#lanternsisx lanternfamily imagines
ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Could you do 32 with Jason and LanternSis 💛💛
Okay, I know Top Chef doesn't have Gordon Ramsay but we can pretend
32. Cooking for each other and judging each other’s food like they’re on Top Chef
“You’re overcooking that meat, Glow-stick,” he noted.
She rolled her eyes. “Look, numb-nuts, I don’t like meat to bleed on my plate.” Glaring at him, she shot back, “And you’re one to talk because you’re burning the Alfredo sauce.”
“Am not,” Jason retorted, though he turned the knob on the over down.
“Are too.”
“Steak is supposed to be tender, not chewy. Well done is chewy, medium rare isn’t.”
“Who the fuck are you?” she asked, throwing her arms in the air. “Gordon Ramsay?!”
He cleared his throat, then mocked in an English accent, “THAT STEAK IS SO RUBBERY YOU COULD USE IT AS A FUCKING TIRE!”
She blinked, then tried to glare at him, but couldn’t help the smile on her lips as she grunted, “That was actually pretty funny.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Four Corpsmen And Their Cheerleader PT. 2
Lanternsis x Lanternfamily One-Shot
Word Count: 1.4K Warnings: Explicit Language, Mentions of PTSD
Author's Note: Backgrounds are important people! Backgrounds! Enjoy! -Thorne
She landed beside Guy, watching the young man training with her brother. “Who’s the newbie?”
He hummed as Hal caught a kick to the gut. “Name’s Dakota. Former grunt.”
“Former?” she repeated, examining him. “Kid can’t be older than Kyle.”
“I’m right here.” A voice called and she turned, smiling as Kyle and John walked over.
“Yes, I see.” Her eyes found the two men again. “But he seems young to be out of the military so fast.”
Guy’s voice quieted. “Got kicked out for assaulting a superior officer.”
She cocked a brow. “For a good reason?”
“He won’t talk about it.” John replied, crossing his arms over his chest. “Won’t talk to anyone about the service, even me or Hal.” He looked at her. “Figured he’d tell us in his own time.”
Nodding sympathetically, she said, “I understand. Sometimes it’s—”
Their eyes turned to the men training, seeing Hal pinned underneath Dakota, the young man’s eyes firm and cold; Guy walked over. “Alright. Training’s over.” Dakota didn’t move and he reached down, grabbing his shoulder. “Hey. Enough.”
The young man blinked, pulled from his thoughts and looked down at Hal whose face showed evident strain; he yanked away as if burned. “Ah crap. Sorry sir.”
Hal got to his feet, rolling his shoulder. “Don’t worry about it. You had good form.”
Dakota said nothing and she stepped up to him, calling, “Dakota.” He looked at her and she extended her hand. “Hi, I’m (Y/N) Jordan. Hal’s younger sister.”
He shook her hand. “Good to meet you.”
Pulling away, she gestured for him to follow, constructing a blue picnic table with her ring. “Have a seat?”
“Uh, sure,” Dakota agreed, taking the seat across from her.
She poured the construct liquid, passing him a glass. “You fight like a soldier. What branch?”
He blinked. “Army. Joined at seventeen.”
“How old are you?”
“Still in?”
“No ma’am.” He said. “Completed my contract and got out.”
(Y/N) nodded, pouring more glasses for her brother and friends as they sat down beside them. “My brother and I both served. Hal was in the Air Force as a combat pilot. I went into the Navy as a SARC.” Handing a glass to John, she added, “John’s a former Marine.”
“Once a Marine, always a Marine,” John retorted with a grin and she winked, then looked back at Dakota.
“We all received discharges for our service.”
The young man’s eyes flashed. “What kind of discharges?”
(Y/N) tipped her head. “John was honorable discharged, and Hal was given an OTH.”
“And yours?”
“Medical discharge.” Smiling, she added, “Though in the books it’s honorable. Made sure my CO wrote it down.”
Dakota blinked. “What’d a squid get a medical discharge for?”
The men around her laughed and even she cracked a grin, countering, “Oh? So, the grunt’s got jokes, huh?” he sheepishly smiled, and she nodded, suddenly turning solemn. “I was medically discharged for the same reason you keep your stint under wraps.”
“You don’t know a goddamn thing about me.” He hissed and she eyed him knowingly.
