idiotsticcc · 3 years
My take on DGM ship wedding songs
Laven (Lavi x Allen): Love in an Open Door from the Frozen movie.
Yullen (Kanda x Allen): Stuck With You by Aurelio Voltaire
Lavyuu (Lavi x Kanda): Cover This Song (Little Bit Mine) by Will Wood
Allena (Allen x Lenalee): Can’t Help but Falling in Love With You by Elvis Presley
Rollen (Road x Allen): Little Girls by Oingo Boingo
Rolena (Road x Lenalee): Sofia by Clario
Crollen (Cross x Allen): All The Small Things by Blink-182
Yulma (Kanda x Alma): Love Me Like There’s No Tomorrow by Freddie Mercury
Nema (Nea x Mana) Sweet Home Alabama by Lynrd Skynrd
Poker Pair (Tyki x Allen): The British Are Coming by Weezer (Not Allen’s choice. Tyki forced it as a joke)
Croma (Cross x Mana): What’s My Age Again by Blink-182
Neallen (Nea x Allen): Lower Your Expectations by Bo Burnham
Lavlena (Lavi x Lenalee): Love is an Open Door from the Frozen movie
Kroanda (Krory x Miranda): Love Is by Bo Burnham
Bakui (Bak x Komui): Longview by Green Day
Reemui (Reever x Komui): My Name is Jonas by Weezer
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succsyd · 4 years
Thank you for being part of my 2019, lavyuu!
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yuniph · 5 years
My moodboster in my life..
Sehat terus ya my baby O.. Kiat berjuang sama-sama beberapa bulan kedepan udh gasabar pen temu kabay.. Lavyuu my baby O.. ❤❤❤😇😍
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penikmatproses-blog · 5 years
Hai kamu
Sejijik itukah denganku?
Sebenci itukah denganku?
Hanya karena aku memisahkan dengan orang yang sama sekali tidak sayang sama kamu
Maaf ya sayang
Maaf banget
Aku ga ada baiknya selama ini ternyata
Maaf banget sayang yaa
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Selamat malam
Met bobo ya sayang
Pake banget bebh
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rhaeni · 7 years
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#saturdayevening Ditinggal wisuda duluan~ I'm faaain 😎 . I dunno what must I say to captured how praaaaaaud I am. Pharmacology. Kedengarannya aja hard. Soo hard. Males banget gitu ucek-ucek obat karna emang ane gapernah mau bestprend-an ama yg namanya m-e-d-i-c-i-n-e. Pernah ditawarin nyoba with alih-alih, "kimia aja tuh~", "ayoook dah kita barengan~", etc. Maybe, no. Hmmm, no. There is always be NO in every word I said easily. . And there you are~ I'm proudly present (Right) Tyas Puspita Sari S.Farm (Left) Indri Verrananda Madani S.Farm Congraduation for both of you guys. Im exited and very happy too 😍😍 . Go go, buat profesi apoteker satu tahun kedepannya.. Be the best actors in your life board. No matter what, you have to be great. Keep on your faith my duos pharmacist. Lavyuu 😘😘😘 . . . . © redmoon On July 8th, 2017 #suka_iseng #wisudaunmul2017 #pharmacology #pharmacist #photography #rhaevelling #instamood #instamoment #instalove #instamate #instadaily
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miminadminlove-blog · 7 years
sambungan (my best friend) (harusnya ini tadi judulnya dikasi part, mimin kelupaan)
trus aku bilang sama si bling kalo frozen ini bingung nyari kosan, aku mengusulkan ke si bling gimana kalo dia kos aja sama frozen ntar aku tengokin sebisa mungkin plus tetep temenin dehh hari2mu wkwk. akhirnya si bling ini mau, daann taraa aku bilang sama frozen tentang hasilnya.
nahh dari sini ini kita mulai deket, malahan sehabis lulus SMK kita kerja bareng sekantor (frozen ngajakin aku, duuhh baik banget.. lavyuu pokoknya :*). Kedekatan kita ini nggak main2, dia nyurhat tentang doinya ke aku, dia juga banyak lahh cerita macem2, sama mamanya juga aku kenal baik, mereka yg menolongku di perantauan (mimin pernah merantau 6 bln yaaa). Btw ngomongin perantauan jadi inget banget kisah kasih aku :D..
