#left hander's
dr-archeville · 10 months
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lefthahahander · 7 months
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I LikE don'T starvE I Like doN't StarvE I ike don't stArVe I like Don't STarvE
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kindlingw1tch · 1 year
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she WILL breach mizuki's enclosure.
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nuristanite · 3 months
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luuxxart · 11 months
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let’s go down to the tennis court and talk it out like yeah
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jeremyleerennerdotcom · 10 months
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happy international left handers' day 13th august
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juexias · 8 months
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merafera86 · 10 months
Happy Left Hander's Day to Mrs. Chloe Price! 🩵
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I just know Max celebrated the day by surprising her beautiful wife with a special little gift—like a new left-handed journal for her to continue recording their memories in. 🥰
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mountainmaven · 10 months
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Fun Day BPC Day 13: Left-Hander's Day.
Apparently Lewis Carroll was left-handed. I am not. So holding that thick book in this way with my left hand was difficult. I'm surprised the picture isn't more blurry lol. I thought my black-light poster was a good background for Wonderland. Though I really should get a black light to enjoy the benefits of the poster lol.
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hectic-hector · 2 years
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August 13th is International Left-Handers Day!
Credit to @unskilled-dabbler​ for inspiring this picture
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lefthahahander · 7 months
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I LoVe yoU MY little emo BoY fAns ~~~~~
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ciccerone · 11 months
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Power by kozzzy
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floridaboiler · 10 months
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ringos-sexynose · 2 years
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Happy International Left Handers Day ✌🏻
Paul and I are both lefties…so please celebrate us 🫶🏻
The nice thing about me being left-handed, probably the best thing, was that when you get two guys on a mic, if they’re right handed, they’d bang each other with a guitars, they’re both of fighting for that space. Where’s with me and George as it was often it would be like that. I would be this was and he would be that. It was very convenient. So you would just both move in on a mic, you can get in easy on the mic. So that always used to be the thing. -Paul McCartney
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themancorialist · 2 years
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St Peter’s Square, Manchester.
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bluerose5 · 1 year
The Center of it All
Anders thought it was a bad idea from the start.
When Grand Enchanter Fiona asked Garrett Hawke to serve as her agent, to speak at the Divine's Conclave on her behalf, Anders had a sinking feeling about it all. At first, Anders had begged him not to go. He pleaded with him to reject the offer, to let someone else go in her stead, but he had let Garrett convince him that all would be well. That he would be safe.
Garrett didn't necessarily want to go, but he felt obligated to.
If there was even a chance to make a change, to persuade others to stand with them and defend their cause, should he not take it?
Anders had no response to that.
He watched Garrett make the trip from the village of Haven to the Temple of Sacred Ashes, remaining behind in Haven, where he was careful to blend in amongst the crowds.
Varric met up with him on the outskirts of the village, right as it happened.
"Blondie, there you are," Varric said, relieved. "Long time, no see." He glanced around, then frowned. "Hawke already left?"
For a split second, Anders heard the beginnings of whispers, low in his ear. Distant hisses with no real meaning.
Before he could form a greeting, his head snapped in the direction of the Temple, eyes narrowed.
"Did you hear that?" he asked, to which Varric furrowed his brow, his head cocked to the side.
Anders could sense the taint nearby, barely close enough to detect.
"Hear wha—"
The explosion was deafening.
Wind whipped past them at blinding speeds, knocking them off their feet. As Anders hit the ground, he struggled for breath, winded, staring up in horror as the sky split open before them.
His ears rang, an endless torment.
Grasping at the right side of his head, he winced.
Once he gathered enough strength, he sat up.
Only for his heart to turn to ice.
At the center of it all, there laid the Temple of Sacred Ashes, completely destroyed in the blast.
Oh, the irony was not lost on him.
Was this to be Anders' punishment then? Was this some sort of sick, twisted joke? Was this the Maker's doing, sacrificing one of His most sacred temples to exact his vengeance upon those that rebel against Him and His precious flock?
Anders couldn't find it in himself to care. To the Void with that. To the Void with the Maker Himself, if that be the case.
His heart shattered to pieces, leaving an empty chasm in its wake.
"G–Garrett!" Anders gasped.
His ribs ached, but he ignored it, surging to his feet in a futile attempt to lunge forward.
His head spun, and his knees buckled. He didn't make it far before he collapsed into the snow.
Curling in on himself, he released a pained cry.
"Maker, no!" Tears streamed down his cheeks, hot compared to the icy winds slicing through pale skin. "You cannot have him!"
How easily Justice took over, what with the Veil all but torn to shreds.
Gritting their teeth, they got to their feet with renewed strength, turning to help Varric stand.
Varric gaped up at the hole in the sky.
When he spoke, his whisper was frightened, cautious.
He didn't want to face the truth anymore than Justice did.
"Blondie, where is Hawke?" When they didn't reply, staring up at the decimated temple instead, Varric followed their gaze and swore. "Shit, shit, shit..."
"We must go find him," they stated.
"What? You think he actually survived that?" Varric asked.
Needless to say, he was skeptical.
"If anyone could survive such a catastrophe, it would be Garrett," Justice answered, certain of their claim. Gathering their staff, they set out with Varric at their heel. "We will not rest until we know for sure."
"Uh-huh, and you had nothing to do with this?"
Justice stopped to turn on their heel, glaring down at him, enraged by the accusation. Varric threw his hands up in surrender.
"Just asking," he muttered. "Wouldn't be the first time, after all."
"This act served no purpose but to cause more chaos for the foreseeable future," Justice snapped, "and we would not have taken such a risk with Garrett so close."
"Well, that's reassuring."
"Come. Let us make haste," Justice ordered, lengthening their stride. "We are wasting precious time."
Varric grunted as he rushed to keep up.
"What if we encounter resistance?" he asked.
"For their sake," Justice told him, "they would be wise to stay clear of our path."
And for once, Varric agreed with them.
When it came to Hawke, they would stop at nothing to keep him safe.
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