“You’re right. But I know PTSD when I see it.” (Y/N) tipped her head to the man sitting beside him. “Hal’s had PTSD since we were kids. I got it overseas managing wounded soldiers and sailors.” She inhaled through her nose. “It’s funny, we’re told we fight our wars for the greater good…that it’s justified to bomb schools in foreign countries because they’re raising terrorists, or to have an all-kill rule when sweeping a house because you don’t know who friendlies and enemies are inside.”
She met his gaze. “And we believe it because we want to serve. Because we want to be someone that makes our families proud of our service.” Her eyes darkened. “What happens when we finish our war and come home, but the battle doesn’t stay where it was fought?”
Reaching over, she pulled Hal’s bomber from his wrist. “When I came back, I broke Hal’s wrist during an episode a few years ago. I begged him to put me somewhere I couldn’t hurt anyone.” She exhaled. “I spent a year in a psyche ward designed for veterans who couldn’t control their episodes. It wasn’t a prison. It was a rehabilitation center for people who were afraid to hurt themselves or the people they loved because their minds were still at war even though they were home.”
(Y/N) caught Dakota’s eyes. “Who’d you hurt?”
He swallowed thickly, the signs of unshed tears in his eyes as he whispered, “My mom.” He breathed choppily. “I thought I was still back over there. Someone grabbed me and I thought it was an enemy.” He looked at her. “I broke my mom’s hip because I shoved her into a wall.” Wiping his eyes, he cried, “I was supposed to protect my mom and I was the one that hurt her.”
“It wasn’t your fault,” she said, resting a hand over his. “But keeping it all contained isn’t going to help you, Dakota.” She smiled. “You’re young. And you have an advantage that most people don’t. You have time.” Squeezing his hand, she added, “I’d like to set you up with a friend of mine in the ward I was in. He’d welcome you with open arms.”
“I’m not crazy.”
“No. You’re not. But our minds are still fighting, and we have responsibilities to do something about that. To care.” She gazed at him. “And suffering in what you think is atonement, isn’t going to bring back the people you lost nor is it going to fix anything you’ve done.”
Dakota chewed his lip, then his eyes fell to the rings on their hands, and he said, “I don’t know why it chose me…”
(Y/N) shrugged wistfully. “No one knows why the rings choose us. Personally, I’m still wondering why I wasn’t given a green ring. I mean, I hang around with these four all day.”
Whilst the four corpsmen beside them griped, they simply laughed and she twirled her own ring on her finger, smiling at the blue band. “But I’d like to think Hope chose me because I refused to lie down and die. Because I had hope that I’d still see the sunrise even after my darkest nights.” (Y/N) took his hand standing from the table; everyone else scrambled to do so as well before the construct faded.
Dakota stood with her, and she said, “If the ring is on your finger, it’s because it sensed the will you have to overcome every fear you have. Willpower is the basis of perseverance. It is the aspiration that you have something to live for.” Smiling, she asked, “So I ask you here, what do you have to live for?”
He took a long moment to think it over, then he said, “The future…that I have the will to live and see another day.”
(Y/N) winked. “And that’s hope.” She nodded toward the city in the distance. “Simon and Jessica should be done training with Kilowog by now. Go join them for some lunch and relaxation before you get back to training again.”
Dakota glanced at Guy who merely nodded, and the young man looked at her once more. “How long did it take you to stop sleeping with it?”
She blinked. “Long enough to realize it was better kept in a lock box than beneath my pillow.”
He nodded and rose into the sky, heading towards the city, and when she felt fingers in her palm, she looked over, seeing Kyle staring at her. “What’d he mean?”
“He’s talking about the gun we service-members keep under pillows when we come back.”
“There was a gun underneath your pillow?”
“Still is,” (Y/N) murmured. “I made enemies overseas and I have more now.” Her eyes found his. “I never really feel secure unless I’ve got a weapon nearby.”
Hal rested a hand on her shoulder, and she looked over at him. “I’m proud of you.”
She leaned into her brother’s side. “I’m proud of you, Hallie.”
“Don’t call me Hallie,” he scowled. “It’s embarrassing.”
“Less embarrassing than being named Harold. Sound like an old man.”
Kyle snorted. “He is an old man.”
“Hey! This old man is still capable of kicking your asses!”
“Oh, you mean like you did John in that barfight all those years ago?” Guy asked, and everyone laughed as Hal started bitching.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Hi! Wally west and GL!reader? The lanternfamily is bit protective of her and doesn't like her dating wally.
