#let's play is an awesome series! :D
seraphinitegames · 7 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles - Update 03/Nov/2023
A different and exciting update this week!!
So, a little while ago, I had this idea pop into my head, and I just couldn’t let it go. It built and built until it formed into a full-fledged plan in my head and then on paper. But I didn’t really do much about it because time-constraints, etc.
But with Book Four being quite intense in different ways, the idea I was imagining was much more…fluffy, hehe! Not that Book Four doesn’t have some awesome fun, downtime moments, but this other thought was more of that.
Then one day I mentioned it to Nai, and she absolutely loved it, so then it started to become even more of a plan with her excitement fueling it!
And this week, I began making a real start on it…
I don’t really want to promise anything quite yet—as you can probably guess considering the theme of this project that it’s a bit of a tight schedule if I want to get it out on time—and I would hate to disappoint anyone, but I really am slamming through it already and am ahead of the very strict schedule I have for it!
If it comes together as smoothly as hoped, then it’ll be available for purchase via itch.io for Windows, PC, as we haven’t managed to find anyone who could port it for us yet, but hopefully that might still happen! It’ll also be avaliable for $5+ patrons on Patreon as a free download on Windows, PC!
Next week I will be squeezing in social media days before hammering back through this again!
I realise I’m being super vague about this, but I will be sharing much more as the weeks go on, and it begins coming more to life, but I can give a small hint…
Waiting at The Square, on a Very Chilly Evening.
Christmas in Wayhaven.
It's sparkling, frosted, and magical…quite literally.
Which means the spirit of the season takes on a whole new perspective when you know magic is actually real.
Prepare for something light, fluffy, cosy, and full of festive fun with those Unit Bravo romances… ;D
(This ‘novella/side-story’-type game won’t be considered canon or anything, so you don’t need to play it to enjoy the main series if it’s not something you’re interested in. It’s more just a nice moment between the books to simply indulge much more in the actual romance-side of things, hehe!)
I hope you all have the most amazing weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update again next Friday with more hints about what’s to come…hehehe! ;D
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ki-yomii · 2 months
helloo! could you recommend your favorite jungkook and yoongi fics? thank you and have a lovely day ♡
hey there~ 💛
... tbh i haven’t read too many fics for my boys lately 🙈
i've been trying to work through the books sitting on my shelf collecting dust + i got sucked back into fallout now that the show is out lol.
but i do have some all-time favorites!!
please mind the warnings/tags - you're responsible for your own reading consumption. that said, all of these fics are 🔞
i hope you have a great day nonnie and if you have any recs send them my way 🥰!
the crimson shell series by @angelicyoongie
mermaid aus are my lifeblood istg. and this is one of the best one's i've ever read!! it's dark, it's creepy, it's foreboding - and tantalizing. everything i love about mermaid/siren aus crammed into one series.
you had always found comfort in being at the beach, often spending hours just watching the waves lap against the shore. but unbeknowst to you – something had been watching you back.
make you mine two-shot by @colormepurplex2
i'm a sucker for abo, and as such, have read a looot of it over the years. its a genre that's very easy to descend into wtf-how-are-they-still-alive-after-THAT territory but this fic does it very well in a way i haven't seen too often. i loved the world-building and set up.
Alphas might rule the world, but Jungkook finds himself being ruled by the need to make you his. Omegas are rare, precious, and pliant. At least, most are. When you present late, well into your twenties, you're already set in your headstrong ways; a challenge even for a commanding alpha like Jungkook. Add to that the centuries-long feud between your families and the last thing anyone expected was for him to claim you as his soulmate.
a sea of indigo series by @foxymoxynoona this was the first BTS fic i ever read... and is a big reason as to why i got into the fandom in the first place. i had no clue who they were before then. i'd heard of them + listened to agust d without knowing it was yoongi 💀 but this fic made me check out BTS RUN and now here we are 🤪
Pitbull Hybrid Jungkook has finally been freed from the fighting rings, and now finds himself at Marigold Sanctuary & Transition Estate, a place for healing and self-discovery for rescued hybrids. It's stupid, dumb, cheesy, and hell-bent on helping Jungkook "heal" and "find himself" and "decide the course of his life." And right at the center of it is Y/N, a nurse who's got everyone bamboozled that she's like some awesome person. She's not that great. Jungkook hates it here.
witch oneshot by @sailoryooons
this is easily one of my top 3 yoongi fics. the world building, the tension, the relationship between yoongi and reader. it ticks all my boxes and vividly paints a picture of this universe. i adore the concept, and love the way this fic is brought to life through sailoryooons storytelling.
For years, you and Yoongi have played cat and mouse. It’s his duty to rid the world of witches, but he always finds a new excuse to let you slip through his fingers. When you find yourself at his mercy, you wonder if the great witch hunter will finally end your game of chase, or if there’s something that will stay his hand. 
desolate series by @angelicyoongie
one of the first hybrid fics i've read for bts 😭 i love my lil meow meow and the set-up for this fic is amazing. it takes a fresh direction with the hybrid trope and builds a relationship that feels organic and progresses very naturally💛
you just wanted a cute little normal cat to keep you company. so you're not really sure how you ended up with the grumpiest hybrid on earth that seems hellbent on making your life difficult.
ps. i woof you oneshot by @gimmesumsuga
this one is just so so cute and asjhdjsghfjs!! i adored remi and thought about having yoongi and holly as neighbors for days after reading this lol.
The one with a happy accident of the furry, four-legged kind - “Are you calling my dog a slut?!” 
first and last and always oneshot by @floralseokjin
i'm not one for holiday fics/aus usually but there's something about this one that i absolutely adored. it felt very realistic and drew me into the relationship within the first few paragraphs. the angst is so well done and heartfelt, it made me cry lol.
You and Yoongi broke up two months ago. It was mutual, you’re positive, but there’s one teeny tiny issue... You never told your parents, and now they’ve invited you back home for Christmas. Both of you. You can’t say no, but you also can’t bear to go alone, so you do the only thing you can think of, plead with Yoongi to come with you and pretend like everything’s okay...
go send these authors some love!!
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balioc · 4 months
Is this a concept-formulation that's already kicking around out there somewhere? It might well be. It feels like the sort of thing that someone would already have developed. But it's new to me, at least, so I'll muddle around with it as best as I can.
On one end of the spectrum, you've got the musical hook. A hook is maybe two seconds of music, if that. And when you hear it, if it's good, you get a concentrated spike of -- oh, yeah, that's the shit right there, this exact experience in this exact moment is fucking awesome. And then, as soon as it's come, it's gone. All you can do is wait for it to come back later in the track, or rewind a few seconds, or maybe just replay that tiny little scrap of music in your head.
