#latam things🙏
quokkasunggie · 1 year
what if i made a christmas special but with a summer setting🤔
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polisena-art · 1 year
What's with the "let's hope it's not Argentina" thing I've already seen a few times, and why? Is this an equivalent of "Christ, just not the English, PLEASE" in the last European Championship?
(Europe here :)
Yes, I guess they're comparable in a way. Argentina has their rivalries in LATAM and to simplify it I'd say it's mostly because of their inflated sense of ego and superiority complex regarding their neighboring countries. They also have a huge racism problem...
Anyways, this is a very generalized view on things but you know if it ever comes to an Argentina x Englad match I hope they both lose 🙏
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faith--in-the-future · 9 months
What a great start to a new leg! It looked and sounded like there was fantastic crowd energy, Louis looked happy and in his element, and he ended up shirtless. 🫡 The only thing it was missing for me was sweat. I’m not ashamed to say that after Austin/Philly/Asbury Park, I’ve developed a full on sweat kink. Seems to be exclusive to Louis’ sweat. Maybe someone in charge of one of the European arenas can turn up the heat some night, like hot yoga? 🙏
yess it seemed great!! he pointed out how loud it was and loved it!! I'm really happy they gave him such a good feedback :)) and yes lol I agree the sweat dripping down his skin was such a TREAT during the summer shows🙏🏻🙏🏻 I'm afraid we must wait for the latam leg for that tho 😔 also for him to wear shorts again 😭🛐
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astrito · 1 year
Completos are a Chilean variant of the hot dog, one of many variants in Latam. The most common form you'll see in the streets or small restaurants (don't eat a completo for 5 dollars, you're getting scammed.) is the Italiano, named after the colors of Italy's flag.
The Italiano is comprised of a bun, a sausage which can be boiled or fried, optionally chucrut (sauerkraut, finely chopped lactofermented cabagge), diced tomatoes, mashed avocado, mayonaise, ketchup and finally, mustard. Of course, you can leave out any ingredients you don't like, but that's the blueprint.
Now, why the hell am I giving you this piece of mildly interesting Chilean trivia?
I put this under a read more because it's so cringe... (I'm literally not doing anything bad) (Still embarassed) (Still gonna share because I liked it)
Right now I'm waiting for my 9PM bus (at 7PM lol) (edit after writing: 8PM! jeez) but even before that, like an hour ago, I rushed to the nearest restaurant, and as always, the completo is a saviour because it was the cheapest thing I could get.
Gosh I was really hungry or it was really really good. Great, even. The mayo was homemade, too!
I was silent while eating and this thought popped into my head, "Shaplin would love to eat a completo." (SHAPLIN JUMPSCARE)
I really love her and if I tried to deny it I'd look even more deranged, lmao.
Thinking of that made me remember all the party nights eating and making 'em, and aaah... it's a really sweet drawing idea.
Right now I imagine my sona and Shaplin having the kitchen be an absolute mess, because I could have said "Yo. We should make some of these things I eat back home" and Shaplin foolishly agreed, knowing she can't even make Mac and Cheese... plus even if the food I cook is good, it's at the expense of clean spaces hehe 😔
Then, after everything is made (and the kitchen has been cleaned before Swatch could have an aneurysm looking at the mess), setting up the table for so many Swatchlings sounds funny, but at the same time kind of cute! They're a big family <3
Aside from the completos the arrangement I assume would be the same as one where people eat hot dogs (if you even do?! I have no idea!!), Snacks and sauces, sodas... Monster. (I'm normal about that energy drink leave me olone!!! /j)
Eating and making conversation, joking around as it's usual. It warms my heart to think about that.
Now it's less about the food and more about the people you've made it for.