Despite the fact that her older brother and Wally were best friends, it apparently didn’t cancel out overprotective mode when it came to the fact that Wally and her were together. More than once, Kyle had badgered her boyfriend and eventually it got to the point that he’d gotten the other Corpsmen in on the ribbing and accusing. Which is how it led to her chewing out their asses when she found out they’d started following the two lovers on a date around Central City.
She pinched the bridge of her nose, muttering to herself, “Deep breaths. In and out. Count to ten. Homicide is a serious crime.” Inhaling deeply, she looked up and glowered at the four men, well, the three of them—John knew better than to get into her business when she said fuck off, but Kyle, Hal, and Guy took it as a challenge.
“Listen, I can’t even believe that I have to say this, but I’m a grown woman.” She blinked. “I’ve been a grown woman since I was eighteen and I haven’t needed anybody to get up in my business about who I decide to be in relationships.” Narrowing her gaze, she added, “And I certainly don’t need anyone telling me who I can and can’t put inside my body.”
Their faces pinched and she looked at Wally. “Are you ready to leave? Our reservation is in fifteen minutes.”
Kyle perked up. “Where are you guys going?”
“It’s a new restaurant called, ‘Go Fuck Yourselves’.” She winked. “Great place. You guys outta try it!”
“We’re just looking out for you,” Hal griped. “Wally’s intentions could be…malevolent.”
She scoffed. “Oh, for the love of God. I’m dating Wally West not Hunter Zolomon. Believe it or not though, even if Wally’s intentions were just to sleep with me, which they’re not, I’d be okay with that because Wally and I are friends who understand and care about each other.”
Grabbing Wally’s hand, she pulled him along. “If I stay here any longer, I’m liable to go Red.”
“I dunno, babe,” he murmured, scooping her into his arms, speeding away. “I’d like to see you dressed in red.”
“Wally, wearing red lingerie and vomiting crimson liquid napalm and acid are two very different things.”
He winced. “Christ, is that what that blood is on Red Lanterns?” she nodded. “I see why you Green Lanterns aren’t really fond of them then.”
She snorted. “Yeah, it’s gross.” Twirling the ring on her finger, she said, “Did you ever realize it?”
“How Lanterns and Flashes are friends?” she smiled. “You and I complete the cycle.”
Wally’s face split in a grin and he nuzzled against her. “Aww, babe, that’s so cute!”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Lightning Strikes Across Our Skin
Barry Allen x Lanternsis One-Shot
Word Count: 2K Warnings: Explicit Language, Angst
Author's Note: This got farther away from me than I meant for it too, but oh well! Enjoy! -Thorne
He loved her. He loved her more than anything in the entire multiverse. But when she and her brother got around one another—and truth be told, they were never not around each other; something about Blue and Green Lantern rings working best in each other’s range—they caused more trouble than he liked.
Hal was the antagonizer, and she was the instigator. And when they concocted a plan to get someone into trouble or just to piss someone off, they pulled the plan with perfection; the only thing worse than one Jordan barreling headfirst into danger was a second Jordan following behind with shouts of acclamation.
And poor Barry was stuck between the two of them when they did, like he always was—partially because he was the only one who could keep his best friend out of trouble, and the other part because he was the only one who could keep his girlfriend out of trouble too. That and because wherever a Lantern was, a Speedster was sure to be around too.
She slapped her hand against Hal’s chest, flipping the villain the middle finger in hope that it would anger them. “I’ll pay you half my stipend from the air base if you hit Weather Wizard with a lightning bolt.”
He snorted, creating another construct wall as a wave of ice came at them. “Isn’t that Barry’s thing, (Y/N)?”
Her eyes followed along the ground, watching as the yellow blur unraveled another tornado, speeding to another one. “He’s…wound up right now.” She turned, facing Weather Wizard. “C’mon pal! We’ve got better things to do than hang out here! And you’ve got a date in Iron Heights!”
The supervillain all but growled, slinging icicles and hail at her and she raised her arm, a blue aegis forming. The ice shattered against it, and she lowered her wrist. “This isn’t going to end like you want it too.”
“What I want isn’t comprehendible to the likes of you, you blue bitch.”