The pleasure of a good hook is incredibly condensed. It doesn't even really extend into the rest of the song, let alone into the rest of your life. To experience it, you have to be listening to those exact few bars (if only in your mind). It has no penumbra, no shades-of-experience that color other aspects of your existence. On the other hand, well...when you're listening to those exact few bars, you know it, and it's great. If it's a good enough hook, you kinda just want to listen to it over and over again, like you're popping Pringles or something.
All the way on the other end of the spectrum, you've got something like a traditional-style TTRPG campaign.
Even when it's being run masterfully, a game like D&D has a very low proportion of that's the shit right there moments, and a very high proportion of tedious yak-shaving stuff. Every so often you get your critical success in a high-stakes moment, every so often you get your awesome monologue or your big-drama scene or whatever...but for every moment like that, there's a hundred moments or more of the other stuff. The commonplace D&D play experience is famous for its vast amounts of OOC joking-around, which is not how things look when people are deeply engaged with the art on a moment-by-moment basis. And, of course, not every campaign is run masterfully. Sometimes boredom, or eye-rolling, is what you get in almost every moment.
And yet people love their D&D campaigns, like really incredibly a lot, and are deeply affected by them, and not-uncommonly have their whole lives changed by them.
The correct model here, I think, is that the pleasure generated by that kind of TTRPG experience is super diffuse. It's almost all penumbra. The awesomeness doesn't inhere in any one moment, or even any one scene or any one story arc. It inheres in the broad strokes of the campaign, in the ongoing knowledge that YOU ARE YOUR COOL CHARACTER and you go on a million cool adventures, in the mythos and the running jokes that add up invisibly over time into magic. And it pervades the entirety of your existence. You can think about it when you're lying in your bed, you can chat about it with your friends over lunch, and the awesomeness is just as much there as it is when you're actually playing. Maybe more so.
Once you start looking at art through this variable-diffusion-of-appreciation lens, you can see many different points on the spectrum.
It's obvious that a short story is more concentrated than a novel, which is more concentrated than a series; it's obvious that a movie is more concentrated than a TV show. But it's not just the choice of medium that pushes in one direction or the other. It's a million different choices concerning content and style. Lushly descriptive language, in prose fiction, serves to concentrate the reader's appreciation into the moment of reading -- it forces the expenditure of extra attention for the sake of creating a beautiful mental moment, which in the vast majority of cases will be gone and forgotten almost instantly. Abstracted and philosophical language does the exact opposite, pulling the reader out of the narrative for a little bit for the sake of giving him something to roll around in his head. Suspense, and surprising plot developments, are concentration techniques that can have their full effect only during the transition from unspoiled-to-spoiled (and they serve to emphasize and heighten the moments of that transition). Archetypical, iconic plots are diffusion techniques that trade predictability-in-the-now for satisfaction-in-contemplating-the-story-later.
Sitcoms strike me as being vehicles for diffuse appreciation, to a huge extent, even more than other TV shows of comparable length etc. Much of what makes them good is just the presence of the characters and their distinctive shticks in your mindscape, in a way that builds from episode to episode without any particular grounding in specifics. When I think about a sitcom that I like, I find myself concluding that I like the show overall more than I like any single given episode. Which is weird, right? You'd expect some sort of bell-curve thing where the best episodes, or even the best individual moments, rise up above the averaged-out mass of the whole. But no.
Fannishness is, overall, a very diffuse form of appreciation. This is true in the very-obvious sense that you're enjoying the work during a time when you're not actually consuming the work, by dint of consuming/producing fanworks and talking with other fans etc. But it's also true in the somewhat-less-obvious sense that the enjoyment-of-the-thing usually ends up very unrooted in the specifics of the thing, the plot beats and characterization details and so forth. You have a big beloved vibe, with lots of bits and bobs attached, and you can take the bits and bobs you like best and rearrange them however you like best when you're engaging in fandom.
I believe it is overall true that concentrated appreciation is much more legible than diffuse appreciation. More legible to artists and art theorists, more legible to marketers and consumers. When you talk about art being good or bad or successful or unsuccessful, it's very easy to think in terms of "what is it like to consume this moment-by-moment?", and much harder to think in terms of "how does each piece of the work pervade the whole of the work, and also the general thoughtscape of the consumer?" For this reason, concentration techniques are associated with prestige, and high-prestige analysis tends to focus on a work's ability to generate concentrated appreciation.
...I also believe that different people want to be appreciating art, in the ideal case, at different levels of diffusion. There are people for whom a good artistic experience means lots of crack-hit awesome moments, and others for whom a good artistic experience means getting to live in an infinite penumbra, and others who fall at every point in between.
For reasons I may discuss later, I think this concept-suite is extremely valent to the construction of theater LARPs, and the tension between people who expect more-concentrated enjoyment and people who expect more-diffuse enjoyment is responsible for a lot of the Wars Over What's Good within that sphere.
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centaurianthropology · 8 months
Late to the party for ‘Candela Obscura’ chapter 2, but wow. WOW. This is what I was hoping for from this series. I really enjoyed Chapter 1, but it was goofy spooky, more Haunted Mansion than real visceral horror. And that was fun! That was great! Robbie Daymond was especially great at grasping what being a cosmic horror protagonist was (goofy fun right up until he drilled a hole in his head to “expand his mind”), and Laura was fantastically weird. But Matt is, at his heart, an adventure GM. He’s the GM who wants you to walk away from the table feeling empowered and awesome. And that is why he’s such a great GM for D&D, but also shoots him in the foot for being a horror GM. Because horror at the table is about disempowerment. It’s about the players all buying in to not only being screwed over by the story, but to screwing themselves over with the story. It’s a nobody-gets-out-okay mentality. It’s the bloody grin through the damage as you face down a glorious no-win scenario.
And Spenser Starke is that sort of GM. He checks in with everyone. He makes sure that the pain is still fun. But he is going to put his players through the ringer. And his players are going to put THEMSELVES through the ringer. There are still fun and goofy moments. Brennan Lee Mulligan really exemplifies that type of play: he is goofy and funny and joking right up until his voice goes flat and dead and he says something like “It had been months since I saw Marion last. All my brothers were already dead, but I didn’t know it yet.” and takes a dramatic plunge into the horrors of war. Luis Carazo is one of the best in the business at dramatic improv, and throws himself into his RP fully, not afraid to bring himself to tears at the table. Travis and Marisha are fantastic as ever. And Zerah Fazal is such a fantastic new addition to the TTRPG space. She really dives in and embodies Dr. Basar, particularly as tie after tie to her old life are cut away. And Spenser is clearly dedicated to putting them all into that headspace. Into taking all those backstory characters and cutting them down. Not wantonly, but in a necessary way to make them all deeply unsafe.