Pernah nih ya, kita ngabisin pergantian tahun 2014-2015 (pertama kalinya bagi diriku diluar kota).. Trus besoknya dia anter aku yg mau balik ke negara asalku, waktu itu aku mau naik bis karna dijalan ketemu bis yg mulai berangkat trus dia ngejarin (ngejarnya pake sepeda yaa) dan jalanan waktu itu muacet banget,, di tengah2 kemacetan itu dia bilang “cepet2 muduno, ndang mlayuo)”, aku yg pertama kali tau macet sebegitu parahnya pasti takut lah mau lompat dijalanan.. trus dia bilang lagi “ahh mimiinn ketinggalan maneh (sambil rada emosi) :D” bathinnku (sorry frozenn aku takut, habis ini harus berani) langsung dehh pas udah deket sama tu bis berani gk berani aku turun aja langsung lompat ke bis and say thank you to frozen :D. Dalam bis aku mikir duhh ini pertama kalinya frozen ngebentak aku hiks hiks,, jangan sampe deh keulang lagi. (dipikir2 konyol juga ditengah kemacetan kota besar turun dari sepeda lompat ke bis wkwk)
Dannn kedekatan yg dimulai dari hal2 yg tidak disangka2 itupun berlanjut sampe sekarang, dia yg jd ladang curhatku (bkn ladang ganja yee :D), dia yg suka ngasi masukan2 tentang apapun pokoknya, dia juga sering curhat ke aku tentang apa aja deh, dia gadis hebat dari desa yg sekarang sedang mencari jati dirinya dikota besar.. semangat terus frozenku, sukses buat kuliahnya, sukses buat karirnya. Semoga Alloh selalu melindungimu, selalu menjaga setiap langkahmu, dan senantiasa memberikan nikmat sehat lahir dan bathin untukmu..(Maaphkeun miminmu ini yg cuma janji2 doang mau tengokin km :* hiks hiks)
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candy-crackpot · 7 years
flower-illusion replied to your post: My one massive problem with LaviYuu is that it has...
Any lavyuu shipper feels your pain. Also I think it’s more easy to write pwp instead of a actually nice plot?? because give that there is not much interaction between them, plus lavi disappearance makes it hard    
Hmmm, IDK if I can write PWP, I like it when characters are emotionally attached to each other. But maybe Kanda’s change of heart could be explored? I mean, he’s a changed man, it’s visible the way how he treats Johnny; who knows, maybe with him changing that would show more of how their dynamics work.
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itsaiching-blog · 7 years
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MAD ❤ Lavyuu Girls 😚😘
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Voici un nouvel OS, enjoy!
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dimarunongmagdecidee · 10 years
I'll just relax my self and listen to Ed Sheeran's music all day~
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aeroyuki · 11 years
LaviYuu Prompts
This is taken from 4th round of DGM Kinkmeme @ LiveJournal and it's still going (kinda), so if you want to check it out, please do so! :3 (They're badly in need of new members to keep the thread active).
I've just collected all the LaviYuu prompts (or open kanda/lavi prompts) so you guys can participate and keep the LaviYuu tag alive (come on guys, let's do this).
LaviYuu Exclusive
1) (AU) On a road trip with other people. Sex in a tent.
2) (AU) Kanda is Sqweegel (If you haven't watched the CSI episode or read Level 26) and Lavi is his latest victim, but he just can't bring himself to kill him (You can choose a reason) and so they end up having pretty hot sex. Detailed description of Kanda's full body latex suit being stripped would also be nice Also, keep Kanda's hair.
3) Dominance fight, Lavi wins, rough sex.
4) Kanda blindfolded, sensory overload (Lavi tops).
5) Lavi has a thing for Kanda's long hair (shower sex if you will).
6) Lavi/Kanda and pole dancing but using oodzuchi kodzuchi as the pole (pretty sure you could wedge the hammer between the floor and ceiling O.o) I want both of them to do some sort of dance besides that anything else goes. Bonus points if they are in character.
7) Kanda likes to go straight to the point, doing it fast. Lavi doesn't agree and wants to take things slow (for once?). Kanda unwilling to change his ways and trying to convince Lavi.
8) Lavi striptease. Slow, torturously so. (For Kanda, preferably) (Extra points if Joe Cocker is involved in any way.)