(Y/N) cocked a brow. “My name’s not blue bitch, pal.” She flew, landing behind Hal and no words needed to be said between the Jordan siblings as a cyan construct of a jet formed around them; Hal in the front and her behind like it’d always been. Their heads were cloaked in flight helmets. She reached up and flicked a button, listening to the engines roar. “It’s Blue Lantern.”
“Damn straight,” Hal asserted, and they both felt the tug as they sunk back in their seats, the construct hitting Mach one almost instantly.
Weather Wizard didn’t even know what hit him, because when it did, they broke the sound barrier, and even Barry skidded to a halt as the sonic boom shook the city around them; he huffed a laugh of disbelief as Hal did a second flyby and (Y/N) flipped him the bird again.
The construct faded and the two siblings split apart; she pointed to the cyclone Barry was heading for. “Green! Go help Flash! I’ve got this!”
He looked at her. “You sure?” when she nodded, he hesitated, but a quick glance towards Barry made him agree and he flew off.
(Y/N) turned back to the supervillain who was picking himself up off the rooftop of a building, grasping the golden scepter. She lowered down and gazed at him. “This can end right here, Mardon.” Gesturing to the stave, she said, “Give me the staff.”
The cyclone blew in the distance, signaling its end and Weather wizard looked at her. “You want the staff?” he raised it and her eyes followed it into the night sky, watching it churn black and cloudy even in the darkness, thunder rumbling wildly. He had a crazed look in his eyes as he bellowed, “Then take it!” he brought the staff down and (Y/N) barely had time to react as multiple bolts of white-hot lightning shot down, cracking against the concrete roof around them.
She raised her hands, trying to form a shield, but a stray bolt of electricity connected to her ring and just like a rod, she was lit up with strikes. A scream stuck in her throat as the lightning died out and she collapsed onto the roof, the blue suit fading from her body as she smoked.
Someone called her name from above, but she fell into darkness with a blur of red being the last thing she saw.
The second she came too, she screamed out in pain as her skin cracked across her body, burned and charred. Someone was holding her shoulder, effectively pinning her down, but only causing more pain.
“(Y/N), don’t move.” It was Barry.
She felt tears roll down her burned cheeks. “It hurts.”
He appeared in her vision, still in his suit, but his cowl off, face torn in despair, eyes heavy with concern. “I know, honey,” he implored. “I know it does, but I need you to stay still. Hal’s coming back with Saint Walker as fast as they can.”
His hand was so tight on her shoulder, and she couldn’t help but screech out, “Let go of me!”
Barry pulled from her as if she’d shot him and his face crumpled. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to hurt you, honey.”
(Y/N) didn’t really care what he meant to do, all she cared about was the fact that every inch of her body was covered in third degree burns and though most of her nerve ending were probably seared dead, she still felt the pain licking up her body in waves of never-ending, excruciating agony.
She wailed loudly and it took all Barry had in him not to cradle her in his arms. But all he could do was find a clean cloth and soak it in cool water, gently draping it over her forehead.
“I know, honey,” he whispered. “Just hang on.”
“Put me out,” she begged, and he gaped at her. “Please, put me out.” Her hand shot out and she grabbed his wrist. “Please, Barry.”
He could only gaze at the woman he loved and nod, hurrying away and returning with a syringe full of anesthetic. “I love you,” he promised, sticking the needle into her arm and her head lolled back, eyes rolling into her skull.
When (Y/N) came to again, nothing hurt, and she blinked blearily, the ceiling of Barry’s bedroom clearing in her vision. She wiggled her fingers and toes, just to be sure they were still there and that she could move them, then she raised her arm into her sight. It was bare of any burns, and she sighed in relief. Saint Walker must’ve been able to regenerate most of her cells. (Y/N) was going to have to thank him when she got back to Odym.
Her eyes trailed from her arm to the window, and she was surprised to see the sun peeking through the curtains. She must’ve been out for hours.
(Y/N) sat up, glancing down at the state of her dress, and surmising that Barry had removed the remnants of her clothes and replaced them with a pair of his boxers and an old t-shirt. Speaking of Barry, she thought, looking around for him, but he was nowhere to be seen.
She threw her legs over the side of the bed, feet hitting the cold, hardwood floor and she stood up, quietly walking out of the bedroom and into the hallway. No sounds emanated from the bathrooms, or the kitchen and her brows furrowed as she walked into the kitchen, confusion giving way to relief when she saw Barry curled up on the couch, a blanket haphazardly thrown down his waist.