And that’s the crux of personal horror at a table: a GM who understands what will horrify and make their players safely unsafe. It’s really digging into that part of fiction that lets you explore dangerous topics in a controlled way. It’s Luis screaming “THERE’S NOTHING WRONG WITH ME!” and sobbing, and Spenser checking in to make sure he’s still good, and Luis laughing through the tears and saying “Absolutely” because this is what horror is for: it’s for this catharsis. For digging into wounds and then cauterizing them in a place where you are cared for and safe, but allowing yourself not to feel safe for a while.
This is such good horror. Because it’s psychological and personal, and everyone came to the table ready to dig into that.
Anyway, just wanted to say that I am LOVING chapter 2.
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t00thpasteface · 5 months
How do you like the mash movie?
I saw the series first, my dad is a fan and we used to watch it together, and was surprised at its more serious tone. Frank Burns also struck me as also a pathetic idiot but in such a different way and also has these evil vibes. Because of you I discovered the books, got them, and im having even more shocks!
i fucking LOVED IT. i was absolutely HOWLING the entire time. my favorite bits were:
the opening where you see the dangling arms of the bodies in the choppers??? oh my god. i was like GASP. the insane blood and gore was awesome and really drove home how petty and wacky everyone's being
hawkeye's stupid tinted glasses and bucket hat <3 sooo 70s.
mulcahy getting immediately ignored the second he's introduced. mulcahy basically acting like a frightened mouse in every scene he has. he is so sad. he's really not cut out for this
frank being introduced as an aggressive bible thumper (very funny contrast to the likeable and shy priest) so him cheating on his wife with margaret, who is also married, is even funnier
radar(!!) being the one who puts the mic under frank and margaret's bed
mulcahy hearing them bang, leaning in bc he thinks it's a radio program he enjoys, and going D: when he Realizes
suicide is painless. holy shit. did you know a 14 y/o wrote the lyrics? his dad said "i needed the lyrics to be extremely stupid, and 14 year old boys are masters of stupidity." mom just learned that and has been telling all her 50-60 y/o friends. also both versions in the movie are sung beautifully (and thus hilariously)
the unbelievable fruitiness of hawkeye and trapper at all points but especially in the golf related scenes
trapper spawning the olives out of nowhere. player.placeatme olivejar 1
bring me the sultry bitch with the fire in her eyes! (dramatic zoom)
hawkeye's entire interaction with painless just SCREAMING "chaotic bisexual who's been out the longest of anyone in the friendgroup and will forcefully yank you out of the closet the second you start questioning"
racists do not get dignified with a response. racists get shoved out of their chair
frank getting carted away in a straitjacket and never seen again
margaret hating the idea of football until the general wants it and suddenly she's a cheerleader with pigtails bc she's completely spineless. god she's so evil in this i LOVE horrible evil women. full agency at being the worst person ever <333 i support women's wrongs and i love watching chicks who are just slow-motion car crashes
"i was thinking we should have some plays, cause yknow, football teams always have plays" "actually i took the liberty of drawing about seven or eight plays for us to try ^_^" "great! ...what do these arrows mean?"
hawkeye suddenly not wanting to leave once he's actually able to 🥺
end credits being read over the loudspeaker like the other movie night announcements. so. cute.
okay sorry. good movie. i had fun and cried laughing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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awkwardtickleetoo · 7 months
Invisible Instigators
hello everyone :D we’re back with another edition of the “things that were supposed to be ficlets but aren’t anymore” series wooooooo who cheered i cheered (from this post)
this one was actually a request from the one and only @mushiewrites !!! from this ask :D so i hope you all like this as much as mushie did <33
this is also my first time ever writing HD!!! which is pretty awesome. i’ve written XD a couple times before, but never HD, and he was super fun to play around with!! so i hope everyone likes him and i did him justice
this is also the last of the “ficlets” that are actually planned out in full rn so if anyone has any requests they are still open!! but there will be probably a couple more anyway in the future
lee!georgehd, ler!dreamxd, 2.4k words
“H. Stop.” XD spoke quietly, running a hand through their hair before dropping it onto the pillow next to their head. HD felt a smile tug at the corners of his mouth and he bit his bottom lip, taking a slow breath to calm down the butterflies in his tummy before continuing to relax against the couch. XD relaxed as well, letting out a content sigh as he let his eyes slip closed once again.
The quiet environment lasted all of ten seconds, before the taller God felt another harsh poke to the side of his stomach. His breath caught in his throat, and he let out a strained exhale through his nose, managing to keep his cool once more.
“HD. Stop it,” He warned again, keeping his eyes closed but hearing HD shuffle from the other end of the couch.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” HD replied, but his voice shook with poorly concealed laughter.
“Right. Sure you don’t,” XD replied, a small smile sitting on his face, knowing exactly what would happen next.
And, sure enough, only a few moments later, their prediction came true. Another poke, right into their side, above their hip this time.
“HD,” XD said firmly, his voice booming slightly, playing it up to make his point more clear.
“W-what?” HD’s voice was still trembling, but this time it didn’t sound like laughter to XD. They could tell HD was growing more nervous with every passing moment.
“If you keep doing that, you’re going to regret it.”
“I don’t even know what you’re talking about! I’m- I��m not even doing anything!” HD defended, a few stray giggles making their way into his words, telling XD that he did, in fact, know exactly what they were talking about.
XD knew damn well that HD was trying to be sneaky with his words. Both Gods were aware of what HD was aiming for in that instance. He wanted tickles. He had never been good at asking for them, he always went about getting them in other ways, always provoking– tickling XD or 4K first in hopes of retaliation, taking their things, instigating a playful fight, anything he could think of to get the others to tickle him without having to actually ask the others to tickle him.
Technically, HD was telling the truth- he wasn’t doing anything at all. It was his invisible helper hands delivering the pokes, sent out through the power of HD’s own mind alone, making it impossible to predict them or to call HD out on his provoking.
So, he didn’t. He waited, patiently, for the next poke to come so he could truly catch HD off guard.
And sure enough, less than five minutes later, there was an invisible hand attacking their tummy, and XD knew it was the perfect opportunity to flip the switch and give HD exactly what he wanted.
Not without having a little fun himself, though.
The second he felt the hand touch him, the faux-scratching of nails on his skin, spreading in and out in a circle right in the center of his tummy, he struck. He threw himself forward, launching himself into a sitting position and then up onto his knees to loom over HD. HD jumped and screamed at the sudden movement, comprehending what was about to happen approximately three seconds too late, once XD was already grabbing his ankles and pulling him to be flat against the couch with their bottom set of arms.
