#larry evidence
alarrytale · 20 days
Guess what I dislike more that Louis and his larry denials is the aftermath for larries bringing back questions if they broke up and when and fighting over it. Like this tweet
And suddenly only a few are confident in their beliefs like you are, Marte, and others are like “we don’t know if they are still together or they broke up because they stopped signaling”. We got umbrogate in Oct, we got Louis’ smirk in the evening when umbrogate happend, we got Louis stuttering over a simple question about H (when both of them were in London and very together). Even recently H hurried back to London after few days of stunting in NY to be with Louis. But nope, Louis said what he said and larries are fighting again about their relationship.
Thank you, anon!
Link. Yes, it's super annoying. It's all down to insecurity due to heavy gaslighting (like denials are). But if you know you're being gaslighted why aren’t you fighting it? You know that H wouldn't wear an umbro shirt that's previously been worn by Louis when you damn well know that he knows we know. He did it anyway.
We also wouldn't have Louis stuttering like his brain short-circuited when asked about Harry's shaved hair if they broke up. He wouldn't have acted like that at all. We also certainly, wouldn't have Lou Teas*dale a person in the know, making fun of him over it, just a month ago, if they broke up. She wouldn't be so insensitive.
It's like they forget everything that points to them still being together, or they don't pay enough attention. Where is that Tim Cahill and Rio Ferdinand gif when you need it..
Me to everyone:
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voxina · 7 months
Quello che trovo interessante, se così possiamo definirlo, riguardo alla ricomparsa della Umbro shirt nel 2023 -e di tutto il chiacchierare che ne è scaturito intorno-, è che anche ponendo il caso che siano davvero due magliette diverse, molti dimenticano che bisogna sempre guardare al contesto se si ha davvero l'intenzione di comprendere e formare un proprio pensiero indipendente al di là di quale parte del fandom si appartiene.
L'anno è il 2020, e la pandemia è al suo picco. Siamo (quasi) tutti confinati in casa per via del lockdown, quando a luglio Eleanor condivide una foto di Louis e Clifford. La maglietta viene subito identificata come un modello vintage della Umbro risalente agli anni Novanta, piuttosto difficile da trovare. Arriviamo a settembre. Harry, che, al contrario di Louis, non è mai stato avvistato indossare questa marca, si trova in Italia e una fan pubblica un selfie dove lui indossa una maglietta Umbro vintage anni Novanta.
Si tratta della stessa maglietta o di una molto simile? Come sempre il fandom è spaccato, fondamentalmente in chi ci vuole vedere la stessa identica maglietta (larries) e chi non vuole vederlo (antis/solos). Le ragioni sono ovvie, sebbene in questi casi spesso la ragione lasci spazio alla fantasia irrazionale da entrambe le parti.
Angoli diversi, luci diverse, filtri diversi, lenti fotografiche diverse e una miriade di altri fattori possono incidere sulla nostra percezione di ciò che osserviamo.
Per quanto mi riguarda, non mi posi tanto il problema se si trattasse o meno della stessa identica maglietta allora, e non me lo pongo nemmeno adesso. Non sarà certo un indumento a mettere in discussione ciò in cui credo. E comunque cerco di mantenere sempre la mia mente aperta, pronta a cambiare idea nel caso in cui mi si dimostri -con fatti provati- che mi sbagliavo. Purtroppo, sia il rispetto per le opinioni altrui, che il pensiero critico sono sempre più difficili da trovare all'interno di questa nostra bolla sempre pronta a scoppiare per un motivo o per un altro. In questo specifico caso, credo che ci siano i presupposti per definirlo una coincidenza estremamente strana. "Plausible deniability", negabilità plausibile. Con loro due è sempre stato così; può non piacere, ma è del tutto comprensibile. Da fans possiamo teorizzare quanto vogliamo, né Harry né tantomeno Louis ci daranno delle risposte certe. 1) perché non ci devono effettivamente nulla; 2) perché, considerata la situazione, la negazione plausibile, l'ambiguità e il dualismo sono i fili su cui devono correre, dovendo sempre stare attenti a non cadere mai.
Trascorrono tre anni e, del tutto inaspettatamente, la maglietta più unica che rara fa la sua sfacciata ricomparsa. Grazie, Harry!
Ora, sapendo come sia Harry che Louis abbiano dimostrato di lurkare costantemente e sanno quindi benissimo ciò che viene discusso nel fandom, trovo oggettivamente interessante il fatto che Harry, consapevole ormai del significato che viene attribuito a questa maglietta, abbia scelto di indossarla per essere fotografato dalla sua "amica" paparazza, mentre è in compagnia di Kid Harpoon e Tyler Johnson (tanto per segnalare che stia già lavorando ad HS4).