Walking over, she sat down on the edge of the sofa, resting a hand on his shoulder, gently shaking as she murmured, “Barry.” He shifted ever so slightly, and she smiled, leaning down to murmur again, this time in his ear, “Flash.”
He jerked, effectively kissing her forehead with his own and (Y/N) recoiled with a shout of pain, dropping onto the floor as she cradled her head. “Jesus fuck, Barry!”
“(Y/N),” he said, blinking, realization setting in as he scrambled to get the cover off his legs. “(Y/N)!”
Barry slammed into her, arms and legs wrapping around her like he was a monkey, and she could only smile as she wrapped her arms around his middle, holding him close. He buried his face in her shoulder and soon she felt the dampness seep through the fabric and onto her skin.
“I’m so sorry,” he cried against her shoulder, and she reached up, running her fingers through his short blond hair.
“It’s okay, Barry.”
He pulled away, the tears pouring down his cheeks. “I wasn’t fast enough, and you almost died.”
(Y/N) took his face in her hands. “Hey, hey. Look at me.” He did so and she stated, “I engaged Mardon. What happened was on me, not you.” His lips parted, but she was quick to press her hand to them. “Barry, it wasn’t your fault.”
His blue eyes searched hers and he shook his head, evidently not satisfied with it, but he didn’t speak again, simply tucking her head under his chin, strong arms holding her tighter. “I love you,” he breathed against the crown of her head, and she reached up, running her fingers across his jaw.
“I love you, Barry.”
At some point they’d made it back to the bed, Barry only leaving for a few moments to get something for her to eat and drink, and when she’d finished, he’d curled up behind her, her resting back against his chest.
His hand traced patterns in the exposed skin of her arm and he murmured, “You were whimpering when I put you under.”
(Y/N) hummed, not really remembering much of the night; she’d been delirious. “How bad was it?”
The arm around her waist tightened. “Third degree over most of your body.” He sighed heavily against her head. “Saint Walker was exhausted when he was finished healing you.”
“I’ll have to thank him when I see him again.” She craned her neck, catching his eyes. “And I have you to thank for taking care of me while I was down.” (Y/N) reached up and placed her hand on his cheek. “Thank you, Barry.”
He stared down at her and firmly said, “Don’t do that again. Okay?”
She smiled. “I won’t.” Brushing her fingers over his skin, her thumb caught his lip and she grinned when she felt the stickiness of Chapstick. She pulled away, snorting at his whine of displeasure, and turned, throwing a leg over his hips as she perched herself in his lap.
“Are you wearing Cherry Chapstick?” his response was cut off as she pressed her lips to his, swiping her tongue over his bottom lip. “Mmm,” she moaned. “You are.”
Barry barely had time to grasp at her hips before she was tipping his head back, kissing him harder. “What—what’s up with—Cherry Chapstick?” he panted between kisses, feeling heat coursing through him as she tugged at the hair at the nape of his neck, lips moving in a hot streak down his jaw and neck.
“Tastes good,” she replied, sinking her teeth into his neck and Barry gasped, bucking against her. “Your pulse is racing.”
He couldn’t fight the laugh that bubbled from his throat because he knew she’d said that to get a rise from him. “Honey,” he groaned and kissed him again until they were both gasping for breath.
(Y/N) gazed at her handiwork, Barry with his head resting against the headboard, eyes blown and dazed, lips bruised and kiss-swollen, cheeks flushed a pretty red. She swiped her tongue across her lower lip, smirking when Barry’s eyes followed the movement and murmured, “Tastes like cherries.” Leaning forward, she brushed her lips against his, holding back to ask, “Think you can slow down long enough?”
Barry grinned and flipped them, pressing her back into the bed. “I think I can manage that, honey.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
The Four Corpsmen And Their Cheerleader PT. 3
Lanternfamily x Lanternsis
Word Count: 900 Warnings: Explicit Language
Author's Note: First meetings! Are always! Fun! Enjoy! -Thorne
“Hal, you’re one crazy sonovabitch,” Guy muttered as he steadied the bloody and bruised pilot. “Only your crazy ass would barrel headfirst into something that dangerous.”
“Look who’s talking Mister I-Talk-By-Punching.” Hal’s chuckle dissolved into a groan as he held his side. “Christ, I think I broke a few ribs.”
“You deserve to have broken a few ribs,” John chastised, taking the pilot underneath the other arm; Guy and he walked Hal to the ship where Kyle was waiting. “You almost got yourself killed just now.”