“NO–” The smaller of the Gods yelled out, fighting back as well as he could, but he knew his squirming and protesting were no match for XD. They were taller than him by a little over a foot, and no matter how strong HD liked to believe he was, there was no way he could overpower them. They also had four arms, which didn’t help, and which HD thought was completely and utterly unfair. This fact was only solidified in his brain when XD clambered on top of him, settling on top of his thighs just above his knees, using their top set of arms to wrangle HD’s wrists and pin them against the couch on either side of his head, rendering him completely helpless. And they still had a completely free pair of arms to do whatever they wanted with. “XD, DON’T! X- XD, plehease, you- you don’t have to do thihis-“
“I haven’t even done anything yet, H,” XD began, a smile spreading across their face from where their mouth showed beneath their mask, revealing their sharp white teeth and subtle dimples. HD dropped his mouth open to speak, but nothing more than a small sound from the back of his throat escaped, making XD smile wider. “You don’t even know what I’m going to do.”
“I doho!” HD replied, much whinier than he expected to sound, his fingers curling up into fists and as he messed with his own fingers to expel his nervous energy.
“You do, do you?”
“How do you know, exactly?” XD asked, and HD clammed up again, long enough for XD to continue. “Maybe because you were instigating it by tickling me first?”
“WH- I was not! I didn’t even do anythihihing!” HD stood by his lie, swallowing around his nervous giggles and squirming his hips as XD tilted his head at him.
“No, you’re right, you weren’t. It was your little helper hands, wasn’t it?” They observed, not giving HD time to respond before continuing. “Your helper hands, which… weirdly enough… are nowhere to be found right now?” They pointed out, and HD’s breath hitched, his squirming increasing tenfold at the words, at being called out, at being read so easily. “Isn’t that strange, HD? I have you pinned, completely at my mercy, and your helper hands aren’t even trying to get you free. What’s that about, huh?”
“Ehehex– XD-eheheheeeee…” HD whined, squeezing his eyes shut, even behind the dark, wide-rimmed goggles he wore that covered them. He tilted his head back and to the side, hiding in the cushions as much as he could manage, the blush on his cheeks bright enough that XD thought he might be developing a fever.
“What’s wrong, tiny?” XD teased, knowing how much the nickname flustered the smaller God, how nervous and excited it made him. “Did something happen?” XD chuckled as the other let out another groan, squirming once again and turning his head to the side, closing his eyes.
“Ugh, X…” HD whined, shifting his back against the couch below him and trying– very unenthusiastically– to twist his wrists out of XD’s hold. He tried this for all of ten seconds, before his arms went limp again, essentially allowing XD to keep them pinned down. He let out a soft whimper, not knowing what XD wanted from him, taking in a breath and sighing it out, nervous giggles making their return. “Just… c’mohon.”
XD decided to be slightly merciful, ending HD’s suffering and finally moving forward, giving him what he actually wanted out of all this. They curled their bottom set of hands around HD’s sides, their fingers pressed into the back of his sides and their thumbs resting just under his ribs, swiping gently over the flowy fabric of his robes. They felt HD tense under their touch, sucking in his stomach and letting out high pitched, nervous giggles, his eyes squeezed shut. XD giggled along with him, already excited for his next move.
“You’re so cute, HD,” They mused, and suddenly dug their fingers into the backs of HD’s sides, making him arch his back with a loud squeal, and using their thumbs to scratch lightly at the front of them at the same time.
“AH– ahahaha, Ehehehex Dehehehe! Nahahaha–!” HD broke out into loud, happy laughter, his squirming kicking up involuntary as his whole body attempted to throw XD off.
“Say you’re sorry,” XD said calmly, though he spoke slightly louder than usual so HD could hear him over his own laughter.
“Ihihi– I’m sohohorryhyhy!” HD obeyed easily, having lived through this exact scenario with XD enough times to know that wasn’t what would make him stop. He would keep tickling until he could tell HD had reached his limit, or until HD specifically asked him to stop, both of which usually happened within a few moments of each other. At this point, HD would usually be pretty well behaved, happy enough that he’d gotten what he wanted, and feeling safe enough with XD to know they wouldn’t push him too far. In all honesty, XD cherished that more than anything, knowing that HD felt comfortable enough with them to let himself completely enjoy the tickling without a care in the world.
Although, the actual ‘wrecking HD until he’s bright red and teary and pleading a little bit’ kept him going just as much as the sappy thoughts did, in true honesty.
“Good,” XD praised, making HD roll his eyes through his laughter and tilt his head back into the pillow again. XD shifted their hands up, now cupped around HD’s narrow, boney ribcage, tugging his robes up ever so slightly with their movements and exposing a tiny sliver of HD’s pale stomach.
“Oh, nohoho, Ehehex Dehehee!” He watched the smaller God suck in his stomach at the touch of cool air that hit his skin, puffing his chest out and biting his lip before falling into more breathy laughter. XD giggled at his reactions, slipping his hands back down to hook his thumbs under HD’s robes entirely, pulling them the rest of the way up when he returned to his previous spot. He gently pressed his thumbs into his ribs, warning HD of his presence, making him whine and squirm as much as he could in his completely trapped position. “Noho, dohohon’t! Dohon’t, plehehease–” HD attempted to plead, but was cut off when all ten of XD’s fingers dug right into his ribs, vibrating between the bones. “NAHAHAHA– EHEHEX!”
“Say you want the tickles,” XD instructed, and HD was already shaking his head the second they finished.
“NOHOHO?” HD denied immediately, curling his hands into fists and attempting to pull at his trapped wrists, although the pulls were very weak, and XD could tell it wasn’t from lack of stamina just yet. XD smiled again, their sharp teeth and dimples making a reappearance, suddenly coming up with a new idea. He switched from drilling harshly against the bones of HD’s ribs to swirling and digging in circles with his thumbs and first two fingers, hoping to keep his laughter up but not deplete his resilience too quickly.
“Admit you want the tickles, or I’m gonna bite your tummy,” XD threatened, scrunching up their nose to flash their teeth even more when HD looked up at them with wide eyes.
“WHAHAT?! N-Nohoho! Noho, no, nononohoho!” HD continued to deny, shaking his head and squeezing his eyes shut once again. “Ahabsolutelyhyhy nohohohot! Yohou wohohon’t!”
“Alright, suit yourself,” XD said, leaning down to hover his face over HD’s wide open tummy, making the smaller God squirm wildly, attempting once again to throw XD off, with a bit more urgency this time.
“NOHO– noho, nononono– nahaha!” HD pleaded, his laughter kicking up again at the anticipation, even though nothing more was happening yet.
“I’m not hearing what I asked for,” XD moved down the tiniest bit further, enough that HD could feel their breath on his skin, letting out a squeal as he finally broke.
“OKAY, okahahay! Okahay, I wahant them! Ihihi want them, I wahahant thehem, I want thehehehem, plehehease dohohon’t do ihihit!” HD rambled, shaking his head and sucking in his tummy, squirming his hips as much as he could, genuinely trying to pull on his arms now. He knew how badly nibbles affected HD, so much so that even the threat was enough to make him lose his mind, even if the actual nibbling never happened.