I believe cooking for and having something to eat with someone is a great way of expressing affection, so these ideas are. Yeah. They're heartwarming, as I've said before 🥹
After eating? Oh, I really love playing videogames. I love Mario Party so you bet I put that before anyone else could even think of the console WKEJWKKEJW
Remembering Francis and Queen it's really funny to me, believing Shaplin would pick Princess Peach LMFAO. I of course, will always go with my boy Luigi >:)
(On that note, Colette would pick Rosalina! Her reason is "She looks like a very nice lady!!" while mine is that because her color is Cosmic Latte and Rosalina's whole character revolves around space, it only makes sense, don't you think?)
...Anyway, at this point I'm only rambling! Which isn't bad, not at all, but there's the point where I'll start making 0 sense!
I'm sorry for being SOOO normal about that bird. It will happen again 😔🙏
Astro OUT‼️‼️‼️
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I see some lrries who honestly seem to like Louis, even post about him differently than they do about Harry. I’ve seen discussions on Twitter about hsd, and if you are a lrrie then you should have stopped following them years and years ago when they started saying rude things about Louis, apparently from even before the band broke up. Apparently now hsd have gone too far for some lrries because they posted a picture of Harry wearing a fur coat a few weeks after Jay’s death (rest in peace, beautiful soul 🙏) and this is considered too invasive. And these lrries also think Louis should change his bio and not mention or promote any of the boys because they won’t do the same for him. And they think other lrries only view Louis as one half of a ship. I guess a lrrie tweeted, the tweet is deleted now, but from context the tweet seemed to imply Louis hasn’t publicly supported Harry or something and so these lrries don’t think anyone who liked the tweet should call themselves lrries because they clearly don’t care about Louis. Now these lrries do obviously like Harry but they don’t seem to just act like he’s perfect and actually do care about Louis. Of course LATAM already proved that you can be lrries and still treat Louis with respect and love and as a solo artist. I admit I don’t just automatically dislike lrries, just the ones who are exactly like that, who treat Louis as one half of a ship and that’s it. I don’t know, it can be hard. Overall, I just want Louis’s fans to treat him with respect and care and as a solo artist who deserves to have his music played. I want them to actually be fans of him. If they are that, then I guess I don’t really care all that much about what they believe about his personal life. Does that make me a bad Louie?
I know some Louies who are friends with Larries, and as long as they respect and love Louis, I’m okay with it. From descriptions of Latam tour, it sounds like there was plenty of larrying outside the venues, but none as soon as Louis was on stage. I wish all of his concerts were like that.
We all have fandom biases. The “Larries” I see on Twitter are probably the worst ones, because they’re being called out by Louies.
But it extremely irritates me that very Larry-specific tweets are always on Louis’ Twitter topic, even without very many notes. His topic today is filled with Larry cartoons and Harry mentions. Larries dominate Louis’ fandom and flood radio and media tweets with Larry conspiracy takes. I can’t forgive that.
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silverfoxlou · 2 years
I’m really new to this but I love Louis with everything I have never been this invested in someone’s career and I read several blogs and see all the shit he has to put with and it breaks my heart, I’m really happy with how this week was going and I know he’s only to grow commercially and as an artist (I mean this is his second album and it’s perfect can you imagine what his next is going to be) I’m supper exited of everything that it’s to come can’t wait to see him live (waiting for Latam dates🙏)
I've always said Louis' music would never let me down, and that is very true. I'm excited for tour and curious about the documentary. Louis has a great career ahead of him, I just wish we didn't have to fight against so many things every step of the way.
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hanasnx · 2 months
I love strawberries, they are my favorites! I wish you could try LATAM strawberries! I swear, they are far more delicious 🙏
im sure you're right my friend but i like strawberries as they are. like if they're more flavorful or sweeter in latam then i rly don't mind that they're different here. i wouldn't change a thing, they're my faves
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julietasgf · 3 months
I have many ideas for the latam au, but I will answer that later or tomorrow because TODAY IS MARCH 15 JULI.