È un po' come la blue bandana e il Peace ring: in realtà da parte di Harry non c'è mai stata nessuna conferma sul significato di questi oggetti, ma non c'è alcun dubbio che è ben consapevole del simbolismo attribuito loro da noi fans, e di conseguenza le reazioni che scatena ogni volta che indossa uno o l'altro. Ancora più strano ("strano", così come viene interpretato nel mondo Larry) è il fatto che dopo la pap walk con quella maglietta, abbiamo cominciato a scherzare dicendo: quanto ci scommetti che stasera Louis canta 7?
n.b.: In programma c'era il concerto di Louis a Barcellona. E, guarda caso, la prima volta che ha cantato 7 è stato proprio a Barcellona, a marzo del 2020 (prima data del suo primo tour mondiale da solista, poi stoppato a causa del Covid).
Mi piacerebbe proprio tanto poter dare una spiegazione razionale sul perché questo sia poi effetivamente successo. Rientra di buon grado nelle innumerevoli domande che pongo a me stessa, alla continua ricerca di risposte.
Anche Louis sa bene il significato che attribuiamo a quella canzone. Lo sai lui, lo sappiamo noi, lo sanno le antis e le solos, e lo sa pure Harry. E allora perchè? Perchè, tra tutti i giorni possibili, ha scelto di cantarla proprio la stessa sera della ricomparsa della ormai famigerata maglietta?
Non impazzirò cercando una risposta, che tanto so che non avrò mai. So solo che laddove c'è spazio per una negabilità plausibile, ci sarà sempre anche spazio per una plausibile conferma.
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distanttraceofbeauty · 4 months
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they're coming out with some official suit jackets and the phoenix one has dahlia and iris in it. Btw. If you even care.
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smashtoons · 7 months
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Picturing an Ace Attorney game where your sidekick is Larry Butz.
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daisiesonafield-blog · 6 months
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seriousbrat · 2 months
Accusing people, some of whom incidentally are likely LGBT themselves, of not viewing wol///fstar as canon because they "can't read queer-coding" is the cope of the century and borders on delusional. it's also condescending and disrespectful- why is your personal analysis of a work of fiction more valid than anyone else's, particularly when that analysis is almost certainly driven by confirmation bias? Have you asked yourself whether the "signs" you think you're reading in the text are actually there or whether you just want them to be? It's fine to want them to be and to add two and two and get six, personally I've done that with many works of fiction and I will continue to do so, but objectively there's no evidence that holds up to the slightest bit of scrutiny that jkr actually intended Sirius and Remus to secretly be in love.
Leaving aside the fact for now that this is JKR we're talking about and all that entails, it honestly verges on conspiracy-brained at times. Besides that, using homophobic stereotypes as "evidence" is, to put it plainly, shit. Some of these stereotypes might seem fairly innocuous yet still manage to be offensive (e.g. "tonks is queer-coded because she has short hair/is cool/has this personality trait or physical characteristic) but others honestly cross a line. Think for a moment about the logical leap you're making when you claim that werewolves being an allegory for stigmatised illnesses like AIDS is proof that R is gay. What equivalence is being drawn here? worth thinking about
I just want to say this is a work of children's literature and we're all free to interpret whatever we want and make up whatever silly things that we want with it. But you're not smarter or more special than anyone else because you think there's a gay way to look or speak or act, or for seriously believing that JKR created some kind of mad convoluted mental backflip conspiracy to specifically fuck with what was at the time a fringe element of online fandom that she likely wasn't even aware of. Apply Occam's razor here and go with the simplest explanation, which is that JKR, a heterosexual woman, wrote a children's book in the 90s with a majority heterosexual pairings and one token gay character. From there, do whatever you want. The end
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science70 · 6 months
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Larry Sultan and Mike Mandel, Untitled, from the series Evidence, 1977.
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overtake · 23 days
admitting ur a larrie and saying it brought you to your current ship is such a brave personal choice. this comment should be an official diagnosis in the dsm-5.
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prince-kallisto · 1 year
Paldea Elite Four & Geeta Robot Theory
Okay, the AI Robot theory for the Elite Four has intrigued me a lot. The idea is that the Elite Four and Geeta are all AI Robots like Professor Sada and Turo. Some may dislike theories like this, but I personally enjoy them, even if I sound like a tinfoil conspiracy theorist haha. A theory can combine several ideas at once of course- these characters can represent many different things while still being themselves.