He knew HD well enough to tell that the squirming was genuine, and decided he would only push a liiiiittle bit more before letting HD relax again.
“There we go, H. Good job,” They praised once more, dropping down to nibble, just twice, right below the tiny dip in the middle of his tummy, along the bottom edge. HD squealed, flinching harshly, his entire body jolting to the side as he fell into helpless laughter that continued even after XD pulled away.
“AH– nohohoho, Ehehex Dehehehe!” HD whined, and XD broke out into sympathetic laughter at how winded the other God sounded.
“Awww, HD,” XD cooed teasingly, using their bottom set of arms to pull HD’s robes back down and smooth out the fabric, while their top set let go of HD’s wrists and pulled back. They let one hand stay up to run through his hair, left one to rest flat on his tummy, and the others reached out to grab his hands and hold them gently, rubbing their thumbs along the backs of his knuckles. “You okay?”
“Mhm,” HD hummed with a nod, a sleepy smile still on his face as he closed his eyes and relaxed back into the pillows under him with a sigh.
“You liked that?”
“…mhm,” His reply was hesitant, clearly embarrassed to say so, but agreeing nonetheless.
“Good, H. I'm glad.” The room fell silent for a moment, the atmosphere calm, before HD spoke again, voice slightly raspy and words slow from sleepiness.
“Yeah, tiny?”
“Can we take a nap now?” XD’s heart fluttered at the request, and they smiled again.
“Of course we can!”
“And then you’ll let me get you back when we wake up?”
“Yeah, okay, that–“ XD paused, registering what the other was saying, his heart dropping instead now, feeling HD tighten the grip he had on their hands. “What?”
“You will. You’ll let me get you back when we wake up.”
“HD, I don’t–“
“Please?” HD asked sweetly, looking up at the other God, knowing how weak XD was to him when he acted sweet like that. XD sighed, letting himself lay down next to HD and pull him in to cuddle with, making him giggle softly and wrap himself around their torso. All four of their arms came to wrap around HD, holding him close, keeping him safe, before he finally let out his response.
“I suppose maybe I could allow that,” They agreed, and HD giggled happily once again, before they settled into the couch, into each other, and slowly drifted off to sleep.
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nnibarrel · 2 months
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So... Trine 5: A Clockwork Conspiracy. My recent obsession. Let's go! I'll try to do it without significant spoilers.
Carefull, long post under the cut!
First of All. Amadeuses Kids! They grew up! UWU. They're such cute little young fireball casters. Omg, that's almost like watching your nephews grow, they feel so much like a family...
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That game series has been with me since I was a child and as I remember Trine (part 1) was my first (real) videogame! And now when I play Trine 5 it cures my soul so much, right when I needed it. It's like... Has a Tolkien vibe for me. I mean in the sense that It's too fairy tail outside, it may look childish, but it has layers! I really like the plot, it hit me right in the heart and made me reflect. And I was struggling with dark thoughts on Future and Trine's perspective on the global world's problems made me smile and hope for the best... Really thank you, trine team, you're awesome :D Where there's people who share your concerns and put it in the work of art like that and make witty satire on it that's precious. I have returned some of my faith in humanity now. 
Well, maybe some people may not see what I saw or just won't feel such weight, cause my recent experience made me stump on it, so well I need to say that plot in general... Dramatic. I was impressed How it manages to balance at the edge of magical fairy tail and life drama (OR that's again me and my pains. Anyway...) STRONG twists and things at stake. Heroes encounter both global threat and personal challenges (all three of them, but poor wizard, he got it the most. But he's so silly old man, I'm crying) (Zoya, my girl, I love you...) (Pontius... You're just perfect, I'm proud of you, example of a real knight :D)
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Character writing is amazing, they REALLY feel alive.
For example: Amadeus marries a woman after he became a hero and throughout the whole game series he mentions that, then he mentions their kids and, like i mentioned now, now we see how they grew up! And in fifth's game due to plot he misses his triplets greatly and in the forest three heroes meet a fox with three little foxes... And Amadeus is like "oh no, I'm a terrible father" 😭
And there's a lot of cute normal or giant animals in the game series, we're helping them and then they come up and help us. Such lightsome game, I can't/// Those animals... Uwu/// (Just a little detail but I wanted to mention that...)
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What I like else about the narrative: humor :D For demonstration I just let Pontius to show himself:
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And now when I've let out my shouts...
*sights* AaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAA. Another round, Friends :D
I. Worship. Those. Artists. They are geniuses. Screenshots speak for themself, I guess.
Design, artwork and effects... No, I can't describe it in words, again, I just pray on it. So damn enchanting. I literally dream to be like those artists who work on this series. (And that's a threat) When I think of it, well, maybe THAT magic inspired me to be who I am right now...
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Magic observatory where's pictures of butterflies there and there... ARE YOU DESNAN, WIZARDS???
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And those just killed me. Episode in a dark place with the sudden rays of hope... I was just. Aaaah... So beautiful both by art and location's story.  Replica of the second screenshot: "It's rare that ghosts are on our side. Usually we and undead are not on good terms." What did I tell you? :D Tolkien vibe!
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So who got through my post till the end... Please, please get to know those game series. I didn't mention it at all above but It's also a genius of gameplay. It's a platformer with (some) fighting and (a lot of) puzzles. Also. It's thrice (:D) fun in coop.
AND. Music. Won't say much about it either but It's a genius magical masterpiece. I guarantee you: Trine soundtrack will find its way to your playlist.
P. S. Will I do fanart on trine? Maybe... Maybe... You know, I just have that strange thing: some stories are "sacred" in my brain so I can't Just sit and draw cause I'm constantly stressed out if it turns out bad or worse: not how I imagined it. Same with Tolkien books, btw. In fandom since childhood, (if you count that, if not - from adolescents and first steps to the internet) and no single drawing. (not single real drawing at least)
But! I have Nine Parchments fanart :D
Oooh. And. I have THEM in frame. Art from my friend who gifted it to me at postcrossing some time after we played Trine 4 (and then the whole game series) together! It was such a pleasant surprise!