Hal rolled his eyes. “I had it under control.”
“No.” the two Corpsmen blurted in unison, tugging him onto the ship and to the med bay.
“Leave me in the med bay while you guys come and gossip.” A voice complained. “What’d I miss?”
They all turned to the entryway of the bridge, scowling as Hal hobbled in, an arm slung across his chest; Kyle frowned. “Hal, you shouldn’t be up, man.”
Hal waved it off with his free hand. “I’m fine. Had worse.”
Guy blinked then looked at John. “Does it ever annoy you how pigheaded he is?”
“He’s a jet jockey,” John retorted, turning back to the expanse of space outside the glass observation window. “They’re historically stubborn.”
“Oh, and warthogs aren’t? There’s like seven wars begging to differ.” Hal griped, nudging himself between Kyle and John. “Guys, seriously. I’m fine.”
Kyle shook his head. “You got swallowed by a giant space monster and then blew yourself out of it.” He observed the pilot. “You’re lucky to have only escaped with a few broken ribs and a dislocated shoulder.”
Hal rolled his eyes. “Okay, moms, I’m fine. Really. I feel great.”
“That’s the hydrocodone talking,” Guy ribbed, nudging John in the side and the two of them broke into chuckles when the pilot frowned.
A fond smile came across Kyle’s face, and he happened to look out the glass window, smile dropping as a bright blue light appeared in the distance and only getting closer and closer. “Uh…guys?” they turned their attention to them and he nodded at the anomaly. “What’s that?”
Immediately their heads swiveled to the window and Hal’s face blanched. “Oh no.”
Before Kyle could ask the blue light phased through the glass and barreled into the pilot. They collapsed to the floor and when the light disappeared, Kyle saw a young woman atop Hal, his free arm pinned behind his back, as she shouted, “Are you some kind of idiot! I get a call from John, and he tells me you’ve played kamikaze again!” she yanked his arm up his back.
Hal cried out in pain. “Uncle!”
Kyle had never seen the man give up a fight so fast. In fact, he’d never seen Hal give up in a fight at all—that was the whole deal about Hal; he didn’t know howto give up.
The woman scowled and let him up, and when Hal climbed to his feet, she suddenly kicked a leg up between his legs and every man’s hands went to their crotch as Hal dropped to his knees and into the fetal position.
“You stupid moron,” she griped. “How many times have I told you to stop acting like you’re immortal.”
Hal’s only reply was a groan and he rolled over. “I had it under control.”
“Do I need to crotch-shot you again?”
“Alright! I’m sorry!” he cried. “Uncle! I bend the knee! I give! I raise the white flag!”
She cocked a brow and glared at him for a moment, then she glanced at John. “Thanks for calling me.” Turning her attention back to Hal, she warned, “Let me get another call from Johnnie like that again, and I’ll plant my blue foot so far up your green ass, the next time you go to the dentist, they’ll pick my toes from between your teeth. You hear me, big brother?”
Hal nodded. “Affirmative Princess.”
Seemingly satisfied, she turned to John and Guy, the angered expression giving way to a joyful one as she pulled them into tight hugs and pressed kisses to their cheeks. She pulled away and looked at Kyle, then pulled him in for a hug and planted a kiss on his cheekbone.
“Good to finally meet you, Kyle. Wish it had been under better circumstances.” The blue power ring on her finger beeped and she looked down at it. “That’s Saint Walker. Gotta fly.” Winking at the others, she rose in a blue glow and phased out of the ship’s window, disappearing in a streak of turquoise.
Kyle was so lost. “What just happened?”
Guy barked a laugh and slung his arm around the younger man’s neck. “That, Kyle, was (Y/N) Jordan, Hal’s younger sister and apparently, the only woman who has his balls in her purse.”
John snorted and Hal griped from the floor, “I’m not afraid of her.”
“Uh huh, sure you’re not, Jordan,” Guy countered. “You only gave in faster this time.” He looked at Kyle, face splitting into a grin as he said, “Oh…what’s this? Are you blushing Rayner? Are you enamored by (Y/N)’s beautiful blueness? Blue Lanterns have that effect on us Green Lanterns.”
Hal’s head cocked up and he pointed at Kyle. “Stay the fuck away from my sister.”
“I didn’t do anything!” Kyle blurted out. “And I’m not blushing!”