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It all started with Larry and Geeta. Larry is the Normal-Type gym leader AND an Elite Four member, but his extremely “normal” behavior has been suspicious for some. The way his head is turned around in the map and how his gym in Medali is the closest to Area Zero. It is also the only area where you can change your Tera Type. Turo and Sada mention that the only reason AI is so incredibly complex is because of the crystals in Area Zero. Hm. Additionally, Larry has rectangular pupils, which is rather unusual compared to other characters. His “Facade” is meant to represent the adult work-life, but also could be interpreted that his Facade is pretending to be a normal human- after all, he makes it clear how much he dislikes Geeta and his jobs. Also, some people have mentioned how the route along Medali is full of ‘disguised’ Pokémon, like Zorua, Sudowoodo, Ditto, Applin, Foongus, etc. No what if you think Larry is just a normal guy or if he’s kinda sus, all of these factors almost feel like a cry for help, he is tired of his Facade.
Geeta, on the other hand, has Glimmora, a Pokémon heavily implied to be related to the Terastallization phenomenon. Glimmora is also ONLY found in the depths of Area Zero, and Geeta is the ONLY trainer in game to have it. In one of the journals, it states that Area Zero is inhabitable for human life, and explorers who go down there tend to meet awful fates. So how did Geeta get her hands on one? Hmm. Geeta’s design has always made me suspicious from the start- look how oddly stiff and robotic her pose is. Her personality is also very dominating and strict- everything has to be followed a certain way, almost like a code.
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But what about Hassel, Poppy, and Rika? Evidence gets a little weaker from here, but there are some interesting oddities about them that I’d like to point out.
Hassle’s eyes have surprisingly attracted the attention of many players- they are very unique and a bit chilling, despite how earnest his personality is. It might be a stretch, but Hassel’s ace Pokémon, a Baxcalibur, is known for its Cryogenic breathe that can even freeze lava. Cryogenic air can be used more many things in science, but Cryogenics is mostly known for the preservation of humans and animals, by freezing them in time to revive them in the future. I wouldn’t be surprised if there was a Cryogenics lab somewhere deep in Area Zero
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Poppy has definitely struck me as odd, because she breaks so many assumptions I had about the Elite Four. Despite being a literal child whose likely under the age of ten, she has a career as an Elite Four member. She is certainly a prodigy, but how is it allowed? Nemona is a prodigy in her own right, yet a young child like Poppy was able to be an E4 member. Also, Poppy’s big key necklace/purse is likely meant to be a reference to being a “latch-key kid,” signaling her independence. But what if it’s more literal- a key to something in Area Zero?
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Rika is tricky, the only slightly suspicious thing I noticed is one of her Pokémon is Donphan, one of the only two Pokémon who have BOTH Past and Future Paradox forms (the other being Volcarona) , AND it becomes a Titan Pokémon in its paradox form because it escaped from Area Zero. Future Donphan, Aka Iron Treads, is said to be a weapon of mass destruction from aliens. Hm. I’m really stretching it, but there’s an art sculpture from an unknown artist in Artazon called “Paradoxical Popper.” Popper has many usage in slang, but there’s also Jalapeño Poppers, which are Chili Peppers. Rikka’s name in Japanese is Chili. I feel like I’m losing my mind, but it connects too well? A lot of emphasis on Paradoxes.
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This is something important to keep in mind- all of the Elite Four members correspond with a Titan Pokémon, with rather ominous titles. Larry with the Open Sky, Poppy with the Lurking Steel, Rika with the Quaking Earth, and Hassel with the False Dragon.
PLUS, there’s is a suspicious reoccurrence of the number Four throughout the game. The four ruinous (legendary) Pokémon, four lighthouses, four symbols in the title screen, four missing entries in the Hall of Fame, and four circles in Area Zero. Are these meant to hint at something with the Elite Four? I don’t really know, but feel free to check out the awesome thread by TheSkabbRabbit on Twitter if you want to know more about the Area Zero Puzzle, I was so delighted to see so much interesting evidence I never thought of before.
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With all this evidence combined- what would it mean for the story if they were all AI/Robots? I have no idea! The Elite Four seem pretty happy (or at least neutral if you’re Larry) with their current lives, they aren’t the type of characters to be planning Evil Plans behind your back. Perhaps they were all created for a purpose- likely connected to the mysterious Disk Pokémon that will definitely be in the DLC. They were all given incredibly different forms (age, appearance, personality, etc) to deter suspicion. Maybe the E4 are guardians in some way to the secrets of the Disk Pokémon, with Larry guarding the gates to Area Zero, Poppy having a key to unleashing the Disk Pokémon, Rika with connections to paradoxes, and Hassel’s cryogenics. But whatever their original purpose was, they seemed to have moved on, simply wanting to live normal lives. The entire thing with AI Sada and Turo was that they went against their creators wishes to protect Paldea.