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The end. ❤️❤️❤️
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hauntedfalcon · 9 months
Yknow, my only beef wit Spenser - and its not even really a criticism of how he GMs cuz this is a limited series so we have only so much time - is that he keeps trying to cut away from the funny/good moments! Almost immediately, without letting it breathe. I know we're pressed for time and they had to get through 2 assignments rather than one since this chapter will only be 3 episodes loud but let the table laugh Spenser, it's okay! (Sean calling Nathaniel out on not riding his family's own train). Let them respond to the larger moments (Marion screaming there's nothing wrong with him). I'm hoping with the remaining episodes having only one assignment - the guide to the game says theres 4 assignments/commissions - that things slow down jus a bit so that we dont have to jump-cut so much.
yes exactly!!! I really enjoy Spenser but he did get too clippy with the scene cuts for the sake of pacing and cinematic atmosphere.
fortunately four of the players have already gelled in Calamity and everybody wants so much to play off each other, so they went out of their way to make time for that. Brennan hit Liam O’Brien levels of “hey before we end the episode, I must do something full of Yearning™️,” and Marisha got me on the verge of tears when she set Zehra up for her last line. this table is SO GOOD. I’m optimistic that in the future Spenser will leave them a little more breathing room.
unpopular opinion actually, but the more times I watch “there’s nothing wrong with me! there’s nothing wrong with me” the more I like that Spenser pulled back from there so quickly. I feel like the narration and the bleakness let that moment soak in better. without that break, and starting to talk about mechanics, and letting Luis pop up with tears still in his eyes and go “that was AWESOME :D,” we would have ended up with something much more grave. it wouldn’t have been bad by any means because all these people think so fast and they’re so good, but I doubt it would have been “you want me to pee on it?” and I wouldn’t trade that for anything
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svtskneecaps · 3 months
listen in the grand scheme of things i'm glad i let myself get back into minecraft content for this. like i haven't touched a minecraft series since like 2014, on purpose, but i saw clips of qsmp in march 2023 and thought, screw it. maybe it's time. and i don't regret it yknow? i saw multilingual server and thought 'that looks AWESOME' and it certainly didn't disappoint. my only regret is that everything went crazy and people logged off RIGHT when everyone finally started relying on the live translations more, which was something i've been dreaming of for months lmfao. all in all, just happy to be here. this stuff gave me new reasons to use my blog.
but yeah i'm glad i allowed myself to get invested in this server. i think y'all are cool, and i think the admins did amazing with everything they were given even though they shouldn't have been given it the way they were, and the ccs were cool and i'm glad everything happened yknow. maybe things will keep happening and maybe not but yknow what. i became All Powerful. i started watching as someone who knew english and some french and now i am someone who knows english (100%), slightly more french (like 70%), a workable understanding of spanish (like 40%) and a slightly less workable understanding of portuguese (like 20%) they added german to nerf me specifically. they knew i was getting too powerful. yeah, i spent some time as a kpoppie, i have a tiny miniscule understanding of korean (5%) german i have 0 experience with they added german to nerf me and then this happened to nerf me further. make no mistake they cannot stop me. i will become all powerful.
like cmon. if it ends here it was never all bad. i don't even have to use google translate to understand roier shittalking in the chat. i can just read it. i couldn't do that before :D and i can make my chilean friend keysmash bc she's not used to me knowing any spanish at all
we've grown strong over the year, haven't we? i hope we will continue to, no matter what :D
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calebs-hangout-corner · 4 months
(Long happy/?? rant incoming. Sorry, I just saw your account and had to talk to someone about this)
Ough. I've been thinking about when I read the original The Ghost Next Door book and it honest-to-God changed my mind or something because no book I've read so far is as of high reputation in my mind as that. Maybe it was because I was younger and hadn't read as much, but I have had it in my head for like a month now to Get That Book for myself. My school library has like twenty or so of the books but not that one!! When I saw the Goosebumps collection I was like "NO WAYYYY" but then I got really disappointed when it wasn't there. I need to ask the librarian if they can get it LOL.
Anyway, I remembered it again after going through a nostalgia blog and I searched the tag. Lo and behold, there was your blog! I don't remember any of the other plots very well (from the ones I read; the bookshelf where I originally read it was TINY and barely ever had GB books), nor any of the characters aside from Hannah and Danny, but nevertheless I'm enjoying your Goosebumps art and content a lot. Btw your art style is awesome. :D
I'm now desperate to find somewhere to watch the original 90's show. I've seen it's on Google Play or whatever and Microsoft, but I need to look into that. Help is appreciated, if you know where.
But I guess my question is: what books do you recommend? I like both the standard and the choose your own adventure ones (idk if there are any others). I read/started reading The Haunted Mask, The Werewolf of Fever Swamp, Welcome to Camp Nightmare, The Ghost Next Door (duh), Let's Get Invisible, Monster Blood, The Cuckoo Clock of Doom, The Girl Who Cried Monster (I think. That's the one where the guy eats the bugs or whatever, right?), Escape From Camp Run-for-Your-Life, You Can't Scare Me, Scream of the Evil Genie and/or Be Careful What You Wish For (one of them, lol, maybe both. I think it involved a cola can?).
Any suggestions would be appreciated! Thanks for reading this long-as-hell ask and also thank you if you respond! Obviously, no pressure. Hope you have a great week and good things come your way!
P.S., you got me to start listening to the Goosebumps the Musical: Phantom of the Auditorium soundtrack and it's so good.
-👻🪐 (I hope emoji anons are okay, just in case there's a follow-up ask or something)
Hello!!! This message is very sweet and I had fun reading it, thank you! I'm sorry it took me a day to respond, I was a little busy!
I hope you're successful in finding the book. My library has the opposite problem: It has no books except Ghost Next Door (germany doesn't really sell them anymore, so they're hard to come by, even in libraries). Also, all the Goosebumps episodes you can find on YouTube somewhere! There's many reuploads of them.
As for books I'd recommend, you've already read a few of the ones I really like! But if you need more my favorites you haven't read from the series' you mentioned liking include:
- Phantom of the Auditorium (but like the book version! Very good, very fun, really emphasises the "the gang shares one braincell" part)
- Werewolf Skin
- Calling All Creeps
- Night of the Living Dummy 1 and 2, I've heard the third is good too but that one actually didn't manage to hold my attention, but maybe it will for you!
- Welcome To Dead House (This one's fun)
- Piano Lessons Can Be Murder (I just think it's neat)
- A Night In Terror Tower (Again, I just think it's neat!!), This one also has a "Give Yourself Goosebumps" sequel book "Return To Terror Tower) I recommend aswell!
- Beware, The Snowman!
As for the Give Yourself Goosebumps books I'm like "Please Don't Feed The Vampire"
Those are the books I'm fond of. It's a bit of a list, I hope you don't mind!
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triannguyen2007 · 10 months
Trian’s Universe The Series: Season 8 Episode 14 | Alexeigribanov, BonBonStarkRay and Lygiamidori’s bad opinion about Akedo, Goo Jit Zu, Max and Midnight, Nutriventures and Treasure X
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Me, Max, Parker and Din song plays piggy and BonBonStarkRay have a bad opinion about piggy.
Trian Nguyen (Me): That’s the long time I played it. Hey guys, did you guys likes piggy Roblox from minitoons
Parker: Yes.
Max: Yes.
Din Song: Yes, I really like this game.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Perfect.
BonBonStarkRay: Trian Nguyen, why are still here.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Because I have too.