John and Guy looked at one another and agreed, “He’s in love.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Oh my gods, I loved Kyle and the little street rat! Street rat feels like a leash kid, I dunno why. Maybe Kyle introduces the kid to the other Green Lanterns? "Am I your favorite?" / "Give me 50 bucks and I'll think about it."
The kid liked early two-thousands dance music and wouldn’t eat anything but Dino nuggets and macaroni and cheese—but not any plain Kraft, boxed-macaroni and cheese. Nooooooo, Kyle had to boil noodles and mix up three different bags of cheeses for the kid to be satisfied.
At least the kid wasn’t biting anymore, and when he introduced them to the rest of the guys—which he’d completely forgot they were coming over—he was pleased to see that the kid wasn’t biting them either. That being said, the little shit was a manipulator that had his best friends wrapped around their little scrawny fingers within five minutes.
Guy leaned over, watching the kid tap at the tablet. “Am I your favorite uncle?”
“Gimme fifty bucks and I’ll think about it,” they muttered.
“What do you need fifty bucks for?”
“Chicken nuggets.”
Guy blinked. “Why don’t I just buy you all the chicken nuggets you want?”
The kid looked up at him with big eyes that made his heart cry. “Can I get a six piece?”
Guy sniffed, totally not crying as he responded, “I’ll freakin’ buy you a twenty-piece, kid.”
“Then you’re my favorite uncle,” the kid responded, resting their head on his bicep.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
"Says who?"
Half of her wanted to fall into hysteric laughter, but the other half was telling her to get Guy’s ass out of there so fast before he took another hit from Sinestro, and that’s exactly what she did whilst Hal, John, and Kyle took care of Sinestro.
Pooling her power into the blue ring, she thrust her hand out and constructed a net behind Guy, tugging hard to get him to a stop and she screamed, “ARE YOU FUCKING INSANE!”
He smirked, letting his suit come back over his nude body. “What! C’mon babe! Give me some credit! That was fucking hilarious!”
“Says who!” he grinned and darted out of the blue net, only stopping to yank her into a searing kiss before he was off and into the fight again.
She pressed a hand to her tingling lips, already starting to fall to pieces in laughter, dodging the other Yellow Lanterns with ease, returning blue arcs of energy that had them screaming in pain. “Says basic human decency!”
Guy smirked, socking one of the Lanterns in the jaw. “Sinestro’s not human, babe! Flashing him isn't counted!”
“Oh my God, Guy!”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
Could you do "thank you for choosing me to be your dad." And "thank you for being my dad."
"Thank you for choosing me to be your dad."/"Thank you for being my dad." You know what I'm soft for? Hal Jordan being a good dad.
Hal was a failure when it came to his kid. He paraded around like he knew what it meant to be a good dad, showing off pictures of them, bragging about them—especially in front of Bruce, but the truth is, when Martin died, so did any future of Harold Jordan becoming a parent. Or at least a good dad.
It wasn’t like he was one hundred percent sure the kid was his own. They’d shown up on his doorstep one night with a letter from their mom, explaining they were the product of a one night stand he’d had years ago. A six-year-old kid, alone in the middle of Coast City, abandoned by their only parent they’d known.
He didn’t sleep a wink that night, calling everyone he knew about what you did with a kid. Barry had ended up coming over to help him. The kid loved his best friend. Took to Barry like a fish to water, even calling them Uncle Barry before the night was over and the two men had tucked them in on the couch, cuddled in blankets and speed run stuffed animals of all kinds.
Do you even know who the mother is, Hal?
No clue. All they left was the letter. I…Barry, what am I supposed to do? I can’t raise a kid.
I don’t think you have a choice, Hal. His friend had leveled him with a strong look. That kid needs you.
Turns out, Hal needed them too. They spent the first few months getting used to each other. Hal bought them everything he thought they needed, probably a little too much, but they never asked for anything. Sometimes they asked for hugs or kisses on their head; Hal couldn’t help but feel weak to those.
But that nagging came back after a year or so. He wasn’t there for them when they needed him. He tried to be. Tried to attend all the school performances and PTC’s. But the Corps needed him too and Hal was sure his kid spent more time in his neighbor’s house than they did in his.
One night, they came into his bedroom at two o’clock, and Hal only realized it because they’d woken him up when they’d pressed themselves to his back, pulling the covers up to their chest.