I've been debating with myself whether I should try to summarize it or would it be more useful to send you a post that explained the plot but I have a terrible physical and psychological need to talk about Raffles when asked, so I'm sorry you'll have to endure verbal vomit about these books but before I lose my mind about the cricket boys, I'll lose my mind about your ocs ~
🥰 Vienna!!! My love!!! She sounds so interesting. I really wanted to know more about the journalist, so appreciated getting to know some of her background. Oh buddy, you can feel her frustration, as she tries to escape the dramatic world of racing only to end up stuffed to the bottom jsjsjs literal in a rabbit hole but she won't be able to complain about the lack of gossip
Oh and I read about Rodri. Im fine :)))) I haven't suffered any emotional damage that will leave sequels for life *I'm going to cry next to Ale for the rest of my days*
I only knew him for a couple of days but DAMN I didn't expect to lose him like that, Rodri didn't deserve to leave 😭😭😭😭 (not complaining tho, I actually love the angst and the idea of Ale spending the rest of his days affected by the love he lost AFTER THEY RECONCILIATED 👌 it's BRILLIANT AND TRAGIC)
And I appreciate that you told me what happened between them... I can only say that oh boi I need to hug Ale, at the end of the road he took the worst part although he had a good part of the blame in the argument doesn't take away that his lifetime trauma will not be taken away by anyone and oh poor Rodri, he also had his part of the blame but I can't imagine how much it must have hurt at the moment to realize that Ale wanted him in his shadow although yes it was very dramatic on his part to crash, f1 guys can't fight like normal boyfriends, they have to destroy their cars and put their lives at risk 😭
🙏🙏🙏🙏 Andrea is an easy going it kid, vibe of be the sun, charming, friendly but full of pressure (and guilt) to be somebody because of his parents' sacrifice to support him in his career? THATS MY KIND OF GUY, he is my babygirl now. Im protecting him, I WILL FIGHT FOR HIM AND HIS HAPINESS
Also me: but Kimi kinda slay you know?
Btw although I'm really worried about Kimi's fate because you mentioned "he doesn't mind risking his life" and because he has substance addiction issues *panics* 😊
I HAVEN'T READ THE BOOK EITHER FOR THE SAME REASONS. I SIMPLY BELIEVE DUNE MUST BE READ ON PAPER 🥺, it's worthy of that honor and other than that I read too much pdf already because of college. I need a break when I read something for fun even though I spoiled some things hehehehe
I LOVED THE FIRST MOVIE TOO. A lot of people say it's boring but I thought it was amazing, I can rewatch it a million times and never get tired of it because it's a visual and sound delight 😔🙏
Every day I confirm more and more that one of these days I must read and watch GOT, (I only saw the house of dragon; rhaelicent my beloved) jsjsjsjsjs but I guess you mean the wonderful political plot, and if that's it I agree that it's one of the best done and most interesting aspects that Dune has
Part 2 did not disappoint, Chani my girlfriend, I will treat her right 🥺💜, I really liked that we finally got to meet her, and that while she is Paul's love interest, she is her own person with her own ideals that she is true to. While it broke my heart to see her leave so disappointed, I was so glad that she was able to go her own way ah
OH BOI PAUL. 😭 I have a huge love- hate on him. I guess you've also seen these "my twink boyfriend turns bad" memes where people compare him to Anakin and Coriolanus; and while I see the similarities I think out of the three, Paul is the only one I'm a more willing to defend than the other two. The boy was born without much autonomy over his destiny - and body - and genuinely fought against the idea of being the messiah for the fremen because he was well aware that this was a bene g. project, and that he had no right to intentionally feed the lie any further. And his visions, they were terrifying and you could see the fear Paul felt for them: he really didn't want to unleash a war and was so willing to listen to Chani and fight by her side BUT WELL :)))) WE SAW WHAT HAPPENED AND YES I THINK THAT WAS THE WORST PART.
The good news is that I have heard that most likely we will have a third part that will tie together all the loose threads that were left. I hope Chani ends well and that maybe she kicks Paul's ass <3
Now it's time.