BonBonStarkRay: Then why are you made hate videos out of my DeviantArt friends named Alexei and Lygia.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Well, no time explained. Let’s play the game.
In Roblox.
Many minutes later.
BonBonStarkRay: This game is very good.
Trian Nguyen: Are you serious BonBonStarkRay.
Din Song: I thought the game is very good.
BonBonStarkRay: Then cry about it?
Din Song: We are destroying you.
BonBonStarkRay: WAIT! AAAAAAAAAAA- *Crush by whomp from super Mario*
Akedo 2nd years anniversary/Alexeigribanov have bad opinion about Akedo/blasted by the garter blaster from undertale.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Hey guys, you know what days is it.
Jet: What is it.
Trian Nguyen (Me): It’s two years anniversary of Akedo.
Bria: Wow! Cubnet: Woah! For real.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Yes.
The Akedo Ninja (Parker): Wow, it is real. Ruby Gillman: I like this toy.
Mei Lee: Wow! Really
Tee Zeng: Awesome
Trian Nguyen (Me): Okay okay.
Parker: Well, I saw the video about Akedo vs Treasure X.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Alright guys, uhh….. wanna go with us Mordetwi.
Mordetwi: Uh….. I’m still busy. I don’t wanna get distracted. By the way, goodbye.
*Slammed through the door*
Trian Nguyen (Me): Oh…. Anyway guys, we are about to go target and bought Akedo and watch the TV Show.
Max: Okay, that’s begin.
Many minutes later again.
Jet: here’s come beast master chux.
Damien Ward: Ha ha! I win in serpent fury arena.
*reload a gun*
Damien Ward: Wait! *gunshot*
Werner Werman: Cheater.
Many hours later.
After Akedo TV Show.
Alexeigribanov: Uh… Akedo is very toxic.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Alexeigribanov, I’m destroying you.
*blasted by gaster blaster*
Alexeigribanov, BonBonStarkRay and Lygiamidori destroyed Akedo, Heroes of goo Jit Zu, Max and Midnight, Nutriventures and Treasure/eaten by Chomper from Plants vs zombies 1 & 2.
Alexeigribanov: Okay, as you know Akedo, Heroes of goo Jit Zu, Max and Midnight, Nutriventures and Treasure X are Toxic.
Parker: Alexeigribanov, you are such a hater.
BonBonStarkRay: Alright, all of you don’t care about our opinion, and it is time to destroyed Akedo, Heroes of goo Jit Zu, Max and Midnight, Nutriventures and Treasure X.
Max: What the heck, No! Trian Nguyen (Me): It looks like we are you back.
Chux Lee: in 3, 2, 1,
*destroyed the show*
Theo: What! Lena: 0_0
Nina: o-o
Ben: :’(
Lygiamidori: Thanks Chux Lee.
Chux Lee: D:< 😡
Trian Nguyen (Me): So you chose the death, am I right.
BonBonStarkRay: No No No No No! Trian Nguyen (Me): It’s too late.
*eaten by chomper from plants vs zombies 1 & 2*
Alexeigribanov thought about Heroes of goo Jit Zu all dislikes/get hit by Blazagon/revenge and shoot him.
Alexeigribanov: Let see everyone hates Goo Jit Zu.
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Alexeigribanov: Ugh, I thought. Everyone likes this show.
*break through the door*
Blazagon: This is the end for you.
*Blazagon punched Alexeigribanov*
Ha ha! No more haters of Akedo, Heroes of Goo Jit Zu, Max and Midnight, Nutriventures and Treasure X. 😎😏
Alexeigribanov: No it’s not.
Blazagon: Wait, what the heck.
Rest in Peace Blazagon. 😢😭
Alexeigribanov, BonBonStarkRay and Lygiamidori changed their opinion about Akedo, Heroes of Goo Jit Zu, Max and Midnight, Nutriventures and Treasure X but jinxed.
BonBonStarkRay: Okay, maybe we are wrong about Akedo, Heroes of Goo Jit Zu, Max and Midnight, Nutriventures and Treasure X and toxic. But, they are actually not.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Finally, no haters allowed.
Alexeigribanov: We are just kidding by the way.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Okay, that’s enough. Guys, let’s get rid Alexeigribanov, BonBonStarkRay and Lygiamidori for hating all of you once for all.
King Goldcrown: I will do it.
Trian Nguyen (Me): Are you sure King Goldcrown.
King Goldcrown: Yes, this is how we defeated those enemies away.
*beats up Alexeigribanov, BonBonStarkRay and Lygiamidori*
Trian Nguyen (Me): Thanks King Goldcrown.
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justagalwhowrites · 10 months
10 songs + 10 people
put your music on shuffle and list the first ten songs that come up, then tag ten other people
OMG hi everyone! I got tagged in this twice and it looked so fun so I decided to give it a goooooo. Thank you so much to @daddy-din and @penvisions for the tags! I LOVE music so I'm always excited to share what I listen to and hear what other people listen to. I don't have a like "all music" place because I pretty much exclusively listen on Spotify, so I jumped around on my most listened to playlists and pressed shuffle play and did it that way.
Trouble I'm In by Twinbed (from my playlist for writing my book series)
New York by Snow Patrol (from my playlist for writing Lavender and Beskar Doll)
When You Break by Bears Den (from my playlist for Yearling)
Lovesong by The Cure (from a playlist made by my bestie who I swear has mastered the art of making playlists as a love language - he made me one when he knew I was writing the hospital scene for Lavender [not the one this song was from] and it's top tier revenge tour shit, 100/10)
Sweater Weather by The Neighbourhood (from another playlist by the same bestie, he's top tier)
I Found - Acoustic by Amber Run (from my playlist that's like 50 hours long where I just yeet songs that I want to listen to regularly but don't know where else to put them)
Plain Sailing Weather by Frank Turner (from the same playlist as 6 because why not)
Tap Water Drinking by Lewis Del Mar (from the playlist I named Lust that I use for writing smut)
I Need My Girl by The National (from the playlist I named Love that I use for writing sappy scenes)
Bellbottoms by The John Spencer Blues Explosion (from my summertime playlist that gets put on a smart speaker when I'm grilling or playing ladder ball or just getting drunk on my deck)
Tags!: @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @ruebyretro @aurasjournal @theidiotwhowritesthings @mysticnightmarewrites @karlinspace @panda-pascal @toxicanonymity @reds-ramblings @flugazi
Also just going to say I'm officially tagging you if you want to do one of these but no one has tagged you yet. Go, be free, share your awesome taste in music! I would love to see it :D
Anything you think I should check out based on these songs? Anything you found unexpected? Anything you were like "shit I'm going to check that out" and now you have strong feelings? Anything that's just super fuckin' basic?? I'M HERE FOR IT ALLLLLL LEMME KNOW!