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Geeta, however, is strict and follows protocol. She wanted all of them to be a part of the Elite Four so they have a position of power and ability to roam Paldea without suspicion. She is said to have “strong-armed” all of the Elite Four into joining, even Poppy. It’s a bit of a meme of how unusually weak her team is, how would she persuade any of the E4? Perhaps her way of strong-arming them was to threaten their very existence, much like Turo and Sada’s. Once the E4 strays too far from their intended purpose, they suffer the consequences by being erased. Yet Geeta has no ill will, she is simply following her duty. The Disk Pokémon has a lot of cosmic-horror/heavenly vibes, perhaps Geeta genuinely believes she is doing the right thing for the sake of humanity.
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But what do you guys think?! Writing this theory really makes me excited for the DLC, there are so many unanswered questions. Even if the Elite Four aren’t AI Robots, I have the gut feeling that they know more than what they’re letting on. There are a lot of suspicious things going on, so any theory goes at this point until we get official answers.
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fr3sh-c0rn · 3 months
Gender is stored in the genius bisexual men with mommy and daddy issues
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alarrytale · 2 months
I can’t find a link of the receipt, it’s an old one (2017 I think) from tumblr and the blogger was told in one London restaurant that they hosted another day a private dinner for HL and Beckhams. So I believe that at least British celebs know about them, not sure about Americans though
Hi, anon!
Yeah, there's been loads of reciepts over the years about them in resturants etc. I vaguely remember the Beckhams one, but i can't find it on my own blog. I like this one. And this one. As i said, i think everyone who's seen them together knows. Celebrities, journalists, stage hands, music producers, valets, caterers, waiters and christmas tree delivery drivers knows. Fans also know. They only hide in public. It's the worst kept secret ever.
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beatsforbrothels · 1 year
Larry June & The Alchemist - Left No Evidence (ft. Evidence)
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burnttoastlife · 30 days
Just watched the Ace Attorney 2012 movie and there was. So much
I LIKED THE MOVIE I think it did really well with what it was trying to do with DL-6 and Turnabout Goodbyes. I found some of the changes to that case Strange but I still think they told the story really well, and all the foreshadowing for the case throughout the movie and the way they tied everything together from the beginning (even STARTING the movie with Misty channeling Gregory)…. MVK’s breakdown… yeah that movie fucks.
However I absolutely WILL stay stuck on the changes to Redd White. They didn’t. Need to do that 😭😭😭
ALSO! bro at the very end there’s a Jammin’ Ninja mention AND a Matt Engarde cameo. So extra points for that specifically. Though I have no idea what Matt is on trial for 😭 it’s just kinda funny to me bc it doesn’t look like it’s supposed to be Farewell this is a separate thing. More points for giving Larry more insane character moments but also deducting points for the fact that Maya did not do shit in that movie, and also for the fact that April May was cut out entirely (women losses). Are we understanding my system here
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imkeepinit · 1 year
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bciwasinlove · 2 years
I just don't get why some people are SO insistent that L&H have broken up and dated other people. For some reason some think it's inconceivable that two people can happily be together for 10+ years and NOT be with anyone else.
With L&H there is ZERO evidence to support the notion that they dated others and had a whole Ross and Rachel from friends type relationship. And their songs don't consist of that type of relationship [since that's the main point those who insist they broke up mention].
L&h songs are about a long term committed relationship from a young age that had some ups and downs like any long term relationship but in the end they made it and are happily still together despite what they went through. It seems as though these break up obsessed people forget what kind of industry L&H are apart of.
This industry which is the main issues their songs/MVs delve into. Bc what's mentioned in their songs aren't about their SO being a major issue it's the MI itself and those who run it/THEM that are the obstacles each had to overcome. It's like some of you just completely forgot what happened in the Walls DC MV. He runs off into the sunset with his lover after cutting off the ones controlling him.
There is just no way you will get me to believe louis easily left harry when he acted like this while they still had their damn name tags on. Or just listening to the story of how they met and louis making it known he wanted harry's picture and autograph bc he knew harry was going to be a star one day and wanted to say he was his first offical fan.
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The fact that they randomly linked a video about Harry and Louis and whether they're still friends on an article that doesn't even mention them and is about Freddie tells you that that child exists for their closet.
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