The time has come *thunder my fingers* let's talk about Cricket AND CRIME!!!!
You should know that before my TBOSAS - Sejanus fever, my blog and my fics and my everything, was dedicated to Sherlock Holmes (the books please, I'M TALKING ABOUT THE BOOKS BECAUSE MY DETECTIVE HAS BEEN TREATED VERY BADLY BY THE ADAPTATIONS), and it was thanks to Sherlock Holmes that I discovered my cricket boys:
AJ Raffles and Bunny Manders!!!!
Pd: Here I leave another post saying why you should read these books
The connection between them and Holmes is that Arthur Conan Doyle's brother-in-law, Ernest Hornung, was inspired by Holmes and Watson when he make Raffles and Bunny and these stories also share a very close temporality (end of 19 century) to the one existing in Holmes stories
But let's begin:
The plot follows the association of Bunny Manders (Bunny is not his name, it's a nickname) with the infamous Arthur J. Raffles, the amateur cracksman.
Bunny and Raffles attended school together, but their paths diverged when Raffles (who is older than Bunny) graduates, until the two meet again years later and end up becoming partners in crime (and maybe they are partners not just in a particular type of crime, laws against homosexuality were a thing at the time...👀)
AJ Raffles is a famous cricketer. He is charming, handsome, and brilliant. He has a reputation for being rich and moving among exclusive high society circles but it's all a facade, because in reality he's broke, doesn't earn a penny playing cricket and can flaunt his luxurious lifestyle because he's a jewel thief. He steals from wealthy people in the exclusive circles he moves in.
And the story narrated by Bunny who has an anxious, nervous, fragile and intense personality. Who is an aspiring journalist and occasional poet, tells us about what he calls his "fall from virtue." (Although as someone who has already read the books, I can tell you that it is Bunny's recounting of the most important person in his life: Raffles)
Bunny is an unreliable narrator <3 I should clarify tha. It's fascinating to see how fickle his memory of Raffles (who we know only through his eyes). There are 3 books made up of short stories:
1. The Amateur Cracksman
2. The Black Mask
3. A Thief in the Night
All by E. W Hornung
You can read them on a page called Raffles redux, on Project Gunterbeng or there is a project called Letters from Bunny where they will send the stories to your email
WARNING: THEY WERE WRITTEM IN THE 1890s BY A BRITISH AUTHOR, I think that pretty much sums up the flaws and criticisms of the text although it is an interesting study of the dynamics of the social classes in London at the turn of the century and a glimpse into the criminal world of the time.
Ah yes, the reunion of Bunny and Raffles. The first story in the saga takes place on March 15 and is called:
The Ides of March
HELLOOO AND HAPPY IDES OF MARCH!!!! (1 day later tho, but still 😭)
(and also, can't wait to hear your ideas for the latam au, bc I'm this 🤏 close to asking you if I can write something abt it bc it's driving me CRAZY)
KSLSKLKS noooo don't say you're sorry, first bc I love hearing when ppl are passionate abt something, second bc I LOVE anything related to sports, and knowing now it's also related to crime and sherlock holmes made me even more interested!!! (but before let me answer abt my silly little guys)
poor vienna, all she wanted was to get out from the formula 1 world somehow because she knows abt how the drama is insufferable, and now she's deeper than ever, you can almost hear her screaming into the void and trying to explode her mom with her mind 😭 BUT at least she starts getting interested because it's really bizarre how the cycle never ends and just keeps going on and on
