday reading recap (2-Apr-2017)
And another one down. At least I had a great start to the week -- brunch with a friend and then seeing John Scalzi with another (and also delicious Chinese buffet!) I read these and then wrapped up the week with some Drarry fanfic.
Hard Hitter (A Brooklyn Bruisers novel, Sarina Bowen) - liked this one, het romance between hockey player and team masseur. He had to woo her a little, it was cute. 
One Good Earl Deserves a Lover (Rules of Scoundrels Series, Book 2, Sarah MacLean) - I decided to stick with the het romance and this book...this book FRUSTRATED THE HELL OUT OF ME. I liked the premise of the series, and I really, really liked the female MC. But this book should have been at least a third shorter. And the dude...WHAT. AN. IDIOT. Like, I don’t mind the trope of the guy who thinks he’s not good enough but only for so long - he’s gotta get over it and get on with the HEA. Especially after she’s ultra bad-ass and saves him by running a Victorian Ocean’s Eleven heist! Not draw it out for at least 4 separate instances of him flat-out refusing her and trying to pretend he doesn’t care and all that nonsense. And frankly, after that second attempt, she should have just given up on his sorry ass. By the end I was frustrated af and also angry with myself for finishing. UGH.
Joy (States of Love series, CS Poe) - so then I went with an author I knew would make me delightedly happy and I was NOT LET DOWN. This is a cute, sweet, sexy novella about big city/small town boys and while they have their conflict, they talk it out fairly quickly and YAY! Happy Ending! 
Offbeat Crimes series (Angel Martinez) - I read the first one of this back in November - I love that the paranormal slant has just a touch of the absurd to it. I cannot wait for more in this series.
Lime Gelatin & Other Monsters (#1) - Kyle wants to hate his new partner Vikash, but it’s the exact opposite. Plus there’s a giant alligator snapping turtle eating people. And an animated leather jacket committing petty crimes.
The Pill Bugs of Time (#2) - This one is from Vikash’s POV, and examines his inability to fully show Kyle how important he is. Also, pill bugs that make you time travel. Leather Jacket is now an official consultant & lives at the station.
Skim Blood and Savage Verse (#3) - I really like that so far each book focuses on the POV of a different squad member. This one is from Carrington, the skim blood vampire. It involves cursed books that hurl words like punches and a hot, nerdy, rare book librarian named Erasmus. LJ gets a special friend, Ms Hunter Green Pea Coat. 
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GOODBYE PARADISE by Sarina Bowen Cover Reveal
Most people called it a cult. But for twenty years, Josh and Caleb called it home. 
In Paradise, there is no television. No fast food. Just long hours of farm work and prayer on a dusty Wyoming ranch, and nights in a crowded bunkhouse. The boys of the Compound are kept far from the sinners’ world. 
But Joshua doesn’t need temptation to sin. His whole life, he’s wanted his best friend, Caleb. By day they work side by side. Only when Josh closes his eyes at night can they be together the way he craves. 
It can never be. And his survival depends on keeping his terrible desires secret.
Caleb has always protected Josh against the worst of the bullying at the Compound. But he has secrets of his own, and a plan to get away — until it all backfires. 
Josh finds himself homeless in a world that doesn’t want him. Can Caleb find him in time? And will they find a place of safety, where he can admit to Josh how he really feels? 
Warning: Contains a hot male/male romance, copious instances of taking the Lord's name in vain, and love against the kitchen counter. This book was previously released under the title: In Front of God & Everyone.
Questions & Answers:
Q. How can readers be sure they didn’t read these books before?
A. The previous edition of Goodbye Paradise was titled In Front of God & Everyone. I had to change the title because the religious overtones of the old title led a few readers to believe that this was a religious book. (Spoiler: it’s not!) To prevent confusion, I've made the book’s description almost identical to the old one. The setting is rather unique, and I doubt that many readers will forget they've read an LGBTQ romance that begins in a cult...
Q. This plot reminds me of Zach’s upbringing in Keepsake. Did Josh & Caleb leave the same cult as Zach?
A. Yes! Same setting, different characters, different story. Zach didn’t trust that he was lovable. Caleb and Josh, on the other hand, are afraid to admit their love. Same origin, different journeys.
Q. Will these books be up for pre-order?
A. Yes—in early to mid March.
Q. And what about Goodreads?
A. The book will be listed at Goodreads. But it’s entirely possible that the fervent Goodreads librarians will lump the new title in with the old one. Or not? Authors can’t really control much of what happens on that platform. But we shall persevere!
Q. What else is in your pipeline?
A. On May 2, Pipe Dreams (Brooklyn Bruisers #3) will publish! You can always stay up to date with new releases and publicity contacts at www.sarinabowen.com//publication-schedule/
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Fangirl Moments and My Two Cents
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0 notes
jacobstone · 6 years
Petition to rewrite last night's episode to be about the team bonding at camp instead of the unnecessary romance. I mean, the plot wouldn't really change. You could replace Sarina's part with Eve and there could've been some serious sibling comfort there. We all saw Eve when she found Jacob in the tree. There could've been a lot more depth to that scene if the episode was focused on Eve and Jacob bonding. Plus the Ezekiel and Cassandra thing cause we only got brief scenes about that. And the one librarian thing and the Flynn thing.
I just feel like there was potential here. So any fanfic writers on hand who feel the same?
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