9) How Kanda and Lavi met the first time. And where it eventually led years later. (Anon will love you to death if it's Lavi topping.)
10) LaviYuu (whoever ends up topping doesn't matter to Anon much, but Anon still has a thing for Kanda seme, so... Bonus points if Lavi totally didn't expect to be uke, but does it anyway? xD) Incredibly bad sex. You know, the kind that would make Lavi ask Yuu to "give him back this nice dream he had on how it was supposed to go". Anon has always wondered why most fics make it seem like those two are so much more experienced than they should be. Come on, Lavi's probably only experienced... As far as theory can get him, and Kanda... You know how his past was like now. There's no way those two would make their first time (and another few other times) anything but a bloodbath. 
11) A male character hypnotizes Kanda (you can choose the reason: could be harmless (if Lavi is the male character, which I would love, it could be to learn about his past), or it could be for less noble reasons). Regardless of why, eventually smut ensues.  Note: Kanda cannot be "awake the entire time"; OP would like dub-con, so the hypnosis (or whatever alternate mind control scheme you choose) has to work. I'd prefer Lavi as the male character, but honestly I'll take just about anyone (even a random nameless scientist from the second exorcist project).  Bonus points: get them from the above dub-con to a stable relationship (or at least somewhere where it looks like it looks like a stable relationship is possible).
1) S/M with Kanda chained to a wall. I'd like the use of whips, knives, etc. on Kanda. Con or dub-con with some angst.
2) Lavi and/or Allen has a thing for video taping sex. Naturally Kanda disapproves. Make it as hot/hilarious as you want! this anon isn't very picky! Bonus: If someone finds the sex tape and threatens to use it as blackmail (or alternatively they get embarrassed by it and try to throw it away).
3) (AU) I want thief!Kanda. Basically any story where Kanda is taking something... without permission! Obviously the reason why Kanda's room is so bare is because the order can't afford his expensive tastes. (which is another reason Kanda has to not like his room... besides his creepy flower... :D) Pretty random request since I'm not even looking for specific pairings or kinks but feel free to throw in whatever you want. Bonus points for any mention that he likes nice shiny things and if he were to get caught how he would have to explain himself (kanda: "tell anyone about this and you'll meet the wrath of Mugen... I'm taking this too")
4) I noticed that Kanda really enjoys using his teeth. Like when he woke up and stole Rhode's hairtie or simply for unsheathing Mugen. Preferably uke!Kanda. Anyone top. Or no porn at all and just a lot of teeth action.
5) Threesome. With Lavi in the middle, blindfolded, having to figure out which of the partners is doing what. and being punished when he gets wrong Lavi is always such a smartass, I kind of want to see him being teased A LOT.
6) Allen solo or LaviYuu. Masturbation theatre. (Watching each other and stuff.)
7) Basically anyone/everyone being attracted to Lavi's butt. (Crack, Smut, Etc.)
8) Scar play- Just because the skin is healed doesn't mean the nerves beneath are working properly.   Must involve a character with a noticeable scar (i.e. Tyki, Allen, Cross, or Lavi) being sexually frustrated by their partner (filler's choice) teasing the scar tissue. 
Bonus for use of (any of) the following: Dub-con Feather use Food play Ice play Knife play (or any sharp object) Non-con Restraints/Gag use Unconventional Seme/Uke (say, Allen topping Cross, or Cloud Nyne dominating Tyki...something along those lines) Wax play
Since it would be near impossible for *all* the parameters to be filled at once, multiple fills requested. (But srsly, how hot would it be to have a four-way with all the kinks/play above occur in one encounter? Just think about it for a minute.)
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yamiee12 · 7 years
Happy birthday to the @bernardokath of USC-TC and my bby gurl @gdenisep_ 💖😘 I know daghan ka gika busyhan today I wish I can talk to you after all the deadlines coz I mishu so muuuch already! Hihihi 😁 lavyuu Gles! 😘 daghan na au ko chika I need your ears to listen to my yawyaw in life and school hahahahaha 💛✨🎊
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kottakokoro · 11 years
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[腐向]生きている by eRin@赶稿 Please do not remove source.
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poisonedfortunecookie · 12 years
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Lazy Translation | Me
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unboxmingi · 12 years
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trolliharas · 12 years
Just posting some LavYuu spam. No big deal.
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