I'M SORRY ABT RODRI 😭😭😭 but welcome to the "mourning over rodrigo" club, founded by alejandro himself!! rodrigo deserved much better, even though his death was mostly a terrible accident. he was such a young driver with such a bright future ahead... and plus, he just reconciliated with alejandro, he missed him so much. things were fine. they were, really. also, it's worth saying that after this, alejandro spent the rest of his career as a team principal trying to reinforce the security for drivers and proposing changes to make it safer. each time a crash happened on the racetrack, that man was on the verge of fainting. and the worse is that... he could only think abt how things could've been different. maybe if alejandro was more mature, or if he listened to rodrigo, or if he tried to talk to him much before that crash... would it still happen? it's all so tragic (and that's why I made it that way ☝️
ale definitely got the worst, that man got a trauma for LIFE. racing was his passion, before rodrigo died he didn't intend to stop any soon, but after his death, he couldn't get inside a car without panicking. and things just weren't the same anymore, you know? he tried to go out in dates with other people, but he couldn't move on, he felt too guilty, he felt too bad about it ("trends change, rumors fly through new skies, but I'm right where you left me"). rodrigo was so hurt atp, because he believed alejandro wanted him alongside him, not below him; alejandro was treating him more like a decoration than anything and it HURT. but yeah, these two guys should've gone to therapy instead of risking their lives, racing boyfriends really are the worst 😭
(it's so funny what you said abt f1 guys not fighting like normal boyfriends and instead crashing their cars bc this actually happened a couple of times in real lifeKSLSKLSKLKLKS)
YESSSS THE STORIES ARE CONNECTED!!! :D that's also how vienna have it easy to be able to talk to these guys, because everyone kind of knows everyone somehow
ANDREA IS SO SWEET 😭😭😭 he's a sunshine, rlly. like, I always say that rodrigo is the devil, but tbf him and alejandro are kind of made for each other (nobody else would be able to stand them). but andrea is such a sweet guy who was unlucky to be teammates with kimi, from all people. he got a heart of gold, just wants to help and to not disappoint his parents after everything (he doesn't know they are already so proud of him, like, their son is a FORMULA 1 DRIVER, this is already so awesome!!!)
I love kimi so muchKSLSKLSK his whole character is just so fun, even though he's a prick. and yesssss in almost every single aspect, he's a foul to andrea!!! but at the same time, they have a lot in common (ahem, being so insecure about themselves and failing people around them, feeling alone while being surrounded of people, and, ofc, their unconditional love for racing and how it's their life).
(since you asked, and also because I can't keep my mouth shut... I particularly find kimi's fate to be more cruel than rodrigo's. he didn't die on the racetrack. atp of the story, kimi and andrea had a better relationship, and andrea knew more abt his secrets and some of kimi's reasons. kimi had just won this year's championship. he was supposed to be celebrating with the team, after all, they all worked so hard for it. but andrea notices kimi isn't around. he's worried, he knows kimi, he knows abt kimi's deal with his parents. he decided to go to kimi's hotel room. he found kimi so high, so drunk. andrea helped kimi clean up and they had an emotional talk, even though kimi was not sober. andrea promised he would help kimi, that kimi wouldn't need to go back to his parents again. he put kimi to sleep and left the hotel. the next day, andrea woke up with countless calls on his cellphone. kimi eriksen had died from an overdose on his hotel room during the night.)
YESSSSS dune is that book to be full of post-its and highlights, I CAN'T read that book on digital 😭 KLSKLSKLS ans yeaaaah absolutely, when you read too much pdf for college, it's just authomatic your brain will associate it with studying, while reading physical books become more associated with fun (plus, this is more personal now, but I love scribbling on my books, can't do that on digital)
yesssss I get why people say it's boring (it's rlly slow), but the worldbuilding is just so nice + it's gorgeous visually + LETO ATREIDES IS IN IT OKAY IT'S ENOUGH FOR ME. idc if it's boring, I would watch it 100 times for that man.