Love you!
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cezulian · 9 days
Envy is a funny thing bc I’ll be completely fine and normal for a long time, being genuinely happy for others and watching people my age succeed in fields I want to, but then suddenly the crew of oh lets say hypothetically a D&D actual play series I enjoy is all brought out on screen and that immediately activates me to be like “oh look a bunch of fucking people whose jobs I could have if I was lucky enough to be in Los Fucking Angeles so cool that there’s only one way to get opportunities doing something enjoyable for a living haha its so awesome that options for pursuing creative work are limited to such a degree that it literally feels biblical in the sense that the chosen few, by virtue of meeting vague esoteric standards, are able to go on to the promise land oh my god I wish I was fucking dead”
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keruworld · 10 months
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Before Geats ends I want to dedicate a few words to the best Geats character, the one that made me enjoy a year of a KR series again.
I have written before how he made me feel on edge through the series, how is not the type of character that I use to like or love. So Buffa/Michinaga Azuma was a big surprise for me. XD
I believe he best embodies the meaning of being a true kamen rider at it's core. And from all the cast, he had the most development throught the series.
From being a poor construction worker and nobody to antagonist to a hero. In every stages I felt alittle bit of kindness even in his worst acts, that small amount was enough for me to believe in him, believe that he was a good guy, that he was pushed between wall and sword, that he was bounded by circumstances. And Buffa totally delivered.
I want to believe that every kid fan of his was totally happy watching him being a hero in this last Geats arc. You know... when Michinaga said sorry to Keiwa and Keiwa said sorry to him too... my inner child was so happy, it was like: "Look! they are finally friends, there will be no more hate" X,D Because being a Buffa fan throught the series felt like being bullied by his haters: You can't like him, he's a killer, he's not a good guy, not a hero, you have made that up, he's not repent for his actions, etc, etc.Just imagine... being a kid, fan of Buffa... wanting to play with other kids... but those kids say that you can't like him, that he's evil. (hope no kid were bullied like this, because is an horrible feeling TTATT).
I believe that one of the magic that tokusatsu shows have is make you feel like a child again, so really this shows dont need to be the best in writing or effects. If it made you feel like a child again, if it left you with some values... even if execution was bad, it dont matter.
Geats was not the best KR series... writing was bad... plot points were forgot... plot holes everywhere... wasted characters (usually Yuya Takashi series X,D)... but was fun, was fun to wonder every weekend if Michinaga was good, what he wanted to do, where he will going to end, what was he thinking and ultimately was fun watching him doing good, trying to save people, saying he believes in Geats (I literally cried by that statement, truly character development at his finest). Without him I couldn't have enjoyed Geats. He was, for me, the heart of this series. Through him I enjoyed the other cast and it's story.
Buffa is the live image that: If you have kindness in your heart no matter circumstances, no matter how hard life is, you can be a good person, you can fight back destiny and win.
Thank you Buffa/Michinaga Azuma for don't let me down and deliver. Kazuto Mokudai, thank you for play him. 19yrs baby did an awesome job. TTvTT
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aribaran · 9 months
Hey, I was curious about the world building of your hockey series and why you decided to have women in the NHL and keep the enforcer role as something a lot more common than today's NHL?
the short answer is those are the stories i wanted to tell and the awesome thing about writing your own book is you can basically write whatever you want as long as a publisher is willing to buy it, haha.
the longer answer, at least for bee, is that i do think that there are women who are incredibly talented and that it could be a possibility one day and i enjoy thinking about what that would look like. when you look at players like marie philip-poulin or even nela lopušanová, both of whom are such smart and ridiculously talented women, you wonder how it would go for them in a men's league. relatively tiny guys have long careers all of the time, why not imagine a woman playing in the pro leagues? there aren't actually rules prohibiting them from playing.
i originally started writing the series with bee as the heroine of the first book, because i thought it was a really interesting story, like how would she deal with being one of the most talented people in a room at any given time, but still have to constantly bite her tongue because she was aware how precarious her position was and how the dream could be yanked away at any moment. a large part of her internal drama in her book was not wanting to be a distraction in the locker room/feeling like she couldn't have a relationship with sakari because it could jeopardize her spot on the team/etc but ultimately deciding she could have hockey AND someone who loved her too.
for various reasons, i wasn't able to finish that book (not the least of which an author friend of mine convinced me that as a debut author it would be easier to sell a series that wasn't mixed het and queer relationships and she was right :\) but i liked bee as a character too much to cut her out or rewrite her as a man. from what i can see with the reviews, she is somewhat polarizing. people seem to either really like her or completely hate her. 🤷🏻 i don't regret leaving her in though. i think she's a very fun character to write and i love her friendship with mike so much.
for bee's arc, too, the way she integrates into the team and is a huge reason for their success was also really satisfying for me to write. i like to envision a league that may still have its issues with racism and sexism and homophobia, but ultimately, has the possibility of being more inclusive and accepting. and that's something i'm ideally going to be able to explore in later books but idk how many i'll get, so!
as for the enforcers, i don't think danny or mike are really old school enforcers in the sense that they're completely useless on the ice for anything except fighting. they have contemporary analogues: for example, i see danny as more of a ryan reaves or a nicolas deslauriers type of guy. he may not have the TOI of a top four d-man (yes i know the other two are forwards but it's the general principle), but he's not a total liability when he's out there. there's more fighting in the book than there is in real life, again for drama's sake, but i'll put it this way, des had 136 PIM last season, and a good amount of those were fights. it's not as uncommon as you'd really like to think (or maybe just me being forced to watch the flyers so much...it wasn't as uncommon, rip). and let's not kid ourselves about why guys like reaves and des are both constantly in demand, even if they may not be the most talented players.
if you're interested i have a longer post on my substack about both danny and mike's character arcs and why i wrote them the way i did, including the sources i used. basically my books are romances, but i am someone who is deeply interested in hockey culture and history, so the books are love stories, but they are also avenues for me to interrogate the kind of fucked up aspects of hockey culture. for danny and mike, that was the culture of fighting, playing through pain and ignoring your mental health, the intense and crushing toxic masculinity these men are subjected to from the time they are little kids to the time they are forced to retire. i am doing this too in delay of game, but the focus is on anxiety disorders and body dysmorphia (and the kind of fucked up way that hockey people have of talking about hockey players' bodies).
hopefully that helped answer your question!
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blushft · 2 months
but yes!! admittedly, i don't know a ton about the first 6, though i do know SOME of the stuff from them. but RE7 is an awesome game and i love it dearly!!
i first got into it watching the snapcube lets play of it. one of my favorite video series to this day! and then i got a playstation recently and RE7 came free with PSN and i got to play it and it was super fun!!!
and then RE8 is ALSO awesome. i love ethan winters :D
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