“You okay, kid?” Hal called them ‘kid’. It made him feel like his father.
“Yeah,” they murmured. “I had a bad dream.”
“What about?”
“You died somewhere up there in space.” Their hands tightened in his shirt. “You left me all alone…none of the other Lanterns wanted to look after me.”
That hurt him more than he ever wanted to admit it did. Guy, John, and Kyle loved his kid. Their were the honorary uncles and spent more time arguing which set of shoulders the kid got to sit on whenever they were around. They wanted to sit on Guy’s shoulders and hold John and Kyle’s hands. Hal had the pictures to prove it, and everyone had one.
Hal frowned and turned over, pulling them into his arms like his mom used to do when he crawled into her bed after his dad died. “I’m not going anywhere, kid,” he whispered, kissing their head. “I’ll never, ever, leave you alone. I promise.”
They stayed silent for a few moments and Hal thought they’d drifted off when they said, “You think you’re a bad dad, don’t you?”
He sighed. “I don’t think I’m a bad one…but I know I’m not a great one.”
The kid thought for a moment. “You’re a great one to me, dad.” They said, turning in his arms to hug him.
Hal’s eyes filled with tears, but he choked them back, hugging them tightly. “Thanks for choosing me to be your dad, kid.”
They smiled. “Thanks for being my dad, dad.”
Hal was many things—but he wasn’t a failed father.
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
"It's practically impossible to have a single boyfriend with you guys hovering over me like this"/"Does that explain why you have like 3 boyfriends?"
"It's practically impossible to have a single boyfriend with you guys hovering over me like this."/"Does that explain why you have like three boyfriends?"
She frowned. “Yeah…I appreciate it.” Shutting off the phone, she flopped on the couch, the top of her head brushing her brother’s thigh.
“You okay, bunny?” Kyle asked, brushing his fingers over her head.
“Nathan broke up with me.”
His eyes widened. “What?” he looked at the other men around. “What for?”
Her nose scrunched up. “Oh, funny story that reason. He said a few days ago, four guys showed up at his apartment and harassed him about his intentions with me.” Her eyes found her brother’s. “You wouldn’t happen to know anything about that, would you?”
“Not a clue,” Kyle finished, and she sighed sitting up.
“Jesus Christ, you guys. Look, I get that you’re all really protective, but it’s practically impossible to have a single boyfriend with you guys hovering over like you do.”
Guy snorted. “Does that explain why you have like three boyfriends?”
She rolled her eyes. “Don’t flatter yourself, Guy. None of you count.”
Hal pressed a hand to his chest. “Well, that hurts. I happen to be a wonderful boyfriend.”
“Oh? Is that so?”
He grinned and Kyle shoved his face beside her head, glaring at Hal. “Never gonna happen, fly-boy.”
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ragingbookdragon · 3 years
For fff could you do ‘you know I’ve always got your back’
"You know I've always got your back."
She didn’t look up when she heard his footsteps, keeping her eyes on the glowing city before her. “Sorry for missing the meeting.”
He sat beside her, letting his legs dangle off the tower. “What’s bothering you?”
“It’s nothing.” She murmured and he leaned close, nudging her.
“Doesn’t look or sound like it’s nothin’.”
She went quiet then she looked over at him. “I don’t know if I can do this, Guy.” Her eyes watered. “I’m not like John or Kyle. Or even Hal.” The upbringing of her brother brought the thought of his disappointment and she sniffled. “Hell, I’m not even like you.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m not like you guys.”
“Yeah, I heard you the first time. I meant what do you mean by that.”
She blinked and whispered. “I’m…I’m not a hero like you four. You guys are the Four Corpsmen, the greatest Green Lanterns alive and me?” she huffed a pitiful laugh. “I’m Hal Jordan’s little sister and I can’t even will constructs decently.”
Guy observed her for a moment then reached over, taking her hand. “Do you know what I see when I look at you?” she shook her head, and he pressed a kiss to her knuckles. “I see the beautiful woman who I love more than anything in this universe. And her willpower doesn’t come in the form of constructs, but through words. Through changing minds.” He smiled. “She is the greatest Green Lantern and I hope she knows that I have her back through hell and high water.”
Smiling tearfully, she pressed her forehead to his. “You know I’ve always got your back too, Guy.”
“Of course you do. We’re a team.” He pecked her lips. “I love you, babe.”
“I love you too.”
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