(pls read got, it's so worth it, even though I think we as a fandom collectively accepted we'll never get the ending 🙏)
((and also NO WAY YOU LIKE RHAELICENT TOO, THESE ARE MY GIRLS 😭 you know that when I prefer the adaptation rather than the original work it's bc they did something right, and when it's related to alicent and rhaenyra, I like the tv show sooooo much better actually, they gave so much more depht to their relationship which is basically non-existent in the book))
save me chani.... chani save me.... and yes!!!! I remember that everyone was so excited during the first dune bc of zendaya, but when it actually premiered, there was like 10 minutes of her in the whole movieKLSKSLSKL but I'm so glad we got to know her bc she's such an interesting character!!! and it's just like you said, she's actually her own character, and it's just really refreshing seeing this and seeing how they decided to wrap up her arc (specially in a science fiction franchise)
PAUL WAS SOMETHING ELSE. from the three, he's actually the one I genuinely like as a person; imo, I feel like he tried to resist until the very end, that was not what he wanted. he only gave in when he felt like there was no other choice, specially after the whole thing with the harkonnens..... that's what hurts the most regarding paul, I actually LIKED him. anakin and coriolanus, we knew who these guys were, we knew their end, we knew what was going to happen. but paul? we could have this hope that things would be different, that he could choose or change things. but... yeah, things end the way they do and I felt betrayed over a characterkslsklsk 😭
NAHHHHHHH HE WAS SO WRONG FOR THAT, SRSLY, I was so happy chani left at the end of the movie because she deserves so much better 😭 (I know things in the book are different, but in this case I'm willing to block my ears and go LALALALALA to pretend that only the movie exists)
and yessssss!!! from what I've searched, the first book ends exactly where the movie ended, but the little change of chani leaving can actually make such a big change on the story, and I'm really interested to know where this will lead (and plus, there's the whole thing with paul's little sister, which is also another loose end I'm excited to know more abt).
but now: CRICKET!!!!
buddie, I've seen some of your reblogs abt raffles and bunny, and I was like "oh, this reminds me of sherlock holmes a bit, the aesthetic and all" (even tho I've never read sherlock holmes, I could recognize the close temporality) and I kept wondering if the stories were connected, like some thrillers' I've read, that are on the same universe but with different characters, sometimes with the same detective, so I thought this was the case.
I'm kinda shocked to discover that its setting is about cricketLSKSLSKSLKS I WOULD'VE NEVER EXPECT THIS, AND I LOVE IT
(also, I've read the post, it won me at "it will KILL YOU" and "the incredible adventures of two broke idiots", specially because I myself am a broke idiot, so I related)
I like the concept of this so much???? first because, again, SPORTS, second because it's also mixed with crimes and aaaaaa it sounds so cool 😭 raffles sounds like a demon, I already love him (every generation have their own saltburn /jk). bunny sounds relatable (cries in crippling anxiety language) and the fact that not only he's an unreliable narrator, but we also only know raffles from his pov is really interesting, idk, there's something fascinating abt never rlly knowing a character bc you only know them from a sole point of view...
tysm for telling me abt it and also for telling me where to read it, I'm already writing down to read it ✍️ (I just can promise to read it soon bc I have a pile of books which are here for MONTHS and just today I came back to reading again 😭 BUT I'll definitely read it, the mix of crimes and sports got me hooked + the gay undertones too ofc, but tbf there's nothing gayer than sports)
(also the fact that their reunion is on the IDES OF MARCH, why do I get a feeling that this is not going to end very well for one of them? 🤠)
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notesonartistry · 1 year
January was definitely something... Overall it was a nice month full of family + friends time, covid (again), roadtrips, french classes, a tattoo, good books and a looot of midnights.
But two weeks ago my work project was stopped out of nowhere so yeah, I'm unemployed ahaha my boss has to let me know if it will continue or not but idk if I want to continue. I've started applying to other jobs because I don't like how they've managed this project.
I don't really know what I'm doing next but I'm kind of okay with that, I'm just waiting to see how everything goes.
In a much happier note, eras latam dates are sooo close and as now I'm between going to Argentina or Chile, depending if the rumors are true but I really think they are. Looking forward to grammys and the possibility of seeing Taylor 🥺
Sorry if it was to mucho but I had to let it out 😅 - Galapagos anon 🐢
Aw buddy, that sucks about your job (and covid 😔), especially because you got so little notice of your project being cancelled. Sometimes, these things provide us with opportunities, though, and jolt us into doing something that works out for the better but that we wouldn't have otherwise done.
I really hope that the info we've got about the latam leg of the Eras Tour is correct and that you get to a show ... and also that we see Taylor on Sunday 🤞🙏
It sounds like other than those 2 hiccups, you've had a good start to the year. Where did you roadtrip to? I can't imagine you can go far by car on the islands! 😂 Also, what's the tattoo?
I went roadtripping too, to a different part of Oman that I hadn't visited before and also Dubai and Abu Dhabi. It was fun, but now it's back to work time until my next holiday in April 🙄
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akihikosanada · 2 years
the only good thing tiktok did for me is that it convinced me to watch saiki k which turned out to be one of my fav animes however it has committed so many other crimes against humanity that making me watch one anime that was already on my watchlist was never going to be enough to redeem it
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lunimy · 2 years
please info about your fnafhs rewrite 🙏
okay so let me start with this is a proper wip, many things aren’t defined and they are subject to change ^___^
currently the only thing i have are vague concepts
everything is under cut bc this got long
first of the world, it is set in latam instead of latamified us, i’m debating whether i should go with a fully magical world or just a normal high school since i really like doing world building and stuff, if i go with the magical world, the magic would probably be related to music if not i wanna do a hard magic system
now the characters!
fred and freddie: they are a system, probably an osdd 1-b system, freddie is the host and fred is a trauma holder/persecutor, i will probably add another headmate since i don’t think systems of 2 are common, fred would retain most of his personality from the series; he is cocky and blunt when talking to freddie but he’s awkward as shit talking to other people when they are aware it’s him talking, freddie is very in denial about fred existing btw, i normally don’t work on personalities, i start with flaws so i don’t have much for freddie other than he’s very reserved and doesn’t try to go out of his way to talk to people, but he’s a nice person
foxy: he is a mean guy, but in a disrespectfully respectful way, he’s also over protective, he will beat the shit out of people if you are being a dick, meg and him are siblings, he is older than meg but not by much, if you ask him he doesn’t care for his friends, clearly a lie. he’s a bit stupid but that’s okay <3 also he’s probably aspec
chica: shes hardworking to the point of detriment, she’s has mediocre grades, she has fear of failure, rejection and being left behind, she likes sewing and a lot of her clothes are made by her, people used to make fun of her bc of this
bonnie: he is the opposite of foxy, he is respectfully disrespectful, he is blunt as fuck but he is soft spoken, he is overall nice though. i’m not sure what i want to do with bon’s and his relationship i think bon would probably still like him in this version but i’m not sure if bonnie would like him back, still not sure though. bonnie and foxy are good friends
meg: she’s mad at foxy bc she feels like she’s being left behind, she thinks foxy no longer cares for her and it hurts her deeply that’s why she’s mad at him, being together for so long with only each other to rely on definitely left scars!! meg’s world revolves around foxy and springtrap, it’s super unhealthy and that’s where her story begins, she ignores her friends a lot and doesn’t really considers them people she can rely on. she thinks foxy moved on way too quickly
springtrap: older brother syndrome!! he feels like he needs to hold their own little family together, he shoulders a lot of the responsibility and feels like he isn’t allowed to be sad, he’s always there for them no matter what, he doesn’t have anyone outside of foxy and meg. he got adopted to a different family than foxy and meg, he doesn’t trust them, he thinks being with them is a betrayal of his parents memory
joy: she doesn’t have that much of a character yet but i really want to make her the bubbly person you can always rely on that someday breaks down and gets super mad and it’s terrible
this is the current idea i have for redesigns, excuse the shitty drawings <3
from left to right: fred, chica and foxy
fred is a short kind btw
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